UGA Profiles - Fall 2015

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In this issue: · Featured alumni

Marcus West

Mamie Shepherd

· Record-breaking fundraising year · Young Alumni Honor Roll of Giving

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Were you a donor to UGA last year? If so, you were part of a record-breaking number of contributors—63,784 at final count—who led the University of Georgia to its best fundraising year in history. Thank you! After all contributions were tallied for the year on June 30, the university received more than $144.2 million in new gifts and commitments for the 2015 fiscal year, a 14 percent increase over last year’s record total of $126.4 million. “Once again, the University of Georgia community has joined together to provide an unprecedented level of financial support to advance the academic mission of this great institution,” said President Jere W. Morehead. “I am grateful to our generous and loyal alumni and friends for their significant contributions, to the UGA Foundation board of trustees, to the development team, and to the senior leadership across our schools, colleges, and other units for their hard work and dedication; and to our outstanding faculty, staff, and students, who continue to

make UGA the very special place that it is.” The 63,784 donors represent a 12 percent increase over fiscal year 2014, in which 56,897 donors contributed to the institution. “Having established an all-time fundraising record just one year ago—and to exceed that total by a significant margin just 12 months later—is an incredible tribute to our donors who have stepped up and answered the call to support the university,” said Kelly Kerner, vice president for the Division of Development and Alumni Relations. “Words are inadequate to express the depth of appreciation I have for our alumni and friends who have committed their financial resources to help ensure the University of Georgia maintains an upward trajectory as one of the world’s great institutions of higher education.” For more information, see the full release. Read on to meet young alumni Georgia Fund donors!


Marcus West BSED ’06, MED ’07 | Teacher, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and Fulton County schools. Although he is over 7,000 miles from the University After teaching for eight years, Marcus decided to live of Georgia, Marcus West stays connected to his alma a dream by moving across the world to teach middle mater. Each year, he donates to the Georgia Fund, school boys. “The opportunity to teach and be part of knowing that he is staying updated with the campus education reform in Abu Dhabi presented itself. I took progress while also providing valuable opportunities a leap of faith and made the move,” for future students. “Giving he says. His interest in global back is an excellent way education began at the University of to show appreciation for “Giving back is an excellent Georgia with a study abroad trip to the incredible education way to show appreciation for Australia. That experience sparked and social experiences an urge to travel and learn with UGA offers. I hope future the incredible education others, and it continues today. students will have a similar and social experiences that In Abu Dhabi, he teaches math experience,” he says. in English to middle school boys. “I visited campus after UGA offers in hopes that He says that the work is challenging graduation and I was amazed. future students will have and inspiring. “This experience is When I arrived at UGA, I a similar experience.” incredibly rewarding professionally, was happy to have the Tate financially and socially,” he says. Center and Ramsey Student “Seeing the spark and excitement Center. The university offers when a student learns something new inspires me.” so much more now.” Marcus graduated from UGA in 2006 with a Teaching is also giving Marcus an opportunity to explore his new surroundings and the world. In the last bachelor’s degree in education, and continued his year, he has traveled to 13 countries. He knows at some education by completing a master’s degree in 2007. point, he’ll move to another exotic locale to teach in a He went on to earn his Ed.D in Curriculum and Instruction and started his education career in Clarke community. For now, he balances his work and social life, enjoying yachting, cultural events and learning new languages. Thanks to his UGA education and study abroad experience, Marcus sees himself as a global partner in education. “The sky is the limit. My experience teaching in Abu Dhabi has taught me that you can grow tremendously in a year,” he says. He hopes his career path will direct him into a leadership position, which supports new teachers and nurtures students, whether through direct, daily impact in the classroom, or financial impact through giving to the university.

Turkey Lebanon Israel




Jordan Kuwait

Saudi Arabia Oman Yemen

Abu Dhabi is the capital and second most populated city of the United Arab Emirates. It lies on a T-shaped island jutting into the Persian Gulf from the central western coast. The city proper had a population of more than 2.45 million in 2014.

Return to the Classic City for Homecoming 2015! Homecoming events College of Environment and Design Tailgate in the Founders Memorial Garden three hours before kickoff Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication Tailgate on the lawn of the journalism building two hours before kickoff; Ambassador Reunion on Friday, Oct. 16. School of Law 25th Annual Law Dawg BBQ North Campus Terry College of Business Tailgate three hours before kickoff Brooks Hall Lawn Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Alumni Dinner at Flinchum’s Phoenix on Friday, tailgate three hours before kickoff at Mary Kahrs Warnell Garden College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni, Donors, and Friends are invited to join the Vet School’s Dean’s Tailgate at the Lameness Paddock three hours before kickoff. Contact Molly Thomas for more details.

Redcoat Band Alumni can register for Homecoming events. College of Pharmacy Join Pharmacy for Homecoming Tailgate and Class Reunions for Classes of 2010, 2005, 2000, 1995 and 1990 three hours prior to kickoff. Registration details will be available soon. For more information contact Kim Hamby, Director of Alumni Affairs, at or 706-542-4536.

Campus Roundup Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication

On Aug. 7, Grady graduates will gather in San Fransisco for the College’s final stop of its Centennial tour. Join Dean Charles Davis and Grady College faculty from 7-9 p.m. at Bluestem Brasseire.

College of Public Health

The College of Public Health is celebrating its 10th Anniversary on Monday, Oct. 5. Join other alumni for the program and reception on the Health Sciences Campus. Details will be announced soon on the college’s Facebook event page. On Oct. 6, UGA will host the State of Public Health Conference at the Georgia Center. Conference updates will be available on the College of Public Health Facebook page.

We love our West Coast Bulldogs! UGA alumni on the West Coast assembled to demonstrate their passion and pride for the University of Georgia. The alumni events in Los Angeles and San Fransisco provided an incredible welcome for President Morehead and administrators who visited in July. Thank you to all young alumni for joining fellow Bulldogs for an unforgettable week!

Terry College of Business

Terry young alumni are always welcome at the Terry Third Thursday programs. Terry College Alumni Awards nominations are now open. Nominate worthy Terry grads by Aug. 31.

College of Agriculture

Join CAES for its 2015 Alumni Association Annual Awards Banquet on September 25 at the Classic Center. Reception begins at 6:00 p.m., dinner and awards recognition are at 7:00 p.m. CAES will host the annual South Campus Tailgate on September 26 starting three hours before kickoff at Legion Field.


Mamie Shepherd ABJ ’13 | Program Coordinator for the Ryan Seacrest Foundation at Levine Children’s Hospital, On-air talent at Kiss 95.1 WNKS-FM, Charlotte, NC So much of me Is made of what I learned from you You’ll be with me Like a handprint on my heart -Stephen Schwartz Mamie Shepherd refers to the song, “For Good,” from the musical “Wicked”, when describing her time at University of Georgia. “So much of who I am today is because of what I learned at UGA. I had a dream college experience!” Mamie explains, “while I was a student, I was constantly in awe of the amazing opportunities. I want to see those same opportunities in place for current and future students.” She continues, “UGA has a tradition

of excellence. Giving back with an annual gift just helps maintain that excellence.” As a UGA sophomore, Mamie participated in the Grady College’s lunchtime information sessions. These programs would link students with professionals and industry representatives. While at a session featuring the Ryan Seacrest Foundation (RSF), she applied for an internship in its new Atlanta studio. During this time, she successfully secured the internship and also connected with UGA alumna Meredith Seacrest (ABJ ’03), Executive Director and COO of RSF and sister to founder Ryan Seacrest (M ’97). Mamie’s internship continued through graduation and her experience positioned her to help open the Seacrest Studios in Charlotte, where she now serves as

the Georgia Fund. the Program Coordinator for RSF Seacrest Studios in Charlotte at the Levine Children’s Hospital. In this role, “I moved to a new city, out of state, where I did not know a soul. UGA alumni provided instant family, she manages all aspects of the closed-circuit radio and connections and activities that made me feel grounded,” TV multimedia center, which includes serving as on-air she says. “UGA alumni have a talent and creative director, as unique opportunity to be an well as coordinating all internal example to students who are and external media relations “UGA has a tradition of still in school. Being a reflection programming, from hospital staff to visiting celebrities and of wisdom, justice, moderation excellence. Giving back helps and generosity speaks volumes more. maintain that excellence. The studio’s programming to generations that come UGA Alumni have a unique after us! We must support focus is to be therapeutic for patients and staff alike. “We are the institution that gave us so opportunity to be an example much.” working to enhance the work to students who are still Mamie was recently of doctors, nurses, therapists in school.” named to UGA’s 40 Under and staff, as well as interact 40 list for her professional with patients and their families. It is amazing and rewarding accomplishments with RSF and as the weekend on-air talent at Kiss 95.1 in Charlotte. work.” “There are many moments I am proud of, but being Even though her career is in Charlotte, Mamie recognized by my alma mater holds extra special continues to seek ways to support and connect with alumni. She joined her classmates in supporting the meaning for me.” 2013 Senior Signature, and also makes an annual gift to



