UGA Profiles - Fall 2014

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Profiles ®


In this issue: • Meet Kelly Kerner, VP for Development & Alumni Relations • Featured Alumnus: Dr. Jabarias Swain Statue of Abraham Baldwin on North Campus

• Q&A with Geno Atkins

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Kelly Kerner Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations

What attracted you to UGA? The University of Georgia is a recognized toptier university and is a very special place. President Morehead has charted a course for UGA, and I am excited to work with him and the teams in place to aggressively pursue our immediate goals and the university’s vision. What have you noticed while in your new role? There might not be another alumni base in America that loves its alma mater more than UGA’s.

and I would agree. I also support his idea that UGA will be what we are willing to make it. We have to make it happen through our financial support. Finally, visit campus to see how your support is influencing UGA and its students. Our invitation is always extended. Why do you give? It is worth it. I have seen firsthand the transformative nature of private giving at a university. I also give because UGA’s best days are ahead of us, and I want to be a part of it.

Why are recent graduates important? Our recent graduates represent the largest population of UGA’s alumni base. These graduates have seen the advancements over the past 10-15 years that have transformed UGA and the student experience. As alumni, they now have the opportunity to stay engaged, serve as ambassadors, and support our initiatives and current students. How do you hope recent graduates will stay engaged? First of all, get involved with your local Alumni Association chapter. By updating your contact information you can know what is happening in Athens and in your area. Next, contribute financially. President Morehead believes that in earning a UGA degree, students take on an obligation to give back,

I love the support, commitment, and enthusiasm of the Bulldog Nation. In my short time here, I have witnessed it firsthand, and it is contagious and energizing!

Kerner joined UGA on July 1, 2014. An experienced senior development professional, most of his career has been in the New England area. His most recent position was at Bowdoin College in Maine. He received his bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Colorado and played on the varsity tennis team. Following graduation, he started his career in higher education in development and alumni relations. He and his wife, Rachel have two children, Grace and Colin.


Dr. Jabaris Swain BS ‘01, Cellular Biology Clinical Fellow in Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School-Boston, MA | Global Health Equity Resident in Surgery

The University of Georgia’s motto, “to teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things,” represents its commitment to prepare the University community and state for its involvement in national and international endeavors. As an alumnus, Dr. Jabaris Swain continues to embody UGA’s ideals and is making a real difference in the medical profession in the U.S. and abroad.

UGA gave me so much. I’d be remiss if I did not give.

Swain describes his time at UGA as transformative. “UGA laid the foundation. My experiences are built upon the leadership, humility, and courage that my UGA experiences instilled in me,” he says. His participation in activities and clubs included the Honors program, the Arch Society, the CLASS advocate program, his fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi, and others gave him a university-wide perspective of the impact of education, service, and research. “It was from these interests, my campus involvement and the talented faculty who mentored me that I was inspired to reach beyond the opportunities before me,” Swain added. When he recalls those people who impacted him the most at UGA, he remembers “my honors and premedical advisors…Dr. Joseph Medicino, the program directors for the CLASS advocate program and Arch Society, my resident director.... Almost everyone made an impact, which has molded me into who I am today.” Although Swain does not get back to Athens often, he annually supports The Arch Society Endowment Fund and also tries to observe football game day “regardless of where I am in the world.” For the past four years, Swain has traveled to Kigali,

Rwanda with Team Heart, a Boston-based organization that recruits medical volunteers from Harvardaffiliated hospitals. On each trip, the team provides free, life-saving cardiac surgery to young children and adolescents suffering from critical rheumatic and congenital heart disease. Being a part of this team affords Swain opportunities to use his expertise and experience to provide care to a population of citizens who otherwise would not have access to life-saving care. Through the team’s efforts and collaboration with the Rwanda Heart Foundation, the Rwanda Ministry of Health, and other international organizations, Team Heart will build the first state-of-the-art cardiac center of excellence in Rwanda. This facility will address critical needs with the hope to expand its reach to improve Rwanda’s health care infrastructure. Through medical education and teaching, local personnel will be equipped to provide much-needed care to those in desperate need. Swain recently spent a year in Rwanda studying cardiovascular disease and analyzing the outcomes associated with cardiac surgery in kids and young adults with rheumatic heart disease. “It is indeed an honor to have the opportunity to be a part of this effort, and I am humbled by the experience every day,” says Swain. In the future, Swain hopes to have a dual-faculty appointment in cardiothoracic surgery in a United States medical school and a teaching facility abroad “so that countries like Rwanda can begin developing sophisticated, cost-effective skills to participate in the care of their own patients” – in other words, continuing to teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things.

