2011 OLLI@UGA Summer Course Guide

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OLLI Course Book

Summer 2011 Course Book Sing a Healthy Song at Summer OLLI Classes While you probably can remember and relate to Nat King Cole’s ’60s hit extolling “those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,” this might be the year to change your tune to the “fi est, fastest, smartest” by taking advantage of OLLI’s many health-enhancing classes. It’s certainly not news that physical ac vity and weight control are primary factors in living longer and living well. Two courses that directly address these issues are “Weight Control, Energy Balance and Physical Fitness” led by Dr. Bill Fla , UGA D.W. Brooks Dis nguished Professor Emeritus, and “Ac vity, Weight and Disability” taught by Dr. Ellen M. Evans, UGA associate professor of kinesiology. Fla ’s success story of losing 60 pounds and keeping it off for 20 years should be an inspira on to all those for fitness dwindled by whose New w Year’s resolu ons fo the end of January. “My class will be a ‘show and tell’ by a formerly sedentary, obese, elderly male (me), who changed his lifestyle by beginning to exercise re regularly and eat more wisely,” Fla says. “A major change was w to include strength training to prevent age-related e-related muscle mus loss and sarcopenia. I hope that the OLLI members who wh a end will benefit from my experience.” Evans’ class will look at lifestyle choices that hat affect physical func oning and the ability to live independently. ndently. Quality of life and fa gue are influenced by both weight and physical ac vity, which also have implica onss for physical disability in older adults. Evans will present sent contemporary research that par cipants can applyy to their own lives. The ancient discipline of Tai Chi is a great way to give your fitness program a boost. Cer fied facilitator Tom Wi enberg will introduce the flowing moves that promote mote “vitality, self-healing and relaxa on.” Benefits includ include improved balance, lower blood pressure, heighten heightened immune func on, greater flexibility and resilie resilience, decreased incidence of falls and stress reduc on.

For those who are dealing with chronic health condi ons such as arthri s, diabetes or heart disease, “Living Well Georgia” can help with quality of life. Ka e Porter, UGA doctoral candidate for a Ph.D. in Foods and Nutri on, will coordinate a team of trained leaders in a six-week program focusing on physical and emo onal management. If you need a break from all this focus on the physical, this summer OLLI is offering many other courses from Dr. Art Crawley’s “Brain Works” to a repeat of Mony Abrol’s popular course “India” to “Taming the Demons of Dripping Faucets, Slow Drains, Yucky Mildew, Dirty Grout and Ugly Light Fixtures” at Home Depot. Detailed class descrip ons are in this course book and on the website, www.olli.uga.edu.

What’s Inside? OLLI@UGA — Ques ons and Answers ............Page 3 Course lis ng by category................................Page 3 Alphabe c course lis ng with descrip ons .....Page 4 Monthly Calendar with courses.....................Page 15 Special Interest Groups .................................Page 16 OLLI@UGA — Membership Form..................Page 18 OLLI@UGA — Maps ......................................Page 19 Alphabe c course lis ng with schedule ...Back Cover

Note: Registra on for OLLI@UGA courses is mail-in ONLY; there is no longer the op on of on-site registra on.


Course Book OLLI Course Book

Summer 2011

OLLI @Summer UGA2011, Page 2

River’s Crossing 850 College Station Road Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706.542.7715 OLLI Website Address:

www.olli.uga.edu Registration, reservation, travel and membership forms also available on the “About Us” section of the website. Hover mouse, select “Forms.”

OLLI Email Address: olli@uga.edu

OLLI Staff

How-to-Register for Courses 1. Complete the enclosed Registra on form. a. Write your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER and EMAIL ADDRESS in the spaces provided on the first page of the Registra on form. On the remaining page, write your Name. b. Place an ‘x’ in the blank column on the le -hand side of the form to select the course(s) for which you wish to register. c. For each course selected, fill in the three blank columns on the right-hand side of the Registra on form as follows: 1. Course Fees 2. Parking fees (if not applicable, enter a zero) 3. Number of parking tags (if not applicable, enter a zero) d. Total the class and parking fees and the number of parking tags purchased by summing the numbers you entered into each blank column. 2. Complete the enclosed Payment to OLLI@UGA form. Fill in the requested informa on and transfer from your Registra on form your three sums (class fees, parking fees and number of parking tags purchased) to the appropriate blanks on this form. 3. Mail a check, payable to OLLI@UGA, for the total amount owed, along with your completed Registra on and Payment forms to OLLI@UGA, 850 College Sta on Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811.

Please note that class rolls will be generated on June 20th. Therefore, please register by this date if possible.

Katy Crapo - Program Director Zu Reuter - Administrative Assistant

OLLI Officers 2010-2011 Anita Brannen - President Mac Rawson - President Elect Nancy Canolty - Vice President Sally Bolemon - Secretary Robert Leventry - Treasurer

OLLI Board of Directors Carolyn Abney Bill Alworth Ann Darby Richard Hargrove Ron Linhart

Teresa Morris Martha Phillips Grace Rabek Nancy Songster Alexis Winger

OLLI Committee Chairs Curriculum: Jeani Goodwin Development: Terry Utz Finance: John Rudy Historian: William Loughner Information Technology: Chuck Murphy Long Term Planning: Martha Phillips Member Services: Nancy Songster Membership: Keith Moore Nominating: Diana Cerwonka Public Relations: Roland Brooks Publications: Pat McAlexander, Alexis Winger Registration: Nancy Canolty, Carol Gogstadt Special Interest Groups: Carolyn Abney Strategic Marketing: Randall Abney Travel/Study: Bill Allworth Volunteer Coordinator: Ann Darby

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OLLI@UGA Q&A: Summer 2011 How are course fees determined? All courses have a fee of $5.00 per class session. If the course is held at the Central Presbyterian Church (CP) or the Athens Community Council on Aging (CA), there is an addi onal $1.00 per class session facility use fee. When taking classes at River’s Crossing, you must pay to park ($2.00 per day per vehicle parked). Why are there two registra on forms but only one payment form? At some mailing addresses there are two OLLI members. Each member needs his or her own registra on form but the payment for both can be recorded on the same payment form.

