Upper Hutt Cit y Librar y
NE W SL E T T E R July 2016
w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z
Te W
iki O
Te Reo M āori/Māori La
eek W e g ng u a
Ā k i na t e Reo/Give Te Reo a Go with Up per Hutt Cit y Librar y
Rangatahi Tu Rangatira www.r2r.org.nz
M ā o r i L a n g u ag e We e k
Poetr y Competition
School Holiday Event s
Nau Mai Haere Mai ki te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. You are warmly invited to come and join us in celebrating the beautiful and unique language of Aotearoa - Te Reo Māori. Page 2 >
Join our celebration of local poetry with the launch of our annual poetry competition. Enter to win fame and fortune! Page 4 >
We’re looking back and looking forward with fun time-travelling activities these school holidays. Available at both Central and Pinehaven branches. Page 14 >