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The cienC8 Society It has been the Bag hdad Col lrgl? concern si nce it was Iraqisiz ed to g i\-e good ,Lt tentioD to ont-of-ch ss ednc[Ltional ac In Ie>; of all n nieties: scie nt ifi c, socia.! (' tc , Thus [l, committee for sl1pen ' ising tiuc:h a :tiviti es W::L S formed aDd ,;ub - cOll1mi tt e ~~s "-ere brn.nchcd th ereof; the Sc icncc Socie ty be in g a fruit of that com mit tec' , Tllc r :.;pol1sihility of t he S("10 11 ("(' committee \Va, giyen to thr('(' of our Coll ege staff namely :\11'. :"Iluni r Al \lIi, ~Ir. Sa.mi I3 ut t i an d ~Ir . Aht1nl Gha ni al -Pbidy _ T he fo cu:-;ed target of the s()(:iely is to en collragn studcnts In ke epin g up \\'i II . cic lll iJic cl C\ l'lnp IIlCllLR, by consu llillg pro per rdl'rc nc cs I II :u:tdill ion to a, sisting lalp !1 tu l stl1llc'llls III thc' difi'e rent fi elrls of sci(' w f'. The lD fLin ac.;l i it i ' .' of th e society arc>:

1- Scif'ntJfi c tr i [1:-; i lls id c a lH1 uut .'i lll' Bagh dad . 1 - ,'elec' il lg ;llI f t sil u\\' ill ,:.! iilIll,; of ;;ci l' ntif ic ;\,nd h .'ll f'l':d ('tlll l':l lioll:t1 I clll'fil. :-:l - H olc1 i ll~ -;1·iCll t i fic I <'lnt''':; g in.! n I y spec iali zed p roft> 'sm=" . 4- C:llTying (Jilt. ('xpcri l111'nts ()11 the different top ic's uf ll~lLllr:t l scil lilT. :)- _\ itli ll!1 ,. stlltl L'llt.:; wi 'hillif,.., to 1'01 'iult rd, ·n 'Il C'l'S. a q lil:l ble 'LL tlw (;ull('ge library ()r oth r Jj brilric' s. (1- :\.;-;s i sting thl' colll ·gc librari,ll1 11l Hrra nglllg thl.: scie llt'

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7 - I ssuing fL sl· iellc0 (·ir 'nJa r. ri - .Joi ning ill edit i!lg Lhe wall lJLI lldili. (Di ar i and .\lJJi). :.\[():t of tlte C :l!' ti\-iliC's \\' 01'(' m rri ed out. Tb e OII1I J1i ltl'c abo lllndc :111 inn~llt()ry alld aI illdex for thL' filllb u,\'a,ibble at Lbl! colleg .

Each film was identified by [L special card, this card cn nLain s th e film ll[Llllt' , f'ub jcct a,n d durat ion. Out of these films the COll1III ittee selected fL few fwd held film 5110\'\'s to the st ud 'nts; Lh o fil ms \H' re of sc icutific an d 'he cOllll1l ittec a lsu :,ta beduc:Ltiona l nat ure . ilshed t bc scienc e li bra ry by (;olledi ng the bool,::\ which \\-ore distr ibuted in nJany places a t the c oll ege , li ke tbe 1:1hnLl to ries th E) t ea ch ers ro om ~ltlll m n.n y e;Ll ler pl:wC's. 1'hcsc b OI )l-; , were },.{ athrr"<1 togt,t lwr, c1as: i fil ~ d fln d urt'flngcc1 on $P 'cia l , Ill I- 's at tllw li bra.ry in suc b a. way t hat llJ a d l~ it eas ie r t o 1)e r d<'l'1'e cl to . The COJl IIJl i ttCl' illv ited Sf'\' '!'Ill . pec;irtl il'led ro ll I Bag hdad Cni -crsity t o give pro[C'ss(,r:.; scientif i(· l..; <.:tllrc". III actull l fa (:t OltO of t h se Pl'Ofe<:'o)'" \\ n'i Dr. [h : ll1 () 1l Slwkouri, as 'istan t ]>1'0[(,,,,,0), aL tlH' l1Iat/l<' IlJati(''i fa c ldl,.- in t he Scieucc CnllL'gt,. Dr, S \la\.;oll ri 's ll' l'l ure was on :,[ odorn "Iht I1l'11 WL ics :lllrl \\'as ,ltLcn oetl I y many of Lil' studl 'llls. 'rho c'olJll l1ittr'e al:n clll'o ll mg('S ~ tuJ en ts \I-itb iicll;!lLific' hol>llics Hllei Jll,jPR thoUJ to illlpro\'( tllOil' k nO lVled,-; '" This \las tlnliccd as bcil1,f.! Oll'~ of 1I11' ;[('Li\ itips 1ispln) cd to our \' i::;itor,; 1)11 thl' ('() Jlpg,' 1-'I1'\ll lJay. Tit!' COllllllittCL' " I'~alli/I ' d S O lll O "i..;it:, to the l3aglllh (l l'nin' )' ... ilY 11l'<tiLlIL!'s alHI Collcer('s to '~l1;~blc till'S 1I<1l Ilt~ LII SPl' till' lab\)l'at(J n;~ and till' \\01'\ l':Il'ril,d un t!l(,l'l'. Yi"iLs \I'ere Illnde Lo \ 'ni olls ('sta lli",llllJ(' tlh lih' LJw ::\ll<'IL'nr H ae·tor. Till' ('0111 Ilttt l ' ( ' has is;''lll'l spc('ial itleni,iLy l'<Lrtls to 1 )(' giI'C'11 (lIIL til tll(' ,.;C'il'III'l' l:'oc iety 1rtC'IJlilC'l's bill lilll(' has t il . VIl IS, 1.1111;; L1JC carcls a rL' k"pL Ill>\\ to he giI'C'lJ ollL IlI!xL year. Writt(' 11 hy :\[lI11lr .\l-Ani. 'rrauslalctl by AbtIul U buui al-Vbaioy .

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The English Society has been founded tim! year to meet with the P\' pr Increasing dem!Ln<1~ (or the development and impro't.'lllent of the English I.Jl\.nguage clue to the fnet that it i .. widely implemented and badly needed by all students, For this purpose a room in the Cronin building was furnished Rllcl ef{lIipped with mere necessitie to be used as a meeting phlce, a library, a laboratory and It cI ub by all our students. The English room is usually open after clasl';es, and at this time tho boy. rush there each for a different errand, Some will form groups to play scmbble, ollle will read through magazines and newspapE'rs, while others may choosE' ("hess to trail! and try their bmins or tu win a challenge. In addition to this, the boys Clln mix with their teacher who will be ready to help them either by correcting or providing them With the words or idioms they wish to learn and use. The boys here will be able to speak the Ittnguage, hear it and so they will find a wider opportunity for practice and usage. The Society occa ion ally organizes small partif's, music hours, film l-ihows and debate,; which all have proven to be of the utmost benefit I1nc1 entertuunnrnt for all the boys. Many a student have expressed their sati faction by requesting that the English room be' open all the time as it is the place where they I1HLj' !-ipend eujuyable (tnd profitable time, We do hope that next year Ollr activities dll be varied Ilnd extended so as to serve t hp end for which it was c tablished. A number of committees were formed to exercise n,nd supen'isl the numerous aspects of work, they are: 1- Play Production Committee 2- Debates Committee 3- Movies and Films 4- Sports 5- Magazine Acquisitions 6- Library 7 - Advertising 8- Social ActIvities 9- English Society Room.



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On a commanding "te beside the Tigris, near

The Ironl entrance and main " veslobule " , with ils

the bustiong South Gat" 01 the Coty the

broad slalfcase aHordlng



view 01 the lolty Ilrst

&: i 000000 Baghdad Hotel raises a bold eight -

lIoor promenades , sets the pattern . Here are

storeyed la~ade to preSide, with

a Simple yet

adminIStra tive oll,ces and a lew shops. The main

imposing dignity, ov r an area that IS rapidly

entrance IS le t in to a glass Irontage Ihat ex tends from the ground to the Ilfst lloor ceiling, so that




commercial centre



successfully narrowed Ihe irhome margin bet-

t hose parts 01 t he hotel which carry Ihe hea vie s

we"n demand and supply in Ihe matter 01 hotel

IraHlc m ~ke the maXimum use o f nalur al lig ht.

3ccomoda tion In the Iraqi capital.

)'licros('opcs lli" the most mocin n d sig n ÂŤ.>r .ttl im (,~ l1 ~ati(J1l III l ra nslllillccl , incitk nt,

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Left to Righ t (Sittng) Kawa al-Khaffaf . Muhammad ul -Rawi , Iyad Munth ar left to Righ t (Standing) . Karn ik KO Jm lrijian, Muhammad ai-Baghdadi

路 j,;,\.....

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Back row from left Yusu f H. nna . Salar Baban, Rami Baroudi, Salim Sadiq first row from left- Aktham Badl. laid Albert, Sami Leyws.




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Left to Right: (sitting ): Mr Sami Ghazala , Mr YusuF al -Sama rai, Mr. JaFfar al -Zubaidi . Mr Sam; Butt Left to Right: (stand ing) : Mr. i,o~i r al-A tar, Mr. Faraj RaFFouli , Mr, Satta al-Dawood

From Left to Right

Flnt Row Second Row:

(Sitting) Imad A.Re;naq, Saman M8jid, Aqil Muhammed. Aji Huss8 in. Mr. Dummar AI-Rawi, Muwa ffaq AI- Rawi, Bedri Hussa in, S81ah AI-Chalabi , Yousif Khazekia , Mr, Hamid AI-Rawi,

From Left to Right

Flnt Row Second Row:

(Sitting) SlImi Tawfi ~ . Saad Shukur. Sadir Jllbra. SlImi Leyous. Shihab AI Shammll. Faris A.RIIZlaq. Hisham Jllialiddin. MUlldh AI-Duri. Mazin A路Amir. SlIamsi AI-Haslln;. Faris A-Amir. Mr. Hamid AI-Rawi

From Laft to Right First Row

Second Row:


(Sitti ng) Paul Eshou , Muayyad Al-Chaillbi, Rlllld Mah mu d, Ram i Bllroudi, Samir DIIUd, Ma~ i n AI-Bayati. Mr. Dummar AI路Rawi , Sead Mahmu d, Gaby Ga brael, Bedri Hussain , Safa Jawad. Ghassan Mahir, Maan Shakir. Constanti n Spiros, Sead Yunis, Mr. Hamid AI-Rawi.

Standing: Left to Right Mr. Satta Dawood, Sadi II I-Saqir, Mahmud al-Hashimi , Salar Ba ban, Kamil Mansour, Faris R"hmata lla h, Iyad Munther, Muhammad SlIdun, Muhammad al-Rawi . Sitting : Left to Right Bedri Hussain, Dhia al-Duri , Muha mmad ai -Baghdadi, Ahmad al -Omari, Kernik Koumri gian , Ra mi S.roudi . Muhammad el-Kh udhairi, Hlshllm Jallliiddin.





-_.---.'-.._...-,......,-. GRANDFATHER Fereed M. K. Yassee n


I shoulc1 stn,y in br a for eigllt da.

H. TOllg11 IU('k fo r "JJr. Ep br,l,illl SLciJ1 bc rg, I ']] .iust han'

to wait. Eight dfty' la ter, I \H~ n t t o SCI' him, with the w,111 t . of counw . .\ srn'unt led IlW i nto :l room fill p~1 wi t h l)Uo b ,\wh'C''', t\H'f;e bOoKshc\n's bei ng themsf'jyf's full ot til s. I n t he middle of this roOUl WIt. ~ I l'. SLC' ill be rg. , iVitho ut losing my till1(' , T gaTe him lw; wallet. At th at 11101ll cnt, 11<' screamed, shriller th a n ft trnUlpet, louclrr limn Oct horn, and h ~ th anked me ho thanked 111(', he th:1.llked m . But I told him tha.t I thougb t I de '(,1'''8d an interest for kee ping his mon oy for eight days . "0 K ," my finn.Ilcier sa id, (Eight days') Fin e, Six percent? Fin e!". H e took u, pltper, scribbled th e fo llow ing on it :

720 x 6x

360 x 100

= .96

T he n he handed it over to me, sayi ng : "Sir. give me 96 cents interes t for k eping my m on y for eiuht da .. . ou TO lucky, 1 never take anythin u below 12%."

Grey eyeR I :Lppe:Lred to look in them ; '\fany thoughts I (' ~n1C' a ero s. And by the li m I \\'[1 S n a rly int them; They Lol u l11(~ wh ere I've lost. His ye. ' nm, were old an d grey ; And serious yo u could not say. For a a1' of lau ahLcr wa. not In th em ,

1 路 ,d him whn.t they told . ITe ~poke uf \\' isdOl1l an d know ledge And tb ing.' I ('un] el not unders tand. But by lhilt lillie I agreed to think Exa lIy wh at h e 'd command .

He was born

:1 !oRP, r; nd problems \\' r . al l his, The world W[lS h is worries; And I was just H. l\i(1.

He brOl ,qltt his cI Ji l(1rcu to l'c:t and t hi nk; \Vith I I1lllLl h of 11101'e limE' gol . But h"' t he time Lhey \o\'tLlked aw ay

He was far Loa ol d. A worth Ies , p erson bo rn t o Ii ,' And not hin g l i(l~ (!nn want , All lo ng his ch ildren foll owed, E\' ry where h \\路al ked. But no \\' y ar. h: L 'L\ I flssed away . I n t o life h e stood with nothin g , but A dear ol d f:t<..;e, [ll1l1 ~L pas t of childhood, lIe SWOt'l' his \-ife \\'8 S in h is d reams And t h ey will me t one day He s:1id O'ood bye to all his children T hen he passed a\vay .

S. H .




J wa going to K enn e . I nternation al Airport to catel ~t pb ne ben.di ng t o'fhtrd Paris, where I bad some b 1 'ine' . T he axi driver who t ook me the r \.vas a n n.bsolu te ly ch arm ing person. The trip from III h oLel, the W al dorfAstoria, to tl e airport pfLs .. ed n,s a jiffy. Samm y, that's the driv er's na,me, kept te lling me all sorts of jok s and anecdotes. "W he n we arrived at the air port, I gave ~n.m m y two dollars more than he req ueste d. H e looked down on the t wo green bills, and la ughed. I was puz7,led, because I have never he a,ra of R. man In,lgh abont money , and I asked hi m why he did so. " It' quite a 10nfJ story," he aid, " but it's we rth liste ing to. " V.,r e \ nt to the bar, orde red a milk f>hak8 each , a.n d Sam m y went on wi th his story . "O ne day," he, " I was drivi ng in the vicinity of the E mpire State Building, a man ha iled me. He had black clothes on, and was c.a rrYll1g a filthy brown suitcase, a real ightwad!". "Sammy oh'boy, I told myself, "There goes your ti p". II


T he man climbed in, and gave me an <1ddress on the other side of town, a.nd sure lHlongh , I took him th "re. As we arrived, the man took ou t his F A'l' wallet , looked inside, but cO llldn't dcc ide himself to stick his hand in th i. s:t llctuary, so he put it away, and took four q uar Lers whi ch he gave to me. I protested, saYlOg that my 111 te r indicated two dollars thirty fi ve 路cnts. After long dic u:,,,ions with a cop as witn e;' R, he h n,d to pay. I went hom a directly, and tal"ted cleaning ill y car. S uddenly, I saw a brown object on the floor: my client' R \\"allet. I opened it, and g uess what! I t was [1R full fLS fLnytbin g : seyen hundred FLnd twenty I ran to P ort ia, my wife, and told her about what I had found, pointing out that should keep it as ~u t ip. But Portia. objected, and im perati ve ly made me give in and decide to tab ~ the wallet back to its o'vvner. I searched for any address in the wallet . I found it. 1\1)' man waR called Ephraim St einbe rg, and he lived in Brooklyn. T he day after, as I woke up, I felt dizl::Y and I had an awful hea dache. Portia cn,lled a doctor, wh o decl ared th at I had a fin, and that



