A Report to Endowment Donors
To All Our Donors Your continuing commitment to our students and faculty is deeply appreciated, and makes an enormous difference to the University of Houston-Downtown. UHD’s ability to provide current students and faculty with funding for scholarships, research, travel and other areas of enrichment is enhanced by your support and also creates a legacy for future generations. I genuinely value your relationship with the University of Houston-Downtown. Thank you, again, for your steadfast support of UHD and its students and faculty. Sincerely,
Dr. Juan Sánchez Muñoz President, University of Houston-Downtown
The University of Houston-Downtown achieved a number of noteworthy accomplishments during the 2017-18 academic year. These include: • An award of a $1 million grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. HHMI selected UHD’s College of Sciences and Technology through a highly competitive process as the only Texas institution to participate in its 2018 Inclusive Excellence Initiative, a program focused on engaging students from all cultural backgrounds in STEM disciplines. The award will support the redesign of curriculum, facilitation of learning communities, and engagement of faculty in order to bolster inclusiveness, access and success for underrepresented students in STEM fields. • The groundbreaking for UHD’s new College of Sciences and Technology, a $75.5 million, 105,000 square foot facility that will support and advance STEM education for a diverse population of students. The new building will house 14 teaching labs for chemistry and molecular science, 12 labs for undergraduate and faculty research, three computational classrooms, a flexible, multipurpose auditorium, and multiple large and small spaces designed for collaborative learning and interaction. Construction is expected to be completed by 2019. • Working with Houston Community College and Lone Star College, UHD has placed onsite joint advisers in the community colleges who are ready to support transfer students.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION TO FINISH UHD STRONG “Under Construction” has been a recurring theme for UHD alumna and endowment donor Evelyn Gibson that began with her wedding, which was held in an unfinished church. When her marriage unraveled due to her husband’s drug addiction a decade later, Gibson, now a single mother of five children, realized that her life was, once again, “under construction”. Gibson enrolled at UHD in 1989 and also worked as a counselor in the University’s Office of Veterans Affairs. She graduated with a degree in Computer Information Systems in 1996 and shortly thereafter joined Shell Oil Company as a systems analyst, where she has worked for the last 22 years. Gibson also earned her master’s in business administration from Our Lady of the Lake University in 2000. All five of Gibson’s children are college graduates; her daughter, Roberta, is also a UHD alumna. In 2017, Gibson contacted UHD’s Office of Advancement to establish an endowment in the College of Public Service honoring her late husband, Robert Earl Gibson, which provides scholarship support to a student who is in recovery from substance abuse. She attributes her success in life to UHD’s philosophy of community service, and wants to leave a legacy that honors her late husband for future students. “Today, so many lives continue to be under construction due to drug abuse. Those brave students who have overcome the many challenges tied to drug addiction should be applauded for their effort. My way of providing a round of applause is to offer this scholarship to that former addict to embrace the fact that they, too, can move from being under construction.”
'm so grateful for the scholarships I have received over the years. Without them, I would have had a difficult time putting myself through school. It is such a blessing to be able to focus all of my time and energy on classes, labs, and overall academic success. Due to the financial help I have received, I am able to maintain my almost perfect GPA and participate in an internship that will help me succeed in my future career endeavors!! So I mean it most sincerely when I say, thank you very much. Kelsey Ballard
ot only did scholarships help pay for tuition, but they also allowed me to pay for books, transportation, and meals on campus. Especially this semester, Fall 2018, I suddenly had expenses on my vehicle, and having both my tuition and graduation fee paid for truly felt like a blessing. Thank you so much! Madison Goebel
s a recipient of the 2017-2018 Edmonds Scholarship, I want to thank you for funding this scholarship which made a huge difference in my academic journey this year. I am writing this note to express my sincere gratitude to you for making this scholarship possible through your funds. I am a biology major with a minor in chemistry. I am currently a junior and I plan to pursue a career in medical school after graduating from UHD. You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. Eudes Mvoul
Red Rose Scholarship Endowments – Where the Brightest and Most Generous Meet As one of UHD’s most prestigious scholarships, the Red Rose Leadership Scholarship remains one of the highest honors that UHD students can achieve. The scholarship pays $3,000 in annual tuition assistance to a UHD student demonstrating service, leadership and commitment to UHD as well as to the Houston community, their families and their work. Founded in 1981 by UHD students and brothers Armando, Albert and Ricky Diaz, Jr. on behalf of the Latin American Student Service Association, fundraising began as a door-to-door campaign requesting corporate support for University students. Brother Armando chaired the initial event and involved his other family members, including his father, local orchestra leader Ricky Diaz, Sr. and his mother Belen, who undertook event planning and fundraising. The inaugural Red Rose Ball attracted 800 attendees and raised approximately $25,000. All three Diaz brothers graduated from UHD – Armando is an attorney, and Albert and Ricky Jr. work in financial services. Over the years, the Red Rose Ball expanded in scope, both spotlighting scholarship recipients and paying tribute to Houston’s business leaders who demonstrated a commitment to improving education. Red Rose Ball honorees included a veritable “Who’s Who in Houston” -- a former University of Houston System chancellor, two Houston mayors and a number of prominent businesspeople and philanthropists. The event was described by late honoree Eugene Vaughan, businessman and founding chairman of the Center for Houston’s Future, as “the single most uplifting and moving event that I have attended in Houston.” Although the last Red Rose Ball was held in 2008, the financial support that it provides to students has endured. The Red Rose Leadership Scholarship and its 18 associated endowments now provides funding to approximately 25 students per year, and has made the dream of college a reality for more than 500 UHD students. Because of the generosity of our endowment donors and other contributors, total funding now approaches $2 million, ensuring that the Red Rose Leadership Scholarship will support students well into the future.
