2013 Fall OLLI@UGA Course Catalog

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Course Catalog OLLI@UGA

August through December 2013 Luncheons Offer Insights and Interaction OLLI ladies—and gentlemen—who lunch this fall will enjoy the insights of a stellar slate of speakers along with social interac on and good meals. “We have chosen outstanding people, well known in the community, for the luncheons,” says Dr. Be y Jeans Craige, OLLI curriculum chair. “The social aspect is also very important with the opportunity to sit down and get to know people. It is really fun.” The luncheons, organized by John Rudy and Dona Conway, will be held at Central Presbyterian Church or Trumps Catering, beginning at noon with programs from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. Dr. Sco Shamp, director of the UGA New Media Ins tute, which focuses on business and career applica ons of communica on technologies, will kick off the series Sept. 3 with a look at how social media will shape the presenta on of informa rma on. Probate Judge Susan Tate will conclude nclude the fall luncheons Dec. 3 with colorful and entertaining stories of “Red Mouth Lawye Lawyers” past aand present. Other presenters include ecology professor ofessor Dr. JJim Porter discussing how bu erflies reflect a changing world; voice professor and opera director Frederick Burchinal, singing technique and the performance rmance process; state representa ve and Habitat at for Humanity director Spencer Frye, choosing a service ervice career; Compassionate Care Hospice Director ctor Debbie Furbish, strategies to navigate the health alth care system; and president Dr. Flora Tydings, an update on Athens Technical College. The OLLI Luncheon Programs are a special partt of the overall fall curriculum, which offers more than 120 courses, as well as a variety of ongoing speci special interest groups and travel opportuni es. “T “This

is a record,” Craige points out. “This is the largest number of courses we have ever had, but the classes are s ll small. We just have more choices.” Subjects range from fitness to finance to fine arts, with 17 classes in science and in history. The organiza on also has a record number of members, some 1070, according to Craige. “These days we do not have to work hard to get people. They hear about us and want to join. I’ve been in classes when all these smart people were responding and joking and the teacher was ge ng funny too-everybody was having a good me. “OLLI has a wonderful culture and it’s great to be a part of it.”

What’s Inside? Course lis ng by category............................... Page 4 Alphabe c lis ng of presenters ...................... Page 6 Alphabe c course lis ng with descrip ons .... Page 8 Monthly Calendar with courses.................... Page 32 Special Interest Groups ................................ Page 54 OLLI@UGA – Membership Form .................. Page 56 Course registra on and payment form .........Page 57 Travel/Study registra on payment form .......Page 58 OLLI@UGA – Maps ....................................... Page 59 Alphabe c course lis ng with schedule ....... Page 60


at the University of Georgia


Course Catalog

August – December 2013

OLLI @ UGA River’s Crossing 850 College Station Road Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706.542.7715 OLLI Website Address: www.olli.uga.edu

OLLI Email Address: olli@uga.edu

OLLI Staff Katy Crapo – Executive Director Zu Reuter – Administrative Assistant

How to Register Online

Shelley Magruder – Office Assistant Amy Munnell – Coordinator of Social Media Sara Williamson – Bookkeeper

1. Visit the OLLI website, www.olli.uga.edu g 2. Click on Registerr in the le column. 3. Check your course registra on in the confirma on email. Note: You can also register for courses by submi ng to the OLLI office, by mail or in person, a completed OLLI@UGA Course RegistraƟon and Payment Form. You can even call the OLLI office and pay by credit card over the phone. Just remember you will not be confirmed for a course un l payment is received.

OLLI Officers 2013-2014 Jay Shinn – President Tom Kenyon – President Elect Margaret Anderson – Vice President Carolyn Abney – Secretary John Rudy – Treasurer

OLLI Board of Directors Randall Abney Rich Cary Cheryl Copeland Betty Jean Craige Helen Epps

Joseph Harris Richard Lynch Jill Read Don Schneider Nancy Songster

OLLI Committee Chairs Curriculum: Betty Jean Craige Finance: Richard Bouldin Fund Development: Tom Kenyon Historian: William Loughner Hospitality: Nancy Songster Information Technology: Margaret Anderson Long Range Planning: Richard Lynch Marketing Development: Randall Abney Membership: Helen Epps Nominating: Tom Kenyon Publications: Pat McAlexander Registration: Nancy Canolty Special Interest Groups: Carolyn Abney Travel Study: Joan Zitzelman Volunteer Coordinator:

OLLICourse Book

August — December 2013, Page 3

How to Register by Mail

Dear OLLI friends: I hope you will find many courses to enjoy in OLLI's course catalog. As you know, OLLI provides courses to our members for the purpose of educa on only. All of our instructors have agreed not to adver se or sell to class par cipants any products or services from which they benefit financially. We hope that OLLI's policy, in keeping with the University's conflict-of-interest regula ons, will prevent exploita on, intended or unintended. We are delighted that OLLI's curriculum includes courses offered by accomplished individuals with exper se in arts, scholarly disciplines, health, commerce, and industry. We want to provide a wide-range of excellent courses appealing to OLLI members' many different interests. Our talented instructors may discuss art they have created, books they have wri en, industries in which they work, and non-profit organiza ons in which they par cipate as long as they do not sell or adver se to the class any products or services from which they benefit financially. OLLI does not endorse any products or services offered by OLLI instructors. Please con nue to share your opinions on the courses you take by evalua ng them online. Your evalua ons will help the Curriculum Commi ee recruit courses to your liking in the future. Thank you.

Complete the OLLI@UGA Course Registra on and Payment Form found in the Course Book. Fill in your name, address, phone number and email address in the spaces provided. The form can accommodate registra on informa on for two registrants paying by a single check or credit card transac on. To register for courses, write the first few words of course tles on the form (complete tles are not necessary), then for each course fill in class fee, parking fee, and number of parking tags purchased. In the class fee column, there is space to pay membership dues if applicable and to make a dona on if desired. Sum the three columns and add together the totals in the class and parking fee columns to determine the total payment required. If there is a second registrant, repeat the process and add together the total payments required for each registrant. Provide payment informa on on the lower por on of the form. 

If paying by check, make it payable to OLLI@UGA and be sure to include the check number on the payment form.

If paying by MasterCard, Visa, or Discover, provide requested informa on (card number, expira on date, cardholder’s name and signature).

Be y Jean Craige Chair of OLLI Curriculum Commi ee

Don’t forget that your membership must be current in order to sign up for classes and participate in our many Special Interest Groups.

Mail the completed OLLI@UGA Course RegistraƟon and Payment Form, along with your check if applicable, to: OLLI@UGA 850 College Sta on Road Athens, GA 30602

August — December 2013, Page 4

OLLI Course Book

Course Listing by Category Aging Eye: Diseases affec ng the eyes of the aging popula on Heart and Blood Vessel Health: what changes as you age and how your lifestyle choices affect it Modify Your Home to Age in Place Nutri on for Successful Aging Re rement Communi es: We Know What They Are...or Do We? Biological Sciences Stem Cell Research Update Birds, Animals & Butterϐlies Animal Issues: The Horse of Course Mini Creek Farm Visit Pet Care in Your Senior Years Poultry, Chickens and Me Computers & Technology Cybersecurity – You're Naked: Online Privacy and Protec on of Your Digital Assets Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital Photos Excel: Tips & Shortcuts How to Do Only What You Need to Do on Your Cell Phone and Laptop How to Use your Smartphone and Tablet Social Media Customiza on: The Feedforward Loop Ecology Landscape and Iden ty: Finding your Environmental Ethic Mercury in the Environment Education Athens Technical College, An Update UGA Main Library Tour UGA over the Centuries Fitness & Health Alterna ve Health Op ons for Enhancing Well-being Easy Relaxing Yoga Eat Less, Exercise More, Love Longer Finding our Balance Intermediate Tai Chi Easy Laugh-A-Yoga Preven ve Services Task Force: Update on Screening and Preven on Tai Chi Easy

Food & Beverage Cooking Class – The Healthy Gourmet Food Safety: A Glimpse at the Future Growing Shiitake Mushrooms Geology & Geography Arc c Lands from the OLLI Classroom Carbon, Climate, and Controversy Earth and the Solar System: How It All Began Geologic Aspects of Two Man-Made Catastrophes Geological Hazards: Living with a Restless Planet Geology of Great Human Endeavors: The Construc on of the Panama Canal Gneiss Gardens Origin and Age of the Earth Government & Politics Afghanistan: the Importance of Water Analyzing Current Affairs Breaking the Myth of Affordable Housing China Business Rising How a Career of Service Came to Me IRS Misconduct: What It Means For You Same-Sex Marriage: What Comes Next School Funding Health-Related Cancer Care: An Integrated Approach Clinical Hypnosis: An Introduc on Health Care Strategies Hears to the Ear! Stopping Super Bacteria Before They Stop You

Please try to register by August 4 if possible. Class rolls will be produced the week August 5th. Keep in mind, though, that if a class is open, you may register up to the day of class.

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August — December 2013, Page 5

Historical Perspectives Band of Brothers Birmingham, 1963: The World is Watching Black Thursday: The Schweinfurt Mission of WW II China – A Century of Revolu on Civil Rights Movement in Georgia Exuberance of Meaning: The Art Patronage of Catherine the Great (1762-1796) Metamorphosis of LIR into OLLI Oconee Hill Cemetery: A Visit in a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on, 1939-45 Recorded in Stone Red Mouth Lawyers: Tales at the Bar The Making of An American Air Force The Rise and Fall of Pan Am World War II: The US Army and the defeat of Germany Yom Kippur War 1973

Mind & Body What in the World is an Archetype?

Humanities Cri cal Reading: Short Stories Diderot's Encyclopédie Direc ng for the Stage: Issues and Challenges. French on Friday 2 French Tales of the Holy Grail Giving Poems a Chance Great Books Selec ons Huck Finn and the Concept of Honor Leonard Cohen: Poet Pride and Prejudice at 200: The Novel and Some Adapta ons Stephen Crane, the Writer: Selected Works The Hobbit: Chris an Themes in Tolkien’s Tale The Wizard of Oz: The Great American Myth Write Your Poetry Wri ng Radio Commentaries for Public Radio

Religion & Philosophy Confucian Culture in Modern Korea God versus Science – A Short Odyssey through Three Books Reading the Old Testament with Understanding and Awe, part 1

Interna onal Cultures China Business Rising Leisure Pursuits Hand Kni ng Rug Hooking Workshop Wood Carving for Beginners

Music Beginning Harmonica Four Elements of Music and Their Emo onal Impact Jazz: A Brief History Leon Theremin: Inventor of the First Electronic Musical Instrument So You Want To Be A Singer??? Things Fall Apart: Wri ng A Major Song Cycle Personal Enrichment Calculus for Poets Personal Finance Business Nego a ons Inves ng in Real Estate Passive Inves ng for and in Re rement

The Arts Art for Fi y Years by M. Agner Caravaggio - The Bad Boy (and founder) of Baroque Art Lumière and the Birth of Cinema Michelangelo: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly? Theatrical Design & Designers of the Music Halls of Paris The Natural World Climate Connec ons to Marine Ecosystems – from the Amazon to Antarc ca Diagnosis: Nature Deficiency Emergence and Evolu on Extraterrestrial Life Georgia Museum of Natural History Moss Gardening The Night Sky Welcome to Sandy Creek Nature Center What Bu erflies Tell us About a Changing World

August — December 2013, Page 6

OLLI Course Book

Alphabetic Listing of Presenters Abney

Caravaggio - The Bad Boy (and founder) of Baroque Art Agner Art for Fi y Years by M. Agner Alder Easy Relaxing Yoga Allard Arc c Lands from the OLLI Classroom Appleby Breaking the Myth of Affordable Housing Barsan Animal Issues: The Horse of Course Berry The American Civil War Bertsch China Business Rising Bianchi Write Your Poetry Bienvenue The Hobbit: Chris an Themes in Tolkien's Tale Boney Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on, 1939-45 Boney UGA over the Centuries Brannen The Wizard of Oz: The Great American Myth Brannen What in the World is an Archetype? Breme Clinical Hypnosis: An Introduc on Brown Mini Creek Farm Visit Burchinal So You Want To Be A Singer??? Burgess How to Use your Smartphone and Tablet Calkin Wood Carving for Beginners Carlson Reading the Old Testament with Understanding and Awe, part 1 Carr Welcome to Sandy Creek Nature Center Carter Analyzing Current Affairs Dale Poultry, Chickens and Me Dallmeyer Geological Hazards: Living with a Restless Planet Dallmeyer Landscape and Iden ty: Finding your Environmental Ethic de Rocher Diderot's Encyclopédie Devaney UGA Main Library Tour Dondero Cooking Class Doyle Food Safety: A Glimpse at the Future Ebell Preven ve Services Task Force: Update on Screening and Preven on Elder Pet Care in Your Senior Years Eskew Birmingham, 1963: The World is Watching Fischer Diagnosis: Nature Deficiency Fischer Nutri on for Successful Aging Fla Eat Less, Exercise More, Love Longer Flick Passive Inves ng for and in Re rement Freeman Georgia Museum of Natural History Freeman Huck Finn and the Concept of Honor Freeman-Lynde Origin and Age of the Earth Frye How a Career of Service Came to Me Furbish Health Care Strategies Fusillo Leon Theremin: Inventor of the First Electronic Musical Instrument

Giles Glass Goodhue Gootman Grafstein Greller Hardin Hardin Harris Hartel Hendon Hendon Jones Kirin Kissane Kissane Kra Kurtz Loughner Loux Macagnoni Marshall Mar n Masters Masters Mauldin McCaskill Milward Milward Mowbray Murphy Murphy Murphy Neupert Nourse Page Paine

Direc ng for the Stage: Issues and Challenges. Re rement Communi es: We Know What They Are...or Do We? God Versus Science– A Short Odyssey Through Three Books Calculus for Poets Analyzing Current Affairs Alterna ve Health Op ons for Enhancing Well-being China - A Century of Revolu on Hears to the Ear! Heart and Blood Vessel Health: What Changes as You Age and How Your Lifestyle Choices Affect It Growing Shiitake Mushrooms Finding our Balance Laugh-A-Yoga French Tales of the Holy Grail Exuberance of Meaning: The Art Patronage of Catherine the Great (1762-1796) Giving Poems a Chance Pride and Prejudice at 200: The Novel and Some Adapta ons Leonard Cohen: Poet Same-Sex Marriage: What Comes Next Great Books Selec ons Mercury in the Environment Metamorphosis of LIR into OLLI Oconee Hill Cemetery: A Visit in a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery Four Elements of Music and Their Emo onal Impact Black Thursday: The Schweinfurt Mission of WW II The Making of An American Air Force Beginning Harmonica Civil Rights Movement in Georgia French on Friday 2 Rug Hooking Workshop The Night Sky Cybersecurity - You're Naked: Online Privacy and Protec on of Your Digital Assets Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital Photos- A Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital Photos- B Lumière and the Birth of Cinema Gneiss Gardens Emergence and Evolu on Inves ng in Real Estate

OLLICourse Book

Palmer Diderot's Encyclopédie Palmer-Moloney Afghanistan: the Importance of Water Pannell Theatrical Design & Designers of the Music Halls of Paris Parris China Business Rising Pa erson Business Nego a ons Porter What Bu erflies Tell us About a Changing World Priest Wri ng Radio Commentaries for Public Radio Reuter Excel: Tips & Shortcuts Rich Geologic Aspects of Two Man-Made Catastrophes Rich Geology of Great Human Endeavors: The Construc on of the Panama Canal Rich Yom Kippur War 1973 Ritchie Stopping Super Bacteria Before They Stop You Sams Eye: Diseases affec ng the eyes of the aging popula on Saul Band of Brothers Saul World War II: The US Army and the Defeat of Germany Schmidt How to Do Only What You Need to Do on Your Cell Phone and Laptop Schmidt Therapeu c Movement inspired by Qigong and Yoga Shamp Social Media Customiza on: The Feedforward Loop Shaw Extraterrestrial Life Shepherd Carbon, Climate, and Controversy Siebentri Cancer Care: An Integrated Approach Smith Modify Your Home to Age in Place Sprecher The Rise and Fall of Pan Am S ce Stem Cell Research Update Tate Red Mouth Lawyers: Tales at the Bar Tidings Athens Technical College, An Update Valdez Jazz: A Brief History Verma Hand Kni ng Vogel Things Fall Apart: Wri ng A Major Song Cycle Warner Recorded in Stone Watson IRS Misconduct: What It Means For You Welch School Funding Wenner Earth and the Solar System: How It All Began Winger Cri cal Reading: Short Stories Winger Cri cal Reading: Short Stories Winger Stephen Crane, the Writer: Selected Works Wi enberg Intermediate Tai Chi Easy Wi enberg Tai Chi Easy Wya Moss Gardening Yager Climate Connec ons to Marine Ecosystems – from the Amazon to Antarc ca Yi Confucian Culture in Modern Korea Zuraw Michelangelo: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly?

August — December 2013, Page 7

LUNCHEON PROGRAMS All programs begin at 12 noon, with the lecture following lunch.

Luncheon Programs at Trump’s Catering Friday, September 20 What Bu erflies Tell us About a Changing World Jim Porter Tuesday, October 15 How a Career of Service Came to Me Spencer Frye Tuesday, November 19 Athens Technical College, an Update Flora Tydings

Luncheon Programs at Central Presbyterian Church Tuesday, September 3 Social Media Customiza on: The Feedforward Loop Sco Shamp Tuesday, October 1 So You Want to be a Singer? Frederick Burchinal Tuesday, November 5 Health Care Strategies Debbie Furbish Tuesday, December 3 Red Mouth Lawyers: Tales at the Bar Judge Susan Tate

August — December 2013, Page 8

OLLI Course Book

Alphabetic Course Listing with Descriptions Afghanistan: The Importance of Water Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney To understand the past, present, and future situa on in Afghanistan, the importance of water must be understood. Typically it has been considered an “essen al service” and an infrastructure issue more closely ed to the Department of State than to the Department of Defense. This lecture will demonstrate water’s key role in strategic dialogue, highligh ng “water complexity” issues in the Helmand River watershed. Moving from her career as an established geography professor, Dr. Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney joined U.S. government service first as a visi ng research scien st with the Na onal Geospa alIntelligence Agency and then as a federal employee with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2009. She deployed and served as senior advisor on watershed management to the Commander of Regional Command Southwest from 2011-2012. As such, she served on the Stability Opera ons staff, Camp Leatherneck, Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

OLLI@UGA does not endorse any products or services that may be introduced or described by an OLLI instructor in an OLLI class.

Alterna ve Health Op ons for Enhancing Well-being Evan Greller This two session course will explain the theory and effec veness of several holis c healing prac ces, including Chiroprac c, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy and Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Evan Greller has owned the Athens Atlas Chiroprac c Center in Athens, Georgia since 1998. Dr. Greller received his B.S. in Biology from Indiana University in 1993, and a Doctor of Chiroprac c from Logan College of Chiroprac c in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1996. In addi on to running his prac ce, Dr. Greller has taught Anatomy and Physiology at Athens Technical College and conducts con nuing educa on classes for health professionals.