Salar Baban

6B 1971- 1972

A wry good qU E'filion of ,,-hi'h ppople often think bllt dislllis~ tilE' hOllqht or the idt'a of lr.,-ing to find all an~\\-l'r, l)l'l"'lllf;P Ill',\" kIlO\\' lh'lt tht ftll<;WN will lark rf':llhtic (xpla.untiOll"; . :\Itboll;.dl ~tllrlii ti on hl1lll.ll1 Ilatll)"(' tIml \wh[1.\"iol1r ha\(' [1.chnm·C'd trcIlJl'lJdou,.,I\", lien' aI'" Rtill ft lilt of chrk arf'as in it ltll1:t II 11ft ttlf(' \\ b it ,ll s'it'l1li:.;ts bclie\'e h;[\"o-' fI lot n dD with ,.,Ollle ('I" mo -t I)f tbe ("barat! eri~ its llf all a\ f'ruge human being. P!->ychinlrit;b (:xplnll1 tlH'-;" phenomena simply hy -.talillg tll'lt h 111l1f1 11.', t" t'll \\ itlt 111' (·j\-ilizetl :ltlllOf>pllen' (1"(' ( pitlg UpOli hj..; flU'!' . and the qllit:'tllt':-:; :uI(l :-',liL' .'" th:tt life has COIIl't il now, still h:1\1' th t' dPl'j1 l ootl\ll ll'sir.' to ·ab·

ri ol~s anc1 ch u,nces , so t b ,y tend to lie, then wn,it in \\' rry an cl su s pense as to \\"hn,t' s goin g Lo lUlllpcn .. '0, it (-onlcl be th cLt lyi n a is the casiest \\",ty to hreak th , dull ness of present day life , rt has been ob, erv d Lbnt the fi rst li e' uSll~dly COlnes IU1jllll~lltil nal ly, A eh ilc1 all swering a qnc:-;lioll, possihl.'\' in n, Rtute uf fcn.r or U!1<'Ntn.mty 5<1.\':' the first thiug that COl li e: I l ltlJ his milici, which of 'onr:::C' wonld not hn.\"e to be th"' rigbt ~lI1 S"(>I' . Then as the matter is dropped b} th. adnlt (L1lc TlIolller or :L ull' mbcr of the (fumly ) the child \\"ill eYrntun. ll y reaji ?:e \\' hat he 1m:> dOlle and wi II b gin t w der abollt it, '" bat HRtutlly follows is that tl , ('hi ld mas lie agrtin ..Lnd endl tilile he 11 not ic llHlt more time:) th:1I1 not 11(' ('an get flway with it. Of cour<;e this could be the result, of two things-either the pal'Pllh ~H"P Clrobtally una\o\'ar!~ of the lie"', or jf they do know wba ': going on, they jm,t iglHlre it ouL of 10\' , wh icb is also wrong. Children at that stage look to adults as RllprrlOl'S, people ""ho know cvc rythi n n , By I,v ing, the child wil l come Lo feel uperior and \\ ill tnle pricle in his statuR an d r peat the lying agnin n.nd :Lgain , until 110 lxLi b (' ompl tely In the habit of lying. That's on e of the ways of how people Rtart to learn to lie, s tlw ,-enrs g by t hey often find that it is Ycry cOTIY(:nient ann A, Ilwti m s I1P('P';i-i:tl"} to lie J [ tilE>}" 1(', itaten bcfon-', tilpy'd not do ,;n now :LlId so on until lyi n T bCCOIJH'S an e\"er.r-c1a,v ouliet. Some peopl . lIIight ,,'0l1(1 ' 1' wh.\' Iw~- lie, but the "11 t ry to pllsb awny tilt' thought bC'C'i1nse til 'y know th:tt tbl'yll sLnrt worrying, fcaring that t hey lllight bc dllillg sOlllcthillg Ycry \Hong. T he point ari. e'>-('all lwoph actlHllly stop lyi ng:' .\s ran be tiLL'n, I) iug has be om. a part ,)f tllt1 hllll1:lt) ·1 t rad('r; hi ng maoy yary fro m o nt' indi\"ianal to anotlH'r but 111o.'tly all 1ll1m n, n hC'illgs Itt' an<1 thi.- is one of the ffLc: tor: which has dYed d and IJra l! life what it is today. Thi .. i:-, a, \ '1'.\' (l('('p and im -o h 'cd su bjec t b ::;idl'S being a n llltCI"t'stillg one, whic h needs flll'titf'l' stlhlics al (1 l"r-;I';II'C'lwo.;. for with rtl l his, we ll'u\"c tlH' £:tcton; all(l t,vpt'!-; of l il'h wh ich is :llIotl C1" !'llbjl'd rlltir(ll ~ . This is one of th e prob l!?I1JS time th e hllillan race wil l hope to ;:;ol\'e olle (lay but wuell, LlHLt can 't be predicted , J

·;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••' ......................

..•......•.•••.•.•.••. I·.·.·.·.· ..•.•..•••.•. I·.·.·.·.· •••..•••••••. ...........••...•••••. ••••••••••• ,t • • • • • • • • • • •



•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••' ....................• ...................•.. ----------------------------------------------------•••••••••••••••••••••• ...................._._. ~1i~ery 1:

:\lisery :\Iiser; Jlisery :\Ii ery


laek w yom chair. t · :trri\·jn~ latl' for cln<;~('s . b bein!..;" f())"I'cd to Jt:-u e a hair ut. 1~ uut huving JOlle your homework In "Jl r. 'Jlunir _\1 Ani's cla::,s. i· npplllg Lbe ~I'nt of your p:tJIt~ 10 the rt

m id dle of a ball game .

:\lisen r i · gctti Ig r-, light . k pi 19 (' la:3:;e:. :\Iisery i: . tuuyint-> LIH~ wrong chapte r for a n exaru . !\lis~ry IS g tting ~ i(' '' Iill :l nf'l d t ri p . jlis ry i~ bing :lil:enc (In :L dlLY \ ben :1 test l il being h lcl, :.:1111.1 fi ndi n rr ut the nex t 1 y th a.t is \ \ 'as ('aneell ed. J1ise ry is ng ::3:3 boys a nd u <ri rl: in your

clns' . \ri<;pry is ha\' i ng to do y Olll' hnll18work \'hen "oll'd lik to \\akh T.Y. '\Ii 'cr.\ J:, geLtin g bt ck YOlll' exalll p apers , . Il~er)' is ~O' gellin g b ack \' 011 ' ex~111 J pllpert . \r f f-iEHY i' :;Il<) \'i lt<Y .l our report - ·ar c1 In y uur par ,u ts.

'\Iis ry


hn ' in,g to \Hlte a :;Lupid article for tlw l11agnille ", hell YU U l'l U't h iuk of any thing Co write .

1 wt1itl'd on the outsid e thE-' door, t:.wdiug fo r a while

;! ';:Li u , L


\\'iLl I, t hen

seated [n t be an t igne ('h rl ir b es ide t lJe telep llone table un which in t hl' I~ llt at p i [0<':, lay Lhe co n .. pon chmce rl.l y uncl e rrfll:->e u Lo rcall.

I star >(1 at the lum ino LL' crysta l chLLDc1elicr wbid) hun rr pr e Hl'ioll~ly on fll1 old bronze InLio fr om a . e 'ouc1 torey ceIling into tb, ntran ce ha ll , Hl y y .s b gan to \\':ltc r , fLn ci the chandelier became an irridi. <':l'llt . ' In \\ J1:tk '. I reo te d my fiu:::be o ell d' again st LiJ \ J]1.lhogany banis er t re m e mb r the nJkaitn L' ta le of tea.!" OIl th e

varni. he(1

voo el a lld the strancrc

dour of ai-

By: M. N. J.


cobol alid afl'lca.n vlulcts . 'fhe drjv(' to th0, Illntlwl' \\'as to he Lll l'icll l\1 \,,11 re my \ \'<Lli :1 10l1g " dent night-

Th \ OVl'J'(' ;1s L sl'Y ,'N' llJe c1 t( 1 s hare my c;nrrow, and occai 'ollall,\' teurcll'o p.~ of rai n fiattened Ll1em~e"- e 01\ till' hlurry w in d hielc1 in fronL of me. marl'.

L itt le e m otioll -'hu 'ed

O tl my un cl Fl 's face. h, IJn.d (;:t rcc1 fn r my mo the r more than tb~I L, r rClJ1e m b\:~ r U 'r '!'lg ho\\' effecti vely liquor aulh] Lhe n. CR .


KIW \\"

TIl >; i(l e Lh e church I reme m ber walhing d O\\, D th e' jo ng a. islc curryi ng : I S I \\ :1lked th e pitying 1 uk that \\'e igh e:cl Oil my sh ou ld en' 111Ol'C heavi ly Lu au my g ri ef. J

ronn d



stood the family

m em-

hers , lr'h illd the .;tn t' ·he ci black veil I could see the rl'cl sor e C\' " of my alwL as she beckoned m ' tu .,'(1), 1lI y ac1 ie u.' and ki ss my lD(Jther for tbe h:-;l til1le l)(' fr) r l~ the} c:1,rriec1 bl' t' :1 \\'ftY· Th,LL co[(l ",a X l 'l l cllmplex ion , onc e b e) hn,PIW :tlld rn.' \' :-;('f'JlH'r . rallge and unLulllliar to my len' vllS hyilc.:i-lI l1g rah bit ltp!' . \Ylw n tbey lif ted t he coffin, I \\'n.lkc cl blil1cl [ ~' bphind them. I rem lll he t' tl1 l'll ill.L; a roll l1d nL ti l lond soun d of lD .'> A uu t's 11ig h-hce ls Oil the stune paying fwd not ic itl g tlle s ilk 'l1 hllt ·k sLuC' kings that g raef'fully co\'c l'ecl ber plump If'gs. \Vbc!1 they 1()\\'E~t'( ; d tbe ('oHin into the pit I could fe 1 lIot.h ing but a sagg ing in my belly, it \.\' :1,' :.1.' t l CHl <:>cr h 111".' sl' ll li nH,: nts ha d b('r.ll buri ed wit b :JIothcr. \\' llll til(' sonnd uf tbe soft \vet el1,rth on tbe bn[J()\\' \\'() () still in lJJy ears, I turn e(l around a,n d foll() \\ (' d my l llcl e to ",herev r 11 e ~ hould leR.d . Fr

LlJe now) " Slivers of Hope" Co ' pri gh t 1LN.J } 197'2


aud in Ill' ah~eLH>' hi: family order of lIac: beth.

is rr;urdered by

Ladv ~rabbeth, mnch disturbed in her mini!, w;llb in ber slpep, aml spt':lks again bel part in tlif' ('mIll' sill' has cOlllmitted. 'he dip:,. while :1 iorcl-', lel1 b~ Duncan" ":011 .:\Iakolm, aud wi til Eng Iish SIl pport. i· b(,SIl'gll1~' "\I:tl'beLlJ ',' ca~tle. The king realizl'!-. thllt hIS position is despemte. but,






he nnels that the witC'he!S word.: ha\ e <1~('eiwd him (for the forest doe ... S('l'lll to III< ye). And h· is l'ille,l in hand-tu-hand 1igbti!l!! b,v .\fa(·dIlIT (who f'ays that he \\as n(ll "hom of woman"). :"lalcplru tlWll he('ollles king of Scotland, ,Yilliilnl . 'hakeiipenr£>. \\ 110 W:.l,:-' b'Il'!1 in Britain, is (lne of t,hl' 1l10"'t fnltWHS piny writer:> in the world, Hi~ play bCt::lloe falll(lUs. bl:'CtLUSC he lBNl very !lH't\ words ill those play', 'Ibp)' were alsO famou" bel'a\l:-;e )f th' (·[r·yrr way ShakeRpeare [milt Lhe pint and adiolls togetlll'r. ~Iost falllolls of hi · plays, rup lli~ trag-<>oil'.,

HiB tragedief; werc~ 1111 abuut til battl bptwef'11 evi l pow>r and hlt/ua.Il' powers Tbh IS :1 summary of one of his be:;t tragedies called "Ma.cbeth",

But what makes a tourist? ViThat causes hiru to travel? For SOllie, its simply to "get a",ay from it alL" For othen~ it' · a visit tu relatives in foreign lands, tbe worship of the SlIn, or tll seareh for exotic, Two




JWLjor sLil!luli


travel are the tales

pturning fri ndR a.nd, even more th~ reading of good books and

zines; that offer the kind of wond erful nat ure we have it Imq, which is different from the same place where the tourists are living, Well written accounts of distant 1l1n ds can kIndle a wanderlust in the most conftrmed "stay at home" , often inspiring bim to pack hls bags and take off for the shi ning unknown. In other word all the Iraqis are asked to li>SUe a great i nLernatioual magazine in m a ny languages telli ng hat treasures we have h ere,

Two Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo, while ridlng bome after }1, victorious battle against an linLS of rebels, are met by three w'itches, These foretell that 1Incbeth shall be :1 kiug of Scotland and Banq uo the father of many kings . .Macbeth is strongly wtluenced by their words, and his vnfe gives him so much enco路路 urngelllent tbat hp iR persuaded to murder l1unl'Rll, the King of Scotland, while he is a guest at their castle.




}'lacbeth is now the most powerful man in th> klllgdom, and take::; the throne. But be feels his position unsure, and suspects those around him, tLis drives him to the murder of Banquo, who~c ghost baunt s him. For the second time, M Itcbeth sees he wltuiJes, who waru hill! against the noblem an "Jlncduff, but ne\ erthel .. persuade him to go on by telling him that "none of woman born" eRn harm him , a.nd that no one wi ll defea.t him 路(till Birnam Forest ('orne to Dunsinane." )Iacduif has meanwhile gone to England to help in collecting an army to figb t Macbeth



By Wayel EI-Jauanl


Tourism is a gia,nt industry capable of \lramatically tmnsforming a "have-not" na tion mto one of the "haves". To countries w bieb previously had httle to .. ell but sunshine and scenery , it has brought capital to develop '0 1 III ree and industry. To the to riRts t lenJ elves it bas brough t im路.reased k owledge a nd n. greater understanding of the hearts and minds of other me n and women. Iro

----+ Others sold wbitE' cheese or bread. The ground was muddy with a. 81111111 stream of se\Yage W(Lter making it. my down the lliiddle to\vards the n,t the bottom of the market. At the main fruiL shop Lbe owner sat beside his ha.lance wiLb bis mone:,' bag tied to his neck and a. doth in hi<; hand \\-ith which he swatted the pesting files over his fruit. There was a lot of ( t)1l11110tlOU in the mark t . A boy lIad stolen a f拢'w apples, but had been cauaht n.nd \路 i('iou~ly beaten in front of an excited crowd, each ol1e gi\'iug his view t'ither pitying the boy or urging the shop owner to beat him harder.

and probably their brother was among them. They stood there without blinking their eyes. The cavalary came nea.rer and passed hy. Anna waved her hand to the fiicer and shouted "Officer, Officer~! Is my brother coming?" She asked with tears in her eyr . . The officer turned and said' "Who is your brother~ , 'Jack Harris ib my brotber," replied ~ nna anxiously. The offIcer said, "He's not with us . You'd better ~o home than run thi risk". But they didn 't comply and resumed their waiting uncomplainingly. Thpy didn't W!lnt to return to their mother \vithout Jack. , he would tell them off, or might burst into tears. No, they'll keep waIting whatsoever. All the troops passed by, but their brother could not be seen . Night began to fall . The weather grew worse and worse and th e \ in d was blow ing tensely and bitterly . It blew fiercely from the west, from the battletield on whieb tbe falling snow was a shroud over Jack's grave forever.

Outside the but ehers' shopR, entrails, horns and heads of nlaugbtered a,nimals wrapped in their skins were iled IIp rcady for BRle or to be taken to th e tannery . Thollsq,nds of fl ies buzzed in circles over tile hlood - covered skins landing for a while t.ben takin g off sud den ly whenever they ~eused danger. A dog approached one of the shops on spotting a. bone in the hutcher's hand. He stood t here sta.ring at the butcher with bright questioning eyes wai ing anxiously for tbe bone to be thrown away. TIme passed. The air became cooler and the sun started to set in the horizon . Shop owners began to ('lose up one by one a8 it grew darker. rrhe number of people in the market place Rradually decreased. Everything was silent except for the engines and horns of pas sing cars and tile drone of a plane h igh up in the sky frorn time to time.

