University of Iowa College of Public Health Global Public Health Annual Report, 2017-2018

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Global Public Health Initiative

ANNUA L R EPORT 201 7-2 018


From the Chair


Map: Students Abroad


Student Grant Recipients


Faculty Grant Recipients


Programs and Partnerships


Global Health at Home


Global Visitors


Global Research


Professional Development


2018-2019 Projections


Give Globally



FROM THE CHAIR Global learning experiences have a deep impact on shaping academic interests, strengthening cultural understanding, exchanging knowledge, and sparking personal and professional growth. Many people in our collegiate community are actively engaged in global public health in international settings and on campus through coursework, special events, and guest lectures. During the 2017-18 academic year, the college has seen significant growth in its global health initiative. Thanks to a generous gift from Dale and Linda Baker, we continued to provide our Global Public Health Student Travel Grants that allow students to go abroad for a variety of global experiences. This year, we had 13 students travel abroad using this grant, a fourfold increase over the previous fiscal year. Of these students, 30% used this grant to travel outside the U.S. and Canada for the first time. This increase in global awareness and engagement is likely due to the introduction of several structured global health opportunities now offered within the college, including a multi-national injury prevention training course in Romania; a Public Health section of the ongoing University of Iowa International Perspectives course in Xicotepec, Mexico; and a new partnership with Child Family Health International, which is helping us to place students in global health internships around the world. I would especially like to thank the faculty and staff members who have worked tirelessly to bring these programs to fruition and remain committed to assisting students in finding ethically sound and academically rigorous opportunities across the globe. Moving into the 2018-19 year, we remain committed to providing new and far-reaching global health opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. The Global Public Health Committee plans to use this year to analyze and implement new global health curriculum content and objectives, as well as increasing faculty and staff engagement with global research and international institutional partnerships. It is my honor to have been recently named as the fourth chair of the college’s Global Public Health Committee, and I look forward to working closely with committee members and the collegiate community to continue to grow our global efforts – both on campus and abroad. I would like to thank Dr. Edith Parker for her guidance as the committee chair over these last several years and look forward to working with her in her new role as Dean of the College of Public Health.

Diane Rohlman Chair, Global Public Health Committee Endowed Chair, Rural Safety and Health Associate Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health



SLOVENIA Ljubljana Circadian Clock and Preterm Delivery Research 1 student




Xicotepec de Juarez, Puebla CPH:4755: Xicotepec Project 4 students

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Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania Global Injury and Violence Prevention Summer School 4 students




Yerevan Domestic Violence Prevention Research 1 student

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Kabale Child Family Health International Realities of Health Access 1 student


Cordoba Child Family Health International Primary Care and Social Medicine 1 student



Jamkhed, Maharashtra Comprehensive Rural Health Project 1 student 3

STUDENT GRANT RECIPIENTS Grant applications and recipients increased by 330% during the 2017-18 academic year with 13 students going abroad with the assistance of the Global Public Health Student Travel Grant - up from 3 students during the 2016-17 academic year. The increase in numbers was thanks to the development of non-research based international experiential learning opportunities in the form of for-credit courses, multi-national institutional collaborations, and new service program partnerships. The Global Public Health Student Travel Grant is made possible thanks to a generous donation from Dale and Linda Baker.

Chelsea Hicks PhD 2021 Occupational and Environmental Health Elizabeth Jasper PhD 2021 Epidemiology Henna McCoy MPH 2019 Epidemiology

Anne Abbott PhD 2021 Community and Behavioral Health

Nichole Nidey PhD 2018 Epidemiology

Isabella Brauhn MPH 2019 Community and Behavioral Health

Elijah Olivas MPH 2019 Community and Behavioral Health

Robyn Espinosa PhD 2022 Occupational and Environmental Health

Michael Parisi-Mercado MPH 2020 Pharmacy

Alexis Finer MS 2019 Epidemiology

Monika Reddy Bhuma MPH 2019 Epidemiology

Kyle Godwin MS 2019 Occupational and Environmental Health

Kenni Sterns MPH 2019 Epidemiology 4


CPH faculty Edith Parker, Peter Thorne, and Gideon Zamba visited Lome, Togo for a conference and to explore the possibility of future collaborations between CPH and universities and organizations in West Africa. They met with faculty and public health practitioners from the University of Lome and University of Kara in Togo, as well as speakers from Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal. Discussion topics included the links between traditional and Western medicine, inequalities in environmental health and sanitation, and hygiene and malaria. They also met with the Cooperative de Solidarite Partene Group (COSOL), an NGO focusing on sustainable economic development, and explored Togo's Sacred Forest to better understand concerns about pollution and air quality in the region.

