Report to Donors 2010

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2010 President’s Report to Donors

The University of Georgia and The Arch Foundation for The University of Georgia


Photography: Paul Efland, Peter Frey, Dot Paul, Andrew Tucker, archives


Letter from the President


Letter from the Arch Foundation Chair


Student Life at UGA


College of Public Health Fifth Anniversary


The Future at UGA


Financial Statements


Honor Roll of Donors

Letter from the President T

he year 2010 marks the 225th anniversary of the signing of the charter for the University of Georgia. The charter written by Abraham Baldwin is nothing short of a revolutionary document, for it posited the idea that higher education is a public, not a private, good. It asserted that there is societal value in a state offering higher education to its citizens and that an educated populace was a desirable goal. That now common but then remarkable idea was born in Georgia. Today, we are the stewards of that idea. A virtually unbroken line traces the history of this place from charter to enrollment to first graduation, from campus expansion to the Civil War to World Wars I and II, from 10,000 to 20,000 to more than 34,000 students. It is our obligation to ensure that the line of history continue, that the University of Georgia remains a place of impact and import centuries from now. We must pass on to those who follow us what was handed down to us – a sacred trust and a charge to provide the highest level of public higher education to the people of this state. We are taking advantage of the 225th anniversary of the signing of the charter to highlight some of the most exciting areas of life at UGA today, from student life to genomic research to the newest units – all with a nod to the past and the foundational work that was done by those who came before us. I hope you enjoy the stories in this report – and perhaps learn something, too. You are receiving this report because you have been generous to the University of Georgia. On behalf of the students, faculty and staff of this great institution, thank you.

Michael F. Adams President

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From the Chair


rivate support is essential to the strength and success of public higher education, and you are a part of any success UGA enjoys because of your commitment to its mission. We are deeply grateful to you. The Arch Foundation is proud to be a part of the university’s mission and to assist in identifying and cultivating additional financial support for that mission. The board has made a commitment to supporting key academic programs at UGA, and I would like to share some information about a few of those with you. The foundation has established four professorships through the generosity of members of the board of trustees. Attracting the world’s best faculty to UGA is always a priority, but in tight economic times it becomes even more critical. These professorships—in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Linguistics, Public Finance and one yet to be determined— will help strengthen the academic core of the university. UGA students and their families expect the best faculty to be here for them, and we must meet that expectation. I am also excited about the foundation’s support for a UGA Board of Visitors, which will open new avenues of communication and involvement that will certainly benefit the university. The board will induct 30 members into the first class and will begin meeting in the fall. The endowment has performed well this year. You can read the details in the financial statement contained in this report, but I am very pleased with the performance of the Arch Foundation investment portfolio, given the volatility of the stock market. The investment committee, in close concert with our external financial advisors, has worked diligently to ensure sufficient growth in the endowment to support our commitments to the university. In the coming years we will continue these projects and redouble our efforts to support UGA’s goal of becoming one of the very best public universities in America. Our students, their families and the people of this state deserve nothing less, and I count it an honor to be a part of the progress at my alma mater. Thank you again for the important role you have played in UGA’s success.

Jack Head Chair, The Arch Foundation for the University of Georgia

President’s Report to Donors


Studentat Life UGA A University of Georgia student wakes up in Vandiver Hall in the East Campus Village in a private bedroom. She and her three roommates meet in the kitchenette and begin to prepare breakfast before sharing one of two bathrooms to get ready for the day. She boards one of 47 Campus Transit buses (which carry more than nine million passengers a year) for her first class in the Miller Learning Center, a 236,000-square foot, fully wireless combination electronic library and modern classroom facility named for former Governor Zell Miller. Her classroom is equipped with tiered auditorium seating, laptop connections at each seat, dry-erase boards, ceiling-mounted projectors and computer connections for the instructor. She and her classmates can reserve one of 96 study rooms for group projects or studying for finals. There’s a Jittery Joe’s coffee shop on the second level.

Students board one of 47 campus buses outside Joe Frank Harris Commons.

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Diners climb the steps to the Summit Cafe.

President’s Report to Donors


After class, she stops by the recently renovated bookstore, now managed by Follett, and then spends a few minutes with friends in the 95,000-square-foot expansion of the Tate Center. She catches a bus back to East Campus for lunch at the East Village Commons. Opened in 2005, this facility offers a food court approach to campus dining, with dozens of options at each meal. Breakfast options range from a cold cereal bar to an omelet station; lunch might feature made-to-order Philly cheese steaks and a meat-and-three station; dinner could be customized stir fry or bacon cheeseburger with fries and a Coke. In the evening, she attends a board meeting of the student organization for which she serves as an officer, then goes to a movie in

the Tate Theater. The options for UGA students, it seems, are endless. The life of a University of Georgia student in 2010 is obviously far removed from the life of the first students here. But it is also quite different from student life 25 or even 10 years ago. The primary drivers of that difference? Technology and facilities. “We have made a concerted effort on the facilities side in recent years to focus on student-centered construction and renovation,” said President Michael F. Adams. “The new learning environment requires a level of technological sophistication that was unimaginable a decade ago but is an essential part of the educational process today.”

Study groups gather nightly in the Miller Learning Center.

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The Miller Center opened in 2003 and quickly became the academic heart of the university. With more than 2,000 classroom seats, almost 100 group study rooms, 500 computer stations, a wireless network and dozens of comfortable chairs, the MLC is abuzz with academic activity almost around the clock. East Campus Village was the first new residence hall construction at UGA since the late 1960s and opened hundreds of rooms to student occupancy. Since 2004, freshmen have been required to live on campus, a move aimed at engaging them more fully in the life of the campus and based on research showing that students who live on campus perform better academically. But demand for on-campus living has been steadily climbing for years, as students appreciate the amenities of one of America’s best public universities. “The academic experience of our students is obviously the most important mission at the University of Georgia,” said Vice President for Student Affairs Rodney Bennett. “But they are in class, at most four hours a day; what happens during the rest of the day is a very important part of the educational experience, too, and it is our goal and mission to provide opportunities and options that support the academic development of the UGA student body.”

The Zell B. Miller Learning Center has become the academic heart of the university.

President’s Report to Donors


Student Life

Hunker Down with Housing kicks off Fall Semester as students move in.

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A student volunteer plays ball with a special needs child.

Bennett points to three trends in student life at UGA that have significantly affected campus life in just the past decade: technology, community service by students and religious and spiritual activity. “I think that most people who don’t have, as I do, daily contact with students don’t really understand the degree to which technology has penetrated student life,” Bennett said. “The impact is profound and I do not see an end in sight. For colleges and universities to connect with students and be relevant in their lives, a real understanding of the way they use technology is critical.” Technology has affected the way students communicate, the way they learn and the way they live their daily lives. Social networking sites and services, such as Facebook and Twitter, which create online communities and virtual conversations; Yelp and other online review services which allow individuals to post real-time opinions about restaurants, retail stores and other businesses; and Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia which can be edited by anyone. The Information Age has also had an impact on how students seek and share information, whether for academic or social purposes. They expect information to be “instant, electronic and varied,” Bennett said, and class assignments that might have taken a week or more to complete because of the physical requirements for obtaining information can now often be completed in less than a day without leaving the residence hall or a comfortable chair in the Miller Center.

Today’s students are also committed to serving others, and that commitment, Bennett said, grows out of a recognition that the opportunity for a UGA education is not available to everyone. “They come to us with a real sense of duty and service and commitment to people who are less fortunate than they are,” he said. “It’s not about building a resume, as some people think; it is a genuine interest in and commitment to serving others in gratitude for what they have. As an institution, we have to explore ways to enhance that for them.” In the spring of 2010, more than 300 UGA students participated in Alternative Spring Break, dedicating the break to service projects across the Southeast and in Washington, DC, Detroit, Florida, Maine and elsewhere. UGA students annually put in hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours in the Athens area through Volunteer UGA and other programs. Finally, today’s students are more religious than they were even a decade ago. “There is rarely a day during the academic year that I do not talk to a student about a campus religious activity he or she is involved in,” said Bennett. “There is a significant religious drive in today’s college student. What these high-achieving young people have realized is that that being involved in religious activity is a significant part of their lives.” The future in student life, then, points to more influence of technology; greater commitment to service; and a focus on the holistic well-being of students, Bennett said. Those out-ofclass hours are not going to waste at the University of Georgia.

President’s Report to Donors


College of Public Health

Fifth Anniversary

The Coverdell Center is home to the College of Public Health.

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Phil Williams, the founding dean of the University of Georgia’s youngest college, believes passionately that the College of Public Health is at the forefront of the 21st century land-grant missions. “What we are doing today does deliver on what the University of Georgia was set up to do, and that is to address the needs of the people of this state,” said Williams. “We exemplify what a land-grant university does in the 21st century. “Just as UGA did around agriculture and agricultural education to improve efficiency and productivity, today’s landgrant universities have a mission to expand that impact into other areas.” The mission of the College of Public Health is to promote “health in human populations through innovative research, exemplary education, and engaged service dedicated to preventing

Christopher Whalen, professor of epidemiology, specializes in tuberculosis research, particularly in Ugandan villages, and in how an outbreak in America could be contained.

disease and injury within the state and around the world.” The college now has 200 employees and more than 800 students; 15% of the faculty hold the medical doctor degree; and its research productivity ranks it 4th among UGA’s 16 colleges and schools. “We have a responsibility to improve the quality of life for Georgians in areas of need for many years to come,” said Williams. One area of need – and an area of strength for CPH – is the study of infectious disease. Williams offers tuberculosis as an example. Most people may not think of tuberculosis, a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs with the potential to spread to other organs, as a threat to public health in Georgia. But the fluidity and rapid growth of the state’s population, particularly the rapidly growing immigrant population, means that oncecontrolled or limited infectious diseases like tuberculosis are impacting populations that have long been free of their influence. And not only are potential patients not prepared, “few healthcare providers have experience with tuberculosis,” said Williams. In Athens, for example, there are only two doctors who are board certified in infectious disease – a dermatologist who doesn’t practice in this specialty and Chris Whalen, a CPH faculty member. Whalen has seen thousands of tuberculosis patients in 20 years of research journeys to Uganda. Not only is he able to help the Ugandans who are infected with the disease, he has built a base of experience that is a resource to Georgia physicians. UGA has other strengths which can help the state control the spread of TB. The disease has both human and animal components, so the College of Public Health works with the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Odum School of Ecology to devise strategies for addressing the spread of tuberculosis, which can migrate from animals to humans. CPH addresses the population dynamics – how the disease spreads – and other factors such as health information and education; CVM can focus on treatment within animal populations; and Ecology has expertise in the environmental and ecological factors at play in the spread and transmission of the disease. “So if someone wonders why the University of Georgia is concerned about global health issues, this is why,” said Williams. “Those global issues are coming here.” Public Health faculty are also active in the university’s

President’s Report to Donors


Stephanie Burwell and a Ph.D. student observe a couple in therapy for cancer patients and their families.

Walter Schmidt studies enzymes that activate proteins in cancer cell development.

Cancer Center, which was established in 2003/2004 and aims to revolutionize and redefine early detection, create treatments based on the discovery of new cellular targets, develop vaccines that recruit the body’s immune system to fight cancer and improve prevention efforts and the quality of life of patients and survivors. There are four Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Scholars on the CPH faculty – John Vena, head of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; J.S. Wang, head of the Department of Environmental

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Health Science; Claire Robb, assistant professor of epidemiology; and Kevin Dobbin, assistant professor of biostatistics. “These faculty offer a population-based component to complement the laboratory-based clinical and basic research that other UGA faculty are doing,” said Williams. “It’s another area of collaboration to address a critical issue in Georgia and another example of what Public Health brings to this kind of research.”

Bernadette Allard goes through her paces in the Aging and Physical Performance Lab with kinesiology researcher Elaine Cress. Cress developed a test to measure the performance of everyday tasks such as carrying groceries, sweeping, and getting up from floor level.

Other health issues facing Georgia – a state consistently near the bottom of public health rankings – under study by Public Health faculty are obesity and the aging of the population. The Department of Health and Motion Behavior has established workplace health groups in several locations which have already proven to lower health care costs and increase productivity. These groups will serve as models for additional locations around Georgia and beyond.

Leonard Poon is the director of the UGA Institute of Gerontology and principal investigator of the Georgia Centenarian Study.

President’s Report to Donors


Through the Institute for Health management and Mass Destruction Defense, the College is contemplating the potential tragedy of a weapons of mass destruction attack on American soil but, more importantly, how communities and governmental agencies can plan for and respond to such an event. The institute also helps develop plans for responding to natural disasters. The IHMD is working with state and federal organizations as well as private partners to develop a coordinated research and training program for standardized mass casualty healthcare nationwide, with a focus on medical training, mass casualty planning and response, and information technology applications. Cham Dallas’ research into the effects of and response to a terrorist attack on American soil is helping emergency responders prepare.

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With a rapidly growing elderly population, Georgia faces a potential crisis in health care costs and access for those over 80. “This population bears a disproportionate share of health-care costs because of the various conditions, treatments and medications that often accompany the aging process,” said Williams. “In addition to the individual treatments developed through clinical research, there are population-based approaches that may offer solutions as well, and that is what we are working on.” In the land-grant tradition of service tailored to the needs of the state, the College of Public Health is addressing real quality of life issues for today’s Georgians and generations to come.

President’s Report to Donors



Future at UGA

The UGA campus maintains its historic beauty and pedestrian accessibility.

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Students and faculty meet in the MEdical Partnership Building on the first day of class.

Moments of historical significance offer the opportunity that gave the month of January its name. Janus, the Roman god of gates and doorways, had two faces so he could look both forward and back in guarding his posts. January bears his name as a time of reflection and anticipation as one year ands and another begins. The 225th anniversary of the signing of the charter which created the University of Georgia is just such an opportunity. A two-day symposium in the spring spent time looking at the past, the present and the future; this report does the same. This is the birthplace of American public higher education. That history is important and worth celebrating. But that history also serves as the foundation for what UGA will be in the next 100 years and beyond. Some recent developments point to what that future will be.

MCG/UGA Medical Partnership The first 40 students in the MCG/UGA Medical Partnership enrolled in the fall of 2010, opening a new era of teaching, research and public service at the state’s flagship university. The state of Georgia ranks 40th for the ratio of physicians to population and consistently ranks among states with the poorest health. “UGA has an obligation as a land-grant university to apply its resources and expertise to the most serious problems facing Georgia,” said UGA President Michael F. Adams. “There is no more serious problem for us than the health of the state’s people, and we are called to address that need.” The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia approved the partnership as the most viable and affordable strategy for addressing Georgia’s shortage of physicians, with each institution bringing its particular expertise. UGA offers the broad-based curriculum of a comprehensive land-grant university, with strengths in biological, genetic and other basic

President’s Report to Donors


The Odum School of Ecology is producing leaders in conservation efforts.

established a new field of study and earned him the title “Father of Modern Ecology.” In 2007 the Odum School of Ecology was established, the first stand-alone school in the world dedicated to this field and a memorial to the man whose name it bears. The Odum School’s vision is to be “recognized as one of the nation’s top research programs in ecological sciences based on the strength of its faculty, reputation of its degree programs and international stature.” As the recent explosion and subsequent oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has tragically demonstrated, issues related to ecosystem health and the impact of human populations and economies will be prevalent in the 21st century. The Odum School of Ecology is leading the efforts to address those issues.

Faculty of Engineering

sciences in addition to the College of Pharmacy, the College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Public Health. MCG is the state’s first public medical college and brings a history of clinical, residency and research expertise. Despite the challenges of starting a new medical education program, the synergies between MCG and UGA make the cost of educating medical students in Athens the lowest in the nation – approximately half the average cost per student for U.S. medical schools, according to a consultant hired for the feasibility study. The MCG/UGA partnership received notice of accreditation from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education in April, 2010. Plans are underway to base third- and fourth-year clerkships for students from the Athens campus at clinics and hospitals in Northeast Georgia, including three regional hospitals—Athens Regional Medical Center, St. Mary’s Health Care System and Northeast Georgia Health System.

Odum School of Ecology The study of ecology was born at the University of Georgia in the early 1950s, when the late Eugene Odum, who joined the UGA zoology faculty in 1940, formulated the concept that the interrelation between organisms within ecosystems – a term he coined – was the key to understanding the natural world around us and the impact of human action on it. His 1953 book “Fundamentals of Ecology”

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The University of Georgia has a long tradition of agricultural and biological engineering, and has served Georgia well by producing graduates in those disciplines. That work will continue, but the state’s business and industrial community has clearly stated the need for well trained general engineers – and UGA is ready to answer that call. “The Faculty of Engineering is a new and daring experiment. The unconventional approach to organizing a major discipline is unique and may be the first of its kind at a research university in the United States,” reads a statement on the FOE website. “It employs principles of entrepreneurship, boundarylessness, networking and life-long learning to create a learning organization that is responsive to unpredictability and adoptive of opportunity.” “At UGA, we have embarked on an experiment to change the role of engineers in society by changing the way they become engineers,” said Dale Threadgill, director of the Faculty of Engineering. “We believe that a strong background in the arts and humanities is a fundamental complement to the engineering sciences, and so have created a unique network of departments and individuals across the University to integrate engineering academic programs, research and outreach with other fields of study.” The faculty in engineering at UGA offer, in addition to biological and agricultural, expertise in biochemical and biomedical engineering; biorefining and carbon cycling; computer systems engineering; engineering education; systems and environmental engineering; and nanoscience engineering. They are also creating new fields of engineering study such as pharmaceutical engineering, metabolic engineering, marine engineering and information engineering.

School of Public and International Affairs The first new school at UGA since 1964, SPIA was created in 2001 on the strength of existing academic departments in public policy, public administration and political science. The school prepares undergraduate students for good citizenship and careers in public life, and trains future generations of teachers and scholars in the fields of international affairs, political science, and public administration and policy. SPIA boasts national rankings among the highest at UGA. The Master’s of Public Administration degree program, is ranked fourth in the nation and the specializations in Budgeting and Finance and Public Management are ranked second. The school now enrolls almost 1,500 students, who enjoy opportunities for a range of study abroad locations; fellowships in

the offices of Georgia’s senators in Washington, DC; and slots as interns in other offices on Capitol Hill. The Center for International Trade and Security has grown in stature as one of the world’s leading resources on reducing the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and the Center for the Study of Global Issues, or GLOBIS, advances the cause of peaceful resolution of disputes, with a particularly strong relationship with the North Korean government. In recent years, UGA has elevated units with particular strengths and the ability to address Georgia’s needs, creating colleges, schools and units that will improve the lives of Georgians for decades to come. That is the spirit of the 1785 charter and the mission of the land-grant university, lived every day at the University of Georgia.

Candler Hall is home to the School of Public and International Affairs.

President’s Report to Donors




Sources of Current Fund Revenue Sources


Percent of Total

From the State of Georgia Resident Instruction................................................... 294,605,282.................................... 23.4% Forestry Research........................................................... 2,817,106...................................... 0.2% Forestry Cooperative Extension......................................... 577,774........................................... * Agricultural Experiment Station.................................... 37,669,738...................................... 3.0% Cooperative Extension Service...................................... 31,606,231...................................... 2.5% Marine Extension Service................................................ 1,321,030...................................... 0.1% Marine Institute................................................................. 806,716...................................... 0.1% Veterinary Medical Experiment Station........................... 2,055,434...................................... 0.2% Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital................................ 482,624........................................... * Minority Business Enterprises....................................................... 0........................................... * Athens and Tifton Veterinary Laboratories.................................... 0........................................... * Veterinary Medicine Agriculture Research.......................... 797,680...................................... 0.1% Total State of Georgia............................................... $372,739,615.................................29.7% From Federal Appropriations Agricultural Experiment Station...................................... 4,795,620...................................... 0.4% Cooperative Extension Service........................................ 5,969,404...................................... 0.5% Total Federal Appropriations...................................... $10,765,023...................................0.9% From Student Tuition and Fees Resident Instruction................................................... 315,239,590.................................... 25.1% Student Activities............................................................ 5,331,162...................................... 0.4% Total Student Tuition and Fees................................. $320,570,752.................................25.5% From Sales, Services, and Miscellaneous Sources Teaching and Service Departments............................. 129,276,897.................................... 10.3% Forestry Research.............................................................. 621,584........................................... * Forestry Cooperative Extension........................................... 31,268........................................... * Agricultural Experiment Station...................................... 6,201,587...................................... 0.5% Cooperative Extension Service........................................ 2,939,133...................................... 0.2% Marine Extension Service................................................... 513,118........................................... * Marine Institute................................................................... 27,283........................................... * Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital............................. 9,489,063...................................... 0.8% Athens and Tifton Veterinary Laboratories......................... 170,636........................................... * Student Activities............................................................ 3,291,452...................................... 0.3% Total Sales, Services, and Miscellaneous Sources........ $152,562,022.................................12.1% From Gifts, Grants, and Research Contracts (State, Federal, and Private)**........................... $254,436,747.................................20.2% From Auxiliary Enterprises....................................... $145,736,037.................................11.5% From Endowment......................................................... $1,304,828...................................0.1% TOTAL.................................................................$1,258,115,025..................................100% *Less than 0.1% **Includes Student Aid This schedule excludes amounts for Plant Funds

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Current Funds Expenditure by Budgetary Function Budgetary Function Expenditures Percent of Total Instruction............................................................... $236,647,273.................................19.1% Research Resident Instruction................................................... 183,592,294....................................14.9% Forestry Research........................................................... 8,408,111......................................0.7% Agricultural Experiment Station.................................... 70,527,301......................................5.7% Marine Extension Service................................................... 809,400......................................0.1% Marine Institute.............................................................. 1,291,599......................................0.1% Veterinary Medical Experiment Station........................... 2,055,434......................................0.2% Athens and Tifton Veterinary Laboratories......................... 103,086........................................... * Veterinary Medicine Agriculture Research.......................... 797,680...................................... 0.1% Federal Stimulus........................................................... 23,150,822...................................... 1.9% Subtotal............................................................. $290,735,729.................................23.5% Public Service Resident Instruction..................................................... 89,236,415...................................... 7.2% Forestry Cooperative Extension...................................... 1,025,744...................................... 0.1% Cooperative Extension Service...................................... 58,809,169...................................... 4.8% Marine Extension Service................................................ 2,080,631...................................... 0.2% Athens and Tifton Veterinary Laboratories...................... 5,481,416...................................... 0.4% Subtotal............................................................. $156,633,374.................................12.7% Academic Support Resident Instruction..................................................... 72,845,121...................................... 5.9% Agricultural Experiment Station......................................... 268,495........................................... * Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital............................. 9,380,065...................................... 0.8% Subtotal............................................................... $82,493,681...................................6.7% Student Services Resident Instruction..................................................... 24,488,761...................................... 2.0% Student Activities............................................................ 9,883,594...................................... 0.8% Subtotal............................................................... $34,372,355...................................2.8% Institutional Support.................................................. $68,116,638...................................5.5% Physical Plant Resident Instruction................................................... 109,148,428...................................... 8.8% Forestry Research.............................................................. 859,922...................................... 0.1% Agricultural Experiment Station...................................... 4,896,737...................................... 0.4% Cooperative Extension Service........................................ 2,496,128...................................... 0.2% Marine Extension Service................................................... 154,027........................................... * Marine Institute................................................................... 34,856........................................... * Subtotal............................................................... 117,590,099...................................9.5% Scholarships and Fellowships Resident Instruction................................................... 115,394,940...................................... 9.4% Forestry Research.................................................................. 1,100........................................... * Agricultural Experiment Station......................................... 109,557........................................... * Marine Extension Service..................................................... 12,100........................................... * Subtotal............................................................... 115,517,698...................................9.4% Auxiliary Enterprises.................................................. 133,938,298.................................10.8% TOTAL...................................................................1,236,045,145..................................100% *less than 0.1 percent This schedule excludes amounts for Plant Funds.

President’s Report to Donors



Arch Foundation

In just five years, the assets of the Arch Foundation for the University of Georgia have grown from zero to more than $82 million. And Chairman Andrew M. “Jack” Head says the best is yet to come. “We’re proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish in such a short time, including helping the university post record fundraising years,” said Head. “From the very beginning, President Adams and the entire campus have been involved in our efforts, and it has been a great partnership.” “I am grateful for the many contributions that the Arch Foundation is providing to our academic programs and our students,” UGA President Michael F. Adams said. “Great universities rely on private support to maintain and enhance excellence, and the Arch volunteer trustees have been critical in these efforts.”

The incorporators of the foundation undertook an extensive review of foundations at peer and aspirational universities to discern best practices that would make the Arch Foundation, which is a private nonprofit organization with a board of trustees, a model organization. Transparency and the active involvement of all board members were deemed critical, said John Spalding, who was elected chairman at the Foundation’s inagural meeting. Equally important was representation from students, faculty and the university’s administration. “We wanted to make sure that the board always stayed focused on its mission of supporting the University of Georgia.” Spalding recalls the foundation’s early days when it established its investment and spending policies and created its strategic plan. The foundation also launched its Arch

Professorship Initiative to enhance faculty recruitment and retention by funding endowed chairs. To date, it has created four new professorships through donations from board members. “I’m very proud of the fact that we have continued to be successful in our development,” said Retired Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court and former Chair Norman Fletcher. “The university has been able to attract faculty with national and international prominence, and we could not do that with state funding alone.” Head was elected chair after Fletcher completed his two-year term. Under Head’s leadership, the board is redoubling its fundraising efforts. And despite the current market climate, the endowment achieved a 12.96 percent investment return for fiscal year 2010.

Cumulative Giving Societies THE CRYSTAL ARCH SOCIETY The Crystal Arch Society, recognizing gifts of $10 million and above, is named for the University of Georgia’s most recognizable symbol and the main entrance to campus, the Arch. Erected in the 1850s, the Arch is UGA’s most revered landmark, patterned after the Great Seal of the State of Georgia.

THE ABRAHAM BALDWIN SOCIETY The Abraham Baldwin Society, recognizing gifts of $5 million and above, is named for the legendary Georgia statesman, educator and founder of the University of Georgia. Abraham Baldwin wrote UGA’s charter, the first-ever written and adopted for a state-supported public university.


*C. Herman Terry and Mary Virginia Terry *Mr. Charles H. Wheatley Jane S. Willson and *W. Harry Willson Robert W. Woodruff Foundation

Anonymous (1) Callaway Foundation, Inc. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The Goizueta Foundation W. K. Kellogg Foundation Kimberly-Clark Corporation Mr. C. L. Morehead Jr. Doris Adams Ramsey and *Bernard B. Ramsey

22 2010

THE ABRAHAM BALDWIN SOCIETY Anonymous (1) Mrs. Carolyn W. Bryan

THE 1785 SOCIETY The 1785 Society, recognizing cumulative gifts of $1 million and above, is named for the year that the University of Georgia was chartered by the Georgia General Assembly, pays homage to our impressive history and tradition of achievement as the first statechartered university in the nation.

The Coca-Cola Company & The Coca-Cola Foundation Jim Cox Jr. Foundation Georgia Crown Distributing Company Georgia Power Company and Foundation IBM Corporation Donald M. Leebern, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley III Richard B. Russell Foundation, Inc.

