2022-2023 CTLE Professional Development Catalog

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2022-2023 CTLE Professional Development Catalog
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PG Description 3 Important Dates 4 About the
6 Faculty
7 ACUE 8 Teaching
10 Online
11 Online
12 OLC
13 Online
14 Teaching
15 Course
Fellows & CTLE Boards and Committee
and Learning Symposium
Teaching Certificate
Learning Consortium & Quality Matters
Teaching Passport
Certification program
Course Development Initiative
Innovation Initiative
3 IMPORTANT DATES Open / Summer 2022 DATE DESCRIPTION 8/15 Online Learning Consortium (OLC) & Quality Matters (QM) Workshop Enrollment 8/18 CHSS Inclusive Teaching Fellows Workshop Series Begins 8/31 ACUE Launch - Course in Effective Teaching Practices Fall 2022 DATE DESCRIPTION 9/9 Online Teaching Passport Applications Due 10/14 Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Certification Applications Due Nov 2022 Teaching and Learning Symposium 11/11 Online Course Development Initiative (OCDI) Call Issued Spring 2023 DATE DESCRIPTION 2/3 2022/23 Teaching Circles Preliminary Reports Due 3/31 Course Innovation Initiative Proposals Due Apr 2023 Spring Teaching Cafe 4/28 Teaching Circles Proposals Due


The UHD Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) aims to support student success by providing targeted faculty support, promoting evidenced-based instructional strategies, and cultivating an innovative and collaborative learning environment at UHD. The center’s ongoing initiatives aim to achieve the student success objectives outlined in the UHD Strategic Plan and to support the University’s continual growth and development as a vibrant teaching and learning institution.


• Promote evidence-based instruction through fostering a collaborative culture of teaching excellence.

• Increase success in high-enrollment courses through the Course Innovation Initiative (CI²).

• Improve the quality of Online Courses.

Faculty Served & Impact

The center provides support to all full-time and part-time faculty at UHD. In FY’20, we reached 46.3% of all faculty with at least one service. As illustrated in a recent CTLE newsletter , survey data (n=112) showed that 95% of faculty are satisfied with CTLE services and 90% report implementing CTLEpresented strategies in the classroom. Nearly 70% of faculty reported observing improved student engagement or success as a result of implementing these strategies. Course interventions over the years formalized by CTLE programs have driven course passing rate improvements of nearly 30 percentage points in some courses. The overall impact of CTLE activities is further evidenced by an annual demand that typically exceeds funding capacity (127% of capacity in FY’20).

Programs and Services

CTLE programs and services include, but are not limited to:


CTLE Central Office

ACAD 700A | Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 4:00 pm


Gregory Dement, PhD dementg@uhd.edu


Georges Detiveaux detiveauxg@uhd.edu


Fabiola Vacatoledo vacatoledof@uhd.edu

CTLE College Annex – MDCOB

SSB B-221 | Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

VIDEO PRODUCTION SPECIALIST II Richard Galvan galvanr@uhd.edu


Courtney Banks banksco@uhd.edu

Learn More

For more information on the CTLE, including how faculty can benefit from our services and initiatives, visit us online at uhd.edu/ctle . Faculty and staff at UHD can request to join our Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/ctleuhd/

Online Pedagogy Support

• 1:1 online pedagogy • Feedback on remote instruction plans



GENERAL INQUIRIES ctle@uhd.edu uhd.edu/ctle

Locations & Staff Services Overview
• Discuss assessment plans • Brainstorm activity ideas • Classroom Observations
Production Services • Lecture Capture • How to guides • Zoom recording • Uploading to Mediasite • Video editing needs
Design Services • Infographic and Sparkpage Creation • Lecture Video Consultation • Motion Graphics for
Lecture Video • Blackboard Announcement Graphic • PowerPoint Design
Submit a Request Submit a Request Submit a Request

Overview of Faculty Fellows Program

F aculty Teaching Fellows are UHD educators selected to engage in CTLE or college/departmentlevel projects related to improving student success at UHD through promoting teaching excellence. Fellows usually each serve as a liaison between the CTLE and their respective college while also filling a unique role based on the fellow’s specific interests. Fellows receive a course release to offset time spent on related projects and a travel stipend to attend a teaching and learning related conference. This year, the four fellows representing different colleges are working on a joint project to create a Teaching Orientation and Café series geared toward new, junior, and adjunct faculty members. We in the CTLE are excited to introduce this year’s fellows to you. If you have questions about CTLE programs or teaching related resources in your college, please feel free to reach out to one of the Faculty Teaching Fellows.

