
saTurday, deCember 7, 2024 | 9:30 a.m.
College of arT and arChiTeCTure | College of eduCaTion, healTh and human sCienCes College of law | College of leTTers, arTs and soCial sCienCes
Presiding: C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
University Wind Ensemble
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Presentation and Posting of Colors Joint ROTC Military Services Color Guard
The National Anthem University Wind Ensemble
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Katie Seelmeyer, Student, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Opening Remarks
University of Idaho Regent’s Welcome
Commencement Address
Kristin Haltinner, Ph.D., Faculty Senate Chair
C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
Joshua Whitworth, M.B.A., Representative of the Idaho State Board of Education
Kathleen Duncan, B.A., Philanthropist
Student Speaker Remarks Martha Smith, ASUI President
Recognition of Honors Students
Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President
Conferring and Presentation of Graduate, Professional, and Undergraduate Degrees
Alumni Welcome
Closing Remarks
C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President
Amy Lientz, M.S., Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations
C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
The Alma Mater, “Here We Have Idaho,” composed by Sallie Hume-Douglas
University Wind Ensemble
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Katie Seelmeyer, Student, Lionel Hampton School of Music (words on page 31)
The entire assembly joins in the singing of the Alma Mater.
University Wind Ensemble Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Processional Announcer Sean McIlraith, B.A., Athletics
Commencement Readers Joshua Bailey, Ph.D., Movement Sciences Sarah Nelson, Ph.D., School of Global Studies
Lead Marshal Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Ph.D., Design and Environments
Photography GradImages (800-261-2576, www.gradimages.com) will provide photography for Commencement. The studio will photograph each student and email and/or mail proofs to all students who supply an address on the card provided at the ceremony. For more images from this ceremony, visit http://www.uidaho.edu/events/commencement
Today’s ceremony is webcast live at http://www.uidaho.edu/live
Links for the morning session: https://recapd.com/w-To9ArR (English) https://recapd.com/w-To9ArR/es (Spanish)
Links for the afternoon session: https://recapd.com/w-CJ-Bom (English) https://recapd.com/w-CJ-Bom/es (Spanish)
u niversi T y of i daho w in T er C eremony
saTurday, deCember 7, 2024 | 2:00 p.m.
College of agriCulTural and life sCienCes | College of business and eConomiCs
College of engineering | College of naTural resourCes | College of sCienCe
Presiding: C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
Processional University Wind Ensemble
Presentation and Posting of Colors
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Joint ROTC Military Services Color Guard
The National Anthem University Wind Ensemble
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Katie Seelmeyer, Student, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Opening Remarks
University of Idaho Regent’s Welcome
Commencement Address
Oath of Office
Kristin Haltinner, Ph.D., Faculty Senate Chair
C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
Joshua Whitworth, M.B.A., Representative of the Idaho State Board of Education
Kathleen Duncan, B.A., Philanthropist
Captain Scott Brunson, M.A., Commanding Officer Navy ROTC
Student Speaker Remarks Martha Smith, ASUI President
Recognition of Honor Students
Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President
Conferring and Presentation of Graduate, Professional, and Undergraduate Degrees
Alumni Welcome
Closing Remarks
C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President
Amy Lientz, M.S., Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations
C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President
The Alma Mater, “Here We Have Idaho,” composed by Sallie Hume-Douglas University Wind Ensemble
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Katie Seelmeyer, Student, Lionel Hampton School of Music (words on page 31)
The entire assembly joins in the singing of the Alma Mater.
Recessional University Wind Ensemble
Processional Announcer
Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music
Sean McIlraith, B.A., Athletics
Commencement Readers Jamaica Ritcher, M.F.A., Writing Center
Lead Marshal ..........................................................................................................
Photography GradImages (800-261-2576, www.gradimages.com) will provide photography for Commencement. The studio will photograph each student and email and/or mail proofs to all students who supply an address on the card provided at the ceremony. For more images from this ceremony, visit http://www.uidaho.edu/events/commencement
Lysa Salsbury, Ph.D., Women's Center
Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Ph.D., Design and Environments
Today’s ceremony is webcast live at http://www.uidaho.edu/live
Links for the morning session: https://recapd.com/w-To9ArR (English) https://recapd.com/w-To9ArR/es (Spanish)
Links for the afternoon session: https://recapd.com/w-CJ-Bom (English) https://recapd.com/w-CJ-Bom/es (Spanish)
The Regents of the University of Idaho
Linda Clark, President Boise
William G. Gilbert, Jr., Vice President Boise
Shawn Keough Sandpoint
Kurt Liebich Boise
David Turnbull Eagle
C. Scott Green, M.B.A. President
Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A.
Provost and Executive Vice President
Ben McLuen, B.A.
Cally J. Roach Fairfield
Debbie Critchfield
State Superintendent for Public Instruction, Oakley
Joshua Whitworth
Executive Director, Idaho State Board of Education, Boise
University Leadership
Chandra Zenner Ford, M.S. Executive Officer, Southwest Idaho and Senior Associate to the President
Andrew Fields, Ph.D. Executive Officer, Northern Idaho
Chief Executive Officer of University Foundation
Dan Ewart, M.P.A.
Vice President for Information Technology Services, Chief Information Officer
Brian Foisy, M. Acct.
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Christopher Nomura, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Terry Gawlik, M.Ed. Director of Athletics
Yolanda Bisbee, Ed.D.
Chief Diversity Officer and Executive Director of Tribal Relations
Dean Kahler, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management
Diane Kelly-Riley, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Faculty
Ken Udas, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Digital Learning Initiatives
Blaine Eckles, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Lindsey Brown, Ph.D. University Registrar
Caroline Nilsson-Troy, B.S.
Special Assistant to the President for Government Relations
Kim Rytter, J.D. General Counsel
Marc Skinner, Ph.D. Executive Officer, Southeastern Idaho
Michael P. Parrella, Ph.D. Dean, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Shauna Corry, Ph.D. Dean, College of Art and Architecture
Lisa Victoravich, Ph.D. Dean, College of Business and Economics
Brooke Blevins, Ph.D. Dean, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Suzanna Long, Ph.D., P.E. Dean, College of Engineering
Jerry McMurtry, Ph.D. Dean, College of Graduate Studies
Aviva Abramovsky, J.D. Dean, College of Law
Sean Quinlan, Ph.D. Dean, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Ben Hunter, Ph.D. Dean, University Libraries
Dennis Becker, Ph.D. Dean, College of Natural Resources
Ginger Carney, Ph.D. Dean, College of Science
Jeff Seegmiller, Ed.D. Director, WWAMI Medical Education Program

C. Scott Green took office as the 19th president of the University of Idaho on July 1, 2019. President Green joined U of I as a highly accomplished executive with a career in global finance, operations and administration. He is also a proud alumnus of the university, graduating in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science in accounting.
Born in Moscow, Green’s family moved to Boise, where he graduated from Boise High School. Following his degree from the University of Idaho, the third-generation Vandal went to work for Boise Cascade Corporation. He went on to attend Harvard Business School and received a Master of Business Administration in 1989.
Green worked for Deloitte and Touche as part of its accelerated career program from 1989-94. He then worked in banking, serving in various management roles for Goldman Sachs and ING Barings. He published two books on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which reformed regulations around auditing and financial reporting.
Green went on to leadership in global law firms, including service as CEO at Pepper Hamilton and as executive director at WilmerHale. He most recently served as the chief operating and financial officer for Hogan Lovells, one of the largest law firms in the world, with annual revenues of more than $2 billion. Green led all of the firm’s worldwide operations, technology, conflicts and finance functions. He had global responsibility for more than 3,000 employees in more than 30 countries.
The first non-lawyer to run an American Lawyer 100 law firm, Green was recognized as one of the Top 50 Big Law Innovators of the Last 50 Years by The American Lawyer magazine in 2013. A certified public accountant, Green was inducted into the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Business and Industry Hall of Fame in 2006. He received the Institute of Internal Auditors Outstanding Contributor Award in 2004 and 2006.
Green’s commitment to the University of Idaho over many years has included service on the U of I Alumni Association’s national Board of Directors, the College of Business and Economics Advisory Board and on the U of I Foundation Board. He is also a Vandal Scholarship Fund supporter.
Green and his wife, Gabriella, an interior design project manager, have two adult children: Nicholas and Christina.

Kathleen Duncan is a prolific national volunteer and leader, serving on the board of trustees of numerous institutions, including Loyola Marymount University; University of Puget Sound; Santa Clara University; Loyola High School of Los Angeles; California Science Center; Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, and Doheny Eye Institute. She is also on the board of the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation; a member of Las Madrinas, which supports Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Colleagues Helpers in Philanthropic Service (C.H.I.P.S.); The Colleagues Group, which supports Children’s Institute, Inc., and President, Humanitarian Express providing aid to Ukraine. She received her B.A. in psychology from the University of Puget Sound and her teaching credential from Mount St. Mary’s University. She previously worked in human resources at Chase Financial Services and taught 3rd and 5th grade math and science. She is also the mother of two Santa Clara graduates and a USC graduate.
a lumni a sso C iaT ion b oard of d ire CTors
About the University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc.
The University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc. (UIAA, Inc.) is a non-dues-paying group, founded in 1898, that supports University of Idaho alumni to connect them with their alma mater and each other. This network of almost 117,000 alumni worldwide is made of University of Idaho graduates and students who have completed 90 credits or more.
The University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc. is managed by an elected board of directors that governs the UIAA, Inc. and meets formally three times a year. Duties of elected directors include managing corporate affairs, business and assets of the association. Appointed members may also serve on the board with no voting privileges.
University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc.
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3232 Moscow, ID 83844-3232 208-885-6154 alumni@uidaho.edu www.uidaho.edu/alumni @UidahoAlumni www.uidaho.edu/alumni/uiaa
e xe C u T ive C ommi TT ee
Jon Gaffney ’08, Eastern Region
Vice President
Jackie Jameson ’08, Western Idaho Region
Erin C. Jessup ’05,’10 Northwestern Region
Melissa Lowther ’08, Western Idaho Region
Past President
Travis Jones ’99, ’02, Western Region
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations
Amy R. Lientz ’95
i daho d ire CTors
Ross Bordon ’87, Western Idaho Region
Troy Braga ’02, Northern Idaho Region
Juan Luis Corona ’12, Western Idaho Region
Mil DeSilva ’09, Western Idaho Region
Lisa Donnellon ’05, Western Idaho Region
Rory Fletcher ’04, Northern Idaho Region
Mallory Griffith ’10, ’12 Western Idaho Region
Sharee Hamilton ’02, Southern Idaho Region
David Harrington ’93, Northern Idaho Region
John Hoyne ’96, Western Idaho Region
Bobby Meyers ’10, ’17, Northern Idaho Region
Robb Steinke ’84, Western Idaho Region
Samantha Storms ’12, ’13, Western Idaho Region
Liza Wilson ’09, ’11 Central Idaho Region
n aT ional d ire CTors
Annie Averitt ’00, Western Region
Shelby Kerns ’97, Eastern Region
Kimberly Lynn ’12, Northwestern Region
Drew Morgan ’15, Northwestern Region
u niversi T y of i daho f ounda T ion
About the University of Idaho Foundation, Inc.
The University of Idaho was established in 1970 to inspire, manage and distribute private support to enhance the excellence of the University of Idaho. The Foundation is governed by a dedicated volunteer board of directors who share their time, talent and treasure.
