Annual report 2014

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ISO/IEC17025 055-test



Cover: Fracture surface of an electrospun, nanofibre-toughened, carbon fibre reinforced polymer composite, showing polyamide nanofibres (yellow) protruding from the epoxy matrix (blue).

‘Centre of Excellence’ for

Textile Science and Engineering

Powering into

cutting-edge research

CONTENTS Voorwoord






International Relations




Research & Innovation


Services to Industry


European Research Centre for Artificial Turf - ERCAT


European Network of Materials Research Centres - ENMAT




VOORWOORD De textielwereld in Europa blijft zich snel aanpassen aan de mondiale ontwikkelingen. Europees textiel heeft een toekomst in gespecialiseerde, hoogtechnologische, gepersonaliseerde producten, waarvoor veel knowhow nodig is. Die knowhow is het resultaat van een multidisciplinaire kennis en veelzijdige technologische innovaties. Het onderwijs speelt daarin een zeer grote rol. Vaak is het echter zo dat onderwijs zich niet snel genoeg aanpast ten opzichte van de veranderingen in de maatschappij die bestaat uit kritische en veeleisende consumenten. De opdracht van het (textiel)onderwijs zal er dus in bestaan om toch de snelle evolutie te volgen en een (meer) digitale aanpak naar voren te schuiven. Dit zal een revolutie met zich brengen in het onderwijslandschap met een tot nu toe ongekende competitie tussen onderwijsinstellingen, ook privÊ. Onderzoek zal nog belangrijker worden aan universiteiten, vooral in samenwerking met de maatschappij, de industrie, ‌ . Het (textiel)onderzoek zal (sterk) onderhevig zijn aan een digitale inbreng en verder gekenmerkt worden door een brede interactie tussen verschillende disciplines. Dit moet leiden tot een voldoende vernieuwing van het textielaanbod in het Westen de komende jaren. De Vakgroep Textielkunde tracht in diverse domeinen van het textielonderwijs en -onderzoek aan de spits te lopen wat vernieuwing betreft. Fundamenteel onderzoek, toegepast of valoriseerbaar onderzoek en directe ondersteuning van de textielindustrie gaan in de vakgroep hand in hand. Bij het lezen van de verschillende activiteiten van de vakgroep in dit jaarboek 2014 zult u overtuigd zijn van de impact van het werk in de vakgroep op het textielgebeuren. Het is de bedoeling deze lijn, reeds gestart vele jaren geleden, onverminderd door te trekken naar de toekomst.

Prof. dr. Paul KIEKENS, dr.h.c. Vakgroepvoorzitter Textielkunde Universiteit Gent, mei 2015 9

FOREWORD The textile world in Europe is continuing to adapt quickly to global developments in this sector. The future of European textiles lies in specialized, highly technological, customized products requiring a lot of know-how. That know-how is the result of multidisciplinary knowledge and versatile technological innovation. Education plays a major part here. However, changes in education don’t come as fast as the changes in society, consisting of critical and demanding consumers. (Textile) Education will therefore face the assignment to follow the swift evolution and to emphasize a (more) digital approach. This will unleash a revolution in the education field leading to yet unseen competition between educational institutes, also private. The importance of research at the universities will increase, especially in cooperation with society, industry, ‌ (Textile) Research will be (strongly) liable to digital input and will be characterised furthermore by broad interaction between different scientific and technological disciplines. This has to lead to the highly needed innovation of the Western textile market in the years to come. In several areas of textile education and research, the Department of Textiles is trying to be in the frontline of innovation. In our department, fundamental research, applied or valorisable research and direct support to the textile industry go hand in hand. The various activities of the department presented in this Annual Report 2014 deliver firm proof of the impact on the whole textile business. It is our strongest intention to continue the work we started many years ago without abatement.

Prof. dr. Paul KIEKENS, dr.h.c. Head of Department Ghent University, May 2015


GENERAL The Department of Textiles is an integrated part of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University. It is directed by prof. dr. Paul Kiekens. The department meets the requirements of a modern academic entity, i.e. • University education, • Scientific research and • Technical-scientific services for the textile industry and users. A team of about 40 people having a degree in different disciplines makes use of very modern research and analysing equipment and a very well-equipped library. About two thirds of the personnel are academic scientists and engineers and about one third is administrative and technical personnel.


Advanced and high performance textile materials (prof. dr. Paul KIEKENS) Nanoparticles based products and developments: composites, flame retardancy,…


headed by prof. dr. ir. Lieva VAN LANGENHOVE • Smart textiles (dr. ir. Carla HERTLEER) Conductive textiles, textile sensors, dressing material, impedance spectroscopy, textile antennas, electrotherapy, medical applications • Weaving (dr. ir. Simon DE MEULEMEESTER) Research and design of stretch fancy yarns Simulation of weft insertion on airjet and rapier looms • Modelling of textile structures and processes (dr. Benny MALENGIER) Direct & inverse modelling of physical properties Heat and moisture transfer Automatic process optimization via HPC • Carpets (ing. Didier VAN DAELE) Automated assessment of carpet wear, carpet resilience, static electricity

FIBRE AND COLORATION TECHNOLOGY headed by prof. dr. ir. Karen DE CLERCK • • •

Fibre production and processing Electrospinning, nanofibres Fibre characterization Fibre and polymer morphology, thermal analysis, spectroscopy, microscopy Coloration technology Color-changing materials, dye diffusion processes, dye-polymer interactions

POLYMER TECHNOLOGY headed by prof. dr. ir. Dagmar D’hooge • • •

Polymer processing and recycling Polymer rheology, multi-scale modelling, extrusion, drawing of polymers, injection moulding Polymer reaction engineering (in collaboration with the Laboratory for Chemical Technology) Polymerization and depolymerization kinetics, model-based design, multi-scale modelling, bulk & emulsion polymerization European Research Centre for Artifical Turf (ERCAT) (M.Sc Stijn RAMBOUR) FIFA testing, resilience improvement, new polymers, woven artificial turf


NEW YEAR LUNCH 16.01.2014 @ TIO3 Ronse


PhD Defence Lucy Wanjiru CIERA

Functionalizing textile materials with mosquito repellents in melt extrusion and electrospinning (15.07.2014)

PhD Defence Lina RAMBAUSEK

Textronics: Definition, Development and Characterization of Fibrous Organic Field Effect Transistors (15.09.2014)

PhD Defence Ă–zgĂźr CEYLAN

Study of Cotton Fibres Modified and Developed for Improved Processing and End-user Properties (24.11.2014)


RETIREMENT of Prof. Gustaaf SCHOUKENS On 01.10.2014, Prof. Dr. ir. G. Schoukens retired after 12 years at the Department of Textiles.

From left to right: Prof. Paul KIEKENS, Prof. Gustaaf SCHOUKENS, Prof. Lieva VAN LANGENHOVE


VISITORS Visiting researchers Igor JORDANOV (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia) stayed at the department in the framework of the Basileus 4 project and performed research on the topic flame retardancy. Thao PHAN THANH (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam) came to Ghent within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project Techno 2. Argun GOKCEOREN (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) concentrated on the topic “Investigation of Co-polymers of Acrylonitriles as Carbon Fibre Precursor”. Diana STAROVOYTOVA visited the department as part of the project with Moi University, Kenya and John KAFHAFA received a training on quality issues.



Visiting students Several students from abroad stayed at the department to follow lectures, perform research in the framework of their thesis or were involved in different kinds of laboratory tests. Muhammad IRFAN (Politècnico di Torino, Italy) stayed at the department from April till September 2014 and focussed on research for his Master thesis. Seolyi KIM (Korea University) came to the department as an IAESTE-student and performed different kinds of testing. Michal LONIEWSKI (Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland) was involved in research on electroconductive textiles during his stay. 18

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Looking for textile research partners? Looking for high-level textile education? Let AUTEX be your partner! AUTEX members:

35 leading universities from 27 countries

AUTEX Mission:

cooperation in high-level textile education and research

AUTEX Objectives: •  Joint development of high-level courses •  Student and staff mobility plus networking •  Creation of active research partnerships •  Promotion of member activities AUTEX members joined at the annual AUTEX meeting in the Algarve/Portugal

AUTEX Activities: • European Masters in Textile Engineering (E-TEAM) • Symposia and conferences • Research activities and projects • Online Autex Research Journal

web: e-mail: 19

AUTEX FULL MEMBERS: Universiteit Gent, Department of Textiles, Belgium University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Czech Republic Tampere University of Technology, Fibre Materials Science Institute, Finland ENSAIT, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, France ENSISA, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Sud-Alsace, France TU Dresden, Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM), Germany Technological Education Institute of Piraeus (TEI), Greece Politecnico di Torino, Department of Materials Science and Technical Engineering, Italy University of Bergamo, Department of Engineering, Italy Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, Lithuania ESITH, Ecole Supérieure des Industries du Textile et de l’Habillement, Morocco University of Twente, Faculty of Engineering Technology, the Netherlands Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Design, Poland University of Minho, School of Engineering, Portugal “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Textiles and Leather Engineering, Romania University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Serbia University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Slovenia University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Textiles, Slovenia UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Department of Textile and Paper Engineering, Spain University of Borås, the Swedish School of Textiles, Sweden ENIM, University of Monastir, Tunisia Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Textile Engineering Department, Turkey Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design, Turkey Uludag University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Textile Engineering Department, Turkey Heriot Watt University, School of Textiles and Design, UK University of Leeds, School of Design, UK University of Manchester, School of Materials, UK AUTEX ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: RMIT University, School of Fashion and Textiles, Australia Wuhan Textile University, China Shinshu University, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Japan Kyoto Institute of Tehnology, Japan National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan Ivanovo State Polytechnical University, Textile Institute, Russia North Carolina State University, College of Textiles, USA Secretarial support : M.Sc Katrien Hooreman ( 20

EDUCATION MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATERIALS ENGINEERING Students who obtained an academic Bachelor degree (3 years of higher education) with sufficient emphasis on chemistry and materials science courses in the programme can proceed to a Master (2 years) and opt for a Master in Materials Science with main subject “Textiles’. In order to meet the increased focus on sustainability in industry, the programme has been reviewed and as a result the degree is now called “Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering”. The programme is in Dutch and focusses on the properties and production of natural and synthetic textile raw materials (fibres), processing these materials into semi-finished products (yarns, fabrics, nonwovens, …) and applying finishing (functionalization) techniques for specific applications (high-quality fabrics, interior textiles, technical textiles, …). Further, the technology, the behaviour of fibres and yarns during processing and the fundamental properties of the structures are highlighted whereas textile materials and processes are explained with special attention to the development of products with specific functionalities (flame retardancy, crease resistance, antibacterial properties, antistatic properties, …) and smart textiles. Company visits are integrated in several courses to obtain a better understanding of the industrial reality and to become aware of the diversity, challenges and opportunities in the textile world.