UGA is pleased to recognize the alumni under 40 who have been consistent donors for five or more years, and those who support us at our annual leadership levels. Make your gift today to join the university’s most loyal alumni. 20 YEARS


Drew and Julie Wade

Mr. Thomas J. Way • Ms. Patricia E. Barry • Mr. Christopher M. Gant and Mrs. Ali W. Gant • Dr. Richard A. Todebush and Dr. Patricia L. Todebush • Mr. Michael S. Parsons and Mrs. Mary Ann Parsons • Dr. Leigh A. Conner • Ms. Leslie P. Younkins • Ms. Alexia C. Chandler • Mr. Kyle D. Kemper and Mrs. Jane A. Kemper • Mr. Ryan P. Stepler and Ms. Stacy Stepler • Dr. Edith Martin Rogers

19 YEARS Mr. Seth K. Abrams and Mrs. Laura B. Abrams

18 YEARS Mr. Brandon K. Marlow and Ms. Allison S. Marlow • Mr. Johnson S. Corley and Mrs. Gabrielle N. Corley • Mr. Jeffrey J. Wood and Ms. Megan H. Wood • Mr. Alan M. Burton and Ms. Jennifer L. Burton • Mrs. Ronda A. Sanders

17 YEARS Mr. Brian A. Stone • Mr. Geoffrey R. Walton and Mrs. Jill Stephens Walton • Mr. Brantley E. Day and Mrs. Amanda M. Day 16 YEARS Mrs. Kelly West Smith and Mr. Brian J. Smith • Senator Charles J. Bethel and Dr. Lynsey R. Bethel • Mr. Hunter R. Hopkins and Mrs. Anne Hopkins • Mr. David G. Bergman and Mrs. Dana Bergman • Mr. Robert J. Bristow Jr. and Ms. Ellen M. Bristow • Mr. Randall C. Gilbert and Mrs. Mindy Gilbert • Ms. Sarah Baines and Mr. Christopher P. Baines II • Ms. Adra F. Tucker • W. Leverett and Meredith V. Lunceford • Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Pannell • Miss Jennifer L. Chapman

15 YEARS Mr. William B. Portwood • Mrs. Elizabeth E. Chipley • Mr. Jason V. Parker and Mrs. Avery L. Parker • Mr. Joshua F. Parker and Mrs. Heather A. Parker • Ms. Stephanie D. Burton • Mrs. Christy C. Seyfert and Mr. Michael Seyfert

14 YEARS Mr. Eric C. Haun • Mr. Brennan W. Bolt and Ms. Michelle A. Bolt • Mr. Edward A. Marshall and Dr. Julia S. Marshall • Mrs. Meredith Gurley Johnson and Mr. Terrell Johnson • Mr. Joshua E. Kight • Mrs. Suzanne Melton Griffeth and Mr. Phillip C. Griffeth • Ms. Laura D. Eschleman and Mr. Edward R. Eschleman • Associate Professor Jill E. Mitchell and Mr. Sean R. Mitchell • Mr. Jeffrey S. Hall and Dr. Lucy J. Bush • Dr. Christopher B. Wilson • Mr. Sean A. Shaikun and Ms. Jennifer B. Shaikun • Ms. Julienne M. Ferris • Mr. Lewis B. Campbell III and Mrs. Emily A. Campbell • Mr. Joseph H. Bridges • Mr. Allen W. Yee • Mr. John W. Bishop Jr. and Ms. Alicia R. Bishop • Mr. Brandon Patten • Ms. Holly O. Hanson and Ms. Sophie J. Hanson

12 YEARS Mr. Christian M. Robinson and Mrs. Barbara S. Robinson • Mr. Wilson G. Barmeyer and Ms. Sarah T. Barmeyer • Dr. Eric W. Durham • Dr. Ray A. Dixon and Dr. Jessica Dixon • Mr. Keith A. Mauriello and Mrs. Kelley Mauriello • Dr. Carey A. Vaughan and Ms. Ginger E. Grooms-Vaughan • Dr. Kenneth C. Shuler Jr. and Dr. Heather L. Shuler • Mr. Lawrence E. Lykins Jr. and Dr. Holly S. Lykins • Dr. Amy R. Wyatt • Dr. Sabrina L. Croft and Mr. Adam B. Croft • Mrs. Jennifer E. Dell • Ms. Julie C. Wilson • Miss Mary K. Hunter • Mr. Julian M. Jones IV and Mrs. Elizabeth Jones • Dr. Brandy C. Scott and Mr. Steven Scott • Dr. Hunter E. Bates and Mrs. Ellison K. Bates • Mrs. Emily A. Gray and Mr. Paul A. Gray • Dr. Rebecca B. Winkler • Mr. Douglas M. Ghertner and Ms. Shea K. Ghertner • Ms. Faith J. Woodley • Mr. David E. Howard

11 YEARS Anonymous • Mrs. Rebecca Dopson Lang and Mr. Kevin Lang • Dr. Jill R. Lancaster • Mr. Benjamin M. Perkins and Ms. Sally G. Perkins • Mr. Rodrick J. Marquette and Mrs. Erica C. Marquette • Mr. Morgan E. Lee and Ms. Kelly R. Lee • Mr. Dustin T. Brown and Ms. Kathryn L. Brown • Mr. Noah P. Peeters and Ms. Rebecca F. Wasserman • Mr. Cris M. Areskog • Ms. Elizabeth R. Elmore • Ms. Mary E. McDonald and Mr. Marc W. LaMotte • Mr. Edward J. Tarver Jr. • Mr. Carl P. Campbell and Mrs. Helen H. Campbell • Mr. Robert C. Irwin III and Mrs. Meredith W. Irwin • Mrs. Emily R. Horn and Mr. Daniel J. Horn • Ms. Laura F. Plaukovich and Mr. Andrew W. Plaukovich • Mr. David Baker and Ms. Mycla A. Baker • Mr. Chandler B. McClellan and Mrs. Jessica C. McClellan • Mr. Kyle C. McInnis and Mrs. Molly M. McInnis • Dr. Mary E. Holland and Mr. Griffin H. Holland • Mr. Robert M. Reeves • Mr. Charlie E. Pitts Jr. and Ms. Benaiah S. Pitts • Mrs. Jennifer M. Brown and Mr. Robert C. Brown • Ms. Jennifer L. Robertson and Mr. Christian Robertson • Ms. Michele A. Turner and Mr. Douglas E. Harman • Mr. Christian S. Welch and Dr. Lindsey Hildreth Welch • Mr. Larry D. Loy Jr. and Mrs. Jennifer G. Loy • Ms. Mara R. Jacobs • Dr. Shawna L. Huff • Mr. Gilbert B. Miller and Mrs. Jamee Miller • Mr. Gerald E. O’Meara III and Mrs. Sandra J. O’Meara • Mr. Jason C. Pedigo and Ms. Susannah D. Pedigo • Dr. Mary A. Tharp and Mr. Robert L. Tharp • Mr. Kevin A. Gooch