Tuesdays, August 20 and 27, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

Analyzing Current Affairs Robert Grafstein, Lief Carter In three monthly mee ngs this semester, this group will analyze and discuss the deeper dynamics and an cipated consequences of the leading stories in the news. We will address whatever topics seem important and “hot” at the me. Professors Carter and Grafstein will coordinate and lead the discussions, and several members of the UGA poli cal science department have also agreed to lend their exper se if topics in their special es arise. Dr. Carter received his A.B. from Harvard College in 1962 and a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1965. He was a Peace Corps volunteer (Bolivia) in 1966-67 and received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1972. Dr. Carter taught poli cal science at the University of Georgia un l 1995. He twice received UGA’s Josiah Meigs Teaching Award. He became the McHugh Family Dis nguished Professor at Colorado College in 1995 and became a professor emeritus at the College in 2008. He is the author of The Limits of Order,

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Reason in Law, Contemporary Cons tu onal Lawmaking, and many other ar cles, books, and book chapters. His interests include music, cinema, and current affairs. Robert Grafstein is professor of poli cal science at the University of Georgia. He specializes in poli cal economy, the study of how governments affect economic condi ons and how, in turn, people’s economic circumstances affect their poli cal behavior. He has published Ins tu onal Realism (Yale), Choice-Free Ra onality (Michigan), A Bridge Too Far? Differences and Commonali es Between the U.S. and China (Rowman & Li lefield; coedited with Fan Wen), and numerous ar cles in leading journals.

Tuesdays, September 10, October 15 and November 19, 2013 1:45-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions 18.00 plus parking _____________________________

Animal Issues: The Horse of Course Jeanne Barsan The horse went quickly from being essen al to the economy of the United States to an animal whose purpose was replaced by the bicycle and gasoline engine. The horse survives in the United States today in fewer numbers, mainly for recrea onal purposes. In other cultures, the horse con nues to be a mode of transporta on and a food source. This course will briefly review the past role of the horse and its present circumstances in the US. Current controversies such as horse racing, horse showing, horse slaughter for food, and the impact of economic downturns on the horse will be discussed. Dr. Barsan is a veterinarian who spent her career as a faculty member in the College of Veterinary Medicine at The University of Georgia. She taught and did research in internal medicine, focusing on urinary diseases of dogs and cats. She re red as a Josiah Meigs Dis nguished Teaching Professor. Outside of work, her passion has also been animals, especially horses. Her great-grandfather was a horse trainer and those genes made their way to her.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 9:00-10:15 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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Arc c Lands from the OLLI Classroom Bern Allard, Gilles Allard A power point presenta on on the geography, history, geology, resources, ecology, biota of Arc c lands visited by the authors. This includes the northern coast of Norway, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Iceland, Heimaey, west coast of Greenland, Canadian Arc c islands, Yukon, Alaska, Klondike gold rush. Gilles Allard, emeritus professor of geology, was born in Quebec. He obtained degrees in geology from the University of Montreal, Queen’s, and Johns Hopkins. In 1956-67, he discovered the Henderson copper-gold mine in the Chibougamau mining district. He taught at UVA for one year, five years in Salvador, Brazil, one year in California, and at UGA since 1965. He discovered a vanadium deposit in 1966. Following re rement in 1991, he lectured on cruise ships. He has done 36 cruises, mostly to the Antarc c and Arc c, and three cruises on private jets. He has received many awards for his teaching and research.

Tuesdays, December 3 and 10, 2013 9:00-11:00 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking

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Art for Fi y Years by M. Agner Margaret Agner This session will follow Agner’s long art work life. It began in the 60’s and will never end as long as there is breath. Most ar sts live to work, and, like Mondrian, “paint from inner necessity”. Agner’s primary medium, dye on fabric, holds interest due partly to its liquid mind of its own. One can’t wait to see what the previous day’s work will have dried to the next morning. Margaret will show a Power Point of many works covering 35 years or more, including pain ngs, prints, pastels, drawings, and fiber works (hangings, art to wear, liturgical paraments and vestments.) Athens ar st Margaret Agner received her BFA in pain ng at LSU in 1974, then learned fabric dyeing and surface design through books, seminars, and workshops. She teaches silk pain ng workshops and produces silk banners, wearables, and fine art from her basement home studio. She exhibits in several SE galleries; in 2012 showed one-woman at Englewood Art Center, FL, and is scheduled, 2013, as a featured fiber ar st at Piedmont Cra smen Inc, Winston-Salem. www.margaretagnerstudio.com

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Athens Technical College, An Update Flora Tydings Dr. Tydings will provide an update on Athens Technical College. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Tuesday, November 12, 2013. Dr. Flora Wilhite Tydings began her eleventh year as president of Athens Technical College in August 2013. Community College Times iden fied Athens Technical College as one of the 25 fastest growing two-year colleges in the United States for the last two years. Dr. Tydings is a current member of the Athens Rotary Club, HERDI Advisory Commi ee, the Innova on Crescent Working Commi ee, and the Georgia BioEduca on and Workforce Development Commi ee. She maintains membership in the Chambers of Commerce in a tencounty region served by Athens Technical College. She was the past chair of the Athens-Clarke County Economic Development Founda on.

OLLI Course Book

Dr. Tydings was recognized in 2008 by the Phi Theta Kappa Interna onal Honor Society with the Shirley B. Gordon Award of Dis nc on. She was the 2009 recipient of the Lee Arrendale Award for Voca onal Excellence presented by the Athens Rotary Club and the 2010 recipient of the pres gious Athena Award presented by the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session 20.00 _____________________________

Band of Brothers COL (ret) Lawrence H. Saul This course will look at the Invasion of France commencing on 6 June 1944, D-Day and the Normandy Campaign. The emphasis and focus will be on the US Army’s contribu on to the opera on. This is a two part lecture/study/presenta on: Part 1 will focus on the pre-invasion prepara on and airborne landings. Part 2 will look at the amphibious landings and the immediate days a er 6 June. Prior to the start of the first class mee ng, the instructor will provide a reading/video list. COL (ret) Saul is a Senior Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. He served in the US Army for 34 years, with nearly 20 years overseas, mainly in Europe. He is a Ba lefield Tour Guide with exper se in many key campaigns and ba les, to include D-Day, The Hurtegen Forest, MarketGarden and the Ba le of the Bulge. He has a BA in History and a Master in Security Strategy.

Tuesdays, November 19 and 26, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking

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Beginning Harmonica Joe Mauldin

August — December 2013, Page 11

While not required, the presenter does recommend But for Birmingham by Glenn T. Eskew.

The course starts from the very basics of learning to play the harmonica. Students will be required to bring a 10 hole diatonic harmonica to the first class. These can be purchased at music stores in Athens at a price of $20 to $40. The first topics include history, holding the harmonica properly, lip placement, single notes and chords, playing songs, cupping, hand effects, reading tabs, major scale, embellishment, tone quality, vibrato, and keeping the beat. Near the end, topics involved in advanced playing will be introduced including playing with other musicians, amplifica on, bending notes, blues expression, chugging, and key posi ons. Students will be able to play Oh Susannah and more songs a er only 2 sessions.

Glenn Eskew is a faculty member at Georgia State University teaching courses in Southern history. He is a na ve of Birmingham. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Auburn University and his master’s and doctoral degrees at The University of Georgia. But for Birmingham received the Francis Butler Simkins Prize of the Southern Historical Associa on. He has also published two edited volumes of essays and a biography of Savannah lyricist Johnny Mercer.

Joe is a re red professor of Poultry Science and has enjoyed his main hobby, playing the harmonica for over 40 years. He plays several styles of harmonica music including blues, bluegrass, gospel, folk, jazz, and classical. He has played in several bands in the Athens area over the last three decades. Joe is an authen c Mississippi bluesman.

1 session

Tuesday and Thursday, October 1 and 3, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

Birmingham, 1963: The World is Watching Glenn T. Eskew Bull Connor’s use of police dogs and fire hoses to suppress nonviolent protestors including schoolchildren engaged in civil rights demonstra ons led by Reverends Fred Shu lesworth and Mar n Luther King in Birmingham, Alabama in the spring of 1963 resulted in na onal and global outrage that forced President John F. Kennedy and the federal government to ul mately intervene on behalf of racial change that culminated in the ra fica on of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This watershed legisla on opened up the American system to all regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, or disability, a victory won in the streets of Birmingham in 1963.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing

8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Black Thursday: The Schweinfurt Mission of WW II Vince Masters Schweinfurt! The very name causes survivors of that bloody bombing mission to pale. On October 14, 1943, over 300 German fighter planes were wai ng for an armada of more than 200 U.S. 8th Air Force bombers. Sixty B-17s were shot down during the brutal ba le. Dr. Vince Masters, a re red medical doctor, is a World War II survivor of 28 heavy bombardment missions and 200 P-51 Fighter Sor es. He was a Lt. Col. In the Air Force, C.O. 3rd Air Division Weather Scout Force, Deputy Chief Staff, 3rd Air Division 8th Army Air Force. Dr. Masters is a frequent OLLI presenter.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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Breaking the Myth of Affordable Housing

Calculus for Poets

Marilyn Appleby

Ellio Gootman

The presenta on will discuss the myths surrounding who lives in public and subsidized housing and what some consider the nega ve impacts of these neighborhoods. Discussion will include funding issues, changes in affordable housing in communi es, and a ques on and answer session to help provide a be er understanding of what housing authori es do in ci es across the country.

Calculus, invented by Newton and Leibniz in the 17th century, is the mathema cal founda on of modern science, probability and economics. Why - because it provides the tools for a precise analysis of changing quan es, and just about everything in life changes. It also lets you compute a lot of really neat stuff. In spite of the technical apparatus needed for precise computa ons, there are only 4 major concepts that are vital for a general understanding of calculus and its applica ons, and these are accessible to a high school student.

Marilyn Appleby has a degree in journalism from Ohio University. She worked as a police and government reporter for The Record in northern New Jersey before becoming involved with public rela ons for not-for-profit organiza ons. Currently, she serves a dual role with the Athens Housing Authority as both the Communica ons Director and a Property Manager. She has been a resident of Athens for 15 years.

Monday, August 19, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Business Nego a ons Alex Pa erson A brief explora on of the nego a on process in business deals with a en on to some important skills and techniques and lessons learned over a career spent in nego a on. How do the best nego ators succeed? There will be some illustra ve stories (lawyers call these “war stories”) to a empt to spice up the topic a bit. Alex Pa erson is a re red partner of Alston & Bird, LLP, a top 50 law firm, with 10 offices in the U.S. and abroad. Prac ced in the Atlanta office 35 years with a concentra on on corporate transac ons and finance. Degrees from The University of Georgia and Harvard Law School. Listed for corporate, mergers and acquisi ons and securi es law in The Best Lawyers in America. Married to Janet with 3 adult children.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

If you can add, subtract, mul ply and divide (with a calculator) and compute the area of a rectangle, this course is for you. We will be exploring many of the concepts with hands-on ac vi es, such as cu ng paper, drawing lines, and measuring lengths with a ruler. Doesn’t sound so hard, does it? Elliot Gootman was a professor of mathema cs at the University of Georgia from the fall of 1970 un l his re rement in 2004. During the last decade of his career, and in years a erward, he has been involved in the mathema cal prepara on of pre-service and in-service mathema cs teachers, and has conducted workshops in a number of coun es in the Northeast Georgia area. He is the author of Calculus, published by Barron’s College Review Series (1997).

Mondays and Thursdays, October 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions 25.00 plus parking _____________________________

Cancer Care: An Integrated Approach Joel Siebentri Cancer diagnosis and treatment is complex, expensive and o en anxiety producing for the pa ent and family members. Treatment can include surgery, radia on and/or mul ple chemotherapy regimens, any of which can have concurrent side-effects and poten al for long-term physical and psychosocial impact. This class will provide an introduc on to cancer incidence along with an overview of treatments available locally. Suppor ve and complementary therapies will be highlighted with discussion of the role these therapies play in an integrated, pa ent centered approach to care.

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Joel Siebentri is the Manager of Cancer Support Services at Athens Regional’s Loran Smith Center for Cancer Support. He develops and manages programs that assist cancer pa ents to maximize coping throughout treatment and survivorship. Joel is a graduate of UGA’s Master of Social Work program and has worked in a variety of se ngs including hospice, a physician clinic, private counseling prac ce, schools and homeless services. He specializes in adjustment to illness, loss and grief.

Friday, September 20, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Caravaggio – The Bad Boy (and founder) of Baroque Art Carolyn Abney

August — December 2013, Page 13

New Horizons Music

sponsored by the UGA Community Music School and OLLI New Horizons Music programs provide entry points to music making for adults, including those with no musical experience at all and those who were ac ve in school music programs, but have been inac ve for a long period. Many adults would like an opportunity to learn music in a group se ng similar to that offered in schools, but the last entry point in most cases was elementary school. New Horizons Music programs serve that need!

New Beginners welcome any me!! NEW HORIZONS BAND Joyce King, Director

Michelangelo Merisi di Caravaggio astounded everyone who knew him – or his work. Patronized by Cardinals, Popes, and the head of the Knights of Malta, his altarpieces o en startled the groups who commissioned them – wouldn’t you be stunned to see the face of Rome’s best known pros tute presented as the Virgin Mary?

Mondays 12pm Church at College Sta on 1225 College Sta on Road, Athens, GA 30605 $85 for OLLI members

He fled Rome a er killing a man over an argument about a bet on a tennis game and was pursued by the Pope’s police. But he s ll managed to paint giant works openly in Naples, Malta, and Sicily. And the only one he signed looks as though his signature is in his own blood. Who said the late 16th century was dull? Come learn more about the man and his work!


Ms. Abney began studying art history at Emory and, many years later, con nued at the Courtauld Ins tute of Art in London. In Florence, she studied at Syracuse University as well as with John T. Spike, a Professor at the Va can and author of a reference book on Caravaggio.

Friday, September 13, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Laurin Smith, Director Thursdays 10am - 11am September 9 – November 15 Church at College Sta on 1225 College Sta on Road, Athens, GA 30605 $85 for OLLI members

NEW HORIZONS PIANO Pete Jutras, Director Wednesdays, 4 - 6pm September 9 – November 15 Hugh Hodgson School of Music, Room 504 250 River Road, Athens, GA 30602 $85 for OLLI members For all questions, please contact the UGA Community School at ugacms@uga.edu

August — December 2013, Page 14

OLLI Course Book

Carbon, Climate, and Controversy

China Business Rising

J. Marshall Shepherd

Gary Bertsch, Ken Parris

The course is centered on the 2011 scholarly publica on by the instructor and explores the latest scien fic thinking on climate change and the plethora of misinforma on on the topic.

China is rising. So too are its businesses. What does this mean for China, the US and world? This course will profile four Chinese companies: a state-owned, military products enterprise; a private telecommunica ons company; a private medical devices business; and an internet start-up. The instructors have personal experiences with and slides related to each company.

Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd is a leading interna onal expert in the area of weather, climate, and atmospheric related sciences. He is a Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Georgia (UGA) and Director of the UGA Atmospheric Sciences Program. Dr. Shepherd is the President of American Meteorological Society (AMS).

Friday, August 30, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking ____________________________

China - A Century of Revolu on Ian Hardin This course will use as its main “text” the great six hour series done on public television in 1997. It covers the period from the early 1900’s un l the death of Deng Xiaoping in detail, with fascina ng archival footage from throughout the century. There will be introductory material in each session and me for discussion a er each segment. China is a subject of great interest for many of us. These videos, Hessler’s book, and the addi onal material we will look at should enhance your interest, and perhaps fill in gaps you may have about China’s turbulent twen eth century.

Gary Bertsch is University Professor Emeritus in the UGA School of Public and Interna onal Affairs. He was the Founding Director of the Center for Interna onal Trade and Security and Co-Founder of the UGA Delta Prize for Global Understanding. He has been elected to a life term membership in the New Yorkbased Council on Foreign Rela ons. He has worked on a range of interna onal issues in over 40 countries. Most recently, he is the Founder and Chairman of TradeSecure LLC. Ken Parris is a Co-Founder and President and CEO of TradeSecure, LLC. He has par cipated for 25 years in developing startup ventures and crea ng strategic partnerships. A focus of his work has been emerging markets, with extensive work in the commercial sectors in China and the countries of the former Soviet Union. He resides in Athens, GA and is now working with some of China’s leading firms.

Thursday, August 29, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking ____________________________

Prior to the first day of class, students should read Oracle Bones by Peter Hessler.

Civil Rights Movement in Georgia

Ian Hardin is Georgia Power Professor of Tex le Science at the University of Georgia. He has taught and done research on fibers, polymers and tex les for over 41 years at Auburn and Georgia, as well as serving as a department head for 15 years during that me. He was born in Scotland, but came to the U.S. at the age of two, and grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. However, half the family are s ll in Scotland, and visits back and forth take place most years.

This one-session, 75-minute class will focus on new direc ons in Civil Rights Studies, and on revisi ng what we think we know about the Civil Rights Movement in Georgia. Using examples from her research with undergraduates and graduate students in Albany, Augusta, and Athens for the Civil Rights Digital Library, Professor McCaskill will discuss ac vism in different regions of the state; the involvement of women, students, and non-black groups; and the extension of civil rights ac vism beyond the “classic” years of the 1960s. The session will conclude with a brief wri ng exercise on interpre ng an ar fact or document from the Movement.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, October 8, 15, 17, 29 and 31; November 5 and 7, 2013 2:15-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 7 sessions 35.00 plus parking

Barbara McCaskill

OLLICourse Book

Barbara McCaskill is Associate Professor of English at UGA. She was 2012 Fulbright Visi ng Research Chair in Society and Culture at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Sco a. She is revising a book, 1000 Miles for Freedom: William and Ellen Cra in Transatlan c Literature and Culture. She codirects the Civil Rights Digital Library, an award-winning project featuring film from the era. She has co-edited Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem: African American Literature and Culture, 1877-1919 and Mul cultural Literature and Literacies.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 15

Clinical Hypnosis: An Introduc on Fred Breme This presenta on is meant to familiarize you with what hypnosis is and what it is not. We will cover the nature of hypnosis and how it is used by hypnotherapists as well as individuals who use self-hypnosis. Dr. Breme is a Licensed Applied Psychologist working both at the University of Georgia and in private prac ce since 1981. He is cer fied in Clinical Hypnosis and is an Approved Consultant in hypnosis in the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He has been using, teaching and supervising hypnosis since 1980.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Climate Connec ons to Marine Ecosystems – from the Amazon to Antarc ca


Patricia L. Yager Most of us are familiar with global climate pa erns and how the climate we experience is related to where we live. Most also know that those familiar pa erns are changing. This course will discuss what role the ocean plays in global climate, par cularly when it comes to understanding how the ocean biosphere is helping to keep our planet cooler than it might otherwise be. The ques on is whether the ocean can con nue to play this role under increasing pressure from human ac vi es. We will look at the effects of these pressures on marine ecosystems from the tropics to the poles. Dr. Yager is an Associate Professor of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia. She has traveled the world, from the Antarc c to the Amazon River to the Arc c Ocean, to inves gate the impact of climate changes on marine ecosystem. She is also the Director of the Georgia Ini a ve for Climate and Society (h p://climateandsociety.uga.edu) with a mission to foster a community of scholars at UGA that will inves gate, integrate, and educate about climate and its rela onship to society.