University of Houston-Downtown Endowments Joan S. Abramowitz Research Scholarship Endowment in the Department of Natural Sciences Susan Kiernan Ahern Endowed Scholarship Stanford and Joan Alexander Foundation Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Jay Kevin Anderson Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Lynette S. Autrey Scholarship Endowment Christina and Terry Axtmann Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Christina and Terry Axtmann Red Rose Scholarship Endowment #2 The Terry and Christina Axtmann Endowment Fund Bobby Bizzell Memorial Scholarship Endowment J. Don Boney Scholarship Endowment Fund Donald L. Bonham Memorial Scholarship Endowment Bill Brigman Quasi Endowment Cain Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teacher Education Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation Scholarship Endowment Lucia La Madrid Cain Scholarship Endowment Alicia Castillo Memorial Scholarship Endowment Max Castillo President's Scholarship Endowment Max and Rosario Castillo Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Chang Yung-fa Foundation Scholarship Crown Mark Scholarship Endowment Fund Community Engagement and Service Learning Quasi-Endowment Marilyn Davies College of Business Endowment Marianne de Korvin Scholarship Endowment Deloitte Foundation/Larry G. Jones Scholarship Endowment Ricky and Belen Diaz Family Red Rose Scholarship Quasi Endowment Distinguished Faculty Endowment Christy Drennan Memorial Scholarship Endowment Duangploy Memorial Scholarship Endowment Terri Lynn Dunlap Scholarship Endowment James H. and Minnie M. Edmonds Scholarship Endowment Edwards Endowment Margaret and James Elkins Faculty Development Endowment James A. Elkins Jr. Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Esther Kam Engel Scholarship Fund Donald R. Engstrom Memorial Endowment Fund
ENRON Scholarship Endowment Faculty and Staff Development Quasi Endowment Fiesta Endowed Professorship in Accounting William V. Flores and Noël Bezette-Flores Scholarship Endowment Fondren Professorship in Finance Endowment Freshman Success Programs Quasi-Endowment Enrique B. Garcia Scholarship Barry Garrett Scholarship Endowment Harry and Antje Gee Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Robert Earl Gibson Memorial Scholarship Endowment* Greater Texas Foundation Removing Educational Barriers Scholarship Endowment Halliburton Endowment Fund in Engineering Technology Carol and Tom Harper Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Hearst Scholarship Endowment Fund Artie Lee and Jackson C. Hinds Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Edwin and Justine Hodgess Scholarship Endowment Hong Kong City Mall / Hai Du Duong Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Houston Assembly of Delphian Chapters Scholarship Foundation Fund Endowment Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship Endowment Intercultural Development Research Association Scholarship Endowment in Urban Education in Honor of President Emeritus Max Castillo International Association of Administrative Professionals – Houston Chapter Endowed Scholarship International Paper Scholarship Endowment Jones Endowed Scholarship Larry Jones Memorial Red Rose Scholarship Quasi Endowment E. Deane Kanaly Scholarship Endowment Clarence Kendall/100 Club Endowed Scholarship Fund Elyse and Bob Lanier Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Nicole LaRose Memorial Scholarship Endowment LASSO Scholarship Endowment Dr. Nancy A. and Dr. Jacques P. Leveille Mathematics Education Scholarship Endowment* Glenn and Judie Lilie Endowment in the Department of Urban Education Dr. Thomas Lyttle Scholarship Endowment Carmen and Antonio Marin Endowment* Marian & Speros Martel Endowed Professorship – Computer Information Systems Speros P. Martel Scholarship Fund Gene & Betty McDavid Scholarship Endowment Fund
Glen K. Merrill Endowed Scholarship* Metro Bank/Ming and Don Wang Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Military in Business Scholarship Endowment* Clyde and Susan Miller Scholarship Endowment Miriam Morales Endowment* Dr. Ashgar Nazemzadeh Memorial Scholarship Endowment George Rufus O'Connor Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Ralph S. O'Connor Scholarship Endowment Thomas I. O’Connor Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Petroleum Land Management Endowed Professorship Shelly Power Endowment to Support UHD Arts Presidential Investiture Scholarship Endowment Red Rose Scholarship Endowment Red Rose Scholarship Fund Endowment Fund Rockwell Drama Scholarship Fund Charles and Betti Saunders Drama Scholarship Endowment Charles Saunders Sr. Memorial Scholarship in Entrepreneurship Endowment Ellen and Jim Seigler Endowment to Support Fine Arts Programs Stanley & Mary Shipnes Art Scholarship Endowment Fund Silver Anniversary Scholarship Endowment Fund Ongard Sirisaengtaksin Scholarship Endowment Stafford Outstanding CIS Graduate Award Endowment M. Elizabeth Steen Endowed Scholarship Myron Steves Endowed Directorship for the Insurance and Risk Management Center Bill and Ann Stokes Endowment in the Theatre Program Teresa Tapp Sports and Wellness Quasi Endowment D. Richard and Ann Trask Endowment Fund Peter Y. Tsan Scholarship Endowment University Theatre Drama Scholarship Quasi Endowment Urban Education Program Endowment Urban Scholars Learners Community Quasi Endowment Fund Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship The Woman’s Club of Houston Endowment Myrtle C. and James L. Watts Scholarship Endowment* Molly Woods Endowed Scholarship
*Currently in the process of being funded in order to be eligible for distribution.
The University of Houston-Downtown encourages additional gifts to endowments. For more information, please visit our website at or contact us directly at 713-221-8184.
We thank you for your continuing support.
Office of Advancement ยง One Main Street, Suite S990 ยง Houston, Texas 77002 ยง 713-221-8909 ยง ยง