KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
Handbook Pedagogical and Didactical Guideline- European project: The Starting Up – Accelerators of entrepreneurship 4 inclusion Authors: Dinka Vukovic, Natalija Belosevic, Katica Kos Co-authors: Maria Potes Barbas, Susana Leal, Rita Pedro and Glykeria Kalamata, Mário José http://startingup4inclusion.ipsantarem.pt/ Graphic edition: Mário José ISBN: 978-989-54541-2-9 March, 2020
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
INDEX Introduction
Identify and distinguish the major disabilities affecting people with IDD Down España – Spain AIPD – Italia
DDSIC – Germany
Mayor disabilities affecting people with IDD Understand special needs in education and training Identify the needs of students Conclusion
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KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
PEDAGOGICAL AND DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES Introduction People with IDD are increasingly involved in educational systems in last several years in most EU countries. They are achieving significant results in the educational field. After school, they would like to be active and do what they have learned, but also what they can learn. There are more and more companies and organizations interested in hiring persons with IDD. Before hiring a person with IDD, it is necessary to prepare a person with IDD for a new environment and for new conditions. In several EU countries (Spain, Italy, German) associations for IDD have worked very hard to prepare IDDs for work in various companies and organizations. Their experiences are valuable and will be used in this project. 2
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
educational guide and educational resources
autonomy program
social skills program Employment with Support – steps in preparation
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
AIPD - Italia
I too work: between experiences and good practice
people with intellectual disabilities at work
Guidelines for employers Me and my job - how to succeed
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
PEDAGOGICAL AND DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES Identify and distinguish the major disabilities affecting people with ID Intelligence is the general mental capacity that involves reasoning, planning, solving problems, thinking abstractly, comprehending complex ideas, learning efficiently, and learning from experience (AAIDD, 2010). Mayor disabilities affecting people with IDD - have difficulties in intellectual functioning like reasoning, problem solving, planning, abstract thinking, judgment, academic learning, and learning from experience - have difficulties in adaptive functioning that impact conforming to developmental and sociocultural standards for independence and ability to meet their social responsibility - have difficulties in communication, speaking, talking - have difficulties in motor skills and motor skills, standing, walking 5
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
PEDAGOGICAL AND DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES Understand special needs in education and training; - have environment where people with IDD feel comfortable - have information about people with IDD and their skills and possibilities (how they learn, how they communicate,..) - have prepared educational material based on the possibilities of people with IDD - have prepared visual material (pictures, film, DVDs) - have activities that people with IDD likes and know like motivator during the training
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
PEDAGOGICAL AND DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES Identify the needs of students people with IDD need: - to have time to learn, repeat and see other people what they need to do or learn - to have educational material – step by step explain what they need to learn, do or copy - to have time in communication and talk - to have time in solving problem - to have support in new things and solving problem 7
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995
PEDAGOGICAL AND DIDACTICAL GUIDELINES Conclusion Getting people with IDD to work is a big challenge. The people who prepare them for the work need to know their capabilities and difficulties. They should also be taught how to behave at work and what is acceptable and what is not in the workplace. In addition to preparing them for work activities, people with IDD also need support when familiarizing themselves with work responsibilities and in communication with new colleagues at work. Their colleagues at work should be informed and taught how to communicate with a person with IDD and how to agree on the business responsibilities they need to achieve. People with IDD are happy about new opportunities and employment, but persistence and daily work can be a big problem after a while. People with IDD need support and assistance. People with IDD should have people they can count on in various situations where they may find themselves. 8
KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth 2019-1-PT02-KA205-005995