UGA Columns October 13, 2014

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The University of Georgia

Leslie Gordon helps make assessment process more meaningful for faculty CAMPUS NEWS


University Theatre to present modernist classic ‘Hedda Gabler’ Oct. 14-19 Vol. 42, No. 12

October 13, 2014

Children watch as a radio-controlled robot, made from a kit provided by South Korean company RoboRobo, moves around a table at the new Sims Academy of Innovation and Technology in Winder.

Educational electronics UGA partnership brings robotics lab to Barrow County high school

A recent ribbon-cutting ceremony at a new technology-focused high school in Barrow County ushered in the next phase of a partnership between UGA and the Barrow County School System. Outfitted with robotics kits from South Korea manufacturer RoboRobo, a room in the new Sims Academy of Innovation and Technology in Winder will serve as an external UGA laboratory. Here, researchers from the College of Education will work with local teachers to develop roboticsbased lesson plans for all grades, all supported by RoboRobo. This outreach program builds on a


NIH grant to support science training for pre-doctoral students By James E. Hataway

By Kristen Morales


partnership formed earlier this year between the company and Ikseon Choi, an associate professor in the college’s learning, design and technology program. “Through the Robotics Education Center at Sims, teachers will participate in workshops and receive training on how to best integrate robotics education into their classrooms as early as elementary school,” said Chris McMichael, superintendent for the school system. “Students will be able to learn about robotics, showcase their own robotics creations and even engage in robotics competitions at the Robotics Education Center.” Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, who closed the ribbon-cutting event, noted the connection between the

innovative lessons taking place at the school and the future of Georgia’s economy. “We have an opportunity today where kids can come and leave with a certificate that gives them a job making twice as much as a high school graduate,” Cagle said. “These are the choices and opportunities we have, but only if we in the community do our part to develop the curriculum. This is a game-changer. This is what the future of education is about.” Following the ribbon cutting, the crowd of about 200 explored the school, with children of all ages crowding around two tables in the Robotics Education Center to take turns driving the wheeled robots, See ROBOTICS on page 8

Academic Affairs

UGA researchers have received a five-year $850,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to establish a glycoscience training program for pre-doctoral graduate students that will help train a new generation of carbohydrate researchers. The award makes UGA one of only 26 NIH-funded universities to offer specialized training designed to bridge gaps between biology and chemistry, and it is the only program focused especially on the science of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates, more commonly known as glycans, cover the surface of every living cell in the human body—allowing those cells to communicate, replicate and survive. But they also are involved in the development and spread of

many diseases, including cancer, viral and bacterial infections, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. “UGA is home to a powerful glycoscience research program, so our faculty are uniquely qualified to lead this new initiative,” said Michael Pierce, Distinguished Research Professor in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and co-principal investigator for the project. “This field is revolutionizing our understanding of fundamental biological processes and disease treatment, and we need to support rigorous training for new generations of researchers.” The training program will bring together 17 faculty members to mentor the incoming students who, in addition to their regular coursework in chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, will receive special training in

See PROGRAM on page 8

Terry College of Business

Selig Center report: Minorities energize US consumer market By Matt Weeks

The buying power of minority groups in the U.S. has reached new heights and continues to outpace cumulative inflation, according to the latest Multicultural Economy Report from the Selig Center for Economic Growth at the Terry College of Business. The rising trend in minority buying power signals an opportunity for tailored marketing, according to Jeff Humphreys, director of the Selig Center and author of the report. For example, at $1.3 trillion the 2014 Hispanic market is larger than the economy of all but 15 countries in the world. The report breaks down the

economy by racial and ethnic affiliation, supplying buying power estimates for AfricanAmericans, Asians, Native Americans and Jeff Humphreys Hispanics. It also includes state-by-state buying power projections, providing businesses with a blueprint for market growth across the U.S. The term “buying power” refers to the total personal income of residents that is available after taxes. It does not include dollars that are borrowed or previously were

See REPORT on page 8

UGA to celebrate 100th anniversary of Phi Beta Grady College Kappa with lecture by essayist Gerald Early Journalist, ‘Consider This’ By Camie Williams

UGA will mark the centennial of Phi Beta Kappa honor society’s arrival on campus with a lecture from celebrated essayist and American culture critic Gerald Early. Early is the Merle Kling Professor of Modern Letters and director of African and African-American Studies at Washington University in St. Louis. His lecture, “The Birth of the Cool: Race, the Military and the Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson,” will be held Oct. 17 at 11:15 a.m. at the Chapel. Open free to the public,

the lecture will be followed by a reception outside the Chapel. “Gerald Early once said, ‘When they study our civilization two thousand years Gerald Early from now, there will only be three things that Americans will be known for: the Constitution, baseball and jazz music.They’re the three most beautiful things Americans have ever created,’ ” said Meg Amstutz, associate provost for

academic programs and secretary of Phi Beta Kappa at UGA. “We are delighted Dr. Early will help us commemorate the value of the liberal arts at the university by focusing on Jackie Robinson and a critical moment in the history of baseball.” Phi Beta Kappa is the world’s oldest and most widely known academic honor society. Early is a recipient of the organization’s William Jaffe Medal for Distinguished Service to the Humanities. Early has authored four collections of essays, including The Culture of Bruising: Essays on Prizefighting, Literature and

See ANNIVERSARY on page 8

host to give McGill Lecture By John Greenman

Antonio Mora, a prominent Hispanic journalist who is a two-time winner of the Peabody Award, will present this year’s McGill Lecture Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. in Room 250 of the Miller Learning Center. Mora, host of Consider This on Al Jazeera America, will speak about “Troubled Times in Television News.” The lecture, sponsored by the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, is

open free to the public. M o r a joined Al J a z e e r a America in 2013 after the Qatar-based Al Jazeera Media NetAntonio Mora work acquired Al Gore’s Current TV. Produced in New York, Consider This is a current affairs program dedicated to

See McGILL on page 8

2 Oct. 13, 2014 Arizona State University accepts 1,800 Starbucks employees

Around academe

Since Starbucks announced its partnership with Arizona State University, the school has accepted 1,800 of the coffee giant’s employees as students. Earlier this year, Starbucks announced it would reimburse employees who took their junior and senior years through ASU’s online program. The university said the admitted Starbucks employees are scattered across its 40 degree programs. About 70 percent of the students will be covered by the tuition reimbursement plan. The university previously reported 4,000 Starbucks employees applied to the university.

University of Nebraska to offer early retirement incentives to faculty

The University of Nebraska at Lincoln announced it is offering early retirement incentives to tenured faculty members age 62 and older. The offer of a one-time, lump-sum payment of 90 percent of a professor’s annual salary will go to about 250 professors with at least 10 years’ experience at the university, or about 30 percent of the university’s tenured faculty members. In a news release, Chancellor Harvey Perlman said the move will allow the university to hire the next generation of faculty.

News to Use

OneDrive for Business available

OneDrive for Business—a cloud-based solution for storing, syncing and sharing files with other people—is now available for UGA students, faculty and staff. OneDrive for Business is available with an individual’s UGA account that is used to access UGAMail and calendar services, which are all powered by Microsoft’s Office 365 platform. OneDrive for Business makes it easy to collaborate with people on files across different Web browsers and operating systems, including iOS. OneDrive for Business also features 1 terabyte of file storage for each individual with an account. Some benefits of OneDrive for Business include: • Real-time collaboration for editing documents using the online Office Web Apps or Office client apps; • Sharing files with others and managing who can edit documents; and • Accessing the same files via a phone, tablet or computer. A OneDrive for Business account is tied to an institutional UGAMail (Office 365) account that is managed by the university. OneDrive for Business can be accessed online with any device’s Web browser by visiting Once logged into UGAMail online, the link to OneDrive for Business is in the top blue bar on the page. More information and instructions on how to use OneDrive for Business are at http://office365. Source: UGA Enterprise Information Technology Services

Black Faculty and Staff Organization

12th BFSO luncheon highlights academic excellence, diversity By Matt Chambers

The speaker for the Black Faculty and Staff Organization’s Founders’ Award Scholarship Luncheon was familiar with the organization and its mission well before being asked to give the keynote address. Ceasar C. Mitchell, president of the Atlanta City Council, had received an award from the campus organization while he was a student at the UGA School of Law (he received his Juris Doctor in 1995). “I still have the plaque from the graduate student award,” Mitchell said during the Sept. 30 event. “That award gave, and really still is giving me, a sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment. At the time, it really gave me a sense of affirmation; it allowed me to believe in myself.” The 12th annual luncheon was a fundraiser as well as an opportunity to recognize UGA students who are the 2014 recipients of the Founders’ Award Scholarships. The undergraduate recipients are Ashley McCray and Charles King. Dorothy Charles and Temilola Salami are the graduate recipients.Aimee Shin is the professional student scholarship recipient. This year, a new award was added, the Myron G. Burney Service Award. Burney served as BFSO president at UGA from 2003 to 2005. He died in a car accident

Symposium on Parthenon to be held Oct. 17-18 By Kay Stanton

Jaime Bull

HOLDING COURT—2014 Homecoming queen Megan Ernst, a journalism and

political science major and MPA dual degree student, and Homecoming king Colton Fowlkes, a biology and psychology major, visit with UGA President Jere W. Morehead after being crowned during the Oct. 4 football game against Vanderbilt University.

