UGA Profiles - Winter 2015

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In this issue: • Featured Alumna: Susannah Darrow • Class of 2014 40 Under 40 • UGA’s GeorgiaFunder

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UGA launches new Crowdfunding Platform The University of Georgia recently launched a new crowdfunding platform called the GeorgiaFunder, which aims to raise relatively small donations from a large group of people to directly benefit UGA programs and organizations. The pilot crowdfunding initiative exceeded its goals on #GivingTuesday, a national day of philanthropy Dec. 2., by raising more than $29,000 from 220 donors. The effort exceeded the day’s goal of $25,000 and more than doubled last year’s amount. Gifts will benefit university-wide initiatives, school or college support funds or other specific interests. The GeorgiaFunder is modeled after other Webbased commercial services such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. These initiatives rely on social networks and can spread quickly through social media, e-mail, websites and other grassroots forms of communications. “Innovative fundraising initiatives like these energize our supporters,” said David Jones, executive director of annual giving and constituent development. “It is an interactive way to unite the university that really makes a difference not just financially, but by instilling a sense of community and pride.” Donors included proud parents, grateful alumni, families continuing legacies and friends of the university who appreciate what UGA is doing in their communities. “In addition to the unparalleled education and experiences that I received at UGA, I was also the recipient of a few scholarships. It is an amazing and priceless feeling to receive a scholarship as a student, and I deeply wish to give other students a chance to witness this feeling,” wrote one donor when making a gift online.

On #GivingTuesday, 91 Young Alumni donated with an average gift of $83. Check out the map to see where the gifts came from!

With GeorgiaFunder, faculty, staff and students can initiate approved campaigns to raise money for official UGA causes. Funds go to the project whether the project reaches its goal or not. The GeorgiaFunder’s first successful project sent photojournalism students to document the Georgia National Fair in Perry in October. Other current projects will allow students to study abroad or fund research to eradicate a degenerative equine disease, among many other specialized funding opportunities.


School and College Roundup College of Education: The College of Education is establishing a Young Alumni Board in 2015. Elizabeth Gaughf, director of alumni relations, encourages energetic, engaged young alumni to serve as leaders for this group. Those interested may connect with her at Additionally, nominations for the COE Alumni Awards is upcoming for those who are influential in the education and human development community. Nomination forms will be posted to the COE alumni page in January! College of Public Health: The College of Public Health celebrates its 10th anniversary by welcoming the Departments of Health Promotion & Behavior and Health Policy & Management to the UGA Health Sciences Campus in January 2015. Haven’t visited the Health Sciences Campus yet? Email to schedule your visit today! Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources: Warnell Young Alumni are encouraged to attend the 30th annual Roundtable on Feb. 5th at 6pm at Flinchum’s Phoenix. Roundtable is a gathering of professionals who represent all manner of natural resources agencies, industries and concerns. This event is intended to provide students with the opportunity to meet and learn about future career development and job opportunities in forestry, wildlife, natural resources recreation and

tourism, and water and soil resources. Here’s the link for more info and registration. College of Environment and Design: The University of Georgia College of Environment and Design’s landscape architecture programs were recently ranked in the top 10 in the nation by Design Intelligence magazine. The college’s bachelor of landscape architecture program was ranked fourth in the nation, while the master of landscape architecture program was ranked 10th. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication: The Grady Young Alumni Council is an extension of the Grady Society Alumni Board. Its goal is to help students and young alumni stay connected to the Grady College. This Council is tasked with helping students and young alumni foster lifelong and lasting relationships with Grady through events, activities and giving. For more information and to keep up with the Young Alumni Council, visit here. Franklin College of Arts and Sciences: Dan Hogan, a 1998 graduate from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, is currently president and CEO of Medalogix, a Nashville-based predictive modeling health tech start-up. It is one of 18 semi-finalists in the Harvard Health Acceleration Challenge. For more information, click here.