OLLI Course Book

Summer Courses by Category Lunch & Learn Hospitality is an Economic Engine

Geology Geology and Explora on of the Moon Moon Walk Open House

Military Jus ce System

What happens if I register for a class and the schedule changes and I cannot a end? When a class is rescheduled, the facilitator or registrar will no fy the class members. At that me, you may indicate whether you would like a refund or if you would like to donate your class fees to OLLI@UGA. Because parking fees are separate, you must turn in your parking tags to the OLLI office in order to receive a refund on those fees. If YOUR schedule changes and you cannot a end a class for which you have registered, you may “gi ” your registra on to a fellow OLLI member. OLLI@UGA policy states that if you cannot a end a class, you must no fy the OLLI office no less than 10 days prior to the start of the first class in order to receive a refund. Why is my email wrong/missing on the class sign in sheet? A endance sheets are generated from our registrar. She takes the informa on that is provided on the registra on form to complete the class rolls. We appreciate when you take a moment to make sure that you have completely and legibly filled out the top por on of the registra on form. How come my name is not on the class sign in sheet? If you register for a class less than two weeks prior to its start date, there is a good chance that your name will not be on the class roll. In addi on, you will not receive informa on regarding the course prior to the first session. Simply bring in your confirma on form that we have mailed back to you or, if you have paid in the office, bring your receipt to the first day of class. I’ve already paid for my parking tags, but forgot them at home; why do I have to pay again for another one? OLLI @ UGA pre-pays for EVERY parking tag it receives. This represents a significant cost to the organiza on. We suggest checking with a fellow classmate to see if one can be borrowed and then replaced at the next class session or you may stop by the OLLI office to purchase a new one and use the one you forgot for a future class.

R.D. Dallmeyer R.D Dallmeyer

Government & Politics

What happens if I register for a class and it is cancelled? When a class is cancelled, the facilitator or registrar will no fy the class members. At that me, you may indicate whether you would like a refund or if you would like to donate your class fees to OLLI@UGA. Because parking fees are separate, you must turn in your parking tags to the OLLI office in order to receive a refund for the parking fees.

Paul Cramer

Barney L Brannen, USA Re red, Colonel, JAGC

Historical Perspective India: 5000 Years in the Making Interna onal Challenges Omrit: A Roman Temple Georgia's Indian Rela ons

Mony Abrol Gary Bertsch William Loughner Steve Scurry

Humanities (The) Bowers House Caravaggio Conversa onal Spanish I Grammar Talk Winning Poetry

Dr. Beth Stormont Carolyn Abney Michael Hinkle Pat McAlexander/ Alexis Winger Martha Phillips

Mind & Body Ac vity, Weight & Disability Advance Direc ves Workshop Brain Works How Do You Like Your Coffee? Living Well Georgia Tai Chi Easy Weight Control & Physical Fitness What is Synchronicity?

Ellen M. Evans, PhD Alex Halow Dr. Arthur “Art” Crawley Doug Moore Ka e Porter, MS, RD Tom Wi enberg Dr. William (Bill) Fla Anita Brannen

Personal Finance Inves ng & Rising Rates

Becky Ford

Off Site Home Repair & Maintenance (A) Microbiologist Remodels His House Summer Time Lunch UGA Main Library Tour UGA Science Library Tour

Ann Crowley Gene Michaels Andy Urell Kris n Nielsen William Loughner

OLLI Course Book

Summer 2011, Page 4

Alphabetic Course Listing with Descriptions Lunch and Learn

All Other Courses

Hospitality is an Economic Engine!

Ac vity, Weight & Disability

Course # 1401

Course # 1411

Paul Cramer, Director, Classic Center Date: Friday, July 8, 2011 Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Loca on: Trumps Catering 1 session Cost: $15

Ellen M. Evans, PhD Date: Tuesday & Thursday, July 12 & 14, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Loca on: Ramsey Student Center 2 sessions Cost: $10

Hospitality is an economic engine! This Lunch and Learn will focus on the many benefits that the Classic Center has brought to Athens. Three key points will be the crea on of jobs, the enhancement to quality of life and a rac on that lures new business. Paul Cramer moved here in 1995 to open The Classic Center. This na onally recognized venue now hosts 800 events a year with 350,000 people in a endance.

Fisher Fund Tuition Assistance Program Due to the generosity of the late Carol Fisher, OLLI@ UGA is now able to offer limited tui on assistance to its members, per the policy below: All registered OLLI@UGA members shall be eligible for Fisher Fund tui on assistance upon simple oral or wri en applica on to the Program Director, such applica on to remain confiden al. Approved requests are limited to $100 per person per semester, as credits to defray course and/or Lunch and Learn fees selected by the member. Applicants can apply in any number of succeeding semesters, with dollar ceiling limits as recommended by the Finance Commi ee and approved by the Board in advance of each semester. The Program Director will have authority to extend any Tui on Assistance request above the $100 maximum on a case-by-case excep on approved by the President.

Physical Ac vity and Weight Status: Implica ons for Physical Disability in Older Adults A goal for successful aging includes remaining highly physically func oning and living independently. Weight status (being normal weight or overweight) has major implica ons for the risk of physical disability. Physical ac vity is also an important lifestyle factor that relates to physical func onal ability. Quality of life and fa gue are also influenced by both weight status and physical ac vity, especially in the older adult. This presenta on will highlight how the main components of body composi on (fat, lean and bone mass) impact risk for physical disability through chronic condi ons such as obesity, sarcopenia and osteoporosis which are prevalent in the older adult popula on. Lifestyle choices, such as physical ac vity and nutri onal habits, can have major impacts on the pathways between body composi on components and physical disability. Contemporary research will be presented in a format that will allow concepts to be applied to one's life. In addi on, as the course will be offered in the Ramsey Center within the Department of Kinesiology, an opportunity will be available to experience some of the research methodologies used in our labs. This course is limited to 20 par cipants. Ellen M. Evans, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology. She also serves as Director of the Center for Physical Ac vity and Health and the Body Composi on and Metabolism Laboratory. As an applied exercise physiologist, her goal is to create and disseminate knowledge regarding the importance of exercise and nutri on for op mal body composi on and health with a special research focus on aging and women’s health. Assis ng Professor Evans will be Chris e Ward, MS and Anne O'Brien, doctoral students working with Dr. Evans.

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OLLI Course Book

Advance Direc ves Workshop

(The) Bowers House

Course # 1429

Course # 1424

Alex Halow Date: Thursdays, July 7, 2011 Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 113 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking

Dr. Beth Stormont Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking

Using Advance Direc ves (Living Wills and Health Care Powers of A orney) to Avoid Family Stress and Conflict Georgia law recognizes advance direc ves (aka living wills and health care powers of a orney) as a valid way for Georgia ci zens to plan for how they want to be cared for and who they want making health care decisions for them in the event that they become incapacitated. Properly used, advance direc ves are an extremely powerful tool for making sure your health care wishes are honored, and for reducing stress and conflict in your family. Yet, a surprising number of people do not have any advance direc ves in place. This workshop will cover the basics of what advance direc ves are, and what steps you need to take to put advance direc ves in place for yourself. It will also provide ps and strategies for discussing your advance direc ves with family members once you have determined what your wishes are. A materials supply fee of $2.50, payable to the presenter, will be collected prior to the start of class. Alex Halow is a mediator, helping people se le lawsuits and other conflicts, and a conflict management consultant based in Athens, Georgia. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy and English in 1991 and from the University of Cornell Law School with a J.D. in 1995. He is a trained mediator and is a registered neutral with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolu on. His media on prac ce includes working with older Americans and their families to resolve conflicts over issues surrounding aging.