10 YEARS Dr. Marian R. Holladay and Mr. Brian M. Holladay • Ms. Mary C. Gill and Mr. John Gill • Ms. Leslie C. Mize • Dr. Joseph E. Trimmier and Dr. Erin R. Trimmier • Mr. Andrew M. Saunders and Mrs. Emily J. Saunders • Mr. Carl A. Rhodes Jr. • Mr. Thomas H. Hawk III and Dr. Elizabeth W. Hawk • Dr. Brad D. Denney • Mr. Christopher L. Johnson and Mr. Zachary H. Hayes • Mr. Robert J. Fowler • Mr. Jason W. Smith and Mrs. Cerra A. Smith • Mr. Brandon C. McEachern and Mrs. Heather Ivey McEachern • Dr. Jonathan P. Wylie and Dr. Magdala D. Wylie • Capt Phillip B. Ferris • Senator Jason J. Carter and Mrs. Kate Carter • Dr. Donna M. Thompson • Mr. Justin L. Chafin and Mrs. Anna M. Chafin • Mr. Todd A. Dyer • Mr. Clinton B. Maddox III and Ms. Jessica C. Maddox • Mr. Seth L. Hudgins • Mr. Robert L. Fortson • Mr. Matthew S. Smith and Mrs. Susan E. Smith • Ms. Theresa L. Glasheen • Mr. Stephan J. Nishimuta and Dr. Vanessa Vargas • Dr. John M. Demboski Jr. and Ms. Lindsay D. Carmichael • Ms. Megan L. Pritts and Mr. Todd J. Pritts • Mr. Jeffrey A. Freeman • Mr. Christopher K. Dooney and Ms. Jennifer R. Dooney • Mr. James L. Gassman and Mrs. Monica Gassman • Ms. Rachael R. Blatt • Mrs. Jessica E. Hite and Mr. Andrew J. Hite • Ms. Deena A. Isom • Mr. William J. Greer and Ms. Kristi D. Greer • Dr. Michael B. Smith and Ms. Brittany A. Smith • Ms. Stephanie M. Stenglein • Mr. R. Lawton Jordan III and Mrs. Jennifer Auer Jordan • Mr. Jason F. Martin and Mrs. Catherine Martin • Dr. Melvin A. Newell III • Mr. Asher L. Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner • Mr. Lance P. Boles • Mr. Christopher K. Withers and Ms. Tracy L. Rhodes • Mr. Adam M. Conrad and Ms. Danielle A. Conrad

9 YEARS Dr. Casey D. Mull • Mrs. Erin L. Morris • Mr. Brad Swann Jr. and Ms. Ashley Wharton Swann • Mrs. Christy L. Hewatt and Mr. Jeffrey R. Hewatt • Dr. Candace C. Nichols • Ms. Stephanie L. Aron • Mrs. Kemper T. Brennan • Mr. Geoffrey V. Carson and Mrs. Beverly A. Carson • Mr. Michael L. Van Cise • Mr. Jeffrey W. Etherton • Mr. Christopher C. Connor and Ms. Faris B. Connor • Dr. Ilka M. McConnell • Mr. William J. Perry and Ms. Claire Perry • Dr. Anne D. Bartolucci • Ms. Katie S. Kolesky • Mrs. Laura E. Jefferies and Mr. Todd P. Jefferies • Dr. Cindy L. Zoellner • Mr. Robert H. Whitley and Ms. Katherine C. Whitley • Mr. Rivers D. Powell • Mr. Michael P. Kohler • Mr. Thomas F. Hollingsworth III and Mrs. Lisa Hollingsworth • Dr. John N. Copeland • Mr. Thomas S. Johnson and Mrs. Shelli L. Johnson • Mrs. Julie M. Cheney and Mr. Jim Cheney • Mr. Robert K. Grist and Ms. Candace Y. Harper • Mr. Matthew W. Leathers and Mrs. Stephanie K. Leathers • Ms. Candice L. Boyd • Mr. James C. Donegan and Mrs. Sarah C. Donegan • Mr. Sterling R. Thomas and Mrs. Margaret R. Thomas • Mr. Eric T. Sconyers • Ms. Kristi N. Farner and Mr. Keith Farner • Dr. Bradley A. Shessel • Mr. Jeffrey R. Woods • Mr. Steven T. Lathem and Mrs. Mary A. Lathem • Ms. Ashley F. Dolan and Mr. Stephen L. Dolan • Mr. Joe C. Joiner • Mr. Gregory C. Meushaw • Mr. Andrew W. Teegarden and Ms. Kimbrell A. Teegarden • Mr. Matthew P. Cohen • Mr. Talmadge R. Johnson and Mrs. Sara K. Johnson • Ms. Amanda S. Sissem and Mr. Howard J. Sissem III • Mr. Thomas E. Murray and Mrs. Cheryl L. Murray • Mr. Christian D. Jolly and Ms. Hilary Jolly • Ms. Katherine L. Bachman • Mrs. Taylor R. Butkus • Mrs. Sally E. Franklin • Mr. Francis L.

Barnes III • Mr. Benjamin M. Wanager • Mr. Matthew S. Cross • Dr. William E. Baldwin IV and Dr. Emily L. Watry • Dr. Christopher A. Vaughan • Dr. Mervin L. Williams Jr. • Mrs. Courtney S. Ballagh and Mr. Brandon Ballagh • Mr. Samuel G. Hodge • Mr. Kevin D. Abernethy • Mr. Brooks Andrews and Mr. Dale Dwelle • Ms. Kristen M. Beystehner • Dr. Margaret L. Wright • Mr. Aaron P. Abramovitz • Mrs. Mary Alice Trussell and Mr. Philip E. Trussell • Chris E. Marsh Jr. and Christy H. Marsh • Mr. Michael J. Blakely Jr. and Ms. Jennifer S. Blakely • Mr. Rhett S. White and Mrs. Melissa M. White • Mr. William G. Adkisson

8 YEARS Mr. Alan C. Jenkins and Mrs. Pamela L. Jenkins • Dr. David W. Hurst Jr. and Dr. Shannon M. Hurst • Mrs. Denise Dixon Everson and Dr. Ronald B. Everson • Mr. Adam R. LeBlanc and Ms. Christy A. LeBlanc • Mrs. Elizabeth G. White and Mr. Dustin L. White • Mr. David J. McGowan • Mr. Daniel M. Ludlam and Ms. Katherine J. Ludlam • Mr. Eric T. Haynes • Mr. Joseph B. DeProspero and Mrs. Megan R. Deprospero • Ms. Pepper W. White • Mr. Daniel A. Bennett and Ms. Jessica A. Bennett • Mr. Raphael M. Mayberry and Mrs. Melissa L. Mayberry • Dr. Jennifer L. Young • Mrs. Heidi E. Royal • Mr. Brian D. Feldman • Dr. James B. Stanton and Dr. Julie D. Stanton • Mr. Steve W. Stewart and Ms. Mary W. Stewart • Mr. John C. Chambliss • Ms. Tammy A. Warren • Mrs. Christy L. Overall and Mr. Ryan Overall • Mrs. Elyssa B. Kramer and Mr. Adam J. Kramer • Mr. John P. Tucker • Mr. Daniel A. Rice • Mr. Jeffrey M. Bicksler and Mrs. Leslie J. Bicksler • Mr. Bret R. Hobson and Ms. Tedra L. Hobson • Mr. Adolph Weil IV and Mrs. Lauren K. Weil • Ms. Kristen L. Fraser • Mr. Steven B. Coleman • Mr. Jed L. Jessup and Mrs. April L. Jessup • Mr. Kevin J. Killips • Ms. Rachel E. Wilson • Mr. Clayton J. Huffman and Mrs. Andrea J. Huffman • Mr. Keane B. Johnson • Mr. Matthew J. Omerza and Mrs. Abbey S. Omerza • Mr. Briant G. Mildenhall and Ms. Katherine L. Mildenhall • Mr. Joshua K. Harrell and Mrs. Sherry A. Harrell • Ms. Jenifer R. Turtschanow • Ms. Amy H. Eubank • Mr. Ryan S. Farb • Mr. Derek W. Clark and Mrs. Kollette Clark • Ms. Carey R. Busen and Mr. Michael R. Busen • Mr. Douglas E. Carter • Mrs. Meredith L. Tornabene • Mr. Christopher B. Wright and Mrs. Brooke E. Wright • Mr. James S. Cunningham and Ms. Amy D. Cunningham • Mr. Kevin P. Weimer • Dr. Victor J. Lewis • Mr. Michael B. Geitgey and Ms. Lauren A. Geitgey • Ms. Melanie K. Bettis • Mrs. Dana L. Egan and Mr. Matthew P. Egan • Mr. Gary M. Holbrook • Mr. Kenneth B. Franklin • Dr. Corey M. Dortch and Mrs. Amelia L. Dortch • Ms. Nancy R. Ferguson and Mr. Michael L. Ferguson • Mr. Benjamin E. Sisson • Ms. Clare H. Scott • Mr. Chad C. Grogan • Ms. Jennifer M. Winslow and Mr. John R. Winslow • Mr. Benjamin T. Lester and Mrs. Eva Lester • Mr. Russ W. Johnson and Ms. Catherine D. Johnson • Mrs. Jennifer A. Mock and Mr. Jared Mock • Mrs. Kristin M. Rogers • Mr. Matthew W. Matson • Ms. Stefanie E. Draisen and Mr. Howard G. Draisen • Ms. Danna B. Seigle • Dr. Heather L. Silvio • Ms. Alison L. Thigpen • Mr. John T. Dickey and Ms. Laney M. Dickey • Mr. Brendan F. Murphy and Dr. Sarah J. Murphy • Ms. Merritt E. McAlister • Mr. Alexander P. Oliver • Mr. Shyamsunder K. Reddy and Ms. Renee Dye • Mr. Andrew J. Tuck and Ms. Katherine Tuck • Mr. Preston C. McDonald • M. Brandon Smith • Mr. Cary M. Shackelford and Ms. Kristy N. Shackelford • Dr. Christopher M. Elder and Ms. Amy L. Tobias • Dr. Min H. Oh • Rev. Francys Johnson and Dr. Meca R. Williams-Johnson • Ms. Mai-Lise T. Nguyen

