Upper Hutt Cit y Librar y
NE W SL E T T E R June 2016
w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z
National Volunteer Week
19—25 June
CH E E RS to o u r VO LU NT E E R S
Upper Hutt thanks you
Cheers to our volunteers
Celebrate Matatiki
Ly n d a .c o m
We love the volunteers who work with us to deliver programmes for you to enjoy. Without their valuable time, we could not offer as much we do – so a big thank you to all our volunteers!
The Wellington Astronomical Society will give a presentation on the Matariki star system on Friday 17 June at 5.30pm. Recommended for ages 5—12. Page 14 >
Learn a new skill online, in your own time! Access over 2900 video courses using your tablet, smartphone or computer. Page 14 >