The Foundation inspires and receives gifts from generous donors dedicated to supporting and advancing the University of Idaho through philanthropic support. Gifts come in a variety of forms that include cash contributions, marketable securities and real estate, and through planned giving opportunities such as bequests, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and others.
Over 1,900 individual endowments have been funded through charitable contributions. The endowed funds are managed in the Consolidated Investment Trust (CIT), the Foundation’s pooled endowment fund. The principal is non-expendable; investment earnings support scholarships, faculty development, research, and other programs in accordance with the donors’ wishes.
As a unified philanthropic organization, the Foundation has a scope which includes core fiduciary responsibilities of managing investments and assets, maintaining accounting records, fundraising, stewardship, data management, alumni relations and constituent engagement functions.
With $509 million in assets, the University of Idaho Foundation is the largest public foundation in the state of Idaho.
University of Idaho Foundation, Inc. 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3143 Moscow, ID 83844-3143 208-885-4000 www.uidahofoundation.org
o ffi C ers
Chair Clint Marshall ’97
Vice Chair
Dan Hutchinson ’75
Annette Elg ’78
Secretary Dave Butler ’88
Past Chair
Linda Copple Trout ’73, ’77
d ire CTors
Angella Broesch ’98
Robert Dixon ’70, ’71
Kirby Dyess ’68
Mark Engberg ’84
John Hale ’84, ’86
Mary Hasenoehrl
Dave Huotari ’83
Scott Madison ’87
Bob Maynard
Samantha Parrott ’12, ’19
Ken Pierce ’87
Stephen Pruss ’85
Earl Reed ’81
Ryne Stoker ’86, ’04
Travis Thompson ’97, ’00
Bob Urso ’80

C andida T es for d egrees and d egrees p reviously a warded
C ollege of g raduaT e s T udies
Established in 1925. Jerry R. McMurtry, Ph.D., Dean
doCTor of aThleTiC Training
Jennifer Valerie Melena*, Santa Maria, California
doCTor of eduCaTion
Anna Christine Eaton-Merkle, Emmett
Dissertation: “Perceptions of Secondary ELA Teachers Regarding the Use of Generative AI in the Classroom.” Major Professor: Janine Julianna Darragh
Spencer Thomas Normington*, Coeur d’Alene
Dissertation: “World Music Drumming and its Impact on Elementary Students? Fluency.”
Major Professor: Elizabeth Sue Wargo
Zachary Hayes Palombo, Ocean View, New Jersey
Dissertation: “A Comparative Study of Perceived Stress Levels of Single District Superintendents and Shared Superintendents in New Jersey.”
Major Professor: Elizabeth Sue Wargo
Angel Kay Sobotta*, Lapwai
Dissertation: “Titwaatit, Nimipuutimt, Weetes: Niimiipuu
Ha’áyat Ceptemelixnikt Nimipuuwiitki kaa Cukweneewit The Stories, Niimiipuu Language, Land: Niimiipuu Women Investigating the Niimiipuu Way of Thinking and Knowing.” Major Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens
doCTor of philosophy
Maryam Abbasi, Golestan, Iran
Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Enhance Properties of Poly 3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3Hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) for Blown Film Application.”
Major Professor: Armando Gabriel McDonald Beck Arebamen Akhiwu, Ibadan, Nigeria
Entomology. Dissertation: “The Chemical Ecology, Behavior, and Basic Reproductive Biology of Sugar Beet Maggot Fly, Tetanops Yopaeformis (von Roder) (Diptera: Ulidiidae).” Major Professor: Erik J. Wenninger Hussain Abdullah Al Hatailah, Najran, Saudi Arabia
Civil Engineering. Dissertation: “Mechanical, Rheological, Spectroscopic, and Environmental Assessments and Characterization of Rejuvenated Asphalt Mixtures for Sustainable Pavements.” Major Professor: Emad A. Kassem Abdullah Mari J. Alqahtani*, Najran, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science. Dissertation: “Cybersecurity in the Deep Learning Era: A Comprehensive Framework for Crypto-ransomware Detection and Prevention.” Major Professor: Frederick T. Sheldon
* Degree awarded August 2, 2024
§ Degree to be completed in a future semester
The appearance of a name in this program is presumptive evidence of graduation and graduation honors; it must not in any sense be regarded as conclusive. The academic transcript, signed and sealed by the proper university officers, remains the official testimony of the possession of the degree.
Abdul-Rahman Anjorin*, Oxon Hill, Maryland
Education. Dissertation: “African American National Football League Athletes and their Perspective of Athlete Leadership.” Major Professor: Sydney Freeman
Ryan Dean Arp, Nampa
Education. Dissertation: “Mentoring Matters: A Study of Self-Efficacy Improvement After an 8-week Mentoring Training in the Wildland Fire Profession.” Major Professor: Carol Leigh Billing
William F. Rance Bare, Idaho Falls
Biological Engineering. Dissertation: “Development and Application of Pinewood Biochar to Remove Phosphorous and Nitrogen from Aquaculture Effluents.” Major Professor: Amin Mirkouei
Kevin Michael Bryant, Portland, Oregon
Education. Dissertation: “The Effectiveness of a Character Education Intervention Program on Interscholastic Athletic Directors Social and Moral Reasoning.” Major Professor: Sharon K. Stoll
Anwar Saud Hussen Bushnaq*, Al Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Entomology. Dissertation: “Exploring the Link between Host Plant Adaptation and Metabolic Resistance in T. urticae.” Major Professor: Edwin E. Lewis
Hari Prasad Challa, Hyderabad, India
Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “Real Time Adaptive Scalable Modular Automated Cyber Physical Test System for Advancing Research in Critical Infrastructure Protection, Security, Resilience, and Education.” Major Professor: Brian Johnson
Rasul Choupanzadeh, Gonbad-E Kavoos, Iran
Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “Novel Methods for Advanced Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Electromagnetic Systems.” Major Professor: Ata Zadehgol
Laila Steen Grandt Cornwall, Moscow
Education. Dissertation: “Investigating Belonging, Connection, and Engagement Among Higher Education Employees from Different Cultural Backgrounds.” Major Professor: Krista M. Soria
Donna Marie Daniels*, Nampa Education. Dissertation: “Developing Lifelong, Profound Learning Through Continuous Improvement.” Major Professor: Michael S. Kroth
Molly Jacquelyn Garrett*, St. Louis, Missouri
Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Applications of Genomic Tools for Threatened Species and Ecosystem Conservation.” Major Professor: Mazen Ali M. Gazzan*, Moscow
Computer Science. Dissertation: “A Novel Multi-Staged Deep Learning Method to Detect Ransomware.” Major Professor: Frederick T. Sheldon
Paige Laurel Hickman, Cedarville, New Jersey
Entomology. Dissertation: “Control of the Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera Pallida with Trap Crops and Crop Rotation and an Investigation of the Impact of Population Dynamics on Potato Yield.” Major Professor: Louise-Marie Dandurand
Catherine Ann Hughes, Deep Creek Lake, Maryland
Natural Resources. Dissertation: "Exploring Recreationists’ Prioritization of Beneficial Outcomes from Public Lands Management." Major Professor: Travis B. Paveglio
Pabitra Joshi, Kanchanpur, Nepal Plant Science. Dissertation: “Assessment and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Mapping for Resistance to Dwarf and Common Bunt Diseases in Winter Wheat.” Major Professor: Jianli Chen
Emilija Jovanovska-Stanton*, Skopje, Macedonia
Education. Dissertation: “Developing Cultural Preparedness and Asset-Based Pedagogies in a Teacher Education Program: Relating Preservice Teachers? Funds of Knowledge and Lesson Planning.” Major Professor: Raymond Anthony Dixon
Kelsey Marie Jutila*, Orofino
Natural Resources. Dissertation: “From Classroom to Forest: An Analysis of Outdoor Learning Environments and Nature-Centric Pedagogical Approaches at Idaho Natural Resources Camp.”
Major Professor: Randall H. Brooks
Rabindra Raj Khanal, Morang, Nepal
Physics. Dissertation: “Soft Magnetic Nanofilms Produced by Aligned Ellipsoidal Iron Core-Shell Nanoparticles.” Major Professor: You Qiang
Albert Owusu Kwarteng, Bagneux, France
Plant Science. Dissertation: “Multigenerational Exposure of Spring Wheat to Weed Competition and the Role of Memory Response in Crop-Weed Interaction.” Major Professor: Albert T. Adjesiwor
Kalley Ward Malone, Boise
Education. Dissertation: “Access to Inclusive Environments for Students with Complex Chronic Conditions.” Major Professor: Aleksandra Hollingshead
John Patrick McAvoy*, San Antonio, Texas
Education. Dissertation: “21st-century Nontraditional Doctoral Student Fathers: Negotiating Competing Role Identities as Fathers, Workers, and Doctoral Students.” Major Professor: Sydney Freeman
Torrey J. Mortenson*, Idaho Falls
Biological Engineering. Dissertation: “Grounding the Foundations of Performance Shaping Factors and Human Reliability Analysis.”
