PORTFOLIO 2008-2012 Hugo Rigard
By order chronological
About me
Architectural Project Architectural Project Architectural Project I Architectural Project II Project raw material
S4 S5
Personal architectural Project Architectural Project Project transformed material Urban Project Architectural Project Reception center Project structures Urban Project Architecturals Projects I Fabre&Speller agency
Architectural Project Rural Project
MASTER S7 S8 S10 - S9
Workshop St Melany [Ardèche] Written cogic tation Project : Testing with wood, metal, stone Project : Testing with composite, textile, earth National contest : Living Bridge Timber structure studies International competition Solar Decathlon 2012
Sketch Trips Theoretical personal library
Curriculum Vitae 25/04/1989 16 rue des noyers 63540 ROMAGNAT 0626955266 hugorigard@gmail.com
TRAINING GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE IN GRENOBLE 2011-2012 Degree in architecture with honours [16/20] Master : «Architecture and building up material design» managed by Pascal Rollet FEDERATION COMPAGNONNIQUE OF BUILDING UP JOBS 2010-2012 Framework degree [CAP Charpente] GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE IN CLERMONT-FERRAND 2009-2010 License degree BLAISE PASCAL (CLERMONT-FERRAND) HIGH SCHOOL 2007 Obtaining of the Science High school baccalaureate with honours WORK EXPERIENCE 2011-2012 Contribution to the international contest : the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Team Rhône-Alpes, project CANOPEA, In september 2012, the jury rewarded to this remarkable project the first prize. 2010-2012 Preparation of the Carpenters’diploma by means of evening tuition from “les Compagnons du Tour de France” 2010-2011 Candidateship to the national competition “Living Bridge” December 2010 Experience of OPC [Organization, Piloting and Coordination] of 50 Grenoble and Lyon architecture students for a project design and its achievement in studios. I used the Microsoft Project software August 2010 Organization of the classic music Festival «Bach en Combrailles on 2010» July 2010 Two weeks training course in Ardèche at a sawyer’s, a carpenter’s and a joiner’s Mars 2010 After being selected, a 5 days workshop in Ardèche: design of one shelter + urban planning
February 2010 Within the week of the Short Film Festival in Clermont Ferrand, design and achievement of a public reception work of art. 2009 - 2010 Paid student during 8 months in the Fabre&Speler agency August 2009 Renovation of a reprography as construction worker February 2009 Two weeks training course within a building firm February 2008 Within the week of the Short Film Festival, design and personal achievement of a shelter in painting tightened for the school of architecture. July 2008 One month training course in the CitÊ Architecture agency in Clermont-Ferrand April 2008 Organization of a visit on the building site of NHE, third biggest hospital in France in 2008 which was drawn by the GROUPE 6 agency FURTHER INFORMATIONS Mastered software: Service Microsoft, Project Microsoft, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, 3Dsmax, Autocad 2D / 3D, Archicad Languages: French, English, Spanish Visited countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Canada (Ontario and Quebec), Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Reunion island, Mauritius, Italy and Sicily, Netherlands, Portugal, Czech, Swiss Republic, Slovenia Trainings extra school: holder of the BAFA, first aid rescuer, driving licence (car and aerial lift) Personal description: curious about everything, ambitious, creative, realistic and dreamer, leader, listener, modest, well-balanced, responsible, smiling and polite, eager to travel and ready for meetings, fascinated by building up techniques‌ Interests and [practices]: drawing and writing [journey diaries and pads of every day] dance [rock*roll], music [trumpet, guitar, mix of electronic music], video [amateur short films presented to festivals], theater, cookery , sports.
Architectural Project I
«Architecture of emergency: sustainability / insecurity»
Teacher : Mr Breuillé
structure easily removable, adaptable, solid and inhabitable folding
inflatable membrane as an envelope
using triangulation and mechanical building up easy transport
Project raw material
Draft outdoor theater with 75 seats on the Montjuset Teacher : Boris Bouchet I FrĂŠdĂŠric Bonnet I Mario Poirier
park overlooking Clermont Ferrand
testing of laminated fused rings outdoor theater artworks aesthetic work, harmonious and functional transparency, gradients of light
Architectural personal Project
Conducting a canvas for the school as part of a personal project. Assistant professor : Marie HÊlène Gay Charpin
public reception at the Architecture School of Clermont Ferrand Short Film Festival metal ring attachable and adaptable trees.
