2011 AERA Booklet

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What’s inside: Cover Spotlight NCME Sessions AERA Sessions COE Reception Invitation Institute Workshop Series

UGA education researchers receive national award for new psychological measurement Athens, Ga. – A team of University of Georgia education researchers has received a national award for the development of a new statistical method for measuring the growth of students’ problem-solving skills in mathematics. This new method enables researchers to simultaneously measure both the different ways that students can reason about individual questions on a mathematics test and their overall growth in mathematics ability. Allan Cohen

Seock-Ho Kim

The researchers were named recipients of the 2011 Award for an Outstanding Example of an Application of Educational Measurement Technology to a Specific Problem from the National Council on Measurement in Education for their work. The team included UGA College of Education professors Allan Cohen, director of the Georgia Center for Assessment, and Seock-Ho Kim, lead author Sun-Joo Cho, a UGA doctoral graduate and assistant professor of educational psychology at Vanderbilt University, and Brian A. Bottge, the William T. Bryan Endowed Chair in Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at the University of Kentucky. Current methods for detecting growth of students’ skills in math by score-level analysis may fail to reflect subtle changes that might be evident at the item level, said Cohen. This new method combines an analysis of individual performance on each test question coupled with methods that provide a deeper analysis of the differences in reasoning that students use to answer each test question.

Sun-Joo Cho

Brian A. Bottge

The team published two articles in 2010 describing how itemlevel changes could be measured using data from a multiwave experiment with a teaching method called Enhanced Anchored Instruction (EAI). EAI is a method specially designed for developing the math skills of low-achieving adolescents, including students with learning disabilities in math. One article, “Latent Transition Analysis with a Mixture Item Response Theory Measurement Model,” appeared in the journal, Applied Psychological Measurement. A second article, “Detecting Cognitive Change in the Math Skills of Low-Achieving Adolescents,” was published in the Journal of Special Education.

In 2008, the National Mathematics Advisory Panel recommended expanding the ways that skills are measured because assessment drives instructional decision making. According to the panel, more collaboration is needed between psychometricians, who have specialized knowledge in data analysis models, and teaching professionals, who are most familiar with the constructs that the tests are intended to measure. The result, it is hoped, will be new kinds of assessments that are of high quality, more sensitive to new forms of instruction, and more helpful to teachers in customizing their instruction for improved student performance Despite calls for research on assessments that can improve learning, there are few, if any strategies available for helping low-achieving adolescents develop the cognitive representations needed to make sense of the types of mathematics items typically included in high-stakes assessments. Typical test accommodations for students with disabilities include extended time and oral reading of test directions or items, but neither strategy significantly helps students with math disabilities understand the concepts addressed in test questions. In this study, the researchers showed how the Latent Transition Analysis method and the mixture Rasch model can be combined (LTA-MRM) and used to examine the effects of instruction that go beyond the score level and beyond the effects of such manifest variables as membership in a particular demographic group, gender, age, etc. The model provides a way of identifying groups of students that are latent, meaning they are not immediately visible, until they are identified by this method. Once the students are identified as being in a latent group, it is possible through further study to determine differences in reasoning about specific mathematics problems that characterize each latent group. Analysis methods such as the LTA-MRM are important for building new teaching and measurement models. First, the new model has the potential to guide development of appropriate instructional tools and to evaluate how they are working. This is especially important for teaching low-achieving populations such as students with learning disabilities. This would benefit teachers and administrators who are looking for ways to assess students’ response to intervention (RTI). Second, the model can incorporate new ways of helping teachers consider both the potential heterogeneity in RTI and the effects of different instructional interventions over time. This would make test results more meaningful to teachers and address some of the concerns described in the Mathematics Advisory Panel report. Finally, the model can give more credence to researcher-developed tests and provide a more sensitive alternative to standardized tests, thereby helping to eliminate false negatives in developmental research. The award will be presented at the NCME’s annual conference April 7-11 in New Orleans.

Cover photo by Paul Efland.

NCME Conference Sessions NCME Annual Meeting 2011 Annual Meeting and Training Sessions Westin New Orleans Canal Place April 7 - 11, New Orleans, Louisiana Saturday, April 9 New IRT Models – Paper Session 8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Magnolia Ballroom III, A4 A Nominal Response Model for Scaling Ability and Diagnosing Misconceptions Laine Bradshaw, Jonathan Templin A Cross-Classified Multidimensional IRT Model Aijun Wang, Allan Cohen Application of Bayesian Methods to Item Response Theory – Paper Session 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Magnolia Ballroom III, D4 On Sensitivity of Bayesian Estimator to the Priors in Mixture 3-PL Models Hye-Jeong Choi, Karen Samuelsen