Robert C. Wilson College of Pharmacy: Brooke Bernhardt, a UGA Pharmacy School graduate (’03, PharmD, MS, BCOP), treats pediatric oncology patients and participates in worldwide research projects. Specializing in cancer research and treatment, Bernhardt has served as a grant-funded pharmacist for the Children’s Oncology Group (COG), a National Cancer Institute. To learn more about her role and her oncology research, click here. Eugene P. Odum School of Ecology: Daniel Streicker, PhD ‘11, is the subject of a short video on the American Association for the Advancement of Science website. He discusses his study of rabies virus in vampire bats and takes viewers inside a cave in Peru where he conducts some of his research. Click here to see more. School of Law: Georgia Law alumni are cordially invited to a reception held in conjunction with the State Bar of Georgia’s Midyear Meeting on Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at McKenna, Long & Aldridge, Suite 5300, 303 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. Please click here to register by January 2, 2015. College of Family and Consumer Sciences: Captain Lori Maggioni ’09 (BSFCS, Nutrition Science) visited the College of Family and Consumer Sciences Fall semester to share with students the many career opportunities

available in the U.S. Army health care division. Lori, a Registered Dietitian in the U.S. Army, plays an important role in improving the health and nutrition of our soldiers, retirees, and their family members. Captain Maggioni is currently assigned as a recruiter. She and her husband Alex ’08 (AB, Political Science) reside in Atlanta, GA. School of Public and International Affairs: Congratulations to Dr. Brian N. Williams and MPA alumna Jennifer Zeunik (2007) for participating in the National Policy Summit on PoliceCommunity Relations sponsored by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in Orlando, Florida. The IACP, the world’s largest association of law enforcement executives, advances professional police service; promotes enhanced administrative, technical and operational practices; and fosters and facilitates the cooperation and exchange of information and experience among police leaders and police organizations throughout the world. To read more about their experience, visit here. College of Veterinary Medicine: Save the date! Our annual SCAVMA Auction will be held on Saturday, January 24 in the Grand Hall of the Tate Student Center. Proceeds support veterinary student activities, scholarships, and student veterinary projects that serve the Athens community. Tickets for the auction are $25 through Jan. 23 and $30 if purchased at the door. To donate items/services,

contact the auction committee chair Sara Collins at Purchase tickets and view a list of the auction items here. We hope to see you there! Terry College of Business: Terry’s Georgia Economic Outlook, its premier outreach series, provides business and government workers the foundation to make informed decisions based on accurate, reliable economic data from the Selig Center for Economic Growth. More than 3,000 leaders rely on the annual forecast presentation in 10 cities. Learn what to expect from next year’s economy. The Savannah event is on January 14, 2015 from 11a.m. - 2p.m. We hope to see you there! For more info, click here. College of Engineering: The College of Engineering’s Alumni Spotlight is on Brian Crow, BSAE ’97. Brian Crow is a 1997 Agricultural Engineering graduate who is now the Vice President of Analytic Solutions for Sensus. His wife, April Hembree Crow, also graduated from UGA with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health, and she was one of UGA’s 40 Under 40 in 2012. They have two children, Garner Thomas Crow (9), and Greer Katherine Crow (7). For more info, click here. School of Social Work: Dr. Kareema Gray, University of Georgia School of Social Work alumna (MSW ’03, PhD ’09), is an advocate of gaining knowledge through a survey of the past;

Her love for social work inspires her to change lives in the present and future. The Philadelphia native focused her dissertation research on the history of African American social work during the Progressive Era in Philadelphia. To learn more about her work, click here. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences: Southscapes magazine is a publication for alumni and friends of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. With issues released each Fall and Spring, the magazine highlights accomplishments of students, alumni, and faculty of CAES. View the Fall 2014 edition here.




Susannah Darrow Co-Founder, Executive Director of BurnAway AB '08

It is safe to say Susannah Darrow has the pulse of visual arts in the Southeast. Darrow is the Executive Director and Co-founder of BurnAway, an Atlanta-based nonprofit, dedicated to providing arts coverage and dialogue to the Southeast. In 2008, Darrow and two colleagues combined their individual art blogs together to launch BurnAway. Soon after, the Atlanta Journal Constitution laid off many of their Arts and Entertainment writers creating a critical void for the arts scene. BurnAway became the sole resource for arts criticism and coverage. “We were new and had no overhead costs.” Darrow describes, “We were able to create a new model for how arts coverage might exist.” Their efforts have blossomed into an online magazine. Darrow and her team want to create a culture of critical dialogue for the arts. A heavy concentration of their efforts is placed on building awareness and providing a platform for discussion about the visual arts. The focus started in Atlanta, and now over the last year and a half, they have expanded to a regional focus. BurnAway covers news, events, exhibition reviews, artists, and the artistic diversity of the Southeast region. Darrow explains, “We want to build awareness. The Southeast is an underserved area of the country for arts coverage and we want to fill that void.” BurnAway is more than an online publication. It hosts critics in residency, writing workshops, and public programs. Importance is placed on the writer and thinkers, too, not just the artists. An invaluable