International Creativity Collaborative

UGA to host inaugural conference

1. Connecticut 2. SUNY Geneseo 3. Loyola Marymount 4. New Hampshire 5. UGA 6. Tufts 7. Liberty 8. Texas-Austin 9. Colorado-Boulder 10. Arizona Source: Udi’s Healthy Food

in July; he was 38. The award honors a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the community. The inaugural recipient is Johnelle Simpson. Mitchell told the audience of faculty, staff, students, administrators and community leaders that recognizing students with scholarships will only help them. “Understand that when you take the time to celebrate the students on this

Franklin College

By Michael Childs

UGA placed No. 5 in a 2014 list of the top 10 gluten-free-accommodating colleges. The list focused on the school’s handling and labeling, varied menu selections and student groups.

Paul Efland

Ceasar Mitchell, a UGA alumnus and president of the Atlanta City Council, gave the keynote address at the Black Faculty and Staff Organization’s Founders’ Award Scholarship Luncheon Sept. 30.

campus and you take the time to celebrate the accomplishments, you are affirming them and you are fueling them,” he said. UGA President Jere W. Morehead said that scholarships play a huge role in recruiting students. “Scholarships like the ones being awarded at this luncheon can be the difference in a student’s and his or her family’s decision to enroll at this university and to be able to remain and graduate from this university,” he said. Mitchell said that organizations like BFSO have the power to bring together people from all backgrounds to “empower, educate and push forward young people who are students. “An organization like the Black Faculty and Staff Organization is really in a position to remind us that we can have very different views, very different backgrounds, very different perspectives, and all those things have value,” he said. “These values can coexist without pushing another value off the table or out of the round.” Cedric Miller, BFSO president, said the organization embraces academic excellence and promotes a spirit of inclusion. “At the University of Georgia, we have created a culture where each student, faculty and staff member is recognized to play a vital part in this body of individuals who are working toward creating a better society,” he said.

Dozens of scholars, researchers and innovators from around the world will forge new connections and discover new applications for their work at UGA’s first International Creativity Collaborative Oct.16-18 at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Organized around the theme “Creativity and Innovation in an Interdisciplinary and Multicultural World,” the conference is designed to help interested faculty, students and practitioners in the education field develop new global networks and innovative opportunities, according to Sarah Sumners, interim director of the College of Education’s Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development. Organizers plan to hold the conference annually. Scholars Dean Keith Simonton, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California-Davis, and Mark Runco, a professor of gifted and creative education in the educational psychology department in the UGA College of Education, will be

keynote speakers. Runco will speak on “Supporting Creativity to Support Innovation” Oct. 18 at 9 a.m. Simonton will speak on “Diversifying Experiences and Creative Development: Historiometric, Psychometric and Experimental Findings” in a dinner address Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. Other creativity scholars including Bonnie Cramond, Todd Lubart, Kathy Goff and Ivete Azevedo will present results from their research and applied programs. Other conference presenters hail from the Creative Oklahoma Torrance Center, the Midwest Torrance Center for Creativity, the Marconi Institute for Creativity, the Torrance Center Portugal, the International Center for Studies in Creativity, the Washington International Center for Creativity and the Idea Marathon Center in Tokyo. The ICC is a state-of-the-art conference sponsored by the UGA Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the College of Education’s Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Education and Human Development and the Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development.

UGA will host a two-day international symposium, “Rethinking the Parthenon: Color, Materiality and Aesthetics” on Oct. 17-18. The international symposium will bring scholars to the university to present recent research on the Parthenon, a temple built for the goddess Athena on the Acropolis of Athens between 447 and 432 B.C. The conference is open free to the public; registration is required. Sponsored by the Jane and Harry Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the classics department, the Polychromy Network and anonymous donors, the symposium is hosted by the Georgia Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition An Archaeologist’s Eye: The Parthenon Metope Drawings of Katherine A. Schwab. The symposium will focus on three interrelated aspects of the Parthenon: its color, its materiality and its aesthetics. New interdisciplinary research in London and on the Acropolis in Athens has uncovered remains of ancient painting on the sculptures and architecture of the Parthenon. These discoveries add new insights to old discussions of the building’s decoration. Robin Osborne, a professor of ancient history at Cambridge University, will deliver the keynote speech, “The Parthenon as a Work of Art,” Oct. 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium at the Georgia Museum of Art following a 5 p.m. reception. Oct. 18 will feature lectures from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. from nine scholars who will discuss new insights on the building’s colorful decoration, the diversity of the Parthenon’s construction materials and shifting theories on its fundamental aesthetics.

RESEARCH news Oct. 13, 2014


Digest Dawgtoberfest to be held Oct. 15

Cal Powell

UGA graduate student Arielle Weekley, left, and Alex Anderson, an associate professor of foods and nutrition in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, study data from the BodPod, which measures body composition.

Community support

Breast-feeding study shows need for effective peer counseling By Cal Powell

The support of peer groups and clinicians is critical to the development of effective breast-feeding programs, according to recent UGA research. A qualitative study of 21 mothers in the Athens-Clarke County area determined that role models for successful breast-feeding help positively shape the outcomes of mothers of infants. “Mothers who received that support are more likely to be successful at breast-feeding,” said study co-author Alex Anderson, an associate professor in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences department of foods and nutrition. “Most of them attributed the support they received to the peer counselors, which goes to show that if we have community breast-feeding peer counselors, they can help a lot of mothers.” The motivation for the research, published in Journal of Neonatal Nursing, was to examine different forms of sup-

port that were helpful to breast-feeding mothers, said the study’s lead author, Rachel Powell, a research assistant in the College of Public Health. “We wanted to identify barriers to recognize areas of improvement to ensure breast-feeding women are well supported,” she said. “Breast-feeding has significant health benefits not just for the baby, but for the mother as well.” Studies have shown that infants who are breast-fed are less likely to develop diarrheal diseases, ear infections and asthma, and that breast-feeding can protect the mother against breast, cervical and endometrial cancer. Breast-feeding rates are low throughout the South, which could be due to the region’s conservative views that might conflict with breast-feeding in public, Anderson said. The U.S., as a whole, reports lower breast-feeding rates than other developed countries. As part of the study, researchers conducted interviews with mothers of infants from the Athens community, including 12 from the Athens branch

of Women, Infants and Children, which serves low-income mothers, and nine from Full Bloom Pregnancy and Early Parenting Center, which tends to serve middle-income, highly educated mothers, Anderson said. Roughly 75 percent of the mothers who participated in the study reported negative or no support from their clinician or hospital staff regarding breast-feeding. “It’s surprising because as a clinician that should be the first step: to talk about breast-feeding with pregnant women and new mothers,” Anderson said. “The support does take some time, and (clinicians) don’t have time. If you’re going to talk to mothers about breast-feeding, it’s going to take you at least 30 minutes to an hour to do it effectively.” Anderson said he hopes the study shines light on the critical role clinicians and lactation specialists play in teaching and encouraging breast-feeding. The study was authored by Powell, Anderson and Marsha Davis in the UGA College of Public Health.

