UGA Profiles - Summer 2013

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Summer 2013


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Thank you student donors! Thank you to all of the recent graduates who made their mark at the University of Georgia through Senior Signature. Be sure to take a picture by the plaque next time you're in Athens. You might see your picture in an upcoming publication. Please continue the tradition of supporting your alma mater!

You started a tradition, now keep it going.

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Follow UGA on Pinterest Even if you’re not an obsessive pinner, you are probably familiar with the image-centered website Pinterest, which sports the tagline “a tool for collecting and organizing things you love.” Millions use it daily for everything from home design to delicious recipes to event-planning. No matter where you are, keep Georgia on your mind by following UGA and the UGA Alumni Association on Pinterest. Not only will you be able to reminisce by catching beautiful photos of campus, but you can stay up-to-date on UGA’s research, amazing students, and Bulldog culture.

Student-driven UGA app available in App Store By Kerri Testement The University of Georgia has launched a new central mobile app that lets users track campus buses, plan meals in various dining halls and see the latest athletic scores, among other features. The app is available in the Apple App Store by searching for University of Georgia, UGA or bulldog. The app was planned and designed by the Student Government Association working with UGA Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS). It is offered for the iPhone, iPad or iPod. The app has a campus map and building search, a UGA people search, a UGA majors search, customizable calendars and locations and a quick contacts list. “It can help you get through your day on campus by finding a bus or learning which dining halls are busy,” said Will Burgess, 2013 graduate and past Student Government Association President. “Then, once you graduate, it can help you keep in touch with the university.” Burgess and his running mate, Marshall Mosher, pledged to offer a UGA app as part of their campaign platform for SGA president and vice president a year ago. Once elected, SGA students met with EITS, which helped earmark Student Technology Fee funds for the project. “They gave us full reign of content decisions on the app,” said Brittany Robertson, a senior graphic design student from St. Louis, Mo., who worked on the project. “They also gave me full reign of visual designs. And I had no idea that they were going to give students the freedom to make decisions on the app that the entire student body could download on their iPhones. I was blown away with that kind of responsibility and trust.” Dave Crouch, director of the EITS Web and mobile technology group, said “I’ve personally been really inspired to see everyone come together on this project. Everyone has contributed a lot toward its completion and success. It’s been great to see this app come to UGA and also to see what we can do by working together.” For more information, see

Sustainable Legacy Daniella Rhoades Adams BSA ’08 Horticulture James Adams BSA ’07 Horticulture Landscape Gardens Management 6^ULYZ Grove Creek Farm and Green Peak Landscaping Crawford, GA


ive dogs, three cats, 30 head of heritage Pineywoods cattle and a passion for traditional, sustainable Southern agricultural practices—that is what keeps Daniella (Dani) Rhoades Adams and her husband James busy and M\SÄSSLK ;OL JV\WSL V^UZ HUK operates Grove Creek Farm, located in Crawford, Georgia on HIV\[ HJYLZ VM SHUK Sustainable agricultural practices are values that were instilled in Dani from her late MH[OLY )VI 9OVHKLZ 9OVHKLZ was a renowned agricultural anthropologist and UGA professor who initially purchased the land for Grove Creek from a real LZ[H[L KL]LSVWLY (M[LY ZH]PUN it from becoming a subdivision, Rhoades envisioned the Grove Creek property as a place to practice and educate his family and the community PU ZOV^JHZPUN Z\Z[HPUHISL HNYPJ\S[\YL Rhoades’ passion for sustainable agriculture was ignited as a member of the inaugural class of Peace Corps volunteers in 1962 when he served in 5LWHS 6]LY [OL `LHYZ OL JVU[PU\LK ZVTL VM [OVZL early Peace Corps lessons by establishing a working farm and collecting early 19th century log cabins ^OPJO OH]L UV^ ILLU YLJVUZ[Y\J[LK VU [OL MHYT As a son of a dairy farmer, James is no stranger to landscape management and farming, LP[OLY 0U MHJ[ H[ [OL HNL VM 1HTLZ Z[HY[LK OPZ V^U SHUKZJHWPUN I\ZPULZZ (ZPKL MYVT OLSWPUN Y\U the farm, James founded Green Peak Landscaping, specializing in irrigation contracting, landscape YLUV]H[PVU HUK PUZ[HSSH[PVU 1HTLZ SV]LZ ILPUN outdoors—“Dani literally has to drag me inside to do WHWLY^VYR 0U [OL Z\TTLY V\Y KH`Z NV MYVT KHYR [V KHYR ¹ OL X\PWWLK Both Dani and James studied Horticulture

in UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental :JPLUJLZ 1HTLZ YLJHSSLK ^OLU [OL` ÄYZ[ TL[ ¸0 was the renegade landscape major that always sat on the last row and Dani was the President of the Horticulture Club…we are quite H WHPY ¹ Dani and James continue to maintain a close relationship with UGA in ]HYPV\Z HYLHZ (ZZVJPH[L WYVMLZZVY ;PT :THSSL` PU the horticulture department actually married the two, and JVU[PU\LZ [V ZLY]L HZ H TLU[VY Dani noted, “we could not function without [the UGA] Cooperative Extension… it’s wonderful having local experts to give us resources HUK HUZ^LYZ ¹ ;OL` HSZV give back to the University by donating materials to the Special Collections Library and establishing a travel award for UGA anthropology graduate students to JLSLIYH[L 9OVHKLZ» SLNHJ` ;OL JV\WSL SP]LZ HUK WYHJ[PJLZ Z\Z[HPUHIPSP[` every day with the beef cattle they raise and how [OL` THUHNL [OL SHUK ¸7PUL`^VVKZ JH[[SL HYL descendants of the original Spanish stock left along the Georgia coast by explorers in the early [O JLU[\Y`¹ L_WSHPUZ +HUP .YV]L *YLLR TLH[ can be purchased from Athens Locally Grown at H[OLUZ SVJHSS`NYV^U UL[ (U HUU\HS ZLLK Z^HW PZ hosted at Grove Creek, providing the community an opportunity to see the “old timey” farming methods they employ and visit the log cabins scattered [OYV\NOV\[ [OL WYVWLY[` 6UL KH` +HUP HUK 1HTLZ OVWL [V \[PSPaL [OL JHIPUZ HZ ]HJH[PVU YLU[HSZ <S[PTH[LS` [OLPY dream is to build upon Rhoades’ vision so thriving LK\JH[PVUHS WYVNYHTZ HJJVTWHU` [OL ^VYRPUN MHYT For more information, visit ^^^ NYV]LJYLLRMHYT VYN


Young Alumni Gathering June 14

JUNE 6/14 Young Alumni Gathering at SweetWater Brewing Company Use #UGAYA to share young alumni event photos on Instagram and updates on Twitter! More information.

8/2 Summer Commencement 2013 9:30 a.m. Stegeman Coliseum More information. 8/10 Georgia 4-H Foundation Gala Lowes Hotel, 6 p.m. After Party with Yacht Rock 10 p.m. More information. 6/27 Boston: UGA Alumni at Fenway Park More information. JULY

6/15 Saturday at the Rock: Canning and Food Preservation at Rock Eagle 4H Center More information.

7/9 Sunflower Concert Series: Caroline Aiken State Botanical Garden of Georgia More information.

6/18-6/26 Vice President for Student Affairs Finalist Visits All visists from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tate Student Center Reception Hall Room 135

7/13 Hobnail Boot Camp Park Tavern Patio 10 a.m. More information.

6/18: Melissa Exum, Vice President for Student Affairs, Purdue University 6/24: Victor Wilson, Executive Vice President for Student Affairs, College of Charleston 6/26: Jeanine Ward-Roof, Dean of Students, Florida State University

6/21 Deadline for 2013 UGA Football Parking Registration Parking registration for parking deck season parking permits closes at 5 p.m. 6/23 Spotlight Tour: Kress Collection Georgia Museum of Art More information.

7/17 Using Social Media for your Business sponsored by the Small Business Development Center Network More information. 7/29 UGA Day in Gwinnett County More information.