Edith Parker Dean and Professor Community and Behavioral Health Peter Thorne Department Head and Professor Occupational and Environmental Health

Gideon Zamba Associate Professor Biostatistics 5

PROGRAMS AND PARTNERSHIPS Xicotepec Project CPH:4755 Xicotepec, Mexico Faculty Leader: Brandi Janssen Occupational and Environment Health

The Xicotepec Project is a servicebased program led by the Rotary International Chapter of Iowa. The University of Iowa interdisciplinary Xicotepec course has been offered every spring for over 10 years. In 2018, CPH participated for the first time, offering a service project focusing on food securities and a public health needs assessment of Xicotepec, Mexico. The public health course section saw one of the highest enrollment of any discipline with 7 students participating. The students represented a wide variety of degrees and majors, including epidemiology, community and behavioral health, biochemistry, global health studies, and engineering, and ranged from undergraduate to PhD. The students presented their work at an endof-year celebration on May 1, 2018, and will use this year's needs assessment to develop further service projects for the spring 2019 course.



Global Injury and Violence Prevention Summer School Cluj-Napoca, Romania Faculty Leader: Corinne Peek-Asa Occupational and Environmental Health

Four CPH graduate students joined healthcare and public health students and professionals from Eastern Europe in Cluj-Napoca, Romania for a course in injury and violence prevention research. These students represented the MPH, MS, and PhD programs in Epidemiology and Occupational and Environmental Health. Together with students from Armenia, Georgia, and Moldova, as well as Iowa students from the MHIRT (Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training) program and faculty from both CPH and the Cluj School of Public Health, our students attended workshops and visited local Romanian agencies. The students also explored the culture of Transylvania, visiting the Salina Turda Medieval salt mines and Bran (Dracula's) Castle in Brasov. For two of the Iowa students, this trip was their first outside the U.S. and Canada.



In 2018, the MHIRT (Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training) Program (funded by NIH) at Iowa transitioned to a new faculty director, Dr. Rema Afifi, after previous director Dr. Laurence Fuortes retired. For the summer 2018 program, MHIRT had 15 students enrolled - 13 undergraduates and 2 graduates - who were trained in health science research at the Cluj School of Public Health in Romania and the Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia. In the coming years, Dr. Afifi plans to expand internship locations.

MHIRT International Research Training Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Yerevan, Armenia Faculty Director: Rema Afifi Community and Behavioral Health 8


Child Family Health International (CFHI) Cordoba, Argentina and Kabale, Uganda

In fall 2017, CPH announced a new formal partnership with Child Family Health International (CFHI) which offers public health internship placements for graduate and professional students in 10 different countries around the world. CFHI offers internships in topics ranging from infectious disease to healthcare systems and is considered a leader in global health ethics. All internships are assessed to ensure the global experience is mutually beneficial for both the student and the local community in which they are placed. For the 2018 summer term, CPH sent two students - one to Cordoba, Argentina to work on mental health and social health programs, and one to Kabale, Uganda to focus on oral care and community outreach.



Global Public Health Week 2017 September 18-27, 2017 This year, CPH hosted Global Public Health Week from September 18-27. Activities included the UI Study Abroad Fair, a student volunteer dinner at local NGO IC Compassion, a global food pantry drive, and a Global Health Information Fair. We also hosted a multicultural potluck lunch in partnership with the CPH Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The events were well attended with 120 students participating in the Global Health Fair, 130 people at the Climate Change Spotlight with Sean Gallagher - a joint effort between CPH and the UI School of Journalism - and 160 culturally-relevant items collected for the IC Compassion food pantry. At the Global Spotlight seminars, Pulitzer Center photojournalist Sean Gallagher spoke about his work documenting the impact of climate change in Southeast Asia, and Dr. Rema Afifi, Professor of Community and Behavioral Health, spoke about her research working with refugee populations in the Middle East.