The Bowers House: Writers Retreat & Lifelong Learning Have you ever heard of The Bowers House in Canon, GA? If not, this class is for you! Whether you aspire to be a published writer or to just get your crea ve juices flowing for a bit of personal wri ng – and/or want to keep your mind alert or quench your thirst for learning – The Bowers House addresses all these needs with great informality and flexibility. . . . Or perhaps you would simply like to experience fellowship with like-minded people! This presenta on will cover the history of The Bowers House and its locale, more on the above-stated informa on about its program--along with what is envisioned for its future—and the story of its present existence and the ones who are making it happen at this very moment! Beth Stormont has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Southern California, a Master of Arts degree from Occidental College in Los Angeles, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University at Long Beach. She has been a professional classical musician and educator in the California public schools and the private sector--as well as a college professor--all her adult life. For the past five years she was the coordinator of a lifelong learning program in Arizona, the program she le to come to Georgia. She is currently the Resident Manager and Program Director of The Bowers House Writers Retreat & Lifelong Learning Center. Dr. Stormont was named ‘Professional of the Year in Higher Educa on’ in 2009 by Cambridge Who’s Who -- and is currently listed in their “Top 101 Industry Experts” book.

REMEMBER Registra on for OLLI@UGA courses is mail-in only; there is no longer the op on of on-site registra on.

The Bowers House, built 1921

OLLI Course Book

Brain Works Course # 1407 Dr. Arthur “Art” Crawley Date: Wednesday & Thursday, July 20 & 21, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 2 sessions Cost: $10 plus parking Brain Works 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Cogni ve Preferences Individual preferences in how we think and how we learn reveal themselves in our work and in our lives. Who we choose as our spouse or significant partner, our career and re rement choices, and even our religious and poli cal affilia ons are influenced by how our brain works. In this seminar you will assess your individual thinking styles in order to be er understand your life choices, par cularly those pertaining to your career and re rement decisions. Ac ve learning strategies and group par cipa on emphasized. All course materials including career and cogni ve assessments will be provided. This course is limited to 24 par cipants.

Summer 2011, Page 6

He fled Rome a er killing a man over an argument about a tennis game and was pursued by the Pope’s police. But he s ll managed to paint giant works openly in Naples, Malta, and Sicily. And the only one he signed looks as though his signature is in his own blood. Who said the late 16th century was dull? Carolyn Abney said that, a er she received her BA in Humani es from Emory, reality set in. “That is, I needed a real job! A variety of business degrees and adventures later, I had the opportunity to go back to that first love - art history. I studied at the Courtauld Ins tute of Art in London. In Florence, I was able to study under Drs. Rab Ha ield and Jennifer Cook at Syracuse University as well as with John T. Spike, author of a book on Caravaggio that was 20+ years in the making. Since none of them can be in Athens this summer, I'll draw on what I learned to introduce you to the single painter whose name is men oned (so it is said) as o en as Rembrandt's.”

Classic Center Tour Course # 1428 Paul Cramer Date: Friday, July 8, 2011 Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Loca on: Classic Center 1 session Cost: $5

Dr. Art Crawley is a re red LSU faculty member. He taught graduate courses in the School of Human Resources Educa on and served as the Director of the Center for Faculty Development. An adult educator and counselor for over thirtyfive year, Dr. Crawley earned his doctorate in Adult Educa on from UGA. His interests include good food, cultural events and gardening. Dr. Crawley is married to Connie Crawley, a Foods and Nutri on Specialist for the UGA Coopera ve Educa on.

Paul Cramer will lead a tour of the Classic Center following his Lunch and Learn presenta on. A endance at the Lunch and Learn presenta on is not required to take this tour.


Conversa onal Spanish I

Course # 1402

Course # 1414

Carolyn Abney Date: Monday, July 11, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking

Michael Hinkle Date: Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 5 through July 28, 2011 Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 64/139 8 sessions Cost: $40 plus parking

Caravaggio – The Bad Boy (and founder) of Baroque Art

Conversa onal Spanish Language (Level I)

Michelangelo Merisi di Caravaggio astounded everyone who knew him – or his work. Patronized by Cardinals, Popes, and the head of the Knights of Malta, he (may have) invented s ll life as a genre. His altarpieces o en startled the groups who commissioned them – wouldn’t you be stunned to see the face of Rome’s best known pros tute presented as the Virgin Mary?

This introductory language class will provide par cipa ng members the necessary skills to ini ate and maintain a basic conversa on in Spanish. The focus will be on learning the phone c alphabet, proper pronuncia on, basic vocabulary, essen al grammar, and situa onal dialogues. The program will require considerable out-of-class prepara on in order to

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master the basic skills. Based on membership interest and par cipa on, addi onal learning opportuni es may be offered during subsequent sessions. This course is limited to 30 par cipants. Please reference calendar in the back of course book for loca on details. A materials supply fee payable to the presenter will be collected on the first day of class to cover the cost of handouts. Re red U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer, La n America Foreign Area Specialist, and High School Spanish Language Teacher with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business and Management from the University of Maryland and a Master of Arts Degree in Spanish Language and Spanish Literature from Middlebury College, Vermont. Currently teaches an Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) and U.S. Ci zenship Preparatory Course at the Lanier Technical College Campus in Commerce, Georgia. Personal hobbies and interests include: hiking, mountain biking, travel, military science, world history, foreign languages, cultural anthropology, and epic movies.

OLLI Course Book

David Dallmeyer is Emeritus Professor of Geology at the University of Georgia, and a member of the Environmental Ethics Faculty. His teaching and research have focused on the processes and chronology of mountain building and plate tectonics with fieldwork on all con nents. He organized several research expedi ons in coopera on with the U.S. Antarc c Research Program and also has directed research programs in the Bri sh Isles, West Africa, China, Greenland, Svalbard, Norway and the Andes of Chile and Peru. David served as director of a United Na ons (UNESCO) project that included organiza on of research excursions to Norway, Spain, Mauritania, France and Japan. He is a frequent instructor for OLLI@UGA. (See page 10 for Lunar Open House.)

Geology and Explora on of the Moon Course # 1409 R.D. Dallmeyer Date: Tuesday through Friday, July 5 - 8, 2011 Time: 9:00 - 11:00 AM Loca on: River’s Crossing 139 4 sessions Cost: $20 plus parking Geology and Explora on of the Moon: What Did We Learn From Apollo? This course will present an overview of the Moon from astronomical, geological and human perspec ves. Moon’s phases and orbital characteris cs will be described, and we will explore the origin of ocean des and other lunar effects on Earth. The methodology used to map the Moon prior to Apollo landings will be reviewed and evaluated. The geological evolu on and origin of the Moon will be reviewed in the context of results from the Apollo program. We will examine terrestrial examples of the major rock types that comprise the lunar surface both in hand and with a microscope and also have the opportunity to examine actual lunar samples on loan from NASA. We will review the chemical and physical characteris cs of the Moon and how these relate to its origin. The processes of impact cratering both on Moon and on Earth will be described. An op onal evening “Moon viewing” with binoculars and telescope will outline Moon’s major physical features.