Monday, October 21, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Confucian Culture in Modern Korea Hyangsoon Yi Confucianism has served as a backbone of Korean culture since the Choson Dynasty (1392-1910). Although industrializa on, westerniza on, and urbaniza on have posed serious challenges to the tradi onal Confucian teachings, their rich legacies are s ll widely discerned in modern Korean society. This course will introduce basic tenets of Confucianism, their development during the Choson period, and their influence on the digitalized and nomadic contemporary lifestyle of many Koreans today. Special a en on will be paid to both changing views on and enduring forces of the Confucian vales on family lineage, moral educa on, and communal harmony. Hyangsoon Yi is Professor of Compara ve Literature and Director of UGA Korean Language and Literature. She received her Ph.D. in English from Pennsylvania State University. Her book Buddhist Nuns and Korean Literature received the Outstanding Scholarly Book of 2009 Award from the Na onal Academy of Sciences, Korea. She co-authored Welcome to Korean! and published extensively on Korean Buddhism, film, and literature.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 16

OLLI Course Book

Cooking Class – The Healthy Gourmet

Cri cal Reading: Short Stories

Tim Dondero

Alexis Winger

A complete meal will be prepared with commentary throughout on methods and techniques used. Wine pairings will also be discussed and samples given to enjoy with the food. Copies of the recipes and wine pairings will be given to the par cipants.

This course will consist of cri cal readings in a wide gamut of short stories. There will be reading/discussion of two stories each session. All viewpoints are welcomed.

The cooking demonstra on will be held at The Healthy Gourmet, 1087 Baxter Street, Athens GA 30606. The cost of the course includes a supplies fee. Tim Dondero, Execu ve Chef at Donderos’ Kitchen on N. Milledge Avenue in Athens, has taught interna onal cooking at the Healthy Gourmet for the past year. He taught at Evening at Emory in Atlanta for over ten years and for a number of years taught at various other cooking establishments in Atlanta and Athens. His “day job” is as an interna onal medical researcher with the Centers for Disease Control and Preven on in Atlanta. He is an enthusias c chef who, while working in research, lived as well as cooked for nearly eight years in Southeast Asia, for nearly three years in Africa, and has travelled extensively in his work. His focus is exci ng interna onal food that is as authen c as is possible with available ingredients and cooking equipment.

Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:00-2:15 PM Off Site 1 session 20.00

Please be aware that there are two opportuni es to join this class. The classes will cover different stories. The course text will be The Norton Anthology of Short Fic on, Sixth Edi on, edited by R.V. Cassill & Richard Bausch. It is available in paperback. Alexis Winger a ended Idaho State University, BYU, and Tennessee Tech University. She taught composi on and grammar in UGA’s Division of Academic Enhancement for 29 years and most recently served as coordinator of the Wri ng Component of the Division’s Learning Center. She has given numerous presenta ons on teaching composi on and grammar. A er re ring from UGA in 2007, she has become very ac ve in OLLI.

Cri cal Reading – A Thursdays, September 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking

Cri cal Reading – B Thursdays, October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking ____________________________

Cybersecurity - You’re Naked: Online Privacy and Protec on of Your Digital Assets Chuck Murphy Every week, hackers a ack websites and steal massive amounts of consumer data. Daily, “phishing” emails arrive, trying to hijack your bank accounts. Now your hard drive is star ng to make funny noises . . . . Is the digital privacy and security situa on really as bad as it seems? No! It is much, much worse.

OLLICourse Book

This course will review the threats to your privacy and security in the Internet age. By the end of the course, you’ll have a set of prac cal, inexpensive ps so you can lock down your personal informa on, protect yourself from scammers, and minimize your exposure to digital catastrophes. Chuck Murphy is a re red so ware professional and veteran OLLI@UGA presenter. He spent the last 15 years of his working career developing secure and robust e-commerce systems on the web. He has never been hacked.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, November 4, 6 and 8, 2013 1:30-3:30 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions 18.00 plus parking _____________________________

Diagnosis: Nature Deficiency John Fischer We spend 90% of our me indoors and have a poor understanding of the wildlife with which we share our backyards, golf courses, and highways. A be er understanding of nature would come in handy because more people now live in close proximity to wildlife than ever. This course describes how we pushed species to the brink of ex nc on and then brought them back in higher numbers than we can tolerate, and how we’ve handicapped ourselves in dealing with this situa on by becoming disconnected from nature, knowing li le more about it than what we’ve picked up from films and television. John Fischer, DVM, PhD, is a Professor of Popula on Health and Director of the Southeastern Coopera ve Wildlife Disease Study at UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine. As Director, he works with the wildlife management agencies of 19 states, the USDA, and the U.S. Department of the Interior to determine the significance of diseases and parasites in wildlife popula ons and to delineate the role of wildlife in the epidemiology of human and domes c animal diseases.

Friday, September 27, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 17

Diderot’s Encyclopédie Greg de Rocher, Jennifer Palmer Monument of the Enlightenment, the Britannica of the 20th century, and the Wikipedia of today. The Hargre Rare Book and Manuscript Collec on has the incredible good fortune of possessing an 18th-century edi on of Denis Diderot’s Encyclopédie. This monumental work includes 21 volumes with over 70,000 ar cles (from asparagus to zodiac) and 11 volumes of plates illustra ng many of the ar cles. Its purpose, according to Diderot, was to “change the common way of thinking” through the expansion of knowledge and the fostering of cri cal thought. It will be the center-piece of Jennifer Palmer’s presenta on which will take place at the Hargre , followed by a recep on honoring Denis Diderot on his 300th birthday, and celebra ng in due fashion along with France the transfer of his remains to the Panthéon in Paris. The course fee includes an a er-class recep on. Dr. de Rocher studied at the University of Poi ers in France (1964-65), received his undergraduate degree from the University of Detroit (1966), his MA (1967), and Ph.D. (1972) from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He taught at the University of Alabama for 31 years. He is the author of cri cal studies, transla ons, ar cles, reviews, and presenta ons at colloquia in the United States and in France. He and his wife Francoise have been residents of Athens and members of OLLI@UGA since April 2010. Jennifer Palmer is an assistant professor of history at the University of Georgia. She holds degrees from the universi es of Virginia, Cambridge, and Michigan. Her research focuses on how slavery and colonialism shaped the family in eighteenthcentury France.

Friday, October 4, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM 1 session Off Site 15.00

Membership in OLLI@ UGA entitles you to membership in all of our Special Interest Groups.

August — December 2013, Page 18

Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital Photos Chuck Murphy Would you like to make be er pictures with your digital camera? Would you like to share your photos with friends and family? Then this hands-on workshop is for you! You’ll learn how to select the best camera for your budget and needs and how to use it to take be er pictures. You will also learn how to use free so ware to enhance your pictures and then share them through prints, email, web albums and Facebook. Prerequisites q : Basic computer skills and access to a Windows or Mac computer. Class size is limited to 10 to ensure students receive adequate individual a en on. Both sessions listed below are iden cal. Chuck Murphy is a re red so ware designer. He has been an avid photographer for over four decades and started doing digital photography in 1999. He has taught nine previous photography courses for OLLI and leads our PictureThis! digital photography club. His photo expedi ons have taken him on trips around the world and to all seven con nents. To see some of Chuck’s work, check out his por olio at www.boywithcamera.com.

Digital Photography – A Tuesdays and Fridays, October 8, 11, 15 and 18, 2013 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking

Digital Photography – B Tuesdays and Fridays, October 8, 11, 15 and 18, 2013 1:30-3:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking _____________________________

Direc ng for the Stage: Issues and Challenges Freda Sco Giles How does a director take a script and guide a produc on team and performing ar sts to a full produc on? Dr. Giles’ lecture will cover the basic principles that guide a director’s crea ve process, using examples from produc ons she has directed to illustrate her main points. Dr. Giles earned her PhD at the City University of New York, is jointly appointed in the Ins tute for African American Studies

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and the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, and has been a member of the UGA faculty since 1995. Her special research area is theatre and drama of the Harlem Renaissance period and her special performance area is direc ng for the stage.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking ____________________________

Earth and the Solar System: How It All Began David Wenner David B. Wenner, a re red Associate Professor in the University of Georgia Department of Geology will lead the class on examining how the elements that make up our solar system were formed and how they were assembled to form the solar system around 4.5 billion years ago. He will also address a recent theory that a er the solar system formed, orbital migra on of the outer planets led to a period of intense meteor bombardment 4.1-3.8 billion years ago that completely altered the surface of the moon, earth, and other inner planets.

Tuesday and Thursday, November 12 and 14, 2013 9:00-10:15 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

Easy Relaxing Yoga Elizabeth Alder, N.NCM, C.CY Want to be more flexible, relaxed and happier? Join this go-atyour-own-pace class and learn to breathe, stretch and relax. Health benefi ng postures, stretching and relaxa on methods are taught by experienced Yoga instructor Elizabeth Alder. Elizabeth has enjoyed teaching Easy Yoga at the YWCO for 21 years and is now teaching Easy Chair Yoga at Morningside Assisted Living of Athens. Elizabeth Alder is a 35 year veteran of Hatha Yoga and the Healing Arts. In 1977 she received her Instructor’s Cer fica on from Dr. Mishra Ramamur at the World Yoga University in California. Since that me, she has received cer fica ons in Therapeu c Massage, Healing Touch, Colorenerge cs, Geriatric Massage and Aryuvedic Face Li Massage. Her studies have

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taken her as far as southern India, where she taught Hatha Yoga in Kerala; and in 2001 she assisted Dr. Robert Hasinger at the Interna onal Colour Congress in Italy.

Wednesdays, August 21, 28 and September 4, 2013 2:00-3:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 3 sessions 24.00 _____________________________

Eat Less, Exercise More, Love Longer Bill Fla Obesity is a major health risk problem America and is becoming more and more prevalent. Type 2 diabetes is one of the risks and is not only increasingly prevalent in older obese adults, but even in teenagers and middle school age children. What can be done to prevent obesity? Reducing caloric intake and increasing physical ac vity (energy expenditure) are the recommended solu on. Dr. Fla will discuss his personal experience in losing over 50 pounds of body fat and maintaining the lower body weight for over two decades. He will describe the importance of physical ac vity, including strength training in preven ng age-related loss of muscle (sarcopenia).

August — December 2013, Page 19

Emergence and Evolu on Howard Page While the evolu onary process is well understood, there are many studies arguing that evolu on does not lead to the hierarchical structure we see in our universe. The emergent process is the companion to evolu on which generates new ways of interac on; the building blocks evolu on uses to “experiment” with new designs. We’ll discuss emergence in general and specific examples including good/bad/evil, technology, religion and economics. Mr. Page has a BS in Math and Physics from Guilford College and a MA in Applied Math from the University of Maryland. He has spent 30 years studying complex systems, focusing on how the universe uses simple rules to build up a hierarchy. He has taught OLLI courses at Emory for the past 4 years and achieved consistently posi ve evalua ons.

Fridays, November 1, 8 and 15, 2013 9:00-10:15 AM River’s Crossing 3 sessions 18.00 plus parking _____________________________

Dr. William P. (Bill) Fla , D.W. Brooks Dis nguished Professor Emeritus, has been a UGA faculty member since 1969. He served as dean and coordinator of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from 1981-1994, and previously as director of the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Sta ons (19701981). He received his Ph.D. in animal nutri on, biochemistry, and physiology from Cornell University in 1955, and he was head of the USDA Energy Metabolism Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., from 1956-1969. In 1994 he began teaching human nutri on in the Foods and Nutri on Department and animal nutri on in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science. He has received many na onal awards for his energy metabolism research, and was recently named a Fellow of the American Society for Nutri on for “the visionary leadership he demonstrated during and a er his service as research leader of the energy metabolism unit at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the more recent penetra ng studies of energy balance and obesity and lep n ac ons he and his colleagues have reported.”

Excel: Tips & Tidbits

Zu, her husband and two dogs traded Desert for Dixie when they moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Athens, Georgia in 2010. She has over 19 years of training and administra ve experience which she brought to OLLI@UGA in June 2010. She is thrilled to have found an organiza on that encompasses in one fell swoop what she has sought her whole life… a way to learn AND have fun while doing it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Thursday, October 10, 2013 2:30-3:45 pm River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Zu Reuter This course is designed for members who have a good understanding of the fundamentals of Excel and are already comfortable working with spreadsheets. It will be an hour full of ps and dbits that should prove to be useful in saving you some me and energy and give you the confidence to try new ways of working with your data. This class is not designed for the novice Excel user.

August — December 2013, Page 20

Extraterrestrial Life Sco Shaw Are we alone in the Universe? Have astronomers found any habitable planets? Where in the solar system should we look for life? Is this all just specula on, or can science help answer these ques ons? Dr. Sco Shaw was the Meigs Professor of Astronomy un l his re rement from the University of Georgia in 2008. His primary field was binary and variable stars. He was also the Director of the UGA Observatory.

Monday and Friday, September 9 and 13, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

Exuberance of Meaning: The Art Patronage of Catherine the Great (1762-1796) Asen Kirin This course is associated with an exhibi on, which will take place at GMOA in the fall of 2013. The tle “Exuberance of Meaning” refers to a crucial characteris c that dis nguishes Catherine the Great’s endeavors in the arts. Her innumerable projects - whether a new city, a church, a liturgical vessel, or a dinner set - were conceived in a manner allowing for mul ple yet complementary interpreta ons covering a wide spectrum of meanings. This mul plicity of meaning is the direct outcome of the empress’s wish to assert her empire’s status as a key par cipant in the project of the Enlightenment whose aim was to reform society and advance knowledge. While not required, the presenter recommends Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Robert K. Massie. Asen Kirin teaches history of Late An que, Byzan ne and Russian art and architecture. His original training, which was in Slavonic languages and literature, took place in Sofia, Bulgaria and Moscow, Russia. He acquired a Master’s degree in Art History from Vanderbilt University and a Ph.D. from Princeton University. He joined the faculty at the School of Art at UGA a er spending a year at Harvard University’s Dumbarton Oaks Founda on.

Thursdays, October 3 and 10, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking

OLLI Course Book

Eye: Diseases affec ng the eyes of the aging popula on W. (Gus) Sams, M.M.D As the popula on ages, the prevalence of several eye condi ons become more prevalent; these include cataracts, glaucoma, and age related macular degenera on (ARMD). The pathogenesis, natural progression, treatment, and ongoing research will be discussed. Topics of discussion will include advances in intraocular lens technology and surgical devices in the use of cataract surgery; types of glaucoma and their various treatments; and the use of an -VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) agent in the treatment of ARMD. Dr. Sams, an Athens na ve, graduated as Valedictorian of Presbyterian College with a B.S. in Biology. A er receiving his medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia where he graduated with highest honors in Alpha Omega Alpha, he completed an internship at Bap st Hospital System in Birmingham, Alabama. He completed a residency in ophthalmology from the University of Virginia at Charlo esville where he was chief resident during his final year. Dr. Sams became a partner of the prac ce in December, 2009, and he is cer fied by the American Board of Ophthalmology.

Friday, September 13, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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August — December 2013, Page 21

Finding our Balance

Food Safety: A Glimpse at the Future

Helene Hendon

Michael Doyle

Join this explora on in physical and mental balance. Move through gentle mindful poses, accessible to all, geared toward improving balance. We will also explore mindfulness as an aid in finding our inner balance point, our innate inner peace. Leave with some experiences of both the outward and inner prac ces as well as some ideas to con nue developing balance at home!

This course will address many of the microbiological food safety issues facing U.S. consumers in both the near - and longterm. Concerns include fresh-cut produce, food ingredients, food imports, economically-mo vated food adultera on, an microbial resistant microbes, new food produc on technologies, blogs and misleading informa on and future food produc on trends.

Helene is a cer fied and registered Yoga Instructor with a Masters in Educa on. She loves teaching and is excited to share the benefits she has reaped in her own life as well as the experiences and knowledge she has accrued through 11 teacher training courses and numerous workshops. Helene loves to laugh. She has always looked for the bright side of life and was very excited to find Laugh-A-Yoga. In addi on to mul ple other yoga cer fica ons, Helene is a cer fied Laugh-A-Yoga instructor who has been teaching Laugh-A-Yoga for the past five years.

Friday, November 1, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Dr. Michael Doyle is a Regents Professor of Food Microbiology and Director of the Center for Food Safety at UGA. He is an ac ve researcher in the area of the microbiological safety of foods and serves as a scien fic advisor to many groups, including the WHO, Ins tute of Medicine, Na onal Academy of Science-Na onal Research Council, FDA, USDA, U.S. DOD, and U.S. EPA. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology, the American Associa on for the Advancement of Science, the Interna onal Associa on for Food Protec on and the Ins tute of Food Technologists, and is a member of the Na onal Academies of Medicine.

Friday, November 22, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Round Up Donation To help keep our costs affordable for all OLLI@UGA members – and among the lowest of all OLLI programs in the country – you may wish to make a “Round Up” donation. You will thereby become a donor for the current iscal year. When you register for courses, you will have an opportunity to donate—either online or on paper.

Thank you for your support.

August — December 2013, Page 22

Four Elements of Music and Their Emo onal Impact Roy Mar n The purpose of this course is to help non-musicians understand the basic elements of music and their psychological significance. Put another way, why are we as human beings a racted to music. This will be a four session course with each session devoted to each of four elements that seem to have par cular emo onal meaning: rhythm, melody, chord structure, performance. Examples will be presented in class from all genres of music: folk, rock, jazz, and classical (Gregorian chant to Hip Hop). Dr. Mar n began his musical instruc on at age 5 on the piano. A er several false starts on various instruments, he began playing the violin at age 9 and con nues to this day. He a ended the Eastman School of Music but le before gradua on to pursue a bachelor’s degree in psychology. He has played with several community orchestras and the Athens Symphony since 1984, serving as concertmaster for most of that me and soloists on several occasions. He recently re red as a Professor of Educa onal Psychology.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, September 10, 12, 17 and 19, 2013 9:00-10:15 AM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking

OLLI Course Book

French on Friday 2 Bénédicte Milward We will con nue to work on grammar and conversa on in order to be able to communicate with your hosts when you go to Lyon in June 2014. This class is for those who a ended French on Friday 1 and are interested in con nuing. NO NEW STUDENTS. Bénédicte Milward was born in Paris where she lived un l the age of 24. She spent 2 years in Florida before returning to France where she and her family lived in Lyon for 20 years. She has been in Athens since 2002 and has a degree in Occupa onal Therapy and a Master degree in Religious Educa on. Bénédicte worked for 20 years as a Director of Religious Educa on in the diocese of Lyon (France) and then Atlanta. She is married, has four children and loves reading, singing, cra ing, hiking and travelling.