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Researchers examine effect of relationships on health By Alan Flurry

Having a supportive, committed partner in a relationship is beneficial for health regardless of whether the couple is dating, living together or married, according to a new study from UGA sociologists. Published in the Journal of Family Psychology, the research explores the connection between romantic relationships and health. Using data from primarily African-American couples, the findings include evidence for the importance of positive partner behavior in predicting health.The study also found that interracial couples—whether dating, cohabiting or married—tend to report worse health than couples of the same race. “There is a great body of research that says romantic relationship quality matters, though much of that research is on married couples,” said Ashley Barr, a recent doctoral graduate in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences’ sociology department and lead author on the study.

“We approached the question from a different angle, asking how romantic relationships, in their varied forms, matter for young people in the transition to adulthood.” The study used data from the Family and Community Health Study, a UGA research project in operation since 1995. The results about the importance of quality in the relationship no matter the status matched the researchers’ hypotheses. They also found that having a hostile partner—being in a low-quality relationship—was more disadvantageous in cohabiting or married relationships. “Quite a bit of research, including other work using data from the Family and Community Health Study, suggests that being in a low-quality marital relationship is actually more detrimental than not being in a relationship at all,” said Barr, now an assistant professor at the State University of New York, Buffalo. That good relationships can lead to good health regardless of marital status could be good news for the AfricanAmericans who are part of a demographic

shift of decreasing marriage rates. The study’s authors also replicated some past research on the importance of quality with a new emphasis on young African-American couples to determine how shared relationship characteristics, being in an interracial relationship or the status itself affect mental and physical health. The results show that couples involved in interracial relationships reported worse health on average. The authors hypothesize that part of this result can be explained by the phenomenon of micro-aggressions that interracial couples experience on a daily basis, including, Barr said, “things like running into an old friend or even a stranger and that person being surprised by your romantic partner because they’re of a different race than you, or having the status of your children questioned because they are of a different race.” These incidents, which on the surface may not appear to be insults, add up on a daily basis and are thought to affect health adversely by enhancing stress.

The College of Pharmacy is celebrating American Pharmacists Month with the 12th annual Dawgtoberfest: Rx for Good Health on Oct. 15 from noon to 3 p.m. in the courtyard in front of the Pharmacy South building. Sponsored by Walgreens and open free to the public, Dawgtoberfest will include free health screenings and food. Additionally, flu shots will be offered at the following prices: $20 for UGA students with paid fees, $30 for UGA students with unpaid fees and $30 for UGA faculty and staff. All UGA insurance plans will be accepted as well as several non-UGA insurance plans. All forms of payment will be accepted. Health screenings for blood pressure and blood sugar will be available. Booths from student health groups across campus will provide information on hypertension, asthma, breast cancer, diabetes, fad diets, immunizations, sexually transmitted diseases, women’s health topics, pediatric health topics and heartburn.

School of Law conference to focus on legal and political issues facing Georgia

The School of Law will host the fourth annual Georgia Association of Law and Politics Symposium Oct. 17 from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Larry Walker Room of Dean Rusk Hall. Seating is limited. Preregistration is encouraged before Oct. 14. This year’s conference will focus on the impact of changes to the election dates for the upcoming November election, the potential privatization of the state’s probation system and the growth of cityhood initiatives in communities throughout Georgia. Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, GreenLaw executive director and a 1992 Georgia Law alumna, will deliver the 12:35 p.m. keynote address, which will focus on her experiences and the interconnectedness of law and politics. Admission to the conference is free for UGA students, faculty and staff. There is a $10 charge for all other participants attending the keynote lunch. For more information and to register, visit https:// jsp?STOREID=152.

Groundbreaking ceremony to be held for UGA Griffin Food Technology Center

A groundbreaking ceremony will be held Oct. 17 at 3 p.m. on the Griffin campus for the UGA Griffin Food Technology Center. The new state-of-the-art facility will house pilot plants and laboratory spaces for cold temperature work, wet and dry processing and quality-control laboratories. Researchers from UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and industry experts will guide business owners in product development, packaging, safe processing and consumer acceptance.

Oct. 18 Ansel Symposium to focus on advances in cardiovascular health

The College of Pharmacy will hold the 11th annual Howard C. Ansel Symposium Oct. 18 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The symposium will focus on developments in the management of ­hyperlipidemia. Patients with hyperlipidemia are at high risk of cardiovascular episodes, and pharmacists play a vital role in medication management of lipid therapy. The program is open to pharmacists who offer lipid therapy management or pharmacy technicians who wish to learn more about it. The keynote address will be given by Dr. Jonathan Murrow, a cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine with the Georgia Regents University/UGA Medical Partnership. For more information on the symposium and details on the registration fee, visit https://www.rxugace. com/programs/details/874 or call 706-542-6232.

PERIODICALS POSTAGE STATEMENT Columns (USPS 020-024) is published weekly during the academic year and biweekly during the summer for the faculty and staff of the University of Georgia by the UGA News Service. Periodicals postage is paid in Athens, Georgia. Postmaster: Send off-campus address changes to Columns, UGA News Service, 286 Oconee Street, Suite 200 North, Athens, GA 30602-1999.

For a complete listing of events 7 8 5 at the University of Georgia, check the Master Calendar on the Web (­). I

The following events are open to the public, unless otherwise specified. Dates, times and locations may change without advance notice.

UGAGUIDE Violinist Paul Huang to open Ramsey Concert Hall Series

University Theatre to present ‘Hedda Gabler’ By Aaron Kelly

University Theatre will present Henrik Ibsen’s modernist classic Hedda Gabler, adapted by Jon Robin Baitz, for the first studio series offering of the season. Performances will be held Oct. 14-19 at 8 p.m. with a 2:30 p.m. matinee Oct. 19 in the Fine Arts Building Cellar Theatre. Tickets are $12, $7 for students and can be purchased at www., by phone at 706-542-4400 or in person at the Performing Arts Center box office or Tate Student Center ticket window. The play’s main character, Hedda Gabler, yearns for independence and passion in a repressive world—no matter what the cost to anyone in her way. Since she sprang from the imagination of the Norwegian playwright Ibsen in 1890, this coldhearted antiheroine has maintained a tight grip on the attention of audiences around the globe, outstripping all the many other complicated women in Ibsen’s oeuvre, even the door-slamming Nora of A Doll’s House.

EXHIBITIONS Making Masters 2014. Through Oct. 18. An annual exhibition of work by Master of Fine Arts graduate students. Madison Museum of Fine Art, 300 Hancock St., Madison. Shapes That Talk to Me. Through Oct. 19. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662, Landscapes of the Hereafter: Three Historic Cemeteries in Athens, Ga. Through Nov. 7. Circle Gallery. XL. Through Nov. 16. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662, Wild Flowers, Wild Places. Through Nov. 23. Visitor Center and Conservatory, State Botanical Garden. 706-542-6156, An Archaeologist’s Eye: The Parthenon Drawings of Katherine A. Schwab. Through Dec. 7. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662, Vince Dooley: A Retrospective, 1954-1988. Through Dec. 15. Special collections libraries. 706-542-7123, Boxers and Backbeats: Tomata du Plenty and the West Coast Punk Scene. Through Jan. 4. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662, The ... of E6, part of Athens Celebrates Elephant Six. Through Jan. 4. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662, Food, Power and Politics: The Story of School Lunch. Through May 15. Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies. Terra Verte. Through May 31. Jane and Harry Willson Sculpture Garden, Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662,

MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 School of law Dean Candidate Presentation A presentation by Michael J. Gerhardt, currently the Samuel Ashe Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law and director of the Center on Law and Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law. 12:30 p.m. Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall. Panel Discussion Hosted by the Hugh Hodgson School of Music. The panel, featuring music industry specialists David Barbe, Bertis Downs and Velena Vego, is sponsored by the school’s Music in the Real World course. 5 p.m. Edge

Recital Hall, Hugh Hodgson School of Music. 706-542-4752, Critical Practice Critical Practice is a group cross-disciplinary public critique that connects the work of three diverse artists with a panel of divergent writers, critics, historians and fellow artists. 6 p.m. Gallery 307, Lamar Dodd School of Art. 773-965-1689, Faculty Recital Michael Heald, violin professor. The performance will feature pianist Peter Miyamoto as well as friends and faculty. 8 p.m. Ramsey Recital Hall, Performing Arts Center. 706-542-4752,

