Extension Trends: Franklin County

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EXTENSION TRENDS: FRANKLIN COUNTY University of Idaho Extension, Franklin County • www.uidaho.edu/franklin

2019 Impact

2019 By the Numbers • 4,367 direct contacts • 3,018 youth participants • 51 volunteers • 400 volunteer hours • $65,500 extramural funding

Our Advisory Council Special thanks to our volunteers who help shape programming and inform the work we do for UI Extension in Franklin County: Verlene Knapp, Tyler Telford, Kathy Winward, Lynn Harris, Necia Seamons, Claudia Erickson, Julie Nash and Dirk Bowles.

UI Extension Educators Bracken Henderson 208-852-1097 brackenh@uidaho.edu

Laura Sant 208-852-1097 lsant@uidaho.edu

A total of three six-week Preserve@Home sessions were taught by UI Extension, Franklin County. 71% of attendees who completed the class had a grade of 70% or better showing increased knowledge of safe home food preservation methods. Eighty pressure-canner dial gauges from local citizens were checked for accuracy. Of these gauges, 19% were accurate, 70% had to be adjusted and 11% had to be replaced. Approximately 55 inquiries on food safety were answered. Hunger and Fullness was taught to approximately 665 students in two Franklin County elementary schools. Surveys of students in grades 3-5 indicated a range of 50-65% of participants intended to use internal cues to guide food consumption. A Get Experience in Mindfulness (GEM) five-class series on mindfulness techniques was taught to a high school class of 11 students. A demonstration on the health benefits of quinoa and how to make a quinoa salad was given in two locations. 60% of county employees participated in the Franklin County Wellness Program and 86% of participants reached their healthy lifestyle goal. Welcome to the Real World was taught four times to 93 high school students on personal finance topics. A total of 13 horticulture related classes and seven ag related classes were taught by UI Extension, Franklin County. 419 direct contacts dealt with horticulture issues and 81 contacts were with agriculture clientele. An increased agriculture presence within Franklin County will be a focus for 2020.

4-H in Franklin County A total of 51 leaders and 298 4-H members enrolled in 914 projects in 2019. UI Extension Educator Laura Sant taught/co-taught nine projects (38 classes); two school enrichment programs (12 classes), including Bread in the Bag (5) and Recruitment (7); four afterschool projects (15 classes); helped to plan and conduct Alpine 4-H Camp for four counties and taught seven sessions at camp and co-taught one camp counselor training. Educator Bracken Henderson started a rifle shooting class, a giant pumpkin growing contest and taught a geology club.

On the Horizon Sant is working with another UI Extension Educator and a former University of Idaho dietetics professor to create a three-class curriculum on lifestyle habits that protect against Alzheimer’s Disease, called Fighting Alzheimer's Disease with Food. The curriculum has been written, reviewed, revised and resubmitted for publication with UI Extension. Henderson is conducting a research study with Utah State University on elongated mustard—a relatively new weed. He is also conducting a demonstration study on the control of field bind weed in a dryland cropping system; pasture fertilization trials; and expanding online horticulture resources.

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