Major Professor: Lee Thomas Ostrom
Iva Theresa Moss, Arapahoe, Wyoming
Education. Dissertation: “Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Investigation of How Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Are Embedded in Arapaho Knowledge Systems.” Major Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens
Anas Mohammad Hussein Nawafleh, Irbid, Jordan
Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: “Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations for Lung Ventilation with Verification and Validation.” Major Professor: Tao Xing
Neil Anthony Paprocki, Salt Lake City, Utah
Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Causes of Differential Migration in Birds.” Major Professor: Courtney J. Conway
Agyemang Amofa Prempeh, Kumasi, Ghana
Education. Dissertation: “Faculty Perceptions about Shared Leadership and Quality Education Delivery: A Phenomenological Study of One University in The Pacific Northwest, United States.” Major Professor: Penny Lee Tenuto
Elizabeth Ruth Ropski, Meridian
Education. Dissertation: “Exploring Correlations among STEM Identities, Personal Identities, MentorRelated Experiences, and Career Persistence of Undergraduate Students in Idaho Public Post-Secondary Institutions.” Major Professor: John G. Cannon
Yakov Sapozhnikov*, Chatsworth, California
Mathematics. Dissertation: “Two Problems in 2-packings of Graphs.” Major Professor: Hong Wang
Yesol Sapozhnikov, Chatsworth, California
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Dissertation: “Investigating the Influence of Capsid Protein Stability on Viral Fitness Using Systematic, High-throughput Approaches.” Major Professor: Craig R. Miller
Whitney Marie Sherman, Flint, Texas Education. Dissertation: “Bowel Training Individuals with Autism and the Impact on Parents and Caregivers.” Major Professor: Aleksandra Hollingshead
Krishna Pada Singha*, Chopra, India
Animal Physiology. Dissertation: “Muscle Physiology as a Tool to Improve Fillet Quality of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus Mykiss through Precision Nutrition.” Major Professor: Vikas Kumar
Bronte Mercedes Sone, Bangor, Maine Soil and Land Resources. Dissertation: “Impacts of Tillage and Cover Crops on Soil Microbial Communities, Function, And Biochemical Cycles.” Major Professor: Michael Scott Strickland
Elise Marie Stacy, Seattle, Washington Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Connectivity and Local Adaptation of the North American Wolverine.” Major Professor: Lisette P. Waits
Jonathan Michael Tacke, Laramie, Wyoming
Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: "Frequency Regulation by Way of a Variable Moment of Inertia." Major Professor: Dakota Roberson
William Charles Tai, Bellevue, Washington
Education. Dissertation: “Changing the Landscape: CURing STEM Preservice Teacher Education.” Major Professor: Brant D. Miller
Haley Elizabeth Thoresen*, Wyoming, Ohio
Geology. Dissertation: “Eocene Basin Record of the Initiation of Extension and Metamorphic Core Complex Exhumation in Western Montana, USA.” Major Professor: Elizabeth J. Cassel
Derek J. Tilley, Aberdeen Natural Sciences. Dissertation: "Ecological Succession as a Guide for Restoration and Plant Materials Development." Major Professor: Jason W. Karl Ali G. Threet*, St. George, Utah Education. Dissertation: “A Spirit of Abundance and a Mindset of Enough.” Major Professor: Michael S. Kroth Laxmi Tiwari, Lalitpur, Nepal Chemistry. Dissertation: “Synthesis and Applications of Azothioformamide and Azoformamide ligands in Coordination, Catalysis, and Biological Activity.” Major Professor: Kristopher V. Waynant Tejaswini Ravindra Vaidya, Nashik, India
Chemical Engineering. Dissertation: “Investigation on Solubility and Phase Transition of Multicomponent Chloride Salt Systems for Pyroprocessing.” Major Professor: Haiyan Zhao Kelie Cassondra Yoho, South Bend, Indiana Entomology. Dissertation: “Mineral Crop Oils and Other Approaches to the Integrated Pest Management of Potato virus Y and its Aphid Vectors.” Major Professor: Erik J. Wenninger
Jiyin Zhang, Quanzhou, People’s Republic of China
Computer Science. Dissertation: “Knowledge-Infused LLM Application in Data Analytics: Using Mindat as an Example.” Major Professor: Xiaogang Ma
eduCaTion speCialisT in eduCaTional leadership
Megan Lynn Sindt*, St. Maries
Sarah Anne Quallen, Worley Curriculum and Instruction
Nicholas William Smith*, Fairfield
masTer of aCCounTanCy
Sidney Marie Barden, Lewiston
David Kaysen Cazier*, Idaho Falls
Jacob Benjamin Clayton, Meridian
Sarah Lake, Lewiston
Sophia Nicole Mangini, Moscow
Jordan Patrick Surby, Lewiston
Avery Allen Suttle*, Idaho Falls
masTer of arChiTeCTure
Litzy Gomez*, Pateros, Washington
Chloe Madeline Macon*, Tampa, Florida
Chad William Nesheim*, Anchorage, Alaska
masTer of arTs
Juniper J. Harvey-Marose, Lewiston Anthropology
Courtney Sue Kammers*, Clarkston, Washington English
Timileyin Oluwaseun Ojo, Akoka-Bariga, Nigeria History
masTer of arTs in TeaChing
Richard Howell, Hope Secondary Education
Norah Mohammed M. Mayyan, Warrensburg, Missouri Secondary Education
masTer of eduCaTion
DeniRob Dakota Aren’t, Lewiston Curriculum and Instruction
Rebecca Bornhoft Duncan, Bellevue Curriculum and Instruction
Kaelie Marie Brown, Meridian Curriculum and Instruction
Matthew Phillip Brown, Athol Educational Leadership
Jennifer Lynette Charney*, Hayden Curriculum and Instruction
Tia Rochelle Davis, Nampa Curriculum and Instruction
Jennifer C. Dempsey*, Mccall
Educational Leadership
Alexis Michelle Gist, Veradale, Washington Curriculum and Instruction
Christina Grace-Thomas*, Pendleton, Oregon
Educational Leadership
Timothy Joseph Hammond*, Post Falls
Educational Leadership
Renee Alyson Higbee*, Boise
Curriculum and Instruction
James Jacob O. Hill, Lewiston
Educational Leadership
Danielle Grace Hodgson, Spokane Valley, Washington
Curriculum and Instruction
Meagan June Hofmeister*, Sandpoint
Educational Leadership
Asher Nicholas Johnson, Bellevue, Washington Curriculum and Instruction
Timothy D. Johnson, Yakima, Washington Physical Education
Charlene R. Lueddeke, Nampa
Educational Leadership
Alex John Maxwell, Caldwell
Educational Leadership
Dylan Jeffus Meinburg, Meridian
Educational Leadership
Timothy James Nelson, Lewiston
Curriculum and Instruction
Katie Phillips*, Boise Special Education
April Dawn Storms*, Nampa
Curriculum and Instruction
Ellen Sullivan Wassif*, Sandpoint
Educational Leadership
Leyvin Del Rosario Werner, Coeur d’Alene
Curriculum and Instruction
Ava Grace Wood*, Thousand Oaks, California
Educational Leadership
masTer of engineering
Elmoeiz Mohamed Ahmed Abdalla, Tucson, Arizona
Electrical Engineering
Preyusha Aryal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Engineering Management
Taylor Paige Booker, Coeur d’Alene
Biological Engineering
Alex Joseph Bown, Ammon
Mechanical Engineering
Michael Chalom, Boise
Engineering Management
Joseph Samuel Gibson, Boise
Civil Engineering
Sai Pradyoth Goparaju, Moscow
Mechanical Engineering
Ramedy Guinto Flores, Idaho Falls
Engineering Management
Gunner David Hodgson*, Palmer, Alaska
Engineering Management
Addison James Hoffman, Cashmere, Washington Civil Engineering
Pardis Kabeh*, Boise
Engineering Management
Jeffrey Kennedy, Boise
Civil Engineering
Peter Arvid Osterberg, Post Falls
Civil Engineering
Brilendra Murti Panta, Pullman, Washington
Electrical Engineering
William Franklin Parker, Frankfort, Kentucky
Electrical Engineering
Steven Rick Phillips*, Idaho Falls
Electrical Engineering
Rey Emanuel Ruiz Rios*, Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Biological Engineering
Lucas Bernard Smokovich*, Wayland, Michigan
Engineering Management
Shirley Andrea Yong, Palmdale, California
Nuclear Engineering
Kevin Walpole, Rexburg
Nuclear Engineering
masTer of fine arTs
Avital Rina Asuleen, Brooklyn, New York
Theatre Arts
Joseph Amin Bidwell*, Nampa
Theatre Arts
Briana Regine Carlson-Goodman, Brooklyn, New York
Theatre Arts
Nick Cutelli, Northlake, Texas
Theatre Arts
Denise Nicole Devlin, Villa Hills, Kentucky
Theatre Arts
Samuel Lewis Shipjetuk Flynn*, Boise
Theatre Arts
Brian Philip Grob*, St. George, Utah
Theatre Arts
Kathryn Elyse Hein, Mishawaka, Indiana
Theatre Arts
Lucas W. Hoiland, Clarksville, Arkansas
Theatre Arts
Jaeson Edward Lecuyer, Medford, Oregon
Theatre Arts
Alexander Charles Lefevre, Conway, South Carolina
Theatre Arts
Bradley J. Lemons, Monroe, New York
Theatre Arts
Kayla Renee Lindsay, St. Louis, Missouri
Theatre Arts
Fiona Grace McIntyre Sucher, New York, New York
Theatre Arts
Madison Chase Niederhauser, Norman, Oklahoma
Theatre Arts
Gina S. Priano-Keyser, New Providence, New Jersey
Theatre Arts
Maverick Schmit, Danville, Illinois
Theatre Arts
Thomas Walker Scott, Atlanta, Georgia
Theatre Arts
Somaye Soroush*, Ilam, Iran
Kellie M. Stonebrook, Chicago, Illinois
Theatre Arts
Evelyn Tucker*, Santa Monica, California
Theatre Arts
Carissa May Wilson, Amarillo, Texas
Theatre Arts
James Jones Wood, Huntsville, Alabama
Theatre Arts
masTer of landsCape arChiTeCTure
Monroe E. Kylee, Apex, North Carolina
masTer of musiC
Trenton Michael Bebermeier, Kiel, Wisconsin
Mario Augusto Jimenez Picado, San Jose, Costa Rica
masTer of naTural resourCes
Kory Ron Allred*, Orofino
Mariah Lynn Alwes, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Catherine Elizabeth Bauer*, Missoula, Montana
Kaylin Beck, Idaho Falls
Cassidy Susanne Behr*, West Covina, California
Tyler Renee Bland*, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Samuel David Blankenship*, Grapevine, Texas
Dylan Grady Collins, Mountlake Terrace, Washington
Katherine E. Conley*, Maple Valley, Washington
Chloe Rose CuddieHudson*, Yelm, Washington
Haven Sky Davis-Martinez*, Sandpoint
Kayla Bridget Delancey*, Pullman, Washington
Mark Andrew Dickison, Dundee, Oregon
Eli Wyatt Estey*, Duxbury, Massachusetts
Bayli Rebecca Faini, Bangor, Maine
Laura Michelle Fisher, Kuna
Dawson Harlan Foster, Anchorage, Alaska
Nicholas Benjamin Foster, Greensboro, North Carolina
Gabriella Christine Goodwill*, Port Allegany, Pennsylvania
Brette Elizabeth Graham, Lakeview, Oregon
Taegen Dawn McCabe Graham*, Corinth, Texas
Nicklaus Augustine Hanser, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Madison R. Harris*, Sacramento, California
McKenna Louise Harvill*, Burbank, Washington
Nandha Jayan, Trivandrum, India
