1958 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 56 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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of the


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University of IDAHO


rockets ond missiles receiving world-wide attention

during the post year. modern education was given the task of preparing future citizens for the scientific world of tomorrow. The University of Idaho kept in step with this progress. A new

and "dequote library opened in the fall, and dormitories were provided to allow more students to receive a higher education. Expansion in the academic fields


plonned. The ASUI pre-

sented ideas for on extension to the Student Union Building.

All these ideas were developed with " regard for the future of the state and the University. But interwoven with the prog-

ress at Idaho is the feeling of rich tradition which prevails in the landmarks and the activities on campus. With this firm foundation in the post, Idaho can progress toward the future. Homecoming Fest ... serenades

Holly Week silver and gold

the I Tower . . . Song all these bring memo-

ries of a full college life to each student. May the 1958 Gem of the Mountains help you relive your year spent at the University of Idaho.


Dr. D. R. Theophilus

E IS A university president who sits in no ivory tower. He is one who works closely with students, faculty, and the people of the St~te, bec~use he

has the interests of all of them



Believing that a university must primarily do two


quality and move forward-he has shown both initiative and courage in guiding the University of Idaho to the ~chievement of these goals. Holding three degrees from Iowa State College. he has devoted most of his adult life to education. He first taught at Iowa State and then at Western Kentucky Teachers College. Since 1927, he has served the University of Idaho in roles from professor to dean of the College of Agriculture and to president, the position he has held for the last four years. His sincerity of purpose as a leader in education has g~ined him wide acclaim. This year two special honors came to him. He



an honorary doctorate degree by the College of Idaho, and the Centennial Award of the Iowa State College Alumni Association for his contributions to


that have

"added to the stature of Iowa State College." We. the students of the University of Idaho, humbly wish to add our appreciation by ded;cot;ng the 1958 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS to DR. D. R. THEOPHILUS.

CON TEN T S :::::.================ Ch ron 0 log Y

=== Page


1=====Organizations Page 84



.'============Acad emi cs



Page 130 ~

Page 1~80~::;;;;:I

~===========R esid ence s == Page 250

the old ...

the new . ..

Idoha's modern librory, dedicated in the

foil of 1957, symbolizes the progress of the University towo!Hd meeting the needs of educotian in the stote.


Increased facilities reseorch opportunities

excellent lighting ... contemporory design on the site of a former ployfield.


The 1958 foll term will see mony new residences on compus ... 011 port of the pIons to provide students with ottroetive, sofe, ond convenient living quarters.

••, •



, ',\.--\\ I

, I

With crowded conditions becoming more in evidence. plans for a new student union building are in the minds of the students.


"And Here We

H~ve Id~ho"

. . . with progressive pions for

future years combined with the treasured traditions and landmarks.


1 889 1 958

Frosh Orientation Freshmen and new students were given generllli information on the ins and outs of

college life, forming study h"bifs, and tested for l'Ibilities. Co-chlllirmen Helen Gregory lind

Lee Scott saw that the incoming students were kept busy during the week before c1llSSes


President Theophilus conduded the President's Convoc"tion th"t stlllrted off Orien-

t"tion activities.

The busy frosh "ttended

v"fious assemblies to "equllint them with the


different functions of the university, tlnd took llptitude llInd interest tests to help them in choosing mllliers.

Orient<'ltion w,n not 1lI1i

work, for mixers were held lit v"rious times

Md the whole problem


clipped off by

lin "II-c<'lmpus cllrnivtll-mixer.

T,.¡o.ll1 qreet membe" return;nq fo' "noth.r yeer.



Ro.onne Jones ond Dione Shelton are moling lome imporlonl decisionl 01 thi. porly.

' \

ATO, try to bMl the hut ",ith on inform"r g"thering on the I"",n.


Rush Rush was shortened to four dllys

this yellr, but the members Md rushees h"d the some fun. decisions. and excitement as in pre-

vious yellrs. The porties were held during the first four days of Orientation prior to registr"tion, so the rushees found themselves quite busy 9


i n 9 from meetings to

parties and tests. The tired but hllppy members greeted the new

pledges on 'Squeal Day" end helped them move into the houses. O'ientotion, rush, reqist.ation. lind r....,lIy

,h. boohtore. let's iust hope ,II" Ircah mad" it home. Now 10' the f/lmilia' ill.fitlinq brown ,,"iform.

The Alph" Chi. enlertain rush"". ot e pojllmll party.


Registration The 1957-58 f,,11 enrollment record

broke "II previous records with " tote 1 of 3,700 students registering ..'It the University of Idaho. Registr<!ltion with its numbers, its

endless lines of students wlliting, its

parking permits Md its class cards took place September 19 "nd 20 in Memori,,1 Gym. A new system


used this year to eliminete students standing in line for two d"ys. Each student obtllined II number lind had " specific time to go through the lines.

After much odo over class sched-

ules, chMges, professors. mug-photos Md fin,,1 class Cllrds the students at Idaho waited eagerly for Monday morning when classes would begin.

Teddy ....cReynolcl. .mae, fo, II.. bi,di" so she can get h"r 10 ca,d. "Sorry. "II filled up. you'll h"짜<l to pid Mother section."

Busy s1udenh quickly fill out ela" cards in tha Gym

"Hold that position, ta~e a deep breeth." another lIudant hu en X-ray.



classes Begin •

After the elcitement of rush, registr"tion and the Dad's Day festivities

we storted c1"5ses on Mondey. September 2]. Armed with new books, notebooks, pens, slide rules lind class schedules we rushed up "Hello Walk" to make the first 8 o'clock of the '57-

'58 year.

Campus Carnival To


the all-campus


events off with " bang the Campus C"rni.",,1 wos held September 28 in

the SUB Ballrooms. Nan Alvord end Bert Allen heeded the committees

for the d"nce where the service or9anitetions and honoraries on Co!lmpus set up booths to hond out inform"· tion and Mswer the "green frosh's" questions.

Som. f'osh w~lcll KUOI ill p'OIil'"n at the Rodio·Arq Booth. Th. IKs •• pl"i" some of thei' I4fVicos end pU'POSM, A <;oupie observe the colorful Internationel R"I"tiQ'1J Club 800th. Wilma WrilJht and friend hand o"t information from the Sp"rs-Mortar Boord Booth.


The big rlilly complete ""ith posters end ""ide. eyed frosh stllrted the big ""eek.end.

Dad' 5 Da y...

P'oud Dllds reljider here!


Welch out! H.re come. Krllmer!

An ellrly Dlld's DIlY progrllm opened the 1957-58 Idllho school yellr cllrrying 11 theme of "Fllds with Dlld." Worm, sunny weother helped put everyone in good spirits even though the Oregon Ducks downed the Vondols 9 to 6. Fullbod Kenny Holl's fother come from New"rk, Del"w"re. to ttlke the honors tiS the Dod to trovel the forthest. Delt" G"mm"s ond Thetos tied for the house hoving the most fothers ot the gtlme ond the lead in poster competition w"s t(lken by the Gommo Phis ond C(lmpus Club. The festivities concluded with the Pop's Hop in the SUB bol1rooms.

Hllnding out progrllms i. only"


m;no, perl of the "nnu,,1 Pop'. Hop


The DellI! 5igo .llInd bad 10 edmire their mulerpiec/I

"Joe" the Vandal hold. the schedule while Claudette Kerns, ch"irm/ln of the w.e~足 end festivities, t.sts Don Wilton'. V"n Dyle. Work herd, Alphe Phi,!


Homecoming A crowd of enthusillstic but wet Homecoming visitors lind olums enjoyed II week-end plIeked with numerous activities beginning with the FreshmM Women's p"jllmtl P"r"de lind ending with .,Iums ond students doncing to the theme of "Remember" tit the Mnu,,1 Homecoming Dtlnce. Morilyn Crone was crowned Homecoming Queen ot the fether domp but victorious go me in which the V"nd"ls welked over the Fresno Stote Bulldogs 20·b. The drizzling we"ther held off long enough for the Pi Phis and Deltll Sigs to win first piece in the Homecoming P"r"de with their flo"t "Cheek Metes."

Bob Vell.. t, Homecominq <;h.irmon, pr.$id••• t the cfo.. ninq end hophy pruent.lion of Qu•• n MOtHyn Crone.

Impetuou. fr".hman women


on th"'i'

/lnnv,,1 "Pej"m" P.'/Id.:'

Thoh tight goll_ .how somo of thol old .pint! Feot not -Joe." 28

We wo"t

<:h,den wi'e. "epe poper, bUfy fingen ..nd I.. te houn ,,'e the ingredienh for winning floah.

Qu...n M"rilyn ..nd he, happy courl "I Ihey gr..et "II Homecom,ng vil,torf.

Th.. Thelaf end Phi Delh h..ve .. ,ight to be mighty proud of Ihif one.

Bob v,,: ott prefflnh the trophy for tke ..inning float to the Ollila $igf ..nd Pi Phif.

Living Group

Dances FilII was full of mMy different types of dMces, ond costume d!lnces hi-lighted the first few months of school. University of Idoho students contributed much of their time and their talents in m,,~inq these d"nces (l big success. Pl!Ij"mll dllnCers. Ivy-Lellguers, 'igers, lind mllny others will long remember the pledge dances of 1957.


Tri·Delt. danced

in the New England 1I1",olphe'e of Old Cepe Cod.

H.re ar. th. D.G.s and Ihei. cloles - 011 90ne lvy·le.,que.

O.lt Hit P",oo. "'''s the theme of • big night fo' the Dell" Tau Deltn and Ih.i, detes.

Here ""ll the D.lt" Sog! and thei' dele, - "II deded out 10< an enjoy"bl" eveninq entitled

. An A,"bi,," Night."

Farmhouse, th.. newed fraternity

on Ideho', C/lmpUI, sponsored .. very lu<;ctn/ul d"n<:e to Itll,t off the;' I<:hool year.


V/lrious COft"me, /I'e ,hown here to ill"d'/lte the theme of the Fiji Pledge Deree, "Around the World in Ei9hty Dayf:-

"Th,ee couplef" 90 '路Howoiion" ot Hoy, HolI"f foil Donce

The Koppe Si9s and their dotef enfo'/' a "Roman Holi路 day," The '路c"nodion S"n,et" of the S,gmo N" Pledge Dance wOI odmired by the Sigmo N", and th"ir doles. Don Yod, Phyllis W"ek.. MII,ill T"r"", "nd Llle ScoH pesll "t th" Doqpelch Drag_ Ev"rybody is lokin9 it ""sy 01 the Pllld9" 80,n Donce p'e","t. lid by th" Sigmo Chif.


Contned Gemme Phi~ look ...dly out of thei, window~ et the outside world.

An Eventful Year


Ene'<;Ielic ldeho dudents wef~ from Mo~cow to Pullmen. e~ e ,e~ult of Ideho !o~inq thei, "editionel footbell qeme with WSc.

Durin13 the flu epidemic. the G.,mm., Phis were the first livin13 group to be qu.,rantined. The Nickel Hop, sponsored by the Spurs, w.,s .,g.,in ., big success. The boys welcomed the chance to be .,ble to dance with the girl of their choice for only., nickel. Another .,divity of the Spurs is to le.,d the W.,lk.,thon .,lon13 with the I.K.s

Todd Wendle lell$ S..nte of hi$ wi$he$ ..I Ih...nnuel ASUI Ch,i$lmos Potty

Winter Activities

• • •


Greek Week The first annual Greek Week, sponsored by I.F.C. and Pan-Hel, was held this year to make the Greeks' activities and purposes known to more people. The week's activities started with dinner exchanges, officer workshops and panel discussions later. A variety show with an act from each house was presented to help raise money for the blind. As part of the "Help-not-Hell-Week" activities, the pledges from each group held a work day in the Lewiston-Moscow area raising money for the project. The activities were capped off by the I.F.C.-Pan-Hel Ball held in the Sub ballroom. Pi Phis contribute their talent to the Greek Week Variety Show by entertaining to the song 'Tm a Fraternity M11n."

Freshmen do their part to raise money for 11 seeing-eye dog for a blind Ida路 hoan, by doing house work and other odd jobs for money.

Jerry Smyth was voted "Most Ugly Man" during Greek Week.

Musicians "going to town" during the Greek Week Jam Session.

Here the Greek Week panel discusses the advantages of a Help Week over a Hell WeeL


Campus Dances Many all-campus dances were held both to entertain dance-fans and to raise money for worthy pro jects and organizations. Muckers, foresters, Greeks, coeds, and their dates are shown at their respective functions.

G11mblers are trying their luck 11 I the Mockers' 81111. Prizes were given 111 the end of the d11nce to those with the most winnings.

Barbor11 St~mms and George Bertinoff 11re posing for 11 picture 111 the Koed-K11pers.


couple of foresters 11re dressed 11t the Foresters' Bt~ll.



Koed-Kt~pers g11ve the girls 11 cht~nce to 11sk their f11vorite fellow for 11 dt~le.


This llflernoon seminllr on "Love lind Mllrrillge," conducted by Boyd K. Plld路 er, wlls well ll !tended by mllny inter路 ested students.

One of the evening pllnels consisted of Anllnd Mllli k, Boyd K. Pllder, Stonley W. Thomas, Mrs. Chllrles Stockley, Rabbi Will iam P. Sanderson, lind Pllslor Cllrl H. Mllu , Jr.

This yellr's R E W eek committee in路 eluded, row o ne: Liz Hofmllnn, Lois Lu ndquist, Rosemary Mllul e, Ed Kllle, Dorothy Jacobson, cochairmen; A rthur Mell, Tonia Peterson, Carolyn Dempsey. Row two: Lorraine Langdon, Mox ine Horris, Shoron Jenkins, Tim Doley, Jim Child, Cliff Schorf, Dorrell Weber, Les路 lie Backstrom, Helen Gregory ond Koy Solyer.

R. E. Week "Mon Confronts the W orld, " was this year's theme of Religious Evaluation Week. The three-day conference was opened by a program welcoming and introducing the speakers. The activities of t he week included personal conferences in the mornings and sem inars in the afternoons. For lunch and dinner the religious speakers visited the various living groups on campus. A speech delivered the last night by Rt. Rev. Bayne, keynote speaker for the conference, concluded the very successful conference week. Rt. Rev. Stephen F. Boyne,


opens th e three-doy

Abow/I, Jhow$ Mr. O'Donnell playing hi$ popular Idaho pep long. ec;c;ompon,ed by Ihe Idaho pep band.

Half Time Entertainment The basketbt,i11 seeson again offered different types of enterteinment from musical end morching ads to club initiotions. The "hi-light" of the seoson wos "Morey O'Donnell Night" which feetured Morey O'Donnell. the writer of "Go Vondals Go."

8.low, Spur$ porform Iheir tradilional "Spur Waddl." .nd "I" Club in'li.l/I1 go Ihrough initiation c;eremoniaJ.


, Freshman Week The freshmen of Idllho Itlunched their annuol festivities with II tug of war l'gllinst the sophomores. A bellrd growing con-

test WtlS included end the week ended with the crowning of frosh King lind Queen lit the d"nce "Shllmrod lllnd," held MlIrch 14.

Frosh Kill9 Weldon To....y looks on 'IS F.esh. men Cions P'es;d"nl Bruce McCowan crowns queen PIlyllis W."~1.

Prog,,,ms W"'O!I handed out by two dle,ming colleens.

Th"rll Ie .. c h 8. J.! Don"' ever lend you. <;0. 10 the sophomores.


Hurry girls! Ifs almod time 10 .tarl th. d"nce. . . . Wei<;h out 1o. thetlemp poil. you ....c! ... Poor, poor sophomorn!

Borah Conference The William Edg~r Bor"h Outl"wry of WlJr Foundation was estllblished tit the University of

Idaho in 1929. Since World W"r II the main


tivity of the found"tion h"s been to conduct " series of conferences on the Causes of W"r "nd the Conditions of Petlee. The theme this yefJf WtlS Society. Science, Security. The m"in spee\er was John BurchlHd, OeM of the School of Humanities ond SOCilll Sciences lit M"sstlchusetts Institute of Technology.

John E. Burchard. me in Ipe.. ~er. qives the leed-off ..dd.....

Sene to. Henry M. Jed.on delive •• hi. spellch Joseph Kepi,," i. ,ntroduced by Robert E. Hossack. ch"ifm,," of the 80r"h Conference Committe•.

Th" discussion pan"l, fo.Jlowing 1p6e<:h". en,we' questions

,,,ked by the stud"nn.


Tale it e",y


you'll be ",'ry!

Campus Chest At the "nnual Campus Chest the living groups on c"mpus had various ways for ma~ing money and included everything from ca~e walks and marriage booths to a nickel dance and the traditional auction. At this auction the houses bid on one another for promised exchanges such "s picnics. bre"kf"sts. cr"bfeeds "nd street d"nces. Everyone "Hending had " good time and is continuing to do so "s a result of the "uction. Sure ifs st'aight?

No...., no...., don't fight ova, sud.. math",.

Say. Oave, that ....a'e' loch mighty cold.

\ , !t j



No, it couldn't be the Kappe'l!

Whate"er it ;1. it mUlt be delightful.

Egad, whot ;1 it?!? n.o•• O.lt, Sigl /Ire nothin' but /I g/lmblill' bUild!


Key Talent

Show A record crowd witnessed superb talent tit the Ilnnu<!ll Blue Key Tofent Show emceed by D"ve MIlxey

lInd M"rv Fisher. With the Judges' decisions trophies were aW/lrded to G"mme Phi Beta, 8. M. Schaffer. the "Motherly Brothers," Dorothy J<!lcobsen. tlnd EI"ine Hieber and Don Royster.

Th. Gemme Phis end til,,;, .uotic donee. . . . 8"rb",r" Nonnenmon w.o. one of the many outslending tonlnl.nh in tho Blue Key Telent Show.

Snow Whit" dence. wilh h", Prince in the Pi Phi. ver"on of "Snow White lind the Seven DW/I,f•." ne "Motherly Brothers" become one of the most populo. sing" in9 groups on campus afte, displaying th.ir 'elent tlnd winning th. 81". Key Tel"n! Show.

MC', Marv FiJih•• lind Dove M,,~.y kept the audi"nce w,,11 entertained between acts.

路 -




Spring Activities ...

I\pproaimllt.1y M1~n hundr.d c;oupl.s IIttended the Junior路Senlor Prom. H.r. they IIr. shown completely engrossed by the musiCIII talent of the Four Fr.shmen.

Jr.-Sr. Prom

"Street of Dreams," theme of the Junior-Senior Prom, was emong the selections sung by the popular Four Freshmen in their two h"lf路hour performMces. R"rph Dickenson's orchestte furnished dence music.

The popular Four Freshmen sinq one of their hit lures during a very luc;c;e,slul paMormanc;e. Upper I.ft shows Rlliph Didenson and his band providing music; for the dance... Below is II scene from the dance with the dec;oretions represent,ng 路路St.eet of Drum," in the badgfOund.

Compoiqninq grew hot ond heovy os posters oppeored oround com pus, smokers were held, ond then finoJly election doy orrived. The United Porty ploced the A.S.U.1. President into office ond five on aecutive Boord with three Independents ond one Student Government represented. For the first time since the wor yeors, four women won sellts on aec board.

Independenl "nd Stlldenl Gov,,'nmenl candidalfll discuss Ihflir pl"tlorml "t " lmoker "I Hflys Hflil.

Bob Co....an, United Party, e.plflins e poinl "I a smo~er.. Carolyn Dflmpley fldds inlormlltion III fin Independent smoker.

Election Boerd mfl~es the ti""l t,,11y to dele<min. th. nl'" "".... members 01 the 1958路59 becllti... 8oerd.

Post..,s cro....dad th.. SU8 and dflss bllildings al the Cflmp.tgn ....ant into filii s....ing.

Or. S. l. H.y.~.w. " shown t.l.ing to • stuoent of hi, 10me yM" .go when h. we' en instructor et tile University of W'sconsin. She is Mrs. Ed· g.r G,.hn, instructor in m.th· .m.lia .t the univ.rsity.

Public Events The Public Events Series for this year scheduled some of the best spellkers the University of Idaho students have ever hellrd and added II great deal to college life by giving the students new ideas and different opinions on subjects of interest to llll. During the yellr the Community Conced Series brought many gifted llrtists to the university to help the students broaden their llppreciation of fine music.

Ed ceto, Dr. Mortimer J. Adl", i• • long· lime , 'n • ,etu,n to the deuies .nd spoke to beli tile $I oenl body On ·-l.. bo,. l"i....'e ..nd liber.. 1 Educ..tion."

Ve,. F,.. nc.schi, .. yo... ng pi.nist whose perform. ..nces h.v. b.. n I.....d.d '" fir$! ",Iibe, by critics f,om los Angeles to Rome...ppe..red on thi, Y""s Community Concert $e,ies.


Spring Dances Spring "n"lty "sprung" this year ond with it the usual variety of dMces, ranging from Spring farmors to inititltion d,,"ces. The themes were vo!lried end decorations were carried out occordingly. The expressions on the foces of the coup'es who were kept busy going from dence to dMce reflected upon the time of yeor.

Kappos lind Sigma Nils enjoy the R..d Owl SlIlQQn in "Dry Gulch," CirClIses /Ire fun! Th/ll's the opinion of the DGs who /I'e "Under the 8ig Top,"

Th. Th.t/ll po$/1 01 th.i, dance. ·'B"......." H•• ven end Hell:'

The Pi Phis spent "" Night in Swit:zerlond"



reoUy' Bohemian' .llh. Alp,", Pili Spring d"nc.

He•• ,,'e tIl.ee ·Cindef.I16, with the;' prinus French HouUl Spring Formal.





Mother' 5 Day Mom spent two busy days at the ..9th AnnU1l1 Mother's Day weekend May 9-10.


May Fete lIwlIrds ceremony honored those

tapped for the many honor/Hies on C<1mpus. Two-night shows by both Helldive~ lind Orchesis drew large audiences. and " Phi Delt

Turile Rllee "ttroded more thM 900. The "nnulIl Song Fest "warded prizes to the Betas, men's division; KKG. women's division; lind G"mm" Phis. milled division.


processional including Mortot Boa,d, Sil..., lance.

SPill'S oIIl'1d the OUllen', pIlrty

mov,n slowly to the .lege. Th. Sophomore Spur. present th.i, traditional Mlly Pol. D"nC/I dressed in IOVflly pastel d,esses. Mollie Godbold quun of the



MIIY Fete by

D.... 1l MUlIy. oulqoinq ASUI P,,,.ident....ho 10rmllily turned OVII' hi, duli". 10 Pr.sident. elect Did Kerbs at the Ceramony.

Otches;s members p<esented two dance numb"s. "Yellow end A School Girl Ploy_ Hooky" during tho progrom.



New Spurs /Ire /lnnounced end present. ed wilh pledge ribbons.. . University Singe" sing selections from "Carousel" directed by Norman Logen. President Theophilus pre,enh Ginger Symms with her /lward lIS one of the Ouht"nd路 ing Seniors.

Merlha SUII Dempsey present. Ch,i, Madert wilh the Moria. Bo.. rd Schol/l" ship Plaque.

Queen Mollie Godbold and he, p... r1v view the ceremony. Carolyn Edw/lrds, maid 01 honor; Nlln Alvord. P<'ge; K,,'en Md Sharon KIIUS, nower girl.; lind Greg" ory Goetz lind Jimmy Seale. treinbeerer. Queen Mollie. p4d AW$ president Don Ingle, IInother Outstanding

Senior, /Iccepts hil /lwllfd from President



Little International Week Miss Carol Hattan, DG, reigned over the J2nd Annual Little International Agricultural Show held May 17. Ag trophies were awarded to larry Lidey and John DeWitt for outstanding stockman and cropsman respectively. Contests were also held in the fields of beef showing, dairy showing, crops, swine and sheep.

Crowning Carol Hattan. 06. lillIe International Queen. is lut year's queen. Dian. kail. Princeues a'e Darl.ne Matheney and lynn Shelman.

The little lambt atlrected many children at the Agrigultural Show, including tha boy pictured aboya. G.ooming the dod is an important pari in preparing lor tha cattl. show "Ga", I sur. wish I had one 01 those little chiden....

Poultry waS anolha. high "9hl 01 th" Ag show.

Te\ing good car. of the sill"" is e n,,<;essity in order to b.ing a good pti<;e on the me.~et.









-<~~~ ..-'~' ~

A record crowd enjoy themselves el the MililMy B&II

Military Ball One of the high lights of the yelH wos the MilitlHY 8011. which wos open to civil ions os well os ROTC members. Queen Phyllis Weeks. Alpho Chi, reigned over fhe donee sponsored by Scobbord ond Blode, militory honorlHy.

Music -wos provided by

the 25th Army Donee Bond of Coldwell.

Top: Phyllis Weeh is crowned Queen 01 the Militery Bell. Bottom: The "mili. I&ry" d&nced to the music of lhe 15th Army B&nd.

Th. hloJ or. doing theit shore, too

Sig Alph Olympics Everyone loves to work together ond ploy together. The onnuol Sig Alph Olympics is foods of fun for both the girls who porticipote ond the fellows who wotch. And ot the Cllmpus Cleonup everybody pitches in to help spruce up the compus.

All Jmil.s Carlen. HiJgen r.c;ei....s the S,g AlpIl OlympkJ trophy lOt the vic;. tOt;OUt AlpIle Phit. H""v,,·ho ond owey we go.... Hungry? No, jud heving fun! .. , Time out for e little ,,,Iou lion,

The Year


Right before finel wee~, activities and organizlltions draw to II close. The Illst events of second semester tlre held and students' thoughts turn to finlll wee~ lind summer vaClltion.

Sond.a Summe.fi"ld d',plaYI on" of tl., painting••h" "nl".ed in II." Art Conl"d.

Top: The new lib.ary i, 0 very populo. ploe, wilh Ihe .Iudenlo o.peeially during fin,,1 week. Bottom: The B,I"" Son9 F,st winners. ,'ng their winning long "llhe Tri·Dell Pon.y BreoHOII.

loot mi." of Ihe year wal the on, h.1d during "littl, Inl"rn"fional W".l"



The g,,,,duet.., line tne roed in Ironl 01 the Ad Building end weit for g,.. duetion exe,ci,,,. to beqin.

The University of Idoha's 63rd Mnuol commencement exer路 cises Sc'lW diplom<'ls go to 855 seniors ond grocluc'lte students. The commencement oddress W/lS given by Dr. Dwight J. Ingle of Ben Mey Lobarotory,


former gro!lduc'lte of the University.

During the ceremonies three retiring foculty members were presented citotions of merit Md three leoders in business <'lnd science were given honofo!lry doetorc'lte degrees.

Memori<'ll Gym wos

filled to cop<'lcity for both services lind music for the exercises W/l5 provided by the University Symphony Orchest.o ond the ldoho VMclllleers.



The q,.. dueting senior. who were honor"d "I commenC(lm(lnl p'~c路 lic(I (1'(1 pietu'(ld b(llow.

Th(lophilus, D,. Ingl(l 01 Ih(l coll(lg(ls m(l,ch into M(lmori~1 Gym 10 b(lgin th(l comm(lnc(lm(lnl (I'(I,cis(I'.

~nd d(l~ns


The Ideha Vendeleefi directed by GI".. Lodery sing during the lIfter. noon commencement e."rei,es.



Dr. Dwight J.


8.'........ the 9roduation ...rei... Solly 8Mlti" sho....s her folks Ih.. campus.


GRADUATION Dr. Robert HOled conqrelulelllS graduate MMe;" Elli,.

Mrs. Loui.... e",ler, p~" dean of women. is pre路 sented with " ,it"lion of merit from President Theophilul.



(I.e";'''' "'''

lInother y"iIr.



with lor

[f{omeco,m,infj Queen n1iss marilyn Crane

miss 81wron matAeneil

Cf)eita clif)ma [j)hi Cf),,-eam (ji,,-l

717.iss dJonia [Peterson

oLittle Slntemational Queen miss Carol [Halla ..

FINE ARTS These are your memories

memories of

the fine lIrts "t the University of tdllho. 19501957 drema productions feetured "Ring Around the Moon," "Kiss Me Kole," "The Crucible:' and one-lid pl"ys in the spring. From the annUlIi Christmas Candlelight Concert lind the annulIl concert in the spring come the beautifully blended voices of the VlInd"leers and University Singers. Here life precision perform. "nces, from the geometric patterns of the Uni-

versity Marching Blind. to the high quality talent portrayed by the University orchestra. Many enjoyable guest tlrtists hove devoted their time in the presentetion of Community Concerts and Idllho's own musiC<!l1 totent was heGrd during

the senior recitals. Orchesis and pre-orchesis added entert<!linment with their modern d/llncing. Here is music, /lIrt, dr/lim/ll--lllll /lI P/lirt of your University.


ASUI Drama The Dr~m<'l Deportment


kept very

busy this yelJr putting on many different pro-

ductions. Everyone storied work eorly when "Ring Around the Moon" wos presented in the Fe'll!. production


A very excellent

"Kiss Me K<'lte" wos given in the

early Spring with the help of the Music Deportment.

Ned on the list


the dre'lmo

"The Crucib'c," ond to end the SMson, <'l series of one-act plays W/lS presented.

Miss Collette end Mr. Oorqen conl"r on th.. leyolll of one of their a.cellenl dreme productions.

Members 01 the ellSl 01 "Kiss Me Ket,," prec!ice their peril during 'eh""",,1.

He'" e'e some of the student diredors 01 th .. one-eel plays '(lI... ing "It"r e herd reneers..L

Oi"ne, what Me you doing 10 yourself?


The enti'e cost looh on os Ledy Indio, porl'oyed by Mo')' Ellen Bennell p.oposes to M•. Messerschmonn, ployed by .... rt Lindeme•.

"Ring Around the Moon" A sophisticoted comedy, "Ring Around the Moon," wos finolly presented oHer being post. poned for two weeks becouse of 0 compus-wide flu epidemic. Two brothers. Fredic <'lnd Hugo run into difficulties when one is engoged to DiM<'l Messersch<'lmonn while she loves the other. Another key figure proves to be Diono's f<'lther, " millionoire who tries to get rid of 011 his money.


H",go F•.o.ic oiono Messerschmonn Mr. Messerschm"nn Po!rice Bombelles M"dome Dosmo.tes Lody Indio Copulo! Joshuo Rom ..in",ille Isabell. lsaball.'s moth e •

last minute p'opa.o!ions b.fo.. the curloin .is.s shows Edg". V.. nd.",orl st.oight"n'ng Tony M"tson's coli" •. 7l

Entire usl of "Kin Me Kal."

"Kiss Me Kate" A sellout rewarded the c"s+ of the AS.V.1. sponsored pilly. "Kiss Me Kllte:' Cole Porter's fast moving musiC<'l1 comedy, sparkled by such hits "I Hate Men," "Why Can't You Behave,"


Md "We Open In Venice," revolves around the life of Fred Graham. director of " company of /letors presenting Shakespeare's "Tllming of the Shrew,"

CAST Fr.d G,,,h,,m



Lilli Vane..'





Bill Celhoun lo;~ lane HOf'Y Ralph

Hall. doormon

Ptlul 911119$1", 9/1f'1Qster

Harrison Howell Gremio Hortensia Nalhani.1 Gregory Phillip

hoberdesher Right: Joen Fisher, el lillie Vaness., and u.rry Bled, es Fred G.ahem. portrayed the leedinq roles in "Kiss Me Kel.:'

Foetured ebove ete Keren Bunier, Peggy LeRue, Toni Botsford end Diene Kail during a dramatic Icena 01 "Tha Crucible." B.low: Cast mambars gat thamsalval raedy lor the performence.

"The Crucible" Stereophonic sound added dromll to Crucible," 0 two-act pillY by Arthur Miller. Crucible" is 0 story of the Slllem witch thot cllused chllos in fhe Puriton community in the 1690's.

"The "The triols bock

CAST Baity Parris PEGGY LaRUE ED VANDERVORT Rey. $.emuel Parri' Tituba GEORGEnE AMOS Abigail Will,.ms DIANE KAtL DIANNE DAVIS S"sanne Wailea" MARY MARGARET BRODERSON Mrs. Ann P"tman TODD OLESON Thomel Putmen KAREN BUNJER Mercy L.wi, TONI BOTSFORD Mary We".n AUSTIN BER.GIN John Proctor Rebecca NurMI JOANN REESE 80B FEE Gilel Corey TONY PARK Rey. Hal. Eliulbeth Proctor ROSE路 MARIE PERRIN BOB BEARDEMPHL Francil N"rllfl MIKE LEWIS &.~'el Cheever LYNN SNIDER John Willard DWIGHT PAnON Dutch Hathor... CLIFFORD COOK Deputy路GOyernOr Danforth MARY ELLEN BENNEn $.erah Good


One-Act Plays Elich spring the Droml!! Department

puts on


series of one-ad plays. They

Ofe dudent directed Md give those

students interested in drama II chance to really get behind the scenes end wlItch II ploy production ttl~e shape under their own guidllnce. This spring some of the productions presented were "The Mad-WomlSn of Chllillot," "The Little Hut," "Sweet (7) Sixteen," and "The Gless Menogerie."

The C/lst from "Swee' [? I Sideen:' d,recl&d by Ralph Pro"ence!. looh on OS Ken Worthing pl.eds with Candy, played by Toni Bokte,d.

lyneHe Squires .tend, upon th. purple. green, blue ond pin. steps in "Th. Med,Won'l/ln 01 Ch,,;llot." He. friend, g"th", round OS thev discuu the I.,t.. of the world.

Linde Brown. Sendi W/I/l"molllr. lind "'\lstin Berg;n discun m/l~.'''p on th. sel of "The GI.. n Menege,i....

Caughl off路"..ge ..'. B.,t AUen, Jonel S..lyer, ..nd Ed V.. ndervort. They eppe..,.d in "Th. Uttle Hul directed by Joen Fi,her.

The ""11of "Sweel PI Sideen' indudel ken Worthing. Toni Botdo,d, Jyl Rupe. D.w.y lplen, Alice Biltmon, lo,ne V/celful ond Jo;)n~o F;nqer~n,

MUSIC STAFF Music plays


domin..'lnt role in the extra-curricullH

t1divities of our University. The instrudors who


in charge

of the Music DepIlrtment ore experienced, tolented people. It is they who deserve the recognition for the fine reputlltion that Idoha's Music Deportment hOi eshlblished.

H"U M. Medlin very obly fill. the poIitio.. "' head of tho M"si' Department. H" lllw give1 students I.uo". on the piano "nd


Throu'.Ih th" dOOfl 01 the Music Building ",,"lk Id"ho', musiciens. To mony 01 them, who music mejors. this building m",h the ~.Y 10 their fulur•.


Spring means Senior ReCit1l1 lime "nd th. dude .. h .... r. privileged to "ttend m""y outstanding performance., Among the MInion presented were Cllfol Ann Rensltom, pianist lind Jon" lange, "Ito. 77

Th. Idaho V.nd.I••., lollowin'l thei, .nn",,1 Ch.istm,n Condl•.light Concert

Vandaleer Concerts


Glenn Lodery, Vend"lee. diredo., il ~hown giving elsi~tence to one 01 h;~ lo.mer p"pil~, Merigay Nal~on, who il now d"dying m,,~ic in th. Eest,


• •

Firl! Row: Ca,ol Haddock, June Hoall!, Jean Stoke~, Kri~ Medi.on, H.len Grego,.." CtHol Whittet. Barbara Nonnenman, Neale Ward, Ma,.., Garn",y, Sylvia Herb, Sunny Kinney. Key $aly... Mr. Loc~ery. Second Row: Joan Fi,her, Ann lyon•. Billie Sommen, Jane SC09gin. C",ol Rendrom. Cor"lie Davi•• Joan Werd. Jane lange. Mery Jan. Milbrath. Ma'ge",! Ta!~o. Metlene Randell. Tl!i.d Row: Don Jenny. N..l Sampson. John En.un.., Bob Whippl., Milton Ba"U1. Ba.,.., Binning. Jim McFarlend, Ed Kele, Grehem Kno•• Mile Me.in. Fourth Row: Mike Williem•. Wlmen Ma.!in. Joe Gen, Bob lund. Allyn Dingl•. Bill Boyce. White, E'nie Ca". lene Woocl1.


The University Vand"leers under the expert diredion of Glenn Lodery, provide the University with" very high qUlllity singing group. They present II Christmlls ond Eoster Concert llnd tour the stllte in the spring. Their stimuillting concerts hove brought the Jdllho V"ndoleers recognition llnd ftlme from neer end for.

loye of mu.ic. e.perience, end he.d work a'e combined under Mr. Loc~.ry·. eble di,.dion during one of the meny pradice .,,51ion•.


Member, of the University Singer, ere: Ann Abbott, Judy Abernethy, Merilyn Applegete, Tom Beldwin, Nency Bee'dmore, Mone Bird, Lynde Brown, Keren BrUit, Fred Burkmen, Idonne Bur$!edt, Betty Cempbell, Shirley Cern ie, Pel Clerk, Peler Corwin, Lynde Deiley, Ro.ie Deugherty, Jerry Denney, Doris Dielterl, Ruth Eridson, Ro.ene Fisher, Meryl Jo Fox, Judy Freemen, Glorie Gowenlod, Cerol Hell, Midey Hemmer, 1I0ne Hindle, Robert Howerd, Merilyn Hustler, Ann Irwin, Cleudie Knoll, Sue livingston, Verne loti, Berbere luke, Gwen ledner, Mery Jo Mece, lois Menweiler. Julie Metthews, Derlene McKee, Florence Mendiole, Arnold M<aller, Ellen Morgen, Alverne Mueller, Sendy Nichols. Kethy O'Connor, Dick Omens. Cleudie Pet· ton, Shi,ley PaR, Cherie, Power" John Reey, Jedie Reid. Donne Rideu, Jeneol Roth, Ce.ol Roulend, Petty SecM. Bllrbare Sonde, Jerry Shively, Joen Stephe..,. Ann St..,ens, lee Sulton. Roneld Te.ry, Mllrgeret Tyler. lo" Wel~er. PIIHy Weed, Solly Wilbenh, Don Willis, MllrjO"e Willis, Judy Wilwn, Sheilll Yerroll. Colleu Perro P,lIni$!" Ellen Mo.gen end B.tty Ctlmpbell. Orgllnid: Rochelle Thornocl.

University Singers For 1111 students seeking relllx· Iltion lind enjoyment the Univer· sity Singers is II perfect choice, Normlln Loglln directs the mllny successful Ilppellrllnces of this group. They sing Ilnnu"lly lit the MlIY Fete lind present both II

f"lIl1nd spring concert,

Norm.n loglln not only directs but pilly' meny in,trumllnls himlelf III i, proven by this picture 01 him in the fi.$! chili. of the French horn ••clion.


Row O ..e: Chester Peterlo... larry Ayar. Koy Salyar. Myrna Inghram. Mary Gildaroy. Kathryn Carltens, Di<;k Minkler. Jimmy Holmu. 80b Whipple. C4rolyn Farber. Sandford Downing. RON Two: Gary Donett. Ce<;il Heid, Carolyn Jensen. tlone HinUe, Dave Pallon, Ka ..n Griggs. Tom Fug.te. G ...i Crank. JoAnn Fing..son. Mika No..11. Row Th...: Verna loti, Carolyn Flall,,,s. Ken Radke, Donn. H ood. Anna Diuon. Pat R.msey. Ger.ld Strang, Ernie C.... Lane Woods. Melville Hughu. Ronald Ray, D...all Co_, Neil leitn M.rilyn Hustl... Lynn Hughes. M.rvin Nebel. 80b Howard. Mae Williaml, Dalores Wright. c.rolyn Kudl.<;. Row Four: Cha,les Wal,oth. Jim Dewey. J.mes M..cer, John Bak.., Bob NeweU. Did J.milon. Jamu McDowell, Floyd Holmb..g. Keith Newhouse, Loe Thu,b... Row Fi"" J/lY Thurmond, Justin F,ib..g. Geo'ge G."ilon, Keith Studs, J.d Gisl... Jell Stinchcomb, Geo'ge Didinson. Curtiss Humph..y. F..d Full.., LeRoy T,upp. Jed G ..... Gale Merrid, F..d hulks.


