Masewicz Program Translations

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Translations and Text Oh sleep why dost thou leave me Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me? why dost thou leave me? why thy visionary joys remove?... Oh... sleep, oh sleep. oh sleep, again deceive me oh sleep, again deceive me to my arms restore my wand'ring love my wand'... ring love, restore my wand'ring love! again deceive me, oh sleep! to my arms, to my arms restor...e my... wand'... ring love! Kotek


Kotek się myje, piesek już szczeka, dziewczyna szyje i gościa czeka. Sukienka ładna, którą uszyła. Będzie w niej ładna, będzie mu miła.

The kitten grooms, the puppy barks, the girl is sewing, and the guests are waiting. The dress is beautiful which she sewed. She’s going to look pretty, and she’s going to be nice to him (the groom.)

W farnym kościele zapalą świece, w przyszłą niedzielę wezwą dziewicę.

They’ll light candles in the church, and next Sunday they’ll see the bride.

Tak przed ołtarze ją zaprowadzą, postawią w parze i ślub jej dadzą.

They’ll lead her to the altar next to her partner and give her a wedding.

Zdejmą jej z głowy zeschły już wianek i inny, nowy, da jej kochanek.

They’ll remove the dry garland from her head and her lover will give her a fresh, new one.



Gdybym ja była słoneczkiem na niebie, Nie świeciłabym, jak tylko dla Ciebie. Ani na wody, ani na lasy: Ale przez wszystkie czasy

If I were the sun in the sky, I wouldn’t shine, except for you — Not over waters or woods, But for all time

Pod twym okienkiem i tylko dla Ciebie, Gdybym w słoneczko mogła zmienić siebie.

Beneath your dear window and only for you, If I could change myself into the sun.

Gdybym ja była ptaszkiem z tego gaju, Nie śpiewałabym w żadnym obcym kraju. Ani na wody, ani na lasy: Ale przez wszystkie czasy

If I were a little bird from that grove, I wouldn’t sing in any alien land — Not over waters or woods, But for all time

Pod Twym okienkiem i tylko dla Ciebie... Czemuż nie mogę w ptaszka zmienić siebie!

Beneath your dear window and only for you. Oh, why can’t I change myself into a little bird?!

Pamiętam ciche, jasne, złote dnie

I remember quiet, clear, golden days

Pamiętam ciche, jasne, złote dnie, Co mie się dzisiaj cudnym zdają snem, Bo był otwarty raj także i mnie, W dzieciństwie mem.

I remember quiet, clear, golden days, Which today seem a wondrous dream, Since there was a paradise open for me, too, Since it was open, in my childhood.

I czasem myślę, żem ja tylko spał, Że całe życie moje było snem -Zbudzę się, raj ten odnajdę com miał W dzieciństwie mem...

And sometimes I think that I only slept, That my whole life was a dream, I will wake up, I will find the paradise, Which I had in my childhood!



Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen Und auf dem Wege, den ich gehen werde, Wird uns, die Glücklichen, sie wieder einen Inmitten dieser sonnenatmenden Erde ...

And tomorrow the sun will shine again And on the path that I shall take, It will unite us, happy ones, again, Amid this same sun-breathing earth ...

Und zu dem Strand, dem weiten, wogenblauen, Werden wir still und langsam niedersteigen, Stumm werden wir uns in die Augen schauen, Und auf uns sinkt des Glückes stummes Schweigen ...

And to the shore, broad, blue-waved, We shall quietly and slowly descend, Speechless we shall gaze into each other’s eyes, And the speechless silence of bliss shall fall on us ...

Nacht und Träume Heil’ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder; Nieder wallen auch die Träume, Wie dein Mondlicht durch die Räume, Durch der Menschen stille Brust. Die belauschen sie mit Lust; Rufen, wenn der Tag erwacht: Kehre wieder, heil’ge Nacht! Holde Träume, kehret wieder!

Holy night, you sink down; dreams, too, float down, like your moonlight through space, through the silent hearts of men. They listen with delight, crying out when day awakes: come back, holy night! Fair dreams, return!