2021-2022 Faculty Fellows

KRISTA GEHRING College of Public Service gehringk@uhd.edu

TIM REDL College of Sciences and Technology redlt@uhd.edu

KIMBERLY GLEASON Marilyn Davies College of Business gleasonk@uhd.edu

BRIDGET MUELLER College of Humanities and Social Sciences muellerb@uhd.edu


ACUE | Open Enrollment Microcredentials

Through your UHD Center for Teaching and Learning (CTLE), ACUE’s open enrollment courses are available free of charge for all full-time and part-time faculty. Through ACUE’s unique learning design, each microcredential allows faculty to gain foundational knowledge, implement evidence-based practices, reflect on your implementation, and refine your practice based on feedback. Faculty who complete all microcredentials earn the full ACUE Certificate in Effective College Instruction, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE). Note, this is the same certificate that we offer at UHD as a one year program, but the microcredential approach provides a less intensive way to earn the certificate over a longer time period. You can pursue the full certificate, or just select the microcredentials you are interested. Currently, UHD faculty are only eligible to complete one microcredential per academic year.

The microcredential courses are delivered asynchronously and offer two versions—one geared for those teaching in a face to face/hybrid environment, and the other for those teaching primarily online. Both modalities are based on the same Effective Practice Framework . Resources for both face to face and online are included in each version of the course. You may take courses from either/both formats as you prefer.

ACUE Microcredential Courses:


Most open enrollment courses contains 6-7 modules that will collectively require 12-18 hours to complete over a 6-8 week period. You will be given 8 weeks to complete the course and upon microcredential completion, maintain login access to course materials for one year.

Registration Link: bit.ly/UHDmicroACUE

Important Dates: • September 9– Registration Opens

• September 26 – Registration Closes

Course Start Dates: October 8, January 21, March 25, June 3

*NOTE: If you already completed ACUE’s Certificate in Effective College Instruction , focused on in-person instruction, you may earn the Advanced Certificate in Effective College Instruction by completing three additional microcredentials focused on the online teaching modality. The eligible microcredentials for this are 1-3 on the list above.

2. Promoting
3. Inspiring
Creating an Inclusive and
Learning Environment
Active Learning
Preparing Lifelong Learners
Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses

This Year’s Theme:


We’re equally proud to announce that our 2022 keynote speaker will be Dr. Susan Hrach, author of Minding Bodies: How Physical Space, Sensation, and Movement Affect Learning.

Conference Schedule | Friday, November 4:


9:00 - 9:45 AM

Welcome & Kickoff Session via Zoom

10:00 - 10:45 AM | Round 1

Virtual Presentations via Zoom

11:00 - 11:45 AM | Round 2

Virtual Presentations via Zoom


12:00 - 2:00 PM

Luncheon, ACUE Celebration, & Teaching Café


2:30 - 4:00 PM Keynote Workshop

About the Keynote Workshop


Embodied Learning Strategies to Create Human Connection and Engagement

Recent headlines suggest we are currently experiencing a “stunning” level of student disconnection and disengagement. What can we do to motivate students and ourselves to re-engage in learning? Learning demands physical energy that the body supplies for optimal brain function. We are wired for social connection and to think while moving. In this interactive session, participants will experience embodied learning strategies firsthand; from the research in my book, Minding Bodies: How physical space, sensation, and movement affect learning , I will share what science is discovering about the effect of the built environment and movement on cognitive performance.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW REGISTER TODAY: bit.ly/ctle22TLS Visit the T&L Symposium Webpage for more details: bit.ly/ctle-tls22

Program Overview

Through participation in a series of workshops offered by the UHD Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, faculty can earn various badges and micro-credentials, leading to a Certificate in EvidenceBased Instruction and Course Design. Completion of this certificate signifies a dedication to continuous improvement of teaching skills and a commitment to UHD student success. Upon completion, participants will be able to implement backwards course design, identify evidence-based strategies relevant to their courses, and increase student motivation and engagement. In addition, certificate completion comes with a $500 stipend.

