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San Antonio, TX

January 12-15

Tampa, FL

January 26–28

Joint Meeting of the Mathematical Association of American and the American Mathematical Society http://www.ams.org AMTE Association of Mathematics Teachers http://amte.net RCML Research Council on Mathematics Learning

Las Vegas, NV

February 23–25

Piscataway, NJ

February 23–26

San Francisco, CA

April 7 - 11

Loughborough University UK

April 10–13

St. Louis, MO

April 24-26

St. Louis, MO

April 26–29

May 18-21


University of Miskolc,Hungary


Calgary, Canada

June 3–7

Istanbul, Turkey

June 30 – July 5

Prague, Czech Republic

July 16–21

Seattle, WA

August 6–10

Rock Eagle, GA

October 19–21

http://www.unlv.edu/RCML/conference2006.html SIGMAA on RUME Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of American on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education http://mathed.asu.edu/CRUME 2006/CRUME2006.html AERA American Education Research Association http://www.aera.net Mα The Mathematics Association http://www.m-a.org.uk/resources/conferences/ NCSM National Council of Supervisors in Mathematics http://www.ncsmonline.org/ NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics http://www.nctm.org/ History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics

Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group http://cmesg.math.ca ICTM3 Third International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics http://www.advancity.net/tmd/sites/ictm3/ PME-30 International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education http://pme30.cz/ JSM of the ASA Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2006/ GCTM Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference http://www.gctm.org/georgia_mathematics_conference.htm


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