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Lecture “How to Change Minds and Influence People, or What do Chemistry, Cards and Chocolate Have in Common?,” Jennifer Palmer, an assistant professor in the UGA department of history. Part of the department’s undergraduate Lunchtime Time Machine Lecture Series. 12:30 p.m. 101 LeConte Hall. 706-542-2053, Workshop “How Re-thinking Power Distributions in the College Classroom Can Revolutionize Teaching and Learning.” 1:30 p.m. Instructional Plaza. 706-583-0067, Ecology Seminar “From Rivers to Cockroach Guts: Assembly and Dynamics of Complex Microbial Communities,” Liz Ottesen, an assistant professor in the department of microbiology. Reception precedes seminar at 3:30 p.m. in lobby. Hosted by Ford ­Ballantyne, an assistant professor in the Odum School of Ecology. 4 p.m. Ecology building auditorium. 706-542-7247, Tree Identification Workshop Instructor: Dan Williams, forest resources manager in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. 5 p.m. Oconee Forest Park. Class “Making Candle Luminaries.” The instructor will discuss a technique that she has perfected over the years and introduce a variety of possibilities that participants can incorporate into their own luminary. $30. 6 p.m. Visitor Center’s Classroom 2, State Botanical Garden. 706-542-6156, Concert Two of UGA’s top choirs, the Hodgson

Calendar items are taken from Columns files and from the university’s Master Calendar, maintained by University Public Affairs. Notices are published here as space permits, with priority given to items of multidisciplinary interest. The Master Calendar is available on the Web at

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By Bobby Tyler

University Theatre’s “Hedda Gabler” will be performed Oct. 14-19.



Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet to give concert

By Bobby Tyler The Performing Arts Center will kick off the 2014-2015 Ramsey Concert Hall Series with award-winning violinist Paul Huang Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. in Ramsey Concert Hall. His program will include works by Mozart, Edvard Grieg, Arvo Pärt and César Franck. Tickets for the recital are $28 and are free to UGA students with a valid UGA ID. Tickets can be purchased at the Performing Arts Center, online at or by calling the box office at 706-542-4400. Born in Taiwan, Huang entered the Juilliard Pre-College at 14. He is the winner of the 2011 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, the 2009 International Violin Competition Sion-Valais in Switzerland, the 2009 Chi-Mei Cultural Foundation Arts Award for Taiwan’s Most Promising Young Artist as well as the 2008 Juilliard Achievement Award. The Washington Post has called Huang “an artist with the goods for a significant career,” and The Strad has praised his “stylish and polished playing.” His concert appearances already have spanned the globe with performances in the U.S. with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s at Lincoln Center, in Spain with the Bilbao Symphony, in Hungary with the Budapest Dohnányi Symphony, in Mexico City with the Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional and in Taiwan with the Taipei Symphony and the National Taiwan Symphony. For his Athens engagement Huang will be accompanied by pianist Jessica Osborne, who has served on the faculty at the Yale School of Music and the Academie Anglicorde in France. Oct. 13, 2014

Colorful flight attendant uniforms commissioned by Braniff International Airlines and designed by Emilio Pucci will be on display Oct. 18 to Feb. 1 in the exhibition Emilio Pucci in America.

Georgia Museum of Art exhibition to showcase Pucci’s American designs By Samantha Meyer

The exhibition Emilio Pucci in America will be on display at the Georgia Museum of Art Oct. 18 to Feb. 1. The exhibition highlights the famed Italian fashion designer’s role in the rise of postwar Italian dress and how his time in the U.S.—beginning with his enrollment as a student at UGA—influenced his preference for the ready-to-wear collections he is most famous for designing. Organized by independent curator Mary Koon, the exhibition will feature apparel produced from collaborations between Pucci and American firms and manufacturers. It will include a twopiece bathing suit designed by Rose Marie Reid using fabric designed by Pucci; a bra-and-slip set designed by Pucci for Chicago company Formfit Rogers; Pucci’s colorful flight attendant uniforms commissioned by Braniff International Airlines (plus four vintage Mattel Barbie dolls wearing the uniforms); and the crew patch Pucci designed for NASA’s Apollo XV lunar mission. A selection of silk jersey Singers and University Chorus, lend their voices to a night of exciting choral music. $10; $5 with a UGA student ID. 8 p.m. Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall. 706-542-4752, University Theatre Hedda Gabler. Also to be performed Oct. 15-19 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 19 at 2:30 p.m. $12; $7 for students. 8 p.m. Cellar Theatre, Fine Arts Building. 706-542-2836, (See story, above left).

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 Class “Mass Design and Foliage Design.” The class is limited to 20 participants. Preregistration is required. $45. 9 a.m. Visitor Center’s Classroom 2, State Botanical Garden. 706-542-6156, Computer Health and Security Fair UGA students, faculty and staff can bring their personal laptops for free security checks. 10 a.m. Second floor rotunda, Miller Learning Center., 706-542-8831. (See Bulletin Board, page 8). Blood Drive 11 a.m. Science library. Dawgtoberfest Noon. Pharmacy South courtyard. 678-977-2088, (See Digest, page 3). Blood Drive Noon. Russell Hall. School of law Dean Candidate Presentation A presentation by Lonnie T. Brown Jr., holder of the A. Gus Cleveland Distinguished Chair of Legal Ethics and Professionalism and associate dean for academic affairs in the UGA School of Law. 12:30 p.m. Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall. Ecology/ICON Conservation Seminar “Conservation at Botanic Gardens in the 21st Century,” Jennifer Cruse Sanders, Atlanta Botanical Garden. 1:25 p.m. Ecology building auditorium. 706-542-7247, Artful Conversation An in-depth discussion of Andrée ­Ruellan’s painting “Crap Game.” 2 p.m. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662, George S. Parthemos Lecture “What Does a President’s Fourth Congress Look Like?” David Mayhew, Yale University. 3:30 p.m. 271 special collections libraries.

dresses designed exclusively for such U.S. department stores as Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus and Lord and Taylor also will be included, along with objects and ephemera from Pucci’s time at UGA and at Reed College. From his days as a UGA student, Pucci demonstrated a strong attraction to and understanding of the culture and industry in the U.S., the country that both discovered and promoted him. Pucci came to UGA from Florence, Italy, in 1935, at the request of his father, who hoped the young Pucci would acquire cutting-edge agricultural knowledge that could be applied to the Pucci family’s agribusiness interests. After a year at UGA, Pucci transferred to Reed College in Portland, Oregon, where he received a scholarship to study political science. It was there he designed his first clothes—ski uniforms for the college ski team, of which he was captain, in collaboration with Portland-based skiwear manufacturer White Stag. He worked with White Stag again after Harper’s Bazaar editor Diana Vreeland commissioned him to design his first collection in 1947, a small skiwear line

706-542-2057, Walk-in Flu Shot Clinic $10-35; See for exact pricing. 4 p.m. Allergy and Travel Clinic, University Health Center. 706-542-5575. Recital The UGA Student Composers Association. 5 p.m. Dancz Center, Hugh Hodgson School of Music. 706-542-4752, Center for Teaching and Learning Fall Film Night To include a screening of the 2013 documentary Ivory Tower, followed by a panel discussion. This event is free with a UGA ID. 7 p.m. Ciné, 234 W. Hancock Ave. 706-583-0067, Concert Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet. $40. 8 p.m. Hodgson Concert Hall, Performing Arts Center., 706-542-4400. (See story, above right).

