Upper Hut t Cit y Librar y
NEWSLETTER December 2 016 – Januar y 2 017 w w w. u p p e r h u t t li b r a r y. c o . n z The inaugural Upper Hutt City Library Heritage Calendar
Bringing our city’s past to life
O n S a le NOW !
$15 each
The Summer Reading C h all e n g e i s b a c k!
Librar y L ayout Changes
The Library is getting a Check out the Summer makeover! Find out what Reading Challenge: is changing and how this Storyland Adventure and affects you. Page 4 > our great summer holiday events. Page 17–18 >
2 0 17 Herit age Calendar It's time to get ready for 2017 so why not pick up one of our lovely heritage calendars online or from your nearest Library? Page 3 >