Fridays, October 18, 25; November 1, 8, 15, 22; December 6, 13; 2013 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 8 sessions 40.00 plus parking _____________________________

French Tales of the Holy Grail Catherine Jones The Holy Grail first appeared in a 12th-century romance by Chré en de Troyes, one of the most celebrated authors of the French Middle Ages. The course will introduce the audience to Chré en’s text and subsequent French versions of the Grail legend, in the medieval and the modern periods. Catherine Jones is a Josiah Meigs Dis nguished Professor of French. She specializes in the literature of the French Middle Ages. Publica ons include two books on the French epic tradi on and ar cles on epic, romance, allegory, and the modern recep on of medieval legends.

Monday, September 16, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

OLLICourse Book

Geologic Aspects of Two Man-Made Catastrophes Mark Rich The Johnstown, PA (1889) and San Francisquito Canyon, CA (1928) floods, involving huge losses of life and property, resulted from dam failures, in large part related to geologic and hydrologic factors not adequately addressed in choice of dam sites, design, and construc on. Both dams were large water storage reservoirs. The lecture will cover the following main points: (1) physiography, general geology, and hydrologic framework of each of the dam sites and its surroundings; (2) design and construc on of the dams; (3) events leading up to the catastrophic dam failures; and (4) a ermath of the floods. Dr. Rich is Professor Emeritus of Geology at UGA. He has extensive experience in regional geology, glacial geology, environmental geology, and marine science. He has worked as a consultant in environmental assessment and remedia on of commercial proper es. His travels have taken him to all of the seven con nents and to Greenland and Iceland. He received his degrees from UCLA, University of Southern California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Fellow in the Geological Society of America and a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Georgia.

Wednesday, October, 9, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Geological Hazards: Living with a Restless Planet R. David Dallmeyer Recent geological hazard events have brought into sharp focus the dynamic nature of our planet. These include tsunamis in Sumatra (2004) and Japan (2011), the hurricane devasta on of Katrina (2005) and Sandy (2012) and the great loss of life in the 2010 Hai an earthquake. Geologic processes have long cons tuted poten al hazards, however they do not become significant risks unless humans get in the way. Such risks occur throughout the southeastern United States as evidenced by the widespread earthquake destruc on of Charleston in 1886.

August — December 2013, Page 23

This course will address a variety of poten al geological hazards including: earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic erup ons, hurricanes, river flooding, coastal erosion, landslides, soil failure and ground collapse, Each hazard with be evaluated systema cally, with discussion of: the nature of the geologic processes producing the hazard, a descrip on of the risks involved, poten al predic on of the hazards, possibility of risk preven on and methods of hazard mi ga on.

Monday through Friday, August 19-23, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions 25.00 plus parking for 3 days _____________________________

Geology of Great Human Endeavors: The Construc on of the Panama Canal Mark Rich August 15 of this year will mark the 99th anniversary of the official opening of the Panama Canal. This course will cover the following main topics related to construc on of the canal: (1) historical background; (2) geographic and geological se ngs; (3) French venture prior to U.S. takeover of construc on; (4) impact of malaria and yellow fever during the early phases of the project; (5) construc on and comple on; (6) opera on; (7) official transfer to Republic of Panama; (8) later developments. Mark Rich is Professor Emeritus of Geology at UGA. He is a Senior Fellow in the Geological Society of America and a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Georgia. Dr. Rich has extensive experience in regional geology, sedimentology and marine science. He has worked as a consultant in environmental assessment and characteriza on of commercial proper es. He worked as a geologist for the California Division of Water Resources during the Division’s site planning for a por on of the State’s Aqueduct through the Tehachapi Mountains.

Monday, December 2, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 se ess ssio iion n 8..00 0 plu luss pa p rk rkin ingg in

August — December 2013, Page 24

OLLI Course Book

Georgia Museum of Natural History

Giving Poems a Chance

Bud Freeman

James Kissane

The Official State Museum of Natural History is an important repository of objects, ar facts, and specimens rela ng to the natural history of Georgia and the Southeast. We will carpool to the museum’s Gallery on the UGA campus and get a guided tour by Dr. Bud Freeman, Director. A recent survey among the na on’s universi es maintaining museums of natural history indicated that the Georgia Museum of Natural History collec ons rank 9th in size.

This short course (four two-hour classes) in reading and enjoying poetry will focus on the discussion of a wide selec on of short poems as illustra ons of some of the things that happen in poems and that ma er in our understanding and enjoyment of them.

Visitors will receive a tour of collec ons housed in the Natural History Building on Campus and view the gallery. Expect to see an amazing collec on of Insects, Birds and Mammals and the Zooarchaeology collec on, as well as displays in the Gallery. Bud Freeman serves as Director of the Georgia Museum of Natural History and also holds a faculty appointment in the Odum School of Ecology. The Museum is located on the University of Georgia Campus and is a unit of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Freeman has over 30 years’ experience conduc ng stream surveys in the Southeastern United States with efforts focusing on measuring, describing and preserving na ve species diversity and animal abundance in southeastern streams and rivers.

The text for this course consists of handouts that include poems for discussion and the presenter’s introductory comments aimed at ini a ng class considera on of such ma ers as “What makes a poem?” “The language(s) of poetry,” “Pa erns, forms, and structures,” “The acts of interpre ng and evalua ng a poem.” Dr. Kissane holds a Ph.D. in English from The Johns Hopkins University and is Professor Emeritus of Literature at Grinnell College, where he taught for 38 years. His publica ons include books, ar cles, and reviews on a variety of mostly 19th- and 20th-century topics and writers. In past semesters he has presented several different courses for LIR/OLLI.

Mondays and Thursdays, October 14, 17, 21 and 24, 2013 10:00 AM-12:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking

Monday, December 9, 2013 10:00-11:30 AM Off Site 1 session 8.00

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Regarding your River’s Crossing One-Day Parking Tags Per instruc on from UGA’s Parking Services team, your temporary parking tag must indicate the Year, the Month and the Day that you are using your pass. Please circle the appropriate op ons prior to or upon arrival. Addi onally, a state issued Disability placard does not exclude you from needing a Temporary Parking Tag for River’s Crossing. You will need to display both when parking in the lot. And finally, if you make it to class and find yourself in need of parking tags, you may purchase them from the OLLI office located behind the first floor recep on area.

It’s Your Choice Purchase tag through OLLI@UGA: $2 Purchase tag in the Visitor Parking lot: $5 Failure to purchase or display tag: $40 fine from UGA

OLLICourse Book

Gneiss Gardens Hugh and Carolyn Nourse The natural history of grani c outcrops of Georgia’s Piedmont will be discussed. A slide show about our local Rock and Shoals Outcrop Natural Area will provide views of the outcrop in every season of the year. There will be a field trip to Rock and Shoals Outcrop Natural Area on Tuesday, September 17, 8:30 – 10:30 AM. A er Hugh re red as professor of real estate from Terry College, he and Carol became botanical photographers. Together they have wri en and photographed for three books: Wildflowers of Georgia, The State Botanical Garden of Georgia, and Favorite Wildflower Walks in Georgia. Contributed many photographs to Linda Chafin’s “Guide to the Rare Plants of Georgia,” and were principal photographers for “The Natural Communi es of Georgia,” by Leslie Edward, Kay Kirkman, and Jon Ambrose. All these named books published by UGA Press.

Monday, September 16, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus one parking tag _____________________________

God versus Science – A Short Odyssey through Three Books Dale Goodhue This course uses three books (Dawkins’ The God Delusion, McGrath’s The Dawkins’ Delusion and Miller’s Finding Darwin’s God) with very different points of view to explore ques ons about religion, the existence of God, and the rela onship between belief in God and belief in science. The instructor will describe each of the books and his reac on to them on a first reading, but follow that with what he found a er a second reading -- very changed reac ons to each. Lest anyone be uncertain about the class theme, it has more to do with how atheists and believers should deal with one other than whether to be an atheist or a believer. Discussion will follow.

August — December 2013, Page 25

Professor Dale Goodhue teaches Management Informa on Systems at UGA. With no formal training in religion or philosophy, his only qualifica ons for teaching this course are that he is a though ul person. Raised Presbyterian, he “converted” to atheism in about the tenth grade. Always pre y quiet about his beliefs, he changed that a er the three books presented in this course made him think again.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Great Books Selec ons William Loughner We read short items and selec ons from some of the world’s best fic on and non-fic on. As well as interes ng insights, we strive for personal growth and social engagement. This year we will read the selec ons in the Great Books Founda on anthology Great Conversa ons 3. (h p:// nyurl.com/OlliGB3) Do sign up even if you can’t make all the sessions. For ques ons and informa on about the first reading, call Bill Loughner at 706-543-3812, bill@loughner.com. Bill Loughner is a re red science librarian who graduated from Wayne State University and has an MA in math from UGA. He has been involved with Great Books for four years. He’s enthusias c and enjoys good discussions about interes ng and provoca ve topics. He thinks you will too.

Wednesdays, September 4, 18; October 2, 16, 30; November 13; December 4, 2013 10:00 AM-12 noon River’s Crossing 7 sessions 35.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 26

OLLI Course Book

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Hand Kni ng

Peter Hartel

Sudha Verma

Why pay $14.00 per lb. for shiitake mushrooms when you can grow your own? Shiitake (SHEE-tah-key) mushrooms, the most widely grown mushroom in Japan, have become increasingly popular in the United States because of their meaty flavor and medicinal proper es. In the first part of the class, we’ll cover mushroom terminology and discuss shiitake log produc on. In the second part of the class, we’ll use this knowledge to inoculate logs with shiitake spawn. Each student will take home her or his own 48” inoculated log. (Since a 9 to 10” shiitake log is currently available on Amazon for $22.95, this OLLI course pays you!)

Reacquaint yourself with basic hand-knit s tches, fabric and techniques in this kni ng program. Learn knit and purl combina ons, how to measure and fit properly, seams, and finishing. Projects will include hat and scarf.

Loca on informa on will be sent to registered par cipants. The course fee includes a materials fee. Peter Hartel was Professor of Soil Microbiology and Georgia Power Professor of Environmental Ethics at the University of Georgia. He taught courses in soil microbiology, environmental ethics, and research methods. In 2006, he helped start a Cer ficate Program in Organic Agriculture and taught the introductory course in organic farming. Shiitake produc on was part of this introductory course. Since his re rement in 2011, he has been growing shiitake (and other edible mushrooms) at the UGArden.

Saturday, November 16, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM Off Site 1 session 21.00

Newbees Orientation Thursday, August 8 1:00 pm River’s Crossing Refreshments Every thing you need to know in order to enjoy OLLI@UGA

This class is for experienced novices. Sudha Verma is a re red 2nd grade teacher. She has been making sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves, hand warmers, leg warmers and socks for 60 years. She also enjoys prac cing yoga with friends for good health.

Wednesdays, September 4, 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 5 sessions 25.00 plus parking _____________________________

Health Care Strategies Debbie Furbish Debbie has compiled an easy to understand presenta on for consumers on how to navigate the health care system. She is involved in community outreach to raise awareness on how to be an informed health care consumer. A er leaving this session, you will be able to find the right answers and strategies that will serve both your immediate and long term needs. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Tuesday, October 29. 2013. Debbie began her career in the US Army at the Pentagon and NATO. A er her military career she assumed many management roles in nursing, some to include Director of Nursing in a nursing home, Assistant Director of Nursing in an Atlanta Hospital and a 12 year role at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Atlanta. Currently she is the Execu ve Director at Compassionate Care Hospice here in Athens.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session 12.00

OLLICourse Book

Hears to the Ear! Robin B. Hardin This course will cover the anatomy, physiology and basic science review of the ear. The course will review informa on concerning otologic symptoms that include: hearing loss, nnitus, ver go, imbalance and aural fullness. This will be an interac ve course with focus on understanding the func on of the ear in everyday life and how to address any ear symptoms. Par cipants will leave with informa on on how to appropriately address the impact of otologic symptoms in daily life. Specifically, medical management, hearing aids, nnitus treatments and communica on strategies will be reviewed in detail. Robin Hardin, M.A., LIC-A, FAAA, owner of Athens Oconee Audiology has over 30 years’ experience in audiology. During her career she has worked at the highly recognized Veterans Administra on Medical Center in Atlanta, the University of Georgia Speech and Hearing Clinic and the Atlanta Ear Clinic, a neurotology prac ce. In May 2009, Hardin was one of 25 audiologists in the world to be invited to par cipate in the Ida Ins tute in Denmark.

Fridays, August 23 and 30, 2013 9:00-10:15 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

Heart and Blood Vessel Health: what changes as you age and how your lifestyle choices affect it Alice Harris As you age, your heart and blood vessel anatomy and func on change. Some of these changes are due to your gene c makeup, but many are strongly affected by your lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise. This course will give a brief overview of heart and blood vessel anatomy and physiology. We will then discuss the consequences of aging on these structures. Finally, we will discuss how your lifestyle choices affect these changes and suggest what you might do to improve your heart and vessel health.

August — December 2013, Page 27

Dr. Harris is a re red board cer fied Family Prac ce physician. A er four years as an Occupa onal Therapist, she earned her medical degree at the University of Minnesota. She worked in primary care medicine in Minnesota, then here in Athens. Following re rement, she taught Human Physiology and Anatomy at Athens Technical College. Currently, she volunteers at Mercy Medical Center and as a Master Gardener around Athens. Her true passions are preven ve medicine and taking in stranded dogs.

Tuesdays, October 22 and 29, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

How a Career of Service Came to Me Spencer Frye Spencer will reveal how he was led to his chosen careers with a series of vigne es, some unusual - from childhood in Europe as son of a US officer later turned Presbyterian minister to a state representa ve and Habitat for Humanity. He will recount tales of experiences in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, then through his professional career to conclude by sharing his learning curve as representa ve of Athens in Atlanta. He encourages a ques on/answer period to explore ma ers of interest further, whether poli cal or economic or social. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Tuesday, October 8. 2013. A er coming to UGA 27 years ago, Spencer Frye has been a small business owner, construc on manager, non-profit execu ve and now a member of the Georgia House of Representa ves. He taught in Hai , helped export ambulances overseas and co-founded Envirotech, which began by recycling oil and now operates globally. He is Execu ve Director of Athens Habitat For Humanity.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session 20.00

August — December 2013, Page 28

How to Do Only What You Need to Do on Your Cell Phone and Laptop Gabriel Schmidt Most of what anybody could do on any modern apparatus of technology is far more than what they really need to do. O en mes instruc on requires learning more than you want (TMI!) and makes learning to do what you need to do discouraging. Here everybody will bring their cell phone and/ or laptop (Android, iPhone, Windows, Mac) and we will form groups and do a combina on of self-help (most will know something somebody else doesn’t) while the instructor rotates through the groups and/or provides group instruc on. Gabriel Schmidt is a consummate educator and trainer, with formal educa on and degrees in Liberal Studies, Philosophy, Educa on and Voca onal Rehabilita on. The overall goal of his work is to foster greater self-understanding and personal development in others; while his techniques and style are principally therapeu c in nature. Gabriel is well traveled and bilingual in Spanish. Also assis ng others in finding their place with new technologies, in order to enjoy and par cipate in a modicum of what youth takes for granted is an important contribu on to his over 50 peers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

OLLI Course Book

How to Use your Smartphone and Tablet L. J. Burgess This course will focus on basic and intermediate func ons of your iPhone and Android device. Basic func ons will include downloading apps, sending text messages and emails and taking pictures. Intermediate func ons include pos ng on social media sites such Facebook and Instagram and pairing devices and accessories via bluetooth. L.J. Burgess is a former Verizon Wireless Store Manager. She is passionate about wireless technology and uses it to make her insurance prac ce more efficient. L.J.holds an MBA from the University of Florida and Bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Huck Finn and the Concept of Honor Mark Freeman Honor, as it was conceived by various groups and individuals in the antebellum South, plays an important part in Mark Twain’s masterpiece. Prior to the first class mee ng, class members MUST read the book (any edi on) and bring a copy to class. Please reread it if you’ve already read it as everyone should be prepared to discuss honor as conceived by Tom Sawyer, Jim, Miss Watson, the Grangerfords, Colonel Sherburn, and others, including of course Huck. Mark Freeman has loved Mark Twain since he learned, at the age of 8, that they had the same first name. (He found out about Sam later.) He, Freeman, has taught every level from fi h grade to adults, and subjects ranging from environment through gardening to literature.

Wednesdays, December 4 and 11, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking

OLLICourse Book

August — December 2013, Page 29

Intermediate Tai Chi Easy

IRS Misconduct: What It Means For You

Tom Wi enberg

Camila Watson

The intermediate class is intended for those who have completed Introductory Tai Chi Easy and are comfortable Tracing the Phoenix’s Tail. The class will con nue the long form of Tai Chi Easy, adding “7 Precious Gestures” and “9 Phases” to the rou ne.

The IRS has far greater powers than any other bill collector. It can take your wages, your bank account, and put a lien against your house. While there are supposed to be procedural safeguards in place to protect taxpayers, some mes the IRS does not abide by the rules. At other mes, things beyond your control may happen that result in your being the subject of an IRS collec on ac on. What, if anything, can you do?

Tom Wi enberg earned an AB from Dartmouth and an MA from the University of Minnesota. Among his careers have been book publishing, recruiter for the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, and Tai Chi trainer. He studied Tai Chi with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong in Santa Barbara, California.

Wednesdays and Fridays, October 23, 25, 30; November 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 2013 10:00-11:00 AM Central Presbyterian Church 8 sessions 48.00 _____________________________

Camilla Watson is a professor of law at UGA. She graduated from Converse College, the University of Mississippi School of Law and New York University. She specializes in federal taxa on and has wri en and lectured extensively in the area. She sub-specializes in the area of federal tax procedure and she occasionally consults on individual cases.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Inves ng in Real Estate Jim Paine This course will give an overview of and resources on how to invest in income producing real estate. The basic “howto’s” of a ending tax sales, buying foreclosures, maintaining proper es, wri ng leases and landlord/tenant rela onships will be discussed. A detailed overview of the Athens-area real estate market will be included. There will be me to ask instructors ques ons. Co-taught by Daniel Benne . A na ve Athenian, Jim is a graduate of Clarke Central High School and UGA. He served over twenty years in the US Air Force as a pilot and logis cal support officer. He also obtained his real estate license and purchased his first rental property in 1988. He currently owns over 10 rental units and manages over 25 rental units in the Athens area. He has a special interest in foreclosure and tax sale property.

Thursday, September 26, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Fisher Fund Tuition Assistance Program Upon the death of the late Carol Fisher, OLLI established a memorial fund in her honor to provide funds for tui on assistance to OLLI members, per the policy below: All registered OLLI@UGA members shall be eligible for Fisher Fund tui on assistance upon simple oral or wri en applica on to the Execu ve Director, such applica on to remain confiden al. Approved requests are limited to $100 per person per semester, as credits to defray course and/or Lunch and Learn fees selected by the member. Applicants can apply in any number of succeeding semesters, with dollar ceiling limits as recommended by the Finance Commi ee and approved by the Board in advance of each semester. The Execu ve Director will have authority to extend any Tui on Assistance request above the $100 maximum on a case-by-case excep on approved by the President.