Band The University B"nd is open fo "II students with the interest ond obility. Under the di路 rection of W"rren Bellis the bond contributes much to university life by its outstanding marching and concert perform"nces.

Wa..en Belti.' wor~ does not end in June beUUIe summ.. finds him teaching summ.. s<;hool to inl... ested shldenlt.


Violin: Marian Fila. Gaylord Malona. Sally Maddods. Lowall Jobe, Edwerd Waide, Molly Benk.. Leo'a Pallerson. Doris Walters. lois lyon. Ottis Rachard. Kenl t",mbert, Ca,ol. P.d.rson. Thom",. B",ldwin. J",nic. McCI",dey. lorna Woelfel. Mab.1 lo....I. Margar.1 Toli/lSon, Carol Wolfe. Violl: Paulin. K",ppl/lr. A,nold W.st.r1und. l.n", Wood •. Phyllis Saltz. AII.n Ding.l. C",r. Ian Silh",. C.llo: Da...id Whis~er. William Currie. William Robe,ts. Dorothy Harv.y. JoA~~ Tilto~, Do,is Snodgr",ss. B.u: Shirley Pofl, Or...ill. Tr",pp. Evllrett Dallas. Flut.: S.lIy N.wland. BIl...e,ly Gf/lggenon. Sanford Downing. Obo.: Warren B.llis, Bllrt.lIa Bur~e. Clarin.t: William Barnas, Chester Pet.rson. Myrn", Inghr",m. Busoon: Willi",m Schink, Kathryn Carstens. Trumpet: William Billingsley. Ge,,,,ld Strang. Ernie Carr. Fr.nch Horn: Michael No'ell. JoAnn Fing"son. C",I...in Lyon. Georg. Scott. TrombM': John B",k", J",m.. McDowell. Floyd Holmbef"<l. Thom",s Fugat•. Tub.: J.rry Shi....I.y. Tympani: Georg. Garrison. P.r_ c.union: Elwyn Schw",rtl. J",y Thurmond, Ross p.tenon, Brody Conklin.

University Orchestra Sounds of the orchestrll tuning up---and the first concert of meny hos begun under the Ilrtful direction of LeRoy Bouer. A high point for the orchestro wos the honor of Ilccomponying Vero Frenceschi, pionist, of the Community Concert Series. The Spring Concert presented meny of the fovorite selections of concert-goers c1imexing e successful seoson.

B/lsid/lS b.ing .n e.c.lI.nt con· ductor. LeRoy Baller is ",1'0 <'In ",ccomplish.d ...iolinill /IS h. hu pro...en many tim.s this y.",r.


Orchesis Orchesis. the modern donee group ",t the University of Id",ho. is under the direction of p"t Rowe. These doncers present., Christmlls program and perform ",t the May Fete as well liS other events throughout the yellr.

A "SI.;qh,id. ~ btlinq interpreted ", the "nnuel Otches;. ell,;"",,,, Show.

Th. Spl"ing show brou",h! .. bout interpreli"e d"nus depleting ...a,'ous counlri.s. Hefll 0,,,11.,•• members dance 'Sh"nqrilll.

B. J. S<.1I.fl., lind Shllton Iwhen do " duet fo' Ih" spring Otch.si. show.

IlIcl",d.d in the de"". qroup 0'. Gerri Williem., Joan Fe,,;s, Fro" Slodd.I., Di"ne Smith, Mary Jeaflftll Caldwell, S4ndi Wright, Shirley HlIndri~ss.on. Mitti Switzer. Jami. Smit+., Carle..e Hisgen, Shirley HOfn;n9. Pat Fin,..y. NO'Mla Smith, Sharon 114hen. Joan Bald,d, Delo.... W,;qht, June Hanford. Miss Pat Rowa is tha ..d",iwf.


ASU I All of the student ~ff~irs ore hMdled by this elected portion of the University stoff. Under the direction of congeniol. hMd-working Dove Moxey. the ASUI. os 0 whole, functioned very well during the yeM. Dove is seen tllking port in every llsped of University life, Md through his position, he hos the responsibility of oppeoring mony times before the student body in both formol lind informol roles. Dove lind the other members of the ASUI st<"lff Me usuolly the point of ony criticism thot mlly come obout becouse of some University policy but down deep everyone knows thllt they <'III do <"l fine job. end without their efforts e'l constMt turmoil would exist here llt the University.


Foremost in the ASUI Pre,ident's duties is the oblig~tion to the ,tudents. This includes st~ying in his office at least pari of the day ~nd answering the phone, D~ve's de,k in the SUB was ~Iw~y, a busy place with numerous thing, paning over it in the course of the yeM.

Even the Pre,ident has to study at the University ~s is shown by Dave busily conCentr~ting on one of his text oooks.

One of the nice,t things about being president is the feeling 01 ,upport by the ,tudents. Here D~ve is ,hown cutting a birthd"y ceke. pre,ented to him "t" pMty in the SUB.


The very familiar I"ell of O""e M...ey. ASUI pre,ident.



Un Ion

The center of most h<'lppenings on <'lny C<'lmpus is the student union building, Md the Id<'lho c<'lmpus is no exception. This COmp<'lr<'ltively new building is kept going by the efforts of mMy person<'llities. The groups pictured on this p<'lge ~re but <'l few of the mMy who h<'lve <'l p~rt in the plMning of the v<'lried ~ctivities C<'lrried on by the student body ~t this 10C<'ltion. Looking ~he<'ld to <'ldv<'lncements in enrollment, the Student Union h<'ls done much to promote expMsion, Md some of these plMs hove become 0 reolity in the P<'lst yeors. If ~dditionol plMS go os scheduled, the University of Id<'lho will keep its reput<'ltion of h<'lving one of the nicest Student Union buildings in the west.

Student Union M/lneger Gele Mi.

The h~rd-working SUB office st~ff h~s done much this ye~r to keep the Sub Md student ~ff~irs in running order. The st~ff, G~le Mix, J~mes Bolby, Jim Lyle, Dixie Weeks ~nd K~ren C~mpbell were ~Iw~ys in the office to greet the students with ~ friendly smile Md to give them wh<'ltever information they m<'ly h<'lve desired.

C~leteri~ St~ff:

Deyonne Cor~er. Monoqer ond Merie 6ipes, Dietici/ln.

Boohtoro Steff: Pol Jenness. June Block. Sue Anderson.



Fint Row: D"wn Ked. JO-'n Br"nds, Wilm" Wriqht. K"y Z.n;... Molli. Godbold. L"n" Huu:h~e, M"rq. Entad, Norm" Brown. Rosemary Maule. Socond Row: Dunna Geertson. Sh.rry w"lsh, N"ncy Woods, Sendra Wanam"ke•. M"rc;" Ellis, N"ncy Campbell. Pat Kelley. Annette Manser_ Irene Scott. Marilyn Merrid. Mollie Godbold. president AWS

The ossoci(lted women students of the university (Ire

KAY ZENIER V;ce P'es;dent

represented in this group which h<'.ls <'.IS its membership. one girl from eoch living group on com pus.

It is this body which m(lkes (III

suggestions ond rules concerning the women students on the com pus. Working with De<'.ln Neeley. the group discusses motters of direct concern to the group ond <'.Ilso worh out m<'.lny worth-


while projects for the community ond the school. Through this work the women students ond os


result the compus os (I whole, improve relotions with the community ond the odministrotors.



Executive Board This busy little group of the university either plans or "pprOlles all of the student activities on campus. It htls in its power the ability to appoint aU major committee chtlirmen. "pprove new clubs. and to plan numerous other t1etivities. The elec board is made up of nine .eguler members, the student body president, the editors of the Gem lind the A,gOMut. llnd their lldvisors. Charles Peterson lind Gale Mix.

From Row: Myrtle Will;"m,o... Chris M..d.,t, John Ch"pmen, Da_ Muay. Jim K.y. Chet I',ior, CI/lr~ Anderson. a.d Row: Chud Orem, AI And....,. Charles Peterson, Gele Mil, D.,," Judd. Knule Weste'q'...,

Lowen Morlin.

Cle't And.rson

AI ......dr.wl John Chapm"..

Jim Key

Chris M/ld.rt lo.....11 Martin



P,ior Knut. Westergre..

ASUI Committees These committees "re seleded by the Executive BO(lrd to serve (IS the leoding fodion of the University. In turn these committees seled people th"t will corry out the responsibility of different projects th"t tronspire within the University. Every ospect here "t the University is governed in p(lrt, by ot le(lst one of these committees. It is through the efforts of these committees thot college life ot the University hos been successful.


St,,"e Holley, Karen Warne., Mar.

I,n Beckwith, Jim Rathbun, Dennis Fauch.r. Bert Mill., (h."d 01 CQITlmitt"l. Carolyn Ed"'tlfds. John 8."d. bury, Chris Senghon, Ron <Xburn,

Judy Bailey.

SOCIAL CO-ORDINATION COUNCIL Row On": Bob Livingston. p ••,idenl,

Ch,,' Prior, eelvi.. Lui. Ronald N"I. son, Don Bryen!, ltl,ry Hi9911ns, CI,,'/Inc/I Reed. Row Two: She ron Connaughton, Rome $au..d"... Ani!.. Koske!!/!, Vau .." Blevins, Shirte.,. Hen,ihson, Anne C4mpbell, Jenk. S.,g. D.".." Keit. Row n.".., Bill Wilke" son, Jim Wommad. Carl Hymes.

Bill Hardy. Clarence Ny•. Don F'esh. ..... t.r. Bill Cur,i., Rich 1(1111.'0. Row

four: Bob Hu"lbel.r. lar,..., Mouis, Quentin Stodll, Bob H/I .. I<;I/ll, 5le"e

CI"menb, Arnold Nikul", Gllrry Blank.


Row On,,: Lon D"...i.. Min M",ion Futll".don". Virgin;1I Symms. Row Two: K"nn"th Dick. C. O. D"d"•. G"I" Mix. Bob Cow"n. D"..." Mllxey.

Idaho i. well rep.elflnled nationally oil far a' dudei'll elfairs 90 with Ihi. Netiol'\fll Studenh " ..ociolion ,om路 miltee. Th" 9rouP 'OOtdinat.. Ido_ ho'. ltudont policie. with the netionol policie. and 01.0 p.e.anb meny beno路 ficial idea. to the student body uch ye",. nonl Row: Jim Rolhburn, Mike M,Nicholl, Helen John.on, Weldon Toyey. Secofld Row: Te.ry White, Lee Wolenpough, Will,om Roy.

On. of Ih. most flctiye mon on Ihe umpus is Ihe "Iumni directo. Jim Lyle. II is Jim"s job to leep in ,ontect with ell of the olumni 01 the UniYersity. H" pub oul fI pflper throughoul Ihe y...r whi,h ,onlainl newl of Ihe Ichool /lnd of Ihe other /liumi. I.... flddition to thil duty he /1110 m/lk"s num"rous trips flround the slot. for tho purpo"e of Ihe beller. me . . 1 of uniye"ity relations.

_. - , COMMUNICATIONS IOARD The relot;yely new ,ommuniutions bo.ttd ot Ihe University take. c",e of 011 form. of news. bolh w.ilten ond oyer the airways. Through this bOflrd the . . ows Ihot the students reed i. kept up 10 0 high slonda.d. Pictured ore: Fronl Row: Gole Mi" Myrtle Williomson. Deye Muey. Chris Moderl. led Row: Dr. Gron路 yille Price. Deen Judd. Ed Sieilled.


ASUI Committees Millny of the activities at the University require much .....ork lind prepar"tion to make them I!I success. It is " group of students which performs ellch one of these activities. In the form of tl committee the group coordintltes etlch phtlse of the occtlsion so thtlt it is well-coordintlted.


A l/lrqe job uch y••' is th. job of pilltln,ng homecoming oet;yities. Th. 9'ouP is chosen throuq" tho coordi. n"tion of the boord end the Board of Sel.ction lind Control. Shown lire: Front Row: laird Noh lind Terry White. Second Row: Bruce Summers. Bob Val'et, lind Gerry Steele,


On. 01 the b'99/1st jobs /I/1ch yeo. ,. 10 get th.. Itudenh to come out lind give blood. Meny arrangements musl be made lind much publicity qiven. These jobs /lnd the fin ..1 job of qetting the studenh through the line in the mosl effi<;;ionl way .. II done this yll"r by Jim Golden



lind EI/lill/l Heiber.


.,, ,I


Debaters The debaters here tit the University h"ve grown to be respected 011 over the west for their abilities. Under the le&dership of Dr. Whitehead, this group hot come through with winning records for mllny of the post yellrs. Debate in itself helps people to letlrn to spetlk end think on their feet. and in doing this, develops leaders. It is this fad th"t keeps the ort of deboting olive and <'Ietive Md helps to form clubs such 0$ this.


pjd"•• d I.lt 10 ';9ht, Bill Curri., Gorden Chester, lowell M.. rlin. Mary Me',





Whit"I."lId, I(or.n St.d· fold, RHd 8owen, Willio aenjomill,

Reed Bowen <lnd Willi, Benjamin, two

of Idaho', top d.bot....

A It", on .. ny debe'.. t.em would b.. Pel Dede•. One of th" femel.. memberl of tntl deb/lting te/lm.

Two of Iho dependobles, on the lellm who can always be e.peeled 10 win Iheir share of debales "" Gor· den Cheller end 8;11 Curria.

He'e Kllren Sledf..ld and Me.., Mer. 'l"rel Brode...," .re ,hown di,cuu,nq

" deb.ot•. 'J

Idaho Deon Judd "ded '" J",Oft this ye"r on the "Ar<J," lInd hi, editori"h lInd columnl "'II ~nown by all of Ihe $Iudenh.

One of Ihe h",d wo.~en of Ihe w", Don Ingle, whose presance in Ihe "Arg" office was 'i~e c1odwor~ e"ch Mon_ d"y lInd Thursday evenings.


Jim Golden. Iha man who write1 a column discUl1"d by ell. W"I m"neging edilo. Ihi, ye,,'. Hi, A.P. wo.~ lInd hi, column "C"mp. lIyeing" helped 10 'i~en up e~e..,. inue of Ihe A'goneut.

Jim FI"nig"n. Ihe m"n wilh an e,,' fo' new,. helped to g"lhe. "II of Ih" 1"lest h"ppeningl in "v"ry ph"se of Univenily life, lInd "I n"WI edilor, 10 p.e,enl Ihem ve..,. adequetely.

..•· .•".. ••••••• •••• .·..... ..••••• ' .. • •• •


I ••

• • I ...


• ••••

The two girls th,,1 m,,~e sure "II of Ihe copy of Ihe p"pe. i, without errors lIre K"y Conr"d lInd GI"dy' H"nsen. E"ch "t1icle Ih"l i, to "ppe". in Ihe Arg i, loo~ed o~er by these two &nd cOffected if necelS"ty.

! ",




Argonaut The news of the Idoho com pus Clnd the surrounding

the students up on


of the l(llest discussion topics

ereo comes to the students through this news Ilgency

of the dl'ly. lind olthough mony times fhey

of the University of Idoho. The p"per is run on


"greed with. they "rouse in the students


feeling of

professional scole with oil of the work being done by

self discipline or government which goes


long ways

students. This yeor, being run by Delio Judd, editor,

towllrds keeping Idaho among the top of the list in

the peper covered some of the top stories of the

colleges throughout the nation.



state llod the Mtion. The columns of the Arg keep

The main co... of the od;v,ty in the A,q office i. reportinq "aff whose job it i. to <oporl on 011 importont event.. The doff "'01 mode up of; Nont Row: AI Perlin., Polly Wolle•. John 8Ioi•. B.d Row: Ston hAortin. hAerlin N.loon.•nd Oonno Hubeon.



Id.ho', .ports Ore cov.r.d by this !wo_mon teom mod" up of Dwight Chopin ond Gory Ron· d.ll. Be.id". v.roity sporl., th"•• two ore r•• pons'ble for intr.murol. ond ony other phue of sporting octivity.



of the Mountains The htlrd-workinq students thot keep " close wotch on "II campus octivities ond record them m"ke up the stoff of the Gem of the Mount"ins, Idlllho's yeorbook.

The Gem st"ff members this yeor worked with Jim Gipson

and his crew ot the Cuton Printers in Coldwell. They took charge of both the printing and the engraving. Mr. Roy Bell ot the University Photogr"phy Center "nd the Gem darkroom st"ff were responsible for pietures and often worked overtime to help meet deodlines. Hetldad by Bruce Wend Ie, the photogrtlphers s""pped hundreds of shoh of compU5 scenes Md events to keep the work on the book progressing throughout the yeer. Of course, there were many compliclltions which developed during the ye.!!f Gnd which coused many heodaches for stoff heads. Camera difficulties or lost photo tlssignments often mellint a minor dislllster for some section editor. But, despite the trials IlInd tribulations of putting out the boot the sttlff will feel amply rewarded if ellich reader finds some pletlstlnt memory of his sttly tlt Idtlho included within these ptlges.

My.t1e Willi..moon .dit.d th.. 1958 G.m

The phoioq."phy c'ew we'. l.pl On Ih. run ..II yeo. Ion",. Mem. b." of this " ..fF we.e Mo.k Todd, M.. rq ...et Remlbo.",. Mo.~ Wendle. Mo.i. Wood. She,'Y Wil. \'nl, Don Hoqoboom, Mo.",o.el Tot~o, Leo TofFolo, Tony lom, end Bruc. Wendl•.

KAY CONRAD Anociote Edito. MARJIE BRADBURY Anociot. Edito.


KUOI "This is the voice of the Vandal, KUOI, 660 on your radio dial." This very familiar phrase to all Idaho students is the station break of KUOI, Idaho's ten-watt radio station. Campus Md world news come to the student body, along with soothing study and listening music, through the work of student announcers. The station, run by ASUI funds and also money obtained from advertisements given on the station has been a favorite of Moscow since its founding, and this past year was certainly no exception. Under the direction of

Ed Seilsted, the versetile meneger of KUOI. Ed's job is e big one end consists of coordine ting ell of the ectivities of the stetion. e certe in emount of ennouncing end the responsibility of doing or heving done eny technicel work that should need to be done.

Ed Seilstad, the station has made many improvements and hos gained in listening audience. Another aspect of the station is its valuable training for the future radio men who ore gathering experience for future use. The work in keeping this station going is very similar to the operation of a commercial radio station. The students are in chorge of managing, Mnouncing, and balancing the books of the station, with the advice and help of the ASU I, Md it is through this experience that the students benefit.

KUOI hod e very interesting booth et the first dence of the yeer, corry路 ing the ldoho-Arizone bell geme. This booth wes the object of meny freshmen"s ettention end served to recruit !I few announcers for the station.

Ed is not the kind of men路 egor thet sits beck end tolls others whet to do. He enjoys his work es is shown by his interest in being o Disk Jockey.


H"r", shown in " typic,,1 pOle in Iront of th" control pftn,,1 of KUOI il Oft!" N"llon, who in th" Iftlt y"ftr held down on" of th" stftff pOlitions. Th" ltftff ftS ft whol" worked ~ery well tog"ther. despite the Iftet 01 being hftm路 pered by ft stfttion breftkdown the Iftst month 01 school. Th" Voice of the Vftndftl il brought to the Idftho Cftmpus by Oftle ftnd mftny like him who d,,~ote ft certfton ftmount of time eftch week to operftting the stfttion.

These ftre the Iftces behind th" Voic" Of th" Vftnd,,1. Ftont Row: Oftryl O"l"ftu, Don Chftpmftn, J"d SW"lIf"ngen, l"rry Heuple. Second Row: Sill Stfti.., Tom S"ld路 win, Gftry Dossett, Sill Cftmpb"II, Don H"itt, 8ad Row: Oftl" Nelson, Gftl" M"rrick, John S"thk", lfttry Ay"r, Old Teft, Ken Pow"ll, Rog"r Sft".


Varsity Band The newly named Versity Band h"s done much to pro-

gomas here at Idoha, tlnd h(lve certllinly set the stage

mote school spirit in the Po.'lst yaM. Under the direction

for the high-stepping cheerleaders. The University music deportment Clln certainly be proud of these yel-

of Bob Whipple. the orgtlnization hos "ppelHed tit "II pep r"lIies, footboll. and bllsketball gllmes. New arrillngements played by the group have added much to the

low Md grey clad musicillins who very ebly hold up the reputtltion of the de~rtment.

The members of the Pep Bend te~e time o~t to form en interesting pellern with their instruments. From the ends 01 the horns shown bu.d many lively lunes during the veer. The group during the vee. learned II veriety of lOn'll end certainly showed themselves to be syperior to meny of the othe, colleqe band•.

Dir.ctor of th. band. Bob Whipple. e junior mejo,· ing in music. Th.ough Bobs 1nowl.dg. 01 the lunde· mentels end the di ••dion of music h. end hi, band h/lve certeinly mede /I name 10' them,.I...,.


The band pley, at e veriety of adiviti., th,oughout the yll/l'. Sud! thinqs as pep ,alli., end football and bedetbell qame, a'e nev., missed by this herd· wo.~inq crew.

In the mind of c.,mpul who

Service and Activities Clubs



women on

porl in the

many "divities. is the hope thot oomo day she will be "bl. to sil in this t,,,dilion,,1 "'ley Day st,,')e ."ttin').

The m""y students who serve the University in one wtJy or tJnother through their personal services for the University lIre the group that ~eep the ldoha com pus running smoothly. When" student is chosen for one of these groups it is of course M honor, but along with the honor comes e lot of work. which is done willingly I:lnd without

hesit"tion. The men "Iso have Iheir embition> fulflilled "I the May Fete, where ow"rds 11'0 qiven lor outstanding .ervice 10 the University. The fo'emost of the.e is. of cour,o. to be cholen OnO of the lop ten leniors. Dr. Theophilus is shown presenting one of thue /lw/lrds.


Chri~ Madart. Ro.emary Maule, Nu Alvord, Carolyn Oamp.ey, Neela M,Cowen, hana S<:ott. Mrl. Boya•. Sa,ond Row: Maf<]"ret Ram~bu.q. Nanc:y Mullen. s"ndra Wannemala•• M"ry Jo Ma,a, J"net Coo~e, Co.al;e Oavi~, Joan Balded, Nan'y C"mpbell. Ann Beda•• Mary Wakott_ K"y $ommen. Third Itow: Wilma Wriqht. J("y Shiplay, Mary T,uda~a. O"ryl Whita, Marilyn Ma..id. Rose Kimpton. Joan Brand~. Judy Bailey. Ga..i William~.

nnt Row:

The Spurs. sophomore women's service honor{lry, st{lrted out {I busy ye{lr, {IS in p{lst ye{lrs, with their topping held during the Mother's D{ly weekend. This event st{lrted {I ye{lr of much {lctivity with the girls ushering {It {III ASUI functions, such {IS movies, ploys, {lnd conferences. The girls helped m{lke {I success of the Frosh Orient{ltion week, Blood Drive, Md the b{lsket·

Spu rs

b{lll se{lson by {ldding {Ill their ch{lrm in Imisting in these v{lrious odivities. The Spurs {lg{lin this ye{lr met with the IKs {lnd h{ld mMy enjoy{lble times {It sever{ll dMces {lnd b{lnquets. They {liso showed gre{lt proficiency in their Spur W{lddle during the Idoho b{lsketboll SMson. Giving {ldvice Md {ldding sp{lrkle to the meetings W{lS Mrs. W. H. Boyer, Spur {ldvisor.




Her. tha Spu.~ e'e ~hown with ,aver,,1 of the oth.. Ideho fens te~inq " ~troll to Pullman follow. inq tha ldaho-WSC football (jama.


h,han(je~ ta~e pl.,. quita oft.n b.twe.n Ideho'~ ,hapt•• of Spun end the Spu.~ al WSC. The (jirl~ have • (jood time end as i~ ~hown th... i~ alway~ pl.nty of food for everyon•.

I K' s

The IKs. sophomore men's honorary. h"ve done this year, ,u in the ptlst. mlliny services for the University. These men started the yellt off with the Frosh Orientlltion, during which they helped the incoming freshmen find their WlJY II round campus lind "Iso helped them solve their problems. The familior white sweGtar gllrb of these men was "Iso seen lit "II of the football and basketMII games, end ot mony other speciel occasions where they acted liS ushers. The group enjoyed several p-'rties during the ye"r also. some of which included the Spurs.

Row: Bob Bernard. laird Noh, Terry White, Arllo JohnJon. Tom Stroschein, Mervin Nebel (on noorl. Neal Newhouse. Nell Moller, Mae McNichols. Lindomor, Jad Modi. Second Row, Jed Flock, John Magel, Robert Magnuson. Did Clauson, Hale Henson. Jim Child. Richard Lewis. LOll O,ing, E'ic Carlson, Ken Regni"" Dave Kllnk"l, Stan Lamb. Did Cripe. Gerry Steele. Bill Mills. Thi,d Row: Ken Ba,tl"tt, La'ry Ripl"y, Robe,t Ca,mody. Bob Pierce, Stanley Le,son. Kerl Bittenbender. Bob Pelme'. Lee Sutton, Eve,,,tt Beiley, E'nie Poltz. John Clovis. Fro~1


The Spur> "nd th" IK. got togethe, "I the end of the year lor thei, "nnu,,1 b"nquet. A. ell" be ....n. a good m"al wa. enjoyed by "II.

AI th" Spu,.IK banquet "ech yell'. a Spu, of the moment and " Knight of Knights a'e chos"n. He'e Corky D"vis and K&rl Bittenb"nder ,,'e shown with the ewards.




Mortar Board


The distinctive white coats of these senior girls <"Ire


sign of


group whose moin gO<'lls ore (le-

tivity ond scholorship. The mem-


bership is chosen from outstonding iunior women on com pUS lit <'I


suspense-filled ceremony of the Moy Fete.

It is undoubtedly


thrill lind on honor for the girls whose Mmes ore read at this time. "Mums for Mother," becomes

M,.o.,R,Y OWL

the mojn soying of the group at homecoming time when the whole


group goes 011 out to provide mums for


of the women who

oppeor on C/'Impus.





Silver Lance Silver Lence is one of the highest honors th~t " student eM receive ot the University. To become

himself to be populor,

0 11

member of this honorory one must helVe olreody proven

laoder, " good student, end copoble of hMdling " vilriety

of octivities with extreme Co!Ire end efficiency. The new members of the group ore

topped of the Moy D"y activities, during the end of their sophomore yellr. The suspense filled moments of the topping no doubt ore refoined in the minds of these men for mony yeors.







Front Row: Bob Vallat, John Bradbury, Mike Patlon, Jarry Keller, Ja<;~ Col., Erni. Davenport. Clor~ Anderson, Knut. Weltefgren, Rolph Wohon. Se<;ond Row: John ROlholt. Jim Golden, Bob W'hipple, Tom Str~d,,,in, AI Andrew" Feli. Mor<;olin, lowen Modin. John Kroill, G..arge Fowler.

Blue Key Blue Key is the n/ltion/ll junior men's honor/lry, M org/lniz/ltion which is m/lde up of those students of junior st/lnding who h/lve proven themselves to be outstMding in schol/lrship. /lctivities /lnd service to the schooL The orgMiz/ltion puts on the Blue Key t/llent show Md /lIsa publishes the C/lmpus inform/ltion book, the C/lmpus Key. President of the group this yeM W/lS J/lek Cole.

Marvin Fi.<;her and 00". M..ey, the two M.CoS of tho BI". Key tol.nl,how who did. lot towarcl, making the ,ho'" a lu<;<;e••,


Prob.bly on. of the herdeot job. on (.<'Imp"....., done by thele men who put the C.mp", Key into publi(.<'lt;on. The hard-working men ore Did Kerb•. Bob V.II.t, ond Tom Slrm<;hein.

Pan-Hellenic Council Mode up of the president ond rush ch<'lirmM from ellch sorority

on campus, the PM-Hellenic Council formuilltes 1I1i policies concerning rush, Working with the OeM of Women, this group lIttempts to keep the lIctivities of Rush Week coordinllted for the benefit of both the girls going through rush lind sorority members. F,ont Row: Ann Copi'~o,n", Mrs. N....路 I..y, J ..n.. l"ng", J"n Whit", M"ry Jon ..s. Row Two: P"tti Rees, Betty Johnsmeye" l"n" Hoch, N"ncy Woods, Vi'gini" Symms, J"nene T"ylor, M"'g,,,et Sulliv"n, M"ry Jo M"ce.

Inter-Frat Council Policies governing the fr<'lternity living groups on ca.mpus <'Ire con-

sidered by this group.


together, these men hllve been <'Jble to creote <'I feeling of unity omong the vlHious men's living groups. Members include. I.ft to right: F,ont Row: Denni, Faucher, MiKe Pallon, Phil Parr.






Vogler. Second Row: Did Kerbs. Tom Edwords. Lee Seolt, John Rosholt, Bob MlIgnu,on. Mile McNichols. Third Row: Paul Baker, Boyd Mortin, G .. rth Brown, Bill ..... nderson. Fred Kennedy, Bfonl We'路 berg, Olive McMehon, Ron Bishop. Fourth Row: Clerk Bedow, Joe Kekhum, Jay Elldar, Robert Carmody, Tom Re路

quist, Marsh.. 11 Smith.


Independent Caucus Political representation is given to the independent students on campus by this group. Policies set forth by this group lire Clirried through the eledions by the Independent candidates. These policies lire set up not only for the independent students but for the entire student body. Under the llb1e leadership of lee Wllten· ~ugh, the group Wl!S very active lind showed themselves to be very strong.

Fronl Row, Coral Temple, Belty Wi,well, Cloudie Patton, Beverly lord. Marilyn Pritchett. Sec.ond Row: Chud Monson. L.. Weutenpough, Gory McEwen, Robe,t Jeschke. Don Wahon. Jed Modi, Dennis G,.y.

Greek Caucus The Greek Cel/cus. whose primtlry obiective is to cerry out the will of the cempus tiS e whole. hes shown e greet deel of spirit this yeer in ell cempus politicel ectivities. For the first time in history the Greeh swept the dess elections this yeer, for e totel of sixteen offices. John 8redbury. presided es president of the group end it wes pertitllly through his letldership thet the Ceucus wes eble to meke such greet edvences in the pest yeer.

Front Row: Nel. Moll.r. laird Noh, Art Lind"mer. Pot I... eown. Bob S.rne.d, John Br.dbury. Key Conr.d, Ann Beder, Annett.. Man'.f. Deanna Gee.twn. Second Row: Gordon Ch"sl"•. Did loeppq., Richtlfd Adllms, John B"d""th. Chlld"s Po",,,,,, Clln BII.ry, G".ry SI..1", Mil" McNichols. Bob Vllllllt, Gllrth SlIsser, Don G'lId",olll. 011"" Briggs. Thlld Schol"., l"""s 0"n9. Third Ro"': Klly K"lIy, Mllry Jlln" Dol/gillS, MII.g;e B."dbury, Jlln" John'on, Mllry Jo MIIC", B".b B.anom, Ger"ne G.af, Mau...n S",,,eny, O,ana Smith, Jan;ce Parm"., Mllryl Jo Fo., Suann" Rom" •• MII.ilyn Voyle'. M".gll."t R"m,be'g.


Junior IFe The Junior IFe under the direction

of IFe members. Lee Scott Md Bob C"rmody. hils, this yeor, been one of the most octive groups on Cc'lmpus. It is through this orgonizotion thot the freshmM c11'1ss expresses its desires. just os do the older froternity members in the IFe. Orgonized only two yaMs ogo, the club hes shown greot oclvonces uncler the reins of Andy Anderson, AIO. who wos president during the yeor. Fro•. ! Row: Mae O"ly. Gorden Chelter, Theron Spencer, Andy "ndeNon. Dove Kim", Gene Allen. Second Row: LyM Smith, John Lord, Ed Thornbrough. Ed Kessler. Scott Culp, Arny C.-ndr"y. Third Row: Ro",e, Bo", Reg C",olyn, John Bed",ith, Chud Ridenor, Con Ducy.

Young Democrats Informotion is given to the stu~

dents of the University concerning the workings Md dMS of the Mtion~1 p~rty through this brMch of the Democr~tic p~rty. Inform~­ tion ~'ong these lines is obt~ined from speekers who ~ppe~r periodic~'ly, throughout the ye~r. Shown i~ SeMto' Church. who wes sponsored by the young Oemocrets. heeded th,s yeer by John Bredbury. The forum provided by the lenetor together with the ,nlorm_ etive meetingl th,oughout the ye", heve done much to inform the members of the working of the Oemo. pe'ty.

Young Republicans MMy of the discussions lind c~m­ plligns cllrried on by the Republiciln Pllrty Ilre Cllrried on in ~ sm~lIer w~y by this, the student brMch of the n~tioMI helldqullrters. Membership is open to Ilnyone interested in the RepublicM p~rty. Front Row: M"ry Jo Mece. Nancy O"rke. Neel Newhou~e, Ann Beder, Annelte Men. Ie,. B"rbere Berry. Second Row: Veune Blevinl. Oiene Eerl. Mery Sue Kniefel. Freid" Wilson, Mergeret Rowl"nds. Ludene Philip;' JMe Johnson, Frenk Lyons.


United Nations Delegates These Id"ho students represented Idoho lit the Mnuol model United Notions meeting. The group corried discussions concerning world "Hoirs. Through these discussions the students leorned much <'lbout the world situotion ond through their confllcts with other students, hove conveyed much of this informlltion to other Idoho Students.

Left to Right: Mi~e Hemen, Bill Geboury, Mike McQuode. Did Doy, Rou Cotroneo. Dr. Ho.ed. Don Fos~et. Koy Heberloch. $Ulonne Roffler. Jo Petro.hek, Kothy O'Conner, Peul Bo~er. Ann Beder is ebsent from the picture.

Cosmopolitan Club The Cosmopolit"n Club under the le"dership of Pete Reed, does much to help foreign students feel "t home here "t Id"ho. MMy dinners "nd p"rties were held by the group this ye"r in connection with " simil"r group in Lewiston, "nd "Iso with only their own membership. It is felt by this group th"t by getting .,11 of the foreign students on c.,mpus together, stronger ties c.,n be m.,de with e.,ch other Md the school.


Front Gile~.

Second Row:



Adrien Ander• •on, Mihaly Horveth, Wm. Rey. Roald Bjornland, Polly Wolker_ Jog,,1 Dhemroit, Siell.. Robinson, H(I,b Ilbiki.

International Relations Club Any student who is interested in under-

toking ond discussing current offoirs con become " member of this orgoniztltion. Through films, discussions, ond speokers, the IRe llHempts to ocquoint its members with government,,1 rel"tions in the United St"tes Md "bro"d. Front Row: Jo Peho.hek, Ann Beder, Morilyn BerroH. Neelo M~Cowon. Bod Row: Mi~e Mc· Quode. Did Doy. Lee Wotenpou'.lh. Rou Cotroneo.


• •


Associated Foresters The foresters of the campus ere joined to<Jether in this orgMiUltion which serves to promote greeter interest tlnd greeter knowledge in the College of Forestry, This group puts on the Foresters btlll Md tllso the Forestry-Ag tug of Wtlr. Both of these events tlre of gretlt ctlmpus interest,

Pid",••d Abo~.: Artell AmO$, Do..e Pratt. lowell Dubbels. Richard Ogl., Reed E. Raglin. FrDn~ McElwain, Sian C".pe"te., O. Moor•. Ralph Rob"rts. Warren Mad, Roqer Heteh, Doyid Bowe•. Gory Flani\. Ted Dingman. CII.t Jacobs, 8,,,,/1 Hron.~. Don PenCil, Dr. Howe, Richerd McConnell, Ken Soli. Bob Bigl••, Rov Emerson. Jim R.thbu,n, Home. leach, John Hook, Jim Dungan, Dea.. WOtt.n. Ben Jeno". Ned Ponce. Don Wilson, G.<l.ld Lorson, Bob Kindschy, Stan Stroup. Dr. Tisdel., Bub Chronic. Glenn Bradley, Gary Smithey. Dr. Gilbertson. Robert Rea, Dr. Clerk, 810i..o Cornen, Don AIIi",n, David Sharpn"d, K.ith Wi,.;d. Aoyo Hall, Sll''Y Westh."••, Did Fichbwin.

Agriculture Club

Fint Row: Jay Garratt, Donald Wamstad, Sonya Carlson, Nancy Andarwn, Charlana Roth, Alic. CompMl1, Darryl oi.on, M.lvin fist Second Row: Jolin Gilson, Danny Warfiald, Stevan HoMey, lasti. Doylo, Edgar Townsend, Don Gradwohl, Robart Jones, Robart Heynes, larry lidloy, Tllird Row: larry Pline, Richard une, lowell Grim, Gary Cyster, EYgane Allan, Rogar Akland, Bob Tesar, Fred Faylks, CletYI Von lersch. Fo..rth Row: Ken Worthington, Tommy StrOlch"in, Clarenc. Read, ChYd Thomas, Larry Vou. John Simpson, Marvin Madie, Mo> Gardner. filth Row: Albart Nau, oova Plin", Dee Welker, Gorth Sanor, Glen linder, Elwood Kintner, Don Harri., Slen Albea, Dr. John McDonald,

Most tlgriculture mtljors tlnd tllso mtlny other interested students belong to this orgMiztltion which helps students to become better informed in the tlgriculturtll field. Such things tlS the Ag Btlwl, Little InterMtiontll Livestock show, which is reigned over by tl queen chosen by the club, the Mnutll tug of wtlr with the Foresters, tlll serve to keep this group very tldive.


Associated Miners The Associ"ted Miners coordintlte all of the social activity of the College of Mines tit the University. An oil com pus function ~nown


the Muckers' boll is one of the highlights of the year's activity. Also such things

tiS field trips and picnics tHe put on

by the orgMiztltion.

Front Row: Did Gott, 1l'I1 BcnnidlSon, Mo. Schley. Fr5n~ Oneidll, lOflll.O Chin. John 8ochow~ky, Romon Ramos, Snond Row: Jim Cornio, Did Kopp, Don Hull. John t"ndreth, Scolt Mohon, Jerry Sch...mokor, Au",in Young. Monte Shirts. Pre.ident. Thi.d Row: Jim MacDuff, Hornor McEyers, Bob Cro1by. Bill McKinnis. hd Keney. Pro!' William SI/lly, OlivO Midi., R09 Stoker.

B.d Row: Tom Ar<:hbold. Clerl Adam•.

Bench and Ba r This country's future l<'Iw-m<'lkers ond civili.,n protectors tHe members of this group which is mode up of students in the College of Low. The orgonizotion helps new low students get ocquointed with the extensive low librory ond olso sponsors the honor code for low exoms.

Fi.st Ro... : P.t.. r Snow. Robert Willi.. ms. Rich"rd K.ding, Lemont Jones, AII"n De... Gilbert KI.. weno, K.. nt Church, F•• n~ No.. ~. S.cond Row: Ho.... rd Humph...y. G .. r.ld Jor-"s. Robe.t Youngstrom, Rob•• t Huntly. F... nk B.. m. Lon O.v's. Jim Christen..n, Micly Tu.nbow, Bill Nun.;..st.. r. M..lvin KI......no, John Nelson, Richerd Moo.... TlIi.d Row: Chuck Orem, Nick Speropulos. John Thornoc~ How.. rd M"n"'eil.. r, Vern Herzog. Did W.e~I, John Br"dy. Jed McAvoy. Willi.m Stellmon, Jey Webb, Dick Smilh, Robert Newhou.., E-r.,.U Holm.ill••, Rog .. r Wi!1i.. ms.