Casey Marie Johnson, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Christopher Justin Keller, Staunton, Virginia
Amber Rose LeBlanc, Meridian
Jacob Lueck, Ripon, Wisconsin
Astrid Genevieve Lundberg, Allyn, Washington
Rachel Anne Lunstroth*, Newman Lake, Washington
Darcy Allan MacLeod, Vernon, Canada
Melinda Kaye McAllister*, Indianapolis, Indiana
Makenna Marie-Rose Moore*, Mountain Home
Ariel Justine Nelson*, San Diego, California
Kathleen Diane O’Dea*, Greenacres, Washington
Michael Charles Pahler, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania
Brett Michael Palmer, Rexburg
Jonathan Michael Pangburn, Marina, California
John Michael Patrick*, Houston, Texas
Derek Collins Prill, San Francisco, California
Kade Damen Quintana, Enoch, Utah
Spencer Alexander Reagon, Qualicum Beach, Canada
Darcy Alexander Reimer*, Winnipeg, Canada
Taylor Christian Wildebour Rose*, Marion, Montana
Anthony James Sanders*, Empire, Colorado
Matthew O. Sato, Louisville, Kentucky
Tiffany Dawn Scism, Laramie, Wyoming
Romane Yohana Seaton Rousselet, Rathdrum
Madisen N. Sheldon, Rockford, Washington
Samantha Jane Snyder*, Greenville, Ohio
Kimberley Paige Thurston, Nelson, Canada
Alyssa Jacqueline Uhl*, Portland, Oregon
Madeline S. Watt, Nampa
Jordan Renee Welge, Columbia, Illinois
Jay William Woolsey, Kingman, Arizona
Dominic John Zullo, Prospect, Kentucky
masTer of publiC adminisTraTion
Elijah Javier Boswell*, Salem, Oregon
Christina Royleene BriggsMathers, Moscow
Greyson Scot Harwood, Burley
Yadira Abigail Rojas*, Grangeville
Alexander Peter Scalzo, Princeton
masTer of sCienCe
Birochan Acharya, Pokhara, Nepal Applied Economics
Roshani Acharya*, Bharatpur, Nepal Applied Economics
Ekow Agyekum-Oduro, Takoradi, Ghana Chemical Engineering
Achiraya Anantachote*, Meridian Technology Management
Jeffrey Austin Bachman*, Boise Technology Management
Christoph Baier, Munich, Germany Technology Management
Sulaimon Abdulahi Balogun, Shomolu, Nigeria Physics
Alexander Barajas*, Arlington Heights, Illinois Environmental Science
Zachary Thomas Batte, Idaho Falls Technology Management
Kathryne Victoria Beauto, Klamath Falls, Oregon Water Resources
Rajib Belbase, Arghakhanchi, Nepal Mathematics
Pamela Monique Bellamy, Cleveland, Mississippi Environmental Science
Ellen Virginia Bergan*, Ellettsville, Indiana Geography
Keegan Darrow Berndsen, Fishers, Indiana
Environmental Science
Prayusha Bhattarai, Hetauda, Nepal Plant Science
Brendan David Bradshaw*, Severna Park, Maryland Environmental Science
Robert E. Brown*, Chester Technology Management
Kevin Michael Bryant, Portland, Oregon Kinesiology and Leisure Science
Srijan Budhathoki*, Kathmandu, Nepal Applied Economics
Devin Dean Calcote, Lewiston Technology Management
Tyler Ross Carlisle, Meridian Environmental Science
Jiang Chang*, Beijing, People’s Republic of China Computer Science
Anna Michele Chase, Eagle Environmental Science
Heidi Codling, St. Anthony Cybersecurity
Brittney Taylor Conlee*, Portales, New Mexico Environmental Science
Willow Jaine Crites, Moscow Civil Engineering
Brenda Nana Assor Danquah, Greater Accra, Ghana Family and Consumer Sciences
Connor Hawkins Daugherty, Walla Walla, Washington Soil and Land Resources
Aaron Joseph Daughetee, Robins, Iowa Natural Resources
Micah Travis Davison, Boise Environmental Science
Maryam Dehghani Kazemi*, Tehran, Iran Animal Science
Leah Tess Dreesmann*, Moscow Statistical Science
Nnaemeka Ewurum, Ojo, Nigeria
Environmental Science
Kristine M. Farley, Ocoee, Florida Psychology
Meem Fatema Islam*, Dhaka, Bangladesh Computer Science
McKenna Renee Ford, Arlington, Washington
Agricultural Education
Nicholas Lewis Friedman, San Jose, California
Environmental Science
Chelsea Carmen Gaona-Lincoln, Caldwell
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Russell James Gardner*, Idaho Falls
Mechanical Engineering
Courtnie Lynn Ghere, Boise
Natural Resources
Jeremiah Gilbert, Idaho Falls
Electrical Engineering
Lauren Mackenzie Gilbertsen*, Bartow, Florida
Animal Science
Michael James Gilgunn*, Crofton, Maryland
Natural Resources
Jill Noelle Gooch, Boise
Movement and Leisure Sciences
David Matthew Gotsch, Winfield, Illinois
Natural Resources
Glenn Grout*, Mount Vernon, Missouri Food Science
Hailey Kay Hampton, Darlington
Plant Science
Tyler Andrew Hand*, Weldon, California
Applied Economics
Mohamed Ahmed Hassan*, Cairo, Egypt
Computer Science
LeeAnn Hastings, Portland, Oregon
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Jake Montgomery Hayden, Kila, Montana
Joshua T. Heishman, Mesa, Arizona
Natural Resources
Angela Lynn Helmke, Moscow
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Ashley Carmen Hernandez, Moses Lake, Washington
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Elizabeth Margaret Herrmann*, Moscow
Environmental Science
Porter Hill, Shelley
Electrical Engineering
Gordon Dale Hinckley, Pocatello
Environmental Science
Jay Douglas Hix*, Idaho Falls
Technology Management
Kathryn Merrick Hodge*, Moscow
Family and Consumer Sciences
Julie Hurdman, Middleton
Nathan P. Hurlocker*, Coeur d’Alene Integrated Architecture and Design
Gena Lorrayne Irwin*, Lacey, Washington
Movement and Leisure Sciences
Patrick Lee Jarrett, Redding, California
Environmental Science
Lisa Marie Kangas*, Fairbanks, Alaska
Environmental Science
Madeline Jane Kinnear, Boise Plant Pathology
Janae Antoinette Dayle Klimczak, Spokane Valley, Washington
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Nathaniel O. Kolajo, Norfolk, Virginia
Technology Management
Andrei Kulumbetov*, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Statistical Science
Tariq Ahmed Lamei Mohamed, Moscow Civil Engineering
Mallery Louise Larson, Coeur d’Alene Animal Science
Sarah Katherine Larson, Bainbridge Island, Washington Natural Resources
Dorothy Genene Lehotsky*, Idaho Falls
Environmental Science
Tate Libunao, Huntington Beach, California
Environmental Science
Xia Liu, Pullman, Washington
Statistical Science
Renata Lopez Morales, Zapopan, Mexico
Technology Management
Elizabeth Ann Lorenz, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania
Environmental Science
Brianna Marie Lubenau, Millstadt, Illinois Natural Resources
Verenis Adriana Lucas Bautista, Los Angeles, California Geology
Abigail Bernice Pauahi MacKay, Logan, Utah
Environmental Science
Tulley R. Mackey, Salmon Water Resources
Kayla Ann Maier, Carthage, North Carolina
Environmental Science
Sameer Mankotia, Delhi, India
Computer Science
Colin R. Marchus*, Rathdrum Biological Engineering
Bryce Anthony Marciniak, Livonia, Michigan Natural Resources
Gerardo Luis Martinez, Blackfoot
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Maribel Ochoa Martinez, Blackfoot
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Sendy K. Martinez*, Meridian
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Ankita Mathur*, Jodhpur, India
Donavan Kenneth Maude*, Caldwell Natural Resources
Laura B. McSherry, Meridian Water Resources
Jessica Leigh Meiers, Idaho Falls
Miguel Angel Mena Saldana, Harlan, Iowa Soil and Land Resources
Jason M. Mitchell, Chubbuck Technology Management
Matthew Charles Modlin, Meridian
Natural Resources
Alexander James Moore, San Diego, California Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Eiji Mori, Watsonville, California Statistical Science
Alice Evelyne Morris, Moscow Natural Resources
Nicole Joy Nance*, San Diego, California Animal Science
Stephen Thomas Newberry, Sandyston, New Jersey Electrical Engineering
Olamide Mercy Oluwatade*, Akure, Nigeria Statistical Science
Emmanuel Osei-Bonsu, Kumasi, Ghana Natural Resources
Grace Elizabeth Overlie*, Lowman Entomology
Samuel McClintick Owens*, Tigard, Oregon
Environmental Science
Paula Camila Palmar, Jarrell, Texas
Environmental Science
Kristina Elaine Parker, Pocatello
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Daria Thulin Paxton*, Wilder Soil and Land Resources
Holly Jo Pierro, Flower Mound, Texas
Environmental Science
James Bernard Playfair III, Lemhi
Natural Resources
Aditi Pokharel*, Lalitpur, Nepal Computer Science
Kathryn L. Pope, Vashon, Washington Environmental Science
Jennifer Rangel, Berkeley, California Geology
Raveen Rani*, Mansa, India Nutritional Sciences
Sherman Jason Remer, Fairfax, Virginia Psychology
Bailey Renee Rill, Nampa Environmental Science
Victoria Robillard, Idaho Falls
Kinesiology and Leisure Science
Richard Lee Robinson, Taylor, Michigan
Environmental Science
Nina Angela Balunsay Rumbines*, Hayward, California
Adebola Okanlawon Saseyi, Ogun, Nigeria Physics
Daniel William Scoresby, Idaho Falls
Animal Science
Heidi Lynn Sellmann*, Willmar, Minnesota Nutritional Sciences
Jonathon Lewis Shaber, Weiser Soil and Land Resources
Nassib Shammas, San Dimas, California
Environmental Science
Claire Shaw, Wichita Falls, Texas
Animal Science
Ronisha Shigdel*, Kathmandu, Nepal
Computer Science
Olga V. Snitsar, Sammamish, Washington Psychology
Shahidur Rahoman Sohag, Gazipur, Bangladesh Computer Science
Alexander James Sorensen*, Tremonton, Utah
Chemical Engineering
Ian Brent Spendlove*, Spokane Valley, Washington Geology
Aubrey Jean Marie Stribling*, Nampa
Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership
Johnny Michael Stuto, Lenore GIS: Geospatial Intelligence Application Area
Helen Elizabeth Tade, San Gabriel, California
Environmental Science
Nikolai Tiong*, Aberfoyle Park, Australia
Computer Science
Sabiha Jannath Tisha, Sylhet, Bangladesh Computer Science
Chau M. Tran*, Westminster, California
Environmental Science
Kyle J. Trujillo, Buena Park, California
Interdisciplinary Studies
James Sage Unsworth*, Meridian
Natural Resources
Joseph E. Vaile*, Ashland, Oregon
Environmental Science
Rachael Rose Valeria, Pulaski, Wisconsin Biology
Ryan Alexander Vosbigian, Pullman, Washington Natural Resources
Brent M. Vuglar, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Natural Resources
Shane P. Wetzel*, Rexburg
Agricultural Education
Olivia Pat-Nano Wiebe, Moscow Geology
Michael Edger Wood, Boise Environmental Science
Hayden James Woods, Genesee Plant Pathology
Meagan Nicole Wootton, Lewiston
Animal Science
Reese Douglas Wray, Springfield, Missouri
Natural Resources
Cydney Mykaela Yost, Mansfield, Texas
Natural Resources
a dvan C ed p rofessional d egrees
C ollege of l aw
Established in 1909. Aviva Abramovsky, J.D., Dean
Juris doCTor
Trenton Keith Arnold, Sugar City
Amanda Rachael Bartlett, Meridian