DELIVERANCE A fl aming dawn cracked magnificiently over the horizon tbinly illum inating t he world below. As I was waiting at tbe bus stop, I caught sight of him, a lone sullen figure sitting on the cold damp ground, his back against a wall. His bair was si lvery wh ite, short but th ick, depicting his old age. His hair giLve way to a deeply rooted p!:Lir of weary eyes. Under this, a hawk - like nORe drooped over two placid lips. Thinly scattered hairs grew on his point ed chin. A grimy shirt hid itself beneath a worn-out coat. His lon g legs, stretched out in front of biru, were clothed in a pat hed-up pair of t rousers extending t o his bare an kles. A pair of lace Ie' , d irty shoes covered his fe et. His eye ' fell upon a cigarette end. H e picked it up, placed it in h i pocket and r ose wearily. As I clim bed int o t h e bus, I heard a screech ing of ca.r brakes. I rem embered I saw bim crossing in front of the bus. T he shouts a,nd erie of t he passengers confirmed m y fears. Fate h ad played its p art. \'('\


Aktham Badl Sharif



by Faris Fathallah Shasha


Christmas was approaching, &nd the soldiers b 'gall t o return h ome af ter t he armist ice had bee n de ·lared . Mall Y soldiers w re in, on ly Jack hadn't COlll. His m oth er was ill at ease and quite re. tless. • he began t o fret and un happy t hough t s occupied her mi nd. S he asked all of his friends who had return ed , a nd a lmost all of them said t h e had een him up to the time of the battle , but lost sig ht of him afterwards.

T he sun was so hot t hat it could burn \ uman fl esh . An ol d crip pled m an was sitting tLgaiust a crumb led do\\'n mud wall, with his two cr Itchef; beside im , selli ng cigarettes out of ,LTl old wooden box. Here an d t here small boys in t h eir tripo d gowns ran around either pulling tL L their mother a bas or stealing some fruit :1 nd das hi ng away to pat it contentedly in some h iding plaee. The fishermen were busy brca.king ice , nel pia iog it over th e (lead fish in their barrow, The yogart se ller had just op n d his shop and soon had a rowd around him. Furtber in the market w men sat in groups in th e Rh adr chn.t ting a nd discussing the different pnce. of t he fru it an d vegetables.

She didn't lose h ope. Hue tried to console herself b ' saying that be would come soon as !'il e knew that soldiprs were sti ll com ing and t here would be pl enty of time ti ll Sunday afternoo n . On ,'unday m omin a , h went to the t:hurch \"itl! her two daughters, Anna a nd M ary, bought tall w cand le twcl liL t hem in front of She impl ored God all the icon at the altur. to bri 19 h er son safe an d h e returned h ome wiLh a ligh ter heart. S he bad her daughters to go and see w beLuer more troop ha,d arrived. /.Dna and Mary wa lked th rough the now - covered streets. T h . (';l,m e upon a soldier, as ked him about their brot her, but he kn w nothing about him. T hey c li mbed up a h ill on t ide their village, so t h at they coul d see the arri ving tro ops better, but the f~tllillg sn ~. affected their vision. Two soldiers all covered with SilO W a ppeared , but neither of them as their brother. ( illed th eir eyes to wards the road, T hey wai ting for some livi ng thing to appear. Th ey waited and waited. Suddenly th ey ran into some cavalary. Th ere ·w ere so many soldiers

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Class of 1971 Being :\ student at l -(lrthwe!>tern Universitv in Illinois and a former htll(ll'llt of Baghdad Oo'J1 gP., r was a,;k路cl to write n short pH.per to f'xpress my 111elllOries una fCl路jings concerning Bagbdad Ctllle~('. "\Yell. III1C thing I [tm positively sure of is, that I will never forget it, ldter" a.ll Low ,'au I fllrgC't th of the most interesting uncl j(l.dlll years of m,\' life? It ~[LS in Haglld:td CollE'gt~ Wbel'l I tirst got the ner.:lssary knowledgE' ana background lo 11f'lp me in continuing my higher dllrallon, aml aia me III facing !Lnd oYcr('rlllliug b路mi.sbip" in this foreign country. Bj knowlec1~e I do not mean just wbat I lcarn('d frOlu books and lectnres mside



A machine that makes man defy gravity Itnd fly. A pill to lJe t[Lken lnstead 01 food, A macbine that briIlg~ sonnd frOID the past. Tbe earth shines. But, walL a minute, what am I writing? Wh:tt:tm I exaggerating? No, T'1O not exaggera~ing, I'm saying ~he truth, the truth that wi 11 happen in the future. Let liS h~Lve a look Itl'ound us. The man is flying with the bird~ and Lwice faster than the !:lountl. But wusn't this fact a funny joke in the past'? A.rlllstrong p ut foot on t h e spherical HUl'fflCe of tile moon. \Vell, didn't people eO!lsider the moon ll~ a fi!1t, beautiful saU()er banged on a wall called tbo t;k.r and n o on e could go n,rouncl it? .\.ll these facts were considered to bA real exaggeration in the past, b ut they are hfLppcniug today. I have a strong feeling that tl1ey will happen, especially when I hl1ve reasons for this. For the fi rst one, the

Gabriel J. Shamsi

Language Laboratory superVIsor

Baah(hd College

becomes langiblr."., in('e most Lrrngunge Lnboratories are uased 011 the premise that the student reconls lIlugneticall,r both the "Illrrster" and his own reSpOlll:ie ' ::;0 tint he may play tbem back n.t once and repi iLl vel:'!", it is to be pondered


wh ther Ec1u('atiolJtLl Elcctrr nics in other areas of learninO" c mId not proY lde simdarly a way for tRngible progress, ollleLltilJg which the stndent auld hea,r ur ser--illllnediately-- a' in the LlLnglU1ge Laboratory to(ltLY. j.ll learning is :1 8y tew of eommunication, f.L network of the knwon alld tbe tlllkno\\ n. 'l'oiln.y'.. new electron i a l method:; offer !L greu,t cball enge a::; they open Lli once again tbe question of bow best to u'e nev,路 LLVeUUPR of te:w hing tLlld len,m ing for the. develop[Ll nt of every pupil. Perhapf' tbe 111 0~t higLdy pr ized rlirect by -product of Ec1l1C'[ltionn I Electron ics is both the actual I:Llll1 tilt: pi:\yeltOlogiecd (1' 'edom whiC'u provides The for hath the teacher:U1 tue stud nt. fonller is thereby freed from fear and bore am. Botb are t,h .1'(;'[01'8 psychological ly free to bring buck to the ~tudent-teache r rehttioll what they both origilially brongbt into it, but which has 80 often !'lince become lost ill th e present-day cOllventional methoc1s- -ind ivic1 ual creatiyity. And pe t'hap: that is \Yhat Olll' ducat ion and in d cd perhaps LlUt whole cult ure is oping for--the return of the indiyidua l and hi creativity.

By Yusuf Hann a 6A

1'y, my eyes, just cry Let the t ears bnm my cheek B leed , my heart , j usL bleed Let my blood leak and I ak For th at's n,ll wha,t's left to me .r ust Illy tea.l' and blood I n ow like a d ad tree With no fruit, or bud nconscious I am, thoug h awake An d d ad I am, t h ough I live Not h ing is left in life to take nd n ot bi lJ g is left in m e to give F or orrows bave been my destiny '1'0 th em I' v been a slave I n bi rLh , t hey were my crad le

And in death , t hey 'll be my grave



"Just the fw of us " . This phmse probfLbly describes the close l'elati om,h ip which tLt> student feels with h is te<~cher in the Ltltt~u~gl' Laboratory. It is ::l, pri\ atr, tntor lib> contact w hieh develops frC)ll J tIle exclllsi v ill Lcrc.l langt' between tue 'lllaster" (til!" t.earhC'l'-"live" OJ' "on tape") and tbe pupil. Supervision , c 11'r etion, eL '. is abo (loue Oll all iutliviclllni bll. es. remotely ntL l.L Lt'leplwne-type pri\'ate intercommunication lill e. The studenL feels free Lo 'peak up. A lolle with himself ?ud his 'private" ten.eber, tbe student does noL feul' tlw pm b!trrasSlllent of tJ is errol' and mispronuueiatirHl. His c1assTul1,tc' will Temaill igll ora.nt of bis prc,,;ent i IlH.deql1~cie路 because the) do not se" or h ar him--and because they are occupied witll tbelW5elves-'speaking up". The student participates contin u ously. In the Laboratory 't; electronic world, the titudeut can expres' bim elf f\.ctiYely and continuously-no matter how' huge or snuLll the class Ina路 be aDd how adequate or in acleq :l tl" he fe Is ill h is subject. Tbrough hiB hendph()ue~ the pupil is exposed tc what he is sllppospd to learo, an d he 18 isolated rom ",'hat he is llot supposed t o bear or obser,e--the disLrudiollS, tht! in tcl'rnptlOllS and error' of others iu the normal chs-


sroom procedure. And t.hroug h his mi ro phone the c tudeut gains a hit bert impossil, le opport~nity for co ntinued express ion a n d particI pat ion. It is in tll is n.ref1 of "parti ci r ation" (often synonymous with "rnotivaLlOD") wh ere one may bserve almo t a fecl i ng of relief and g m titude on the part of tbe b udont for be ing gi en thi s opportunity to be once agai n ~tn in div iduuJ , one who is penll itted t o speak UPI try , experi m e nt, and progress Oll bis own- -whi c h is con trary to our present trends toward m ass--ed ucation via mass-media, such as tele 'ision, fi lnls, ptc. --which allllO'::it im arin.bly require the st ndent to learn 111 a patlsive manner. ' .

The student ill ust . learn t o become an objective critic of h illl .elf. Since tb e student's laboratory aeti 'iLy i路 a. \ontinu ing process of compari ng the "master " wit h his own efforts , be m ust eYen tLUl lly I arn bow to be self-evaluFLtive. Tb is can apparently be d()lle, 1n lang uages, without IlIllch difficulty . I t l' main s to be exporilllented with h1 oth r area s of learn in oO' because his as pecL ma y become fL U importa nt clue LO\\,~1rc1 beLtf'l' quality (If ecl llGatio n in g ' n el'al. Immedi~Lt e ang ible res ni ts fo llow the stu(1ent's eff( rt --th 1'e i It trail of .'lgnpo t to lead the "edu ,ational Lr:w -' Ie r " on his journey. as Jt ba.s swe ll hee n summed up. " progress

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(sitting) Fa dhil Taissy. Thair Kh ammas. Jala l AI -Turalhy. Mr. AbdulRa hma n AI -Sammarai. Edwin Sham oon. Nameer Tawfiq . Muhiyid ee n Esmail. Wakkas Sa id. Ghassan Mahdi. Mic hael Sh any. Ala Abd ulAmeer. Ra id Salim . Ameer Ab dulAmeer. Thamir AbdulAmeer Faris AI- Hashi mi . Muhann ed AI -Chalebl . Hussain Ali. Fa ris Ahm ed. Bay an Hamza. Shukur Muhammad. Kadhu m Sa mi. Amanj AI-l afF Salam Gha nim . Yo usif Ajjo. Muhammad Fakhri . Wa lee d Munee r, Abdul Ka re em Hameed, Am ir Najeeb, Shwad Ahmed Ba ban . Nabeel Ka ma l, Ali Ab dul Kadlr. Mu stafa AI-G ail an i. Mudhaffar AI-Mu da lal. Arif Halebi. Tameem Halabi

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'rom Lef' to Right: First Row ' (sitting) Muhammad Hussain Fadhd Thakwan Taha. Mustafa Shakir, Mr. Zaki AI-Qaissy. Faiz Akram. lamail Hashim. Mushriq. Muhammad Second Row . Yasir Taha. Nameer Nassori. Wameedh Shak!r. Saad Shawkat, Ahmed Muhammad. Majeed. Ali AI-Amir Abbas. Nahidh Salin" Sabah Nori . Saad Elariyon Third Row Rafid Joseph Naheel Sa eem. Usama Jasim . Samir Sam" Ahmed Thab,t, Fareed Joner t3asil Ali Ehsan. Abdul Kareem Jawad . Fourth Row' Mahmood Aladdeen, Mahmood Shakir. All AbdulAziz. Basil AI·Naqeeb Ghalib Farook, Peter Admon . Hisham Adnan, Rabee Nayif.

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Jl, , .)k-..

From Le ft to Righ t First

Row :

Second Row : Third


Fourth Row: Fifth


(sitting) Muhanne d You sif . Azad AI -Talebany, Leonard Baba, Mrs. Muna Ismael , Ismael Nabeel Abd ulGhany , Wail AI-Sham ma. Anmar Mu hamm ad . Riadh Ja eel. Iyad Ebraheem , Ah me d Ka mel, Faris Muhammad , Jama l Ibraheem . Raid Ha meed , Jehad Rafaat Sirry , Sala Muhammad, Sab ah Matloob . Ala AbdulLatee f Hussain . Muhammed Munthi r Areem , Imad Ahmed, Amir Hlkm ar, Muhammad Burhan: Sa ad Shakir Jasim Muhammad Ali Basil Ghazi, Iyad Hashim , Muthabir Jamal AIAlo osy. Wadhah Ahm ed Dawood . Ba sil AbdulGhafoor, Saad Jamee l. Muh amm ad Isam, Ham eed Hassan, Jennan Lutfy,


, ~ 1 41 ~ ~I , ~~ J..J. .j"';1

'J:i" ~ ~ ~\_l


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~ r-..I_, J..J. ~t. ~I), ~.L...,..; ~l) • ~1.r.1 ~..JI [)L. ~I) i .j1,l.J1 ""!~;'r."


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. ~;~Cl,..,J ,~t.JI;"'~~.~ ...,..~)j ,~I )~I~


From Left to Rig ht (sitt ing) Raqi m Ha shi m, AbdulWahab Ghazi , Ma jid Muhammad. Mr. Jameel Sa leem, Feras 1'1 ham mad, Raid Salahudeen, Umar Karreny. Second Row : LatiF Mufe ed , Jose ph Afram, Ghazwan Yun is, Wad hah Muhammad, Nazar Yai<:oob, Ismai l Yuni s, Ahmed Hate m. Third Row: Ali AbdulRahman, Muha mmad Maath ee dy, Shami l Halab oo, Jwameer Jalal. Naj im AIKhatteeb, Sabah Mahdi Anees Abdullah Fourth Row: Nafeel Sabeeh. Muhanlmad Gallan , Ali Mahmood, Raid Naama. Ash ra F Aloofa. Khali d Abood. Sadeem Majeed Fifth Row : Usam a Kafil Hussain, Fawa z Ra my. Bassam Victor, Ghassan AI-Aloosy, Ali Hamood. Basil Saleem, Thabi t Numaan..



~Ir. Yousif Said

..l:-'-" ....... }! ~I

Mrs. Les lie AI-Daud

~rr. Fllad Saeed

Mr. NabiIFrancis

;'JLJ! J~ .~I

..l.:- ;,1;; ~I ~)J~ ~I

Mr. Na16rn Ratto Mr. Gibrael Sbamsi

Mr. Sami Ghazala路b ~I.J 'f"L.l.;-l1 Mr. Michael Jam et

~~ ~I




." 7


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. elL:. ...IJ. ~b...:u ~:•., , u:..ll1 .,r rp..l~ )v.~ ·I.,b. JI J~ ~ r-" ,t..,; .;..A


From left to Right First Row: (sitting) . Luay Alakassab, Halder Abdul jabbar. Kanan. ,AI -H asani, Mrs . Lesl ie Oawo od. Wa meidh Mustafa.Thame rHadad. Haider Rao F. Second Row: Akram Abood , Shant Ha mamah . Ala Alkahfi. Ah me d Sh ibly, Ahmed AI- Tabackchaly keel Kadim . Fa Ih Hazim, Ali Zaid. Thi rd Row: Samer Rassam , Oara Fatohi , Saad Az.iz, Abdul Naser Fa lah , Hussain Ala , Na bil Sal ihi , Hosh iar Abdul Ha k:m Fourth Row: Ha ith am Hanna, Fatih Madhat. Ra id AI rahmany, Fira s Aldouri , ami r Toma , La ith Bahia , Tarik Ja wad . Row: Taha Yassin, Thikwan Muhammad, Dhafir Behman. Raid Anton. Saad AI-Adhamy. Fifth

..l_~ J~ • r:>::L! jc J"~ , l}!';~:) JA · yk_~ ~L. .ltd . ,-:",kAl l u:..ul .~~ i jt · oll ;; .4>-1 r:",I.1. 1 • l$)j..1l 1 v.: ... ~ ('JL , ~j')k. v.:--~ )yi i ) l - . )A...I.;w ~'~)j ..lJl .);-~ e:1L. • L:.. )I~ J.:lt.... 'J')\j)~

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2 • A'







r'.J..? ~ · Jj}11

From Left to Right First


Second Row : Third




(Sitting) Sati AI-Duri, Ibra him Ahmad , Fari s Fadhil , Mr. Yacub Yusuf, Nabil Albert, Saad Lut fi , Salam AI- Duri. Haitham A- Masseeh , Haitham A-Karim , Basil Ali, Nameer A-Amir, Ali Mahdi, Wisam AI-Baldawi, Gh alib A-Karim, Sadiq Jafar . Basi l Faraj, Ammar Faris, Salam Allawi , La beed Qadi, Aiad Sami , Jafar Sadiq, A- Am ir Kamal. Akram Baha , Said Najib, Munthir Albert, Ghassan Naj i, Faris Burhan, Falah Salih .