7 YEARS Mr. Jeremy B. Ransom and Ms. Stephanie Yarem Ransom • Mr. Jeremy T. Headrick and Ms. Gina M. Headrick • Mr. Michael B. Westbrook and Mrs. Katherine C. Westbrook • Ms. Elizabeth L. Johnson and Mr. Chris A. Johnson • Mr. Daniel A. Mack • Ms. Paige N. Roper • Ms. Beth L. Purcell • Mr. Daniel C. Holz • Mr. Brian P. Cleys • Mr. John R. Melton • Mr. Chadwick P. Hume • Mr. Stewart R. Gandy • Mr. William N. Liles and Ms. Elizabeth A. Liles • Ms. Tiffany R. Jackson • Mr. Michael D. Westbrook Jr. and Mrs. April Teaver Westbrook • Mr. Joseph L. Caldwell IV • Mr. Joseph A. Vance • Mr. Hugh G. Lentile III • Mr. Michael S. Convery • Dr. April M. Shiflett and Mr. Jason C. Hall • Mr. Christopher R. Richardson • Mr. John B. Manly and Ms. Megan R. Manly • Mr. Marion C. Lincoln and Ms. Erin A. Lincoln • Dr. Kevin J. Weis and Ms. Lynn A. Lewis-Weis • Mr. Michael H. Dunn • Ms. Margaret E. Beckum • Mrs. Ashley E. Diamond and Mr. Robert Diamond • Mr. John P. Jett • Mr. Russell E. Blythe and Ms. Lindsay C. Brown • Mrs. Anne B. Jackson and Mr. Lanier B. Jackson • Mrs. Lauren Hammann Bridwelll and Mr. Bill Bridwell • Mr. Francis R. Sewell and Ms. Sarah L. Sewell • Mr. Stephen M. Little Jr. • Mr. Joseph A. Young and Ms. Vickie L. Young • Mr. Drew T. Bloodworth • Mr. Charles A. Leyes • Mr. William B. Betzel and Ms. Hannah R. Lowe-Betzel • Ms. Melanie R. Davis • Mr. William R. Childs • Mr. Alexander P. Yankowsky IV and Mrs. Jennifer L. Yankowsky • Mr. William S. Busch III and Dr. Elizabeth M. Busch • Mr. Marcus C. Smith • Mr. Andrew L. Beggs • Mr. Andrew S. Ross Jr. • Mr. Matthew S. Chambers and Mrs. Caroline Chambers • Mr. Connor G. Tamlyn • Dr. Andrea J. Zedek and Mr. John M. Zedek • Mr. Naveen Ramachandrappa • Ms. Mary K. Bates • Mrs. Farrar L. Barker and Mr. Kelly M. Barker • Mr. Charles H. Crawford III and Ms. Marisa L. Crawford • Mr. Edward S. Sowers and Mrs. Tsvetelina Z. Sowers • Mr. Jacob W. Poole and Mrs. Laura L. Poole • Mr. Eric S. Rivard and Ms. Susana Rivard • Mr. Patrick S. Mitchell and Mrs. Jane K. Mitchell • Dr. Lindsey A. Jackson • Mrs. Julia A. Wilder • Mr. Thomas C. Samples and Ms. Melanie Samples • Dr. Joshua L. Garrett and Ms. Laura M. Garrett • Mr. James W. Stevens II and Mrs. Melanie Stevens • Mr. Jason E. C. Lawson and Ms. Katie M. Lawson • Ms. Donyale N. Leslie • Mr. Jason M. Babbie and Mrs. Jennifer L. Babbie • Mrs. Amy L. Wiley • Mr. Andrew T. Dyar and Ms. Laura C. Dyar • Mr. Tyler J. Wachtel • Mr. John A. Sugg • Mr. Joshua L. Bagby • Ms. Mary C. DeCamp • Mr. Thomas C. Presley and Ms. Lindley N. Presley • Mr. Robert C. Jones • Dr. Jeffrey K. Mauldin and Ms. Martina Mauldin • Mr. Marcus T. Roberts • Ms. Amy Pilcher Hurst • Ms. Rebecca J. McKemie • Dr. Beth W. Seay • Mrs. Brynn Green and Mr. Jack P. Green III • Mrs. Jennifer A. Miles • Mr. Achevi M. Kuri • Ms. Ashley L. Davis • Ms. Melissa E. Beecham • Mr. Blake F. Bruce and Ms. Mary C. Bruce • Dr. Brooks C. Mendell and Dr. Elizabeth E. Mendell • Mr. James L. Gillis IV and Ms. Lucy B. Gillis • Matthew G. Rooks and O. Victoria Epshteyn Rooks • Mr. Rajesh Shah • Mr. Justin R. Howard • Mr. Cale H. Conley and Mrs. Meade Conley

6 YEARS Mr. Brett A. Steele and Mrs. Margaret H. Steele • Mr. Adam F. Cohen and Mrs. Julie N. Cohen • Mr. Cameron K. King and Mrs. Jennifer M. King • Mr. Jonathan R. Trulock and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Trulock • Ms. Kate L. Jensen • Ms. Brittany V. Scrudder • Mr.

Samuel T. Myers and Ms. Kathryn E. Myers • Ms. Allison R. Kessler • Mr. Joseph B. Ward and Ms. Lauren E. Ward • Mr. Daniel B. Tilley • Mr. John T. DeGenova and Mrs. Katherine B. DeGenova • Mr. Mitchell B. Reiner and Ms. Jenny A. Menkes • Mr. Jeff T. Watson • Dr. Erin S. Groover • Mr. James T. Riley • Mr. Kevin A. Woolf and Ms. Amy C. Woolf • Mr. Kyle S. Meloney • Ms. Sara E. Turley • Mr. Justin B. Ingels and Mrs. Ginny Garrard Ingels • Mr. Henry F. Warnock • Mr. Michael J. Kline and Mrs. Megan Kline • Mr. Patrick J. Fitzmaurice Jr. • Mr. Eric L. Bumgartner • Ms. Maria M. Todorova • Mrs. Temperance E. Stephen • Mr. Peter R. Dale • Ms. Aramie N. Goldsmith • Mr. Mark A. Rockett and Ms. Jennifer W. Rockett • Dr. Barry J. White • Mr. Benjamin R. Carlsen and Ms. Stacey L. Carlsen • Ms. Ellen E. Mundy • Dr. Gregory M. Novelli • Ms. Allison P. Thompson and Mr. Matthew R. Thompson • Mr. David J. O’Hare • Mr. Benn C. Wilson and Ms. Sarah A. Wilson • Mr. Brent N. Widener and Ms. Jennifer M. Widener • Mr. Luke T. Woodruff • Mr. Jason M. Konter and Ms. Sarah M. Konter • Dr. Sara J. Steinlage and Mr. Eric P. Steinlage • Mr. William B. Bembry and Mrs. Morgan K. Bembry • Mr. Christopher R. Deitrich and Ms. Megan A. Deitrich • Dr. Benjamin R. Bates and Ms. Elizabeth H. Morley • Mr. Timothy R. Carlton • Mr. Jonathan E. Davis • Mr. W. Matthew Wilson • Mr. Buudoan V. Tran and Dr. Holly C. Gooding • Dr. Needham Y. Gulley and Dr. Corey W. Johnson • Dr. Matthew R. A. Roper • Mr. Andrew C. Pearson • Mr. Timothy C. Griffeth and Dr. Lauren D. Griffeth • Mr. Justin T. Jones and Ms. Amy Jones • Mr. Andrew M. O’Connell and Ms. Erin E. O’Connell • Ms. Amelia A. Helmick and Mr. David Helmick • Ms. Joanna E. Nijem and Mr. William C. Nijem Jr. • Dr. Matthew J. Nee • Ms. Katherine M. Barron and Mr. Todd Barron • Ms. Laura E. Mills • Mr. Jonathan W. Arogeti • Mrs. Rachel C. Young Fields • Dr. John B. Vickers and Mrs. Jennifer D. Vickers • Mr. Michael A. Mannina • Mr. Robert L. Swartwood II and Mrs. Amanda L. Swartwood • Mr. Kevin P. Erwin • Mrs. Emily B. Henderson • Mr. Franklin S. Whitworth and Ms. Elizabeth C. Whitworth • Mr. Paul Z. Rothstein and Ms. Jill F. Rothstein • Dr. Ruth A. Crider and Mr. William A. Crider III • Mr. Jeffrey A. Calabrese and Ms. Melissa B. Calabrese • Mr. Christopher F. Weekley and Ms. Laura J. Weekley • Mr. Paul B. Smart and Ms. Kristie A. Smart • Mrs. Jessica M. Lund • Mr. D. Dean Roy Jr. • Mr. Tully T. Blalock III and Ms. Sara E. Blalock • Mr. Stuart M. Nelson and Ms. Hilary P. Nelson • Mr. Samuel L. Lucas and Mrs. Julie Lucas • Mr. Andrew D. Egan and Ms. Megan K. Egan • Mr. Christopher L. Foreman • Mr. Coby S. Nixon and Ms. Ansley R. Nixon • Mr. William D. Rhoads and Dr. Sarah C. Bridges-Rhoads • Dr. Susan C. Mobley • Dr. Patricia L. Haskins and Mr. Christopher K. Haskins • Ms. Lacey S. Harrison and Mr. James T. Harrison III • Mrs. Megan R. Morris and Mr. Gary L. Morris • Ms. Melissa McGurgan • Ms. Katherine E. Morris • Ms. Sarah E. King • Mr. Jeffrey M. Kwastel • Mr. Sean D. Malone • Dr. Jonathan D. Dear • Ms. Erin M. Adelmeyer • Mr. Karl M. Glaze • Mrs. Kelly D. Moser • Mr. James A. Robson and Mrs. Katherine C. Robson • Mr. Steven B. Hansen • Mr. Brice R. Thompson and Ms. Emilie A. Thompson • Mr. Jeremiah E. Horne • Ms. Alice E. Snedeker • Ms. Elizabeth M. Strawbridge • Ms. Lauren M. Bernazza • Mrs. Jennifer A. Adams and Mr. Taylor G. Adams • Mr. John C. Peters Jr. • Ms. Cheryl C. Armstrong and Mr. John Armstrong • Mr. Gustavo A. Suarez and Mrs. Andrea M. Suarez • Mr. Stephen Michmerhuizen and Ms. Julie M. Michmerhuizen • Mr. Andrew W. Van Tassel • Mr. Oliver S. Drose • Dr. Benjamin T.