Reilly A. Gahm, Olympia, Washington
Michael K. Jones, Tempe, Arizona
Kevinesha J. Lewis, New Orleans, Louisiana
Joshua C. Mull, Waxahachie, Texas
u ndergradua T e d egrees
C ollege of a gri C ulT ural & l ife s C ien C es
Established in 1901. Michael P. Parrella, Ph.D., Dean
baChelor of sCienCe
Taylor May Begin, La Grande, Oregon Food and Nutrition
Peyton Elaine Campbell, Valley Ford, Washington Apparel, Textiles and Design
Megan Ann Conner, Boise Nutritional Science
Elisabeth Rianna Rose Grisham, Boise Child Development
Madalynn Elana Lasher, Post Falls Human Development and Family Studies
Kylie Kathleen McClanahan, Donnelly Food and Nutrition
Aidan Morgan Moyes, Nampa Child Development
Olivia R. Niemi*, Portland, Oregon Child Development Cum laude
Leslie Yvonne Richard, Post Falls Early Childhood Education Summa cum laude
Lily Christine Tippetts, Boise Early Childhood Education
baChelor of sCienCe in agriCulTural eConomiCs
Ryle Walker Flodin, Genesee Agricultural Economics
Jack David Scheffler, Pasco, Washington Agricultural Economics
Ryson Eugene Sweeney, Deer Park, Washington Agricultural Economics
Christopher Vazquez, Moses Lake, Washington Agricultural Economics
Melody Ann Wight, St. Maries Child Development
baChelor of sCienCe in agriCulTural eduCaTion
Tanner Dennis Anderson*, Garfield, Washington
Alec Lee Vineyard, Coeur d’Alene
baChelor of sCienCe in agriCulTural and life sCienCes
Rachael Marie Melad*, Nampa
Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership
Sarah Michelle Stosich, Idaho Falls
Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership
Grace Elizabeth Varner, Santa Rosa Valley, California
Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership
Matilynn Sue Wadsworth, Mountain Home
Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership
baChelor of sCienCe in animal and veTerinary sCienCe
Skylar Dawn Bea, Washougal, Washington
Kylie Rene Kerner, Homedale
Kenneth Michael Koceja, Camas, Washington
Margaret Helen Carol Lantz, Coeur d’Alene
Alyssa Nicole Murillo, New Plymouth
Lydia M. Rodriguez, Lynden, Washington
Margaret Grace Shaw, Caldwell
baChelor of sCienCe in early Childhood developmenT and eduCaTion
Fatima Alvarez, Weiser
baChelor of sCienCe in family and Consumer sCienCes
Evelyn Cervantes, Terreton Child, Family and Consumer Studies
baChelor of sCienCe in planT sCienCe
Brady Thomas Benton, Kennewick, Washington Crop Science
Abigail Claire Crawford, Kuna Crop Science
Elijana Gomez, Lake Elsinore, California Horticulture and Urban Agriculture
Emmett James Henderson, Junction City, Oregon Crop Science
Jack David Scheffler, Pasco, Washington Crop Management
Aaron Phillip Henry Tyler, Genesee Horticulture and Urban Agriculture
baChelor of sCienCe in soil and waTer sysTems
Jack Chester Prior, Hermiston, Oregon
C ollege of a rT & a r C hi T e CT ure
Established in 1983. Shauna Corry, Ph.D., Dean
baChelor of arTs
Melanie Velazco Curiel, Nampa Art
Maria Rubi Sanchez-Juarez, Weiser Art
baChelor of fine arTs
Karli Jo Elmose, Rathdrum
Studio Art and Design
Chloe Capri Howell, Osburn
Studio Art and Design
Vy Nguyen Tuong Pham, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Studio Art and Design
Veronica Jo Rapier, Lewiston
Studio Art and Design Magna cum laude
baChelor of sCienCe
Andrey Gorbunov*, Post Falls Virtual Technology and Design
baChelor of sCienCe in arChiTeCTure
Jeffrey Daniel Anderson, Antelope, California
Jacob John Billington, Sagle
John-Patrick Richard Bond*, Sandpoint
Ciarra Belle Dye*, Murrieta, California
Will Russell Garrett, Salmon
Mauricio Andres Lagunes, Moscow
Krishna Sumedh Kattamuri, Vijayawada, India
C ollege of b usiness & e C onomi C s
Established in 1925. Lisa Victoravich, Ph.D., Dean
baChelor of business adminisTraTion
Chloe Danielle Gedrose, Sandpoint
Cristian Emilio Gonzalez*, Eagle
Brianna Kristine Gray, Hayden
Rokiya Mangini, Boise
Benjamin Wiley O’Neal, Boise
Erin Marie Sandoval*, Moscow
Devin Chase Wegis, Aliso Viejo, California
baChelor of sCienCe in business
Abdulwahab Almansouri, Al-Faiha City, Kuwait
Erik John Altenhofen, Burlington, Washington
Austin D. Ayers, Post Falls
Casiana Nicole Azzollini, Coeur d' Alene
Jaiden B. Bea, Washougal, Washington
Jaclyn JoAnn Belliveau, Meridian
Mason Lee Benoit, Boise
Kurtis Scott Billette, White Salmon, Washington
Marketing-PGA Golf Mgmt Opt; Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
Rebekah Malvina Boyd, Spokane, Washington
Marketing Cum laude
Zachary Edward Brightman, Walnut Creek, California
Madisyn Kailee Brower, Nezperce
James William Bulger, Hendersonvlle, North Carolina
Business Economics
Hayden Arthur Cantrill, Meridian
Stephan William Chivers, Superior, Colorado
Ethan Uriah Cookie, Box Elder, South Dakota
Business Economics
Jake Nicklaus Cox, El Paso, Texas
Ava Blythe Driskill, Moscow
Jordan A. Sanguino, Kennewick, Washington
Alaina Helen Tempelis*, Bellevue, Washington
baChelor of sCienCe in environmenTal design
Abigayle Jewell Stucky, Boise Environmental Design
Kyla Madison Tucker, Durango, Colorado
baChelor of sCienCe in landsCape arChiTeCTure
Davyn Koi Czepkowski, Blackfoot
Al Wahaj Adil Al Dughaishi, Muscat, Oman
Jesse Waylon Fay, Meridian
Mario Alberto Duron Garza, Monterrey, Mexico
Labib Sharar Ehsan, Moscow
Management Information Systems; Operations and Supply Chain Management
Augustine Michael Elwell, Boise
Anais Odessa Erbe Coan, Seattle, Washington Management and Human Resources
Connor J. Esseltine*, Rathdrum
Management Information Systems; Operations and Supply Chain Management
Dane Thorin Featherston, Sandpoint
Lillian Rae Fletcher, Dalton Gardens Management and Human Resources
Clare Leann Franz, Post Falls
Saul Gallegos Villasenor*, Caldwell Management and Human Resources
John Martin Gehring, Cottonwood
Sara Majel George, Lapwai
Gregory Charles Gissel, Fruitland
Finance Magna cum laude
Sophia Gutierrez, Shoshone
Anna Elizabeth Harms, Boise Accounting
Hunter Doc Harrison, Nikiski, Alaska Management and Human Resources
Kyler Presley Haynes, Hayden Finance
Grace Catherine Holt, Rockford, Washington Marketing
Ashley Samantha Hoppe*, Meridian Management and Human Resources
Quinlan Waynant Hudiburg*, Moscow Finance
Monica Hurtado, Hailey Finance
Chad Gibson Huscroft, Coeur d’Alene
Management Information Systems
McKenna Paige Jacobs*, Moscow Management and Human Resources
Coleman Carter Johnson, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Marketing; Operations Management
Gautam Singh Kanwar, Bellevue, Washington Finance
Venkata Srujith Kapuluri*, Nellore, India
Management Information Systems
Kyle Aswin Karupiah*, Sammamish, Washington Marketing Magna cum laude
Patrick Thomas Labere, Boise Finance
Owen R. Little Lapinski, Everett, Washington Marketing
Johnny Redmond Loughran, Kooskia
Marketing; Operations and Supply Chain Management
Leslie Luna, St. Anthony Management and Human Resources
Matteo Masala, Olbia, Italy Marketing
William Andrew McClain-Sims, Boise Accounting
Ryan Moffet*, Odessa, Washington Marketing
Muhammad Mussab, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Operations and Supply Chain Management; Accounting
Jenna Brianne Nicolsen, Naperville, Illinois
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Maxwell Zander Patenoude, Meridian Management Information Systems
Alexander G. Paulk, Moscow Operations Management
Colby John Peugh, Boise Finance
Coltin Kenneth Pope, Genesee Management Information Systems
Kayla Deane Poppy, Brighton, Colorado
Leah Marsceline Riley, Woodland, Washington Management and Human Resources
Ruby J. Romano, Sequim, Washington Marketing
Ethan John Runge, Dalton Gardens Business Economics
Alejandro Salvador Civera, Valencia, Spain Marketing
Dyllon James Schofield, Coeur d’Alene
Muhammad Sohaib Shahid, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Operations and Supply Chain Management; Accounting
Jacob D. Slabaugh, Moscow
Meagan Jo Wilson, Star
Marketing-Gen Marketing Emph
James Allen Steiger, Eagle
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Max F. Stoyer, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conner James Stuart, Boise
Isabella Maria Tamura, Wilder
Trevor Wayne Teutsch, Eagle
Liam Eric Thurber, Boise
Roselyn K. Tientong, Sandpoint Accounting
Ammon Rex Tolman*, Salmon
Operations Management
Wei-Chia Tsai*, New Taipei City, Taiwan Marketing
Riley James Vogt, Moscow Management Information Systems
Cole J. Wissel, Kingston, Washington
C ollege of e du C aT ion , h ealT h & h uman s C ien C es
Established in 1920. Brooke Blevins, Ph.D., Dean
baChelor of sCienCe
Samuel Aguilar*, Oakland, California Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Matthew Owen Dalton, Bellevue, Washington Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Claire Ann Dines, Nampa Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Emily Rose Holbrook*, Priest River Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Alyssa Camille Jensen, Hayden Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Joey Lee Klauser, Nampa Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Ilsy E. Leyva, Fresno, California Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Bennett Richard Marsh, Viola Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Abigail Dianne Lee Martin, Camas, Washington Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Dalton D. Martin, Springfield, Oregon Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Nicholas William McIver, Snohomish, Washington Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Gabrielle Rose Palmer, Weiser Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Macie A. Vanmatre, Rathdrum Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Astrid Villa, Ketchum Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Hao Wei, Hualian County, Taiwan Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
baChelor of sCienCe in eduCaTion
Karissa Ann Avella, Boise Elementary Education
Karissa Marie Black, Snohomish, Washington Secondary Education
Jocelyn Kay Blanton, Ridgecrest, California Elementary Education
Kea J. Duarte, Blackfoot Secondary Education
Lucy M. French, Moscow Secondary Education
Melanie Elaine Fry, Coeur d’Alene
Elementary Education
Kiera Elizabeth Herndon, Coeur d’Alene
Secondary Education
Riley Lynn Jorgensen, Post Falls
Secondary Education
Jacob Thomas Lippert*, Post Falls
Elementary Education
Riley Kathryne McAchran, Meridian
Secondary Education