In 2018, CPH premiered its first Global Rural Health Case Competition, jointly organized by the Iowa Institute for Public Health Research and Policy (IIPHRP), the Global Public Health Initiative, and the CPH Research Office. Six teams representing fourteen departments from across campus competed to solve the Puerto Rican power crisis. A panel of expert judges evaluated each team's intervention plan during a short, timed presentation. The judging panel included Research Week keynote speaker Lisa Palmer (author of Hot, Hungry Planet), Laurie Zelnio (John Deere and Co.), Ingrid Anderson (UI Office of Sustainability), Ben Anderson (Director, UI Power Plant), and Peter Kaboli (Department of Internal Medicine). The first place team, Aequitas, was awarded $500 per team member for their intervention plan. Following the competition, Aequitas announced they would donate the entirety of their award - totaling $2500 - to the Puerto Rico hurricane relief effort. They continue to seek matches for their donation to maximize the impact of their efforts.

Global Rural Health Case Competition April 4, 2018


GLOBAL VISITORS Sean Gallagher September 19-20, 2017 Sean Gallagher is a photojournalist living in China. He has spent the last 10 years traveling in Asia and documenting the impact of climate change on the region. Mr. Gallagher visited CPH as the inaugural journalist in a new partnership between the University of Iowa and the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting. He was a guest lecturer in several classes, led a workshop on using photography in health communication, and spoke at a CPH Spotlight Seminar.

Mphatso Mary Nguluwe September 28, 2017 Mphatso Mary Nguluwe is the Director of the Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme in Malawi and spoke at a CPH Global Spotlight Seminar in CPHB. Ms. Nguluwe is a trained nurse working to prevent parent-child HIV transmission. She also promotes gender equity and equality for boys and girls, develops preventative measures against child trafficking, and engages in community development work.

Stav Shapira, MHA, PhD October 2-3, 2017 Stav Shapira visited CPH from Ben Gurion University in Tel Aviv, Israel, as a guest of Dr. Corinne Peek-Asa. Dr. Shapira's research emphasis is in emergency management and response to catastrophic earthquakes. She met with a number of faculty and professionals in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and presented to students on the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping technology in creating emergency response strategies.

Razvan Chereches, PhD October 31 - November 3, 2017 Dr. Razvan Chereches is the Executive Director of the Cluj School of Public Health in ClujNapoca, Romania, and a longtime collaborator of CPH. He is currently co-principal investigator (Co-PI) on the iCREATE grant with Dr. Corinne Peek-Asa and trained in injury and violence prevention research. During his visit to campus he met with faculty and students and presented on student learning and research opportunities at the Cluj School of Public Health.

Diana Dulf, PhD October 31 - November 3, 2017 Dr. Diana Dulf also teaches at the Cluj School of Public Health and is a longtime friend of CPH. She was trained by Dr. Corinne Peek-Asa in injury and violence prevention research and now acts as the primary research coordinator for the iCREATE training grant. She joined Dr. Chereches for meetings with faculty and students and a joint presentation on student opportunities at the Cluj School of Public Health.


GLOBAL VISITORS Nina Jovanovic, MPH, PhD January 30 - February 3, 2018 Dr. Nina Jovanovic is a researcher and optical surgeon in the Department of Ophthalmology at the Cantonal Hospital Zenica in Bosnia. Dr. Jovanovic received her MPH from the University of Iowa in May 2017 as an NIH Fogarty Trainee. During her most recent visit, Dr. Jovanovic met with research collaborators on campus and presented on her joint cyberbullying photovoice project with Majda Turkic.

Majda Turkic January 30 - February 3, 2018 Majda Turkic is a world-renowned photographer and longtime collaborator with the University of Iowa. She currently organizes a photovoice project for teens in Bosnia. During her time in Iowa City, she presented to college and high school groups on her most recent topic and photo gallery: Cyberbullying: Telling the Public Health Story Through Photographs. Ms. Turkic's visit and work was featured in an article in the Daily Iowan.