Dr. Swain and classmates after graduating from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Russ Pennington

BSBE '01, MBA '06 Director of Policy and Public Affairs Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Atlanta, GA Favorite Part of My Job: I enjoy visiting every corner of this diverse state and hearing from Environmental Protection Division’s regulated constituents. Hearing the concerns and issues of our citizens and being able to help is what motivates me every day. Favorite UGA Memory: My favorite memory is actually a Maymester class that was called Geology, Hydrology and Soils of Georgia. It was a threeweek camping trip across the state with hands-on instruction that revealed how diverse Georgia is from a natural resources perspective. Why I give to UGA: UGA is the flagship university in the great state of Georgia, and I have nothing but positive memories from my time in Athens. The University gave me so much in my life – memories and experiences, preparation for the workforce, friends for life, and of course, my wife. I want others to have the same opportunities that I had. How did your education at UGA prepare you for your current pursuit: The engineering program at UGA was a small, intimate group of students where

everyone knew one another. We studied together, pulled all-nighters, and had lots of fun – from game day tailgating to playing intramural sports. This setting encouraged working and collaborating in a team environment and fostered networking with colleagues and friends in a more social environment. Advice to those who just graduated: Work hard and establish a personal reputation for a positive work ethic. Who inspires you? My parents, my wife and my children. My parents taught me “nothing in life is given to you,” which influenced my work ethic. My wife has been a sounding board, counselor and supporter of me in every endeavor. My children inspire me to be the best person I can be every day. I often think of their future when dealing with environmental issues.

Lizzie Swift

AB '08 COO of Greenleaf Capital Management Company, Atlanta, GA Favorite part of your job: The best part of my job is our company’s culture. Going to the office never feels like a burden – it’s a pleasure. Our “work hard, play hard” mentality works well with our highly motivated, entertaining and young group of diverse individuals. Favorite UGA memory: It’s challenging to choose a single favorite UGA memory, but I’ll never forget playing with the amazing children at UGA HERO events. The HERO organization raises funds and spreads awareness for pediatric AIDS. UGA provides a wide array of opportunities to give back to the community, and I love that it’s such an important part of UGA. Why you give back to UGA? I’ll be forever grateful to UGA for a wonderful education, incredible friends and fantastic memories. I give back to the university, so others will continue to experience the joy and connections I value so dearly. How did your education at UGA prepare you for your current pursuit? The connections I made at UGA undoubtedly, and directly, led to my job in U.S.

Senator Johnny Isakson’s D.C. office for 4 years. UGA’s network also connected me with Governor Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign where I served as a fundraiser in Boston. I would have never obtained the opportunities to serve at these high levels of politics without UGA, and I would therefore not be in my current role at Greenleaf. Advice to those who just graduated? Select an interesting place to live outside of your traditional comfort zone, and take risks. Don’t worry about knowing exactly what your future career will be immediately following graduation. Go out into the world, explore your options, and find something you love Who inspires you? I’m inspired by my grandfather, Sonny Swift, a fellow UGA graduate and UGA golf team captain. His nickname, “The Great One,” was fitting as he excelled in everything from business to golf while never losing sight of the importance of giving back to others.

A Special Thanks UGA is pleased to recognize the young alumni who have been consistent donors for 10 or more years, and those who support us at our annual leadership levels. Make your gift today to add your name to the list!

Consecutive Giving 19 years Drew and Julie Wade 18 years Mr. Seth K. Abrams and Mrs. Laura B. Abrams • Mr. M. Justin Pritchard 17 years Senator Charles J. Bethel and Dr. Lynsey R. Bethel • Mr. Alan M. Burton and Ms. Jennifer L. Burton • Mr. Johnson S. Corley and Mrs. Gabrielle N. Corley • Ms. Tone Holmen • Mr. Brandon K. Marlow and Ms. Allison S. Marlow • Mrs. Connie S. Melear and Mr. Andrew J. Melear Jr. • Dr. Anthony W. Rekito and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rekito • Mrs. Ronda A. Sanders • Mr. Jeffrey J. Wood and Ms. Megan H. Wood 16 years Dr. Joshua G. Burton • Mr. Brantley E. Day and Mrs. Amanda M. Day • Mr. Brenton W. Marable and Ms. Nancy A. Marable • Mrs. Ronda A. Sanders • Mrs. Robin L. Simon-Rubenstein and Mr. Adam J. Rubenstein • Mr. Brian A. Stone • Mr. Geoffrey R. Walton and Mrs. E. Jill Walton • Mr. Jeffrey J. Wood and Ms. Megan H. Wood 15 years Ms. Sarah Baines and Mr. Christopher P. Baines II • Dr. Alan L. Barker and Dr. Corrie B. Barker • Mr. David G. Bergman and Mrs. Dana Bergman