Design / Achievement Manufacturing
cost constraints
Architectural Project
Project of a public facility with a social Teacher : Franck Sabatier
at the core of the project, a public garden
7 minutes from the city center by tram Work on the entire urban island offbeat
complexity generated by the shape topography
La DEFORMATION du sol s’enroule autour d’un PARC
Topography aerial view
Project view from the place
Project Structures
Design and preliminary design of a multi-sport complex Teacher : Mr Lottier I Babou Bazie
Emergent Technical basement independent structures
continuity Engineering continuity of the park on the roof
rational aesthetics and spatial organization
Cuts and elevations
Reference: Hanamidon Cultural center by Toyo Ito [2006]
Urban Project
Ventilation Plant Structuring - 11 issues I 3 interventions I 1 urban project Teacher : Sylvie Zara
North South axis structures Clermont Ferrand city continuity fighting urban sprawl Place Dellile
entertainment complexes and activities
Urban analysis
Urban scheme - framing Dellile Square -
Present state
territory scale citywide site scale near the old center Michelin industry
Architectural Project Mixture, Calm and Pleasure Teacher : CĂŠcile Ameil
Montreuil (93)
urban tissue messy and sometimes unsafe
parcels into strips gradation of volume 5
20 units Zinc
inside, planted pathways
porosity of the urban islet
MAJOR INTENTIONS Attracting wealthier social classes while maintaining the strong identity of the neighbourhood. Developping the immediate environment of the core where the firms are so that the habitat and activities coexist and interact. Developping the plaza of FraternitĂŠ in order to strengthen the axis N / S linking this plaza to the Market on Robespierre Street.
Cuts and elevations
Architecturals Projects I Agence Fabre&Speller Several missions made as a student-employee Duration:8 months
against the tide of contemporary exhibitionism professional experience
architectural office classical language in the Aldo Rossi’style 5
Clermont Ferrand
artisans 8 months student-employee
Modelling of glasshouse for a castle in China TNP Villeurbanne in Lyon Logidôme revamp Rue des Jacobins
Furniture design for the TNP Building permit for a individual house Staircase on the medieval rampart at the Puy en Velay
Architectural Project Structured and structuring band Teacher : Vincent Brugerolles
3 students 600 units
district north-east of Clermont Ferrand workers’ houses in R +1 residential towers in R+10
between the two: a grassed no man’s land
reconnect «Houses in rows»
Scheme pattern
Aerial view: design of 600 homes
Ground plane of the 3 BANDS:from top to bottom [Antoine Alternative I Rigard Hugo Hugo Salin I]
Projected views and moods
varied sizes and services Central Band connector
a coherent set
38 homes, collective and individual it has various program functions Superimposed on the sectional map of the ground floor’s band
Ground floor Building A
Elevation of Building C that faces the alley
Plan du RDC des maisons individuelles E
Elevation of Building C which overlooks the private gardens
Architecture studio and a home kitchen [Building A] work on the interior with Xavier Labiano, interior designer
A building facade that faces the main track
A relationship of the building with the towers
Rural Project
A new start for the country’s agriculture from Caldagues-Aubrac Teacher : J.D. Prieur
Cantal 5-day immersion
many meetings analyze different types of farms new construction or rehabilitation
Charles, a 20 year old boy to build a autonomous energy farm
meet young farmers in training their vision of tomorrow’s agriculture «Today, young people want to take their weekend to go on holiday ... The implementation of GAEC operation is a solution more and more common.»
