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44th Idaho Legislature First Regular Session

Senate 20 (R) 15 (D) House 48 (R) 22 (D)

Leadership Legislators Senate Committees House Committees Attaches, Legislative Services Elected Officials State Departments News Media .

2 3 25 28 33 40 41 42

(As this publication goes to press Governor Andrus awaits confirmation as Secretary of Interior. Lt Governor Evans will succeed to the Governorship thus creating a vacancy in the Lt. Governors office which will be filled during the Session.)

For information DIAL Legislative Information Center


STATE OF IDAHO Idaho State Legislature by District




Lt. Governor (351) President Pro Tern Phil Batt (340) Majority Leader James E. Risch (343) Asst. Majority Leader j. Wilson Steen (343) Minority LeaderCy Chase (355) Asst. Minority Leader Robert C. Kinghorn (355) Majority Caucus Chairman Walt Yarbrough (343) Minority Caucus Chairman Art Murphy (355)

384-2200 384-2085 384-2078 384-3570 384-2088 384-2088 384-3570 384-2088

House Speaker Allan F. Larsen (309) Majority Leader Walter Little (306) Asst. Majority Leader Jack Kennevick (306) Minority Leader Patricia McDermott (322) Asst. Minority Leader Ronald V. Harlow (322) Majority Caucus Chairman B. E. (Bud) Lewis (306) Minority Caucus Chairman Marion Davidson (322) *

384-2360 384-3010 384-3011 384-3013 384-3013 384-3010 3843013

This position to be filled during the Session (Room numbers are shown in parentheses throughout the Directory.)


(Name) Idaho State Legislature State Capitol Building Boise, Idaho 83720

Phone: (208) 384-2000 2

LEGISLATORS by District (Information listed below for Legislators Includes home address, phone, occupation, wifes name, committee and legislative assignments.) 1 —BOUNDARY& BONNER COUNTIES Kermit V. Kiebert, Senate (D) Box 187, Hope 83836 264-5430 Teacher Wife-Diane COMMITTEES: HEW,Res/Env,St Aff A sst. Minority Caucus Chairman Marion Davidson, House (0) Rt. 3, Bonners Ferry 83805 Home 267-2719 Bus. 267-2747 Contractor Wife-Frances COMMITTEES: Approp,Bus,W/M Minority Caucus Chairman Don Maynard, House (D) Clark Fork 83877 266-7244 Retired Wife-Margaret COMMITTEES: ResCon,Agric All 2


Art Manley, Senate (0) 1709 llth,Coeurd’Alene 83814 Realtor Wife-Margaret COMMITTEES: Fin,Res/Env


Gary f. Ingram, House fR) 3530 Highland Dr., Coeur d’Alene 83814 667-8528 Chemical Sales Wife-Maureen COMMITTEES: Chm-Loc Gov, Res/Con,St Aff L. C (Jack) Spurgeon, House (0) 2927 N. 6th St., P.O. Box 820, Coeur d’Alene 83874 Home 664-4970 Bus. 668-4658 Cr. Union Mgr./Wage Earner Trustee COMMITTEES: Bus,Educ,Loc Gov 3


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 3


C. C Chase, Senate (D) 201 11th, St. Manes 83861 245-2057 Auto Dealer Wife-Verdie COMMITTEES: CommfLab,St Aff Minority Leader Emery E. Hedlund, House (D) 1 746 Main Ave., St. Manes 83861 Home 245-2640 Bus. 245-2951 Merchant Wife-Vera COMMITTEES: Approp,Res/Con B. E. (Bud) Lewis, House (R) Rt. 3, St. Manes 83861 Home 245-3120 Bus. 245-3312 Merchant Wife-Joan COMM 1TTE ES: Res/Con,S t Aff,W/M,Transp Majority Caucus Chairthan 4

KOOTENAI & SHOSHONE COUNTIES Arthur P. Murphy, Senate (0) Box 554, MuIIan 83846 7441371 Retired Wife-Anjetta COMMITTEES: )ud,St Aff Minority Caucus Chairman —

Dorothy H. McCann, House (D) Box 618, Wallace $3873 752-0331 Health Services COMMITTEES: Health/WeI,Jud,St Aff Thomas M. Snyde, House (D) Rt. 1, Cataldo 83810 682-2075 Tavern Opt. COMMITTEES: ResfCon,Transp


.LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 5—LATAHCOUNTY Norma Dobler, Senate (D) 1401 Alpowa St., Moscow 83843 Homemaker Husband-Clifford COMMITTEES: HEW,Res/Env


Tom Boyd, House (R) Rt. 1, Genesee 83832 285-1578 Rancher Wife-Beverly COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,Educ,Jud Robert E. Hosock, House (D) 820 West C St., Moscow 83843 882-3664 Retired tProfessor) Wife-Nancy COMMITTEES: Print,St Aff,Jud 6— NEZ PERCE COUNTY Mike P. Mitchell, Senate (D) 316 Skyline Dr., Lewiston 83501 Home 743-7753 Bus. 746-0114 Wholesaler Wife-Arlene COMMITTEES: Fin,Jud Ronald V. Harlow, House (D) 604 Burrell Dr., Lewiston 83501 743-7130 Educator Wife-Dawn COMMITTEES: Loc Gov,Rev/Tax,WIM Asst. Minority Leader Joe N. Wagner, House (D) 2828 Sunset Dr., Lewiston 83501 Antiques Wife-Fern COMMITTEES: Approp,Bus