An die nacht

To the night

Heilige Nacht, heilige Nacht! Sterngeschloss’ner Himmelsfriede! Alles, was das Licht geschieden, Ist verbunden, Alle Wunden Bluten süß im Abendrot! Bjelbog’s Speer, Bjelbog’s Speer Sinkt in’s Herz der trunknen Erde, Die mit seliger Geberde Eine Rose In dem Schoße Dunkler Lüste niedertaucht! Heilige Nacht! züchtige Braut, züchtige Braut! Deine süße Schmach verhülle, Wenn des Hochzeitbechers Fülle Sich ergießet. Also fließet In die brünstige Nacht der Tag!

Holy night, holy night! Heavenly peace, encircled in stars! All things divided by light, Are united, All our wounds Bleed sweetly in the sunset! Bielbog’s spear, Bielbog’s spear Plunges into the heart of the drunken earth, Which with a gesture of bliss Immerses a rose In the womb Of darkened desire! Holy night! chaste bride, chaste bride! Veil your sweet shame, When the wedding-cup Overflows. Thus does day Stream into fervent night!

Rejoice greatly Rejoice rejoice rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion, O daughter of Zion, o daughter of Zion rejoice greatly shout, O daughter of Jerusalem,

behold, thy King cometh unto thee. behold, thy King cometh unto thee. cometh unto thee. (harpsichord) He is the righ...teous Saviour, and He shall speak peace unto the heathen. He shall speak peace He shall speak peace peace He shall speak peace unto the heathen. the righ...teous Saviour, and He shall speak He shall speak peace pea..ce he shall speak peace unto the heathen (harpsichord) Rejoice rejoice rejoice greatly, greatly O daughter of Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem, behold, thy King cometh unto thee. and shout shout shout shout greatly O daughter of Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem, behold, thy King cometh unto thee. behold, thy King cometh unto thee.


Flirtacious one

De n'aimer que toi, Je donne ma foi, Tra la la O fille Gentille, Gentille Mais ma fidèle ardeur; Tra la la O fille Gentille, Ne peut toucher ton coeur.

To only love you, I give my pledge, Tra la la, O sweet, sweet girl But my faithful ardor; Tra la la O kind girl, cannot touch your heart.

Si dans tes regards j'ai su lire, Tu plains malgré toi mon martyre, Mais d'amour que je meure, C'est un deuil d'un jour ou d'une heure. Ah--Je ne veux que toi, Tu cherches pourquoi, Tra la la Filette, Coquette, Coquette, Eh bien! dis-moi comment, la la la Fillette, Coquette, Comment faire autrement.

If I have learned to read your looks, You mourn in spite of yourself my martyrdom, But of the love of which I die, It's a grief of a day or of an hour. Ah, I only want you, you seek to know why, Tra la la little girl, flirt, flirt Oh well, tell me how, la la la Little girl, flirtatious one, how to do otherwise.

Quand l'amour s'en vient nous surprendre, On veut d'abord lui résister, Mais sa voix devient si tendre, Qu'un jour il faut l'écouter Ah! Donc, si tu m'en crois Accepte ma foi la la la O belle Cruelle, Cruelle, Et laisse-toi charmer, la la la O belle Cruelle Par qui saura t'aimer.

When love comes along to surprise us, One wants at first to resist it, But its voice becomes so tender, That one day one has to listen Ah! Therefore, if you believe me, Take my word, la la la O beautiful cruel girl, cruel girl, And let yourself be charmed, la la la O beautiful cruel girl, By him who will know how to love you.

Les filles de Cadix

The Girls of Cadiz

Nous venions de voir le taureau, Trois garçons, trois fillettes, Sur la pelouse il faisait beau Et nous dansions un boléro Au son des castagnettes. 'Dites-moi, voisin, Si j'ai bonne mine, Et si ma basquine Va bien, ce matin. Vous me trouvez la taille fine ?... Ah! ah! Les filles de Cadix aiment assez cela.' Et nous dansions un boléro Un soir, c'était dimanche.

We'd just left the bullfight, Three boys, three girls, The sun shone on the grass And we danced a bolero To the sound of castanets. 'Tell me, neighbour, Am I looking good, And does my skirt Suit me, this morning? Have I a slender waist? Ah! Ah! The girls of Cadiz are rather fond of that.' And we were dancing a bolero, One sunday evening.

Vers nous s'en vint un hidalgo Cousu d'or, la plume au chapeau, Et la poing sur la hanche: 'Si tu veux de moi, Brune au doux sourire, Tu n'as qu'a le dire, Cet or est à toi. -- Passez votre chemin, beau sire... Ah! Ah! Les filles de Cadix n'entendent pas cela.'