Issues: - Create a contemporary architecture in an old context - Needs two farmers - Respect the privacy of 2 families - Highlight the areas of sales - Using advanced technologies suited to farming awareness - Think Energy System which makes a farm energy autonomous - Encourage mixture of uses and functions in the same space - Share equipment and storage buildings with other owners of farmsIssues: ENERGY sufficient
Storm water
Hay drying tower
Owners: 2 PAIRS
Cogenerator Hot air from the fermentation [approx 45 ° C]
Slurry tank:produces methane
GRADATIONS of land on terraces
Viewed from the street
Too many cows kill cows
Area sales I reception desk
WORKSHOP St Melany [Ardèche] Wooden shelters to welcome the tourists
4 days of immersion understanding the project’s context in depth
first selection
Structuring strategy reconsideration of the proposed aerial view varied action places
Below, a new design of the plaza in relation with the TOWN HALL and its FORECOURT. St Melany attractive places Bar Restaurant Beekeeper Main square / market place Town hall Rest house Scheme
Aerial view
Structure integration in the site
sitting details
Light ambiance
Written cogitation
The landmarks factory in the city Teacher : Franck Sabatier
The city is like a living organ in perpetual regeneration Vital flow: man The city is fragile, and can have an end unplanned density can entail decline and disappearance a well-arranged city facilitates travel
Clermont Ferrand landmarks
reveals and connects landmarks how to find one’s way? which methods
What to do so that the city makes sens?
city’s scale building’s scale
PLAN REPORT ¤ Introduction ¤ The notion of landmark
I Notions of Signal and Landmark What a signal What a landmark The common points between the signal and the landmark The landmark through three scales
Clermont Ferrand drawing by Ravel in the XV century
II Three landmarks in Clermont-Ferrand Evolution of Clermont-Ferrand Puy de Dôme The Cathedral Notre-Dame of the Assumption Historical presentation of the city The octagonal tower of the Quartier de la Gare
III What visual relations maintain these landmarks? The axial system The axial system through the work of Italian Sixth V and of the baron Haussmann Visual relations between three landmarks evoked in part II Stakes and reflection ¤ Conclusion
PROJECT ÂŤArchitecture and building up material designÂť WOOD
the numerous use of wood to economize materials in the structure, easy to build and install
self-build dwelling the mesh and roof-vault flexibility of wood natural wooden elements and its derived plywood small strip
Here is THE future ecological organic passive house!
PROJECT ÂŤArchitecture and building up material designÂť TESTING :
Internet links http://masterrollet.wordpress.com http://www.lesgrandsateliers.org/
texture, physical characteristic of materials Joint self-build dwelling construction worker & studients to economize materials in the structure, easy to build and install crativity implementation
Competition «Construire Acier» : Living bridge
Polyphonic writing of the city. Felix Drouet [Bruxelles] & Hugo Rigard [ENSAG] Pont de l’Harteloire I Brest I France
Written cogitation Urban density
Professor : StĂŠphane Sadoux
40 analysed projects : 20 contemporary 20 of the 20e century Definition of urban density & urban intensity Mesurement tool for urban density Comparison between the morphology and the human density
What morphology for which urban context Consideration life comfort
Timber structure studies
Preparation of the Carpenters’diploma by means of evening tuition from «les Compagnons du Tour de France»
6-7 8-9
Drawing - construction
Degree in architecture [SOLAR DECATHLON EUROPE 2012] International competition I housing of the futur Team Rh么ne-Alpes
Internet links http://www.sdeurope.org/?p=7909&lang=en http://www.solardecathlon.fr/
studients + professor teaching and research + industrialist Conception - drawing - realisation multidisciplinarity 8-9
20 teams all around the world
TEAM RHONE-ALPES 2010-2012 Team RA 2012
Team GRE 2010
Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés
Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés partenaires privés Partenaires privés
Partenaires privés
Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés partenaires privés privés Partenaires
Partenaires privés Partenaires privés partenaires privésprivés Partenaires privés partenaires Partenaires privés partenaires privés partenaires privésprivés Partenaires privés partenaires privés partenaires Partenaires privés Partenaires privés Partenaires privés partenaires privés
partenaires et contacts
Partenaires privés
partenaires privés privés Partenaires
Partenaires Partenaires privés privés
composition de l’équipe
Partenaires publics
Partenaires publics
Partenaires publics Partenaires publicspublics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics
Partenaires publics
Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Supports intellectuels Partenaires publics Partenaires publics publics partenaires PartenairesPartenaires publics publics
partenaires presse