Chemical Engineers

Hont Row: Gary lutko•. M. L. J.d~on, Chenq Cheong Ho, Paul Smith. Roy Morg.n, Judy Ru..,h. Bob Mcc"rten. Second Row: Bill Collins. 0",,,\ l"non. Donold Snyder. Cha,les WHoo". R. C. JohnlQn, Denni. Even•. Arlo JohnlQn, Z. L. Teylor. Jim Jenh. Ron ROQltod, Gilbert Dunn. Jo.eph Rippee. WiIJ'am Kil. bour.... n,•• d Row: Charles W"ght. Rowlend Felt, Reed Welker. 810ke 8rown, Donold J. Anderoon, Me ....in D. Alsogo •. George Conger, Duene E. liHle. Jerry E. Dyer. Jim Carl..n. LeRoy Reteher. Jemes Catt••,

Electrical Engineers

Pictured: Front Row: Vori, Conv.,s, John Kroin. Bob King, 0,,,.1 Hindley, Ron Ollon, Wolter Weill, Releigh John• •on. Mo. Schell. Allen Jensen, Lewrenc" Hendrickson, I"on French. Second Row: lowell VMlkik", Gudolt Kjorb"im, Doug· l,s Seely, Dovid Marshall, Jilek SimmoM,

P/lul F"rm, Kenneth Runoll. Robert Corler, David Cofield. John Standley. Gerry Clodius. Third Row: O"lon Oelke, f,,,nk

Thompson. Bob Colo. w. R. Pa,ish, H. E. H/lttrup. C. R. Bum,,11. I\. D. Ge,· hert, G. I\. McKun, Tom Eddy. Deone Crowlodh, C. R. Malmltrom, Klinton Geig.r, Conoid FriOlon.

Ag r icu Itu ra I Eng i neers

F'.d Row: L.Roy Trvpp, Joseph C...., ROQ.r Speth, Rod L. M..yer, Gory Deu, D.. le Heynel, H.,b H.... th, Bob l. Wheley (Ptesidentl. V'c Annocod. Dele Smelcer, Delbort Fitn;mmonl, Dweyne WesHel1. Oli...e' S"CUI. S.,ond Row: J. E. D'oon (AdvilQ'l. Le'oy Schete., Eorl lilie""g. Hilery J. Bieke', Bill Simon, Cloude Sw.. rthout, V.,n lndetmuhie, AI..n Robertlon, Elwin Ross, Augqie Muell.r, Bill And.roon, Don R. G,..dwohL


Mecha n ica I Eng ineers Mony interesting" c t i v i tie s

throughout the yeor ore enjoyed by the mechonicol engineers. The group works in direct relotionship with the nc'ltionlll society of me路 chonicol engineers <'lnd mony times

octuolly meets with the older society or invites II member in to their meetings so they moy more

fully understond their chosen profession. A speciol project ellch yeor po!Irticipoted in by the group is the Engineers btl II. "t which time

the group mokes denee.


project for the

Automotive Eng i neers

The Automotive Engineers ore

composed of students from the different deportments of the College of Engineering. This orgon-

izofion WllS developed to fomiliorize the members with developments thof hove been mode in 011

fields of tronsportotion.

Fird Row: Gregory Knapp, Joe Wil.on, Ja.on Troth. Robert Murphy, Melvin Taggert. Second Row: Prof. Williem Berne., Richerd Pete"on, chairmen, Prof. Henry Silhe, advi.or, Vence Penton, Robert We.tover, Peul Durlling. Wilton Riggers,


Associated Engineers ....uoci"t.d Engin••" 0'.: Jon WOO<lol, Did N."I. Gory Sturmon. Willi"m V"n Ston., John .... nd.N· son, Rich".d Tu.nbill, Jim Hochst."u••• Boyd Rood, K"ith G ••• n. W"lt". Wilson. Fr"nk Junk. l.s Tu.nbill, W"yn. V"I.ntin., 0"".1 Ch.rry, l"Roy M"y"r, D"nny King. Ft.d R""d. Do.... R..s., Don M.chom. Chorl.s B.odw"y, J •• ry K.sl.r. Tom .... nd••son, G"ry McMich".I, John E. Won"mok.r. Joe McMic",""I.

Fint Row: Vi.gin;o Whol.y, Gonni. Johnson. N.II Hutchison, Rit" W.ston. Morilyn F".m, Jun" R"ynolds. S.cond Row: Mllrilyn Vlln Houton. Vidi Kohill'. P"nny R"ob, MII.ilyn Johnson, JII.olyn Ni.lson, Shi.l.y W"ndl", JOlin Chlls". Mfl. Elwyn SChwllrll. IId ...isor, c"rolyn Desill.dins. Clllh".ine N."I, Shi.l.y Jlldson, Rit" Shinn, Donne Me,lw,,11. Jeni.1 RUIS"I1. n.i.d Row: Judy Rogst"d, Jerri CIIIS. Me.in" Whit"h""d, lois PII" lins. Me.y Penc", GI.ndo Johnson, Joenn. Sullon. Le...onn" ....1I"n, Shirilly Do,ondor!, Do.othy D.is(oll. Co.me ....1I.n, Th"lme Vonskik". Twile Hornb"d. Dorolhy Glenn, Betty Milson, lois McMohon, Conni. Chopmen. Joy Johnson. Bo.be'e Olson, Do.othy T.iplett, Joyce F.llse', SUII McDoneld, Mo.io Sotum. Hilme Bloomsbu.g. Fou.th Row: Norme J. C.ouch, J"on S"lIemy, Potty Cofield. Neome Duston, Ros"l. 6e.he.t. Sh"rron Moy, Gisol" l.moino. Donne Kopp, R"qu"t Suhler. Mery Sto". Eth,,1 Secus. lois .... nd.non, Morilyn linord. Mery On.ido, Nodin" Ronfto, Joon Em"cio. Siss.1 .... nd ••ess.n. Sonni. Worfi.ld. Mory .... nde"on, lo...onn" Evorest. Meu.ito Hoi!.

Hom. Economics Ct",b m.mb••s Ot.: Jlldy ....bernothy. Shi.ley Ca.ni•• Cho.lotl.....ld.ich. Bo.bo.o Soms. Shoron J.nkins. Koy Z.ni.r, Mory W"lser. M"rilyn Merrick, Miss J"dl•. Doris Gissel, Ros. Kimpton. Wilm" Podord.....nito Willioms. K"y O"k.s. Sorbet" Ivld.rson. Lynde Srown. Roselind S.",c., Lucill. John50n. Shoron Molmberg. Corletto B."ndt, Shiney Smith, Judy ....nd.rson. Koren .... nd.rson. Corolyn K",dloc, Co.ol Coleull, lois Seubert, Mo'Y lou Grover. lorroine Toylor. Pet Srode. Donno H"rwood, Chonott. Motl.n, Dionne No.dby, Shoron Motheney. Flo•• nc. Bond. Mo.ie Wood, ....NO.nO Muell.r, Mory Ts",doko. lind" Edwo.d•. Potty W.ed. Mory Jon. l.itch, Hoftiet Hog"n. lois lundguist.

This is the functionlll group of the engineering college end is made up of representatives of each of the engineering groups. It is through this group that the policies for engineering Ilctivities lire adopted. The group is responsible for such things as the Engineers Bell lind the Idaho Engineer.


Club The Dllmes Club is made up of the wives of students et the University. The dub worh together to orgllnize Ilctivities for the group end their husb"nds.

Home Economics

Club Homemaking Ilctivities for the yeer afe set up by this orgllnization which is mede up of home economics majors.


4-H Club This club. which is II social organi. zation of 4-H youth, helps the e~足 tension service in its 4-H dub short course. The dub o!Ilso sponsors picnics, exchllnges. "nd helps with the



Pictured tlr" Fint Row: Bob Jonu. Elwood Merilyn M"rrid. Kinter. Second Row: Bonnie Beum, Shirley Cernie, C",ol He!!"n, Sonja Corlson. Cllrol Hell. Betly Scoggin, $1./"011 Shuldberg. Linde Edwards, Third Row: linde Brown, C,,'oly" Kudloc. lilli"n JQh"nnoson, Elil&beth Misne., Lynnetle Hew~inl. Louis $heubort, Pavle Towery. Verle Barner, Alice Campbell, Bonnie Se,ney. Floreflce Bond. Fourth Row: Bob McCorte", lyle Sesser, Bob Bred, Don Gr"d..."h!. Filth Row: Tom Stroseh,,;n, John Simpson,

Tom Cooper, Eugene AUe", GI"n Wood,,1. Joy G"rret, Don Schlueter. Denni, Groy.

Vandal Flying Club Flying enthusi&sts of the University enjoy flying in the two planes owned by this organizotion. The purpose of the club is to give those students who hove an interest in flying, ~ chonce to get into the oir. Front Row: Chot Prior. Scali Vought, George Conger, Joe Willon, Bill Shene. Fronk Heinsohn. Bod Row: Lowil Meek!, joe Seil<:". Mae Hanlel. jim Kloepfer, Lowell Borrid. Kenneth Durk. Denny Neylor, Dovid Moore, Rolph Beughmen,

Vandal Riders Many of the rodeos oround the ore competed in by the members of this club. The organizotion promotes rodeos and the odivities thot go olong with them, The group sponsors the inter-collegiote competition te~m ond olso puts on hoy rides ~nd donees.


Front Row: Meurine Lued~e, Did Willieml, Gery Berbere Freemen, Second Row: Anderson, Diane Coiner, Berbero Reidemen, Twerp Anderson, Third Row; Ken Worth_ ington. Orvil See,., Pete Weinel, Advisor, Harold Hun~er.


Hell Divers Two wilier shows" yMf are put on by this group. made up of the swimming enthusiasts of the campus. Front Row: GOO<9i" """ ..hall. Mary Motgil.et Brow Jo !>et'uh"k, Carol H........ y. Rosemary M I•. Pout" Horootun'''''' Pllyllil We.h. Undo low;s. Key Garten, Jan Cooke. Second Row: Betty Oovi.. Bobby And ••son, P.t Finney, Belty Tllylor. Borb",,, Brenam, Pal D"d.r, Third Row: Pill Ivarson, Fro'" B"ud,,~, Sandie Smith, lorna Woelfel. Suo Holmes, Noncy Boardmore, M,st Tollon. Fourth Row: Donna Galo. S.... Holmes.





Noney R..dinq, V",no Dovis. Fifth Row: Melvill. Hugh,", Donny Siovon, Guy M••rid. Con Oucy. lou O,;n9. Al H"nl.fln. Did T.ft, J.d Acree. Hetty Stun~ Clift' Laworenu. OIlYO Demon. Ron Osborne. 0","'0 Roseo, John Price.

Ski Club First Row: Georgi/l Mersh/lli. Ktidin O/lmm. Ro.enn. Jonu. P/Il !v.rJgn, Dunn/l G ••rt· sen. Judy Conger, P/lt Wellers. s.colld Row: lynn Smitt., Mik. lund. Bob Vell/ll. O/lve Wollard, Gordon feel••. Ralph M/lYS, Jim lunt•.

A good percentoge of the othletes on the campus are members of the Physical Education dub. The group is mode up of those othletes who ore mojoring in P.E. and are engaging in competitive sports. The nomes of these men are os familior os their foces, by their pictures ond stories obout them throughout the year. Good sportsmonship ond sportsmonri~e conduct ore two of the ideals corried forth to the field. mop!e court. diomond, or whotever the field of oction moy be, by these men of sports. They not only corry the ideo Is within themselves, but corry them to others on the ploying field, ond thus to the opposition. It is 0 good morole bu ilder for the Idoho fon to see 0 gome where these athletes compete, ond to see the sportsmonli~e conduct thot is carried through the entirety of the <;lome.

P. E.


Curtain Club All of the drtlmotic odivities of the University ore coo r din II ted through this orgoniztltion which in-

cludes 011 dromo students ond instructors. The club serves to inform the students on the dremll possibili. ties in I"ter yaGrs, end "Iso to help creole tin interest in the ading profession.

Attic Club Art lip pre c i" t io n is stressed through this club which is m"de up of most of the ort meiars on ctlmpus. Through confocts with the fine Ilrts, these students lelltn to more fully oppreciete ert tlnd its v<'llues. Pictured. Front Row: Jerry Schlatter, Art Albonese, R/llph Alley, Robert Boughton, Lucile' Irvine, John Kidd, Don T./lil. Leon-

erd Robe'h. Second Row: LowerenclI Dougherty, Charlotte W/lI~"r. Morilyn Du· ,ose. Carol Rice, Jeanne P"cei, Molli. Godbold. Pllt Od.llnde•. Valo.ie K.olI. F.ed Seifert. Jack Hopflgarten. Pele S"II~eni. Tni.d Row: Rob.rt Jo"n.on. We"en Holl.nbed...... el Shangl•. Oti, Kyeec..... B.ody ConUin. Royc. Wi... lo.oy Gottschlilk. Do yl. Allen, Donn Boy",nt. Ow.n B'lItvold F...... an Pasold.

Block and Bridle Club A new group on the Idaho campus this year is the Block lind Bridle Club. Although new the group is certainly not uMdive; in fad. through the year it has proven itself to be among the better organized groups. Grellt opportunity is offered for anyone who mlly be interested in this adivity.


First Ro ...: Jon,s hlm.r, lynn Sh.llmon, Jucly Stehl, Sharon Connaughton, Elno MO'ilnusson. S.cond Ro ...: 80nnie 80rney, ""'yllis Wal~.r. Karle Klamper, Mary Margaret 8rown, Non<;y Dor~e, Phyllis Seeley, Meri. Turner, Shoron Jan~ins, Sue Livingdon, Lindo l ....is. n,i.d Ro"" Shoron Isohen. Me~or.t Tat~o. Jodie Ooh, MOf'lho W<)<)(lall. Annette Monser. Elizabeth Curt's, Karen Stedtleld, Sonyo Hoene. Sendra Smith. Dorlene Clinhmon, Soli. 80011, Ann I.....in. Fourth Ro ...: Judy Willioms. Harriet Gillens. Gerri Wil!ioms. Connie Blod. Cleudie Porsell. Key Sommers. Dione Shelton, Bobbi Anderson, Judy Evens. loRoe Herrop. Phyllis Wae~s. Joyce Weover, Fron~ie Lisle.

Vandalettes The Vllndlllettes, the girls' drill tellm thllt WIlS orgllnized Illst yeor, Clime mllfching out in full costume this yellf lit Homecoming, looking very stylish in their new uniforms. Besides mllrch. ing lit Homecoming, they Illso mllrched lit " besketbllil gllme.

The shi~y "reet shoWI up the white marchi~g boots of the bled cled Vendolollel in the homecoming perade.

In the pr.liminories of the homecoming pored. th. 'ilirls or. 'ilelling th.ir lines Itroight for th. long morch do... n mJlin str••t.

C hu rc h Organizations Activities centering oround churches tire offered to each student at the University of Id"ho. Some religious groups hllve their own centers on the Cllmpus while for the others. there is the nondenominational Campus Christi"n Center for meetings. fellowship, Md study. The orgMizlltions on campus "Iso work in close connection with the churches of Moscow. The following three groups are "dive on the ctlmpus. but due to


mishllp in the Gem dorkroom,

their pictures were ruined. With the llpologies of the staff, we would still like to mention these

9 rou PS. LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA-This orgMization consists of the lDS students on the Idaho ctlmpus.

The group

meets lit the LD5 Institute regularly.


ROGER WILLIAMS CLUB-The Boptist Church in Mos-

CANTERBURY CLUe-This student group

cow sponsors this group. They hold regulllr study meet路 ings ond in odd it ion hold II coffee hour regulorly ot the

Episcopolilln students on Cllmpus. A few of their octivities include discussion groups ofter dinner.

Compus Christilln Center.

btlZllor. ond




for the


poncllke supper on Shrove TuesdllY.

Westminster Foundation The Westminster group is m~de up of the Presbyterilln students on the Being <'I very octive orgllniZ<'Ition, the group promotes <'I better


interest in the church, lind every dlly life. Front Row: Jim Rethburn, Mllicom Neely,

Dennis Byren, Wm. Greenwood. Oevid Kunkul,





Second Row: Jemie Hughe~, Ro.ii/lnd Bruce, S",be'e Robinson, Helen Schiffler, EIi!/Ibeth McKee. Roberl/l H"w~. Judith C/lleboit. Third Row: Mery Sue Knielel. Vouno Blevins,

Charles Doeks. Mark Todd. "nn Sleven., Beth Stevens, Belty McCleen.

Newman Club One of the more octive groups on the com pus is the Newmon Club, mode up of the Cotholic students. Activities such os donces ond dinners hove been porticipoted in by the group in the post yeor. Front Row: Jim Graban, Denny Corrig"n, Roy Schmidt. Second Row: Helen Johnson, Pet Rosholt, Berbe'e Freemen. Fether Schmidt, Tim Del"y, Steve Rogers, Key Aslett. Third Row: Jim Prestell. Bob Prestell, Fred Bo'que. Shelie McGuire, Jenice Crene. Nency Nicolin, Pete Heneult. Rey Stein· hoff, John Fihger"ld. Fourth Row: John Brodert. Ann Deal. Paule Herootunian. Mer· iean McNe,,1, Merilyn Robinson. Dolores Hormeechea, Julie Salines, Janet Gabbert, Lois Seubert. Oiene Shelton.

Wesley Fou ndation Wesley Foundeltion is (I college ega group sponsored by the Methodist Church of Moscow. They enjoy recreotion, refreshments,


end worship together. Front Row: Herm"n Clemen" Liz Hofm"nn, Jad Kleinkoph, Claire Ken"ston, Larry G"r· I,nghouse, Lynda Brown, Carolyn Kudlac, Gary Barr. Mrs. Roneld Hummel. Second Row: Ed Kale, Gele Conard, Bruce Ceirns, Bob Howard, Sten Albee, Marvin Crowser, Roger Sperh, Stephen Griffiths, Doug Goodrich, George Kimpton, Lynn Hughes, Bill Hutchinson. Third Row: Ro.ie O"ugher. ty. Jo Litscher. M",ilyn Pritchett, Jo Ann Fingerson, Rite Tuder, Beverly Lord, lois Manweiler, Myrna Inghram. Mercie M" •. well, Evelyn Evens, Relph Ceirns. 121

Disci pies of Student Fellowsh i p

Inter Church Cou nci I The "ctivities of 011 of the church groups on com pus ore. in I) woy. controlled or reguloted by this group of students. The orgMizlltion holds os its meeting piece. the C<'lmpus ChristiM center. First Row: N"elo McCowen, EliI"beth Mi._ ner, Eli,,,beth McKee. Cllrol Holten, liz Hofmonn. Second Row: Stanley Thomos, Jerry Cowden, Gene Gentry, Bill Green. wood, Claire Keneslon, Robi" Merrell.

Kappa Phi The women of the Methodist Church who are of college 0ge be-

long to this group. The group closely follows the oetivities of the Wesley Foundtltion e.nd /lIse porticipotes in o!ldditionol functions. Fitlt Row: M/lry Hufford, Janette Hehig. C,!l(ol Seitz. Ch/lrlolte Rudmen, Key Con· ,lid. Di"ne Leroy. Jellnne Stoles. Berber" Connell. Second Row: Mrs. Robert Rhodes. Audrey Ron, Betty Wiswllll, Mrs. Loqan. Barbara Whelller, Sandrll Wtlnntlmtller, Jlln· iCIl Chamberillin, Doris Jemeson, Adene Frahm, Mrs. Tilton. Row Three: Mrs, Rush, Shirley PofF, Darlene Wise, Jill Sllndmeyer, Lois Proctor, Rose Kimpton, Evelyn Evans, Mareill MIl.wllll. Klly Ollles, Rllmona Legq, Trenna AtehlllY, Mrs. Nyqullrd. Mrs. Grimm. Fourth Row: Ro"e Dtluqherly, Cllrolyn Kudlac, Lyndll Brown, Jo Ann Fingerson, Linda Edwards, Mllrllyn Pritchett, Jo Liteher, Mllrilyn Merrick, Nllney Tllnllla, Bonnie Baum, Mrs. Johnson.


The ChristiM church in conjunction with the ChristiM students on cllmpus coordinlltes mMy l'Ictivities through this college l'Ige orgMizl'Ition.

Members include

JMet Hl'Irding, Ml'Ixine Horris, DiMIl Rogers, Mrs. Thoreson. Sonjo Corlson, Myrno Shover, Jerry Deney, Doyle Carlson, Jomes Boumgartner. Quinton Rogers, Floyd Lydum, Arthur Mell. Gory Wihelm, Clarence Chrisp,

* Joint




three branches of the militollry are

imporfMt for successful operation of ROTC units everywhere.


o *



c Finalists for Milittlry Ball Queen t1dd oil feminine fouch to the miJittlry scene oIlt Idoho. The girls ore Shirley Hendrihson,

Corel Wo!Ich"l, MoriJyn erline, Ann M/lirie Berry,

o!lnd Phyllis Weeks.


.... .,... .. '





Pred;<;e moles perfed! Anywey. thot is the <;1001 of these militery students.

These men belong to the Scebberd end Blode Militery Honorery.

* The Ivmy D'ill Teom i. seen he,e going through movement.



A treet for those in ottendenee el the Militory Boll in Moy ....os the 25th Army Bond.

* The ROTC under" new commander this yellr completed one of its most successful ye"rs "t Id"ho.

* "".t.

The Army Rifle reom campUI chomps this year.

* *

The.e '"nior, will b. de. tioned 011 over the United 51.. 1115 no" ytlo •.



eoL Merrill A. Kempton is the command., of the lSOth detachmant of the Ai, ror<:a ROTC.


110e Ai, Force Staff 18"""$ under the command of Col. Kempton.

HNdquartars of the University of Idaho Air Force ROTC i$ this building.



The Arnold Air Society is the Air Force Honor"ry for outstMd-

ff =, -

' I

.~, ",


, , •





1n9 Air Force "dvMced c"dets.



,;... .,', , .I' ,~ , ." .~ ;:'t"t ' .'j f ,



~ ~r






,II' •

l •'" ,.• Mj •• I










, ,~i





, •- • .-






The Air For(.ll Drill Team had a

!~~~~~;;;~~_ very successful yea. lind competed

;. m ••, <0.......

This group is prepering for the Spring Inspection, e highlight of the military yee. al Idaho.




The gOllil of the Ntlvy ROTC is to produce seomen of high quality to serve

defense of our country.

with the

5~ills necessllry

"5 officers in the n<!lv,,1

Sellimen llire developed

to do this



E/lgle lind Anchor Council is the group responsible lor the c/ldels /II /I model militery group.


Th. Naval ROTC Siaff is r.sponsibl. for 'h. coordinalion 01 the midshipmen cadets must la\e. and the counes 'hal


The Navy color g'rl Ihil year ....as J\nn Marie Berry-her courl from left 10 righl: Mary Garnsey, Kay 802"'11.. Carol HaN.y, Sandra While.



1 889 1 958

Bob Gibb, Athletic Director "t Id"ho for the past four yeofs,


very proud of the WfJy our

IdfJho athletes hove proved themselves this PfJst ye"r fJnd feels they should continue to do so in the future.

808 GI88, Athl.lic Direcior

Front Row, I.ft to righl: B,.n· om, L...." Wede'gren, Smylh., Shern, Jo'genson, Colem.n, P.ttenon, Hill. S.cond Row: Nor lon, Dowling. Seeley, o'ngl.. H •• ton, Andr.ss, Symm" W.ge" L.wtOn. N.I. son, F.rnoworth. Anderson. T1l"d Row: P,e'u, Hew'., Sh.ppe,d. H"II, OiN",ovo. Gooby, O.lIl1ng,,'. H"ll, Rig_ g.rs, N.lton.

I C Iu b '"

,-,rt lindemer,

Mo", Filher, lorry Hollowoy

Kneelin'\!: Cloudio Pallon, Noncy Compbell, Marilyn Crone, RUlh anna Hawkins. St.ndin'\!: Ann Holdan, Borbaro Richie,


Porn Porn Girls

Three Vandals Play In East-West Game Fo< Ih. first tim. in th. history of Idaho athletics. three Vandals w......I.cted 10 pt.y in the annuol Shrine Eod路Wed game. Th. three salectod were gu"rd J.rry Kromer. cenler Wayne Wolka r, and end Lorry Aldrich. K'emer received oll.Americ.on honors. PeC ..cond tum and ",os on oU of the opponents' first teems. Ha wal also selected to ploy in the North路South geme end is the firsl Vandal ployer to be selected in the nine路yeer history of that game. Kramer ....os a standout on delen.... Welker "'os ..Iected to the second teom of tho PeC and was olso outstanding on defense. Ploying asida Kramar. this duo wos the besl in the nolion end gove Idaho the distinction of having one of the most outstanding middle lines in the counlry. Aldrich received honoroble mention on the PeC t...m and was on off.ns;v. Itend. oul lor the Vandols. Plegued by injuries throughout most 01 the S"SCln, he was unoble 10 r..ch his peok, but still did 0 terrific iob. Jarry Kromer, guard




larry Aldrich, .nd

O.egon', Shanley find, a omall hole in the ",nte. of the Idaho line

Football The Idaho Vand"ls finished the season with " 4~4-1 record which is their best since 1937. Mllny highlights g"ve the Vand"ls " very successful se"son, but bad bre"h and injuries pl"gued them throughout the whole cllmpaign. After losing two heartbrellkers to Oregon lind Arizonll, the Vllndllls went on to win 4 of their next six g"mes, beating Ut"h, Fresno Sto!lte. Montan(!, and Utah State, losing to Washington 5tllte lind Oregon State, "nd tieing COP. Id"ho h"d m"ny individual stars throughout the se"son. Guard Jerry Kr"mer w"s picked "s an all-American, and both Kr"mer and Center Wayne Walker made second te"m "II PCe. Tllckle Tony Anderson, fullback Ken Hall, "nd end l"rry Aldrich received honor"ble men· tion on the PCC tellm. Kr"mer, Walker, and Aldrich were selected to play in the Ellst·West gllme late in December.


Oregon Oregon State .. UCLA Washington State St"nford Washington ~ __.. Southern Cal. ._ C"liforni" IDAHO ........


• 5

• • 3 3 I I 0

l I

2 2 3 3 3 5 5 3

Conference T Pet. .857 0 .714 0 .667 0 0 .571 0 .500 .500 0 .167 0 0 .167 0 .000

Games Ph. Opp. W 117 71 7 137 7 103 75 7 8. 119 122 5 134 99 5 93 98 3 .5 108 2 109 I 85 19 50

l 2 2 2

• 5 8 8

• •

All Games T Pet. Pts. Opp. .778 I•• 77 0 0 .778 193 122 .778 171 81 0 0 .556 IS' 0 .55. 213 I•• I .389 113 185 0 .125 78 18. .111 9. 0 '.2 ,.0 I .500 108


Couhing St.ff, I.ft to right: Ed Knecht. badfield cOtlch; J. V. John~on. end coech: Slip Stahley, h."d fOQtb,,1I cOtlch; Don Swarl:z. line cOtlch; and Wayne Anderlon. fre~hman coech.

Head Football COtIdl SKIP STAHLEY

front Row, l.ft to right: Ken Hell, Gene Smith, Jerry Smyth., Tony Anderwn, Weyne Welk.r, J.rry Kremer, How~"d Willis, larry Aldrich. lonnie Pork, larry Norby, end Gary Kenworthy. Sec:ond Row: Bob Eyler. Did Cklricuzio, Fr.d 8ourque, Did Gooby, 8ill Worley, Bob Shill, Pete J~nson. Wade PaHerwn, Dave Andress, Theron N.lson, Gery Fernlwortll. n.ird Row: hoCqr. 8yd, Jun. Henfotd, 0.1, Hill, Tom DiNuovo. Relph Jenn;no. St.... Symml, Don Ev.n~, K.n Goodwin, Stan Fanninq, J. D. L.wson, Jad Ashbaugh, Don Riden.r. Poul Wager. Fourth Row: Jim NHI., 80b DeMinger, Jim Norton, Gene Smith. Fifth Row: Coachel Johnson, Stahley, Swartz, and Kneeilt. 115

Id"flo's Norby close' in for" t"dl.

IDAHO Oregon

6 9 The seoson opener wos spoiled by 0 22路yord field gaol by Jock Morris of the Oregon Ducks. The go me wos 0 tough, hord bitten foofboll gome in which the de路 cision wos fought out, on tough terms in opposing lines. The Vondol ond Duck forword wolls banged ferociously 011 ofternoon with neither line holding odvontoge for long. Defense wos well in evidence throughout the gome. Both cooches loter commented on the fine ploy of the Vondol line. The field gaol. which wos the first for Oregon since 1949, soiled through the crossbors in the woning moments of the third quorter to give the Ouch o bitterly fought 9-0 victory over Idoho. Id.h"

Or"9 0n

16 167 129

First downs Rushing yordoge Possing yordoge Posses Posses intercepted Punts Yords Penolized


266 27

2-7 2 7 60






R. Prestel, tadle. Sr.

G. Kenworthy, quorlerbod. Sr.

l. Norby. k"lfb"d, Sr.

l. Fenton, h"lfb"d, Sr.

IDAHO Oregon Touchdowns: Holill plunge) Conversions; Kromer

o o

o 6

6 l



Brelth plltyed M importllnt pMt in the second Idllho loss. Arizonlt Stllte's multiple offense wGllowed in low geltr throughout much of the gllme, but the Sun Devils cltpitltlized lit opportune moments to down the stub路 born VMdltls. Idllho, behind lit the hltlf. plltyed lin outstMding gil me the third Md fourth periods. The V&ndltls pided good yllrdllge in the Ilir but were out路 gained on the ground. Idllho's lone touchdown WGS set up by It brillillnt punt return by sophomore hltlfbltd Pltul WGgGr. Gultrd Jerry Krllmer Gnd center Wayne Walker were singled out by Stahley for outstanding plGY in the line. Other outstllnding players in the gltme were June H&nford, lGrry Aldrich. Wllgllr, Gnd Plttterson.

First downs Rushing yltrdage Pltssing yllrdllge PGsses Punts Fumbles lost Yards penGlized


8 63 107 10-22 10

26S 44


7 2




IDAHO SCORING IDAHO Arizonll Stltte . P. Wagar.

~alfbad. Sop~.

S. FaMing, tadla.


R. Jaffery, center. Jr. T. Nellon,

IDAHO Arizona State

~alfbad, Sop~.

0 0

0 12

o o

7- 7 7-19

Touchdown: Willis (I plungel Conversion: Krllmer

7 19

An unidentified Arizona State playe. goal lor e lhort ga,n aga,nd


Vandal, /It Tampe Il1




6 Brilli(lnt pillY by fhe whole center of the Ideho line and offensive st"ndouts Holl o!Ind Willis, helped Ideho scelp the Redskins of Ut"h. All of Id"ho's scores ceme on short plunges by Willis. Toking odvlIntoge of the bre"h by recovering two fumbles, one ne", the Id"ho goel line and the other deep in Utoh territory poved the wtJy for the victory. A terrific goal line stand by the center of the Ideho line proved to be the defensive play of the doy "'s they held Utoh on the one for four downs. Quid spurts by Hell's lind Willis' ptmes kept Ut"h defenders on their toes. The Redskins were paced by their stllf qUllrterbaek Winters who sparked the Utes to their lone touchdown.

First downs ....._ Rushing y~rd~ge P~ssing y~rd~ge


PllSSes P~sses intercepted by ._ Punts Fumbles lost Yltrds Penltlized . ...



I2 161





-7- II 0 _b- 35.5

9- 16

o 5-- 29.8 2




Touchdowns: Willis 3 II, 5 plunges, 6, run) Conversions: Kr~mer 2, Han

IDAHO. ...



F. Bourque, 9u""d, Jr.

J. Prest"l, I"dl., Jr.

K. Hall, fullback, Jr.

R. Jannino, center, Soph.



o o



Alert Oregon Stote pounced on fumbles end intercepted passes to defallt the VMdols in 0 hord fought conference football gllme. The Idoho backfield, riddled by injuries could not moteh the Beovers' deep array of running telent. The Vandal's line, living up to its show. ing in other games this seeson, held the Be"vers " number of times. The hard running bocHield of Oregon Stote told the story for the most pert. Fullback Beamer lind Joe Frllncis were tlble to outmaneuver the Idoho defense. The Vandols put on the most determined drive eorly in the fourth qUllrter when they merched to Oregon Stote 9 end loter fumbled. Willis to Aldrich was the only significant long gaining combination elthough Hell end Fenton were successful on short plunges.

First downs ..._ Rushing yardage Passing yerdege . Pesses . Passes intercepted ._ Punts . Fumbles lost Yerds peMlized

IDAHO . Oregon State D. Andreu. gue,d, Sop".

P. John$on, I..dle, Jr.

J. Hanford. fullback, Soph.

J. Norton, hoi/bod, Soph.



Oregon State An


VMda\ playe. hih Ihe


Or.gon St.t.




255 50


5-9 2






o 7









0- 0




Willi, is shown her. going for e 9"i" 8gainst Stat...

IDAHO. College of Pacific

7 7

The outpillyed Tigers of COP took od..."ntl:lge of the breoks to tie the VMdols 7-7. The go!lme storted out tiS " rout when Idoho took the boll Md merched 80 yords to "touchdown. Ken Hall burst the Illst one yllrd Md Jerry Kramer kicked the conversion. A fumbled punt "nd poss interference proved to be the downfall of the VMd"ls. With fourth down on the VMdll1 12. COP qutlrterback threw /I po!lSS out of the end zone. Poss interference w/!s Ullied tlnd the ball was placed

on the one. COP then proceeded to score ond tie Idoho 7路7.


Id.. Ioo

First downs


Rushing yo!lrd"ge Passing yardtlge P"sses Posses intercepted by Punts _ Fumbles lost Yords pen"lized





99 16





I b-- 36.7

8- 33.3

2 5- 30

3- 35


IDAHO SCORING IDAHO COP Touchdowns: Hell (I plunge) Conversions: Kramer


l. Parh. end. Sr.

J. Smythe. guard, Sr.

J. D. low..,n, end, Jr.

G. Farnworth, qu"rt.rb.d SQph.



0 0

o o



With 5,000 people in the stMds during Idaho's Homecoming, the Vandals proved too powerful for the Bulldogs in the rain Md mud as they beat them 20·6. Idaho's first score c"me on Ken Hall's ]6~yard run in the first qUllrter. J. D. Lllwson's recovery of a Bulldog fumble in the second quarter set up Idaho's second score. Willis rM for 13, passed for 10. Md then scored on II one-Yllrd plunge, Idaho's third score came on II 63-Yllrd scoring play from a pass from Willis to Bob Dehlinger. with Dehlinger running the fin,,1 ]0 Yllrds for the touchdown, The Bulldogs were spar~ed by their qu"rterblld Kuhn. whose pllsses lind tridy plllYs ~ept Idllho's defense on its toes 1111 of the time. Ideho

First downs Rushing Yllrdoge Passing yordage PtlSses Passes intercepted by Punts ... Fumbles lost Yords penalized


165 108 5- 9 3 4-42

2 82

F.elno Siele

16 150 160



4-38 2



Touchdowns: HllIU (36. run); Willis (I. plunge); Dehlinger (63. pllss-run from Willis) Conversions: Krlllmer.2. 7 IDAHO 6 o 6-20 Fresno Stllte o o o 6- 6

IDAHO. T. OiNuovo. gUIl'd. Soph.

J. Ashbaugh. end. Jr.

D. Hill. guard. J •.

W. Petlerson. end. J •.

Fresno State

20 6

unidenlified F.esno SI..le pleye. gel> .mothe.ed by a hosl of Vandel pleyers.


Norby bowls oYe, from th" th..,,, to «:ore ogoind Monlono

IDAHO Montana

31 13

LtHry Norby's 96-yord touchdown run on the opening

kickoff (Iod Howard Willis' two touch-down passes with 65 seconds rem(lining in the holf ptlVed the W(JY for


Vond1'l1 victory 31-13. Willis' touchdown pessss were to Bob Dehlinger end P"ul Wogor. The second holf proved more of (I defensive bottle as both tellms hod to punt frequently. The touchdown score in the second holf wos <'ltfributed to " long sustoined drive with Norby going over from the 3. With six seconds remaining in the game. Jerry Kromer, who hod "Ireedy kicked 4 con· versions, proceeded to bd " 25-yard field gael. MontMoIl'S scoring wos t1ttributed to the 13reat passin13 of their quarterback Keeley. who completed 16-26 for 151 yards. Id.I.o

First Downs Rushing yarda13e Passin13 yarda13e Passes. Passes intercepted by Punts Fumbles lost .. Yerds penalized.


22 19 189 179 149 151 11- 20 16- 26 0 ] 6- 45.4 8- 35 ' 0



Touchdowns: Norby 2 (96, kickoff return, 3, plunge); Dehlinger (26, pess from Willis); Weger (22. pess from Willis). Field 13oel: Kramer (25). Conversions: Kremer 4.

IDAHO. 8. Dehling"., h.lfbed, Jr.


Montana ._ D. Gooby, guard, Jr.

8. Eyl.r, qu.rfo.bod. $oph.

7 b







Held to II 14-7 score lit hllif time, the Vondllis came bed strong to smother the Aggies. 35-7. Many injuries pillgued the Vandels the fi~t helf, but Kenworthy finttlly got Id"ho rolling end completed 12-lb passes for 234 yards. Idaho's first score ceme on !l IO-y"rd run by Norby and the second cerna on Il I-yard plunge by Felton. 80th of these scores were the results of 1I long susto/lined drive. Idoha's other scores clime on a 38-Y<!lrd run by Felton. 15-ytlrd fun by Han. llnd " 20-y"rd p"ss from Kenworthy to Dehlinger. Kenworthy's 234 yards were just shy of the record for II single geme lind if " 38-Yllrd touchdown fun hlld not been nullified by /I dipping penolty, he would hove set <'l new record. Utoh Stofe's lone score come on 0 I路yord plunge oHer 0 89路 yord kickoff return. Firsf Downs Rushing yordoge Possing yordoge Posses. Posses intercepted by ._ Punts . .... Fumbles lost Yords penolized


..... 14 .. 7

IDAHO ._... Utoh Stote ._



Utah Stat.

16 149 293 _16- 23 1 2- 33.3 3 57

62 63 8-35 1 9-39 1 69

a 0


21 0

0-35 0- 7

Touchdowns: Norby (10, run); Fenton 2 (I plunge: 38. run): Dehlinger 120, poss from Kenworthy): HolI(15, run). Conversions: Kromer 5. D. Ridener_ halfback, Soph.

T. Anderson. guard. Sr.

H. Willis, quarterblld, St.

IDAHO Uta h State

35 7

K.nny Hall $cooh Ol"Ol.lnd end fot a nice qo;n oqa;nd WSC


Fullbod Hell qoes for biq 9/1i" "9/1'nll tho CouglHI


13 21 The "allttre of the Palouse" WIlS again lln exciting end well fought gllme with the Cougars coming out llhelld 21·13. Stout defenses for both teems were ex· tremely importent in the outcome of the gllme. The Vo.'lndols gave the Cougars all they htJd, but e costly fumble on the Coug<'H one-Yo!lrd line proved

first score came on


fatll!. Idaho's

5usttlined drive of b2 yords with

Kenworthy going over from the one.

ld.,ho's second

38-Yl!lrd ~ss pl",y from Kenworthy to Dehlinger. WllIshington Stllte WllS s~r~ed by their All·

score came on


pee qUllrterblld, Bob Newmlln, who threw P"SS6S ell over the field to le<'ld the WSC tellm to victory. wsc



13 71

16 149 140 9- I'"

First Downs Rushing y"rd"ge P"ssing y"rd"ge P"sses Pesses intercepted by Punts Fumbles lost Y"rds pen"lized

I 4- 28

225 15- 26 2 +- "'2.2

3 5- "'0

I 4- 45

° 7

7 7



0-13 7-21

Touchdowns; Kenworthy (I. wedge), Dehlinger (38. p"ssrun from Kenworthy) Conversions; Kr"mer M. HilliS. f"lIb"d, Sr.