Georgia’s Indian Rela ons Course # 1423 Steven Scurry Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011 Time: 1:30-3:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking Georgia’s Indian Rela ons on the Eve of the Revolu on Steve Scurry will set the stage for how the American Revolu on unfolded in Georgia and how the American Indians reacted and adapted to this war. Steve is a contribu ng writer for Flagpole magazine and is currently building a manuscript archive of borderland conflicts in Georgia.

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OLLI Course Book

Grammar Talk

How do you like your coffee?

Course # 1417

Course # 1419

Pat McAlexander and Alexis Winger Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking

Doug Moore Date: Friday, July 22, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking

Grammar Talk: Having Fun with Grammar

How do you like your coffee?

Pat and Alexis, the Click and Clack of OLLI Grammar, will begin by discussing grammar mistakes that educated people tend to make. Then they will focus on answering grammar ques ons the students bring in.

Coffee may be the second most commonly consumed liquid in our world, and recent findings point toward it making a more favorable contribu on to human health. Topics to be considered in this course include personal preferences for coffee (characteris cs, flavors, purposes/uses, etc.) and how those preferences drive the marke ng and distribu on of coffee.

Pat McAlexander earned a BA from SUNY Albany, MA from Columbia University, and PH.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. As a professor in UGA’s Division of Academic Enhancement, she taught courses in grammar, business wri ng, and composi on. She has published ar cles on teaching and American literature and co-authored three books: Beyond the “SP” Label, Basic Wri ng in America, and Correct Wri ng (6th ed.), a widely selling grammar text. Alexis Winger earned her BA from BYU and MA from Tennessee Technological University. She taught composi on in what is now the University of Georgia’s Division of Academic Enhancement for 29 years and most recently served as coordinator of the Wri ng Component of the Division’s Learning Center. She has given numerous presenta ons on teaching composi on and grammar.

Home Repair & Maintenance Course # 1408 Home Depot Instructors Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Time: 10:00 - 11:30 PM Loca on: Home Depot on Epps Bridge Pkwy 1 session Cost: $5 Taming the Demons of Dripping Facets, Slow Drains, Yucky Mildew, Dirty Grout & Ugly Light Fixtures We will meet at Home Depot on Epps Bridge Road. Students will be introduced to new products which will ease comple on of these devilish tasks and more. Home Depot instructors will be available a er class to answer ques ons not addressed in class.

Doug Moore has specialized in coffee merchandising for the last 10 years. He is a Georgia na ve with a BBA-Finance degree from Emory, graduate work at Baylor, and 50+ years in corporate America. He is a marke ng/retail merchandising specialist. He currently resides on his farm in Jefferson, Georgia with three horses, a Doberman and an endangered-species turkey.

India: 5000 years in the Making Course # 1403 Mony Abrol Date: Tuesday through Thursday, July 26-28, 2011 Time: 12:30 - 2:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 3 sessions Cost: $15 plus parking INDIA: 5000 years in the making The class will cover the history of the Indian sub-con nent from Kandhar (Afghanistan) to Bali (Indonesia) to show the influence INDIA had on these countries and vice-versa. We will then explore the religions & the cultures that shaped India over 3000 years. Finally we will examine the modern INDIA and her future. We will explore the country that imported bicycles from the UK in 1955 and is now sharing her CAD-CAM technology in high tech fields with the world’s super powers. We must also explore why the world’s two largest democracies, i.e. USA and INDIA, have been at loggerheads for over 28 years, virtually ignoring each other. This course is limited to 30 par cipants.

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OLLI Course Book

Mony Abrol holds a degree in Marine Engineering & Naval Architecture. He is cer fied as a Chartered Engineer and is a Licensed Chief Engineer of Large ships. He sailed for ten years, covering all major con nents. Mony arrived in New York in 1974 and worked for Germanischer Lloyds for one year. Several other projects followed in Brasil & Malaysia, then back to NY to manage a Bulk Carrier group. He moved to Athens in 1996. He is a member of Civitan, a volunteer for KOCBC and is a newbie gardener.

Inves ng and Rising Rates Course # 1413 Becky Ford Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 2:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking Preparing for a Rise in Interest Rates Today’s historically low interest rates will not last forever. Rising rates can have a significant effect on the value of an investment por olio, especially the fixed-income por on. This class will review strategies investors can use in an increasing rate environment.

Taj Mahal

Interna onal Challenges

Becky graduated from UGA and has graduate degrees from Georgetown and the U of South Carolina (Master in Interna onal Business). She has worked in the financial service industry her en re career, including 20+ years at JP Morgan Chase, including overseas assignments and ten plus years in the Private Bank. Since 2002 she has worked for Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC (and predecessor organiza ons) concentra ng on planning for re rement. She holds the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional designa on and ac vely includes annui es and long term care insurance in her prac ce.

Course # 1404 Gary Bertsch Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking Interna onal Challenges and the United States There are numerous interna onal issues compe ng for US a en on. The course will focus on a few of recent import— including, the rise of China; change in the Middle East; nuclear prolifera on—and address US challenges and opportuni es for the coming months and years. Gary Bertsch is University Professor Emeritus in the UGA School of Public and Interna onal Affairs. He was the Founding Director of the Center for Interna onal Trade and Security and Co-Founder of the UGA Delta Prize for Global Understanding. He has been elected to a life term membership in the New Yorkbased Council on Foreign Rela ons. He has worked on a range of interna onal issues in over 40 countries. Most recently, he is the Founder and Chairman of TradeSecure LLC.

For Course Descrip ons, see the Summer 2011 Course Book or visit the OLLI@UGA website:

www.olli.uga.edu When using the website: 1. Enter a course number or unique word or words from the course tle into the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. 2. Click on the course tle on the second screen to display the course descrip on and presenter biographical informa on.

Classes fill quickly! Mail your registra on forms promptly.

Summer 2011, Page 10

OLLI Course Book

Living Well Georgia

Moon Walk-Lunar Open House

Course # 1422

Course # 1427

Ka e Porter, MS, RD Date: Mondays, July 11 through August 15 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135/136 6 sessions Cost: $30 plus parking

R.D. Dallmeyer Date: Thursday, July 7, 2011 Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 and 136 Cost: Free Open House - Exclusively for OLLI@UGA members

