The Argonaut | 10.14.11

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A number of factors can be '!!$#61!,%&!4&8$'%,&#(3'!#4(<&'+Is it easier to get an “A” in cording to several members of UI faculty and staff. modern-day college courses? Christiansen said one variAt several institutions across the nation, including the Univer- '6*,&#/&!"'!&8$'%,&#(3'!#4(&9#8"!& vary between disciplines at the sity of Idaho, perhaps it is. 2$'%,& #(3'!#4(& #/& '& ('!#4(5 university and there will never wide area of discussion — preva- be a common standard across the board. lent on many college “We’re looking campuses — and UI for different kinds is no exception. of knowledge and There is a perskills across many ception that durand In other words, disciplines, ing the last decade more students more A, B and C many … ways of are getting higher grades are being learning and doing work,” Christiansen grades, said Jeanne awarded over said. “So how one Christiansen, UI’s vice provost of Aca- time, and less D would evaluate performance in a music demic Affairs. and F grades. class, science lab, “In other words, an economics class more A, B and C P-">>-&O+,$/1$">/->4& G$6-&Q,7#7/1&7N& and so forth is difgrades are being R6"%-)$6&RNN"$,/ ferent.” awarded over time, It is easier to deand less D and F velop an objective standard in grades,” Christiansen said. “I the sciences or math, opposed don’t have the evidence that is or isn’t the case, but that’s clearly a to the more subjective and inperception I think people have.” terpretive standards that go into An all-inclusive study of evaluating a course based pricollege grading throughout the marily on writing, said Kenton .,'$/&6.&78$'%,&#(3'!#4(&+"$4(#- Bird, director of the School of clers extraordinaire” Stuart Ro- Journalism and Mass Media. “Because in JAMM classes, jstaczer and Christopher Healy +4()$9/& !"'!& !",& (196,$& 4:& ;& they are writing-intensive and grades awarded has increased #!D/&%#:)+1*!&!4&/'.&EF,**<&6'/,%& /#8(#)+'(!*.<&'++4$%#(8&!4&'(&'$- on my professional judgment, this was not an A paper — it ticle in The New York Times. The study concluded that was missing something,’” Bird about 15 percent of all letter said. “The same goes for disgrades given in 1940 were As ciplines such as music or art or and the number of As given in- video production, where there’s +$,'/,%& /#8(#)+'(!*.& !4& =>& ?,$- an aesthetic and interpretive dimension to a student’s work.” cent by 2008. Mark Nielson, associate dean The data, although less drasfor the College of Science, said tic, is similar at UI. there are objective and subjecIn 1998, 29 percent of all grades in lower division cours- tive criteria in all disciplines — es, 100 to 299 levels, were As, some simply have more of one according to UI Grade Distribu- than others. “There’s a little bit of both in tion Analysis by Archie George, UI director of Institutional Re- everything,” Nielson said. “But search and Assessment. That I don’t think that’s the source /'9,&.,'$<&=>&?,$+,(!&4:&8$'%,/& 4:&8$'%,&#(3'!#4(G&H&!"#(I&8$'%,& given in upper division courses, #(3'!#4(& +'(& "'??,(& #(& ,#!",$& >@@&!4&=AA<&B,$,&;/<&'(%&>=&?,$- subjective or objective grading.” Nielson said a change in cent of grades given in graduate courses, 500+ level, were As. standards and the driving force C"4/,&(196,$/&#(+$,'/,%&!4&>><& behind those standards, are what 47 and 46 percent, respectively, SEE GRADE, PAGE 4 by 2011.

Kyndall Elliott | Argonaut

Caitlin Blankenship and Bethany Vivian stop by the iCount table Thursday near the Student Union Building. iCount is a survey coordianted by the city of Moscow to show the impact of bicycle and pedestrian traffic in the community. The data collected will help create/design a transportation plan for active modes of travel.