network is developing for all those working in the field of art. While Darrow spent most of her time in the music scene as a DJ at UGA and committee member with WUOG, she saw the impact the arts had on the Athens community. The relationships she formed have played a critical role in her professional and personal development. “The people [at UGA] made the difference. The school of art was an incubator of doing really interesting things,” describes Darrow. Her UGA experiences led her to move to Atlanta and work in that field. Darrow continues to stay connected to her alma mater and supports the Lamar Dodd School of Art Fund. On why she gives to UGA, “The high caliber of programing the school offers and the students who are graduating are reflective of the national reputation of UGA. It makes sense to support programs that are successful.” She makes it back to Athens some, and is impressed with the new art school and radio station. Georgia Trend recently recognized Darrow’s hard work by naming her to its 40 Under 40 list. She was surprised and honored to be in such great company and recognized on a level outside of the arts community. If you are looking to get involved with your local art scene, Darrow recommends figuring out what is comfortable and accessible. She adds, “There are so many different ways to experience art. You don’t need prior knowledge, experience, or an art degree to respond to and experience art.”

We want to build awareness. The Southeast is an underserved area of the country for arts coverage and we want

to fill th a t void.

40under40 In 2011, the UGA Alumni Association launched the 40 Under 40 program to recognize exceptional young alumni who are achieving great success in their professional and personal endeavors. This campuswide collaboration is supported by the Division of Development and Alumni Relations, Division of Student Affairs and academic departments. Nominations open each spring and honorees are announced midsummer. This past fall, the Class of 2014 was honored

The 40 Under 40 Class of 2014 gathers at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta for a luncheon.

Check out the Class of 2014 honorees and their advice to students, favorite memories from UGA and approaches to success.

Class of 2014

at a luncheon in Atlanta and prior to kickoff at the Troy football game. If you would like to receive 40 Under 40 information via email, please ensure your contact information is up-to-date with UGA by clicking here. If you have questions about this program, please email Julie Cheney (AB ’00, MED ’11) at

David W. Adams JD '02 Partner, Stites & Harbison, PLLC “My favorite memory at UGA was a day in law school when an adjunct professor told me to try everything while practicing law. Now that I’ve been practicing law for 13 years in one area, I try to use this guidance to enrich my life. As a result, I take several cases a year from Atlanta Legal Aid in which I help people escape their abusers and start a new life.”

Deann AkinsLewenthal BSA ’02, MS ’05, PHD ’08 Principal Food Safety Specialist, ConAgra Foods “Learn how to disconnect. We live in an exciting time where technology makes work easier to get done, whether in the office or at home. The ability to stay connected 24 hours a day brings with it the responsibility to take a break occasionally.”

Sly Barisic MBA '04 Founder, CEO, FotoIn Mobile Corporation “Believe, for you and for those around you. Act on what you know and believe, for you and for those around you. Selflessly acting for others leases to the greatest personal gains. Faith, family, team – all successful when based on selfless action.” Bakari Brock BBA '01 Director of Business Development, Lyft, Inc. “The Outkast concert is one of my favorite memories from UGA. They’re weren’t megastars yet and were performing in a relatively small venue. Most importantly for me, however, it was the first time other than at a sporting event that I witnessed our multicultural student body truly interact with each other in a positive manner.”

Darigg Brown BSEH '00 Research Public Health Analyst, RTI International “If you ever have the opportunity to do something different, do it! College is not just about learning; it is about growth and self-realization. Oftentimes, our experiences are what we make of them.” Mark Butler BBA '02 Founder, President of both, CXO Staffing, Inc., Pay It Forward Atlanta “The world often measures success in numbers, whether it is people or dollars. Work hard with passion, drive and superior ethics for yourself, not others, because you are made of greatness. More importantly, try to be sensitive to, and available to meet the needs of those around you.”