LEG ISLATORS by District (continued) 7— CLEARWATER, LATAH & NEZ PERCE COUNTIES Cloud R. Judd, Senate (D) Ri 3, Orofino 83544 435-4380 Farmer Wife-Elvita COMMITTEES: Agric Aff, Loc Gov,Transp Carl P. Braun, House (D) Box 752, Orofino 83544 476-5655 Retired Wife-Gladys COMMiTTEES: Agric Aff,St Aff Lester V. Clemm, House (D) Rt. 1, Box 103, Troy 83871 835-2528 Farm Business Wife-Oma Vee COMMI flEES: Agric Aff, ReslCon, Rev/Ta, 8— LEWIS, NEZ PERCE & IDAHO COUNTIES Michael S. Black, Senate (D) Box 296, Craigmont 83523 924-5956 Minister Wife-Peggy COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,HEW,Loc Gov K. Jim Ries; House (13) P.O. Box 42, Grangeville 83530 Home 983-1470 Bus. 983.2835 Barber-Stylist Wife-i udy COMMITTEES: Educ,Transp,Print Harold W. Reid, House (0) RR 2, Box 34, Craigmont 83523 937-2514 Agriculture Wife-Louise COMMITTEES: Agric Aff, Rev/Tax


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 9— ADAMS, BOISE, GEM, VALLEY, IDAHO, ADA& CANYON COUNTIES David Little, Senate (R) P.O. Box 68, Emmett 83617 365-4821 Livestock Rancher Wife-Geraldine COMMITTEES: Fin,Res/Con Herbert G. Fltz, House fR) Box 317, New Meadows 83654 347-2256 Pharmacist Wife-Ruth COMMITTEES: Health/WeI, Res/Con Morgan Munger, House (R) Ola 83657 627-4232 Rancher Wife-Ellen COMMITTEES: Loc Gov,Print,Rev/Tax 10— PAYETTE & WASHINGTON COUNTIES Larry E. Craig, Senate fR) Midvale 83645 355-2402 Rancher COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,HEW,Comm/Lab George G. Danielson, House (R) Cambridge 83610 257-3456 Storeowner Wife-Lois COMMITTEES: Chm-Print,St Aff Walter E. Little, House (R) Rt. 1, New Plymouth 83655 Rancher Wife-Evelyn COMMITTEES: W/M,St All Majority Leader



LEGtSLATORS by District (continued) 11—CANYON COUNTY W. Dean Abrahoms; Senate (R) 776 5. 7th Ave., CaIdwell 83605 Home 459-1320 Bus. 459-3141 I.O.N. Cattle Co. COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,Comm/Lab,Transp Carroll W. Dean, House (R) Box 145, Notus $3656 459-9161 Retired Wife-Erma COMMITTEES: Chm-Agric Aff,Educ Dorothy L. Reynolds; House (0) 1920 Howard, Caidwetl 83605 Home 459-2553 Bus. 459-0847 Educator Husband-Hal E. COMMITTEES: Educ,Health/We!, Res/Con 72


Leon H. Swenson, Senate (R) Rt. 2, Box 2121, Nampa $3657 466-4088 Farmer Wife-Dorothy COMMITTEES: HEW,Chm-St Aff Steven F. Scan/in, House (0) 1208 N. LaCresta Ave., CaIdwell 83605 Home 459-4306 Bus. 459-4647 Medical Social Worker COMMITTEES: Educ,Health/Wel Kenneth Stephenson, House (R) Rt. 5, Box 5629, Nampa 83657 466-4722 Retired Wife-Lillian COMMITTEES: HealthfWel,Prin t, Res/Con


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 13— CANYON COUNTY Philip E. Batt, Senate (R) Box 428, Wilder 83676 Home 337-3102 Bus. 482-7380 Farmer Wife-jacque COMMITTEES: St Aff President Pro Tempore Virginia D. Smith, House (R) Rt. 6, CaIdwelI 83605 459-7192 Fruit Farmer Husband-Willard L. COMM ITTE ES: Agric Aff, J ud,St Aff Percival 4. Wesche, House (R) 323 19th Ave. S., Nampa 83651 466-2243 Educator Wife-Marjorie COMMITTEES: Educ,Health/Wel,Jud 14— ADA COUNTY Vernon K. Brassey, Senate (R) 3200 Treasure Dr., Boise 83703 342-0242 Residential Rentals Wife-Isabel COMMITTEES: Chm-Comm/Lab,Fin

J. Michael Gwartney, House (R) 6400 Pierce Park Lane, Boise 83703 Home 345-1285 Bus. 384-8250 Boise Cascade Corp. Wife-Barbara COMMITTEES: Bus,Loc Gov, Rev/Tax Lawrence C. (Larry) Jackson, House (R) 3300 Bogus Basin Rd., Boise 83702 Home 343-4763 Bus. 345-9622 Life Insurance Sales Wife-Dinah COMMITTEES: Chm-Approp


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 15— ADA COUNTY Edith Miller Klein, Senate (R) P.O. Box 475, Boise 83703 Home 344-5402 Bus. 343-3676 Lawyer COMMITTEES: Chm-Jud,Comm/Lab,Loc Gov Peggy Bunting, House (R) 944 Lewis, Boise 83702 342-3147 Housewife Husband-Clyde COMMITTEES: Loc Gov,St Aff Daryl Steven Saia House (D) 135 N. Garden St., Boise 83704 Home 342-0488 Bus. 375-2980 History Teacher/Fairmont JH Wife-Rita COMMITTEES: Educ,Loc Gov 76— ADA COUNTY Lyle R. Cobbs, Senate (R) 7231 Court Ave., Boise 83704 375-2400 Realtor Wife-Donna COMMITTEES: Chm-LoQ 6v,HEW Paul W. Worthen, House (RI 6414 Robertson Dr., Boise 83705 Home 375-6135 Bus. 344-8446 Prof. Elec. Engineer Wife-Billie COMMITTEES: App rop James D. Go!dei House (R)

