The Argonaut | 10.21.11

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Working under pressure Breaking down UI’s emergency response system Joanna Wilson Argonaut

7KH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI ,GDKR LV SUHSDUHG IRU DQ\WKLQJ LQFOXGLQJ WKH Zombie Apocalypse. While zombies may not be the biggest concern to UI at the moment, Emergency and Security Services is using the popularity RI ]RPELH WKHPHV WR SURPRWH LWV HPHUJHQF\ QRWLĂ€FDWLRQ V\VWHP Students have been receiving HPDLOV DV SDUW RI WKH 8, (PHUgency Preparedness Program to encourage students to update their HPHUJHQF\ FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ among other things. UI’s emergency alert system ZRUNV LQ VHYHUDO GLIIHUHQW ZD\V said Nancy Spink, risk managePHQW RIĂ€FHU ´,I ZH KDG D VQRZ GD\ ZKDW we would attempt to do would be WR XVH WKH YRLFH DQG WH[W V\VWHP Âľ Spink said. “We would also try to get some messages out on radio. We would try to send an email blast. And we also have a method to pop up a little icon on our web page that says, ‘We’re having a FORVXUH IRU ZHDWKHU SURSRVHV ¡¾


Why alerts?

Occupy Wall Street movement comes to campus Lindsey Treffry Argonaut

Voices boomed over a loudspeaker outside the Idaho Commons as a crowd KHOG XS VLJQV IRU HFRQRPLF UHIRUP $ ORFDO EUDQFK RI 2FFXS\ :DOO 6WUHHW a mass protest movement against “corpoUDWH JUHHG DQG FRUUXSW SROLWLFV Âľ JDWKHUHG DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI ,GDKR DQG VWXGHQWV SLFNHWHG IURP WR S P 7KXUVGD\ EHIRUH PDUFKLQJ GRZQWRZQ WR MRLQ IRUFHV ZLWK 2FFXS\ 0RVFRZ LQ )ULHQGship Square. Sarah Sundquist, a landscape architecture major and Occupy Moscow member, KHOSHG IRUP WKH 2FFXS\ 8, JURXS DQG KDQGHG RXW Ă LHUV WR LQIRUP VWXGHQWV SULRU to the event. “Basically, Occupy Wall Street started E\ D JURXS RI SHRSOH WKDW VDZ WKDW WKH V\VWHP RI JRYHUQPHQW ZDV QRW ZRUNLQJ DV LV Âľ 6XQGTXLVW VDLG ´ 2QH RI WKH PDLQ goals is to ‌ just make it so that corpora-

tions are not involved in politics because as it is right now, basically whoever has WKH PRVW PRQH\ ZLQV HOHFWLRQV Âľ Sundquist has been meeting with the 2FFXS\ 0RVFRZ JURXS IRU WZR ZHHNV now. She said there seemed to be a disconnect between the campus and the rest RI WKH 0RVFRZ FRPPXQLW\ ´$ ORW RI SHRSOH DUH VWLOO MXVW XQDZDUH RI ZKDW WKLV PRYHPHQW LV Âľ 6XQGTXLVW VDLG Another Occupy Moscow member, Raleigh Blum said during a general asVHPEO\ IRU WKH 2FFXS\ 0RVFRZ JURXS members set up a student outreach committee to get them interested in the movement. Blum said the movement is essenWLDO IRU HFRQRPLF UHIRUP ´,W¡V KDUG WR JHW D MRE ULJKW QRZ Âľ %OXP VDLG ´-REV DUH EHLQJ RXWVRXUFHG DQG FXW Âľ Blum also said students are graduating ZLWK GHJUHHV \HW GRQ¡W JHW GHJUHH VSHFLĂ€F

ASUI names new lobbyist Bennett to represent UI at the Idaho State Senate Kaitlyn Krasselt Argonaut

VHFRQG VHPHVWHU RI WKH school year and repreBruno Bennett will sents the UI student body EHFRPH WKH YRLFH RI 8QL- while the Idaho State YHUVLW\ RI ,GDKR VWXGHQWV Legislature is in session. at the Idaho State Senate Bennett will receive nine as ASUI’s new student university credits in poOLWLFDO VFLHQFH IRU KLV lobbyist. “This position is huge participation in the legisIRU $68, DQG WKH VWXGHQW lative process. -RH %ODFN IRUPHU ERG\ Âľ VDLG 6DPDQWKD ASUI lobbyist, said the Perez, ASUI president. “It lets the student voice individual must be well versed in government EH KHDUG Âľ The ASUI lobbyLVW OLYHV LQ %RLVH IRU WKH SEE LOBBYIST, PAGE 4


Zach Edawrds | Argonaut

Students gather outside the Idaho Commons as part of Occupy UI Thursday. University of Idaho chemistry and math major David Love, top, said he participated because he does think our economy should be reflected by Wall Street.