Ana Ray Moering, Lumberton, Texas
Secondary Education
Michael Christopher Mueller, Coeur d’ Alene
Secondary Education
Emily Sue Nichols, Wallace Elementary Education
Jenna Ann Randolph, Redding, California
Elementary Education
Kylie Rose Trout*, Post Falls Career and Technical Education
Kelsey Shea Truesdell, Caldwell Elementary Education
Grace Vitek, Nampa
Elementary Education Cum laude
Megan Joy White, Coeur d’Alene Career and Technical Education
Paige Lynn Wilson, Boise
Secondary Education
baChelor of sCienCe in exerCise, sporT and healTh sCienCes
Conrad Kopsa Becker, Sandpoint Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Peter Rienk Bouma, Lake Stevens, Washington Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Sicilia Antonella Cade, Monument, Colorado Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Noah Louis Culbertson§, Sherwood, Oregon Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Alexis Daniela Esparza, Concord, California
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Blake Teagan Hibbert, Tetonia
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Lauren Theresa Jamison, Solvang, California
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Ella Louise Kees, Boise
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Caitlin L. Kelly*, Marysville, California
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Ashlyn Nicole Martin, Kettle Falls, Washington
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Jacob Kim Nguyen, Boise
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Sophia Elizabeth Raabe, Portland, Oregon
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Makynzie Valen Reed, Paso Robles, California
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Hunter Kade Rouse*, Las Vegas, Nevada
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Sidney Marie Singh*, Littleton, Colorado
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Hao Wei, Hualian County, Taiwan
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Emma Rebecca Wiedmer, Reardan, Washington Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
Madeleine Grace Wing, Meridian
Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences
baChelor of sCienCe in reCreaTion
Caitlyn Jo Childs, Coeur d’Alene
Michael David Clare, Hayden
Lincoln James Fletcher, Dalton Gardens
William Robert Hawkins, Sandpoint
Jenna E. Kilty*, Oakland, California
Holden Scott Rayburn, Rockford, Michigan
Sarah Elizabeth Schmitt*, Swisher, Iowa
C ollege of e ngineering
Established in 1907. Suzanna Long, Ph.D., Dean
baChelor of sCienCe in CyberseCuriTy
Shaun Mathew Christie, Santa Barbara, California
baChelor of sCienCe in ChemiCal engineering
Grace Elizabeth James, Boise
baChelor of sCienCe in Civil engineering
Archie William Clark, Nampa
Hunter Ray DePriest, Shelley
Blaec Dettner, Rocklin, California
Noah G. Hattrup, Fruitland
Sadie Frances Sundahl, Coeur d’Alene
Zhiyuan Xue, Qingdao, People’s Republic of China
baChelor of sCienCe in CompuTer engineering
Ian Michael Finnigan, Idaho Falls
Joshua James Jacobson, Boise
Shaun William Martin, Coeur d’Alene
Fernando Pena, Caldwell
Amesh Sagar Shrestha, Moscow
baChelor of sCienCe in CompuTer sCienCe
Deborah Oluwatosin Bangudu, Moscow
Gary Dale Banks, Spirit Lake
Trung Nguyen Xuan Bui*, Lewiston
Xian Gao*, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
Cole Daniel Halvorson, Moscow
James Lasso*, Coeur d’Alene
Alexander Michael Mackimmie, Coeur d’Alene
Nathan Charles Nguyen, Spokane, Washington
Tori Jade Overholtzer, Post Falls
Palak Pandey, Gaziabad, India
Gurtej Singh Saini, Ludhiana, India
Cole Ethan Vanderlaan, Boise
Sihan Wu*, Changshu, People’s Republic of China
baChelor of sCienCe in eleCTriCal engineering
Simon Gabriel Gaete, Rancho Mirage, California
Sara Michelle Gergen, Coeur d’Alene
Andrew Conwell Gibson, Caldwell
Jacob T. Roper, Meridian
Alexander Hunter Whitman, Coeur d’Alene
Yuncong Zhou*, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
baChelor of sCienCe in meChaniCal engineering
James Patrick-Pope Adams*, Hillsboro, Oregon
Mohammad Amor Al-Qutub*, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Khaled Abdullah Alamoudi*, Shoreline, Washington
Jackson Zimri Coleman, Boise
Trenton Wayne Gardella*, Mead, Washington
Cody P. Gilson, Spirit Lake
Caleb Joseph Hanson, Idaho Falls
Sydney M. Munson, Spokane, Washington
Johanna Kathryn Rodzinka, Dayton, Ohio
Brett Russell Taggart, Viola
Stuart West Trimble, Uncasville, Connecticut Cum laude
baChelor of sCienCe in TeChnology
Meesha Eileen Frye*, Idaho Falls
Industrial Technology
Cody John Hidalgo, Idaho Falls Industrial Technology
C ollege of l e TT ers , a rT s & s o C ial s C ien C es
Established in 2002. Sean Quinlan, Ph.D., Dean
assoCiaTe of arTs
Dana Keiko Shimoda*, Kailua, Hawaii General Studies
Caihley Baker, Sequim, Washington General Studies
Rand Liam Bentley, Bellingham, Washington General Studies
Timothy Ray Coldsnow, Meridian General Studies
Lisa Holloway*, Moscow General Studies
Stetson George Hook, Roberts General Studies
Gretchen Newhouse, Boise General Studies
Briana Charee Ritter-Engle, Kimberly General Studies
Andrea Ellen Roberts, Glenns Ferry General Studies
Brandy Royelle Taylor*, Boise General Studies
assoCiaTe of sCienCe
Connor Burlage*, Ashton General Studies
Seth Logan Carnahan*, Sumner, Washington General Studies
James Robert Gannon, Boise General Studies
Linda Kaye Hamburg, Harvard General Studies
Natalie Johanek, Boise General Studies
Colt Jones, Kimberly General Studies
Kayla Nichole Menter, Troy General Studies
Shelley Rae Mulberry*, Moscow General Studies
Ryan Douglas Rapier, Lewiston General Studies
Erik Walker Satren*, Coeur d’Alene General Studies
Kyle Wayne Serio, Boise General Studies
Jaylyn Smithson, Coeur d'Alene General Studies
Bridger Walker Stephens*, Coeur d’Alene General Studies
Samuel Jason Taff, Troy General Studies
Eleazar Trevino*, Pasco, Washington General Studies
baChelor of arTs
Sean Michael Aguilar*, Boise International Studies
Alejandra Alvizo Garduno*, Emmett International Studies; Political Science; Spanish
Karissa Marie Black, Snohomish, Washington English
Mason Perrine Burke*, Moscow International Studies
Maria Elain Ceron, Moscow Psychology
Evelyn Cervantes, Terreton Sociology
Brandon Michael Connolly, Twin Falls Communication
Ethan Uriah Cookie, Box Elder, South Dakota International Studies
David Michael Cope, Spokane Valley, Washington Film and Television Studies
Ruby Jinru Crooks, Sandpoint International Studies
Rachel Lyn Danford*, Coeur d’Alene International Studies
Fletcher T. Hamblen, Twin Falls History
Cheyenne Renee Hill, Boise International Studies
John Mark Holtom, Caldwell History
Monica Hurtado, Hailey Modern Language Business
Jack Brian Kindall, McCall English; French
Ashlynn Marie Lambert, Idaho Falls International Studies
Caitlyn Ray Lewis*, Nampa International Studies
Kevin Alexander Mcenany, Nampa English
Wyatt Berriochoa Miller, Meridian Political Science
Annalise Ruth Mitchell, Fircrest, Washington English Cum laude
Summer L. Muster, South Weber, Utah Film and Television
Jacqueline Ortiz*, Tetonia French; Psychology
Laura Crystal Palomares, Fruitland International Studies; Spanish
Rebecca C. Pratt, Coeur d’Alene English
Dylan Richard Reynolds, Boise English
Bennett Barlow Ribary, Walla Walla, Washington English
Whitney Marie Root, Coeur d’Alene English
Andrew T. Sims, Post Falls International Studies
Jillian Marie Snow, Kent, Washington English
Paige Lynn Wilson, Boise Spanish
Charlotte Noel Young*, Sandpoint English
baChelor of fine arTs
Kevin Michael Baker, Boise Theatre Arts
Shane Alexander Brown*, Coeur d’Alene Theatre Arts
Maiya Alexandria Corral, Martinez, California Theatre Arts
baChelor of general sTudies
Jemini Tyree Iice Archer*, Barrie, Canada
Tommy R. Brooks, Idaho Falls
Crystal Violet Coriano, Pullman, Washington
Nicholas Epler, St. Maries
Dane Daniel Gibbs*, Moscow
Chelsea Alena Hagel*, Chico, California
Virginia Hinckley*, Pocatello
Keyshawn L. James-Newby, Chubbuck
Rebecca McClellan, Idaho Falls
Bradley James Miller*, Fruitland
Cheyanne N. Posey, Kennewick, Washington
Tylen Riley-Coleman*, Maricopa, Arizona
James Kirk Ross, Nampa
Kylee Shaye Smith*, Coeur d’Alene
Anna Christine Sotelo, Weiser
Cameron Riley Stephens, Victorville, California
Benjamin Michael Tompkins*, Bonners Ferry
Maya Wynn Warnock, Seattle, Washington
Abraham Williams, West Valley, Utah
baChelor of musiC
Lucas Alan Henning, Yakima, Washington Music Education
Derek Tyson Renzelman*, Lewiston Music: Performance
Luis Vargas, Kennewick, Washington Music Education
baChelor of sCienCe
Alexandra Janeth Alatorre, Sugar City Interdisciplinary Studies
Qais Khalid Al-Mahagri, Jalan Bani Bu Ali, Oman Economics
Brianna Catherine Andersen*, Eagle History
Olivia Josephine Andersen*, Eagle Sociology
Kyla MacKenzie Anderson, Post Falls Criminology; Sociology
Alexandra Arndt, Boise History Summa cum laude
Erin Anne Argyle, Boise Communication
Levi James Austin, New Plymouth Communication
Nathan Joseph Azzopardi, Pacifica, California Broadcasting and Digital Media
Andrew Isaac Beckmann, Colfax, Washington Interdisciplinary Studies
Elizabeth Anne Beechler*, Coeur d’Alene Political Science
Brittany Marie Billups, Coeur d’Alene Psychology
Heather R. Blaschka, Boise Communication; Psychology
Alexis Marie Browning-Bruegeman, Idaho Falls Psychology
Jenette Marie Buffum, Coeur d’Alene Psychology
Mattea Nicole Campanella, Post Falls Film and Television
Chelsie Makarina Candia, Victor Psychology Summa cum laude
Sarah Carter, Eagle Criminology
Audrey Cass, Wauconda, Washington Psychology
Ellis Celic, Twin Falls History
Jacey Reagan Coleman, Benicia, California Public Relations
Lisa Connolly, Moscow Interdisciplinary Studies
Kylah Faith Corcoran, Sartell, Minnesota Advertising
Dana Kay Cox, Mountain Home Public Relations
Grant Taylor Daniel, Sacramento, California Interdisciplinary Studies
Natalya Jean Davis, Nampa Criminology; Sociology
Taya Marie De Kruyf, Castleford Criminology
Ben Maxwell Dewitt, Post Falls Broadcasting and Digital Media
Emme Lee Dibble*, Eagle Political Science; Sociology
Kacey Duncan*, Boise Psychology
Zachary Egbert, Idaho Falls Communication
Kevin C. Eldredge, Meridian Advertising
Anais Odessa Erbe Coan, Seattle, Washington Psychology
Samantha Dee Ann Ferguson§, Hailey Criminology
Lydia Anne Fichter, Coeur d’Alene Psychology
