1 minute read


Anna Scheyett

Photo by Robert Newcomb

People at the School have given each other grace— flexibility, forgiveness, kindness, and support. It is something for which I am immensely grateful.

As I think back on this past year I am amazed at how much we have experienced and done since spring 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has swept across the world; racial violence horrified us in the media; the economy soured and many lost their jobs. It has been a truly challenging, punishing year.

Yet despite it all, here at the School, the work continued. Faculty scrambled and adapted their classes to hybrid formats, students scrambled to juggle Zoom, home-schooled children, lost jobs—and the learning continued. Researchers retooled their data collection strategies and sometimes added questions about COVID-19 experiences--and the scholarship continued. Everyone volunteered or contributed to community-based efforts to address basic needs and work for social justice—and the service continued.

Two words come to mind when I think about the School this year. The first is “indomitable.” With commitment, courage, and resilience the faculty, staff, and students have not let the challenges of this year defeat them. They have experienced loss and difficulties and they are exhausted, but their tenacity is amazing and they keep doing the good work of social work. The second word I have thought of and used nearly daily is “grace.” People at the School have given each other grace—flexibility, forgiveness, kindness, and support. It is something for which I am immensely grateful.

As you read this issue of Connect, I hope you are impressed and inspired by the stories of the indomitable spirits of our students, faculty, and staff. In so many ways, supported by colleagues’ generosity and grace, our community has continued to tackle social problems and fight for social justice.

We look forward to seeing you when we can once again be together. Until then, I hope you and yours stay safe and well.


Anna Scheyett, Dean and Professor

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