Teacher’s Resources Sampler
The Earth
Life on Earth Learning Objectives
Key Words
• Identify the Earth. • Recognize the Earth is mainly air, water and soil. • Observe and demonstrate how night and day occur. • Examine what happens when we block the sun’s light. • Explore shadows. • Compare night and day. • Discover that we get light from the sun. • Explain to others that the sun gives light to Earth. • Discuss with others day and night activities.
Sun, moon, earth, stars, air, soil, water, people, animals, plants, light, dark, night, day.
board and click on the answer they think is correct. While interacting with this activity, they will discover that the wrong answers drop down and disappear, while the correct one remains.
Ideas for the Lesson Activity 1
• This activity will be a good opportunity to introduce learners to “space” in a simplified way, e.g. “The sun is a star that is mainly fire which provides the Earth with light and heat”. “The moon is a round object that goes around the earth”. “The Earth is the planet where we live on”. “The stars are far away shining objects like the sun”.
• Begin by asking learners to work with a partner to identify the Earth. Set two minutes for this activity. • Show learners Slide 1 on Presentation PLUS to focus on the discussion, then collect feedback. While collecting feedback from individual learners, invite them to come to the smart
Activity 2 • Show learners slide 2 on Presentation
PLUS. Explain that Earth is mainly “Air”, “Water” and “Soil”. Make sure that learners perfectly learn these key words by asking them to repeat the words individually. Invite individual learners to point and read them on the slide. • Invite learners to do Resource sheet 1 individually first. Set 5 minutes for them to discuss their answers in pairs before collecting feedback. • Show learners Slide 3 on Presentation PLUS. Give them 2 minutes to discuss answers in pairs before collecting feedback. While doing so, you may wish to click on the slide to show learners to correct match between key words and pictures.
Look, Observe and Learn. Who lives on Earth? The key objective of this activity is to let learners know who lives on earth. They will discover that “people”, “animals” and “plants” live on earth. This paves the way for them to learn each creature in more details later in the book. • You may wish to extend this part of the lesson by showing learners the YouTube VIDEO on Slide 4 of Presentation PLUS. It is preferable to pause the video to give more explanations and focus on the components of the planet Earth and who lives on it. It is worth mentioning here that there is no need to complete the video till the end. You can pick and choose what help supports the lesson most. • Move to Slide 5 to show learners who lives on earth. While doing so, invite learners to say and repeat the following sentences: • People live on planet Earth. • Animals live on planet Earth. • Plants live on planet Earth. • This could help them start communicating science in an efficient way, particularly when they are asked “Who lives on earth?”. • Encourage learners to ask and answer in
turns “Who live on earth?”. • Invite learners to do Resource Sheet 2 individually first, then ask them to exchange sheets to see and discuss each other’s answers. Collect feedback form the classroom. When questions are answered incorrectly, involve other learners for correction. Do not forget to praise correct answers by inviting the entire class to give a round of applause. Equally important, we need to be very careful with learners who could not answer correctly. It is pedagogically advised not to demotivate them by saying their answers are wrong. On the contrary, we should give another chance to rethink their answers and, perhaps, help them towards correctness. They should equally be rewarded with another round of applause, a star on their chest or possibly a more physical reward like a balloon, etc. • Finish the lesson by inviting learners to do Resource Sheet 3. • Let them sit in small groups. Give each group one sheet to work on. • Ask the learners to cut and paste the little picture in the right place on the globe, i.e. people, animals and plants on SOIL; while fish on WATER. • Set 5-10 minutes to complete this task. • Move around the groups, join them and help them to cut the paper when they find it difficult to. While modeling the correct way to cut paper, keep reminding them on how to hold the scissors and papers correctly.
• Make sure that the learners use plastic scissors with round ends. Teach them how to hold the scissors in one hand, and the paper in the other. Monitor them closely while executing the activity. • When they finish the task, collect feedback and keep in mind the correction strategy.
• Use Worksheet 1.a for lower achieving learners. • Use Worksheet 1.b for higher achieving learners..
Resource Sheet 1 Unit 1 - The Earth
Cut the words and put them in the correct place.
Resource Sheet 2 Unit 1 - The Earth
Match the words to the pictures correctly, then color the words.
Sun Earth Moon Stars People Animals Plants
Resource Sheet 3 Unit 1 - The Earth
Cut the pictures and paste them in the right place on the Earth.
Worksheet 1.a Unit 1 - The Earth
Name: ____________________________ Date_____/_____/_________
Identify and color the Earth.
Worksheet 1.b Unit 1 - The Earth
Name: ____________________________ Date_____/_____/_________
Color the AIR light blue, the SOIL yellow and the WATER dark blue.
Quiz 1 Unit 1 - The Earth
Name: ____________________________ Date_____/_____/_________
1. Who lives on Earth? Circle the correct answers.
2. Where do we get the daylight from?
3. Should there be a SUN or a MOON in the following picture? Draw the correct answer in the empty square.
4. Circle the activity you would do at night.
5. Circle the activity you would do in the day.