Lisa Palmer April 4, 2018 Lisa Palmer is journalist who writes about science, the environment, and sustainability. She visited the CPH during Research Week 2018 to discuss her book Hot, Hungry Planet, which served as the college-wide book club selection for 2017-2018. During her visit, Ms. Palmer also served as an expert judge during the Global Rural Case Competition focusing on the Puerto Rican hurricane recovery efforts. She is currently a Senior Fellow at SESYNC and the Pulitzer Center.

Eric Sarriot, MD, PhD April 24-25, 2018 Eric Sarriot visited CPH as a guest of Dr. Will Story. Dr. Sarriot currently serves as the Senior Health Systems Advisor for Save the Children U.S. He met with students and faculty in small groups and presented on systems thinking and sustaining community health gains. His visit was a collaboration between the Global Public Health Initiative and the Global Health Studies Program.

Faculty, staff, students, and alumni interested in inviting and/or nominating a global visiting scholar to campus for the 2018-2019 academic year should contact the CPH Global Public Health Initiative at or visit for funding details. 13

GLOBAL RESEARCH An increasing number of CPH faculty are involved in international and globally-related research projects both at home and around the world. With funding from a wide variety of U.S. and international entities, CPH faculty continue to foster partnerships and collaborations with institutions and individuals in every corner of the globe. The following highlights a small sample of the global research currently in progress at CPH.

iCREATE: Increasing Capacity for Research in Eastern Europe NIH Fogarty International Center Dr. Corinne Peek-Asa, Occupational and Environmental Health Working with research partners in five countries in Eastern Europe, this comprehensive grant offers injury and violence prevention training and research support to public health practitioners and medical professionals in low-middle income countries. CPH currently collaborates with the Cluj School of Public Health in Romania to offer capacity-building public health research in Armenia, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova, focusing on acute care, domestic violence, and road traffic safety.

Parenting and Youth in the Arab World: Systematic Synthesis of the Evidence and Knowledge Gaps


Qatar National Research Foundation - OSRA Dr. Rema Afifi, Community and Behavioral Health

Dr. Afifi's research aims to generate a knowledge base that clearly summarizes what we know about parenting practices and styles and their influences on youth well-being in the Arab world. She works to identify where the gaps are in order to guide the strategy for future research, intervention, and policy.

Examining the "Women Empowered" Approach to Build Resilience and Increase Social Capital in Ethiopia Project Concern International (PCI) Dr. Will Story, Community and Behavioral Health In collaboration with PCI, Dr. Story evaluated PCI’s “Women Empowered” (WE) approach—a women-led village savings and loan program that has been adapted to the pastoral context in the Oroma region of Ethiopia to build resilience among women. They examined the association between WE group membership and disaster preparedness and whether this relationship was mediated by social capital. 14

GLOBAL RESEARCH Iowa-Slovenia Bilateral Collaborative University of Llubljana, Slovenia Dr. Kelli Ryckman, Epidemiology Through her work in prenatal health and maternal health, Dr. Kelli Ryckman continues to maintain a bilateral grant with the University of Llubljana as Co-PI. This collaborative allows students to travel back and forth between Ryckman's lab in Iowa City and the lab of Dr. Damjana Rozman in Llubljana, Slovenia to further international aspects of their research. The collaborative has facilitated a number of student research projects on topics such as maternal health, lipid metabolism, and circadian rhythms.

Safe Start Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial of a Caregiver Food Hygiene Behavior Intervention UK Department for International Development (DID) Dr. Kelly Baker, Occupational and Environmental Health The Safe Start study is a partnership between the University of Iowa, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Great Lakes University of Kisumu. The grant supports the design and evaluation of the impact of a clusterrandomized controlled trial of a caregiver food hygiene behavior intervention on caregiver infant food preparation, feeding, and storage behaviors, infant food contamination, and enteric infection and diarrhea of infants in Kisumu, Kenya.