Living Well Georgia Living Well Georgia can help you cope with ongoing health condi ons such as arthri s, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, anxiety, and depression. The techniques you’ll learn through the Living Well workshops will help you lead a happier, healthier life. The Living Well Georgia program is a six-week program led by trained leaders. During the small group classes members are encouraged to share and offer support. By a ending all six classes you will: • Learn how to manage your condi on • Learn to cope with nega ve feelings related to your condi on • Communicate be er with your doctor • Learn what you can do to help yourself • Have fun sharing with a posi ve, suppor ve group The group meets once a week for six weeks, and classes last two hours. Anyone with a chronic health condi on or family members, friends or caregivers of someone with a chronic health condi on is welcome to par cipate. This course is limited to 18 par cipants. Please reference calendar in the back of course book for loca on details. Kathryn N. Porter, MS, RD, LD: Doctoral candidate at the University of Georgia for a Ph.D. in Foods and Nutri on. Her research focus is on obesity and its associa on among food insecurity, mental health, dietary pa erns, ea ng behaviors, and physical ac vity in older adults par cipa ng in the congregate meal program in Georgia's senior centers. She currently is working with the Northeast Georgia Area Agency as the Chronic Disease Self Management Program coordinator overseeing the implementa on of the workshops throughout Northeast Georgia and fulfilling her du es as a CDSMP Master Trainer. She previously worked at the world renowned Cooper Fitness Center in Dallas, Texas under Dr. Kenneth Cooper specializing in osteoporosis, obesity, and Parkinson’s disease. She is a cer fied personal trainer from the Na onal Academy of Sports Medicine, group fitness leader for the Silver Sneakers program, and is cer fied in Adult Weight Loss Management through the American Diete c Associa on.

Moon Walk-Lunar Open House Dr. David Dallmeyer, UGA Geology Professor Emeritus, will be teaching an OLLI@ UGA course en tled “Geology and Explora on of the Moon: What Did We Learn From Apollo?” July 5-8, 2011. For this class, NASA has temporarily loaned to Dr. Dallmeyer a variety of lunar samples brought back to Earth by astronauts on the Apollo missions. Don’t miss this unique opportunity for your chance to walk on the Moon! Dr. Dallmeyer will host an open house for all OLLI@UGA members to view these lunar samples between 6:30 and 8:30 PM on Thursday evening, July 7 at River’s Crossing. A variety of educa onal maps and lunar photographs will be on display and microscopes will be available.

(A) Microbiologist Remodels His House Course # 1418 Gene Michaels Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Time: 1:00 - 4:30 PM Loca on: Presenter's Home 1 session Cost: $5 (A) Microbiologist Remodels His House Gene Michaels will lead a walking tour of the Johnston planta on homestead site including the overseer's house which was built in 1886 and has been almost con nually remodeled since. It now has 27 rooms, geothermal hea ng and cooling, free hot water, recycled light gray water and rain water for the Koi pond, a mold free bathroom and a special Georgia Bulldogs room. Outside we will see several endangered plants, evidence of a Lamar culture na ve American village, and a number of ar facts from the old planta on. If me permits we will also explore some collec ons, African and Thai wood carvings, European glass paper weights, jade from New Zealand, opals from Australia, and Garnets from Athens, Ga. One house rule is that nothing goes to the landfill! This tour is limited to 10 par cipants.

Page 11, Summer 2011

Dr. Michaels: entered UGA, 1952, PhD-1967. Professor of Microbiology, UGA 1967-1998. Director, Ga. State Science Fair 1977-1998. Director UGA History Day program 1979-1998. Director Special Academic Programs for UGA 1984-1998. Director UGA Advanced Placement for Teachers Ins tutes 1986-1998. Elected Honoree Maori Chief, Rotorua Tribe, New Zealand 1995. Emeritus Director and Professor Academic programs and Microbiology 1998 to present. Appointed to Board of Directors UGA Alumni Associa on 2007.

Military Jus ce System Course # 1406 Barney L. Brannen, USA Re red, Colonel, JAGC Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking Uniform Code Military Jus ce and Manual for Courts Mar al With twenty years experience as a Judge Advocate as a trial a orney in over 1,000 cases, as a Chief Legal Officer (SJA) in two Army Divisions and an Army Corp, and as the Commandant of the Army’s post-graduate law school, Col Brannen will explain the courts mar al system. He will explain how a case begins

OLLI Course Book

its journey through the various commanders to arrive at the appropriate Court Mar al and proceed to trial and resolu on, with the final resolu on being the approval of the case’s outcome by the Commanding General.

Omrit: A Roman Temple Course # 1415 William Loughner Date: Monday, July 25, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking Omrit: A Roman Temple in Northern Israel. Around 20 BCE Herod the Great (of biblical fame) built a temple in northern Pales ne in honor of Rome and its new emperor Caesar Augustus. A history of the temple and the current archaeological findings over the last ten years will be presented by Bill Loughner, an OLLI member who has volunteered there for the last 3 years. An overview of archaeological volunteering will also be given. Bill has volunteered 5 mes at archaeological sites in the Middle East. He has BA, MA and MLS degrees.

Archaeological excava on at Horbat Omrit.

Summer 2011, Page 12

OLLI Course Book

Summer Time Lunch

Tai Chi Easy

Course # 1425

Course # 1425

Andy Urell Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Time: 5:00 – 6:30 PM Loca on: Porterhouse Grill 1 session Cost: $5

Tom Wi enberg Date: Wednesdays and Fridays, July 6 through July 29 Time: 10:30 - 11:30 AM Loca on: Central Presbyterian Church 8 sessions Cost: $48

Simple yet Elegant Summer Time Lunch

Tai Chi Easy

In this interac ve class, Chef Andy Urell will share simple yet elegant lunch me dishes as well as how to take recipes and ‘make them your own’. Each member will leave with a collec on of the recipes used in class and others to try on their own.

Tai Chi Easy is derived from the 108 moves of tradi onal Tai Chi. It consists of five flowing movements that promote vitality, self-healing, and relaxa on. Among the benefits are improved balance, lower blood pressure, heightened immune func on, greater flexibility and resilience, decreased incidence of falls, and stress reduc on. Par cipants will soon become very familiar with the 3 Ms and a B: Movement, self-administered Massage, Medita on, and Breathing. There will be short readings from Wild Chickens and Pe y Tyrants. The class is limited to 25 par cipants.

The class will be hosted at the Porterhouse Grill, a fine dining steakhouse with both a great reputa on and great ambiance. A er class, why not stay for dinner and enjoy the live jazz music that Porterhouse Grill offers each Wednesday night. The class is limited to 30 par cipants. A $5 fee to cover the cost of ingredients will be collected at the start of class. Please bring cash or check made payable to the presenter. Andy Urell is the Execu ve Chef and owner of Porterhouse Grill in Athens. He has twenty-five years of cooking and teaching experience.

Tom Wi enberg earned an AB from Dartmouth and an MA from the University of Minnesota. He is a cer fied Tai Chi Easy facilitator, having studied with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong (Santa Barbara, California.) He has studied and prac ced Tai Chi for more than twelve years.

Page 13, Summer 2011

OLLI Course Book

UGA Main Library Tour

Weight Control & Physical Fitness

Course # 1420

Course # 1412

Kris n Nielsen Date: Monday, July 11, 2011 Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM Loca on: UGA Main Library 1 session Cost: $5

Dr. William “Bill” Fla Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking

Using the UGA Main Library

Weight Control, Energy Balance and Physical Fitness

The tour of the UGA main library will begin in the first floor Instruc onal lab for an orienta on which will include a variety of informa on, use of the online catalog and other resources available to OLLI @ UGA members. A er the orienta on you can obtain your UGA Library card and begin using the library. This tour is limited to 25 par cipants.