THE 1785 SOCIETY Anonymous (13) Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Acree *Dr. Omer Clyde Aderhold and *Mrs. Bess Parr Aderhold *Ambassador and Mrs. Philip H. Alston Jr. American Cancer Society American Chemical Society American Heart Association Mr. Daniel Paul Amos *Mr. and *Mrs. John B. Amos The Annenberg Foundation Bayer CropScience, LP Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Bentley Sr. *Mrs. Martha E. Bonbright James G. Boswell Foundation Trust Bradley-Turner Foundation James E. Butler, Jr. Carnegie Corporation of New York Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Carter *Mr. and *Mrs. W.C. Carter Phillip and Betty Casey Cherry Creek Properties, Inc. Susan and Millard Choate *Natalie Cohen Mr. and Mrs. James Perry Cotton, Jr. Martha Randolph Daura and Thomas W. Mapp The Delta Air Lines Foundation *Mr. Lamar Dodd and Mrs. Annie Laurie Dodd Dow AgroSciences, LLC E. I. DuPont Ms. Cordelia A. Ellis Estate H. Leon Farmer Jr. and Victoria Pruitt Farmer Leon Farmer III and Rebecca McClure Farmer Foley Family Foundation, Inc. George and Cecelia Fontaine Jack and Nancy Fontaine Ford Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation *J. B. Fuqua and Dorothy C. Fuqua Georgia Bar Foundation Gold Kist Foundation, Inc. *Mrs. Jo Ann T. Goodman Amanda and Greg Gregory Mrs. M. Smith Griffith Dr. Bruce L. Haines Estate James J. and Angelia M. Harris Foundation Dr. and Mrs. J. Harold Harrison Dr. Matthew Heric Mr. Robert Johnson Hill* Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. Dorothy Smith Hines Ms. Jane Hook Holmes William K. Holmes

*Dean J. Alton Hosch Howard Hughes Medical Institute Charles H. Jenkins Sr. Estate Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Stiles A. Kellett, Jr. Edna K. Kicklighter Trust *Reginald C. & *Katherine Reynolds Kicklighter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Kirbo John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Wyck A. Knox Jr. and Shell H. Knox Mrs. Betsy Tant Leebern Mr. Donald Melwood Leebern III Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr. Charles Loridans Foundation, Inc. *Ms. Lois Davies Lowe The Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Lumpkin, Jr. Mrs. Thomas O. Marshall, Jr. Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust *John N. McEachern Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bo Means Richard King Mellon Foundation *J. Warren Mitchell, Jr. and Mrs. J. Warren Mitchell, Jr. Monsanto Company Mr. and Mrs. George A. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore Jr. Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore Foundation Ms. Julia W. Morgan W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Thomas M. Morris Jr. *Mr. Willis Newton Morris *Mr. George Winship Nunnally *Dr. and *Mrs. Eugene P. Odum Mr. and Mrs. Sanford H. Orkin *Dr. and Mrs. William A. Owens Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Pittard *Mr. and *Mrs. William I. Ray Jr. *Mrs. Roy S. Richards, Sr. Riverside Military Academy Rockefeller Foundation John W. and Cynthia W. Rooker *Mr. Frank D. Rose *Ms. Eileen Russell Honorable and Mrs. Carl E. Sanders John Frank Sands and Alice Green Sands Charles S. Sanford Jr. and Mary McRitchie Sanford The Sapelo Foundation *Miss Lee Anne Seawell *Mr. and *Mrs. Simon S. Selig Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin M. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor W. Smith Lessie B. Smithgall and *Charles A. Smithgall, Jr. Spencer Foundation Sun Microsystems Inc. *Mr. and *Mrs. Charlie M. Tanner Jr. John Templeton Foundation *Mr. Charles W. Terrell Walter Carl Troutman Estate Tull Charitable Foundation Turner Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Jack Turner Mr. and Mrs. James C. Turner US Poultry and Egg Association Valent U.S.A. Corporation *Mr. Frank Anthony Wachowiak *Ms. Anna Dorothy Warnell Watson-Brown Foundation, Inc. Dewey C. and Karen M. White Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Mr. James Carter Young

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

President’s Report to Donors


Honor Roll of


Annual Presidents Club Established in 1973, the Presidents Club is the leadership program of the

Georgia Fund,

UGA’s annual giving campaign. Presidents Club members are alumni and friends who make a significant and sustaining impact on the

University of Georgia with annual

leadership support of

$1,000 or more.

BENEFACTORS Annual Gifts: $10,000 and above Anonymous (27) ABVista Feed Ingredients Ace Hardware of Chattanooga John Aurelius Addison Jr. and Loveanne Bowles Addison Dr. Elizabeth C. Aderhold Estate Omer Clyde Aderhold Estate and Bess Parr Aderhold Estate Advisor Charitable Gift Fund AFLAC, Incorporated Ag Research Associates, LLC AgraQuest, Inc. AgSouth Farm Credit AICPA Foundation ADS AirTran Airways Ajinomoto Heartland, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Scott Akers Jr. Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry LLC Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr. Stephanie C. Allen Alpharetta Animal Hospital The Alton Foundation Norman Kirby Alton and Janice M. Alton Altria Group, Inc. American Chemical Society American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Amos AMVAC Chemical Corporation Jim Andrews Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Archer III Richard J. Arroll II and Mary B. Arroll Arysta LifeScience North America Corporation Darren Winston Ash and Kathryn L. Ash

24 2010

Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges

Dr. and Mrs. J. Gary Bridges Brigadoon Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Company The Broadfield Foundation

AT&T Georgia

Bruce L. Broadrick and Mary M. Broadrick

The Atlanta Steeplechase, Inc.

Tad Brown

Miranda Azzam

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Steven Brown

C. O. Baker Trust

Zena Costa Brown

H. J. Baker & Brothers, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brumley

Robert Owen Ball III and English T. Ball

*Jean P. Bruner

The Bank of New York Mellon

Dr. Gary and Brenda Bullard

Bank of North Georgia

Candy and Malcolm Burgess

Elizabeth D. Barkan

Burke, Inc.

The Honorable and Mrs. Roy E. Barnes

Larry D. and Ann R. Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Barrow III

Robert E. and Maxine H. Burton

M. Brantley Barrow and Sharon B. Barrow

James E. Butler Jr.

Ruth Ann Bartlett

James E. Butler, Jr. Legal Foundation

Michelle Henry Barton

Nell A. Butler

BASF Corporation

Dr. M. Daniel Byrd

BASF Plant Science, LLC

Callaway Foundation, Inc.


Elizabeth W. Camp

Bayer CropScience

Charles E. Campbell and Ann Campbell

Robert Becker

Campbell Soup Company

Becker Underwood, Inc.

Shannon Illges Candler and

William E. Beckham and Julia Beckham

Claire Bedingfield

Chris Cannon

Andrew M. Been

Capella Pedregral Hotel

Cathy Alexander Behrend and

Capital One Services, Inc.

Cargill, Inc.

Todd Everett Behrend

Peter M. Candler

Mrs. Jann Johnson Bellamy

John Huland Carmical Foundation

Beloco Foundation, Inc.

Douglas E. Carnes

Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett Jr.

Earl L. ‘Buddy’ Carter and Amy Carter

Ed and Robin Benson

Betty and Phillip Casey

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Benson

Catholic Health East AP Shared Services

Dennis and Marian Beresford

Center for Applied Nursery Research

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Bergen

Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Chambers Sr.

Bernard and Barbro Foundation

Keith Chandler

Thilo D. and Elizabeth A. Best

Tim and Leah Chapman

Charlene R. Black

Dr. Roxanne Louise Cheek

James H. Blanchard

Runell and Michael Cheek

Beverly and Dennis Bloodworth

ChemGen Corporation

Bloodworth Wholesale Drugs

Cheminova, Inc.

BNY Mellon Wealth Management

Chemstar Corporation

William S. and Elizabeth K. Boyd Foundation

Chemtura USA Corporation

Branch Banking & Trust Company

The Chevron Companies

J. Bradford Branch

Susan and Millard Choate

Thomas W. Breedlove and Heather Breedlove

Citizens Community Bank

CMB Wireless Group,

Deloitte & Touche LLP

David S. Farrell and Pamela J. Farrell

LLC Hopeline Account

Deloitte Foundation

The Fastbreak Club, Inc.

CNN/Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.

Deloitte Services, LP

Clara J. Feild Estate

Michael B. Cobb and Jacqueline F. Cobb

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

Fickling Family Foundation Inc.

Cobb-Vantress Incorporated

Devgen US, Inc.

Fieldale Farms Inc.

Coca-Cola Company

Darren and Pam DeVore

Robert D. and Elisha W. Finney

Coca-Cola Foundation

Diamond V Mills, Inc.

First Clearing, LLC

Walter H. Cochran

Martha T. Dinos

*Carol J. Fisher

Colbert & Co.

Divergence, Inc.

Dr. William P. Flatt and

Cole Law Firm

Dixon Hughes, PLLC

June Nesbitt Flatt Estate

Ronnie M. Cole

William W. Douglas III and

Kevin Fletcher

Colliers Spectrum Cauble Inc.

FMC Corporation

Commercial Roofing Specialities, Inc.

Dow AgroSciences, LLC

Frank and Elizabeth Foley

The Community Foundation for Greater

Ernest H. Drew and Katy E. Drew

Linda B. Folkers

Susan McWhorter Driscoll and Mark Driscoll

George and Celia Fontaine

Community Foundation of

DSM Nutritional Products, Inc.

John T. Fontaine and Nancy C. Fontaine

South Georgia, Inc.

dunnhumby USA, LLC

Football 101 for Women

The Community Foundation of the

E. I. Dupont De Nemours & Company

Ed and Phoebe Forio

Carl W. Duyck and Dennis J. Flood

Steve Foster

Atlanta, Inc.

Chattahoochee Valley

Lisa Layman Douglas

Compass Group, The Americas Division ConAgra Foods, Inc. Rachel Cosby Conway Bucky and Shelley Cook Cecil R. Cooke and Pam Cooke Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lovick P. Corn COSEHC Carol P. Cotton and Mike Cotton Countdown to Kickoff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Courts IV Hayden A. Cox Estate Jim Cox Jr. Foundation Jana L. Coyle John Hannon Crawford IV and Elizabeth B. Crawford Milton and Mary Crosswy Graeme A. Crothall Mr. and Mrs. David A. Culley Danisco Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Darby Harold Darden Martha Randolph Daura and Thomas W. Mapp

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

Diane Lynn Davies

Paul Ecke Ranch/The Flower Fields

Beverly Hirsh Frank and Howard J. Frank

Ann and Jay Davis

Ecolab Inc.

John and Mary Franklin Foundation

H. Gordon Davis Jr. & Francis S. Davis

Eli Lilly and Company

Fraser-Parker Foundation

Lamar Ellis and Martha Brumley Ellis

Frazier & Deeter Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Davis Jr.

The Endover Foundation, Inc.

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

Hinton and Ellen Davis

Leigh Elizabeth Engen

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold

M. Austin Davis Foundation Inc.

T. W. Erickson Foundation Inc.

Richard Jay Davis

Ernst & Young Foundation

Mitchell Freilich and Tammy Freilich

Walton C. Davis Jr. and Mary Jackson Davis

Frank R. Etchberger Estate

Friends of Coastal Gardens

Annette Delaplaine

C. Michael Evert Jr. and Angi Wheeler Evert

Friends of The Botanical Garden

Foundation, Inc.



President’s Report to Donors


Andrew Murphy Head and Jane Schingen Head Healthcare Georgia Foundation Heart of Georgia Peanut & Gin, Inc. Helena Chemical Company Peter and Penelope Hemingway Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson Lawrence R. and Mary A. Hepburn Toni-Junell Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Heyward III Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. Dr. J. C. Hines and Hazel Hines Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund Hodgson Charitable Trust Clementi L. Holder and Dr. Robert N. Saveland David King Hollis Jr. and Judith Hollis Samuel Dykes Holmes and Lara Horne Holmes Horizon Ag-Products Hormel Foods Corporation R. Dale and Cynthia G. Hughes

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium Friends of the Georgia Museum of Natural

Charles Terry Hunt and Mary Lynn Oliver The Glover Family Foundation, Inc.


John T. Glover

Sylvia McCoy Hutchinson

Gannett Foundation, Inc.

John Trapnell Glover Jr.

The W. F. Ingram Foundation

Edward T. M. Garland and Judy Garland

The Goizueta Foundation

Rhoda Ingram

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

David Saul Golden and Elizabeth Golden

Intelligent Media Consultants, LLC

Gender Gap Foundation

Dr. Michael Paul Good

Intervet, Inc.

General Electric Foundation

Jo Ann T. Goodman Estate

Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton Irby

General Mills Foundation

Steve Goodroe

The Thomas T. & Bernice F. Irvin

Georgia Apartment Industry Education

Gowan Company


Foundation Inc.

Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Tommy and Bernice Irvin

Fran Yates Green

Kenneth G. Jackson and Jody Jackson

William D. Green

Jacobs Foundation

Georgia Beekeepers Association

David Norman Greene

Julie and Felton Jenkins

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association

Henry D. Gregory Jr. and

Jimmy and Rosalind Jeter

Georgia EMC

Amanda Alston Gregory

Jewish Community Federation

Georgia Farm Bureau Federation and

Mr. and Mrs. C. William Griffin

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

Affiliated County Farm Bureaus

Louis Turner Griffith Jr.

JH Harvey, LLC

Georgia Lettermen Education Foundation

Mrs. M. Smith Griffith

Peng Jiang

Georgia Ornithological Society

Mack H. Guest III and Camilla Morris Guest

Charles Keith Johnson

Georgia Peach Council

William J. Haaland and Nancy A. Haaland

Dr. Timothy Johnson

Georgia Ports Authority

Fred W. and Carol C. Haeussler

Stephen M. Joiner and Margaret C. Joiner

Georgia Power Company

Bradley and *Anne Sheffield Hale

Scott Jones and Alison L. Jones

Georgia Power Foundation

F. Sheffield Hale and Elizabeth Hale

Kellogg Company

Georgia Soft Goods Education Foundation

Mark Hallett

Murray S. Kessler and Therese Kessler

Georgia Veterinary Medical Association

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Halper


Georgia-Pacific Financial Management LLC

Marie McHatton Hanson-Miller Estate

Rob and Betty King

Kathy G. Gestar

Harrison Poultry, Inc.

W. Russell King, Esq.

Andrew L. Ghertner

The Luther & Susie Harrison Foundation

Kenneth Klein and Carol Doran Klein

Robert E. and Sylvia M. Gibson

Mrs. R. Harold Harrison

Scott A. and Heather S. Kleiner

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Gilham Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hazinski

Mr. and Mrs. Boone A. Knox

Foundation Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents

26 2010

Knox Charity Fund, Inc.

Merial Limited

Richard Hamer Pennell Jr. and Nancy Pennell

The Knox Foundation

Merial Select, Inc.

Perdue Farms Incorporated

Wyck A. Knox Jr. and Shell H. Knox

Eugene H. Methvin

Graham Perdue Foundation

Stephen J. and Letty L. Konenkamp

Milk Specialties

Deborah A. Perkowski

KPMG Foundation

Gilbert B. Miller

Chris M. Peterson

Kraft Foods Global, Inc.

Jeff Miller

Hugh Peterson Jr. and Mary Jane Peterson

Harold Kraus

Jim Mills and Ibby Mills

Phibro Animal Health Corporation

Dr. Sarah Bradford Krickel

Walter W. Mitchell

Philip Morris International Management LLC

The Kroger Company

MMR Research Associates, Inc.

Philip Morris USA

Kroger Pharmacy

Mahmoud D. Mohamed

Mr. Cecil M. Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese Lanier

Monsanto Company

Lawrence V. and Sarah Mae Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lassiter III

Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore Foundation


The Forrest C. and Frances H. Lattner

Lamar and Jennifer Moree

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pierce

C. L. Morehead Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Pittard

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth

Rebecca Franklin Morehouse

Ronnie Plott

Stephen F. Lazar and Dawne W. Lazar

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact

Alec L. Poitevint II and


Beth Lee

Funding Trust, Inc.

Doreen Stiles Poitevint

LeHigh Agricultural & Biological Services

W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation

Prentiss Courson Scholarship Trust

Maria Lemos

Morrison Management Specialist

Kathy B. Prescott and Grady Thrasher

Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr.

Doyle and Pat Mote

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Russell C. Lindner and Mimsy Lindner

Mott’s LLP a Dr. Pepper Snapple Group

Prince Agri Products, Inc.

Jeff and Sarah Lorberbaum


Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Audrey Love Charitable Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III

Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.

Lyndhurst Foundation

Brian Patrick Murphy and Heidi M. Murphy

Pug Dog Club of America, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Arnett C. Mace Jr.

Murphy-Brown, LLC

Rachel Machamer

Vasu Nair and Barbara B. Nair

Don Mackey and Mita Mackey

National 4-H Council

Mona Maerz

National Chicken Council

Makhteshim-Agan of North America, Inc.

National Endowment for Financial Education

Malt-O-Meal Company

National Swine Registry

Mar-Jac Poultry, Inc.

P. K. Natrajan and Bhuvana Natrajan

Marrone Organics Innovations, Inc.

Dr. Sharon Y. and Rev. Samuel A. Nickols

Mars Overseas Holding Inc.

North American Gamebird Association

Mrs. Thomas O. Marshall Jr.

Northeast Georgia Quail Unlimited

John Sevier Martin III and

Kathryn M. Norton

Virginia Graves Martin

Novus International, Inc.

Lamar B. Mask

Randy and Suzanne Nuckolls

Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust

Olympic Horticultural Products

Robert and Annette Mason

Sanford H. and Barbara H. Orkin

Mary Louise McBee

Bernard Osher and Barbro Osher

Kenneth E. McCall Jr. and Virginia McCall

The Bernard Osher Foundation

Catherine Louise McClelland

George and Carol Overend

R. Neil and Anne Cook McCollum

William and Michele Overend

Marianne Roddenbery McConnel and

Mrs. William A. Owens Jr.

Hank and Susan Page

Fred McConnel

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

McCormick Foundation

Paramount Farming Company

Darryl D. McDonald and Terri McDonald

Pat Acquisition, L.L.C.

Pyrethroid Working Group

McDonald’s Corporation

Daniel B. Pattillo Jr. and Joan B. Pattillo

Quality Deer Management Association

John N. McEachern Jr. Estate

David Pattillo and Paige Pattillo

R. E. Mason Company of The Carolinas

McKesson Corporation

The Pattillo Family Foundation Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Radford

Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMullan

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Patton

The Rado Family Foundation

Ted and Catherine McMullan

Carrie Williamson Penley and

Melissa Erickson Rasplicka

James Mendelsohn

Stephen L. Penley

Milton M. Ratner Foundation


President’s Report to Donors


Ready Pac Produce, Inc. Ralph Eugene Reed Jr. and Jo Anne Reed

The Vera Howard Simpson Education Foundation Inc.

Kessel D. Stelling Jr. and Carol C. Stelling Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stembler

Scott G. Sink and Linda Gill Sink

C. Austin Stephens

William Daniel Skinner and

Charles P. Stephens and Sandra D. Stephens

Jane Fickling Skinner

Scott Robert Stephens and

The Small Foundation

Brooke Kindle Stephens

Reznick Group

Jeff Small and Eileen H. Small

James Thomas Stewart and Ella J. Stewart

Carl T. Rhodes

Drs. John A. and Emily M. Smith

Rebekah C. Stewart

Rhodes Financial Services

Stephen Smith and Lucy Dillard Smith

Sharon Stewart Estate

Jimmy E. Rhodes

John F. Snyder

W. E. ‘Brother’ Stewart and

Barton Rice and Andrea Lauer Rice

Harold S. Solomon and Milly P. Solomon

The Charles & Catherine B. Rice Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons Jr.

Jon C. Stinchcomb

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Rice Sr.

Southeast Timberlands Inc.

Matt Stinchcomb

Rite Aid Corporation

Southern Nuclear Operating Co.

Stoller Enterprises, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Hyman J. Roberts

Southern Poultry Research, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stolz

Ava D. Rodgers

Mr. and Mrs. John Phinizy Spalding

Clarence and Lynn Stowe

Ronald W. Rogers and Cindy Rogers

Specialty Fertilizer Products

Stratix Corporation

Rohm and Haas Company

Caroline J. Spenser

Wade H. Stribling and Marie C. Stribling

Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross

Georges C. and Eleanor Crane St. Laurent

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Strickland

Thomas H. and Mabel Dorn Reeder Foundation The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii

Deidra Collins Stewart

Jeffrey Lynn Rothenberger and Stacy Smith Rothenberger Alan Friend Rothschild Jr. and Jewett W. Rothschild Robert A. Rushton W. Barclay Rushton and Miriam S. Rushton Donna C. Abernathy Rydquist and Dean B. Rydquist Safari Club International Foundation John G. and Doris J. Salsbury Estate Hon. Carl Edward Sanders Sandridge Foundation John Frank Sands and Alice Green Sands The Savannah Community Foundation Savannah Distributing Co., Inc. SCANA Corporation Jack W. Schmidt Billy Schultz Schwab Charitable Fund Mark B. Schweder and Windy Martin Schweder Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The Scotts Company Frank Wilkins Seiler and Cecelia G. Seiler Swann Seiler

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

Sheryl Sellaway Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc.

St. Joseph’s/Candler

William A. Strickland

SePRO Corporation

St. Mary’s Health Care System

Strickland’s Pharmacy Inc.

J. Rutherford Seydel II and Laura T. Seydel

St. Paul Travelers Connecticut Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Sullivan III

Michael J. Sharp

Louis Stacy

Fred C. Sweat Estate

Stanley Shelton and Dorothy F. Shelton

Stan Fried Private Foundation

Sweetbay Foundation

*William J. Shortt and Lois Johnson Shortt

State Farm Companies Foundation

Ann Wade Swift

Silver Eagle, LLC

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance

George P. Swift Family

Debra R. Simmons

Statesboro Bulldog Club

George P. Swift III

28 2010

Steve Syfan and Kim Syfan

Susan C. Waltman and Thomas M. Barry

Dr. Renita J. Anderson and Mr. Rob Anderson

Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc.

Mr. William Thomas Walton

John Aneralla and Nancy Aneralla

Syngenta Seeds, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Edus H. Warren Jr.

Anthem Blue Cross

W. Rhett and Carolyn Tanner

Brooks T. Watkins and Sarah O. Watkins

Cyndae Arrendale

Tara Foods, LLC

Miles B. Watkins and Krista Watkins

Association for Education in Journalism & Mass

Target Stores

Watson-Brown Foundation, Inc.

Richard B. and Sherrie L. Taylor Teradata

Tony and Malinda Watts

AT&T Foundation

Deborah and Don Theall

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Way III

Athens Area Community Foundation

Robert I. Thompson and

Michael Webb and Kalen Webb

Athens First Bank & Trust Company

Wells Fargo & Company

Athens Infusion and Pharmacy

Romeo T. and Mo Mui Toledo

Charles B. and Marjorie West

Athens Regional Medical Center

Dr. Edward D. and Dr. Beth Dekle Tolley

The West Foundation, Inc.

The Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Tomlinson

Jeffrey C. Whalen

Aurora Group

Mark and Susan Tomlinson and

Ronald and Deborah Wiese

Barbara Fancher Avery and Herbert L. Avery

Susan Tomlinson

Tom B. Wight

James E. Baine and Edith W. Baine

Touchdown Club of Athens

Donald R. Wilburn

Ralph Waldo Balchin Jr. and

Brenda Trammell

Charles S. Williams Jr. and

Sandra Smith Balchin

Tri-County Electric Membership

Eleanor Banister

Angela M. Thompson


Elizabeth Williams


Charlotte and Claude Williams

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program


Katherine G. Willoughby and

Bank of America, N.A.

Jewett Tucker Jr. and Cynthia Tucker

Dan H. Willoughby Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Barrett

Thomas and Ruby Tufts

Jane S. Willson

Mary Anne Barrs and W. Craig Barrs

Tull Charitable Foundation

Wilmington Trust FSB

Dr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman III

Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Turner

Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.

Eleanore C. Bauer Estate

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Turner

Kimberlee Walkenspaw Wilson and

Steven L. Beard and Kathleen Lewis Beard

Jane Smith Turner

James Paul Wilson

J. Barnie Beasley Jr. and Carla A. Beasley

Jane Smith Turner Foundation

Roy Goodwyn Wilson Jr.

Barry and Naomi Beers

Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley Turner Jr.

W. Terry and Joy W. Wingfield

Belmont Small Animal Hospital

Twenty-Seven Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Joel O. Wooten

Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Bentley Sr.

UGA Tee-Off Club, Inc.

Worldwide Creative Services Coca-Cola

Fred D. Bentley Sr., Attorney at Law

United Community Banks


Tim E. Bentsen

United Community Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Wormsloe Foundation, Inc.

C. Gray Bethea Jr.

United Phosphorus, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Steve Wrigley

Lisa Bezzeg

University of Georgia Athletic Association

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Young Jr.

BioWorks, Inc. Todd Allen Bitzer and Karen Startt Bitzer

The UPS Foundation, Inc.

Donnie B. Blackburn and Pamela L. Blackburn

US Poultry and Egg Association Valent Bio Sciences Corporation


Katherine Blissit

Valent U.S.A. Corporation

Annual Gifts: $5,000 - $9,999.

Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Anonymous (7)

VaxInnate Corporation

Abbott Laboratories

Harriette and Robin Bohannon

Verizon Wireless

ACH Food Companies, Inc.

Jim Bosserman

Vidalia Onion Committee

AgGeorgia Farm Credit

*Barbara L. Botts

Michael Edward Viers and

Drs. Douglas and Sheila W. Allen

Michael Joseph Bowers and Bette Rose Bowers

Marci Erickson Viers

William Vansiclen Allison

Jesse Groover Bowles III

Anneliese Vogt-Harber and Gary Harber

Alma Pak, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. David Emory Boyd

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Voynich

Alston & Bird, LLP

Dr. and Mrs. William R. Boydston

Wachovia Bank, N.A. Wealth Management

Amega Sciences

Susan A. Bradford

American Cancer Society

Pamela Ruth Bramlett

Dr. James Cowan Waggoner and

American Honda Motor Company, Inc.

Brand Partners, LP

Marjorie Schear Waggoner

American Society of Landscape Architects

Dr. I. Lehr Brisbin Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. John W. Walden Jr.

Georgia Chapter, Inc.


British American Business Group


American International Charolais Association

Carl Brown

WAL-MART Stores, Inc.

Ameriprise Financial Services

Christopher William Brown


President’s Report to Donors


Patsy N. and Thomas E. Bryan Jr.

Wade H. Coleman

Joe Gaston and Cindy Gaston

Salem S. Bullard

Mr. and Mrs. R. Barksdale Collins

Greg and Danna Gay

Bulldog Park Condominium Association, Inc.

The Community Foundation of Louisville

General Building Maintenance, Inc.

Burger King Brands Inc. C/O

Depository, Inc.

Georgia Agricultural Exposition Authority

Burger King Corporation

Community Pharmacy Inc.

Georgia Golf Environmental Foundation

Ben F. & B. Hugh Burgess Trust

Larry Randall Corry and

Georgia Master 4-H Club

Bruce Taylor Burns, MD and

Carleen Kirby Corry

Rob J. Gibson Jr. and Caroline H. Howell

Heather Miller Burns

Laura Hauck Covington and

Michael P. Gigandet

Drs. Randy Basinger and Louise Burpee

Philip Covington

Hugh Gillis Sr.

Burroughs Wellcome Co.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Alex Crumbley

Elder Grifton Glenn III

Michael Kevin Butler

Robert Lee Culpepper Jr. and

James Thomas Glenn

Mr. and Mrs. C. Merrell Calhoun

Shearon and Taylor Glover

Calvert Animal Hospital

CVS Charitable Trust, Inc.

The Glynn Family Trust

Martha F. Cannon Trust


John W. Glynn Jr.

Charles T. Cantrell and Nanette Cantrell

Dakota Gold Research Association

Ellen Bennett Godsall

Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc.

Danziger ‘Dan’ Flower Farm

Mike and Jayne Godwin

Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Daughtery

Susan H. Gordy

S. Truett Cathy

Elliott Davenport and Nini Davenport

Grant Thornton Foundation

Susan C. Smith Cavanagh

Dawg Investments Fund, LTD

Mark E. and Ruth C. Grantham

Verner Franklin Chaffin and Ethel Tison Chaffin

Al Dixon and Peggy Farrow Dixon

Graphic Packaging International, Inc.

Rick and Beth Chandler

Katherine Deleda Dixon

Kenneth M. Greenwood Family

Charles Ronald Cheeley

Doherty, Duggan & Rouse Insurors

Kenneth M. Greenwood and

The Cheesecake Factory

Rick and Pam Doherty

Beth Ann Caldwell

Chemtura Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Dooley

Gresco Cap Stone Utility Supply, Inc.

Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Douglas C. Lane & Associates

Gresham, Smith and Partners

C. Andrew Childers and Wendy Kurz Childers

Chuck Dowdle

G. Sanders Griffith III and

Dean E. Culpepper Clark and Mary P. Clark

Bertis and Katherine Downs

Deena Lynn Griffith

Patricia Armstrong Dressler

Rob Griffith

J. Ashley and Jill R. Dukes

Grocery Manufacturers Association

D.V.M. Investment Properties LLC

Habif, Arogeti & Wynne, LLP

E3 Technology Inc.