• Mr. Robert J. Bristow Jr. and Ms. Ellen M. Bristow • Miss Jennifer L. Chapman • Mrs. Heather L. Erickson • Mr. Randall C. Gilbert and Mrs. Mindy Gilbert • Mr. Hunter R. Hopkins and Mrs. K. Anne Hopkins • Mr. William L. Lunceford and Ms. Meredith H. Lunceford • Mr. Jonathan B. Pannell • Mrs. Kelly West Smith and Mr. Brian J. Smith • Mr. Richard D. Tindol Jr. and Ms. Kristine A. Tindol • Ms. Adra F. Tucker 14 years Dr. Bryna Bobick • Mr. Brennan W. Bolt and Ms. Michelle A. Bolt • Ms. Stephanie D. Burton • Mrs. Elizabeth E. Chipley • Mr. Jonathan R. Granade and Mrs. Samantha Granade • Mr. Jason V. Parker and Mrs. Avery L. Parker • Mr. Joshua F. Parker and Mrs. Heather A. Parker • Mr. William B. Portwood • Mrs. Christy E. Seyfert and Mr. Michael Seyfert 13 years Mr. John W. Bishop Jr. and Ms. Alicia R. Bishop • Mr. Joseph H. Bridges • Mr. Lewis B. Campbell III and Mrs. Emily A. Campbell • Ms. Laura A. Eschleman and Mr. Edward R. Eschleman • Ms. Julienne M. Ferris • Mrs. A. Suzanne Griffeth and Mr. Phillip C. Griffeth • Mr. Jeffrey S. Hall and Ms. Lucy J. Bush • Ms. Holly O. Hanson • Dr. Jacquelyn A. Harris and

Mr. Andy S. Harris • Mr. Eric C. Haun • Mrs. Meredith S. Johnson and Mr. Thomas T. Johnson Jr. • Mr. Joshua E. Kight • Mr. Douglas A. Campbell and Rev. Thomas S. Lucas • Mrs. Jill E. Mitchell and Mr. Sean R. Mitchell • Mr. C. Brandon Patten • Mr. Sean A. Shaikun and Ms. Jennifer B. Shaikun • Dr. Christopher B. Wilson • Mr. Allen W. Yee 12 years Ms. Patricia E. Barry • Ms. Alexia C. Chandler • Dr. Leigh A. Conner • Mr. Christopher M. Gant and Mrs. Ali W. Gant • Mr. Kyle D. Kemper and Mrs. Jane A. Kemper • Mr. Michael S. Parsons and Mrs. Mary Ann Parsons • Mr. Ryan P. Stepler and Ms. Stacy Stepler • Dr. Richard A. Todebush and Dr. Patricia L. Todebush • Mr. Thomas J. Way • Ms. Leslie P. Younkins 11 years Mr. Wilson G. Barmeyer and Ms. Sarah T. Barmeyer • Dr. Hunter E. Bates and Mrs. Ellison K. Bates • Mrs. Hannah J. Couch and Mr. Walter Couch • Dr. Sabrina L. Croft and Mr. Adam B. Croft • Mrs. Jennifer E. Dell • Dr. Ray A. Dixon and Dr. Jessica Dixon • Dr. Eric W. Durham • Mr. Douglas M. Ghertner and Ms. Shea K. Ghertner • Mrs. Emily A. Gray and Mr. Paul A. Gray • Mr. David E. Howard • Miss Mary K. Hunter • Mr. Julian M. Jones IV and

“I give to UGA to support a wonderful university and help current and future students enjoy a unique experience. During my time in Athens, I was fortunate to meet and interact with various alumni who were truly interested in helping me become successful. As a graduate, I believe it is my opportunity and obligation to return the favor.” TJ Way, MBA '02 (Pictured with his wife, Kristy, and kids, Parker and Kathleen)