$365 Amherst, Boise 83704 Home 375-8796 Bus. 345-8721 Stock Broker/Invest. Counselor Wife-Diane COMMITTEES: Bus,Health/Wel


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 77—ADA COUNTY Ron j. Twilegar, Senate (D) 106 N. 6th, Suite 222, Boise 83702 Home 345-7976 Bus. 345-3460 Attorney Wife-Elizabeth COMMITTEES: CommJLab,Loc Gov Kathleen W. (Kitty) Gurnsey House (R) 1111 W. Highland View Dr., Boise 83702 343-1780 Housewife Husband-Vern L. COMMITTEES: Approp Larry W. Harris, House fR) 1925 Montclair Dr., Boise 83702 344-6242 Retired Wife-Jane B. COMMITTEES: Jud,Loc Gov,St Aff 1$— ADA COUNTY James E. Risch, Senate (R) Rt. 3, S. Cole Rd., Boise 83705 Home 375-7575 Bus. 344-0000 Attorney Wife-Vicki COMMITTEES: Jud,St Aff Majority Leader Wendy A. Ungricht, House fR) 5302 Aztec Circle, Boise 83705 376-5246 Homemaker Husband-Samuet K. COMMITTEES: Educ,Jud Jack C. Kennevick, House (R) 1 Mesa Dr., Boise 83705 343-2136 Insurance Wife-Mary Anne COMMITTEES: Bus,St Aff,W/M Asst. Majority Leader


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 19— ADA & OWYHEE COUNTIES Walter H. Yarbrough, Senate (R) Box 216, Gtand View $3624 834-2727 Rancher/Contractor Wife-Lucy COMMITTEES: Fin,St Affjransp Majority Caucus Chairman John F: Reardon, House (R) 3100 N. Five Mile Rd., Boise 83704 375-3824 Mech. Engineer Wife-Blanche COMMITTEES: Res/Con,Chm-St Aff Lyman G. Winchester, Ho,se (R) RL 1, Kuna 83634 922-5750 Rancher Wife-Lena COMM ITTE ES: Ag tic Aff, Res/Con,St Aff 20— CLARK, CUSTER, JEFFERSON & LEMHI COUNTIES Vearl C. Crystal, Senate (R) Rt. 6, Box 232, Idaho Falls $3401 754-4705 fRigby) Rancher/Rodeo Producer Wife-Brenda COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,Loc Gov Ray E. InfangeG House (R) Rt. 1, Box 174, Salmon 83467 756-3649 Heating Con tractor Wife-Vera COMMITTEES: Approp Wayne E. Tlbbitts House (R) Lorenzo Rt., Box 15D, Rigby 83442 Home 745-6022 Farm 745-7550 Farmer Wife-Lela COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,Rev/Tax, Chm-W/M,Res/Con


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 21


John). (Jack) Bell, Senate (D) 1143 LInk St., Rupert 83350 436-3246 Retired Wife-Emily COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,HEW,Res/Env Steve Antone, House (R) 1741 Link St., Rupert 83350 436-3927 Farmer Wife-Helen COMMITTEES: Chm-Rev/Tax,Bus Mack Wm. Neibau, House (RI Rt. 7, Box 142, Paul $3347 Home 532-4775 Bus. 532-4240 Farming Wife-Edna COMMITTEES: Educ,Jud,Transp 22


J. Wilson Steen, Senate (R)

P.O. Drawer B, Glenns Ferry 83623 366-7956 RR Engineer Wife-Hazel COMMITTEES: Iud,St Aff,Transp Asst. Majority Leader

Dan Kelly, House (RI 930 N. 10th E., Mtn. Home 83647 Home 587-5426 Bus. 587-4435 Teacher Wife-Roberta (Bobbi) COMMITTEES: Educ,Agric Aff Virgil L. Kraus, House (R) 500 N. 17th E., Mtn. Home 83647 Merchant Wife-Geri COMMITTEES: Transp,Rev/Tax



LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 23


Kenneth Bradshaw, Senate (R) P.O. Box 485, Wendell 83355 536-2471 Self-employed COMMITTEES: Loc Gov, Res/Env,Transp John H. Broo!es House (R) Rt. 2, Box 233, Gooding 83330 934-5183 Rancher Wife-Sharon COMM ITTE ES: Agric Aff,Print, Rev/Tax Gordon R. Hollifield, House (R) Rt. 3, Box 115, Jerome 83338 324-4220 Farmer Wife-jean COMMITTEES: Agric Aff, Rev/Tax 24


John M. Barke, Senate (R) Rt. 4, Box 422, BuhI 83316 Home 543-5617 Bus. 543-4372 Realtor/Insurance Wife-Rose COMMITTEES: Chm-HEW,Jud Noy E Brackett, House (R) Box 403, Twin Falls 83301 733-4823 Rancher Wife-Ruby COMMITTEES: Res/Con, Rev/Tax,Transp Lawrence Knigge, House (R) Rt. 1, Filer 83325 326-4252 Farming Wife-Marilyn COMMITTEES: Educ,Health/Wel,Res/Con


