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Sheldon Vincenti Award
Davis has been designated as Idaho Fraternal Order of Police 2016 Legislator of the Year and has been honored as a recipient of the 2011 Angel in Adoption Award from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute; Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Farmworker Justice Award; ISB Professionalism Award, Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section; and Special Recognition for Extraordinary Contributions to the Improved Administration of Justice in Idaho, Idaho Judicial Conference 2010.
Davis was born in Rapid City, South Dakota, but raised in Idaho Falls. He and his wife, Marion, have six children and 14 grandchildren. He enjoys golf, is active in his church and is a member of the Rotary Club. He is a Paul Harris Fellow.
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The Vincenti Award recognizes individuals “whose extraordinary and exemplary service to the College of Law reflects the spirit of devotion, loyalty and commitment to the betterment of the College of Law embodied by Dean Vincenti.” The service to the College should primarily be those of time, ideas, energy and internal or external support provided in a capacity other than as a full-time employee. The status as a graduate or non-graduate of the College is irrelevant for purposes of the award.
John Ford Elsaesser, Jr. “Ford,” received a Juris Doctor from the University of Idaho College of Law in 1977. Following graduation, Elsaesser co-founded the Sandpoint, Idaho law firm now known as Elsaesser Anderson, Chtd.
Elsaesser has developed a nationally recognize practice in bankruptcy law and has extensive experience in every aspect of insolvency, restructuring and bankruptcy issues, from the most complex Chapter 11s to small business, agricultural and consumer matters. He has served as a Chapter 7 trustee since 1984, handling well in excess of 20,000 cases, and has served as a Chapter 12 trustee for all of the Eastern District of Washington and Northern Idaho since 1986. Additionally, he has served as an expert witness on numerous occasions, testifying as to the standard of care and standard of practice in regard to lawyers, trustees and debtors-in-possession in a wide variety of state and federal lawsuits.
Notably, Elsaesser served as a bankruptcy professor at the U of I College of Law for 20 years and and coached the bankruptcy moot court team during that time. He coached the team to a national championship in 2001 and in 2016, his team won the award for Best Brief.
In 2011, Elsaesser was recognized by the UI College of Law faculty as the recipient of the Award of Legal Merit and he was named to the University of Idaho Alumni Hall of Fame in 2016.
John Ford Ellaesser, Jr.