Mrs. Elizabeth Jones • Mr. Lawrence E. Lykins Jr. and Dr. Holly S. Lykins • Mr. Keith A. Mauriello and Mrs. Kelley Mauriello • Mrs. Kristen J. Moore and Mr. Timothy E. Moore • Dr. Erica J. Ortiz • Mr. Christian M. Robinson and Mrs. Barbara S. Robinson • Ms. Jennifer L. Robertson and Mr. Christian Robertson • Dr. Brandy C. Scott and Mr. Steven Scott • Dr. Kenneth C. Shuler Jr. and Dr. Heather L. Shuler • Dr. Carey A. Vaughan and Ms. Ginger E. Grooms-Vaughan • Ms. Julie C. Wilson • Dr. Rebecca B. Winkler • Ms. Faith J. Woodley • Dr. Amy R. Wyatt 10 years Anonymous • Mr. Cris M. Areskog • Mr. David Baker and Ms. Mycla A. Baker • Mr. Dustin T. Brown and Ms. Kathryn L. Brown • Mrs. Jennifer M. Brown and Mr. Robert C. Brown • Mr. Carl P. Campbell and Mrs. Helen H. Campbell • Ms. Elizabeth R. Elmore • Mr. Timothy M. Furlow III and Mrs. Lucile E. Furlow • Mr. Kevin A. Gooch • Dr. Mary E. Holland and Mr. Griffin H. Holland • Mrs. Emily R. Horn and Mr. Daniel J. Horn • Dr. Shawna L. Huff • Mr. Robert C. Irwin III and Mrs. Meredith W. Irwin • Ms. Mara R. Jacobs • Dr. Jill R. Lancaster • Mrs. Rebecca C. Lang and Mr. V. Kevin Lang • Mr. Morgan E. Lee and Ms. Kelly R. Lee • Mr. Larry D. Loy Jr. and

Mrs. Jennifer G. Loy • Mr. Rodrick J. Marquette and Mrs. Erica C. Marquette • Mr. Chandler B. McClellan and Mrs. Jessica C. McClellan • Ms. Mary E. McDonald and Mr. Marc W. LaMotte • Mr. Kyle C. McInnis and Mrs. Molly M. McInnis • Mr. Gilbert B. Miller and Mrs. Jamee Miller • Mr. Gerald E. O’Meara III and Mrs. Sandra J. O’Meara • Mr. Jason C. Pedigo and Ms. Susannah D. Pedigo • Mr. Noah P. Peeters and Ms. Rebecca F. Wasserman • Mr. Benjamin M. Perkins and Ms. Sally G. Perkins • Mr. Charlie E. Pitts Jr. and Ms. Benaiah S. Pitts • Ms. Laura F. Plaukovich and Mr. Andrew W. Plaukovich • Mr. Robert M. Reeves • Mr. Edward J. Tarver Jr. • Dr. Mary A. Tharp and Mr. Robert L. Tharp • Mr. David E. Thompson • Mrs. Emily C. Tindel and Mr. Adam M. Tindel • Mrs. Michele A. Turner and Mr. Douglas Harman • Mr. Christian S. Welch and Dr. Lindsey G. Welch • Mr. Floyd M. “Buck” Wiley III and Mrs. Ellen F. Wiley FY 2014 Leadership Giving Annual Presidents Club Benefactors ($10,000+) Mr. Gene R. Atkins Jr. • Mr. Blake F. Bruce and Ms. Mary C. Bruce • Mr. William F. Crozer • Mr. Brett E. Hansen and Ms. Shannon N. Hansen

• Mr. Nicholas A. McDaniel • Mr. Gilbert B. Miller and Mrs. Jamee Miller • Ms. Caroline F. Noonan • Ms. Caroline F. Robinson • Mr. Jared W. Schmidt • Mr. Stuart R. Sherrill and Ms. Cameron F. Sherrill • Ms. Julie C. Smith • Mr. Gerry L. Watson Jr. and Mrs. Angie Watson • Mrs. Stephanie C. Webb and Mr. Christopher I. Webb • Dr. Rebecca B. Winkler Fellows ($5,000 - $9,999) Mr. Kevin D. Abernethy • Mr. William B. Betzel and Ms. Hannah R. LoweBetzel • Mr. James M. Burton • Mr. Whitley P. Davenport and Dr. Alexandra J. Davenport • Dr. Erin M. Doiron • Dr. Kelcy S. Freeman • Dr. William H. Gholston • Mrs. Laura E. Jefferies and Mr. Todd P. Jefferies • Ms. Allison R. Kessler • Mr. Gordon A. Maner and Ms. Kari M. Maner • Mr. John S. Mulkey and Ms. Kathryn B. Mulkey • Mr. Brendan F. Murphy and Dr. Sarah J. Murphy • Mr. Timothy J. Peacock • Mr. Carter R. Posner and Ms. Angela L. Posner • Mr. Cliff M. Riner • Ms. Chelsea M. Swanhart • Anonymous • Mrs. Mary Alice Trussell and Mr. Philip E. Trussell • Mr. William B. Turner III and Mrs. Katherine W. Turner • Mr. James B. Whitley and Ms. Jessica J. Whitley • Mr. Floyd M. “Buck” Wiley III and Mrs. Ellen F. Wiley •

“The University of Georgia and my professors in the J.M. Tull School of Accounting invested in me so much and helped me get where I am today. I want to afford future students the same opportunities and experiences I had. Giving to the University is a way of showing my gratitude to an institution that has given me more than I could have ever imagined.” Sydney Traub, BBA, MACC '12