Invited Open Hearing for NCME Members: Comments on the Revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. 12th Floor Ballroom II, H6 Panelist: Amanda Ferster Graduate Student Poster Session 4:05 p.m. – 6:05 p.m. Crescent Ballroom, I8 Detection of Differential Item Functioning in Multiple Groups Youn-jeng Choi, Allan S. Cohen, Seock-Ho Kim Impact of Direct Effect and Estimation Methods on SEM Fit Indices Jongmin Ra, Jaechul Kim (Hannam Univeristy)

Monday, April 11 Sunday, April 10 Mixture Item Response Theory Models – Paper Session 12:25 p.m. - 1:55 p.m. Terrace Room, G7 Factors Affecting the Formation of Latent Classes in Mixture IRT Models Natalia Alexeev, Allan Cohen, Noel Gregg, Christy Jenkins

Assessing the Quality of Inference from Diagnostic Classification Models – Paper Session 12:25 p.m. - 1:55 p.m. Magnolia Ballroom I, L3 A Hypothesis Test for Attribute Hierarchies in Diagnostic Classification Models Jonathan Templin, Laine Bradshaw

Thursday 2011 April 7, 2014 AERA PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION Diagnostic Measurement: Theory, Methods, and Applications 9:00am - 5:00pm New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 2 Instructor: Laine Percell Bradshaw Director: Jonathan Templin

Friday April 8, 2011 2015 Cultural, Ethnic, and Gender Issues in Psychological Measurement 12:00pm - 1:30pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Astor Ballroom I Examining the Problem of Cultural Validity in Psychological Measures: The Case of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Implications for Practice Pedro R. Portes Theorizing Self-Study 12:00pm - 1:30pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom B Roundtable Session 2 Chair: Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider Posters: Division J, Section 5 12:00pm - 1:30pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 1 Does Admission Translate Into Enrollment? A Medical School Case Study Manuel S. Gonzalez Canche (The University of Arizona), Brendan Cantwell, Jeffrey F. Milem (The University of Arizona)

After Coding: New Analytics in Postqualitative Research 2:15pm - 3:45pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Grand Ballroom A Qualitative Data Analysis After Coding Elizabeth A. St. Pierre Action Research Across Diverse and International Contexts 2:15pm - 3:45pm Doubletree / International Ballroom Roundtable Session 6 Putting Diversity Into Practice: Expanding Undergraduates’ Cross-Cultural Awareness Through Cultural Stories Pei-Fen Li, Boh Young Lee, Jerry Gale, Hao-Min Chen Linking Home and Schools: Including Nondominant Communities 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 2 Assessing Early Language and Literacy Skills: Revisiting the Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy Jisu Han, So Mi Kim

Use of Assessment Results in Determining Student Promotion Decisions and School Accountability 2:15pm - 3:45pm Doubletree / International Ballroom Roundtable Session 6 Test-Based Promotion From a Bourdieuian Perspective: How One Graduate Student Chose a Theoretical Framework Andrew Huddleston Concerns and Issues in Young Adolescent Development 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 5 You’re Not the Boss of Me! Seven Middle School Girls Move Toward Being Enough Hilary E. Hughes Making A’s: Principals’ Perceived Autonomy in an Era of Accountability and Achievement 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Multiple Perspectives on Turning Around Schools: Building Capacity, Engaging Students, and Leader Autonomy April L. Peters, Sheneka M. Williams Advanced Technology for Supporting and Assessing Student Learning 2:15pm - 3:45pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Toulouse A Discussant: Thomas C. Reeves Topics of Organizational Culture, Learning, and Social Justice in Higher Education Research 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Roundtable Session 4 Development of New Measures of Change, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Organizational Culture in Higher Education Chad D. Ellett (CDE Research Associates, Inc.), Kadir Demir (Georgia State University), Lisa M. Martin-Hansen

(Georgia State University), Judy AwongTaylor (Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia), Nancy Vandergrift Research-Based Frameworks for Instructional Design Education and Expertise Development 4:05pm - 5:35pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Toulouse A Exploring Novice Designers’ Reflective Thinking and Its Relationship With Design Performance Yi-Chun Hong, Ikseon Choi Chair: Thomas C. Reeves Learning in the Professions Across the Life Span 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 8 Participatory Game Design to Teach First-Year Engineering Students CareerRelevant Competencies Jea Hong Choi (UGA), Angela Van Barneveld, Kevin Berkopos, Peggy A. Ertmer, Jun Fang, Belen Garcia de Hurtado, Constance A. Harris, Youngmi Lee, Wei Liu, Celia (Rui) Pan, Johannes Strobel, Nicole R. Weber, Ji Hyun Yu (Purdue University) Poster Session: Effects of Instructional Format on Learning 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 3 Evaluating the Efficacy of Enhanced Anchored Instruction for Middle School Students With Learning Disabilities in Math Brian A. Bottge (University of Kentucky), Xin Ma (University of Kentucky), Michael Toland (University of Kentucky), Allan S. Cohen, Sun-Joo Cho (Vanderbilt University) The Influences of Adaptive Instruction on the Study Process So Mi Kim, Seung Won Park