Moscow to gain Complete Streets 2"1.&CB7,% Argonaut

Moscow volunteers observed and counted pedestrians and cyclists at 25 different Moscow locations, including intersections and sidewalks, from 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday during an event called iCount. The Active Living Task Force, a pilot program sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Health '(%&J19'(&K,$-#+,/&#(&)-,&+49munities including Moscow, is working to adopt Complete Streets policies, which supports the use of all forms of transportation, emphasizing non-motorized options. “What we’d like to do is have information and embrace a transportation plan and document travel patterns from not only vehicles, but pedestrians as well,” /'#%& L,(& M)::(,$<& '//#/!'(!& !4& !",& city supervisor. In addition to counting the number of pedestrians and bicyclists, volunteers took note of gender, sidewalk use and helmet use, although the ALTF is most #(!,$,/!,%& #(& ",*9,!& 1/,<& M)::(,$& said. Complete Streets is a promise !"'!&NO>&+4991(#!#,/&('!#4(B#%,& in 25 states, have opted to create a more user friendly transportation system, including safer crosswalks for pedestrian and transit 1/,$/&'(%&'&94$,&,:)+#,(!&1/,&4:& buses, according to its website.

The ALTF is working with Idaho Smart Growth to address public health concerns linked with sedentary lifestyles through this program, while highlighting the advantages of a more active approach. The funding for the ALTF to complete the iCount research, as well as provide education and promote active living, comes from a $10,000 grant the city received from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The grant was received after an application in July 2010, when the ALTF contracted with Idaho Smart Growth to manage the project. The information gathered from iCount will be used in the Intermodal Transportation Project and a Multi-Modal Transportation Plan. Both projects are aimed to promote and implement active living in Moscow and planning for a more active transportation infrastructure. The education aspect of Complete Streets began in August with the “Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Design and Planning” training for select ALTF staff which armed them with the fundamentals needed to design and integrate the future transportation plan. The ALTF will continue to host public meetings and information-sharing sessions to help educate the community about their plans for transportation.


illustration by Jens Olson | Argonaut

New advising resources available

!"##$%&'()"##$%&'()"##$%& Third candidate addresses importance of connections to UI

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University of Idaho alumnus Travis Jones said success as the special assistant to the president for governmental relations rests largely on one quality — passion. Jones emphasized that his job experience and love for UI will help him excel if given the position. Thursday morning’s open forum in the Student

Union Building Borah Theater played host to the !"#$%& '(%& )('*& +'(%#%'!,& for the high-ranking university position. “I applied for this job for a few reasons,” Jones said. “One, that I am a Vandal fanatic. I was the president of my fraternity while attending this university and recently have volunteered at every UI function I can. I also think that my job history is something that I can bring

to the position.” After earning his Master’s of Science in Agricultural Economics, Jones served in various government positions including )-,& .,'$/& '/& ,0,+1!#-,& director to the Idaho Grain Producers Association where he worked on isPhilip Vukelich | Argonaut sues on a statewide level. He also served as the se- Travis Jones, one of three finalists for nior policy maker adviser the special assistant to the president for to U.S. Sen. Larry Craig. governmental relations position, speaks during an open forum 11 a.m. Thursday in the Student Union Building Borah Theater. SEE PASSION, PAGE 4

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A new advising website aims to supplement academic advising and make important information available in one place for University of Idaho students. Stephen Parrott, 2010-11 ASUI president, said improving academic advising was a goal 4:&"#/&'(%&4(,&4:&!",&)$/!&/!,?/&!4&'+"#,-,&!",& goal was hiring Andrew Brewick, director of Academic Advising. “The next goal was to help and partner with that director to evaluate advising and look at ways to improve it,” Parrott said. SEE ADVISING, PAGE 4


Find out how the volleyball team handled the Wolf Pack in Memorial Gym Thursday.

Focus on injustice in America — Occupy Wall Street protests end to apathy?




OPINION, PAGE 9 L>$#-,/$1.&7N&I%"+7



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