August — December 2013, Page 30

OLLI Course Book

Jazz: A Brief History


Steve Valdez

Helene Hendon

A brief history of jazz from the root sources in blues, rag me, and marches through the various style of modern jazz that developed a er World War II.

We will discuss the benefits of Laugh-A-Yoga and experience a session of Laugh-A-Yoga. Laughter is an excellent tonic for body and soul! We will share in laughter games and end with relaxa on. Join us for this silly yet powerful prac ce!

Dr. Valdez is a part of the musicology faculty at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music of the University of Georgia. He has taught courses in music history since 1997. His principal research interest is in rock music and the music of the Beatles, but he also has taught courses in jazz history, the music of the Baroque period, music in the Renaissance, the music of Renaissance Spain, and aesthe cs of music.

Tuesdays, September 24 and October 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 6 sessions 30.00 plus parking _____________________________

Landscape and Iden ty: Finding your Environmental Ethic Dorinda Dallmeyer This course will explore the history of American environmental ethics and propose ways in which you can incorporate ethical environmental decision-making into theory and prac ce. Dorinda G. Dallmeyer holds three degrees from the University of Georgia: a B.S. in geology (1973); M.S. in geology (1977); and a J.D. (1984). She directs the Environmental Ethics Cer ficate Program, the first interdisciplinary cer ficate program of its kind in the country. The EECP, celebra ng its 30th anniversary in 2013, is part of the UGA College of Environment and Design. An awardwinning nature writer, Ms. Dallmeyer received the Dis nguished Faculty Award from the CED Alumni Associa on in 2012.

Monday, September 30, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Helene is a cer fied and registered Yoga Instructor with a Masters in Educa on. She loves teaching and is excited to share the benefits she has reaped in her own life as well as the experiences and knowledge she has accrued through 11 teacher training courses and numerous workshops. Helene loves to laugh. She has always looked for the bright side of life and was very excited to find Laugh-A-Yoga. In addi on to mul ple other yoga cer fica ons, Helene is a cer fied Laugh-A-Yoga instructor who has been teaching Laugh-A-Yoga for the past five years.

Friday, September 27, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

OLLICourse Book

Leon Theremin: Inventor of the First Electronic Musical Instrument Lisa Fusillo Leon Theremin, the inventor of the first electronic musical instrument, made contribu ons to music and dance that were ghtly woven into his life of scien fic inven on, espionage, interna onal notoriety, and extraordinary genius. A Russian physicist researching electricity during the early 1900s, Theremin created his “etherphone”, a musical instrument using ether (radio) waves and later developed the “terpsitone” or “ether wave dance stage”. His search for dancers to perform on the terpsitone led Theremin to collaborate with the American Negro Ballet. Decades ahead of his me, Theremin’s explora ons in electronic music and dance were s fled by racism and pre-WWII poli cal intrigue. Lisa A. Fusillo began her professional ballet training in Washington, D.C. and later studied in New York, London, Russia and Denmark. She holds the Professional Teaching Diploma from the Royal Ballet School in London and she has choreographed interna onally. Dr. Fusillo is a Fulbright Scholar and has received four Na onal Endowment for the Arts grants. Her current research projects include Stravinsky-Nijinsky’s The Rite of Spring, Leon Theremin’s terpsitone, and a biography of the ballerina Nini Theilade.

Thursday, December 12, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 31

Leonard Cohen: Poet Elizabeth Kra In this three-session course, we will discuss the poetry of Leonard Cohen chronologically with emphasis on theme, form, image, and symbol. The first class will concentrate on poems/ songs wri en in the 60s and 70s, the second on poems/songs wri en in the 80s and 90s, and the third on poems/songs wri en since 2000. Professor Kra has been a Professor of English at the University of Georgia since 1987. She is a specialist in the literature of eighteenth-century England. Since 2007, she has also been teaching a one-hour seminar on the poetry of Canadian singersongwriter Leonard Cohen.

Thursdays, November 7, 14 and 21, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions 18.00 plus parking _____________________________

Lumière and the Birth of Cinema Richard Neupert In 1895, the young Lumière Brothers in France projected the first mo on pictures. This course outlines the contribu ons of Louis Lumière who launched some of the most striking movies the world has ever known. Some art cri cs even argued that Louis Lumière was the cinema’s equivalent to a great impressionist painter. We will watch and cri que some of these beau ful 50-second movies made in Europe, Africa, North America and Asia. Lumière movies truly “showed the world to the world.” Richard Neupert (PhD, Wisconsin) is the Wheatley Professor of the Arts and a Josiah Meigs Dis nguished Teaching Professor. Author of The End, History of the French New Wave and A History of French Anima on, his new book project is John Lasseter and the Rise of Pixar Style (U of Illinois P). He is also on the board of the Ciné movie theater.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

continued on page 37




9:00: Geo-Hazards 10:30A: Alt.Health Options 1:00: Smartphones 2:30P: Orgin_Earth


10:30:UGA_Centuries 10:30: Alt.Health Options 1:00: Same Sex Marriage 2:30P: Orgin_Earth

9:00: Geo-Hazards 2:30: Myth_Housing


10:30A: School Funding 2:30P: Modify Home



Community Outreach Event






28 1:00: Yoga (CP) 1:00: Cell Phone_Laptop 2:30: Passive Invest. 2:30: Confucian Culture

9:00: Geo-Hazards 1:00: Pet Care 2:15: WWII





9:00: Geo-Hazards 9:00: Animal Issues 1:00: Yoga (CP) 2:30P: Passive Invest.






All classes held at River’s Crossing unless otherwise indicated.


August 2013


9:00: Hears_Ear 1:00: Carbon _Conroversy


9:00: Geo-Hazards 9:00: Hears_Ear 1:00: Prev. Srvcs 2:30P: Night Sky (OS)






August — December 2013, Page 32 OLLI Course Book

9:00: Elem_Music 12:00: Sandy Creek (OS) 1:45: Analyzing_Events 2:30: Lumiere


8:30: Gneiss Garden (OS) 9:00: Elem_Music 1:00: Pan Am


9:00: Jazz 9:00: Michelangelo 1:00: Schweinfurt


10:30: Holy Grail 10:30 Super Bacteria 1:00: Air Force 2:30: Gneiss Garden


1:00: Write Poetry 1:00: Things Fall Apart

9:00: Oconee Hill (OS) 10:30: Landscape 1:00: Write Poetry 1:00: Old Testament



10:30: Extraterrestrial Life

1:00: Write Poetry 2:30: Invest. Real Estate 2:30: Crit Read A


10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 10:30: Nature Defic. 1:00: Laugh A Yoga


10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 10:30: Cancer Care 12:00: Butterflies (TC) 2:30: Night Sky (OS)


10:30: Eye_Diseases 10:30: Extraterrestrial Life 1:00: Caravaggio



10:30: Retire. Comm




All classes held at River’s Crossing unless otherwise indicated.

Note: Last day to submit course proposals for the Spring 2014 session is September 30, 2013. Course Proposal forms can be found at www.olli.uga.edu/teach

10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00: Therap. Movement 1:00: Knitting


9:00: Elem_Music 2:30: Crit Read A


18 10:00: Great Books 10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00: Knitting 2:30: IRS & You

9:00: Elem_Music 9:00: Yom Kipper 12:00: Cooking (OS) 2:30: Crit Read A


9:00: Mercury 2:30: Crit Read A



1:00: Hypnosis 1:00 Knitting 2:30: Passive Invest.


4 10:00: Great Books 1:00: Knitting 2:15 Yoga (CP) 2:30 Passive Invest. 2:30: Civil Rights

12:00: Social Media (CP)








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9:00: Jazz 10:30: Heart Blood Vessels 1:00: Wood Carving 2:15:China_Revolution



9:00: Rug Hooking 1:00 Old Testament

9:00: Jazz 10:00: Archetype 10:30: Heart Blood Vessels 1:00: Wood Carving



9:00: Rug Hooking 10:00: Poems a Chance 10:30: Calculus_Poets 10:30: Climate Changes 1:00 Old Testament

9:00: Jazz 10:00: Archetype 10:00: Digi Photo A 12:00: Life of Service (TC) 1:30: Digi Photo B 1:45: Analyzing_Events 2:15: China_ Revolution



10:00: Poems a Chance 10:30: Calculus_Poets 10:30: Recorded_Stone 10:30: Stephen Crane 1:00 Old Testament

9:00: Civil War 9:00: Jazz 10:00: Archetype 10:00: Digi Photo A 1:30: Digi Photo B 2:15: China_ Revolution


9:00: Jazz 10:00: Archetype 12:00: Want to be Singer? (CP) 2:30: Harmonica



10:30: Calculus_Poets 10:30: Recorded_Stone 10:30: Stephen Crane 1:00: Write Poetry 1:00 Old Testament



10:00: Great Books 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP)


9:00: Nutrition_Aging 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP) 1:00: Mini Creek Farm (OS)


10:00: Great Books 10:30: Recorded_Stone


9:00: Geo Aspects_ Catastrophies 10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 10:30 Recorded_Stone 10:30: Stephen Crane 1:00: Art_50 Years


10:00: Great Books 10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00: Afganistan 1:00: Knitting .




9:00: UGA _ Library (OS) 1:00: Wood Carving 2:15:China_Revolution


10:00: Poems a Chance 1:00: Wood Carving 2:30: Radio Comment. 2:30: Crit Read B


10:00: Poems a Chance 10:30: Calculus_Poet 2:15: China_Revolution 2:30: Radio Comment. 2:30: Crit Read B


10:30: Calculus_Poets 1:00: Write Poetry 1:00: Catherine_Great 2:30: Excel 2:30: Crit Read B


1:00: Write Poetry 1:00: Catherine_Great 2:30: Harmonica 2:30: Crit Read B


October 2013


10:00: French 2 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP) 2:30: Night Sky (OS)


10:00: French 2 10:00: Digi Photo A 10:30: Recorded_Stone 1:30: Digi Photo B


9:00: Theatrical Design (OS) 10:00: Digi Photo A 10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 10:30: Recorded_Stone 10:30: Stephen Crane 1:30: Digi Photo B


10:00: Tai Chi Easy (CP) 2:30: Diderot’s Encyclopédie (OS)



August — December 2013, Page 34 OLLI Course Book



9:00: Band of Brothers



10:30: The Hobbit

9:00: Band of Brothers 10:00: Wizard of Oz 12:00: Athens Tech (TC) 1:45: Analyzing_Events



10:30: The Hobbit 1:00: Stem Cells

9:00: Earth_Solar System 10:00: Wizard of Oz



1:00: Old Testament

10:00: Wizard of Oz 12:00: Health Care Strat (CP) 2:15: China_Revolution

1:00: Old Testament 1:30: Cyber-Security



9:00: Poultry_Me (OS) 1:00: Birmingham


10:00: Great Books 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP) 10:30: Business Negot. 2:30: God vs. Science


10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP) 1:30: Cyber-Security






10:00: Pride_Prejudice 10:00: French 2 10:30: Food Safety


1:00: Shiitake Mushroom (OS)


9:00: Evolution 10:00: Pride_Prejudice 10:00: French 2 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP)


9:00: Evolution 10:00: Pride_Prejudice 10:00: French 2 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP) 1:30 Cyber_Security


9:00: Poultry_Me (OS) 1:00: L. Cohen


9:00: Earth_Solar System 1:00: L. Cohen 2:30: Moss Gardening


10:30: Parisian Girl 1:00: L. Cohen 2:15: China_Revolution






All classes held at River’s Crossing unless otherwise indicated.

Tuesday 9:00: Evolution 10:00: Pride_Prejudice 10:00: French 2 10:00: Intermed Tai Chi (CP) 1:00: Balance


November 2013

OLLICourse Book August — December 2013, Page 35









9:00: Artic Lands



10:00: Museum_Natl History (OS)

9:00: Artic Lands 12:00: Red Mouth Lawyers (CP)



10:30: Panama Canal 2:30: Directing_Stage






10:30: Leon Theremin


1:00: History_LIR/OLLI






10:00: French 2


10:00: French 2




All classes held at River’s Crossing unless otherwise indicated.




9:00: Huck Finn


9:00: Huck Finn 10:00: Great Books 2:30: Eat Less



December 2013

August — December 2013, Page 36 OLLI Course Book

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continued from page p g 31

Mercury in the Environment Nicholas Loux Mercury is a global contaminant of concern responsible for fish consump on advisories present in more than 40 states in the US. In addi on, these consump on advisories are o en present in areas that are generally considered to be our most prized and pris ne recrea on areas. Why are these advisories so pervasive? What is it about mercury that leads to these problems? Can anything be done about these problems? These and other ques ons will be the topic of this presenta on. Dr. Loux re red a er 24 years as a federal environmental research chemist. During his career he was author/coauthor on 40+ technical publica ons, 40+ technical presenta ons and served as a technical expert at more than 20 na onal/ interna onal technical commi ee mee ngs. Dr. Loux also is an author on eight scien fic publica ons concerning the environmental behavior of mercury.

Thursday, September 5, 2013 9:00-10:15 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

August — December 2013, Page 37

Newcomb/Tulane University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Florida State. Specializing in curriculum & supervision theory and development, she stressed crea vity, lifelong learning, “energizing classrooms,” and the concept of educa on as a spiritual journey. Virginia taught at the University of Alabama, Florida State and UGA, presen ng workshops and cross-cultural seminars in the U.S. and interna onally.

Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Michelangelo: The good, the bad, the ugly? Shelly Zuraw Un l Caravaggio overtook him in the last decade, Michelangelo was the most famous Italian ar st in the world. We all know his iconic works, the Roman Pietà, the David and the Sis ne Ceiling. This class seeks first to consider these works in the wider context within which they were produced. The second session will focus on some of his less famous works—the Risen Christ, the Last Judgment, the Medici and Pauline Chapel as well as the Floren ne Pietà—in order to address aspects of his career that appeal less to modern sensibili es, but that had more impact on his contemporaries. A handout with the key works and some readings will be provided before the class, but no prepara on is required.

Metamorphosis of LIR into OLLI Virginia Macagnoni What your grandchildren will never know about OLLI. This course highlights reflec ons of a Bayou Babe who provides glimpses of relatedness. Frac le One - Se ng: Kinard, Florida Frac le Two - Se ng: Bogata, Colombia Frac le Three - Se ng: Athens, GA The birth of LIR or “Where We Were” Frac le Four - Se ng: Athens, GA The miraculous expansion of LIR and its metamorphosis into OLLI Frac le Five - Curriculum as Invita on to Nurture ALL WAYS! Virginia Macagnoni, Professor Emerita in Lifelong Educa on, Administra on & Policy, was a founding member of LIR. A teacher and scholar, Virginia received a BFA from H. Sophie

Shelley Zuraw completed her disserta on for the Ins tute of Fine Arts, New York University, on the Floren ne fi eenthcentury sculptor Mino da Fiesole. Since 1992 she has been at the University of Georgia where she teaches art and architecture from 1260 un l 1680 in Europe. Since 2007 she has taken a group of science majors to Italy every Maymester. Her par cular area of research focus remains sculpture in Italy ca. 1400-1550.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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Mini Creek Farm Visit

Modify Your Home to Age in Place

Mary Brown

Craig Smith

This visit to Mini Creek Farm will give par cipants an opportunity to see miniature horses and their colts.

Many seniors desire to stay at home, and this is why people are planning ahead to create a safe environment. In this workshop seniors and family members will gain an understanding of basic modifica ons to make a home safe, accessible, and func onal. Par cipants will be able to…

This class is limited to 20 par cipants. We will meet at River’s crossing at 1:00 PM and carpool to the stable near Bethlehem. Ms Brown has been raising miniature horses for about 5 years. She previously had full size horses. One day a er mee ng a lady who had some minis, she got hooked. She sold her full size horses and started buying the minis. She raises them as pets and sells the babies. The babies are all friendly when they leave for their new home.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM Off Site 1 session 8.00 plus parking

 Plan for maintaining the home for the long term  Iden fy possible long term physical challenges and modifica ons to address them  Determine possible altera ons to make it safer and more func onal while living there long term  Gain be er awareness of solving limited accessibility issues within and around the house Craig Smith is a Georgia State Licensed residen al contractor with Vest Proper es, Inc. He has over 35 years’ experience specializing in repairs, remodeling, insurance repairs, and accessibility modifica ons. A graduate of Southern Polytechnic State University with a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering Technology. He is CAPS cer fied (Cer fied Aging in Place Specialist) and experienced in adap ng homes to seniors’ needs. Craig has spoken at the Georgia Gerontology Society Conference, ACCA, Barrow Regional Medical Center, and Churches.

Monday, August 26, 2013 2:30-3-45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Moss Gardening Robert Wya Mosses are diminu ve plants that are o en overlooked, even by botanists, yet they are the second most diverse group of land plants, surpassed only by the angiosperms. Their poten al as subjects for gardening and landscaping has been underappreciated. In this talk, Dr. Wya will introduce the audience to mosses, discuss their salient features, and answer basic ques ons about why to grow them, how to grow them, and which ones to grow. Robert Wya is a Professor of Botany and Ecology at the University of Georgia, now re red. He has an undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and

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a Ph.D. from Duke University, both in Botany. An expert in the ecology and evolu on of plant reproduc on, he teaches Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and students in the Na ve Plant Cer ficate program at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia.

Thursday, November 14, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Nutri on for Successful Aging Joan Fischer This class will address common ques ons about nutri on for people over 50 years of age, including ques ons about special nutrient needs and recommenda ons to maintain health and improve quality of life. Rela onships between certain foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish and risk of chronic diseases will be discussed. Joan Fischer has been a faculty member in the Department of Foods and Nutri on at the University of Georgia for over twenty years. She is also a Registered Die an/Nutri onist with many years of experience working in health care se ngs. She has had a long term interest in the nutri on needs of older adults and her research in recent years has focused on the associa ons between food and nutrient intake and chronic disease risk.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 9:00-10-15 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Oconee Hill Cemetery: A Visit in a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery Charlo e Marshall The class will begin with coffee in the repurposed Sexton’s House. Originally the home of the Sexton and his family, it now serves as a recep on venue for families before and a er funerals or for groups seeking a place to meet. Following coffee and a tour of the house, the walk of the oldest sec ons of the cemetery (opened 1856) will begin. The walk will not include the 80 acres opened in 1900 on the east side of the river.