Revisiting Education in the New Latino Diaspora 4:05pm - 5:35pm New Orleans Marriott / Mardi Gras Salon FGH Defined by Language: The Role of Foreign Language Departments in Latino Education in Southeastern New Diaspora Communities Linda Harklau, Soria Elizabeth Colomer Using Argumentation to Investigate Aspects of Teaching Geometry 4:05pm - 5:35pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 2 A Student Teacher’s Role in Supporting Collective Argumentation in a Geometry Unit AnnaMarie Conner, Brian W. Gleason, Laura Singletary, Patty Wagner A Comparison of Middle School Students’ Mathematical Arguments in Technological and Nontechnological Environments Ryan C. Smith A Student Teacher’s Support for Argumentation in the Presence of Proof in Geometry AnnaMarie Conner Chair: AnnaMarie Conner Artist-Teachers and TeacherResearchers: Evolution of Professional Identities Through Arts Instruction 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 8 Chair: Tracie E. Costantino Higher Education Governance and Accountability 4:05pm - 5:35pm JW Marriott / Orleans State Constitutions and Higher Education: An Inventory and Directions for Future Research Erik C. Ness, Heidi Leming

Various Approaches to Promote Reflection and Teacher Professional Development 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Roundtable Session 7 Chemistry Teachers’ Reflective Practices: Written Journal Entries Versus Video Analysis Tool (VAT) Youngjin Song (University of Northern Colorado), J. Steve Oliver Examining Race, Gender, and Organizational Structure Through Narrative Methodology: Black Female Leadership Narratives on Transformational and Transactional Leadership 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Edgewood Black Women Scholars on Educational Leadership for the Public Good: Exploring the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Leadership in Schools April L. Peters Assessing Complex Problem Solving: Theories, Methods, and Tools 4:05pm - 6:05pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Bourbon Discussant: J. Michael Spector Triennial Travesties of 2011 4:05pm - 6:05pm Sheraton / Napoleon Ballroom B Medley: Academic Recession Rag-Charter Petitioner Blues William G. Wraga AERA International Reception: Invitation Only 6:15pm - 7:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Mardi Gras Salon DE Participant: Pedro R. Portes

Saturday April 9, 2011 Collaboration and Collaborative SelfStudy 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Exploring Self in Community: The Value of Collaboration and Communities of Practice for Teacher Educators Alexander Cuenca Reading Research for the Public Good: New Perspectives and Diverse Populations 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 4 A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Fluency and Comprehension in Second Graders Stephanie Lai, Rebekah Benjamin Influence of the Home Literacy Environment on Pre-Kindergarten Children’s Emergent Literacy Skills Jisu Han, Stacey M. Neuharth-Pritchett Challenging Anti-Immigration Discourse and Language and Education Policies in the Southeast: Collaboration Among Teachers, Students, Families, and University Educators 8:15am - 10:15am New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 6 Immigration, Language, and the Politics of Public Education in Gainesville, Georgia, 1980-2010 Tore Carl Olsson Transitivity in the Media: The Discursive Construction of Two Immigrant Groups Charles Allen Lynn

Tensions in New Latino Communities: A Latina Teacher as a Centripetal Force of Authoritative Discourses Soria Elizabeth Colomer Critical Participatory Practices in a Middle School English as a Second Language Classroom: Latina Girls Speak Out for Undocumented Latino Communities Ruth Harman, Kinga Varga-Dobai, Kelli Bivins (Clarke County School District) Who Knows, How, and for What Purposes? Steps-to-College Programs for Latino/a Middle and High School Students, Their Families, and Their Teachers Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider, Cory A. Buxton, Paula Jean Mellom, Carlos Rivera Chair: Ruth Harman Chair: Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider Meet Journal Editors: Journal Talks 1 10:35am - 12:05pm Educational Technology Research & Development J. Michael Spector, Michael J. Hannafin Changing Spaces: Creative Approaches to Alternative Education 10:35am - 12:05pm Hotel Monteleone / Bienville Reclaiming and Redefining the “Village”: Homeschooling Among Black Families Cheryl A. Fields-Smith

