The Institute forInterdisciplinary Research inEducation and Human Development

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The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human Development






The College of Education Research Office’s mission is

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human

to Enhance Our College-Wide Culture of Research. Our

Development is housed in the University of Georgia College of

faculty are involved in a broad array of research projects

Education Research Office and assembles the significant strengths

impacting our world, economy, and citizens. The Institute

of faculty members across colleges and disciplines at the University

for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human

of Georgia. The Institute brings together and encourages the devel-

Development (The Institute) furthers the research culture of

opment of interdisciplinary teams of researchers and helps them

the College by providing opportunities for interdisciplinary

obtain external funding for their research.

and collaborative research. Study groups in the Institute help facilitate focused approaches to topics and develop strategies for grants and implementation of solutions.

The Institute supports research, provides professional development growth opportunities, and increases the opportunities for receiving extramural funding. The Institute facilitates several study groups and

Institute researchers are involved at all levels of education,

houses research and development (R&D) centers. The activities of

pioneering methods for formal and informal learning to

the Institute focus on developing and supporting the infrastructure

enhance education from elementary school through

needed for large-scale interdisciplinary research projects to help

adulthood, including those with physical and cognitive

them secure external funding for their research. A cooperative and

disabilities, and seeking ways to improve health and

collaborative spirit is encouraged and embraced.

wellness throughout the lifespan.


COE researchers at all levels of education are at the forefront of asking questions and posing innovative solutions to some of the most challenging questions of today using a breadth of theoretical perspectives and research methodologies across a range of disciplines. College of Education research is innovative and unique,

4Research and Development (R&D) Centers R&D Centers support multiple Principal Investigators (PIs), each pursuing some aspect of the coordinated research program of that center. There are currently five R&D Centers in the COE that are part of the Institute:

using state-of-the-art methodologies to solve today’s

• Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE)

problems and address tomorrow’s questions.

• Georgia Center for Assessment • Learning Performance and Support Laboratory • Program Evaluation Group • Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development

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Michael S. Ferrara, Ph.D., ATC Associate Dean of Research College of Education The University of Georgia






The College of Education Research Office’s mission is

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human

to Enhance Our College-Wide Culture of Research. Our

Development is housed in the University of Georgia College of

faculty are involved in a broad array of research projects

Education Research Office and assembles the significant strengths

impacting our world, economy, and citizens. The Institute

of faculty members across colleges and disciplines at the University

for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human

of Georgia. The Institute brings together and encourages the devel-

Development (The Institute) furthers the research culture of

opment of interdisciplinary teams of researchers and helps them

the College by providing opportunities for interdisciplinary

obtain external funding for their research.

and collaborative research. Study groups in the Institute help facilitate focused approaches to topics and develop strategies for grants and implementation of solutions.

The Institute supports research, provides professional development growth opportunities, and increases the opportunities for receiving extramural funding. The Institute facilitates several study groups and

Institute researchers are involved at all levels of education,

houses research and development (R&D) centers. The activities of

pioneering methods for formal and informal learning to

the Institute focus on developing and supporting the infrastructure

enhance education from elementary school through

needed for large-scale interdisciplinary research projects to help

adulthood, including those with physical and cognitive

them secure external funding for their research. A cooperative and

disabilities, and seeking ways to improve health and

collaborative spirit is encouraged and embraced.

wellness throughout the lifespan.


COE researchers at all levels of education are at the forefront of asking questions and posing innovative solutions to some of the most challenging questions of today using a breadth of theoretical perspectives and research methodologies across a range of disciplines. College of Education research is innovative and unique,

4Research and Development (R&D) Centers R&D Centers support multiple Principal Investigators (PIs), each pursuing some aspect of the coordinated research program of that center. There are currently five R&D Centers in the COE that are part of the Institute:

using state-of-the-art methodologies to solve today’s

• Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE)

problems and address tomorrow’s questions.

• Georgia Center for Assessment • Learning Performance and Support Laboratory • Program Evaluation Group • Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development

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Michael S. Ferrara, Ph.D., ATC Associate Dean of Research College of Education The University of Georgia

Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE) Pedro Portes, Executive Director The Goizueta Foundation Distinguished Chair of Latino Teacher Education

The Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE) is an educational R&D center that provides: • Research to inform teachers and educators on how to reduce the achievement gap for Latino children, especially in Georgia.