Ms. Carole L. Zell Associates ($1,000 - $4,999) Mr. Aaron P. Abramovitz • Mr. Noah B. Abrams and Mrs. Melissa N. Abrams • Mr. Alexander S. Aldworth • Mr. James P. Alfriend and Ms. Sarah E. Alfriend • Mr. James L. Allgood III and Ms. Katherine S. Allgood • Mr. Suraj V. Amarnani • Mr. William B. Andrews • Dr. Eric Atkinson and Ms. Lindsay L. Atkinson • Mr. Russell W. Baker and Ms. Mary M. Baker • Ms. Lauren E. Barrs • Mr. Michael J. Barry • Mr. David M. Battle Jr. • Mr. Howard R. Benson and Mrs. Danielle M. Benson • Dr. Brian G. Berger and Mrs. Sara Berger • Mr. Michael P. Berrigan and Mrs. Blair G. Berrigan • Ms. Tucker M. Berta • Senator Charles J. Bethel and Dr. Lynsey R. Bethel • Ms. Kristen M. Beystehner • Mr. Michael J. Blakely Jr. and Ms. Jennifer S. Blakely • Mr. David E. Blanchard and Mrs. Michelle L. Blanchard • Mr. Lance P. Boles • Ms. Christy K. Boudreau • Mr. Blake A. Bowers and Dr. Kimberly C. Bowers • Mr. Mitchell J. Breda • Mr. John P. Brosseau Jr. and Ms. Stephanie L. Brosseau • Mr. Taylor S. Brown • Mrs. Rachel A. Brown and Mr. Brooks S. Brown • Ms. Nina N. Burgess • Mr. Jason T. Burnette and Ms. Kati J. Burnette • Mr. William H. Caldwell and Mrs. Sharon M. Caldwell • Mr. Eric N. Callahan and Mrs. Ashley E.

Callahan • Mr. Asa G. Candler VII • Mr. Aaron M. Caraher • Mr. Edward L. Casey • Mr. Andrew T. Cathy • Mr. James W. Cauthorn • Miss Jennifer L. Chapman • Mr. Waymon N. Chen • Dr. Zachary E. Chillag • Dr. Melissa A. Clifton and Mr. Gregory D. Clifton • Mr. Cale H. Conley and Ms. C. Meade Conley • Mr. Adam M. Conrad and Ms. Danielle A. Conrad • Ms. Angela B. Copeland • Dr. Mary A. Cross and Mr. Oliver R. Cross III • Mr. Patrick W. Crouch and Ms. Ashley M. Crouch • Mr. Richard L. Crowell and Ms. Leslie Crowell • Mr. Brenton T. Culpepper • Mr. William M. D’Antignac Jr. and Mrs. Louisa D’Antignac • Dr. Briana R. Davis • Mr. Jordan M. Davis and Ms. Ivey S. Davis • Mr. Troy A. Davis • Mr. James B. Davis • Dr. Ray A. Dixon and Dr. Jessica Dixon • Mr. David L. Eckles • Mr. Russell J. Edwards and Ms. Kelly A. Edwards • Mr. Chad E. Eikhoff and Ms. Christina N. Eikhoff • Mr. Scott T. Evans • Mr. Paul A. Faletti Jr. and Mrs. Carrie L. Faletti • Mr. Charles M. Ferguson Jr. and Mrs. Elizabeth F. Ferguson • Dr. Megan R. Freeman • Mr. Stacy W. Funderburke • Mr. Douglas M. Ghertner and Ms. Shea K. Ghertner • Mr. Kenneth D. Goepp and Ms. Brittany M. Goepp • Mr. Kevin A. Gooch • Dr. Parker C. Grow and Dr. Kelly B. Crawford • Ms. Allison N. Gulati • Mr. Christopher E.