Diversity and Bias 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 2 Discussant: Mary M. Atwater Taking on the Challenge of Paulo Freire in Teacher Education 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom E Roundtable Session 15 When Power Masquerades as Faith: The Challenge of Dialogue in Teacher Education JoBeth Allen Reconceptualizing Teacher Education Through Policy and Discourse 10:35am - 12:05pm JW Marriott / Rosalie The Genealogy of Discourses in Early Childhood Education and the Reimagination for the Public Good Kyunghwa Lee, Jooeun Oh, Eun-Ae Son Community of Inquiry Research 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 9 Discussant: Thomas C. Reeves Ethics and Social Studies Education 12:25pm - 1:55pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 16 Religion, Sexuality, and Abortion: Controversy and Avoidance in Primary and Secondary Social Studies Jennifer H. James Religious Understandings of Teachers and Students: Developing a Research Agenda for the Future Jennifer H. James, Keith C. Barton (Indiana University)

Play Is the Thing: Performance Practices That Support Learning and Development Across the Life Span 12:25pm - 1:55pm JW Marriott / Orleans Critical Performative Pedagogy in Urban Teacher Education: A Heteroglossia of Voices? Ruth Harman, Kristen Blythe French (Western Washington University) Creative Conversations and Potential Collaborations Between Educational Technology Labs and Institutes 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Balconies IJ The Learning and Performance Support Laboratory (LPSL) Michael J. Hannafin, J. Michael Spector Philosophically Informed Qualitative Research for the Public Good 12:25pm - 1:55pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Astor Ballroom III Postmodern Qualitative Research Elizabeth A. St. Pierre Living as an “Intentional Philosopher” in Phenomenological Research Mark D. Vagle Surfacing What Counts as “The Public Good” With Philosophical Hermeneutic Research Melissa Freeman Chair: Mark D. Vagle American Educational Research Journal (Teaching, Learning, and Human Development): Closed Editorial Board Meeting 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Balconies MN Participant: Peter Smagorinsky

New and Creative Perspectives on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent in Education 12:25pm - 1:55pm Sheraton / Grand Couteau Creativity and Mental Illnesses: A MetaAnalytic Review Selcuk Acar, Nur Cayirdag Chair: Bonnie L. Cramond Supporting Student Learning in Early Childhood 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 2 Student-Centered Modeling as Pedagogical Practice in Elementary Science Education Bruce Gabbitas Technology Activities in K-12 Settings 2:15pm - 3:45pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Toulouse B Discussant: Thomas C. Reeves Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning 1: Accelerating the Development of Expertise in Classroom Teaching 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Napoleon Ballroom C2 Discussant: Michael J. Hannafin Innovative STEM Teacher Education and Professional Development 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 7 Epistemic Understandings in Mathematics and Science: Implications for Teaching and Learning Julie Kittleson, AnnaMarie Conner

Resources for Instruction of Adult Learners 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 20 Exploring Sociocultural Factors That Shape the Knowledge Construction: A Case Study Bo Chang, Huiqin Ann Hu (Data Recognition Corporation) Postcolonial Approaches With Students and Teachers 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 20 The Discourse of Voluntourism: American Exceptionalism in Application Essays Submitted to a Summer Overseas Volunteer Teaching Program Cora Ann Jakubiak, Peter Smagorinsky SIG Learning Environments Paper Session: Successful Environments for Older and Younger Learners 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 4 Cross-Sample Replication of a Measure of Higher Education Faculty Perceptions of Teaching and Learning Environments Chad D. Ellett (CDE Research Associates, Inc.), Judith A. Monsaas, Lisa M. MartinHansen (Georgia State University), Kadir Demir (Georgia State University), Judy Awong-Taylor (Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia), Nancy Vandergrift Digital System Designs for Higher Education 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom E Roundtable Session 21 A Virtual Change Agent for College Students’ Motivation and Emotion Control in Remedial Math Chanmin Kim

Reimagining the Possibilities of Research on Education and Sport, Part II 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom E Roundtable Session 21 Leadership Development Through Athletic Participation at West Point Jennifer L. Hoffman (University of Washington), Herbert Louis Hoffman (Univ of Washington), David Welch Suggs Education Philanthropy and Education Reform: Approaches to Best Practice 4:05pm - 5:35pm Doubletree / Madewood B Teacher Quality, Teacher Effectiveness, and Philanthropy: Learning Through Giving Kathleen P. deMarrais, Karen Watkins, Robert Kronley (Kronley and Associates) Social Studies Education 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 8 The Consequences of Definitional Turmoil: Teaching Economics in the Middle School Social Studies Classroom Alexander Cuenca, Cheryl A. FieldsSmith Identifying and Working Around the Challenges of Conducting International and Comparative Educational Research 4:05pm - 6:05pm Sheraton / Southdown Discussant: Synthesis of Presentations and Key Perspectives Pedro R. Portes Science Education in Urban Settings: Challenges, Approaches, and Successes 4:05pm - 6:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 5 The T-SHELL Project: Teaching Science to Hispanic English Language Learners Cory A. Buxton, Martha A. AllexsahtSnider, Regina Suriel