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 25— TWIN FALLS COUNTY Richard S. High, Senate (R) 802 Sunrise Blvd. N., Twin Fatts 83301 733-0g92 Farmer Wife-Laura COMMITTEES: Chm-Fin T W. Stivers, House fR) 144 N. Juniper, Twin Falls $3307 I-lame 733-7127 Bus. 733-3821 Title Insurance Wife-Winifred COMMITTEES: Chm-Jud,Educ,Loc Gov Ralph Olmstead, House (R) Rt 2, Twin Falls 83301 Home 733-3047 Bus. 733-6799 Farmer Wife-Jackie COMMITTEES: Approp 26— CASSIA & MINIDOKA COUNTIES Dean VanEngelen, Senate fR) P.O. Box 98, Burley 83378 Home 678-9686 Bus. 678-5602 Retail Merchant Wife-Eyvonne (Sally) COMMITTEES: Fin,Res/Env

J. Vard Chatburn, House (R)

Box 97, Albion 83311 673-6661 Rancher Wife-Eva COMMITTEES: St Aff,Chm-Res/Con Ernest A. Hale, House (R) 725 E. 16th, Burley $3378 678-7394 Quarry Opt. Wife-Elizabeth COMMITTEES: Educ,Print,Transp


LEG ISLATORS by District (continued) 27



Israel (Is) Merrll4 Senate (D) 581 N. Stout St., Blackfoot 83221 785-3375 Operating Engineer Wife-Lois COMMITTEES: Comm/Lab,HEWjransp Allan F Larsen, House (R) Rt. 5, Box 33, Blackfoot 83221 684-4977 Farmer/Implement Dealer Wife-Barbara Speaker of the House Darwin L. Young, House (R) Rt. 5, Box 99, Blackfoot 83227 684-4654 Farmer Wife-Pearl COMMITTEES: Bus,Health/WeI,Rev/Tax 28


Dick Smith, Senate (RI 74 Ash Ave., Rexburg 63440 356-5959 Farmer Wife-Helen COMMITTEES: HEW,St Aff,Jud F Meh’in Hammond, House (D) 749 Elm Ave., Rexburg 83440 356-3725 Educator Wife-Bonnie COMMITTEES: Bus,St Aff Doyle C. Miner, House (R) 310 N. 7 E., St. Anthony 83445 Pharmacist Wife-Doris COMMITTEES: Approp




J. Marsden Williams, Senate (R)

1950 Carmel Dr., Idaho Falls 83401 524-1922 Rancher/ReaItor/Svgs-Loan Off. Wife-Phyllis COMMITTEES: Chm-ResjEnv,Fin

Kurt L. Johnson, House (R) Rt. 6, Box 407, Idaho Falls 83401 522-7959 Farmer Wife-Lucille COMMITTEES: Agric Aff,Chm-Educ,Res/Con C. Wendell Miller, House (D) 791 N. Skyline Dr., Idaho Falls 83401 Home 523-1192 Bus. 526-0111, Ext. 3437 Instrument Specialist Wife-Alene COMMITTEES: Transp,St Aff 30— BINGHAM & BONNEVILLE COUNTIES Dane Watkins, Senate (R)

2975 Fieldstream Lane, Idaho Falls 83401 Home 522-4855 Bus. 523-0800 Farm Equipment Dealer Wife-Sherry COMMITTEES: Loc Gov,Chm-Agric Aff Ronald K. Lechelt, M.D., House (D) 247 Hattert Dr., Idaho Falls 83407 Home 524-0459 Bus. 523-3060 Pediatrician Wife-Nancy J COMMITTEES: Educ,Health,lWel,Print Elaine Kearnes, House (R) 3040 Gustafson Circle, Idaho Falls 83401 Home 522-2266 Bus. 522-6875 Accountant Husband-E. Jay COMMITTEES: Chm-Health/Wel,St Aff


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 31


Richard A. Egbert, Senate (D) Tetonia 83452 456-5831 Rancher/Bus. Wife-Alta COMMITTEES: Fln,Transp Linden B. Batemon, House (R) RL 1, Box 442, Idaho Falls $3401 Rome 524-0927 Bus. 523-1823 High School Teacher Wife-Deann COMMITTEES: Loc Gov,Res/Con,St Aff John 0. Sessions, House CR) Box 152, Driggs 83422 354-2508 Retailer Wife-Alice COMMITTEES: Bus,Educ,Chm-Transp 32— BEAR LAKE, CARIBOU & FRANKLIN COUNTIES Reed W. Budge, Senate (R) 231 5. 1st E., Soda Springs 83276 547-3096 Rancher Wife-Gwen COMMITTEES: Chm-Transp,ReslEny,HEW Robert C. Geddes, House (R) Rt. 3, Box 107, Preston 83263 852-1376 Farmer Wife-Carma COMMITTEES: Health/Wel,Print,Rev/Tax Russell A. Westerberg House (D) 170 Keystone, Soda Springs 83276 Home 547-4179 Bus. 547-3391 Mechanic Wife-Lucille COMMITTEES: Res/Con,Rev/Tax,Transp


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 33— ONEIDA & BANNOCK COUNTIES Lester A. Hartvlgsen, Senate (D) 255 E. 155 5., Malad 83252 766-4106 Farmer Wife-Edris COMMITTEES: Jud,Loc Gov Kent S. WaIke, House (R) Rt 2, Inkom 83245 Home 775-4930 Bus. 233-2028 Insurance Wife-Lou Jean COMMITTEES: Bus,Loc Gov,Rev/Tax Myron jones House (R) Rt. 1, Box 123C, Malad 83252 766-4291 Farmer/Rancher Wife-Nola COMMITTEES: Educ,Transp,Res/Con