~ J-~ I ~I

, ~) J~ .4_,

J.:..\; J-~ , ) ...:a} V-~.J":" .d~

v-i.JJJ c"s.. t...

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0'.,lj U jJ.J '

'-'.~ I..i~ ~-~ ,~..!.~ I J-:-... ,;.,.:;.. u->- , ~

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J". J~ Jo'bt..

0)\....!- , ~ I t! J(J I..w; 0~

J.l~ ~ , Jti,'il ~\..r.1 i~' 01..1... ~~, t!~I..w; ,tJ.J_}il

J Jr r>l:J I .l~ ,41..w;

flo . J::---:o:- .J2'")/I..l..f' ~.Jlt, ~~1 U!..1J\ 0\".1 ..r.Jt!. i'''; J~\~.. 0~, ~I j\ 'i..l~ '"'~ , ~J.I ..w;

,J:r';~ u.. J~ y,~ . t:"'1.J~ \ ..J6:- ~J • 'iJJ;I...\



J\" r" · JL.lI ~ ..1! ~ , J" ~1 J:L.:- '-;-".... , ~t;

From Left to Right First


Second Row: Third


Fourth Row:

(Sitting) Anan Michael , Ba~il Fadhil , Al i Sadiq , Mr . Gabriel Shamsi, Safwan AI-Masraf, Ibrahim Daud, Ali AI-Iraq i Riadh Lawrence, A-Nas ir AI-Asad i, Shalan AI -Astorabadi , Saad Namir, Sabah Nccr, Sulaiman A-Ka rim , Karim wadi . Ara Aram , Hussain Namir, Walid ' Khalid , Ath ir Jurjee s, Musab Khalil, Ali Mahdi, Mudhaffar Badie , Isam Ibrahim, Ba sil Mikha . Faris A-Amir, Ha ssan Muhammad , Mahir Mah ir, A-Az iz Shwan , Yacub Yu suf, Ahmad Rashid , Robert Zawin .

' r } 0 1,k...IA-1 r:L )'l! ~L.l • ,-:"I..~ l ~1J. l.4>- 1 ............TJ)~ u..-l rJI J.::J,r. J:.S J,j). 0!..l)liL~ r:A1J. 1)..l.:~ ' ~ ~ I J.I J~, ~;..Jl~ J:JL... ~. ~ J"lJ. . .:"L...; J.,- J:r-' v-l:J 1'-:"~ i::>l-. J.,~I J ..~ i::>l- , 0"1 ~L. J..a ~)..t:J l ~I J"L.. , l!l! J-:--l J..-~ '<.$j\i ~ , J l



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i'ft )\t, ~,I)1


r:L .jJ~' ~..:..f

(~~. J...f !l)~

,~l ,-:"I..~I~ ~ ~. ~I ~ ~~ .J.~., -?,I;J I JI~ ~ , ~li,'J1 )';1 ~,~~ . ~:JJf' ~ • ~Jj J:.o:- C~ • ('"!f ~ 4 '

from left to First


Second Row: Third

Ro w:


Row :


IJj\i, ~


(Sitting ) : Muhammad .l\1 -Azzawi, Jafar $adiq , Haidar Ibrahim, tv1rs . Sharon AI-Khalisi , Muhammad Ali A-Wahab, Mazin Abbass , Awf AI-Rawi. Muhamma d Nas ir, Salam Yacub, Suhail Cyril, Alan Will iam , Mazin Mahmud , Jamal Ibrahim , Naseer Jamil, Faiz Ali. Bas il Amille, Ahmad AI-Wahal, Asad Alwan, Salam Kamil, Samir Ameen, Amir Bismark , Muhan na d Mustafa . Razzaq Kameel , Sarmad Sami, Najah Jamii , A~if Arif, Muhammad AI-Awqati , Muthanna Derwish, Zeki Akram, Ali Salah.

~)~, .J~lj ,

.A -:'r:- -~ ~~

' r: .Jt) J:",l.-I )~I ,.......,l...Y.. 01,I.Y ..l4~1 'y"\-

,",",,4...: ~ Jj Ji;), '-i,-::k- ,)I~ ~ ~ IJ

-4.~\ i)l .... , '-i ,) , :l:-l ~

...IA.... ,

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..l_ ... ~1 ,)..l~ r-:.;S::JI..l:" ,-;-,,:.:ll

~) ~::l ..l;'IJ' yA,,:,JIl,;>1u:. )J:~ , ,:?.r._.:a::Ll 0-'..1-,-""

0-~ 0l....!.. ~ 1"'" 'y; ~ -%-~ L. , If:~)~ ~ ~L.. , I:,,;. (')I_JI..l:"

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'-i.J. r.. , "'.:..) 0:..01 C)l~





From Left to Right:




(sitting) Salam Ahmad. Harith Sadun , Sirbest Uthman, Mr. Hamza Sharba , Satie Jalal. Muthanna Khalid . Ala Sadun .

Second Row:

Falah Salahidd in, Al i Yahya . Raid Allawi, Rashid Mirza .

Mustafa Hassan.

Ansar Ismail.

Haidar Ali.



Zahir A-Salam . Munjid Salahiddin . Mahdi Sharillaslam . Qais AI-Alusi. Aid Nai m. Raghad Sattam .



Ahmad Sami. Saad Hakki . Muhammad Zainy . Muhammad Shafiq. Adib Karim. Hussain, Laith Mahml.Jd.

AhmCld Alwan. SCllim


Fr. Francis Dakkgk Jti.) ~) y~'

Mr. Yaco ub Yousif

Mr. Naser Toqtaq Mr. Kamal Taqtaq

u..y" y~ ~t

Jl.Ul.. r'~ ~I JlUk JLS ~I 'Yl r. J amll Salim }lr. Dhia MuLiddin

0~..u1-/".~ ~ I

Mr. Selm an l\I. Hasan ..:.r-- ~uL..L ~I )1r. Zeki Mekki , 00

j" ;



0+'J ' ~.J J..l!. JL..; ~ , \.f} jl\ i J l ..4>-1, J ly:..)l ijl:.- ~i , ~ ~)~I-I~ .jL~1

'lj_...J..1 ~

, .&I..L." .J.:> Wl.u -I".J ' }!Jl -..A: L J~ L-"'J ' 'i~ 1 ~.:> \~I~ .j\..1.,.. ,

;t J~I~ i)l.,

J...;JI~ ~ '...s":" f. )pi

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r ' -4>-1 -I1I~ , ~..L.-'11J~ .jl ~ , 0)~ ~ ,~

i)'1 r-li ,~I~ u- )I~ J y , ,L:JI J:...:.:- ~ , ~-~ ~ J:7' ,u,..Yo .)I,bl J~ ' \f-l.- ~1 ~~ J~ ,J.... \; ~~ ~ , -.ri Yo [t:.. .r"'~ ~ , ~I~ ~ u;lA. • ~~ J5'6' J..J.

From left to Righ t First


Second Row : Third

Row :

Fo urt h Row: Fifth


(Sitting): Ihsan A-Hadi, Safa Mahmud , Inmar Sham ii, Mr. Kamal Taqtaq, Yahya Nasir, Basam Talaat, A-Latif Fuad . Salam Gabra il, Nam ir Jamii, La ith Mahdi, Salam Jas im, Gibran Khalil , Kasim Akram , Omar AI-Bas sam, Maj id Mnnth ir, Hatif Habib. Awf AI-RClw i, Ayman AI-Hassani, Sumer Hanna , Namir Kaf iltlussain, Khalid Ahmad, Mun sif Nafi , Ahmad AI-Witri. Nabil Antwan , Ahmad Hazim, Zain AI-Umar. Ima d Georgi, Ali Sadiq , Mahmud Adib. Rajeh Muhammad, Nabil Nadhim.


Ge orge ,


AI-Bassam , Nail

Naj i,




I.$~ ' rl_J\ J~ 'I.$?-' J.:llAJ\~.J...J...d ''-:-'~ r:~\.i\ ..., , J,.....\~.

~lj ..1~..J' 1.$,,1


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..1A.oM' JJ ...

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j:; , rrL 0J., ":;;.J~ JJ ' .J.~ I.e....,.. ~

~.J(J\J.~ , J!~.i f:!':; ~\J.~ , 1.$:;,; 0..'->- 04>- )I..I~ ,~1.L..C V"~ ,-",)\.; ":".J.,..a; ,





Jl! ~




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l J.J.-;>- ,,:.L~\ ~

_I.:f; J I ,-;-":A;Jl ..:...",lb

j~l.J~L.o.b. )"~:... uL!. J!"'-'

-F'.l:J\ J~>- ~ 'Jl.J~1I 0:- ..I4~'~

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.4 ..r-?..Jt.:. ~J ' I.$J.J, (~il..J Jl!..;l..l J~ ~

.J1;.. J


r.J 1b '-'"


From Left to Right First


Second Row: Third


Fourth Row: Eifth


(Sitting). Fadhil Abbas, Rasheed Mirza, Ahmad Khalld, Mr. Naim Kitto. Aenas Ibrahim, Firas Hassu, Muhammad A-Ghafur. Nasra t Butrus, Blind Armaghani. Robert Wilson, Wisam Hindi, Jerey AI-Samer, Ragheed Butru5, Ala AI-Bah rani , Faris Abbass. Zeki Tawer, Hamdi Ali, Samlr Shab, Emilie Zia, Taha Sulaiman, Walid Khal id, A-Ruhman Hussain . Mustafa Ai -Janabi , Abdullah Zuh air, Ha itham AI -Khashali, Raid Emmanuel. Raa d Talaat, A-Karim Sadlq, Air Shakir, Muhammad Issa. Al i AI -Alusi, Raid George, Sa rmad Ibrahim, Haidar Jawa d, Saad Nafi. Haidar Ahmad .

1fr. Sabri Mansor J~ ~f:J'

Mr s. M.una I smail


Mrs. Sharon AI-Khalisi ~\;1.1 ~~ ; ~I

~l-l ~ ; ~I

Mr. Adel 8 h1Lmani

j~l J~k ~I

:Ylr. Abdul Rah man AI-Sal ao m i ,u1 ..:r> )l..l~ ..I:-lI

Mr. Muayyad A-A'limma

J" .:>\ J~ J... \~ , ,...:1 . .l ~.riJ\ .:>ld ' ) .;JI ...l-? '-7"~.:>t , ..kG..11 ('": }JI...l~ ..4.;>-\ , 0~) ~ J: ('":~l_/ 1 r:>J.- -?...It'' i)l... ,)\k.,.J ~,->- i)l.. '-:-:~~ -?.f-:-..::J .1.-' ) j:..l...2l1 .4~ 0 J i;. , ~~ J" ~-.>- ..,.J J!

~j J~ , r


..l...? ,


. if yk


.:> \y J~~ J~ , .:>~ JL J:~


ciA" JAb , ~...:z.. J.:o:- l.. ...l..~ , -,?}~.,l\ ~l -짜 (짜 J.~ J~

'-'?.:>l:--1I ~~ .r.:>L ' t:>- ) l ~

From Left to Right First Row: (Si tting) Nai 'l Ar man Behoshi, Husain Ali Ghalib, Salam Mahdi AI-Hakim, Mr. Sabri Manso ur. Khal doun Muhammad AI-Seddiq, Ibrahim Younis Rashan, Iyad Alfraid Laso. Second Row:


Row :




\ 0'\


.:>1 j':" -?) J-;"':" .).~ 4 -?' \yJ' 0-> ()\; 'ilk..- \~}' j if') , y-4.!.l1 ...l.o.>-1 V'".;Ii ,0~ .......i..- ~ ; 11

r' J(J I..l~ r'~ '.f-"'''J 01..) JL , JY-:.Jl J!)~'" -,?,l)l



Ahmad Abdul-Ka rim, AI- Mashat, Robert Shukr i, Habib, Faris .A.hmad AI-Shams;. Naser Abd ul ,Kari m Abdul-Rahim, Hilal Mi khail Awad, Muhan;lad Rafiq AI-Ghailani, Adib Majid Qazzaz. Fa it Yousif Sima'an, jalal Zaya Pa ulus, Mudha ffa r Muf!eh AI-Rawi, Muhammad jabbouri jawad, Basil j wad Al i, Firas Zekeriya Sta rn , 'IIVa' ad Butros . Muhammad Abdullah AI-Mousawi, Naser Kadh lm Abadi, Salarn Ha san AI ar, Nabil Kamel Aja j. Fala h Hasan AI- Azzawi. Nabl Na 'il Mahm oud Muhammad Mai id Mustafa.

\Ir. Baqer AI-Khnlili ~l}~-L;-ll

:'11'. ' Yn. lid Sh ih a b A nbc r

~ y~ ..I~j ~ I

)I1'. ~1aJid Kamil Ab u-Tb iklt ~y'l JA~ ~l.a ~ 1

M r. A-Hamza Sharbah ~.r! 0 ;.J.l ~ ..I:-l1 Mr. Said Hamid AJ -Tau'

J\WI ~~ ~l

\lr. TIll salIl Abu-A I-Fatib ~I .f.\ ~ ~,

Mr. F aiz AI-Bayrakdar )..a~ ') lt ..I:-l' \ "\


J -,,,, ' Jlj)l~ J.J J\...:>:- ,~-.,]':JI .) ~ ...L..~I ')..1:> Je ~L~l ,.j1.;..J 1 ';; r.':}.-P, ';-~J.J.LW, 'JWo ~r. ..b ..... 'JlrUI ..14:>-1 ~)' Ul>- ilf~ jAl) , J~ J~ LI.) , ~ j-Pt; ~ ,t-lall L-.)~



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J:!) .J..J. , ~ )"" .....4~j ,o:- ...r~ ~, J~.,]I '-:'":::>" ~~ , ')J b ~~ If~ ' ~~I 0:..1)1.;; 'r.:-...r;>:- j":'J:~ J 't.$J':-'i' ,::...) y.楼,.J..J. )UIJ:" 0"" , k- JJ1 jib f J,1i.- , dL, ui:k1)\ ~ ~ , t.$.J. ... ~ ~\

3D i \


~-,:".J I

From Left to Right Fi rst

Row :

(Sitting) Muhammad Rafiq AI-Saidy. Sa'ad Bahjat Ghassa li, Muhannad Shawkat Sabri . Mr. Saml Ghazalah , Uthman Abdul-Wahab. Safa' Muhammad Wasfi . Hasa nain Fadhel Muallah . Second Row: Faris Izzeddin AI路Khairo. Joni Wadi' AI-Sayegh. Oais Kli man Daud, Muhammad Salem AI路Ahmadi Dana Jama l Jalal, Luay Habib AI-Wakil, Muhammad Abdullatif Saleh Third Row: Ihsan Ali Haider. Loui s Joseph Jearge. Wahid Jerjis Seebo, Mudher Muzher AI-Dujaili. Ghaleb Ah mad Ab u- Amarah . Imad Korkis Arabo, Ghassan Faraj Hanna . Fourth Row: Ala ' Younis Shahin. Salah Taqi AI-Sarraf, Jamal Muhammad Abdul.Razzaq Rabi路 Ahmad AI-Samerrai'. Maan Abdul- Sattar Muhammad. Ra mez Behnam Khalaf. Ahmad Mahmou d AI-Alousi.