The 15th Annual Continuation of Conversations With Senior Scholars on Advancing Research and Professional Development Related to Black Education 4:05pm - 6:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A The Importance of and Approaches for Conducting Community-Based Research Jerome E. Morris, Vanessa Siddle Walker (Emory University) Transitioning From Student to Physical Educator: Are Graduates Ready to Meet the Needs of Today’s Inactive Students? 4:05pm - 6:05pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Toulouse B Chair: Bryan A. McCullick State of the States and Provinces 2011 4:05pm - 6:05pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Grand Ballroom B American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group Symposium, Paper 1 Catherine C. Sielke Chair: Catherine C. Sielke Division B Curriculum Studies Business Meeting: I Shall Create! Curriculum Studies for the Twenty-First Century 6:15pm - 7:45pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Astor Ballroom III Participant: Jennifer H. James American Educational Research Journal (Social and Institutional Analysis): Closed Editorial Board Meeting 6:15pm - 7:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Balconies MN Participant: Donna E. Alvermann

Sunday April 10, 2011 Grant Writing for Large-Scale Secondary Data Analysis 8:00am - 12:00pm Hotel Monteleone / Vieux Carre Director: Jeremy Kilpatrick Self and Subjectivity in Curriculum Studies Methodology 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Roundtable Session 24 Phenomenology: An Assaulting Displacement of the Social Sciences Mark D. Vagle Examining Policy Impacts on Leadership Preparation From Multiple Angles 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Bayside B State Policy on Leadership Preparation: A Study of 16 Southern States Leslie Hazle Bussey (Southern Regional Education Board), April L. Peters, Jessica Broome (Georgia Department of Education) Math and Science Inquiry, Testing, and Access for Multilingual Learners 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Oak Alley Evening the Playing Field: Creating Mathematics Examinations That Lessen the Gap Between English Language Learners and Non-English Language Learners Albert Manuel Jimenez

Division K Section 6 Roundtable 1 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 26 “Everywhere is My Mission Field�: Complicating the Service in Preservice Teacher Sarah Bridges-Rhoads Measurement Issues and Estimation Methods in Structural Equation Modeling 8:15am - 9:45am Doubletree / Nottaway Measuring Method Effects Associated With Negative Wording Chris M. Coleman (James Madison University), Deborah L. Bandalos, SunJoo Cho (Vanderbilt University) Ten Years After the National Research Council Report Scientific Research in Education: Renewed Focus on the Public Good 8:15am - 10:15am Sheraton / Napoleon Ballroom C3 Chair: Elizabeth A. St. Pierre Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning 3: Knowledge Maps for Representation of Higher-Order Cognitions: Potentials and Limitations From an International Perspective 8:15am - 10:15am Sheraton / Napoleon Ballroom C2 Discussant: J. Michael Spector

Historical Criticism, Pedagogy, and Pleasure: Opening up New Possibilities in Educational Thought and Experience 8:15am - 10:15am JW Marriott / Orleans Toward a Disturbance of Culturally Relevant Teaching Mardi Schmeichel The Future of Critical Literacies in U.S. Schools 8:15am - 10:15am Astor Crowne Plaza / St. Louis Discussant: Donna E. Alvermann Micro/Macro Views of the Classroom Through Novel Methodological Lenses 10:35am - 12:05pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Astor Ballroom II Chair: H. James Garrett Critically Charged Spaces of Self and Other 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom E Roundtable Session 31 Know Thyself: Recontextualizing Identities in a Studio Art Course Najuana Prudencia Lee Innovative Technologies and Training in Teacher Education 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 10 The Impact of Technology-Enhanced Student-Teacher Supervision on StudentTeacher Knowledge, Performance, and Self-Efficacy During the Field Experience Theodore J. Kopcha, Christianna L. Alger (San Diego State University)

SIG/Research in Mathematics Education Poster Session 1 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 10 Motivation, Emotions, and Achievement in a College Remedial Math Course Chanmin Kim Alternative Routes to Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: Two Cases of Teacher Development Erik D. Jacobson Cross-Cultural Negotiations and SelfStudy Research 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 1 Learning From Using Theater of the Oppressed in a Student Teaching Seminar: A Self-Study Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider, Foram Bhukhanwala (Arcadia University) Special Topics in School Finance 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom E Roundtable Session 31 A Comparative Study on the Equity and Adequacy of Educational Resources and Performance Between the South Korean and the U.S. K-12 Educational Systems Moonyoung Eom Conceptualizing and Studying Teachers’ Curriculum Capacity 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 7 Discussant: Andrew G. Izsak