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Engineering Graduate Seminar “Sensing and Automation for Food, Agricultural and Biological Systems,” Charlie Li. Moderated by Sorush Omidvar and Adam Wineland. 12:30 p.m. Driftmier Auditorium, Driftmier Engineering Center. 706-542-4696, Film Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) will be shown Oct. 16-19 at 3, 6 and 9 p.m. $2; $1 for UGA students who pay activity fees. The 9 p.m. shows will include a live on-stage performance and cost $3; $1 for UGA students who pay activity fees. Tate Student Center Theatre. 706-542-6396. International Creativity Collaborative Through Oct. 18. 5 p.m. Georgia Center for Continuing Education. (See story, page 2). Lecture Betsy Erkkila, the Henry Sanborn Noyes Professor of Literature at Northwestern University, will give a talk on Thomas Jefferson. 5 p.m. 265 Park Hall. Museum Mix Participants can enjoy refreshments, access to all the galleries and music by a live DJ. 8 p.m. Georgia Museum of Art. 706-542-4662,

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Symposium The fourth annual Georgia Association of Law and Politics Symposium will bring

exclusively for sale at Lord and Taylor in New York. White Stag would continue to produce skiwear for the Pucci brand well into the 1960s. Pucci became one of the first Italian designers to sell in the U.S. in the immediate postwar years. Pucci’s reputation for creating high-end ready-to-wear was solidified in the U.S. by the end of the 1940s. While large-scale production of ready-to-wear clothing for women emerged in the mid-to-late-19th century in the U.S., ready-to-wear did not catch on in Italy until after World War II. The U.S. and the Marshall Plan played key roles in the success of the rapidly emerging Italian textiles industry through aid programs, markets and cultivation of progressive manufacturing methods in the country. Pucci opened his first boutique in Capri in 1950, where he produced clothing on a small scale and fitted his designs, particularly his famous “Capri” pants and square-cut shirts, on models in the couture tradition. By 1956, largely due to U.S. demand, Pucci moved toward standardization and mass production. together key figures in the state to discuss the overlap of law and politics. A keynote address will be given by Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, executive director of GreenLaw, during lunch. 8:45 a.m. Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall. 706-542-5172. (See Digest, page 3). Innovation in Teaching Conference This conference will highlight teaching within the College of Education. Georgia Center. 706-542-8799, Phi Beta Kappa 100th Anniversary Lecture “The Birth of the Cool: Race, the Military and the Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson,” Gerald L. Early, Washington University in St. Louis. 11:15 a.m. Chapel. 706-542-0383, (See story, page 1). Dialogues in Diversity “When Making a Difference Makes No Difference: Race, Teaching and Learning Historically Considered.” This dialogue will attempt to make some sense of the current situation in minority education by going back 150 years to consider the teachers who worked among the freed slaves at the dawn of emancipation. Noon. 481 Tate Student Center. 706-583-8195, Exhibition Opening Jiman Choi: Traces of Silence. Through Nov. 6. A visiting artist in ceramics, Choi will exhibit a new body of work developed while in Athens. Gallery 307, Lamar Dodd School of Art. 773-965-1689, Lecture “I’m So Digitally Alone: Internet, Touch and Proximity,” Marni Shindelman, Lamar Dodd School of Art. Part of the Women’s Studies Friday Speaker Series. 12:20 p.m. 250 Miller Learning Center., 706-542-2846. groundbreaking ceremony A ceremony for the UGA Griffin Food Technology Center. 3 p.m. UGA Griffin Campus, 1109 Experiment St., Griffin. (See Digest, page 3). Equestrian Exhibition vs. Alabama. 4 p.m. Equestrian Complex. 706-542-1621. Rethinking the Parthenon Symposium Keynote A welcome reception will be held at 5 p.m. At 5:30 p.m., the keynote lecture “The Parthenon as a Work of Art” will be given by Robin Osborne, a Cambridge University professor. M. Smith Griffith Auditorium, Georgia Museum of Art., 706-542-8146. (See story, page 2).

The UGA Performing Arts Center will present the Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. in Hodgson Concert Hall. The concert is part of the Franklin College Chamber Music Series. Tickets are $40 with special discounts for UGA students and can be purchased at the Performing Arts Center box office, online at or by calling 706-542-4400. Founded in 1988, the Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet was the first permanently established wind quintet in the famous orchestra’s rich tradition of chamber music. The group still maintains four of its original members and has gained a worldwide fan base and earned glowing reviews from the international press. The Manchester Evening News calls

Oct. 17 observatory open house to feature Mars, Ring Nebula By Alan Flurry

The physics and astronomy department in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences will host an observatory open house Oct. 17 from 8-9:30 p.m. on the fourth floor of the physics building. During the early part of the viewing, Mars will be visible. In addition Albireo, a double star in the constellation of Cygnus, and the Ring Nebula, a glowing shell of gas blown off a giant star in the final phase of that star’s life, also should be visible. The Ring Nebula is in the Exhibition Opening Reception This event celebrates the opening of four new exhibitions in the Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries. 6 p.m. Lamar Dodd School of Art. 773-965-1689, Volleyball vs. Kentucky. 7 p.m. Ramsey Student Center. 706-542-1621. Soccer vs. Missouri. 7 p.m. Turner Soccer Complex. 706-542-1621. Concert UGA Symphony Orchestra. $10; $5 with a UGA student ID. 8 p.m. Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall. 706-542-4752, Observatory Open House 8 p.m. Physics building. 706-542-2860, (See story, above).

Museum of Art., 706-542-4662. (See story, above center). Noche Latina The UGA Hispanic Student Association will present Latin American dancing, music and other artistic performances. A Latin American dinner is included. Tickets are available at the Tate cashier’s window. Part of Hispanic Heritage Month. $10; $8 for students. 6 p.m. Grand Hall, Tate Student Center. 14th Annual Terry Sales Competition UGA students will give a presentation about a product to judges. 7 p.m. 213 Sanford Hall.

Volleyball vs. Tennessee. Noon. Ramsey Student Center. 706-542-1621.

Fall Bird Ramble All birding levels are welcome. 8 a.m. State Botanical Garden. 706-542-6156, Rivers Alive Join hundreds of volunteers in AthensClarke County as they work to clean litter and debris from the Oconee River and its tributaries. Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability. 8 a.m. Dudley Park, Athens. 706-542-1301, Howard C. Ansel Symposium The symposium will focus on developments in the management of ­hyperlipidemia. College of Pharmacy. 8 a.m. (See Digest, page 3). Symposium “Rethinking the Parthenon: Color, Materiality and Aesthetics.” This international symposium will bring eminent scholars to Georgia’s flagship university to present and discuss critical new research on the Parthenon. 9 a.m. M. Smith Griffith Auditorium, Georgia Museum of Art., 706-542-8146. (See story, page 2). Off-Trail Exploration The staff member who has maintained the trails and grounds will share the hidden gems of the Orange Trail. 10 a.m. Visitor Center’s back patio, State Botanical Garden. 706-542-6156, Exhibition Opening Emilio Pucci in America. Through Feb. 1. Inspired by Pucci’s brief tenure as a student in horticulture at UGA in 1935, this exhibition celebrates the Italian designer’s time in the U.S. and his 100th birthday. Georgia

Any additional information about the event may be sent directly to Columns. Email is preferred (, but materials can be mailed to Columns, News Service, 286 Oconee Street, Suite 200 North, Campus Mail 1999.

constellation of Lyra. Visitors can view the objects through the 24-inch telescope in the dome on top of the building. Faculty and students from the department will be on hand to point out the various celestial objects and to answer questions. Free parking is available immediately to the north and west of the building, which is located at the corner of Cedar Street and Sanford Drive. In the event that the sky is not clear, professor Loris Magnani will give a talk on “The Gas and Dust in the Milky Way” in the auditorium of the physics building.



To submit a listing for the master calendar and columns Post event information first to the Master Calendar website ( Listings for Columns are taken from the Master Calendar 12 days before the publication date. Events not posted by then may not be printed in Columns.

the quintet “arguably the best of its kind in the world,” and the Los Angeles Times says the ensemble is “as virtuosic and skilled a unit as any on the chamber music circuit.” In addition to concerts throughout Europe, North and South America, Israel, Australia and the Far East, the Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet appears regularly at international festivals such as the Berliner Festwochen, the Edinburgh Festival, the London Proms, the Quintette-Biennale Marseille, the Rheingau Festival and the Salzburg Festival. The Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet’s Athens program will include works by Mozart, Paul Hindemith, Jacques Ibert, Darius Milhaud and Jean Francaix. The concert will be recorded for broadcast on American Public Media’s Performance Today, heard by 1.4 million listeners across the country.