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From Left to Right First


Second Row: Third


Fourth Row: Fifth


( ~i tt i n g)

Hasan Abdul lah Kubbah, Selwan Saeed, Samir Oeryaqos Jeorge, Mr. Nasir Ta qtaq, Jaafar Sadiq AI-H il ali Wisan Salim Razzcqi, Imad Sadiq AI-Temimi , Yousi f Fili x Jerji, Maz in No el , Lawran ce, Robert Lazar, Samim Salim AbddlAhad , Warzir Fatta h Saeed ,Luay Fathalla AI-Kho uri, Selam Mufid Oasir. Raad Hadi AI -Sarra f, Muda mmad Husain Hamza , Raid Abdul-Rahim Sharif, Isam Ibrah im Faraj, AbdulAha d Farid , Umar AbdulRahman AI -Oaysi, Yousif Faraj S3bbagh, Basel Saad AI-Dab bagh, Za hair Khalil Shhada , Layth Stanly Simsen, Ahme d Abdu lla h AI-Umari. Ahmad AbdulKarim AI-NeJim, Aqil Faysal AI-Naq ib, Jamil Nadim Hafidh, Saad Ahmad Nase r,



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From Left to Right First


Second Row: Third


Fourth Row: Fifth




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(Sitting) Salam Sulayman AI-Umar路, Sabiq Jamli Mahmoud. Muhammad Jauad Ali , Mr. Abd ulghani AI-Ubaidy. Safwan Abdu lhameed Saafan, Muthanna Abdulrazzaq Sh hab, Luay Abbas AI-Jassani . Halim Abdullah Aziz, Nab,! Nafi Hanoudi, Qals Aliksan Shasha, Luay Salim Abbo , Sabah Murtdha Isa, Zeki Jamil AI-AlawI, Amrou Abdullah Aloufa. Fakhir Muhammad Hashim, Ghazwan Salah Tahsin, Rasel Abdulmasih II Iya Muayad Sadlq Mansour, Ali Abd ulrazzaq abdulghani, John Robert Monro . Mahmoud Salim AI-Gailani. Sadiq Jaafar AI路Haydary, Muhammad Abd ulrazzaq AI路Khat lb , Harith Aziz Abdulahad, udhar Muhammad Abdullah, Raja Yacoub Ans tas. As bit Ashoud Sayad. Ham Wasf; Muhammad Al l. Amer Salman M-Khashali , Haz im Sadiq AI- Kha lill, Munaf Sahib Hadi.

Jb , )k..J1 r:JS::JI~ ,.J\~~ , J~I J~::o:- )A; J..l ~~I~ .l;), ':?)~ .)I.;~ .l~J' JJ..i..Jlu. .JA lJ., ...1.0. ... ,

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Fro m Left to Right Row: (Sitting) Sa'ad Faraj AI·Saleh , Hassan Abdul·Karim AI-Attar, Ahmad Daud AI -Ali, Mr, First Baqer AI-Khalili, Muhammad Jasim Hammoudi, Ra'ad Taher Abdul-Ghafour, Ali Yousif Muhammad Jawad, Second Row: Zayd Abdul-Amir Mustafa, Durayd Musa Razzoqi, Wisam Fuad Zekko, Tal iq Fadhel Ja'afer, Nabil Wahid Muhammed , Semir Znad Derwash, Sa'ad Hamid Jasim , Row: Mahir Jihad Abdul-Majid , Ashur Wilson Shamoun, Zayd Yousif AI-Qadhi , Sermad Third Muhmmad AI-Kind i, Sa 'ad Saleh Mahsoub, Eyzenhawar Jamil AI-Najjar, Fourth Row: Dani Muker Daniel, Mazin Sami Yousif, Mishil Jan Faraj. Ra'ad Fuad Nari , Raid Abdul Ra zzaq Abdul-Qader , Fifth Row: Muhammad Dhia Abdul -Wahab , Ahmad Tariq Halet, Sa' ad Hashim Hasan , Muhammad Jamal AI-Dujaili ,


u- ' .)J~ll )..!.J , ~ iLl, ()f':'" ... L.l , ~ ~t J~' ..I~I~ 0~..ul.)l.., J~.~':)~)~ ~,-, ,=,l~1 J....ul U:--' .&1~ ~IJL, .)~..u..., Jtbll ~ • ...:.~~I ~.r¥ . J,>:- ...r:-' ) , ..1.4;" LT)\!' 1"':1- ~li ; §L:. J\....; • ...r;'~ .)\....; • y,)~ .)lr. , I:?~I .l:i). . . -.A-,:, .J....>. r-~' .J:!; iLJ . L..... ~;~ , jl.J.. UI J j • .J~I.lf' ...:r-- ' r-:L ')Jb ..,..l.. ~ .1.0.... ,

J:t- ...u... , <"::'->:<t! c::- ' .j f.--. .;,OL



From LeU to Right : First Row : (sitting) : Bashar AI- Yawar. Maan A- Majid. Sa ad Suh ail. Mr Salt! Dawood , Ali AIKhudh airi, Sel wan Abdullah . Laith Jami!. Sec o nd Row : Aladdin Nasir. Simon Kivorkia n. Imad Hermaz Ghalib alim. Gilbert Albert. Wisam Ma jid. Samir Ma sko i. Third Row : Basam Bash.r. Franc s J'-Il e s. Imad Unis, azar AI -Samarra , Sa ad AI-Tai, Ahmad Yahya Fourth Row : Mahlr Daud . Faris Khudhi r. Dhia Jamil , aSlb Hanna Saad Mahmud, Hasan Mahdi . Fift h Row : Sam; Bah ja t Haitham Muhammad. Saifaddin AI-Alusi. Usama George Amar Shakir, Yusuf Khazakia ,


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.4>-i r- J ' ~ ~ , ~1 ~

From Left to Right

(sitting)' Ghassan Bahjat, Fawaz Anwa r, Aqil Muhammad, Mr Yahyah Wahiedden , Saad AI -Hajjar. Jamal Surin, Nabil Elia . Adnan AI-Mudallal, Imad Ja zra wi, Raad Butrus, Second Row: Hagop Papazian, Imad A-Razzaq. Usama Farai , Ahmad Zayni Third Row: Waleed Romaya, Basil Yusuf, Sala m Tawfiq, Mah ud A-Salam, Raid Amin , Maji d Ka il. Fourth Row: Herair Sayad. Mazin Elias, Yohan Peter, Wasim Ahmad, Qutayba AI- Mahdawi, Badri Husain . Fifth Basil AI-Awqat i. Nam ir Amso. Ziad Sal ih, Jo nny Sami. Row




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.J..J. ,

Jl' l ~

From Left to Right First Row: (S itting) • Faiz AI -Maqads i, Ali Hu sain. DilUd Rassam , Mr. A- AI-Gabbar Juda, Aisar Habib , Maram Zakko, Rafi Aram. Second ow: Adnan Hash im, Saad Abbawi, Saman Ma jid, Aisar AI-Hassani, Wisam Shamun , Qusai Kamal, Husam Hassa n. Third Row: Mahir A-Allah, Aladdin Ka ram , Bas il AI -Uba idi, Namir Yusuf, Faris AI-Qadhi , Ahmad Abdull ah. Fourth Row: Thana Mahm ud . Ali Ahmad Yasin AI- Khudhairi: Mazin A, Amir: Ali Fa khri Ir nad Yasin. Fifth Row: Mahdi AI-Ahmar: Muham mad AI-Astrabadi : Bahmen Bakhtiyar.


U:A.J ' J.:O'II ..If' "';1.J' }J.-1 ...;1.J '

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From Left to Right First Row : (Sitting ) Majl AI-Hassani : Rah lf A!-Tawil: Yousif Bahoshi: Mr . Sami Butti : Mustafa Bahjat. Luay Loga : Samir Rassam : Second Row: Ali ussain: Hussain Khalid: Sinan ulaiman: Zahir AI·Qassab Ali AI -~ a mda n i Khaldun Salim: Ghadir Kachachi : Nabll Said. Third Row: Raid AI·lumaili: Lalth AI -Azzawi: Riadh Gh3mm : Ohan Ohannesian· Wadhah A ~ Qa dir: DhaFi r Yousif: Yousif Barioni: Muhammed Sulaiman, Sadiq Mahdio Fourth Row: Fawaz AI·Khori: laid A_ Majid: Habib AI -Khori: Saad Farid: Iyad Lawrence: Said AI -Janabl. Fifth Row: Laith AI-HaS$an : Raoid A_ Amir: Mustafil Ahsan : Samir Said: Muhannad Sahii'a .

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From leff to Right: Row: (Sitting). Faris Sadiq, Luay Edward , MuaffaCl AI-Biati . Mr Magid Kamil. Gazi Usama Yunis. Jamal AI-Khudairi Second Row: Nasir A-Salam , Philip Hannawi, Nufal AI-Damaluji Ala Isa, Laith Tema. Muhammad AI-Izzi. Nabil Butres Third Row: Saad Tajaadln, Namir Hamdi, lmad Michael, Farid Yasln, Wisam Sam;, Saad Rasam, Sinan Jamil. Robert Kello. Fourth Row: Akif AI-Alusi. Ihsan AI-Malih. Muh~mmad Baqir Ziad AI-Rawi, Kadhim Mahdl , Uma r Faruq AI·Damalull, Saad Juma. fifth Row Nauras Baban. Faiz AI .Qassab, Faiz AI-Sabbagh. Iyad Asad . Adib A-Ghafur . Imad MahdL



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. :, jl:i · ~Ifl.'."" ) j • Jl!. .) ~

From Left to Right First


Second Row: Third


Fourth Row:






J.J. • ()tt J.J.

(sitting) Ghassa n Abid, Shamal AI-Mufti , 15am Na jim , Mr A. Rahim AI-Zaka, Mu ham mad Yahya, Laith Ahmad, Amar Yahya , Muhammad Falah , Mazin Riadh , Majid Ra shid, Niaz Ali, Ahmad Dhia, Salah Abboud, Luay Askar, Faris Arif Anis Jasim. Muhammad AI- Dubaisi . Charles Hal abu , Sina A. Wahab , Ara Kegham Nazar Jib rail , Laith Kamil. Constantin Splros, Maladh Naim , Mahm ud Shakir. Sa bir Manu. /yad Abu-Timma n, Robert Antran ik. Tariq Albert. (Absent: Imad Dhahi)

1)1'. S111,11i _-\k\.zzuwi

-i~I..rJ1 y>t.;JÂť,5 JJI

Dr. A-.\mir AI-Qazzaz ,;I;AlI.r.:"'il~ )J-5.J.J1

Ur. A-AI-R ahim AI- Z ak b

~ lr .




:'I1'. A-A l-.Ja bbar J awunJl .,) Y - )~ l~ ~ \

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c IV.,..

From Left to Right First


Second Third Fourth Fifth

Row: Row : Row : Row:

(sitting): Stanley Paulus, Laitb AI-Musa, Namlr Hasan , Mr. Mun ir AI·Ani, Said AIBasri , Nafi AI-Masraf, Sal im Hassoun. Al i Hamid , Saad AI . Nafi, Sherdil Muhammad , Tariq Ziad, Yusuf Franci s, Nadir Ali. Muhammad AI·Baghdad i, Nasir Harjan, La ith Ka lian, Sami Basho uri, Sudad Jibran. Ali A Kar im, Imad Sad iq, Al i Rahmatalla h, Sad ir Jibra, Suha il Kandeleft . Saad Yunis . Amid Nadh im, Salam AI-Ahmar, Muhammad Sadraddin , Salim Amin. (Abse nt: Wayil AI.Jassani).


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, 0~ .r:- t; .j ~ , ..l_~ CYI~ )L...,jl , ~1 , ~I , ~ ,\...~ ,~\A; 0:..J1 ,W . ~~I 0L,..1.0lL j ..


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I 'r..LJ. , Jilt):> ~ . 01~ 1 ~.:" ~1..l.}" I.:, ...... Ji ' ~ . I_

From left to ~Ight: First

(si tting): Muhammad ai -Salman, Sabih Muhammad, Imaddi al -Nakk3sh Mr. Salman Muhmmad Hassan, AI Khaki , Fail Isma I, Ran1Zl Shukri Second Row: Asaf Fadhil Burhen Hanna , Hassan Sa lman , Add Lasso , La:th Toqatll , IMad Basmachl, Basim Daud. Third Row: Ihsan AI-Mashahdi, Amir AI -Khudhairi, Fail Mettl , Nazar Abdulnur , Con stant;n Yonan, Iyad Amj3d , Toni M,rza . Fo u rth Row : Gabi libra\. Ham di A. Fattah. Izdlha r A. h ad , Faris AI- Safi. Sabi Muhammad. Sad lq al-Baqlr Fifth Row: Johnny Tajlrian , Thami Hanna , Fa.sal al -Dujai li. Ahmad Tahan, Za.d AI- Sha waf (A bse nt) Walid Amln,



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..J.,J., ..> ..l:... 0';\..

From left to Right First


Second Row: Third Row: Fou rth Row: Fifth Row


' ...r!r

(sitti ng ) : Munah Tarzi, Zaid Abbau di , Al i AI -Ali. Mr . JaHar AI-Zubaidi , I..nad AI-Sha lji, Sa ir Ma tlou , Sam i Halim . Husa in Bahaiya. Aktam Ba oi. Ale xander Sark is, Samir Attar, Riadh AI-Jab', Ba nan Naj i, Ghassan Ma h 1m d AI-Safi, Maz in Mundhi , Aza Jamal, Haidar Mahd' Iman AI-Janab i, IVluwaffaq AI- Izzi . Ara Sima ian, Muhaima n Jamil, Ja fa r AI-Pachachi, Riadh Ph ili p. Nai l Khalil , Saad Shukur. Ahmad AI-Astrabadi, Salah AI -Chal abi. Maan Shaki r, Sh amsi AI- Hasar,i , M hammad AI-Ga ila y, Wisa m Nu ri , Ali AI-NaJi m (Absent Muntadhar J;brail) .


Dr. Abbas AI-Hn.sson ~,.J.l \J"~



Mr. Faraj Raffouli

Mr. Elya Yacoub Mr. Salim Na ash

J ,tJC) ~ I

~ ~ ~I~'


r-:l... ~ l IV"

AL -. ~ I y ; ..j ~_\: .J.)~J'J:-" J~lj Z<1h ir rn j :rs all ki nd s of :ip rt . Chess is anot ber way to fil l hi.. spare ti mr. . At <whoo l, be if! <}ll iet, }'e er\' c1 bill ,"ery attelJ ti ,". His t rue fri ell (]sh ip has enab led hi rll to be' n. good com pany to m:1 ny (' la ss ma tes . H e hopes t o become ~1 dentIs t.


.~ - QADIH

Talented, goil1g, all ll !'cl ]0111 lose::; hi ' temper. ZE ID enjoys music ond is \\c ll - J\Il(),,"l1 :l. ~ nil l' .Te lle' IIL gl li tar p layer. lI e is popn ~ ,l r tlll'OUiTII 11 iii pass iun and J'(~sped fo r bluC' j e:l.ns . TTl' tincb III crest 111 calcnll1:3 [lila ph.\"~ i cs. rlllll i J Q; hin l tow lI rds E'ugilH' N ing . .\t s('hrm ) il j :-; Ill\('

Jf _\ r.- f R. \()T cd iLor inl staff.

I.A1D }'ADHIL .\

L- ~ A FT


Zaid is :t \Pry gcntle and fr iendly fplio\\". He il'equctlth ~Ob to t bc libran" \,i t h hi:; c1asRlIlatrs. , WiI1l1l1ing, \yatr路bing gamps awl lleaJ'jog jokes arc till" t h ings he likes in ac1c1itli)11 to hi::; iutcrest in Pb .\':-' I l'C;, ('lJ('lllistry and Znology. His wish is to be :l Jodol'.