Issues and Innovative Applications in Mixture Modeling 12:25pm - 1:55pm Doubletree / Rosedown B A General Framework for Assessing Differential Item Functioning Using Factor Mixture Models Deborah L. Bandalos, Susan Natasha Beretvas (University of Texas - Austin) Innovative Approaches to Professional Development 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 3 Discussant: Theodore J. Kopcha Service Learning: Furthering Our Understanding 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 12 Experiential Learning in the Context of Elementary School Science: Lessons Learned From Stakeholders in a University-School Partnership Brittan Leigh Hallar (West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission), Julie Kittleson Models in Elementary Mathematics Teaching and Learning 2:15pm - 3:45pm Hotel Monteleone / Bienville Do Models Play Different Roles in Integer Arithmetic and Fraction Arithmetic? Sybilla Beckmann Ethical Issues in Self-Study Relationships 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 1 “Ethic of Care” and Teacher Education Research: One Teacher Educator’s Exploration of Qualitative Research Ethics Brandon M. Butler

Research on Online Teaching and Learning 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 4 Chronobiology and Online Learning: Biologically Based Preferences Yi Luo (Purdue University), Celia(Rui) Pan (Purdue University), Linda Mellish (Purdue University), Jea Hong Choi, Johannes Strobel (Purdue University) Procedural Issues in Conducting Mixed Methods Research 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 12 An Analysis of Research Methods in the Articles on Professional Development of Principals (1998-2008) Oksana Parylo Cognitive, Behavioral, and Classroom Factors Related to Mathematics Disabilities 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Southdown Using Assessment Tools to Develop Students’ Understanding of Mathematics Problems Brian A. Bottge (University of Kentucky), Allan S. Cohen, Sun-Joo Cho (Vanderbilt University), Linda Gassaway (University of Kentucky) Civic Education 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 3 Feminism, Neoliberalism, and Social Studies: A Discourse Analysis Mardi Schmeichel

Monday April 11, 2011 AERA Communications and Outreach Committee: Closed Meeting 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Estherwood Participant: Peter Smagorinsky Leadership Efficacy and School Outcomes in the 21st Century 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Gallier Chair: Sheneka M. Williams Teaching and Learning Math in Diverse Learning Contexts 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 39 Theorizing of Race and Ethnicity in the Mathematics Education Literature Amy Noelle Parks, Mardi Schmeichel Social Contexts of Schooling in Transnational Perspective 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 39 Korean Immigrant/Trans-Migrant Parents’ In- and Out-of-School Involvement in the United States Keon-Ryeong Park, Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider Leadership, Decision Making, and School Improvement in Middle Level Schools 8:15am - 10:15am Sheraton / Bayside C Discussant: Mark D. Vagle

Vocabulary Instruction and Intervention: Research Insights 8:15am - 10:15am New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 2 A Formative Experiment on Vocabulary Instruction in Grades 4 and 5 James F. Baumann (University of Missouri - Columbia), Patrick C. Manyak (University of Wyoming), Camille L.Z. Blachowicz (National-Louis University), Anne Bates (National-Louis University), Char Cieply, Heather Peterson (University of Wyoming), Michael F. Graves (University of Minnesota), Stephen Olejnik AERA Grants Program Governing Board: Closed Meeting 9:15am - 6:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Balcony K Participant: Jeremy Kilpatrick Doctoral Education Across the Disciplines SIG Roundtable Session II 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 41 Doctoral Students’ Selection and Development of Research Topics for Dissertation Research Kathryn J. Roulston, Judith Preissle

Teacher Mathematical and Pedagogical Knowledge 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 9 Effects of Middle Grades Teachers’ Understandings of Rational Numbers on Student Achievement Andrew G. Izsak, Aijun Wang, Allan S. Cohen, Chandra H. Orrill (University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth) Scaffolding Students for Problem Solving With Technology 10:35am - 12:05pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Toulouse B Scaffolding Higher Order Thinking in Ill-Structured Problem Solving: Design Research Inquiry in an Educational Technology Course Yan Shen, Michael J. Hannafin Issues in Mentoring Preservice and New Teachers 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 4 A Beginning English Teacher’s Developing Concept of Teaching Using Montessori Methods in Regimented School Settings Peter Smagorinsky, George Lovell Boggs Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics: Closed Management Committee Meeting 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Bacchus Participant: Christine Franklin Family, School, Community Partnerships, and Latino Populations 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Southdown Discussant: Martha A. Allexsaht-Snider