8/12 Fall Semester Classes Begin 8/20 Sunflower Concert Series: Grogus State Botanical Garden of Georgia More information. 8/31 Football at Clemson

Sweetwater Brewing Co. Alumni event It’s time for the annual UGA Young Alumni Gathering at SweetWater Brewing Company! If you are a recent graduate, you are in for a treat. Each year, more than 200 young alumni gather together to enjoy live music, appetizers and tastings at one of Atlanta’s top breweries. The appetizers for this year's event will be provided by Barberitos' new locations in Buckhead and Sandy Springs. So, mark your calendars, gather your fellow UGA young alumni, and make your way to SweetWater Brewing Company. It’s a perfect end to the work week. Details here.

UGA Calendars Check out the complete Alumni Association Calendar. Events at the UGA Performing Arts Center. Only select athletic events listed above. See the complete athletics schedule. There are lectures, seminars, and guests presenters on a wide variety of topics nearly everyday. See the full listing of UGA events open to alumni.

We want to hear from


Congrats 2013 Grads Whether you just completed a BFA, Ph.D. or any degree in between, congratulations on this fantastic achievement! UGA is so proud to have you join the ranks of its successful Alumni. Stay updated on upcoming news and activities by submitting your alumni contact information here! ƒ

Thank you!

My name is Alexandria Finkhousen. I am a third year student at the University of Georgia in the Terry College of Business. I am majoring in Finance and International Business with a minor in Spanish. Thank you for your overwhelming generosity in providing me with a UGA Scholarship. It was received at such a crucial time in my life. I am responsible for most of my costs and expenses in college, and I truly do understand the value of this scholarship. I am so grateful and appreciative of all my UGA experience has provided. Thank you for supporting UGA! Alexandra visited Lagos, Portugal while studying abroad in Spain.

Do you have an address change or news to share? Update your alumni records. Click to Submit

Profiles LIA MORAITAKIS BSFCS ’09 Furniture & 0U[LYPVYZ 6^ULY +LZPNULY Copella Designs Sales Associate, Jerry Pair Leather JVWLSSHKLZPNUZ JVT Atlanta, GA Why do you give to UGA? UGA will always be there for us – so why not be there to support a place we once called home? Be it tailgates on North Campus, favorite restaurants, :HUMVYK :[HKP\T VY ;OL .LVYNPH ;OLH[YL ¶ [OLYL PZ HS^H`Z ZVTL[OPUN [V YL[\YU [V (Z HU HS\TUH 0 Z\WWVY[ my alma mater so it will be there for my children to enjoy and understand how it shaped me as a person and a KLZPNULY Currently reading…All You Could Ask For by Mike .YLLUILYN In 10 years...(SS 0 JV\SK HZR MVY PZ [V IL OHWW` HUK OLHS[O` PU [LU `LHYZ HUK Z[PSS ^VYRPUN OHYK -P]L `LHYZ HNV 0 ^V\SK UV[ OH]L PTHNPULK 0 ^V\SK IL PU [OL SLH[OLY industry working with cowhides while also running a ZTHSS QL^LSY` I\ZPULZZ VU [OL ZPKL 0[ Q\Z[ WYV]LZ ^OV knows what will happen! Favorite part of your job...>OLU 0 ZLL H JVTWSL[L stranger walking down the street wearing one of my WPLJLZ P[ THRLZ TL WYV\K VM T` OHYK ^VYR 3HZ[PUN ILULÄ[Z VM H <.( LK\JH[PVU& Being in the art and design studios at UGA, you work like a dog! After NYHK\H[PVU 0 TPZZLK [OL HY[PZ[PJ V\[SL[Z 0 OHK PU JVSSLNL HUK Z[H`PUN \W HSS UPNO[ ^VYRPUN ^P[O T` WLLYZ <.( instills a “don’t stop until you get it” attitude that sticks ^P[O `V\ HZ HU HS\TUP Inspired by…;OL [YHKP[PVUHS QL^LSY` HUK ^HYKYVIL VM HUJPLU[ JP]PSPaH[PVUZ (MYPJHU [YPIHS QL^LSY` ;\YRPZO TL[HS^VYR .YLJPHU JVPUZ 0UKPHU ILHK^VYR ]PU[HNL LZ[H[L WPLJLZ HUK [OL WYLJPV\Z IH\ISLZ VM YV`HS X\LLUZ