8. Dowli"",. end Jr.

M. Killion, m"na", ••• Soph.


Front Row: Coach Porberry, Gory Simmons, Jerry Jorgenson, Whoylon Colemlln, B. J. Schoffe., John CiS"II, lind Head Coach Hllrlen Hodges. Second Row: Mg •. Bob Pie.ce, Da"e Damiano, John Lj"eious, Rollie Williams, Jim Branom, GII'y McEwen lind Bob Wllllon. Third Row: Mgr. Gary Kendllll, Did Gilberts, Weldon Wood, RoglI' Wlltts, Mgr. Jim McDonald, lind Iraine. PlldllY Boyle.

Basketball The Idoho Vondols finished 0 terrific seoson Winning 17 ond losing 9 ond finishing fourth in the PCC with 9 wins ond 7 losses. The Vondols storted fost, then 0 disostrous rood trip following Hoi Domiono's injury hurt the chonces of the teom's winning the PCC title. They then finished very strong beot· ing Colifornio ond Oregon Stote in their lost two gomes. After the coost rood trip Jerry Jorgenson come bock ond proyed in the lost five gomes ond gove 0 big uplift to the Vondol


64 IDAHO . ... 57 IDAHO . . . . . . ..... 60 IDAHO . ........65 . ....71 IDAHO .. IDAHO .. __


____..56 ... _.....69 ___. 64 ___:48 ____.... 51

MontMo . Montono St.. Montono ..... Nevod o Nevodo

teom who won 4 of their lost five gomes. The teom hod mony bright spots with Gory Simmons leoding 011 scorers in the PCC with 346 points for on overoge of 21.6 per gome. Sim. mons olso hit the high of My ployer in the PCC with 38 points ogoinst Southern Colifornio. Gory Simmons broke the 011. time record for 0 Vondol ployer for his four yeors ot the University.

IDAHO .. , .... IDAHO ...





PCC 67 StMford . .77 U5C .... 81 U5C. __ 64 UCLA .




..... .83 . 65




.85 .67 .87

49 __ ._ .. 75 ________.. ,... 51 __ 73

........85 ......63 .....62

_______....82 .82

WSC WSC Oregon U ofW. Oregon Oregon St.

UCLA. Wosh . Colifornio . StMford . Colifornio __ Oregon St .

__...__67 .58 ...._76 __ ,....56

....82 ...70

....67 63 ..... __ 70 , 72 _____ __ ..72 55 145

Basketba II Heod cooch Horlen Hodges completed his fourth yeor os cooch of the vorsity bosketboll teom ond this yeor wos truly the best seoson Idoho hos hod in 0 long time. Hoving the moteriol to work with ond consistent scorers in Simmons ond Colemon, he worked his teom into 0 close knit orgonizotion. We ore 011 very proud of Cooch Hodges ond the terrific job he did this yeor.

Woyne Anderson's frosh teom finished the seoson with 8 wins ond 7 losses. Although this record is not too impressive, the ployers goined voluoble experience for next yeor's vorsity teom. The teom wos hit hord ot semester time with one guord ond two centers becoming ineligible due to grodes.



Time out during the WSC series to look for Jim Branom's contact lens.

Branom gO<ll high in air lor rabound al SimmOM and Coleman mova in.

Coleman Aies through tha air lor a layin againll Montana.

Shown here or. Coleman and liveioul oltempting 0 tipin against Montana.


Colemen drives in lor" layup


67 62

Sta nford Sta nford

Idaho started the PCC se<'lson fast with <'l decisive 67 to 59 conquest over the StMford IndiMS. Utilizing <'l fost breok to ne<'lr perfection, the IndiMS did the best they could to st<'lY in the gome. Simmons led all scorers with 21 points, McEwen hod 16, <'lnd Liveious had 12. The go me ot StMford W<'lS <'l different story os the VMdols hod cold stre<'lks throughout the go me Md were unoble to C<'ltch St<'lnford.


59 72






83 65 FG

The Vandals split their two 9tlmes with the Trojtlns

losing the first game "nd winning the second. The










first 9tlme see·~wed b"d tlnd forth until Illte in the



fourth quorter when USC connected on twelve straight




free throws to go into the leod which they never


relinquished. McEwen led V"nd,,1 scoring with 18 followed by liveious with IS. The second game """S


8 16

" complete runllw"y as the Vtlnd"ls hit " good percentage of their shots with Simmons hitting from


4-8 16-20 7-10 3-5 2-3

needy everywhere on the floor.



• 2







20 48







Simmons led "II

scorers with 38 points, 12 field goals and 14 for 16 free throws.

Simmon, Ulns One against Southern Californi.



drivu eround


Torrence for

IDAHO IDAHO Poor shooting coupled with failure to control the backbotJrds resulted


Idlllho's dropping their first

glllme with the Bruins. ColemtJn ted the IdtJho scorers with















8 12


















second meeting tJs Idlllho. sporked by the brillillint


shooting tJnd defensive pllllY of GllIry Simmons. de.

H. Domiono _

fell ted UCLA by




WlllS high mon for the VtJndlllls with 37 points.

56 73 1


slim but decisive score. Simmons



totllli of 18 points followed closely by Simmons




with 17. It was tJ different story, however. lit their




5 2 1

64 67




wsc wsc



The Vllndols clobbered the Cougars in both gomes this yaM. The Cougllrs were completely outclassed by the V.,nclllis who outpl(lyed. outshot, end outrebounded them to win both gomes quite eosily. Simmons le.,d tlll scorers wifh 25 points in both gomes while Schoffer hod r6 in one lind Colemen end D"mieno 13

in the other. FG Liveious



10 5 10 18 8 5

Brtl"om .

Colam,," Simmons Sch"ffer Wliiton




2-4 1-2


" " 2J


J-4 14-17

J-5 I-I


J 8 2 5 5


SO 19


Simmons drives around WSC ploy•• to get" iump shot lSI



eg,,'n,t UCLA; Sch"ffer, McE"'en. Simmon, ..."it to h"lp


62 82







In losing their first g"me to the


'6 6

Be"rs 70-62, Id"ho w"s somewh"t stymied by the full court press "nd b&1I control which the Be"rs employed.

Br"nom McEwen

3 2

1-2 2-2





The second g"me w"s " reverse of the first "s the V"nd"ls were unstopp"ble hitting 52 per cent of their











shoh "nd 22 of 27 from the free throw line. This

W"lton I First g"me be_ score only.




The VMd"ls "Iso split with the PCC ch"mps, the C"liforni" Be"rs.

w"s strictly " te"m effort "s Simmons Md BrMOm scored 19 e"ch, liveious Md ColemM 16 e"ch. Md McEwen 10. This victory forced C"tiforni" into" pl"y.off with Oregon St"te.


70 70

California Ca Iiforn ia


49 85

U of W U of W

56 63


Stllrting their disllstrous rood trip the VMd"ls dropped their first loss with Washington 56-49. The Vllndols ployed quite well in the first h.,lf but bec/lme




8 7


6 7

24 24

5 3









stone cold in the second h,,1f Md could do nothing



4-5 8-12

right. The second gome proved the superiority of the




VMdllls as they clobbered the Huskies 85-63. The Huskies were never in this game liS Id"ho's outstond-


... 14





. 4

4-4 1-3

ing shooting Md boekboord pllty proved to be the big foetor. Simmons led "II scorers with 17 "nd 30 points respectively in both games while Colemlln h"d



20 lind McEwen 14 in one gllme.

HU$lie pley.r attemph .hot

Q".' ouhfretek.d hand. of Welton





Idoho's second 10$s on their 3-doy diStistrou5 rood trip was by Oregon 82-75.


Charlie Franklin again scored 35 points liS he led the Duck Ilttlld. Idena WtlS tlgtlin hampered by lin inconsistent scoring. The first go me of the series showed the superiority of the



they got their fost breok going and superior


rebounding proved to be the big foctors in the Vandlll



win. Simmons led 011 scorers with 37 points.






Oregon Oregon












7 7









.. 11




IHl 3-4





3 .. First gome box score only.






Idaho suffered" stunning defeat lit the hands of the 8ellvers during the two teems' first meeting this yellf. The Vllndals, h"mpered by gener,,1 sluggishness, trlliled by only 5 points <!It the end of the first half, but the Beavers were soon tibia to widen the mllrgin. OSC entered the second 9"me leoding the



position which they were firmly knocked from

by " determined Idllho five. The Vllndals. led by big Jim Brenom end G"ry Simmons, surged "hellid in the second half to defeot the Beavers' hopes of gaining the pee ch"mpionship. Simmons WllS high for Id"ho with 17, followed closely by Branam end Colemon with 14 Md 10 respectively.

70 55 FG





J 5







Coleman 4 Simmons .5 Jorgenson ... 2 Second game box score only.

• 2 7



T. a "I







Individual Statistics GARY SIMMONS senior. guard. capilli"

2b 445 W. Coleman. 2b 275 John liveious 23 282 Gary McEwen 25 195 Jim Branom . 2b 152 Hal D"mi"lno .... 17 137 B. J. Schaffer ....21 130 Bob W"lton . 20 105 Gary Simmons


Others Te3m's Totals

2b 1812

19' 159 90 bb 3b 20 90 72 .395 81 58 .4] I 38 22 31 .346 20 .390 51 25 .366 52 35 .380 b41 4b9

185 AIS 113 .411 93 .329 b2 .323 bO

58 '5 41 2b b8b

117 .73] Ilb .556 173 .800 231 .717 18b





81 b8 .3 70 44


81 88 37

.490 .673

.700 1165


530 20.04 292 11.3 20b 9.0 19b 7.8 178 b.8 138 8.1 110 5.2 107 5.4

35 34 B7 494 1850 71.2

WHAYLEN COLEMAN junior, guard

JOHN LlVEIOUS sophomore. fo...... ,,'o

DICK GILBERTS junior. guard

B08 WALTON sophomora, quord

JOHN CISNA junio., guard

The Vandals finished their best season in years by winning 17 games and losing q. Idaho came in fourth in PCC standing with a record of q wins and 7 losses. beating every team in the conference at least once and beating the Cougars twice. Finishing their preseason record of 8 wins and 2 losses the Vandals hit a high when they scored 100 points against the University of Alas~a. Starting PCC play, the Vandals scored a vidory over Stanford and lost to Southern California. During both games the V"ndals showed a lot of hustle and good ball handling. The team then traveled to ulifornia and again split. beating Southern California Md losing to UCLA Gary Simmons led the Vandal attad against USC as he scored 38 points. The Vandals then returned to club the Cougars twice. Just before first semester ended the V"ndals beat the Oregon Duds. Then disaster hit the tellim when Hal DamiMO was injured in 1lI clllr accident. With the morlllie of the tellim down. the VllIndlllls proceeded to lose 3 glllmes in 1lI row to W"shington. Oregon. llInd Oregon State on a fllltal road trip. The VMdals then came bad to UCLA with Simmons scoring 37 points. The VllIndols proceeded to beat Wash路 ington end lose to C"lifornie es they made their record 7 wins and 6 losses. Traveling to Californie. Idaho lost to Stanford Md then steggered the leading Beers by trouncing them very convincingly. The Vandals then went on to smash the 8eavers from Oregon State to end the season with e very successful cempaign. Gery Simmons was eleded the team's most varueble pleyer end Whaylon Colemen won the most inspirationllli award. Simmons ended the season by scoring 530 points for en everege of 2004 points e geme. Simmons led llIti PCC scorers with 316 points in 16 gemes for an average of 21.6 points a game. Simmons was eleded to the PCC first team end Coleman wes eleded to the second teem to end the sellison in grend flllshion.


GARY McEWEN cente'







Swimming The Vond,,! swimming leom had quite e few letter-

yard freestyle. The relay teams did very well. The

men bod from Illst veer's squed but still hilid no depth. Starting out by betlting EWCE, the finmen

Vl!Indl!lls were then defel!lted by the Utl!lh Redskins by winning only two events, the 4QO'yl!lrd medley re-

begon the sellison well by winning 8 out of 10 first

Il!Iy, composed of ll!lrry Nelson. John Price, Hl!Ill. l!Ind

plllees poced by Len lawr's wins in the 100- ond 220路

ll!lwr. and the bO-Yl!lrd freestyle won by Phillips. The Vl!Indals lost soundly to the OSC Bel!lvers with only

yord freestyle ond Chef Hell's record-breoking 200yord bretlststroke, etlsily overwhelming the Cheney

tMm. The VMdltls then split their next two meets losing to Woshington o!lnd beeting WWCE. In the Woshington meet, the VMdol swimmers could do no better thM 3 second pillees: Ale~ Gilbert in the 200-yerd butterfly: Ken Goodwin, SO-ytlrd freestyle:

3 Vl!Indl!lls winning second pll!lces: Hl!IlI in the breoststroke; Nelson. in the bockstroke; l!Ind lowr in the IOO-yord freestyle. The Vondols then evened their seoson record by bel!lting Montanl!l ond EWCE. Led in both meets by Lowr, Goodwin. Nelson, Phillips, ond Deve Roscoe,

and Ron Edwtlrds, diving. The meet "goinst WWCE

the finmen soundly beet them. Losing the finel meet

.....os just the opposite os Idoho won "II first places with Dove Oomon. 200-Yllrd freestyle: Goodwin, 50-

of the sel!lson to WSC the Vand"ls were "II set for the Northern Division Meet et Sel!lttle. In the ND meet the Vl!Indals could only manl!lge one third and

yard freestyle: Jim Phillips. diving; Gilbert. 200-yard butterfly: Sam McNeill. 440-yard freestyle: Hall. 220-

one fourth with John Price in the 100-yerd breest-

yard breaststroke: and Lawr in the 100- and 200-yard freestyle. The Vandals then lost a heartbreaker to the

stroke l!Ind len Lawr in the 100'yl!lrd freestyle. Price wes elected lIS the Vandels' most ..."Iueble swimmer

Cougars by one point. The Vandal team was paced by Phillips and Edwards, diving and lawr in the 100-

es Chet Hl!IlI Wl!lS elected the most inspirl!ltionol swimmer.

CHET HAll captain


Froll' Row: lowr, Edwards, Price, Nelsoll. Ro.cDe. McNeill. S.cond Row: Phillips.



Gilbert. Goodwill. Hall. Orinq.

Jim Phillips is shown hare doing a full qainer.

Four Valldal fillmen show qood form for racinq dive. I.ft to right. Nelson. Price. Gilbert, and lewr.


Cross Country With seven returning lettermen from I"st yeor's undefetlted teom, Joe Glander's cross country IeI'm did very well. The Vande I runners swept pest the CouglHS by winning the first four places. Roy Hotton, Ron Adorns. Frtlnk Wyott, and Peter Reed gave the Vo!Indols their four pieces. Wilt Riggers rounded out the top 5 with /I seven ploee finish. The Vande Is then went on to betlf WSC two more times. The Vendals again were led by Hottan, Wyatt, Adems. Reed end Riggers. The Vllnd,,1 runners lost their first meet in two yellrs when the two top runners missed

in second piece. si. points behind WSc. The Vllndots then swept the first three ploces end Dick Boyce's eighth pities finish in the Vencouver, B.C. meet to

bellt 1111 other tellms by over forty points. The Vllndllls then defellted WSC Ilgllin for II tune-up for the PCC meet in Clllifornill. The Vllndllls then won their first PCC Chllmpionship in the school's history by winning the COllst Crown. WYlltt pllced the hllrriers with II second pillce finish, followed by Hlltton's sixth plllce finish, Adllms' seventh pl!lce finish lind Dick Boyce's tenth pll1lce finish.

" turn t.ind were disqualified end the teem finished

F..,nt Row, len to right:

H/ltlorl, Rud, WY/ltt, Adams. Riggers.




Row: C04lch Glender. lynch. Boyce, Rogers, Durhem, lund.

, Front Row, left 10 ril)1lt: St,," Pie,ce. AI Sudweek$. Second Row: eo.eh Frank Younq. Bob H/lns.en. Bob Eyler

Idoha's tennis te&ffi won only one tennis ffilltch out of nine beating EWCE 4-3.

Idaho lost to Whitman twice, ]路0 Md 4.3. WSC twice, 5-2 lind 5-2. and lost once to EWCE .... 3, Oregon 6-1, Oregon Sttlte 7-0, lind Wllshington 7-0. Hllving only one velarM back from lost yeer's 160m hurt the team considertlbly. Stan Pierce. senior 2-yeef lettermM: Bob Eyler, sophomore end number one mlln; elll lui Md Bob Hansen, sophomores: end AI Sudweeks, junior. mode up the tstlrn. V!llullble experience wtlS obttlined and Idllho's tennis tellm should improve considerably in the future by the sophomore Illden leom.

Go If


Idllho's golf tellffi egain paced by Coptllin Dick Sheppord won three out of five m"tches in ND pl"y "nd then finished second in the Northern Division Meet. They then tr"veled to Clllifornill where they finished fifth in the PCC meet. They bellt WSC twice, Wllshington once, lind lost to Oregon ond Oregon Stllte in ND play. Other members of the team include Rusty Sheppard, John Rosholt, Jack Snider, Lynn HlInsen, Mike Hellton, lind John Cranston. Losing only Did Sheppllrd, Cranston, lind He"ton, the tellm should be very strong next sellson.

FrOllt Row, I,ft to .ight: Mae Heaton. Lynn Halllen. R~sly Sheppa,d. Geo.ge luckherdt. S.colld Row: C,onston, Did ShapP",d. ond John Ro.holt.

Coech Did Snyde', John

Front Row, I.ft to right: Smythe. Mg'" Fry, H",tch, Riggs, Peloid, Geerlsen. Second Row: Coech IInderson, Blo.om, Stell· m"'n, Westerg,en, Oehlinger, Thom"'l. Third Row: Breden, Heltermer. Anderson, Johnson, Knivile, Throckmorton.

Baseball The Vandal B<'Iseb<'l1l te<'lm <'Ilthough we<'lkened in the pitching dep<'Irtment due to gr<'ldu<'ltion l<'lst yeor h<'ld a successful se<'lson. Although not winning <'IS m<'lny <'IS they lost, they defe<'lted WSC in the l<'Ist game of the season 5-3. A Coug<'lr victory would h<'lve won the conference for WSC. Idaho finished fourth with <'I record of 4 wins and 12 losses ahe<'ld of cell<'lr dwelling W<'Ishington.


Westergren was ag<'lin the le<'ldinq V<'IOd<'ll hitter b<'lttinq close to .330.


Pre-conference •• ••••• 1


__ .....9


____._ .. .4


IDAHO .......... IDAHO __

..........6 Whitworth ___.5 Whitworth

...................2 .__.. 2

IDAHO ....


EWeE .. EWeE ...... ose _....... _. wse .......


Mont<'lnll .....

-- -----.- ... - .......

IDAHO .... IDAHO ......... IDAHO .... IDAHO. IDAHO ..

.... .4

IDAHO ......

....S Whitworth ....0 Whitworth .. ._............

IDAHO ....


....6 .... 3


.. ........... .0

..___ .4

2 ....... --_ .. 8

6 0 .. _- __.__ .1

... 1 .. 2

ose .. ose

IDAHO ... _



IDAHO ....




IDAHO .._. __ IDAHO .

4 _____ ....0

... .. ..... ..... _____________ .

3 ..

......... 8



.. 6

Washington .

IDAHO .. 2 Washington __ .._5 IDAHO. wse _____ 1 wse IDAHO ... IDAHO .. .. 4 ose . ____ 1 ose IDAHO ... . IDAHO ......... .2 Oregon IDAHO ................... .0 Oregon ._ IDAHO .... .......0 wse IDAHO ..... ............. ___ .... 5 wse ...

4 15



. .


...... 2 .. _.... 13 .. 10


.......... 11 ..

.... 8 3

8,11 St"lIman - three-year ,enior letterman from lewiilon, Idaho. played terrifi, ball both afield and at bat to halp laad the Vandal attack.

Knute We~ter9ren - three路year senior lelterman Irom Twin Fall~. Idaho. again playad outstanding ball for the Vandal,. He led the team in hitting with an averege of .no. These two men will be a big Ion to ned year'~ team.

The Vtlnd,,1 b"seb,,11 te"m pl"yed good b,,11 occ"sion"lIy but locked in steody pitching most of the time. V"I Johnson "nd CI"rk Anderson were the m"instoys on the Vandal teom, both turning in good games. Bill Stellman, three-year lettermtln, agoin held down first base tlnd did 0 very good job both hitting Md fielding. Holding down second base was Jim Chrismtln with larry Hattermer tlnd Fremtln P"sold fighting it out for third base. Knute Westergren, " three-year lettermtln, did tin excellent job of holding down the shortstop position. He "gain pounded the b,,11 "II over the outfield and led the Vondals in hitting. Playing good ball throughout the season in the outfield were Weyne Riggs, Jim Throckmorton, tlnd Bob Dehlinger. Alternating tIt the cetchers spot were Ted Knivile tlnd Rey Fry.

An unidentified Idaho player is shown here hitting the b"lI.

Baseba II The Vtlnd"ls behind the pitching of V"I Johnson "nd the hitting of Knute Westergren In their first outing 5-3.

be"t the Couglllrs

Johnson was tough when

it counted end Westergren's two booming triples

were too much for the CougtHS. The Vand"ls lost the second 9"me of the series 4-1. "Ithough they pl"yed good bell end collected nine hits. they were un"b!e to ctJpit"lize on their hits. The highlight of the sellison ctlme when Jim Throckmorton smlllshed " home run with one on to belli fhe Cougars 5-3 in the Illst of the tenth inning offer the



won the first game 8-0. Vel Johnson "9"in pitched brilliant ball as he Jimited the CouglHS to seven hits. Throckmorton also colleded two doubles tlnd was in every scoring play.


5- 1-0-5


Ted Knivilo. junior, cotch.t

Weyn. Riggs, lophomo••, I.ft field

Norm Geertsen, junior, second bue VIII Johnson, junior, pitcher


JIM THROCKMORTON ju~io', cenler field



4- 1 1-2 2-13-3-4

The Vand"ls m"naged only one Win out of four 9"mes with the Satlvers. Val Johnson o9ain pitched brilliant ball and limited the Setlvars to only six hits. Westergren led the Vand,,1 atttlck getting two hits in 60ch of two 9tlmes, Riggs and Stellman each col¡ lected two hits in one 9tlme. In losing the Vendals

still pl"yed good ball and just couldn't get the hits when they were needed. BOB DEHlINGER junio., riqht fi,ld

THOMAS sophomore, utility infi.ld.r

LARRY HAnEMER sophomore. third

bo,,, Unidentified Vend,1 pley", eltempts • bunt



lenio., ''''ort Ilop BILL STELLMON

.en'or, fin' bese

4-2- 2- 0 Oregon 15-8-10-11 IDAHO

The Vendals couldn't win e geme from Oregon in their four.game series with the Duds. Poor pitching lind hitting lit times proved to be the downfllil of the Vendels. Don Lene, Oregon pitcher, pitched no hit bell in winning 11路0. He llilowed only four men to rellch first bllse, No Vendel hitter collected more thlln two hits during the series.

RAY FRY .ophomore. calcher CLARK ANDERSON

senior. pitcher

T"'ird b" s em" n H"t1eme. "w"its t"'.ow f.om outfoeld.



A lof of .ul odio" wOl lOe" ,,, Ihil yeo(, bOleboll lOOlO"

IDAHO 2-4-0



Id"ho opened NO pltly with tl brilliMt 2-1 vidory over the Huskies from Wtlshington. Two spedtlcultlr fielding pillYS sllved the gllme for pitcher Clllrk Anderson. Both pitchers "Uowed only three hits with the Wtlshington pitchers striking out fifteen bllHers lind Anderson striking out eight. The two gllmes lit Wllshington were II different til/e. The Vllndllis lost both of them 9-4 lind boO. Poor hitting in the clutch "nd not getting enough hits were the downftlll of the V"ndlll tellm. Westergren pllced the hitters in the series with Wtlshington.


RALPH HATCH lophomora. ulility

lophomora. Ihird b",,, JACK BLOXOM lOphomo'., pitch.r


Front Row, 1.1t to right: Wyatt, Adams. Wendell. Lunde, Shern. Riggefl. S.~ond Row: Reed. Boyce, Kahl. Durham. Hoga". Coach Glander. Third Row: Ferguson. Bardsley. Cempbell. Overholser.

Track The Vo!Indo!ll tr"d did not win o!I dUl'l meet for the second stro!light yeo!lr but ho!ld mMy individuo!ll performers. FrM~ Wy"tt won every dUo!ll meet two-m3e run Md copped the yeM off by winning the NO two-mile ro!lce in 9:1-4. This led ldo!lho to o!I fourth-plo!lce finish, three points "he"d of Oregon Sto!lte. Ch(trlie Ko!Ihl WI'S outstMding in the pole voult winning meny dUll I meets ond plocing fourth in the pole v"ult in the NO with" leap of 13 feet. His best fErformo!lnce of the ye"r wos 13 ft. 6 in. L"rry Ferguson, st"r high jumper for the VMdo!lls this S6o!1S0n, plo!lced fourth in the NO meet with" jump of 6 ft. I in. This Wo!lS Ferguson's best jump of the ye"r. Ron Ad(tms led the VMdels in the mile run, "nd did" very outsto!lnding job in the NO meet. Running the best time he ever ho!ls, Ado!lms finished third. Did Boyce, fleet-footed h"lf-miler, "Iso rM his best h"lf-mile of the ye"r, four seconds under his previous low but still mM"ged only" third pl"ce finish. D"ve Durh"m, st"r qu"rter-miler Wo!IS ill "t the time of the NO meet and wos un(tble to compete. Durh"m wos 0 consistent point getter for the Vond"ls "s wos Bill Overholser in both the high "nd low hurdles. The V(tndo!lls were very weok in the short sprints "nd in the weights. An even better teo!lm is expeded next ye"r, o!IS only Hog"n and Did Shern will gr"du"te.


lorry Forguson, high jumper, soph,

Fronk Wyolt two-miler, soph,

Ron IIdoms miler ond two-miler, soph.



De"e Durham, 220 and -440. soph.

Chud Kohl, pol. vaulter. ooph. Did Boyce. half.mae., junior


F.ont Row, I.ft to .i'ilht: Jim Douglon. Joo Bryhn, Viggo F••ilin.., S.cond Row: Hilme. lund•.

Mik" lund. Jed B.own. Cooch Glend••,

Skiing The Vondol s~iing teom cooched by Joe Glonder storled the seoson out with sidh ploce in 0 field of seven teoms et Red Mountein, British Columbia. Cantlde. Mi~e Lund led the field for top honors by plocing high in slolom. cross country. downhill. ond jumping. Injuries to Joe Bryhn ond Viggo Freiling in the meet hurl the teom considerably throughout the rest of the seoson. The slotmen finished third ot the Northwest lntercollegiote Chompionship ot Snoqual.

mie. By plocing fourth in slalom. poced by Lund. Jim Douglos, Freiling ond Jod Brown; finishing fourth in cross country, paced by Lund, Hilmor Lunde, ond Freiling; coming in second in the giont slaloms, poced by Lund, Freiling, and Brown; ond the high point of the meet wos in jumping, poced by Freiling. Lunde, ond Lund the teom finished third end hod the right to go to Dertmouth for the Chompionships but did not ottend.



FrOM row, 1.1t to right: Ev.,,,It, F."nk, Fi<;klo, Yalton, Collin" Dolryriple. Carman, Foirc;hild, lilionkomp, S~n(.r. Second Row: Wood"ll, $t".., G,,,ve$, Mykl"bud, Rid"n"._ Wren, lincoln, mg •. H••b C•• l,on, Third rOw: And".,on, Condry, Schutte. Simko, liv;ngilon, J"d· ion, Hill, Bouman. Fourth Row: Morgen, Hoborl, Neibauer, Chri,ty, S<:hQI"" Moomough, Johnson, Kol"lor, Contw"lI, Mohonoy. Fifth Row, Carolan, Srorms, BlIkh"r, Wall.r, Lowis. Hunt, Ism"il. S• .,rs, Nov"lny.

Freshman Sports Swimming


• • •

Nont Row, 1.lt to right: Dueoy, Hensen, Gre.ne, Cod.on, SllIvin, Lllwronce. Socond Row: Cooch Kirklond. Ray, Woolverton. Word. Goodrich.

Freshman Sports


Freshm"n st", Rtl<;l C"roline il lhown here ruchinq up lor " pall.


Basketba II Front Row, I,n 10 right: Bry"n!, Got"$, Be,tend, McGinity,P",b"rry, Caeth Anderson. Second Row: Hunt. Sellol8s, McCaw"n, Anqerbouqh, Auid. Cooch In1ko. n,i,d Row: Zwill"r, LkhllU, MII,en, Werd, Dole J .. .,didll.


• lindley Hall oqoin rtIpeflts




Intro,",,'ol Champs

lindley Han again won the Intromural Championship beeting Willis Sweet by thirty-four points. Delta Tau Delta edged Bet" Theta Pi for top place in frllter nities by seventeen points. The intramural se<!lson itort· ed off with the Delts winning the Turkey Trot. This WtlS followed by TMA repeefing llS football chllmps Md the Phi Delts winning tennis. Idllho Club won swimming end the Tekes repellted 0$ volley boll chomps. G"ult Hell won their first intramural chompionship in 'A' bosketboll, cnd the KllPP" Sigs won 'B' bosketbtlll. TMA won table tennis "nd the AlO won golf. The horseshoe crown was won by the SAEs ond soft-

ball wos won by the Fijis for the fourth streight year. The Delts won the intromurol tr"ck for the second str"ight ye"r to move "he"d of the Bet"s for third pl"ce in tot"l points. The Bet"s were fourth, followed by TKE, PGD, TMA, SAE, "nd PDT to round out th e top ten. The intr"mur"l progr"m w"s under the "ble direction of Clem P"rberry.


Footba II Town Men repeot os footboll intrtlmur,,1 chllimpions.

Basketba II G"ult Hell wins their first intremurol trophy. Front Row, I.ft to ri9ht: Glenn Johnson, Ted Kni ..ilo, Mlltlin Beckwith. Joe EspinOI"_ S.,ond Row: lorry Hollerrner, Doug Klein, Mor~ Cole, Vol Johnson.

Turkey Trot Delts won turley trot trophy. Indi.idu.1 w;nn.... left 10 rig"', are Wilton Riggers, third ploc,,; Emmanuel Etter_ fi"t plac.: Rey Emen.on, MKond.


Bowling lindley HIlII wins bowlinq crown. L.ft to right:

Oon Jones. Jim Monn, Doen

""0", V.rn B.d.r, ond Bob Nusboun, miuinq.

Softball Fijis win softball crown. Fro"t Row, left to right: Bill Benjamin. John POPPO", AI Dingle, ond Jim Hawki ..s. SOl<olld Row: Jerry Jorqo...on. Did Shefl'in. JON'( Mov.rlle«••, Did S••loy, Did ROMhaw, end Monte McMurray.

Tennis Phi Delts win Tennis crown. l.ft 10 right: Mid Gough. Joe Bryhn, and Jim Mercer,


Managers Intrllmurllli




houses ""d many problems 'fo confront .....ith this year. Bruce Cairns wos presi. dent of the orqMizlItion. Front Row, I.ft to ri91..: G.ry Kendall. Roqll' Barr, Rotchy Barke•. C.i,n" Wayne Riggs, lImy H.ttem••. Second Row: Jim Kohl. JoI.n Bodwith, Jerry Move,hoefi••, John EnsUlIlil, Kent Hllrrison, John Cod"lIo, Don Evllns. Thoron N"lson. Third Row: Clem P.rblltry. Gilry 8lid, Lee Thurber, AI G"i1"y. RiI.,. Gomes. Milton Ri99"'" .. nO Did Heys.


Horseshoe $AEs win horseshoes. l.ft to ti'Jhl: M... Burl. lind F...d Cook



Front Row, lelt to right: Ro~emery Meule, Deenne Geertsen, Ann Homilton, Jonemorie Smith, Mitzi Swiner, Jodie Weinwright, Alice Girou" Bod Row: Jonet Coo~, Kris Demm, Helen HMlord, Ginger Symms, Berboro Wheeler, Shirley Henrih.on, Penny Pre.ton, Morge Erded, Mi~~ Belt~, odvi~er.


Newly elected officer~ for WRA ere left to ,'ght, Joen Ferri., Intromurol choirmen; Jenemerie Smith, recording secretery; Joen Belded, ~ecretory足 treesurer; Mitzi Switzer, vice-president; Merge Ersled, pre~ident ond Gingttr Symms, outgoing presidttnt.



h~~ m~n., ~etiyil;el ~u~h


field hode.,.


Romn..,. Oeon 01 P.E. De路 pertmenl 01 WSC i~ qunl of honor el the WRA r.,;oqnition hou"

Women's I Club

F,ont Row, 11ft to right: Merjori. AUlndrup, Jodi" Woinriqht, Mi" Botl~, Adyi,or; Mitzi Switzer. Second Row: Ginqor Symml, Ponny Predon, Doenne Geertsen, J~nie Bonh~m, Merge E"ted, Bolly Wi~wel', Kril D~mm, Jene路 me,ie Smith, end Joen Fe"i,.

PROGRESS 1 889 195 8

Governor Robert E. Smylie Robert E. Smylie has completed his fourth yellr (IS " most successful Gov. ernor of the Gem State, and &s e

devoted assist"nt to the student body of the University of Idl!lho.


, • I ~ • "-• ~

- •••


a • •

It hllS been" trlldition for Governor Smylie to visit the University of Idaho many times throughout the school yeor. This yellr he w&s the specilll guest lit

the dedication of Idoha's new librery Md Ilt Commencement exercises.

Board of Regents The Boerd of Regents is the govern· ing body for the University of Idiliho.

The Iluthority of the ~rd comes from the Constitution of the Stllte of Idaho. These people life entrusted with many important tash, <!lnd "II appointments ond official tlC+s must be approved by

them before they become operative.


Curli, Ellion. Twin Falls; Alion B. Jone., Boise, SI.t. Superintendent of Public Inilruction and E.·Officio Member of 'he Board, Mrs. Marguerite C.mpbell. New Meedow•. secretery; John Spencer. Grangeville. presi· d"n'; John Grehem. Re.burg, vic,,_pre.ident; end John Peecod, Kellogg.

Our President D. R. Theophilus President Theophilus is in his fourth yellr liS the lellder of our university. Previous fo his <'Ippointment in the spring of 1955. Dr. Theophilus W<'IS Delln of the College of Agriculture. President Theophilus is noted not only for his effectiveness in thili import<'lnt position. but 1Iiso for his understllnding <'Ind helpfulness. The yellrs under the guidllnce of Dr. Theophilus hllve been very successful ones for the university.

Executive Committee Around tile lable Illey are De"n J"rnes Krau1. Dun L C. Cady. M,. Kennelll Did. "'e1idenl Donald R. TIleoplliru1 Dun H. Walle' Sieffens. o."n Cllartes O. Deder. end Mr. Refe Gibb,.

The Executive Committee serves liS Gn Gdvisory body for the president. Also. whenever necesSllry. this group lids in official caf><'lcity during the absence of executive officers.


Administrative Council Aiding the president with edministr1'ltive duties, this group coordin1'ltes the progr1'lms of the v1'lrious divisions

Md colleges in order to keep these units functioning smoothly throughout the veer. The Council elso hondles routine petitions from students.

Interim Committee of the Faculty This committee considers m<'ltters of "cedemic import1'lnce origin<'lting from the president or the foculty in genert'll. They consider policy chonges ond then work through the

projects into effect.


Admjnis~rotive council

to put My new

Student AHa i rs •

The University of Jdoho prides itself on its counselors who tire av"il"ble ot "II times to help students solve their individuol problems at college. This ye",r the new De,," of Women, Mrs. Neeley, won the "ffedion of 011 the women students with her enthusiasm lind symp4thetic /lid. Other counselors fomili"r with student needs are De/lln Deder Md Guy Wicks. Especially helpful to those with coreer problems is Chief Counselor Ch"rles Bond who directs guidance tests for incoming freshmen and other students who ore having difficulties in determining their mllijor interests.

CHARLES H. SONO Chiel Student Coun.elor

CHARLES O. DECKER Director of Student IIffeir.


GUY P. WICKS Aswciala Diractof of Sludant AKain for Man, and Fiald Agant.

Auoc'/It" Director of "Rollin for Women, and ON" of Women.


The Administration A well developed lind organized Ildministr"tion is continullUy working for the University of Idllho. The mllny t<'lsh mllMged by this busy group of offici.,ls include the "dminisfr.,tion of university finonces, publicotions end news, and student heolth services. Th ase ore IIlso the individullls who efficiently supervise our libr"ry. and t"ke c"re of student records "nd st udent expenses to the university.

H. WALTER STEFFENS beeutive De.," K. A. DICK

Comptroller, Busineu M"nager, end Burse'

O. D. OuSAULT Reqi.lrftr

J. M. FLEMING. M.D. Univ,mity Physician

HERBERT HARTFIEl. M.D. A..oci"le Physician




Deen 01 the G,,,du.,t,, School, and E.ecutiv& Secretary of Ih" Res..,,,h Council. HARLOW H. CAMPBEll Diredor of Educational Field Service

RAFE S. GIBBS Oi'eclor of Info,m"tion end Editor 01 Publication.


Financial Administration These are the men who


things running smoothly and efficiently-from the financi,,1 point of view

~t the University of Idaho. As the financial edministrlltors for the University. they keep us within our

budget lind handle anything rellllive to finllnces lit Idoho. from our dormitories to our student bookstore.

J. W. WATTS Dep...ty 81,1",,' end B..dget Office'

H. E. SLADE Admini$fretion Ac;c;ountenl

l. C. WARNER Purch",ing Agent

ROBERT F. GREENE Director of Dormitories

GEORGE GAGON University Engineor

C. R. KERR Manager 01 the

University Boahta..

WARNER H. CORNISH OJ.odor 01 Femily HOllsing OperelionJ



College of Letters and Science The College of Letters ond Science is composed of eight m~ior deplHtments: ~rt ond IHchitedure. biologicol sciences, home economics, humonities, mothemlltics, music, physicol sciences, ond $ociol sciences. Preeticlll instruction coupled with the cultUfol volues of the fine



gre<'lt literllture of the world leod students in this college to coreers reloted to the leorning they pursue. In this college the students not only ho!lve on


BOYD A. MARliN College of lette .. ~nd Science

opportunity for speciolized study. but olso <'l chonea to explore the subject mlltter of <'l wide v<'Hiety of courses thtlt give him <'l brood understonding ond perspective in yeofs to come. The intongible volues thllt build chllr"dar ore g1'lrnered through close relotionships of teochers end students in c10sses thot demond deep thinking obout problems concerning humon relotions, purposes ond V'olues.

Sigma XI The Society of 5igmo Xi, leoding scientific ond reseorch froternity, requires its members to hove hod pub· lished in 0 recognized scientific journol. one reseorch po per. Front 11.0"': R. D. W",hon, R. H. 11.0", M. l. J~chon, E. K. R~~nio, Jo.",ph Newton. Second Row: V. A. Cherringlon, J. V. Jord&n, H&n. S&g",", M. G~revilch. J. l. Botsford. W. W. St",ley. H. C. M~ni., Third Row-Pe~1 D. D&lke, W. F. Bon, C. E. lompm",n. Lloyd H. Scrivner, lewis S. Protor, N. F. Hindi.., E",r1 J. lo.,ison, Honry W. Silho.

DEPARTMENT HEADS T. J. Prichard, Art end Archil"'c· ture: C. Norlon Coe. Humonitie" Morgoret Ritchie. Home Eco· nomic.: Williom H. B~ker. Biologi_ col Science•. St"'ndin<j: Robert E. Ho.ed, Soci~1 ScienceSi Hell M. M",dlin, Music: W, H. Cone, Phy.ic",1 Sciences; Deen Mertin.