Performance The Athens Flute Choir’s fall concert will feature Sergei Prokofiev’s fairy tale Peter and the Wolf, selections from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns and Fur on Wheels, a jazz-influenced, free-form work with improvisation written and arranged for flute choir by Athens composer Jayna Nelson. 2 p.m. Visitor Center, State Botanical Garden. 706-542-6156, Soccer vs. LSU. 3 p.m. Turner Soccer Complex. 706-542-1621.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 faculty Recital Joshua Bynum, professor of trombone. Tickets are available from the UGA Performing Arts Center box office at or by calling 706-542-4400. $10; $5 with a UGA student ID. 6 p.m. Ramsey Recital Hall, Performing Arts Center. 706-542-4752,

Coming Up School of law Dean Candidate Presentation Oct. 21. A presentation by Mark P. McKenna, currently professor and associate dean for faculty research and development in the University of Notre Dame Law School. 12:30 p.m. Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall. Recital Oct. 21. Violinist Paul Huang. $28. 8 p.m. Ramsey Concert Hall, Performing Arts Center. 706-542-4400, (See story, above left).

Next columns deadlines Oct. 15 (for Oct. 27 issue) Oct. 22 (for Nov. 3 issue) Oct. 29 (for Nov. 10 issue)

6 Oct. 13, 2014

The Canadian Institute of Mining Conference of Metallurgists organized and helped sponsor a four-day international symposium to honor Gilles O. Allard, a professor emeritus of geology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Held Sept. 28 through Oct. 1 in Vancouver, British Columbia, the symposium focused on vanadium, a hard, silvery gray, ductile and malleable transition metal. Allard worked in the Chibougamau mining district of Quebec from 1952 to 1958 and from 1966 to 1987. During that time, he discovered the Henderson copper-gold mine under the waters of Chibougamau Lake (1956-1957) as well as a world-class vanadium deposit (1966). During Allard’s 50-year career as an explorationist and professor of economic geology, he trained more than 80 geology students, including three doctoral and 10 master’s degree students from UGA. Corporate Responsibility: The American Experience, a book coauthored by Archie B. Carroll, professor emeritus of management in the Terry College of Business, received the Best Book Award from the Social Issues Management division of the Academy of Management. The book is a landmark Archie Carroll exploration of how ideas and practices evolved over 200 years in American business in response to the questions “to whom, for what and how is the modern corporation responsible?” The Academy of Management is the leading worldwide professional association of organization and management scholars; the Social Issues Management division includes 1,700 scholars who examine “social, ethical, public policy, ecological and international environments influencing and influenced by organizations.” Luis Correa-Diaz, a professor of Spanish in the Romance languages department of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, was named a U.S.-based correspondent for the Chilean Academy of Language, which is headquartered in Santiago, Chile. Gary Grossman, a professor of animal ecology in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, received the 2014 Carl R. Sullivan Fishery Conservation “Sully” Award given annually by the American Fisheries Society. The American Fisheries Society presents this award to an individual or organization each Gary Grossman year for “outstanding contributions to the conservation of fishery resources.” Grossman is the 23rd honoree since the award was first given in 1991. Established in 1870, the society has more than 9,000 members and is the largest professional society for aquatic scientists in the world. It bestows the honor based on political, legal, educational, scientific or managerial accomplishments. Gene Helfman, a professor emeritus in the Odum School of Ecology, received the inaugural Meritorious Teaching Award in Ichthyology from two major scientific societies for the study of fishes. The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists is an international organization devoted to the scientific study of fishes, reptiles and amphibians; and the American Elasmobranch Society supports the scientific study of sharks, skates and rays. They presented the award at the 2014 joint meeting of ichthyologists and herpetologists in Chattanooga. Kudos recognizes special contributions of staff, faculty and administrators in teaching, research and service. News items are limited to election into office of state, regional, national and international societies; major awards and prizes; and similarly notable accomplishments.

campus closeup

Paul Efland

Joy Wilson, an administrative manager in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences department in the College of Pharmacy, is the only staff member in the college to have earned the employee of the year award twice.

Pride in her job: College of Pharmacy admin manager willing to help all By Matt Chambers

During Joy Wilson’s more than two decades at UGA, she has tried to tell people “no” as little as possible. Instead, she tries to see how she can help with any requests or questions that come her way. “I’m not the kind of person who says ‘Oh, no, that’s not my job,’ ” Wilson said. “Even if it’s not something I normally handle, I will try my best to help or get them to the person they need.” Wilson started at the university as a word processing secretary, mainly typing exams, manuscripts, abstracts and grant requests for faculty members. She then moved up to admissions counselor when the department merged with two others within the College of Pharmacy, before finally reaching her current job as administrative manager of the college’s pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences department. “The College of Pharmacy is a wonderful place to work, and I truly feel like this is my family,” Wilson said. “I’ve been fortunate that I’ve worked with some great people and been able to stay here for as long as I have.” While she has had to move offices four times during her 24 years at UGA, Wilson said her work ethic has remained the same. “I make sure whatever needs to be done gets done,” she said. “Pretty much anyone who comes by and needs something, I try to help them out.”

As an administrative manager, Wilson approves orders, manages departmental accounts, handles paperwork for visas and works with Human Resources on background searches. Wilson’s efforts and great service have not gone unnoticed. She was named the College of Pharmacy’s 2013 employee of the year. She received the same award in 1998 and is the only staff member to be honored twice. In the letter recommending her for the award, Wilson is credited with creating “the department’s positive culture,” and she is commended for being an “enthusiastic team player.” Wilson said just being nominated meant a lot, but winning was “very surprising.” “Everyone says I deserve it, but you never quite think that you deserve those kind of accolades,” she said. “I appreciate that people recognize that I do a good job though.” In the first quarter of 2014, Wilson also received the college’s STAR Award for her demonstrated STAR qualities—service, teamwork, attitude and reliability. “I’m the type of person who takes pride in the job I do, which I enjoy doing,” Wilson said. Outside of work, Wilson travels to various places throughout the country. She also enjoys spending time at amusement parks, especially Six Flags over Georgia on UGA Night, an event she’s attended for the past eight years. “I absolutely love it because it’s

Facts Joy Wilson Administrative Manager Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Department College of Pharmacy Athens Technical College, Word Process Secretarial, 1990 At UGA: 24 years

cooler weather, the lines aren’t as long and 6 p.m. to midnight is the perfect amount of time to do everything,” she said. Wilson also takes care of her golden retriever, Idgie, who is named after a character in Fried Green Tomatoes, the 1991 comedy-drama film. “She’s 86 pounds and thinks she’s a lap dog,” Wilson said. “She’s also kind of a big baby who can get scared of her own shadow.” Wilson said she plans to stay in Clarke County, where her mother, sister and brother all live. She also plans to continue working in the College of Pharmacy for the foreseeable future. “I really like all aspects of my job but especially my interactions with everyone from faculty all the way down to graduate students and visitors,” Wilson said. “I can only imagine that if I left, I would still come here. When I got on the road, I would automatically drive to the College of Pharmacy.”

Retirees October

Fifteen UGA employees retired Oct. 1. Retirees, their job classification, department and length of employment are: P. Dexter Adams, director, Facilities Management Division-grounds department, 31 years, 2 months; Gerald F. Arkin, Griffin campus assistant dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 27 years, 4 months; Phyliss R. Ball, senior accountant, Institute for Behavioral Research, 9 years, 9 months; Rebecca Miller Edwards, accountant, political science, 12 years, 7 months; Glen R. Frank, utility worker II, Facilities Management Division-Support Services,

28 years, 11 months; Jerry D. Gibby, electrician, Central Foods Storage, 10 years; Deborah F. Goswick, administrative specialist II, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences-Dean’s Office, 29 years, 9 months; Minnie T. Haygood, building services worker I, Facilities Management Division-Building Services (second shift), 10 years; Kathryn M. Keene, senior accountant, horticulture research, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 13 years, 10 months; Jennifer M. Kilcrease, development coordinator, Terry College of Business-Dean’s Office, 25 years; David Lumpkin, building services worker II, Facilities

Management Division-Building Services (North Campus), 13 years, 1 month; Gary Stephens Murphy, research technician II, crop and soil sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Tifton campus), 15 years, 9 months; T. Brian Tankersley, senior public service associate, UGA Extension-Southwest District, 30 years, 6 months; Robert W.Trotter, information technology senior manager, libraries-general operations, 24 years, 3 months; and Herbert J. Yeomans, research professional II, crop and soil sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 30 years, 3 months. Source: Human Resources

Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Oct. 13, 2014


Terry College of Business

2014 Terry faculty, staff awards recognize five for outstanding contributions By Matt Weeks

Robert Newcomb

Leslie Gordon, associate director for assessment in the Office of Academic Planning, wants to help professors and administrators think of assessment as a tool for teaching.