TIM MACKAY BSFR ’10, Wildlife (X\HYPZ[ 6JLHU Voyager Gallery at the Georgia Aquarium NLVYNPHHX\HYP\T VYN Atlanta, GA Currently reading… Ender's Game I` 6YZVU Scott Card, for about [OL [O [PTL In 10 years... 0 OVWL to have advanced in the Aquarium and AVVSVNPJHS ^VYSK 0 OH]L always had a passion for working with animals, so 0»SS JVU[PU\L [V SV]L T` QVI Favorite part of your job/funniest story...0 SV]L [OL HUPTHSZ 0 ^VYR ^P[O /V^ THU` WLVWSL JHU ZH` [OL` MLLK whale sharks and manta rays on a daily basis? Every day PZ KLÄUP[LS` KPMMLYLU[ 3HZ[PUN ILULÄ[Z VM H <.( LK\JH[PVU& ;OL HTV\U[ VM ^VYR HUK KLKPJH[PVU 0 W\[ [V^HYKZ T` KLNYLL PU >HYULSS TVSKLK TL PU[V [OL OHYK^VYRPUN LTWSV`LL [OH[ 0 HT [VKH` 4LTVYPaPUN HSS [OL ZJPLU[PÄJ UHTLZ HSZV OHZ helped me in memorizing the species we have at the (X\HYP\T Inspired by…My brother, Chris MacKay, a 2006 UGA NYHK\H[L /L OHZ KVUL ZV THU` HTHaPUN [OPUNZ SPRL OPRPUN [OL (WWHSHJOPHU ;YHPS TV]PUN [V [OL <RYHPUL [V QVPU [OL 7LHJL *VYWZ HUK Z[H`PUN PU [OL <RYHPUL [V ^VYR 0»T WYV\K [V JHSS OPT T` IYV[OLY Why do you give to UGA? <.( PZ T` HSTH TH[LY 0[ TVSKLK TL PU[V [OL THU 0 HT [VKH` 0 ^V\SK UV[ IL PU [OPZ HTHaPUN WVZP[PVU ^P[OV\[ T` <UP]LYZP[` L_WLYPLUJL

MICHELLE MCFERRIN BSED ’07 Business Education MBA ’11 ;OL /VTL +LWV[ Manager, Assurance and Advisory Management Program OVTLKLWV[ JVT Atlanta, GA In 10 years...My life has been such an adventure, thus MHY ZV [OLYL PZ UV [LSSPUN ^OLYL 0 ^PSS IL PU `LHYZ 0 hope to have had more opportunities to see the world and learn about different cultures, grow in my career and THRL H WVZP[P]L PTWHJ[ VU V[OLYZ Favorite part of your job...0 SV]L ^OH[ /VTL +LWV[ Z[HUKZ MVY (KKP[PVUHSS` 0 NL[ [V ^VYR VU WYVQLJ[Z PU HSS KPMMLYLU[ M\UJ[PVUZ VM [OL VYNHUPaH[PVU ZV 0 HT JVUZ[HU[S` JOHSSLUNLK HUK SLHYUPUN UL^ [OPUNZ Great UGA memory…0 SV]LK ZOHYPUN T` WHZZPVU MVY <.( HZ HU 6YPLU[H[PVU 3LHKLY PU HUK NL[[PUN [V RUV^ Z[HMM HUK HKTPUPZ[YH[VYZ MYVT HSS V]LY [OL \UP]LYZP[` 3HZ[PUN ILULÄ[Z VM H <.( LK\JH[PVU& My education through my undergraduate and graduate (MBA) courses NH]L TL H ^LSS YV\UKLK HUK ÄYT MV\UKH[PVU MVY LU[LYPUN [OL ^VYRPUN ^VYSK ;OL VWWVY[\UP[PLZ <.( WYV]PKLZ for travel abroad, leadership roles and community involvement set UGA graduates apart by giving them a diverse range of experiences in which to grow personally HUK WYVMLZZPVUHSS` Can you share any UGA traditions of your own? (U`[PTL 0 [YH]LS K\YPUN MVV[IHSS ZLHZVU 0 LUQV` ^H[JOPUN [OL NHTL ^P[O [OL SVJHS HS\TUP NYV\W ^OLYL]LY 0 HT ¶ UGA fans are everywhere! Loved catching the games while in NYC, Boston and Chicago! Inspired by… 0 HT HS^H`Z OLHYPUN HIV\[ [OL accomplishments of undergraduate students, graduate Z[\KLU[Z HUK HS\TUP 0 HT ZV WYV\K [V IL H WHY[ VM Z\JO HU PUJYLKPISL UL[^VYR