Georgia Center for Assessment Allan Cohen, Director Aderhold Professor of Research Methodology

The professional assessment teams at the Georgia Center for Assessment (GCA) are experienced at scoring short-answer items and constructed response essays in all of the content areas at all grade levels. Our staff have expertise in all phases of the following areas: • Test scoring

• Professional development and resources for K-12 educators working with Latinos statewide.

• Test development

• Outreach support through mentoring/tutoring and extended learning opportunities for Latino students placed at risk.

• Surveys

• Program support in developing a pipeline to post-secondary education for Latino students. • Research-based policy recommendations for decision-makers and stakeholders at the state, regional, and national levels. CLASE aims to narrow the achievement gap of Latino students placed at risk due to poverty and language barriers and to improve the level of education of Latino students (PreK-16) statewide. Its goals include the following: • Researching and disseminating promising/best practices for Latino education • Developing and supporting appropriate programs by leveraging federal, private, and state funding

• Training • Program evaluation To assist local school districts in preparing their students for these tests, GCA provides Supplementary Writing Assessments at the elementary, middle, and high school levels and a Predictor Test for the High School Graduation Tests in Science and Social Studies. GCA also provides research and measurement services to several local schools districts (Clarke, Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee counties) and education agencies such as the Southern Regional Education Board and the Georgia Department of Education. As a service function to the College of Education, GCA processes course evaluations. For more information, visit GCA at

• Creating and enhancing partnerships to raise the learning and social outcomes of Latinos in Georgia and the nation For more information, visit CLASE at

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Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE) Pedro Portes, Executive Director The Goizueta Foundation Distinguished Chair of Latino Teacher Education

The Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education (CLASE) is an educational R&D center that provides: • Research to inform teachers and educators on how to reduce the achievement gap for Latino children, especially in Georgia.

Georgia Center for Assessment Allan Cohen, Director Aderhold Professor of Research Methodology

The professional assessment teams at the Georgia Center for Assessment (GCA) are experienced at scoring short-answer items and constructed response essays in all of the content areas at all grade levels. Our staff have expertise in all phases of the following areas: • Test scoring

• Professional development and resources for K-12 educators working with Latinos statewide.

• Test development

• Outreach support through mentoring/tutoring and extended learning opportunities for Latino students placed at risk.

• Surveys

• Program support in developing a pipeline to post-secondary education for Latino students. • Research-based policy recommendations for decision-makers and stakeholders at the state, regional, and national levels. CLASE aims to narrow the achievement gap of Latino students placed at risk due to poverty and language barriers and to improve the level of education of Latino students (PreK-16) statewide. Its goals include the following: • Researching and disseminating promising/best practices for Latino education • Developing and supporting appropriate programs by leveraging federal, private, and state funding

• Training • Program evaluation To assist local school districts in preparing their students for these tests, GCA provides Supplementary Writing Assessments at the elementary, middle, and high school levels and a Predictor Test for the High School Graduation Tests in Science and Social Studies. GCA also provides research and measurement services to several local schools districts (Clarke, Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee counties) and education agencies such as the Southern Regional Education Board and the Georgia Department of Education. As a service function to the College of Education, GCA processes course evaluations. For more information, visit GCA at

• Creating and enhancing partnerships to raise the learning and social outcomes of Latinos in Georgia and the nation For more information, visit CLASE at

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Learning Performance and Support Laboratory

Program Evaluation Group

Michael Hannafin, Director Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Technology-Enhanced Learning

Karen DeMeester, Director

The LPSL is focused on education-related R&D—one of a handful of educational technology research laboratories nationwide. The mission of the LPSL is to engage in research and development in three strategic impact areas: emerging learning environments, teacher education and school reform, and assessment and evaluation. The LPSL has formed a unique team of faculty and research scientists. The group also engages in collaborations with external agencies, laboratories, companies, universities, schools, and individuals. Three major themes characterize the mission and spirit of the LPSL: • A commitment to theoretically grounded research, both basic and applied, that contributes to our understanding of how learning and performance may be enhanced by technology. • A commitment to research and development that will establish a leadingedge capability in the state of Georgia for technology-enhanced learning, performance assessment, and information access at all levels of education, training, and work. • A commitment to developing partnerships and research collaborations with other institutions, businesses, and agencies in the state, the nation, and internationally. For more information, visit LPSL at