EUROPEAN TEXTILE ENGINEERING ADVANCED MASTER (E-TEAM) E-TEAM is a unique two-year Master programme in the field of textile engineering and science, organised as a full-time programme, lectured in English. All major European Universities offering textile education participate in the programme, which has a distinct international character. E-TEAM is organised at multiple locations: the international students move to a different university each semester. This way, they study at minimum three different universities, geographically spread over Europe. The courses are taught by specialised lecturers from the host university as well as from other participating universities. Each lecturer passes on his or her specific knowledge in a course module covering usually one, possibly two weeks. As such, the programme benefits from the strengths of existing textile expertise in Europe and covers all modern areas related to textiles. The last semester, each student chooses a university to write a thesis, often in cooperation with industry. Next to the traditional lecturing, active techniques are often used such as case-studies, presentation of papers, practical work in laboratories, visits to industry etc. The students acquire many non-technical skills such as knowledge of languages, cross-cultural experience, organisational skills and self-reliance. E-TEAM aims to stem the tide of the continuous lack of interest for textile education among young people. To this purpose, textile education is brought in a multidisciplinary way and the strengths of the most renowned education specialists in the domain of textiles in Europe are brought together. The programme fulfils the demands of a global industry continuously striving for technological innovation, creativity, quality and adequate management. The programme is the ideal start to an international career! Students registered for the edition 2013-2015 followed lectures at TU of Lodz, Poland (autumn 2013); UPC Barcelona, Spain (spring 2014) and Ege University, Turkey (autumn 2014). The edition 2014-2016 started at Ghent University : the Department of Textiles was glad to welcome students from Germany, Italy, Sweden, India and Pakistan. Lectures continue at Uludag University, Turkey (spring 2015) and ENSISA, Mulhouse, France (autumn 2015). The locations for the edition 2015-2017 are : Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (autumn 2015); TEI Piraeus, Greece (spring 2016) and University of Ljubljana (autumn 2016).

E-Team students edition 2014-2016 with Prof. Paul KIEKENS 22

E-TEAM European Masters Programme in Textile Engineering A joint enterprise between Textile Departments of major European Universities This two-year programme (2014 - 2016) is organised at three or four different locations within the group of participating universities Venue Autumn Semester 2014 Ghent University, Belgium

High Performance Fibres High Technology Fibres Technical Textile Manufacturing Technology / Production of Technical Filaments Nanotechnology in the Textile Branch Instrumental Analysis Mechanics of Textile Materials Biomaterials Industrial Information Systems Innovative Methods for the Product Development for Garments and Technical Applications in the Ready-Made Industry

Venue Spring Semester 2015 Uludag University, Turkey

Participating universities Universiteit Gent


University of Zagreb Technical University of Liberec

Croatia Czech Republic

Tampere University of Technology


ENSAIT Roubaix


ENSISA Mulhouse


Technische Universität Dresden


Technological Education Institute of Piraeus Politecnico di Torino

Greece Italy

Kaunas University of Technology


ESITH Casablanca


Composites Textile Composite Structures for Impact Protection Applications of Technical Textiles Medical, Transportation and Construction Textiles Intelligent Textiles Biotechnology Applied Textile Process Engineering Advanced and Specialized Textile Processing - Dyeing and Finishing Functional Finishing

Universiteit Twente

Venue Autumn Semester 2015 ENSISA Mulhouse, France

Ege University


Istanbul Technical University


Uludag University


University of Leeds


Advanced and Specialized Textile Processing – Mechanical Aspects Garment Technology Automation and Process Control Ecological and Environmental Aspects Recycling Quality and Environmental Management Management, Logistics and Distribution Supply Chain Management

The Netherlands

Technical University of Lodz


Universidade do Minho


Gheorghe Asachi TU of Iasi


University of Ljubljana


University of Maribor


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya University of Borås

Spain Sweden

Heriot Watt University North Carolina State University, CoT

Scotland, UK USA

Spring semester 2016 - Thesis at one of the participating universities General information :

Ghent University Department of Textiles Technologiepark 907, 9052 Zwijnaarde (Ghent) BELGIUM

Coordinators :

Ghent University, Belgium Uludag University, Turkey ENSISA, Mulhouse, France

General coordinator :

Prof. dr. Paul KIEKENS, Ghent (Belgium)

Web: e-mail : Tel. : +32 (0)9 264 57 50 Fax : +32 (0)9 264 58 46


Prof. Kiekens and the students at Shinshu University (Ueda, Japan)

LAUNCH EVENTS OF THE ALUMNI NETWORK IN THE WESTERN BALKANS (SKOPJE AND BELGRADE) Left to right: prof. Velimir Stojkovski (rector Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje ), prof. Paul Van Cauwenberge (prorector UGent), Anick Van Calster (Ambassador for Belgium) and prof. Igor Jordanov (alumnus UGent, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje )

Prof. Igor Jordanov and wife (left) and Prof. Paul Kiekens (middle) together with Prof. Dragan Jocic and Prof. Maja Radetic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)


RESEARCH & INNOVATION The European Textile and Clothing Industry has set up a permanent expert network to develop scenarios and a strategic development agenda for long term competitiveness of this sector based on research, technology and innovation. The “European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing� was launched by the European textile and clothing industry represented by Euratex, the European Apparel and Textile Organisation. The platform joins all interested stakeholders: the textile and clothing industry itself, related industries and service providers, the research and education community and public authorities at all levels. 9 thematic working groups have been set up, in 5 of them the Department of Textiles is represented: 1. New speciality fibres & fibre-composites for innovative textile products (prof. dr. Paul Kiekens, prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck) 2. Functionalisation of textile materials & related processes (prof. dr. Paul Kiekens, prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck) 3. Biomaterials, biotechnologies and environmentally friendly textile processing (prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck) 4. New textile products for human performance (medical, protective, sports) (prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove) 5. Smart textiles and clothing (Prof. dr. ir. Van Langenhove is chairing this group on behalf of AUTEX)

European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research

The department participates in a number of COST actions: COST Action FA0904 on Eco-sustainable Food Packaging Based on Polymer Nanomaterials (PNFP) aims to exploit the potentiality of polymer nanotechnology in the area of food packaging treating in a complete way the demanding needs of the users, such as health, environment, taste, cost and the specific requirements of the food industry. Already 28 COST countries and 5 non-COST countries (Canada, New Zealand, the United States, Algeria and Brazil) joined this Action. COST Action FP1003 on Impact of renewable materials in packaging for sustainability - development of renewable fibre and bio-based materials for new packaging applications focuses on packaging solutions based entirely on renewable resources in order to remove the serious disadvantages associated with future paper and board packaging solutions that continue to rely on non-renewable materials. Already 19 COST countries and 1 non-COST country (New Zealand) joined this Action. COST Action MP1206 on Electrospun Nano-fibres for bio-inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications. By forming an interdisciplinary knowledge platform the COST Action will strengthen the European R&TD on electrospun nanofibrous materials and nanofibrous composites and will generate fast progress in the state-of-the-art. The COST Action will cover scientific breakthroughs and innovations in the electrospinning process itself, nanofibrous materials and nanofibrous composite advancements and the post-treatment processing of electrospun materials. Applications in the biomedical and technical fields as well as health, societal and environmental issues are considered. Already 25 COST countries and 8 non-COST countries (Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Singapore and the United States) joined this Action. 25


Textile reinforced composites combine light weight with excellent mechanical properties, while holding the potential for huge material cost savings in comparison with metal. Reinforced composites (often carbon with thermoset matrix) are used for aircraft and a few niche automotive applications, but are too expensive for the mass market due to the long processing cycles and labour intensity. Moreover, their application potential is restricted due to the processing difficulty and lack of flexibility in the realization of 3D-geometries. The 3D-LightTrans project aims to provide a ground-breaking, highly flexible, efficient and adaptable manufacturing chain for the production of integral large-scale 3D textile reinforced plastic composites. This will enable to shift them from their current position in cost intensive, small series niche markets, to broadly extended mass product applications in transportation and other key sectors. In the 3D-LightTrans manufacturing chain, fabrics made with hybrid yarns are being processed to deep draped pre-fixed multilayered and multifunctional 3D-textile pre-forms. The fixed pre-forms can be easily stored and transported (if needed) without special temperature requirements. The final composite part is produced by thermoforming. Neither manual draping of the textile onto the forming tool nor infiltration/ curing are required, since the preforms are already fixed in the desired 3D geometry and the thermoplastic matrix is integrated in the hybrid yarn before weaving. The 3D-LightTrans consortium is very successful in innovation, as far as textile composites is concerned, through partnership among industry, academy and institutes. Project demonstrations are available: glass fibre reinforced tailgate and Bentley’s spare wheel well. These products were demonstrated during JEC Paris in March 2015. The Innovation Award of JEC 2015 has been awarded to the consortium’s developments.