Allanna Luceen Fitzgerald, Sagle Psychology
Hailey Paige Flower, Spokane, Washington Psychology
Wilda Francois, Stewartsville, New Jersey English
Terren M. Frank*, Studio City, California Sociology
Ethan Timothy Frisius, Oregon City, Oregon Criminology
Tessa Mae Gillig, Ferndale, Washington Film and Television
Bailey Ann Givens, Post Falls Organizational Sciences
Cara Renea Goff, Boise Sociology
Lydia Paige Goodwin, Moscow Psychology
Josee K. Grant, Fruitland Anthropology
Michael David Graves, Roseville, California Psychology
Jamie Ann Green*, Kennewick, Washington Psychology; Criminology
Lola Lillie Pua Ua Lilia Green, Post Falls Sociology
Michaela Doherty Green, Boise Psychology
Jessie Lynn Groeniger, Star Sociology; Criminology
Alec Christian Gutteridge, Meridian History
Darian Kiana Guy*, Meridian Organizational Sciences
Kira Rian Haile, Meridian Political Science; Philosophy Summa cum laude
Emma Kay Hakala, Bend, Oregon
Emma Grace Hammond, Salmon Criminology; Sociology
Olivia Kathleen Harnack, Suttons Bay, Michigan Film and Television
Emma Marie Harrington*, Boise Political Science
Logan James Harris, Boise Criminology; Psychology Cum laude
Morgan Alyse Hettich*, Lake Tapps, Washington Criminology; Psychology
James Wyley Heywood*, Meridian Psychology
Jefferson Jesus Hidalgo, Hailey Political Science
Garrett J.W. Holbrook, Quilcene, Washington Public Relations; Political Science
Lauren Elise Jackson*, Boise Interdisciplinary Studies
Kelsey Dee Jensen, Genesee
Jack Kenneth Johnston, Moscow Psychology; Criminology
Simran Kaur§, Amritsar, India
Velma Doris Keller, Twin Falls
Saloni Khetan, Bara, Nepal Criminology; Psychology
Katelynn Lee Kjorness, Lewiston
Psychology Summa cum laude
Wyatt Mason Kuykendall, Careywood Psychology
Madalynn Elana Lasher, Post Falls Psychology
Grace Jeanne Laumatia, Plummer Criminology
Josette Jarboe Lauteren*, Boise Sociology; Criminology
Brady Walsh LeBard, Eagle Interdisciplinary Studies
Rhela Rayette Leen, Sandpoint Psychology Summa cum laude
Caitlyn Ray Lewis*, Nampa Political Science; Criminology
Alison Denise Lolley, Nampa
Psychology Summa cum laude
Johnny Redmond Loughran, Kooskia
Isabel Luna, Hayden
Mattie Elizabeth Lustig*, Cottonwood
Jeffrey Mason, Boise Psychology; Sociology
Hailey Marie May, Boise
Abbey Jo McDonald, Filer
Psychology Summa cum laude
James D. McHawes, Oceanside, California Psychology
Kendelin Elaine McLuskie*, Coeur d’Alene Psychology
Felicia Marie McPherson*, McCall Criminology
Bradley Miller, Fruitland Psychology
Gianna Therese Molnar*, Moscow Communication
Megan Lillian Murray, Sagle Psychology
Olivia R. Niemi*, Portland, Oregon Psychology Cum laude
Tessa A. Overholtzer, Coeur d’Alene Psychology
Elise Lynn Palus, Coeur d’Alene Psychology
Kelly June Pape, Boise Anthropology; Sociology Cum laude
Michael Gilbert Paz, Moscow Film and Television
Addisen Rose Pennington, Parma Political Science; Criminology
Emily Reese*, Belle Fourche, South Dakota Philosophy
Seth Christian Rogne*, Coeur d’Alene
Alexandra Mae Rowley, Weiser Advertising
Ryelee E. Schlueter, Genesee Organizational Sciences
Avery Ann Slater, Hayden Criminology; Sociology
Amelia Madeline Smith, Butte, Montana Psychology
Grace Helen Smith, Bend, Oregon Criminology; Psychology
Taylor Linne Southam, Richland, Washington Criminology; Sociology
Morgan Everetta Stapleton, Sandpoint Sociology
Kylie Denee Stokes, Middleton Psychology
Sophie Marissa Streiff, Severna Park, Maryland Anthropology Summa cum laude
Alexander L. Trench*, Idaho Falls Interdisciplinary Studies
Nathan Christopher Tupper, Meridian Political Science
Lydia Grace Hanan Turner, Cataldo Criminology
C ollege of n aT ural r esour C es
Established in 1917. Dennis Becker, Ph.D., Dean
assoCiaTe of sCienCe
Harrison Allen Kiefer, Rathdrum Forest Operations and Technology
baChelor of sCienCe
Joshua Thomas Carey, Idaho Falls Forest and Sustainable Products
Cade Alan Crookshanks, Carson City, Nevada Fisheries Science
Grace Jean Holwagner, Baldwin, North Dakota Wildlife Sciences
Kuuleialoha Anelamaikalani Kaaukai, Honokaa, Hawaii
Rangeland Ecology and Management
Thunder Fenix Lambright, Everett, Washington Conservation Biology
Svenja Alexandria Markley, Austin, Texas
Wildlife Sciences
Loon August Schade, Salmon
Rangeland Ecology and Management
Ashton Rose Sellke, Mead, Colorado
Rangeland Ecology and Management
Lucas Theodore Weber, Salida, Colorado
Rangeland Ecology and Management
Eika Louisa Havilah Willis, Bonners Ferry
Ecology and Ecosystem Science Summa cum laude
Patrick E. Young, Sparks, Nevada
Rangeland Ecology and Management
baChelor of sCienCe in eCology and ConservaTion biology
Josey Ashlyn Bouhanna, Richland, Michigan
Joshua Burke Covak, Parker, Colorado
Destany Little Sky Pete, Owyhee, Nevada
Zoe Abigail Spanbauer, Boise
baChelor of sCienCe in environmenTal sCienCe
Skyler D. Bollar§, Kimberly
Kassandra Grace Ehll, Warrenton, Missouri
Jackson Dean Uhrig, Shoshone Interdisciplinary Studies
Morgan Van Der Sluys*, Sandy, Utah Organizational Sciences
Emily Vega, Caldwell Broadcasting and Digital Media
Ashley Weitzel, Henderson, Nevada English
Kendra Paige Whitehead, Idaho Falls Organizational Sciences
Nicholas E. Whitehead, Pleasant Grove, Utah Psychology
Tyler V. Wicks*, St. Maries Advertising
Lauren Nicole Wilkins, Boise Psychology; Communication
Erika Jane Windels, Merrifield, Minnesota Psychology
Bradley Shane Wing, McCall Interdisciplinary Studies
Mary Christina Wren, Lewiston Political Science
Althea J. Zimmer, Rathdrum Psychology
Presley Ann Zimmerman, Victor, Montana Public Relations
Zoie Harvey, Windsor, Colorado
Timothy Ryan Hoover*, Avon, Ohio
Erick Joel Pimienta Tovar, Moscow
Aubree Makenna Tanner, Nampa
Irie G. Therrian, Kellogg
baChelor of sCienCe in fire eCology and managemenT
Garett Andrew Bernard, Prineville, Oregon
Jason Shae Smith, Plummer
Wyatt Joseph Tatakis*, Lima, New York
Kassie Yeager, Montrose, Colorado
baChelor of sCienCe in fishery resourCes
Anna Christine Klundt, Vancouver, Washington
Trevor C. Strickland, Rathdrum
Cody Michael Wilkin, Montpelier
Zack Randall Ziegler, Fruitland
baChelor of sCienCe in foresTry
Zander H. Ascher, Coeur d'Alene Forestry
Makayla Grace Kelly, Homedale
Connor James Quinn, Potlatch
Skylar Wisdom Weinstein, Portland, Oregon
Oleg Ziolkowski, Mineral, Washington
baChelor of sCienCe in rangeland ConservaTion
Abigail Elizabeth Shagena, Penacook, New Hampshire
baChelor of sCienCe in wildlife resourCes
Olivia June Briskin, Laie, Hawaii
Dillon Colt Johnson*, Rigby
C ollege of s C ien C e
Established in 2002. Ginger Carney, Ph.D., Dean
baChelor of arTs
Lily Jean Smith, Bend, Oregon Physics
baChelor of sCienCe
Madison Bryce Albaugh*, Post Falls Geological Sciences
Michael E. Barb, Post Falls Medical Sciences
Tyler D. Barlass*, Oldtown Medical Sciences
Kendra LeAnne Beardsley*, Lewiston Geological Sciences
Grace Kathryn Chadwick, Powell Butte, Oregon Medical Sciences
Cheyanne A. DuCharme, Oviedo, Florida Medical Sciences
Laurie Nicole Geissler, Post Falls Biology
Valerie Guevara*, Meridian Medical Sciences
Bella Fiore Albrigo Hardy, Genesee Geography
Amy Hernandez, Las Vegas, Nevada Biology
Emily Hernandez, Las Vegas, Nevada Biology
Ashley R. Hopkins, Boise Medical Sciences
Kaitlyn L. Horning, Post Falls Biology
Kristian Peter Jacobson*, Boise Chemistry
Suyuki J. Laurian*, Jerome Chemistry
Alexander Paul Linsenmann, Tetonia Mathematics
Khadeeja Mansour, Moscow Mathematics
Bryden Steve Mattoon, Moscow Mathematics: Applied
Thomas Brason McCormick, Fallon, Nevada Medical Sciences Summa cum laude
Drew David Meisner, Meridian Medical Sciences
Haley Lynn Nelson, Coeur d’Alene Geological Sciences
Nathan Charles Nguyen, Spokane, Washington Mathematics
Ashley Danelle Nocera, Post Falls Geological Sciences
Claire Abigail Qualls, Moscow Biology
Nathan Rhyse Rubio, Ammon Physics
Erendira Nadyeli Sanchez Suazo, Caldwell Medical Sciences
Kayenne Rae Scaletta, Rathdrum Biology
Margo Audrey Schoesler, Colbert, Washington Medical Sciences
Rachael Rene Selzler, Hayden Chemistry
Ty Gregory Sherman, Boise Medical Sciences
Austin Daniel Smith*, Coeur d’Alene Mathematics
John Murphey, Boise
Trevor C. Strickland, Rathdrum
Hagen W. Tubbs, Twin Falls
Annie Joy Bi Na Vaage, Orofino
Cody Laurence Wagner*, Creston, Washington
Aiden McKay Weston*, Penngrove, California
Brooke Eva Tourville, Eagle Medical Sciences
John Allan Trumble*, Meridian Biology; Medical Sciences
Keren Lalita Tudi, Secunderabad, India Mathematics
Ryan Tadashi Wild, Castle Rock, Colorado Biology
Cameron Joseph Young*, Idaho Falls Chemistry
baChelor of sCienCe in bioChemisTry
Natalie Stephanie Carreon, Caldwell
Katherine Rose Hill, Boise
Jeffrey Michael Luque, Boise
Ryan Tadashi Wild, Castle Rock, Colorado
baChelor of sCienCe in miCrobiology
Natalie Stephanie Carreon, Caldwell
Katherine Rose Hill, Boise
Jane Ellen McGuckin, Sandpoint
Shelby Lynn Swearingen, Idaho Falls
Natasha E. Wylie*, Redmond, Washington
u N iversity H ONO rs P r O gram
Established in 1983. Sandra Reineke, Ph.D., Director. The following members of the University Honors Program are recognized as Honors graduates and recipients of respective Awards of Completion, Core Awards, Scholars Awards and Scholars Awards with Distinction.
award of CompleTion
(14 honors CrediTs)
Joshua James Jacobson, Boise Computer Engineering
Bennett Richard Marsh, Viola Exercise Sport and Health Sciences, Psychology
Veronica Jo Rapier, Lewiston Studio Art and Design
Grace Vitek, Nampa Elementary Education
honors Core award
(19 honors CrediTs)
Claire Abigail Qualls, Moscow Biology
honors award of CompleTion
(21 honors CrediTs and CompleTion of honors Thesis/porTfolio)
Kassie Grace Ehll, Warrenton, Missouri Environmental Science: Policy, Planning, Management
Kylie Kathleen McClanahan, Donnelly Food and Nutrition
C ommissions in T he a rmed f or C es
N aval O fficer e ducati ON P r O gram
Established in 1945. Captain Scott P. Brunson, USN, Professor of Naval Sciences
ensign, uniTed sTaTes navy
Jo Rodzinka, Dayton, Ohio
Amy Hernandez, Las Vegas, Nevada
Emily Hernandez, Las Vegas, Nevada
s ignifi C an C e of a C ademi C a pparel and s ymbols of i nves T i T ure
University of Idaho Academic Mace
Maces date to the Middle Ages and symbolize strength and authority. Each is unique and reflects the values and characteristics of the institution. The university’s chief marshal, who leads all academic processions, carries the mace.