PEG’s mission is to improve learning and performance for children and adults by providing researchers, funders, program leaders, and other decision makers with the comprehensive, rigorous, and relevant data they need to measure and continuously improve the impact of their studies, investments, and programs. PEG provides expertise in the design and implementation of evaluation and research projects ranging from large, multi-site, multi-method evaluations to small, local assessments of education and community programs. PEG provides a full range of evaluation services from conducting needs assessments and creating logic models to producing reports and presentations of formative and summative findings for diverse stakeholders and policymakers. For more information, visit PEG at

The Institute assists group members with administrative support, mentoring, and assistance in obtaining funding for their activities.

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The Learning and Performance Support Laboratory (LPSL) is an interdisciplinary research group. The LPSL was established in 1994 through funding from the Georgia Research Alliance to advance technology-related research in strategic areas considered vital to the state's future.

The Program Evaluation Group (PEG) has over 15 years of experience conducting program evaluations and research studies for government and education agencies and institutions, community organizations, and private enterprises at the local, state, national, and international levels.

Learning Performance and Support Laboratory

Program Evaluation Group

Michael Hannafin, Director Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Technology-Enhanced Learning

Karen DeMeester, Director

The LPSL is focused on education-related R&D—one of a handful of educational technology research laboratories nationwide. The mission of the LPSL is to engage in research and development in three strategic impact areas: emerging learning environments, teacher education and school reform, and assessment and evaluation. The LPSL has formed a unique team of faculty and research scientists. The group also engages in collaborations with external agencies, laboratories, companies, universities, schools, and individuals. Three major themes characterize the mission and spirit of the LPSL: • A commitment to theoretically grounded research, both basic and applied, that contributes to our understanding of how learning and performance may be enhanced by technology. • A commitment to research and development that will establish a leadingedge capability in the state of Georgia for technology-enhanced learning, performance assessment, and information access at all levels of education, training, and work. • A commitment to developing partnerships and research collaborations with other institutions, businesses, and agencies in the state, the nation, and internationally. For more information, visit LPSL at



PEG’s mission is to improve learning and performance for children and adults by providing researchers, funders, program leaders, and other decision makers with the comprehensive, rigorous, and relevant data they need to measure and continuously improve the impact of their studies, investments, and programs. PEG provides expertise in the design and implementation of evaluation and research projects ranging from large, multi-site, multi-method evaluations to small, local assessments of education and community programs. PEG provides a full range of evaluation services from conducting needs assessments and creating logic models to producing reports and presentations of formative and summative findings for diverse stakeholders and policymakers. For more information, visit PEG at

The Institute assists group members with administrative support, mentoring, and assistance in obtaining funding for their activities.

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The Learning and Performance Support Laboratory (LPSL) is an interdisciplinary research group. The LPSL was established in 1994 through funding from the Georgia Research Alliance to advance technology-related research in strategic areas considered vital to the state's future.

The Program Evaluation Group (PEG) has over 15 years of experience conducting program evaluations and research studies for government and education agencies and institutions, community organizations, and private enterprises at the local, state, national, and international levels.

Torrance Center for Creativity & Talent Development Bonnie Cramond, Director

The Torrance Center™ for Creativity & Talent Development is named for the late Dr. E. Paul Torrance, a native Georgian and UGA Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor Emeritus, known around the world as the “Father of Creativity.” All programs and activities build on the legacy of Dr. Torrance, who was a pioneer in research on the identification and development of creative potential. The Torrance Center works with local, state, national, and international educational entities to carry out its missions of service, research, and instruction. The goals of the Torrance Center are to investigate, implement, and evaluate techniques for enhancing creative thinking and to facilitate national and international systems that support creative development.

4Research Study Groups Research study groups are formed to enable scholars to establish a coordinated program of research among the study group members. The Institute does not provide direct funding of study group activities, but will assist group members with administrative support, mentoring, and assistance in obtaining funding for activities such as specialized conferences or training that can increase the likelihood of securing external funding. The following groups have taken advantage of the Institute’s support and services: • Assessing Learning in Complex Domains • Autism Spectrum Disorders Research and Training Consortium Study Group • Content-Area Studies with English Language Learners Research Group • Creativity Research Group • Diversity Center Initiative Study Group • Equity & Diversity • Data for Improved Learning Instruction Study Group

• Duke Talent Identification Program: Duke TIP Academic Adventures and Duke TIP Scholarship Weekends

• Philosophically Informed Research Study Group

• Training Opportunities website: training-opportunities/

• Urban Education Study Group

• Torrance Legacy Awards - Creating Writing

• Standards-Based Instruction Study Group

The Institute brings together and

• Torrance Legacy Awards - Visual Arts For more information, visit the Torrance Center at

encourages the development of interdisciplinary teams of researchers and helps them obtain external funding for their research.