Hall • Dr. Geoffrey P. Hall Jr. and Ms. Beverly Hall • Mr. William W. Harkins II and Mrs. Cristall A. Harkins • Ms. Holly D. Hatfield • Mr. Bryan J. Hess and Ms. Melissa Coursey Hess • Dr. Douglas L. Hester and Dr. Sydney M. Hester • Mr. Joseph H. Hilsman and Ms. Meika S. Hilsman • Mr. Neil E. Hirsch • Ms. Sarah M. Hoagland • Ms. Danielle R. Holyoke • Ms. Rayne A. Hoover • Mr. Justin R. Howard • Mr. David E. Howard • Mr. Lawrence D. Howell II • Mr. Xianwei Hu • Mr. Kenneth S. Hyatt and Ms. Amy Hyatt • Mr. Donald A. Ingham Jr. and Mrs. Emily Ingham • Rev. Francys Johnson and Dr. Meca R. Williams-Johnson • Ms. Angeline T. Jones • Mr. Richard L. Jordan III and Ms. Jennifer L. Jordan • Ms. Gretchen R. Kent • Mr. Martin L. Killgallon III and Mrs. Misti Killgallon • Dr. Jung I. Kim • Ms. Melissa L. Kotun • Dr. Olivia C. Lamberth • Mrs. Rebecca C. Lang and Mr. V. Kevin Lang • Mr. Wayne M. Lashua and Ms. Patricia R. Lashua • Mr. Andrew J. Lavoie • Mr. Clarence H. Leavy IV and Dr. Jennifer M. Leavy • Dr. Christine M. Lindner • Mr. Michael N. Loebl • Ms. Amelia A. Mahan and Mr. Marcus K. Mahan • Mr. Trevor J. Mangan and Ms. Jean M. Mangan • Mr. Chris E. Marsh Jr. and Ms. Christy L. Marsh • Mr. Christopher J. Marsh • Dr. Joshua B. Marshall and Dr. Rachel S. Marshall

“I give to UGA because I want to give back to the people who have given me so much.” Bubba Watson, BSFCS '08 (Pictured with wife Angie, BSED '01, and son Caleb)

• Mr. Anthony A. Martin • Mr. Jason F. Martin and Mrs. Sarah C. Martin • Mrs. Pamela M. Mattox and Mr. Nicholas S. Mattox • Mr. Gregory B. Mauldin and Mrs. Katie Mauldin • Mr. Daniel W. Mayer • Mr. George W. Mays III • Ms. Merritt E. McAlister • Ms. Katelyn A. McCandless • Ms. Mary E. McDonald and Mr. Marc W. LaMotte • Ms. Lindsey P. Medbery • Mr. José M. Meléndez and Ms. Amelia C. Meléndez • Dr. Brooks C. Mendell and Dr. Elizabeth E. Mendell • Mr. Gary L. Mimbs Jr. • Mr. Stephen A. Molinari and Ms. Mary C. Molinari • Mr. Scott T. Mooney and Ms. Lois C. Mooney • Mr. David Mowery • Mr. Kurt M. Mueller and Ms. Holly M. Mueller • Mr. Carl W. Mullis IV • Mr. Timothy W. Murphy Jr. and Ms. Melinda R. Wiltrout • Dr. Melvin A. Newell III • Mr. Taylor L. Nilan and Mrs. Lauren A. Nilan • Mr. James R. Nutaitis • Dr. Min H. Oh • Mr. Gerald E. O’Meara III and Mrs. Sandra J. O’Meara • Mr. James R. O’Reilly and Mrs. Elizabeth G. O’Reilly • Mrs. Christy L. Overall and Mr. Ryan Overall • Mr. Vijaya R. Palaniswamy • Ms. Brandie L. Park • Mr. Michael D. Patrick • Mr. Kenneth M. Payne and Mrs. Erika M. Payne • Dr. Kelly L. Paynter and Mr. Calvin F. Paynter III • Dr. Carl B. Pearl • Mr. Jason C. Pedigo and Ms. Susannah D. Pedigo • Mr. William B. Peeples IV •

Mr. James R. Peterson Jr. and Ms. Amy C. Peterson • Ms. Lauren E. Petron and Mr. David S. Petron • Ms. Amanda M. Philp • Mrs. Kristie A. Piasta and Mr. Edward A. Piasta • Dr. Brandon S. Pinson and Mrs. Cherish A. Pinson • Miss Allison K. Prescott • Mr. Jacob T. Prosser • Ms. Ladasha Y. Radder • Mr. Mark P. Rebillot and Dr. Laura N. Rebillot • Mr. Shyamsunder K. Reddy and Ms. Renee Dye • Mr. Mitchell B. Reiner and Ms. Jenny A. Menkes • Mr. Jacob S. Richardson and Ms. Susan S. Richardson • Ms. Mary S. Richardson • Mr. David A. Richardson and Mrs. Lea N. Richardson • Mr. James T. Riley • Mr. Eric S. Rivard and Ms. Susana Rivard • Mr. Asher L. Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner • Mr. Stephen S. Roach and Ms. Allison M. Roach • Mr. James B. Roberts • Dr. Seaborn A. Roddenbery V and Mrs. Mary J. Roddenbery • Matthew G. Rooks and O. Victoria Epshteyn Rooks • Mr. Jeffrey B. Rosengarten • Mr. Charles H. Russell-Schlesinger • Mr. Cloviece T. Sanders III and Ms. Whitney N. Sanders • Mr. S. Palmer Sanford IV and Mrs. Holly N. Sanford • Dr. Robyn L. Sapp • Mr. Michael G. Schrier • Mr. Cary M. Shackelford and Ms. Kristy N. Shackelford • Mr. Roswell T. Sheehan and Mrs. Shelby C. Sheehan • Mr. Samuel L. Shelton Jr. • Mr. William C. Shimp and Mrs. Laurie R. Shimp