Ross • Dr. Briana R. Davis • Ms. Allison N. Gulati • Mr. Wayne M. Lashua and Mrs. Patricia R. Lashua • Dr. Robert B. Seagraves Jr. • Ms. Emily A. McGee • Ms. Holly D. Hatfield • Mr. Vijaya R. Palaniswamy • Mr. Palmer Sanford IV and Mrs. Holly King Sanford • Mr. Manoj S. Varghese and Mrs. Serene M. Varghese •

5 YEARS Oginsky Mitchell • Ms. Heather T. Mykkeltvedt • Mr. Joby F. Young • Ms. Catherine J. Mossman • Mr. James M. Weathersby and Ms. Sara A. Weathersby • Mr. Michael K. Boylan and Ms. Sabine Scholz • Mr. Kevin M. Gieler and Mrs. Melissa A. Gieler • Mr. Benjamin C. Bouton and Mrs. Cristina Reeves Bouton • Dr. Julie L. Scaccia • Ms. Anisa I. Abdullahi • Ms. Leslie Maddox and Capt. Stephen D. Maddox • Mr. David F. Ellison and Ms. Lauren M. Ellison • Mr. Allan C. Galis • Mr. William R. Parkey III • Ms. Texys V. Morris • Mr. William R. Draper and Ms. Rebecca L. Draper • Mr. Donald A. Gillis and Ms. Mary W. Gillis • Mr. Adam C. Sutherland • Mr. Michael Zelickson and Mrs. Cecily Zelickson • Ms. Jill E. Neunaber • Ms. Kristin T. Szurovy • Ms. Victoria N. Prevatt • Ms. Amanda M. Woodruff and Mr. Berryman E. Woodruff IV • Mr. Adam A. Flake • Ms. Emily R. Boness • Mr. John E. Getty and Ms. Emily C. Getty • Mr. Benson E. Pope and Ms. Meridith N. Pope • Ms. Cameron L. Bagley • Mr. Kenneth D. Goepp and Ms. Brittany M. Goepp • Ms. P. Brooke Burlingame • Mr. Jason E. Voyles and Mrs. Jessica J. Voyles • Mr. Jian Yuan and Ms. Ren Sheng • Mr. Richard W. Goldstucker • Ms. Mary E. Britton • Mr. Joshua S. Ganz and Mrs. Marcia S. Ganz • Ms. Megan H. Smernoff • Miss Jessica L. Buday • Ms. Molly L. Levinson • Mr. Nishit V. Patel • Mr. Kevin G. Sweat • Dr. Leona N. Council • Mr. James A. Otto and Mrs. Lauren R. Otto • Ms. Anna L. Burns • Mr. Branden C. Nordan and Mrs. Mary E. Nordan • Mr. William D. Davis • Mr. Michael B. Dudley Jr. and Ms. Mary R. Dudley • Mr. Eric S. Kridle • Mr. Patrick H. Garrard and Ms. Cameron C. Garrard • Ms. Margo L. Breisch • Mrs. Kelly M. Troutman • Ms. Julie E. Adkins • Mrs. Claire E. Ouimet • Dr. Clayton M. Leathers and Dr. Valerie L. Leathers • Dr. Pamela J. Brown and Mr. Henry C. Brown • Mr. Cory C. Davis • Mr. James M. Rusert • Mr. Alex F. Moosariparambil • Mr. Andrew M. Rasmussen and Mrs. Katherine R. Rasmussen • Mr. Ryan W. Doss and Mrs. Dana Doss • Ms. Tara P. Bokman and Mr. Michael S. Bokman • Mr. Britton D. Adams • Ms. Suzannah W. Gill • Ms. Alexa B. Villard • Mr. Neal E. Steffin • Ms. Savannah K. Dunson • Mr. Anuj Desai • Mr. Haynes R. Roberts • Mr. Rhett P. Deal and Ms. Jennifer L. Deal • Ms. Kathleen G. Sherwood • Ms. Rachael E. Kibbee • Mr. Jason C. Miller • Ms. Joanna S. Darakos and Mr. George Darakos • Mr. Charles E. Turner • Mr. Jacob L. Harris • Ms. Monica L. Byrne • Miss Lora A. Raines • Dr. Chandler Sims Chang • Ms. Lori M. Hughes and Mr. John L. Hughes • Mr. Jeffrey D. Pickren and Mrs. Sara Pickren • Ms. Allison N. Ford and Mr. Cody J. Ford • Ms. Stefanie M. Wayco • Mrs. Jennifer Kesler Allen and Mr. Justin Allen • Mr. Christopher J. Churchill • Mr. Daryl R. Moody and Ms. Virginia E. Moody • Mr. David M. Slatinsky and Ms. Florence P. Slatinsky • Ms. Jessica B. Thomas • Ms. Sarah N. Beck • Dr. Megan R. Freeman • Dr. Erin M. Doiron • Dr. William H. Gholston • Mr. David L. Eckles • Mr. Aaron J. Konnick and Mrs. Roxi A. Konnick • Mr. Jacob S. Richardson and Ms. Susan S. Richardson • Mr. Andrew J. Lavoie • Mr. Stacy W. Funderburke and Ms. Julia H. Woodroof • Mr. William P. Dever Jr. • Mr. Brennan A. Posner • Mr. Stephen S. Roach and Ms. Allison M. Roach • Mr. Jonathan J. Rogers and

Mrs. Carla R. Rogers • Mr. Asa G. Candler VII and Ms. Gaylie Candler • Dr. Julie V. Vargas and Mr. Oscar L. Vargas • Ms. Danielle R. Campolongo • Ms. Jessica N. Casey and Mr. Samuel J. Casey • Miss Amanda L. Chamberlain • Mr. Kevin P. Murphy and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Murphy • Mr. Michael A. Caplan and Ms. Anna E. Caplan • Mr. Jason T. Burnette and Ms. Kati J. Burnette • Mr. William C. Shimp and Mrs. Laurie R. Shimp • Mr. Edward L. Casey • Mr. and Mrs. C. Ryan Loehr