Row Th",,: Nepie' Smith, L"rry Welch, Bruc", Cummings. Jerry Bierweq, Neel Newhollse. George Woodbury, Burlon Orm&. Row Two: S"lIy Beellie, Xonl/! Woodlord, Ceralyn Lun,trom, Ruth Turner, Carolyn Edwerds. C"ol Riecherl, De" Humphrey. Row On,,: M"rcitl Ellis. Chris Mllde,t, Colleen $ulliv",", Mory Fr'.. nd Grebner, Robertll Foy.

ph i Beta Ka ppa The oldest lind one of the best known of college frotarnities, Phi Bete Koppo. gives recognition of high scholostic ottoinment to students in the field of liberol ods lind sciences. The new members ore chosen from the junior ond senior

c111sses eoch spring.

Alpha Epsilon Delta The members of Alphll Epsilon Delto ore the outstMding students in pre-mad, predent ond bocteriology. No picture of this honorlHy


ovoiloble but the membership

includes; Bob Pierce. Don T<'Iylor, H<'Ile Henson, Bob C<'Irmody, B<'Irry Thielke. Burton Orme, AII<'In McCown. Jim Wright, W<'Ilter Peterson, K<'Ithryn O'Conner, Lel<'lnd H<'Iney. G<'Iil AS<'lph, C<'Irol Miller, secret<'lrY; Phyllis McAlex<'Inder. trellsurer: J<'Ick Cole, president; Ron Purvi<'lnce, historiM: D. A. Gust<'lfson, f<'lculty <'Idvisor; Jim AS<'lph.


Ph i U psi Ion Om Ie ron


Firll Row, left to right: K"ye P.".twid. Kay Zenior, T,e".",,,., Sylvia Stoddard. President, F,"nce, Brown. Secrelary. CII,ol Seitz. Second Row: Mo,ilyn Merrick, Mary Nelson, Lorr"ine Beymer, Eli.lIbelh Curtus, EI"/Inor Whitney, Cerol Holi. Jami" Smith, Judy Wil,on, Third Row: Belly Spence., Sharon Shuldbe'g, Lo""ine hylar, Key COMedo Kolhryn Smith. Undo Edwards. Dorothy Bouer, 00.i,6i...,1.

Sigma Delta Chi



Front Row: Jim H"",i., Dwight Chopin. George Fowler, Jim Gold"n, HMOld O"Yi,. Slid. Row: Bruce Wendle. Jim FI"nigon, Gerry Steele, Bob Vermillion, Ed Seieldod, Mil' Su.le.

phi Mu Alpha At ~.'I'bo.. ,d: Jo"" 8II~er. P••• id."t. Soncly Downing. Sec... t,uy-T,eolur.r. Fred Bur\men, Don Royster, lane Waach. Bob Howerd. Gery Donett, John AII.y. Mik.

Norell, Cheder Pete"on, Did Cripe. Keifh Newhouse, Cocil Heid. Nol pic.lured: Bob Whipple, Vice·P,uid.. "I, Gto" .. m Kno., Allyn Ding,,!. Facility Ad... isor Williem Billinglley.


Sigma Alpha Iota r.ont Row: SUD Holmes. Meril.," Hun· I••, u.rol Wf!iHil, Vice-P"l1ido"', Ann. lyons, Pr••ide"t, Kay S"lye., Tre,uur••. Solly Maddod., Die". K/I'I. S.cond Row: Shirle., NeHlingham. Shirl.y PoR', Joe ..


Lo,a"" Jon...



lands. Judy R..s"lll lonql.. low, Sunny Kinney. Jean Sloke., Mid.y Homm" •. Judy Folkins.


Pi Gamma Mu S..I.d: Barb",.. Wont. Kay Heb.,lach, e.rolin.. E"qlo"d. 5te"ding, O. . n Mar· lin. Prof. Moora. William Gaboury. Oee Humphrey. Nepier Smith, Prof. Houd. Bill Booth.



College of Letters and Science DOYLE W. ALLEN A,chit.dur.

Blin, tdeho RALPH ALLEY

Architect...,. Moscow, Id.ho CARROLL ANDERSON Arcllito<;lu'o '-40$<;0", Id"ho

ALBERT R. ANDREWS P.... ""ed Spokane. We.h. JAMES W. ASAPH Pre-Mod

Ketehikon, Alula


G,..... ld"ho


Polilic.al $,ience Lewitlon, Idaho RAY BEASLEY

Zoology McC"II, Id..",o

VERNE lEE BECKER Physics Cuper, Wyominq

MARY ELLEN BENNETT Dr.m" Poll"tell, Id"ho Ell NOR JOHNSON BETTS G"no,,,1 Home Economics Whitti.r. Californi" LEROY A. BEYERS PhYlics MolCOW

GERALD BIERWAG Economies Rupert, Id"ho WILLIAM D. BILLS Chemislry Bo+sIII, Id/lho BEVERLY JEAN BOLINGBROKE Politic,,1 Science MOICO"", Idoho


Polilical Science 51. M",i.s, 10,,110


Political Science Headquerlert, Idaho CARLEnA BRANDT

Home Ec. Education Ladysmith, Wiscon.in FRED D. BRINK

Zooloqy Venice, California

YOI,Ing chemists learn the secreh of mode.n science es they study formulas in chem leb,

CAROL BRUNSELL Mu,ic Sandpoint, Idaho MAX BURKE P,ycholoqy Hailey. Idaho RALPH ARTHUR CAIRNS Chemidry Boi,e, Idaho ROBERT C, CARBON Political Science Spokane, Walhington JOHN S. CHAPMAN Political Science T...in Fair,. Idoho STEVEN D, CLEMENTS Rodio-T.t...is;on Ch.h.Ii" Wuhington JAMES J. COLE Pr•. M.d Spoken., Wuhinglon FRED COOK Politicol Sc;'nce Ketloqg, Idaho GRETA L. CORNELL Hom. Economic> N.... Plymouth, Idaho ROBERT DALE CRAWFORD Politicol Sci.nce Scottsdol., Arizona BRENT C. CUMMINGS PhYlic> Rigby. Idaho WILLIAM MATTHEW CURRIE Spe.ch OoUand, Colifornia GARY R. CUTHBERT Georoqy Idaho Fon" Ideho DAN DAVIS Zoology T...in Folt,. Ideho ANN DEAL English Nempe, Ideho MARTHA SUE DEMPSEY Botony Hoil.y, Idoho MERRITT ALLYN DINGLE, Jr, EconomiCI T...in Foil" Idaho MARCIA ELLIS Hiltory Waltoc •. Idoho DAVID ESSER Zoology G.ne,,,.. Ideho GREYSON GILSON Physic, Spirit Lol., Idoho

Archit.cturol d,,,igning t.. l", mony. mony hou" 01 pot. ti.nt wort A young girl hOI t.. l.n form on ""lor. cia', cOn"'.. 1 which ,h. i, wor~ing on in .. rt cion.

College of Letters and Science

ANNE HAMBLIN English Lewiston. Ideho SYLVIA HERM"N P. HAVEMANN FOREST HANEY Food...nd Nutrition B..eteriology Pre·M"d Homedale. Id/lho S"lmon, Idaho Moo'.., Idaho MARLIN C. JONES WILLIAM IRVINE DEE HUMPHREY ROBERT D. HOWELLS Zoology Architecture Political Science History Mo,cow, Ideho Caldwell. Ideho Rupert. Ideho Moscow, Idaho JOSEPHINE LAMSON FRED LOSETH MILDRED KROETCH KAY L"BARGf, Psychology Home Ee. Education G"ne".1 Home Ee. Engli,h Orofino. Ideho Spokane, Washing/on Herri,on, Ideho Fairfield. Id"ho MOLLIE GODBOLD A,,"itettu.e Ft. Worth. Te...'

DUANE GOWLAND Architecture Albany. C..lilornie

MARY GRABNER Engli.h Boise. Ideho KENNETH HEDGLIN Sociology Longview, Washing Ion

ANN HAMILTON Food• .-.nd Nutrition Arcedie, Celilornie WILLIAM HOLDEN PolitiC'll Science Ideho Fells, Ideho DEAN H. JUDD Journelism BlecHool. Ideho BRUCE LUNSTROM Melhemelics Twill Fells. Idehc

Thil dess in child cere is typiC'll of Ihe meny pheses 01 homemekillg leughl in Ihe Home Economics Depertmenl.

WALDO McCOY JOHN McMENNAMIN GERALD MATSEN MARILYN MATTHEWS JAMES MERCER Mothemlilic, Politic,,1 Science Geology Home Economics Music Presque lsi." Mlline Nempa, Ideho Boise. Idllho Peyette. Ideho Emmell. Idaho MARIAN E. MIDKIFF MARY MllBRt\TH CECELIA MONTOYA DONALD MILLER JAMES MINAS Psychology Home Economic, Science Physics Pre路Denl Richland, Weshington Well" Well", We,r., Kellogg, Id~ho Moscow, Idoho Boile. Idllho FRED A. MORSE LORIN J. NELSON DON NEVILE-SMITH L"RENE l. NEWBERRY MARILYN NUGENT Chemistry Zoology Jovrn,,!ism French Engli,h, Education St. Anthony, Idllllo Creston, S.C" Coned. Pocatello, Idene Jerome, Idoho Poc~lel\o, Idaho K. O'CONNOR WILMA PACKARD C. O'DONNELL MARY OAlY OLNEY MARY OWL Bocto'iology Home Economics English Home Economics Dieleli" Moscow, Idaho Sondpoint, Idaho ",",o"ow, Idaho C'eigmonl, Id"ho Fori Hell. Ideho

"Oh, I ~g.ee wilh you. aMwe. Pflrfectly. Bul how did you gel itT'

College of Letters and Science CUlUDI,., PARSELL Home Economic. Mos.., Lek.., W",hinglon ROSE-MARIE PERRIN Drllm" Wello W"lIe. W".hinglon


English Id .. ho Fells. Idaho KATHARINE PRESTWICH Home Economics

Spokene, Washington RONALD PURVIANCE

Zoology Lewiston, Ideho NADINE RENFRO

Home Economic, 51. Me'i"" Ideho C"WL "NN RENSTROM Music

Boise. Idene GEORGIA A. REYNOLDS Sociology


Secle,iology Twin FilII., Ideho RICHARD ROBERGE

P,e路M"d Coif"., Washington PETE POGAL5KI

Sdence Moscow, Id"ho BRUCE R. ROSIN Chemidry

We;,er, Id"ho AUDREY ROSS Home Economin O,o[,no. Ideho 5HARROL BARTLEtL ST. MARIE

Journ"li,m lewiston. Idehe CAROL SEITZ

Foods lind Nutrition Rigby, Id"ho MARTHII MilE SHIIRP Home EconomICS Filer, Idllho JIIMES EDWIIRD SHEIIRER, Jr. Architedure P.. y"t1e, Ideho RICHIIRD SHERN Zoology Coeur d'IIlene, Ideho BEm SPENCER Hom" Economics Di.on, Mont"n"


CAROL SOLUM STALEY Home Economics Wallace, Idaho ROBERT G. STEWART Architacture M.ridian, Id.. ho COLLEEN SULLIVAN Ch..mii!rv Mountain Home, Idaho JAMES THROCKMORTON Chemistry St. John, Washington PAUL TRACY French Homedele, Idaho SHIRLEY TRUE History Mountain Home, Id.. ho WILLIAM VERMILLION, Jr. Radio- T.Ievision Wallace, Id"ho ROBERT GORDON WAHLER Psychology Wendell, Idaho CHARLOTTE WALI<ER Commerciel Art Parma, Ideho I<AREN WARNER French Twin Falls, Id.. ho JANICE DEE WHITE English Lewiston, Idaho RUSSelL WHITNEY, Jr. English Chicago, Illinois MYRTlE WILLIAMSON Hislory Lewiston, Idaho FREIOA WILSON Home Economics Emmett, Idaho BARBARA WORST Social W ..li.. r. Coeur d'Alene, Id .. ho


College of Education The well-being of our stllte Md Mtion depends to II lorge

lHe eligible to receive elementllry or high



extent upon the qUlllity of its tellchers. lind etlch yeOf men

in this st"te t1nd mtl"y other sillies.

"nd women are grad"u/lted who ore eKpertly troined ond quol;-

The professionol educlltion courses include the study of the Chtlflleteristics of the humtln individulli t1nd his process

fled to do their jobs. Id"ho's School of Education Wtls orgllnized in 1920 lind it prepares its students for Cllreers as tel!lchers,

supervisors. lldministrllltors, psychol<X3is+s. <'Ind personnel offi路 cers. Students completing " four-yet" tellcher-trllining pr~r"m

of physic,,1, mentlll. and SOCilll growth: 0 study of the backgrounds, obiectives. ond effects of education; II study of ond prllctice in instructiOnlll methods, ond II study of the professionlll stlltus of the educlltionlll worker.

J. FREDRICK WElTZIN Dun of Edu,,,tion




Psychology W. H. BOYER

Physicel EduC/ltion LEON GREEN

Top: Ed"cotion dudonlo moot during tho ovening for fUrihor dudy in SNEA. BoHom: Officers of SNEA are lelt to right, Darrell Jones. So~ior Class Representative; Mery Sue Kniefel. Treasurer; Atlhur Roberts. President; Mory Jo Mece. Secretory; Paul Keuse, Advisor.


phi Delta Kappa Phi Oelta Kappa. the oldest end I"rgest prolanio.. ,,1 freternity 10' me" in educe!;on, include. in ih membership: Row On8: Gle" Morglln, Rid,.,d HeMon, Moi,i. Cherlers_ Ooyton Well., Willi He.din. Row Two: Eve'ett 8elol". Dwei"e T".nohlid"k, Howard Willi•• John Cisno. Dorryl Di.on, Ron Cotroneo. Row n....: K"ith McPhee, Mr. Ko,",•. M•. Hayn"., Geo'g" Co,n'e. Gome' Richerds. Vi'']'1 Young. Row Four: Dr. W•• h. Gory McEwen, Dr. Gile., Dr. Ho,msworth. Mil.. " T."snit. l. C. Robinson. Row Fi.,,: 0"",,11 Jonfl. Ronald Osborn, Cloo,I•• he.".t, Henry JOll"., Or. Ferley. Dr. M..lik, Robert Turne•. Dr. Berry. Harvie Woll"., 0._ H. Snide•. Row 5i.: Philip N"bon, Tom N"q"I, Mr. lind. ROll'" Tovlty. Kirk Rush, Fred Holtz. Ric:n.rd Roche, Milford Pet"rson.

Education Faculty Row 0 ... : Mr. Psul Kau1, Dr. Edward J. Furst, Mr. Hell Madlin. Mr. Eric Kir~lond. Min Janie Tollen, Dr. John A. Gte.... Dr. Anllnd t-hlik. Mr. Allen Beth, Or. Eugene Gilu. Dr. Ray M. Berry. Mr. Elwin Schwam. Dr. Mel"in F"r1ey. Mr. Donald Weiskopf, Dr. He ......an Snider, Dr. Rober! Kenol Miss Hille! Pllieflon, Dr. Leon Green, Miss Edith Beth, D•. H. Robert Ot"I1". Row Two: Min Me'qll'ol Coffey, Dr, John A. Snide., Dr. Frances M<lib. Min Palricia RowlI, DII/ln J. Frlldrid Weltzi .., Min Mabel Lode. Dr. Mildred Burlingeme, Mr. Joseph GIMdll', Mr. Clem PII,bllfty. M•. Richard Klima.


College of Ed ucation DIXIE YOUNG ANDERSON, Elementary Ed., Pou·

'.110, Id"ho G. CLARK ANDERSON, Guidance, P<Xotello, ldoho TERRY O. ANDERSON, History. Payette, ldotlo DONALD BARONI, Physical Ed.. Son fronci$CO. ~1.

ROBERT l. BEARDEMPHL. 8U1'''.1I Ed.• 6'''"9/1",11•. Idoho

ANN BEARDMORE. English, Lew;ston. Ideho CAROLE BECK. Element"...., Ed.. Wallec., Idaho

EDWARO L. BERRETH. Indust.;,,1 A.h, Tensed. Id"ho BOB BEZOLD, Physic,,1 Ed..



.... L1CE BILLM,o,N, English. Twin foils, Idaho

JEANNE E. BISHOP, Secondary Ed., Twin Fells, ldoho MARILYN STEWART BLANTON. Busineu Ed" Coeur

dAle"., Id"ho JANE BONHAM, Pt.ysical Ed.. 80ise. Id/lho 8ETIY BROOI<S. Music Ed.• SeoUl., Wash. VIRGINIA BURNS, Elemenf/lry Ed.• Pithburgh, Pe.

CHARlonE ALLENE CARLSON, Elemenlery Ed.. Mullon.ldoho KAREN CROZIER SMITH. Elemenlory Ed .. Lowi1lon, Moho VERNIE R. DAVIS. Induslriol Artl Ed .. Buhl. Idoho ANNA MARIE DIXON. Music Ed .. T.oy. Idoho RUCILLA DOLAN. Business Ed., Moscow, Idoho

PEGGY DUPUIS, Elomenlory Ed .. Seollie. Wlilh. BONNIE TOWER EDDY. Elementory Ed .. Arlinglon. VII. RONALD S. EDWARDS. PhysiC/iI Ed.. Eph.olll, Wlish. SUSAN EMRY. Businesl Ed.. Spolone. Wllsh. EVELYN EVANS. Elemenloty Ed .. ftuiHllnd. Idllho



Ed.. Mounlo;n


CAROLYN fLATTERS. Elementllry Ed.. Buhl. Idllho ANN fOLEY. Elementllty Ed., Moscow. Idllho JUDITH A. fOLKINS.


Ed.. Wo.ley. Moho

ROBERT W. fRITTS. Indud.iol A.ts. Olonoglln. Wllsh.





B\ainen Ed.,



MARY GILDEROY. BUI'nell Ed .. Weile •. Idoho MIKE A. HAAS, Physicol Ed., Log uno Belich. Clii. GUY HENRY HAFER, Business Ed .. Weippe. Idllho


LOYCE HALL Education Sandpoint. Id.ho

M. HAMMER Music Ed. Spo~ane, W.sh.

HElEN HANFORD CLAIRE HANSEN Elementary Ed. Elementary Ed. Spo~ane, Wash. Stanley, Id.ho

BilLIE KAY HENDRICKSON Social Science Eden. Ideho

SYlVIA HERTZ CLAIR HOPKINS Music Ed. Physical Ed. New Plymouth, Ida. Parma. Idaho

M. JOHNSON Element.ry Ed. Spo~.n., W.sh.

DARRELL JONES Sociel Science C.mbridge, Id.ho

MIRIAM LOUISE IVERSON Elementary Ed, Caldwell. Idaho

UioRAE HARROP Elementary Ed. Driggs, Idaho D. JACOBSEN Biological Science Re.burg. Idaho

WARREN HAWLEY M. M. HElliNGER Physical Ed. Combined EI. end Ontario, Cel. Sec. Ed, Twin Fans, Idaho DORIS JEROME Elementary Ed, Kuna, Idaho

LORANA JONES CLAUDETIE IRENE SHERMAN D, KIRK BARBARA JOSEPH Music Ed. KERNS Physical Ed. KRAMER Mal.d, Id.ho Soci.1 Science P.y.tt., Ideho Psychology Pittsburg, C.1. Weiser, Idaho

Men and women both enjoy participation in an evening dance des1 held in the Women'1 Gym.


Boise, Ide


DONALD KRIER Industrial Arh Troy,ld.ho

Cutting end pasting leep !IlaUl gi.'s busy in Art Method'1 cLa...


College of Education


VALERIE KROll s..:onda'Y Art Ed. S."ttl., Wesh.

JANE LANGE Music Ed. Genasee. Idaho


l. McDONALD Soci"l Sci.flees Mou:ow, tdeho

D. McGINTY Natu,,,1 $.cioneo



Physicol Ed.

Rupert, Id/lho

MIKE PAnON Guidenee Payette, Id"ho

Combridge, Idaho

Music Ed. Emmett, Id"ho

BOB PRESTEL M"th"m"tic.

Indi"""pol,,, Ind.

JUDY PURKHISER Business Ed. New Plymouth, Id".




Pny.icel Ed. W~II~c8, Ideho

Elementery Ed. Everett, We~h.

R. H. ROBERGE Second~ry Ed. C~$cede, Ideho

ARTHUR ROBERTS Soc.i~1 Science Boi$8. Id~ho

PATSY ROJAN Elemenl~ry Ed. Hope, Idono

GARY SATHER Pny~ic~1 Ed. Gene~oe, Ideho

THOMAS NAGEL DARREL NELSON Busineu & Economic: Educetion Theory M01cow, Ideho


Nah/fel Science

Sac,amllnlo, ~1.

PAm REES Bu~in8" Ed. Kimbtlrly, Id~no


FEliX MARCOLIN Bu~innt Ed. Kellogg, ldoOho

Indudriel Ark

Physical Ed. An<;horeq ••



Ed. Gifford. Id/lno

As 0 dudent chemistry ttlecher 01 MOlcow High, Skip Nel,on cerleinly





Moscow, Idaho

01 hi. do"

M. MUHONEN Combined S.c. end EI. Ed. Orofino, Idllho

aar~ And.rson qained mud, practi. cal •• ~rience in wor~inq with hiqh school dudenk duro inq his months of practice teachinq in Moscow Hiqh School.


B. SHAFFER Physical Ed. Moscow. Idaho

WILLIAM SNOOK J. K. SLEEMAN Edycation BYsi~ess Ed. High River, Alberta, Orofino, Idaho

PAT SPARKMAN sysiness Ed. Wallace, Idaho

WAYNE STEVENS Physical Ed. Dietrich, Idaho

VIRGINIA SYMMS GORDON TAYLOR JANENE TAYLOR WAYNE THOMAS VIVIAN VAAGEN Physical Ed. Gyida~ce Elama~tary Ed. Social Scia~ca Gyida~ce Caldwall, Idaho Potlatch, Idaho Moscow, Idaho Nalperce. Idaho Moscow, Idaho

J. WAINWRIGHT Physical Ed. Boise, Idaho

KAREN WALKER Eleme~lary Ed. Fairba~~1, Alula



IRENE WILKE Physical Ed. W.II.c., Id.ho

RICHARD WILLEY I~dydrial A.... Grang....ill., Id.ho


Moscow, Idaho

C. SODORFF Elamentafy Ed. Moscow, Idaho


M. SULLIVAN Saco~dary Ed. Wallaca, Idaho



hils, Idaho

RALPH WATSON DAYTON N. WELLS E~9lish History PaYI, Idaho Pad, Idaho R. WISDOM Physical Ed. soi... Idaho

sETIY WISWALL Physical Ed. Zillah, Wash.

J. WICKLUND Elema~tary Ed. Lewisto~, Idaho

NORMA WIKS Physical Ed. K.ttl. hils. Wash.


ELOISE YOUNG Physical Ed. Moscow, Id.ho

Physical Ed. Bo...iII, Idaho


Sois•. Idaho


College of Engineering M. l. JACKSON Department of

Chemical Ellgin•• ting

C. A. MOOR.E Oepedmenl 01 Civil Enginee.ing

DEAN ALLEN S. JANSSEN College of Engineering

N. F. HINDLE Department of

......choniul Engine.ring

H. E. HATTRUP Deportmenl of El.ctricel Enqin••rinC}

ENGINEERING FACULTY Front Row, I.ft to riQht: J. N. Merlin N. F. Hindle, C. A. Moo". M. L. Jedson. Bed Row:

H. E. H"t1,up, A. S. Janssen, C. C. Wornid, R. O. By.".

Sigma Tau Sigmo T<'lU, the honorory for out路 stMding engineering students. selects its members on the basis of scholc'lrship. proeticlliity, o!Ind soci路 llbilitl' The Idoho choptar wos estob ished in Moy, 1922, with the purpose of encourllging students in engineering to ottllin high st<'lndc'Hds in 11mbition ond professiano I pride, which ore the qualities necessory to ottllin 1l successful

engineering coreer.

Fron' Row, left to right: Joe V~" Epps, Tom Wilson, eh".I,,! Bradway. Clifiord McConville. rom Eddy. John Bolliger, Del路 bert Fitzsimmons, Ro". Finholdl, Iven French, Cherles Mitchell. Rod Bfjn~. Second Row: Lowell Von.~ike. Leland B"iI"y. Jerry Dyer, Jim Shume~er. John Droi.s, Roger Thieme..... ndrew Gerhart. Paul Smith, Clyde Loldehl. "ege Petle"o~, Cho~g Ho, Gene lees, Norm Helgeso~. Third Row: lester Turnbull, Oennis hllns, Roger Sperh, Oee~ Crewforlh, Ken Russell, "Illn Roberho~. leVer~ McMeh en , KeMeth Hlld, "rio Johnson, lowell TIIylor, Cllri HymllS, John Stllndley, SIImuel Gilbert. lest Row: Oerrell Hin~ley, Richerd Peterso~, "lien Jensen, George McKelln, Reed Welker, O",rel! Whiteheed, Glen Brend路 void. Rowlend Felt, Ken Bodmlln, Rich",d Med,ill, Jerry Kesler, Chll,les Monso~. Jemes McMenus, John Hoch.

Whet's Ihis?? Ifs e group of engi~aeri~g studenls studying en indrumenl i~ e~ engineering leb. Prof. Jobe looks On.

lowell Vens~i~e, II senior f,om Wllilece, Ideho, wes selec/ed ". oulstending elec/ricel engineer lor this veer. He WIIS presented e certificete for the outstending e~gineer etthe IInnu,,1 Tri.Sec/ione! Meeting of the "ssocieted Instilute of Elec/ricel Engineers. lowell is prese~t1y the ch"irmen of th" I\.I.E.E. student bre~ch.


College of Engineering







Blackfoot, Ideho

Ever.tt. WIISf..

O~lo, NO""IIY

J. R. BOLLIGER: H"'ley. rdeho

G. BRANDVOLD Mechen;,,,1 Moscow, Ideho

Mechen;c"l Wendell, Idllho

B. COOKE Mechen,cal BO'5e, Id"ho

M. COPE Mechanical Eagle. Id"ho

R. FELT Chemicel Idaho fall5, 1d"ho

R. FINHOLDT Mechani",1 0510, No......ey


It D. HANSON Civil Medimont. Idaho


HARDIE Mechenical Troy.ldeho


L. ARMACOST Agriculturel

B. C. BARKER Mechanical DOl'Inelly. Id/lho

M. SACKMANN Electrical

New Meadows. Nezperce. Id/lho Idaho c. SNIGH BRAR A CHECKOW$KI D. B. CHERRY Electrical Indie



Jersey City. N.J.

Blackfoot. Id"ho

T. BLACKBURN Mech/l"ic.. 1

K. BOCKMAN Mechllnic/ll


Boise. Id"ho

Moscow, Ideho

Akron, Ohio

D. H. COFIELD Electrical Emmett. Id"ho


G. CONGER V. L CONYERS Chem;cal Electricel Nezperce, Id"ho Hogermlln, Id/lho

D. R. EVANS J. E. DYER T. W. EDDY L. CRAW FORTH E. DAVENPORT S, DESJARDINS P. J. DURNING Chemical Eleetric,,1 Mechanical Meehanicel Chemical Elect<icel Mechen'cel Cateldo. Idaho Plummet. Idaho Sen M"rino, Cal. Alemede, Id"ho Idaho Falls, Idaho Coeur d'Alene. Bo'se, Idaho Idaho R. J. FOSTER P. R. GALLOWAY C. L GEIGER J. GNECKQW K. GREEN C. HANSEN L. FLETCHER Eledrical Civil Chemicel Mechenicel Mechanical Meehanical Mech"nicel Twin fa1l5. Idaho Coeur d'Alene, Boi5a. Idaho McCemmon. Ideho Shoshone. Ideho Feirfield, Idaho Kamiah. Idaho Ideho J. L. KESSLER K. KINGSTON N. HELGESON W. HIGGINS J. HOCHSTRASSER O. HOGSET P. A. JENSEN Eledri",1 Civil Electric,,1 Chemical Elaclricel Civil Civil 05burn. Idaho Kristiansund N., Montpelier. Idaho Medlord. Oregon Long lele. W;5. F"rgo N.D. 8o'5e. Ideho No......ey

The fol!owing five men h.we been selected &s this yaor's outstllnding en路 gineers: Left to Righi: Jim Schuma~er, Mechanical Engineer: Lerend Engineer: Bailey. Chemical Will'em Simon. Agriculturer Engin"..r: Tom Anderson, Civil Engineer: Lowen Ven5~ile, Electricel En<lineer.


Eled'ic,,1 Ferdinond, Idaho JERALD LEATHAM Mech"niCIII

Sh.lI"y. !deho EARL B. lIllEVIG Agriculturel Moscow, ld"ho GORDON K. MATSON El.ct';uol Boile, Id/lho GEORGE A. McKEAN

Eled",,,1 Twin Falls. Idaho

leVERNE MdlllAHAN Mechanical Mudows. Id"ho DON MECHAM Civil 81"dfool. Id"lIo CHJ\RLES MONSON Electric,,1 Coeur d'Alene, 10/lho lEO R. MULLER Mecheflical

Eagl•. Id"ho RON OLSON Eled'ic,,1 Coeur d'Alene. ld"ho GERALD GORDON RENFRO M"ehM,c,,1


Engineering DraWing I•• pl thele am· bitious students busy.

M"ch"n,c,,1 Gifford. Idaho ALAN C. ROBERTSON

Blodboe,d visu"l. aid in Thermooy_ nemic, lecture cI.. u.

Agricultu,,,1 C_.... d'Alene. IdGho BOYD ROOD Civil Challis, Idoho

O"LE ROSKE Mech"nic,,1

Moscow, Idaho

KENNETH H. RUSSEll EI.dr'C./I1 Medford. Mass. JOHN C. SARGENT, Mechenice!. Bridgeport, C.. 1. DOUGLAS SEELY, Electric..I, Well..

w.. II.. , Wesh.

JAMES SHUMAKER. Mech.. n;c.. I, Mo"ow, Id.. ho WILLIAM A, SJMON, AqricultureJ, F..imeld, Id.. ho

DALE SMElCER, Aqricult"""l, Pried Ri>Jer. Id.. 1to ROGER THIEME, Med.. nice!' Kimberly, Id..ho JACK TRIPLETT, Mech..nic..I, MOICOW, Ideho JASON ROYCE TROTH, Mech..nicel, Coeur d'Alene, Ideho

LESTER TURNBULL, Civil, Seqle, Ideho RICHARD L"ROY TURNBUll, Civil, Seql"" Jd..ho WAYNE VALENTINE, Civil, Predon, Ideho LOWELL l. VANSKIKE, Electric..I, Coeur d'Alene, Ideho

CHARLES WALRATH. Aqriculh,lr.. J. Orofino. Id..ho ROBERT WESTOVER, Mech..nicel, COfIur d'AI"n", Id..ho JOE D. WILSON, Mech..nic..I, Nezperce, Id.. flo WILLARD LEE WILSON, Electricel, Filer, Ideho



College of Agriculture The College of Agriculture con c10im the title of being one of the top ogriculturol schools in our notion. Students come from 011 ports of the globe to study ond leorn the skills of ogriculture thot ore tought here. A three-fold progrom of teo ching. reseorch, ond service is procticed. An 800路ocre University form with purebred onimols ond modern equipment is utilized to corry on the extensive scientific study. Toword the end of the school yeor the ogriculture students porticipote in o week-long observonce of their ochievements known os "Little Jnternotionol Week:' Speech finols. judging contests ond vorious disploys of the fields of ogriculture ore included in the troditionol observonce. Rich experiences such JAMES E. KRAUS Delln, College of AqriculNre

G. C. WIESE Ag. Chemiflry o. l. FOURT Dairy HUfbandry


WM. E. FOLZ Ag. Economicf H. C. MANIS EntomQlogy

os these moke the students of this college proud of their future chosen profession, thot of bettering the lend.

H. G. WINNER Ag. Educolion G. W. WOODBURY Horticullur"

J. W. MARTIN Ag. Engine"ring G. M. FINLEY PiI,nt Pathology

w. KLAGES T. DON BELL V. CHERRINGTON Agronomy Saet"riology Animol Hu.bandry l. H. SCRIVNER C. E. LAMPM .... N Poultry HUfbandry V,,+erinary Science

K. H.

Alpha Zeta Row One: P. Edward•. T. Cooper, W. Henry, D. Miller, treuurer, O. RO<jers, scribe, D. Weber, doanc.llor, D. Bell, D, lelourneeu. Row Two: J. D.witt, V. Young, B. Studer, E, Kintner, E. loe, D. Herril, D, Pline, G. Stew/lrt. Row Thr.. : C. Von lersch, H. Oberst, B. Thomu, W. Emacio. l. Pline, D, Alberhon, G. C/lrnie. D. Kerb.,

Sheep /Ire judged in tlnimal husbtlndry c!tlSS al pltlns Me underway IOf the Little Internationel Show.


College of Agriculture


L ANDERSON GARY R. BLAKE FRED BURKMAN Agriculture Educ"lioll Agriculture Education Generel Ag.iclIltur. Idaho Fall" Idaho Burley, Idaho Idaho F,U., Idaho

PATRICK DRISCOll WILLIAM EMACIO Agronomy Animal Husbandry Twin Falls. Idtlho Wellece, Ideho

Poultry Husbandry Potli.teh, Id,ho



G.ne,,,1 A9';culh.l'e Mosco..... Idaho

WAYNE E. HENRY Animol Husbendry Kimberly. Id"ho


Ag,onomy G'lIer. Idaho


Dairy Hu,b.lldry

NEIL CROSS Agricultur, Educot;Qft

Edw,lI, W.nhington

FruiHond. Idaho

JAY GARREn DALE GEAUDREAU Animal Husbandry Agricultur. Ee. Ho"••hoe Send, Id... BI/Illche.d, Idehe DONALD l. INGLE An,ma' Husbendry Kendrid. Ideho

IRVIN G. IVERSON Gene,,,1 Agriculture Mo"o..... Idaho

Students participate in grading I.b and disc;uss;ons


JOHN L O,WITT Agronomy

Mo.co..... Id"ho

DARRYl C. DIXON AgriC\lltur. Edllc/ltion PayeHe, Idaho

LOWELL GRIM Generel Agriculture Nempa, Idaho

DON BYRD H"RRIS IIgricullure Ed.

lAWRENCE L.RUE Ag,iculture Ed. Heyburn. Idaho

EMIL 10.4. LOE Agric;ulh.lre E-d. W" .....,d.N.D.

Grece, Ideho

P'ad,ul appliution 01 the us. 01 ....Id· .rs is dllmonshated by stud.nls in ag shop.


RAY B. LONG Agriculture Ec. Pomeroy, Wash.

FLOYD LYDUM A9ricultural Ed. Firth, Id"ho

O. R. MARKWELL Agricultur,,1 Ed. Caldw.11. Id"ho

GARY N. McEWEN Agricultural Ed. Kimberly. Ideho

G. A. MISNER. Jr. ALBERT NEU RODNEY PAYNE Generel Agricultur. Animel HUlbandry A9riculture Ed. Gifford, Idaho Am.ricen Falls. Ideho Ideho Felli, Ideho

LARRY F. PLiNE Oairy Nempa, Idaho

QUINTON ROGERS A9ricultural Ch.m. Emmell. Idaho

CHARLENE ROTH An,mal Husbandry Idaho Falls, Idaho

HERBERT SPENCER Agricultural Ec. T.ffac., B.C .. Can.

ROBERT SULLIVAN Agr,cultural Ed. Moscow. Idaho

H. L. WIlliAMS Horlicultllr. Mlncow. Idaho

VIRGil M. YOUNG A'lricultllral Ed. Pay.tt•• Idaho

O. A. TESNQHLIOEK CHARLES THOMAS H. WATENPAUGH Agricultura Ed. Animal Husbandry Oairy Husband<y allhl, Idaho Mlncow. Idaho Oi"hich, Idaho

LARRY SUMMERS Agricu!tur. Ed. 8lacHoot, Idaho

CHARLES G. TATE Oairy Husbandry Boi... Idaho


College of Ag ricu Itu re Da i ry Cattle Judging Team This group won ~ fourth pillce lit the Grllnd Notionol Intercollegiote Judging Contest in SM Froncisco. They ere. I,ft to right: Thomes Cooper, Ronald Be/ll. K. R. JohMon. L",'Y Pli"", end Dele Pline.

Da i ry Prod ucts Judging Team This group consisls of lawrence LaRue. Lemont Anderson, C1/1rk Bedow, Melvin Ven Dyke. end Ihe te..m cO/lch, R. A. Hibbs.

Livestock Judging Team These students ronked high in oWllrds et both the Gr<'lnd Nlltiona.1 Livestock Exposition in Son Froncisco lind the Golden Spike Nlltionel Livestock Show in Ogden. They ere. 1.lt to right, B.d Row: Wayne HMry, Art Misner, Dr. C. W. Hodgson, cOIIch, Fred Koil:meisler. Cherles Swenson. Front Row: lowell Grimm, Tom Trail. Charlene Roth, Ken Worthington, and Jay Garrell.


PAUL CUNNINGHAM Shllnnan, Californ'"

Grangeville, Idaho



Namp6. Idllho

I"d,o, Clltilorn;.


Cateldo. Idaho




Coeur d-AI"ne, Idaho

Merid'.n, Id..ho



Soow. Idaho

K"lloqg. ld/lho



Coeur d'I\I"ne, Idllho




Twin Fells, Id"ho

Bonn." Ferry. Id"ho

RUSSEll CHASE leth", Id/lho

Worley, Id"ho




C-ur d"III"", ld.ho


GEORGE KOKKO Negllunee, Mi,h'glln



Ri<;hmond. Virqinia


EUGENE lEES Coeur d'Alene, Id"ho

WIlliAM McKINNIS Puyellup, W"lh,nqlon

SCOTT MAHON Eventyjlle, Indi"n"

JOHN SHIVElY J"metlown, New York


KEITH STURTS Kelloq9, Idttho

CHARLES SUTTON Irvinqton, New Jersey


College of Business Administration

Students in the College of Business enroll for <'l two-yeti' btlsic course. After this is completed they con choose e ffilljor from one of the seven fields offered: genefol business, occounting, economics, foreign trode, merchondising, odvertising, secretoriol studies, llnd extroetive studies. A speciol progrom for prepor<'ltion ond .,dmisson to the College of L<'lW is offered. A wide scope of excellent opportunities Ilwoits the student who receives <!II degree from this college. Deon Kendrick hos done tin excellent job in his first yell( as detln.

OAVID D. KENDRICK Deen, College 01 Businen Administration


Virgil Scherr••, J. M.

McMinn, R. W. CIII,t Keith MacPhee, R. A. POltweiler, R. M. Kessel,

J. H. Hidmon. G&orge R. Gelles. R. R. Wegner. Frent Ro....: Oeen Kendrick. Hervey Breier. Rulh Ander. son. Gereldine MeinerJ, Be..ers Mllbry. P. O. Gro~e. E......in Grllue.

Oillgrllmminq is ",oed to empties;,,, ~pecjlll point~ in mllrleti"q cless.


GEORGE ANDERSON A<::<::ountinq Troy, Idoho

lESLIE G. BACKSTROM Gene.al BUlin... Idoho Folll. Idaho

KAREN N. BECKER Bu.ine.. Eduution Spokone, Wuhin9ton

RALPH BENEDICT Accounting s",lmon, Idoho

GARRY BLANK Spokone. Wuhin9fon

RUSSELL CAMPBELL Mo.leting Emmett. Idoho

JOHN PETER CARBON E.lrlldivo Indullriu S,:.okane. Woshin91on

WALTER D. CLEMONS BUlineu Finonce Gooding, Idaho

MARGARET COlE Accounting Burley. Idaho

GARY COLLIER Gene.al Bu.inan Coau. d'Alane, Idaho

KENNETH l. COLVIN Ma.l:etin 9 Mosco..... Idaho

RAY DEAN COPELAND hlraclive Indudrias Lewiston. Idaho



College of Business Administration




A.,<:ounlin9 Gooding, Id(l~Q



GEORGE M. FOWLER Ed.adive Indultries OU.. homa City, O~I"hom..




