Fun Series Features
Thematic approach based on spiral curriculum
Links learning to real life scenarios
Parental engagement
Safe and enhanced use of technology
Understandable, meaningful and relevant to the pupil’s life
Infusion of 21st Century Skills
Enquiry-based and investigatory-based approach
Includes cognition and thinking skills
Fun Series Resources
English With Fun is a course for
Math With Fun is a course for
children between 3-5 years old and learning English for the first time. The course develops the handwriting skills, letter and sound recognition, letter formation as well as simple sentence formation. It offers children opportunities to learn a wide range of lexical items and essential Sight Words.
children between 3 and 5 years old. This comprehensive research-based course helps children develop and master the basic mathematical skills as well as the legibility of numbers handwriting skill. It covers all the mathematical strands: • Numbers, counting and cardinality • Basic algebraic operations and thinking • Data and measurement • Geometry • Problem solving and critical thinking
Science With Fun is a course for children between 3-5 years old. It prepares the children to think like scientists by applying elements of the Investigatory Approach. It encourages curiosity, observation, questioning, investigation and experimenting to effectively learn the scientific concepts. By the end of this course the children will be able to apply scientific process, communicate scientific ideas effectively and understand the nature of science.