Consortium meeting at the Bentley Headquarters in Crewe, UK Contact: Prof. dr. Paul Kiekens ( Ing. Johanna Louwagie ( 26

The 3DLightTrans consortium received a JEC award at the “Journée Européenne des Composites” in Paris in March 2015 for combining improved hybrid yarn technology with advanced textile weaving and processing methods 27

2BFUNTEX - BOOSTING COLLABORATION BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTRES AND INDUSTRY TO ENHANCE RAPID INDUSTRIAL UPTAKE OF INNOVATIVE FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE STRUCTURES AND TEXTILE RELATED MATERIALS IN A MONDIAL MARKET (FP7-NMP-2011-CSA-290500 ; 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2015) The 4-year project 2BFUNTEX funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme NMP, started on January 1, 2012. The final goal of 2BFUNTEX is to consolidate all information gained in solid collaborations between academia and industry, resulting in rapid translation of research ideas and technologies in industrial applications To reach this goal an Open Innovation Platform (OIP) on functional textiles has been created which is available on the project website and includes information on projects, technologies, events, trainings, training materials, etc. On the OIP, industry and researchers can express their needs (e.g. new technologies, products, processes, testing, research partners, …), which are treated confidentially, in order to connect industry with available technologies or research capacities. The following six 2BFUNTEX training modules have been developed and are available for download : Smart Textiles, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies: Colloidal and Interfacial Aspects, Electrospinning of Nanofibres and their applications, Sustainable Textiles, Recycling of Textile materials and Protective Functional Textiles. A special 2BFUNTEX session was held at the 9th Annual Public Conference of the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (ETP). The Conference was conducted on March 31 – April 1, 2014 in Brussels under the title ‘Effective texile technology transfer from research to industry’. In the 2BFUNTEX session entitled ‘Effective tools for European textile technology transfer’ presentations were held about the 2BFUNTEX objectives and results, the Open Innovation Platform and the MDTs, and 3 examples on how they can be practically used by industry. In total 148 persons attended the ETP conference of which 36 industrial participants, 82 researchers and 30 delegates from EC departments and various associations.

ETP-conference 2014, Day 2 - 1 April 2014, 2BFuntex session, Brussels, Belgium Furthermore, the Symposium M on “Functional textiles – from research and development to innovations and industrial uptake” was organised together with the COST Actions MP1105 ( and MP1206 ( within the E-MRS 2014 Fall Meeting in Warsaw, Poland, from 16th till 18th September 2014 with ca. 70 participants. The Symposium provided an international forum to exchange knowledge and experience as well as discuss recent advances in the field of functional textiles. Attendees presented their work in three subjects – flame retardant textiles, electrospinning and other functional textile related materials. During the 5th 2BFUNTEX Workshop on 1st and 2nd April 2014 in Brussels, Belgium, all 8 multidisciplinary teams (MDTs on antimicrobial textiles, smart textiles, nanotechnologies, flame retardancy, biotechnologies, electrospinning, plasma and sustainable textiles) had meetings on Action Planning. with the aim to define several innovation prototypes by the end of 2015. They focused on concrete project ideas and developed necessary activities. Each MDT is led by an academic and an industrial team leader. All MDTs are still open to researchers and industrial persons from outside the 2BFUNTEX consortium. More information about our MDTs and how to join is available on the 2BFUNTEX website: Further MDT meetings were held on September 17 and 19, 2014 in Warsaw (Poland) in combination with the European E-MRS Fall 2014 Symposium M with a focus on project building on one specific topic. Contact: Prof. dr. Paul Kiekens ( ir. Els Van der Burght (els. 28

COST ACTION MP1105 FLARETEX ON SUSTAINABLE FLAME RETARDANCY FOR TEXTILES AND RELATED MATERIALS BASED ON NANOPARTICLES SUBSTITUTING CONVENTIONAL CHEMICALS (CGA-MP1105 ; 02.06.2012 - 22.05.2016) The COST Action MP1105 is organised in 4 Working Groups (WG) : • WG1 : Novel flame retardants • WG2 : Toxicological/environmental aspects • WG3 : Processing/Applications/Commercialisation • WG4 : Testing/Standardisation Highlights in Networking in 2014 : • Training School on “Flame Retardant Solutions for Fibre Reinforced Composites”, Porto (Portugal), 26-28 March 2014, 31 participants • MC meeting + joint Flaretex and FRT14 conference with scientific workshop on “Flammability Regulation for Upholstered Furniture”, Preston (UK), 14-17 April 2014, 190 participants • Scientific workshop on the “The Future of Flame Retardants - materials and systems”, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 8 May 2014, 96 participants • E-MRS Fall 2014 Symposium on “Functional textiles - from research and development to innovations and industrial uptake” in cooperation with COST MP1206 and 2BFuntex, Warsaw, Poland, 16-18 September 2014, 69 participants • Scientific workshop on “Characterisation of flame retardant textile and related materials, linked to ITC&DC conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 7 October 2014, 67 participants • Training school on “Fire testing according to European/International Standards”, Bolton, UK, 20-24 October 2014, 68 participants

Scientific highlights in science in 2014 : • The use of nanoparticles for flame retardancy, including natural and hybrid nanoparticles • The use of natural (=green) flame retardants • The use of layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition and sol-gel technology • Intumescent flame retardants as an alternative for halogen based FRs • Development of a modelling tool • Improved surface treatment (UV, spray-drying, micro-encapsulation, (atmospheric) plasma pre-treatment...) • The use of multifunctional (nano)chemicals combining flame retardancy with other properties • Development of sampling methods for fire effluents which can harm the environment • The correlation between semi- and volatile fire effluents and particulate distribution under different fire scenarios. Further, 6 Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) have been performed within the 2nd Action year. By the end of 2014 already 28 COST countries and 2 non COST countries (South Africa and China) have joined the Action. Contact: Chair of the Action: Prof. dr. Paul Kiekens ( Scientific Coordinator: ir. Els Van der Burght ( Science Officer : Dr. María Moragues Cánovas, COST Office (

IWT SME Innovation Project FOUNDATIONS FOR ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELDS (Cooperation with LANO and SCHEERLINCK) (IWT 120843 ; 01.06.2013 - 31.05.2015) The project aims at developing alternative foundation for artificial turf hockey fields. With the help of flow models and small, medium and large test settings, a totally new concept has been elaborated for the foundation and irrigation, which can reduce the water consumption by 50%. At the same time, equipment has been developed for the measurement of zinc leaching for rubber-filled artificial turf fields. These actions are supposed to lead to significant improvement, economically, qualitatively, as well as ecologically.

Test on shock resistance of foundation

Schematic drawing of possible solution Contact: Prof. dr. Paul Kiekens ( M.Sc Stijn Rambour ( 30

FIFA Research Agreement DETERMINATION OF UV STABILIZER CONTENT When artificial turf yarns are exposed to sunlight, they become brittle and visual signs of degradation appear. In order to prolong their lifetime, UV stabilizers are added. The added UV stabilizers prevent structural modifications, which are usually accompanied by dramatic deterioration of the physical (color change) and mechanical properties (cracking, becoming dust) of the football turf. The UV stabilizers, which are very expensive, are generally added during the production of the yarn in concentrations of 0.4 to 1.5%. In practice, often a mixture of UV stabilizers is used. The problem is that the tufting companies, which are not producing the yarns themselves, have no control on the amount and type of UV stabilizer(s) that are added in the delivered yarn for a specific field. Furthermore, some companies are using more than one supplier for their yarn, to prevent raise of prices or possible delivery problems (shortage) at specific times of the installation season. In the currently used method to detect UV resistance of artificial turf yarns, a tensile test is executed before and after 100 days in a UV cabinet. The disadvantage of this technique is the long duration, which makes it impossible to do it for every field. Also the already used material characterization method, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), is not suitable to detect the UV stabilizer concentration since the yarns are made of the same polymer.

Stripes on the field caused by polymer degradation due to UV

Non-degraded areas (stripe) and degraded areas (non-stripe) Contact: Prof. dr. Paul Kiekens ( M.Sc Stijn Rambour ( 31

EU ERASMUS+ TECLO : TEXTILE AND CLOTHING KNOWLEDGE ALLIANCE. FUTURE TEXTILE AND CLOTHING MANAGERS FOR EXPORT, MARKETING, INNOVATION, SUSTAINABILITY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ORIENTED COMPANIES (554167-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA ; 01.12.2014 - 30.11.2016) This Knowledge Alliance aims at modernising EU’s higher education systems in the field of textiles and clothing (T&C) through a better anticipation of skill needs, based on development of sustainable partnerships between education and employment. This Alliance will result in a facilitated sector adaptation during crisis processes through a better anticipation and positive management of change, via the training of a new generation of strategic managers able to foster stronger synergies between innovation, skills and jobs. Starting from companies’ needs, a pan-european MOOC (Massive Online Learning Course) will be developed in 8 different EU languages, educating the future T&C Managers for export, marketing, innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship oriented companies (TECLOM). ACTIVITIES • Development of sectoral methods for anticipation of needs for skills. • Implementation of specific initiatives that stimulate employers to co-invest in the activities of HEIs, research and business centres to address new skills requirements • Development of a new flexible, innovative learning approach and delivery method for the T&C HEI sector, taking into account barriers existing among SMEs and based on experiential learning / real-life situations • Setup of the EU curricula of the new professional figure of the TECLOM, endowed with more advanced social, entrepreneurial and management skills • Development of flexible devices for validation and recognition of entrepreneurship skills, using ECVET principles • Provision of the sector with a MOOC for the new TECLOM – a freely accessible and openly licensed online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web – with a strong use of simulation and real-life situations • Piloting of the MOOC among T&C university students and managers (8 Learning Labs) • Setup of a European Development Network for TECLOM pooling the assets of universities, research centres, SMEs and large companies together. TECLO is developing a brand new pan-european MOOC for export, marketing, innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship-oriented strategies for the textile and clothing sector, taking into account barriers existing among SMEs and based on experiential learning (8 languages). Transversal skills will be certified. It will stimulate employers to co-invest in the activities of HEIs to address sectoral new skills requirements through a European Development Network.