The University of Idaho’s mace, used for the first time at the centennial commencement, is 32 inches long, made of walnut and encircled with bands of Idaho gold and silver in which Idaho garnets and opals have been inlaid. The head is embellished with silver and gold representations of camas plants and syringa flowers. The chair of the university’s Faculty Senate, the marshal of the academic procession, carries the mace in the American tradition, at a 45-degree angle across the chest, while in England, the bearer carries it over the shoulder.

University of Idaho President’s Medallions
The first medallion was created by Idaho artists George and Macky Roberts. The President’s Medallion was first used in 1965 at the inauguration of Ernest Hartung, the University of Idaho’s 12th president.
The medallion’s base is a three-and-a-half-inch disc of pure Idaho silver. Mounted on the base is a disc of native jasper; a sterling silver sunburst is inlaid in the disc. Inside the sunburst is a modification of the Chinese character meaning “mountain,” which features three upward-pointing prongs. Over the center prong is a gold inlay, thus symbolizing “Light on the Mountain.”
The heavy medallion was worn suspended from a collar woven of Idaho wool, some of which is dyed with dahlia flowers to match the jasper and some of which is from a black sheep.
The second President’s Medallion, worn during commencement by then-President Timothy P. White, was commissioned in 2004. This medallion’s base is a goldleafed university seal and is worn suspended by a chain with gold leaf charms, each representing the presidents who have served the university.

in 1965.
s ignifi C an C e of a C ademi C a pparel and s ymbols of i nves T i T ure
University of Idaho Academic Apparel
By observing certain features of the academic apparel, it is possible to learn several things about the academic status of the scholar: the level of the degree attained, the branch of learning in which it was earned, and the college or university conferring the degree.
The gowns differ according to the level of the degree. The sleeves are the principal indicator — gowns of bachelors’ have pointed sleeves; those of masters’ have oblong sleeves with an arc cut away at the front; and doctors have round, bell-shaped sleeves. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns are untrimmed. Doctoral gowns have distinctive velvet facing down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve.
The University of Idaho adopted a doctoral gown of its own in 1989. The silver gown has a panel and sleeve bars of black velvet outlined in antique gold. The beret-styled soft cap is patterned after the Cambridge version instead of the traditional Oxford-style mortarboard. The cap and gown were designed by Emeritus Professor Edmund Chavez in the university’s centennial year and are worn today by officials and university administration.
Honor Cords
Honor Cords, worn around the neck and hanging loosely down the front, identify students who are graduating with honors: gold, summa cum laude (with highest distinction); silver, magna cum laude (with great distinction); and bronze, cum laude (with distinction). The cords are provided by the University of Idaho and are worn on this one occasion only.
The color of the tassel worn on the cap varies with the level of degree. The bachelor’s tassel represents the color appropriate to the major field of study (see colors at right); the master’s and specialist’s tassels are black; and the doctoral tassels are old gold.
The length of the hood also varies according to the level of degree. The bachelor’s gown is worn without a hood. A master’s hood is three and one-half feet long, and a doctor’s hood is four feet in length and has panels at the sides. It is from the colors adorning the hood that one can learn two other facts. Lining: the hood is lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree (silver and gold, signifying the University of Idaho). Trimming: the hood is trimmed with velvet of a color appropriate to the wearer’s branch of learning. For example, the trimming for the degree of Master of Science in agriculture is maize, representing agriculture, rather than golden yellow, representing science. (In the case of the Doctor of Philosophy degree, the dark blue color is used, representing the mastery of the discipline of learning and scholarship, regardless of the branch of learning.) Colors associated with the different disciplines are listed below:
Agriculture Maize Arts, Letters, Humanities White Commerce, Accountancy, Business Drab Economics Copper
Education Light Blue
Engineering Orange Fine Arts, including Architecture Brown
Forestry ............................................................ Russet
Journalism Crimson
Law Purple
Music Pink
Philosophy Dark Blue
Physical Education Sage Green
Public Administration Peacock Blue Science Golden Yellow

u niversi T y of i daho b oise
Premier Graduate, Research and Professional Development
University of Idaho Boise originated in 1910 when an Agricultural extension program was established in Ada County. In 1953, U of I Boise grew with the introduction of teacher education programs, which were expanded in the early 1980s. A cooperative agreement between the university and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game led to the 1963 opening of the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI) with offices in Boise, Moscow and Idaho Falls. Engineering courses were first delivered in Boise in 1988. Agricultural Extension, regional and state personnel, and several university support offices were located in Boise for greater statewide access and service in the early 1990s. In the late 1990s, Idaho WWAMI opened its doors in Boise and all U of I programmatic, advancement, athletics and other efforts in the community were brought together under the umbrella of U of I Boise. In the early 2000s, the College of Art and Architecture began offering courses in Boise, now including the first two years of its bachelor’s degree in architecture. At the same time, the College of Law started offering externship opportunities and is now offering its complete Juris Doctor curriculum in Boise.
The College of Law moved into its permanent Boise-based facility at 501 W. Front Street in 2021 just a few blocks west of the main U of I Boise campus located at the corner of Broadway and Front. These facilities serve the greater southwest Idaho community by providing classroom space, housing U of I programs, and by hosting events and meetings for diverse groups of external stakeholders.
Today, students, faculty, researchers and staff work on a variety of topics that include water; natural resources and the environment; education; law; community sustainability and design; family economics; childhood education; pesticide safety and management; food technology, safety and processing; water resources engineering; and public policy.
Excellence at U of I Boise can be measured by the success of the many people we serve across the region and by the quality and achievements of our more than 200 faculty and staff members.
U of I Boise provides southwest Idaho access to all university resources. The center is focused on community impact, regional economic development and supporting university growth.
Strategically located in Boise – the economic and governmental center of Idaho and home to more than 55 percent of the state’s population and business entities – U of I Boise supports teaching, learning, research, medical education and outreach. U of I Boise distinguishes itself through:
• Quality programs that accommodate working professionals and full-time students with a focus on professional and workforce development;
• Outreach to southwest Idaho’s communities to foster their sustainability, growth and educational access;
• Proactive research for domestic and global solutions;
• Collaborative and interdisciplinary work with the public and private sectors, including other institutions of higher education; and
• Enduring relationships with alumni and friends to carry forward the proud history and traditions of the University of Idaho.
At U of I Boise, we welcome and respect all people. Diversity and inclusion are the core of community, and we embrace them as our guiding principles. As the Boise location of Idaho's oldest public university, we are committed to serving the region, the state, the nation, and the world.

The University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene (U of I Coeur d’Alene) engages university expertise to transform education, develop innovative research, and cultivate a knowledge-based economy throughout North Idaho. Students achieve higher education excellence in Coeur d’Alene through in-person and distance degree programs led by faculty from across the state. More than 30 degrees and programs are available to students who wish to attend the University of Idaho from Coeur d’Alene. A variety of professional development offerings bring continuing education opportunities to professionals in both the public and private sector. Each year programs, including 4-H, Master Gardener, and the Idaho Building Capacity project, serve hundreds of community members. The University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene provides opportunities for all people in North Idaho through its degree programs, technology and research centers, outreach, and collaborative philosophy.
Technological innovation is carving a prominent place into the future of North Idaho. U of I Coeur d’Alene elevates this emerging sector with education opportunities in technology. The College of Engineering at the University of Idaho offers computer science education that is critical for satisfying workforce needs, meeting student demand, and growing the economy in North Idaho. Faculty and students in the Vandal Manufacturing Automation Laboratory support local industry by providing curriculum designed to address industry needs. The recent additions of live lab courses in both the B.S. Medical Sciences and B.S. Industrial Technology degrees bring even more educational opportunities to the area. Increased dual credit offerings have broadened educational pathways for students in Region One high schools.
Surrounded by lakes, rivers, and mountains, U of I Coeur d’Alene is uniquely positioned to build programs in connection to its rich natural environment. U of I Coeur d’Alene is now the home of the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI), where conducted research supports the water resource needs of the state of Idaho. IWRRI is charged with supporting faculty across the state as they work toward excellence in water resource science. IWRRI also plays an important role in facilitating, participating in, and developing innovative education and outreach programs that provide research-generated information to water managers, agency research scientists, and the public. Through collaboration on The Confluence Project, IWRRI at the U of I and fellow regional partners give hundreds of high school students hands-on water science experience from the shores of Coeur d’Alene Lake and the slopes of Lookout Pass. IWRRI also provides lake ambassador training through Bay Watchers, leads community conversations with the Our Gem Collaborative, and educates construction workers on stormwater and erosion control (Panhandle Stormwater and Erosion Education Program).
U of I Coeur d’Alene operates several facilities in the North Idaho region. The Harbor Center in Coeur d’Alene houses classrooms, conference rooms, labs, and offices. The Hedlund Building at North Idaho College (NIC) houses the Computer Science program: classrooms, robotics labs, and offices. The DeArmond Higher Education Center at NIC brings state-of-the-art student services and classroom instruction from several higher education institutions under one roof. In Post Falls, the University of Idaho Jacklin Science and Technology Center supports startup companies, U of I research projects, and U of I Extension in Kootenai County.
Through its degree programs, technology and research centers, and collaborative philosophy, University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene provides opportunity and outreach for all people of North Idaho.

Celebrating Nearly 70 Years in Eastern Idaho
In Idaho Falls, our core mission is engineering, science, technology and related disciplines. Our campus at University Place features high-tech classrooms, advanced cybersecurity and engineering laboratories and excellence in the curriculum offered. The faculty are leaders in their respective fields and actively engaged in far reaching, impactful research. University of Idaho is the founding collaborator at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies, a research, education and innovation partnership between the three Idaho public universities and the Idaho National Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s lead nuclear research laboratory.
University of Idaho has offered degree programs in Idaho Falls for nearly 70 years. Since our first graduating class in 1955, over 2,000 students have earned degrees in science, engineering, technology, mathematics, psychology, environmental science, education and other related disciplines. Many more have completed academic certificates and courses for professional and personal development.
Students, faculty and staff at the Idaho Falls Center are part of the community that extends throughout the entire state of Idaho. University of Idaho has Cooperative Extension offices in 42 counties and centers in Idaho Falls, Boise, Twin Falls and Coeur d’Alene and the main campus in Moscow. Students can take courses offered by faculty at multiple locations and interact with students from other fields of study in places all over the region and country.
University of Idaho, Idaho Falls faculty and staff wish to extend congratulations to the graduating class of 2024-25 for their achievements.

1 Alma Mater, the hope of a pioneer race; You’re fashioned of dreams and of toil, Your walls and your towers by stout-hearted men Were raised from the rock and the soil.
And here we have Idaho, Winning her way to fame; Silver and Gold in the sunlight blaze, And romance lies in her name; Singing, we’re singing of you, ah, proudly too; All our lives through we’ll go singing, Singing of you, Alma Mater, our Idaho.
2 Now ours is the heritage, rich and so full, The gain of their toil and their tears; And ours is the fruit, and the harvest is ours, Oh, Idaho, gift of the years.
And here we have Idaho, Winning her way to fame; Silver and Gold in the sunlight blaze, And romance lies in her name; Singing, we’re singing of you, ah, proudly too; All our lives through we’ll go singing, Singing of you, Alma Mater, our Idaho.