Program Micro-Credentials

LEARN MORE: bit.ly/UHDcert
How to Earn a Certificate: • Designing A Quality Course • Evidence-Based Instruction • Student Motivation And Engagement • Writing In The Disciplines UHD TEACHING CERTIFICATE • Integrating Academic Support Services • Inclusive Teaching • Online Teaching Design And Delivery • Impactful Teaching & Learning

Stipends for Short-Duration Workshops from OLC and QM

The CTLE offers all faculty (adjuncts, too!) a call for applications that’s open year-round for small grant awards to cover registration and a stipend for taking up to two workshops per year as offered through the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and Quality Matters (QM). There’s no deadline to apply, however, please allow us one week in advance of the start date of your desired workshop to process your application. For each workshop you take and complete through us, submit your completion certificate to request your stipend of $150. That’s $300 a year of stipend money you’re entitled to just for being an instructor at UHD!


1. Browse the listings of short-duration workshop options at the OLC and QM websites, make note of your session title, start date, and end date.

2. Apply for enrollment at our website. We’ll then review your application and enroll you in your requested learning opportunity.

APPLY HERE: bit.ly/ctleOLCQM

3. Submit your completion certificate to request your stipend of $150


Recently, we have adopted the QM Rubric as our recommended rubric for all online course offerings at UHD, so we are especially interested in applications from faculty who want to learn more about the rubric and how to apply it.

Sample OLC Workshop Titles

(Learn about these and more at their website )

• Applying UDL Principles to Online Courses to Increase Accessibility & Engagement

• Designing Courses with a Multimodal Approach

• Engaging Learners in Online Discussions

• Getting Started with Hybrid-Flexible Course Design

• Giving Effective Feedback

• Increasing Interaction & Engagement

Sample QM Workshop Titles

(Learn about these and more at their website )

• Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

• Creating Presence in Your Online Course

• Design that Welcomes Your Learners

• Designing Your Blended Course

• Designing Your Online Course

• Using Instructional Materials & Tech to Promote Learner Engagement

Need Help

To narrow down your options based on your own needs via consultation, contact Georges Detiveaux in the CTLE at detiveauxg@uhd.edu. Remember to use our application form, and don’t try to enroll yourself at the OLC & QM if you want us to cover the cost of registration (use their websites for informational purposes only).


UHD Online Teaching Passport 2.0

The CTLE is gearing up for yet another opportunity for faculty to benefit from the newly-created UHD Online Teaching Passport, a learning opportunity for faculty to explore best practices in online course design and facilitation, all the while getting to know and work with key UHD staff who support this teaching modality


1. Application deadline: Noon Friday, 9/9/2022

APPLY HERE: bit.ly/CTLEePassport

2. Acceptance announcement : Monday, 9/12/2022

COURSE DATES: Monday, 9/12 to Friday, 12/9

3. Complete all required tasks in the rubric and in the course and receive a one-time stipend of $500

Become a Platinum Voyager

The course is divided into four “trips” that include (1) online pedagogy and course design, (2) online instructional technology, (3) CTLE consultation and content creation services, and (4) course content preparation and review. Most of the coursework is entirely asynchronous, with the exception of a few 1:1 meetings with facilitators along the way. The course is designed as an excellent “next step” for faculty who have taken the TTLC’s Blackboard Foundations for Faculty and are ready for formal, more detailed preparation in online teaching at UHD. All faculty (adjuncts included!) are invited to participate, but attendees must be current employees (teaching in the summer) and must also be active employees in the fall (when the stipend will be issued).

• Completed 1 or more OLC/QM workshops and submitted a reflection on it

• Watched and submitted a reflection on at least three Magna Videos relevant to online course design or facilitation

• Attended 3 or more TTLC Training events via Zoom on a topic related to online teaching technology as scheduled in the I.T. Training Calendar

• Visited three CTLE staff members during Virtual Office Hours for a consultation on a specific matter related to online course design or facilitation and incorporated a strategy/best practice discussed and/or service provided in course (with obvious, verifiable evidence)


• A banner (designed with CTLE assistance)

• A welcome/start here section with a video intro (produced with CTLE assistance)

• An expanded welcome/start here section with links & content useful to the learner (with a PDF syllabus)

• At least two complete modules/folders with a learning trajectory presented in at least 5 sequenced content items


The OLC Certificate Program represents the highest level of online teaching certification available to UHD faculty. Leverage your background and proficiencies as an educator to become a more effective online/digital teaching & learning professional.