Contact: Prof. dr. Paul Kiekens ( ir. Els Van der Burght (els. 32


The smart textiles and weaving team of Prof. Lieva VAN LANGENHOVE

IWT SME INNOVATION AND CROSSTEXNET ERA-NET PROJECT 120252 HYDRAX (01.03.2013 - 28.02.2015) Hydrax is an SME project developed together with the company ELASTA and submitted under the CrossTexNet programme. It also involves partners from the North of France region: the ME SARL Tissus and the research partners HEI (Hautes Etudes d’Ingénieur) and ENSAIT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles). The HYDRAX consortium aims at developing a textile-based thermal flux sensor to detect temperature differences and to be used in textile applications such as fire fighting gear, sports and medical textiles or in geotextiles. The sensor is based on a thermo-electric wire inserted into a textile substrate through weaving. Thermocouples are formed on both sides of the substrate and can detect temperature differences between both sides. In 2014, the sensor has been produced on an industrial scale on a narrow fabric loom of ELASTA.

Woven heat flux sensor by ELASTA Contact : Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. ir. Carla Hertleer (


EU Project SMART@FIRE: INTEGRATED ICT SOLUTIONS FOR SMART PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE FIGHTERS AND FIRST RESPONDERS (FP7 317898 ; 15.11.2012 – 15.02.2016) Smart@Fire is a European FP7 project that aims at developing a smart Personal Protective System (PPS) for fire fighters comprising Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) turnout gear and a loosely coupled ICT system. The ICT system integrates safety critical functions and acts as communication node to the local center of command. The system must be compliant with and needs to be fitted into the fire fighter turnout gear. Therefore, an extensive needs assessment has been conducted with 961 fire and rescue services. The procurement method used in the project is developed by IWT and comprises three phases. Phase 1 - Market consultation Phase 2 - Pre-commercial procurement Phase 3 - Commercial procurement The market consultations of Phase 1 were held on 10 & 11 September 2013 in Brussels, on 17 & 18 September 2013 in Marseille and on 1 & 2 October 2013 in Dortmund, ending with a final session on 10 October 2013 in Brussels. During these market sessions potential suppliers and procurement officers engaged with each other with the goal to check the feasibility and involved risks of the innovation solution to be developed. In 2014 the project moved to Phase 2. In June 2014, the Pre-Commercial Procurement Tender was launched with the aim to develop working prototypes in three stages (solution design, prototyping, first batch of products). The scope of the tender is the development of a smart Personal Protective System (PSS). An information session was organized on 1 July 2014 and in December 2014 four consortia from all over Europe were selected and awarded a contract for the development of the first stage: the Solution Design.

For more information: see

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. ir. Carla Hertleer ( ddmbining strengths and expertise from various c


SMARTPRO - SMART TEXTILES AND WEARABLE INTELLIGENCE: from smart prototypes to industrial and practical products (IWT, VIS programme, 01.10.2013 - 30.09.2017) Smart textiles and wearable intelligence are defined as the collection of (textile) materials and (textilebased) products incorporating one or more electronic components and/or communication capabilities. In this context, Centexbel, Sirris, IMEC, HoGent, KHBO, UGent, KULeuven and iMinds started the SMARTpro project, financed by IWT. So far, over 30 Flemish companies joined the User Group. The focus is not on the development of new electronic systems and prototypes, but on the industrial processability and application of smart textiles and wearable intelligence. Four application areas are targeted: safety and intervention, (home)care, sports and leisure, technical applications. In 2014 four demonstrators were defined to work on with the companies: two related to “hardware”, which is the integration of sensors in a textile substrate, the other two related to “software”, focussing on localization and activity monitoring.

Demo 1 sensor circuit on textile

Demo 2 sensor circuit + battery + wireless communication and charging

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. ir. Carla Hertleer (


IWT TETRA-PROJECT WINTEX : Advanced weaving structures for intelligent textiles (IWT 130219 ; 01.12.2013 - 30.11.2015)

Smart textiles are a new generation of textile products with applications in specialized markets in which Flemish textile companies traditionally are strong, such as protection, health and wellness. A smart textile system comprises sensors, actuators, data processing, batteries and components for communication. One of the unsolved problems is the realization of a good connection between these components, in particular, to obtain good and robust contacts between the conductive wires. WINTEX aims at evaluating weaving techniques to establish these contacts. This is new and has not been thoroughly studied before, in contrast to embroidery. The proposed project includes the following tasks: • Selection of materials, design and production of steel, first widely and systematically, then focus on selected applications • Evaluation of samples for the intended applications • Analysis of results and translation into criteria against which companies can choose appropriate technology solutions for their application • Conceptual development of a number of products for demonstration In 2014, all project partners visited PTI in Kortrijk for an introduction to the Stäubli Unival 100 jacquard loom and a brainstorm session on Smart Textiles in the Bus & Coach Sector was organised. In June 2014, Dieter Annaert presented his thesis on the topic of “Contact resistance in fabrics for smart textiles”, which was conducted in the framework of Wintex.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. ir. Carla Hertleer ( 36

IWT CICI-PROJECT PUPA 1.0 - ACCESSORIES OF THE FUTURE: INTERACTIVE BIOMIMETIC HANDBAG AND SCARF (IWT 130725) CICI ( Call for Innovation in the Creative Industries ) is an initiative of Flanders DC and IWT (Agency for Innovation through Science and Technology). The goal is to achieve cross-fertilization between different disciplines in setting up innovation projects because it is becoming increasingly clear that innovation often happens outside the lab and requires more than research and development . In this context the Department of Textiles set up a project together with artist Frederik De Wilde. The PUPA 1.0 project aimed at the development of a 3D printed handbag and scarf with interactive functionality and inspired by nature. The handbag is inspired by a pupa, which is a life stage some insects pass through. The scarf resembles the pattern of a butterfly in which the colors are ‘developed’ using a mathematical model starting from the eyes and the veins of the butterfly wings. Input was received by the companies Delvaux and Xandres to carry out the project.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. ir. Carla Hertleer (

EU TEMPUS Project UNITE: University and Industry for the modernisation of the textile manufacturing sector in Belarus (544390-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GR ; 01.12.2013 - 30.11.2015) The UNITE project builds on the current forms of cooperation between HEIs and enterprises and aims to enhance collaboration and increase its relevance, effectiveness and efficiency for a permanent modernisation process. The specific objectives of the project are: • to make higher education in textile sector relevant according to the needs of the textile industry • to enhance cooperation between higher education and industry in R&D • to make higher education responsive to the needs of the labour market for continuing professional development. The UNITE target sector is the textile manufacturing. The target groups of the project are: • teachers, administrative staff and students in the three Belarusian Universities, partners of the project, • managers, executive staff and employees of textile enterprises in Belarus. Other target groups that will benefit indirectly from the project during exploitation activities are: • teachers, administrative staff and students in the other Belarusian Universities, • managers, executive staff and employees of Belarusian enterprises from other sectors. Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove (


EUROPEAN COMMISSION - MARIE CURIE - MAGNUM BONUM : MODELLING OF HUMAN BODY AND PROTECTIVE TEXTILES FOR ESTIMATION OF SKIN SENSORIAL COMFORT AND LIFE RISK (Izabela Ciesielska with North-Carolina State University (NCSU)) (EU Grant number 622043 ; 01.05.2014 - 30.04.2017) The project is composed of two phases: outgoing, in US (May 1, 2014 -> April 30, 2016) and returning, in Belgium (May 1, 2016 -> April 30, 2017). The challenge of this project is to verify the impact of Protective Textiles (PTs) on human body, especially on perceived level of comfort, level of fatigue and restrictions of motion (ROM) of textiles’ users. Some of these aspects can be addressed only after elaboration of special methodologies and testing protocols for measuring level of comfort, fatigue and ROM when wearing PTs. Simultaneously, the step-by-step creation of Finite Element Model (FEM) of fire fighter skin torsos covered by a composite of three main layers of Protective Textiles (PTs) exposed on simulated extreme external conditions will be created. Finally, the FEM is to be compared with the outcome from human subjects wear trial and laboratory tests performed on textiles. The current stage of the project encompasses the preparation of the methodology allowing a full verification of the influence of PTs on electrical activity of the selected muscles when wearing PTs, both at rest and in movement. Intensive muscles activity can be a symptom of fatigue of fire fighters wearing bulky, uncomfortable turnout suits. This fatigue and discomfort is due to turnout mass, material stiffness and limited ventilation. Thus, the proper assessment of the real impact of fire fighter turnout suits on fire fighters is necessary. Unfortunately, the standard concerning comprehensive evaluation of influence of the First Responders Protective Ensembles on fire fighters in terms of level of fatigue and restrictions of motions caused by turnout does not exist. The electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles during walking at 4kmh and 6.5 kmh for 24 min while wearing different types of clothing was recorded by Delsys Trigno™ Wireless Systems and Smart Sensors (Fig. 1), which are lightweight electrodes placed on the body of subject. The alternative instrumentation is to be verified, namely lightweight, small size electrodes by Biometrics, Ltd. (Fig. 3).

Figure 1

The pre-trial indicated that the heavier the fire fighter turnout suit, the higher the electrical activity of the muscles recorded while wearing PTs and walking versus T-shirt and shorts. Increasing the speed of walking only magnified this effect. This increased activity for both walking speeds concerns only the front of the calf, hamstring and lower back muscles. For quadriceps and trapezius, the outcome of the analysis was inconclusive. Figure 1. A subject wearing a regular T-shirt and shorts made of polyester with some EMG Smart Sensors/Electrodes by Delsys placed on selected muscles. Figure 2. A subject wearing a fire fighter uniform – Globe Fire fighter Jacket and Pants Model: GX – 7, where Outer shell: 10-PBI/KOMBAT 750 GOLD; Thermal Liner: 82- ARALITE NP; Moisture Barrier: 4-CROSSTECH TYPE 2C.

