Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Better choices, better land Bringing science to planning and zoning Michelle Gregg Argonaut
The Palouse is home to rich farmlands and forests, and building outside city limits can impact ORFDO Ă RUD DQG IDXQD $ VWXG\ conducted by University of Idaho graduate students and scientists charted landscape ecology, patterns and species in Latah and Benewah counties and mapped how potential city expansions could DIIHFW WKH ORFDO HQYLURQPHQW 7KH WKLUG DQG Ă€QDO DUWLFOH DERXW this study was recently published in “Conservation Letters,â€? a journal that focuses on theoretical reVHDUFK WRSLFV “Our surrounding land is always changing, and the quality of the land decreases with residential development,â€? said Jo Ellen Force, co-author of the article and chair of the Department of Forest 5HVRXUFHV ´7KH VWXG\ SURYLGHV information about the trade-offs of building outside city limits — into the farming and forested areas of WKH 3DORXVH Âľ )RUFH VDLG WKH UHFHQWO\ Ă€QLVKHG VWXG\ EHJDQ LQ 7KH WKUHH students that created the study have graduated and now hold proIHVVLRQDO SRVLWLRQV “They did all the work and research, we gave them feedback DQG KHOSHG WKHP IRFXV RQ VSHFLĂ€F DUHDV Âľ VKH VDLG ´:H WKHQ SUHsented the results to the local city council and county commissionHUV , KRSH WKH\ FDQ XVH ZKDW ZH collected to help them in future ODQG ]RQLQJ GHFLVLRQV Âľ Force said the study created scenarios from environmental plans and received feedback from surveys they sent to local landownHUV DQG UHQWHUV 7KLV LQIRUPDWLRQ DOORZHG WKHP WR ORRN VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ at land protection, city growth boundaries and focus on ways to FRQVHUYH WKH VXUURXQGLQJ ODQG “Our region has a rich landscape, and the choices of the people that use the area could make a difference in the land quality for future use,â€? said Lee Vierling, associate professor in Fire EcolRJ\ DQG 0DQDJHPHQW ´7KLV VWXG\ gives the perspective of how to make better choices about city exSDQVLRQ DQG SODQQLQJ Âľ The team broke the results down to show city council members and county commissioners WKH EHQHĂ€WV DQG FRQVHTXHQFHV RI ]RQLQJ GHFLVLRQV 9LHUOLQJ VDLG 3HQHORSH 0RUJDQ Ă€UH HFRORJ\ SEE LAND, PAGE 5
UI Army ROTC | Courtesy
UI Army ROTC program wins Ranger Challenge by 15 minutes Elisa Eiguren Argonaut
:KHQ UXQQLQJ DOPRVW QRQVWRS IRU Ă€YH KRXUV DQG PLQXWHV H[haustion is more of a mental than a physical drain, but Cadet Eric Fitzpatrick convinced himself and his teammates to keep going WR D Ă€UVW SODFH Ă€QLVK LQ WKH $UP\ 5DQJHU &KDOOHQJH “It’s a team event and this year we had the best team ‌ the best team chemistry, the best people on RXU WHDP Âľ )LW]SDWULFN VDLG Fitzpatrick, a University of ,GDKR VHQLRU LQ WKH $UP\ 527& SURJUDP ZDV WKH 8, $OSKD WHDP 5DQJHU &KDOOHQJH FRPPDQGHU The Ranger Challenge is an ex-
treme test of endurance and as an experienced participant, Fitzpatrick said basically the only factor that determines who is selected for WKH WHDP LV SK\VLFDO FRQGLWLRQ “You have to have nine people RQ D WHDP Âľ KH VDLG ´$W OHDVW one female, one freshman, one sophomore, one junior and one senior, and the rest doesn’t matWHU :H ORRNHG DW SHRSOH ZKR FDQ run fast for long periods of time, pretty much whoever is in the EHVW VKDSH Âľ The Ranger Challenge, held 2FW DQG DW )RUW /HZLV LQ Tacoma, was comprised of 11 HYHQWV $Q $UP\ SK\VLFDO Ă€Wness test, map reading test, land navigation test, a leaders’ reaction
FRXUVH Ă€UVW DLG WHVW D URSH EULGJH challenge, situational awareness test, weapons assemble and disassemble, equipment inspection, a rucksack march and a mystery FKDOOHQJH 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ WHDPV LQcluded UI, University of Portland, 8QLYHUVLW\ RI *XDP 3DFLĂ€F /XWKHUDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG :DVKLQJWRQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ ([FHSW IRU WKH University of Guam, UI was the smallest university that attended WKH HYHQW )LW]SDWULFN VDLG “I’ve always thought (UI) is one of the better programs in the FRXQWU\ Âľ KH VDLG ´7KH ELJ WKLQJ people look at is how your school did in Ranger Challenge and we won against schools that are bigger than us and have more money
WKDQ XV ¾ 8, ÀQLVKHG ÀUVW ZLWK D WLPH RI 5 hours and 10 minutes, which was 15 minutes faster than the second-place team Portland and 25 minutes faster than the WKLUG SODFH WHDP :68 )LW]patrick said he thought the UI Ranger Challenge teams were good enough to win each of his four years, but every time they performed poorly in one event, ZKLFK OHG WR GHIHDW 7KH ODVW WLPH UI won the Ranger Challenge was in 2005, and the victory this year is his team’s chance to add to UI’s rich ROTC history and VHW D VWDQGDUG IRU WKH IXWXUH SEE CHALLENGE, PAGE 5
Local, healthy, sustainable Campus Dining serves local food as part of National Food Day Lindsey Treffry Argonaut
Kyndall Elliott | Argonaut
Donna Mills, farm development intern, discusses the organic pumpkin painting contest with Brianna Whitman Monday morning at Bob's Place as part of National Food Day. Students can turn in their pumpkins to be judged, and the winner will receive five free pizzas. Mills said they want to highlight the partnership between Soil Stewards and Campus Dining.