34— BANNOCK COUNTY Robert C. Kinghorn, Senate (D) 7306 Cottage Ave., Pocatello $3203 Labor Official Wife-Carol COMMITTEES: Jud,St Aff AssL Minority Leader


Patricia McDermott, House (D) P.O. Box 3, Pocatello 83207 Home 232-6978 Bus. 232-3162 Attorney Husband-R. Bieber COMMITTEES: Jud,St Aff,W/M Minority Leader James A. Leese, House (D) 7075 East Elm, Pocatello 83201 Home 232-7583 Bus. 232-823 I, Ext. 200 Bannock County Commissioner-Chm Wife-Louise COMMITTEES: Loc Gov,Rev/Tax


LEGISLATORS by District (continued) 35



C. E (Chick) Bllyeu, Senate (Ti) Rt. 1 N, Box 48, Pocatello 83201 Educator Wife-Diane COMMITTEES: Fin,Transp


W. Rusty Bar/ow, House (R) 557 Franklin, Pocatello 83201 Home 232-2637 Bus. 233-0962 Elec./Plbg.fHtg. Contractor Wife-Andrea COMMITTEES: Transp,Print, Rev/Tax Max Kendell, House (R) Aberdeen 83210 397-4844 Ranching Wife-Edith COMMITTEES: App top




SENATE COMMITTEES AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS (7) Watkins fR), Chairman Judd (D) Abrahams (R) Bell (D) Craig (R) Black (D) Crystal (R) 384-3578 Secretary: Anita Horton Room 433 T,Th, 9:30 am —

COMM ERCE AND LABOR (7) Brassey (R), Chairman Chase (D) Klein (R) Merrill (D) Abrahams (R) Twilegar (D) Craig (R) 384-3573 Secretary: (To be filled) Room 430—Odd Days, 1:30pm FINANCE (10) High (R), Chairman Egbert (D) Yarbrough fR) Mitchell fD) Williams (R) Bilyeu (D) Brassey (R) Manley (0) Little (R) VanEngelen (R) 384-3531 Secretary: Marcia Winzeler Room 328 Daily, 8 am —


SENATE COMMITTEES (continued) HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE (11) Barker (R), Chairman Budge (R) Kiebert (D) Swenson (R) Merrill (D) Cobbs (R) Dobler (D) Smith (R) Bell (D) Craig (R) Black (D) Secretary: Virginia Hopfenbeck 3843576 Room 437 Daily, 8 am —

JUDICIARY AND RULES (9) Klein (R), Chairman Barker (R) Murphy fD) Steen (R) Kinghorn (D) Risch (R) Hartvigsen (0) Smith (R) Mitchell (D) Secretary: Tan Rice 3843575 Room 426 Even Days, 1:30 pm —

LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND TAXATION (9) Cobbs (R), Chairman Klein (R) Hartvigsen (D) Watkins (R) Judd (D) Bradshaw (R) Twilegar (D) Crystal (R) Black (D) Secretary: Diane DeChambeau 3843572 Room 430— M,W,F, 9:30 am


SENATECOMMITTEES (continued) RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT (9) Williams (R), Chairman Manley (D) Budge (R) Kiebert (D) Little fR) Dobler (D) Bradshaw (R) (D) Bell VanEngelen (R) 384-3574 Secretary: Paula Hurless Room 433 M,W,F, 1:30 pm —

STATE AFFAIRS (JO) Swenson (R), Chairman Murphy (D) Yarbrough (R) Batt (R) Chase (D) Kinghorn (D) Smith (R) Kiebert (D) Steen (R) Risch (R) Secretary: Ann Ingram 384-357Z Room 350—Odd Days,3 pm TRANSPORTATION (9) Budge fR), Chairman Yarbrough (R) Abrahams (R) Steen fR) Bradshaw (R) Secretary: Jeannine Wood Room 433- T,Th, 1:30 pm


Egbert (D) Bilyeu (D) Judd (D) Merrill (D) 384-3578

HOUSE COMMITTEES AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS (13) Dean fR), Chairman Johnson (R) Reid D Braun D Tibbitts fR) Clemm D Brooks (R) Maynard D) Hollifield fR) Winchester (R) Smith (R) Boyd (R Kelly (R 384-3018 Room 408 Even Days, pm —

APPROPRIATIONS (10) Jackson fR), Chairman Davidson D Miner (R) Worthen (R) Hedlund D Infanger (R) Wagner D Olmstead (R) Gurnsey fR) Kendell (R) 384-3539 Room 328 Daily, am —

BUSINESS (12) Kraus (R), Chairman Wagner Hammond Davidson Spurgeon

Antone (R) Kennevick (R) Sessions (R) Golder (R) Gwartney (R) Walker (R Young (R

D D fD fD

384-3583 Room 408

Odd Days, pm


HOUSE COMMITTEES (continued) EDUCATION (18) Johnson (R), Chairman Reynolds D Sessions (R) Lechelt D Hale (R) Spurgeon D Dean (R) Scanlin D Wesche (R) SalIaz D Stivers fR) Ries D Boyd (R) Jones fR) Kelly (R) Knigge (R) Neibaur (R) Ungricht (R) 3843015 Room 416 Daily, am —

HEALTH & WELFARE (12) Kearnes (R), Chairman McCann (D Fitz (R) Reynolds (D Wesche (R) Lechelt (D Geddes fR) Scanlin (D Golder R Knigge R Stephenson (R) Young fR) 384-3582 Room 406 Even Days, pm JUDICIARY, RULES & ADMINISTRATION (10) Stivers (R), Chairman McDermott D) Wesche fR) McCann D Smith (R) Hosack (D Boyd (R) Harris (R) Neibaur (R) Ungricht (R) 3843016 Room 406 Odd Days, pm —