Figure 2

Figure 3. EMG sensor, type SX230-1000 by Biometrics, Ltd.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. Izabela Ciesielska ( ;

Figure 3

Textile based polyethylenedioxythiophene: polystyrenesulphonate (PEDOT:PSS) Energy Storage Device: PH.D. WORK

A textile based cell that is flexible, lightweight and well integrated into a fabric was developed from cotton/ polyester fabric, which was used as the textile substrate and pure stainless steel filament yarns used as yarn electrodes. An organic conductive polymer known as polyethylenedioxythiophene: polystyrenesulphonate (PEDOT:PSS) was used as the electrolyte. The yarn electrodes were inserted into textile substrate by sewing. The electrolyte, PEDOT:PSS, was drop coated in layers onto a defined region of 10mm by 6mm on the fabric, within the yarn electrodes. The layers were always left to dry before the subsequent one was applied. The upper surface of the device was made hydrophobic except for the region left out for coating. The cells were charged mostly at a constant voltage of 1.5 V for 2 hours. Just after the disconnection from charging, they experience self-discharge owing to loss of the stored electric energy. However, there was always a residual charge in the cells despite the self-discharge. In another investigation, the cells were charged and discharged several times. The cell was not connected to any voltage for at least 10 hours before the next charge-discharge cycle was started. This procedure was repeated up to 14 times. The cell could stand up to 14 charge discharge cycles. When more than 14 cycles are applied, the charge storage seems to diminish. This could be attributed to the onset of the degradation of the electrolyte, since the experiments were conducted in the ambient environment of normal humidity and temperature. Finally, we were able to charge a low power consuming calculator(Toshiba LC-810) for 30 seconds using the developed cells as shown in Figure 1. However, in this experiment, the cell was charged at arbitrary voltage of 3V, for a shorter time of 40 minutes. Overcoming the self-discharge of the cells would bring better results.

Two PEDOT:PSS capacitors in parallel powering a calculator (TOSHIBA LC-810)

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( M.Sc Sheilla Atieno Odhiambo ( 39


25 June 2015

VENUE: MIAT - Minnemeers 9 - 9000 Gent - Belgium

The Smart Textiles Salon is an innovative exhibition concept, for it combines exposĂŠs in the field of Smart Textiles with hands-on practical information on the working principle of smart textile prototypes. You may experience the inventions in three ways: by attending the lectures, by watching the prototype work and by trying out the prototype all by yourself. This Smart Textiles Salon will inform you on existing prototypes and the possible application areas of smart textiles. About 20 prototypes will be chosen for display at the Smart Textiles Salon 2015. Each prototype will be shown to the audience.





FUNCTIONAL SMART & SMART TEXTILE TEXTILE MATERIALS SYSTEMS Need a headstart Need in-depth insight in smart textiles? in smart textile technologies? Module 1 provides the physical and chemical concepts of smart textiles with clear working principles and practical examples

Module 2 describes the building blocks needed to develop smart textile systems illustrated with pictures and schemes. E



TOPICS TOPICS Functional textile materials Electroconductive materials Optical fibres Microencapsulation Photoluminescent materials Biomimetic textiles


Smart textile materials Chromic materials Phase change materials Shape memory materials Hydrogels & superabsorbents Auxetic materials Shock absorbing materials Piezoelectric materials

Smart Textile Systems Definition Electrodes and sensors Actuators Data processing Energy production and storage Interconnections Data communication system

COURSE Module 1: € 1000 (no VAT) online AVAILABLE 24/7 Module 2: € 1000 (no VAT) for a period of 12 months Modules 1+2: € 1500 (no VAT) These prices apply for customers from the Euroregion North of France - Flanders

INTERACTION - online with experts Group rate: 50% discount on - in seminars/workshops subsequent subscriptions CERTIFICATE granted after passing of test & participation in seminar/workshop

INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: • online access to course • seminar on smart textiles • workshop • forum access • certificate • printed course material

Cooperation/Coopération ENSAIT & UGent - Dept. of Textiles With support of / Avec le soutien de :


WEAVING TECHNOLOGY ODMN - Optimized Design for weaving machine Main Nozzles (IWT O&O project 120519 with Picanol n.v. ) (01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015) In this project the department investigates the performance of different nozzle designs for use in airjet weaving. The end aim is automatic optimization, in which the optimal nozzle is determined automatically on a HPC (High Performance Computing Cluster) within certain design parameters (exit hole, length, ‌). For this project, performance parameters are extracted from a simulated weave and used in an optimization loop to find the optimal nozzle. The same approach can be used in designing other machine parts that interact with yarns.

Investigation of an HPC simulation of an airjet weave nozzle with the DySiFil program developed by the Department of Textiles

Example output over 22 runs of the total variation of the yarn as a performance parameter to optimize against. Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. ir. Simon De Meulemeester ( Dr. Benny Malengier ( 43

IWT O&O project with Michel VandeWiele NV (IWT 100990) Research into Efficiency Improvement The goal of this project is to achieve a better understanding of the splicing process of yarns through literature research and simulations and to use this knowledge to design better splicing chambers. This project involves the expansion of an existing computer model for yarns to model multiple fibres interacting with each other. Results from Computational Fluid Dynamics studies were imported and air velocity and density profiles were used to calculate aerodynamic forces on the fibre at each time step. An experimental setup was used to investigate the effects of air pressure, duration of splicing, splice length, yarn type as well as chamber parameters such as splice chamber size, entrance size and air inlet hole size on the splicing process.

CFD simulation of the air flow in a splice chamber

simulation of two initially parallel bundles of blue and red fibres splicing, the bundles turn around each other and intermingle Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. Benny Malengier ( Dr. ir. Simon De Meulemeester (

PICANOL Roadmap project DIR Rapiers This project aims to expand the capabilities of an existing yarn simulation software. The existing software was specifically written for air-jet weaving ; the goal of this project is to allow simulating rapier weaving as well. The existing code will need to be expanded to simulate, among others, prewinder brakes, brakes with time-variable normal force, objects with time-dependent motion (translation or rotation), cutting and clamping.

simulation of the insertion process on a rapier weaving machine

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( Dr. Benny Malengier ( Dr. ir. Simon De Meulemeester (


Mechanical modelling of tubular textile structures for repair of raptured and broken flexor tendons: PH.D. WORK

The mechanical behaviour of tubular textiles is a result of longitudinal displacement of constituent yarns under tensile or compressive loading, which cause the structure to decrease radially during extension or to undergo a radial expansion during compression. Meanwhile, tendon injuries continue to be costly and debilitating conditions. Although there is a good understanding of the normal healing processes and repair of tendons, the development of a structure that can augment the tendon’s natural healing and regenerative properties remains a challenge. There has therefore been need over the years to develop structures that would not only be used in tendon repair and rehabilitation, but also increase natural healing. This study hence aims at using the mechanical behaviour of tubular textiles for repairing tendons that are either completely cut or just raptured. This will be done by developing a mechanical model for designing tubular structures that would be used in the repair of raptured or broken flexor tendons. For this purpose, a finite element model of the textile structure and the tendons will be constructed by developing a preprocessing program for the three-dimensional geometrical modelling of the tubular structures. The constituent yarns in the textile structures will be considered to be super-elastic materials and their mechanical behaviour will be incorporated into the finite element software through an appropriate user material subroutine (ABAQUS). The model will be assembled with an appropriate model for round tendons. The flexor tendons will be considered to be hyper-elastic materials and their mechanical behaviour will be incorporated into the finite element software using the OGDEN and HOLZAPFEL hyper-elastic models in ABAQUS. For the verification of the model, several tubular structures will be manufactured using an automated braiding machine and characterized focussing on their tensile behaviour. The validation of the models will be performed by designing relevant experimental procedures for cyclic testing for the mechanical behaviour of the tubular textiles on round tendons, taking into account the stress/strain analysis, displacements and loads.

Illustration of flexor tendons in the hand before and after rapture Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Lieva Van Langenhove ( M.Sc Jerry Ochola ( 46


Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck and her doctoral research team

FUNCTIONALISED NANOFIBRE MEMBRANES FOR WATER FILTRATION: PH.D WORK funded by Ghent University’s Special Research Fund AOG-BOF 2009: Functionalised nanofibre membranes for water filtration (2010-2014) Water scarcity originates from growing use of water and reduction of drinking water resources due to contamination and climate change. Considering the shortage of usable water, attention must be paid towards global research in developing knowledge to obtain a cleaner environment. Membrane filtration technology is one of such potential solutions to increase the water quality and can be used for treating alternative sources of water, such as seawater, rainwater and wastewater effluent. Nanofibre membranes have some interesting properties for water filtration purposes. Due to their high porosity and interconnected porous structures, nanofibre membranes are much more water permeable than conventionally available techniques, hence consume lower energy when filtering at the same flow rate. Also, nanofibre membranes have the possibility of adding functionality to membrane filtration with a greater impact than conventional fibres due to their higher surface area. This combination of excellent structural properties, such as high porosity, high surface area and the possibility to add functionality to the fibres, are assumed to make the electrospun nanofibre membrane highly efficient for water filtration. As such, this project deals with the implementation of electrospun nanofibre membranes for water filtration. This research investigates the potential for electrospun nanofibre membranes in various types of water filtration with a focus on low loaded streams. The nanofibre membranes can be useful to treat large volumes of water, for example as pre-treatment for process and cooling water, as protection for RO membranes or for bacterial filtration. 47

In addition, the functionalisation properties of the nanofibres showed their potential application for improved disinfection, a possibility to act as anti-fouling membranes and opened new research opportunities towards treatment of water polluted with organic components, such as for example micropollutants. nanofibre membranes with added functionalities in and on the fibres

Lab scale setups for evaluation of the nanofibre membrane in water filtration applications