VlI SAM ANWAR YAKTA ""-aheed'! isn. shy, decent, quiet and nice fn0ud. He likes travplling and practicing all kinds of sports. His aim is engineering.

VASIN AL-AL;ZA'\Vr Although his outer a.ppean1llce gives him Y ~SIN IS not so, he's very energetic <1nd liwly. He favours chenJ i, try and ;:oology, b\1t has not yet decided on his . uture. n. sh.v personfllrt..-,

YASIR J AMIL MATLOUB "Bashoo h' is nervous, but joyfu l; he's a v.ery intere ting character, A hardworking student. His best hobbies are chess, listening to music and collecting stamps. His favorite subjects are pbysics and mathematics WhICh will lead him to be an engineer.



".J ne" is humourous and sociable.

~ u...~

Well kuown for his witty com ments and criticism. Lik . ~ football, chess and wri t,lng Engl ish oems. Mem ber of the E nglish So 路iety and the I raqi Staff. Hopes fo r a fut ure in dentist ry .


tL...!Jl ..l.o> l y ~

Talkt.ti\'e, and neyer misses an opport unity of debating with anybody. He h!l.S lIlany bobbicf', such us listening t,o mu~ic, reading political books and practicing all kinds of sports. His plans for future are to ..;pecialLzc in the field of electric communications and electronics.




"SU SU " has many contradictive ideaR bUL thoroughly a ,gay )ollth. Argning i: ltifl passion of life, and does It Whf'lH;\yer there is [L ellancE'. He likpc; rea(1in a hO(Jlis ~Lbout h;]umir bi:;tory lLnd also litltelJing to mllsic n.l1d playing the accordion. He wishes a career in the field' of statistics.

SUFTAN AL路 .TAZA'RI ~;1)-1c:)ltc.J~ Very quiet and erions, \\-ell liked by :tIl of hIS fellow stlldentl', Hobbies Include rmding and sports, especillJly footbn.II.Looks forward a futo/e in electrical engineering.


lUlllt.", ~ll路ti\ L" and intellig-rllt. \\"as al1111)" p\' 'rytilill~; _\. ll'llP fl'iP!1I1 tllli. Hi.., 1:)(>r:..ulltllity \\a ' I'ptll'd!'n r1lrnll~h the n'~l1i'<"t lt~. "h:tl'l>d tllIJI')JI~ It h friend", and tl",l'-\1'1'1()1l~,





S\\ illtillius:,





trnypillw were hi ... fa\-ur itv is future lS }I"t 1lI1dc('icif'Cl Illit nude (1r pll~ ::;i~" ami f'ledriu:t1 I.nginl't>riltg appeal tu hill.!. 11OIJbie~.

'A '






SAMIR DAUD (CAbou Sam ra" was one of our best football players, besides being an active player in other sports. He was a mem b r of the Englisb Soci ety an d bas gret1t hopes to be an engineer.



."'- strongly built . Sanm was always (':ti m and a I(l\ able guy. H is Arabie com pOf;itiotls we re alw[L)s admired by Lp:lehers. Off campus, ue ilsten!'; to rcconh aud reads scientific baah . These seientdl(, intiC'rpsts of his, will lead b im to u. Cl1rl'er iu tbe medical field.

:-;.\'\11 H '['UDfOT.-n lBHA TIn [

r-1J,~I,) J~ ~.

~\ mathematical gemnc; of hi, time, ,-ery sociable all cheerful , wh i('h BHtde him enjoy a. l:ll'gp !lumher of friend Xt~\,pr giyE's up wJ E'tl it l'1l1lJ('~ to pl'oblelJls. Thes!" nup ql1ulitip"i will paH' binl tlH' road to ngl n pPl'lllg.



A calm , friendly :Lnd likeable fe llo w. H e spend. h is time in rending, listening to musIC an d pla,y ing a ny kin d of sport . Fur his fut ure, he hopes ta be an architect.

SA)H FAWZI A happ y-ao-Iucky boy. B eing amiable, he won m a ny friend s. His leisure time is spent in reading and playing fo o beLll. H i fut ure is undecided.


...r r.l ~L- ~L..

A sh ort boy with a athletic body. All sports attract ed him, hnt li e favored basketball. He was a member of the English, 'ociety. He wishes t eontinu(:! h i)) stuu ie' in the medical fie ld.


~I..w: r:Ao1 j l y Al.

. ~a mi is a nice , d ecent, q uiet and 8, SE'l'iO Ll .' studnt . He like::; to pia .. ten nis , pi ng -pong n.l1rl basketball. In his sp tim e be read s an y hook he can find . He h as man y t h ings on mind. but as h 'ays, " Yrarks \i\;'i ll Tal k.,.

SAyII BH InR TAWFIQ CCo Oc rn l' F reezpr " or ' 8 amI' T ea " 1l as greab interests i ll sports es pcciu.ll y in B asket ball, for he' , in the S h oo l's team . 8ami is also known for h is 'wrecked "Ambclla" , which shows th at he's a perf ct dr iver. B ut Rami's m ain interest is m el ctri city which m ade him in sist that electri 'al engin cring will be his future.

SAFFA' A·R).. SL'L ~-~ ~I J,..) ..I-? .\.i,'_\'FFA', a Joll\, ntim, uccent , quiet tmlenL ; loved by rnost of B.C.'" ~tl1dcJ1t" a nd teachers. ,'aftu' 'IS wcll l'rmelll berrd UH a good che'~ pbyt'r. HI.' 'nj(IY::; busketlHdl, he ~I.;() poetry. Hi~ mtE're;;ts lead hi In to a C'fLl'eer

pr;lc ieing \ ollf'ylntll antI lih's readll1g books and ill nueiear physics would in ele(·tronical ellgineenng.

SAFA JAWAD SnJa was very friendly and fLmicable; in class, be was always ready with comment". He also played us :1 solid defence in his dass footb:'1U team. He enjoyed reading and. lis~enill:.t to mUS1C off campus. His good marks lD Zoology wl11 make him choose medicine as a. ca.reer.

Xu maLt ,)' what h .. is up to, it is always interesting and ne\\'. BaIar ba~ tried to do :llnHlsl l"'I'!' ,tllillg Hnd tbnt hus eqllipperl 1111ll \"tt h illl illt(,Jlct'tun.i llllW1 \\ riting porl1l<;, , tw1."iLlg people, driying, hal'. ei>uck ridillf! iR nrnong- tltl' fe\\' things to (1('l'l11),\' hl'" I1par(' ti nV'. llh~· 1('", l'hemi::. 1','" and zoolug.\ an- hi~ f:n'olll'itc snhjed<; n scho"l I1thel' tllU.!l being [J. lT1PIlI\)t'1' tlf .-'11 -1n q i . taff anrI the Enqlish So('jct~·. P;:;Yl.'iliatJ',\· or ),[l,di illL will Uf' hi:-; flltnrc



Salim is a pleasant com pany. TIe is :1.1so known to bo ready for anything and b('ing sooiable, he is known by every De in t he school. Most of his spare time is used up in practicing hiR favorite hobby : electronics. TIe is a, bu refeet, E ngl ish So ie y member and incl nded in th Imqi ~ taff. H is interests " 'il l probably lead him to a future in ele tro nies .

I$~JJ~ ~IJ

R \. fI BARO ( ])1

Energetic路 and H.lwa.VR in tl e midd le of a sportsgame, quailfying bini to 1 e the R('hoo['H hest ~oalket'p r u,llII basehll,ll field er. Rami iR an excellent teuui rla.~er. Other than 8port~ he is kiw" n to be ,L vcry hardworking Rtud n t . His interesttl lie in l'hellli::;tr~ ltud physics . His ftltnrt: IS 1l11c1ei路ided hut he is considering f'1I~illt:'L'J'ing-. .\t [WIlW ht' l'ujo,\'::; Ullisie a,lIu

tfl.king cur' of



Riadb neypc nllffi.:>c1 a grollcll ,[orality i..; his principlp in life, consequently hr:. 1<; a('('L'IJl and prons. H'" likps n~flding politico I tlncl religions book.:; awl artirl s. His slwcial kIn for anatomy surgery.


a snrcE'ssflll



RIADR A-R.\Z/';AQ Riadh is


calm) kiml-ll(\nrtf'd fello\\; he is

nit'e ('UIlI ptlnHm! like .., r fu1ing bnokR, SWlITIIl1illg awl lilliSH'. Ri:lCll1 wisltes L(I bee lnlt' an cngllleer ill tile future. a


SAAD HABBA Saad is known to be calm in any situation. His stro ng personality made him very popular in Baghdad Collpge. Amon g h i!l ya,rious bobbies are swimming, music an d cars. He belongs t o the Enghsh Society. He h pes to be a,bIe to becom e a. doctor in the fu ture.

NOVA S. KHOJ AlAN A very nice an d t im id fel. ow-student \ ho al ways brought us t he 11 \\'8 that was broadcast on Dar-AI- Ralam !'Itatian the ni g ht before . Nova enj oys playi ng foo tbal l, driving cars, listeni n g to pop-muslll [Lud photograp hy. He was a member of the P hotography ociet y. He bopes to be a lllec h ~Ln ical engineer.

NURT ALFRED NURI Nnri 's qniet exterior hides a li,;!")y Rense of humor. He is aL a l<inc1-heru路ted fell ow . Nuri is good at paillting n.l1c1 lik(>s swimm ing . N uri lopes to stlld.y eit he r DJc:dic inc or den tistry in

the future.

PAUL ESHO PETER An en jo vable hoy a nd a g ad cornpamon. You a lways sec hi m wIth a, sm il e on hifi fa ce. Used t o Rpcnd h is spare ti me pln,ying football and swimm ing. Rp Wa S one of t h e Science Society me l11 b rs . His wis h is to become an engmeer.

RAAD i\fAHMUD Ral:1"d W:1,S th e fo ot ball team. He b a~ ketba']l, ba,se ball, campus, h e li ked to mO VIes or reading engmeer.

chief scorer in the school wa also one of the good and v olleyh:tll players. Off ~pe nd his spare time in the books. He hopes to be an

"8ripotiti c:" is Lhe ollly r ight ,,-orc1 thfl t C<LD l1e.'C'l'ilJe ~:.LlIlir. HE. is \ '0 1,'1' \\'[ 11 kn o,\'n for hi . \\'i(1P. kll()w!f'fl p:' in cill'lill--tn. "h iciJ pu. hcs !tim o enle r tllt' (路llc w istn路fit'l(1. B('s id ~s, chc m i .. tr,l , '\awir is iIlt ' resttd ill !llil. ic, :tetJng [lI l d si nging .

~ A~lIB


,-fllll ir i. a nice fell 0\\ , he is humorous, de\,lliRh, mlschievoLls, hut \'.Ithollt tnahce. He lib."s swillllll ing. readillg books and playing footba.ll. Xamlr wisbes to ::;tudv den isLry In tbo future.



;-'To<lernism ish i ' motto in hfe,ano real ism :~as(' r is !1, humorous and ~o(' i able boy. Swimm ing ttud football ar hi~ fa,vorite sports. His lUind is fixed on medicll1C', .LIter gradnating.

is his guiding rule.



Better known as " Pooz". Act ive and mischieyous in Mem ber of the renowned "Po oz -Kouc. bi " partners hi p. H obb i S fLr e football, han d ba.ll a n d retLc1ing scien t iti e books. F avourite subje ts i ncl ude P hysics and M rLths. Hopes for a future in nuclear physics.

NABII.; DAUD ~ ; Lbil

qu ite a serious, sweet friend; his cbar.tder 111[\.(le bllll [Jopnln,r. In deL,S bf"'." It bard working studrlJt, I)ut of da:o;s a good iootb:,ller Itt' I~. Hl'adll1g SClflltIli<- books is hiF best "ay to OCI'Upy ills ~p[lrp illll(;'. :'IIedicinl' is the best career for him.

NABIL A. SALMO Nabil is quiet and quite Imperturbable. He is always calm and easy going. Hobbies include tenms, stamp-collecting and occasional reading. Hopes to indulge ill the medicinal sciences.

'\ -\ ~rrR .\·S:\.L.-L\I SHA'Y.\ \VIJ(: !Je\ e'f ilL' lllHl ~OIlH' "pnn' till1l' III dll'f'ctly rush f; tn B.C. and plnys tr'llllis, f\)r it '" IllS faHlrile ~pl)rL Bt-sicJe. ' LCtlflJ.. 1](' Ims a hnbit of rending eyer.\'thing that 111' f'al1 r('lud. Ht :Ll";0 htl,.; ~ "pecial llking fnr JlIIl .... ic·. Xalllir i .' a qui,t, gentlt, lilly. He \\'isbe~ ha life wOldd gin'! hilll th, Oppul'tllllit.y t.) \)1' ill Ill' 111f'!licnl tielci.

N ADIM A-RASrL A kind-hearted boy , always with fL sl'nile on hIS face. A.lI kiuds of sport,s attract <1 him, • but handba,ll WaS hi::; h,oritc . \Yas onL' of th • ci nct? ~u(,lety lllt'llIber.". Or \yollll] like me(l ininc to be his carccl'. • 'pa.}'o binlP. is spent in


' AA

)H STAFA AL -KEUDHAIIU \f~1 j.)L.. ~ C~l,ptl1in "Klecha". A sweet ann ever-happy stnd nt. :\1 ST.:. . E 1'..'S sinJplieity has attmcted many friends at B.C. TIis fttvori te hobby IA nlwaYR football, bll~ he llkes reaulllg al o. For future, his mind is fixed upon medicine.

MUTHA~X ......\-K_\RDI

A serious boy ",110 liked ul'gmng Yel''y much. YOIl a l wn,ys SL!e him cOllJpiaining about teacher. aud subjects. He hopes lo be an engmeer.



chnttcrbox. If be . tn-rt. all never euds it. In cl:tti,_ he likP" to discuss wiLh hlR tC[lcoers. For l't'lll"XflLioll. 1](, listens to Sf ft music auo c(lllecLs !:>tnHlp~. :\lntal' hope to enter the medical college .

.Iutaz argument h




MUWAFFAQMUFLIH ~JI)I ~Jf~ Quiet and friendly, Muwaffaq is known as Rembrandt of B. O. Favourite hobbies are lettering. He also enJoys v!1rious sports. His aim in life ia to be a doctor.

~-'\.rn r'-}..ll..l:c ..I~" E xtreme ly quiet H,nd generally well liked by his fe llo w students. Hobbies inc hlde l"pad ing and sport, especially football: His interest in



electronics pointtl engineering.


KIll)\\ 1I



in ele(¡trieal

as ":\l,lt'hqplinn", a, dynamic fellow,

he seems ypry <]uif't fLncl re .. erved though he is rather a um il. Hc' is ulUch interested In photn~mrlJ.r.

He hopes to b

an engineer in

the future.

:.\[p\r'fAZ JOSEP


~:~ ~jJ~


~n ~ITAZ fills his 1('iRuTe timâ‚Ź' by rcading stnries and po(~tr", Itl' of Len li~tens to 11IU. ie. t school be f:'lIjoys pmcti( ing :-:;portR, "peciult" playing handhall. JIe \\ i:-;bes to nnish his sLudlt?S '"Lt a. meuic111 :('lwr)1 and then makes a tour :UOUllU the \\ orld.

"MUSHRIQ SAFA AL-KHAYAT .1t; JrMusbriq is a bard -working, brigb t and calm fell ow; he is also a very nice compan ion. 1ushriq like electri al works an d Mat he m atics; which may lead h ill'. to be an elcctrica.l engineer, though be ometim es says t bat he would rather become a doct or .



rli .l.. ~

A hf'lpflll and friendly chap. D uri ng hiR stay at Ba,ghdud College he g:ll l1c d many frienc1"hipR. Muhammed lIkes huutilJg. stq,llljl ('011 ctllJg. chess. He a lso plays tb plano pretty \\ell. Hi: future depends on the tlYel'flgr be gf'ts in t.hc goveulIJental exam .

}IUTI '\':\DIE



Yery calm and talen te(l . :\IllhanllllNl wn.:.; Yery good at baskethall. In RUllllller be rnjnyccl swimm ing and playing ctwsS )Iathemntlcs \YCIT his favourite subjects tLllcl ,\(\1"\' good at t hem he was. N uciE'ar p h ysics l>:i h i8 futllre.


rl;.'6' .l~J..I..L? .l...:/.