Gene."l BUliness Eden. Idaho

Mo~co ....


Boise. Idaho

JIMMY A. Dor :/,LD Fina"e" Real E.t,,~o Boi~•. [doho


R. MICHAEL ElLINGEN Accounting Riverside, Californi..


OLIVER E. HANSON Business Fin/lnce Mootolo', Idaho






Wallece, Ideho

Arco. Ideho

Peyette. Idaho

ROBERT T. JONES Fi""nce Wallace. Idaho




For.i"," T."d" G"nesee. Idaho

LORRAINE LANGDON Secret",i,,1 Studies Twin Falls. Idaho


Ashton, Idaho

Boise. Ideho


Jerome, ld"ho

Beta Epsilon Chi Fro"t Row, l"ft to right: Gay Tuson, No."ta Smith, Shj,ley Hanrik1son. ka,en Beck"r. Fran Baud"t B.d Row: P.. ti Rees" k"ith MacPh"", Guy Haper. Walt L. Hardin. R. M. K"n"l. Judy Pur~his,,'.


lne,e ,t...dents e,e 9i",en !tie opport... nity 10 ~"I!P up on new de",elopmenh in mode,n office mechinel,


JAY DEE LEOVIn M.. ,leting Moscow, Id..ho

JACK BRETI lITILE Gene',,! Businell Boi,e, Idaho

CHARLES OBENDORF Aceounting Caldwell, Idaho

Lethb,idge, Alberta, Can,

RICHARD E, MEESE Gene'al Business Spo~ane, Washington

LARRY D, MORRIS Gene'al B",siness Coe"" d'Alene, Idaho

BILL MUSCH Extracti"'e Indust,iel Bovill, Id"ho

JOHN PAPPAS B"'lineu Enginee,ing So"p la~e, Washington

ROBERT D, PARKS Aceo",nting Ganesee, Idaho

DONALD PERKINS Exlracti",e Industrie, Wall/IC.., Id"ho

RALPH PRIBBLE Aceounting Mullan, Idaho

JOHN RAEDER Ed'acti",e Industries Moscow, Idaho

GERALD D. RAMSEY Gene,al Bu,;ne" Boi'e, Idaho


ARLENE ROSS SKreta,ial Studies lawiston, Idaho

WIlliAM l. SCHAUER Aceountinq H"yd..n L.~e, Idaho

BUTCH SHAFFER Ma,lelinq S"ndpoint, Idaho

WENDEll STACKHOUSE Accounlinq 5.slem, O,,,,,,on


JOE SUBIA Accounlinq Wilde', Idaho


JACK W. WEllS Aceounling Plvmouth. Wisconsin

CHARLES T. WERRY Accounting H"iley, Id"ho






Pie"e, Idaho



Moscow, Idaho

JEROME WILLIAMS M",let;ng Boi'l!. Ideho 217


The College of Mines was estl3blished many veers "90 in the University because of the e"fly pronounced importtlnce of mineral substances in the cultural and economic


life of Idaho. The miner"t future of Id"ho continues to be bright beclluse of the recent spurt of interest in the occurrences of industrial minerals in the stote.


The College of Mines is recognized


one of the letld-

ing schools t1mong America" universities in frllining its students. Training can


gained in Mining Engineering, Metel-

lurgical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geology lind Geography in both grllduote lind undergr"du,,~e work. The picture is even more attractive today than it nlls been and unporalleled opportunities lire offered for successful professionlll work.

EARL F. COOK Dean, College QI Minel




Newton. Donald Clifton, G..,rge A. Willi.m~. K. E. Grimm. Fohrenwald, Jam.~ Blid, H/lrry C.ldwell, Bill Staley.



TRllOCH.... N B.... INS BRUCE BRQGOITTI PHYlllS EGGLESTON Geology Geoqraphy M.tallurgical Engineering ludhiana, Puniab. India Buffelo Cree~. Colorado N.... Cadi., Indiana

JOHN V. EISINGER Geoloqy Gooding, Ideho


JERALD W. SHUM....KER M....lKI....T S. SM....GH CHARlES RAU Geology Geology Geological Engineering Mosco.... Idaho Punjab, India Amityville, N.... Yor~

ROGER C. STOKER Geology Sh.n.y, Idaho

.... USTIN L. YOUNG 0.......10 W.... YNE YOUNG G.ology Geology Shoshone, Idaho North Po...der, Oragon

Go"", Grangevill., Idah.o

HUGH l yoSTON Geoloqy Boise, Idaho

Map interpretation classes are On. of tha phases of .duealion important to students in the ColI.g. of Mineo.

Practical e,perience is gained from thi. mine. pl"nning clan.


College of Forestry The University of Idoho's notionol1y top-Toted College of Forestry is " ""tion-wide llttroetion, drowing students from neorly every stllte in the Union end from severe I foreign countries.

kept busy with


The students ore

progrom of study of foresh, fish, rtlnges, wildlife,

plonts, game birds, end wood utiliz"tion in I"borllfories and clossrooms. The foresters h"ve " 7000路acre experimental forest within 14 miles of the com pus, " tree nursery producing stock for plenting throughout Idoho. and" I"rge arboretum showing off its ISO vt.!rieties of trees, particulorly in the foil. Highlighting the earning of " degree in forestry is the eight-week

summer camp held in the woodlMds surrounding Payette L.,kes neor McC"lI. This is certainly on enjoy"ble dim"x to " forester's college program.

ERNEST w. WOHLETZ De{ln of Forestry Director of forest Wildlife and Ranga hper;menl St"lion.

FACULTY left 10 rililht: P'of. A. W. Slipp. Prof. John P. Howe. Prof. R. H. Seele, Dr. R. l. Gilberhon. Dr. Creig MacPhee, Dr. K.nneth Hungerford, Or. E. W. Tisdale, Dean E,n.lI Wohleh.. Dr. Merrill E. Delers, Prof. Lee A. Sharp. Instructor Frederic D. Johnson.

Xi Sigma Pi Xi Sigma Pi, the national forestry honorary. is composed of students selected on the basis of high scholastic attainments in the field and in related courses. Row On.: R. l. Gilbertson. M. E. O.ters. R"lph Roberts. Wiley O"niels, M.lvin Clausen, David 80wer. Row Two: Roger 8achman. Richard loot'ley. Richard Fishburn. James Howlat'ld. Earl Fishburn. KeMelh Solt, Arnold 8ultod. Row Thr.. : E. C. CI"rt J"mes Eggleston, Eugene F"rmer, Gordon lod"rd. William Nidle, Ge0r<.le Bersheid, Jerry Matlat. Rob.." t Zwirtz.


J. BETHKE Forod Mqt. Briordill" M~nor No.... York J. EGGLESTON R~ngo Mqt.

G. BRADLEY. Jr. E. A. CORAY B. L CORNELL Forost Mqt. Forosf Mqt. For.st Mqt. Pocotollo. Id~ho M.nlo P~rk. G.lif. Middloton. Idoho

G. L CURNES forest Mqt. Indio nolo. low~

L G. FOWLER J. R. GRABAN Fishories Fishory Mqt, Idaho Falls. Idaho Hammond, Ind,

F. H, HALL Ranqo Mgt. Shoshono, Idaho

A. HAMMILL Forost Mgt. Pondlaton. Oro.

VI. E. HARDY Forest Mqt. Portlond. Orogon

K. HARRISON Wildlif.. Mqt. FiI..r. Idaho

B. HENTGES R. B. HILL J. R. HOOK B. JENNESS P. L MONDICH B. B. HRONEK ForOlt Mqt. Forest Mqt, Wood Utilization Wildlifa Mqt. Foralt Mgt. Forest Mjt. Grand Forls, N.D.Morning Sun. 10woOuincy. C~li ornia Pocatollo. Idaho Madison. Calif. M.. t~lino Falls. Woshinqlon T. SMITH G. SMITHEY R. B. ROBERTS G. l. ROGERS A, SCHULDT R. SETTLES Forost Mqt. forest Mqt. forod Mgl. Forosl Mql. Forost Mql. Forest Mqt, Columbus. Ohio Boiso, Idaho Pocatollo. Idaho Jonolboro. Art Sanla Monica, Col. Boiso, Idaho

W. B. OLNEY ForOlt Mqt. Pasadona, Calif.

F. G. OSBORN For..lt Mqt. Boiso. Idaho

W. PEDERSON For..st Mqt. Clarl Fork. Idaho

D. WILSON Forost Mqt. Cald....oll, Idaho

L D. WING Wildlif. Mql. Northvill., Idoho

N, l. YOST Ranqo M~I. Boiso. Id~ 0

R. ANDERSON Forod Mqt. Rothdrum, ldoho L DUTTON Forost Mqt. H~ncod, N.H.

S~lI"ord. Arizon~

D. R. BOWER for.st Mgt. Port Anq.l.s, Woshinqton LA. FinS Wildlif. Mgt. Glon Ellyn. III.

W. W. DANIELS G. E. DIXON Forest Mqt. Wood Utilization Glenns Forry, Ida. W~lIo""a, Or.qon

M. F. ZQGHET R, J. ZWIRTZ Wood Utilization forost Mqt. Damascus. Syria Bouno....or. Calil.

Stud.nls of Iha G.m. M~n~qom.nt L.b .njoy ....orkinq ....ith .nim.ls.

College of Law

E. S. STIMSON Colle9& of Law


The College of L~w tit the University is t1ffili.,ted with the Association of American low Schools which endellivors to improve the legal eductltion in our country. The curriculum offered prepores tdtlho Illw students for general prlletice in any state in the Union. Supervised courses of study in commercial low, property reltltionship. public law and t1dministrotion. and procedure and judicial administration pre""re students for the special objectives of " profenion in law. whether it be tI Itlwyer. judge or II law instructor.

FACULTY Left to right: Prof. T. R. Walen!e, Prof. M. J. O'Reilly, Prof. W. J. Brodelben~, Prof. H. A. Berman, Dun E. $. Stim,on, Prol. G. M. Bell.

Phi Alpha Delta Sul"d, 1.ft to right: H. Menweile., H. Humphrey. P. Snow, G. KI"wllno, J. Webb, F. Nose'!. R. Newhouse. Stlnding: L. Jones, J. McAvoy, J. Brod,,",. V. Herzog. L. DIIVis, D. Smith, D. Weeh.




Mtltd, Idtho

Worley, Idtho


CHARLES E. OREM Political Science Roy, New Me.ico

c.. c..

Dittrich, Idtho




Lewiston, Ideho

A moot court i, held in which students tre trtined to try II Cllse. Intetviewing witne..e, go through procedure, illey w()l,lld meet in lin aciufll trilli. They are tried in ill. LlItllh Didr;ct or Federlll C()I,Irt in which !fle low profe....., or loctl tfforney, oct 0' judges. Whan trilll is compl.t.d ill. slud.nts criticil ll th ll method, used.


Graduate School Over one hundred students received ~ M~ster's Degree from the Uni路 versity gr~du~te school this spring. Since its beginning in 1909, the gr~du路 ~te school h~s h~d incre~sed enrollment e~ch ye~r. The domin~nt ~Im of this school is to develop schol~rs c~poble of origiMI ond cre~tive od路 v~ncement. There ore fjfty different mojors le~ding to mosters' degrees offered by the vorious colleges comprising the University of Idoho. The entire gr~duote school h~s M enrollment of over five hundred.


L. C. CADY of Gr~du~te Sc~ool

JAGAT SINGH DHAMRAIT Unclessi!ied Jullnmdur. Indie

JAMES GOWAN LOCK Political Science Spok~ne, Wash.

Bo"ine~u, Nort~ De~ot~

MIKE McQUADE Political Science Moscow, Ide~o

HARRY RAY Elementery Ed. Moscow, Ide~o

RONALD TISDALL Ed. Administr~tion Moscow, Id~~o

ROGER DALE TOVEY Educetion Maled, Ide~o

JAMES WALKER Agronomy Moscow, Ida~o

RAY ALCOCK Educ~tion Adm. Bovill, Id~no

ROBERT EARL JONES Wildlife M~negement


in WRA adi~iti'n during her lour yea,.,. al Id"ho, Ging"r '''",ed u prelident 01 WRA during the 1957-58 term. Plen· ning for " new Student Union Buildinq kepi htlr bUIY u one 01 the mOlt eeti~e Member, 01 the SUB committee. Ginq" ,,1'0 'eNed 01 Morler Bo"rd vice-pre.ident. She w"s " member 01 Pi Bet" Phi where she w", houl" prelident during her senior ye"r.


Ten Top Seniors Ten seniors were ~w~rded certific~tes ~s outst~nding members of their c1~ss ~t the ennu~1 M~y Fete this ye~r. The ten were selected by e committee consisting of the Deen of Women. Deen of Men, ASUI Generel Meneger, Alumni Secretary. Junior members of Executive Bo~rd, end the fetculty member of the Executive Boetrd. Nemes ere originelly submitted by de~ns of the verious colleges end selection is mede from these n~mes. Aspects considered in meking the lIw~rds ~re leodership. service to the university. scholllrship, ettitude fowerd the school. end living group perticiplltion.

lOWEll MARTIN As a member 01 Executive BOoIlrd during hi. senior y..ar. Lowell mild.. outst"ndin.g con· tribution. to Itudent gov.. rnment et Ideho. H.. "lto belonged to Blu.. Key "nd Sa...r Lence. During hi. junio, yOllr, he .erved hi. de.. II. pre.idenl.

O... n probably W"I one 01 Ih" bu"e,1 ,enion on c"mpu. during the 1,,11 yeer, for he h"d the r..,pon.ibility 01 ~eeping th" Idllho ,Iud.. nl. aWllre of univ.."ity n..w•. A, edilor of the Argonllul, .. JII'on· ..· com· men" On CllmpU' .. ~enh were '"lid ..very Tue.day and F,idey by Ihe student body.


Meioring ,n "griculture. Charlane pro~ed Ih,,1 Ih.. could .uccenluUy enler " ...... caU..d mlln'. field. Sh.. W,,1 lin "dive m..mber of Iivlt1tod judginq tuml lind lllso too~ lin IIdive part in iournllli.m lIeti~iti... on campus. A member of Mortllr Boord. Cherlene completed her coIlilqe U,eer by gredu"tinq with hiqhed honon.

Ten Top

DONALD INGLE Oon spenl four '1'''''''' of h"rd wor~ on th" Idoho ArgOMul "nd sOl'Ved es Anociole Edilor during his senior veer. He brought I\4I;onol recognition 10 Ih. Ideho cempus whn h. wes .Iected Grand Du~e of Ihe Intercolleqiele Knights. MARTHA SUE DEMPSEY As e botenV meior, Merlhe Sue won menv hono,., scholediceliV during he, college yeers. She wes " member of Spun; ond s,,"'ed "s Morl", BOll,d p'esident during her senio' yeer.

ERNEST DAVENPORT Erni" prov"d 10 be en ecliv" membar of Blue K"y ond IKs during his fou, yeers et Idllho. He wes eclive wilhin his living g'oup. Delt" Tau Delio, end w"s president of the house during the pad yeer. Ernie wes ona of the oulslending sludenh in Ihe College of Engineering end achieved much recOQnition in his mejor r."ld.



JOHN CHAPMAN Always "eti... e in cempus politics, John .IINod as en Executive Boord member in his senior yoe.. His pllrticipotion in IK• ....ned him much r/lc09nition. John WIIS elso /In inte.ested member of his f,atornity lind hi"'..:! as pre.ident.

MARY OWL Mory guided Hays Hen tflr"",:!h 110. yea •. S/ltv'ng ,n prosident. St." wa, ,npeei/illy /leti". in the mony musie group' on compu. /II .. /III /IS being /In ouht/lnding dud"n! in ho. ",,,jor field. Home Economics. Mory w/lS /I member of Morle, Bo",d during h/lr

senior ye,,,.

DAVID MAXEY As ASUI president, 0/1". spent mOft of hi, ~nio, yea. wot~;ng for the dudo"ts ..t the University. Acti.... in Blu/I Key, Do... 0114 found tim. to b. mest.r of ellre<'f\Qfli/l' ot the Blu/I Key Tille"! SlIow. A member of Silver lance. Da.... olso S/lrved as en

hoell!;'" BO<I,d member dll.i"g hi. junior year.


............._--\,-----' Sen ior Officers

Leading the Clan of 1958 through its fin,,1 Yellr ot th Aim.. Mal... we •• Mil. Petton. P,.,id"llt; John McMennomin Vice·Pre,idenl; Lor,,,ine langdon. Secretery: end Plltti Rees•. T•


Senion paused 10 r.lu " minute bofor. marching into the Memori,,1 Gym 10 ,ec"i"e th.i, reward. for four yean; of worL


Guiding the Junior clen were Neill Newhou'e. pre,idllnt; Cerolyn Edwerd', ,ecretery: Did Kerh. vice路prelident end Morge Ersted. t'lIl1surer

Junior Class Class of 1959

Derrell Adems IIndy Anderson Peul


Loris Addington

Arthur Albenese

Don Alberhon

Frllnk IIl1en

Jerry Allen

Louretle IIl1ey

Bill Anderson


Williem Bercley

lery Berney

Kenneth 11<1&11

Fred AYllrIli

Ronll Bedstrom

williem Beiley

LeRoy Beker

le. Barron

Rolend Benelt

Herold Betti'

Dorothy Beuer

Selly Bellttie

IIndi IInde"on

Juniors Cla'~

Bedow Oon/lld Bee.ley

Chud Bend 1(,•• 8/1"9,lon

Jan;ce 80'9 Marilyn Berretl

Bob Siql., Ron Bi,hop Jim Bivens John 81/1;' Jon Bledsoe

Did Bohlu:heid

Bill 8onnich,en

Robert Boughton AI/rod Bourque Bill Boyce

Marjie Brodbury Bob Brody

Michael Bronn"" Evelyn 8,.tton Fran Brown

Jadie Brown Da"id Bruhn .....rl.ne

a.. . h"

Jim B,uya

Jo.q." Bryhn Don Bryant 5/1"d,o Bullinqton Jim Burt Bruce Ceirns

Gory Collen Frenk Cammack Anne Copithorn/l Cempbell Dave C"mpb,,\1

Gayle Carlson

Stu Carl,on



Kathy Cenlen, Judy C.nebolt Morva Casey

Pat Casey J04l C.rn;",'"

Kennell. Mu Ch"pm"n

John Ciboci Alice CI"rlll D.. "ne Clemons Joe Clime' Larry Clute

Fronk Collett Send,,, Compton She ron Conneughton Key Conred Tom Cool Hele" Corbett


Juniors Bob Co....en Andr....... Cox Merilyn Crllne Judy Crllnney IVIIn CrodeH

EI'I"beth Curlis



Oelon D...lke OM,el1 Olluber/ Bill Oevid.on Tom Oevidson

Bette De"i.

Pet O"y Kefen OeKlolI Williem Oemid Mery Deputy

Ted Dingmen John Dodds

Na... Doe" Cllft'I", Oougl.... Sanford Downing Don Dugg/,ln

Celh....ine Dune.." Merien Dunning

Del Eelon

John Ebbert Jeen Ed",t

Chud Edery Carolyn Edward. Tom Edword,

Arnold Eidem Robert Ellsworth Rev Emenon

John Ensune Sue Ernst

Joe Err"rnouspe

Mllrge E,.led Mike Estes

Bill hens Robert Evens

T"rry Evlln. Helen Fermin

Bob Felton Joen Ferris R/llpn Finn Jo"n Fisher Ginger Fo. Did Frey

Fey Freemen

Rich",d French Donald Friesen Friling Viggo S<'Itldre Frih

J"nel G"bb"rt


Willillm Gllboury

AI Glliley

Donne Gille

Lllrry Gllrlinghouse

AllIIn Gerrett

Deenne Geertsen

Deen Gentry

Don Giles

M/I(cie Gill

Alice Giroux

Doris Gissel

Jllmes Given

Jim Golden

Did Gooby

Dennis Grey

Gordon Grlly

Glen Grout

Geil Guernsey

Klly Heberlech

Ted Hellstrom

Gledys Hllnsen

Forrest Hllnson

Roy Hergrllve

Jed Hllrris

Dllrrol Herrison

Cerol Hervey

Welter Heud

Shirley Henrihson

Pelricie Herr

Eleine Hieber

Aljeen Higgins

Dweyne Hines

John Hoch

Ann Holden

Berbere HollowllY

Sue Holmes

Don Horning

Shirley Horning

Bob How/l(d

Cerol Howerton

Jllmes Howlend

Normlln How.e

Did: Hughes

Don Hull

Doneld Humphrey



Mexine Herris





Anne Heyden

Bonnie George

Keren Hllyden Robert Helelbeker





H..,el Hunt

P,,/rid Hurrell

L"n.. H. Hoch

J .. ne Husted

None Jentz

Lowell Jervis

Russ Jeffery

Don Jenny





Thomes Ikeh",,, Cerolyn




Dewerd Ipsen

Pet Ive'son

Edwerd John

Arlo John,on


Di"ne K"iI

Ed Kele

Jimmy Key

Tim Kime

Georg" Kimpton

B"nny King

CI"ir Ken"don

Denny King

Elwood Kintner

Doug Klein

Deen Klempel

Jerry Knepp

Mery Sue Kni"f,,1

Jim Kohl

L",'Y L..Boll"

J. D. Lew,on

W"yn" L..wton

L"wrence Le"hy

Euclid Lee

Roger lee

Meybell" lill



John K""le'

W"lt"r Johnlon

K"y K"lIy


Duena Jenes

Vonde Jone,

Jerry Johnson

T"d K"ith

G"ry K"nd,,11

Johnny Jones

Glen Ing"lIs



Richerd lin&

K",,,n Kremer Bob




Juniors Did Loepply Clyde Lofd&hl BfI~erly


Shirley Lovgren Simon

Heng lo.... CI.,. lowry lois lundquist Carolyn lund1l,um

Phyllis McAl• .."nd., Harry McAllist., Peul M,Cabe Jerry M<;Ccnn,,1l

Skip McConville Gle .. McCurdy

Jim McDon.ld De.. McDonold Home. Mcevers O"vo McJ.Aafion

James McMen,,I$

Gary Md.4;ch..1 James McPh.rson

Chris M.d• .,

Me..,;" Mocki. Erne Magnusson

C"lh y M".bo<l

L".ry Muhburn Mere;. M"xwoll Bob Mechem

Arth u ' Mell Dee .. Melquid

LeRoy Meye.

8.rI Mill., Bonni. Mille.

Dwight Mill••

Leonerd Mill,.



Shennon Mitchell

Nel. MoUe. Virginia MonKl"

Joel Moor. Mery Morken

Poul Muhonen

Terry Mur~y

P"I Nnmyth Denny Neylo.


'n Neb.1 Kay NellOn

la.ry Nel,en

Mery NeilOft Torn Nelsoll

Welt.r NellOlI Did Newell Neel N ho.... SIl nOll Newman

Juniors Tom Nicholson Arnold Nikul~ Corm., Nilson Mike Norell Jon Nov"k

Fred O'B'ien

Ledeun Olin Brilln Olson Burlon Orm"

Ron O,born Robert Overs/reel Jim Pelisin

Pel PMI:" Ard~1I

hrh Elil.. beth P"ssmore

Wede P"tt""on Dwight Pelton

George P"tton

Jim P,,+ton CI/ludia Pederson

Ned Pence Vence Penton

Chuck Perry Mich/lel Peterson

Tonie Pete,son O..le Pline Ron Powell ChMle. Powers

Joe" Prether Jim Preslal

Don"ld Pridmore

Ch"d"r Prior Merlh,,11 Pritchett Will;"m Purcell hi Quen" Fronk Remer

David Rendolph

B"""r1y Rem. Jim R/lthbun Judy Rauch Rich",d Rensh"w Tom Reveley

Ce,ol Rice Berb"r/l Richie Doris Riggs Fred Ringe

Ell,," Roberts June Robertson

SUI"nne Roffler Gerold Roh ...ein John Rosholt Beverly Slo\;"s Roussos John Roussos Williem Roy


Don Royder



Ch~r1otle Rudm~n

Doug Schedler

M~ ..




Willi~m Sh~ne





Ted SI"t'H Willi. Smith St~nley


Bill Slocum J~d



Snider Sulliv~n




Arthur Scholes Clyde

Smith Sp~rh

Mill; Switz",



Don Smith EII~

Jyl Rupe Th~d




J"mie Smith

G<lve Springer George Sprung

Noel T~nneur





Julie S"liMS

Rom~ S~unders

Ted Schum"ker

John Schwenger

AM Scoll

Monte Shirts

A. S. Sidhu







Robert T"ylor



Fr~n Stodd~le

C"rol Temple

Noret~ Sylvi~



Roger Seih Ch~r1es



Rex Smith


Tom Stro.chein

Sond,,, Teply



Duene Thompson

Joe Tingley

Byron Thomas

E"rI Thoma'

Sharon Thomas

Sue Thome'

Bud Thompson

Lee Thurber

l"Roy Tollbom

lee Townsend

John Turner

Bob V"lIet

Herold V"n AHe

Cletu, Von Tersch

C"rol W"ch,,1

Renee W"lIen

John Wanem"ker

Art Warnke

Norman Warren lee Watenp"ugh

Bob Walson

P"ul Webb

Charlene Wells

Bruce Wendle

Charlotta Wert

Jerry Weston

Dele White

Eleenor Whitney

Bill Wilkarson

Anit" Williems

D"le Willi"ms

Royce Wi,e

Wendell Wolf

Jim Womm"d

lene Wood,

Nancy Wood,

Don Woodward

Deve Youman,

lerry Young

M"rlene Z"j"nc

K"y Zenier

Jon Zimmer

Roy Willi"ms Bruce Wright

Allen Williamson Dwight Williemson Sandy Wright

M"rjorie Wy"tt


Van DYke

Cery Thompson

Velene Thorpe

Joe V"n Epps

Don Vogler



Chub Andel"lon. Pre,ident; Bob Bernard. Vice路Pre,ident; Nancy Cempbell. Tre,uurer; Nan Alvord. Secretary.


Class Ron Adam, Roger AUend Mae Aland SIMley Albee John Alley lore Alli,on

Nan Alvord Marien Anchudequi Serbere Andel"lon Gery Andel"lon Meldon Andenen Devid Andreu

Keith Andre_ Kaye Angerbeuer Tom Arima Gee",.. A,none Trenne Atchley Gttne A~

John Begg, Everett Beiley Judy Bailey JOIln Belded SNce Beldel"llon u,rry Berd$ley


Sophomores Rotehy B"rk.." John Beron

Hftrold B"rr"c1o~9h J"nice 8"",,11 Lowell B"rrid Millon B"rrus

FrM a"udek Trevor Beugh

Ralph B"vghm"n Sally Be..1 N"ncy B"",dmore Ann Beder

Mike Be'll,," Conrod Beitz Tom Benj"min Austin Bergin

George Ann Serkley Bob Bernllrd

Ann Marie Berry

J"mes Berry George Bertonne<'lu Cheri.., Bigsby

K",I Bittenbender Lerry BI"d

Robert Blellne.

G"ry Blid

Ed Bo,,' Delbert Bowm"n

Richerd Boyce Kay 80,orlh

Did Brllden Joan Brands

Jon B,,,,,,,y M<lry M"'g,,,et Brodersen Did Broulim Don Brown

G"rth Brown M,,'Y M"".I",el Brown No,mll Brown K"y Burger IdooM Bursted! Gary Burton

Don Buller

J"mes Bullon M,,'Y J""nne Caldwell Eugene C"II"han N"ncy ClImpb,,11 Eric C"r1,on

Sonja Cerlson Bob C,,'mod y Colleen Casey Did Chaffin Syl.. io Chllse

Royce Chigbrow


Sophomores Jim Child Clor~


Rieherd Cle....." R;<;h.,d Clericul;Q Richard CIo",ghley

John Clov;,

Phylli1 Co<;h'/lne

Pel Collins

ROC}e. Colly.' Gel. Conard Judy Conqer 8.,bara Connell

Diene Coo~

larry Coo~ Jonet Coo~. G.r.ld Cowden

Did Cripe Mervin ero","'

John Culley Gllty Cu,t••

Tim Deroy Deve Damon



Gal)' Do...

Sherin David'on Sorb,,,,, Dovi. Cor.li. ollvi. John Oevi.

Bob DeBord PilI Decker

Lowrence O.Lo.hmult Cerolyn Oemps.y Donne D"nlon Jay Depew 0."'1'1 Dorothy Betty Ootzl",

Ri<:hord Coty Roo'e Dough.rty Jame. Dungon J..,n Durham Kenneth Dur~

Marilyn Durose

Gordon E<;c;l••

Cot! Edward. lind. Edward. Albert Ellsworth

K.te.. Eldon. Judy Eval'\'

Fritz Eymann Stenia)' F"nning Carolyn Farb.r John Feu,h., 0.".11 F.,qulon larry F.'guson


Sophomores Jell. Fields larry Fin" Pal Finney

Ric;ha.d Fish J/ld Flad

Jim Flo";g.n

allnllY Farlyth

Norman Foltz Arlene Frehm Jus!,n Friberg Bill Fullmer Betty Goil"y

Jeano+!e Gehrig Jenel Gerard D/ln Gerpheido H.. "iel Gille", Jim Glenny Carrol Glovllr

Jerry Gn.dow Gordon Goff Rey Gomes Kiln Good""in



Gay Gr.ham ..... ory Lou Gravel

J. E. G,elln"••,,' Willi"m Greenwood Hole.. Gregory Roge. Gregory Slephe.. Griffiths

Ce'ol Grove O/iV/I Gundl/ld Coro! H/lddod: Virginio Hole

Ce'ol Hell Thomu Hamilton

Don Honford M".;us Hanford lynn H/ln""n ..... i~. HO"'111

Gordon H.rm Donald Ho"hm/lll

Kenneth Hershman

Rolph Hoteh C",oJ Hattan Ulrry H"ttomfl' Cherles Henford Rulhanno Hawkins



0/11/1 Hlly".' Did HIIYs Petti. Hon/lult

M/lrie Hond,id, Hoi. Henson


Sophomores Herbert He.eth Ceryl Heth Carol Hilfiker Jerry Hill Llone Hindi. Don Hingdon


Hi,ge.. larry Hobson Di.i. Homond EliJab.tll Hofmann Bob Hog"boam

G.r.ld Holes



LOfry Holloway

Mery Hought.lin louise Hoyt Mary Lou Hubb.lrd Bob Huddleston

Mickey Hurtoy John HurH Morilyn Hustler

She ron Isahen NovII Jackson

Cheryl Jacobi

Tom Jacob. Richerd Jem,son Sharon Jenlins lorry Jeppeson Jerry Johnson Sydney Johnson


M"" Jones Ken Jones Mary JOll81

louise Jorgenson Ch.rl'n Kohl Richerd K.lf.rd

Pot Kelly Lynn Korby Joseph Ketchum We)'". Kidwell Mike Killi".. Stephe.. Kimble

Rose Kimplon Sunny Kinney M ........ Kinzer

De.. Kirlpotrid Anne Ki,lwood Kiln" Klempe.

Eldon Klein Jim Kioeplll'

Mary Ann Kohl Koren Kottley B. C. Kozlows~i Jim Kreus


Sophomores Paul K'09uII Fred Kroll

J"m... Kuck David Kunkel Tyrone locy M"rl: lolla/in

$t"n L"mb 0,,"" Lerson Don letson Peggy LaRue

J"ne L/luderbeck My,nll Leo/ham

Robed Lee Dillne LeRoy Richard Lewis

Lllrry Lickley Arthur Lindemer

C"rol" lipscomb



Jo Litseh". DUline Little

Ralph Longlllilow George Ludhllrdl C.. llui

Robert Lund Jim Lunla ""nne Lyons Kllthleen MeBralnev Rob .. rt McCarle" Ne"l" McCowan

JOllnn MeDoni,,1 Janet McDevitt James Macduff MIlrY Jo Mllee

Tom McFarland Mllure"n McGouri"

Elizabeth McK(I/I Jilek M"di Jim MeKinick

Alli.on MllcKnight Belly to.lela"n Jellnne MacMartin

Joe McMichael Monte McMurray

G,,'Y McNeill Mike McNicl>ol Taddy McReynolds John Magel

Bob M"gnu,on Annetl" Mlln,e,

Jed M"r,,1: Duena MII,I", 51,," Mllrtin She ron M"th"ny

Sophomores Rosemary Maule

Ralph Meys Gory Meisner

Jon Mellen Florence Mendiol" MII,ilyn Metrick

Bill Merrill

Gerold Melc"lf Jerry M"Y•• holf••

Robert Meye" William Mille.

Bill Mills

Ida Mi.ende N"n<;y Mooef'1

David Moor. Don Morlen lewis Mor.. Morcie Mottinger

Nency Mullen Dllvid Munn

Janel Neu Did NOIII

Th".on Nel'e" Dele Nelson

James Nelsoll Shirley N"ttl.ingh"m Jon Nilnon

Laird Noh Colhy O'Connor Diene Olmsteed

Le"'" Dring

Grelchen Ostrander Leon Oswald

Eo.1 Owen Janice Pelm".

Neel Pllrs,,11

Neney P"tt"non Cleudis Petton Clltol P"d"rson

Jo P"trllsh"k Jed P"ttyqrove Bob Pie.ce

Di"n" Pie'l<In Erling P1"ce

Roger Poliod Ernest Pob Glenn Potter John P,;tcheU

MII.ilyn Pritchett

Sonje Queyl. Noel RlIlldol1 Judy R"schk/l

Be.nord Rnh Ele;ne Rllsmussen

Sophomores Tom R"tdiff. Phillip Reddington Ann Redford

Cla,ene" Reed Jo Ann R"e5e Kell Regni••

M"'9","1 Remsberg Did R"n. Marilyn Rid.r Potrie'. Riley larry Ripley Donn. Ri,leu

St"lI" Robinlon

""ith Roe AHlin Roqers

Delbert Ito"" D....id Rou John Ross

Wayne Ross Carol ROllman Carol Roulend Mer'ler", Rowl"nd AM Rudolph ColI...n 51. Clllj,.


5.01.,.., Neil Sampson

B.rb"•• Semi Jill Sandmeyer Mil' 5chl"y Bob Schultz

Peggy Schw&rlz Patty Scofield

I,enll Scoll lee 5'011 lois Seubert Robert Se""'/lne/l

Bill Sh"mion

Mel Shllngl" Robert Shedd Roy Shubert

Ron Shels ROlllnn


Gene Smallwood ....Ie;. Smith Diane Smith

Neole Smut".)' SUli" Snow

Dennin Soli

K/ly Sornme"

Grekhen SpII.h Gerry $I"ele Robert 5Ie"l" Jo.lIn Step""nl

Ann S'e...ent


Sophomores Bob $teven,on l. R. Slevenson Dolorel Stippie'" GlOM Stoke, Joon StO~.1 Gery Storey

Roymond Stubbe,. Larry Sty,men Bruce Summe..

l •• Sulton Jeme' S.... ain Steve $",enlOn

Don Sweep George Syrinq Robert Syring Sob Tote Borb"•• hilim DOlI reylot

lloyd Teylo. Lo....ine T"ylo, Roneld T,,"ill Robert Tese' B",'Y Tlli.ll. Ch..,le, Thome.

larry Thome' Do...e Thompuln s"m Thompson Me. ThomP'lon

George ThOrlon Joy Thurmond

Marcus Todd Edqe' Town•• nd LeRoy Trupp

Mary T,ud.k..

Rit" Tude. M.. ,i. Turne' Leonerd Unzicker Loui•• V"ndenb",k Ste...e Von Horne Scoll Vaught l",'Y Von Ernie Vys.

Palll W"9/1f Wiley Waqne. Gene Welke. le....;, Waller lois Well••

P1lyllis WIIlk••

MII'Y Welser

Bob Welton s"nd'lI Wanamaker Brent WlI.bll'q J04n Ward Don WelKIn


Sophomores Joyce Wea.,., Konneth W.kh Arlee" W.df.1I M/lry Walcott

larry Whitby Arvin White

Joyce White Terry White Carol Whittet Charles Wikel Kenne,h Wild" Go,,! Wil1i.. m.

Judy Williem, Bob Willi"m,on Noney Wilmuth

Alden Wil,on Boyd Wil,on Judy Wilwn

Don Win•• I••


Dotlo". Don WiH B/lrbdr/l Wohloh

Solly woln.., John Wood

Stillmo.. Wood Woldon Wood Judd Wo<ley

0"". Word.y Dolores Wright Gory W,ight

Jim Wright Wilmo W,iqht Did Wy"tI

Don Yo,1 Jo Zill..



The Freshman Class



Class of 1961

The freshmon c1~ss, one of the I~rgest yet, spilled onto the University of Id~ho this f~1I ..... ith enthusi~sm ond vigor. Led by their c~p~ble c1~ss officers elected in the f~11. the c1~ss sponsored many successful ~ctivities, One of the most successful projects w~s the United Fund Drive when freshmen collected $1469 from Moscow donors. The "nnu~1 Fresh Week ond Donce w~s ~Iso termed", success. c~mpus



F,o.h women w~it for Ih~ir initi. <'Ition into Spurs following the a~,ly morning t~pping during the M~y Fete.

Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha lombdll Delta is the freshmM women's scholastic honorary which requires point of 3.5 for membership. This year's old and new members include:



Row On,,: Conni.. Blod, Ann Beder, Cllrolyn Dempsey, Mrs. Boyer, Key Bozer/h, N"ncy Campbell. Pili Ded"r. Row Two: J~dy Breden, Loui.e V"ndenb",k, Judy Conger, Borb",o Mains, K",e" Crouch. Keren Sledtfeld. Sheli.. McGuire, Send,,, Nichols, N"ncy. Avery. linn Irwin, Lorne Wolf"l, Myrn .. Inqh,em. Bid Row: Marilyn Voyles, Key SlIlyer, Bet.y Taylor. EII"n Morgan. !Inn Lyons, 11.05& Chronic, Barb..... Robinson. Shirley Schneider, Beverly P"ul, MIH'le,el Remsberg, not pictured.

Ph i Eta Sigma Phi Elo 5igm3 is the n<'llion<'ll scholostic honofMy for freshmen men. A 3.5 gr<"Jde point semester is required for eligibility.


Row One: herett B",iley. Willi"m Run路 v"n, Joe McFarl",nd, Bruce McCowan, Weldon Tovey, C",r1 Bittenbender. R"w Tw,,: Laurence ElI;son, Gene lewrence. Denni, Hllfgre",ves, Fred Grier, J"ek M"d, Bob Schumaker, Jo,,1 Koonce, G",V Gage, Terry White, Bob Pierce,




Clellning Houle

Ethel Steel House Ethel's Girls we coli ourselves full of pep for house ond compus octivities. Victory wos our cry in WRA. first in bosketboll. orchery ond volleyboll . . . more victory in Sig Alph Olympics in egg throw ond footboll punt. ,two house donees, ,foncy dinners ond troditionol Xmos serenode Chris Mockert, Exee Boord , , ' Chorlene Roth senior girl with highest grode point . Mortho Dempsey ond Chorlene, top ten Seniors

Coy Ann B&II Mol)'


Mol)' Lou Hubbord


Bonnie Borney

Sonj& Co,hon

Mo'y lou G,ovel,

Vi'gini& Hole



ROI& Kimpton

Dione Coiner C.~Hol


Moxine Kinle,

Rose Kimpton ond Judy Boiley, Spurs Koy Ookes, new Spur President. , , Mortho ond Chorlene, Mortor Boord ... Queen Finolists, Venito Turner, Miss U. of I. ond Mory Gornsey, Novy Boll, , , Koy Zenier, new A WS president. , , Chris Mockert, Mortor Boord Seholorship "Betty Wiswoll. Koppo Phi President " Honors ond fun go lore ... 011 leod by 0 new ond wonderful housemother from Alosko, Mrs. Spoeh.