Patricia D. Hackney and

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge

E. Howard Hackney

Carolann Eisenhart, MD

Daisuke Hamanaka

Eli Lilly and Company Foundation

Charles and Sharon Boone Hamner

Emerson Climate Technologies

John Timothy Hansford and

Morris Chambless Estes and

Florence Rowe Hansford

Jennifer Lee Hedden Estes

The Dee-Dee and Cam Harris Family

Bethany K. Culpepper


J. Randolph Evans and Linda Evans Peggy Everett

Robert F. and Georgia W. Hatcher

ExxonMobil Foundation

Charles B. Haygood Jr. and

Fayette Veterinary Medical Center

Mary Isla Haygood

Nancy Felson

Jean M. Head and George F. Head

Joan Guilford Fischer and

Robert Paul Hein

*Dr. Kenneth M. Fischer

Thomas J. Henske and Stacey B. Henske

Theodore Roberts French Jr. and

Carlton M. Henson II

Stephanie A. French

Russ and Laura Bedingfield Herakovich

William Richard Clark Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Frierson Jr.

The Hershey Company

Jean Brice Clayton

George W. Fryhofer III and Sandra Fryhofer

Edward Scarborough Heys Jr. and Lori Heys

The Clorox Company

Georgia State Society of Washington D.C.

Phillip Stone Hodges and

Cobb Emergency Veterinary Clinic P.C.

Gaines Electric Company

Coca-Cola Enterprises

Karol Kotal Gaines and

Ken Hodgkiss

Thomas Edward and Frances D. Cochran

William Gregory Gaines

Gregory F. Holcomb and Jennifer F.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Cofer

David H. Gambrell and Luck Gambrell

Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

30 2010

Catherine Duncan Hodges


Maxwell Chase Technologies, LLC MBG Marketing McCorkle Nurseries, Inc. Skeetter McCorkle Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McGill Jon David McKee Kim McKinney Howard McLure and Cathy McLure Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. McMillian Jr. Hollis Dorsey Meidl Merck Company Foundation Rand Meyer Michelin North America, Inc. Drs. Parker and Kent Middleton James B. Miller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller Money/Arenz Foundation, Inc. D. Glenn and Amy S. Morgan R. Brand Morgan William Darrell Moseley Katherine John Murphy Foundation Murphy Oil Corporation

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

Drs. Flynn and Susan Nance

Honey Creek Veterinary Hospital, Inc.

Brad Kinzey and Shannon F. Kinzey

James H. Hopkins and Ina C. Hopkins

Dan and Theda Kirby

Ida E. Horowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Knox

Leona S. Hudson Charitable Foundation Inc.

Brad Arthur Kohl

Tim and Gail Hughes

Jonathan Kent Korol

Anne Hunter Estate

Thomas S. and Susan B. Landrum

Hy-Line International

Thomas H. Lanier Foundation

Jamie A. Iredale

J. Leek Associates

The Irving Foundation, Inc.

Anthony Darrell Lehman

Joe Irving

Charles B. Leonard

Jackson Electric Membership Corporation

Morton Philip Levine and

Dr. Kerry Young Jackson and

Phyllis Borochoff Levine

Mr. Brian S. Jackson

Levino Jones Medical Interiors, Inc.

John Jarrard Foundation

Dr. Bill and Randee Lieppe

Ferman Lloyd Jay

Linger Longer Development, Co. D/B/A

Alex R. Jayne The Daniel Ashley and Irene Houston Jewell Memorial Foundation

Reynolds Plantation The Martha and Wilton Looney Foundation The Charles Loridans Foundation

Sally and Warren Jobe

Sarah McIntire Love and James E. Love III

William J. Johnston

Loveland Products, Inc.

W. Proctor Jones Estate

Darrell G. and Rebekah D. Lowrey

Dr. Sandy Jun

LSU System Research & Technology

Eleni P. Kalisch


Pete Kaperonis and Kymberly Cantrell

John and Nancy Ludwig

Timothy Allen Keadle and

Mary Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph B. Marshall

Kathryn Thomas Keadle

Dr. Drew S. Keller

Milton W. and Rosanna U. Masciadri

Kemira Water Solutions, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Abit Massey

Kilpatrick Stockton, LLP

Samuel M. Matchett, Esq.

King & Spalding LLP

Harold M. Mauldin


National Monuments Foundation Nichols, Cauley & Associates Matthew William Nichols and Ashley Nichols NIPCAM, Inc. Nisus Corporation Margaret Rogers Nivens and John Allen Nivens Jr. Sandy Norman and Carla Wooten Norman Northern Trust Company Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems, Corp. Michael K. Ostergard and Nancy H. Ostergard Mr. and Mrs. James L. Pannell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Paris III W. Allen Partridge and Helen Low Partridge Krishna Gwynne Patel Mrs. L. Ray Patterson Peachtree Garden Club Community Fund, Inc. The Peanut Institute Dr. Miguel Hernan Perales Donald A. Perry and Marilyn B. Perry Pfizer Inc. Brad Phillips and Beth Phillips The Dr. P. Phillips Foundation Poinsettia Foundation David Michael Pollack POM Wonderful, LLC Dr. John J. Powers and Irene T. Powers

President’s Report to Donors


Drs. Keith and Taffi Prasse

Sanjay Kumar Singh and Dora Eugenia Singh

WAL-MART Foundation

Precision Laboratories, Inc.

Sipcam Agro USA, Inc.

Howard T. Walpole Jr. and Sally Walpole

Scarlet Pressley-Brown

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Johnny W. Warren

Edd Price and Lynn Pack Price

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Smith

Wayne Farms, LLC

Lamar and Judy Pritchard

Reginald R. and Leigh M. Smith

Michael N. Weathersby and

Steven A. Purvis and Kara O. Purvis

Darl E. Snyder

RisĂŤ J. Weathersby

Jerome N. Quirk and Elizabeth W. Quirk

Southeastern Alpaca Association Inc.

Wegmans Food Markets

R3 AG Consulting, LLC

Southern Company Services, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. James O. Wheeler

Marbury Rainer and Kathy Kenney Rainer

Southern Crescent Animal Emergency Clinic

Joe D. Whitley and Kathleen P. Whitley

Rajar Food Services, Inc.

Southern States Cooperative, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. F. Wen Williams

Rawlings Consulting, Inc.

Dr. Robert F. Springer Jr.

Mr. Robert Winthrop II and

Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rawlings

St. Simons Drug Company Seaside Drugs Inc.

Dr. Carol V. Winthrop

Shyam Reddy and Renee Dye

Mary R. Stewart

Stephen P. and Betty P. Wiseman

Nora L. Redman Fund

Stifel Nicolaus

Lisa Cavender and Randy Wofford

Refrigerated Foods Association, Inc.

Harold W. Still and Veronica Still

Alan P. Wolfgang and Carla F. Wolfgang

Joseph William Reid

Rick and Robbin St. John

Gerald Woodruff and

Mary John and Bob Reinhardt

Raiford Travis and Margaret Williams Storey

Beatrice Plummer Woodruff

James M. Reynolds III and Kathy Reynolds

Kathy Sullivan

J. W. & Ethel I. Woodruff Foundation

Judy V. Rice

Suncor Energy Inc.

Thomas Guy Woolford Sr. Charitable Trust

Dr. Scott Richter and Kim Richter

Sunnyridge Farm, Inc.

Earl G. and Carole Morris Wright

Dr. and Mrs. Tom Riddle

SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation

W. Scott Wright and

Monika Schaaf Riely


Risk and Insurance Management Society Inc.,

H. Cullen Talton

C. Richard and Jane J. Yarbrough

Stephanie Mayfield Wright

Taylor Gas, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard Young

Gregory J. Rizzo and Barbara J. Rizzo

Helen W. Taylor

Neely and Kathy Young

Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP

Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc.

Dr. W. Michael Younker and

H. English and Ermine Cater Robinson

Dr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas

Terri King Younker

Atlanta Chapter

Mr. and Mrs. Randell Thomas

Zee Company Inc.

Peyton Cater Robinson and

Mr. and Mrs. Kirby A. Thompson

Sharon B. Zerillo and John Zerillo

Mary Beem Robinson

William Floyd Thorne

Rose Arbor D/B/A Parties To Die For

Bennett Thrasher, PC

Sara R. Rosensweig

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Thrift


Rob and Courtnee Russ

TIC Gums, Inc.

Annual Gifts: $1,000 - $4,999

Deen Day Sanders and James R. Sanders

Tiffany & Company

Anonymous (20)

Charles S. Sanford Jr. and

Michael J. Topper and Kimberly L. Topper

The 2492 Fund

Mary McRitchie Sanford

John E. Traver and Carol L. Traver

Ira E. Aaron

Leslie M. Schall

Morton P. Traylor Estate

Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Abdy

Robert I. Schramm and Nancy Schramm

Mario Trujillo

Kenneth Gregory Abele and

Schreiber Foods, Inc.

Turftech International Limited

Sara McCrary Abele

Sea Island Company

Marjorie Reitz Turnbull

Maiser M. Aboneaaj and Lee Ann Bambach

Monte E. Seehorn

Turner Foundation

Carla Rae Abshire and Michael Warren Giles

Terry Seehorn

Patricia Turner

Academic Programs International

Seix Investment Advisors, LLC

Ultrasound Guidelines Council


Mr. and Mrs. Abram J. Serotta


F. Duane Ackerman

Steven Robert Settles and Colette Settles

Mr. and Mrs. Brian VanGorder

Marc J. Ackerman, PhD and

Dr. Joanne L. Shaw

Dr. Thomas Field VanMeter II

Stephanie Ackerman

Grace Shearon Memorial Foundation

Ruth McNeill Vaughn

David W. Adams and Mary Paige Adams

William W. Shearouse, Jr. and

Verizon Foundation

Gregory A. Adams

Rhonda B. Shearouse

Bill Verner

Mrs. John B. Adams

James H. Shepherd Jr. and

Veterinary Medical Center

L. Allan and Kizmet S. Adams

Alvaro Villaveces Jr.

Michael F. and Mary L. Adams

William Ralph Shipp Jr.

Joy and Alfred Viola

Yekeen Aderibigbe

Herbert J. and Lisa Spain Short

Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation

Leopold Adler II and Emma M. Adler


Linda Root Shepherd

32 2010

Sue Agee and Charles Agee III

Missy Maffett Anderson and J. Neil Anderson

Brandon Todd Ashley

Agrium Advanced Technologies

Raybon Anderson Jr.

Athens Area Health Plan Select, Inc.

Agrium U.S., Inc.

Dr. Richard J. Anderson and

Athens Garden Club

Agro-Enviro Technologies, Inc.

Martha B. Anderson

Athens Pulmonary and Allergy, P.C.

Bryan and Jennifer Ahrens

Wyatt and Margaret Anderson

Atlanta Chapter of the CPCU Society

William Morgan Akin M. Anne Albright and Daniel C. Earman Alcoa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Aldridge Dr. Robin Ann Alexander Mr. and Mrs. James Ira Alfriend Dr. and Mrs. Gilles O. Allard Frank Walter Allcorn IV and

Margaret I. Allcorn

Robert W. Allee and Ruth B. Allee Bona and Jane K. Allen C. Patrick Allen and Gaile Allen John C. and Victoria Rawls Allen Linda Kight Allen and Frederick L. Allen III Peggy Hewitt Allen Rebecca Allen Richard W. (Rick) and Robin Allen Steve Allen Allens - Packers of Quality Foods Alliance One International, Inc. Alltech Biotechnology Center The Alpha Iota Alumni Chapter of

Phi Delta Chi, Inc.

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

Alvin V. Alsobrook and Elizabeth P. Alsobrook Norman B. Alter Jr. and Linda Sell Alter

Jerry M. Andes and London L. Andes

The Atlanta Christian Foundation

Tommy C. Altman

Elizabeth L. Andress

Atlanta Gas Light Company

Altria Client Services Inc.

Andrew Downs & Company

Atlanta Plastic Surgery, P.C.

Dr. Amalia K. Amaki

Alexander B. Andrews IV and Carol Andrews

Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference Inc.

Ambling Companies, Inc.

Barschall Andrews II and Diane S. Andrews

Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC

American Association of State Highway and

Dr. Charles L. Andrews

Attorney’s Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.

Grover J. Andrews

Charles H. Atwood and Judy J. Atwood

Transportation Officials

William Brooks Andrews

Andrew Carmichael Ausband and

Jay Scott Angle and Teresa Aloi Angle

American Express Foundation

Animal Care Center

Auto-Owners Insurance

American Institute for Foreign Study

Fayne A. Ansley

Auxiliary to The Georgia Veterinary Medical

American Meat Institute Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Anthony

American Society of Highway Engineers

AON Foundation

Aviagen, Inc.

Aon Risk Services

AVMA Group Health and Life Insurance Trust

Drs. Aric and Linda Applewhite

Dr. Carla J. Awalt

Aqua-Aid, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Ayers

American Takii Inc.

Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation

Roy L. Ayers

AmericanWork, Inc.

Sylvia Harley Arant

Steve and Tami Ayres

Dr. Margaret A. Amstutz

June Young Arata

Kathleen Granger Babb

Dr. Chester W. Anderson and

Dr. and Mrs. Charlton P. Armstrong III

Dr. Eve M. Badger

Mrs. Paula Long Anderson

Mr. Alvan S. Arnall

H. Michael and Bridget Bagley

D. Michael Anderson

Dr. Todd E. Arnold

John N. Bagley

Lars Anderson

Neil L. Aronstam and Vicki Aronstam

Dr. Juanita Bailey

Michael R. Anderson Sr.

Aruvek Investments, Inc.

Elizabeth Baker

American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine

Georgia Section American Society of Newspaper Editors Foundation


Elizabeth Green Ausband


President’s Report to Donors


Banfield, The Pet Hospital

Bendiner Technologies, LLC

Dr. Larry R. Beuchat

Bank of America Foundation

The Benefield Foundation, Inc.

Melanie Bevere

Donald Jack Banks

Mr. and Mrs. J. Dewey Benefield Jr.

Joe E. Beverly and Mary Beall Beverly

Allan Barber and LaVerne Barber

James Dewey Benefield III and

Kristen M. Beystehner

Mrs. Betty Fleetwood Barge (Mrs. Alvin)

Suzanne W. Benefield

Narendra C. Bhandari

Mr. and Mrs. James William Barge

W. Douglas Benn and Mickey Jones Benn

Bil-Jac Foods, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Barkley

Douglas A. Bennett

Biomune Company

Alfred Kile Barr and Mary Frances Barr

Karen E. Bennett

Roderick F. Biosca

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Barra Edward J. Barrett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barron Jr. Barron’s Rental Center Inc. Brant Barrow Joseph Hyde Barrow and Eugenie Barrow Harold V. Barry and Linda Barry Dr. Jeanne Barsanti and Dr. Craig Greene Darlene Dunn Barstow and Dr. William E. Barstow Robert A. Bartlett Jr. and Cathleen M. Bartlett The Bartlett Tree Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Barton William D. and Donna G. Barwick Tony Bass and Lynn Bass W. Randall Bassett and Julia L. Bassett Dr. Robert H. Batchelor and Betty Lou Riley Batchelor Bates, Carter & Co., LLP Kathy C. Bauer and David F. Bauer Kenneth E. Bauer and Jannet A. Bauer Raymond D. and Jean Griffeth Bauerband Mr. and Mrs. Razvigor Bazala BCN Research Laboratories, Inc.

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

BDO USA, LLP Lynne Beach and Warren Beach

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bennett III

Jill Coveny Birch and

Richard Linton Beacham

Upshaw C. Bentley

Douglas Forman Birch Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Victor Beadles

Joseph W. and Glenda S. Berg

Scott Douglas Bireley

J. Ralph Beaird and *Jeanne R. Beaird

Jeffrey L. Berhold

Peter S. Bischoff

Robert K. Beal and Carol Cookerly

Bob Berkebile

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bishop

Stuart C. Bean and Mary V. Bean

Berkebile Nelson Immenschuh McDowell

Mr. Gary Ward Black Sr.

Dr. Larry H. Beard and Linda N. Beard

Felicia Berkowitz

Fredrick Blackmar

Rob Bearden and Ruth Bice Bearden

Lynn Berkowitz and Richard E. Berkowitz

Myra Blackmon and Thomas P. Holland

Lee B. Becker

Brenda Joy (B.J.) Bernstein

Mrs. Jerry B. Blackstock

Brian S. and Anne Subick Beckwith

Berry, Appleman & Leiden, LLP

Blairsville Animal Hospital PC

William F. Bedwell Jr.

Charlie and Betts Berry

Blairsville Garden Club

Philip Harold Beegle Jr.

Dennis Berry and Kathy Berry

Sheila Blan

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Beerman

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Berry

David Blanchard and

Bejo Seeds, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Bertsch

Michelle Page Blanchard

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bell

Charles Jones Bethel and Lynsey Nix Bethel

Lisa Read Blanco and Joseph Blanco

Fred Russell Bell

David Edward Betts and Chris Q. Betts

Gary and Dwayne Blasingame

Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffery Bell

Denny Betz and Pamela Betz

Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Blitch III

Bellomy Research, Inc.

T. Paige Betz

Diane Bloodworth

Frederic Shawn Beloin and Brenda F. Beloin

Mr. Robert C. Betzel

Michael H. Blount and Karen T. Blount

Scott Robert Belville

William Brian Betzel

Drs. Joanne Blum and Michael Hardy

34 2010

Keith D. and Karen A. Bodoh

Dr. Roy Edsel Brogdon Jr.

Charles P. Butler Jr.

Thomas D. Body III

Wilbur C. Brooks

Robert E. Byrd and Michelle Jude DeHaven

Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

Chad J. Brown

Dr. and Mrs. W. Harvey Cabaniss Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Solon H. Boggus Jr.

Charles H. Brown and Kay Brown

Thomas R. and Carolyn C. Cadier

Henry E. Bohn and Carmen W. Bohn

Dr. Cindy Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Cain

Boiling Springs Animal Clinic

Dr. Gary Steven Brown

Cake Mix Doctor LLC

Joseph H. Boland Jr.

James Greer Brown and Laura Shiver Brown

Harmon W. Caldwell Jr. and Cathy Caldwell

Lance P. Boles

Leon Grayson Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus B. Calhoun Jr.

Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore, LLP

Leslie M. Brown

Barbara K. and Leslie G. Callahan

Patricia Warren Booker and David Booker

Michael Aaron Brown

Maureen T. Callahan

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borcherding

Sylvia P. Brown

Larry M. Callaway and Helen M. Callaway

Lindsay Ross Boring and

Thomas W. Brown III, MD and

Ralph W. Callaway and Camilla B. Callaway

L. Katherine Kirkman

Diane Sanborn Calloway

Drs. Grace and Dean Boswell

Warren A. Brown

Jennifer C. Camp

Dr. Martha Bosworth

Christine N. Brownlie and Robert P. Brownlie

Clifford S. Campbell Jr. and

Damien Eugene Boudreau

Blake Franklin Bruce and

Frances Sinback Campbell

Boulevard Veterinary Hospital of Virginia, PC

Mary Catherine Bruce

James D. Campbell

David Morrow Bowden and

Jane T. Bruce and Gene D. Bruce

Clark and Terri Candler

Lindsey Anne Bowden

John W. Bruce and Dana D. Bruce

Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bower

Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Bruckner

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Bowers

Brunk Auctions

Frank and Ann Boyd

Robert S. Brunk

Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boyd

Keith R. Bruno and Christine J. Bruno

Dr. Tiffany Boyette

Robert D. and Patricia L. Brussack

Dr. Sally M. Boyett-Whatley and

Dr. Nancy J. Buchinski and Mr. Joe Buchinski

Steve S. Whatley

Dr. Brian Dale Buck

Barry Bozeman and Monica Marie Gaughan

Virginia M. Buck

BP Amoco Foundation, Inc.

Ralph Buckel and Sara G. Buckel

J. Ronald Bracewell Jr. and Susan A. Bracewell

Lawrence Ferber Buckley and

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bradford

Cornelia Wicker Buckley

Jolie W. Bradham and Darren Bradham

Richard D. Buice and Frances F. Buice

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Bradley

Bulldawg Illustrated

Kirk J. Bradley and Deanne W. Bradley

Bulloch Fertilizer Co., Inc.

Michael Stanley Bradley

Charles S. and Frances M. Bullock

Susan Cobb Branan and W. C. Branan

R. Alan and Cindy M. Bullock

J. Curtis Branch Jr. and

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Burch

Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison Burch

Frances Devane Branch

Greyson Brown

Lore Beth Branch

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Burgess

George M. and Martha S. Brandon

John and Melinda Burke

Brandt Consolidated, Inc.

Monica Burke

Ruth E. Brannen

Friends of Mark Burkhalter

Brasstown Professional Pharmacy, Inc.

Dorine L. Burkhard and *Donald G. Burkhard

Jerome Braun

Tricia Lee Burnett

Karen W. Braun

Ronald J. and Kaye Burnette

Latrelle F. Brewster

Joan M. Burns

Briarcliff Animal Foundation, Inc.

Joseph G. Burns

Garry W. Bridgeman and Sandra Bridgeman

Burr & Forman, LLP

Jonathan B. Bridges and Amy Bailey Bridges

Charles A. Burson and Joanne Coats Burson

Rikard L. Bridges and Judy K. Bridges

Thomas Hartley Burt II

Canine Club

William R. Bridges III and Lisa S. Bridges

Ginger and Scott Burton

James C. and Nancy D. Cantrell

Nan Gillespie Brinning

Barry A. Bustillo

Dr. Anthony C. Capomacchia

Dr. and Mrs. Josef M. Broder

Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Butenhoff

John Capozzi and Jeanne Capozzi

Brogdon and Williams PC

B. J. Butler and Elizabeth B. Butler

Valerie Caproni


Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

President’s Report to Donors


Aaron M. Caraher

Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas P. Chilivis

Gina Swims Conlon and Brian Conlon

Harry Christopher Caray III

Charles R. and Lola Chitwood

Jim Connah and Charlotte McFarlin Connah

Samuel B. Carleton and Elaine K. Carleton

Wayne F. and Ann Christian

Michael William Conner and

Judge and Mrs. George Holmes Carley

Carrie Christie and Jeffrey Davis

Catherine Dorian-Conner

John A. Carlos and Elaine Carlos

CHS Foundation

Patrick D. Conner and

Ronald L. and Mary Carlson

Dr. and Mrs. David Chu

Tonnye Conner-White

Dr. Karen Paige Carmichael

Clairmont Animal Hospital

Bill Connolly

John L. Carr Jr. and Patrica W. Carr

Bert and Cathy Clark

Earl J. Connolly and Patricia A. Connolly

Rodger Carroll

Brent Clark and Susan L. Davis

Adam M. Conrad and

Warren Godfrey Carson Jr.

Francis Goulding Clark Jr. and

Danielle Logan Conrad

Donald B. Carter and Gretchen Carter

Consumer Insights, Inc.

Harry S. Carter and Brenda S. Carter

Mary Hollis Clark

Conyers Animal Hospital

Ralph J. Caruana and Deborah Caruana

Matthew Derrell Clark

Bobby Lee Cook

Dr. Jerry L. Case

Justice and Mrs. Harold G. Clarke

Charlene B. Cook

Case Veterinary Hospital, PC

Wallace B. and Rose F. Clary

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Cook

Cash & Carry Feeds

Classic Center Cultural Foundation

Mr. J. Vincent Cook Jr.

Louie Lander Cason Jr. and

Dr. and Mrs. Keith E. Miller

Cook, Noell, Tolley, and Bates, LLP

Dorothy W. Cason

Alisa Pittman Cleek and Craig Cleek

Kalen C. Cookson

Council of American Survey Research

Clepsydra Foundation, Inc.

Thomas J. and Sara L. Cooney

H. Howard and Linda S. Cleveland

Bernice Cooper

Louis and Mae Castenell

Kevin D. and Carol K. Cleveland

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Cooper

Caroline Garland Castle

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Clutter

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper Jr.

Van Erwin Caswell and Wimberly Warnock

CMS Endowment Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Cooper

Cat Clinic of Cobb

CNA Foundation

Benjamin I. Copeland

Dan and Rhonda Cathy

John L. Coalson Jr.

Robert C. Copeland and Lynn P. Copeland

Camma U. Cato and William C. Cato Jr.

Jim and Lyra Cobb

John B. Copenhaver and Lynn Copenhaver

Charles Michael Cauley

Emily M. Cochran

Jeannette Winn Coplin

Jack Causey

Stuart Alexander Cofer

John H. Corina and Carol L. Corina

Cedar Ridge Farm

Myung Chang Cogan

Robert D. Corina and Sandra Corina

Centene Management Company LLC

Walter and Lisa Cohen

Walter Crawford Corish Jr.

The Central Alabama Community Foundation

Judge and Mrs. Aaron Cohn

Robert P. Corker Jr.

Steve Cohn

Jack and Ann Corn

Excel Marketing

Dr. C. Colbert

Alfred N. Corriere and Carolyn Corriere

Centurion Poultry, Inc.

Coldwell Banker Watson and

Laura Corrigan and Frank Corrigan

Cha Cha Cha Publishing Inc.

Knox Real Estate

William McCart Corry and

Rufus A. and Wicke Chambers

George W. Coleman

W. B. Chambers

Steven D. Collier and Ann L. Collier

Phaedra Shaffer Corso

Mr. and Mrs. C. Saxby Chambliss

Colonial Pipeline Company

Michael F. Cosgrove and

J. P. Champion III

Color Burst

Theresa M. Cosgrove

Francis W. Chandler Jr. and

Colquitt EMC

Brian James Cossaboom and

Gloria Barnes Chandler

Mary A. and John D. Comer

Cara Anne Curtis

Richard B. Chandler Jr. and

Committee to Re-Elect Justice Harris Hines, Inc.

Michael J. Costa and Ann E. Costa

Nancy Smith Chandler

Community Enterprises Inc.

Cottingham Veterinary Hospital

Chin-Sung Chang

The Community Foundation of Central

Dr. and Mrs. Walter Cottingham


- Charles P. Miller Charity Trust Fund

Robert E. and Carol K. Chanin Kevin L. and Sue W. Chapman Chapple Corporation

James A. Roper

Georgia The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area

Jody Jenkins Corry

The Cotton Foundation Kerry Hugh Couey and Rose Arata Couey Dr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Coulter

Harry Charbonneau

Charles B. Compton Jr. and

Dr. Carla Griswell Courtney

Terry R. Chastain and B. Lynn Chastain

Alva Blount Compton

Shannon Savage Couzens and

Chattahoochee Weimaraner Club, Inc.

Computer Technology Solutions, Inc.

Bryan Patrick Couzens

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cheeley

Concessions - Paschals

Alan P. Covich and Rebecca Rudman

Chevron USA, Inc.

Cale Howard Conley and

Covington & Burling

William C. Childers and Linda W. Childers

Meade Morris Conley

Covington Investments, LLC

36 2010

Cow Hollow Investments, LLC

Dr. Jeffrey Thomas Davis

Deborah Dietzler and Peter J. Anderson

Cowan Foundation

Jennifer Leigh Davis

Richard and Dana Diment

Keith Osburn Cowan and Ann R. Cowan

Leslie Ann Davis

Roz Dimon

Betsy C. Cox

Virginia Howard Davis-Beck and

Joseph T. and Cecily V. DiPiro

Mr. and Mrs. Cader B. Cox III

Directions Research, Inc.

Gail Patterson Cox and Mark A. Cox

Frederick C. Davison Jr. and

Lance and Pat Disley

Larry Cox and Catherine C. Cox

Stella Henninger Davison

Cheryl Garrett Disque and Michael J. Disque

Roger Alan Coyle and Joyce Louise Coyle


Thomas J. Divers and Nita L. Irby

Phyllis Causey Craft and Ken Craft Jr.

James Francis Dawe and Sylvia Dawe

Donnie and Betty Dixon

Dr. Betty Jean Craige

Dr. Mark C. Dawkins

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Dodge

Dr. Richard Thomas Craine II

Charlie W. Dean

Dr. John P. Donahoe and Dr. Joyce R. Donahoe

Donnie R. Crandell

Edward L. and Polly W. Dean

Mary Donald

Richard L. and Linda F. Cravey

Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Dean Jr.

John Henry Dorminy Foundation, Inc.

Johnny L. and Yvonne H. Crawford

Stanley and Kelly Dean

Kathy Kraft Dorough and David Dorough

Dr. Kenny Crawford

William D. deGolian

Phillip Asa Dorsey

The Crestridge Group, Inc.