Obesity is a major health risk problem in America and is becoming more and more prevalent. Type 2 diabetes is one of the risks and is not only increasingly prevalent in older obese adults, but even in teenagers and middle school age children. What can be done to prevent obesity? Reducing caloric intake and increasing physical ac vity (energy expenditure) are the recommended solu ons. Dr. Fla will discuss his personal experience in losing over 50 pounds of body fat and maintaining the lower body weight for over two decades. He will describe the importance of physical ac vity, including strength training in preven ng age-related loss of muscle (sarcopenia).

Kris n Nielsen has been working at the UGA Library since 1991 and is currently the English and Journalism bibliographer and the head of the Reference Department. She has a BA and MA in English and a MLS. In her spare me, she is a fact checker for the Georgia Encyclopedia and enjoys reading (of course!), cycling, traveling and gardening.

UGA Science Library Tour Course # 1416 William Loughner Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM Loca on: UGA Science Library 1 session $5 Using the UGA Science Library The tour of the UGA Science Library will begin by the main floor Reference Desk for an orienta on which will include a variety of informa on, use of the online catalog and other resources available to OLLI @ UGA members. A er the orienta on you can obtain your UGA Library card and begin using the library. This tour is limited to 25 par cipants. The tour will be lead by Bill Loughner who was a Science Librarian at UGA for over 30 years. He has BA, MA and MLS degrees.

Dr. William P. (Bill) Fla , D.W. Brooks Dis nguished Professor Emeritus, has been a UGA faculty member since 1969. He served as dean and coordinator of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from 1981-1994, and previously as director of the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Sta ons (19701981). He received his Ph.D. in animal nutri on, biochemistry, and physiology from Cornell University in 1955, and he was head of the USDA Energy Metabolism Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., from 1956-1969. In 1994 he began teaching human nutri on in the Foods and Nutri on Department and animal nutri on in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science. He has received many na onal awards for his energy metabolism research, and was recently named a Fellow of the American Society for Nutri on for “the visionary leadership he demonstrated during and a er his service as research leader of the energy metabolism unit at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the more recent penetra ng studies of energy balance and obesity and lep n ac ons he and his colleagues have reported.”

Check out our Special Interest Groups on page 16.

OLLI Course Book

What is Synchronicity? Course # 1405 Anita Brannen Date: Mondays, July 11, 18, 25, 2011 Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM Loca on: River’s Crossing 136 3 session Cost: $15 plus parking

Summer 2011, Page 14

school). When she returned to Georgia, she took many hours of courses in Philosophy, History, Government and the Classics, proving that she would rather go to school than work – something that her family already recognized.

What Is Synchronicity? Just what is synchronicity? Could it be related to Astrology? The Tarot? The I Ching? What significance does it have for understanding the real world? If you are interested in exploring any of these topics, you can do it together with others of like interest. PLEASE PURCHASE AND READ: Synchronicity: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth and the Trickster by Allan Combs and Mark Holland and/or Synchronicity; The Bridge Between Ma er and Mind by F. David Peat. If you do not have a computer, you will have the opportunity to purchase handouts of material e-mailed for the classes. This will not be a large charge. I will get the cheapest rates possible and purchasing them will be op onal Being a na ve Georgian, she a ended UGA where she earned a BA in French literature. During her UGA days, she met a guy named Barney, to whom she has been married for 52 years. When Barney finished his law degree, they decided to pursue a career in the Judge Advocate General’s Corp, U.S. Army, living for 20 years across the U.S. and in Germany. While in Charlo esville, Virginia, Anita earned her M.Ed. in Counseling from the University of Virginia (when it was s ll an all-male

Winning Poetry Course # 1421 Martha R. Phillips Date: Friday, July 15, 2011 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 PM Loca on: River’s Crossing 135 1 session Cost: $5 plus parking Local Poets Read Award Winning Poetry Martha Phillips, local author and poet, will moderate a session of poetry reading including her works and those of Pat Adams, Linda Moore and Gay Williford. Their poems and limericks have won awards from the Georgia Poetry Society, Southeast Writers Associa on and the Georgia Federa on of Women’s Clubs. The poets reside in Athens and surrounding coun es. As members of the Poet Pourri group formed several years ago by Gay Williford, the poets meet regularly to read and share poems and limericks.



12:30 PM India (RC 136)

1:30 PM Living Well (RC 136)

130-3 Living Well (RC 135)

*Mondays, Aug 1, 8, 15

1:30 PM Omrit (RC 135)

9:30 AM UGA Science Library 10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 139)



10:00 AM Military Justice (RC 135) 10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 139) 1:30 PM International Challenges (RC 136)


10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 139) 1:00 PM Activity, Weight, Disability (RM)

9:00 AM Geology:Moon (RC 139) 10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 64 ) 1:30 PM Bowers House (RC 135)


10:00 AM Synchronicity (RC 136)


1:30 PM Living Well (RC 135)


10:00 AM Synchronicity (RC 136)

1:30 PM Caravaggio (RC 136)

1:30 PM Living Well (RC 135)

9:30 AM Tour-UGA Main Library 10:00 AM Synchronicity (RC 136)

Independence Day


July 2011





12:30 PM India (RC 136) 2:00 PM Weight Control & Physical Fitness(RC 136)

12:30 PM India (RC 136)

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)



10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 139) 1:30 PM Brain Works (RC 136 )


10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 139) 1:00 PM Activity, Weight & Disability (RM) 1:30 PM GA’s Indians (RC 136)

9:00 AM Geology:Moon (RC 139) 10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 64) 12:30 PM Adv. Directives (RC 113) 6:30 PM Lunar Open House (RC 136 & 139)


10:30 AM Conv Span 1 (RC 139)


1:30 PM Brain Works (RC 136)

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)


1:30 PM Investing: Rising Rates (RC 135) 5:00 PM Summer Time Lunch

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)

10:00 AM Home Repair (HD)

1:00 PM Microbiologist Remodel (PH) 1:00 PM Grammar Talk (RC 135)

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)

9:00 AM Geology:Moon (RC 139)


10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)


1:30 PM Coffee (RC 135)

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)


1:30 PM Winning Poetry (RC 135)

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)


11:30 AM Lunch & Learn (TC) 2:00 PM Classic Center tour

10:30 AM Tai Chi (CP)



9:00 AM Geology:Moon (RC 139)








Location Abbreviations: CP: Central Presbyterian, PH: Presenter's Home, OS: Off Site, RM: Ramsey Center, RC: River's Crossing, TC: Trumps Catering







Page 15, Summer 2011 OLLI Course Book

Summer 2011, Page 16

OLLI Course Book

Special Interest Groups (SIGS) Advanced Bridge Kathy Kasarskis

Enjoy Opera in Athens trukmk@aol.com


This group meets on the first and third Wednesdays from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the ACCA, 135 Hoyt St. If you are an experienced player and would like an a ernoon of cards without the fuss of se ng up tables, making snacks and drinks (coffee is available), we invite you to try our group.