Organisateurs partenaires duSolar Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs partenaires Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 partenaires presse Organisateurs etetpartenaires du Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et et partenaires dudu Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europ Organisateurs et partenaires dupartenaires Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 partenaires presse partenaires presse presse
Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 partenaires presse partenaires presse
partenaires partenairesEurope presse 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires Solar Decathlon partenaires presse dupresse
Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012
Supports intellectuels
Organisateurs partenaires duSolar Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs etetpartenaires du Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires dudu Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 organisateurs et partenaires solar decathlon europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs etdu partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 2012 Organisateurs etetpartenaires du Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires duDecathlon Solar Decathlon Europe Organisateurs partenaires duSolar Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlo organisateurs etet partenaires du solardu decathlon europe 2012 Organisateurs partenaires Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon EuropeEurope 2012 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon
Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels
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Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012
Supports intellectuels
Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Partenaires publics partenaires publics Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels
Partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires privés Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Supports intellectuels Partenaires publics partenaires publics Partenaires publics partenaires publics Partenaires publics partenaires publics Partenaires publics Supports intellectuels partenaires publics Partenaires publics partenaires publics Partenaires publics Partenaires publics partenaires publics partenaires publics Partenaires publics Supports intellectuels Partenaires publics partenaires publics
organisateurs partenaires solar decathlon europe 2012 organisateurs etetpartenaires dudusolar decathlon europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires duSolar Solar Decathlon Europe Europe 2012 2012 organisateurs et etpartenaires du decathlon europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Decathlon Organisateurs partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 organisateurs etorganisateurs partenaires du solar decathlon europe 2012 organisateurs partenaires dusolar decathlon europe 2012 organisateurs etet partenaires dusolar solar europe etpartenaires partenaires dudecathlon solar decathlon europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs etet du Decathlon Europe 2012 2012 Organisateurs partenaires duSolar Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Organisateurs et partenaires du2012 Solar Decathlon Europe Organisateurs et organisateurs partenaires du Solar du Decathlon Europe et partenaires solar decathlon europe2012 2012
Supports intellectuels supports intellectuels
Organisateurs et partenaires du Solar Decathlon
Supports intellectuels Nos Partenaires
Démarche partenaire
À ce jour, plus de 60 entreprises et institutions ont accepté d’apporter leur concours, direct ou indirect, au prototype Canopea® que nous préparons pour la compétition de Madrid et pour l’exposition itinérante en France qui se terminera à l’INES ( Le Bourget du Lac).
La première étape consiste à présenter le projet aux partenaires. Lorsqu’ils ont choisis de nous rejoindre et de partager les valeurs de notre projet, nous les rencontrons régulièrement afin d’élaborer ensemble des solutions adaptées à Canopea. L’interraction des étudiants et des partenaires participe pleinement à la pédagogie du Solar Decathlon.
PEDAGOGY : studient, professional, industrialist, construction, communication
Ce sont d’une part des partenaires de l’Armadillo Box® qui renouvelent leur engagement auprès de la Team Rhône-Alpes pour la 2ème édition du Solar Decathlon Europe, et d’autre part de nouvelles structures souhaitant intégrer le réseau d’excellence autour de l’habitat durable en cours de Partenaires publics constitution. Visitez nos réseaux sociaux et notre site internet pour plus d’informations à propos du projet Canopea et nos partenaires !
Les partenariats sont valorisés par un grand nombre d’outils de communication qui mettent en valeur leur produit, leur investissement et leur soutient au projet. La Team Rhône-Alpes produit des visuels et des vidéos à propos des partenaires et participent à des évènements avec eux.
Rencontre des partenaires à Batimat
sur notre site www.solardecathlon.fr sur notre page Facebook CANOPEA
au projet. En fonction de leurs compétences, ils nous aident à diffuser les valeurs et la communication du projet.
sur notre Twitter «@TeamRhôneAlpes»
-D’autres partenaires apportent les matériaux dont nous avons besoin pour construire le prototype Canopea®.
flashez le code pour directement rejoindre notre page facebook !