DeKalb Animal Hospital

Rufus Thomas Dorsey IV and

Dale Critz and Lilah Critz

Thomas Michael Dekle and Crystie Deckle

Vickie Cheek Dorsey

John D. Crofton and Cecelia Crofton

Kenneth J. DeLay and Angela Moxley DeLay

Douglasville Kennel Club Inc.

Jacob Forrest Crouch III

Wanda Irvin DeLeo and Gene DeLeo

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Dover

Elwood M. Beck

Sally Elizabeth Crouse Debbie Crowe and William R. Crowe Crowe Horwath LLP Oscar Larkin Crumbley III and Audrey Shields Crumbley Mr. and Mrs. William F. Crumley Jr. Clifton M. Culberson and Anne B. Culberson Charles Lee and Toba Lynn Culbreth Cummings & Associates Stephen Lee Cummings Bradley Currey Jr. Santhia L. Curtis William V. Custer and Cheryl F. Custer Cydcor, Inc. Andrew J. Czerepak and Elizabeth A. Czerepak Dabbs, Hickman, Hill & Cannon, LLP Dacula Animal Hospital Eric C. Dahl and Margaret W. Dahl Dorinda Gilmore Dallmeyer and R. David Dallmeyer Kate M. Dangler Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Daniels Maurice Daniels Mr. and Mrs. J. David Dantzler Jr.

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman S. Dantzler Dr. Lee A. Darch

Johnny N. Dell

The Dow Chemical Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Darden

John David DeMarco and Bonni Pszola

Amanda J. Downs


Nancy Karen Deming

DP Seeds, LLC

Dr. Margaret Leigh Dasher

Alan R. Dennis

Dr. Kathy’s Mobile Pet Care

Jan M. Davidson and Brian R. Davidson

Jacinda K. DeRoy

Derry Wayne Drake

Angel H. Davis and G. Lee Davis

Mike Dever

W. Christopher Draper Jr. and Lois Draper

Dr. Briana Rae Davis

Beauman and Ashley Dick

Michael Drayer and Christine Drayer

Dr. and Mrs. Dave M. Davis

Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Dickinson

David W. and Alice E. Dreesen

Gary and Sharon Davis

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dicks III

Elaine M. Drew


President’s Report to Donors


Ernst & Young, LLP Mr. and Mrs. William W. Espy Teresa K. Essig Christopher E. Etheridge and Ellen L. Etheridge George Thomas and Alecia Hardin Ethridge Eurofins Agroscience Services, Inc. Damon M. Evans and Kerri B. Evans Sara A. Evans Lia Faase Robert S. Fabris and Patti N. Fabris Dr. Thomas G. Fansher and Janet Fansher Douglas P. Farman and Patricia B. Farman Mr. William F. ‘Woody’ Faulk Federal Premium Ammunition J. W. Feighner Jr. Stuart and Renee Feldman Bradley A. Ferguson Heather R. Ferguson Palmer Leroy Ferguson Jr. Richard Sidney Ferguson III and

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House Robert Drouin

Dr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Edwards III

Xiaodong Du and Min He

Bruce Edwards Attorney At Law

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Dubay

Bruce B. Edwards Jr.

*James O. Dukes and Dianne Ambrose Dukes

Mary J. Edwards Trust

Jayson Scott Dukes

R. Blake Edwards

Robert J. and Rene M. Dumas

William R. Edwards Jr. and

Denise Garner Dunbar and William F. Dunbar

Pamela DeAngelis Duncan and Alan W. Duncan

Dr. Christopher Marc Elder

Dundee Community Association

Dr. Deborah Strong Elder

Delmer D. and Ann S. Dunn

Elder Veterinary Services PC dba Shoal Creek

H. Mitchell Dunn Jr.

Kathleen Crenshaw Edwards

Animal Clinic

Dunphy Family Foundation, Inc.

Electrostatic Spraying Systems

Dunwoody Animal Medical Center

Prof. and Mrs. C. Ronald Ellington

Lee B. Durham and Elizabeth M. Durham

Carolyn Ellington

DuSouth Consultants, Inc.

James B. and Michele Jones Ellington

Dutch Fork Animal Hospital

Elliott Davis, LLC

Thomas G. and Anna B. Dyer

Charles Ellis III

Stevie Ray Dykes

James Monroe Ellis and


Virginia Bentley Ellis

Mary Frances Early

Dr. and Mrs. James S. Ellis

Earth Share of Georgia

Dr. and Mrs. Mark F. Ellison

Earthbound Farm

Alan Elsas and Katharine E. Elsas

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Eaton

Emerald Seed Company

EAU Technologies, Inc.

Emory University

ECM Real Estate & Investments, LLC

Billy J. and Shari S. English

Charles D. and DeLee L. Eden

Enotah Realty

Allen Edenfield and Julia R. Edenfield

Enza Coastal Seeds, Inc.

Judge B. Avant Edenfield and

Epicare Ltd.

Melvis Edenfield

Epsilon Sigma Phi

Edward D. Jones & Company

Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C.

38 2010

Susan Sims Ferguson

Martha Sale Ferman Anthony Ferrari Tiffany Fetterley Dr. Emmanuel Doe Fiadzo The Fiber Society Fidelity Bank Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fievet Durward H. Fincher Estate Sue Carol and Conrad C. Fink Allen and Linda Finley Fire and Flavor Grilling Company First Investors Corporation Stephen D. Fisch and Kelley C. Fisch David H. and Carrie Rentz Fischer Dexter L. Fisher Marcy Bass and Scott Fisher Michael K. Fitzgerald and Jennifer T. Fitzgerald Charlie B. Fiveash James B. Fleece and Karen E. Fleece Attie A. Fleming and Mildred Fleming Norman Sears Fletcher and

Dorothy Johnson Fletcher

Oscar J. Fletcher and Sybil M. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. James H. Floyd Larry E. Floyd and Betty M. Floyd Harrison Reid Fontaine Food Science Club James Lee Ford and Claire Hardigree Ford Dr. William Mark Ford and Jane Louise Rodrigue

*Joseph Richard Fordham Sr. and

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gatewood

Steven P. Gilliam and Susan L. Gilliam

Frances M. Fordham

Gavilon Fertilizer, LLC

Jay W. Gilpin and Irene C. Gilpin

Dr. Cynthia J. Fordyce

Dr. George M. Gazda and Dolores Q. Gazda

John L. Gittleman

Susan L. Forehand

GB&CA Saunders Foundation Inc.

Frank Giuliano

Dr. and Mrs. George C. Foreman

Thomas E. Gearhard and Mary K. Gearhard

Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Glaser

Laura Bowers Foreman

Michael S. Gelb

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Glass

Forest Investment Associates L.P.

Sidney Alan Gelernter


Fort Dodge Animal Health

GEMC Georgia Magazine

GlaxoSmithKline Foundation

Foster Farms, LLC

GE Capital Corporation

Jon Milton Glazman and

Gregory T. and Sarah Ellen Foster

General Electric Corporation

Marsha Jay Glazman

Minnie Clyde Foster

Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Gent II

Steven Glenn

Scott C. Foster and Carole Foster

Jeanne Wright George and Lisle W. George

Carl and Sara Glickman

Foundation for the Carolinas

Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Glisson

Foundry Park Inn & Spa

Georgia Agricultural Commodity

James Wendell Godbee and Ann Godbee

Warner Fox

Commission for Peanuts

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Godbey

Dr. Michael T. Fralix

Georgia Association of Agricultural Fairs

Godfrey’s Warehouse

M. Joshua Frank

Georgia Association of Extension 4-H Agents

Blaine P. Godley and Susan K. Godley

Ronald E. Franklin and Juana T. Franklin

Georgia Association of Professional

Victor Eugene Goetz and

Dorothy Black Franzoni and

Agricultural Consultants

Louis M. Franzoni

Georgia Cage Bird Society

Marya M. Free and William J. Free

Georgia Cattlemen’s Foundation, Inc.

Alechia H. Freeman

The Georgia Club

Byron J. Freeman and Mary C. Freeman

Georgia Club Calf Producers Association

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman

Georgia Cooperative Council, Inc.

Friarsgate Animal Hospital

Georgia Division Society of American

Emile Jacob Fried Estate

Georgia Egg Association

Ed and Janie Fritch

Georgia FFA Foundation

Ronald L. and Martha B. Fritchley

Georgia Forestry Association, Inc.

Mark Frolick

Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association

The Frye Foundation

Georgia Humanities Council

Jim and Jean Fuller

Georgia Indo-American Chamber of

Tom and Cathy Fuller

Robert D. Goldsmith and Vicki Goldsmith


Stephanie Lynn Friese

Jennifer Lynn Frum

Barbara Miller Goetz


Debra Furtado

Georgia Master Gardener Association, Inc.

G & C Fertilizer

Georgia Metals, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Powell Gaines

Georgia Pest Control Association, Inc.

Tyler Gaines

Georgia Pharmacy Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Denny C. Galis

Georgia Plant Food Educational Society, Inc.

Amy S. Galloway and

Georgia Pork Producers Association

Tony Dewayne Galloway

Georgia Poultry Federation, Inc.

Gannett National Shared Service Center

Georgia Power

Gap Foundation

Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.

Georgia Shares, Inc.

Garden Club of Griffin

Georgia Transmission Corporation

Tom Gardner

Pier Ambrose Gherini Jr. and

Goldsmith Seeds

Monica Trumble Garfield

Rosabel Cowper Gherini

Robert L. Goldstucker and

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Garges

Douglas Ghertner

Frieda K. Goldstucker

Miles D. Garrison

Todd Christopher Giacco

Robert L. Goocher and Jan M. Goocher

Jeanine Gibbs Garvie and James Garvie

Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Gibson

Dale Louis Goodhue and

Allison S. Gates

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Gibson III

Bruce A. Gates and Joyce M. Gates

Gifford, Hillegass & Ingwersen, LLP

William S. Goodman and

Dr. and Mrs. James Bruce Gates Jr.

Charles and Ann Gillespie

Maria Kate Schiffgens


Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Alice Harris Goodhue

President’s Report to Donors


Google Matching Gifts Program

Dr. George O. Hallman and

The Honorable and Mrs. Joe Frank Harris

Carey L. Gordon and Eileen Gordon

Eileen M. Hallman

Harris Moran Seed Company

J. David Gordon

Hallmark Cards Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. E. David Hart Jr.

Selma M. Gore and Thomas B. Gore

Anne Montgomery Haltiwanger

Henry Aaron Hart III

Liz Gottung

Susan Myers Hamilton and

I. Scott Hart Jr. and Virginia Thomas Hart

Grace Animal Hospital & Pet Lodge

E. Blanton Hamilton Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Hartel

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Grade

Opal Hammond

Phillip L. Hartley and Lisa A. Hartley

Graduate Management Admission Council

Hamner Advisory Services

Dr. and Mrs. Carl Hartrampf Jr.

Lizbeth Grall

Hancock Forest Management Inc.

Teresa Bray Harvey and

Grant Thornton, LLP

Daniel Neil Hannon and

William Chris Harvey

Rex L. Granum and Susan Ratchford Granum

Laura Hutchinson Hannon

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Hasbrouck

John and Kathleen Gratzek

Hanover Insurance Group

The Haskell Company

Greater Houston Community Foundation

Nathaniel and Frances Hansford

Ihab H. Hassan

Cynthia C. Green

Todd Hanson and Jill Hanson

Robert L. Hatch

Jane Mulkey Green

Roderick Joel Hardee and

William Lloyd Hatcher and

Jefferson M. Green

Susan Jean Beaty Hardee

Roberta M. Hatcher

Winston C. Green

Jodie Harden and Debby Harden

Dr. Jan Hathcote and Mr. James R. Hathcote

Greenberg Traurig

Dr. Elizabeth Hardie

Herbert Wesley Hatton

Drs. W. Dale Greene and Jeanna Wilson

Hardin Construction Company, LLC

Gregory P. and Jennifer Webb Hauck

Alton D. Greenway and Shirley Greenway Greg E. Gregory III and Julia T. Gregory Ed Grenvicz and Lillian Wills Grenvicz James Grien and Lauren Grien Daniel P. Griffin and Constance S. Griffin Griffin Georgia Kennel Club Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. Griffin Jr. Jane Griffin Rick Warren Griffin and Sally R. Griffin Rutledge A. Griffin Jr. Bradley K. Groff and Kerstin Meyers Groff Karen Elizabeth Grogan Dr. Wanda Grogan Bradley W. Grout and Megan Webb Grout The Guardian Allison Williams Gulati Gulati Family Foundation Trust James C. Guynn and Cheryl M. Guynn Gen Eugene Habiger USAF Ret and

Barbara V. Habiger

Jeffrey A. Hackman Donald I. Hackney Jr. and Jan Kimbrough Hackney Bernard J. Haddigan and Eileen Haddigan

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Tommy L. Haddock and Donna F. Haddock Michael Haggerty and Paulette M. Haggerty

Ian R. Hardin

Margaret M. Haverty

Paul Douglas Hale and Mary Anne Hale

Philip Hardin and Adele B. Hardin

Suzanne Smith Haverty and Ben Haverty

Ben and Callie Hall

Gerald D. Hardison and Patricia G. Hardison

Hawkins & Parnell, LLP

Charles T. Hall Jr. and Jan English Hall

Mary Talmadge Hardman

The Hawkins Foundation

Doris N. and Emmett H. Hall

Will and Cristall Harkins

Rickard Smith Hawkins Jr. and

Lynwood Leo Hall

Eric R. Harper

Reg and Helen Hall

Richard Warren Harrell and

Scott and Susan Hawkins

Robert P. Hall III

Bette Lou Aitken Harrell

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Haynie

Ken Halliburton and Lisa Halliburton

Henry Bullard Harris III and Linda S. Harris

Bob and Carol Head

40 2010

Susan Stanfield Hawkins

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Headrick

Veronica Holbrook

Dr. Thomas Asbury Hutto Jr.

Robert G. Heald

Kenneth H. Holcomb and Ann Holcomb

Louise J. and Johnny E. Hyers

Thomas Hearty and Jin-Kyung Yoo

Holiday Inn

The IAMS Company

James H. Hecht

Mrs. J. R. Hollingsworth

Oliver Logan Ide and Cameron W. Ide

William G. Hecht

Hollis Foundation

IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

Jeff and Cathy Harris Helms

Howell Hollis III

ignition, Inc.

The Helms Law Firm, PC

Mrs. Donald L. Hollowell

iHealth Technologies, Inc.

Cindy Gillespie Hendricks

Harry H. and Thelma L. Hollowell

Improcrop USA, Inc.

Philip W. and Carol A. Hendrickson

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Horne

Independent Charities of America

Brock Hendrix

Martee T. and Foy S. Horne

Industrial Developments International, Inc.

Kenneth M. Henson Jr.

Horner & Nash, DVM, P.C.


Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Heric

Samuel W. Horner III DVM PC.

Ron and Judy Ingle

Heritage and Wildlife Conservation

Horsemans Quarter Horse Association

Hon. S. Lark Ingram and

Hortag Seed Company

William A. Herman IV

Steve and Diane Horton

Charles J. Innis

Rodger Edwin Herndon

William G. Horton and Jean Horton

Institute of Food Technologists

Wade W. Herring II and Susan Herring

Mrs. Dean Dorsey Hoskins

Interchem USA, Inc.

Craig Hertwig

Julia A. Houston

InterContinental Hotel Group

Ann Herzog

Carl S. and Pat C. Hoveland

International Association of Virtual

Dr. Lonnie K. Herzog

Alice G. and Gene R. Howard

Dr. Douglas L. Hester and

Molly McKibben Howard and

International Division, Inc.

Dr. Sydney M. Hester

Ironwood Charitable Foundation

Adam Michael Hextell

Charlette Flynt Howell

Dr. Merrill P. Irvin

Phillip Scott Hibbard

Henry L. Howell and Stephanie D. Howell

Paul J. Irvine and Catherine A. May

Hickory Flat Animal Hospital

Robert N. Howell and Claudette H. Howell

Marcia Jean Isaacson

Keith P. Hicks

Mark A. and Joanie K. Hoyt

William Berry Ivey

Robert Sparks Highsmith Jr. and

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hoyt

Charles E. Izlar

Kristin Bates Highsmith


Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Izlar

Kay and Neil Hightower

H. Gilman Hudnall Jr. and

Chuck and Becky Jabaley

Mr. and Mrs. D. Gary Hill

Mary Anne Curran Hudnall

Carol S. Jackson

Edwin G. and Anita B. Hill

Cecil C. and Sandra S. Hudson

Scott Barnum Jackson

Julia Segal Hill and Charles Lee Hill Jr.

Elizabeth Johnson Hudson

Thomas H. and Sharon B. Jackson

Hill, Kertscher & Wharton, LLP

Mr. James Paul Hudson

Craig Anderson Jacobi and Lisa Geiger Jacobi

Kimberly McClure Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Hudson

Bert Jacobs and Nancy Jacobs

Pierce Alexander Hill

Mr. and Mrs. William Cooke Huff

Edna P. Jacobsen Charitable Trust for

Hills Family Foundation

Jeb L. Hughes and Karen T. Hughes

Animals, Inc.

Thomas D. Hills

Kenneth David Hughes

Rob and Dale Jaeger

Joseph Hamilton Hilsman

Charles H. Huling and Rebecca B. Huling

Leslie Dotson Jaggers and Rondell C. Jaggers

Mary Laraine Young Hines

Julius M. Hulsey and Harriett M. Hulsey

Dr. Tracy Ann Jagocki

Justice Preston Harris Hines

Lois Hunkele

Jak Homes, Inc.

William R. Hinson and Lisa M. Hinson

Charles A. Hunnicutt

Harold Paul James and

James S. Hixon and Kathleen A. Hall

William O. Hunnicutt III and

Dr. Grace McClelland James

Gary Hoadley and Linda S. Hoadley

Gail Jackson Hunnicutt

R. Michael James and Katherine H. James

Sarah Mitchell Hoagland

Joel Terry Hunt and Emily Josey Hunt

L. Norwood Jameson

Gardner J. Hobbs

Julie Hunt

Margaret Winter Jameson and

Marjorie Hobbs

Samuel Floyd Hunt and Lisa Burleson Hunt

Walter Wellman Jameson

Inman Gregory Hodges and

William S. Hunter and Patricia Link Hunter

Robert D. Jansen and Nancy P. Jansen

Cindy D. Hodges

David Hurst

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Jarrell

William Hodges and Leslie Hodges

J. Corneil Hurst

Jasper Contracting

Rebecca Ann Hoelting

Marc Vernon Hurst

David Jay and Barbara Jay

Jeni Hofstede-Bryan

Dr. Patricia Hunt-Hurst and Thomas E.

Laura Allen Jefferies and Todd P. Jefferies


Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Hogan Patsy Hogan * DECEASED

Armstrong J. Howard

Hurst Mary Denmark Hutcherson

Mr. Daniel V. Pompilio III

Organizations, Inc.

Michael Jenkins and Ashley Jenkins William R. Jenkins

President’s Report to Donors


Jen-Tek Graphics

Walter M. Jones Jr.

Travis Wesley Knight and

Ben Wall Jernigan Jr. and Cynthia Love Jernigan

William Christopher and Toni E. Jones

Dr. Miranda Cochran Knight

Ann E. Jewett

Butch Jordan

Linda Ayers Knorr

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson

Clyde W. Jordan

Davis Knox and Genevieve Neely Knox

Arthur and T’Leatha Johnson

Gail E. Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson B. A. Knox

Dr. Cecil Lacy Johnson III and Laura G. Johnson

Helen Elaine Jordan DVM, PHD

John O’Donnell Knox Jr.

David Scott Johnson and Dr. Laura Perry Johnson

James M. Jordan III and

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox Jr.

Dick Johnson and Carolyn Johnson

Patricia Crenshaw Edwards Jordan

Ruth Austin Knox

Dr. Emily Johnson

Jean and Ken Jordan

Timothy F. Koby, DVM

Jerry H. Johnson

Jennifer Ward Jordan


Dr. Milton I. Johnson Jr. and

Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

John A. Koncul Jr. and Maureen R. Koncul

Jeffrey William Jowdy

Paul D. Koonce and Tammy P. Koonce

Phillip E. Johnson

Gail Young Jubitz and Frederick D. Jubitz

Ryan Wilson Koppelman

Tom Edmon Johnson

Judge J. D. Smith Election Committee

Susan M. Kost

Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Thomas Johnson Jr.

Giving Express Online from American


Mrs. Joyce Ann Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. John Brian Johnstone


Stephen Krebs and Christine Povinelli Krebs

Cade and Wendy Joiner

Ken and Betty Justice

Stan Kreimer Jr.

Laura D. and David W. Jolly

Ted Justiss and Holli Justiss

Robert W. and Carol A. Krueger

David Stockton Jones and Stacy Bishop Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Kaliher

Edward B. Krugman and Jill A. Pryor

David Wayne Jones and Dr. Karen Harrell Jones

Stephen D. Kane and Beatrice Arnold Kane

J. Wesley Krulic and Julia J. Krulic

E. William Jones Jr. and Karen McClung Jones

Kusiel Kaplan and Paula Kaplan

Barbara J. Kuhn

Ezra B. Jones III

Theodore W. and Ruth G. Kassinger

James E. and Linda M. Kundell

Greg L. and Tina Jones

Marcus A. Katz

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kunkle

G. Wayne Jones

Kishore Kavuri and Vasavi Kavuri

Dr. Dolores J. Kunze in memory of Dr.

Joan Roeber-Jones

Ernie Sherwood Kearns and Carolyn Kearns

Morrow B. Thompson

Melanie S. Kearns

Cathy Selig Kuranoff

Keepers Preservation Education Fund

Merry Jo Parker Kurrie and

Elizabeth M. Kelley

Thompson Kurrie Jr.

John Ryan Kelly and Jill Waskowsky Kelly

Carol and Paul Kurtz

Lidwina G. Kelly

Randall D. Kurtz and Lynn M. Kurtz

Raymond Kelly

Charles R. Kutal and Judy G. Kutal

Thomas Kelly and Susan Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. James L. LaBoon, Jr.

John G. Kennedy Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lacy

Douglas Richard Kertscher

Ladies Garden Club

Malcolm A. Kessinger

Dr. Richard Allen LaFleur and

Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Keve

Alice Tipton LaFleur

Anthony L. Kicklighter

Lake Harbin Animal Hospital

Martin E. Kilpatrick Jr.

Ann B. Lally and John P. Lally

Paul Kilpatrick Jr. and Frances B. Kilpatrick

Jennings and Suzy Lambeth

Kimberly-Clark Foundation

Dr. Jill Renee Lancaster

Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Land O’Lakes Farmland Feed LLC

Friends of Kem Kimbrough

Landis International, Inc.

M. Todd King and Marianna L. King

Betty Lane

Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce King

The Langdale Company

Stella W. and James P. King

W. Pope Langdale III and

2010 Celebration of Support

Alexis T. Kirijan and Fred Joel Kirijan

Evelyn Lanier Langdale

Stephanie J. Kirijan

Langford & Veitch, DVM PA

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Jones

Dow N. Kirkpatrick II and

Dr. David George Langford

Jones Lang LaSalle Americas

Harriet W. Kirkpatrick

Bernard Lanigan Jr. and Kathleen J. Lanigan

LeeAnn Jones

Sean Michael Kirkpatrick

Greg Lanigan and Susan Lanigan

Jones Management Consulting, Inc.

William Henry Kitchens and Ellen Kitchens

Quinita and Chris LaPorte

Miss Sallie Maude Jones Trust

Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Kling

Hiram Gordon Larew III

Ted Jones

Charles B. and Lynne V. Knapp

Wayne M. Lashua and Patricia Grote Lashua

42 2010

Michael Steven Lonon Dr. Timothy Patrick Loonam Marshall R. Lord and Trudy Lord T. W. Lord & Associates Lorillard Tobacco Company William J. Lott The Loudermilk Family Christian Foundation, Inc. Joey M. Loudermilk Dr. Charles Love and Linda Love Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Lovein Jr. Michael Low and Lela S. Low Julia Willcox Lumpkin Jeff and Dale Lurey Luxembourg Industries Ltd. M. Jeremy Lynch and Holly A. Lynch Drs. Michael J. and Mary Lee Lynch Law Offices of John F. Lyndon Lynx Research Consulting, Inc. M W Collins Inc. Thomas S. Mabon and Amy Mabon Dr. Virginia M. Macagnoni

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

James Andrew Macke and

Judd Lasseter

J. Patrick Levelle, MD

Dr. Wendy Medders Macke

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Lasseter

Levenger Foundation

T. Scott MacKenzie

Lasseter Tractor Company

Brett Levitzke

Macy’s Corporate Services, Inc.

Bob and Abbie Lathem

J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc.

Macy’s Foundation

John H. and Jeannette B. Law

J. Curtis Lewis III

Peter Madden and Janice V. Madden

Robert ‘Buzz’ Law and Cathy A. Law

Snap Lewis Insurance Agency, Inc.

Dr. Estoria McAfee Maddux

Stanley G. Lawhon and Tina Lawhon

Lexicon Technologies

Stephen W. Maddux

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lawhorne Jr.

Melissa Libby & Associates, Inc.

Laurence and Silvia Madeo

Lawndale Veterinary Hospital

Melissa Lee Libby

Dr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton Magill III

Lawrenceville Kennel Club, Inc.

Liberty Mutual

Magna-Bon II, LLC

Bobby and Sissy Lawson

Doris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM

Mark Mahoney

Carl Wilson Lawson

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lientz Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Armin Maier III

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lawson

Dr. Dorris A. Lillard and Dr. Huda S. Lillard

Maine Community Foundation

Learning in Retirement

John Alexander Lilly Jr. and Margaret C. Lilly

William H. Major III and Patricia W. Major

Champ Vance Leavy and Cheri M. Leavy

Philip Todd Linder and Vaughn C. Linder

Jeff G. Malcom and Leigh Ann Malcom

Sudy Leavy

Roy Wood and Karen Adair Lindsey

Rollin E. Mallernee II and Karen Mallernee

James G. Ledbetter

Mary Jane Hollis Link

Rama Mallika

Dr. David C. Lee

Laura Patrick Little

Thomas William Malone and Debbie Malone

Dr. Dwight R. Lee and

Dr. Deanne Livingston

Jay A. Mancini and Deborah Mancini

Dr. Cynthia Crain-Lee

Donald R. Livingston

Marylou and Pete Mandell

Lee Highway Animal Hospital

Dr. Lars G. Ljungdahl and *Despy Ljungdahl

Gordon and Roslyn Maner

Joel M. Lee

Christine Lo

Samuel W. Mann Jr. and Beverly A. Mann

Drs. Margie Lee and John Maurer

Ricky LoCicero and LeeAnn LoCicero

Scotty G. Mann and

William Larry Lee Jr. and Lisa Burke Lee

Lockheed Martin

Forrest I. Leef and Dorothy Mitchell-Leef

Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Lockwood II

Sue Weems Mann

Buddy Leger and Marjorie Leger

Celestia Foster Loden

Timothy Mann, Jr.

Dr. Jerry Legge and Mrs. Janie Cohen-Legge

Dr. Morrison and Genevieve Loewenstein

Dexter Manning

Franklin David Leiter Jr.

Dr. Calvin M. Logue and Mary Jo Logue

Randall and Rita Manning

Kent Michael Lemoine

David Richard Long

Nicholas F. Manos and Laura N. Manos

Steve Leveen

Stanley V. Longman and Ruth F. Longman

Marathon Oil Company


Jennifer Derryberry Mann

President’s Report to Donors



J. Cliff McCurry and Kathryn H. McCurry

Merck & Company, Inc.

Marchetti & Lomax, LLP

Melissa McDearmon

Merrill Lynch, Atlanta-Buckhead

The Maripona Company LLC

E. Crawford McDonald and Ann McDonald

Merrill Lynch and Company Foundation, Inc.

Charles Bradford Marsh and Betty Marsh

Mary McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Finley H. Merry

Kevin B. Marsh

Dr. and Mrs. William D. McDougal

Denise Spangler Mewborn and

John Dean Marshall Jr. and

Pamela McDougall

Frank C. Mewborn

Francis McDowall and Dana McDowall

William F. Meyer Jr.