M&dnll Demp~ey



Connie H&rding

M&l)'lin H&'e'

Romono legg

M&rybel Lill

Ruth Erickson lynnette


Beve,ly lo,d

HH' "0


.ee ..0

e~i1 .•peel

Elis..beth McKee

Cecelie Montoy..

lois P'odor

Il&,b",.. Riedem..n

Jeneol Roth

Pot Sochf

Joen Steph"ns

Dolo'''. Stippich



O,e•• Din..er

J....et N..u

M..ry Nelso..

K..y O.. les

Wilm.. P..d .. ,d

Sh;rley Poff

Donn.. Ri.t..u

Stel.. Robi ..so..

Vi'qinio Robinson

Aud,ey Ron

Ch..rlene Roth

B"tty SC099;n

ROlonn Slod"

Aleie Smith

Jonic" Smith

R.nn. Wollen

Potty Weed

Arleen Westfoll

B"tty Wiswoll

Borba,.. Sh..


Shirley Town

Eloi,,, Younq






Forney Hall coeds spent an eventful year ta~ing in meny edivities . , . the Homecoming float built with the Phi Taus . . . Campus Chest with the Ferm House Md Phi Taus ... Song Fest ... Moonlight Sieighride, the winter former ... Shengri Le. the spring dinner dence . . . Frosh snee~ . . . numerous weddings, pinnings and engagements .. , eerly rising Frosh tub seniors. , . e freshmen honor路 o/Iry Md Forney Girl of the Month were organized ~rt

. , . ChrismM, Forney Baseball o/Iward . . . Sigma Alpha Olympics . . . W.R.A. success in swimming Md baseball, .. Barbera Davis is Hasher Sweetheart Carole Bed awarded Mary E. Forney cup Senior dinner and Frosh fireside bring Spurs. Alpho/l French and Forney together . . lambda Delta, Theta Sigma Phi, Phi Upsilon Omi. Fulbright Scholarship to cron top members LaRene Newberry.

Jydith Abe,n"thy M",ien AnchYlt"qy' T,enM Atchl"y Bonnie B"ym CII,ol. Bed

Shi,ley Bippes Evelyn B'lItton Florenc. Bond Brend" B,own Ros"lind B'uce

'donn" By<stedt C/lrol Celcutt Alice C"mpb,,11 Ch",lo"e C"rI~on Shirley CII,ni"

Colleen C,,~ey Ph yll'5 Cochr"ne Helen Corbett Shirley Corbell Bllrbe,,, Dllv'5

Forne." and Ph, Tau ,cntribution to Homecomillq Parade


Ann 0..1

AI"i,. Oichon

Dor,s D'.Hert

Betty Don!.r

Rooio Dough.rty

Ro•." F~h"r

C.,ol Glover

Corol Harvey

O,;nd" Homon

Arlene Fn!lhm

B"tty G"iley

Alice GirouI

Elizabeth Holmenn

Beth Hosslle,

lo,an" JOlla"

Anit. Kos~.l1/l

Josephine Lamson

Myrna Looth.m

Jo lihcher

B,tty Mclean

Cl""l lowry

Mari•• n MeN.. 1

Charlott" Mort.1I

AIv,rnll .....





Coli.." O'Donnell

Beverly 1'00,11

Marilyn Rid",

Dotil Riggi

Elle" Robert.

June Robe'hon

Ann Rudolph

Jerry Scott

Suzanne Spent.e,

Ann St"..."nl

Nancy T"n/l~/1

Ca,ol Tempi.

Sand'e Wanamaker

Charlotte Wort

I."ne Wilke

LaReno N"""b"r'Y

Judy R"...dl Jyl Rupe

Joan Terry S~.jl"


C",mo Nilson

Nency Mullen


Mory Tsudllkll

Marth.. Sharp



Priscill" Perkin,



MARY OWL. P,uidenl



Could there be a witch doctor at Hays? You bet. .. Here's the brew ... Mary Owl. one of


the ten top seniors . . . Mollie Godbold. MIlY Queen . . . JM Novak, homecoming finalist . Rose Chronic. fresh honorory . . . Elaine Hieber, new to Mortar Board . . and JOlin Fisher. the

Pigeons on the sleeping porch the Xmas ~rty with SMte Claus Griggs firesides Md "

. our dances; "Penthouse Serenllde" and

"In the Middle of



Frosh sneek ...

sneaky Mob Hill Mob. Witch Dodor? Yeoh! Bing bllng Willi/! walla bing bMg 00 ee.

all.time shrew of "Kiss Me Kate" ... Md there's

Charlotte Aldrich Lore AII;,on Nancy Anderson Janot Barbor

l(r" 8&"9.lon

George Ann Berkley Carlelle Brendt B&ltv Brooks

Corol 8,""",11

Judy C.nebolt Ma ...." Casey Ro•• Chronic





Ceth.rine Duncon Koron Elden.


Hays Hall Joen Filh". Carolyn Fl"tt"n JeII"eH" Gehr;') 80M'" Giblon Kare" G'igqs

C1 a i•• Hllnson Bland,,, Harper Don"a Harwood Karen Hayden Pair;';. He.r

Sylvie Hertz 1I0ne Hind,., Miriem Iv....on Kathryn Jacobs NOM Jantz

lucille Johnson Peggy Key

Norm" Kirtland Claudi" Knoll Mo,..., Ann Kohl

Shlllon ""'almb",'] Cer,,1 Menn

Mar',,, M,. ...."II M"u'''''" Mc:Gourin Elizebeth Misner

Fun Niqhl

Decorll!i"q 10. Hew"ii"n O"n,o.



til. Shre...

Hays Hall Shonnon Mitchell Virgin;/I Mouson Mllry Owl Joan Plummer

Morilyn P,il<;h.tt

ell,iflina Reynold,

Geo'gi. Reynolds elloNotto RuclITu.n Kete" Ruud Jill Sondmeyer

Judi Smith

Grete"'" SpIHh Colleen St. CI"i••

V"I.". Thorpe MO'9",el Ty!",

Mllry Whiteheod Jeannine Wood

Borbo." We"' Dolo••• Wright Sandy Wright

Jo Zill"


M"rilyn Berr"tt "nd Mrs, M"rrs "t Chrislm"s p&rty,

Permeal French House Our third year _ , , still eating at Forney end hoping for a kitchen, __ "Fall Fiestll Dance" with two thousend balloons blown up by long-winded French gills, __ Delta Chi bench in 104 Christmlls Pllrty _ Spurs KIlY Shipley end PreKy Cllrolyn Dempsey , firesides, eKchenges, frosh sneak, tubbings, lind bed cheeks . , . Pom Porn girl Claudia Patton, _ , several tllpped for honor-

Ilries _ Lyndll Dailey, Lambda Chi Crescent Girl _ .. our four point Carolyn on Exec Board ned year _ _ _ picnic with the Tekes . . _ "Cinderella . Carolyn Kudlac lind Lynda Dinner Dance". Brown tapped for Spurs _ pinnings, eleven engagements and four weddings made this a good year for Cupid. _ . meny memories for 1111.

Loris Addington

Andi Anderson

M/lrilyn Berrell

Lynd" Brown

Norm" Brown

Colleen Broyles

Kathy Cersten

Milrien Clerk

B"rb"re Conn,,11

Lynde Oeiley

C.. rolyn o.mpsey

Oonn" Oanton

Sue Ernst

E...etyn E...ans

JoAnn Fingarson

Jilnet Gerard

Viol" H"w~ins

Syl...ia Ha.man

Shirley Horning

Corol Ho.....rton

Milrilyn Hustler

Helen Johnson

Vond.. Jones

Myrne Inghram


ltlmbdo Chi Quoen lyndo Ooiloy

Mildred Kroeteh



Gwen Lodner

Oitlne LeRoy

Verno LoH

Jtln"t McDeviH

Teddy McReynolds

Sonj" QUtl\e

Noney R"

ArI.ne Ross

Shtltilv" ROil

c"rol S.ih

Lois Seubert

Mtlrilyn Shull

Lois Mon...eiler

Shonnon Ne"'r:1on

Claudi" Potton

Corol Rouland

Solly Rudmon

Rom" Sounders

H.I." Schim.r

Sue Thomos

Sendftl Wood

Mo,ie yo,k

tAtI,lene Zoitlne



Campus Club One of the three frame dormitories that were to be closed by the end of last semester, C"mpus Club ended its existence in " more speet"cul", w"y lInd burned to the ground during the I"st weeks of school. The fire left over ore hundred men homeless. with only the clothes th"t they were we"ring. in most c"ses. But probably more

Don Alberhon


TrHochen Beins

Anthony Chedowski

Geyle Clapp

Albed Ellsworth

Robed Ellsworth

LeRoy Baker latty


Frederid Feulh

concern w"s expressed by students who lost term p"pers or notebooks due "t the end of the semester. One result of the fire was the st"tement m"de by the "dminisfration th"t there would be no more fr"me buildings on the University of Id"ho c"mpus. PI"ns were immedi"tely under w"y, "Iso, to provide a new cooperative living place for men.

lery Barney

Gereld Bierwaq

Roger Booth

Denni, Co"iqen

lewrence Coupe

James L Dungan

Joe Dyer

Richerd D. French

Judin Friberg

ooneld Frielen

Westley Glover

Glenn S. Bredley

Todd 0110n puMing on


for 0 ploy

Did Gooey

F.onk Hoinlohn

John R. Hook

Tod Koith

J. O. Low10n

Jomel F. Lemp

Felix Mo.eolin

Jomel T. M,Oowell

Gory M,Mi,hnl

Joe M,Mi,hnl

Mo ....in Nebel

Dan Pen,e

Ned N. Penu

Ralph p.ibble

Doneld C. p.idmore

Jolin Pri,heM

Wilton Rigge"

AI Sidhu

Malkiah Sm.,gh

St.,nley St.oup

O.,le White

Kenneth E. Wilde.

Bob Willi.,m1On

Don.,ld Wil10n

Wendell Wolf

Don B,own

Milfon Riqg.,"

Heng Low



Chrisman Hall This year

w~s ~

very successful one with


highlights" "~new block v.."ndow for our successful Clo~k <'lnd D~gger .. Jerry Le~th~m surrendered g~vel to George McKe~n ~t the semester ~ soci~1 come路b"ck to eJ.ch~nges ~nd firesides Dinner-donce. softb,,11 g~me, ond trophy eJ.chMge

Roger Al:land Ralph Baughman




Henry Blecha

with our Forney friends" " " the ~nnu<51 piCniC m<5ny members t~pped for honor<5ries. Who sllid we couldn't hllve "live" music for llil of our SOCilll functions? A prosperous yell( for the independent Independents; should be even better ned ye~r"

Stanley Albee fred


Donald Anderson Bill Clausen



P.. ul


Gary Custer

Bill B.. rclay Delon D"I~e

Rudy lor Cloa\ and 0"99"r

Verni" Davis



Richard Doty

Dennis Eva"s

Dave Fairchild

Ted HallslrOf'l'l

Don Hobart

Bob Ho..ard

lynn Hughes

Duane Janes

Oon Johnson

Johnny Jones

Georg.. Kimplon

Danny King

O..an Kl"mpel

Paul Krogve

Ty,on.. lacey

Bob L"dle

J,,,,,ld Leethom

Richard Line

M" ..... in M"die

Guy Moricich

George McKun

Gary Meisner

Oevid Moore

Jo" Morrison

Albert N"u

Burton Orme


Chrisman Hall Je'ry Pe'lon

0/1 II pl,"_ Letry Prine

A be,t Ray

Bruce ROI;n M/l' Sch.1I

Rober! Sever"n"" Bill Sullon

Lee Sulton

Bob r"nk Robert Tew, 10.4/1. Thomson

Marcus Todd laRoy Tollbom GeoÂŤ:j/l V/ln Deusen

larry Vou



CII.v,,1 Whiting

Roy Wil ;"ms

Going for




Mr. end Mrs. Cummings

Idaho Club The

1957-58 school term sow the lost of the

Brent Cummings. Officers for the term were Les-

frome dormitories closed on the Idoho c"mpus,

lie Huntley, President; Kenneth BoIlrtlett, Vice-Presi-

Men moved out of rdGho Club ofter the end of the

dent; John Schumoll~er, Secretollry; BloIlin Feltmon,

first semester.

Treollsurer: LoIlwrence Leohy, IntrGmuroIll MoIlnollger;

Hostess oIlnd proctor during the

club's lollst months in existence were Beverly ond

Jomes Womolld, Sociolll ChGirmon.

Members ere, Row One, left to right: Ridlord McConnell, Con Jocobs, Did Keith, Did Woller, Eerl Fishburn, Anthony Lowrence Hethorn, Dillord Fidl., Row Two: Ch"rles Wilson, G"ry Howe" Cliff L..wrence, George Krell. Eorl Huntsinger, Fr"nH'n Thompson, Elvin Krerr. Roneld Hix, Donold Pridmore, Ch"rl.s Wilcox, Floyd Sanlord. Row Three: J"d Crewlord, Lee Proctor, Jemes Chepin, John Schumo~er, Kenneth B"dlott, Beverly Cummings, Brent Cummings, leslie Huntley, Lew'ence Leeh y, Rodney Richeson, Rich"rd J"meson, Robert Brod, Dennis "lIemen. Row Four: Russell Merrim"n, JemeS lemp, Justin Friberg, G"ry Ford, Doneld Womeldorfl, Robert Shene, Thom". Robinson, Jemes Womed, John Pritchett, Eldon Kle'n, J"me' Storm., Gery Will"rd, Curli. Abbott, Ch"rle. J"me., RODert Schume~er. Row Five: Herold Sellmen, Don路 eld Anderson. Gereld Hou.e, Williem Pormen. Rewley leylor. John Brendt, Dweyne Hines, Devid Fridley, Roneld Breun. Fred Arnholtz, Deen 80gley, Jerrold Denney. 8",ce Cermen. Chedo~~i,


BERT MillER, Prel;dent

Ga u It

Hall Robert Anderoon Albert Andre..... Tom Beldwin Jame. Berry, Charlel B:q,by Bil' Bunt Jam'l' BuAlon Jim Carl,on Richerd Coop." Andy Coray Andrew T. Ce. Neil Cron John Culley Robert Dahl Wilay Oani.l. Gerald Oi.on Joe E.pinOJe larry Fuh,ime~ Deon Gentry K.it!. G ••en Williem G'eenwood Staphen Griff.th, Donald He"hmen Kenneth He"hmen Larry Het;emer Robert Hale be<e' Robert Hill Gary Hiu

Gerald Hoi., lowell JIINi, 011",,11 Jon'" Ken Kingston Doug KI..in Fred Kroll Gerald La"on


Bert Miller and Wiley Doniels were ot the helm onnu"l "Snoboll" in the new lounge ond dining holl severol three couple fire· Milo Abbott poyed us 0 visit sides held 0 strong intr"murol on his w"y to Brooklyn

b"sketb,,11 squ"d copped chompionship . . . Ch"colet l"ke scene of h,,11 picnic . onnu,,1 h,,11 spring retre,,' . murky woters of Por"dise Creek used for senior tubbings 0 grMt ye"r for G"ult H"II.


Home Style Hairdo

Gault Hall l ..... renc. Luny Donald M"rtinson M. J. McFa,:""d Did M"••• Bert Mili".

Edwin Mueller

Terry Murphy

Tcny Nelson B.ien Ol,on Rob.,! O".rstr."t John P."rson Willi"m P.d,mon

Brien Pritchard Williem Purcell

Don Sc"ie,m,," Ted Schum/l~.r Orvil 5.".., Dill. Sherp Roy C. Shub.,t Ch",I•• S. Simmons Joe Simpson Mieha.i Smith

Roger Sp",h S'edley Spen<;/I' Ji... 5'_n

Gene Stew",1 J"d SW""fllng." J"me. Th.odmorlon 0,,:. Tu,"ips.eed John W"nem"l•• eh"rl•• Wiko. Richard Willey Slilimen Wood Bud Wright Virgil M. Young


LARRY WING, Presidei'll

Lindley H a II

O.... ill. ""d.rson Jad'. Bro...n


A great year for intramural campus chllmps

Iy.... Many of our number in honoraries.. , ,

in bowling .. Intramural trophy. ours for the second straight yellr.. . Two fine hall presidents, l1lrry Wing lind Nik Nikula . . . ASUI Exec Board: Chuck Orem, outgoing

Jack Hopffgllrten, II fellow lindleyite, who died this Illst semester. . ' Spring dinner dllnce II relll success.. , Tubbings . . . en-

member-Joe Erramouspe ingoing . , . Nik Nikul" "nd D"n Watson, President and VicePresident of Independent Caucus, respective-

gllgements , . , freshmlln rides spring picnic II wonderful year with bright futures ahead.

We were deeply sorrowed by the death of

Tom "r'ma

V.rlle B.d.r

C"r! Bursted!

s.onlo.d oo...n;ng

J'm De.... y

Dol'l"ld S. Be.,..l.y Joe Erramou.pe

Thomu Bladburn Larty F.rguKln

Lindley Hall

Lowell Gr,m

Cherlel H"nford

D0' Hanford

Richerd Fish

Henry Gorle

Williem R. He,di"

Don 8. H/lrri.

Jim Holme,

Robert E. J"sclll"

Jerry Kenl"r

Stephen Kimble

M.. lcolm King

Don Krier

John Kroiss

Eudid l"e

Ri<:h/l,d lewis

J"mo, Mo<:duff

J"met McMenus



Richerd Jami,on


Lindley Hall

OMn Melqui,t

Dwight Miller

William C. Miller

Bob Modenson

John Nelson

Arnold Nikul"

Eugene Novotny

Charle. E. Orem

leon Oswald

Phil Pee...

Roger Polled

M",.h,,11 Pritchett

BUll Rid'e!on

Relph Roberts

Eugene Rybe

MIIX Schley

Bill Scholes

Monte Shirts

Jilek Summ.."

Noel T"nneur

Leddie Teylo.

Gary Thompson

Lynn Thompson

George Thorson

Edg..' Townsend

Norman Warren

Don W"tson

Relph W"lson

lerry Wing

Lone Wood.

Bruce Wright

leonard Wunderlich

REED WELKER, President

LDS House Ten new house members


we hod to buy

Petersen initioted info Alpho Epsilon Delto;


new power mower to get them to mow the lown!


Wonder if we'll need

new outomotic sidewolk


. Wos on eventful yeor

drive donotions..


shoveler next winter?

ond Welker in Sigmo T~u .. Dorrell Weber of Alpho Zeto 100 per cent blood . Three house members elected

under the leodership of Reed Welker ond Jock

officers in Ag Club ... "Sunset," our spring formol


topped off

mony ochievements during the yeor:


greot yeor.

Osterhout ond Hendricks were pledged in IX

Milton B"rru,

Robe,t BI"ttner

J"mes Hocll"'''''e'

Phil John.on

W"yne Ross

D"le H"nsen

D"rr,,11 W"b",

Willi"m H"yes

Deloy Hendrich

Don larson

Doyle Mech"m

Don W"II.

lIIrry Whitby

Merlin Hill

V"ldon Hi. Ron Osterhout


GARY McEWEN P'."dent

McConnell Hall First yaM in existence.

. McEwen Md Douglas

brought the light to a hllil in dMkness and chaos.

bought the Tri Delfs Ilt the community chest Md fun was had by everyone. . Gllmmll Phis were

. . . Confusion, our hllil dllnce, WIlS


our guests lit Lllke Chlltcolet lind everyone hlld

success IlS WIlS the get-together with HIlYs HIlIJ on the float for Homecoming '. second semester

fun, even Oberhllnsll who found thllt the wllter was


SllW tubbings, night rides, Md wllter fights .

Williem Beiley Sume. Bil.ydi Ge'Y Ble~e JOe Clime. Ross Oe~e

Robe.t hens F.itz Eym/lnn John Fi.ld E.d/ll Gu.dol 0 ...01 H/I<fi.on

relll cold mllny times.... High hopes for next yellL

McConnell and Gamma Phi's picnic

Jer..., Hill Graydon Johnson Lor..., lewi. Ga..., Mcewen Rod Mayer

Arthur Mell Tom Nllgel E,ling Pilice Keith Roe Gerliid Rohwllin

William Roy Doyt Sim<.:<>e Ga..., Storey Lorry Thomas

Sam Thompoon

Joe Tingley Richerd Wilde Boyd Willon Jon Zimmer


Willis Sweet


Twenty-second yellr of existence


of the fireside . . . Sweet pillees


dose second

Monson ptlssed the gavel to Bill Booth "t the

in intremurols . . . BMOCs Martin lind Ingle . . .

semester . . . <!Inother successful C"bliret . . .

the Mnu,,1 senior banquet another f"bulous cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene spring tubbings and frash welh . . . " greet yeef for Sweet.

Sweet buys


piua dinner.

and five I.K.s . '

. seven Phi Et" 5igmo

Lofdohl runs for A5UI prexy

lind R"thbun eleded to Exec bo"rd

Eve,,,tt Bailey Lowell Barriek Scott S..ekley Ma. SKkm.. nn Child Bertrand

Ron BoIl"n,,"

B,II Booth

Bob Brody lorry Brady G"ry B'annen Rog'" Collyer St,," Carpente'

Willi/lm Collins Gear",,, Conger

6.,,,ld Cowden Dean CrawlorÂť, Iv..n Crodett Gerald Curn,,'

.. renovetion

P.octo. and HOlten. Mr. and 1104 ... 80b Holder

Gary Day o...ryl Di.on Tetry Doupe Kennath Du.l P""I Durning J"rry Dyer

Ray Emenon Rowland Felt David Faulkner Bill Gaboury Gene Gentry Larry Gibbons

Dennis Gr"y Jamel Gund"non Guy Haf". Gary Haw". 8ill Hawkinl Larry H...cod

Norman H"lg"lOn H.rb.rt H.r.th Steve Holzhey Don Horning Don lngl" How"rd lv"non

J"rry JohnlOn K"n Jon", David Kunk.1 Rog •• L•• Clyd.. lofd"hl Fr.d los"th


Willis Sweet Hall Warren Mock

Jad Mild; low.n Marti,. McA~oy


Paul McCabe Robert McCorten

GI"n McCurdy LeRoy Mey.r

Charles MOMon Ray MO'9"" Denny Naylor

Dill. Nellon

Keith N ....hoUMl Venee Penton

eh.t Prior Bernard Re.h Jim Il:ethbun 1\. F. Robinson

Allen 11:090'" Boyd Rood

Con Rou Ollvid Ron Neil Sampson

James Shearer

leland Slind

11:". Smit+. Willi. Smitfl Larry Sturman

Romen Tel"monte.

Bob Tel.

Gordon Taylo, Lloyd T"ylor Kenneth noelo

Jason Troth LeRoy Trupp

Richard Turnbull



Joe Wilson Royce Wise Arvin White Gary Wright

Weyn. V.lontine


JOHN FAlEN, PrHident

Upham Hall water fights <'IS USUltl.

We had a spectoculor view

The new dorm is now geHing a tinge of age . . . Em<'lnuol Etler took first in the turkey trot ... had a

of the Campus Club fire

fine time wrestling with McConnell for the Kapp<'l

Drive was a big splash


had Mother successful charity drive.

.. our onnultl donce---pretty and fragrant of

lilac . . . Ed Jocobiy took


The Community Chest The Vic Armocost fund

nocturnal journey . . .

Kerl C. Allen Le... rence Armecost Gene A. lee Berron Con<ed 5.ill

Ed...erd l. Berrelh Williem Bills Frenk Colle" Bill Oevidson red Oinqmen

Upham Hall

John Dodd.

8i1l Doreheul

C"r1 Edward,

R. Michael Ellingen

Larry Fifln

Rich",d fang

Grey.on GiI,on

Doug Goodrich

Glen Grant

Olive Gundloch

0,,1. Hayne.

Donald Humphrey

Thomu Ikeh",,,

Jam". Kud

Neil Leitner

eel Lui

Home' Mdv...


Ralph Finn

Upham Hall

J"mes K. McPh"l'1on

Go.don t.4"tson

Ch"tles Mitch.1I

Jim Mullen

Chllrl"s Obendorf

Dal. Smelcer

Don S......p

Ronald Terrill

In Thurber

Robert 1wi995

""'elk Veughtln

Bill Vermillion

Bob Wohle'



Art Warnl.e

Wed. W.1I1

Bob Y.onley

Pat Collins



Roo. Finholdt

AI,," RoberhQn

Pine Hall The end of the first semester s~w the end of use of Pine HIlIl (IS I!I dormitory. for men on the Idaho c.,mpus, long., subject of controversy, the old freme h,,11 is no longer needed Md hils been repleced by modern structures. Despite the dubious construction of Pine H"II, the building was considered home by sever<'ll mole students and it w",s with regret thllt they moved to new living groups lit the beginning of the second semester.



Living Groups 282

JAY £ACKER, P.e.idenl

Theta Chi Conference room "A" WllS the heodqu"rters for the men of the big red OX every Mond"y night ... J"y Eocker Md Ross Controneo were the top henchmen. But, we hod our jocks, too. Vol Johnson "nd L"rry H"ttemer were on the bllseboll dillmond . . . lInd our intelledu"ls. . Poul 811~er lind E"cker were intr"murlll deb"te chompions ... Did Sorenson lInd Reed Bow"n trllveled to West Point f()l" 0 n"tionol tourn"ment ... Jim FllIniglln WllS Arg News Editor. . then, there

were the goof-offs .. L"ird "rw"ys moved to odjourn lInd Shllrpsie "Iw"ys vetoed . . there were sever"i firesides lInd mMy S"turd"y morning coffee hours . . . lin exchonge with Alph" G"ms, " b"seb,,11 gome with our WSC brothers, lInd " group picnic helped "dd color . . " regional convention w"s held lIt Pullm"n ... second in gr"de point "veroges .. 011 in 1I11. 0 fine yeor for Theto Chi.

Under the leede.· .hip 01 pr••ident Jey Eede., til. members of Thet" Chi !,eternity m.t et the SUB during the yee. end ~"pt in c1O$e touch with on. "n· other despite the f"et th,,1 th.y did not have th.i. own .e.idence. A n"w g.oup to the ld"ho cempu.. th... m.n h.~. alr.ady c...... tlid " place for Ih.m••1".. in uniy.rsity G •••l lif•.



Alpha Gamma Delta Off to ~ fine st~rt! Alph~ G~m joins the list of sororities ~t ld~ho ... ch~rter received on April 26 . . . many ~etivity girls . . . Homecoming finalist, J~n Nov~k .. Chris Mllickert. exec board and ASUI secretlllry ... Mollie Godbold. AWS prexy llInd MllIY Queen . . . new AWS prexy. KllIY Zenier ... Spurs.

Ann Abbott Kaye A.l.tt Judy Boiley Koren Becker Koy Costeel Marilyn Durole

Molli. Godbold G ..y Grohom Helen Gr.gory Mo.ino Honi. Morie Hendrich EI.. ine Hieber

HOlel Hunt Nove Jochon Edno Mae Jone. Keren Kott~ey CI.. udette Kuch Joyce Littleton

Chr" Medert J ... nne MecM.. rtin Jon Nov..l JO-'n Pr..ther J ... nne Pucci Carol Renstrom

Dawn Shipley Norma Wj~5 Sally Wolfley Nancy Woods Key Zeni.r


Mortlllf BOllirds. Phi Betlll KllIppllls .. weekend retre~t on Moscow Mount~in complete with ukulele . . . many enjoyable exchanges . "Pink Mardi Gras" in the South Ballroom . .. beautiful "Fellist of Ro~s" for inst~nation blllnquet wonderful moments of fun together. . Thlllnks to aU who glllve their help.

DICK KERBS, President

Fa rm House F"rmHouse begM its biggest yetlr yet with visits from n"tionel officers for chllrter inst"lI"tion lind initilltion ... Kerbs ASUI prexy . . . Stroschein IK ROyll1 King . . . both in Silver lance . . . fiddled with Tri-Delts on violin for Homecoming flollt . . . H"ys top scorer. . two members Xi Sigmll Pi, How· land prexy . . . four members Alphll Zete with Von Tersch, prexy ... neding end book·

Eugene Allen

Cl.tr. Bedow

Jey Gerrelf

ing brought second pillce in c"mpus chest and permllnent scholllrship trophy . . . blue jet finlllly quit . . . Thet" Barn Dance . . . Gllmmll Phi Ste"k Fry . . . two IFYEs to fllr ellst . . . gllined sisters in pinnings, engllge· menh, lind mllrrillges . . . dose AWS "ffiliIltions ... 1111 in 1111, II busy yellr for the guys in the little white FermHouse on West Mh.

Don Gredwohl

Ken Herrison

Did HeY'

Jomes R. Howlend

Bob Jones

Did Kerbs

Elwood Kintner

larry licUey

Ernest Pob

Clerence R. Reed

Gartfl Saner

lyle Sener

Gery Smithey

Tom Stroi<:he,n

Bryon Thomes

Cheries M. Thomos

Cletus Von Tersch

Dweyne Westfall 285


Alpha Ch i Omega


And",son Mik" B"gl~n Elinor B,th p"t B,od" Mary Ma,ga"t B,own

Judy Cong,. N~ncy D~,~,


Davidson P"ggy DuPuis DiM, E~rI

Yvonne Fort"

G"n Gill,tt, Kay







Alphe Chi . . . Frosh Queen end Militery Ben Queen, Phyllis Weeks

mllny Vllndlll路

memorllble experiences . hllrd work for Blue Key . fun building II flOllf with the SAEs ... +reining" turtle.

ellrly morning

ettes heeded by Nency Derke ... Spur Mery Jo Mece Stete S.N.E.A. president,

brellH"st llnd bridge with the Delis. ..

M"ry Sue Kniefel

very good yellr ell in

lois in honor"ries .



Housemother. Mrs. Hirsch

Pal Iverson

Cheryl Jecob,

Ro.anne Jones

Marilyn Merrid

Marilyn Mooers

Claudia Pederson

Sharon Rude Keller

Diane Shelton

Sandra Smith

Cathy W"990ner

Phylli, Week>

F,eida Wilson

Claudette Haney

Mary Sue Kniefel

F'ankie li,le

Mary Jo Mace

Wanda Pete"

Lud"n" Phillippi

Marlene Randall

Ma'qar"t Ro....lands

Charlotte SodorfJ

Connie Tho.mp>on

Reba Troyer

Marie Tu'",er


PA nl REES. President

Alpha Phi

Fall brought excitement with the tlddition to our house rush ... pinnings . . . en路

-Shtlron Mtltheney


Luedke . . . "Island in the Sun" honored

fireside honoring our "mother,"


pledges tlt Ftlll pledge dance JOM BrMds Md Wilmtl Wright

Festivtll ... "hetlve-ho" won Sig Alph Olym-

in Orchesis. Helldivers, Vtlndtllettes Spring Dtlnce, Bohemitln Btlll . . . Turntlbout Dtly

sity of Idaho. Regiontll IK Queen, Ntltional IK Queen-Ann Mtlrie Berry ... Holly Queen


Mtlrie Berry, Dtlrlene Mtltheney.

annutll Htliloween exchtlnge Mrs. Wilson with Fijis. . winners of Mnutll Folk DMce pics for us tlgtlin . . . Queens tlnd more Queens . . . Ntlvy Color Girl. Miss Univer-

Di,ie Y. Anderson

. Md fintJlisfs.---Ann




... a memortlble yetlr ended with the Senior BreaHtlst.

Keye Angerbeuer

Jenice BelTell

Ann Mede Berry

Sylvie Chese

Sendre Compton

Mery Deputy

Judy Evens

Sendi Evens

Mery Jo Fe.

Berber" Freemen

Dorothy G"rreH

Mercie Gill

Jenice Crene Herri"t Gillens

Helen Henlerd

P"t Hevemenn

Cerlen. Hisgen

Sue Holme'

Terry Hurley

Sheren Iseklen

J"ne Lenge

Cerole Lipscomb



"D"d gum tho." duckl"

Hou.tlmot"'"" M... Wilson


Anne lyons

M"u.;ne lued\e

Nedin" Luthy

O"rI.n. Metheny

SherOR Meth.ny

P"hy Parl.

Ann Peteh,,"

Mary Snook

Judy Stoddard

Mitzi Switzer

Wilme Wright

lyrdaU WiIIi"m.

Carolyn McCallum

Ell" McPh""on

Alison MocK"'gh!

StIlly Meddoch

Pet Mllhe.


Ida Mirllnde

Pili Numyth

Nency Nicolin

Di"n" Nordby

Jenk. Palmer

Corol Pederson

Judy Ro ...ch

Petti Ree.

Juli. Selin",

Petty Scofield

Sh"ron Senions

Sondra Tepley

Joyce Tiegs

Shirley T",.

Ann Will",m,

Judy Williams




Delta Delta Delta Ke'een Anderson Molly Blink. Mery Ellen Bennelt Connie Blod Bllrbue Brene>m Fren Brown

Gllyle Carlson Ann Copilhorne Kllren OeKloll Cllrolyn Ferber Jen Foley Fey Freemen

Judy Freemlln Sendre Fritz Julie Herris Sydney Jo!lnson Pel Kelly Jenice McClesley


Pensy, peerl, end pine.

.. The coloniel

mension on the corner sew one of its best yellrs House

numerous exch<'lnges with F<'IrmHobo exchenge with SAEs

tourn<'lment f<'lme in WRA . . . the Pledge Cless seren<'ldes . . tops in Blood Drive.

<'Inemic Delt<'ls eHer . B<'Irb Br<'lnom, Frosh

Secretery Sommers

Spurs Mery Wekott end Key Keren Welker, Mort<'lr Boerd

. . . Cerol Reichert. Phi Bete Kepp<'l . . . surviving our m<'lny pets from dogs to rets ... "Seren<'lde in Blue," initietion formel ... lest. but not leest, our looming scholGrship hGS mGde this yeGr G memorGble one.

Oonce Time



M". Curlif

Welcome Buk

JOIInn .....cOaniel Shirley Nettleingham CIDudi.. P.."ell Kotherine Pre~t .... ich Pat Ramsey

Barbara Richie Billie Somm'HS Kay Sommers Je..n S~ncer .....ergeret


Rite Tuder lCHlife Vendenbork MDrilyn Voylef Jedie Wein .... right Mery Welcott

Keren Wal\er Merie Wood lynn White Sherry Willi",




Delta Gamma

l ind11 A11ri ng Ro n11 B t~cks t rom St~l ly Be11 tlie J11 nice Be rg Beverl y Boli ng b roke J11ne Bonh11 m l ind11 Buchllnlln

C11rol Comm11ck Di11ne Cook J 11 nel Cooke Judy Cr11nney Cor11lie D11vis Anne Donnell ey M11ri11 n Dunning

Je11 n Ecke rt M11rg e Erst11d K11y G~~rten Bonnie George Judy Gr11h11m K11111 Gresky G11il Gu e rnsey


Hannah had a busy yeor filled with memories, honors, and fun . . . Dod's Doy found D.G. Dads from far and neor outnumber oil other houses. . . . Homecoming floot ond Halloween were enjoyed with the Betos . . . . Hannah went " Ivy League" ot the Pledge Dance . . . a cool Yule found Honnoh ond Santa at Phi Delt house for the onnuol exchange ... it was fun shaving bolloons with the Fijis ond Gault Holl ot the Compus Chest . . . Hannoh turned into on Indian for the Blue Key ... the Campus Chest olso brought a breakfast with the TKEs ond o crab feed with the Delts . . . the Initiation

Dance found Hannah " Under the Big Top" ... Mother's Day honored Mrs. Houge ond Hannah sang with the Phi Delts in the Song Fest after placing second in their turtle race . . . and the usual number of engagements ond pinnings were announced in Honnah s home ... on campus finds ... Jonie Bonhom, Mortar Board . . . Marge Erstad, W.R.A. president ... Sally Beattie and Carolyn Lunstrum, Phi Beta Kappa ... Spurs Irene Scott, Janet Cooke, Neela McCowan, and Corky Davis, "Spur of the Moment" ... Corol Hottan, Little International Queen . . . . Another good year for Hannah.

Janel and Linda Raad To Gala

MRatlyROI.Ind·· <;ry the D.G.s

He",ial Hag..n Carol Hattan Lan.. Huschke Bally Johnsmayer Camill. Lapel Carolyn Lunllrum Nee]e McCowan

f(,is Medison Ba,b..ra Mains Me,ilyn Marlin Mery Jene Milbrelh 80nnie Millar Mary Mo,lan Louila Neff

s"Uy Nawlend Jadia O<;hl Nency Pallanon Pet Quan. Jo Ann Ra_ Carol Rk. Judi Scanlon

Send'a Schow I,ana Scott Judy Stehl Cecelie Sulli...an Meureen Sweeney Lorrllin. Taylor Gay TUlon

Vi"i.n Va.glln Phylli, W.ller N••I. W.rd Joye. Whit. Judy Willi.ms B.rber. Wohl.n

J .... NENE T....YLOR. President


phi Beta

The fintll yellr "t 1038 Blllke . . . mllny honors . . . fine tribute to the house thllt looks like II home ... second in Nidel Hop ... historic yet frllntic qu"rllntine ... rllllied to win two poster contests . . . even went South P"cific to tllke Blue Key trophy . . . Ilnother first lit Cllmpus Chest ... wheelsHormllechell, Cllmpbell lind Edwllrds-c1llss officers; CE Illso Phi Betll lind MIlY Mllid of Honor, new to Exec BOllrd; Remsberg lind CllmpbeII--Spu~, pom-pom girls-N"ncy lind Ruth: Geertsen new AWS veep: Conrlld '59

Gem Editor; Brllcken. Alphll Lllmbdll Delta . . . engllgements, pinnings, firesides, ex路 chllnges belluties . . . Dolo, Sig Chi Sweetheart Sonyll Hoene GUllrdiM Angel ... Kllthy Thompson, ATO finalist lind Queer, of Turtle Trainers (yea, Hermlln II). Pllt Riley, Holly lind Miss U of I fintllist, Carolyn 811lckburn. LCA lind Delto Sig fino Iisf. . Betty Bovey, Fulbright scholor ... ground brellking ... "Tellhouse of the Crescent Moon" honors initiates ... busy, happy GP8s look to bigger and better yellr on Elm.

M..... uendrup

Shorrol Bortlett

Solly Bull

Judy Broden

Betty Bo"ey

Koy Burger

Noncy Compbell

Morion Collins

S. Connoughton

KIlY Conrlld

El'lIIbeth Curtis

Belle Do"is

Nika Doerr

Jun Durhom

Cllrolyn Edwords

I'Inn Foley

Morger.t Garrison

Polsy Gorrison

Deanne Geedsen

Gilldys Hllnsen

Ruthonnll Hllwkins

Cllryl Heth

Sonyo Hoen.



lookin9 fIt th" n.w hou~" ~it" On Elm

Di.i" Hofflend

D. Ho,mnch."

Gee""i" Mersh,,11 Florenu Mendiol" P"trie" Riley lynette Squi'n

p"t RO$holt M.""",.t T.tko



Sunny Kinney

K".I. Kl"mper

P"t K.eme,

8e.be." lu~e

Elne Me9nusson

K. Mc8.elney

M".ei" Mollinge'

Di"ne Olmd"d

Di"n" Pierson

8e...rIy R".."


C"rol Rossm"n

K"y Solye,

K"thryn Smith

N""" Smutny

M.'9'. Snyd••

P.t Spe,hn"n

J"n"n. Taylor

""thy Thompson




Kappa Alpha Theta

Popcorn lime el KAT

The little ctlstle on the hill buuing with tlctivity .. under the tlble letldership of "Tweety ltlngdon" tlnd Ktlren Krtlmer ... our Morttlr Botlrds, Ktlren Wtlrner tlnd Mtlrilyn Bltlnton . . Spur, Ann Beder . future world legislotors, delegotes to Model United Notions, Jo Petrtlshek. Co thy O'Connor ond Annie B.... lots of queen fiMlists ... Woodell. O'Connor, Johnson,


Ann Bede'

Keren Bunje,

Donne Gele

Linde Gellin

Mel)' Gilderoy


Jene Johnson

Key Kellberg

Mel)' K. Cordon Cerol


Keren Kremer

Beudek, Wechel . . . mtlny, meny ttlpped for honoreries .. greet house dences! "Disneylond" ond donning PJs "Be路 tween Heeven tlnd Hell" .. the "blower of the biggest bubble" et Sig Alph Olym. pics, PlIHy P. tl multitude of grellt exchonges .. tlnd to top it ell. our own privote Volkswtlgon on the front porch.