Leadership Level Donors FY15 BENEFACTORS ($10,000+) Anonymous • Jack and Erin Averett • Mr. David M. Battle Jr. • Mr. James G. Brown and Mrs. Laura K. Brown • Mr. Blake F. Bruce and Ms. Mary C. Bruce • Mr. William F. Crozer • Mr. Christopher P. Cummiskey and Mrs. Rebecca Cummiskey • Mr. John T. Dickey and Ms. Laney M. Dickey • Mr. Travis J. Hannon and Mrs. Kellie L. Hannon • Mr. Joseph M. Loudermilk and Ms. Jodi J. Loudermilk • Mrs. Tina D. Hollcroft and Mr. Garrett Davis Mack • Mr. Gilbert B. Miller and Mrs. Jamee Miller • Ms. Isobel P. Mills • Ms. Brandie L. Park • Mr. Steven A. Purvis and Dr. Kara Owens Purvis • Ms. Caroline F. Robinson • Dr. Benjamin T. Ross • Mr. John F. Salter Jr. and Mrs. Allison Barnes Salter • Ms. Julie C. Smith • Mr. Scott R. Stephens and Ms. Brooke N. Stephens •• Mrs. Greer O. Taylor and Mr. Alexander C. Taylor • Mrs. Julie Slocum Von Hellens • Mr. Brooks T. Watkins and Mrs. Sarah Watkins • Mrs. Stephanie C. Webb and Mr. Christopher I. Webb • Drs. Steven and Meredith

FELLOWS ($5,000-9,999) Mr. Kevin D. Abernethy • Dr. Jonathan R. Anderson • Mr. Gavin Beck and Ms. Danette Jones Beck • Mr. Eric N. Callahan and Mrs. Ashley H. Callahan • Mr. Whitley Davenport and Dr. Alexandra J. Davenport • Dr. Erin M. Doiron • Mr. David L. Eckles • Mr. Timothy L. Fallaw II and Dr. Sarah A. Fallaw • Mr. David H. Fischer and Ms. Carrie F. Fischer • Dr. Megan R. Freeman • Dr. William H. Gholston • Dr. James J. Gigantino II • Mr. James L. Gillis IV and Ms. Lucy B. Gillis • Mr. Tareq H. Hawasli • Mr. Christopher A. Hopkins and Ms. Marilynn H. Hopkins • Mr. Gordon A. Maner and Ms. Kari M. Maner • Mr. Donald T. McNeill Jr. and Ms. Erin H. McNeill • Dr. Brooks C. Mendell and Dr. Elizabeth E. Mendell • Mr. Scott Mulkey and Ms. Kathryn Hamling Mulkey • Mr. Brendan F. Murphy and Dr. Sarah J. Murphy • Mr. Gerald E. O’Meara III and Mrs. Sandra J. O’Meara • Mr. Kenneth M. Payne and Mrs. Erika M. Payne • Dr.

Wesolowski Carl B. Pearl • Mr. Brian P. Ramondt and Ms. Leah Ramondt • Mr. Andrew M. Schroer • Mr. Zachary O. Stafford • Mr. William B. Turner III and Mrs. Katherine W. Turner • Mr. Benjamin J. Vinson and Ms. Ansley C. Vinson • Mr. Jonathan M. Wiese and Ms. Mollie A. Wiese • Dr. Rebecca B. Winkler • Ms. C. Lee Zell

ASSOCIATES ($1,000 - 4,999) Anonymous • Dr. Mark R. Abney • Mr. Aaron P. Abramovitz • Mr. William G. Adkisson • Ms. Lori K. Agee • Mr. Paul S. Aglialoro • Mr. Alexander S. Aldworth • Mr. Brooks Andrews and Mr. Dale Dwelle • Dr. Eric Atkinson and Mrs. Lindsay A. Atkinson • Dr. Michael T. Azzolin and Ms. Stephanie Azzolin • Mr. Russell W. Baker and Mrs. Mary Burke Baker • Mr. Michael J. Barry • Mr. Howard R. Benson and Mrs. Danielle M. Benson • Ms. Elisabeth C. Bentley • Mr. Michael P. Berrigan and Mrs. Blair S. Berrigan • Ms. Kristen M. Beystehner • Mr. Barrett R. Biringer and Ms. Mallory C. Biringer • Mr. John W. Bishop Jr. and Ms. Alicia R. Bishop • Mr. Michael J. Blakely Jr. and Ms. Jennifer S. Blakely • Mr. Jeffrey T. Bogan • Mr. Bradley L. Bohannon and Mrs. Alicia R. Bohannon • Mr. Lance P. Boles • Mr. Yves L. Bouillet and Mrs. Celan Hardman Bouillet • Mr. William W. Bradley Jr. and Mrs. Margaret M. Bradley • Mr. Michael J. Breslin • Mr. Andrew G. Brock and Ms. Christine A. Brock • Ms. Kristi K. Buice • Mr. Jason T. Burnette and Ms. Kati J. Burnette • Mr. Travis A. Butler • Ms. Danielle R. Campolongo • Mr. Asa G. Candler VII and Ms. Gaylie Candler • Mr. Michael A. Caplan and Ms. Anna E. Caplan • Mr. Robert S. Cartwright and Ms. Jonna M. Cartwright • Ms. Jessica N. Casey and Mr. Samuel J. Casey • Mr. Edward L. Casey • Mr. Christopher A. Cash • Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cates • Mr. J. Wickliffe Cauthorn and Dr. Caroline M. Watson • Miss Amanda L. Chamberlain • Mr. Joshua J. Champion • Miss Jennifer L. Chapman • Mr. Rishi P. Chhatwal • Mr. Douglas C. Childers • Dr. Melissa A. Clifton and Mr. Gregory D. Clifton • Mr. James W. Cobb and Mrs. Gretchen A. Cobb • Mr. Louis M. Coffee III • Dr. Derrick S. Colbert • Mr. Jason N. Cole • Mr. Cale H. Conley and Mrs. Meade Conley • Mr. Adam M. Conrad and Ms. Danielle A. Conrad • Mr. Jonathan G. Coody and Mrs. Niki N. Coody • Mr. Michael A. Cook and Mrs. Sara A. Cook • Mr. Taylor A. Cox • Ms. Carly M. Creighton • Dr. Mary A. Cross and Mr. Oliver R. Cross III • Ms. Elizabeth A. Dangler • Dr. George W. Darden IV and Ms. Kacie D. Darden • Dr. Briana R. Davis • Mr. Jordan M. Davis and Mrs. Ivey S. Davis • Mr. William P. Dever Jr. • Mr. Robert L. Donofrio • Mrs. Lorna M. Duhon • Dr. Christopher M. Elder and Ms. Amy L. Tobias • Mr. Casey E. Evans • Mr. Scott T. Evans and Ms. Ashley Weil Evans • Dr. Paul T. Evans • Dr. Patricia B. Fennessy and Dr. John Fennessy • Mr. Charles M. Ferguson Jr. and Mrs. Elizabeth F. Ferguson • Dr. Marilynn N. Finklin • Mr. Ryan M. Fleming and Ms. Annie L. Fleming • Mr. George R. Fontaine Jr. and Mrs. Melissa S. Fontaine • Mr. Mitchell A. Foster II • Mr. Brett E. Fowler and Ms. Laura E. Fowler • Ms. Kelly S. Frailey • Dr. Kelcy S. Freeman • Dr. Kara L. Fresk and Mr. Clayton Fresk • Mr. R. Brian Fuller • Mr. Stacy W. Funderburke and Ms. Julia H. Woodroof • Mr. Douglas M. Ghertner and Ms. Shea K. Ghertner • Mr. Christopher B. Glover • Mr. Kevin A. Gooch • Mr. Paxton W. Griffin • Dr. Parker C. Grow and Dr. Kelly B. Crawford • Ms. Allison N. Gulati • Mrs. Leigh T. Haley and Mr. Reese K. Haley • Dr. Geoffrey P. Hall Jr. and Ms. Beverly