Dr. Joshua Blaine Marshall and

Lorie Evans McElheney and

Dr. J. Michael and June Wagner Meyers

Dr. Rachel Lorenzen Marshall

Martha Cunningham McElheney

Leroy Michael Jr. and Joanne W. Michael

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Marshall

H. Bruce McEver

The Andre Michaux Research and Travel

Ben D. Martin and Donna K. Martin

Michael L. McGee

Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Martin

Scott Cornelius McGee

D. Greg Michell

Colin T. Martin and

Andrew S. McGhee and Carolyn N. McGhee

Mary Martin Middleton, Ph.D. and

Michael L. McGlamry and

Steven A. Middleton

Jason F. Martin

N. W. Midyette

John C. Martin and Sallie T. Martin

John Calvin McGoogan III and

Danny Migliorisi

M. Josephine Martin

Liberty S. Milam

Margaret Ann and Don Martin

Dr. John P. M. McGrath

Charles P. Miller

William L. Martin III

Scott G. McGregor

Faye Miller and Herbert Miller

Martinez Animal Hospital

C. Wade McGuffey Jr. and

John Bofinger Miller Jr. and Linda Ann Miller

Roger J. Martinson

Virginia M. McGuffey

Dr. and Mrs. Keith E. Miller

Keith W. Mason

Joseph V. McHugh and Roxanne R. McHugh

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Miller

Joanna Massar

McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP

Scott David Miller

Lewis and Amy Massey

McKesson Foundation Inc.

Sheila D. Miller and Steven T. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Mathis

Emily Weaver McKinstry

Ted and Gay Miller

Mathis-Hill-Robertson Agency

Justin J. McLaughlin

Mills Foundation, Inc.

Robert Early Mathis

Mr. and Mrs. William E. McLendon

H. Milton and Helen H. Mills

William E. Matthews V and

Sheryl Newberry McManus and

Jack H. and Susan T. Mills

Elizabeth L. Matthews

Tony G. Mills and Janet Cohen Mills

Seslee Smith Mattson

Gregory B. McMenamy Jr. and

Ward T. Milner

Mauldin & Jenkins

Audrey McMenamy

Wilma L. Minix

Gregory Brooks Mauldin

Kaleb S. McMichen

Berkeley Minor and Dan Minor

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Maxey

Carrie Melinda McMillan

Jay Mitchell and Lynn Hudson Mitchell

MaxShield Coating

McNeely Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mitchell III

John E. and Nancy Mays

Marilyn Delong McNeely

John H. Mobley II and Sue L. Mobley

Deborah F. McAbee

Louise McTaggart & Associates, Inc.

John Mark and Judy Saunders Mobley

Jim McAfee

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. McTier

T. Ryan Mock Jr.

Amber A. McAlister and Harry Jennings III

Rae Dennis McWhirter and

Arthur B. Mohor Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. McCarley

Thomas McWhirter

Mom Corps

William G. McCart and

Judge T. Penn McWhorter and

Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Monk

Henry S. Monsees

Leisa Lifer Marshall

Elizabeth McKelvey Martin

Judy Guidotti McCart

Anne G. McGlamry Jan Sammon McGoogan

John C. McManus

Eileen Graham McWhorter


Dr. John E. McCarty and Valerie McCarty

Steve McWilliams

Montag and Caldwell, Inc.

Laura T. McCarty

Meadow Veterinary Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Montgomery

Robert E. McCaskill and

Laura Meadows

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Montgomery

Catherine M. McCaskill


Robert Benjamin Moody III and

Dr. and Mrs. James R. McClearen

Mr. and Mrs. Bo Means

Sherri Shoemaker Moody

Lynne McClendon and

Medical Center Anesthesiology of Athens, P.C.

Cynthia K. Moon

Thomas E. McClendon

Kevin Gregory Meeks and Jessalyn E. Meeks

Clay Mooney

Dorothy McClure

Terry Meeks

Moore Colson

McClure Family Foundation Inc.

Virginia M. Meeks

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore Jr.

Yancey Lanier McCollum

Megazyme International Ireland Ltd.

Elizabeth Clark Moore

Dr. Carla Case McCorvey

Harriet Melvin and Brett Melvin

James N. Moore, DVM, PhD and

Marian C. McCullers

Ken A. Mercer and Frances Mercer

Dr. Cynthia Trim Moore

44 2010

Jim and Evanda Moore

Native Plant and Wildflower Symposium

Norfolk Southern Foundation

Marjorie T. Moore and Alan D. Moore

Jack Neagle

Arlene C. Norris

Powell A. Moore

Neiman Marcus

John Wayne Norris

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Moore

James F. and Angelina Y. Nelson

North American Saxophone Alliance

Moore Stephens Tiller LLC

Thomas George Nemetz and

North Georgia Community Foundation

Dr. Jere W. Morehead

Susan Hopkins Nemetz

North Georgia News

Morgan Brothers Farm J.P. Morgan Chase Bank - Bank One Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Forbes Morgan Jr. J. Tom and Carol Morgan C. Van Morris and Libby Vassar Morris Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP Michael A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William M. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III C. Read Morton Jr. Marie T. Moshell Mark Douglas Mosher Allen Moye and Elizabeth R. Moye J. Arthur Mozley and Tammy G. Mozley Christian and Lucia Mueller Per Olaf Eric Mueller Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Muller Dr. Rebecca M. Mullis and Dr. David W. Mullis Jr. Hakeem O. Mumuney and Rosemary Mumuney Dr. Jeffrey Lamont Mundell George E. Mundy

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

Larry Munson Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Murnane

Ryan Anson Nesbit and Dale L. Nesbit

North Georgia Trout Online, Inc.

Brendan F. Murphy an

Mr. and Mrs. Dink NeSmith

North Wake Animal Hospital

Nestle Purina PetCare

Maria Zerbe Norton

Douglas Murphy and Susan Murphy

Jennifer Nettles

Dorianne Klein Norwood

Joel T. Murphy and Judy F. Murphy

Network for Good

William Felton Norwood Jr. and

John L. and Jackie Murphy

Debra and Bill Neumann

Mary Bush Norwood

Dr. Mark E. Murphy and Daphne Murphy

Dr. Melvin Asher Newell III

William U. Norwood and Deane H. Norwood

Michael Louis Murphy

NewellRubbermaid, Inc.

Hugh and Carol Nourse

Paul B. Murphy and Tanya O. Murphy

Linda Newiger

Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Tony Musarra

Newnan Kennel Club

Green Releaf/Novozymes

Peter M. Muzyka

Newport Timber LLC

Ramon E. Nunez and Linda Woodward Nunez

Drs. Billy and Lee Myers

Newspaper Association of America

Nunhems USA, Inc.

Susan and Don Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Newton III

The Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation

Dr. Whitney L. Myers

John T. Newton Jr.

Frances P. Nunnally

Edgar and Betty R. Myrtle

Dr. Janice Sosnowski Nichol and

John C. Nunnally and Nancy Nunnally

Daniel J. Nadenicek and

Scott G. Nichol

McKee Nunnally

Jeanne M. Nadenicek

Mr. Marlan Lee Nichols

Coleman A. Nutter and Theresa M. Nutter

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley III

Arnold Nicholson and Catherine Mills

Ob-Gyn Center, P.C.

Jimmy C. Nash

John E. and Mary Finley Niedrach

Michelle L. O’Brien

National Hills Animal Hospital

John E. Nine

Oconee River Chapter of Trout Unlimited

National Society Daughters of Colonial Ware,

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Noell Jr.

Min Hwan Oh

Thomas E. Noonan Family Foundation

Dr. Svein Oie and Barbara Woodruff

Tom Noonan and Kim Noonan

Dennis and Deborah Landon O’Kain

Sarah Marchand Murphy

Inc. Nationwide Insurance Foundation * DECEASED

President’s Report to Donors


Allison O’Kelly and Shane O’Kelly

Charles Edward Peeler and

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

Trina S. Olidge

Melissa Dickey Peeler

William Alan Pittenger and

Alexander Phillip Oliver

John William Peifer and Deborah Scott Lee

Donna D. Pittenger

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oliver Jr.

Thomas Richard Peil

David Pitts

Leonard Eugene Oliver and Sharon N. Oliver

Dr. Carlo Pelanda

Dr. Robert W. Placek and Mrs. Joyce Placek

Professor and Mrs. Cecil J. Olmstead

Mr. and Mrs. T. Durward Pennington Jr.

Plant Health Care, Inc.

Jay O’Meara and Sandra Castro O’Meara

Governor and Mrs. Sonny Perdue

Plantation Centre Animal Hospital

Giles Hardeman O’Neal

Thomas Keeling Perdue

Laura F. Plaukovich and

Jessica and Eric Orbock

Amanda Perry

Andrew W. Plaukovich

ORO Agri James Allen Orr and Olive Elizabeth Bell Matthew Gould Orr and Amy Carter Orr Oscar A. Osorio John J. Ossick Jr. Wiley C. Owen OZOCLEANMACHINE, LLC Pachman Richardson, LLC Pacific Life Insurance Company Constance Perry Page and Burley E. Page Jr. Travers W. Paine III and Kate Hudson Paine Vijaya Rangan Palaniswamy Dwight and Vivion Young Palmer Kathy Stephens Palmer Kavita Pandit Clifton W. and Sylvia H. Pannell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Paris Jr. Brandie Rucks Park David Forehand Park Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Han S. Park Hassel Lloyd Parker James Philip Parker and Priscilla Ream Parker Dr. Olin G. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Parker

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

W. Henry Parkman and Diane D. Parkman Phaedra C. Parks

Perry Area Convention and Visitors Bureau

Plum Creek Foundation

Peggy Stewart Parrish and James L. Parrish, III

C. Ann Perry

Susan B. Plunkett and Scott P. Plunkett

Mrs. Georgia Parthemos

Craig C. Perry and Douglas Dillard Perry

Pollard Lumber Company, Inc.

Dr. Julia Lee Partin

W. Ray Persons

Mario David Ponsell

Page A. Pate

Patricia Lane Petelle

Pooch Porch Cafe

Gordhan L. and Virginia B. Patel

Bonnie S. Petersen and Clark E. Petersen

Daniel E. Popovich

Patten Seed Company

Dr. Nicholas Wiley Petty

Carol Porter and DuBose Porter

Alexander W. and Janet W. Patterson

Peyton Anderson Foundation

Porter Keadle Moore, LLP

Charles D. Pattinson and Carole G. Pattinson

Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Phares

Thomas M. Porter Jr. and Cathy Porter

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Balfour Patton

Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Co.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Porterfield

Christine L. Pavlak

Pharmacy Consulting Group, LLC

David Allen Portwood

Jane Marshall Payne

Pharr Road Animal Hospital

Michelle Y. Posey and William D. Posey

Peachtree Planning Corporation

Jerry and Kathy Rogers Pharr

Lula Pittman Post

Alfred Lawton Pearson

Asa R. Phillips Jr. and Julie Withers Phillips

William Gray Potter

Eric Pearson

Nancy Brooks Phillips

Robert E. Pound

Pearson Farm

Piedmont Animal Hospital, Inc.

Jo Ann and Tom Powell

Tracy Pecone

Joseph Pierce and Nicole F. Mitchell

Powers Ferry Animal Hospital

James F. Peddie

Pine Timber Wood Production

Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Powers

Jason C. Pedigo and Susannah R. Pedigo

David B. Pinson and Edith C. Waller

Mr. and Mrs. Randy F. Powers

46 2010

Robert S. Poydasheff Jr. and

Dan and Ginger Reed

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Rodgers

James Keith Reed

Mary Catherine Rodrigue

Constance I. Pozniak

Thomas Reed and Linda L. Reed

Dr. Edith Martin Rogers

Dr. Karen Wirtjes Prasse

Michael S. Reeves and Mary Capo Reeves

Kaycie Rogers

The Presidents’ Quarters Inn

Regions Financial Corporation

Maurice Harrell Rogers

Jane W. and Paul M. Pressly

Stephen A. Reichert

Walt Rogers and Selena A. Rogers

Prestige Foods Corporation

Benjamine Reid

Wendy A. Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Druid N. Preston

Jim and Elizabeth Reid

Margaret A. Rolando

Dr. Annie Price

Dr. Megan Reily

John W. and Cindy W. Rooker

Martin A. Price and Ann Price

Mitchell Buddy Reiner

Jane Canipe Rooks and Dennis B. Rooks

Philip M. Prichard and Anne C. Prichard

R.E.M./Athens, LLC

Matthew G. Rooks

James E. Prickett

Kenneth S. Resnick and Elisabeth Resnick

R. Gary Roop

Leonard D. Pridgeon and

Retro Cinema & Books, Inc.

Gregorio Rosales

Elizabeth D. Pridgeon

David Alan Reynolds

Gregory Lynn Roseboro

Alan J. Prince and Catherine C. Prince

Julie Toland Reynolds

James M. Rosen

Frank L. Pritchard and Amy K. Parker

Donald E. Rhodes and Theresa Rhodes

Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc.

Mark E. and Janis C. Prock

Andrew Rhorer

Jerry Rosenberg and Dulcy Rosenberg

William F. and Pamela P. Prokasy

Donna Roberts Rice and Gary S. Rice

Paul L. Rosenthal and Jessica A. Rosenthal

Prudential Foundation

Leonidas E. Rice

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Spencer Pryor

Patrick J. Rice and Susan M. Rice

E. Ann Puckett and Thomas A. Wilson

Thomas Robert Rice and Frances M. Rice

Carolynn McMeekin Puffe

Walter Alan Richards Foundation, Inc.

Wade H.and Ashley Phillips Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Richardson

PURE Bioscience

Dr. and Mrs. James Ingram Richardson

Charles N. Pursley and Katherine C. Pursley

Melody Z. Richardson and Kenneth Zirkman

John Victor Quackenbush and

Dr. Phyllis Richardson

Rebecca Wiggins Quackenbush

Larry M. Richman

Quail Country Plantation

Kenneth S. Ricker and Marilyn H. Ricker

Marie Quenn

Ricks LTD.

John B. Quillian

R and P Riddle Foundation

Martin G. Quirk and Janet H. Quirk

Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Ridlehuber

R. W. Allen & Associates, Inc.

*Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rigdon

Ladasha Powell Radder

James McKee Riley and Dana Huggin Riley

Michael M. Raeber an

Dr. Kibbie Richardson Ringer

H. N. Ritter and Ann Ritter

Margaret Rushin Poydasheff

Carrie Dieterle Raeber

Betty Sewell Ragland

Linda Blissit Ritter

Dr. and Mrs. Rex K. Rainer Jr.

Frederick H. Ritts and Sandra J. Ritts

Brian Phillip Ramondt

Ritz-Carlton Lodge Reynolds Plantation

James Walter Ramsay and

Riverview Plantation Inc.

Roberta Stevens Ramsay

Drs. Paul and Carolyn Rizza

A. Middleton and Katherine F. Ramsey

William Calvin Robbins an

Doris Adams Ramsey

Susan S. Robbins

Esric Berton Ramsey

Edward L. Roberson and

Jed Rasula and Suzi Wong

Nancy C. Roberson

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ratcliffe

Dr. David Scott Roberts

Raymond James Charitable Endowment

Howard G. and Laura R. Roberts


Krista Roberts and David T. Roberts

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

Rayonier Inc.

Al and Elizabeth Robertson

Bobby Reagan and Beth Reagan

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson Jr.

Dr. Yvette Roshto

Ryan P. Reavis and Lauren J.D. Reavis

Rockdog Entertainment, LLC

John R. Ross and Shirley G. Ross

Red Bank Consulting Inc.

Rock-Tenn Company

Roswell Street Properties

I. Wayne Reece

J. Darren Rodgers

John F. Rowan Jr.

Verlin Reece

Richard L. and Lara N. Rodgers

Dr. and Mrs. Daryl E. Rowe (Linda)


President’s Report to Donors


J. Miguel Ruano

Dr. Albert Allen Seals and Karen A. Seals

Sigma Delta Chi Foundation

John P. Rudy and Barbara M. Rudy

William N. Searcy

Sigma Underwriting Managers

Judith F. Ruffin

Katherine W. Seehorn

David Allen Silvian

Jaime Ruiz

James E. and Nancy Turner Segars

Simmons Educational Fund

Alice Runk

William Isaac Segars and Barbara A. Segars

M.T. Simmons Jr.

Hugh and Patricia Ruppersburg

SEI/Aaron’s Inc.

John L. and Victoria Simms

Dr. Wayne Patrick Rush

John Gray Seiler III and June B. Seiler

Eric Simonne and

F. Valerie Rusk

Selig Foundation

Amarat Homnava Simonne

H.J. Russell & Company

S. Stephen Selig III and Linda W. Selig

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh

Drs. Tom and Judy Russell

Edward S. Sell III

*Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Singletary

Peter Rutledge and Birgit Rutledge-Riel

Sel-Plex & Poultry Manager

George Singleton and Glenda Singleton

P. Alan Rutter

Serotta, Maddocks, Evans & Co.

Dr. and Mrs. E. Max Sink

Ryan Innovative Solutions

Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Sewell Jr.

Michael Elliott Sink

Dr. Susan McLaren Ryan

Dr. John Newman Sexton and

Frank Sinkwich III and

Dr. and Mrs. Roger C. Ryles Jr.

Jeanne Newman Sexton

Lacy Chambliss Sinkwich

Sakata Seed America, Inc.

Jonathan Grover and

Sangram Singh Sisodia and

Billy Carroll Sanders and

Elizabeth Stone Seymour

Diane Van Hoof-Sisodia

Harriett Larisey Sanders

Richard L. Shackelford and

Timothy Nye Skidmore and

Robin Clark Sanders and Don Sanders

Shelton Palmer Sanford IV and

Rajesh Shah

Russell L. Slider and Sandra Pounds-Slider

Honey H. Shackelford

Renee M. Skidmore

Mr. and Mrs. Shouky A. Shaheen

Dr. Beverley Morse Slonina

Yeshwant D. and Uma Y. Sanzgiri

Shallowford Animal Hospital

Smith and Howard, PC

Anne Woolf and David J. Sapp

Scott A. and Claudia W. Shamp

Smith Animal Hospital

Marc D. Sasser and Lauren A. Sasser

Shamrock Seed Company, Inc.

Anita Payne Smith, Ph.D and

Satterfield Agency, Inc.

Robert L. Shannon Jr. and Phyllis Evon

Rodney L. Smith, M.D.

Janet L. Webb Satterfield and

Jeffrey Smith Sharp and

Mr. and Mrs. Arch D. Smith II

Elizabeth Dillon Sharp

Dr. Ben B. and Susan P. Smith

Scott R. Satterfield

Dr. Joseph W. Sharp and Janice C. Sharp

Brenda Joyce Smith

James Moses Savage Jr.

Karen Hurst Sharpe

Smith Communications, Inc.

Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia, Inc.

Gary Lewis Shattuck and

The Eatonton Messenger

Auxiliary to the SC Veterinary Association

David A. Smith

H. Paige Scarborough Jr. and

Brad Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Smith Jr.

Catherine Still Scarborough

Dr. Judith Davis Shaw

E. Kendrick Smith and Caryl G. Smith

Steven Elliot Scheer and Anne L. Scheer

Tanner and Shelby Sheehan

Felix Marion Smith Jr.

Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc.

Shell Oil Company Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Garnett A. Smith

Jason and Neisy Schoen

Ron and June Shelp

Harrison A. Smith

School & College Law Section of the State

James D. Shelton and Elizabeth Shelton

J. D. Smith

Thomas C. Shelton

Jeffrey V. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Lee C. Schramm

John Karl Sheppard and Ann Sheppard

Joanna Kate Smith

John R. Schramski and Holley W Schramski

Jeffrey W. Sherman and Cassandra Young

John H. and Margie E. Smith

John and Terri Schraudenbach

John L. Sherwood and Marie E. Sherwood

Johnny Smith

Dr. Claude H. Schumpert

Mr. Stephen M. Shewmaker and

Lamar and Edie Smith

Richard J. Schuster and Barbara L. Schuster

Dr. Gayle Spears

Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson Smith

Heinz-Bernd Schuttler

David Shipley and Jenny Coleman

Marvin Houston Smith and

Barbara H. Schwartz

Lisa Williams Shirreffs and

Julie Martin Smith

Dale M. Schwartz and Susan E. Schwartz

Michael Brandon Smith

Ashley P. Scott and Carr Scott

Dr. Kevin Shuler and Dr. Laura Shuler

Dr. Michael Franklin Smith

Karen Lynn Benson and Howard T. Scott

Dr. Robert N. Shulstad

Philip C. Smith and Pam Boles

Dr. and Mrs. Steven S. Scott

Clifford Shade Shuman III and

Putnam C. Smith

Thomas and Maryellen Scott

Susan McCormick Shuman

Dr. Regina A. Smith

Scripps Howard Foundation

Keith H. Shurbutt and Tiffaney Shurbutt

Sidney O. Smith Jr.

Lewis L. Scruggs Jr.

John and Marcia Shurley

Steven W. Smith and Deborah Revis Smith

Steve Scruggs and Katie Scruggs

Mitchell Lewis Siegel

Stuart Eldridge Smith and Lynne C. Smith

Holly King Sanford

Ronald R. Satterfield

Bar of Georgia

48 2010

Tommie Elaine Shattuck

John Joseph Shirreffs III

Taylor W. Smith and Deidra West Smith

John E. Steinbrink and Lennie W. Steinbrink

Cy Strickler and Palmer Dubose Strickler

Thomas Andrew and Zan Harvill Smith

Ed L. Stelling III and Martha M. Stelling

Mrs. C. M. Stripling

William Edward Smith and

Martha Stephens

Barbara Berry Stubbs

Camille O’Neill Smith

Ralph Haygood Stephens Jr.

Student Chapter American Veterinary Medical

Sally Griffitts Smithgall and

Dorothy Belcher Stephenson

Charles Smithgall III

Sterling Creek Enterprises

Roddy Sturdivant

Snap-on, Inc.

James W. Stevens

Peggy Hoard Suddreth

Snellville Animal Hospital

Scott Stevenson

Rees and Brooke Sumerford

Daniel B. Snipes and Laura Snipes

Dr. John Edward Stewart II

Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sumichrast

Society for Management Information

Dr. and Mrs. R. Greg Stewart

Dr. and Mrs. Roland S. Summers

Susan C. Stewart

Sun Bowl Association

Renee T. Sodaro and Archie P. Sodaro

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Still

Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition, Inc.

Soil Science Society of Georgia, Inc.

Alan Elton Stith and Sally Schley Stith

Sunbelt Structures, Inc.

Solucal-USA Ltd.

Garnett Sue Stokes

Super Lawn Trucks

James Andrew Sommerville and

Gary D. Stokes

Dr. Katie Surdyk and Christopher B. Dorsey

Frances Duggan Sommerville

Joseph P. Stoltman and Gillian A. Stoltman

Sherry Sutton

Sonia Says, Inc.

Bobby Dean Stone Jr. and Krista Deloach Stone

Dr. Roger M. Swagler and Dr. Julia Marlowe

Robert John Soper and Jacqueline Soper

Miles A. and Teresa W. Stone

Drs. Anne L. and David R. Sweaney

Laura Kathleen Soscia

Stonehedge Garden Club

Carl and Pat Swearingen



Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Sosebee South Athens Animal Clinic South Carolina Association of Veterinarians South Georgia Veterinary Medical Assoc. Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc. Southeastern Food Processors Association, Inc. Southern Weed Science Society Southwestern Company Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Sowell Dr. Harriet Elizabeth Sowell Sowell, Sandifer & Richbourg, PC Charles Gowen Spalding Margaret R. Spalding Specialized Information Publishers Association Ed and Sue Speir COL/Ret. Robert Spidel Howard N. Spiva and Mary Spiva Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sponcler Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Spooner Sprayberry Animal Hospital Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Sprouse Charles E. and Lucy E. Squires

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

St. Andrews Animal Clinic Stadion Money Management, Inc.

Dr. Zolinda Stoneman

David R. Sweat and Kay A. Giese

Charles H. Stammer

Craig A. Stonesifer and Dana Swisher

Dr. James Michael Sweeney

Patricia Starnes


Mathews D. Swift and Mary Lou C. Swift

Stateside Capital, LLC

Deborah Gohr Storey

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swilley

Patricia Gebhardt Staub

Betty Taylor Stovall and J. Frank Stovall

Randy Lee Swing

George Alfred Steadman III and

Georgia Strange and John Goodheart

May Taing

Ann G. Steadman

Strategic Management Decisions LLC

H. Cullen Talton Jr.

Sonia Steffes

Robert G. Strickland III and

Gerald S. Tanenbaum

Grant T. Stein and Janet M. Stein

E. Carlton Strickland

Charles B. Tanksley and Kathryn J. Tanksley


President’s Report to Donors


Town Of Murphy Power Board Trackrock Campground & Cabins Fred B. Tregaskis and Louise Baranger Triangle Chemical Company G. Grant Tribble and Rachel Bianco Tribble Joel and Sharon Troisi Trout Unlimited Coosa Valley Chapter Roger Troutman and Kathy Cheek Troutman Troutman Sanders Public Affairs Group LLC Mary Alice Czmyr Trussell Brad and Vera Tucker Linda J. Tucker Sam Riley Tucker and Jo Ann H. Tucker Ashley Sexton Turner and Jack G. Turner J. Lynn Turner David E. Tuszynski and Sarah E. Tuszynski Laura Jane Twedt Dr. and Mrs. David E. Tyler Jennifer L. Tym and John C. Tym Bobby L. and Catharine M. Tyson UGA CVM Class of 2010 Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Ulmer Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Ulrici Norman Lee Underwood William E. Underwood III

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall Joe Tanner & Associates, Inc.

Larry D. Thompson and Brenda A. Thompson

William Gordon Tanner and Cynthia D. Tanner

Michael L. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Tarbutton Jr.

Reese J. and Pamela M. Thompson

Charles Tarbutton and Helen B. Tarbutton

Charlie C. Thornton Jr. and Susan Thornton

Harvey E. Tarpley and Sylvia Tarpley

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thornton

John M. and Sarah A. Tatum

Steven Randall Thornton and

Terry Denise Tatum and Jerry L. McCollum

Allison Elmore Thornton

Bernard Taylor

R. Wayne and Jane F. Thorpe

Dr. Earl A. Taylor

Kenneth L. Thrasher and

Gloria Ricks Taylor and Roy P. Taylor

Catherine N. Thrasher

Temple-Inland Foundation

The Tilghman Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Tracy A. Terrell

Stan and Velma Cowen Tilley

Michael B. Terry

Audrey Boone Tillman and

Henry C. Tharpe Jr. and Julia L. Tharpe

Dr. Otis E. Tillman Jr.

Holly Adams Thibault and Steve Thibault

Timberland Investment Resources

Robert J. Thiebaut and Anneli Thiebaut

Merry Tyler Tipton

Thirteenth Colony Distilleries, LLC

Richard Gardner Tisinger and

C. Sammy Thomas and Dale P. Thomas

Marian White Tisinger

Ellison and Michelle Thomas

Joseph Tobias and Agnes Wikoff Tobias

Holly D. Thomas

Bill Tobin

Martha L. Thomas

Benjamin E. Tolchinsky

Molly Turner Thomas and

J. Douglas Toma and Linda P. Bachman

Paul Frederick Thomas Jr.

William Olmsted Tome Jr. and Susan Tome

William H. Thomas Jr. and

Wade Hampton Tomlinson, III and

Melonie Davis Thomas

Teresa Pike Tomlinson

Frederick N. and Judy F. Thompson

Dr. Regina Toner

Gregory A. Thompson and

Dr. Jodi Nichols Torrez

Maria G. Thompson

Marks and Jane Towles

50 2010

Union County Rotary Club United Way of Miami-Dade UnumProvident Corporation Deborah Ross Urquhart and Richard V. Urquhart Tom and Valierie Usilton Dr. Christy Valentine Van Hees, Inc. Carl W. Vann and Terri B. Vann Diane B. Vaughan and J. Lynn Rainey Keith W. Vaughan and Lydia H. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Guinn Vaughn Joan Pipitone Vaughn Dr. Michael Morton Veitch Dr. and Mrs. John E. Vena Kurt R. Venator Mr. and Mrs. W. Jerry Vereen Verizon Vernon K. Krieble Foundation Inc. Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society Veterinary Emergency & Referral Group Veterinary Learning Systems Glen M. and Shelley Rucker Vey Bradley C. Vickers James Donald Vinson Jr. Carl J. Vipperman and Reginald G. Vipperman

Charlene Kunis Weaver

Richard A. and Theresa T. Wilhelm

Robbie Colwell Weaver and Mark J. Weaver

Roland V. Wilhite

Vistaprint USA INC

C. Douglas and Lamar M. Webb

James Burpee Wilkes

Trina Johnson von Waldner

Larry L. Webb and Cynthia Y. Webb

Williams, Benator & Libby LLP

Jenny and Robbert Vorhoff

W. Larry and JoAnn T. Webb

Brett Matthew Williams

Terri Ann Votava

Stephen A. Weber and Merryl J. Weber

Drs. Brian N. and Carla Williams

Vulcan Materials Company

Mrs. Nancy Marcuz Wech

Courtney Williams

Adam J. Wacher

Robert B. Wedge and Karen Wedge

Doug Williams

Drew and Julie Wade

M. Dudley Weems, MD

Elmer D. Williams

John Evan Wade II

Jerry M. Weil

Dr. Frank M. Williams

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Wade

Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial,

Jen and David Williams

Vistakon, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.