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( ing. Nele Daels (

IWT SME Feasibility Study with VETEX: Exploration of the electrospinning technology in order to develop a breathable waterproof membrane for application in textiles (IWT 135127 ; 01.05.2014 – 30.04.2015) Nanofibres typically have a diameter below 500 nm, leading to several specific and unique properties. Unlike conventional nonwovens, nano-nonwovens have a larger specific surface area, a higher porosity and a smaller pore size. Other important properties are their flexibility and large modification abilities. Thanks to this large variety of interesting properties, there are many possible applications. Nanofibre materials are used in biomedical applications, such as prostheses, tissue engineering, wound dressings, medicine release systems, ... . Nanofibres obtained by electrospinning can also be used in protective clothing, composites and electrical and optical applications. Given the fact that filtration efficiency is directly linked to fibre fineness, filtration is also an application with great promise. The purpose of the present feasibility study is to determine whether electrospinning can be used to develop a breathable waterproof membrane for textile applications that lives up to the high quality standards for outdoor, sports and leasure wear.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( 48

ELECTROSPINNING AND MORPHOLOGY CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMER BLEND NANOFIBRES: PH.D. WORK Nanofibrous nonwovens can be used in numerous sectors with great benefits due to their unique characteristics, such as high porosity, small pore size and high specific surface area. However, several high-tech applications demand material properties that can only be supplied by the electrospinning of polymer blends. Blend electrospinning makes the combination of advantageous characteristics of different polymer types possible, which leads to an improved quality and applicability of the resulting material. Also functionalisations can easily be accomplished, by using a functional polymer in the blend, rather than a post-production step. The purpose of this work is to study the morphology development and properties of polymer blend nanofibres. In this project, the focus is two-fold. Firstly, research into mixtures of a synthetic and a biopolymer is highlighted. Blending these polymer types ensures a combination of electrospinnability and biocompatibility, enabling the development of end products with unique properties. A second focus is given to the electrospinning of blends containing a high-value functionalised polymer for the production of pH-sensitive colorimetric nanofibres. In both cases, the specific needs for obtaining reproducible materials in the absence of instabilities are looked at through a thorough morphological and advanced thermal characterization of the resultant nanofibres. This approach is to create original breakthrough insights in the international electrospinning community. This is made possible by combining the expertise of Ghent University’s Department of Textiles on electrospinning with the expertise of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science at the VUB on the study of polymer morphology, thermal properties and phase separation for polymer blends.

pH-sensitive nanofibres for colorimetric sensor applications, having a yellow colour in acidic environment (left) and a blue colour in alkaline environment (right)

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( ir. Iline Steyaert ( 49

Electrospun thermoplastic nanofibre enhanced composite laminates (IWT Strategic Basic Research fund 121156 and Special Research Fund BOF13/24J/020 ; 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2017) Lightweight composite materials are slowly becoming a part of our everyday life. They are used, for example, in airplanes, which fly us from place to place, but also in windmill turbine blades, which provide us with energy. Composites based on thermoset matrices, such as epoxy resins, have the biggest share on the market today. However, the inherent brittleness of the epoxy and the laminated structure of most composite parts still pose a big problem for applications. They can lead to delaminations between the reinforcing plies and can thus lead to early failure of composite, when it is exposed to relatively low-velocity impacts, such as tool drops or even hail damage. Hence, increasing this impact resistance by improving the resistance to delamination is very important to further develop better and higher quality composite structures. The Department of Textiles has state-of-the-art electrospinning setups and can produce uniform nanofibrous webs by electrospinning thermoplastic polymers, such as polycaprolactone (PCL). The tough nanofibrous webs are easily placed in between the reinforcing plies prior to composite production. We recently showed that the interlaminar fracture toughness of an already tough composite can be doubled by including a nanofibrous web in the interlayers (doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2014.09.005). Adding nanofibrous webs is a very effective way of raising the resistance against delamination, and thus also increasing the impact resistance, without negatively affecting other mechanical properties. Furthermore, no significant weight is added to the composites and they are easily integrated into existing composite production processes.

Nanofibre enhanced composites have a much higher interlaminar fracture toughness, leading to a higher resistance against delaminations and impact damage. Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( ir. Sam van der Heijden ( ir. Lode Daelemans ( 50

Electrospinning of flexible and functionalised nanofibres using sol-gel technology: PhD Work (IWT Strategic Basic Research fund 121241 ; 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2016) Sol-gel technology is a well-known process in materials science to produce dense ceramic materials, coatings, aerogels, fibres, etc. Electrospinning is a relatively simple and versatile technique to produce nanofibrous nonwovens having various compositions. Combining the electrospinning process with sol-gel technology makes it possible to produce ceramic nanofibres. These nonwovens have unique characteristics due to the small size of the nanofibres including a high specific surface area, high porosity and a small pore size. In addition, ceramic nanofibrous nonwovens have a high temperature and chemical resistance. Furthermore, solgel technology offers various possibilities to functionalize these nanofibres. As a consequence, these nanofibrous nonwovens can be used in various applications, such as filtration, composites, catalysis, sensors... In this PhD project, focus is given to stable and reproducible electrospinning of silica nanofibres. The use of these silica nanofibres in multiple applications will be screened, such as filtration, composites and colorimetric sensors. This research is made possible by combining the expertise of Ghent University’s Department of Textiles on electrospinning with the expertise of Ghent University’s Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (UGent-SCRiPTS) on sol-gel processes and silica based sols.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( ir. Jozefien Geltmeyer (

Electrospinning of nanofibres from polymer solutions: PhD Work 01.10.2013 - 30.09.2017 Electrospinning allows the production of nanofibre materials. The fine fibre diameter, typically below 500nm, results in several specific and unique properties. Unlike conventional nonwovens, nano-nonwovens have a larger specific surface area, a higher porosity and a smaller pore size. Other important properties are their flexibility and large modification abilities. Thanks to this large variety of interesting properties, there is a range of diverse applications. Today, most promising nanofibre materials are based on solvent electrospinning. This project aims to focus on the electrospinning of water-based systems and advanced applications of the resultant fibres.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( M.Sc Yin Li ( 51

GAINING A FUNDAMENTAL UNDERSTANDING OF HALOCHROMIC PROPERTIES AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOLECULAR ENVIRONMENT HEREUPON: PH.D. WORK In recent years, there is a growing interest in developing new sensor materials that respond to external stimuli. Applying chromic dyes onto textiles is a promising route to developing such sensors. Besides dyes that are sensitive to temperature (thermochromism), light (photochromism), electricity (electrochromism) and so on, pH-sensitive dyes (halochromism) have some important advantages. A colour change is easily observable and can thus provide a first warning signal. Furthermore, while covering big surfaces, these ‘textile-sensors’ are capable of giving a local signal by a local colour change. Research has shown that the behaviour of halochromic dyes is very dependent on the molecular environment of the molecules. When observing a certain colour change in function of the pH in solution, this colour change can greatly alter, when the dye is captured within a textile matrix. In some cases, the pH-sensitivity even completely disappears. In order to gain a better understanding of the influence of the environment, a combined experimental and theoretical approach is used.

Bromocresol purple in acidic and basic environment When observing a colour change (see figure), the question that arrises is: “Which molecular mechanism causes this colour change?”. By measuring UV/Vis spectra and comparing them to theoretically simulated spectra, this question can be answered. This knowledge helps to understand how these dyes behave and how they interact with their environment. The combination of pH-sensor and textile material can therefore be chosen more rationally. In the light of dye modification (which allows for covalent bonding to the textile matrix), being able to predict the influence of the modification on the pH-sensitivity is a great asset. This PhD is funded by a personal grant of Ghent University’s Special Research Fund (BOF): “The effect of dye-polymer interactions on the halochromic properties of azo dyes via a combined experimental and theoretical approach”.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Karen De Clerck ( Prof. dr. ir. Veronique Van Speybroeck ( ir. Thierry De Meyer ( 52

POLYMER TECHNOLOGY MODEL-BASED DESIGN OF POLYMERS FOR TEXTILE APPLICATIONS The final properties of textile materials are co-determined by the microstructure of the polymer molecules on the one hand and the polymer processing process parameters on the other hand. A full optimization of the performance of textile materials thus requires an optimization both during the synthesis and polymer processing step, taking into account the large amount of parameters influencing the material behaviour. A complex interplay between chemical and transport phenomena is occurring during both steps and a multiscale modelling approach is strongly desired. In collaboration with the Laboratory for Chemical Technology of Ghent University an advanced multi-scale model is already available allowing design of well-defined (co-)polymers during their synthesis step. Focus is on the control over chain length, composition, topology, and functionality of the individual polymer molecules. It is envisaged in the near future to apply similar modelling tools during the polymer processing step to fundamentally understand the textile morphology and to facilitate the development of novel functional textile materials with advanced applications.

Contact: Prof. dr. ir. Dagmar R. D’hooge ( 53

Bicomponent Extruder The department acquired, with the support of the Hercules Foundation, a semi-industrial coextrusion line for the production of monofilaments for textile applications (e.g. artificial turf). The setup allows scientific research on monofilaments produced under industrial conditions. Research is planned into new coextruded monofilaments, new polymer combinations for the production of these multilayer monofilaments and a new form of the stalk of grass for sports applications. Material choice and the optimal combination of polymers are emphasized. For the research on artificial turf, the aim is to integrate more sports-technical properties, optimisation of the resilience, static and dynamic transformation of the monofilaments, friction coefficient, wheather resistance and recycling of the monofilaments. The research into multilayer monofilaments must lead to a further breakthrough in the acceptance of artificial turf for sports applications and a better temperature control of the artificial turf fields. The bicomponent extruder is developed in cooperation with the company Oerlikon Barmag and is equipped with: - 2 extruders with a 30 mm diameter and a 24 L/D relation; - a barrier screw for the extrusion of polyester and polyamide - a barrier screw for the extrusion of polyethylene and polypropylene - 2 melting pumps - 2 filters - a spinning plate for monocomponent filaments - a spinning plate for bicomponent filaments - a water bad - a dry system for the filaments - 2 stretching units with 300 mm rolls - a 3m oven for the drawing of the monofilaments, - a spinfinish applicator and a winding unit The coextrusion line is available for research activities in consultation with the research group “Polymer Technology�. For more information, please contact



Textile producers and end-users from all over the world turn to the Ghent university Department of textiles for testing a wide variety of parameters, such as strength, wear, abrasion, chemical and UV-resistance, electrical and thermal conductivity, chemical composition, fire resistance, colourfastness etc. These tests are performed on a wide range of products such as fibres, yarns, fabrics, carpets, artificial turf, automotive textiles, but also plastics, wood, composites and other materials. The department also provides consultancy and advice to textile producers, traders and consumers. Next to standard quality control tests, the department is often solicited for cause analysis of defects and for arbitration in commercial and legal disputes.