Toby Carr BSAE '01, BBA '01 Associate Vice President for Government Relations and Director of State Governmental Relations, University of Georgia “Be trustworthy. Live your passion. Seek mentors for guidance, and mentor those who need it. Do not be too proud to ask for help. Be curious, reading everything you can. Question every assumption. Balance life by keeping work in its place. Rest on Sundays, and practice humility.” Ashley Diamond BBA '06 Global E-Commerce Leader, Procter & Gamble “Take the opportunity to study abroad at least once during college. Immersing yourself in another culture and a foreign situation will challenge you from an emotional, mental and physical perspective, allowing you to grow and evolve.” Tiffany Parr Fowles DRPH '13 Senior Manager, Office of Epidemiology Child Health and WIC Programs, Georgia Dept. of Health. “My favorite UGA memory is watching my students serve in the UGA public health community by leading public health week activities, donating toys to abuse shelters, putting together class plays and developing digital stories on public health topics. I saw students enter my class disinterested in public health and leave wanting to make health promotion and behavior their major.”

Rachel Harper Fox ABJ '97 Director of Communications, Disney Channels Worldwide, The Walt Disney Co.

“My advice to UGA students is rather simple; I read it on a ruler in the second grade. It’s the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Simply said, be a good person, follow a moral compass, be positive, friendly, ethical and compassionate. Perpetuating goodness is the right thing to do.” Bynikini Frazier BSED '08 First Grade Teacher, Hodge Elementary School “Always believe in your dreams and never give up on them. Develop a plan that aligns with your focal point and allows you to discover your resources. Make connections and get involved. Your actions determine your success and your experiences at UGA will guide you into your forever.” Evangeline George AB '08 Deputy Communications Dir., Office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi “The Washington Semester Program was an incredible experience while attending UGA. Differing political perspectives didn’t matter – we formed a bond over our love of UGA and excitement to be in the nation’s capital.” Lindsey Harper BSFCS '99 Owner, Lindsey Coral Harper Interior Design “Take advantage of all the opportunities around you. If you are able, study abroad. I participated in a work/study program in London. It definitely was a stepping stone in my career, and it gave me the confidence to move to New York City, the epicenter for interior design.”

Danielle Hosker AB '01 Founder, CEO, Dancefx, Inc, Antage Bleu, Baby Blue “College is about discovering your passions. Expose yourself, find out what you don’t like and uncover what you love. Read the UGA Bulletin and discover majors and minors you never knew existed. Get involved and pursue every interest: intern, volunteer, shadow, audit a class, join professional clubs, study abroad and have fun! Christy Hulsey ABJ '98 Owner, Creative Director, Colonial House of Flowers “My dad, a UGA alumnus, raised me a Bulldog. It was his dream for me to go to his alma mater, and I did. Seeing him beam from ear-to-ear with pride, joy and love [on my graduation day] is one of the best visuals of my life. Touched with earlyonset Alzheimer’s, it is one of the last memories I have of him fully aware, knowing and full of animation.” Laura Jalbert BSW '99, MSW '00 Owner, Clinical Director, Mindful Transitions, LLC “Be mindful of the full experience of each moment you encounter. Experience every moment, now and forever, pleasant or unpleasant, with the curiosity and inquisitiveness of a child, but utilize the wisdom you are acquiring as an adult.” Burt Jones AB '04 President, JP Capital & Insurance “A lot of us have preconceived notions about whom and what we want to be.

Knowledge is power! The more education and life experiences you have will create a better you. Make your own decisions, think for yourself and find your place in this world.”

Turmel Kindred BBA '02 Inspector General, U.S. Army “My favorite UGA memory is when I happened to run into this pretty, young freshman in the elevator and exchanged numbers [with her]. We became friends, and we later matured that friendship into a healthy relationship that spanned two continents. My chance meeting with this young lady led to that woman becoming mother of my two children, protector of my household and my lovely bride.” Brian Kulbersh BS '01 Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Children’s Hospital of Alabama “Take advantage of everything UGA has to offer. Go to a football game, and also take in an equestrian event. Study hard, and also participate in one of the many volunteer opportunities available every day. Make the most of each day you have at UGA, while realizing your relationship with the university continues after graduation day.” David Mowery ABJ '99 Founder, President, Mowery Consulting Group, LLC “The UGA community is the finest in the world, and together we thrive by remembering the lessons we learned. Remain committed to bettering the world around you by living the Pillars - Wisdom, Justice and Moderation.”