August — December 2013, Page 39

Topics discussed on the walk will include Oconee Hill as a Victorian Natural Landscape cemetery; its history; burial prac ces; mortuary art with much explana on of Victorian symbolism; brief biographies of people who shaped 19th century Athens. This class will meet at the Oconee Hill Cemetery. Class members should wear walking shoes suitable for steep hillsides. The walk will last about two hours; people needing to leave will be free to return to their cars at any point. Charlo e Thomas Marshall is the author of Oconee Hill Cemetery of Athens, Georgia, Volume I, (2009) and recipient of the A-CHF’s 2010 Outstanding Publica on Award. She is one of the many non-na ve Athenians who collect and preserve Athens history and joyously share it with all who are interested. A na ve of Donalsonville and graduate of Wesleyan College, she came to Athens in 1966 to work for UGA. The author of several books, she is presently edi ng The Tangible Past of Athens, Georgia due out this fall.

Monday, September 30, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM Off Site 1 session 8.00

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Origin and Age of the Earth Raymonde Freeman-Lynde In the early 19th Century, geologists, using simple principles to determine the rela ve ages of rocks, came to understand the great age of the earth and to establish a rela ve geologic me scale. Following the discovery of radioac vity at the end of the 19th Century, geochronologists developed techniques for radiometrically-da ng rocks and then established a numerical geologic me scale by the middle 20th Century. About the same me, cosmologists established the even older age of the universe and elucidated the processes by which the earth and the universe originated. Dr. Raymond Freeman-Lynde is Associate Professor of Geology at UGA. He has authored more than 15 research publica ons, including several on the evolu on of carbonate pla orms at passive con nental margins, especially erosional retreat of the original Mesozoic pla orm edge and modifica on of original shallow-pla orm sediments by deep-marine water flowing into the pla orm from the eroded margins. He teaches courses dealing with earth’s history of global change, earth science, and dinosaurs and pterosaurs.

Tuesdays, August 20 and 27, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking

OLLI Course Book

Passive Inves ng for and in Re rement Warren Flick This course develops the fundamentals and prac ce of passive inves ng and applies them to re rement finance. The course defines passive inves ng, discusses the reasons it has become so popular, describes how to do it, and compares it with ac ve inves ng. The course is designed for any adult, regardless of inves ng experience, who wants to learn how to take charge of their own investments, achieve above average returns, and spend rela vely li le me managing investments. Par cipants will gain more from the course if they can use the Internet for research. Dr. Flick earned a PhD in forest economics and a JD in law. He taught investment theory and prac ce for 30 years in undergraduate and graduate courses, and he has taught adult educa on courses in taxa on and finance. He has managed his own investments and has advised students, clients, and others on investment prac ce. He is re red from UGA forestry and lives in Athens. He also blogs about re rement at Later Living (laterlivingblog.com).

Wednesdays, August 21, 28; September 4, 11 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking _____________________________


Pet Care in Your Senior Years Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on, 1939-45 France Boney The personal reminiscences of the German Invasion and long occupa on of Paris and the libera on in August 1944. France Boney, who was born in Paris in 1931, is a graduate of the University of Paris. She earned a Master of Arts degree in French Literature from the University of Georgia. A re red teacher, France taught French for 2 years at Washington State University, 7 years at Athens Academy , 17 years at Cedar Shoals High School, and 3 years at the University of Georgia.

Thursday, November 7, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Christopher Elder, D.DV Caring for companion animals in your senior years is a some mes challenging and o en rewarding endeavor. From raising puppies and ki ens to caring for aging pets, this course will help you understand the issues facing seniors and their pets. This course will cover topics ranging from emergency and rou ne pet care to selec ng the right pet for your lifestyle and the beneficial health effects of pet ownership. In addi on, we will address some of the most interes ng ques ons presented regularly by pet owners (e.g., why does my dog eat poop and why does my cat suffer from hairballs). Dr. Elder received an undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of Georgia and a Masters in Biology from Georgia State University before earning his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Elder enjoys all aspects of the prac ce of veterinary medicine but has special interests in internal

OLLICourse Book

medicine, nutri on, neurology, behavior and dermatology. Dr. Elder is the owner of Shoal Creek Animal Clinic in Athens.

Thursday, August 22, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Poultry, Chickens and Me Nick Dale Poultry is the largest industry in Georgia. Chicken and eggs are a significant part of what we eat, and the whole process from the hatchery to the table is fascina ng. Add to this all the issues that find their way into the press, such as: what do they really eat?, why do they grow so fast?, are hormones and an bio cs used?, what about environmental impact?, are chickens treated humanely?, what about organic and free range poultry? We have a lot to talk about! Y’all come! Loca on informa on will be sent to registered par cipants. Dr. Nick Dale is professor emeritus in the Poultry Science Department at UGA, having switched fields from La n American history to agriculture a er serving in the Peace Corps in Chile. In his capacity as poultry nutri onist, he has traveled professionally to more than 50 countries.

Wednesday and Thursday, November 20 and 21, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM Off Site 2 sessions 14.00 _____________________________

Preven ve Services Task Force: Update on Screening and Preven on Mark Ebell MD, M.M This lecture will describe the work of the USPSTF, and update the audience on recent updates to recommenda ons about screening and preven on. The focus will be on helping people understand the balance of benefits, harms and costs for preven ve services, and how preven ve services can some mes do more harm than good.

August — December 2013, Page 41

Dr. Mark Ebell is a member of the faculty in the College of Public Health at the University of Georgia. A family physician, he is author of over 200 peer reviewed ar cles and editor or co-author of 8 books. Dr. Ebell is also a member of the US Preven ve Services Task Force, is editor of “Essen al Evidence”, and Deputy Editor of American Family Physician.

Friday, August 23, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Pride and Prejudice at 200: The Novel and Some Adapta ons James Kissane Two-hundred years a er Pride and Prejudice was published in 1813, Jane Austen holds remarkable popular appeal and con nues to generate ingenious literary responses and to inspire film and TV adapta ons of her various crea ons. All that, makes this a good me to celebrate Pride and Prejudice by reading it again, or if you’ve never read it to do so at last. This class of four two-hour mee ngs will discuss the novel in the context of generous viewings from both celebrated and unusual drama za ons of this rela vely old but ever-youthful work. Prior to the first class mee ng students should read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Aus n in any good edi on. Dr. Kissane holds a Ph.D. in English from The Johns Hopkins University and is Professor Emeritus of Literature at Grinnell College, where he taught for 38 years. His publica ons include books, ar cles, and reviews on a variety of mostly 19th- and 20th-century topics and writers. In past semesters he has presented several different courses for LIR/OLLI.

Fridays, November 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2013 10:00 AM-12:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 42

Reading the Old Testament with Understanding and Awe, part 1 Tina Carlson This study of the Hebrew scriptures will open your eyes and give you frameworks on which to hang what you already know! Part 2, offered in 2014, will be open to those who have completed Part 1. Though the instructor is Chris an, every effort will be made to present the course without denomina onal or religious bias. History and Analysis (first 4 weeks) 1. Chronological and theological history 2. Understanding Biblical literature 3. Document or source “cri cism” 4. Editorial “cri cism” and textual evolu on The Patriarchs 5. Abraham: characters and concepts 6. Jacob: Israel personified 7. Joseph: pivotal and evolu onary This is the third me Tina has offered this course for OLLI. Students call her enthusiasm contagious! She has taught Sunday School, been a Director of Chris an Educa on, wri en church school curriculum, given children’s sermons and done occasional gigs of clown ministry. Adult CE has been her focus for the last 20 years. A member of St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church in Athens, she also has been ac ve in eight other Anglican churches on four con nents.

Mondays, September 30; October 7, 14, 21, 28; November 4, 11; 2013 1:00-3:00 PM River’s Crossing 7 sessions 35.00 plus parking _____________________________

Recorded in Stone Elizabeth Warner This is an interna onal overview of historic book marks as chronicled in amazing monuments and monoliths, mys c circles, imposing statues, ci es carved from cliffs and within caves, as well as echoes of immortality etched to state creeds, statues and ar s c interpreta ons of civiliza ons at their height.

OLLI Course Book

Revela ons! Stories and secret encryp ons! Mysteries wai ng to be solved! Legacies recoded in stone! The class is invited to share any and all discoveries. DVDs will be incorporated from History Channel and Global Spirit consultants. Elizabeth Warner received her BA from Elmira College in New York and went on to earn her Master’s degree from Trinity College in Connec cut. She took doctoral course work at The University of Miami and Clayton College of Natural Health. She has wri en four textbooks which were u lized in college classrooms. She also served in the Na onal Park Service as a Naturalist and Law Enforcement Officer in Key Largo and Everglades Na onal Park. She is a re red professor of English, having taught at The University of Miami and Miami Dade College. Presently, she is a financial editor and proofreader for Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, October 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, and 18, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 6 sessions 30.00 plus parking _____________________________

Red Mouth Lawyers: Tales at the Bar Sharon Tate This course will offer a glimpse of a bygone Georgia through the stories told by those who prac ced law, along with more than a few about its prac oners, told by those who viewed law and poli cs as entertainment in our not too distant past. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Born and raised in Monroe, GA, Judge Tate is a Double Dawg, having received both her B.A. and J.D. degrees at UGA. A er 7 years in Atlanta working for the Department of Energy, she returned to Athens with husband, Jeff Tate, (now husband emeritus) a na ve of Athens with their two children and prac ced law for 14 years. She has been Probate Judge since January 1, 1997.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session 12.00

OLLICourse Book

Re rement Communi es: We Know What They Are...or Do We? Anne Glass This informa ve and entertaining presenta on will include examples of re rement communi es, both across the United States and interna onally. The term “re rement communi es” will be defined and a wide array of new op ons, such as elder cohousing, will be highlighted. Dr. Glass will also share a journal ar cle she recently published on this topic. Anne Glass, Ph.D., is interna onally known as a leading researcher in the field of elder self-directed inten onal communi es. She is especially interested in the poten al for older adults to provide mutual support and age be er together, and how communi es can facilitate this process. She is an Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the Ins tute of Gerontology in the College of Public Health at the University of Georgia. Visit her website: www.eldercohousing.info

Friday, September 6, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

August — December 2013, Page 43

You will experience the mentoring of established guild rug hookers many of which have been published in Rug Hooking Magazine and received na onal awards for their art. Members of our guild will bring all the tools that you need (Frame, hook and scissors) and a li le work for you to complete during the workshop. At the end of our sessions you should be able to hook a bigger piece by yourself. The course fee includes a class materials fee. Bénédicte Milward was born in Paris where she lived un l the age of 24. She spent 2 years in Florida before returning to France where she and her family lived in Lyon for 20 years. She has been in Athens since 2002 and has a degree in Occupa onal Therapy and a Master degree in Religious Educa on. Bénédicte worked for 20 years as a Director of Religious Educa on in the diocese of Lyon (France) and then Atlanta. She is married, has four children and loves reading, singing, cra ing, hiking and travelling.

Mondays, October 21 and 28, 2013 9:00 AM-12:00 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 24.00 plus parking _____________________________


Same-Sex Marriage: What Comes Next Rug Hooking Workshop Bénédicte Milward In 2000 Nancy Bu s Thompson returned from her first “rug hooking camp” with the enthusiasm that inspired her to spread the word to all who would listen. She started with 10 hookers in her home on Crescent Lane, o en referred to as The Hill. Inexperienced in the art of rug hooking but sharing and suppor ng each other the Crescent Lane Rug Hooking Guild grew un l reaching above 60 members. The guild offers the opportunity to have an exci ng me learning the historic 18th century art of rug hooking. The guild is a member of the Associa on of Tradi onal Hooking Ar sts, ATHA.

Paul Kurtz The Supreme Court’s decisions in the same-sex marriage cases in June have le the issue not finally resolved. The focus of this course will be to detail what the Supreme Court did, the impact in Georgia and what might happen going forward. Paul Kurtz is the recently-re red Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and J. Alton Hosch Professor at the Law School. He earned his B.A. and J.D. degrees at Vanderbilt University and his LL.M. at Harvard University. During his tenure on the faculty, he regularly taught in the fields of Family and Criminal Law. He is the co-author of a na onally-recognized casebook in Family Law and serves Georgia as a Commissioner on Uniform State Laws. He has been ac ve in a number of local non-profits, including Project Safe and Community Connec on.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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OLLI Course Book

School Funding

So You Want To Be A Singer???

Jeff Welch

Frederick Burchinal

The course gives a brief overview of how the tax process works from the Sales Tax Ra o Study to the levying of a School Millage rate, how the State of Georgia’s Funding Formula provides funds to school systems, and how the school budge ng process works.

In a very condensed period of me, I will a empt to enlighten, amaze and demonstrate with the help of student singers all of the unknown, unseen, and highly cri cal aspects of singing technique and the performance process that the general public never sees from the audience’s perspec ve.

Links to relevant websites can be found in the online course descrip on at: h p://bit.ly/18RdQIn Jeff Welch re red from public educa on in 2009. While in public educa on he taught high school mathema cs, was an assistant high school principal, a middle school principal, an elementary principal, and central office administrator. The last 10 years he was school superintendent in two different coun es, Ben Hill and Oglethorpe. He is a member of the Georgia School Superintendents Associa on and is the President of the Georgia School Funding Associa on. He earned his Ed.D. from UGA in 1990.

Monday, August 26, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

We will demonstrate the physical and mental discipline necessary to produce an acceptable sound while making it all look so easy and effortless even though the singer is working physically and mentally at full capacity. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Tuesday, September 24, 2013. Un l 2006, my en re life had been spent learning about singing, opera roles and performing opera professionally with opera companies world-wide and most notably, twenty-two years as a Metropolitan Opera leading Verdi Baritone. Now my life is devoted to training our talented UGA singers who are hoping to have the same incredible experiences that I have enjoyed. I am Wya and Margaret Anderson Professor of Voice and Director of Opera, UGA.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session 12.00 _____________________________

Social Media Customiza on: The Feedforward Loop Sco Shamp Social media makes it possible for us to customize media presenta ons in ways that felt like science fic on just a few years ago. Savvy media producers need to understand the new possibili es and poten al. This presenta on will focus on the ways that social media will shape the way that informa on is presented in the future. Specifically, it will detail the ways in which media presenta ons can include and exploit the personal informa on available through social media. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Tuesday, August 27, 2013. Sco A. Shamp is the Director of the New Media Ins tute in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communica on at the University of Georgia. The New Media Ins tute is an interdisciplinary unit created to explore the crea ve, cri cal,

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and commercial implica ons of new digital communica on technology. In his posi on as the Director of the New Media Ins tute, Dr. Shamp is helping companies map out strategies for success using new communica on technologies and students carve out careers in the rapidly evolving field of new media.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session 12.00 _____________________________

Stem Cell Research Update Steve S ce The American Heart Ins tute es mates that 128 million Americans could be helped today with advances in stem cell therapies. In the US 1.5 million people suffer from Parkinson’s disease and there is no long-term treatment for this disease. Stem cell based therapies hold great promise for curing and can be used to discover new drugs for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injury, ALS, SMA and other devasta ng diseases. However there are fundamental roadblocks, both scien fic and ethical that must be overcome and these will be addressed in this class. Dr. S ce is the co-founder of ArunA Biomedical and is a Professor, GRA Eminent Scholar, and Director of the Regenera ve Bioscience Center at the University of Georgia. Dr. S ce obtained his PhD at the University of Massachuse s. Prior to joining the UGA, Dr. S ce was the CSO and co-founder of Advanced Cell Technology Inc. currently in clinical trials using stem cells. He has con nually published and patented work including the first deriva on of neurons for neurodegenera ve disease.

Monday, November 18, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking _____________________________

Stephen Crane, the Writer: Selected Works Alexis Winger Although Stephen Crane died at 28, his wri ng career was varied, interes ng, and prolific. Crane produced quality works of poetry, fic on, and non-fic on. This class will look at a cross sec on of his work: his novel The Red Badge of Courage, two

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short stories The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky and The Open Boat, a variety of his poems, and several ar cles he wrote as a reporter. Prior to the first class students should read The Red Badge of Courage, any edi on. Alexis Winger a ended Idaho State University, BYU, and Tennessee Tech University. She taught composi on and grammar in UGA’s Division of Academic Enhancement for 29 years and most recently served as coordinator of the Wri ng Component of the Division’s Learning Center. She has given numerous presenta ons on teaching composi on and grammar. A er re ring from UGA in 2007, she has become very ac ve in OLLI.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, October 7, 9, 11, 14, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking _____________________________

Stopping Super Bacteria Before They Stop You Branson W. Ritchie The altera on of lives by drug resistant, “flesh ea ng”, “super” bacteria are daily news. Fi een years ago, researchers at the UGA foresaw the devasta on that evolving drug resistant bacteria would have on people worldwide and began working on how to destroy these life-threatening pathogens before they reach your blood stream. Fortunately, they succeeded. This course will provide an overview of the problems associated with super bacteria, your risk factors for infec on and how you can use advanced an microbial solu ons developed at UGA to manage wounds and reduce the chances of life-threatening infec ons. Branson W. Ritchie, MS, PhD, is a Dis nguished Research Professor at UGA. As director of the Emerging Diseases Research Group he and his team have developed more than 30 diagnos c, preventa ve or therapeu c tools to improve pa ent care. He has been chosen twice as the UGA Inventor of the Year. He is a frequent lecturer at professional conferences and he and his team have published more than 75 manuscripts associated with control of infec ous diseases.

Monday, September 16, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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Tai Chi Easy

The Hobbit: Chris an Themes in Tolkien’s Tale

Tom Wi enberg

Reverend Gordon R. Bienvenue

Tai Chi Easy is derived from the 108 moves of tradi onal Tai Chi. It consists of five flowing movements that promote vitality, self-healing, and relaxa on. Among the benefits are improved balance, lower blood pressure, greater flexibility and resilience, decreased incidence of falls, and stress reduc on. Par cipants will become familiar with the 4 elements of movement, selfadministered massage, medita on, and breathing.

In December 2012, the first part of Peter Jackson’s film adapta on of The Hobbitt was released, igni ng renewed interest in Tolkien’s beloved book. The second part is scheduled to be in theatres this fall.

Tom Wi enberg earned an AB from Dartmouth and an MA from the University of Minnesota. Among his careers have been book publishing, recruiter for the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, and Tai Chi trainer. He studied Tai Chi with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong in Santa Barbara, California.

Wednesdays and Fridays, September 18, 20, 25, 27 and October 2, 4, 9, 11; 2013 10:00-11:00 AM Central Presbyterian Church 8 sessions 48.00 _____________________________

The American Civil War Stephen Berry The Civil War spawned three cons tu onal amendments, led to the elec on of at least five presidents, destroyed the major social and economic ins tu on of half the na on, freed over 4 million people (13% of the country’s en re popula on), swept 3 million men into military service, and killed more than 700,000 of them (as many as have died in all of America’s wars combined). In this class, Professor Berry explains not only how the war was won and lost but explores the underappreciated dimensions of how the war was experienced by common soldiers, civilians, women, children, animals, and the environment. Stephen Berry is the Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era at the University of Georgia, where he teaches courses on the Civil War, Reconstruc on, and Death and Dying in America. The author or editor of four books on mid-nineteenth century America, Professor Berry has received fellowships from the Andrew W. Mellon Founda on, the Na onal Endowment for the Humani es, and the American Council of Learned Socie es, among others.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

This class will examine Chris an themes in J. R. R. Tolkien’s descrip on of the exci ng and thought-provoking adventures of Bilbo Baggins and in his descrip on (among others) of the consistent power of Divine Grace in the journeys of life and the admoni on that, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (cf: Ma hew 6:21). Aspects of these themes as they appear in The Lord of the Rings will also be considered. Prior to the first class, students are required to read The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien, any edi on. Gordon Bienvenue is a recently re red United Methodist minister who was trained in spiritual direc on at the Wellspring Ins tute of the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Rev. Bienvenue has offered numerous classes in spiritual forma on and in Chris an art and literature in New York and in the Northeastern United States. He has had an abiding love for the wri ngs of J. R. Tolkien since first reading the recently published Lord of the Rings while in high school.

