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President’s Medallion
U niversi T y of i daho p residen T ’ s M edallion
The President’s Medallion is presented at commencements to individuals selected by the university president who have made significant contributions to the cultural, economic, scientific and/or social advancement of Idaho and its people, as well as provided exceptional service to the state or nation that has influenced the well-being of humankind.
Teams from the University of Idaho and Gritman Medical Center collaboratively and courageously led the way in combatting COVID-19 in the greater Moscow community. In a testament to an unshakable community spirit, dedicated employees of both organizations often put themselves in harm’s way to allow U of I students access to a transformational, in-person, educational experience throughout the 2020-21 academic year.
Putting the university first, U of I personnel partnered with Gritman early in the summer of 2020 to build a coronavirus testing operation that has been instrumental in managing the pandemic – both on campus and in the community. The U of I /Gritman lab set the standard for others across the state, leading modeling efforts for Idaho while allowing testing of every student ahead of in-person classes. Along with repeated random testing, testing of wastewater and maintenance of isolation spaces, the two institutions proved cooperation leads to successful results for the community as a whole.
Recognizing the effort and sacrifice by countless members of the pandemic response teams at both organizations, the University of Idaho awards its 2021 President’s Medallion to certain faculty and staff at U of I and Gritman Medical Center key personnel. The medallion will be conferred upon:
• Dan New, IBEST Lab Superviser, and Kane Francetich, CIO, for their foundational efforts upon which our pandemic response was built;
• Kara Besst, President and CEO, on behalf of the Gritman response staff;
• Toni Broyles, Special Assistant to the President, Strategy, on behalf of the U of I response staff;
• Barrie Robison, Professor, on behalf of the U of I response faculty.
A commemorative medallion memento will be given to the other members of the response teams. This honor symbolizes the dedication of several hundred employees at both institutions who demonstrated their profound commitment to putting people’s well-being and their organizations’ missions first.
With deep respect to both institutions, the University of Idaho bestows the President’s Medallion honor to the University of Idaho and Gritman Medical Center pandemic response teams as part of the Spring 2021 Commencement Ceremonies.
In spring 2021, the President’s Medallion was redesigned by student Megan Biggs to showcase the clock tower and grand architecture that overlook the main entrance of the administration building. This iconic, historic building not only houses the Office of the President but is a symbol of our community’s brave and bold history. Biggs is a junior studying art and design with a minor in professional writing. She was supported on the project by Riley Merithew, a senior studying virtual technology and design with minors in computer science and art. The students were advised by Professor Delphine Keim with the Art and Design Program in the College of Art and Architecture.