Vulnerability of the Adolescent Brain to Organophosphorus Pesticides NIH Fogarty International Center & National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Dr. Diane Rohlman, Occupational and Environmental Health Partnering with colleagues at Menoufia University in Egypt, Dr. Rohlman conducts a longitudinal study to investigate cumulative and potentially reversible effects of pesticide exposure among adolescent pesticide applicators. She also worked with the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture to develop and evaluate appropriate measures to reduce pesticide exposure, and built research capacity among faculty and students at Menoufia University.


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Child Family Health International

Child Family Health International (CFHI) offers student internships in clinical medicine and public health practice around the world. CFHI is considered the leading health science educational organization in ethically responsible global health experiences and is a member of the WHO Global Health Workforce Alliance. Working with local public health NGOs in 10 countries around the world, CFHI offers practical experiences in a variety of public health-related emphasis areas. CPH announced an ongoing partnership with CFHI in fall 2017 with two students participating in internships in summer 2018.

Consortium of

Universities for Global Health

The University of Iowa is a founding member of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) and continues to remain a key resource for all health science colleges and departments across our campus. CPH continues to increase their involvement in CUGH and hopes to send a number of students and faculty to their annual conference in March 2019 in Chicago, IL.


¡l.J. coregroup

The Core Group is a global health-focused organization geared primarily toward public health practitioners around the world. It frequently offers meetings and conferences focused on sharing knowledge, evidence, and best practices that translate to real-world implementation and impact. CPH joined the CORE Group as an associate member in 2017 and both faculty and students presented at the fall 2017 and spring 2018 practitioners conference. At the fall 2017 meeting, CPH students represented the largest university cohort amongst student volunteers in attendance.

Heartland Global Health

The Heartland Global Health Consortium is made up of the public and private universities and colleges in the state of Iowa. As a founding member, the University of Iowa recently renewed their membership with this organization thanks to a push from CPH leadership and the Global Health Studies Program. CPH staff member, Sophie Switzer, now serves as the UI representative on their steering committee. Their upcoming annual conference will focus on nutrition abroad and at home and will take place on Friday, November 9, 2018 in Des Moines, IA. UI associate provost and CPH faculty member Linda Snetselaar will serve as the keynote speaker.

tl Pulitzer Center

CPH and the UI Adler School of Journalism announced a joint partnership with the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting in fall 2017. Through this membership, CPH will offer a global health reporting fellowship to a student during summer 2019. CPH also welcomed several science and health-related journalists to campus over the 2017-18 academic year. The Pulitzer Center offers grants to professional journalists and students to encourage in-depth coverage of underreported global health topics and crises around the world.



In the coming year, we intend to focus on increasing faculty and staff awareness and engagement in global health at CPH and across campus. The Global Public Health Committee plans to identify global teaching resources for faculty and work to strengthen global health learning for all students. We also will continue to support global faculty research and identify global research funding opportunities wherever possible. We are looking forward to strengthening current institutional partnerships with foreign universities, as well as building new partnerships that will provide mutual benefit for faculty and students at all institutions. The Global Public Health Initiative will continue to encourage and provide students with global health opportunities abroad and at home. This fall, the Global Public Health Committee and the college's Diversity and Inclusion Committee will jointly sponsor a two-part training series entitled Developing Your Intercultural Insight, which will be open to students, faculty, and staff. We will also host the college's 3rd Annual Global Public Health Week in college September 17-21, 2018, which will include global visiting scholars, an international research poster session, a global health information fair, and more.









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\ -..\ _ "Participating in an abroad experience not only helped me to understand global public health more fully, but also deepened my passion for and interest in global public health as a field of study and potential future career."

Isabella Brauhn Masters in Publ ic Health ' 79 Community and Behavioral Health

All experiences and opportunities offered through the Global Public Health Initiative have been made possible through the generosity and continued support of the University of Iowa and public health communities. To learn more about how you can support the Global Public Health Initiative, please visit: For more information on current programs and opportunities available through the Global Public Health Initiative, please contact Sophie Switzer, Global Public Health Coordinator, at or visit for details.






College of Public Health




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Advancement 18

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