Mondays, November 18 and 25, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking _____________________________

The Making of an American Air Force Vince Masters The U.S.A., An isola onist, non-militaris c na on was faced with the task of building a non-existent Air Force to one of over thousands of airmen. This was accomplished rapidly by 1943. Dr. Vince Masters, a re red medical doctor, is a World War II survivor of 28 heavy bombardment missions and 200 P-51 Fighter Sor es. He was a Lt. Col. In the Air Force, C.O. 3rd Air Division Weather Scout Force, Deputy Chief Staff, 3rd Air Division 8th Army Air Force. Dr. Masters is a frequent OLLI presenter.

Monday, September 16, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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The Night Sky

The Wizard of Oz: The Great American Myth

Kate Mowbray

Anita Brannen

Join Sandy Creek Nature Center staff and Maurice Snook, Athens Astronomical Society, for a three class series learning to iden fy objects in the night sky. We’ll focus on our solar system, stars and constella ons in different seasons and other iden fiable objects in our night sky. The cost of the course includes a separate series fee of $20.

All countries throughout history have had their own mythology. Some writers and historians have referred to The Wizard of Oz as the great American myth. We will be discussing the story primarily as portrayed in this movie and the effect that it has had on genera ons of Americans.

Kate Mowbray is a naturalist at Sandy Creek Nature Center. She’s been sharing her passion for all things outdoors with visitors to SCNC for over 9 years.

Fridays, August 23; September 20; October 25; 2013 2:30-3:45 PM Off Site 3 sessions 38.00 _____________________________

The Rise and Fall of Pan Am Rebecca Sprecher Covers the history of Pan American World Airways, from its incep on in the late 1920s to its sad end in December, 1991. We will discuss the people, the planes, Pan Am’s involvement in world affairs, the legendary on-board service, the flight crews, and how the airline became an American icon because of the famous people who flew them. Over 200 images accompany the presenta on. Rebecca “Becky” Sprecher is originally from Hopkinsville, Ky. She earned a B.A. in Communica ons from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1972. She flew for Pan Am from 1972-1977 out of New York and Honolulu. A er Pan Am, she had a ten year career with Xerox Corpora on, also in Honolulu. While in Hawaii, she served on the Board of Directors for Hawaii Opera Theatre, and was a founding member of the Friends of The Contemporary Museum. She and her husband, Greg, moved to Beaufort, SC from the islands in 2001. She is the coauthor of a novel about her experiences called Flying: A Novel.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:00-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Please view the 1939 version of the movie with Judy Garland, etc. before the class begins. Anita has an AB in French literature from UGA and an MEd in counseling from UVA. She has done graduate studies in French, Philosophy and History.

Tuesdays, November 5, 12 and 19, 2013 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions 18.00 plus parking _____________________________

Theatrical Design & Designers of the Music Halls of Paris Sylvia Hillyard Pannell This course will explore the Hargre Rare Book and Manuscript Library’s Paris Music Hall and Freddy Wi op Theatrical Design Collec ons. These amazing collec ons include scenic and costume designs for such famous theaters as the Folies Bergère and the Moulin Rouge with original designs by world-famous ar sts Erté, George Barbier, Zig, and Wi op. A centerpiece of the Hargre Library, these collec ons, produced between WWI & WWII, place UGA in the forefront of theatrical design research. The class will be held in the beau ful new UGA Special Collec ons Libraries where primary research materials will be incorporated. Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Professor of Drama Emerita, UGA, holds the BS in Clothing & Tex les and MFA in Theatrical Design from FSU. A theatrical designer and educator, her experiences include both stage & film. Previous teaching appointments include Missouri State University, the University of New Orleans, and Tulane University. She has designed for the Asolo State Theatre, the College Light Opera Company at Highfield, the Jekyll Island Musical Comedy Fes val, and ABC-TV.

Friday, October 11, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM Off Site 1 session 8.00

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Therapeu c Movement inspired by Qigong and Yoga Gabriel Schmidt This presenta on is best considered as a guide to relaxa on through techniques garnered from ancient proven systems for centering and healing oneself. Qigong, also known as Chi Gong and Chi Kung is the predecessor of the popular Tai Chi. There are various Chi Gong systems, just the same as yoga. I will introduce a select group of simple movements from the “Eighteen Movement” Chi Gong tradi on, along with others from Hatha Yoga. This introduc on course is to familiarize yourself, with no commitment, to these beneficial systems. This can be done in normal clothes, in a wheel chair or walker. Gabriel Schmidt is a consummate educator and trainer, with formal educa on and degrees in Liberal Studies, Philosophy, Educa on and Voca onal Rehabilita on. He has training and/ or cer fica on in a range of areas including Yoga, Qigong, Reiki, Yoga Therapy and Psychology. Addi onally he is self-trained in working with the modern technologies that simplify our lives. The overall goal of his work is to foster greater selfunderstanding and personal development in others; while his techniques and style are principally therapeu c in nature. Gabriel is well traveled and bilingual in Spanish. Also assis ng others in finding their place with new technologies, in order to enjoy and par cipate in a modicum of what youth takes for granted is an important contribu on to his over 50 peers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session 10.00

Don’t forget that your membership must be current in order to sign up for classes and participate in our many Special Interest Groups.

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Things Fall Apart: Wri ng a Major Song Cycle Roger Vogel This class will present the history of Things Fall Apart, a major song cycle based on the novel of the same name by Chinua Achebe. Topics will include the incep on, the selec on of the text and acquiring permission, the composi on of music, rehearsal, the premiere performance September 6, 2012, the crea on of a video broadcast on WUGA TV, and the publica on of a CD on Albany Records. Included will be audio and video examples. Roger C. Vogel is Professor Emeritus of Music Theory and Composi on at the University of Georgia. He has published more 110 musical composi ons. Notable among his awards are prizes from the Roger Wagner Choral Composi on Compe on, the Na onal Saxophone Workshop Composi on Contest, the Na onal Flute Associa on, the Delius Composi on Compe on, and the Albert Christ-Janer Award. His works have been performed in recitals and at conven ons and fes vals throughout the United States, South America, and Europe.

Monday, September 23, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Back-to-Class Bash Friday, September 6 1:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church Refreshments Informa on on Special Interest Groups and Travel/Study Opportuni es

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UGA Main Library Tour

Welcome to Sandy Creek Nature Center

Sheila DeVaney

Emily Carr

The tour of the UGA main library will begin in the first floor Instruc onal lab for an orienta on which will include a variety of informa on, use of the online catalog and other resources available to OLLI@UGA members. A er the orienta on you can obtain your UGA Library card and begin using the library.

Join Emily Carr and other SCNC Inc. board members for a look at the expanded Sandy Creek Nature Center. Learn about what opportuni es the nature center offers for people of all ages, including how you can become involved. Tour the new exhibits, see behind the scenes of animal care, take a short hike to Claypit Pond and back along the North Oconee Greenway.

Thursday, October 31, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM Off Site 1 session 8.00 _____________________________

UGA over the Centuries Nash Boney A pictorial presenta on of over two centuries of UGA history. Nash Boney taught history at UGA for 28 years, specializing in southern and especially Georgia history. Many of his publica ons dealt with UGA itself. Among his works are A Pictorial History of the University of Georgia (UGA Press, 1984 and revised in 2000). He has also wri en 21 ar cles on UGA over the years in a wide variety of journals and newspapers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:30-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

Par cipants are encouraged to bring a lunch to enjoy during the program. Emily Carr is the president of the SCNC Inc. Board. She is a re red school teacher. She enjoys hiking and spending her days volunteering at Sandy Creek Nature Center.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Off Site 1 session 8.00

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OLLI Course Book

What Bu erflies Tell us About a Changing World

What in the World is an Archetype?

Jim Porter

Anita Brannen

From Coast Rica to Coastal Georgia, bu erflies tell us of a changing world. Dr. Porter will bring to the Lecture more than 500 specimens of spectacular bu erflies from Costa Rica, Bhutan, Nepal, China, Afghanistan, and Georgia.

Our consciousness supposedly recognizes them even if we don’t. They are found in almost all stories from around the world. Do you have an archetype in your life story? Can learning about them give you a be er understanding of what is going on in our world - and even our own thoughts? Let’s make the journey together through myth, literature, movies, and perhaps, your own psyche.

He will use their stunning beauty to illustrate the conserva on messages hidden within their changing pa erns of migra on and home range. The talk will compare and contrast conserva on efforts around the world. You must register for this luncheon program no later than Friday, September 30, 2013. Dr. Porter is Meigs Professor of Ecology at the University of Georgia. He received his B.S. in Biology at Yale University, where he studied bu erflies and met both Nabokov (who was studying the Lyciniid Blue Bu erflies) and Robert Frost (who collected New England moths). Dr. Porter is one of only a few UGA faculty members who have won both its top research and teaching awards. In 2007, he won the Ecological Society of America’s Environmental Educator of the Year Award. Although Dr. Porter is now a marine biologist, he returned to entomological studies while teaching ecology in Costa Rica and is currently under contract to produce a monograph on the Cloud Forest Bu erflies of Costa Rica.

Friday, September 20, 2013 12:00-2:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session 20.00

Anita has an AB in French literature from UGA and an MEd in counseling from UVA. She has done graduate work in French, Philosophy and History.

Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2013 10:00 AM-12:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking _____________________________

Wood Carving for Beginners Ken Calkin This is a four session course to introduce par cipants to the fun of woodcarving. We will start with a basswood blank and learn the 2 basic cuts to shape the blank into a three dimensional figure. Par cipants should have a beginners set of quality wood carving knives (about $65) such as the ones offered by Smokey Mountain woodcarvers (www.woodcarvers.com/kn600.htm) or Highland Woodworking (www.highlandwoodworking.com) All other materials will be provided by the instructors. Ken began woodcarving in 2001 and focuses on carving fish. He has taken “Best of Show” and blue ribbons at carving show compe ons, including the World’s Fish Carving Compe on in Springfield, IL in 2005. He will be assisted by Don Highfield, local woodcarver who taught at the carousel horse carving school in Cha anooga, TN.

Tuesdays & Thursdays, October 22, 24, 29 and 31, 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions 20.00 plus parking

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World War II: The US Army and the defeat of Germany COL (ret) Lawrence H. Saul This course will look at role and contribu ons of the US Army in the defeat of Germany. Following on from the libera on of France, this course will examine Market-Garden, Hurtgen Forest, and the Ardennes (Ba le of the Bulge) campaigns as prelude to the invasion and defeat of Germany. COL (ret) Saul is a Senior Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. He served in the US Army for 34 years, with nearly 20 years overseas, mainly in Europe. He is a Ba lefield Tour Guide with exper se in many key campaigns and ba les, to include D-Day, The Hurtegen Forest, MarketGarden and the Ba le of the Bulge. He has a BA in History and a Master in Security Strategy.

Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:15-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session 8.00 plus parking

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Write Your Poetry Eugene Bianchi The purpose of the course is to help par cipants write their own poems on personal life and other topics. The instructor will share some of his poems and lead the class according to one text In the Palm of Your Hand: the Poet’s Portable Workshop by Steve Kowit (about $10 to $12 on AMAZON, less used). Each week students will share some of their own work. Bring to the first class any journal wri ng or poetry you have already done. Eugene C. Bianchi is a Professor of Religion Emeritus at Emory University. He is the founding director of the Emeritus College at Emory. He has published two novels: The Bishop of San Francisco: Romance, Intrigue and Religion and The Children’s Crusade: Scandal at the Va can. He has also published three books on the spirituality of aging. In 2011, a personal memoir, Taking a Long Road Home was published. A collec on of his poems, Ear to the Ground, will be published in 2013.

Mondays and Thursdays, September 23, 26, 30; October 3, 7, 10; 2013 1:00-2:15 PM River’s Crossing 6 sessions 30.00 plus parking

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Wri ng Radio Commentaries for Public Radio

Yom Kippur War 1973

Pat Priest

Mark Rich

The class will listen to and cri que public radio commentaries, considering the challenges inherent in wri ng for broadcast as well as issues of style and format. Par cipants will come to the second session with a commentary of their own to read to the class. These newly cra ed pieces will be recorded informally and sent to WUGA’s program director for considera on for broadcast.

October 6 of this year (September 14 on Jewish/Hebrew Calendar) marks the 40th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War which began with simultaneous coordinated invasions by Egyp an and Syrian forces into territories held by Israel. Although caught by surprise, Israel halted the Egyp an and Syrian advances, and, a er nearly three weeks of heavy figh ng, and, with Israeli forces advancing to within striking distance of both enemy capitals, a cease fire was put into effect.

Priest is an independent writer and radio producer whose work has appeared on NPR’s “Living on Earth” and GPB’s “Georgia Gaze e” and in the Washington Post, among other outlets. She was the Execu ve Producer for “True South” on WGAU and “Songsmiths” on WUGA. She’s a wri ng coach for the local storytelling organiza on Rabbit Box and runs a monthly nature-wri ng workshop at the Athens Land Trust. She holds a doctorate in Journalism from UGA’s Grady College.

Thursdays, October 17 and 24, 2013 2:30-3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions 14.00 plus parking

OLLI@UGA Community Outreach Event at the

State Botanical Garden of Georgia Tuesday, August 6 5:30 pm Presenta on by Wilf Nicholls, Director of the State Botanical Garden Refreshments

This lecture will cover the following main points: (1) military planning and disposi on of forces prior to the invasions; (2) command structures of the combatant armies; (3) sequence of events that unfolded during course of the war; and (4) las ng effects of the war. Important roles played by Russia and the U.S. during that period also will be addressed. Mark Rich is Professor Emeritus at UGA. He has extensive experience in regional geology, environmental geology, and marine science. He is a Senior Fellow in the Geological Society of America and a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Georgia. He has presented lectures for OLLI dealing with historic ba les and geological aspects of military opera ons

Thursday, September 12, 2013 9:00-11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 sessions 8.00 plus parking

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Earth and Planetary Sciences Program

Visual Arts Program

Core Courses

Core Courses

Earth & the Solar System: How It All Began (2 hrs) Origin & Age of the Earth (2 hrs) Geological Hazards: Living With A Restless Planet (5 hrs) Excursion: “On the Track of the Yellowstone Hotspot” (5 hrs)

Elec ves Carbon, Climate and Controversy (1 hr) Geological Aspects of Two Man-Made Catastrophes (1 hr)

Photography Focus Digital Photography A (4 hrs) Digital Photography B (4 hrs)

Art AppreciaƟon Focus Art for Fi y Years (1 hr) Exuberance of Meaning (1 hr) Michelangelo (1 hr)

Fine Arts Studio Focus Wood Carving for Beginners (4 hrs)

Elec ves for All Focus Areas Core courses listed for either a Photography, Art Apprecia on or Fine Arts Studio Focus also serve as elec ves in the other two areas.

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OLLI@UGA Special Interest Groups Beadiacs Mary Ann Kelly, makelly@uga.edu, 706-613-6311 Individuals interested in beading, stringing, and simple wire work will get together once a week for three hours or so to work on their projects, brainstorm ideas and help each other when our work takes an oops! Par cipants who have no experience but would just like to see what it’s all about are welcome because beaders are happy to provide basic informa on and demonstrate techniques.

Bonsai Claire Clements, claireclements@charter.net, 706-548-0211 Winnie Kelly, winniekelly@gmail.com, 706-548-1418 This informal Bonsai Group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM. Field trips are made to a variety of places of interest to the group, and within driving distance, to view collec ons, and have the opportunity to purchase plants, materials and tools.

Book Discussion Group Diana Cerwonka, drcerwonka@bellsouth.net, 706-543-7780 The Book Discussion Group meets on the second Thursday of the month from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Books are selected by group vote. Selec ons include fic on and nonfic on, contemporary and classic. Discussion is informal and par cipa on is encouraged. Please feel welcome to join us at any mee ng.

Chess Bill Loughner, bill@loughner.com Let's get together and play a game or two! Players of approximately equal skill will be paired up to enjoy the game of chess.

Enjoy Opera in Athens Nancy Songster, njsongster@charter.net, 706-548-8181 Our purpose is to learn more about opera, a end OLLI classes on Opera, enjoy live opera performances in the Athens area and a end the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD broadcasts at local Cinemas. We support UGA opera student produc ons, share informa on about opera, and offer a pre-opera meal, where the UGA opera graduate students present informa on about the current broadcast. The Met Opera broadcasts are on Saturday a ernoon, October through May, with an evening encore broadcast three weeks later.

Hand Quilting Sandy Jordan, sandyjordan@charter.net, 706-546-8537 The quil ng group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 1-3 PM all year. We meet at members’ homes and just do hand quil ng. We have room for interested persons wan ng to learn or those who already do hand quil ng.

Happy Hikers Iris Miracle, happyhikers@yahoo.com, 706-353-6711 Hikes are short and long, easy to challenging, for fitness, fun and enjoyment of the marvels of nature. Each quarter, members receive a three-month calendar of one hike a month planned for trails in & around Athens and North Georgia.

Intermediate Bridge Mary Brockway, marybrockway@a .net, 706-549-3160 This group meets on the first and third Wednesdays from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the ACCA, 135 Hoyt St. If you are an experienced player and would like an a ernoon of cards without the fuss of se ng up tables, making snacks and drinks (coffee is available), we invite you to try our group.

Investing Carey Winzurk, gwinzurk900@msn.com, 706-549-9643 The Investment Group meets once a month to exchange informa on about inves ng and investments. The group’s common denominator is a strong interest in exchanging informa on about the world of investments; economics and financial security. We are open to everyone who has interest in how things are run with no special knowledge needed. We have guest speakers from various professions including accoun ng, financials, government and law. Members are encouraged to bring any material(s) they think would be of interest to others. We have lively and informa ve mee ngs with the emphasis on fun.

Lady Dogs Basketball Randall Abney, rabney@me.com, 706-850-6148 Contact Randall Abney to be part of one of the most exci ng Special Interest Groups, Lady Dogs Basketball. The Lady Dogs are always in the top 20 teams in the na on and play fantas c basketball. Join 80+ other OLLI@UGA members who buy season ckets and sit together, cheering on the Lady Dogs. A season cket for all home games is only $40, less than $5 per game. What a bargain! Don't miss out on the fun and fellowship with other OLLI@UGA members at the Lady Dogs games. GO DAWGS!!!!