‘My own guinea pig’ Associate director of academic planning helps make assessment process more meaningful

By Camie Williams

Leslie Gordon practices what she preaches in the Office of Academic Planning. The associate director for assessment has taken her own advice for evaluating assessment practices and has used them to retool the classes she teaches in Spanish linguistics. “It made me look at my course development in a new way,” Gordon said. “I’m my own guinea pig, and I can personally attest to it.” Gordon wants to help professors and administrators at UGA think of assessment as a tool instead of a reporting burden, which is why she encourages them to study their practices before an official program review is conducted. “I try to take departments, colleges and individuals beyond the perceived burden of assessment,” Gordon said. “It becomes a tool

for teaching as opposed to just paperwork.” Gordon describes sound assessment practice as similar to any scholarly endeavor: It starts with a question. The evaluation begins by asking what a professor wants his or her students to learn and selecting the measures to show if they are in fact learning that material. After information is gathered and patterns are identified, that evidence is used to improve processes. “I try to make the process more logical, more useful, more meaningful,” Gordon said. While professors sometimes have a perception that the assessment process is intended to find out what they are doing wrong, Gordon stresses that it is not designed to punish or discourage, and that evaluations of assessment practices are not tied to salary or individual performance assessments. The evaluation is led entirely by

weekly reader

South’s war efforts detailed with artifacts Throughout his life, Atlanta resident George W. Wray Jr. (1936–2004) built a collection of more than 600 of the rarest Confederate artifacts including not just firearms and edged weapons but also flags, uniforms and accoutrements. Today, Wray’s collection forms an integral part of the Atlanta History Center’s holdings of some 11,000 Civil War artifacts. Confederate Odyssey tells the story of the Civil War through the collection. Analyzing the collection as material evidence, Gordon L. Jones, senior military historian and curator at the Atlanta History Center, demonstrates how a slave-based economy on the cusp of industrialization attempted to fight an industrial war. The book tells of the stories, significance and context of these artifacts to general readers and Civil War buffs alike. The Wray

faculty, she added, describing her role as a facilitator and educator of best practices. Gordon recently began teaching a yearlong course on the subject, and she also is available to meet with departments or individuals, schedule a series of workshops or consult in other contexts. “My role is to help faculty evaluate their assessment processes better, so assessments aren’t burdensome and uncover more clearly what the students are learning and what they aren’t learning,” Gordon said. “It’s not about finding out how good or bad a teacher you are but whether the curriculum and program help students learn what you believe they should—and knowing whether you are improving.” To discuss how Gordon and the Office of Academic Planning can help a program, contact her via email at or at 706-425-2913.

Teaching, research, service, community and achievement. These are the values that the Terry College of Business honored at its 2014 Faculty and Staff Awards Reception on Sept. 9. “These awards reflect what we at Terry find important and showcase some of the best and brightest stars on our team,” said Dean Benjamin C. Ayers. “It’s important for us to be able to recognize the contributions of both faculty and staff at this event.” Tina Carpenter, an associate professor of accounting, received the Terry Outstanding Teaching Award. Carpenter was honored for her consistently high student evaluation scores, her tireless work on behalf of her students and the pedagogical creativity she brings to the classroom. In addition to this award, she holds the distinction of being the only teacher to receive the Beta Alpha Psi Graduate Teacher of the Year Award, which she has received for eight consecutive years. Arthur Snow, the Nicholas A. Beadles Professor of Economics, received the Terry Outstanding Research Award for his myriad contributions to the field. Snow is a world-renowned researcher, having published 48 papers in refereed journals as well as receiving the Journal of Risk and Insurance’s Best Paper Award in 2009 and the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review’s Best Paper Award in 2008. Annette Poulsen, holder of the Augustus H. “Billy” Sterne Chair of Banking and Finance, was honored with the Terry Outstanding Service Award for her consistent work to further the study of finance, UGA and the Athens community. Poulsen has served in a variety of roles within academia, including editing or co-editing five journals, presiding over the Financial Management Association International and the Southern Finance Association as well as serving on the board of directors for several finance groups. Mary Ann Barrett, director of Full-Time MBA Student Services, received the Terry Community

Mary Ann Barrett

Tina Carpenter

Jim Metcalf

Annette Poulsen

Arthur Snow

Building Award, which was created to recognize staff for outstanding performance in helping foster a positive and helpful environment at the college. This was her second time re-

ceiving the award. Jim Metcalf was honored with the Terry Achievement Award, which is designed to recognize work above and beyond the call of duty. As Terry’s senior IT manager, Metcalf is known for his creative solutions to complex technological problems. He provided support for a research project in the economics department that ended up landing a $400,000 National Sciences Foundation grant. Metcalf also created a cloud computing solution that saved time and money for Terry faculty and students working together online. All honorees are chosen by a committee appointed by the dean of the Terry College. Recipients of the Faculty Awards receive a commemorative plaque and a monetary award in recognition of their achievements. Recipients of the Staff Awards are given an engraved glass award and a monetary award in recognition of their contributions.



Columns is available to the campus community by ­subscription for an annual fee of $20 (second-class delivery) or $40 (first-class delivery). Faculty and staff members with a disability may call 706-542-8017 for assistance in obtaining this publication in an alternate format. Columns staff can be reached at 706-542-8017 or

Editor Juliett Dinkins Art Director Kris Barratt

Confederate Odyssey: The George W. Wray Jr. Civil War Collection at the Atlanta History Center By Gordon L. Jones University of Georgia Press $49.95

Collection is more than a gathering of relics; it is a tale of historical truths revealed in small details.

Photo Editor Paul Efland

New site full of accessible information

Senior Reporter Aaron Hale A new website for the Resource for Integrated Glycotechnology, located at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, has a wealth of information in an easyto-navigate format. Researchers can learn about analytical services, instrumentation, training

opportunities and ongoing efforts to stimulate collaborative projects with the broader scientific community. The website also features a list of glycotech-related publications, symposia, workshops and other efforts to disseminate cutting-edge technologies and research tools.

Reporter Matt Chambers The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. The University of Georgia is a unit of the University System of Georgia. I

7 8 5

8 Oct. 13, 2014

ROBOTICS from page 1 each about the size of a tennis shoe. At one point, a second-grader introduced himself to RoboRobo CEO Jang Chang Nam, who was on hand for the ceremony, to thank him for the chance to build his own robot. His class was one of several to receive kits donated by the company earlier this year. Eventually, the center will be filled with school-aged robotics competitors. It will be a place where children can put their RoboRobo skills into action and learn about real-life applications of robots at the same time, said Choi. In the Sims lab, educators will be able customize lesson plans and research the results. “Barrow County will be the first place

where we implement the curriculum for teachers and students as well,” Choi said. “We’re integrating theory and practice. Here is a place where the researcher can share with the teacher, and the curriculum can be customized with the teacher.” The ability to work with RoboRobo and Barrow County is a unique opportunity to merge research with curriculum ideas, according to Jack Parish, associate dean for outreach and engagement at the College of Education. “This partnership will help teachers integrate robotics education in their classrooms in ways that provide meaningful and engaging learning experiences for their students,” he said.