III.' kn 1'1 \\,11 ac1mirrttioll for foot hall gase h i1l1 th ui<:k-n:uue ''('HE !... SEA". He> IS H'ry (,llulling and <:elf-('ollfi<lL'Ilt. <\.t llOllIe , llJllsic is h j:-. fa \'ol'ite lwhb.\. Hi::, ta jpnt fnr physIc", wade him dl'cide on ci, il (r mechanical llgineeriDg.

~[UHA.\DIAD _-\'L-KTTl

DH.\IRI ~~I .j, ..1A- .lJ.

A v(>ry ni('(' personality, wiGlj -harp iotellJgeIl(,f>. Bing l'OCillb le mac10 him everybody'R fr iend _ H(> play!" teo nis frf>C} lien tly and takes pri<.1e in being in lhe school hase ball team. Hi s l oy~Ll self wil1 he relllell.lbered by many. H e hopes fu r engineeri ng.


'\ \



is.J - ..w.. - JA


Oalm and obedient with a kind heart. Likes chess a.nd collecting , tanlps. Hopes for a. career in medicine or electrical e ngineering.

:'vH HA fMED AL-KHUDHAIRII$~l ~I~ ~ A perfec t exa.wple of a calm b ut h ot temp red self. His fr iends w ill always remember him as the perfed friend. On campus he's well known as tfie s hool's b ~Lseba ll team pitcher. He hopes t o achieve a degree in m ech anicR,\ engllleenng.

MUHAMMAD H . A L-SAFI ~lAJ ! ~,~ 0-~ .JJ Quiet and sticks to his own fr iPtl chh H obbies inc lude spo rts, music an d driy ing . lJ (; looks forwR,rd to a 'future in eng llle mg .



The "thinn e::;t" an d "short e t" boy in chool , he \vas liked b all t each ers because of h i d ep Re G e of h u m ou r in class an d outsi de f it. H e was nJs liked by m any st uden ts d ue to his merry {[lee ::wd nie jokes, in acldi t i n tu hi::; rLcting us a Lridge betwee n t h e stuc1e nLs a n(l the ir t eacher:. IT e was n.n [lct i ve In ill ber of A l-Iri.Lqi staff, :ll1U he 路W(t. :.1 very sLrict bus prefect. H is favour ite h obbicR wpr , dmwi ng a.nd Ara hic; wr iting, which gf1vP him ,L grea,t chance nf s ucness in t h e fie ld h de cided to join, th e field uf Arc hi ect ure . T

M U AD H Jovial,

L-D TRI n,n d


\f.JJJJl ,-"),,, JJ1Jf' ) \,.... enjoyable

class mate .

}i ADH h a s all the C'hara cteristics of an ide al studen t . He is i ntel li cfent, r a,,;ona ble rood a witt路 joker. H is in tinrt in:: love for pby<:i cf' a n d se ie n tific experim en tation s, p i!1 ts t o a fu ture in electrical engineering.



Muayyad WEtS one of the best football players in the sch ool t eRm. He L" known !lH nice and jOYia l, :.1lld he likes It friendly atmosphere a m ng a f.ituuents . At borne he lilies outsi de re adi ng. His tLmbitiol1 fat' the future IH to sp ,ciali ze in e l cbrieal engIneenn g.


~,s r:}J l...lf' ?U

D uring the s ix year Mudhar spent in B.C., he was an amiable character, sociable and always ready wit h a joke. He enjoys read ing ch emistry , besides li stening to IUUSl(', His future is yet undioided ,

"\I UH A}D fED A:'IIIX One of the best fo ot ba llel's in hi cluss. "A lm a n i" , is a very respectf u l. tucleut cLud Y Pr\ha rdworkin g. Otll r th an football he en joy" p lay ing tenms and basketba ll. L~ tenin g to run 'le \ \"[i;, a \yay to OCCllPY hi. ~p :1m time. }iuhamm cn. b as c hosen 111 c1ici nc for rL f uL ure career . IW

M AZ IN AL -B AYATI Mazin , a. y ry tim id a n d ca lm fe llo w, was liked by ('vcrYOllt-'. He W<"S the captain of the seho I foot ba ll teuill twd has been so for 'the pagt t,,路 . years. IIis good 1I1ttrks hf1.\ie paved him ~L path to become a.n engineer.

~Ir. ,yazi HftSan Trull ~ V- ~jl:! ~l

~Ir. A-Karim FaraJ



~}:11..l.:" ~I

',路t.., ...j tJ.r . ......J

A pJens::lllt and friendly clnssmate. Basketball He also enJoyed playiT!/! chess . Zoology and chenll . try were his fayoritc sl1hjP('ts Ifp hopes to take up mcdi('iIlP III t ilp waR his maiu sport.

COllll11g fuLLlre.

NIr. Uwa.yid AI -Rawi

'iJI ) 1~y ~I \ 'd.

;'1. n EAT :'II. SALIH

.:l,.J. cl L, ~"::"~J"

H 1l1llOt'OnS n,nc1 very geu lie , 111i.Lin t11terf'sL is mcrli('ille ~u1(1 reHc(路ts ' t thrnngh hiR personality. \faclh:1t is anything but tronhlpSOlIIP.. He enJo.-rs ping -pong, rcadillg-, nnd l1smdly fO(1Lball a~ ::t sport. :\fn.IlY n. RtllOCl1t "ill re member him u.s a good friend.

"IAHMUD AL -HASHIMI "RAJ 1-1 ALI.." is well kno \'ll for che ring np a dull mood "ritb his hel1rtfni laugh. HIS patient attitude ma.d 11illl Lake np electncity as a hobby, uther thfl,u sports, which he enjoys practicing for he 's in the s("'hoo1'8 busebal l team. E lectrical engineering is his rum. 3

MAHlR DALAL SA1vI'AN Serious, quiet, and reserved. Amollg his friends be's known aR :-~ very good companion. His interest is engineering, anu llopcs to achieve It.



Being the only Kurdish boy in our section has put Mashda on top of the Kurdish ClrlSh. He enjoyed playing football und tourisID. He has decided on Pharmacy as 11 career. l ~o

LAITH DEMARCHI A small and cute fellow- s tudent with

a loud voice. He was merry and enjoyed pla,ying tennis, swimming and listening to pop-music, He wa,s a member o f the Sciellce S ociety fLnd a bus prefect. He bas decided to bay!! medicine as bis future profession.

L E H JB A. A-'W AHAB "PHI LIP", is a very quiet person a lity, he minds his own b ls iness but alway s tries to help with a smile on bis face. George Best is bis l'1ero and h e tries to take after him in footba,ll. ::\ledicine is for Lebeb.

_-1. humorous and extremely ch eerfu l chamct c r. (( QASHA " , is one of t he qui etefl t ~ t ml e n ts III cia.::;. H i:'> h o hbie,.; cO llsi sted of . t amp coll cel in g s\\"imm itl g. Tennis and has k e Lb ~\ 11 \\"81'e bis fayorite spo rt :'> ,Lt ch oo!. He \\ (;u ld like t o ell tb f ll1 ed ical h cul .y.

1IA'AN Z AKARIYY A Sincere and peaceful, especia lly in class. and likes to lea d a joyful life . At sc bool he oft路en practices footbal!. In bis leisure time he enjoys collecting st,11I1 PS and reading. H is tendencies lead us to beliew tbat he 'will be a succes::lful doctor In the future.

YrAA N is good-natured


KAR NIK NISHAr " K oko" a n ice a n d pleasan t g uy, liked every body, and e ery body liked him. He :1180 liked all kind s of sports a nd electrical s t u ff . He enjoyed driv ing bib car a n d t e1Lsing girls . He was a mem ber of the Traqi P hot ography Staff and tbe I raqi B usiness Staff. TIc has picked elect r ical en gineering as h is fu t ure career.

KA \Y),


Tluongbollt the Ri\: Y a,r~ in Btlghdnd Col leg, Ka\nL hap, Pf0\ d lo be one o f the lllust It 路ti\ hOYR j -. se ho ol. Rp l'lOllSnCRs and kindneRR gave h is P(-' l'R() ]J,Llil y f\, ~p - (' in. l type. lIe is intp l' .'Lea in p op- m il. ir , m cr bfluie.R :1lld cars . H is 'pc-Gin.! inte rest in elr 'lric ity :Luc1 e l ect l'() n i~ s le[vl s iJim to tLp n pld of ek cLriud cn g ine rin g . Ho W[L, a m em ber uf th e E n a li 'l1 8 0eiety n, na the Iraqi S taff.

R H ALID TAHA Khalid was al way s an fLmiab J uml lika ble cb ara 路tel', fllw ays h appy a nd delight fnl. At l ime., h e pract iccd footb a l l. Off CIll1lPU:l lw liked readi ng , a n d li :tell i ug to\Ycstcrn music. H is in te r c;L in biolog' fUn d c h emi stry will [lin h im to c hoose medicine as a career.

LAITH BAQIR A very n ice and q uiet fell ow. Y ou r: trel y fi nd h im angry and h e ha.s a Jot of fr ie nds in B. C . H is favori te s u bjects we re Zoology lab amI Chem ist ry lab, and h e a lso elljoy ed rendi ng an d swimming off cam pus. His Jove for Zoology a nd C hemist ry m a d e him ch oose Ph arm ac' a s h is fut ure field.


8 :~ DIQ


"T v\' o"fo rty" , his in terests in el ctronic.'3 , chemi st ry, R.nd biology proyide him witlJ , n unl imite c1 a mo unt of experiments, to wh ich 1 f' ,R.s, a great lik ing. Tb 5e q uali ties will 1 C' ~c1 bill! as he pred icts t u a mE'Cl icR.l C'R. ropr.

J AMA L A- KARI M Jamal is well-liked by his fellow students . D uring his time in B aghdad College, he was known to be active and serious. Among his numerous hobbies are swimming, driving and music, besides being a bus prefect. His interest in the biological sciences points to a future in medicine.


A nice n,nd m erry g uy '\vh o wa rarf'ly caugh t witho ut a s mi le. He was r en,lly a good fOJt ba ll pl a,yer and was a lso a m embe r o f h is cia::;s volley ball , baseball, basket ball a.nd fo otba.1! team R. He liked sf'riO IlS dise ll._sion.¡ an d h ~1c1 hi s own private phiiosoplJ y, but he didn 't t ry to im pos it on any bod , which won him m an y fri e nds . H is good m arks in P h ysics a nd Z oology h a ve mad e him c hoose medicine as a ca.reer.


Mr. ,'Tilliam Jendi Awadh J4~ '-,?~

r:1 J ..1;-11 \\A

D I AD RA:-'I AX D I Aith ug h he m n,nag es to say no th ing fo r bo urs, I rn ad m anage, to sa,}, just t h r iO'bt thin g t o fill the r jo-ht路 mood. H e nj oys re ading boo ks of a 11 kin d. '. School to h irrt is a pI a 'C' wb ere he d -,yp io ps llis elf-confi.denet:. PharllJacy is hi , fllt l re [1,1 111 .

ISAJi ALI AL-R GBBAY'I '" 楼llj'tarr" is quite a nice, humorous active c barac.ter. He 's a good football player. W hen studying, he wish es to be on the moon where llO so und could be hefLrd. Isum's favorite su bjects are )hth ematics and Biology. His aim is to be a doctor.


.J~ .J.I U")\j .) I ~ .)~ I

ryad is a very nice, calm, sociable friend, with an attractive personality. B esides playing chess, his best hobby, he likes readin g sciEmtifi c books and playing football. H is great love for biology made him decide that medicine will be his future career.

AYAD MUNDHER ABBA, "Zilif" is fri end ly , so 路iable, joyful; and is Ayad is one of B.C.'S baseball t arely' serious. aDd an fLctive m ember of AI-Iraqi staff. "Ayad Zilif" enjoys s\ovimnling, daucing, li stening to music and fas t "Mustang " driving. Calcul us R0 Rnd Zoo logy arc his favorite subjects. wishes to st udy busil1esti -admin istration th at may lead him to get a chartered accountancy.

GHASSAN WADI B SH I B ~ L-.:lJ wu. A nice and serious student who liked to play foo tba']l an d basketball. Off campus , he liked to try his ban d at drawing, and he used up his leisure time by reading books H e was an act iv emember of the Science Society. H e hopes to be a doctor.

H AITRAM J AMI L tJU M."-. Haitham is a .very merry studen t whom you could never catch withou t a smi le. He enjoys playing quiet games of t ennis in addition to swimming and dancing. Bis goo d marks in Physics and Chemistry have m ade him unable to decide whether to choose engineering or medicine as a career.

HABITH AL-D U LAIMI A nice student and one of the best in his section, especially in Arabic L ang uflge . He loved playing football and enjoyed reading complete books of Arabic literature . He also had great abilities in Maths and Chemi try which hel ped him to decide on. being ' a petroleum engineer in the near fu ture.

0:..11 1J:k i l..:... H IS HAM J ALALADDI N A pleasant a nd ni e fell ow \v ho enjoyed all kin dR of spo rt" especinJly tennis, baseball, football and baske tball. He also enjoye d listening to modern pop-m us ic and reading different kinds cf books, especially those dealing with P sychology. He was a member of, The English Society, the P hotog raphy Society, and th e T ennis club. His outstanding marks will lead him' to a brilliant future in Biochemistry or Medicine. 'I' ••




A d ig ni fi ed perso n, a nd a tr ue fri e na ; rYHL king him ve ry p o p lllr~ r, th :1,t bes id s hi s man sh ip in Le n nis a nd ba se ba ll; for h e '. th e' school ': fi rst basema.Il. 芦l'EH Ol~RS I " , W 8. " al ways humoro u ci. ;( o d seld oll1 i n iL [lad !Houe] , In his sp:1re time h e enj oys fa :路t d r ivi ng and d a nci ng. H is favo ri Le sub jects are hewistry a nd ~ oology providing him for an in terest in medicine.

F ARI S SALIM H W A Y ou ra rely see F aris talki ng or chatting around, for calmness and serious ness are the dominating features of his perso nality. His interest in Z oology fw d C hemistry leads h im to enter the medica ! fi eld . Besides his interest in sciences, he's also interested in A r a bic music , reading and driving.

FIRAR P. HIL }II "tumbo " , felt, jolly , humorolls, and rtl ways comi ng up \\'it ll Lh e ri ght. rem ark ilt t h8 rigl lt tim e . F IIL~S is \\'(-11 kn o\\'n for h is (' o lltinnOllS acti vities; sp eciGlly bei ng t b e " .n .I. R," prr.'i dcllt of B. C. He spP llds hi s spare time li sU-'n iJ lg t o a.ll bnc1s of lllU .'ic . At se hou l , otue r t ha ll tn ki n a pa r t in th e 'E ng lis b Society' . h is i nl erpsL li e. mainly in zo o logy l1!lC ch e l1J i ~ try , \\'hicll be hop es w ill l~ ad h i m in to m ed ici ue.

GHASSAN AITMED Know n as "Ga zg a/wne", h is i nt rest is mostly concelltrated on Arabic L iterat ure, he often plays football and sometim es b~ lsket ball t oo . H e hopes to be a doctor in t h e future. 4

r路 \

F ARIS AL- S HAI K H ~ I Jlj)I..I~ U"')\i Trd ka t i e, g n tle and i ntellige nt. n EE TEE" is a Ye ry pleasa nt t uc1eut, n.hyo,ys t ryi ng to kn ow more. Th at i.路 wh y he kc ps inq uiring during classes , A m em ber of t h e physics so eicty !'L nd the school bas ket ball t r am. F is interest in phy. ics will ho pe full y lea d him into electronics.



D andy, and gi yes a n imprest;ion of a serious youn g man. N e\'er talks in -las. , b ut outside he rel eases his outl eL. FAR I S lo ves photograph y very mu ch, he a lso reads books ~bout chemistry and zoology. Surge ry is the field he like::; to enter in the future.

FARIS KAMIL HASANI A pleasant and quiet fellow who never talked out of place in class He liked different kinds of sports and was extremely good at pla.ying handball. One of his favorite hobbies was wood-carving and building wooden structures. H e was a member of the Science S ociety, and he has chosen civil engineering as his future occupation.