Lunch Bunch Mercedes Rivera, 43rivers@gmail.com This is a lively and friendly group. Its purpose is to socialize, meet new people, form new friendships and enjoy wonderful food at locallyowned Athens/Watkinsville restaurants. We get together the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30AM. Please email Mercedes Rivera to be added to the monthly email distribu on list. Spouses and guests of OLLI @ UGA members are welcome. RSVPs are required.

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Mac Fan(atic)s

Pinochle Posse

Carol Smith, carol@vestproper es.com, 706-549-0298 To all those Mac Fana cs out there it is no secret that our mee ngs have been few and far between. What we need to move ahead is ideas and people who can help us smooth out the rough spots. Help us all be fana cs and send sugges ons for programs or "get together" ideas to Jim Kradel at the above email address.

Tom Kenyon, tkenygroup@aol.com The Pinochle Posse is for those who already play Pinochle, those who have not played for some me & those who never played but wish to learn! It would meet once or twice a month at a place and me to be determined.

MahJongg Heidi Naylor, alpshv428@aol.com, 706-850-5013 Do you already know how to play Mahjongg, or have you wanted to learn? I love to play and would love to find fellow fana cs – or future ones. Several groups have started on the east and west side of Athens. Let’s get together! Join us any Thursday at 1PM. During the Summer, contact Renee Feldman, rff1942@gmail.com for mee ng place and me.

Novice Bridge Jimmie Hawes, ollinovicebridge@charter.net, 706-850-1278 This group is for people who already know the basics of playing bridge, but have not played in a long me or have not played a lot. It is lovely to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, to gain experience playing the best game ever with great people just like you. This group meets at the Unitarian Universal Fellowship building, 780 Timothy Road, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1PM to 4PM. The playing fee is $3 per session.

OLLI Paddlers Jeff Engel, jengel47@gmail.com Open to all who like to paddle their own boats: Canoes, kayaks, siton-tops, whatever. We get together and take trips to the numerous local (and not so local) lakes and rivers. Flatwater and whitewater, whatever people desire. If interested, contact Jeff Engel.

Stitch and Chat Kay Hymo, hymol@bellsouth.net, 706-546-7177 The S tch and Chat Group meets on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year at 10 AM. We meet in homes, or other loca ons, such as Main Street Yarns in Watkinsville and Em’s Kitchen on Hawthorne. Most of our members are kni ng, but bring any type of handwork and join us.

SoloSENIORS Vic Armstrong, soloseniorsvic@aol.com, 706-769-1110 This special interest group fosters interac on and networking among unmarried members of OLLI@UGA. The group meets for dinner at area restaurants on the first Thursday of each month to welcome new members, to build and strengthen acquaintances, and explore mutual interests and opportuni es.

Supper Club Michael & Karen Mispagel, themispagels@gmail.com, 706-354-4799 We love sharing good food and conversa on, cooking, and having fun. Each member takes a turn in hos ng and everyone brings a dish to share. Email us now to join!

Vegetable Gardening

David Dallmeyer, dallmyer@uga.edu If you are interested in geology, this groups for you! Each mee ng has a central presenta on focus that includes presenta ons or viewing and discussion on selected earth science DVDs. Members can also par cipate in one-day geological excursions in the North Georgia region.

Art Crawley, 706- 353-3012 Carolyn Abney, Carolyn.in.Athens@gmail.com Members of our group include newcomers to Athens trying to adapt techniques they brought with them; folks who are new to gardening, whether in Georgia clay or elsewhere; and cer fied Master Gardeners. We help each other with planning or plan ng a vegetable garden (whatever its size), swapping seeds and cu ngs, sharing local knowledge, and touring both commercial nurseries and our own gardens.

Picture This! Digital Photography Group

Writing Memoir

OLLI Rocks

Chuck Murphy, picturethis.athens@gmail.com, 706-372-5406 PictureThis! is OLLI@UGA’s digital photography club. Our members range from complete novices to serious amateurs. We meet one evening per month at River’s Crossing, with date, me and agenda announced by email. Our mee ngs include a presenta on on a photographic topic and a Member’s Showcase session for members to show off their work. We also schedule photo walks around Athens and trips to scenic venues and photo exhibits. To join the mailing list, contact Chuck Murphy.

Roger Bailey, Roger1731@charter.net, 706-540-1068 Wri ng about our lives, we share our prose and poetry to learn more about ourselves and each other as we hope to write memoir more effec vely in regard to both form and content. We meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the third Thursday each month in the conference room of the Bentley Center at the ACCA.

August — December 2013, Page 56

OLLI@UGA Membership FormOLLI Course Book

Annual Membership for OLLI@UGA is $50.00 per year per person

New member __________

Renewing Member___________

Renewing Members Only: YES! My info has changed in the last 12 months ___________ Please send me a new Name Badge _____ Table Tent ______

Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please use a separate form for each member – printable from the OLLI@UGA website: www.olli.uga.edu.)

Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (H) _________________________ (C) _________________________ If you do NOT want your name and contact information listed in the OLLI Membership Directory, please check here Please be aware that other OLLI members, Class Facilitators, and Committee Chairs may have difficulty reaching you if you opt out of the Membership Directory.

Please tell us about your hobbies, your career or business experience, and your volunteer experience. If you need additional space, please use the back of this form. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How did you hear about OLLI@UGA? _______________________________________________________________________ I would like to support OLLI@UGA with the enclosed tax deductible monetary gift ___$15 ___$25 ___$50 $_____other Remember to enclose this completed form with your check Annual Membership for OLLI@UGA is $50.00 per year per person OLLI@UGA, 850 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706-542-7715 Email: olli@uga.edu Web: www.olli.uga.edu

Make the most of your membership! Committees: At the heart of OLLI@UGA programs are its committees. Members plan all programs and are involved in the governance of the organization. Curriculum Finance Fund Development Hospitality Long Range Planning

Marketing/Public Relations Membership Publications Technology Travel/Study

Special Interest Groups: Special interest groups meet in non-classroom settings. Interest groups are self-governing. Beadiacs Bonsai Book Discussion Bridge (Intermediate) Chess

Digital Photography Garden Lovers Hand Quilting Happy Hikers Investment

LadyDogs Basketball (UGA) Lunch Bunch Mac (computer) Fanatics Memoir Writing Novice Bridge

OLLI Rocks Pinochle Posse SoloSENIORS Stitch & Chat Supper Club

Feel free to make a suggestion for a new special interest group that you would be willing to lead. _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

OLLI@UGA is dedicated to meeting the intellectual, social and cultural needs of mature adults through lifelong learning.

Class Fee


Parking Fee* # Tags purchased



Payment to OLLI@UGA

Name on Card Billing Address

Card Number (Visa/MC/Discover)

*Parking tags for River's Crossing are good for one full day and cost $2 each.




Exp (xx/xx)


Donation: ____$5 ____$10 ____$25 ____Other $

Donation: ____$5 ____$10 ____$25 ____Other $

Class Fee

Membership fee (if applicable) $

Course Title


Membership fee (if applicable) $



Course Title

Name Address Email

Parking Fee

# Tags purchased

Return completed form along with your payment to: OLLI@UGA 850 College Station Rd. Athens, GA 30602

Registrant 2 (or Registrant 1 continued)

Name Address

Registrant 1

Course Registration

OLLI@UGA Course Registration and Payment Form

OLLICourse Book August — December 2013, Page 57

Trip Name


Deposit Payment amount in Full



Total Payment to OLLI@UGA

Check #

Trip Name

Exp xx/xx



I am willing to take an individual room, but if possible, pair me with someone

I will share a room with ______________________________ (if only one name is listed above) I would like an individual room

Email Deposit Payment amount in Full

Return completed form along with your payment to: OLLI@UGA 850 College Station Rd. Athens, GA 30602

For overnight trips, please mark the appropriate statement with X


Billing Address

Card Number (Visa/MC/Discover) Name on Card

Payment to OLLI@UGA




Name Address

Registrant 2

Name Address

Registrant 1

Travel/Study Registration

OLLI@UGA Travel/Study Registration Payment Form

August — December 2013, Page 58 OLLI Course Book

Maps to OLLI@UGA Course Locations

OLLICourse Book

August — December 2013, Page 59

August — December 2013, Page 60

OLLI Course Book

Alphabetic Course List with Schedule Title Afghanistan: The Importance of Water Alternative Health Options for Enhancing WellͲbeing Analyzing Current Affairs Animal Issues: The Horse of Course Arctic Lands from the OLLI classroom Art for Fifty Years by M. Agner Athens Technical College, An Update Band of Brothers Beginning Harmonica Birmingham, 1963: The World is Watching Black Thursday: The Schweinfurt Mission of WW II Breaking the Myth of Affordable Housing Business Negotiations Calculus for Poets Cancer Care: An Integrated Approach Caravaggio Ͳ The Bad Boy (and founder) of Baroque Art Carbon, Climate, and Controversy China Ͳ A Century of Revolution China Business Rising Civil Rights Movement in Georgia Climate Connections to Marine Ecosystems Ͳ from the Amazon to Antarctica Clinical Hypnosis: An Introduction Confucian Culture in Modern Korea Cooking Class Ͳ The Healthy Gourmet Critical Reading: Short Stories Ͳ A Critical Reading: Short Stories Ͳ B Cybersecurity Ͳ You're Naked: Online Privacy and Protection of Your Digital Assets Diagnosis: Nature Deficiency Diderot's Encyclopédie Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital PhotosͲ A Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital PhotosͲ B Directing for the Stage: Issues and Challenges Earth and the Solar System: How It All Began Easy Relaxing Yoga Eat Less, Exercise More, Love Longer Emergence and Evolution Excel: Tips & Shortcuts Extraterrestrial Life Exuberance of Meaning: The Art Patronage of Catherine the Great (1762Ͳ1796) Eye: Diseases affecting the eyes of the aging population Finding our Balance Food Safety: A Glimpse of the Future Four Elements of Music and Their Emotional Impact French on Friday 2 French Tales of the Holy Grail Geologic Aspects of Two ManͲMade Catastrophes Geological Hazards: Living with a Restless Planet

Presenter PalmerͲMoloney Greller Carter / Grafstein Barsanti Allard Agner Tidings Saul Mauldin Eskew Masters Appleby Patterson Gootman Siebentritt Abney Shepherd Hardin Bertsch / Parris McCaskill


Date(s) Wednesday, October 02, 2013 Tuesdays, August 20 & 27, 2013 Tuesdays, Sept 10, Oct 15; Nov 19, 2013 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 Tuesdays, December 3 & 10, 2013 Wednesday, October 09, 2013 Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Tuesdays, November 19 & 26, 2013 Tuesday & Thursday, October 1 & 3, 2013 Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Monday, August 19, 2013 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Mon & Thurs, Oct 7, 10, 14, 17, & 21, 2013 Friday, September 20, 2013 Friday, September 13, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013 Tues & Thurs, Oct 8, 15, 17, 29, 31; Nov 5, 7 Thursday, August 29, 2013 Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Time 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:45 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ 10:15 AM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:15 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM

Yager Breme Yi Dondero Winger Winger


10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 12:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM

Murphy Fischer de Roche / Palmer


Monday, October 21, 2013 Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Thursday, September 12, 2013 Thursdays, September 5, 12, 19, & 26, 2013 Thursdays, October 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2013 Monday, Wednesday & Friday, November 4, 6 & 8, 2013 Friday, September 27, 2013 Friday, October 04, 2013

1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM



Tuesdays & Fridays, Oct 8, 11, 15 & 18, 2013

10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM

Murphy Giles Wenner Alder Flatt Page Reuter Shaw


Tuesdays & Fridays, Oct 8, 11, 15 & 18, 2013 Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Tuesday & Thursday, Nov 12 & 14, 2013 Wednesdays, Aug 21, 28 & Sept 4, 2013 Wednesday, December 04, 2013 Fridays, November 1, 8 & 15, 2013 Thursday, October 10, 2013 Monday & Friday, September 9 & 13, 2013

1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ 10:15 AM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM

Kirin Sams Hendon Doyle Martin Milward Jones Rich Dallmeyer


Thursdays, October 3 & 10, 2013 Friday, September 13, 2013 Friday, November 01, 2013 Friday, November 22, 2013 Tues & Thur, Sept 10, 12, 17 & 19, 2013 Fri, Oct 18, 25; Nov 1, 8, 15, 22; Dec 6, 13 Monday, September 16, 2013 Wednesday, October 09, 2013 Monday Ͳ Friday, August 19Ͳ23, 2013

1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 9:00 Ͳ 10:15 AM 10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM

OLLICourse Book

August — December 2013, Page 61

Alphabetic Course List with Schedule Title Presenter Geology of Great Human Endeavors: The Construction of the Panama Canal Rich Georgia Museum of Natural History Freeman Giving Poems a Chance Kissane Gneiss Gardens Nourse God versus ScienceͲͲA Short Odyssey Through Three Books Goodhue Great Books Selections Loughner Growing Shiitake Mushrooms Hartel Hand Knitting Verma Health Care Strategies Furbish Hears to the Ear! Hardin Heart and Blood Vessel Health: what changes as you age and how your lifestyle choices affect it Harris How a Career of Service Came to Me Frye How to Do Only What You Need to Do on Your Cell Phone and Laptop Schmidt How to use your smartphone and tablet Burgess Huck Finn and the Concept of Honor Freeman


Monday, December 02, 2013 Monday, December 09, 2013 Mon & Thurs, Oct 14, 17, 21 & 24, 2013 Monday, September 16, 2013

10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Wed, Sept 4, 18; Oct 2, 16, 30; Nov 13; Dec 4 Saturday, November 16, 2013 Wed, Sept 4, 11, 18, 25; October 2, 2013 Tuesday, November 05, 2013 Fridays, August 23 & 30, 2013

2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 10:15 AM


Tuesdays, October 22 & 29, 2013 Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM


1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:45 AM

Intermediate Tai Chi Easy Investing in Real Estate IRS Misconduct: What It Means For You Jazz: A Brief History


Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Tuesday, August 20, 2013 Wednesdays, December 4 & 11, 2013 Wednesdays & Fridays, October 23, 25, 30; November 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 2013 Thursday, September 26, 2013 Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Tues, Sept 24 & Oct 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2013


Monday, September 30, 2013 Friday, September 27, 2013

10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM


Thursday, December 12, 2013 Thursdays, November 7, 14 & 21, 2013 Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Thursday, September 05, 2013 Thursday, December 05, 2013 Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Monday, August 26, 2013 Thursday, November 14, 2013 Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:45 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ 10:15 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ 10:15 AM


Monday, September 30, 2013 Tuesdays, August 20 & 27, 2013 Thursday, November 07, 2013 Wed, August 21, 28; September 4, 11, 2013 Thursday, August 22, 2013 Wed & Thurs, November 20 & 21, 2013

9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM


Friday, August 23, 2013

1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM


Fridays, November 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2013 Mondays, September 30; October 7, 14, 21, 28; November 4, 11, 2013 Mon, Wed, Fri, Oct 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, & 18 Tuesday, December 03, 2013

10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM

Wittenberg Paine Watson Valdez

Landscape and Identity: Finding your Environmental Ethic Dallmeyer LaughͲAͲYoga Hendon Leon Theremin: Inventor of the First Electronic Musical Instrument Fusillo Leonard Cohen: Poet Kraft Lumière and the Birth of Cinema Neupert Mercury in the Environment Loux Metamorphosis of LIR into OLLI Macagnoni Michelangelo: The good, the bad, the ugly? Zuraw Mini Creek Farm Visit Brown Modify Your Home to Age in Place Smith Moss Gardening Wyatt Nutrition for Successful Aging Fischer Oconee Hill Cemetery: A Visit in a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery Marshall Origin and Age of the Earth FreemanͲLynde Parisian Girl during the German Occupation, 1939Ͳ45 Boney Passive Investing for and in Retirement Flick Pet Care in Your Senior Years Elder Poultry, Chickens and Me Dale Preventive Services Task Force: Update on Screening and Prevention Ebell Pride and Prejudice at 200: The Novel and Some Adaptations Kissane Reading the Old Testament with Understanding and Awe, part 1 Carlson Recorded in Stone Warner Red Mouth Lawyers: Tales at the Bar Tate

Loc Date(s)



10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM

1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM

Alpha Schedule - continued on Page 60

August — December 2013, Page 62

OLLI Course Book

Alphabetic Course List with Schedule

Alpha p Schedule - continued from page p g 59

Title Retirement Communities: We Know What They Are...or Do We? Rug Hooking Workshop SameͲSex Marriage: What Comes Next School Funding So You Want To Be A Singer??? Social Media Customization: The Feedforward Loop Stem Cell Research Update Stephen Crane, the Writer: Selected Works Stopping Super Bacteria Before They Stop You Tai Chi Easy The American Civil War The Hobbit: Christian Themes in Tolkien's Tale The Making of An American Air Force The Night Sky The Rise and Fall of Pan Am The Wizard of Oz: The Great American Myth Theatrical Design & Designers of the Music Halls of Paris Therapeutic Movement inspired by Qigong and Yoga Things Fall Apart: Writing A Major Song Cycle UGA Main Library Tour UGA over the Centuries Welcome to Sandy Creek Nature Center What Butterflies Tell us About a Changing World What in the World is an Archetype? Wood Carving for Beginners World War II: The US Army and the defeat of Germany Write Your Poetry Writing Radio Commentaries for Public Radio Yom Kippur War 1973


Loc Date(s)

Glass Milward Kurtz Welch Burchinal Shamp Stice Winger Ritchie Wittenberg Berry Bienvenue Masters Mowbray Sprecher Brannen Pannell Schmidt Vogel Devaney Boney Carr Porter Brannen Calkin Saul Bianchi Priest Rich


Friday, September 06, 2013 Mondays, October 21 & 28, 2013 Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Monday, August 26, 2013 Tuesday, October 01, 2013 Tuesday, September 03, 2013 Monday, November 18, 2013 Mon, Wed, & Fri, Oct 7, 9, 11, 14, 2013 Monday, September 16, 2013 Wed & Fri, Sept 18, 20, 25, 27; Oct 2, 4, 9, 11 Tuesday, October 08, 2013 Mondays, November 18 & 25, 2013 Monday, September 16, 2013 Fridays, Aug 23; Sept 20; Oct 25, 2013 Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Tuesdays, November 5, 12 & 19, 2013 Friday, October 11, 2013 Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Monday, September 23, 2013 Thursday, October 31, 2013 Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Friday, September 20, 2013 Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2013 Tues & Thurs, Oct 22, 24, 29 & 31, 2013 Thursday, August 22, 2013 Mon & Thurs, Sept 23, 26, 30; Oct 3, 7, 10 Thursdays, October 17 & 24, 2013 Thursday, September 12, 2013

CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; RC: River’s Crossing; TC: Trump’s Catering

Time 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 9:00 AMͲ12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:45 PM 10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:45 AM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 12:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 AMͲ12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:15 Ͳ 3:45 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:15 PM 2:30 Ͳ 3:45 PM 9:00 Ͳ11:45 AM

OLLICourse Book

August — December 2013, Page 63

A August — December 2013, Page 64

OLLI Course Book

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