• Mr. Winfield C. Smith II and Mrs. Carroll W. Smith • Mr. Michael B. Smith • Mr. Edward W. Smith Jr. and Mrs. Catherine M. Smith • Mr. Brian R. Staniszewski • Ms. Alicia J. Steele • Mr. Kurt L. Stephens • Mr. Ryan P. Stepler and Ms. Stacy Stepler • Mrs. Julie L. Stewart and Mr. Zachary J. Stewart • Ms. Christina L. Stow • Mr. Arthur Johnson and Mrs. T’Leatha R. Suitt-Johnson • Mr. Floyd B. Swann Jr. and Ms. Ashley D. Swann • Ms. Tamika C. Sykes • Ms. Tara L. Tallman • Mr. James B. Thompson and Ms. Amie Thompson • Mr. Paul H. Threlkeld and Ms. Ansley M. Threlkeld • Dr. Lauren H. Tierney • Ms. Katherine L. Towery • Ms. Sydney L. Traub • Mr. Joel A. Troisi and Mrs. Sharon L. Troisi • Mr. Jinn-Wei Tsao • Mr. Andrew J. Tuck • Mr. Jonathan R. Tucker • Mr. Bryan P. Turner • Dr. Julie V. Vargas and Mr. Oscar L. Vargas • Mr. Andrew J. Vesper • Drew and Julie Wade • Mr. David G. Walker Jr. • Mr. Matthew E. White and Ms. Kristin M. White • Mr. Jeffrey L. Williamson • Mr. Frank T. Wood and Ms. Morgan E. Wood • Ms. Faith J. Woodley • Dr. Margaret L. Wright • Ms. Jennifer M. Wunn • Mr. Allen W. Yee • Mr. Zachary J. Yurchuck Is your name missing? Need to check your giving record? Contact William Draper at or 706.542.8150. Create an online profile here.

upcoming events OCTOBER 10/8 Microbial Responses to Perturbations in the Environment: Tipping Points Versus Adaptation with Samantha Joye More

10/18 Football @ Arkansas Game Watching Parties 10/21 Ramsey Concert Hall Series: Paul Huang, Violin More

10/11 Football @ Missouri Game Watching Parties

10/23 Washington DC SEC Bulldogs After Business Hours More

10/14 Downtown Athens Food Tour with the Athens Area Chapter More

10/25 Double Dawg Day at UGA Gwinnett Campus More

10/15 George S. Parthemos Lecture with David Meyhew “What Does A President’s Fourth Congress Look Like?” More

10/25 Asheville Chapter River Clean-Up Day More

10/15 Dinner with a Dozen Dawgs with Danielle Hosker (AB ’01) More

10/27 The Law School’s 112th Sibley Lecture with Janet Napolitano More 10/28 Off Broadway: Accordion Virtuosi of Russia More

NOVEMBER 11/1 Football @ Florida Game Watching Parties 11/6-14 Spotlight on the Arts at UGA More 11/6 Charlotte Bulldogs After Business Hours More 11/6-16 University Theatre: The Great Gatsby More 11/8 Football @ Kentucky Game Watching Parties 11/9 Tampa Bulldog Day with the Buccaneers More 11/11 Lecture: Women in Georgia History More

Save the date! 2015 Alumni Seminar May 1-3, 2015 Through the Arch and into the classroom...without the exams! Mark your calendar to join UGA Alumni and friends in Athens!

11/13 Dinner with a Dozen Dawgs hosted by Martha Zoller (ABJ ‘79) More 11/15 Football vs. Auburn Game Watching Parties

11/29 Football vs. GA Tech Game Watching Parties

DECEMBER 12/2 2014 Louise McBee Lecture More

11/18 Upstate South Carolina (Greenville) Bulldogs After Business Hours

12/2 Giving Tuesday - show your support and make a gift!

11/19 Dinner with a Dozen Dawgs with John Moeller (BBA ’93) More

12/4 Women of UGA End of the Year Lunch in Atlanta

11/22 Football vs. Charleston Southern Game Watching Parties

12/6 Georgia Museum of Art Exhibition: “Not Ready to Make Nice” More

11/22 UGA Alumni Night at the Bookstore 11/25 Tuesday Tour at Two More

12/8 Concert: The 5 Browns More

12/9, 16 Tuesday Tour at 2 More 12/20-21 State Ballet Theatre of Russia- The Nutcracker More 12/20-21 Handel’s Messiah More 12/31 Last day to make calendar year-end gifts More

From far left: Veronica Roman '14, and Meredith Dean '14, pose with Hairy Dawg at the Senior Sendoff. Christian Conroy '13, Kirby Shulman '12 and Stephanie Fishman '12, are part of UGA in D.C. A mini UGA reunion in San Fransisco for Jason Hafford '11, Colleen Murphy '12, Janelle Christian '11, Blake Mitchell '11, Katie Kellogg '11.