Eric NeSmith ABJ '02 Vice President of Business Development, Community Newspapers, Inc. “During my first semester in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication in one of Professor Conrad Fink’s class, I received my first paper back. There was no grade at the top - only the words ‘see me.’ The rest of the page was dripping in red ink. On the third page in the margin, I noticed another note, ‘NeSmith, take this sentence around the barn and shoot it.’ That was the moment I realized average work was never going to be good enough. Professor Fink saw more in me and would accept nothing less than my best work. We stayed in close touch until his death two years ago. I have that moment of realization and him to thank for much of my success.” Mai-Lise Nguyen BBA '05 International Communications Manager, Neuroscience, F. Hoffman-La Roche, Ltd “At UGA, some of my favorite memories involve being in the Leonard Leadership Scholars Program. It was through that program that I was introduced to a career in PR and communications, and a door was opened for a summer internship at a global PR firm in NYC. Before that, I had never considered working outside of Atlanta, but 10 years later, I’ve spent most of my time in NYC and am now embarking on an international career in Europe.”

Kameko Nichols BS '02, AB '02 Partnership Director, Riders for Health “Make the most of your entire UGA experience through a wide range of rich experiences. Take classes that interest you, not just ones that you think will help

you in the future. It will be one of the last times in life where you can learn for learning’s sake.” Jon Ostenson BBA '02, MBA '06 Vice President of Sales, Carter’s/ OshKosh B’gosh “I enjoyed the time I spent [as president] with the Banking and Finance Society while at UGA. We succeeded in nearly doubling the organization’s 100-member base through bringing in top Atlanta companies to present on a frequent basis and setting up networking nights. It was very rewarding to be a part of this turnaround.” Jon Pannell BBA '00 Partner, Gray Pannell and Woodward “I was fortunate enough to be selected as a member of Arch Society as a student leader, and served during my junior and senior years as a member. Through the Arch Society, I was exposed to some incredible experiences as a student ambassador for UGA.”

Michael Patrick BBA '03 Vice President of Capital Markets, Carroll Organization “Representing my fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, as a member of the winning team in the Greek step show that takes place annually is a memory that touches one of the things I’m most passionate about: my fraternity brothers. The night we won the competition we all became much closer.”

Godfrey Powell BBA '00 Team Lead, Business Development & Partnerships “I worked as a roadie for the UGA event technical crew. We set up the stage and sound technology equipment at events all over campus. I worked with the Harlem Ballet, met Destiny’s Child, picked up Bobby McFerrin from the airport, set up a drag queen ball and assembled a Rolling Stone Magazine exhibit. Each event exposed me to the rich diversity of UGA’s student body.” Elaine Reyes ABJ'97 International News Anchor, CCTV America 'You will experience rejection - perhaps it’s a job, a promotion or an idea. When someone tells you ‘no,’ there will always be someone who says ‘yes.’ Believe in your passion.” Matthew Sawhill BBA '01 Managing Director of External Affairs, AGL Resources “Get out of your comfort zone and be involved with other students and organizations. The effort put into building relationships and understanding differing opinions will have an exponential return on your investment.” Jared Schmidt BBA '04 Vice President, Goldman, Sachs, & Co. “I learned so much about philanthropy and the importance of giving one’s time through Earl Leonard and Terry’s Leonard Leadership Scholars Program. One year, during the closing banquet, I was honored to be sitting at a

table with Mr. Leonard, his wife and my family. That moment was the culmination of pride, hard work, sacrifice and gratitude that I felt on that evening.” Chad Schmiedt DVM '00 Associate Professor of Tissue Surgery, UGA College of Veterinary Medicine “Seven years after graduating, I was excited by a job opportunity in UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Having come in for the interview from Madison, Wisconsin, which was still locked in the doldrums of winter, it was wonderful to be back home in Athens. The campus, the people, the town, the Southern charm, the food, the beautiful countryside, the whole energy of the place. It was an incredible homecoming when I was offered the position.” Aleisha Gomes Swartz DVM '02 Chief Veterinarian, Hawaii Humane Society “Take advantage of the incredible faculty and students around you; these are the current and future leaders in your field. What you learn will affect you the rest of your life. Find work that you love, do it well and don’t forget to give back.”

Lisa Taylor JD '01 Civil Rights Attorney, Department of Justice “My favorite memory is of attending Professor Alex Scherr’s chili cookout every year to celebrate the work that we did as law students in the Athens community. Not only was the chili good, but the fellowship with other students and community vibe was unforgettable.”