Thanks to our team of well-trained experts, the testing and consulting activities are still increasing The department plays a leading role in testing artificial turf fields all over the world. A separate unit called ERCAT (European Research Centre for Artificial Turf) was created for this purpose. ERCAT is also closely involved in the development of test methods for artificial turf. See separate chapter on ERCAT. The department also puts its textile and fibre knowledge at the disposal of police and judicial authorities through Ghent University’s multidisciplinary forensic institute FI-UGent ( When investigating criminal acts, traces of textiles can provide important information to the police and judicial authorities. Our elaborated textile know-how is of major importance for successful forensic fibre analysis.

NOTIFICATION The Department of Textiles is recognized worldwide as a Notified Laboratory for testing of carpets according to EN 14041, of wood flooring according to EN 14342 and of surfaces for sports areas according to EN 14904 (European construction products Regulation CPR 305/2011). The European Notification Number is NB 1611. The department also performs tests for CE-labeling of geotextiles. 55

ACCREDITATION For several decades now, the department of Textiles has been accredited; currently according to ISO 17025. The department always valued high quality standards. The first accreditation was obtained as early as 1994. This accreditation includes physical tests, chemical tests, tests on floorcoverings, flammability tests, as well as field and laboratory tests for football (FIFA), hockey (FIH) and rugby (World Rugby).

STANDARDIZATION The department is an active participant in the standardization activities on floor coverings within ISO TC 219, CEN TC 217 and CEN TC 134. CEN TC134 WG8: Preliminary work is done to extend classification for textile floorcoverings with assessment of suitability for underfloor heating: The test method ISO 8302(1991) should be revised to clearly state that carpets should be tested without application of any pressure and without any forced air circulation. Revision of EN 1471 Textile floor coverings – Assessment of changes in appearance: a final check is needed on the tolerance of the light source lux. EN 1471 and ISO 9405 will then be identical; the aim is to withdraw EN 1471. Preliminary work has been done to develop a new test for appearance for unflexible materials. Ghent University, Centexbel and TFI tried out several alternatives. More task group meetings will be needed in 2015 to conclude on further work in this matter. Light reflectance: Didier Van Daele will do comparative study on existing standards BS 8493, ASTM 1477 and EN 13745. ISO TC 219 WG1: Revision of ISO 9405: Assessment of changes in appearance. New version is now ready for approval. Revision of ISO 12951: Lisson test methods. Updated text is made ready to go FDIS vote. The standard will now be identical to EN 1963 (to be withdrawn afterwards). Revision of ISO 4918, resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings – castor chair test: standard was sent out for voting while comments were not taken into account. Therefore, the voting procedure had to be stopped in order to address comments first. CEN TC 189 and ISO TC 221 The department also actively participates in the standardization work on geosynthetics in CEN TC 189 and ISO TC 221. Several working groups held meetings throughout the year and a plenary CEN meeting was held in April in Geneva. Status of the work: The FDIS version ISO/FDIS 10319 “Geosynthetics -- Wide-width tensile test was adapted to include also geotextiles based on metal wires” is ready to be circulated for voting. A revision of ISO/DIS 25619-2 “Geosynthetics -- Determination of compression behaviour -- Part 2: Determination of short-term compression behavior” is under development. The new version of ISO 13427 “Geosynthetics -- Abrasion damage simulation (sliding block test)” has been approved in 2014. The committee draft ISO/CD 18325 “Geosynthetics - Index test method for the determination of water discharge capacity of prefabricated vertical drains” was circulated for enquiry. In the field of durability testing, work on the declaration of long term durability (up to 100 years) has progressed. New settings for the oxidation tests have been approved. CEN TC 217 The Department of Textiles also actively takes part in CEN TC 217 ‘Surfaces for sports areas’, where it is member of WG 6 “Synthetic turf surfaces” and WG 11 “Test methods for sports surfaces”. 56

Eddy Liedts performing a fire test in the carpet laboratory

Contact: General information + physical testing: ing. Johanna Louwagie ( tel: +32 (0)9 264 57 36 Floorcoverings and flammability: ing. Didier Van Daele ( tel: +32 (0)9 264 57 55 Artificial turf and chemical testing: M.Sc. Stijn Rambour ( tel: +32 (0)9 264 57 38


ERCAT is the artificial turf research and testing centre at the Department of Textiles (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture) of Ghent University. ERCAT is accredited for field and lab tests for the sport government bodies of FIFA for football, World Rugby for rugby and FIH for hockey.


ERCAT is accredited by FIFA, FIH and World Rugby to do field tests all over the world. In these field tests, the interaction between the ball and the surface and between the player and the surface is examined. These tests are a guarantee for the quality of the artificial turf and the playing characteristics of the field. ERCAT is also doing the complete follow-up of the installation of pitches, from subsoil to foundation layers to the installed grass and can also help you with the technical requirements for tenders.


ERCAT is accredited by FIFA, World Rugby and FIH to do lab classification of football, rugby and hockey products. In the ERCAT laboratory, we test and investigate new artificial turf structures and yarns before fields with these materials are installed. ERCAT is testing the ball-surface and player-surface interaction, but also the wear of artificial turf. Some test methods developed in research projects can be added to the regular laboratory tests: filament resilience, 12m-lisport, flat UV tester, UV stabilizer content, ‌


ERCAT is more than a testing laboratory. For many years, the department is performing intense research into the new artificial turf fibres and structures. The most recent knowledge of polymer and fibre technology is appealed to, supported by an extensive set of testing and measuring devices for both laboratory and field tests. ERCAT is working on new test methods: sliding tester, filament resilience, Infrared lisport, interaction between filament and infill materials, ... For this research, ERCAT has a bicomponent extruder from Oerlikon Barmag for the production of monofilaments. With this extruder PE, PP, PES and PA monofilament can be made, next to a bicomponent yarn with a core existing from one material and an outer shell from another material.

The artificial turf testing team Contact: Prof. Dr. Paul Kiekens ( M.Sc Stijn Rambour ( 58


MATERIALS RESEARCH CENTRES The European Network of Materials Research Centres (ENMat) consists of a number of materials research centres from different European countries. By the end of 2014, 23 materials research centres from all over Europe are a member of ENMat.

Mission of the European Network of Materials Research Centres

1. To encourage and strengthen the creation of knowledge, dissemination of results and beneficial use in materials science & technology. 2. To be the leading network for materials based innovations for students, researchers, engineers and industry in Europe.

Objectives • • • • • • • • •

To create a responsive, flexible, innovative, agile and adaptive network of leading European Materials Research Centres. To facilitate cooperation in interdisciplinary research, development and training amongst members, from fundamental research to innovative application. To encourage student and staff mobility and networking amongst members and invited or co-operating partners. To promote the activities and achievements of the members on a European and global stage. To facilitate partnerships amongst members and temporary partners with materials related industries. To invigorate Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) outreach through the Network. To identify challenges and opportunities in SET and best practice. To identify the needs of industry, in particular SMEs, in Europe and implement targeted cooperation by seeking high added value for clients/partners/sponsors. To respect the highest ethical recommendations to promote Sustainable Development and to overcome barriers hindering creativity.

ENMat is open to all multidisciplinary research centres in materials sciences in Western and Eastern Europe, which cover different topics of materials (e.g. metals, polymers, biomaterials, textiles, ceramics, composites, cement-based materials, electronics, semiconductors, wood and wood-based materials, coatings, biofilms, chemicals).

Current President of ENMat: Dr. Tassilo MORITZ Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS), Dresden, Germany Secretariat ENMat: CMSE/UGent ir. Els Van der Burght tel: +32-9-2645756 59

Registered ENMAT members • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Aalto University, School of Chemical Technology, Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, Espoo, Finland Centre des Matériaux des Mines d’Alès (C2MA), Alès, France Centre for Materials Science and Engineering (CISIM), University of Pisa, Italy Centre for Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Centre for Research and Development of Materials and Technologies (CRDMT) , Prague, Czech Republic Competence Centre for Materials Science and Technology (CCMX), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers, Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Cracow, Poland Department “Ingegneria Chimica dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale (DICMAPI), University “Federico II Napoli”, Naples, Italy Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT), Politecnico di Torino, Italy Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Department of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS), Dresden, Germany Fundacion ITMA, Llanera, Spain Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (INEGI), Porto, Portugal Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (CNR-ISTEC), Faenza, Italy KEMYK, Eisenstadt, Austria Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais (LNE), Paris, France Materials Design Division, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania SP Materials Research Centre, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Borås, Sweden Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland

PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES IN THE WEB OF SCIENCE (WoS) 1. Kiekens P, Van der Burght E, Kny E, Uyar T, Milasius R. Functional textiles: from research and development to innovations and industriel uptake. Grabowska K, editor. AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2014;14(4):219–25. 2. van der Heijden S, Daelemans L, De Schoenmaker B, De Baere I, Rahier H, Van Paepegem W, et al. Interlaminar toughening of resin transfer moulded glass fibre epoxy laminates by polycaprolactone electrospun nanofibres. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2014;104:66–73. 3. Guido E, Colleoni C, De Clerck K, Plutino MR, Rosace G. Influence of catalyst in the synthesis of a cellulose-based sensor: kinetic study of 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane epoxy ring opening by Lewis acid. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL. 2014;203:213–22. 4. Grabowska KE, Ciesielska-Wrobel I. Basic comparison of the properties of the loop and Frotte Yarns, Woven and knitted fabrics. AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2014;14(3):135–44. 5. Kolgjini B, Schoukens G, Kola I, Rambour S, Shehi E, Kiekens P. Influence of heat treatment on the behaviour of LLDPE monofilaments. AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL. AUTEX; 2014;14(3):187–99. 6. Rambausek L, Bruneel E, Van Driessche I, Van Langenhove L. Surface morphology of polyimide thin film dip-coated on polyester filament for dielectric layer in fibrous organic field effect transistor. AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2014;14(3):152–60. 7. Rambausek L, Bruneel E, De Mey G, Van Langenhove L. Polyimide dielectric layer on filaments for organic field effect transistors: choice of solvent, solution composition and dip-coating speed. AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2014;14(3):121–34. 8. Odhiambo SA, De Mey G, Hertleer C, Schwarz A, Van Langenhove L. Discharge characteristics of poly(3,4ethylene dioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) textile batteries; comparison of silver coated yarn electrode devices and pure stainless steel filament yarn electrode devices. TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2014;84(4):347–54. 9. Odhiambo SA, De Mey G, Hertleer C, Van Langenhove L. Reliability testing of PEDOT:PSS capacitors integrated into textile fabrics. EKSPLOATACJA I NIEZAWODNOSC-MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY. 2014;16(3):447–51. 10. Ciera LW, Beladjal L, Almeras X, Gheysens T, Van Landuyt L, Mertens J, et al. Morphological and material properties of polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) fibres with spores incorporated. FIBRES & TEXTILES IN EASTERN EUROPE. 2014;106(4):29–36. 11. Daels N, Radoicic M, Radetic M, Van Hulle S, De Clerck K. Functionalisation of electrospun polymer nanofibre membranes with TiO2 nanoparticles in view of dissolved organic matter photodegradation. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. 2014;133:282–90. 12. De Mey G, Ozcelik M, Schwarz A, Kazani I, Hertleer C, Van Langenhove L, et al. Designing of conductive yarn knitted thermal comfortable shirt using battery operated heating system. TEKSTIL VE KONFEKSIYON. 2014;1:64–7. 13. Kazani I, Declercq F, Scarpello ML, Hertleer C, Rogier H, Vande Ginste D, et al. Performance study of screen-printed textile antennas after repeated washing. AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2014;14(2):47–54. 61

14. Samyn P, Schoukens G. Morphologies and thermal variability of patterned polymer films with poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride). POLYMERS. 2014;6(3):820–45. 15. Ceylan Ö, Goubet F, De Clerck K. Dynamic moisture sorption behavior of cotton fibers with natural brown pigments. CELLULOSE. 2014;1–15. 16. Ciera LW, Beladjal L, Almeras X, Gheysens T, Nierstrasz V, Van Langenhove L, et al. Resistance of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens spores to melt extrusion process conditions. FIBRES & TEXTILES IN EASTERN EUROPE. 2014;22(2):102–7. 17. Goethals A, Mugadza T, Arslanoglu Y, Zugle R, Antunes E, Van Hulle S, et al. Polyamide nanofiber membranes functionalized with zinc phthalocyanines. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE. 2014;131(13). 18. Van Yperen-De Deyne A, De Meyer T, Pauwels E, Ghysels A, De Clerck K, Waroquier M, et al. Exploring the vibrational fingerprint of the electronic excitation energy via molecular dynamics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2014;140(13). 19. De Meyer T, Hemelsoet K, Van Speybroeck V, De Clerck K. Substituent effects on absorption spectra of pH indicators: an experimental and computational study of sulfonphthaleine dyes. DYES AND PIGMENTS. ELSEVIER SCI LTD; 2014;102:241–50. 20. Ceylan Ö, Alongi J, Van Landuyt L, Frache A, De Clerck K. Combustion characteristics of cellulosic loose fibres. FIRE AND MATERIALS. 2014;1–9.

ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN JOURNALS (NOT MENTIONED ABOVE) 1. De Clercq D, Debuyck G, Gerlo J, Rambour S, Segers V, Van Caekenberghe I. Cutting performance wearing different studded soccer shoes on dry and wet artificial turf. Hennig EM, Sterzing T, editors. FOOTWEAR SCIENCE. 2014;6(2):81–7. 2. Louwagie J, De Raeve A. Nieuws uit de Vakgroep Textielkunde: Touché ! UNITEX. 2014;(5):36–36. 3. Van Langenhove L, Ciera LW, Rambausek L. Nieuws uit de Vakgroep Textielkunde: PhDs in Material Science at the Department of Textiles. UNITEX. 2014;(4 (november)):48–48. 4. De Clerck K, van der Heijden S. Nieuws uit de Vakgroep Textielkunde: semi-industriële lijn voor productie van nanovezelmembranen. UNITEX : TWEEMAANDELIJKS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DE TEXTIELINDUSTRIE. 2014;(3):44–44. 5. Hertleer C, De Raeve A. Nieuws uit de Vakgroep Textielkunde: WINTEX: geavanceerde weefsels voor intelligent textiel. UNITEX. 2014;(2):44–44. 6. Van Langenhove L. Nieuws uit de Vakgroep Textielkunde: Master of Science in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: duurzame materialen. UNITEX : TWEEMAANDELIJKS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DE TEXTIELINDUSTRIE. 2014;1(maart):40–40.

CONFERENCE PAPERS (PUBLISHED IN WEB OF SCIENCE) 1. Grancaric AM, Kiekens P, Botteri L, Tarbuk A, Alongi J. Sodium metasilicate for improvement cotton flame retardancy. In: Dragcevic Z, editor. Magic World of Textiles. University of Zagreb; 2014. p. 205–10. 2. Kiekens P, Van der Burght E. 2Bfuntex: transfer of innovations in functional textiles towards industry. XIIIth International Izmir Textile and Apparel Symposium, Proceedings. Belek, Antalya, Turkey: IITAS; 2014. p. 424–30. 62

3. Odhiambo SA, De Mey G, Hertleer C, Van Langenhove L. Investigation of performance of different types of yarn electrodes in a pedot :PSS capacitor. 14th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Proceedings. Bursa, Turkey: Uludag University; 2014. p. 1–6.

CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS 1. Hertleer C. What about standardization of smart textiles ? TITV-Konferenz, 2 : Anwenderforum Smart Textiles, Abstracts. Zeulenroda: TITV; 2014. p. 1–2. 2. Odhiambo SA, De Mey G, Hertleer C, Van Langenhove L. Textile capacitor: influence of stainless steel yarn electrodes thickness on device reliability. TITV-Konferenz, 2. Anwenderforum Smart Textiles, Abstracts. Zeulenroda: TITV; 2014. p. 1–1. 3. Kazani I, Hertleer C, De Mey G, Guxho G, Van Langenhove L. Electrochemical properties of screen-printed textiles electrodes. 23rd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Abstracts. Macedonia: CXTM; 2014. p. 275–275. 4. Geltmeyer J, De Buysser K, De Clerck K. (ICE-041-2014) The influence of viscosity on the stable electrospinning of silica nanofibers. 3rd International Conference on Electrospinning, Abstracts. San Francisco, USA: The American Ceramic Society; 2014. p. 27–27. 5. Steyaert I, Van Assche G, Rahier H, De Clerck K. (ICE-036-2014) Thermal analysis of nanofibres: the importance of heating rate. 3rd International Conference on Electrospinning, Abstracts. San Francisco, USA: The American Ceramic Society; 2014. p. 26–26. 6. Kiekens P. Cost Action MP1105 FLARETEX. FRT 14, Abstracts. Preston UK: UCLan Preston; 2014. 7. Kiekens P, Van der Burght E. 2bfuntex transfer of innovations in functional textiles towards industry. XIIIth International Izmir Textile & Apparel Symposium, Abstracts. Izmir, Turkey: Ege University; 2014. p. 115–115. 8. Van Langenhove L. Textiles intelligents aujourd’hui et demain. Les Vingt-Septièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, Abstracts. Montréal, France: Centre Jacques Cartier; 2014. p. 83–83. 9. Kiekens P. 2BFUNTEX: innovation through functionalization: European manufacturing in textiles: structural trends and future perspectives. In: Dörfel A, editor. Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference. TU Dresden; 2014. 10. Ochola J, Van Langenhove L. Modelling a 3D braided structure using pyformex. 14th AUTEX world textile conference, Abstracts. Bursa, Turkey: Uludag University; 2014. 11. Kiekens P, Moorkens S. Nanoparticles for textiles and textile manufacturing. 14th AUTEX world textile conference, Abstracts. Bursa, Turkey: Uludag University; 2014. p. 21–21. 12. Steyaert I, Van Assche G, Rahier H, De Clerck K. Melting behaviour and crystal structure of polyamide nanofibres analysed using a fast-scanning calorimeter. BPG Annual Meeting 2014, Abstracts. Gent, Belgium: Belgian Polymer Group; 2014. p. 130–130. 13. Steyaert I, De Clerck K. Nanofibrous membranes for visual and optical monitoring: a focus on pH-¬‐sensors. Electrospinning for High Performance Sensing, Abstracts. Monterotondo, Rome, Italy: CNR-IIA; 2014. p. 25–6.


DOCTORAL THESES 1. Ceylan Ă–. Study of cotton fibres modified and developed for improved processing and end-user properties. [Ghent, Belgium]: Ghent University. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture; 2014. 2. Rambausek L. Textronics: definition, development and characterization of fibrous organic field effect transistors. [Ghent, Belgium]: Ghent University. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture; 2014. 3. Ciera LW. Functionalizing textile materials with mosquito repellents in melt extrusion and electrospinning. [Ghent, Belgium]: Ghent University. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture; 2014.







The one and only objective and comprehensive textile group in the Benelux

Ghent University Department of Textiles Technologiepark 907 9052 Ghent/Zwijnaarde BELGIUM Tel: +32 9 264 57 35 Fax: +32 9 264 58 46 @UGentDeptofText Dept. of Textiles Ghent University

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