Take a look back at UGA History 50 Years Ago • The UGA track was completed in 1964. At the time, it was described as “the finest track in the Southeastern Conference…” according to then UGA track coach Forest “Spec” Towns. The facility now bears the name of the legendary coach and athlete. • The Institute of Higher Education began. • Planning started for the MBA program.

100 Years Ago • The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 officially launched the University of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension Service. This law created and funded a national network of educators to share universitybased research and practical knowledge in agriculture, the environment, communities, youth and family, with the public. • Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication established.


25 Years Ago • An electrical malfunction caused a small fire in the University Chapel on Aug. 1. Custodian Lucille Johnson detected the flames while working her 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. shift and called the fire department. The damage was not extensive and was repaired along with other renovations already scheduled for that year.

75 Years Ago • Ilah Dunlap Little bequeathed $750,000 for the construction of a new library in 1939. Little specified in her will that the location of the new library would be at the site of the old Chancellor’s House. Construction of Ilah Dunlap Little Memorial Library began in 1952 and currently houses the Main Library. Today, the University of Georgia Libraries own more than 3.5 million volumes and more than 5 million microform units.

UGA News 1964

10 Years Ago • The University Council approved the creation of the School of Public Health.

School of Social Work celebrates 50 years


School of Social Work established

1970s Moved to Tucker Hall

Students and faculty at the School of Social Work in 1964


Part-time Master’s Program launched



Study Abroad Programs introduced

6,000th degree conferred


Doctoral Program begins

Current dean Maurice Daniels takes helm

Join the School of Social Work in celebrating their 50th anniversary on Oct. 17-18 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis! Click here for details. Follow #ugassw50 on Twitter and Facebook for news and updates. If you would like to share memories or photos of your time at the School of Social Work, please contact Harold Waters at (706) 542-5450 or via e-mail at We welcome your contributions!


with Geno Atkins Defensive Tackle, Cincinnati Bengals

BSFCS '11 Presidents Club Benefactor, supporting the College of Family and Consumer Sciences

What are you most proud of? Graduating from the University of Georgia and participating in two NFL Pro-Bowls. People would be surprised to know that: I watch Anime. What is your dream concert lineup? Childish Gambino, Drake, John Mayer and The Fray.

My next big accomplishment will be... Winning a Super Bowl and marrying Kristen Merritt. How would you like to be remembered? To be known as a man of integrity who was a good friend and pursued his dreams. Any final words? Go Dawgs!

You have reservations for five. Dead or alive, who’s coming to dinner? President Obama, Bob Marley, Oprah, Jesus Christ and Jay Z. Who would play you in a movie about your life? Idris Elba. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Returning to playing condition after an ACL tear in my right leg. I simply cannot live without... My faith in God. What is something that frightens you? I hate spiders. Shout out to Orkin for keeping my house spider-free. What is the most important thing you learned at UGA? To always put your best foot forward in anything you do in life. I give to UGA because... Of all the opportunities that were provided to me during my time at UGA.

Geno Atkins is a starting defensive tackle for the Cincinnati Bengals. Atkins graduated from UGA in 2011 (BCFCS) and shows his support with his gift to the Sweaney Innovation Fund in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. Atkins was selected in the fourth round of the 2010 NFL Draft after playing for the Bulldogs for three seasons. As a Bulldog, he was named First Team All-SEC and was listed on the 2009 Outland Trophy watch list. In addition to football, Atkins represented UGA in track and field and competed at SEC Championships.

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Clockwise from top left: Caren Dilts '03, and Gracie Lewis '13 attend an Atlanta Braves game in Texas. Darien Lebeach '12, Alysse Whatley '12 and Jordan Harris '12, at the Alumni Association Young Alumni Night at Sweetwater Brewery in Atlanta, Ga. Becca Keays '10, and Amanda Gudi '10, '11, enjoy catching up at the Young Alumni Night at Sweetwater Brewery. Adam '09, and Lindsey Nubern '09, at Glacier National Park. Anthony and Michelle Jones '09, Amanda Barbee '09, and John Hopper at Sanford Stadium for the Athletic Association’s Warm Up Your Seats Event. Fred Gould '08, poses with a friend at the FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

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