REPORT from page 1

Eli Truett

FAMILY PORTRAIT—Family members of J.W. Fanning, UGA’s first vice president for services,

attended the Sept. 29 dedication ceremony of a Lamar Dodd original painting at the Fanning Building. The painting is a gift to the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development from Sibyle Fanning Jenks in honor of her parents, J.W. Fanning and Cora Lee Fanning.

anniversary from page 1 Modern American Culture, which won the 1994 National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism, and he has edited several other books. He was twice nominated for Grammy Awards and has served as a consultant on several Ken Burns documentaries, including Baseball; The War; and The Roosevelts: An Intimate History. Early is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and serves on the National Council on the Humanities after being nominated by President Barack Obama. Founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary, Phi Beta Kappa has more than half a million members at 280 American colleges and universities. UGA established the Alpha of Georgia chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in 1914, with membership recognizing scholarship, character and high academic standing. The Phi Beta Kappa 100th Anniversary Lecture is one of the events designated as a Signature Lecture by UGA’s Office of Academic Programs for its broad multidisciplinary appeal.

Signature Lectures created to highlight talks by thought leaders UGA has created a new “Signature Lectures” designation to highlight campus talks by some of the world’s most prominent thought leaders. UGA Signature Lectures feature speakers noted for their broad, multidisciplinary appeal and compelling bodies of work. Many of the lectures are supported by endowments, while others honor notable figures and milestones in the university’s history. “Signature Lectures reaffirm the university’s role as a hub for the exchange of ideas, and they enrich the campus learning environment by bringing students, faculty, staff and community members together,” said Pamela Whitten, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost. Campus lectures designated as Signature Lectures will be announced annually at the beginning of the academic year by the Office of Academic Programs. “The University of Georgia has a long tradition of bringing compelling speakers to campus, and I hope that our students in particular will take advantage of the opportunity to hear from some of the leading voices of our day,” said Meg Amstutz, associate provost for academic programs. “The Signature Lecture designation is one way to help point our students to a variety of talks that will enrich their experiences here.” For a complete schedule of Signature Lectures, see the Provost’s Office website at —Sam Fahmy

Bulletin Board Computer security checkups

Enterprise Information Technology Services will host its fall Computer Health and Security Fair Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the second floor rotunda of the Miller Learning Center. UGA students, faculty and staff are invited to bring their personal laptops for free security checks, as part of the observance of National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October. Technical volunteers will provide free virus and malware removal. They also will offer security consultations and check-ups to ensure that laptops are using the latest and most secure software and plug-ins. Technical volunteers will run a security check of personal computers that includes ensuring that firewalls are enabled and that antivirus and operating systems are up to date. Technicians also will look for other problems, such as slow performance, Web browser pop-ups and unknown error messages. Participants can learn the best practices for securing their computers against intrusions, virus infections and account compromises. University department-issued computers will not be checked at the fair. Visit for more ­information.

New CTL program

The Center for Teaching and Learning has launched a new fellows opportunity for faculty who teach full time at UGA. “CTL Fellows for Innovative

Teaching,” a program funded in part by the Office of the Vice President for Instruction, is a calendar year program that will change focus each year to align with topics of strategic importance for the university. For 2015, the focus is on “flipping the classroom.” Activities for the CTL Fellows for Innovative Teaching begin in December and conclude in December 2015, and each participant will receive $2,000 to support his/her “flipped classroom” development project. Faculty who teach challenging, high-enrollment, high-demand courses are especially encouraged to apply to participate in this inaugural cohort. Twelve fellows will be selected for the 2015 program. Applications are due Oct. 31 at 5 p.m. Notifications of selections will be made no later than Nov. 10. Full program details, the application processes and information about “flipping the classroom” can be found at Email questions about the new fellows program to Eddie Watson, CTL director, at

Service-learning workshop

The Office of Service-Learning will hold a free workshop for anyone who wants to know more about integrating experiential learning into coursework in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, fields. “Building Civic and Community Engagement into STEM Coursework” will be held Oct. 27 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Reading Room of the Miller Learning Center.

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glycomics. Students also will participate in specially designed courses, public seminars and an annual retreat. Glycoscience is the foundation of numerous research initiatives at UGA, and technologies that harness an understanding of complex carbohydrates have applications in fields as diverse as cancer treatment and bioenergy. “This really is an excellent opportunity for students to work on cutting-edge research projects, and it will give them the tools they need to prepare for careers in a variety of fields,” said Geert-Jan Boons, co-principal investigator and UGA Distinguished Professor in Biochemical Sciences. “Our funding supports the students for two years, but they will remain members of the program as long as they are actively enrolled at the university, so their access to faculty and resources does not go away.” The first class of four students will matriculate in the spring semester of 2015, followed by another class of five students the next year. After the first five-year term of the grant, researchers expect to have about 20 students in the program. “While funding is limited to a few students each year, this program will provide opportunities for all graduate students in chemistry and life sciences, who will be able to participate in new courses and seminars alongside funded students,” Pierce said. “We’re very excited about the possibilities of this program, and we think it will go a long way toward expanding glycoscience in Georgia and beyond.”

Representatives of the Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities Center for Innovation-South at UNC-Asheville will conduct the workshop. Presenters will share what SENCER is doing with courses across the U.S., integrating real-world, community issues into STEM-related disciplines. They also will lead discussions about lessons learned, effective practice and ideas for implementing similar work here at UGA. For more information, contact Paul Matthews at or ­706-542-0892.

Pottery sale

The UGA Ceramic Student Organization will hold a special pottery sale Oct. 28-29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the first floor lobby of the Lamar Dodd School of Art. Work on sale will include small, handbuilt sculpture as well as functional pottery such as teapots, mugs, plates, vases and bowls. All work was made by ceramic students or faculty. Prices will range from $8-$100. Proceeds from the ceramic sale support upcoming student educational field trips to the Sculpture Objects Functional Art + Design Fair in Chicago and the Kohler Company in Wisconsin. For more information, contact Ted Saupe at Bulletin Board is limited to information that may pertain to a majority of faculty and staff members.

saved. The full report is available for purchase at the Selig Center’s website for $125. Highlights from the report are: Black buying power will rise to $1.1 trillion in 2014. African-Americans control the second biggest minority market, behind Hispanics. Black buying power has seen an 86 percent increase since 2000 and accounts for 8.7 percent of the nation’s total. The growth in black buying power stems in part from an increase in the number of blackowned businesses as well as from an uptick in education, which leads to higher incomes, among the African-American population. The Native American population will see its buying power increase 149 percent since 2000, to $100 billion. That increase is larger than the percentage growth in the white population and is due in part to rapid growth of the Native American population. Although Native Americans comprise only 1.3 percent of the total U.S. population, their buying power and clustered populations should make them especially attractive to businesses. The Selig Center estimates that Asian buying power will rise to $770 billion in 2014, with 5.5 percent of the U.S. population claiming Asian ancestry. (This number includes those who identified as Asian as well as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander). Despite the Great Recession, employment gains for Asians grew 45 percent since 2000. Those strong gains coupled with a fast-growing immigrant population mean that Asian buying power is expected to grow to $1 trillion in 2019. One of out every six people in the U.S. claims Hispanic origin, making the group an economic powerhouse. The $1.3 trillion 2014 Hispanic market shows a gain of 155 percent since 2000, which is a far greater gain than the 71 percent increase in non-Hispanic buying power and the 76 percent increase in overall buying power since that time. The Selig Center estimates that by 2019, Hispanics will account for 10.6 percent of total U.S. buying power.

Mcgill from page 1 interviews with newsmakers and panel discussions on issues important to American viewers. Best-known nationally for his four years as the news anchor, senior correspondent and regular substitute host for Good Morning America, Mora reported for virtually all of ABC News’ broadcasts, including Nightline and 20/20, covering news from more than a dozen countries on four continents. Mora has been recognized for excellence throughout his career, receiving awards for reporting, anchoring, breaking news, interviewing and commentary. In addition to his Peabody Awards, his honors include a national Edward R. Murrow Award, three national Emmy Awards, nine local Emmy Awards and a Silver Dome. Born in Cuba and fluent in Spanish, Mora is one of the only Hispanic men to anchor a regularly scheduled national broadcast news show. He is a former officer of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and was named one of the country’s “100 Most Influential Hispanics” by Hispanic Business magazine. For more than three decades, the McGill Lecture has brought significant figures in journalism to UGA to honor Ralph McGill’s courage as an editor. Established in 1978, this UGA annual lecture series addresses major issues impacting American journalism. The McGill Lecture is funded by the McGill Endowment Fund.

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