F 1 I '" F AT HALLAH "SHA-SH A" \\'ill be ab\'ays relllembered for his deep sense of humor ,\'hich mad e him an attracti ve personali ty bes ides being intelligent and studious. In his l e isur e~ time he enjoys table-tennis, chess and reading. He hopes to enter the medical faculty.


mS1HRA JQr)l!m FIIF. I J

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DHAFIII AL_WAKIL J)o.fl" 01 ,,"-1' ... ~y ,,,,h. oi", I"', iLkt<l '0 "' •• , lunny ",mm<n" in c'",. f{, <,.,~yod r l .)";n~ oJo", 01 'eo" ,> ."~ b"m"g to f>'r·n;,,,,, ,-,l~i'i"" '"" l.i "l _·,·>t,·n in,· Hi. kuru "

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good-Drt.t ured fr iencl , n.lwCtys re ady to b<::lp e::;pec i l111y wben it C O LU(路~ to houlC' work . At home he (' '1 joycd rca,d ing . B::u:;pbnJ I \\'[1. I is fa'i' ot'itc 6purt a t Sd lO 01 oLhe r th an footb t II and llfLn c1bfLl!. F arid h opes to C' Oll tlll lH' il is st udies t hro ugh eng in eeri ng.

Mr. A -R ahman Kurikchi ~.J~ ~ )l ~o ~ l

FAIZ KHALIL ASKAR " Peas" is po p ul a,r am ong his fa ll ow st uden ts. H e is a lso active in cl a ss , es pecially i n t he m at helll at ical s r iences . H e p Ia s the u u ita.r in his leis ure t im e as well us liste nin g to music and rea d ing books. H is fu ture is yet undecided.

Faris is a sensitive, cooperative and hc,rdworking fellow, the ('a ptian of the Secondary B asket-ball Team. He is a bus prefect too. His favorite subjects are -:'.1athematics, Chemistry and Physics ; which may lead him to study eiectrical engmeermg.


BASIL A-J ABBAR Basil is a kind-hearted young man who combin es between the athletic and the academic field s. He likes swimming, football an d reading books. H is favorite subjects are Z oology an d E nglish, which may lead him to m edi cinal studies.

B SIL E DMON D SHUKUR A short fello w with a smile always on hiB face. He is trying to make his moustache more appealing. L ikes reading , listening to music and swimming. H e wishes to en ter the medical college.

B SLVI G. SHAFFU A humorous boy with a sm iling face. always fin d him reading in th e library. enjoys pI:: yin g han dball. H is sp<1'e time spent in refLdi ng an d lif'ten lng to m us!. interest in P hysics a.nd B iology may lead to a career in medicine.


Bayan is a cCllm boy wB

comm en ts on ev erything whenever p s.-: ible. He liked to play footbfLll, sw immi ng and other kinds of sports. H e also liked to !istcn to popmu i . A d as he belon gs to a famil y of doctors, he does not want to be an ou tsid er so he has also chosen medicine as his career.

You He was His bim

.D r AB "JH H. :U :VfE ) .路\.LT AM AR was m uc h ,1,c1 m ired by h i tea.chers and friends f r his mtellcctna l arguments. He is fond of s wimm ing, an d rea,ding boo {s dealing with all fie lds of selenee. For f uLu f r, he shall ch oose either mcaicine or electronics.



~J b


A go ld en-hearted and joyful fellow. In class he is el'j' ql1 iet and calm . Outside class h li kes chattering with his fr i ods. Troois and baseb~11l arc hi. f<lY01'ite sports, he a lso likes outside reaJiIlg .. . AMIR'l') plan for tbe fnture 1-> to euter the medical faculty .

. \.~nR MUHSIN AL-HABIB ~\ 0 - ~ ..,-1&N ickn amed c lass rmd Guy Hobbies incl ude playing footbal l. III physics.

"Kouchi" . Rather d!1ring in Fn.wkes of Baghdad College. reading scientdic books and Louks forward to It high degree




"Mu been", quite a nice quiet fellow, also a hardworking student and doesn't .give up ea lly when it comes to problems. He likes reading stories and swimming; be's also interested in harmless jokes. A-Muhsin wisbe~ to be an engllleer.

ALI M. BARBO TTl Being peaceful is the wisdoD! of life to h im, (Barbonti) is a very qllJet person, but extr mcly funny "hen It comes to jokctl.. Out of school he enjoy pop- music and good C'oTIJpany. He "vishl:s engineering to bt:' his future,


Known as "007", he is a vcry calm fellow. His incc'rest is mostly concentrated on debating. rIc likes 8willl ming, reading and music too. lis futme is undecided yet.

AKRAlVI AL -HARIM ~I J:fi i)1 Akram was !1 very nice boy who was also very timid. In class, be neyer did :LDything wrong. Dur'ng the exam , he would rarely be seen in class for he would be sic路1. . and lyll1g in cd. He liked frequent :Lnd qui'L game>; of (;bess besides ltstening to pop-music. lIis future is



~ J.)t拢Jl~ ~L.l:

Active and friendly, Almlllj is well liked in B.C. Hjs hobbies include soccer and basketbal l. He is !1 member of the English Society alid passes most of his spare time reading. Alllanj looks forward t o.. a career in medicine.

AL A AL -SAFF AR A calm and decent fellow, liked by a ll his friends. Ala often pr: ctised football at school. In summer be likes swimming. He thinks of medicine as a wide fie ld to satisfy hi, ' bopes and t o h e lp ot ber fellow-creatures and so he chose it for a. career.


:\In j ' a joyfnl, talkative, decent and n h,lrd worldg Rtlld nt. He's qu ite ~ good dan er [Ln n. often likes to hear musIC. II likes to play ten niH 1lnd go ,wi mming in snn m er. A medical ,care 1" is his aim. fo r zoology and chem istr) are Ins fn,\' orit . u bjects.

ALI AL -DAHWI A gene rolls and sociable fello\\' , • Ii alway" h ot a rg um ents with his frien cls. IIi:; favorite 8p rt i ' hor e ack riding anu pm, tice. it C} lllte of teD . He looks fOl'\,'arc1 to a ca rE.' cr in aero nautical cng i neering .

l'l1 i 'e3

.\.I.; I AL -KHALA'F

"Xaji " a n ice fellow who was known to haYte mall Y friends, a qu ality which hE' Skl.l'l'l1 with his best friend "Barbouti" tbat baR kt pt tlJ eill toaether. A li e joys music R, n d serious Rt udying; oth er than s\\'imrLl ing a nd slow driying. He 10 k fon 'ar d t o ngm eerlll g.



~~ ,:j'.r~l~

Abdulla.h is a calm, kind-hearted, hardf,r orki ng fellow. He is a ery good bandbali player, be likes }'eadmg books too. His favorite subjects are Zoology, Physics and Engli h, which might lead hIm to study Medicine.

ADIL AL -HADDAD A yerg qlli t, shy, sociab l , and spriollFl fri n d. Add is a h tlrClworking a,n d quite a u;ocd m em on ze r. TIe sO llt "times plays basketball a nti tennis . His future is 'ct unde .ided .

.\ TIJ fRn ITAZDf AL-RAYDERI ~)..l~l (;b. -4~1 "C .O .I.", is lraq ' ~ Ji ' ing "(, l amp". H njo):-. lll ll' i l ' c nel i " a .n-ood g uitari,rr. A Ye r y sociHblc fcl l()\\' \\ it ll fl 'uol tf'mp('r. C'alcul u.', physics !Ln LI chemist ry were A.hlll Cc1 's fn. 'Ollritc s ubject, Vi' iell wi l! leau h ill! t n glnee n ng.

ALA H . )'lID AL -ANBt KI G ood-nat ured an d humorous. lways flddtl n,n atmosphere of gaiet y w here he is present . Ala aft on praeti c e~ foot ball in se booI. At homt' he enjoys readi ng . H e wi shes to be an en gmeer.

, JI.J)L.\~ J-:'\~.J'

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From Left to Right First


Second Row: Third


Fourth Row:

(sitting) : Samir Daud, A. Muhsin AI路Rashid, Salim Sadiq, Mr. Faiz AI-Bairakdar, Karnik Koumrigian, Iyad Jawad, Muhannaa AI路Esha iker. Wisam Anwar, Basil Shukur, Muhammad Sadun . Isam Ali, Paul Ishu, Nuri Alfred , Dhia Munir, Yasir Matloub. Muhammad AI-Khudhairi, RiJc:l A.Razzaq, Adil Haddad , Ali Mahjub, Amanj A. Qadir, Mustafa AI-Khudhairi Abdulla Marog;. Muhammad AI路Rawi , Imad H3mandi , Nabil Daud , Iyad Munther, Ala Zwain, Basil A. Jabbar Basim Shaffu . (Absent: Mushriq Safa)


.~j'; 1f"L. • :J,.J ~) • ~:J J)L If" I) • y-l..lll ~)b. . ..I.J Jl.:.:- • J:J \..&> >~ ,-:-,L...A.l 10\:: ' ~J..I i j~

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From Left to Right First

Row :

Second Row: Third






(Sitting) Nova Khojian , Jamal Muhammad Ali , Bayan AI-Qassab, Mr. Waleed Amber, Samir Mahll1ud, Ali AI-Khalaf, Ali Barbuti. Laith Demarchi , Muhammad AI-Safi , Nadim A.Rasul , Sami Leyous, Laith Baqir, Mazin AI-Bayati, Faris Hassani. Muthanna A-Karim, Namir A-Salam, Ala AI-Saffar, Ali AI-Dahwi , Mashda Uthman Haitham Juma. Akram AI-Hakim, Muhammad AI-Azzawi, Harith AI-Dulaimi , Safa Jawad, Rami Barodi, Dhafir AI-Wakil. Ghassan Wadi, Sami Fauzi , Raad Mahmud, Sargon Elia, Kamil Mansur, Jaffar Sadiq, Muhammad Amin Absent: Mazin AI-Hasani

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from Left to Right First

Row :

Second Row:



Fourth Row :

(sitting): Madhat Salih, Mahmud al -Hashimi, Safa A. Rasul , Mr. Abdu lKarim FaraJ, Talai al-Gailani, Faris Haidar, Lua y Qasha . Mazin al-Janabi, Muhammad Kadhim, Mumtaz Joseph, Yas in ai-Azzawi , Lehab A-Wahab, Zeid Albert, Sami Ibrah im, Mi thal al-,l\lusi . Far id Madhat , Mudhar Kannuna , Muhammad Bazirgan, Namir Razzuq, Faris A. Razzaq , Muhammad Maj id, Mahir Dalai , Ahmad al-Ha idar i. Zahir A.Qa dir, Sufian Falah, Nasir A.Samad, Fari, R,ahmatallah , Firas Fadhil, Salar Baban, Farid Mustafa ,

, <l:'" ..\... -~ , J)~ ) 1 ~, J :ti y ...L • ).4_...:111 , r:L . " V" ); , Jc

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I J~ J'" , ~1 ~;..

From Left to Right First


5eco nd Row: Th ird


Fou rth




(Sitting) Sudad Sadiq, Nabil Sa lmu , Shihab al-Shamme y, Mr Hazim A-Rahim , Zai d al-Saffar, Bis hara Freij , Am ir Daud . Mutaz al-Izzi, Ala Hamid , Noel Papazian , Hi sham Jalaladci r , Ja ,'nal A-KarirT, Muwaffaq al-Rawi, Amar Muhammad Ali, Fa iz Khali l. Khalid Taha , Dhia al-Douri, Riadh ai-Ani, Am ir Muhsin , Muayyad al-Chalabi, Sami Tawfiq, Faris Fathallah. Yusuf Hanna, Muhammad al-Haidari, Saad Habba , Muacih al-Dur i, Samir Ha lim, Mamir Shammas, Faris A-Amir, Maan Zakaria, (Absent Kawa al Khaffaf, Faris Salim),

Graduates 73 ,\ V~

... •

Mr. Dummar al-Rawl ~,J\)\..r-.) ~\ Storekeeper



Miss Fawziya al-Ubaidi .s~\ ~j; .,...;11 Typist ~ ~~

..r'j~\ uL;.. r--\.; ~\ .....;~

Mr. Raslm al-Alusl


Mr . Mansur Gorial Barno ."j.,r. J~.;.J .;.".-.:.. ~\ Cl er k


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Mr. Fathl al-Alusl Clerk

'-!*" j"';\ 0-> ~ ~ \ '-' lÂŁ=.

Mr. Manuel Abdulahad ...L>o')'\~J:.i.fL.J..:-! \

,-::,,_6:. 0Jl,...

Assistant Treasu rer



Musa (f" Y'

Assistant Lib rari an

~.u;t:. J~) ;;~ \ .L:(.U


i.:.......11 - i

Mrs Ferlal Muhammad All Ass istant Li brarian

J"p- W,), \

&1 i.:.......11 . - ~


A-Amir Kadhim


Mrs. Muna Ismail

~ L. ... I d-- i..L::-JI

Librar ian

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Mr . Shaker AI路Attar Ass istant principal

.) u.a.ll ,.,s~ ~ \ .I. ..IL1

0" \"..

Mr. AdiJ Ahmad

Assistant Principal Mr . Wilson Narsai Secretary


Mr . Hamad al路Kubalsl

As si stant Principal

..1.1"- \ J.:l~ J-1 \ ..r..,..I11 0j l..".. Mr. Nasir al路Azzawl Personnel

~\.J.-..I'- ..1:-11 ..J: ..lll 0 " L....


Mr. lamal Husain al.Alusl Principal

Mr. Yousif


Assi s ant Prin cipal

Mr. Hazim A-Rahim

As sistant Pri ncipal

';1rU1u... y.. ..I~\ .J~-u' 1 0Jl. ..



Afte t he passage of onf' more year, we have a feel of resolution, confidence, R.nil pride of hM ing re~oyed and surmounted all the obstacles that meant to binder Ollr 8UC ('.essful advancement with vie\, to cope with the reYOllltiolJary burge, which \Y[LS well (lefined and ident.ifled by tbe colossal Revolution of .Tuly. This year those who are by all teachers is tu,king pride gains achieved

wa' mar\{ed rnnni ng this and students Rnd sensing so far .

by more generous support and backing up on the part of estab lishment, and by devotion, sacrifice and understanding as well. It i obviously fe lt thfl,t everybody concerned now triumph, though limitedly, at the promising results and

On com pu c, peop \ o[ different ages are nJwl1Ys seen occupied in thE-if work to pile lip proofs for their r ig ht to liYe, to exiBt and to accomplish. In doing tbis, they exhibit t he real mE-rits and potentialities the Iraqis lUe endowed witb. The st[Lte of lost n ess gaye way to a good response w itb the rf'Yolutionary alternations, .olll ' to signal th hegl Tm ing of tmnsformation witb all its progressive trends. Current even t " in the cou ntry were discussed with deep, comprehensive spirit and a constructi'ie ou t look. T be achie vemnts of t he great Revolution of .Tuly 17th. were topped off by the declara.ti on of the ~A.t i ona l PH,ct, together with t be true and sincere call for the format io n of th e National :Fr nt. The echo of the discu s ions, comments, and clarifications that, followed these flY n t,R was beard at B.C. through differen t media of information , i.e. on t be radio, in t h e lu a l ne".;'spap<> rs n,nd t hrougb speeches delivered on different occasions. T hanks to the ",.idel y-in fo rmed select of staff and a patriotic administration, who showed full reali zatio n of responsib ility un d a deep sense of du ty. All t hese led to the termination of the p revio us feelings of isolation and lostness and fell to the planting of aut henti c belonging to the progressive doctrines and views. A posit ive evidc n 'e of t h is ohange was tl e varied act i"ities of N.V.LB. whose m embers are beld up in esteem by a ll , besides t he g reat popularity they enjoy fLID ong t heir fell ow st ude nts . At last , I would like to express my si ne re than ks and direct indeb tedness to all gentle mtn whose in estimable contrib ution m;l,de it possible for this iss ue to take this form. Yousif AI-Samaral





Mr. Ja ffar al-Zubaidl Mr. Sami Butt) Mr . Sh a kir a i-Attar Mr. Sam l Gh a zal ah Mr. Satta a l-Dawood


~ ---~~~----~----------~~~----~----------------~--




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