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Torrance Center for Creativity & Talent Development Bonnie Cramond, Director

The Torrance Center™ for Creativity & Talent Development is named for the late Dr. E. Paul Torrance, a native Georgian and UGA Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor Emeritus, known around the world as the “Father of Creativity.” All programs and activities build on the legacy of Dr. Torrance, who was a pioneer in research on the identification and development of creative potential. The Torrance Center works with local, state, national, and international educational entities to carry out its missions of service, research, and instruction. The goals of the Torrance Center are to investigate, implement, and evaluate techniques for enhancing creative thinking and to facilitate national and international systems that support creative development.

4Research Study Groups Research study groups are formed to enable scholars to establish a coordinated program of research among the study group members. The Institute does not provide direct funding of study group activities, but will assist group members with administrative support, mentoring, and assistance in obtaining funding for activities such as specialized conferences or training that can increase the likelihood of securing external funding. The following groups have taken advantage of the Institute’s support and services: • Assessing Learning in Complex Domains • Autism Spectrum Disorders Research and Training Consortium Study Group • Content-Area Studies with English Language Learners Research Group • Creativity Research Group • Diversity Center Initiative Study Group • Equity & Diversity • Data for Improved Learning Instruction Study Group

• Duke Talent Identification Program: Duke TIP Academic Adventures and Duke TIP Scholarship Weekends

• Philosophically Informed Research Study Group

• Training Opportunities website: training-opportunities/

• Urban Education Study Group

• Torrance Legacy Awards - Creating Writing

• Standards-Based Instruction Study Group

The Institute brings together and

• Torrance Legacy Awards - Visual Arts For more information, visit the Torrance Center at

encourages the development of interdisciplinary teams of researchers and helps them obtain external funding for their research.

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4Pre-Award and Post-Award Grant Services The Institute provides services to help encourage and support interdisciplinary research efforts as well as efforts to obtain external funding. These pre-award and post-award services are provided to any College of Education R&D Center, academic department, study group, or individual investigator.

Pre-Award Services • Provide support in organizing interdisciplinary teams of researchers to explore external funding possibilities • Provide support in identifying external funding opportunities by linking faculty interdisciplinary research interests with available funding opportunities • Provide support in writing grants, online submissions, budget development, and analysis • Advise PIs on budget strategies, policies, and guidelines • Assist PIs in final negotiations with UGA and funding agencies • Provide PIs with information about cost sharing Contact Grace Thornton ( or Kim Wright ( for more information.

Post-Award Services • Provide financial management assistance • Ensure compliance with federal, state, sponsor, and university regulations about sponsored-project administration • Prepare monthly financial status reports for PIs Contact Kim Wright ( or Teresa Melton ( for more information.



4Pre-Award and Post-Award Grant Services The Institute provides services to help encourage and support interdisciplinary research efforts as well as efforts to obtain external funding. These pre-award and post-award services are provided to any College of Education R&D Center, academic department, study group, or individual investigator.

Pre-Award Services • Provide support in organizing interdisciplinary teams of researchers to explore external funding possibilities • Provide support in identifying external funding opportunities by linking faculty interdisciplinary research interests with available funding opportunities • Provide support in writing grants, online submissions, budget development, and analysis • Advise PIs on budget strategies, policies, and guidelines • Assist PIs in final negotiations with UGA and funding agencies • Provide PIs with information about cost sharing Contact Grace Thornton ( or Kim Wright ( for more information.

Post-Award Services • Provide financial management assistance • Ensure compliance with federal, state, sponsor, and university regulations about sponsored-project administration • Prepare monthly financial status reports for PIs Contact Kim Wright ( or Teresa Melton ( for more information.



125 Aderhold Hall | Athens, GA 30602 706.542.4558 |

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