HOUSE COMMITTEES (continued) LOCAL GOVERNMENT (72) Ingram (R), Chairman Harlow (0) Bunting (R) Spurgeon (D) Munger fR) Leese (D) Stivers (R) SaIlaz (D) Bateman (R) Gwartney (R) Harris (R) Walker (R) 3843583 Room 410— On Call

PRINTING & LEGISLATIVE EXPENSE (70) Danielson (R), Chairman Hosack (D) Hale (R) Lechelt (D) Munger (R) Ries (D) Brooks (R) Barlow (R) Geddes (R) Stephenson (R) 3843065 Room 311 On Call —


HOUSE COMMITTEES (continued) RESOURCES & CONSERVATION (19) Chatburn fR), Chairman Hedlund (D) Reardon (R) Snyder (D) Lewis (R) Maynard (D) Winchester fR) Westerberg (D) Fitz (R) Clemm (D) Ingram (R) Reynolds (D) Brackett (R) Johnson (R) Tibbitts (R) Bateman (R) Jones (R) Knigge (R) Stephenson (R) 384-3582 Room 412 Odd Days, pm —

REVENUE&TAXATION (17) Antone (R), Chairman Reid (D) Tibbitts fR) Harlow (D) Kraus (R) Westerberg (D) Munger (R) Clemm (D) Brackett (R) Leese (D) Brooks (R) Hollifield (R) Barlow (R) Geddes (R) Gwartney (R) Walker (R) Young (R) 384-3044 Room 404— Daily, am 3;

HOUSE COMMITTEES (continued) STATE AFFAIRS (19) Reardon (R), Chairman McDermott D Chatburn (R) Hammond D Little (R) McCann D Danielson (R) Kennevick (R) Miller D Braun D Kearnes fR) Hosack 0 Ingram (R) Lewis (R) Bunting (R) Winchester (R) Smith (R) Bateman (R) Harris (R) 384-3017 Room 412— Daily, atn TRANSPORTATION & DEFENSE (12) Sessions (R), Chairman Hale (R) Miller D Westerberg D Brackett (R) Snyder D Kraus R). Ries D Lewis R) Barlow (R) Jones (R) Neibaur (R) 384-3018 Room 412 Even Days, pm —

WAYSANDMEANS (7) Tibbitts (R), Chairman McDermott D) Little (R) Harlow D Kennevick (R) Davidson D Lewis (R) 384-2360 Room 308 On Call —


AflACHES, LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Alphabetical Listing (Numbers listed below ore extensions to the 324 prefix) Agricultural Affairs Corn—House (408) Agricultural Affairs Corn—Senate (433) Anderson, Jo Anne (309) Andreason, John C. (327) Appropriations Corn—House (328) Ashby, Betty (435) Atkinson, Gary (114) Auditor, Legislative (114)

Phone 3018 3578 2360 3531 3539 2028 3540 3540


3531 3531 3590 2080 3570 2475 3531 2049 3175 2000 2360 3540 3583

Baiderston, Bruce (327) Balienger, Tina (327) Batt, Jane (Doorkeeper—Senate) Baxter, Dorothea (345) Bays, Bert (343) Bennion, Susan D. (334) Bisseil, Donna Rae (327) Blades, Betty (428) Borresen, Laura (113) Briggs, Margo (Rotunda-3rd) Brown, Peggy (309) Brozovich, JackM. (114) Business Corn—House (408) Calisen, Bernice (410) Caucus Chairrnan, Majority—House (306) Caucus Chairrnan, Minority—House (322) Caucus Chairrnan, Majority—Senate (343) Caucus Chairrnan, Minority—Senate (355) Chauvin, Kathy (113) Chief Cierk (315) Christensen, Reed (357) Clark, Charles (305) Corn rnerce and Labor Corn—Senate (430) Cornrnittees—House Agriculturai Affairs (408) Appropriations (328) Business (410A)




• •


3583 3010 3013 3570 2088 3175 2123 2081 3019 3573

• 3018 • 3579 • 3583

ATTACHES, LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (continued) Phone Committees—House Education (416) Health & Welfare (411A) Judiciary, Rules & Administration (405) Local Government (470) Printing& Legislative Expense (311) Resources &Conservation (412) Revenue & Taxation (404) State Affairs (414) Transportation & Defense (472) Ways and Means (308) Committees—Senate Agricultural Affairs (433) Commerce and Labor (430) Finance (328) Health, Education and Welfare (437) Judiciary and Rules (426) Local Government and Taxation (430) Resources and Environment (433) State Affairs (350) Transportation (433) Conradi, Dorothy (Rotunda-3rd) Cook, Bernard (305) Cory,Marty(113) Cory, Roberta (346) Couch, Frankle (42$) Council, Legislative (334)

3015 • 3582 • 3016 • 3583 3065 • 3582 3044 3017 3018 2360






Daly, Caroline (411) Data Center, Legislative (113) Day, Connie (404A) DeChambeau, Diane (431) Dispensary, Legislative (438) Docket Clerk—House (316) Docket Clerks—Senate (346) Doorkeeper—House Doorkecper—Senate .


. .