Bobbie D. Wagoner and David F. Harris

Larry C. Williams and Yeardley Williams

Dr. David J. Waldrep and

Harvey Weitz

Michael G. Williams

Dr. Susan C. Arnold

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Dr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Williams

Cecil L. Walker

Wells Fargo Charitable Trust & Foundation

Scott S. Williams and

The Emily B. Walker Charitable Trust

Leo F. Wells III and Angie Wells

Vicki Brinson Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Ian G. Walker

West Ashley Pet Care Center

Shari Williams

James A. Walker Jr. and Clare G. Walker

West Ashley Veterinary Clinic

Steven A. Williams and

Sally E. Walker

James R. Westbury Sr. and

Robin Whitney Williams

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Waln

Dr. Susan Williams

Bill Walsh

Westover Animal Hospital, LLC

The Walter G. Canipe Foundation, Inc.

Weswood Foundation

Judge Robert Gordon Walther

What’s Up LLC

Walton Electric Trust Inc.

Patrick G. Wheaton and Laura H. Wheaton

Walton Electric Membership Corporation

Sidney F. Wheeler

Jackie Wammock

Kenneth Whiddon

Richard Scotten Wampler and

Oliver and Rozanne Whipple

Karen S. Wampler

Andrew J. Whitaker, MD

Tom Wamsley and Jenny Wamsley

Anne Byrn Whitaker and

Marvine Wanamaker

John Thompson Whitaker

Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn Wansley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitaker

Malcolm Wardlaw

Dr. Gaines White

C. Wilbur Warner Jr.

Lowell White and Toni White

David Warner

Rebecca H. White and Daniel Upton White

Larry A. Warner

Valerie Denise White

Richard Warner and Malenka Warner

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Whiteside

Robert Randal Warnock

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson D. Whitley

Donald Wade Warren

Josh Whitlock and Michal Whitlock

Flynn W. Warren Jr. and

Ronnie and Paula Whitlock

Dr. Monica Marie Warren

Whitmire Micro-Gen Research

Wiley A. Wasden III and

Linda B. Westbury

Thomas Marion Willingham

Laboratories, Inc.

Anna Christensen Wasden

Drs. James A. and Sandra E. Whitney

Dr. Karyn Waterman

Brianne Marie Whitworth

Don L. and Cynthia D. Waters

Charles Walton and Jeri G. Whitworth

John M. Waters

Jonathan M. Wiese

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Watkins

James Cameron Wilbur and

Jill Willis

Dr. Samuel Edgar Watson III and

Alison Vosick Wilbur

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr

Deanna M. Watson

John Walter Wilcox Jr. and Susan Wilcox

Katherine Trussell and H. Grady Wilson Jr.

Miles Homer Watters Jr.

Mark D. Wilcox and Catherine J. Wertjes

James Lee Wilson Jr. and Kathy L. Wilson

Ramsey T. Way and Mary Lynde Way

Senator John J. Wiles and Janel Wiles

Jerry S. Wilson and Virginia K. Wilson

Lawrence E. and Katherine Weatherford

Mr. and Mrs. Buck Wiley III

Drs. John T. and Patricia S. Wilson

Weatherly Organization, Inc.

David Turner Wiley and Katherine P. Wiley

Kathleen Patrick Wilson and

Paul E. Weathington

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Larry D. Wilson


Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

President’s Report to Donors


Rhys T. Wilson and Carolyn S. Wilson


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Balchin Jr.

Trisha L. Wilson

An enhanced Presidents Club level, University

Robert Owen Ball III and English T. Ball

Wilson-Epes Printing Company, Inc.

Partners are individuals whose annual gifts to

Dr. and Mrs. Allan W. Barber

Larry A. Windham and Jennifer Windham

UGA total $2,500 or greater and support the

Ruth Ann Bartlett

Winegrowers Association of GA

Venture Fund in total or in part. University

Marcy Bass and Scott Fisher

Winfield Solutions, LLC

Partners enjoy a unique flexibility in choosing how

Barry L. and Naomi N. Beers

Dr. Steven Craig Winokur and

their gifts will benefit UGA. All Partners support

James Dewey Benefield III and

Dr. Sherri Teresa Almand

the Venture Fund which helps meet unbudgeted

Suzanne W. Benefield

Drs. Patricia and Roger B. Winston Jr.

challenges throughout the academic year. Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Bergen

Winthrop Foundation of Athens Georgia

may choose to designate the remainder of their gift

Drs. Grace and Dean Boswell

James E. Wise

to the academic area of their choice. University

Frank and Ann Boyd

Allison Witherow

of Georgia faculty and staff (current and retired)

Louis J. and Rebecca C. Boyd

William N. Withrow Jr. and

may join the Partners program at a reduced level.

Dr. William R. and Anne E. Boydston

Cynthia R. Withrow

L. Allan and Kizmet S. Adams

George M. and Martha S. Brandon

Nora Wittman

Michael F. and Mary L. Adams

William R. Bridges III and Lisa S. Bridges

Dr. Barbara Wixom and Chris Wixom

Sue Agee and Charles Agee III

Nan Gillespie Brinning

Theodore P. and Patricia M. Wolf

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Aldridge

Dr. and Mrs. Josef M. Broder

Winifred F. Womack

Charles Patrick Allen and Gaile Allen

Mickey Brown

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice

Tommy C. Altman

John W. Bruce and Dana D. Bruce

Chris Wood

Dr. Margaret A. Amstutz

Tim and Carla Burgess

Jim Wood & Associates, Inc. Evelyn Gowen Wood and

Royce E. Wood

Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Wood Jr. Drs. Norman J. and Mary M. Wood Jennie Woodlee Dr. and Mrs. James R. Woods Laura E. Woodson Mrs. Frank L. Wooten Jr. World Information Inc. The Wormsloe Institute of Environmental History Carolyn E. Wright Meg Carriere Wright Wynfield Plantation Yara North America, Inc. Ida E. Yates Dr. Russell H. and Brenda S. Yeany Allen W. Yee Glenn Thomas York Jr. and Wyndolyn Vickers York Julia F. Young and John F. Young Karen Jenkins Young Larry D. Younger

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Younts Youth Service America

Dr. and Mrs. Chester W. Anderson

Robert E. and Maxine H. Burton

Karan K. Ytterberg and Alan V. Ytterberg

Jerry M. Andes and London L. Andes

B. J. Butler and Elizabeth B. Butler

Michael F. Zambie and Vicki C. Zambie

Alexander B. Andrews IV and

Barbara K. and Leslie G. Callahan

Dr. and Mrs. Noam D. Zelman

Carol Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Campbell

Richard Louis Zimdars and

Grover J. Andrews

Clifford S. Campbell Jr. and

Paula Marshall Zimdars

Dr. and Mrs. Jay Scott Angle

Frances Sinback Campbell

Erla Gortatowsky Zuber and

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Archer III

Pitts Carr and Julie R. Carr

Steve and Tami Ayres

Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Castenell Jr.

Harry A. Zuber

52 2010

Runell and Michael Cheek

Mary Laraine Young Hines

Jim Mills and Ibby Mills

Carrie Christie and Jeffrey Davis

William R. Hinson and Lisa M. Hinson

Jay Mitchell and Lynn Hudson Mitchell

David and Jane Chu

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hoyt

Dr. Jere W. Morehead

Wallace B. and Rose F. Clary

Jeb L. Hughes and Karen T. Hughes

Drs. Libby V. and C. Van Morris

Jim and Lyra Cobb

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Jabaley

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle K. Mote

Michael B. Cobb and Jacqueline F. Cobb

Thomas H. and Sharon B. Jackson Jr.

Dr. Rebecca M. Mullis and

Earl J. Connolly and Patricia A. Connolly

R. Michael James and Katherine H. James

Dr. David W. Mullis Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooney

Walter and Margaret Jameson

Douglas Murphy and Susan Murphy

Frederick E. Cooper and

David Jay

Joel T. and Judy F. Murphy

Helen Dykes Cooper

Julie and Felton Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley III

Laura Corrigan and Frank Corrigan

Dr. and Mrs. Ben W. Jernigan Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Nesbit

William McCart Corry and

Laura D. and David W. Jolly

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Noell Jr.

Stacy and David S. Jones

Tom Noonan and Kim Noonan

Cader B. Cox III and Martha H. Cox

James and Patricia Jordan

Randy and Suzanne Nuckolls

Gail Patterson Cox and Mark A. Cox

Thomas Kelly and Susan Kelly

Dr. Svein Oie and Barbara Woodruff

John D. Crofton and Cecelia Crofton

William Russell King

Jessica and Eric Orbock

Clifton M. Culberson and Anne B. Culberson

Brad Kinzey and Shannon F. Kinzey

Kavita Pandit

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Culley

Paul D. Koonce and Tammy P. Koonce

Clifton W. and Sylvia J. Pannell

Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Culpepper

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilton Krueger

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Paris III

Eric and Margaret Dahl

James E. and Linda M. Kundell

Dr. and Mrs. Han S. Park

Ms. Deborah Dietzler and

Ann B. Lally and John P. Lally

Gordhan L. and Virginia B. Patel

Mr. Peter Anderson

Thomas S. and Susan B. Landrum

Alexander W. and Janet W. Patterson

Rufus Thomas Dorsey IV and

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth Jr.

Daniel B. Pattillo Jr. and Joan B. Pattillo

Vickie Cheek Dorsey

Robert ‘Buzz’ Law and Cathy A. Law

Richard Hamer Pennell Jr. and Nancy Pennell

Mr. and Mrs. J. Griffin Doyle

Dr. and Mrs. David C. Lee

Craig C. Perry and Douglas Dillard Perry

Delmer D. and Ann S. Dunn

Donald M. Leebern Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Asa R. Phillips Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge

Forrest I. Leef and Dorothy Mitchell-Leef

Carol Porter and DuBose Porter

James Monroe Ellis and Virginia Bentley Ellis

Dr. Bill and Randee Lieppe

Richard and Rita Porterfield

Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Evert Jr.

Philip Todd Linder and Vaughn C. Linder

Dr. and Mrs. William Gray Potter

Stuart and Renee Feldman

Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Lindner

Mr. and Mrs. Randy F. Powers

Dexter L. Fisher

Michael Low and Lela S. Low

Robert S. Poydasheff Jr. and

Oscar J. Fletcher and Sybil M. Fletcher

Thomas S. Mabon and Amy Mabon

Margaret Rushin Poydasheff

Dr. and Mrs. George C. Foreman

Dr. and Mrs. Arnett C. Mace Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Druid Norris Preston

Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Fuller

Dr. Estoria McAfee Maddux

William and Pamela Prokasy

Debra Furtado

Jay A. Mancini and Deborah Mancini

Martin G. Quirk and Janet H. Quirk

Greg and Danna Gay

Gordon and Rosyln Maner

Neal and Lib Quirk

Pier Ambrose Gherini Jr. and

Randall and Rita Manning

Shyam Reddy and Renee Dye

Rosabel Cowper Gherini

Nicholas F. Manos and Laura N. Manos

Dan and Ginger Reed

Andrew L. Ghertner

Colin T. Martin and

Jim and Elizabeth Reid

Selma M. Gore and Thomas B. Gore

Dr. Elizabeth McKelvey Martin

David Alan Reynolds

James Grien and Lauren Grien

John C. Martin and Sallie T. Martin

Julie Toland Reynolds

Rick Warren Griffin and Sally R. Griffin

Keith W. Mason

Mr. and Mrs. Barton Rice

Mr. and Mrs. Mack H. Guest III

Samuel M. Matchett, Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Ridlehuber

Bernard J. Haddigan and Eileen Haddigan

Dr. and Mrs. William G. McCart

H. N. Ritter and Ann Ritter

Mr. and Mrs. F. Sheffield Hale

Mary McDonald and Marc W. LaMotte

J. Darren Rodgers

Philip Hardin and Adele B. Hardin

Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMullan

Alan F. Rothschild Jr. and Jewett W. Rothschild

Ben Haverty and Suzanne Smith Haverty

Rae Dennis McWhirter and Thomas

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Schramski

Jenkins Corry

Margaret M. Haverty


Thomas and Maryellen Scott

Robert Paul Hein

Laura J. Meadows

John Gray Seiler III and June B. Seiler

Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Heric

Denise Spangler Mewborn and Frank

Swann Seiler

Dr. Lonnie K. Herzog


Scott A. and Claudia W. Shamp

Mr. and Mrs. D. Gary Hill

Drs. Parker and Kent Middleton

James D. and Elizabeth Shelton

Julia Segal Hill and Charles Lee Hill Jr.

Doris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM

Stanley Shelton and Dorothy F. Shelton

President’s Report to Donors


Mr. Stephen M. Shewmaker and

Mr. and Mrs. Joel O. Wooten

Alvan S. Arnall

Dr. Gayle Spears

Dr. and Mrs. Steve W. Wrigley

Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Arnall

Dr. Robert N. Shulstad

Karan K. Ytterberg and Alan V. Ytterberg

Lisa R. Arrington

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh and

Michael F. Zambie and Vicki C. Zambie

Roy O. Ashley

Mrs. Sunita K. Singh

Dr. Jeanette Lee Atkinson

Scott G. Sink and Linda Gill Sink

Mrs. Warren Thomas Atyeo Elizabeth Wilder Austin

Garnett A. and Bitsy H. Smith Harrison A.Smith


John and Joan Avise

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons Jr.

Founding members joined during the first 20

Dr. Robert H. Ayers

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Spalding

years of the Club’s existence with a gift of at least

Frank Stetson Bachelder

Howard N. Spiva and Mary Spiva

$10,000. Listed below are the living members of

John E. Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Squires

the Founding Presidents Club.

Dr. and Mrs. Martin T. Bailey

Martha B. Stephens

Anonymous (4)

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bates Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stolz

Dr. Ira E. Aaron

Thomas D. Bailey

Cy Strickler and Palmer Dubose Strickler

Mr. and Mrs. Davis H. Abrams

James E. Baine

Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Sullivan III

Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Acree

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baldwin

Drs. Anne L. and David R. Sweaney

Dr. Donna Gale Adams

Peter L. Banks

Andrea and Britt Swilley

Emily C. Adams

Richard ‘Rick’ K. Bankston

Steve Syfan and Kim Syfan

Mr. and Mrs. W. Clay Adamson Jr.

Allan W. Barber

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Adler

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Barber Jr.

Ellison and Michelle Thomas

Mrs. Milton E. Adsit

Kendall and Carol Cheek Barckley

J. Douglas Toma and Linda P. Bachman

Mr. and Mrs. Barton A. Alderman

R. Dean Barefield

Howard T. Walpole, Jr. MD and

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Aldredge

Mr. and Mrs. H. Neil Barfield

Sally Walpole

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Aldridge

Mr. and Mrs. James William Barge

Susan C. Waltman and Thomas M. Barry

Neal and Nancy Alford

Mrs. Rolf E. Bargmann

Tom Wamsley and Jenny Wamsley

Dr. and Mrs. Gilles O. Allard

D. Douglas Barnard Jr.

Lawrence E. and Katherine Weatherford

Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr.

Roy Eugene Barnes

Charlene Kunis Weaver

Dr. David C. Allen

Andrew A. Barnette

Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Allen Jr.

Alfred K. Barr

John F. Allgood

Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Barrett

Dr. Norman L. Allinger

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barron Sr.

Mr. Curtis L. Alliston

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barron Jr.

Martha Nell Allman

Dr. William E. and Darlene Dunn Barstow

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Allred

Elizabeth Barth

Mr. and Mrs. John Goddard Alston

Ruth A. Bartlett

Mrs. Philip Henry Alston Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Chandler B. Barton

Peter A. and Kay N. Amann

William D. and Donna G. Barwick

Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Ambrose

Max H. Bass

Daniel P. Amos

Dr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman III

Bill Anderson

Ronald C. Baum

Dallas W. Anderson

J. Ralph Beaird

Dr. and Mrs. David P. Anderson

C. Duncan Beard

Dr. James L. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Beard III

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Anderson

Fred H. Beaty Jr.

Tracy S. Anderson

Troy Wood and Diana Davis Beckett

William Tate Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Beerman

Larry L. Webb and Cynthia Y. Webb

Wayland D. Andrews

Wallace and Evelyn Beggs

Dean Rebecca H. White and

Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Ansel

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Belcher Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Ansley III

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belk

Drs. Sandra E. and James A. Whitney

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ansley Jr.

Alfred N. Bell Jr.

Larry C. Williams and Yeardley Williams

Dr. Mark H. Anthony

Donovan B. Bell

Dr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Williams

Robert E. and Jeane Argo

Mr. and Mrs. J. Dewey Benefield Jr.

Lisa and Randy Wofford

Caroline Gordon Armstrong

Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett Jr.

Partners Pre-Game Reception

Daniel U. White

54 2010

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Brackett Kirk J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. W. Waldo Bradley Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bradshaw N. Carson Branan William V. Branan Dr. and Mrs. J. Curtis Branch Jr. George M. Brandon Barney and Anita Brannen Charles Woodrow Brannon Jr. Donald and Gloria Branyon Mr. and Mrs. Ringland Kilpatrick Bray Mr. and Mrs. James A. Breedlove Leon Gerald and Elizabeth Ellen Bridges A. Vernon Brinson Michael D. Brinson Steve and Elizabeth Brinson Mary Jane Brock Dr. and Mrs. Josef M. Broder Dr. and Mrs. Roger Broderson

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Dr. Roy E. Brogdon Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Brookins

Dr. Albert C. Benson Jr.

Gary and Dwayne Blasingame

Dr. and Mrs. A. Patrick Brooks

H. Edsel and Robin Jones Benson

Thomas S. Block

Dorsey Davis Brooks

Larry R. and Donna G. Benson

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Bloodworth

Mr. and Mrs. Conway C. Broun

Fred D. Bentley Sr.

Michael H. Blount

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Broun

Upshaw C. Bentley Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blumberg

Paul C. Broun Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. William Beranek

Alonzo P. Boardman Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Claud L. Brown

Dr. Carolyn D. Berdanier

Dr. Katherine Blackshear Boardman

Francis Alan Brown

Lynnette A. Berdanier

Lainie Meshad Bobo

Dr. Mary Jo McGee Brown

Robert D. Berdanier

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Boger

Dr. and Mrs. R. Harold Brown

Richard and Lynn Berkowitz

Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Boggs

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Brown

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Bertsch

Harriette and Robin Bohannon

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown

David M. Betsill

Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bohn

Kelly B. Browning

Dr. Larry R. Beuchat

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet J. Bondurant II

Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Bruckner

Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Beverly

Mr. and Mrs. Bussey C. Bonner Jr.

Mary Hart Brumby

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Boynton Beverly

Charles Bennett Bonner

Carolyn Warnell Bryan

Dr. Ronald A. Bickley

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hood Booth

Maggie Elizabeth Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bingham

Peter E. Booth

Patsy N. and Thomas E. Bryan Jr.

Jill Coveny Birch and

Drs. Grace and Dean Boswell

Thomas E. Bryan III

Douglas Forman Birch Jr.

Lee C. Bowden Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Bryant

Mrs. Richard E. Bird

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bowen

Mr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant Jr.

Robert D. Bishop

Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bowen Jr.

Alphonse Buccino

Jane and Hal E. Bissell

Bruce E. Bowers

Marcia O. Buchanan

Mr. and Mrs. Dameron Black III

Modree Grogan Bowers

Mrs. James Harold Buck

Mrs. Eugene R. Black Jr.

Nelson E. Bowers II

Thomas B. Buck III

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Blackburn

Mrs. Roswell S. Bowersett

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buckler

Dr. D. M. Blackmon

Mrs. Eugene M. Boyce

Mrs. Richard E. Budd

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Blair

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Boyd

Brenda L. and C. Gary Bullard, DVM

Doris P. and Horace G. Blalock Jr., DVM

Frank and Ann Boyd

Mrs. George H. Bullock

James H. Blanchard

Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boyd

David L. Burch

Dr. and Mrs. C. DeWitt Blanton Jr.

James E. Boyea

Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison Burch

President’s Report to Donors


Mrs. W. Henry Burger

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chambers Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Cook Jr.

Dorine L. Burkhard

Mr. and Mrs. C. Saxby Chambliss

Lindsey Lavon Cook and

Dr. and Mrs. Harold E. Burkhart

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Chandler

Deanna Dooley Cook

Sarah B. Burnett

Wendy Nye Chandler

Patrick L. Cook

Bobby Clair Burnley

Robert and Carol Chanin

Cecil R. Cooke

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Chastain

Jerry H. Cooley

Charles A. Burson

Mr. and Mrs. Woody Howard Chastain

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Cooper

Robert E. and Maxine Burton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chasteen Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper Jr.

Steven Bush

Dr. and Mrs. Earl H. Cheek Jr.

Patricia Irvin Cooper

Dr. Angela Shurling Bushway

Norma Wilson and Earl H. Cheek Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Cooper

Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Butler

Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Cheek

Frederick L. Copeland

Charles P. Butler Jr.

Joseph E. Cheeley Jr.

Mrs. O. B. Copeland

James Edward Butler Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas P. Chilivis

Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Copley

Mrs. M. Tyus Butler

Hugh Christian

Dr. Robert N. Corley

Thomas S. Byrd

Robert and Jo-An Christie

Dr. Larry Cornelius

Ann Cox Cabaniss

Laura Hartman Ciucevich

W. Joseph and June G. Cornett

Patricia A. Cain

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Clanton Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Corry

Harmon W. Caldwell Jr.

Brent Clark

William McCart Corry and

James N. Calhoun Jr.

Carol V. Clark

Jody Jenkins Corry

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus B. Calhoun Jr.

Fred S. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cotton Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Cason J. Callaway Jr.

Dr. J. Derrell Clark

Dr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Coulter

Debra Cerniglia Callaway

Mary Hollis Clark

Richard W. Courts II

Kenneth H. Callaway

Justice and Mrs. Harold G. Clarke

Richard Winn Courts IV

Mark C. Callaway

Judith A. Clay

Thomas G. Cousins

Tim and Margaret Callaway

Drs. Janis L. and William Paul Cleland Jr.

Mrs. James F. Cox

Elizabeth W. Camp

Charles E. and Barbara R. Clemmons

Mrs. Julian H. Cox Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Camp

Roy M. Cleveland

Mary E. Cox

Clifford S. Campbell Jr.

Dr. Ivery D. Clifton

Mr. and Mrs. Baxter C. Crane Jr.

Debra Caviness Canaras

William A. Clineburg Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Zack D. Cravey Jr.

Charles T. Cantrell

Karen and Jeff Cobb

Betty Isakson Crawford

Judge and Mrs. George Holmes Carley

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Coclin

Johnny L. and Yvonne H. Crawford

Fran Helms Carmichael

Drs. William B. and Mildred M. Cody

Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Crawford

Mrs. James L. Carmon

John Kimble Coggins

Irene E. and Joe K. Creamons

Dr. and Mrs. Alan Keith Carnes

Alfred L. Cohen

Dr. Clifton E. Crews Jr.

Douglas E. Carnes

Dr. and Mrs. David M. Cohen

Robert Rhodes Crout

Max W. Carnes Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Larry A. Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Crowell Sr.

John L. Carr Jr.

Judge and Mrs. Aaron Cohn

Dr. Wayne A. Crowell

Bobby Carrell

Lauren M. Coile

J. Michael Crum Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Archie B. Carroll

Mrs. Reese C. Coleman Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Alex Crumbley

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferdinand Carson Jr.

Terry L. Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Crumley

Ashlee Glennis Carter

Philip L. and Kathleen M. Coletti

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Culley

Dr. William Lee Carter Jr.

Judy B. Coley

Dale Dwain Cummings

Jerry L. Case, DVM

Stanley L. Coley

Sharon K. and Robert L. Cunningham III

Ted D. Cash, MD

Dr. Chappell A. Collins Jr.

Mrs. James W. Curtis

Scott H. Cassady

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Collins

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Curtis

Roland R. Castellanos Jr.

Michael A. Collver

A. W. Dahlberg

Orlean York Castronis

Dr. Alfred O. Colquitt III

Thomas D’Alessio

Charles David Cato

Marjorie Cone

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dalis

Martha A. Cato

Mr. and Mrs. Neal W. Cone

Michael Danckaert

Roger Elliott Caudell

Woody Cone

Kate M. Dangler

Marianne May Causey

Rachel Cosby Conway

Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Daniel

Lawrence H. Certain

Curly Cook

Gregory John Daniels

Dr. and Mrs. Verner F. Chaffin Sr

J. Lee and Pamela Cook

Bartley R. Danielsen

56 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman S. Dantzler

Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Douglas

Mrs. Joseph D. Edens

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Darden

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dowden

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge

Amelia Langford Daughtry

Carol Weaver Dowling

Ashley Rae Edwards

Melissa K. and Thomas E. Davenhall

Mrs. John Dowling

Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Edwards Jr.

Brant and Kathy Davis

Debra A. and Joseph R. Downs

Chelsea Marie Edwards

Dr. and Mrs. Calvin M. Davis Dr. Edsel D. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Davis Jr. Howard H. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton Davis Jr. Jay Millard Davis Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas Davis Mrs. J. Hugh Davis Jr. Len Davis Mr. and Mrs. P. Jack Davis Mrs. Richard B. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Roscoe Davis Samuel M. and Carolyn P. Davis Dr. Armand A. DeLaPerriere James DeLaPerriere Dennis R. DeLoach Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeMersseman Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. James W. Demski Dr. Leila D. Denmark Mr. and Mrs. H. Lane Dennard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sharon R. Denney Mr. and Mrs. Otha C. Dent Dr. H. Clark Deriso Dr. Don B. DeStephano

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Mrs. James L. Dickerson David H. Dickey

Donald Joseph and Ruth Wingate Downs

James D. Edwards

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dicks III

Drs. David W. and Alice M. Dreesen

Dr. James Don Edwards and Clara M. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dillard

Mrs. John E. Drewry

James Don Edwards Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dirr

Dr. and Mrs. Karl J. Duff

Dr. and Mrs. Ryland B. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dixon

David Duke

Dr. Elizabeth J. Eidson

Bruce E. Dixson

John S. Duke

Benjamin Elie

Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Dobbins Jr.

Kenneth M. Duke

Samuel James Elie

Mrs. Lamar Dodd

J. Ashley and Jill Dukes

Sarah Wiseley Elie

Marie Brakenridge Dodd

Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Duncan

P. Martin Ellard

Bradford C. Dodds

Robert Lawson Duncan and

Samee C. Ellerbee

Stephanie Ferguson Doerr

Hadley Hulsey Duncan

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Ellington

Beverly F. Dolan

Sue B. Duncan

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ellis Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Clive W. Donoho Jr.

Susan Duncan

Marie C. Ellis

Derek Vincent Dooley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Dunn

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ellis

Michael Vincent Dooley

Dr. Linton Reese Dunson Jr.

James A. Ellison

Mr. and Mrs. Vince Dooley

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Durham

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ennis

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Daniel Dooley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Durham

Mary Erlanger

John H. Dorminy III

Dr. and Mrs. Tal C. DuVall

George Erwin Jr.

William James Dorminy

Carl W. Duyck

Frank and Katherine Estes

Jasper T. Dorsey

Cynthia G. Eades

Mr. and Mrs. J. Benton Evans II

Phillip Asa Dorsey

Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Easterlin IV

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Evans

Sally Dorsey

Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eastman III

Mr. and Mrs. Mac Everett

President’s Report to Donors


F. Sprague Exley

Dr. and Mrs. Wiley N. Garrett

James Wendell Godbee

Virginia Wilkes and Irby S. Exley Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gash

John Munro Godfrey

Mary Beth McDonald Fain

William W. Gaston

Ray Goff

Dr. Thomas G. Fansher

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gatewood

David S. Golden

Freddy E. Farah

Mrs. James H. Gatewood

Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Golembiewski

Reta Farish

Thomas Larry Gattis

Ronald L. Goode

Victoria P. and H. Leon Farmer Jr.

