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Master in Urban Architecture | Academic, Group Project
Location Aalborg, Denmark
Year 2022
Supervisor Prof. Hanna Mattila (hama@create.aau.dk)
The green connector is a project with a design proposal for a given area in Aalborg municipality. The city of Aalborg is expecting a population growth during the upcoming years.
The focus in this project is to transform an old industrial and natural area in Aalborg municipality that can handle the future urban and climatic changes.
The project site is situated in between the city center and suburbs and creates a rift between these.
The site itself has a historical value from times when Aalborg was an industrial city.
The project focal point is activating the site, connecting city center and suburbs as well as developing the green axis as a connecting element through the site. Due to the climatic changes, the site was designed with a focus on handling a massive amount of rain. During the design process there have been worked with sustainable development through environmental, social and economical aspects.
Industries Nature Development Project
Master in Urban Architecture | Academic, Group Project
Location Aalborg, Denmark
Year 2021
Supervisor asst. Dylan Chau Huynh (dchu@create.aau.dk)
The site is located southeast of Aalborg center. To get a better understanding of the chosen area different analysis were made such as mobility and movement, street typology, green infrastructures and different user groups in connection to the new super cycle path with the Hadelsgymnasium. The design will attract people of all ages and create an attractive new space for people to be active, socialize and have fun.
The analyses have been made to gain a bigger understanding of the existing site and the context around it. The focus is the structure and design of the site including the analyses, street typology, building functions, user groups and mobility and movement as well as a quantitative analysis of the site in the form of observations.
Creeper plant on an electricity pylon
Malus sargentii (paradise apple)
Sorbus Aucuparia (Rowan)
Malus Domestica (apple tree)
Grass & hedge
Underground container
Axos Diagrams Concept
The design concept is to create an exciting pedestrian and bicycle path, connecting the super bicycle path and Handelsgymnasium. It is a safe green area for biking, walking, playing and socializing.