Recherche de partenaires
Il existe trois types de partenaires
Organisateurs et partenaires -du Decathlon 2012 Les Solar partenaires financiers qui Europe apportent leur support de manière globale
Supports intellectuels
- Les autres partenaires nous apportent leur expertise scientifique et leur support intellectuel. Developement de solutions communes
Confrontation à la matière
Travailler avec les entreprisesTravailler avec les entreprises
Les nanotours, parties prenantes d’un milieu urbain interconnecté
CANOPEA : Urban project in Grenoble
c le
cia lN
Urban’s spread
w ok
Lo wa w te tem r th per er at m ur al e lo op
Nanotower Network
LA NANOTOUR Les Nanotours sur l’ilôt Cambridge - Presqu’île C’est une solution pour lutter contre l’étalement urbain. Une Nanotour est composée de Les Nanotours sur l’ilôt Cambridge - Presqu’île
THE PROTOTYPE : construction of the two top floors
Vue du prototype Canopea en compétition
A Madrid la Team Rhône-Alpes a construit les deux derniers étages d’une Nanotour. Il y avait donc un logement de 70m2 et l’étage commun, partagé par les habitants de la tour.
TECHNICAL DRAWINGS : plans and sections
n R+8
Plan étage commun
Energy strategy : Passive / Active °C
glass-glass modules
radiative cooling
thermal air phase shifter 12 hours
CompactP supply air
thermal storage tank
Stratégie passive d’été
outdoor air
exhaust air
discharge air
DHW tank UVP6 power pipe
Low temperature district heating
mposition en trois tranches
Down corner section
401 27
30 27
1 2 3
20 401 200
8 9 10
12 1113 12 13
Stratégie passive d’hiver
Stratégie active : refroidissement
Cold water
Rule : the prototype has to be Areassemble in 7 days in Madrid Down corner
Grey water
Down corner section
Down corner
Contreventement en panneaux Kerto
Enduits en terre
Les Grands Ateliers de l’Isle d’Abeau
ASSEMBLY [Spain - Madrid]
mière nuit... premiers gros problèmes!
... et amener les tranches sur le site
PROTOTYPE ready for competition [Spain - Madrid]
L’assemblage est fait en trois jours
COMPETITION [Madrid] : solar village, juries, monitoring, FIRST PRICE
Remise du prix Architecture
COME BACK [France] : Thanking by 3 ministers, reassembly in Grenoble, conference
ministère de la culture
Remontage chez Schneider Electric
I have now decided to undertake a two years’ study journeying around the world in order to meet architects and several people from different occupations, and I have in mind to temporarily work with such people during a few months.
First stage : december 18th 2012 : ARGENTINA
To be followed.......
Human anatomy as constant inspiration and reference
The human body
An architect has to be curious, he nourishes himself by his travels and encounters indeed.
September 2007 : south of France
April 2008 : Berlin [Germany]
Summer 2008 : [Italy], [Croatia]
2008 : several weekends in Paris
April 2009 : Brest / Ouessant island [France]
April 2009 : Bilbao / Zaragoza / Barcelona [Spain]
August 2009 : Bordeaux I Biscarosse [France]
2009 : several weekends in Lyon
December 2009 : Montpellier [France]
October 2009 : Grenoble [France]
February and August 2010 : Amsterdam [Deutchland]
August 2010 : Lilles / Roubaix [France]
August 2010 : Brugges [Belgium]
August 2010 : Copenhagen [Denmark]
August 2010 : Prague [Czech Republic]
August 2010: Wien [Austria]
August 2010: Zurich [Switzerland]
November 2010: Venice Biennale + Turin
[To be completed]
«Histoire de la ville» de L.Benevolo «Théorie de la dérive» de Guy Debord «Vivre dans la rue à Paris au XVIIe siècle» d’Arlette Farge «L’enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime» de Philippe Ariès «Les pierres sauvages» de Fernand Pouillon «Silence et lumière» de Louis I.Kahn «Architecture paradoxale» de Fabre & Speller «Sociologie des mobilités» de John Urry «Transports, pauvretés, exclusions de Jean Pierre Orfeuil «Leçons du Thoronet» de John Pawson «Siza au Thoronet, le parcours de l’aube» de Dominique Machabert «La ville à vue d’oeil» de Richard Sennett «L’art de bâtir les villes» de Camillo Sitte « Complexity and contradiction in Architecture » Robert Venturi « Entretien avec les étudiants des écoles d’architecture » 1942 de Le Corbusier «Vers une architecture», ed. Champsarts de Le Corbusier «Le Dictionnaire de la géographie et de l’espace des sociétés», ed. Belin de Jacques Lévy et Michel Lussault «New York Délire», ed. parenthèses de Rem Koolhaas ....