Bicycling John Songster



The interest group was organized in the summer of 2007 and started riding ac vi es in the fall. Over the past two years, more than fi y members have par cipated. The original theme s ll holds true. “For those who long to take the drudgery out of health club exercising or want to start a fitness program that perpetuates itself, a new opportunity to get back on a real bicycle is s ll available.” The health benefits of cycling are well known and Athens offers a wonderful environment for safe, fun biking. Although one may need to get some of the kinks out and polish riding skills, the ability to ride a bike is never lost once learned. The group will a end to those needs as well as help people get old bikes up and rolling again and advise them on new bike op ons. We also conduct “get started again” instruc on and introductory rides that will help par cipants develop their cycling growth to whatever level they wish to achieve. Local and nearby out-of-town rides over longer distances are organized during the year for those who enjoy socializing along with their pedaling. New fresh legs are especially welcomed.

Bonsai Claire Clements Winnie Kelly


706.548.0211 706.548.1418

The Bonsai interest group was formed in the spring of 2003. The informal group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM in the Brick Room at the ACCA on Hoyt Street. Bonsai, literally translated, means po ed tree. Members bring suitable plant materials to pot, or those already po ed which they wish to exhibit or discuss. We have a small library of specialty books which may be borrowed. Field trips are made to a variety of places of interest to the group, that are within driving distance, where plants, plan ng materials and specialized tools may be purchased.

Book Discussion Group Diana Cerwonka



The Book Discussion Group meets on the second Thursday of the month in the conference/boardroom (off the lobby of the administra on building) at the Council on Aging, 135 Hoyt Street, Athens, from 3:00-4:0 p.m. Books are selected by group members’ vote. Selec ons include fic on and nonfic on, contemporary and classic. Discussion is informal and par cipa on is encouraged. Please feel welcome to join us at any mee ng.

Nancy Songster



Our purpose is to learn more about opera, a end OLLI classes on Opera, enjoy live opera performances in the Athens area, and a end the award winning Metropolitan Opera Live in HD broadcasts at Beechwood Cinemas and the CinemaOpera broadcasts at Carmike Theatres. We support UGA opera student produc ons, share informa on about opera via email, and offer a pre-opera luncheon or supper, where the UGA opera graduate students present informa on about the current Live in HD broadcast. We have a voluntary contribu on fund to cover the cost of the students’ lunches and their opera ckets, as well as program notes for the Met Opera broadcasts. The Met Opera broadcasts are on Saturday a ernoon, October through May, with an evening encore broadcast three weeks later. Email no ces are sent out about all produc ons. The Metropolitan Opera also broadcasts a summer encore series, tles, dates and mes to be announced.

Hand Quil ng Sandy Jordan



The quil ng group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 1-3 PM all year. We meet at members’ homes and just do hand quil ng. We have room for interested persons wan ng to learn or those who already do hand quil ng.

Happy Hikers Iris Miracle



If you love the great outdoors and hiking is a passion or an interest, then you will want to join this group. Hikes are short and long, easy to challenging, for fitness, fun and enjoyment of the marvels of nature. You can pick and choose as each hike is planned. We plan at least one hike a month, working up to more, if there is enough interest. There are many great hiking trails in and around Athens, but we will plan hikes to N.GA & other areas in GA. Perhaps some overnight hikes and even nearby states are possibili es. Come along, join this interest group and have fun while ge ng healthy exercise and enjoying the great outdoors.

Inves ng Ron Cerwonka



The Investment Group meets once a month to exchange informa on about inves ng and investments. Please note that this is not a group that plans investments for the group to make together. The group’s common denominator is a strong interest in exchanging informa on about the world of investments; no special knowledge of the field is needed.

Page 17, Summer 2011

OLLI Course Book


Lady Dogs Basketball Randall Abney



Follow the Lady Dogs Basketball team with other OLLI members. We buy season ckets for all the home games, and we sit in the same general area at (newly renovated) Stegman Coliseum. Members get together for lunch at the Georgia Center before at least one of the Sunday a ernoon games. Send me an email now, and I will let you know when ckets are available. It’s great basketball and lots of fun.



Formed by Mac lovers in PC Land, this group meets in person and via Facebook to share ps, apps, ideas, frustra ons, or anything else related to Apple products.

MahJongg alpshv428@aol.com


Do you already know how to play Mahjongg, or have you wanted to learn? I love to play and would love to find fellow fana cs – or future ones. Several groups have started on the east and west side of Athens. Let’s get together!

Novice Bridge Jimmie Hawes



This group is for people who already know the basics of playing bridge, but have not played in a long me or have not played a lot. It is lovely to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, to gain experience playing the best game ever with great people just like you. This group meets at the Unitarian Universal Fellowship building, 780 Timothy Road, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1PM to 4PM. The playing fee is $2 per session.

Picture This! Digital Photography Group Chuck Murphy



Picture This! is OLLI’s digital photography club. Members include complete novices, serious amateurs and everything in between. We typically meet the evening of the 4th Thursday of each month at River’s Crossing. Our mee ngs usually feature an educa onal talk on a photographic topic, with me reserved for member ques ons. We also schedule photo walks around Athens and trips to scenic venues and photo exhibits. Email Chuck Murphy at the address above to join.



The S tch and Chat Group meets on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year at 10 AM. We meet in homes, or other loca ons, such as Main Street Yarns in Watkinsville and Em’s Kitchen on Hawthorne. Most of our members are kni ng, but bring any type of handwork and join us.

“String of Pearls” Memoir Wri ng Group Roger Bailey

Mac Fan(a c)s

Heidi Naylor


This group was organized to foster networking among OLLI @ UGA members who are over 50 and single. There is a dinner mee ng the first Thursday of each month where members get acquainted and plan ac vi es together. Looking to get involved in the Athens Scene? Give SoloSENIORS a try. Bet you will have fun!

Kay Hymo 43rivers@gmail.com

This is a lively and friendly group. Its purpose is to socialize, meet new people, form new friendships and enjoy wonderful food at locallyowned Athens/Watkinsville restaurants. We get together the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30AM. Please email Mercedes Rivera to be added to the monthly email distribu on list. Spouses and guests of OLLI @ UGA members are welcome to come. RSVPs are required.

Jim Kradel


S tch and Chat

Lunch Bunch Mercedes Rivera

Vic Armstrong



Wri ng about our lives, we share our prose and poetry to learn more about ourselves and each other as we hope to write memoirs more effec vely in regard to both form and content. We meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the third Thursday of each month in the conference room of the Bentley Center at the Council on Aging, 135 Hoyt Street, Athens, Georgia.