3578 3573 3531 3576 3575 3572 3574 3572 3578 2000 3019 3175 2080 2049 2475

3018 3175 3044 3572 3577 3589 2080 3048 2026, 3590



Dunham, Daniel (327) Durall, Harry (357)

3531 2081

Education Corn—House (416)


Falk, Jane (345) Finance Corn—Senate (328) Fiscal Office, Legislative (327) Fisher, Dorothy (404) Fisher, Gordon (327) Fitzgerald, Jeanne (113) Froehlich, Dean A. (114)

2080 3531 3531 3044 3531 3175 3540

Gallery Receptionist—House (403) Gallery Receptionist—Senate (425) Glenn, Marcia (315) Gold Room (420) Green, Rhoda (343)

3586 3590 2123 none 2078



3175 Hanford, Dorothy (113) 2080 Harper, Pat (345) 2123 Harvey,Craig(35) 3012 Hasselbring, Ruby (Basement) 3582 Health & Welfare Corn—House (406) Health, Education and Welfare Corn—Senate (437) 3576 3013 Hicks, Barbara (415) 3048 Hietala, Theodore 3583 Hildebrand, Deanne (410A) 3540 Holland, Janet (114) 3576 Hopfenbeck, Virginia (437) 3578 Horton, Anita (432) 3574 Hurless, Paula (432A) .

Ineck, Raymond W. (114) Information Center, Legislative (Rotun da-3 rd) Ingram, Ann (350)


3540 2000 3572

ATTACHES, LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (continued) Phone Johns, Frankie (Basement) Journal Clerks—House (317) Journal Clerks—Senate (346) Judiciary, Rules & Administration Corn—House (406) Judiciary and Rules Corn—Senate (436)

3012 3591 2080

Keefer, Hazel (340) Kirk, Larry R. (714) Klein, Vivian (355) Kletke, John E. (113) Koontz, Clyde (114)

2085 3540 2088 3175 3540


3016 3575


. .


Legislative Advisers’ Lounge (3018) 345-2161 Legislative Auditor (114) 3540 Legislative Council (334) 2475 Legislative Data Center (113) 3175 Legislative Dispensary (438) 3577 Legislative Fiscal Office (327) 3531 Legislative Information Center (Rotunda-3rd) 2000 Legislative Mail Center (Basement) 3012 Levi, Becky (306) 3065 Lieutenant Governor(351) 2200 Lindeen, Charles A. (114) 3540 Local Government Corn—House (470) 3583 Local Government and Taxation Corn—Senate (430) 3572 Lowder, Helen (306) 3010 Lowe, Eunice (346) 2080 •





Mail Room (Basement) Majority Leaders—House (306) Majority Leaders—Senate (343) Manning, David (Rotunda-3rd) McMurray, Virginia (425) Mengel, Peg fRotunda-3rd) Miller, Richard L. (114) .


3012 3010 2078 2000 3590 2000 3540

ATTACHES, LEGISLATIVE SERVtCES (continued) Phone Minority Leaders—House (322) Minority Leaders—Senate (355) Morton, Helen (301A) MTST See Legislative Data Center Murdoch, Ann (337)

3033 2088 3587

Neville, Michael W. (334) Newland, Irene (416) NeWs Media see page 42 Nichols, Fred (Doorkeeper—House)

2475 3015






Ogden, David E. (714) Pages—House (321) Pages—Senate (360) Palmer, Sara (403) Penning, Janet L. (334) President of the Senate (357) President Pro Tern pore—Senate (340) Printing & Legislative Expense Corn—House (304) Prophet, Tina (351)





3049 2084 3586 2475 2200 2085 3065 2200

Ramsey, Ann (Rotunda-3rd) Redinger, Jim (357) Resources & Conservation Corn—House (412) Resources and Environment Corn—Senate (433) Revenue & Taxation Corn—House (404) Rice, Tan (436) Robbins, Don (114) Robins, Helen (316) Robson, Penny (303 A) Rogers, Claud R. (174) Rountree, Jeanne (313)

2000 2083 3582 3574 3044 3575 3540 3589 3587 3540 3175

Sail, Marie (713) Schlechte, Myran H. (334)

3175 2475



ATTACHES, LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (continued) Phone Schubach, William (113) Scoresby, Cliff (Doorkeeper—House) Scrivner, Joyce (317) Secretarial Pool, Majority—House (411) Secretarial Pool, Majority—Senate (435) Secretarial Pool, Minority—House (415) Secretarial Pool, Minority—Senate (428) Secretary of the Senate (345) Sergeant-at-Arms—House (305) Sergeant-at-Arms—Senate (357) Severn, Charles R. (114) Sheils, Betty (113) Shepard, Donna (327) Simpkins, Ross Speaker of the House (309) Stansbury, Rosemarie (114) State Affairs Com—House (412) State Affairs Com—Senate (350) Stewart, Charlene (411 A) Stokes, Judy Lynn (Rotunda-3rd) Stone, Ruby (346) Swank, Gladys (322) Swarthout, Linda (435)






. .

Taylor, Jean (322) Teilmann, Tern (309) Terra, Jean (428) Thompson, Grace (113) Thomson, Chig T. (114) Thornberg, Robin (House Lounge) Tippet, Verna (House Lounge) Toledo, Mark (357) Tolle, Robert (327) Townsend, Lynn (411A) Transportation & Defense Com—House (412) Transportation Com—Senate (433) Trout, Judith R. (114) 38


3175 none 3591 3018 2028 3013 2049 2080 3019 2081 3540 3175 3531 2360 2360 3540 3017 3572 3582 2000 2080 3013 2028 3013 2360 2049 3175 3540 none none 2081 3531 3582 3018 3578 3540

ATTACHES, LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (continued) Phone Van Hoff, Carl (334)