Signs in Education: Semiotics in Action 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Mardi Gras Salon C Assessment as Transmediation: Students Reading and Re-Presenting Across Disciplines Amy Alexandra Wilson Dynamic Leadership Succession in an Urban High School 12:25pm - 1:55pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D April L. Peters, Latish Cherie Reed (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) Exploring Music Learning and Meaning in Various Populations 12:25pm - 1:55pm JW Marriott / Orleans In-Service Teacher Beliefs About the Causes of Student Success and Failure in Music Roy M. Legette Division G Early Career Mentoring Luncheon 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Balcony L Participant: Jerome E. Morris Research on Technology Integration Professional Development 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Mardi Gras Salon A Teacher Pedagogical Beliefs, Technology Integration, and Student Learning Chanmin Kim, Karen DeMeester, J. Michael Spector, Min Kyu Kim, ChiaJung Lee

GSC Division D Fireside Chat: Reinforcing the Connection Between Diagnostic Modeling in Educational Research and the Public Interest 2:15pm - 3:45pm Doubletree / Nottaway Participant: Jonathan Templin Evaluating the Impact of Program Initiatives for At-Risk Youth 2:15pm - 3:45pm Doubletree / Shadows The Effectiveness of Supplemental Educational Services in Georgia Sheneka M. Williams, Cigdem Alagoz Section 1: College Student Learning and Development Poster Session 1 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom C Poster Session 16 The Effects of Campus Climate on Collaborative Learning in Medical Education: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Model Manuel S. Gonzalez Canche (The University of Arizona), Brendan Cantwell, Jeffrey F. Milem (The University of Arizona)

Technology Issues in Higher Education 2:15pm - 3:45pm Astor Crowne Plaza / Toulouse B Faculty Perceptions of Online Assessment: A Comparison Study Between Traditional Universities and Online Institutions Rui Hu, Thomas C. Reeves Involve Me and I Learn: Providing Substantial Learning Choices in Higher Education Gregory Merrill Francom Educational Change in Oman: A Design Research Study of Personal, Institutional, and National Reactions to Collaborative Problem Solving David Porcaro

The Urban Teacher and Unique Challenges 4:05pm - 5:35pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Roundtable Session 48 Alternatively Certified New Teachers’ Perceptions of Student Learning and Effective Teaching Practices Cheryl A. Fields-Smith, Emiel W. Owens (Texas Southern University) AERA International Relations Committee: Closed Meeting 4:05pm - 6:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Regent Participant: Pedro R. Portes Assessing Schools for Generation R (Responsibility): Reimagining Legislation and School Policy for Environmental Science Education 4:05pm - 6:05pm JW Marriott / Orleans Chair: Michael Mueller Chair: Deborah J. Tippins

Tuesday April 12, 2011 Review of Educational Research: Closed Editorial Board Meeting 8:15am - 9:45am New Orleans Marriott / Balconies MN Participant: Peter Smagorinsky Evaluation and Ethical Leadership 8:15am - 9:45am JW Marriott / Conde Assessing Institutional Leadership for the Public Good: A Research Agenda to Improve Practice Lorilee R. Sandmann, William M. Plater (Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis) Pedagogies of Technology: The Politics of Teaching and Learning in a Digital Society 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 51 Smart Boards, Capitalism, and the Pedagogy of Watching Amy Noelle Parks Suburban Multiracial Transformation in a Policy Vacuum: Denial, Resegregation, or New Strategies? 8:15am - 9:45am New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 6 High Civic Capacity, Low Demand for Integration: Rapid Demographic Transition in a Southern School System Elizabeth H. Debray-Pelot, Ain Grooms

Language, the Arts, and Technology 8:15am - 9:45am Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 51 Challenging Urban High-Stakes School Reform Through a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies With Elementary Bilingual Learners Dong-shin Shin (College at Brockport SUNY), Ruth Harman Educational Researcher: Closed Editorial Board Meeting 10:35am - 12:05pm Chair: James C. Hearn Online Interaction and Learning 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 6 Discussant: Thomas C. Reeves Postmodern Epistemologies in Qualitative Research 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Object Interviews: Folding, Unfolding, and Refolding Mosaics of Objects and Subjects Susan Naomi Nordstrom