Locally-grown meats and vegetables were served to University of IdaKR VWXGHQWV 0RQGD\ DV SDUW RI 1DWLRQal Food Day, a national effort to bring together students, instructors, health professionals, community members, and food providers to support healthy, ORFDO DQG VXVWDLQDEOH IRRG “It’s been explained as ‘Earth Day for food’ with the focus being on local and sustainable food options,� said 1DWKDQLHO 3ULRU WKH PDUNHWLQJ PDQDJHU IRU 8, &DPSXV 'LQLQJ
For the event, vegetables offered at J Street Cafe in the Idaho Commons and at Bob’s Place were purchased from Soil Stewards, an organic UI plant science research farm, while pot roast and sausages were purchased IURP 9DQGDO %UDQG 0HDWV 7KH 8, Sustainability Center set up a table in the Commons to inform students of fair trade, pesticides, and smart food purchases, and campus dietitian Verna Bergmann was at Bob’s to talk DERXW HDWLQJ ZHOO DQG QXWULWLRQ 'RQQD Mills, from Soil Stewards, provided SEE SUSTAINABLE, PAGE 5
Grants for grad students: travel, research and network for less Jonathan Gradin Argonaut
For graduate student Matthew $JKDL DWWHQGLQJ FRQIHUHQFHV DQG GRLQJ ÀHOGZRUN DUH MXVW SDUW RI WKH HGXFDWLRQDO SURFHVV 7KHVH H[WUD curricular activities cost money, ZKLFK PRVW VWXGHQWV GRQ¡W KDYH +RZHYHU KHOS H[LVWV The Graduate and Professional 6WXGHQW $VVRFLDWLRQ RIIHUV WUDYHO grants to full-time, Moscow-based graduate students, valued at up to
$900 for international travel, $700 for national and $350 for local HYHQWV (DVWHUQ :DVKLQJWRQ ,GDKR DQG 0RQWDQD “The travel award is a route for VWXGHQWV WR JHW VRPH Ă€QDQFLDO KHOS WR DWWHQG ZRUNVKRSV RQ WKHLU Ă€HOG or conferences,â€? said Simon Uribe &RQYHUV WUDYHO JUDQW FRRUGLQDWRU “They can also visit other labs and PXVHXPV 7KH\ FDQ GR Ă€HOG ZRUN So they can pretty much use the money we give them for any aca-
GHPLF SXUSRVH Âľ $JKDL IRUHVW UHVRXUFHV 0DVter’s of Science candidate, was awarded a grant in September and is using it to attend the Society of $PHULFDQ )RUHVWHUV 1DWLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH 1RY WR LQ +RQROXOX :KLOH LQ +DZDLL KH SODQV WR WDNH D Ă€HOG WRXU RI QDWLYH WUHHV DQG ORFDO IRUHVWU\ UHVHDUFK “This is an event where quite a number of people — primarily IRUHVWHUV DQG WKRVH LQ UHODWHG Ă€HOGV
— gather to do technical sessions DQG VFLHQWLÀF VHVVLRQV DQG DOVR WR discuss updates within the realm RI IRUHVWU\ ¾ $JKDL VDLG $JKDL VDLG KH KDG EHHQ FKRsen as a technical presenter at the FRQIHUHQFH The grants, which have been awarded since fall 1992, are funded using fees paid by fullWLPH JUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV $ SRUWLRQ RI WKHVH IHHV LV DOORWWHG WR *36$ DQG SHUFHQW RI *36$¡V EXGJHW
LV GHVLJQDWHG IRU WUDYHO JUDQWV The 2011 travel grant budget was $34,000, amounting to nearly SHU JUDQW F\FOH Travis Hagey, an evolutionDU\ HFRORJ\ 3K ' FDQGLGDWH ZDV awarded $490 for a conference in &KDUOHVWRQ 6 & E\ WKH 6RFLHW\ RI Integrative Comparative Biology WKH ÀUVW ZHHN RI -DQXDU\ ZKHUH KH will present a paper on gecko toe SEE TRAVEL, PAGE 5
News, 1
Sports, 6
Opinion, 10
Find out how men’s basketball looked in this first scrimmage of the season.
Read about how falling from 10,000 feet can put everything in perspective.
OPINION, PAGE 10 University of Idaho
Volume 113, Issue no. 20