Ryan Teague JD '03 Executive Counsel, Office of the Governor of Georgia “My advice to UGA students would be to keep an open mind about what you want to do with your career, and explore as many opportunities as possible. This is the time to explore those open doors, and to find opportunities that intrigue you the most.” Robert Thomson AB '02 Major, Special Forces Green Beret, U.S. Army “My older sister, Tracy (ABJ ’00 and fellow 40 Under 40 honoree), gave me a personal tour of the campus and mapped where all my classes were located before my first day at UGA. During that campus tour, she gave me a UGA history lesson, and shared all the great insights that a new student would surely need. She put my nerves at ease as I embarked on my UGA journey.”

Tracey Thomson ABJ '00 Co-Head Writer, The Young and the Restless, CBS “Joining Alpha Chi Omega turned out to be one of my best decisions. Having that core group of friends around made attending a university with a student body of more than 30,000 a little less daunting. Socials and fundraisers allowed me to be more involved in campus life. Some of my fondest memories are of living in the sorority house and the friends I made there are still a great support system to this day.”

Shannon Wallace AB '99, JD '02 District Attorney, Cherokee County “My most fond memory of UGA is from my time spent studying abroad in England through the criminal justice study abroad program. Attending Lancaster University and traveling throughout Europe with other UGA students was an opportunity of a lifetime that I will always treasure.” Eric Wearne MA '02 Assistant Professor, Georgia Gwinnett College School of Education “My first child was born while I was a student at UGA. Living in Gwinnett and commuting to Athens, I remember being ‘on call’ while in class, waiting for my huge, stone-age cell phone to ring with my wife telling me to hurry back down 316. My professor, Sally Krisel, was very understanding, but that memory is a good one because it reminds me of the kindness of the faculty members who taught me during my time at UGA.”

Trey Wood BBA '08 Partner and Vice President, Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance Agency “One of my favorite memories is the final risk management and insurance project I completed in Dr. Robert Hoyt’s class. Our team of three met every Monday afternoon for several months. At the time, I could not have had any idea that my teammates would soon thereafter transition from classmates to colleagues. Both serve as underwriters for companies I work with daily. We often meet for lunch and reminisce about that project.” Jody Young AB '99 Founding Principal Partner, Atlanta Capital Group “Take risks, but don’t be a fool. Do your homework, learn as much as you can, so when you make that leap you have some idea of where you are going to land.”

Nominations for the 40 Under 40 Class of 2015 will open in February. For more info, click here.

upcoming events JANUARY



1/3 Men’s Basketball vs. Norfolk State More

2/5 Concert: Chanticleer More

3/3 Baseball vs. Furman More

2/7 Men’s Basketball vs. Tennessee More

3/4 Concert: UGA Symphony Orchestra More

2/9 Hugh Hodgson Faculty Series: Amy Pollard More

3/4 Women’s Basketball at SEC Tournament in Little Rock More

2/13 Dedication Ceremony: Veterinary Medicine Learning Center More

3/7 Gymnastics vs. Arkansas More

1/5 Concert: St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra More 1/10 Gymnastics vs. Michigan More 1/13 Performance: Swan Lake More 1/22 State of the University Address More

2/15 Baseball vs. UNC Charlotte More

1/26 Performance: Garrison Keillor More

2/20 Terry Leadership Speaker Series: Chris Brearton More

1/26 Founder’s Day Lecture More

2/23 UGA Fashion Week More

1/29 Visiting Artist/Scholar Lecture: Carol Armstrong More

2/27 Interdisciplinary Research Conference More

3/11 Men’s Basketball at SEC Tournament in Nashville More 3/15 Women’s Tennis vs. Vanderbilt More


1/31 Men’s Tennis vs. UCLA More

Go Dawgs! 2014 Belk Bowl December 30, 2014 Georgia Bulldogs vs. Louisville • Charlotte, NC For info on your local game watching party, click here. To purchase tickets, click here

Save the date! Return to the Arch Alumni Seminar May 1-3, 2015 Through the Arch and into the classroom... without the exams! Mark your calendar to join UGA Alumni and friends in Athens!