Hall • Mr. Alan J. Hamilton and Ms. Morgan D. Hamilton • Ms. Whitney C. Hancock • Ms. Holly O. Hanson and Ms. Sophie J. Hanson • Mr. Louis E. Harper III and Ms. Mary C. Harper • Ms. Holly D. Hatfield • Mr. Chase R. Hawkins • Mr. W. Craig Hawkins and Mrs. Heather W. Hawkins • Mr. Bryan J. Hess and Ms. Melissa Coursey Hess • Mr. Alexander G. Hill • Ms. Sarah M. Hoagland • Ms. Kathryn E. Hoffmeister • Mr. Justin R. Howard • Mr. David E. Howard • Ms. Mary K. Jeffries • Mr. Jesse W. Johnson • Rev. Francys Johnson and Dr. Meca R. Williams-Johnson • Mr. Andrew M. Johnson and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Johnson • Mr. Joshua W. Jones • Ms. Angeline T. Jones • Mr. R. Lawton Jordan III and Mrs. Jennifer Auer Jordan • Mrs. Tracie D. Kambies and Mr. Duane E. Kambies • Ms. Michelle A. Keeton • Mrs. Chloe R. Kelley • Mr. Joseph M. Kendrick • Mr. Matthew R. Kennedy and Ms. Anna N. Kennedy • Mr. Andrew P. Kintz and Mrs. Towles A. Kintz • Dr. Bryan P. Kirby and Mrs. Samantha R. Kirby • Mr. Davis P. Knox and Ms. Gena Knox • Mr. Reid R. Knox and Mrs. Mary M. Knox • Mr. John H. Knox • Mr. Aaron J. Konnick and Mrs. Roxi A. Konnick • Dr. Olivia C. Lamberth • Mr. Wayne M. Lashua and Mrs. Patricia R. Lashua • Mr. Andrew J. Lavoie • Mr. Timothy H. Lee and Ms. Laura Lee • Dr. Christine M. Lindner • Mr. and Mrs. C. Ryan Loehr • Dr. Robert P. Lucas and Mrs. Julie E. Lucas • W. Leverett and Meredith V. Lunceford • Mr. Gary J. Mann • Chris E. Marsh Jr. and Christy H. Marsh • Mr. Anthony A. Martin and Ms. Holly Martin • Mr. Jason F. Martin and Mrs. Catherine Martin • Mr. Lance A. Martin and Mrs. Mary Beth Martin • Mr. Michael S. Martin • Dr. Rocky M. Mason • Dr. Erin K. Master and Mr. Jeffrey S. Dill • Brad Mathews • Mr. John T. Mattioli and Ms. Mia C. Mattioli • Mr. Matthew T. Mautz and Mrs. Chelsea M. Mautz • Mr. Daniel W. Mayer • Ms. Merritt E. McAlister • Mr. Preston C. McDonald • Ms. Emily A. McGee • Ms. Elizabeth F. McGehee and Mr. Clark C. McGehee • Dr. Lori A. McGinley • Mr. Adam H. McTish • Mr. Pedro G. Mencias • Mr. Stephen A. Molinari and Mrs. Mary C. Molinari • Ms. Meredith M. Moore • Mr. David Mowery and Mrs. Michelle Mowery • Mrs. Tiffany M. Murdoch and Mr. Tim Murdoch • Mr. Kevin P. Murphy and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Murphy • Mr. Aditya Narendranath • Ms. Amy L. Navarro • Mr. Joseph E. NeSmith and Mrs. Thankful C. NeSmith • Dr. Melvin A. Newell III • Mr. Bart Newman and Mrs. Julie Schulte Newman • Ms. Alexandra N. Newton • Ms. Mai-Lise T. Nguyen • Miss Linh T. Nguyen • Mr. Adam L. Nichols and Mrs. Susan M. Nichols • Ms. Kameko L. Nichols • Mr. Taylor L. Nilan and Mrs. Lauren A. Nilan • Mr. James R. Nutaitis • Ms. Lauren N. O’Connor • Dr. Min H. Oh • Mr. Alexander P. Oliver • Mr. James R. Ostenson and Ms. Amelia D. Ostenson • Mr. Jonathan D. Ostenson • Mr. Vijaya R. Palaniswamy • Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Pannell • Mr. Tushar D. Patel • Mr. Christopher B. Patten • Mr. Jason C. Pedigo and Ms. Susannah D. Pedigo • Mr. William B. Peeples IV • Ms. Lane E. Perno and Mr. Donn D. Perno • Mr. James R. Peterson and Mrs. Amy C. Peterson • Mrs. Lauren E. Petron and Mr. David S. Petron • Mrs. Kristie A. Piasta and Mr. Edward A. Piasta • Dr. Daniel R. Pike • Mr. Andrew A. Pinson and Dr. Sara E. Pinson • Mr. Brennan A. Posner • Mr. Mark P. Rebillot and Dr. Laura N. Rebillot • Mr. Shyamsunder K. Reddy and Ms. Renee Dye • Ms. Jane E. Reid • Dr. Laura R. Reiss • Mr. James D. Remick • Mr. Jacob S. Richardson and Ms. Susan S. Richardson • Dr. Kibbie L. Ringer • Mr. Asher L.

Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner • Mr. Stephen S. Roach and Ms. Allison M. Roach • Mr. James L. Roberts IV and Mrs. Laura E. Roberts • Mr. Wilson W. Rogers and Ms. Sarah E. Rogers • Mr. Jonathan J. Rogers and Mrs. Carla R. Rogers • Dr. Edith Martin Rogers • Matthew G. Rooks and O. Victoria Epshteyn Rooks • Mr. Paul L. Rosenthal and Mrs. Jessica A. Rosenthal • Mr. Charles H. Russell-Schlesinger • Mr. Cloviece T. Sanders III and Ms. Whitney N. Sanders • Mr. James J. Sanders and Mrs. Carrie L. Sanders • Mr. Palmer Sanford IV and Mrs. Holly King Sanford • Ms. Tucker M. Sarkisian and Mr. Nick Sarkisian • Ms. Ellen G. Sauve and Mr. Russell R. Sauve • Mr. Jared W. Schmidt • Dr. Robert B. Seagraves Jr. • Mr. Jonathan G. Sedon • Mr. Timothy M. Seigler Jr. • Mrs. Christy C. Seyfert and Mr. Michael Seyfert • Mr. Cary M. Shackelford and Ms. Kristy N. Shackelford • Mr. Rajesh Shah • Ms. Neepa R. Shah • Mr. William C. Shimp and Mrs. Laurie R. Shimp • Mr. Jeffrey P. Shiver • Mr. Preston D. Shurley • Ms. Yvette M. Hyndman and Mr. Daniel S. Simmons • Ms. Virginia D. Singletary and Mr. Raymond Singletary • Ms. Brittany L. Sink • M. Brandon Smith • Dr. Robert E. Steen • Mr. Kurt L. Stephens and Ms. Anna Stephens • Mr. Ryan P. Stepler and Ms. Stacy Stepler • Ms. Chelsea M. Swanhart • Ms. Christina D. Swoope • Ms. Tamika C. Sykes • Dr. Mary A. Tharp and Mr. Robert L. Tharp • Mr. Benjamin W. Thorpe • Mrs. Whitney L. Thrower • Ms. Alicia A. Timm • Ms. Kenna P. Totty • Ms. Sydney L. Traub • Mrs. Mary Alice Trussell and Mr. Philip E. Trussell • Mr. Andrew J. Tuck and Ms. Katherine Tuck • Mr. Bryan P. Turner and Mrs. Kristen Turner • Ms. Ashley R. Turner and Mr. Jack G. Turner • Dr. Julie V. Vargas and Mr. Oscar L. Vargas • Mr. Manoj S. Varghese and Mrs. Serene M. Varghese • Mr. Andrew J. Vesper • Dr. Elizabeth H. von Trapp and Mr. Jakob B. von Trapp • Mr. Daniel H. Wagnon and Mrs. Alison E. Wagnon • Mr. Rudy L. R. Weber and Mrs. Carson P. Weber • Mr. Jeffrey W. Weidemeyer • Dr. William L. Weinstein and Dr. Melissa A. Weinstein • Mr. Rhett S. White and Mrs. Melissa M. White • Mr. Jason W. Williams and Mrs. Jennifer A. Williams • Mr. Christopher K. Withers and Ms. Tracy L. Rhodes • Mr. Frank T. Wood and Mrs. Morgan C. Wood • Mr. Billy Jack Woodall and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Woodall • Ms. Faith J. Woodley • Dr. Margaret L. Wright • Mr. Alexander S. Wright • Dr. Jennifer M. Wunn • Dr. Brian E. Wysong and Mrs. Kandi L. Wysong • Mr. Allen W. Yee • Mr. Joseph P. Young Jr. • Mr. Michael M. Young • Mr. Zachary J. Yurchuck • Mr. Jeffrey A. Zachman

Is your name missing? Would you like to check your giving history? Contact William Draper in the Office of Development at 706-542-8150. Create an online profile here.