Greg and Danna Gay

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Grace Jr.

Mrs. J. B. Farr Dean and Mrs. Stuart Feldman John D. Feltman Mrs. Jule W. Felton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell C. Ferguson Mrs. James L. Ferman Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fickling Jr. John H. Fields Jr. William W. and Nadine M. Fincher Dr. Delmar R. Finco Bruce Franklin Finland Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Fischer Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Fite Jeff Fitzpatrick Lane and Norma Fitzpatrick Dr. William P. Flatt Dr. Lamar L. Fleming Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Floyd James D. Fluker Jr. Mrs. John J. Flynt James Lee Ford Rex and Lell Forehand Mr. and Mrs. Randall H. Forester Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Forio Jr. Allen Scott Foster

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

John Eberhardt Foster Phillip Alan Fountain

Sidney M. and Patricia L. Gay

Willfrey F. Grant Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Fowler

Dr. George M. Gazda

Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Gratzek

James B. Franklin

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Geiger

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Graves

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Frierson Jr.

Gene and Matt Ford Tractor Sales

Richard F. Grayson

Jack and Connie Friou

Mrs. Harold W. Gentry

Mrs. Rufus K. Green

Melvin S. and Barbara N. Fuller

Evelyn L. Gerson

Dr. Alfred H. and Halina K. Greenberg

J. Rex Fuqua

Andrew L. Ghertner

John M. and Sue C. Greene

T. M. Furlow Jr.

Mrs. Martha Giardina

M. Anthony Greene

Marvin F. Gade

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gibson

Dr. Mark R. Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Gaines

Michael and Phyllis Gigandet

Nona Lou Greene

David Henry Gambrell

John Gill

Thomas and Jessie Greene

Rob Gamester

Drs. F. Roosevelt and Linda Gilliam

Mrs. Charles A. Greenig

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gantt

James L. Gillis Jr.

Alton D. Greenway

Mr. and Mrs. M. Ray Gardner

Janice Haynes Gilmore

Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Greenway

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Garges

Luther J. Glass III

Mrs. Kenneth E. Greer

Mr. and Mrs. John Byrd Garland

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Glass

Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Griffin Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Greene Garner

Jon Milton Glazman and Marsha Jay

John W. Griffin

Deborah Saxon and Steven Earl Garner


Dr. and Mrs. L. Hill Griffin

Gary Oliver Garrett

John T. Glover

Mrs. B. E. Griffith

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Garrett III

Shawn and Denise Glynn

M. Smitty Griffith

58 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Millard B. Grimes

William C. Harshman

Mr. and Mrs. George Marcus Hodge

Dr. E. Ray Griner

Rosiland S. Hart

Dr. and Mrs. F. Barry Hodges III

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Guess

Mrs. Jim Hartford Jr.

Mrs. Paul E. Hoffman

David J. and Deborah Cole Guest

Dr. Diane K. Hartle

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Hogan

Howard Leo Guest Jr.

Hannah Harvey

Harold Hamilton Holbrook, DVM

Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Guest

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hillman Harvey III

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Holcomb

Mr. and Mrs. Mack H. Guest III

William Y. Harvey

Clementi L. Holder

Mrs. F. Dempsey Guillebeau

Donna Denman Harwell-Odum

Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Holladay

Dr. and Mrs. E. Cody Gunn

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Hasbrouck

Mr. and Mrs. Tim H. Holladay

Dr. Earl W. Gunn Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hatcher

Drs. Michael L. and Phyllis G. Holland

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gurley

Dr. David W. Hawkins

Emily Jane Holmes

Dr. Sandra G. Gustavson

Nancy B. Hawkins

Eric Mills Holmes

Jerry Guthrie

Jeanne Davenport Haynes

Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes III

Dr. Melvin C. Haddad

Dr. Melvin L. and Roberta K. Haysman

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holmes III

Claire Lovvorn Hadden

Fred and Bonnie Hazlewood

Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Holmes Jr.

Fred W. and Carol C. Haeussler

William C. Head

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Holmes

G. Elliott and Pamella Hagan

Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Heard

W. Brewer Holmes

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Hagen

Peggy Price Heard

William K. and Jane H. Holmes

Baranda Marie Hagen

Robert A. Hearn Jr.

Anita Sams Holton

Dr. Chenault W. Hailey

Richard A. Hecht

Eleanor and Hal Holtz

Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Jr.

Barbara and Ira Hefter

Mrs. Lindsey Hopkins III

F. Sheffield Hale

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hegarty

Everett C. Horne

Dr. Robert Hall

Earl W. Heidt Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Horovitz

Dr. Sara Thomas Hall

Mrs. James M. Heidt Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Loyd S. Horton III

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Halper

Thomas H. Helton

Steve and Diane Horton

Frank Halter

Barbara and Don Hemrick

Glada Gunnells Horvat

Doris B. Hammett

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III

Gena F. Hampton

Charles William Hendry

Fred H. and Sandra Hancock

Mary Beth Elkins Henke

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hancock

Dr. John H. Henkel

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Hand III

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Henning

Robert Stewart Handler

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Henson

Gerald F. Handley

Kenneth M. Henson Jr.

Paul S. Handmacher

Mrs. Allyn M. Herrick

Dr. and Mrs. Dan Hanks Jr.

Jill Smith Hershfield

Frank J. Hanna Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Heys

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hansberger

James E. Hickey III

Dr. William L. Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. R. Sanders Hickey

Sarah Shelton Harbin

Julius D. Hicks Jr.

Mary Talmadge Hardman

J. Marion Hiers Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Howell Hargett

Charles L. and Saralyn Hill

Leon A. Hargreaves III

Dorsey Gary Hill

Dr. James L. Hargrove

John and Judy Hill

Mrs. William R. Harp

Levi W. Hill III

James K. Harper Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Chester M. Himel

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Harrell

Dorothy Smith Hines

Thomas Rudy Harrell

Mary Laraine Young Hines

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Harrington

William Fred Hinesley III and

The Honorable and Mrs. Joe Frank Harris

Valerie Jones Hinesley

Stanley C. House

Mrs. John B. Harris Jr.

David Shannon Hinnant

William M. House

Earl Dunbar Harrison Jr.

Jonathan Blake Hinnant

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hoven Jr.

J. Harold Harrison, MD

Ronald F. and Judy G. Hix

Molly McKibben Howard

Mrs. R. Harold Harrison

H. Kendall Hobbs Jr.

Mrs. H. Branch Howe Jr.

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

President’s Report to Donors


Mr. and Mrs. Ben O. Howell Jr.

Barbara S. Johnstone

Alex and Marty Keller

Martha H. Howell

Frank Jolly

Mr. and Mrs. Stiles A. Kellett Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington

Mr. and Mrs. C. Bonner Jones

Dr. Forest E. Kellogg III

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Howle

Cynthia McHan Jones

Mrs. Green Keltner

Elizabeth Johnson Hudson

Ed W. Jones

Alfred Doby Kennedy Jr.

James P. and Lisa A. Hudson

G. David Jones

Mrs. Thornton Kennedy

Mrs. J. Gibson Hull

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jones II

Lee Kennett

Britton Stephen Hulsey

J. Benton Jones Jr.

Donald R. Keough

Julius M. and Harriett M. Hulsey

Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Jones III

Jean A. Kerr

John J. Humphries

John Paul Jones Jr.

Dr. Joe Key

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Humphries Jr.

Otis Fleming Jones, III

William W. Kidd

Charles A. Hunnicutt

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Jones Jr.

Cada T. Kilgore III

Gail Jackson Hunnicutt

Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Jones

Mrs. Edward Wylly Killorin

William O. Hunnicutt III

Stanley S. Jones Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Killorin Jr.

Gerald F. Hunter

C. Edwin Jordan

Joseph R. Killorin

Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Huseman

Dr. Clyde W. Jordan

Robert Ware Killorin

Maud Ford Huston

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Jordan

Jeremy and Cardee Kilpatrick

Sylvia McCoy Hutchinson

H. Won and Jung J. Jun

Martin E. Kilpatrick Jr.

Katherine Flatt Hutto

Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Kahn

Paul and Frances Kilpatrick

Dr. Mark C. Hutto

Dr. David R. Kamerschen

Mrs. Charles A. Kimbrell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hylton Dr. Henry B. and Kathleen R. Inglesby Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton Irby Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Isaac E. Andy Isakson John Hardy Isakson John D. Ivans M. Douglas and V. Kay Ivester Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Izlar Frank D. Jackson Mrs. Hugh Hill Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jackson Kenneth G. Jackson Mrs. Tommie Jackson William Ellis Jackson Dr. and Mrs. William K. Jackson Dr. Karen L. Jacobsen Mrs. Charles W. James Dr. and Mrs. G. Truett Jarrard Jr. A. Felton Jenkins Jr. Leo S. and Sylvia B. Jensen Dr. Ann E. Jewett Lyons B. Joel Jr. Mrs. Robert W. John

Presidents Club Reception - Tate Grand Hall

Edwina Chastain Johnson George H. Johnson

Glen Kaufman

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff C. Kimsey III

George M. Johnson Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Kay

Mrs. E. Buford King Jr.

W. Robert Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Allen Keadle

Mrs. Harold W. King

Weyman T. Johnson Jr. and

David H. Kee

Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce King

Edith Allison Forkner

Margaret Breedlove Kee

J. William Kingery

W. Thomas Johnson Jr.

John D. Kehoe

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinnett

Robert A. and Dell M. Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Keiser

Jon and Candy Kinsey

Valerie A. Johnston

Mrs. A. Paul Keller Jr.

Bruce W. Kirbo

60 2010

Mrs. Charles H. Kirbo

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Leake

Dan and Rosemary Magill

J. Michael Kirk

Kammy and Milton Leathers

Gordon C. Maier

Kenneth Klein

Mr. and Mrs. L. Barry Lebowitz

Michael Karl Malcom and

Stanley H. Kleven

Mrs. Irby Lasseter Ledbetter

Heather Adamson Malcom

Charles B. and Lynne V. Knapp

Anne S. Lee

Peter J. Mallen

John W. Knight

Dennis D. Lee

James Kirkland Malone

Vernon J. Knight

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight R. Lee

Elizabeth A. Mann

Mrs. William T. Knight III

Dr. and Mrs. James Curtis Lee

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann III

Mr. and Mrs. Boone A. Knox

Betsy Tant Leebern

Dr. and Mrs. R. Larry Marchinton

Mrs. Earl L. Knox

Donald M. Leebern IV

Susan Johnson Marett

Jannell Knox

Donald M. Leebern Jr.

Dorothy Ann Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox Jr.

Donald Melwood Leebern III

Dr. Joseph H. Marshall

Ruth Austin Knox

Robert D. Leebern

Katherine Vernon Marshall

Shell H. and Wyck A. Knox Jr.

William D. Leebern

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Marshall

Tryna H. and Kevin L. Knox

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Legg Jr.

Michael Playfair Marshall Jr.

Harriet K. Konter

Mrs. A. Allan Leonard

Terrell Quillian Marshall

Irene B. Kovalcin

Barbara Law Leonard

Mrs. Thomas O. Marshall Jr.

Dr. Egbert Krispyn

Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr.

Thomas Whitfield Marshall

Mrs. Cedric W. Kuhn

Jane M. Leslie

Charles L. and Marilyn W. Martin

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Kulbersh

Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Levy

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin III

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kuzniak

Isaac L. Levy

Mildred B. and W. Wilson Martin Jr.

Jane Tagge Kyle

Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamar Lewis

M. Josephine Martin

Melinda Lively Laager

Dr. Robert E. Lewis

Paul T. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. James L. LaBoon Jr.

James M. Libby Jr.

Walter Edward Martin

James L. LaBoon III

Lawrence E. Liebross

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Martin

Mrs. Don E. LaFave Jr.

Deborah Currier Liftig

George W. Mason

Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lafferty

Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Linse

Abit Massey

Susan Cook Lahey

Robert J. Lipshutz

Lewis Abit Massey

Edwin J. and Linda C. Lake

Earnest E. Livaditis Jr.

Drs. O. Vincent and Judy A. Masters

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lamb Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Mayo Livingston Jr.

E. Bruce Mather

Edward and Donna Lambert

Mrs. Harold D. Loden

George W. Mathews Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Lampe

Beverly Benson Long

H. Dwight Mathews

Mrs. Jerry H. Lancaster

Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lorenz

Robert Early Mathis

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lance

Sarajane N. Love

Mrs. James Matthews

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Lancelot

Mr. and Mrs. H. Daniel Lovern Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Maxey

Mr. and Mrs. Remer Y. Lane Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Lowery Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Maxwell Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Langdale Jr.

Dan and Abbie Lowring

Dr. John N. Maxwell IV

Daniel Crawford Langford Jr.

Mrs. Harold J. Lowry Sr.

George B. May Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Langford

Alphonse S. Lucarelli

Jack T. May II

Derwent Langley

Lindy L. and Dr. Phil D. Lukert Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd May

Lester D. Langley

Dr. and Mrs. Phil D. Lukert

Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. May

David Fredrick Larimer Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Lumpkin Jr.

Thomas Marable and Linda Lee May

Earl Radford Larimer

Frank G. Lumpkin III

Barbara Mendel Mayden

Mary Frances C. Larimer

Julia Willcox Lumpkin

Dr. William E. Mayher III

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Lasseter Jr.

Jeff and Dale Lurey

Kirk McAlpin

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Law

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Lyons

Dr. Mary Louise McBee

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lawhorne Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Speer Mabry III

James S. McBrayer

Carl Lawson

Dr. Virginia M. Macagnoni

James T. McBrayer

M. Constance Lawyer

Dr. and Mrs. Arnett C. Mace Jr.

Claude and Gayle McBride

Mrs. William J. Lazenby

Robert R. Machen

Dr. and Mrs. John W. McCall

Dr. Arden O. Lea

James J. Macie

Dr. William Anderson McCallum

Hilda M. Lea

Robert and Janice MacInnes

Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. McCarley

Richard N. Lea

Mrs. William Jay MacKenna

Jeffrey Walter McCart

President’s Report to Donors


Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. McClellan

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Miller

Benjamin N. and Melissa Lanard Murray

Dorothy McClure

James B. Miller Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow E. Nail Jr.

Marianne Roddenbery McConnel

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Nakayama

Helen Parham McConnell

Tyrone Hugh Miller

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley III

Dr. and Mrs. John McCormack

Warner B. Miller III

Dr. and Mrs. Hoke Smith Nash Jr.

John O. McCoy

Doris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM, PHD

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nash Jr.

Mrs. Wilton C. McCullers

Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Milliken

Mrs. Daniel E. Nathan

Dr. Virginia G. McDavid

Guy W. Millner

Betty Singletary Nelson

Bobbie S. McDonald

Judge and Mrs. Frank Coxe Mills III

Don and Phyllis Nelson

William T. and Cynthia L. McDougald

James E. Miltiades

Mr. and Mrs. Dink NeSmith Jr.

J. S. McEachern Jr.

Pam Miltiades

Dr. and Mrs. John Neter

George D. McFarland

Mrs. John E. Minchew

Dr. and Mrs. Hillary Newland

Sue Kenney McGee

Laura L. Minish

Carl Clifton Newton III

Walter C. McGill Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Minter Jr.

Catherine H. Newton

George McGriff

Dr. Michael E. Mispagel

Clark Asbury Newton

Mrs. Carroll W. McGuffey Sr.

Denise Dooley Mitchell and

David G. Newton

Mr. and Mrs. William E. McLendon

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Newton

Mrs. Larry V. McLeod

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie W. Mitchell Sr.

John T. Newton Jr.

Dr. Don W. McMillian Jr.

Evelyn and Walter Mitchell Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Newton

Dr. and Mrs. Donald Woody McMillian Sr.

Tymon Dooley Mitchell

Richard A. Newton

Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMullan

Paul E. Mize

J. Randolph Nichols

Dr. and Mrs. Birch L. McMurray

Hix Mizell

Claire Farriba Nicholson

Marilyn Delong McNeely

Delia Durham Mobley

Dr. Sharon Y. and Rev. Samuel A. Nickols

Candler C. Meadors

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mobley

Arthur C. Nielsen Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bo Means

John H. Mobley II

Dr. and Mrs. Albert W. Niemi Jr.

John Robert Medlin Jr.

W. Thomas Mobley Jr.

Martha Noble

Mr. and Mrs. Quimby Melton Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. James B. Moncrief

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Noell Jr.

Dr. Ernest E. Melvin

Arthur L. Montgomery

Mrs. Charles T. Nolan

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Montgomery

Dena Nolan

Julie Purvis Montgomery

Russell Nolan

Mrs. Charles M. Moon Jr.

Tobias Nolan

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore Jr.

Stephen Michael Norrell

Frank B. and Nancy Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Norris

Dr. James N. Moore

Candace Jane Norton

Kirby R. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenimer Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Neil November

C. L. Morehead Jr.

Randy and Suzanne Nuckolls

Mr. and Mrs. D. Glenn Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nunn Jr.

J. Harris and Linda Morgan

Walton K. Nussbaum Jr.

Julia W. Morgan

John P. O’Brien

Zippy Morocco

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. O’Callaghan

William S. Morris III

Mrs. Hart S. Odom

Darrel G. Morrison

Lofton B. and Faye C. Odom

William Edgar Morse

Mrs. Roy C. O’Donnell

C. Read Morton Jr.

Keith M. and Lisa K. Oelke

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle K. Mote

Mrs. William M. Oettmeier Jr.

Judith Perry Mensik

David Muia

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Ogden

Richard Mensik

Dr. and Mrs. William B. Mulherin

Dr. James R. Okey

Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Wallace Meshad

Cynthia S. and David J. Mullen Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. John E. Oliver Jr.

Alison Horton Mewborne

Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Muller

Robert and Julie O’Neill

Dr. Gene Michaels

Dr. David E. Mullins

Richard E. Otto

Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miles

Jane C. Mullins

Frank L. Outlaw II

Charles Patrick Milford

Roscoe H. and Melinda G. Mullis

Lili Rogers Ouzts

Partners Pre-Game Reception

62 2010

Jay Douglas Mitchell

George J. Polatty Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ponsoldt Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ponsoldt John D. Potter Robert E. Pound Del F. Powell JoAnn and Tom Powell Laurence H. Powell Jerry E. Power Dr. John J. and Irene T. Powers Keith W. and Taffi Prasse Mark E. Preisinger Mrs. Charles B. Presley Annie Katherine Prestwood Drs. Sharon Price and David Coker John B. Prince III John B. Prince IV William G. Pritchard Jr. Carl B. Pritchett Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Proehl Jr. William F. and Pam P. Prokasy

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Nancy Wilkerson Pruitt J. Neal Purcell

Dr. R. Glen Owen

Dr. and Mrs. George W. Patton Jr.

Andrea Purgason

Wiley C. Owen

James L. Paulk

Genna Purgason

Mrs. William A. Owens Jr.

Elizabeth Exley Paulsen

Jamie Purgason

William M. Ozburn

Mrs. William J. Payne Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Purvis

Amanda Cathleen Pace

Mr. and Mrs. William Porter Payne

Russell T. Quarterman

Wayne H. and Roberta C. Pace

Donald W. Pearson Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph T. Quillian

John L. Padgett

Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Pease

Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Radford

Mrs. Robert Kenny Page

Robert B. Pease III

David M. Rainey

Mr. and Mrs. Travers W. Paine III

Thomas J. Pendergrast

Doris Adams Ramsey

Steve D. Palmour

Drs. David E. and Carol W. Penney

Mrs. Wilbur F. Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Pannell

Dr. Theresa A. Perenich

James H. Rasnake Jr.

Ashling Panoz

Mrs. H. F. Perkins

Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Rawlings

Carol Jean Panoz

T. Leonard Perkins

Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillips Reames

Mrs. Daniel Panoz

John C. Perner

Steven Randolph Reames

Danielle Panoz

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perno

Mrs. Leo E. Reese

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Panoz

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Perry III

Ronald Lee Reese

Dr. and Mrs. W. Harold Parady

Lee Davis Perry

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Reeves

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Paris III

Dione Mavis Peterson

Levon C. Register

Thomas H. Paris Jr.

Timothy A. Peterson

Mrs. Mervin Reines

Dr. Olin G. Parker

George L. Pettett

Mary John and Bob Reinhardt

William A. Parker Jr.

Asa R. Phillips Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Restagno

David and Resi Passman

Barry Phillips

Vicki Reynolds

Drs. Gordhan L. and Virginia B. Patel

Cecil B. Phillips

D. C. Rhoden

Geraldine A. Patrick

Richard Mendel Piazza

Dr. Louis A. Riccardi

Dr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Patten

James and Bettye Piette

Alan H. Rice

Alexander W. and Janet W. Patterson

Dr. and Mrs. George S. Pilcher Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gates T. Richards

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Speight Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Pinckney Jr.

David A. Richardson

Eugene C. Patterson

Dr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre J. Piriou

H. Pope Richter

Dr. W. Alexander Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Pittard

Robert H. and Martha Ridgway

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Patton

L. Richard Plunkett

Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Ridlehuber

President’s Report to Donors


Robert L. Riedinger

Cecelia G. Seiler

Dr. Ralph E. Smith

Mrs. Charles R. Rigdon

Charles Wilkins Seiler

Rankin M. Smith Jr.

Charles F. Rinn

Frank W. Seiler

Ronald Coleman Smith

Branson W. Ritchie

Swann Seiler

Sidney O. Smith Jr.

Dr. Linda B. Ritter

S. Stephen Selig III

Maj. Gen. Stanford Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Roberson

Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Sell

Taylor W. Smith

Sylvia W. Roberts

Louise Sellars

T. Mike Smith

Mr. and Mrs. H. Perk Robins

Dr. and Mrs. David K. Selleck

Lessie Bailey Smithgall

Dr. Albert Kelly Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Serkedakis

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smykla Jr.

Embree and Karen Robinson

Abram J. Serotta

Dr. Darl E. Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. J. Cheney Robinson III

William H. Settle Jr.

Evelyn Myers Sohn

Mrs. John H. Robinson III

Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Sewell Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Solana

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson Jr.

Gantt Leebern Shadburn

Philip Solomons

Dr. and Mrs. R. Mixon Robinson

David J. Shafer

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons Jr.

Richard E. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Shaifer

Mr. and Mrs. John Phinizy Spalding

Margaret M. Rodgers

Dr. and Mrs. A. Jefferson Sharp

Margaret R. Spalding

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Rodgers

F. Brewster Sheats

Donna Sparks

Susan S. Rogers

Dr. Elizabeth T. Sheerer

Mathew Sparks

Kathleen Gailey Rohs

Cliff Sheppard

Rebecca Sparks

Mrs. William A. Rooker Sr.

Robert M. Shoffner

Ross Sparks

Arthur Rosenbloom

Mrs. William J. Shortt

Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Spence Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. H. William Rowell

Dr. Emmett B. Shotts Jr.

William W. Sprague Jr.

Dr. Roger R. Rowell

Mrs. Richard R. Shrove

Mrs. August W. Staub

Donna Mummau Rozar

R. Eugene Shuffler

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stembler

Peter C. Ruenitz

Dr. and Mrs. Larry M. Shuman

Betty Blount Stephens

Michael W. Rushing

Horace H. Sibley

Dr. Lester D. Stephens

Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Russell

Mr. and Mrs. William Mac Sibley

Mrs. Robert G. Stephens Jr.

B. Keith Ruth

Mrs. Benjamin V. Siegel

Calvin P. Stephenson Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ryan III

James M. Sierocki

Mrs. A. H. Sterne Jr.

Thomas W. Rymer

Mr. and Mrs. D. Ramsay Simmons Jr.

William A. Sterne

James Buford Ryner

Judson H. Simmons

Mrs. Frank G. Stevenson Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Sams Jr.

M. T. Simmons Jr.

Drs. Charles A. and Joann P. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Sams

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Simms

Lewis A. Stewart Jr.

Mrs. Lewis Reeve Sams Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Simon

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams III

Dr. Ronald D. Simpson

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Still

Ben Allen Sanders

Mrs. Marvin S. Singletary

Mrs. Richard R. Still

Carl E. Sanders

Dr. and Mrs. E. Max Sink

Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. St. John

William Arthur Sanders

Mrs. Frank Sinkwich Jr.

Norman M. Stoker

George W. and Betty H. Sands

Paul T. Sisson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Stokes Jr.

Charles S. Sanford Jr.

Mrs. Marvin E. Skelton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stolz

Robert A. Sasser

Charles U. Slick

Dr. and Mrs. Roy G. Stout

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bernard Sawyer

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Sloan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Stovall Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Schaaf

Dr. and Mrs. Chris Smit

Clarence and Lynn Stowe

Mrs. Elmer C. Schacht

A. Mark and Jo Ann H. Smith

Loyd Strickland

Frank J. Schilagi

Dr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Strickland

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schleier Jr.

Mrs. Felix M. Smith

A. Fred Stringer Jr.

John E. Schneider

George W. Smith Jr.

Mrs. Robert H. Stringer

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Schrage

James Wilson Smith

Dr. Caroline D. Strobel

Billy Schultz

John P. Smith

W. Jefferson Stubbs Jr.

J. Carl Schultz Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Braxton Smith

John D. Sullivan Jr.

Michael Schwarz

Julie Richards Smith

Terry and Kathy Sullivan

Charles C. Scott

Mr. and Mrs. Loran Smith Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Carlysle Sullivan Jr.

Mrs. L. L. Scruggs Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Smith

Malcolm E. and Priscilla N. Sumner

64 2010

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sutherland Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Towns

Dr. Thomas F. VanMeter II

Mr. and Mrs. James Eugene Sutherland

Judge and Mrs. William M. Towson

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. ‘Jud’ Vann IV

Carl and Pat Swearingen

Michael W. Trapp

Thomas H. Vann Jr.

Mrs. George P. Swift Jr.

Nelwyn ‘Kit’ Trensch

Wayne R. Vason

George P. Swift III

Dr. and Mrs. Lothar L. Tresp

Joan Pipitone Vaughn

Patrick L. Swindall Thomas R. and Helen Taggart Mrs. Tom M. Talbott III J. Richard Tamplin Randall D. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Tanner Richard Tardits Claire S. Tardy Mr. and Mrs. James S. Tardy Jr. Francis A. Tarkenton Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Tatum James O. Taylor James R. Taylor IV Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrod Taylor Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Taylor Jr. P. Cleveland Tedford Mrs. John H. Terrell Jr. Mrs. C. Herman Terry Dr. Abraham Tesser Mrs. Paul F. Thiele Martha Moore and Horace B. Thom Dr. and Mrs. Emory M. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Thomas Sr.

Partners Pre-Game Reception - President’s House

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Thomas Patricia M. Thomas

Dr. and Mrs. James S. Trieschmann

Dr. and Mrs. James A. Verbrugge

Richard R. Thomas

Dr. Cynthia M. Trim

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Viele

Rick and Sandy Thomas

Lynda Helms Triplett

Peter R. Vig

Walter J. Thomas

Charley Trippi

Dr. and Mrs. Ernst Von Glasersfeld

Frederick N. and Judith F. Thompson

Dr. Marihope Shirey Troutman

Mr. and Mrs. Noel Wadsworth

James Casey Thompson

Lindsey W. Trussell Jr.

Dr. James Cowan Waggoner

James Curtis Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tsubokawa

Marjorie Schear Waggoner

Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Allan Thompson

Mrs. Clovis Turk

Cindy Walker

Mrs. L. N. Thompson Jr.

Marjorie Reitz Turnbull

Herschel Walker

M. Frank Thompson

Curtis L. Turner III

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walker Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Reese J. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Turner

Jean Perryman Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Thornton

Mrs. J. Howard Turner

Mrs. Jerry L. Walker

John Paul and Paula Crouch Thrasher

L. Henry Turner

Jimmie Dudley Walker

Kenneth L. and Catherine N. Thrasher

R. E. ‘Ted’ Turner

Mrs. John A. Wallace

Mrs. Warren A. Thrasher

William Bradley Turner Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. James C. Walters

Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Thrasher Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. David E. Tyler

William Thomas Walton

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Thurmond

Roy A. Tyson

C. Wilbur Warner Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Tibbitts Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Uhlig

Rebecca Dial Warner

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Tidmore

Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Ulmer

James W. Warren Jr.