A hidalgo came towards us, Glittering in gold, feather in cap, And hand on hip: 'If you want me, Dark beauty with the sweet smile, You've only to say so, And these riches are yours.' Go on your way, fine sir. Ah! ah! The girls of Cadiz don't take to that.

Bonjour Suzon, ma fleur des bois! Es-tu toujours la plus jolie? Je reviens, tel que tu me vois, D'un grand voyage en Italie. Du paradis j'ai fait le tour, J'ai fait des vers, j'ai fait l'amour. Mais que t'importe? Je passe devant ta maison; Ouvre ta porte. Bonjour, Suzon!

Good day, Suzanne, my woodland flower! Are you always just so lovely? I have returned, as you can see, From a grand voyage to Italy. I made the rounds of Paradise; I’ve made poetry, I’ve made love. But what do you care? I’m passing by your house; Open up the door. Good day, Suzanne!

Je t'ai vue au temps des lilas. Ton cœur joyeux venait d'éclore, Et tu disais: je ne veux pas, Je ne veux pas qu'on m'aime encore. Qu'as-tu fait depuis mon départ? Qui part trop tôt revient trop tard. Mais que m'importe? Je passe devant ta maison; Ouvre ta porte. Bonjour, Suzon!

I first saw you when the lilacs bloomed. Your joyous heart had just blossomed. And you said: “I do not wish, I do not wish to be loved any longer.” What have you done since I left? He who leaves too quickly returns too late. But what do I care? I’m passing by your house; Open up the door. Good day, Suzanne!

Les oiseaux dans la charmille

The Birds in the Bower

Les oiseaux dans la charmille, Dans les cieux l'astre du jour Tout parle à la jeune fille, Tout parle à la jeune fille d'amour!

The birds in the bower And in the skies the day star Everything speaks to the young lady Everything speaks of love to the young lady

Ah! tout parle d'amour, Ah! Voilà la chanson gentille, La chanson d'Olympia, d'Olympia!

Ah! Everything speaks of love Ah! This is the comely song The song of Olympia, of Olympia!

Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!

Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!

Tout ce qui chante et résonne Et soupire tour à tour, Émeut son coeur qui frissonne, Emeut son coeur qui frissonne d'amour,

All that sings and resounds And sighs in turn Moves her heart that tingles Moves her heart that tingles with love

Ah!! Ah! frissonne d'amour! Voilà la chanson gentille, La chanson d'Olympia, d'Olympia! Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! a

A!! ah! tingles with love! This is the comely song The song of Olympia, of Olympia! Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!

Lascia ch'io pianga Mia cruda sorte, E che sospiri La libertà.

Let me weep My cruel fate, And that I should have freedom.

Il duolo infranga Queste ritorte, De' miei martiri Sol per pietà.

The duel infringes within these twisted places, in my sufferings I pray for mercy.

Glitter and be gay, That's the part I play; Here I am in Paris, France, Forced to bend my soul To a sordid role, Victimized by bitter, bitter circumstance. Alas for me! Had I remained Beside my lady mother, My virtue had remained unstained Until my maiden hand was gained By some Grand Duke or other. Ah, 'twas not to be; Harsh necessity Brought me to this gilded cage. Born to higher things, Here I droop my wings, Ah! Singing of a sorrow nothing can assuage. And yet of course I rather like to revel, Ha ha!

I have no strong objection to champagne, Ha ha! My wardrobe is expensive as the devil, Ha ha! Perhaps it is ignoble to complain... Enough, enough Of being basely tearful! I'll show my noble stuff By being bright and cheerful! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha! Pearls and ruby rings... Ah, how can worldly things Take the place of honor lost? Can they compensate For my fallen state, Purchased as they were at such an awful cost? Bracelets...lavalieres Can they dry my tears? Can they blind my eyes to shame? Can the brightest brooch Shield me from reproach? Can the purest diamond purify my name? And yet of course these trinkets are endearing, Ha ha! I'm oh, so glad my sapphire is a star, Ha ha! I rather like a twenty-carat earring, Ha ha! If I'm not pure, at least my jewels are! Enough! Enough! I'll take their diamond necklace And show my noble stuff By being gay and reckless! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha! Observe how bravely I conceal The dreadful, dreadful shame I feel. Ha ha ha ha!

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