Supper Club Mar Edwards David Block

mriverwalk@bellsouth.net David.Block@gmail.com


We s ll are looking for cooks and entertainers! If you enjoy playing in the kitchen with different recipes and sharing them with likeminded friends in the living room, then this is the group for you. We›re not gourmands but we do love cooking, sharing good food and conversa on, and having fun Our Supper Club meets once a month in a member›s home with the host/hostess choosing the entree and a theme. The rest of us contribute appe zers, side dishes, salads, and desserts. The host can offer alcoholic beverages or suggest that each member bring his or her favorite. So far we›ve had homemade pizza night, a burger extravaganza, and a picnic theme with smoked Boston bu . Join us next month. Your only commitment is taking your turn as host/hostess.

OLLI@UGA Membership Form

OLLI Course Book

Summer 2011, Page 18

(If you have already renewed your membership, please pass this on to a friend)

New member __________

Renewing Member___________

Renewing Members Only: YES! My info has changed in the last 12 months _________ Please send me a new Name Badge ________ Table Tent ________

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please use a separate form for each member – printable from the OLLI@UGA website: www.olli.uga.edu.)

Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State __________ Zip ___________


Phone (H) _________________________ (C) ___________________________ Email _________________________________ Please tell us about your hobbies, your career or business experience, and your volunteer experience. If you need additional space, please use the back of this form. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Annual Membership for OLLI@UGA is $40.00 per year per person How did you hear about OLLI@UGA? ________________________________________________________________________ If you do NOT want your name and contact information listed in the OLLI Membership booklet, please check here Please be aware that other OLLI members, Class Facilitators, and Committee Chairs may have difficulty reaching you if you opt out of the Membership Booklet.

To save gas and to be more earth friendly, would you like to participate in a carpool for your class(es)? ____ Yes _____ No Do you require assistance with transportation to classes, if available? ____ Yes _____ No Would you be willing to provide transportation for a member who needs assistance? ____ Yes _____ No I would like to support OLLI@UGA with the enclosed tax deductible monetary contribution ___$15 ___$25 ___$50 $_______other

Make the most of your membership! Please indicate your interest in the following areas: Committees: At the heart of OLLI@UGA programs are its committees. Members plan all educational, travel and social activities. ______ Curriculum ______ Finance _____ Registration

______ Membership ______ Publications/Newsletter ______ Strategic Planning

_______ Marketing _______ Travel/Study ______ Development

______Public Relations/Publicity ______ Member Services (Social) ______ Technology

Would you like to teach a course? If you would, please describe a topic. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Interest Groups: Special interest groups meet in non-classroom settings. Please mark your choice(s) by writing (J) to join a special interest group or (C) to continue your participation in a special interest group. Interest groups are self-governing. Feel free to make a suggestion for a new special interest group. Bicycling Book Discussion Advanced Bridge Stitch & Chat Investment

LadyDogs Basketball (UGA) Novice Bridge Mac (computer) Fanatics Digital Photography SoloSENIORS

Opera Hand Quilting Memoir Writing Tutors in the Community Bonsai

Lunch Bunch Happy Hikers Supper Club (Visual) Art Appreciationists

Comments and Suggestion: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Remember to enclose this completed form with your check Annual Membership for OLLI@UGA is $40.00 per year per person Payable to OLLI@UGA OLLI@UGA, River’s Crossing, 850 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706-542-7715 Email: olli@uga.edu DB







Web: www.olli.uga.edu RAN

Rev. 03/2011



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MACON HIGHWAY Rts. 15, 129 & 441






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CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 380 Alps Rd., Athens Church office phone: 706-549-9284


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Insurance Co.

Traffic li ght



IS IN THE SHOPS OF SOUTH MILLEDGE SHOPPING CENTER, 2026 S. Milledge Ave., Athens. 706-546-1320 Entrance is to the right of the Dialysis Center



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Colonial Promenade Beechwood Shopping Centers





RIVER’S CROSSING 850 College Station Road, Athens



ATHENS COMMUNITY COUNCIL ON AGING 135 Hoyt St., Athens 706-549-4850

Maps to OLLI@UGA Course Locations


Page 19, Summer 2011 OLLI Course Book

Summer 2011, Page 20

OLLI Course Book

OLLI@UGA Summer 2011 Alphabetic Course List with Schedule OLLI@UGA Lunch and Learn Program Course # 1401

Course Title Hospitality is an economic engine!

Presenter Location Name Cramer




Friday, July 8




OLLI@UGA Courses 1411

Activity, Weight & Disability

Presenter Location Name Evans RM

1429 1424 1407

Advance Directives Workshop (The) Bowers House Brain Works

Halow Stormont Crawley

RC 113 RC 135 RC 136

1402 1428 1414

Caravaggio Classic Center tour Conversational Spanish I

Abney Cramer Hinkle

1409 1423 1417

Geology and Exploration of the Moon Georgia's Indian Relations Grammar Talk

RC 136 Off Site RC 64/ 139 RC 139

1408 1419 1403

Home Repair & Maintenance How do you like your coffee? India: 5000 Years in the Making

1404 1413 1422

International Challenges Investing & Rising Rates Living Well Georgia

1427 1418

Moon Walk: Lunar Open House (A) Microbiologist Remodels His House Military Justice System Omrit: A Roman Temple Summer Time Lunch Tai Chi Easy

Course #

1406 1415 1425 1426 1420 1416 1412 1405 1421

Course Title

UGA Main Library Tour UGA Science Library Tour Weight Control & Physical Fitness What is Synchronicity? Winning Poetry

Dallmeyer Scurry McAlexander / Winger Home Depot Moore Abrol Bertsch Ford Porter Dallmeyer Michaels Brannen Loughner Urell Wittenberg Nielsen Loughner Flatt

RC 136 RC 135

Tuesday, July 12 & Thursday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM July 14 Thursday, July 7 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, July 5 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, July 20 & Thursday, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM July 21 Monday, July 11 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Friday, July 8 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26; 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Thursdays, July 7, 14, 21, 28 Tuesday-Friday, July 5, 6, 7, 8 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, July 14 Wednesday, July 6

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Off Site RC 135 RC 136

Wednesday, July 13 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Friday, July 22 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Tuesday-Thursday, July 26, 27, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM 28 RC 136 Tuesday, July 19 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM RC 135 Wednesday, July 13 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM RC 135/ Mondays, July 11, 18, 25; 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM 136 August 1, 8, 15 RC 136 Thursday, July 7 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM PH Wednesday, July 6 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM RC 135 Tuesday, July 19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM RC 135 Monday, July 25 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Off Site Wednesday, July 13 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CP Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27; 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Fridays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Off Site Monday, July 11 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Off Site Tuesday, July 26 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM RC 136 Wednesday, July 27 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Brannen RC 136 Mondays, July 11, 18, 25 Phillips RC 135 Friday, July 15 Location Abbreviations:

10:00 AM - 11:30 PM 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

CP: Central Presbyterian, PH: Presenter's Home, RM: Ramsey Center, RC: River's Crossing, TC: Trumps Catering

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