7KH &OHU\ $FW D IHGHUDO VWDWXWH UHTXLUHV DOO LQVWLWXWLRQV RI KLJKHU OHDUQLQJ UHFHLYLQJ IHGHUDO Ă€QDQFLDO DLG WR LQIRUP VWXGHQWV DQG WKH SXEOLF RI FULPHV WKDW RFFXU RQ RU near their campuses. Spink said the UI emergency alerts are comparable to AMBER Alerts — they DUH QRWLĂ€FDWLRQV QRW ZDUQLQJV 2WKHU UHDVRQV IRU DOHUWV ZRXOG be a campus-wide power outage, KHDY\ VQRZ RU D Ă RRGHG EXLOGLQJ ´2QH RI WKH WKLQJV \RX ZDQW WR think about is, ‘Who is the group ZKR QHHGV WR NQRZ WKDW LQIRUPDtion?’ So how wide is the distribution that is needed at the moment? The other thing is. ‘How quickly WKH\ QHHG WR NQRZ LW"¡¾ 6SLQN VDLG A warning is sent out when something will or might happen LQ WKH IXWXUH VXFK DV D WRUQDGR ZDUQLQJ 6SLQN VDLG $ QRWLĂ€FDWLRQ SEE PRESSURE, PAGE 4

Sci-fi classics inspire GDI week events David Humphreys Argonaut

A javelin-throwing contest, Star Wars-style podraces, Ewok hunts and OLJKW VDEHU Ă€JKWV ZHUH DOO SDUW RI WKH Residence Hall Associations Gosh Darn Independence week events. The javelin-throwing contest was originally supposed to be a Quidditch match, but was changed at the last minute due to poor turnout. Events coordinator Shevin Halvorson, sophomore, said his committee attempted to use multiple outOHWV WR VSUHDG ZRUG RI D 4XLGGLWFK PDWFK LQFOXGLQJ Ă LHUV WKH UHVLGHQFH KDOO QHZVOHWWHU DQG ZRUG RI PRXWK (YHQ ZLWK WKH HIIRUWV PDGH E\ KLV team, Halvorson linked the low parWLFLSDQW QXPEHUV WR D IHZ IDFWRUV ´3HRSOH IRUJHW HDVLO\ Âľ +DOYRUVRQ VDLG ´,I \RX WHOO VRPHRQH VRPHWKLQJ

once, chances are they’re going to IRUJHW LW Âľ 7KH PDNHVKLIW MDYHOLQ WKURZLQJ FRQWHVW ZDV WKH WKLUG HYHQW RI *', week, said Amanda Mollet, assisWDQW GLUHFWRU IRU KRXVLQJ 6KH VDLG WKH WKHPH RI WKH HYHQW FKRVHQ E\ the Residence Hall Committee, was WLWOHG ´'RUP :DUV 5HWXUQ RI WKH 5HV +DOOV Âľ ´*', ZHHN LV D FKDQFH IRU GLIIHUHQW KDOOV WR PHHW SHRSOH RXWVLGH RI WKHLU EXLOGLQJ Âľ 0ROOHW VDLG ´&RPpeting with one another is a chance WR VKRZ UHVLGHQFH KDOO SULGH Âľ Mollet said Theophilius Tower won the Ewok Scavenger Hunt MonGD\ WKH Ă€UVW HYHQW RI *', ZHHN 7HGdy bears were placed around campus DQG WKH Ă€UVW WHDP WR FROOHFW WKH PRVW SEE GDI, PAGE 4

Kyndall Elliott | Argonaut

Junior Ryan Campbell tests his residence hall’s “podracer� Tuesday on the Theophilus Tower lawn sidewalk. The Residence Hall Association had a week of Star Warsthemed activities for Gosh Darn Independent week.


Find out where men’s basketball is ranked in the preseason polls.

Lions, tigers and bears, Oh My. The dangers of owning exotic animals.

SPORTS, PAGE 5 News, 1

Sports, 5

Opinion, 9

OPINION, PAGE 9 University of Idaho

Volume 113, Issue no. 19


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