Pedro Mencias, BBA '14

Financial Analyst Wells Fargo Commercial Real Estate Banking Group Atlanta, GA

Favorite Part of My Job: Learning something new every day. Real estate is a fascinating industry because no property, market, loan, etc. is alike. Every opportunity I work on is unique and different than a previous one. Thus, every day presents a new challenge, yet a new opportunity to learn something. Why do you give back to UGA? UGA helped me grow as a person and as a professional. In addition, the school greatly invested in me through their generous financial aid. I hold the UGA very close to my heart, and I feel it is my duty and responsibility to give back to my university and community. I am truly blessed to live the life I have; it would not have been possible without UGA. What is the greatest lesson you learned at UGA? Gratitude. I learned that you must give before you can receive; and I am doing just that. I am extremely grateful for the University and the financial and academic support it provided during my stay in Athens.


100 Years Ago The Students Loan fund was created by the student body in early 1915 to assist needy students who might not be able to remain in college otherwise. By March, students had raised enough to help five students. 75 Years Ago For the first time in the history of the University of Georgia, each of Georgia’s 159 counties was represented by at least one student for the 1939 fall quarter. 50 Years Ago Work began on the Law School Annex site on North Campus.

How did your education at UGA prepare you for your current pursuit: I owe all my academic and professional success to UGA. UGA prepared me to succeed in the field of Finance and also in the real world. I learned some much from the Terry College of Business and the entire staff. What inspires you? A simple yet life-changing quote: “Finding success is finding happiness”. Every day, I strive to be a successful person. My success is not measured by a salary figure, or a job title or even the price tag on a vehicle. It is measured by a peaceful state of mind and a sense of happiness.

Take a look back at UGA History 25 Years Ago The University Council passed a recommendation to change the College of Home Economics name to the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. 10 Years Ago The plan to upgrade and expand the Tate Student Center was unveiled and later approved by the student body via referendum vote. The plan consisted of an addition to the Tate Student Center, a parking deck and a renovation to the current Tate building.


with Corey Dortch Director, Full-Time MBA Program at Emory University

Goizueta Business School BSA '03, M.Ed. '05, Ph.D '11 Third Pillar Donor, supporting the Arch Society Endowment

What are you most proud of? My wonderful wife Amelia (who is a double Dawg) and my loving parents

My next big accomplishment will be... Completing my first book!

People would be surprised to know that: I was a contestant on a game show.

How would you like to be remembered? As a person who made people feel like they mattered in the world.

What is your dream concert lineup? Stevie Wonder, the Beatles, followed by Michael Jackson

Any final words? Thank God for my UGA experience and the entire Bulldawg nation!

You have reservations. Dead or alive, who are the five people coming to dinner? Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandella, Princess Diana, John the Baptist First CD? I had tapes... Cassette tapes. However, my first CD was Boys II Men I simply cannot live without... My faith in God. Describe your UGA experience in five words: The most epic experience, ever! What is the most important thing you learned at UGA? To be my authentic self. I give to UGA because... UGA gave me so much and helped to shape me to the man I am today. . . My desire is for others to have the same opportunity.

Corey Dortch, pictured with his wife, Amelia (ABJ '06, MPA '12), is the Director of Full-Time MBA Programs at the Goizueta Business School of Emory University. He shows his support with a monthly donation to the Arch Society Endowment Fund and has been recognized in UGA’s 2012 Class of 40 Under 40. As an undergraduate, Dortch was heavily involved in campus life including a 2001 Orientation Leader, the Arch Society, Dance Marathon, Dawg Camp, Blue Key, Sphinx and Alpha Phi Alpha.

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Clockwise from top left: Nikki Welch, Ward Harmon and Belle Doss, all UGA '13, celebrate Harmon’s return to Athens from his service in the Peace Corps. Members of the Metro Atlanta Chapter at the “Calling All Dawgs” event at Shula’s in Buckhead with the David Green Radio show. Bridgette Burton, ’11, and her mom cheer on the Dawgs at Sanford Stadium. Keysha Lee, ’97, Kevin Golden, ’09, Erica N. Parks, ’11, Latasha Barnes, ’05, Joe Mulrooney, ’04, Executive Director of Alumni Relations Meredith Gurley Johnson, ’00 and Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations Kelly Kerner at the Terry College of Business Georgia Economic Outlook in Atlanta in December. Colin Dunlop, '07, '09 and Morgan Klaus Dunlop, '09, met in Athens and married in Atlanta. Georgia Law graduates from the Class of 2004 celebrated their reunion at Creature Comforts Brewing Co. in Athens Pictured left to right: Dominique Holloman, Erik Charles, Ann Rotz, Edwina Watkins, Brian Smith, Natalie Smith, Chris Abrego, Jerald Mitchell, Stephanie Oginsky.

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