Bill R. Tillett

Sally N. Upchurch

Don L. and Cynthia D. Waters

Dr. Billups P. Tillman

Philip R. Utley

Hugh J. Watson

Thomas M. Tillman Jr.

Mrs. S. Ernest Vandiver Jr.

Valeria W. Watts

Edward D. and Beth Tolley

Mrs. William P. VanEseltine

Lawrence E. and Katherine Weatherford

Forrest Craig Towns and Havilyn Hulsey Towns

Mrs. George E. VanGiesen

Olive H. Weathersby

President’s Report to Donors


Ann Clark Webb

Abigail Leigh Wiseley

Stephen T. Young

Elizabeth E. and John Roger Webster

Michael Alan Wiseley

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Young Sr.

Ben L. Weinberg Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Wiseley

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Young Jr.

Steven E. Weinstein

Oscar Lee Wiseley Jr.

Alva H. and Jim M. Youngner

Holger and Nancy Weis

Rachel Margaret Wiseley

Dr. and Mrs. S. Eugene Younts

Frankie Welch

John B. Withers III

Dr. and Mrs. Berry K. Zeigler

Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Wellborn III

Hoke Smith Wofford Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Freddie Zink

Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Wellman III Mr. and Mrs. David F. Wells Virginia Skipper Wells Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Welton J. Herbert Wheeler Dewey C. and Karen M. White Dr. Susan L. White Dorothy Spencer Whitehead Virginia P. Whitehead Kenneth N. Whitmire Drs. Betty J. and Kenneth W. Whitten Mrs. Grafton Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Wiggins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wight Jr. Thomas B. Wight III Hoke and Margaret Wilder Sarah Birchmore Wildman W. Thomas Wilfong Dr. Leslie L. Wilkes Jr. Ann C. and Thomas H. Wilkins Evalyn S. Wilkinson Mrs. Cleveland R. Willcoxon Jr. Benjamin H. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams Jr. Mrs. D. John Williams III Dr. and Mrs. F. Wen Williams James D. Williams

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

Ken L. Williams Neal L. Williams

William T. Wolfe

Mrs. Victor M. Zink

Mrs. Thomas R. Williams

R. Barry and Gwendolyn Y. Wood

Henry and Mary Zittrouer

James A. Williamson

George C. Woodruff Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Williamson

Peggy P. Woodruff

Mrs. William J. Williamson

Rentz S. Woodruff


Robert M. Willingham Jr.

Arlene and Charles Woods

The Heritage Society honors alumni and

Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Wilson

Robert R. and Carolyn B. Woodson

friends who have made documented bequests

Guy S. and M. Sue Wilson

Mrs. Frank L. Wooten Jr.

in their wills or other deferred gifts in support

Lucille S. Wilson

J. Patrick Wooten

of the University of Georgia. Deferred gifts

Mildred Acker Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Joel O. Wooten

may be given by charitable annuities, wills,

Kirk S. Wimberly III

Billy and Sherry Wren

pooled income funds, life insurance policies,

Robert L. Wimberly

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wren

charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead

Mrs. Gene Mac Winburn

Stacy G. and Charles Gottlieb Wurst III

trusts, retirement plans or real estate gifts with

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wink

Lisa Panoz Wytiaz

retained life estates.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winthrop II

Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Yarbrough

Anonymous (25)

Alfred P. Wise

Sally Quillian Yates

Jennifer Walden Abbott

James E. Wise

Jane and Kenny Youmans

Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Acree

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wise Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard Young

William C. Acton, M.D.

66 2010

Dr. Samuel R. Adams, Jr.

Katrina L. Bowers

Dr. Thomas Andrew Cochran, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Barton A. Alderman

Nelson E. Bowers II

James W. Coclin and Georgia V. Coclin

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Aldridge

Mr. & Mrs. James Breedlove

Kim Coggins

Nancy and Neal Alford

Nan Gillespie Brinning

Alfred L. Cohen

Mr. J. Edward Allen Jr.

John T. ‘Tim’ Brock

Dr. and Mrs. David Max Cohen

Dr. Lou Allinger

Fan Brooke

Joel Harris Cohen

Mr. Curtis Lamar Alliston

Susan H. Brooks

Ronnie M. Cole

James L. Alston

Michael S. Broun

Terry Coleman

N. Kirby Alton and Janice M. Alton

Mr. Charles R. Brown

Allen O. Collins and Jo Nell Collins

Daniel P. Amos

David Brown and Julie Brown

Mr. Jack Kenneth Collins and

*Shannon Landing Amos

Leslie Brown

Dr. Barbara K. Andersen

Zena Costa Brown

Michael Alan Collver

Elizabeth Anderson

Kelly B. Browning

Dr. Alfred O. Colquitt III

Robert D. and Renita Jones Anderson

Brian C. Bruce

Harrileen Jones Conner

Dr. Elizabeth L. Andress

William Joseph Bruckner and

Mrs. Elizabeth Leake Cook

Lizbeth Luke Andrews

Lucy Clark Bruckner

Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Cook, Jr.

*Dr. Wayland D. Andrews

*Mrs. Jean P. Bruner

James M. ‘Bucky’ Cook

Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Ansel

Carolyn Warnell Bryan

Wister W. Cook and David G. Criner

Dr. Mark H. Anthony

Clay Bryant

Nancy and Tim Cooper

Eddy Armstrong

Mr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant, Jr.

Robert K. Cooper and Linda A. Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Arnall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buckler

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Cooper

Dr. Jorge H. Atiles

Carol H. Bugh on behalf of Kodi (canine)

Suzanne Cone Corbett

*Stan Augustus and Lana Augustus

Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Burch

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baldwin

Bobby Clair Burnley

Dr. Carolyn K. Balkwell

Charles A. Burson

Jeff Bangle and Kathy Reid Bangle

*Michael Charles Bushaw

Peter L. Banks

Dr. Angela Shurling Bushway

Charles E. Barron and Lalla F. Barron

Judy Burke Bynum

Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Barron, Jr.

Marcus B. Calhoun, Jr.

Earl D. Barrs and Wanda Taylor Barrs

Debra Caviness Canaras

Elizabeth Barth

George Robert Cannon, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman III

Nancy Lemmon Canolty

Ray D. and Jean Griffeth Bauerband

John and Jeanne Capozzi

Charles Duncan Beard

Fran H. Carmichael

Troy W. and Diana Davis Beckett

Alan Keith Carnes, M.D. and

Debbie Bell

Lori Sanders Carnes

Ed and Robin Benson

Max W. Carnes, Jr.

Dr. Carolyn D. Berdanier and Dr. C. Reese

John K. Carson


Mrs. Melba T. Collins

*Carolyn McK. and Don E. Carter

Lynnette A. Berdanier

Jerry L. Case, DVM

Richard and Lynn Berkowitz

Roland R. Castellanos, Jr.

Goebel and Gloria Berry

Harry and Cecily Catchpole

Dr. Richard B. Best

Martha A. Cato

Ms. Myra Blackmon and

Mr. Lawrence Certain

Dr. Thomas P. Holland

Verner F. Chaffin and Ethel T. Chaffin

Dr. and Mrs. Horace G. Blalock, Jr.

William B. Chambers

Katherine B. Boardman

Mr. and Mrs. C. Saxby Chambliss

Richard Lee and Harriet Owen Boger

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chasteen, Jr.

Harriette and Robin Bohannon

LaVonne A. Childers

William M. Corry and Jody Jenkins Corry

Charles B. Bonner

Lee A. Clarke and Kenyatta L. Clarke

Catherine and Larry Cox

*Barbara L. Botts

Larry M. Clarkson

Demetrius and Izumi Cox

Julie and Don Bower

Larry R. Cloer

Mr. and Mrs. Zack D. Cravey, Jr.

Bruce E. Bowers

Jim and Lyra Cobb

James C. Cripps

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

President’s Report to Donors


Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Crumley

*Dr. Carol J. Fisher

Carl and Sara Glickman

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Culley

Lane and Norma Fitzpatrick

John Munro Godfrey

William Gary Cunningham

Dr. William P. Flatt

Katrina and Tom Graham

Ilene Dailey

Warren Williams Foley

Mrs. Jane Mulkey Green

Judge and Mrs. John S. Dalis

James Lee Ford

Dr. Alfred H. Greenberg and

Dr. Priscilla Ruth Danheiser

Scott Foster

Halina K. Greenberg

Bartley R. Danielsen

Lori L. Franklin

Dr. Mark R. Greene

Therry Nash Deal, Ph.D.

Cory R. and Crystal L. Freeman

Alton (Al) D. Greenway

Mr. John W. Dean and Mrs. Mary Dean

Gregory A. Freeman

Bruce P. Gregory

Joseph F. Decosimo and

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Fritch, Jr.

Phillip and Suzanne Griffeth

Al Fulton

Shelley Griffitts

James DeLaPerriere

T. M. Furlow, Jr.

Dr. E. Ray Griner

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. DeMersseman

James R. Gamble, Jr.

Dr. Wanda J. Grogan

Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Dempsey

Mr. and Mrs. John Byrd Garland

Mr. Howard Leo Guest, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Sharon R. Denney

Gregory L. Gay and Danna W. Gay

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hayward Guest

Linda M. DePascale and

Marcella Taylor Gelman

Edgar Boyd Gumbert and

Ms. Kathy G. Gestar

Eva Loridans Gumbert

Mr. David H. Dickey

Andrew L. Ghertner

Connie R. Guy

Martha Thompson Dinos

Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Gibson

Cheryl Miller Guynn

Mary and Jack Dinos

Michael P. Gigandet

Claire Lovvorn Hadden

Rachel Sharp Decosimo

Ernest DePascale, Jr.

Bruce C. Dixon and Pamela Dixon Annie Laurie Dodd Paula C. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Dooley *Cam D. Dorsey, Jr. Ms. Eloise Maxwell Doty Bill and Lisa Douglas Wendy and Tom Dowden Drs. David W. and Alice M. Dreesen Dr. Karl J. Duff Kenneth M. Duke Mrs. Sue Benson Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Dunn LaGrange Trussell DuPree Milner Gibson Durden and Lillian Duff Durden Mary Frances Early Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eastman III Robert G. Edge A. Timothy Eley Samee and Steve Ellerbee Dr. and Mrs. Steven Elliott-Gower Martha Brumley Ellis Robert Lee Elsberry Craig G. Endsley Barbara Fargason Epting George Erwin, Jr. Dr. Jane Bush Fagg

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

William Farr and Elsa Sell

John P. Gill

Fred W. Haeussler and Carol C. Haeussler

*Mrs. Clara Stamps Feild

Tammy and Geof Gilland

G. Elliott and Pamella Hagan

John D. Feltman

James L. Gillis, Jr.

Dr. John H. Haire and

*Durward H. Fincher

Marvin B. Gillis and Helen R. Gillis

John H. Haire Family (Shelia and Kaitlin)

Neil and Judy Fischer

Alisa Marib Gipson

Mr. Charles Andy Hall

68 2010

Emmett Howell Hall and Doris Nevels Hall

Cynthia Jeness

Jon and Jo Ann Liles

Dr. Sara Thomas Hall

Felton Jenkins and Julie Green Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Austin Linse

Tracy L. Hambrick

Jill Jennings

Neal Little

Charles E. and Sharon Boone Hamner

Rex N. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. G. Mayo Livingston, Jr.

Dr. James L. Hamrick

Laura D. and David W. Jolly

Muriel M. Lokey

Paul S. Handmacher and

Mr. Albert Jones

Dan K. Lowring and Abbie N. Lowring

Barbara Handmacher

Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Jones III

Lt. Col. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Lumpkin

Joey Hannaford

Julian H. and Frances F. Jones

David Lunde

*Marie McHatton Hanson-Miller

Mrs. Mary Youngblood Jones

Jeff Lurey and Dale Lurey

Mitch Hardeman and Jennifer Hardeman

Otis Fleming Jones III

George and Lucy Lykins

Joseph W. Harrell

Ted Jones

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Lyons

Thomas C. Harris, Jr.

C. Edwin Jordan

Virginia M. Macagnoni, Ph.D.

Roger A. Harrison

Dr. Clyde W. Jordan

Charles Machemehl

Rosiland S. Hart

Helen E. Jordan, DVM, PhD

Estoria M. Maddux

Ms. Diane L. Hartzell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Jordan

James Kirkland Malone

Annette Hatton

Jeffrey William Jowdy

Margaret Ann and Don Martin

Dr. David W. Hawkins

Dr. and Mrs. H. Won Jun

Trip and Ginnie Martin

William C. Head

Michael A. Kahn

George W. Mason

Mrs. James M. Heidt, Jr.

Susan M. Kane

Terry A. Mathews and Margaret P. Mathews

Judy M. Herrin

Kusiel Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Maxey

Connie and Bill Herringdine

Amy M. Kay

Dr. John N. Maxwell IV

Nellie S. Herringdine

Dr. Bonnie Ballard Kershaw

George B. May, Sr.

Judy Hibbs

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kilpatrick, Jr.

Kirk McAlpin

Virginia Caldwell Hibbs

Wayne M. Kimberly

James T. McBrayer

Julius D. Hicks, Jr.

James E. King

Dwight R. and Brenda P. McCollough

John and Judy Hill

Dow N. Kirkpatrick II

Mary Long McCormack

Louise Hill

Faye R. Kirschner

Marian Chesnut McCullers

Mary Laraine Young Hines

Robert D. Kline and Miriam S. Kline

Bobbie S. McDonald

Virginia C. Hinton

Dr. Melissa A. Kling-Newberry

Michael Ladon McGee

Ralph E. Hitt

Charles B. and Lynne V. Knapp

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McGill

T. Lynn Hogan

Mrs. William T. Knight III

Kathleen McGuire

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Holcomb

Patricia Koester-Smith

Kyle C. McInnis

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Holladay

Diane M. Kohl

Virginia P. McKenna

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Holmes

Sara Prescott Kopp

Dr. Don W. McMillian, Jr.

Ashley Foss Holt

Mrs. Cedric W. Kuhn

Margey McQuilkin

Loyd Spencer Horton III and

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Kulbersh

Dr. J. Michael and June R. Meyers

Brenda McKinnon Horton

Mr. and Mrs. James L. LaBoon, Jr.

Dr. Gene E. Michaels

Glada Gunnells Horvat

James L. LaBoon III

Barbara B. Miller

William M. House

Larry and Beverly Lackey

Justin and Lynsee Miller

Martha H. Howell

Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lafferty

Sheila D. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington

Susan Cook Lahey

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Milner III

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huff

Nita V. Lalla

Mary A. Mitchell

Kristi N. Hughes

Patricia H. Lancaster and Dennis M. Lancaster

Dr. and Mrs. James B. Moncrief, Jr.

*Mr. J. Gibson Hull and Mrs. J. Gibson Hull

Bryan A. Lancelot

Michael J. Moore

Thomas E. Hurst and Patricia Hunt-Hurst

Gregory E. Lang

C. L. Morehead, Jr.

Dr. Sylvia McCoy Hutchinson

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Langford

Mr. and Mrs. George Saer Morgan

Johnny E. Hyers and Louise J. Hyers

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Lasseter, Jr.

Julia W. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton Irby

Dr. John H. Law

Ms. Mary Ann Morgareidge

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Izlar

Dr. and Mrs. James Curtis Lee

Harold M. Morris, Jr.

William Ellis Jackson

Betsy Tant Leebern

Robert Elliott Morris

William K. and Peggy E. Jackson

Donald M. Leebern, Jr.

Lillian J. Mote

Dr. Russell N. James III and Esther A. James

Robert D. Leebern

Pat and Doyle Mote

David B. Jay

Mr. Earl Truman Leonard, Jr.

David J. Mullen, Jr. and Cynthia S. Mullen

President’s Report to Donors


Doris Adams Ramsey Linda L. Redmann, Ph.D. David M. Reed Frances Cowart Reeves Mrs. John B. Reeves Julie Toland Reynolds Robert Lamar Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Gates T. Richards Jennifer W. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Riley IV William Thomas Ritter Richard M. Roberts and Marcia W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Cheney Robinson III Dr. Ava D. Rodgers J. Darren Rodgers Thomas F. Rodgers and Janie O. Rodgers Dr. Dean G. Rojek John W. Rooker Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rosengart Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross Mrs. Chester A. Roush Peter C. Ruenitz

2010 Celebration of Support - Georgia Aquarium

Jesse Rhodes Russell and

Dr. Rebecca M. Mullis and

Ted Maxwell Parker and Winifred M. Parker

Mary Leila Benton Russell

Dr. David W. Mullis, Jr.

Carl M. Parks and Barbara H. Parks

*Dr. John G. Salsbury and

John L. Murphy

Eleanor L. Parr

*Doris J. Brunner-Salsbury

Mark E. Murphy, M.D. and

Mrs. A. Faegin Parrish

Dr. Jean E. Sander

Dr. Margarete I. Parrish

Hon. Carl E. Sanders

Donald G. and Susan F. Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Carleton E. Parsons, Jr.

Mr. John Frank Sands and

Joan Burkes Land Neal

Gary and Sandy Pasek

Mrs. Alice Green Sands

Mr. and Mrs. Dink NeSmith, Jr.

Alexander W. and Janet W. Patterson

V. Bibb Saye

David G. Newton

Dr. and Mrs. George W. Patton, Jr.

Alexander Alan Scarborough and

John T. Newton, Jr.

Donald W. Pearson, Jr.

Mary Akins Scarborough

Sharon Y. Nickols

Mr. Thomas J. Pendergrast, Sr.

Lee Scheinman

Dr. Shelly M. Nickols-Richardson and

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Perno

Betty R. Schmidt

David Wayne Richardson

Ms. Lee Davis Perry

Donald D. Schmidt and Jerrold L. Manning

Dr. W. Robert Nix and Harriett H. Nix

Schley L. Perry, Jr. (Louie)

Donald O. Schneider

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Noell, Jr.

Bonnie Stephens Petersen and Clark Petersen

Dale M. Schwartz and Susan E. Schwartz

F. A. (Drew) Norwood

Barry Phillips

Judge and Mrs. William J. Self II

Mr. and Mrs. Neil November

Richard Mendel Piazza

David K. Selleck and Mrs. Betsy Selleck

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nunn, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Platt

William H. Settle, Jr.

Cynthia Lee Nunnally

George Junius Polatty, Jr.

Chef Kyle W. Shadix, MS, RD

Linda Oakley

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Porterfield

David J. Shafer

Drs. Jenny and Steve Oliver

Philip Potter and Meredith Barrs Potter

Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd

Thurman and Juanita Oliver

Drs. Keith W. and Susan W. Prasse

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sherwood

Barbara D. and Roger B. Orloff

Gregory C. Price and Rebecca A. Price

Billy Mac Shivers

Wiley C. Owen

Patricia Padgett Price

*Bill Shortt and Lois Shortt

*Dr. William A. Owens, Jr. and

Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Proehl, Jr.

Dr. Raymond Eugene Shuffler

Mrs. Barbara R. Owens

Rowland A. Radford and Letitia H. Radford

Scott Henderson Sikes and

Drs. Onofre R. and Ligaya P. Paguio

Betty Sewell Ragland

Valerie Lynne McCormick Sikes

Travers W. Paine III

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Rainey

Mr. and Mrs. D. Ramsay Simmons, Jr.

Hon. Kathy S. Palmer

Sybil L. Rainey

Elizabeth M. Simonetti

Steve D. and Mary Ann Palmour

Kathleen Cooney Rainwater

Gail Fulford Sims

Daphne D. Murphy

70 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. Slick

Lindsey William Trussell, Jr.

Faith Towles Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Billy S. Smith

Clarice E. Turk

Geraldine H. Williams

Chuck and Nancy Smith

Marjorie R. Turnbull

Paulette Williams

Craig F. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Turner

Robert M. Willingham, Jr.

John Marshall and Millie Young Smith

Curtis L. Turner III

Jane S. Willson

John P. Smith

Irene and Curtis Ulmer

Guy S. and M. Sue Wilson

Mary Anthony Smith

Wayne R. Vason

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wink

Dr. Darl E. Snyder and

William L. Wages, Jr. and

Alfred Paul Wise

Kathleen Ellison Wages

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wise, Jr.

*Mr. William Osborne Solms and

James and Lynda Henley Walters

Oscar Lee Wiseley, Jr.

Mrs. Peggy Williams Solms

John T. Wasdin

Elizabeth D. Womack and James C. Womack

James A. Sommerville

E. Baxter Webb and Ann Clark Webb

Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wood

Frank and Rosemary Dunn Stancil

William Larry Webb

Peggy P. Woodruff

Mr. John E. Starbuck

Nancy Marcuz Wech

Stuart Woods

Stephanie Stenglein

Scott S. Weinberg

Mr. Kevin Joseph Woody

Dr. Martha Craig Stephens

Steven E. Weinstein

George E. Wright and Camille N. Wright

Joseph Stewart, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Wellborn III

Mr. C. Richard Yarbrough

*Ms. Sharon Stewart

A. L. Wheeler

Dr. Ida E. Yates

Catherine H. Stockman and

Germaine Whittaker

Allen W. Yee

C. ‘Herbie’ Stockman, Jr.

Brooks Eliot Wigginton

Dr. Bonnie L. Yegidis

Norman M. Stoker

Margaret and Hoke Wilder

Young Sun Yun

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stolz

W. Thomas Wilfong

Mrs. Sharon Zerillo

Allen D. Stovall

Charlotte and Claude Williams

Henry L. Zittrouer and Mary W. Zittrouer

*Mrs. Florence Heath Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Stovall, Jr. Dana E. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Strickland W. Jefferson Stubbs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. V. Carlysle Sullivan, Jr. Roger Swagler and Julia Marlowe Marylee Swanson Drs. Anne and David Sweaney *Fred C. Sweat Lynda Cowart Talmadge Wilmer Gene Tanner Mr. and Mrs. James S. Tardy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Taylor, Jr. David A. and Janet K. Terrell Geoffrey David Terrell Gloria J. Thiem and David E. Thiem Richard R. Thomas Sidney Samuel Thomas Reese J. Thompson and Pam M. Thompson Robert and Angela Thompson Thomas J. ‘Tommy’ Thompson, Jr. and Jane Safrit Thompson Ronald W. Tidmore and Karen A. Tidmore Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Tidwell Susan Stanton Todd C. Nelson Tomblin, Jr. Dr. Michael J. Topper Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest Towns Kit Trensch

Is Your Name Missing? In this Report to Donors are the names of people who have made gifts to the University of Georgia which were processed through the Office of Development between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010. There are several reasons for your name not appearing in what you believe to be the appropriate giving level — or not appearing at all: 1. You made your gift either before July 1, 2009 or after June 30, 2010. 2. You gave more during this period than you realize: your name may be in the next giving level. 3. You made a pledge instead of an outright gift. If you made a pledge between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010, but chose to begin fulfilling it after June 30, 2010, your name will not appear in this Honor Roll, which reflects only gifts received. 4. You made a gift to the Georgia Educational Enhancement Fund (GEEF). Such gifts are not included in this Honor Roll. 5. We omitted your name in error. If so, we would like to hear from you. If you have questions or corrections, contact the Office of Donor Relations and Stewardship, 394 South Milledge Ave., Suite 250, Athens, GA 30602-5582. You may also call our toll-free number 1-888-268-5442, or e-mail us at

Marihope Shirey Troutman

President’s Report to Donors


Arch Foundation Trustees Andrew Murphy Head, Atlanta - Chair F. Sheffield Hale, Atlanta - Vice Chair Sarah A. Lorberbaum, Chattanooga, Tennessee - Secretary Keith W. Mason, Atlanta - Treasurer Daniel P. Amos, Columbus Earl Dale Barrs, Macon Robert D. Bishop, Athens Otis A. Brumby Jr., Marietta Maxine H. Burton, Bogart James Edward Butler Jr., Columbus Charles Edward Campbell, Atlanta J. David Chatham, Alpharetta Chester C. Davenport, Bethesda, Maryland Robert Glenn Edge, Atlanta James Don Edwards, Athens Norman Sears Fletcher, Rome Sarah Corn Irby, Atlanta John F. McMullan, Atlanta Donald A. Perry, Atlanta Swann Seiler, Savannah Stanley W. Shelton, Cambridge, Massachusetts John Phinizy Spalding, Atlanta Larry D. Thompson, Purchase, New York Susan C. Waltman, Pelham, New York Ramsey Thompson Way, Hawkinsville Michael F. Adams, Athens Adrian P. Childs, Athens Tom Landrum, Athens Victor C. Sullivan III, Albany Tim Burgess, Athens Stuart Ivy, Athens Jere Morehead, Athens Joshua Delaney, Athens Kathryn Ash, Charlotte, North Carolina Henry D. Gregory, Jr., Atlanta Elizabeth J. Hudson, Washington, D.C. Betty F. King, Atlanta Russell C. Lindner, Washington, D.C. Robert H. Stolz, Charlotte, North Carolina

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University of Georgia

Administration As of June 30, 2010

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Willis J. Potts, Jr. (Chair) Felton Jenkins (Vice Chair) Kenneth R. Bernard, Jr. James A. Bishop Frederick E. Cooper Larry R. Ellis Robert F. Hatcher C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr., MD W. Mansfield Jennings, Jr. James R. Jolly Donald M. Leebern, Jr. William “Dink” H. NeSmith, Jr. Doreen Stiles Poitevint Wanda Yancey Rodwell Kessel D. Stelling, Jr. Benjamin J. Tarbutton, III Richard L. Tucker Larry Walker Erroll B. Davis, Jr. (Chancellor)

©2010 by the University of Georgia Office of the President and Office of Public Affairs The University of Georgia is a unit of the University System of Georgia. In compliance with federal law, including the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the University of Georgia does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or military service in its administration of educational policies, programs, or activities; its admissions policies; scholarship and loan programs; athletic or other University-administered programs; or employment. In addition, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation consistent with the University nondiscrimination policy. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the director of the Equal Opportunity Office, Peabody Hall, 290 South Jackson Street, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Telephone 706-542-7912 (V/TDD). Fax 706-542-2822. If you have a disability and need assistance to obtain this publication in an alternative format, please contact the Office of Public Affairs (706-542-8090).

Michael F. Adams, President Vice Presidents and Cabinet Jere W. Morehead, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Tim P. Burgess, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration Thomas S. Landrum, Senior Vice President for External Affairs Laura D. Jolly, Interim Vice President for Instruction David C. Lee, Vice President for Research Steve Wrigley, Interim Vice President for Public Service and Outreach and Vice President for Government Relations Rodney D. Bennett, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Thomas H. Jackson Jr., Vice President for Public Affairs Margaret A. Amstutz, Chief of Staff Elizabeth V. Morris, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Robert G. Boehmer, Associate Provost for Academic Planning Cheryl D. Dozier, Associate Provost for Institutional Diversity Damon M. Evans, Director of Athletics Christina J. Miller, Associate Provost for Academic Fiscal Affairs William Gray Potter, Associate Provost and University Librarian Kavita K. Pandit, Associate Provost for International Education Stephen M. Shewmaker, Executive Director, Legal Affairs Barbara A. White, Associate Provost and Chief Information Officer Deans’ Council Garnett S. Stokes, Dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences J. Scott Angle, Dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Rebecca H. White, Dean of the School of Law Svein Oie, Dean of the College of Pharmacy Michael L. Clutter, Dean of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Arthur M. Horne, Dean of the College of Education Maureen Grasso, Dean of the Graduate School Robert T. Sumichrast, Dean of the Terry College of Business E. Culpepper Clark, Dean of the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication Laura Dunn Jolly, Dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences Sheila W. Allen, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine Maurice Daniels, Dean of the School of Social Work Daniel J. Nadenicek, Dean of the College of Environment and Design Thomas P. Lauth, Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs Phillip L. Williams, Dean of the College of Public Health John L. Gittleman, Dean of the Eugene P. Odum School of Ecology Barbara L. Schuster, Campus Dean of the MCG-UGA Medical Partnership Office of the President, Senior Staff Margaret A. Amstutz, Chief of Staff Matthew M. Winston, Assistant to the President Mary E. McDonald, Assistant to the President David Welch Suggs, Jr., Assistant to the President

President’s Report to Donors


2010 President’s Report to Donors

Office of the President The University of Georgia The Administration Building Athens, Georgia 30602 Michael F. Adams, President ( Jere W. Morehead, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost ( Timothy P. Burgess, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration ( Thomas S. Landrum, Senior Vice President for External Affairs (

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