EMILY SCOFIELD MS ’99 Environmental Health ,_LJ\[P]L +PYLJ[VY ;OL < : Green Building Council North Carolina Chapter \ZNIJUJ VYN Charlotte, NC Currently reading…Yea Though I Walk by fellow UGA alumnus +HYYLSS /\JRHI` In 10 years...0 OVWL [V OH]L started an environmental education multi-media business to nurture a spirit of global environmental protection in JOPSKYLU HYV\UK [OL ^VYSK Favorite part of your job...0 HT THRPUN T` JVTT\UP[` HUK LU]PYVUTLU[ IL[[LY 0 HK]VJH[L MVY OLHS[O` OPNO performing buildings which results in healthier, higher WLYMVYTPUN VJJ\WHU[Z 0 LK\JH[L HUK PU[LYHJ[ ^P[O LSLJ[LK VMÄJPHSZ [LHJOLYZ L_LJ\[P]LZ HUK Z[HRLOVSKLYZ [V WYVTV[L LULYN` LMÄJPLUJ` ^H[LY LMÄJPLUJ` PUKVVY HPY X\HSP[` HUK LJV MYPLUKS` YLNPVUHS TH[LYPHSZ Can you share any UGA traditions of your own? My O\ZIHUK HUK 0 THRL ZL]LYHS [YPWZ H `LHY [V ([OLUZ >L eat at our Athens favorites, let our children pick out a UGA souvenir and exercise through campus with our KVN Inspired by…HNL [PTL JVTWL[P[PVU HUK YLJVNUP[PVU <S[PTH[LS` 0 HT PUZWPYLK I` T` MHP[O 0 ILSPL]L 0 OH]L ILLU NP]LU [HSLU[Z HUK OH]L ZVTL[OPUN VM ]HS\L [V VMMLY

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UGA Campus Kitchen named organization of the year

Jesse Johnson: Distinguished Young Alumnus

This spring, the University of Georgia hosted the 12th Annual H. Gordon and Francis S. Davis Student Organization Achievement and Recognition (SOAR) Awards. The SOAR Awards are dedicated to Dr. and Mrs. Davis who have set a high standard for excellence and service that inspires UGA students today. Dr. and Mrs. Davis generously pledged an annual gift that honors the extraordinary impact UGA student leaders, organizations and their advisors have on the campus and surrounding community each year. Campus Kitchen at UGA was awarded organization of the year. The mission of Campus Kitchen is “to reduce food waste while simultaneously feeding a vulnerable population of seniors in the Athens area through a student-powered food rescue and redistribution initiative.” Beginning in early 2011, Campus Kitchen formed a partnership with the Athens Community Council on Aging (ACCA) to help prevent, and one day end, senior hunger by serving families that are food insecure. Campus Kitchen has delivered over 1,200 pounds of rescued food to 26 families in the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program and homedelivered meal recipients. Campus Kitchen volunteers work almost every day of the week, from collecting food and cooking at Jittery Joe’s bakery to maintaining the campus community UGArden and delivering meals. To find out how you can help, visit