Ward, Toosje (Senate Lounge) Warr, Doris (437) Watson, Phyllis (316) Ways and Means Corn—House (308) Wells, Carol M. (114) White,Carol(411) Whitworth, Owen (114) Willis, W. Allen (334) Wilson, Ellen (Basement) Win kler, Kenneth (114) Winzeler, Marcia (327) Wood, Jeannine (431 A) Wyman, Mardee (113)

none 3576 3589 2360 3540 3018 3540 2475 3012 3540 3531 3573 3175

Xerox Room (301A)


Zumwalt, Jo Ann (306)



ELECTED OFFICIALS Congressional Senator Frank Church (D) Room 245, Russell Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510 Room 338, 304 N. 8th, Boise 83702

(202) 224-6142 384-1700

Senator James A. McClure (j .Rm-2-1-G6-, Dirksen Bldg., kvn 522c (202) 224-2752 Washington, D.C. 20510 384-1560 Room 434, 304 N. 8th, Boise 83702 Representative George Hansen (R) Room 1125, Longworth Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515 Room 442, 304 N. 8th, Boise 83702

(202) 225-5531 384-7 $76

Representative Steven D. Symms (R) Room 1410, Longworth Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20575 Room 134, 304 N. 8th, Boise 83702

(202) 225-6611 384-1776

State *Governor Cecil D. Andrus CD) (228) 384-2100 * Lt. 384-2200 Governor John V. Evans (D) (351) Secretary of State Pete T. Cenarrusa (R) (203) 384-2300 State Auditor Joe R. Williams (D) 384-3100 (Room 100, Len B. Jordan Building) State Treasurer Marjorie Ruth Moon (D) (101)384-3200 Attorney General Wayne L. Kidwell (R) (210) 384-2400 Supt. of Public Instruction Roy Truby (0) 384-3300 (Room 227, Len B. Jordan Building) *

Upon confirmation of Governor Andrus as Secretary of Interior, John Evans wi/I become Governor.

Supreme Court 451 W. State St., Boise 83720 Cbief Justice Joseph J. McFadden justices: Charles R. Donaldson Allan G. Shepard Robert E. Bakes Steven Bistline 40

Admin. 384-2246 384-3464 384-3186 384-2207 384-3288 384-3324


DEPARTMENTS OF STATE GOVERNMENT Administration Room 145, Len B. Jordan Building Agriculture 4696 Overland Road Correction Pleasant Valley Road Education Len B. Jordan Building Employment 317 Main Street Examiners Board of Secretary, Len B. Jordan Building Finance 700 West State Street Fish and Game 600 South Walnut Street Health and Welfare 700 West State Street Industrial Commission 317 Main Street Insurance 700 West State Street Labor and Industrial Services 317 Main Street Lands 700 West State Street Law Enforcement 331 1 West State Street Parks Recreation 2263 Warm Springs Avenue Revenue and Taxation 5257 Fairview Avenue Self-governing Agencies For information call Transportation 331 1 West State Street Water Resources 373 West Franklin Street 41

384-3380 384-3240 336-0740 384-3300 384-2615 384-3100 384-3313 384-3700 384-2336 384-2193 384-2250 384-2327 384-3280 384-3628 384-2154 384-3560

384-3233 384-3699 384-2215

NEWS MEDIA Statehouse Rotunda Fourth Floor —

ASSOCIATED PRESS (419) 376-2061 J. Robert Leeright Quane Kenyon David Clemens Vern Nelson UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL (402A) 342-6621 Richard Charnock Robert Van Buskirk Becky Fanning IDAHO STATESMAN f402B) 376-2121, Ext. 267-268 John Corlett— Steve Ahrens Jerry Gilliland Tom Treick Rod Gramer LEWISTON MORNING TRIBUNE (402C) 343-5764 Jay Shelledy Glenn Cruickshank Kevin McCollum Brett Crompton TWIN FALLS TIMES-NEWS (419) Chris Peck IDAHO FALLS POST-REGISTER (419 Ben Plastino IDAHO STATE iOU RNAL—Pocatello (419) David Morrissey Martin Trillhaase IDAHO FREE PRESS—Nampa (419) Warren Adams KAID-TV (419) 385-3344 Jeff Seward KBCI-TV (419) 336-5222 Pauli Crooke Marc Johnson Mike Lundstrom Gary Lesser KIVI-TV (419) 336-0500 Lane Bettencourt KTVB-TV 375-7277 Sal Celeski Judy Rooks Paul Day Dan Bronson KBOl (419) 336-3670 Les Leland Doug Raper KFXD—Merjdjan (419) 345-8812 David Hagen Fran Martin KGEM (419) 344-3511 Peg Baxter KIDO (419) 342-1167 Vern Moore Dennis Dunn Stan McKie Free Lance (419) Dwight Jensen Valley News Times—Meridian (402C) Kelly Everitt —


















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lEebrnary 11977












ORDER OF BUSINESS Senate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

RolICall Prayer ReadingafldCOtreCtiOfl of journal Reading of communications Presentation of petitions, resolutions and memorials Reports of standing committees Reports of special committees Consideration of messages from the Governor Consideration of messages from the House of Representatives Motions and consideration of petitions, resolutions and memorials Introduction, first reading and reference of bills, House petitions, resolutions and memorials Second reading of bills Third reading of bills Consideration of general calendar Miscellaneous business

House 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

RolICall Prayer by the Chaplain Approval of Journal Consideration of messages from the Governor and the Senate Report of standing committees Report of select committees Motions, memorials and resolutions Introduction, first reading and reference of bills and joint resolutions First reading of engrossed bills Second reading of bills and joint resolutions Third reading of bills and joint resolutions Consideration of general orders Miscellaneous and unfinished business Presentation of petitions and communications Announcements Adjournment

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