About the Certificates

The BASIC (TRADITIONAL) CERTIFICATE is composed of a 10-week foundational course and 3 workshop electives (with several program dates to choose from). To qualify, applicants must have at least one year of online teaching experience plus completion of the OLC workshop “New to Online: The Essentials, Part 1, Getting Started” as offered through the CTLE. Additional pre-requisites for those with less than one year of online teaching experience include two additional workshops (New to Online: Essentials Part 2, Converting Your Course and New to Online: Essentials Part 3, Course Design Basics).

The ADVANCED CERTIFICATE is composed of 12-week workshop designed to help experienced online faculty fine-tune existing courses. To qualify, applicants must have at least 3 or more years of online teaching experience or have completed OLC’s basic certification through the CTLE and taught one year online.

The CTLE will cover the registration cost for the full certification ($1,499) and a stipend of $500 upon receipt of the completion certificate. Typically, we have funding to award up to five Professional Development Grants for certification per year.

The application process is competitive, and it is open to all UHD faculty (full-time and adjunct alike). Follow the links below to learn more and apply:

Additional links to consult as you complete your application (for informational purposes only: ignore pricing information, as we cover that on our end, do not attempt to enroll yourself unless you have another source of funding for enrollment fees):

OLC Traditional (Basic) Certification & OLC Advanced Certification: onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/teaching-certificates/

OLC Workshops (pre-requisites & electives for the traditional certificate): onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/workshops/

If you have additional questions, contact Georges Detiveaux in the CTLE at detiveauxg@uhd.edu


Earn $4000 by designing a new online course through OCDI with the assistance of white-glove CTLE project management, instructional design support, graphics and video support, tech help guidance, needs-based training opportunities, peer feedback by faculty champions who are accomplished online instructors, consultation, and course revision. Stipends are associated with milestones at various stages of the program.


Program Timeline

Design Parameters

In addition to one major course assessment (at the end of a module or modules) such as a midterm, a final, a major essay, a major paper, or a major project, courses designed with funding through this initiative will have the following pattern of components within a minimum of 8 modules by the end of the design period:

LEARN MORE: bit.ly/ctleOCDI

Program Overview

A teaching circle (TC) is a supportive community of about 3-5 instructors who come together to explore a specific topic or theme related to best practices in teaching and learning. TC members will experiment with new instructional approaches, reflect on implementation, and document lessons learned or best practices related to the group’s specific topic.

Participants in UHD Teaching Circles will enjoy opportunities to:

• Experiment with new teaching and learning strategies.

• Network and interact with colleagues.

• Increase student learning and academic success.

• Access resources and funding for TC activities.

• Receive a $500 stipend upon completion of the preliminary report.

Approximately 35-50 faculty participate in 10-12 Teaching Circles each academic year, with some yielding productive Course Innovation Initiative awards or even external grants, such as the Steelcase Education Active Learning Center Grant earned through a collaboration of the CTLE and a mathematics faculty teaching circle.


All full-time or part-time instructors at UHD may apply each Spring when the call for applications is distributed. To apply, recruit a group of 3-5 colleagues and propose the formation of a TC that fits within one of the topic groups described. Proposals should outline specific goals/tasks, deliverables, and a detailed budget, as outlined in the application form.

LEARN MORE: bit.ly/TeachCircles


• Sep 1 - Teaching Circles Launch

• Apr 28 - Teaching Circles Proposals Due

For examples of circle projects, please visit uhd.edu/ctle .


Program Overview | Course Innovation Initiative (CI 2)

This initiative is in place to direct resources and support to departments and faculty working on development or continuous improvement of courses at UHD that impact a large number of students. Priority target courses are high-enrollment, multi-section courses taught by numerous instructors. Faculty teams receiving a CI 2 award will implement a course innovation project that seeks to improve student learning in part through a focus on four essential strategies illustrated to the right:

A Learning Ecologies approach to course design is encouraged and provides a framework by which faculty form CDTs that integrate discipline-specific expertise along with university services.

For example, a single course might integrate innovative pedagogy, instructional technology, academic support services (i.e. Math and Writing centers), library resources, and impactful learning strategies that require the expertise of university staff in corresponding departments.

Additionally, CDTs will use Learning Environment Modeling (LEM) as a flexible design framework to maximize course quality. More details regarding the Learning Ecologies model and Learning Environment Modeling (LEM) are available at www.tinyurl.com/UHDecologies and www.uco.edu/lem .

• Mar
Awardee Project Timeline:
Process opens March 2023 LEARN MORE: bit.ly/ctleCI2
Proposal Preparation Workshop
Mar 31
Proposal Due Date

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