Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Science of Dangerous disorders a crisis CTC helps UI students identify the risks of eating disorders
UI professor appointed co-leader in new national science group Lindsey Treffry Argonaut
For three months, oil spilled nonstop into the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, endangering ocean life, animals and residents in the surrounding area. Gary Machlis, University of Idaho professor of conservatism, was there during spring 2010. Machlis and then UI student Gary Machlis Rachel Woita had 36 hours to organize and get to Mobile, Ala., with the help of UI financial officers, UIsponsored programs and National Park Services funds. “Our responsibility was to advise (Department of the Interior decision makers) on consequences on the spill — to the ecology, the economy and the people of the Gulf of Mexico,” Machlis said. “If this spill continued, (there were all) kind of environmental impacts you (could have) expected.” A new group dubbed the Department of the Interior’s Strategic Sciences Group resulted from the trip. Recently appointed co-leader of the group, Machlis said when the British Petroleum oil rig exploded the NPS director instructed Machlis to tour incident
Michelle Gregg Argonaut
Car accidents, sickness and suicide are not the leading cause of death for females between the ages of 15 and 24 — eating disorders are, said Miles Meason of the University of Idaho’s Counseling and Testing Center. Meason said he and his colleagues hope to spread awareness on campus by taking part in National Eating Disorder Screening Day from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 16 at the Idaho Commons. “We want to increase (and) create awareness campus-wide, and for individuals to be able to identify the dangers of eating disor-
ders,” Meason said. “They have the highest mortality rate than any other illness.” Meason said National Eating Disorder Day is meant to educate and screen potentally at-risk college students for eating disorders. He said the screening is low-key and the CTC will also have a table providing information about eating disorders. “Most of the people that fall under the eating disorder category don’t get help,” Meason said. “The screening is a beneficial way for individuals to have their questions answered and connect with the correct services if they are needed.” Verna Bergman, UI dietitian, said because college-aged people are in a vulner-
able part of their lives they are more susceptible to eating disorders. “It’s important for students to be educated on this topic and I encourage anyone who has questions or is just curious to stop by the booth,” Bergman said. Bergman said working toward a more acceptable body image and accepting oneself as a person, not related to weight may help decrease eating disorder risk. “This is a time for people to approach us if they have questions about eating disorders, to get all their questions answered and their concerns addressed,” Bergman said. “It’s SEE Disorder, PAGE 4
Moroccan the runway
SEE Crisis, PAGE 4
Students share concerns Kaitlyn Krasselt Argonaut
Thirty-five University of Idaho undergraduates traveled to Boise Jan. 25 to meet with Idaho’s legislators and discuss higher education at the 2012 Legislative Breakfast. “It was actually really successful, students met with over 80 of the legislators, most of which were brought up to the breakfast on the fourth floor of the Capitol,” said UI student lobbyist Bruno Bennett. The Legislative Breakfast is an annual opportunity for students to communicate one-on-one with Idaho legislators about issues in higher education. This year students focused on two issues. The first included Change in Employee Compensation (CEC) funding. Bennett said CEC funding provides raises for university faculty, something UI faculty has not received in more than four years. He said the second focus for students was scholarship funding. Four students arrived early in Boise to meet with Idaho’s Lt. Gov. Brad Little. Current ASUI President Samantha Perez, former ASUI President Stephen Parrott, ASUI Communications Board Chair Hannah BlanSEE Breakfast, PAGE 4
Philip Vukelich | Argonaut
Skylar Ting, Moscow High School student, models traditional Moroccan regalia at the Morocco-U.S. Intercultural Exchange fashion show Monday in the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre. The event, co-sponsored by the University of Idaho Department of Modern Languages and Cultures and the Moscow Human Rights Commission, featured a fashion show followed by the film "Crossing Borders," an Arnd Wachter documentary. The event was facilitated by visiting Fulbright scholar Kaouthar Elouahabi and was free admission.
Vandals unite against violence Amy Asanuma Argonaut
V is for more than Vandals, said Heather Gasser, University of Idaho Women’s Center director and co-producer of “The Vagina Monologues.” “V-day developed as a result, from ‘The Vagina Monologues’ success in 1998,” Gasser said. “It extends its reach to the larger community.” V-day evolved into an international movement committed to end sexual violence. The V stands for victory, valentine and vagina. Since its inception in the 1990s, V-day campaigns have raised more than $85 million for anti-gender violence. Last year, there were
more than 5,800 V-day efforts around the world. “Other playwrights have contributed to the campaign by writing pieces similar to what Eve Ensler did with her play,” Gasser said. “Most of the plays contain elements of rape and sexual violence that educate the audience.” Sisters’ Brew Coffee House in downtown Moscow will host a student art show that displays empowering women at 6 p.m. Jan. 31. During the display, visitors can make donations directly to V-day and buy admission tickets for “The Vagina Monologues.” James Wagner, area coordinator for family and graduate housing, is responsible for coordinating the exhibit. “From the time when I was
an undergraduate, I have felt that I’ve had a calling to help others,” Wagner said. “I feel like getting involved in V-day is very social and action-oriented, which I fully support. V-day is not a women’s problem. It’s a societal problem.” Wagner also coordinated a reception following “The Vagina Monologues” performance Feb. 4 at the Camas Prairie Winery on Main Street. The event will be catered by Gnosh and begins at 9:30 p.m. The two businesses will donate a portion of sales from the night to the V-day campaign. Delta Chi fraternity will also get involved by promoting “The Vagina Monologues.” Members
of the fraternity have volunteered to pass out flyers and usher during the show. In addition, The Women’s Center will show a free screening of the documentary “What I Want my Words to Do For You” at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in Memorial Gym, room 109. The film focuses on a workshop led by Ensler with women inmates convicted of murdering their abusers. “The Vagina Monologues” will be performed in the Kenworthy performing Arts Centre Feb. 2-4. Tickets cost $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Proceeds will be donated to Alternative Violence of the Palouse and the international V-day campaign.
Who are Idaho football’s best prospects for its 2012 recruiting class? Sports, page 5 News, 1
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Do politicians’ personal morals and values matter? Read Vandal Voices.
Volume 113, Issue no. 35
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