Tiffany Parr Fowles DRPH ’13 Deputy Director of Maternal and Child Health Strategy; Director of Maternal and Child Health Office of Epidemiology Georgia Dept. of Public Health Atlanta, GA

Currently reading: 2016 – 2020 Georgia Title V Needs Assessment Favorite part of your job: I am fortunate to work with individuals who are passionate about public health. I collaborate with coworkers, internal and external partners, district employees and the community to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Georgia. Favorite UGA memory: During my time at UGA, I taught 1710 Health & Wellness. At the end of each semester, all the students in my class donated gifts to a nearby domestic violence shelter. As I watched students selflessly donate gifts to mothers and children, I saw the smiles on their faces and the joy in their hearts when they gave back to the Athens community. Why you give back to UGA? I give back because of the UGA professors who served as my biggest champions. They encouraged me to succeed and achieve all my career goals.

Greatest lesson you learned at UGA? The greatest lesson I learned at UGA was humility. UGA has professors who are well known in their field nationally and globally, and with this recognition, they always remained humble and true to their passion. Advice to those who just graduated? Follow your passion in everything you do. In 10 years: I will look back at my life and not regret anything. I am grateful for mistakes because I learn from them. I appreciate hardships because that creates strength and humility. I am thankful for happiness because that is what life is truly about. Life is short and you have to live for yourself. Inspired by: I am inspired by my mother who is my biggest champion and accepts me for the person I am. I’m fortunate to come from a strong blood line of determined, intelligent and professional women.

“I am extremely appreciative of donors. I have had the best experience at UGA because of them.”

The University of Georgia

Andrew Roberts Class of 2015 Currently interning in Washington, D.C.

Give every year. Make a difference every day. GEORGIA F U N D

2 016


upcoming events AUGUST



9/5 Football vs. University of Louisiana-Monroe Alumni Ticket block

Grady in San Francisco Alumni Reception

8/15 UGA Athletic Association Fans’ Picture Day

9/18 Dedication Ceremony for Terry College’s Correll Hall 9/18 President’s Club Reception

9/10 40 Under 40 Luncheon InterContinental Buckhead

9/19 Football vs. South Carolina

8/16 Class of 2019 Freshman Welcome

9/12 Football at Vanderbilt

8/17 Fall Semester Classes Begin

9/12 Terry College Washington DC Alumni Tailgate More

8/27 Upstate South Carolina SEC Kickoff Party More

9/17 Constitution Day at UGA More


9/18 Mason Public Leadership Lecture More


Women’s Soccer vs.

9/20 Performing Arts Center’s Opening Concert 9/23 New York City Chapter Mets vs Braves More 9/25 Women’s Soccer vs. Arkansas 9/26 Football vs. Southern Univ. Alumni Ticket Block

Top left: Chasen Barrett (’07) shows off his catch while deep sea fishing off the coast of California. Top center: Charles Bryant (’07) hangs with actor Paul Rudd in Atlanta. Bottom left: Nishima Gupta (’14) takes a break while hiking in Big Sur, Calif. Center: Sumita Dalmia (’10) accepting her new position as Attorney and Property Manager for the Southeastern Region for McDonald’s Corporation. Above: Aisha Washington (’09) and Scott Sparks (’10) at a wedding outside of London.

OCTOBER 10/3 Football vs. Alabama 10/6 State of Public Health Conference

10/25 Las Vegas Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk More

11/8 Football vs. Kentucky 11/8 Concert: Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

10/29 Women’s Soccer vs. Florida 11/14 Football at Auburn

10/9 Women’s Soccer vs. Mississippi State 10/10 Football at Tennessee 10/15 UGA Costa Rica 10-Year Anniversary 10/17 Football vs. Missouri – Homecoming

10/29 Terry College Alumni Reception in Jacksonville, FL 11/15 Concert: The Munich Symphony Orchestra More More 10/31 Football vs. Florida Jacksonville, FL NOVEMBER

11/21 Football vs. Georgia Southern 11/28 Football at Georgia Tech

11/2 Women’s Soccer at SEC Tournament

Far left: Twins Jack and Emerson “Emmy” Thompson, children of Mark (’08) and Leslie (’09) Thompson get ready for their first football season in their red and black. Left: Morgan Cheek (’08) and her husband Hugh (’08) at her release for her first novel. Morgan is a licensed social worker, public speaker, and stay-at-home mom to Ally and Bailey Grace. Her book, “On Milk and Honey” details the story of Bailey Grace and Ally’s first eighteen months of life from a mother’s point of view, and how her faith played a huge role for her. Morgan and Hugh reside in Vestavia, Ala. Hugh recently finished his pediatric residency.

Young Alumni Night at SweetWater On June 26, approximately 500 young alumni donors gathered at SweetWater Brewing Co. in Atlanta for the annual UGA Young Alumni Night. Attendees mixed and mingled with fellow Bulldogs to enjoy beverage samples from one of Atlanta’s top breweries and live music performed by Velvet Runway. A big thank you to those in attendance – you raised more than $3,600 for the Georgia Fund! Those dollars will directly support student scholarships on campus. View and download photos from UGA Young Alumni Night at SweetWater.

No Bulldog Should Bark Alone!

40 Under 40 Class of 2015

No matter where you are on football game days this fall, there are opportunities for you to cheer on the boys in the Silver Britches with fellow UGA alumni, friends and fans! If you bleed red and black, gather your friends and family members and join a local alumni game watching party. They’re free, fun and attended by passionate graduates and fans of the University of Georgia.

The UGA Alumni Association announced the 40 Under 40 Class of 2015 in July. This year’s honorees were selected from a pool of approximately 500 nominees. Selections were based on the graduates’ commitment to a lifelong relationship with UGA and their success in both personal and professional endeavors.

Details coming soon on the Alumni Association webpage. Whether you are able to attend a chapter game watching party or not, share photos of your game day experience with the UGA Alumni Association using #DawgWatch.

The honorees will be recognized at the 2015 40 Under 40 Awards Luncheon Sept. 10 at the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta; registration will open in early August. View this year’s list and join us in congratulating these honorees!


with Brian Fuller Vice President Avalere Health BS ’98

I am most proud of…the quality of people in my life who I am fortunate enough to call my family and friends. Dream concert line-up: Dave Matthews Band, Elton John, Jennifer Nettles, Whitney Houston and Garth Brooks. You have reservations for five - dead or alive who’s coming to dinner with you? Maya Angelou, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs and Ronald Reagan Who plays you in a movie about your life? Jake Gyllenhaal I simply cannot live without… Mexican food! Three things that inspire you? Selflessness in others, Passion for your work and Commitment to your convictions. I give back to UGA because… it has given so much to me. The knowledge, life lessons, relationships and experiences will never be able to be fully repaid. Giving back financially and volunteering are ways I show how much UGA has meant to me and my life. I want to help ensure UGA is the best it can be for many years to come.

Brian Fuller is Vice President at Avalere Health. He shows his support of UGA by donating to the Georgia Fund at a Leadership Level and serving on the UGA Alumni Association Board of Directors as the Corporate Chapters Chair. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society recently named him their Atlanta Man of the Year, and he is in the running for the 2015 National Man of the Year.

What’s the most important thing you learned at UGA? Life is about balance and becoming a complete and well-rounded person. That means not just being good at and building your career, but also giving back to your community, surrounding yourself with quality people and interacting with others in a way that consistently exceeds their expectations of you. How would you like to be remembered? As someone who gave to this world more than I took from it. Final word? It’s Great to be a Georgia Bulldog!

We want to feature YOU! Send us your photos to see in a future edition of Profiles! Click to Submit

Clockwise from top left: Dr. Corey Dortch (’ 03, ’ 05, ’ 11), Amelia Dortch (’ 06, ’ 12), Bridgette Burton (’ 11, ’ 11), Christen Wright (’ 05, ’ 10) Antavious Coates (’ 09, ’ 11) at the Atlanta Admitted Student Reception. Engadi Ministries took a trip to Guatemala City with founder and UGA alumnus Nathan Hardeman(’05). L/R Tom Bennewitz (’07), Nathan Hardeman, Beau Beck (expected ’17), Tom Schulz (adjunct professor), Daniel Schulz (expected ’19), Brad Bell (’11) break for a photo. Jessica O’Neal (’09), Baron Brown(’09), and Erin M. Comer (’09) snap a photo after brunch in NYC. Katie Beth Lusk (’13) and Kat Drerup (’13) stop for a photo at the top of Michelangelo Hill in Florence, Italy. Melina Baetti (’07) joined Senior Coca-Cola Executive Wendy Clark at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, where she poses with a Grady College of Journlaism study abroad program. Vanessa Chan (’09) and Wendy Hsiao(’09) remain best friends almost ten years after being hallmates in the dorms. Lindsey Gaff (’14) and Hannah Machisko (’12) hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park.

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