Grabbing the Reins: Promising Solutions to Persisting Problems of Practice in Student Teaching Field Experiences 10:35am - 12:05pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 7 Technology as a Tool for Increasing Self-Efficacy Knowledge During the Field Experience Theodore J. Kopcha, Keri Duncan Valentine, Brandy Walker SIG Instructional Technology: Developing the Self in Technology-Based Learning 10:35am - 12:05pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Roundtable Session 52 Teach Me to Learn: Principles for Fostering Learner Self-Direction in Formal Education Gregory Merrill Francom Roundtables: Cognition, Epistemology, and Comprehension 12:25pm - 1:55pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 56 Effects of Initial Mental Model Construction on Mental Model Development, Performance, Intrinsic Motivation, and Metacognition in a TaskCentered Learning Environment Aaron Kim (Florida State University), J. Michael Spector, Valerie J. Shute (Florida State University) Constructing Frameworks for Inquiry on the Professional Development of School Leaders 12:25pm - 1:55pm Sheraton / Rhythms Ballroom III Analyzing Principal Professional Development Practices Through the Lens of Adult Learning Theory Sally J. Zepeda, Oksana Parylo, Ed Bengtson (University of Arkansas)

Extending, Expanding, and Applying the Construct of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / Preservation Hall Studio 9 Middle School Teachers’ Knowledge of Proportional Reasoning for Teaching Joanne Lobato (San Diego State University), Erik D. Jacobson, Bridget Druken (San Diego State University), Chandra H. Orrill (University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth) Tracing Professional Development to Practice: Understanding the Role of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) in One Teacher’s Instructional Decisions Chandra H. Orrill (University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth), Julie Kittleson Internal and External Dynamics of Capital for K-12 Leaders and Stakeholders 12:25pm - 1:55pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom A Roundtable Session 55 Capital Gains and Losses: The Roles of Political, Social, and Cultural Capital in School Reform and School Access Sheneka M. Williams, Robert W. Gaines Reflection and Other Forms of Mentoring Support for New Teachers 12:25pm - 1:55pm New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 1 K-16 Professional Learning Communities: Further Evidence of the Impact on Teaching Practice and Student Learning Judith A. Monsaas, Janet Nyakerario Mogusu (Jackson State University), Beryl Ann Bray

Promoting College Access 2:15pm - 3:45pm JW Marriott / Conde Financial Stratification Among Higher Education Institutions Between 1987 and 2007: Implications for Access and Equity Barrett Taylor, Christopher C. Morphew (University of Iowa) Teacher Knowledge and Metacognition in Differing Contexts 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 1 Teaching Difficult Knowledge: Implications for Teacher Education H. James Garrett The Dynamics of Race and Social Class in the Culture and Context of Schooling 2:15pm - 3:45pm JW Marriott / Ile de France I Chair: Sheneka M. Williams

Teachers and Teacher Learning in the Social Context of School and Community 2:15pm - 3:45pm New Orleans Marriott / La Galerie 4 A Culturally Responsive Evaluation: Beneficiaries’ Experiences of a New Professional Development School Soria Elizabeth Colomer, Jori Negola Hall, Melissa Freeman, Tracie E. Costantino, Isabelle Gettys Crowder Writing and the Development of Teachers as Learners 2:15pm - 3:45pm Sheraton / Grand Ballroom D Roundtable Session 58 Professional Development in Writing Across the Curriculum in Science and Mathematics Amy Alexandra Wilson

The University of Georgia College of Education Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Education & Human Development

Workshop Series Writing and Implementing Solid Evaluations April 22, 2011 Dr. Tom McKlin, President of The Findings Group, LLC

What in the World is Phenomenology? June 9-10, 2011 Dr. Mark Vagle, Assistant Professor, ESSE

Unlocking the Black Box: A Practical Guide to Measuring the Critical Components of Implementation Fidelity June 17, 2011 Dr. Jennifer Hamilton, Westat Senior Study Director

Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling June 21-24, 2011 Dr. Debbi Bandalos, Professor, EPIT

Validation: A General Framework and Prototypes July 28-29, 2011 Michael T. Kane, Samuel J. Messick Chair in Validity at the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey

An Introduction to Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Jay W. Rojewski, Professor, WELSF Sinan Gemici, Postdoctoral Fellow - National Center for Research on Vocational Education, Australia In Heok Lee, Postdoctoral Fellow, WELSF

Diagnostic Classification Models: Theory, Methods, and Applications (DCM) Jonathan Templin, Assistant Professor, EPIT Laine Bradshaw, Doctoral Candidate, EPIT

Interviewing in Qualitative Research Dr. Kathleen deMarrais, Professor, LEAP Dr. Kathy Roulston, Associate Professor, LEAP

Single Subject Research Methodology in Behavioral Sciences Dr. David Gast, Professor, CSSE Dr. Kevin Ayres, Assistant Professor, CSSE

For more information on the Institute Workshop Series visit:


April 2011 The University of Georgia www.uga.edu College of Education www.coe.uga.edu Produced by the Office of College Advancement G-2 Aderhold Hall The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.

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