Jesse Johnson (BSFR ’00) lumps himself in with the group of foresters he calls “eternal optimists.” Through the challenges faced by Georgia’s forestry industry and the shifting state population from rural to urban, Johnson believes it is key to show the importance of sustainable forestry. “The reason people get emotional about trees is because no one writes poems about corn,” he notes. Johnson was recently named the 2012 Distinguished Young Alumnus for the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, and feels “of any award I’ve gotten, this to me is the pinnacle. It really is.” Johnson, 35, is a registered forester and a sales agent with Southern Land Exchange. Officially, he specializes in timberland and recreational properties ranging from 50-1,000+ acres. Unofficially, he is their go-to guy when someone wants to build a family homestead, which Johnson is quite familiar with, having grown up on 500 acres of family land. “My parents practically kicked me off the turnip truck at Sanford Stadium,” he laughs, and it didn’t take long for the teenager from rural Georgia to feel homesick. Johnson thanks his roommate for bringing him to Warnell, where he discovered careers in the outdoors and learned in a family-like atmosphere. Johnson remains good friends with his Warnell classmates, and the close-knit culture inspired him to stay involved post-graduation. Johnson currently serves on Warnell’s Young Alumni Committee and enjoys being on campus to speak with current students.

The Perfect Match )3(2, )9<*, ))( » -05(5*, 4(9@ *(;/,905, )9<*, ): » )0636.@

Blake and Mary Catherine Bruce believe in the excellent education students receive at UGA. “I would encourage young alumni to reflect back on their personal experiences and memories as a student” Blake Bruce says. “It is hard to imagine that many could reflect without wishing they were still at UGA. More importantly, it is hard to imagine that many could reflect without believing that he or she is not a better person because of these experiences. As alumni, it is our responsibility to support the faculty and staff in their efforts to make sure that our great University is only getting better. I would encourage all alumni to get involved and find a meaningful way to give of your time, talents, and financial resources.” As a finance student in UGA’s Terry College of Business, Blake had the opportunity to hear Warren Buffett speak on campus in 2001. Now a vice president of wealth management and senior financial advisor at Merrill Lynch, Blake recalls the event as a defining and memorable moment in his education. “It was an unbelievable opportunity to see one of the greatest investors of all time at the Terry College. I was lucky that my roommate was a Leonard Scholar and offered me an extra ticket to attend. It was an experience that I will never forget,” said Blake. Mary Catherine, an alumna of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences now serves as the Chief Operations Officer and Vice President at the R.A. Siegel Company, a wholesale distributor of flooring products. With their backgrounds in the finance and building sectors, it’s no surprise that when these young professionals recently made their transformational gift to the University, it was to benefit the Terry Complex

Building Campaign. This significant gift, bolstered by a company match from Bank of America, represents an opportunity to make a difference for future Terry students. “I believe in Terry leadership’s vision of ‘national prominence’. I know that we are capable of being as good as or better than our aspirant colleges. We have the leadership in our faculty, staff, and advisory boards but additional resources and facilities are needed to accomplish this vision. This is an exciting time for the Terry College and my wife, Mary Catherine, and I want to be part of it.” Blake has served as chair of the Terry College’s Young Alumni Board and remains very involved with the college. The Bruces have a one year old daughter, Mary Stewart, and an English bulldog named Storman Norman.

Bulldogs everywhere! people x places x pride

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Clockwise from top middle: Lt. Col. James F. Dominick ’68 before he walks his daughter, Shelby Lynn Dominick Reed ’04, down the aisle; Son of Susan Daniel ’98, ’05 nabs an autograph before the game; Ericka Hollis ’05 posed at the Great Wall of China; Devin Zimmerman ’10, Wendy Hsiao ’09, and Allie Cass ’10 snap a shot at Sanford Stadium; Pablo Navia ’12 supervising the fumigation process and plastic mulching in Worth County; Paul (PT) Umpress ’12, Sonja Traxler ’12 and Matthew Watts ’12 at May commencement. On the cover: (Top left): Student Justin Morris can use his laptop and enjoy a sunny day on Tate Plaza, thanks to the PAWS wireless gateway, which covers much of campus and downtown Athens. Photo by Robert Newcomb. (Top right): Over 4,100 undergraduates walked onto the Sanford Stadium field during the 2013 Spring commencement. Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker; (Bottom row left to right): Jeremy Kirschner ’12 on the sidelines with Hairy Dawg; Rayna Eve Bishop ’10 and Paige Robinson Gilliland ’07 at Redmont Park, Birmingham, AL; Amelia Hines ’06, ’12 and Corey Dortch ’03, ’05, ’11 tailgating outside of Myers Hall.

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