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Urban Design Parameters
Near-term, 2050 assumptions (for the speculative purposes of this studio): • 3-ft sea level rise (SLR) plus other coastal hazards (groundwater inundation, hurricane/storm surge, flooding, tsunami, etc.); increased ocean temperatures. Other anticipated climate-crisis effects. How does the project site adapt in innovative and resilient ways? • Proposed programs and uses will produce net-zero emissions and be carbon neutral. • No more individual, fossil-fuel/combustion engine vehicles permitted in Waikīki; shared, autonomous electric vehicles only, future electric public transit, water-based transportation, connections to rail; multi-use paths, walkability and bikes; public waterfront access. • The project site and its surrounding Waikīki neighborhoods, land, and water bodies begin to adapt and perform ecologically, provide ecosystem services (water, soil, air, etc.), and promote habitat, biodiversity, and productive and cultural practices. • Residents begin to live, work, recreate at or near the site.
Long-term, 2100 assumptions (for the speculative purposes of this studio): • 6-ft sea level rise (SLR) plus other, more severe and frequent coastal hazards (groundwater inundation, hurricane/ storm surge, flooding, etc.); increased ocean temperatures; other anticipated climate-crisis effects. How does the proposed mixed-use model neighborhood function in innovative and resilient ways? • Honolulu, Waikīki, and the proposed resilient mixed-use neighborhood will be climate-positive and, where possible, comprised of decentralized, self-sufficient off-grid systems (energy, water, sewage, waste, food, etc.). • No individual automobiles are allowed in Waikīkī, only shared, autonomous renewable/electric vehicles, future electric public transit, water-based transportation, etc.; consider connections to rail and mauka neighborhoods; multi-use paths, walkability and bikes; public waterfront access. • The proposed neighborhood’s open spaces, shorelines, and water systems perform ecologically, provide ecosystem services (water, soil, air, etc.), and promote habitat, biodiversity, food security, and cultural practices. • Social equity; jobs; social services; the majority residents live, work, recreate within walking distance.
Basic design strategies for SLR and coastal flooding to explore and combine in urban design proposals: LINEAR BARRIERS Hard, engineered infrastructure systems that armor and stabilize the shoreline; examples: impermeable structures, levees, dikes, seawalls, riprap, dams, flood gates, storm surge barriers, etc. LIVING SHORELINES Soft, nature-based green infrastructure solutions; examples: wetlands, tidal marshes, other living coastal buffers that rely on ecosystem services and increase the distance between water and development, retain/absorb inundation, attenuate waves, slow erosion, provide habitat. ADAPTATION Elevated development; examples: raising the height of land, infrastructure, and built structures, using fill or pilings Floodable development; examples: structures/landscapes designed to withstand occasional inundation; elevated critical infrastructure Floating development; examples: floating buildings and infrastructure; elements are designed with fluctuating water levels in mind MANAGED RETREAT Withdrawal of development from the shoreline over time through managed abandonment of areas subject to frequent inundation; examples: structures designed for disassembly; conversion of abandoned areas into floodable, living shoreline elements, etc.
Ignis am, inctur autem ius. Hentionseque con pore dolorep elecerferuv Ignis am, inctur autem ius. Hentionseque con pore dolorep elecerferuv
Ignis am, inctur autem ius. Hentionseque con pore dolorep elecerferuv Ignis am, inctur autem ius. Hentionseque con pore dolorep elecerferuv