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The Maui Food Innovation Center connects and elevates Maui’s valueadded food producers with technical expertise, innovative training, education and a Research & Development kitchen. Check out upcoming classes
Cleanse and Rejuvenate with Malik Cotter
4 weeks that will change your life!
We will bring a model cleanse and rejuvenation program into class and take it apart to see what makes it work. Focus will be on herbs, foods, nutrition, exercise, relaxation, breath and attitude. Come and do a cleanse and rejuvenation program, or just come and gain insight into yourself and your life. Instructor Dr. Malik Cotter is a Doctor of Acupuncture, and Diplomate of Chinese Medicine at the Dragon’s Den in Makawao.
ENR6616 / Dr. Malik Cotter / $199 / / CE / TuTh 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM / 8/25/22 - 9/20/22l / ‘Ike 144