Cerol De,,;son

Ginger Fo.

Lou'se Hoyt

Jene HUlted

Kay LeBarge



Linde 1'0' Meriorie Ingle Lorreine Lengdon

Tu,tl" D",by HQptlful



loi~ lundqui~1

.... nn"tt"


S....E Olympics Winn",

Judy """Ic<,11

Ellen ""0'9"n

C"lhy O'Conno,

G,,,tehen Ost,ende'

EliUlbelh P"ssmo,,,

P"99Y Schwllrtz

Jeyn" Scoggin

B"thel 5011

Sylvie Siodderd


Kor"n We,ner

Chll,l"ne Wells

Nllncy Wilmulh

Me"h" Woodell

M"'io,i" Wy"tt




Nency Nelson

C"'olOn,, O'Connor


.... nn Redford

R"I Rowl"nd


Ce'ol Wllchlll

Mery W"ls",



Kappa Kappa Gamma "He<'lven" times made the ye<'lr complete . . . "Piggy B<'Ink," Homecoming float. winked Md blinked as Homecoming Queen, M<'Irilyn CrMe, led procession. . qU<'lrMtined by flu bug. . . . Blonde be<'luties, linda Jones (lnd June Powels brought home trophies (IS SAE Violet Queen Md De1+a Sig Dre(lm Girl.. "Ming Magic" held the mood at pledge dMce "Quiet Hours" . . . Pledges pl<'lced first with "Funny Valentine" thanks to Sheiler . . . profit<'lble Nickel Hop Kappa Laundry. new industry . . "Dry Gulch" prove to be "dive stomp ... tappings. exchMges.

lou,ell~ N~n

lIey lvo.d Judy .... nde,Kln Joon 8~lded OOl"Oik y B"ue' K"y Bo,,,""

Me'ii" B,,,dbury M"ry 8,ode..on J"niu 8ro...ninq M"ry Jeanne Cald...ell P"I Ca.ey Marilyn C,ane

PaIDede. Mery Jane 001l91a. Marda Elli. Sue Emry Zole lee Fai,J.y Helen Fa'min

Jeynee Fa'n....o,th Jan. Fi.ld. Pal Finney Ca,ol Heddod .... nn. Hamblin .... nn Holden


Md functions. . six new Alph(l L"mbd" Delt"s with Ann Irwin tiS Prexy . . . Colleen Sullivan <'Ind Marcia Ellis we<'lr Phi Bet(l K<'Ippa key . . . first in song fest . . . four Spurs <'Iwakened early . . . K<'Igee represented us in BPDTR.... Entertainment by "The Rinks". . Myrt Willi<!lmson he<'lded big job <'IS Gem Editor ... "leon<'lrd" .. N<'In Alvord elected to Exec. BO<'lrd many pins and rings tldded Suzanne Romer t<'lpped for Mort<'lr Bo<!lrd open house. "Surprise for our Mom," M~. SI<!Ide <!Inother year of college life gone <!Ill too f"st.

Housemother, Mn. SI$de



Second Piece!

Mary Houghlefin Ann Irwin Dorothy Jacobsen Sh$ron Jen~ins Diene K$il Jene Uauderbad

Sue livingston Rosemery M$ule Sheila McGuire Sandy Nichols lad$un Olin Rose路Meria Perrin

C1$ire Poitevin June Powels Nancy Reading P$I Roge" Barb$re S.ms B$rber$ S$nd.

Phyllis Seely June Sleemen Susia Snow EII$ G$ye Sprinqer K$'en Stedtleld Colleen Sulliv$n

Barb.tr$ hhlm JOotn Ward Joyce Weaver Jan White Eleanor Whitney Cerol Whittet

Myrtle William.on Judy Wilsoll lorna Wc.llel Mary Younq.trc.m Suuo""e Romer


Pi Beta phi Pi Phi's came through another year cheerily smiling.. . Activities plus . Ginger, our Amy Burnahm Onken Province winner; also Vice-Prexy of Mortar Board, Top Ten Senior, and WRA Prexy our Esquire Gal Tonia . . . first place for Homecoming float with the Delta Sigs . . . pizza with Willis Sweet and chuck wagon fare with the Betas . . . Kappa Delta Pi Prexy Ann. Spurs Gerri and Dltrl .. Jamie and Joanie WRA Exec Board and Women's I Club Roogie's Grltveside Services ... volleyball in the B.Y.... Seniors'

M,,,ilyn Applegftle Ann 8eerdmore Nency Bee,dmore Vi'ginie Burns Calhy Cennon Merboe



Derl.n. Clintsmen Pel Dey Joen Ferri, Judy Follin,

Doris Gi"el Glo'ie Gowenlock Me..,. F'an Grabner Gerene G'ef Loyce Hell

Ann Hemillon Me'ilyn Hemmer Dewneele Her! Shi,ley Hen,ihson Barba'a Holloway


organizing ... rise and shine at unheltrd of hours for the Paddle Breakfast and Turn-About Day ... bongos and Banana Boltt Song with the Sigma Nus . . . great softball teltm . . . Fran Secretary of the ASUI. Alpha Lambda Delta Bltrbie and Phi Beta Kappos Nugie and Mary Fran kept the Scholltr Ship sailing right along .. the Dream House finolly coming true ... next year the Little Ivy Hut on Deakin Street will be the Big. New Luffiy Hut on Idaho Street.

Going 10 bed, Jeenne?


Ginger lind Mr,. Hihel

KlIY Kelly Tonill Pele"on

lynne Shelmlln

Dillne Smith

JlImie Smith

Norelll Smith

Frlln Stoddllte

JOlin Widlund

Sally Wilbllnh

Geni Willil\m,

Sand,a WiI,on

Nlincy Wa,wid

VlIlerie Kroll Judy


Shirley l. Simon



Mery Jonel Merilyn Nugent

Rowenll H. Robe,ge Barbllra Robinlon



Juli. Metthews

Mlirilyn Mlitthews

Pal Rojan

Ann Scott

Virginia Symm,

Loi, WlIl\e'


BOYD BARKER, Pre,ident

Alpha Tau Omega

Raymond Alcock

John AlIg ..i,

George Ande"on

Andy Ande"~en

Boyd Barl:er

Eri, C .. rl~on

Bill CooKe

Robed Cow.. n

G .. ry Cuthbert


Ri,h .. rd Erwin

LeRoy Fletcher

Robert H.. II

Thom... H"milton

W"rre", H.. wley

Dew"rd Ipsen

Tom J .. ,ob~

Don Jenny

Jimmy K.. y

Joh", Hurt



Rot,h y Barker

Robert Boughton

J .. y Depew

John Ebbert



G .. ry Ke",d .. 11

Don Hull Lyn'" Kerby

Guided by Barker and Cowan the Taus

Potterson elected ned year's I Club presiHouse rocks for weeks /!Ifter

roared through another greet yeer . . .


Tonia Peterson, queen at the Esquire Donee

j/!lu concert, composed of 125th Army

rottling tin cons onnounced onnuol

Bond.... Golfers club themselves to intr/!lmurol golf trophy...

Tin Con Donee. How:ey ond McDonold


u t s ton d-

All in /!III


greot yeor for Tous. . . .

ing senior ond junior Army codefs . . .


Ken McDoneld


Wade Pelle"on

M<>rk L<>lletin

Kent Lembert

John Landreth

Micheel Le ... i~

John Lord

Robert McG.nty

Kent Merbca

Stan Mertin

Jed Moore

Bill MUlCh

Dove Pollon

John Raedor

Keith Rendoll

Kenneth R<>ndoll

Ken Regnier

Lorry R'pley

Bob Thomes

Harold Van AHe

Sil Viol

Bob Watson

Jerry Wich

Judd Worl<>y



Ooug!ol Seely


MIKE PATTON, President

Beta Theta


A big BMOC's

ye~r ~t M~xey

G ..le ConMd Tim D..I.. y G ..orqe Fo .... ler Leurie Fowler GMy G .. ge Jim Golden Gordon Grey Jerry Gneekow Jim Gnecko.... Tim Greene Kent Hove Norm"n Ho....se L"nce Jo~nson Ed K.. le Ri~~ .. rd K.. llerd CI"ir Ken...ton

Mike Killien Kend.. 11 King Robert Kopke D"nny lengdon Ron lich"u Art~llr J. Lindemer R<lndy litton Jeek little



"Hotel" ,

second in frat grades first semester "Whiffinpoofs" win campus songfest

ASUI duties . lots of others t~ke over , , Newhouse. ASUI Veep and our first

"Wessie" outstending Beta senior

Phi Bet~ in m~ny. m~ny moons, . Golden ch~irman of c~mpus blood-letting ~nd new

.. The flu bug tried to cramp our style socially .. eleven frosh numerals

three c1~ss prexies. senior Arg Editor" Patton, junior Newhouse, and frosh Mc-

. had fun building lots of tubbings, "Alfred E:' with the DGs G. Phis

Cowen, ,Daley. Outstending IK one Top Senior, two Silver Lances, seven

building next door. ,

Blue Keys

Jim AS<lp~ Bill Boy~e G<lrth Bro.... n Bru~e Ceirn. R<llp~ C .. irn. Fr<lnk C.. mmeek Herb CMlson Reg CMolen


end Westergren finish up

,studied hard and took

Kopke moves into the president's room.

, a ye~r to look back on end say: "it was a real one of 'em,"

Mike ..nd Mrs. Cymmins

B..I.. Effort el Homecoming

Bob Li ... ingston Frenk Lyons Bruce McCow..n P.. I McQyed. Lee Mille' Don Modie

D.....id Mynn Neel Ne",hoy'e Jon Nilsson Le"y Perbe"y Mi~e

Pillion Tom Illltdiffe

Tom R.....ley Jim Richel Cliff Sch.. ,-f Tom Sch.. rf Arny S\ov

D"... e Smith

Bill Sto.... B•• ry Thi.lke John Tur.... Skip W .. rd Wiley Wllgner John Well

Did. Wyelt


Delta Chi Arribo! Aribbo! Andole! Beep Beep Md off to the fllcas. . . . The Big Nothing Clln't Cotch the

Crippled Nose

. tubbing sign gone but trees

work just os well os Joedide end Hollenbeck find out. .. Hotch gets Hero Button Hughes folks into Delt<"l Sigmo Rho . . Pirllte Donee bottle corked .. Wyeltt outst<'lnding trock mlln unearthly sounds emit from "The Hole". FCC wonders .. Wimpy whomps it up ot midnight

... leorns new gome-Cotegory; Sleep ... Spring Formlll success Hill Folk yell for "Revenooers" sickening Ouortet dies of self-inflicted sounds Wood<'lll develops ulcer . . . Meyers returns from Jllpon, m<'lkes Tenko Sushi No. 1 on House

Hit Porode .. Brink. Hollenbeck lind troops lellVe Ro+cy . we predict it will flop next yaM wonderful yaM too bed it couldn't lost!

JOE SUBI"", Pre.ident

Bruce Belderdon Lerry Berdsley Bob Beerdemphl ""us!in Bergin FrMk BI"ck Gery Blenk

O"lb"r! Bowmen Eugen" Cell"h"n Oeve C"mpbell Jim Cerrie Normen Foltz Dele Geeudre"u

Duen" Gowlend Lerry H"nsen Relph Hetch Werren Hollenbeck Dick Hughes Bill Irvine




Study Time




Mopping Up!!

Doneld Irvine Ollie Jlledide Phil Koleullr Robert lee Jilek Morek

Duenll M."ler lftrry M(\\hburn "8" Joe Meyer Jon Mellon

Freddie Ne'.lele

Ne",1 Persell Noel Rendall Don Rider Oo"id Rig']",,, John Ross

John Schell Everett Schutte Mel SMlln'.lle Robert Shedd K"jth $t"dhouse

Glenn Stokes

Joe Subie Michael Turner Don Vogler

Cherles Werry




Delta Sigma

phi ,\rth"r


John Bedwi!h John Bethke Korl Bittenbender John Blevins

Bill Bonnich.en Gery B"rton A,nold Cendroy Merlyn Clerk John Clovi.

Roneld Coch'(In Dorryl Dorothy John Ferrell lorry Gerdner Rey Gome~

Roqer Gregory Jemes Howley Arlo John~on 51en Lemb Did Loeppky


Welcome. Pop!

Delta Sigma

Phi-Pi Phi



100 per cent

basketball team . . . swimming ot "The

Christmas Fire-

Hole" . . . Sofori to Milwoukee breweries

return of the Bell Md collapse

Royster wins individuol oword ot

float wins top trophy for the Blood Drive side

of the Bomb.

Sailors Ball ..

Sig victory in Campus Chest of "Toby"

Delta . BlHk

Bittenbender Knight of

Blue Key

2 of top 3 scorers on frosh

.. June Powels. Koppo. chosen

Dreom Girl ot Mnuol Cornotion Boll. Successful yeor ot Delto Sig ..

Hugll Lydston Melc.olm McClain Kenneth Meren Gereld Metcalf Mid Olli&u Warren Olney

Jim Pelilin Dwight Petlon George Pallon Chud Perry ROll Peler$on Daryl Ramey

Don Roylter Roqer Seitz Gene Smellwood Bob Stevenson Did Turner Paul Webb

Dale Williams Sam While Bill Willerson Did Williams Don Wilt Jim Wommed

Don Woodward larry Young Ron Zwi!!er

Tile Gtend Winner for Homecoming!



Delta Tau Delta The Monllstery on the Hill with onother grellt yeor Englond's Elvis ond his cross country collching "Blld Night lit Rock Creek" followed the onnulli pledge donce. A chubby Sllntll Clllus ond ASUI friend visit the ChristmllS fireside~Oddbllll ond Russion whirls go into the record book Ilfter fight for Legion Cllbin. . A surprise Spring formlll Il howling senSlltion . . 100 per cent mondlltory swim Ilt the Chllt picnic. Cllmpus Gunners numerous ~Dllvenport lldds more lourels-top ten senior to Silver Lance, Blue Key, I.F.C. Pres, Ilnd Il tremendous engineering record. Jack Cole leaves Blue Key Ilnd AED Presidencies, Lorin Nelson and Denfeld keep clldets in lineRosholt I.F.C. Pres" Blue Key and MOnllstery Monitor-Simmons kJDho's MVP in B.8011. PCC



F'Mk Allen Fred Ayana Chud BlOnd Tom Beniamin Bob Berna,d

Jim Child Jad Cole Gary Collie' Brody Conklin Melvin Cope Ernest Davenport

Dan Davis Geo'ge Didinson Del Ealon Chud Ede'y Ken EvereH John Fitzge,ald


first team ond scoring Chomp. Deltll Mu's first IlIl-American-8ernllrd IK officer and Soph Veep-Fitzgerllid Frosh Veep. Shern, Simmons and Sheppllrd vorsity tellm cllptllins, Delts neor the top in a close intrllmural vllrsity. Scholorship nellrs the top-seven of seven applicants Ilccepted to med Ilnd dent schools-Tremen路 dous tood's roommllte Ilnd his unique com路 mitfee-Criminology Illughs-Dovermlln and De8onko love city lights-AI AnIlstasia and Tom Triumph grllb spotlight-White Sox-Pins limited to Cllmpus coeds-Flollting with the A.Phis-Eggs and frogs-DGs and crllbby escorh-Thetlls sing over monotones-Sunshine Sally-Po Phos prove interesting-View of GPs improving. Pledge Pins? Time out for SUr:1mer Ilnd then back for more.

Jad Flad

Denny Forsyth

Did Gallowlly

Richard GravII,

Lynn Hanen

G. Henderson

Run JePery

Benny King

Bruce Lunltrum

Bob Mechem

Mall Mo.glln

Larry D. Morris

The,on Ne"en

Don Nelson

Lo.in Nelson

Tom Nelson

Don Nevile路Smith

Glenn Potle.

Did Rene

Bob Ridgeway

John Ro,holt

Thed Schole'

Clyde Sheppa,d

Richard Shern

Bill Simon

lynn Smith

Scott Vaught

Bob Walton

Ed Weide

Mae Williams

RllY Willms

Don Winzeler

Did Wi,dom


Kappa Sigma KllPP" Sigma s 52nd year at Idaho . . . started with pledge w"ffie bretlHast . followed by


rousing pledge donee,

"Romon Holidoy"

Md the

47th "nnutli house party polished off our m"jor social functions for the yaM ...

we entered the Song Fest for the first time in nine yaMs and were

happy to pillee second ... the KliPP" Sig Band still riding high in first piece ...

"8" Stlsketball te"m won campus chompionship for second year in row ... H"yden and Hoch lost to the bonds of mllitrimony . . . four more en路

9tlged and five pinned

. Mag-

nuson treasurer of I.F.C.... IKs Elliott, Magel. M"gnuson . . . "II in <!III e

greo!lt yeor was enjoyed behind the six

white pilitHS of K"pp" Sigm".. CHARLES RAU, President

Pledge1 Honored .1 Roman Toqa Dance


Ray Beuley Jim Bivens Lorry Blad Jim Bryyo Steven Clemenh Marvin Clevelond


Daly Bob DeBord Ron Edwerds John Eisinger Don Fi~her Ken Goodwin

J. E. G'eenstreet Ka,1 Harder Gordon Harm Oenni1 Hoyden John Hod Don Hoqoboam

Mikl! Kidder B. C. Kozlowdi Jim McBride Slip McConnvil1e Jim McKiuid Jonn Mog,,1



Ga",ld Ma"on Edword Moomoygh Leo Myllor Did Neol Kon Powell

Cho,le1 Rou Richord Roberg. Jim Rege" Bob S<:hultz Ed Schultz Oeon Shippen

Don Smith Dennin Soli Roqer Stoler Eorl Thorno~ L.. Townsend John Wood


LOREN McCOY, President

Lambda Ch i Alpha

We've fin&lIy got it.

. our permMent house IlInd the return of our

chilirter ... most highly &pprecillited IlIssistllince from &Iums IlInd WSC chilipter .. dingle路dMgles IlInd StrlllW of the HIlIUoween p&rty ' .

. . . the ye&r's filibulous Crescent Girl D&nce IlInd Founders O&y Bilinquet . . . our new Crescent Girl lyndlll D&iley, French House . . . Pi Phis Md the picnic exchilinge ... the battle of the limburger cheese, Clint G&rdner, Mi~e

Smith &nd the Tri路Delts of WSC . . . trophy for outstMding blood

dOMtion ..

Bull FrMklin winning Gree~ Week t&lent show

"little Bilittle of the Pililouse" . . . pins p&ssed very gre&t yeor

loo~ing forword to mony more.

McCoy beinl pteSflnted ....itll C ert.r.


the "spirits" &t

the ChristmlliS pIlIrty . . . excursion in p&jcmllls-the IlInnu&1 pledge dilince

. . MnU&!

rings bought . . . one


Crescent Girl Lynde Deiley


John Cboci

Me.....;n Crowse,

Welt.r Heud

P.'e' H.noult

Cleir Hopkins

Robert Lund

loren McCoy

Ron Osborn

Willard Wilson

Ee,1 Yolton

John Beron

Bob B.rold

Chorles Dougloss

Don Duggon

J.rry Hull

Eddi. Kuncer

Dov. Thome5

Melvin Von Dyke

Keith Andrews




A Victory Seen In



phi Delta Theta 1958, the golden onniverse'lry yeor of Idoho Alphe'l of Phi Delto Theto , , , 0 greot yeor for the Phis, , , B, P.D.T.R. becomes Turtle Derby I. with Kothy Thompson chief Turtle Troiner ... community service ot Moscow Youth Center, for the orphons ot Lewiston, ond turtle derby proceeds to the Concer Foundotion . .. Christmos forme'll. initiotion dinner-donee, ond spring cruise highlights of sociol seoson filled with pizzo firesides ond oil-house exchonges .. Brother President Chopmon trodes Exec Boord for Silver Lonce ond Ten Top Senior honors. Wolker, Kenworthy in gridiron spotlight Chrismon and McDonold stor on diomond, Bryhn of Norwoy . newly topped IKs Chester ond on the slopes, ond Overholzer on the cinders Morcus with newly elected officer McNichols. . Chester hits debote junket Cripe ond Mercer with Vondoleers ... entered song fest with DGs . . . McDonold codet-colonel of Army ROTC with Horrison ond Bllrrociough toking top honors in Spring Review . Hollowoy cheerleoder for Vondols. All in 011 0 greot yeor with more to come.

John "1I"y

Thome, Ande"on

John Begg,

H. Berreclough

Jorgen Bryhn

John ChepmM

Gordon Cheder

R. ClericUIio

Richerd Cripe

Eugene Dy,on

Denni, Hworlzell

Robert Felton

Trevor T~ome,



Derrell Fergu,on

Jon Bled,oe

Den Bilbeo

Gery Corbeill

Rober! Crewford



Joseph Gough Jerome


WiIl,om Hordy JOleph A. JofIn,on

l ..rry Hollow.. y Kel~

Wollac;e Huff

""el"ille Hughes



D.."iel K'r\P<it,id

Horry K,uum.."

Robert l6e

Brod li"inglton

Do",d ""c;""ohon

"". ""c;Nic;hol,

Craig ""..rc;UI

Joma. ""erter

Jome' "",nu

Arnold ""08ller

Douglo. Olson

Edword Otton

la,ry Padwood

R A. G. Perei,..

G..ry Rand..11

David R..ndolph

L Wil,on Slocum

Jome' Sw..yne

George Sy,ing

Robert Syring

D..vid Thomplon

Joleph "i,int..iner

E,ne.t 'lYle

Peul Wegollr

lA,ry ""c;Donald

J ..mel

Robert Huddledon



Gamma Delta The porfllls of bOO rOll red with "ctivities . . . ASUI vice-president, Blue Key and Silver Lance,

· . . Helldivers. Slevin. Glenny and Woodruff · .. cheerJeoder Fischer. . VMdeleers, Ander-

C111rk Anderson ... long remembered functions

son, White end Martin ... mtl"y men going to

were the pledge dtJnce "Around the World in 80 0&Y5" "nd the fllbulous Fiji gross skirt donee complete with orchid leis ... Sllltlmender. Blue Key lind United Party prexy.. Thet" cllmpus chest chuck Welgen th"t got rtJined out . . . K(lp~ bretlHllst and dence complete with music and vtlcuum delmer on our sleeping porch activity man Terry White. Homecoming co-chtlir·

med schools ... Fijis ranked high in intrllmurllis ond took the dillmond trophy for the fourth strllight yellr. .. Tree drllfted by the Peorill . . men in Ilthletics CIlterpil1ers AAU tellm were Jorgensen, Brllnnom. Wood, Stellmon, Anderson, Boyce, Slavin, Daubert ond Myklebust · .. it's no secret, for the secret society of the white owl. it's been a big year with a gigontic one coming.

mM and IK officer Hele Hensen, Alpha Epsilon Delt&. . heed h"shers, SI"ts and B"bes


Clark Andenon

William Benjamin

Geo'ge Bedonneau

Richa.d Boyca

John Bradbury

Richa.d B.oulim

Don Butler

Richa.d Chaffin

Scott Culp

James Oalrympla

Oa"all Daube"

John Davis

Allyn Oin91e

Thom"s Eddy

Thomas Edwa.ds

Michael Estes

Bill Evans

l .. Roy Farley

M" ...in Fisch••

William Fullmer

James Glenny

Jamas Gowan!od

Fone" Hanson

Hale Hanson

Bill Holden

Warren Jensen

David Kime

Tim Kime

Ray Lonq

Clinton McDonald

Monte McMlIrfay

Watren M"rtin

Gary Malwell

''iiI ;am Merrill

G. Meyerhoff"

Robert Meye"

Witliem Mill,

Donald My\lebllll

Thomas Nichol",n

John Pappa,

Jamlll Petton

Rodney P"yne

Rich"rd Ren,h"w

Robert Rowl"rd

Gery Sether

Doyqla. Schedler

Gerald Schlelter

Rich"rd Seely

Daniel Slavin

Robert Soden

John St"nqer

Stephen Swanlon

Richard Sweeney

Ronald Tisdall

Brent Warberq

Kenneth Welch

Terrence White

Weldon Wood

Ernest Woodryff



phi Kappa Tau The little brown house survived well the onslaught of Phi Taus for another gretlt yetlr. We hope before long, however, we ctln start wreding a new house. . Larry Nelsen sets vorsity records and aided by Sam McNeil. Dave Domon and Lew Oring the Phi Taus paced the Vandal swim team .. Charles KlIhl stllrred liS pole voulter for the Idaho

ROnllid Bishop Gery Blid Alf.ed B••ech lorry Clur. G ...",e Covert Devid Demon

He",ev Doner Edwe.d J<M.n Robert FOlie. ta.ry Ge.lOnqhouse Kenneth Gerrett M;~e Ho"'eth

Everett Hurlev Deen Judd Cherte. Kahl Larry LaBolle Gery McNeill Sheriden Me"itt


cindermen ... OeM (Jasonl Judd chosen "s are of the top ten seniors. . pins lost fol· lowed by firesides Md tubbings . . . unexpected visits to sororities . the pledge d"nce, Christm"s party. "Forty-niner Fling," spring form,,1 and picnics round out the soci,,1 calendor.... The star of Phi Kapp" T"u w"s indeed a bright one this ye"r.

Oren Up Time

Ploy,ng Sonto


Norell lorl'( Ne;fen Lewis Orin9 Joek PeltY9rove Robert Smitk

Motfholl Smith Robert 5tH e Foreft Stemper Jomfl Story James Striplin

lorry Summetf Dw"'re Te.nohl;del Jay Thurmond Paul Tracy

Gombling D.n!


Sigma Alpha Epsilon The SAEs were very busy this ya.,r with many activities, beginning with the Queen of Violets

contest, pledge donee. ond Bowery in the f.,11. Sig-Alph Olympics, Spring Form.,i end the Petty Murphy Picnic served to finish out the yeer in fine style ... B.M.O.C.'s ... Lee Scott, elected member of Exec Botlrd end head of ~veral com· mittees: Ernie CtJrr. pep band director ond president of Vendeleers for the coming yeer . . . Gerry Steele llnd Jim lunte both topped for membership in Sigma Delt" Chi, netio""i Journal· ism Honorery ... Jim Wright topped for Alph.!! Epsilon Delto .. twelve men initiated in the

f.,11 and six in the spring ... Bob V.,II"t, presi. dent of Blue Key. . Seven pinnings. five en· 9"gements end seven mllrrieges kept the lovers h"ppy . . . SAEs enjoyed a picnic exchange with the Kappo's after the Campus Chest . . . Max Burke swept the intramural horseshoe leegue ... Motherly Brothers copped their division of the Blue Key to lent show . . . Gommo Phis helped complete 0 successful yeor by odding their voices to help win the onnuol song fest • • • 011 contributed to 0 successful yeor. BILL ANDERSON Pre"dent

Darfl~1I I'Idams Jerry Allen 8i11 I'Inde...on Meldon I'Inderwn re.ry I'Inde...on KeMeth Axtell

Rolllnd 811netl 80b 8igler Olive 8riggs Ma. 8u,~e Jim 8u.t Royte Chigbrow

Wallar Clemons Fred Cook 8ill Currie Mile Dey Gordon Ettie. Allen Geiley

Lynn Gill Jed Herris 8ill HlIr....lIrd Den Hunter Merlin Jones Jerry Knepp 321

Mrs. Celeman and Did Davis

The Motherly Brothers Win Blue Key

Did Krieger

Ralph Longfeliow

Jim Lunte

Jerry McConnell

Ross Maloney

Ralph Mays

Art Misner

Fred OBrien

Michael Peterso"

Ro" Poweli

Lee Scoll

Thero" Spe"cer

Gerry Steele

Charias Thomas

Dua"e nompso"

Charles Walrath

Alia" Wil'iamso"

David Wolford

Jim Wright

Bob Veliel

Steva Va"Hor"



Nathan Yost


D....VE yOUM .... NS President

Sigma Ch i C1l'1usen's four-year.old swel'lt socks ere rehred to the trophy cose this yeer they ere lonely becouse we returned 011 the trophies we borrowed for rush week ... house monoger cried every time we invited 1'I1l those goodlooking girls over to the house for dinner . . . he used to hove 0 specie I mortgegeburning ceremony every Sundey morning .. we rel'llly hurt sociolly . . . sent swel'lters to 1'I1l girls the guys liked complete with pin . . . pins olwoys cl'lme bl'lck . . . intrl'lmurol ml'lnl'lger felt so sick obout our showing thot

Lerry .... yer Ron B~ler Don Bry~nt Bill C~mpbell Ri~herd Cloughley John D~vie.

Jimmy Do~~1d John Ensunso Devid Esse. John Feu~her Viggo F,iling Den Gerpheide

Richard Jadson Joseph Ketchum Wayne Kidwell Gary Klein~opf Jim Kreus Gary K,;er

lerry loqan Did lyle Tom McFarland John M~Mannam;n Gole Merrid Eorl Owen

he bought us our own bell +0 ring bell doubles es e dinner chime ... reng the bell ond some boys down the street cl'Ilied us lil'lrs . . . seems they whipped us ot something or other ... ml'lnl'lged to be the best singers l'Ilthough we won 1'I1most nothing l'It it . picked up 1'I stunning Sweethel'lrt . . . Schl'lffers Cl'If becl'Ime well known on cl'Impus this yel'lr . . . f>l'Iinted it e dozen times. the house corporl'ltion Sl'Iys we CM build l'I new house how to pey fOf it?

Tell Tty At Pe,ede!

8e,t P"F Ch"rles Pf.iffe,

E",I Ple路ore' Ch",les Powers



Gereld Remsey Charle. Ridenour Oe'ber'

Ro~ ...

John Schwenge, Ted SI,,'e.

Don Teyro. Robert Taylo.

':e,ty Weston

Roqe. WiIIi"ms G"ty


Deve Youmens


TOM REQUIST, Pr••id.nt

Sigma Nu Sigma Nu started the year off with a bang under the leodership of "Coon" Requist who was succeeded in the spring election by "Drift· er" Ringe.. , . A good time was hod by all when we buiif the huge pig for the home· coming float with the able help of the Kappos , . . Kuzon Campbell is the new house movie critic and Russ Whitney is moking them as fast os Kuzon can wokh them. .. We went notive and sang the Banano Boot Song with the Pi Phis in the spring song fest ... Sheep. dip Noh is going to lead the I Ks through a successful yeor os Duke of the organization, ..

Rlilph "Ilev Mae "ndefso~ Tonv BO:'lImy Cot! Berry Ed BOIls Bob Boie


Bohlsch.id Did Brede" Jon Brllner Gllry CIII'.~ Rusty Ce'bo~ Skip Ce.bo"

Bob CermOCly "."old Eidem Sieve Feirley Did Foster Jed Gjordinq Gordon Goff

MII.ius P. Henford 01;"0' HeMan Mik. He"'''' Douq Hiqqin. lerry Hobson Je.ry Hollend", 326

Dave Roscoe has started the Western TV Watchers Association .. , Jerry Smythe took the Ugly Man Contest this year and was voted the Most InspiratioMI Football Player of 57. and Jerry Kramer who received numerous bowl bids is plonning to step into professioMI foot~ ban next fall,. Willis, Norby, Farnsworth, Hanford, Symms, ond Evans Me 011 bocking them up out on the gridiron. .. All in all it wos a very successful year ond pions ore olready being mode to reolly get things roll. ing again ned fall.

Jou Time

80n Jenness

Tom Relo.iMI



R. Ardell Kloepfer

Jim Kloepfer

Bill Miller

Kurt Moller

Did Newell

laird Noh

Bill POlley

Bob Pierce

C. M. Shaffer

Herty Stuno

Bruce Summers

Arthur D. Roberts Run Whitney





Don Morlen

C"nedi"n SunseT Honors Pledges

Gerold linly Key


Franl Ramer D/I~id


Jim McDoneld

Doug McMullen

lewi~ Mor~e

Philip Nelson



Bruce W.ndl.

Fred Ringe M"rk Wendl.

John Zapp


DICK FRAY. President

Tau Kappa Epsilon



A,f.od Bou.quo Porry Conl....e! Stu Co.lson Joo Ce.nigli" D"vo Ch.isty Rich".d CI"usen

William Demid Con Duo:y Te.ry Ev"ns Stanloy Fa"n;nq lorna Fith Did Frey



. ploce first in men's floot for Homecoming

Apoche Donce, Pledge Donce. Koppo Christmos Porty, Cornotion Donce 011 house exchonges with Gammo Phis. Alpha Gams . j 5 new initioles ... two morrioges. two pinnings. three engogements . Regionol Convention held here two doys .. lorry Aldrich selected for 1957 AII路Teke Footboll teom ... Dick Clousen selected /liS outst/llnding Intercollegiote Knight ond Regionol Viceroy . . . Gory Anderson president of the Vondal Riders . . . Top Teke Province aword to Bob Prestel .. Athletics ... 28 per cent of the football team. . basketball, swimming, baseball, /lind campus intr/llmurals ... Spring. time turns to picnics, love, dunkings.... Thus ends onother year for 0 needed rest.

Gary Andetlon Geo.ge A.none Don"ld B" ..on; R"lph Bo,..di(;路 John Wayno Bo.ge~


Don Gile. AI Hemmitr Bob Hentgfl 80b Hoqeboem P.trick Hurr. Roqer Jo~n~on

Ed Ke..ler John Ke..I., Jim Ko~l W.yne l ....ton H.rry McAlIiUer l.OM,d MiU.r

Pete Moffet Welter Ne!~on Ardell Per~~ Robert P.r~~ 80b Prestel Jim Preste!

Herry Rey P~illip Reddington 80b Ridener Pete Rogoldi 8ill S~omion Ron S~.e's

Horbert Spencer L. R. Stevenson Roymond Stubb." 8ill Tilton Alden Wiloon Chorles Wren

Just Re ... ord~ for Connon Peinting

Homecoming Floet Winner

Altor In"iolion

Organizations Index A

Aq Club.


"'9 Engin.,.rs Air Force ROTC •.... Alpha Lembda Delt"

IIJ 126·127


Alphll Zet"

G"m "I th" M"unt"ins . G,,!f Gr".~ c..ucu.







Hom" Ec Club ....



I Club Il2 lndepend"nl c..ucu. '08 Inter<;oU"9iate Knights 10) Interfraternity Council ..._......_... 107 110 Int".n"tio",,1 R.I"tion. Club Intr"mur"l•... 174·177


." Bench end 8". Bele Epsilon Chi


Blood Ori". Committee B.oord of Sel-.:I'on and Control


Blue Key



Ce.mmunicaliOl"I Boerd

Cosmo Club .._

Ten Top Senio... T"nni.


_ 111 , 120 91



O"me' Club Debet" _

Mech"nic,,1 Enginee.ing Mort"r 80"rd



_212 212 _liS

N N"tional Stud"nt'S A••ocietioll NROTC .. .__

_. 93 72-76


Or<;he.is .. Orchestr"

P.. n·H"II"nic I'tli Alph" o.lIe 134·144 .llb


V"nd,,1 Flying Club V"nd,,1 Rid" .. V"nd"I.".. _.-V"nd..l.tt•• V....ity 8"nd

Phi Phi Phi Phi

8et" K.. ppa D"lt" K"ppa Ete Sigm" Mu Alph"

... 116 ....... 116 ____ ...78·79 __..._...._.._.1.9 .._.. _...._100


8J 82




91 128·129



E.eculi"e Boord _._

Freshmen Sports

United Netion. O"I"9"lion . _.._.1'0 Unive..ity Bend "_..__.__ ,,.__ .__._ 81 Unive..ity Sing".. __ . _..._. _..__._. 80


Dairy C4ttl. J",d9;119 Teem ... Deiry Produch Judging Teem

-4·H Club


... __ .... 16B·170




..' ._225·227



Cross Cou",lty C .. ,t/lin Club





Chern Engineers .. Church Gl'Oups _

....... _ _....• 91 Sigma Alph" I"ta .................................. 190 Sigma Oelt" Chi _ _.. _ _ _20S Sigma Tau .._ .. Sigma Xi __._IOS Silv". Lanc" _. SL Club __.__._ ...__... 117 S1;;ng ..._...__.._._ 17'-172 Soci,,1 Coordination Council 90 Spurs _ 10' Stud"nts N"ti"n,,1 Educ"tion A.."ci"tion '98 SUB Committe" _ __ 158-159 . S imming



c Ch"", Leaders .....

Junio. IFe





Blod end Bridl.


O...""n. 117

H"II Div"..

.. 88

Automoti". Engine""

.117 IJJ


_-.111 .J 12 __.118 .114



_.91 94-95

AWS ._ AHie Club .._ .•..

Eledrieal Engineers

Phi Up,il"n P.E. Club ._ P"m P"m Girl.


Alum Di...ctor . A'gonau! _ A,my ROTC "noGialed Engineers Anocieted foresle'1i Allociel"d Miners .



__ 178-179


X Xi Sigm" Pi


107 222


'" ,<9 '91

V Young Oemocr"ts Young R"public"n.

-- .. - ............

________ .109 _____ ._.... 109

Ind...d for li~i"l Groups CI.n Pi,du••• On.,




AcHing. Lynde Abbott, PIIlrici. Ann Abernath.,. Judith AM ._ Adem•. Den,1I Fred.tid Adorn., Ronald Edw",d Addington, Lori, Carol All6nd. 11:091' Arnold ~_ "I""d, Micha,1 Steph.n _ Alb.tnue. Arthu. M"rtin Alb••, Stenl• ., Ralph Alb,rtson, Willi"m Oonold Akod. Raymond Arthur Aldrich, Ch/l,IoHe An .. AI••end"r, Mokolm Dougl". Aile.., Cherie. ElIg.... Allen, Doyle W"yno ._._. AII"n, Fronkli.. How/lrd Allen, G,.old Hecht Alley. John Newton ,,11,'1'. lOllt,tl" franCIS Alley. Ralph Mertin, Jr. 1'.1190;'_ John Andrew, Jr. "11;$01\, lo'" MIl"o . Al.oge•. M,l,,;n D.,," II)"o,d, M".ge.e' Ann

Anellultegl/i, M".iM Jone! ""d,,,,,... WiJli"m Keith Anderroll, Astrid Ade Anderson, B.o.b.o •• El"'d. And••son. C.rroll A(. And,non, OJ''e Rae Ande"on, Don..ld J..y Anderlon, Edwin Ordean And....on, Georg.. AII.n ._ And.""". Georg.. Clark And.roon. Ger..ld Bundy .. And.non. Judith F..drica And.non. K..,..n Geil ..... And.rson. Lemont Duene ._ Anderson, Meldon Bu,dena Anderson. Mich..el M.. rshall And.,son. N..ncy Taylor .....nderoon. O,....il Clinton .....nderoon. Robert Gen. Ande"on. Te"enca Dietrid And.."on. Thomas leon..td Anderlon, Willi..m Eugene Anderssen. Ande's . Andreenen, John E,i\ Ouele Andress. Devid Peter Andrews, Alben Rudolpll And..ws, K.ith Anthony Angerb.luer, Keye . Aoplege~e, Me,ilyn ..... nn .....'ime. Tekuo Tom Armacost, Lew,ence Victor Arnone. Geo'ge le....il Aleph. Jemel Wellington Asl.II, K"lhryn Ellen Assendrup, Metio,ie Joyce Atchley. Trenne .....ee ..... ~. Gene Ger..ld .... Adell. Kenneth Duane. Ay.. n ... F,.ddie Mercu. Ay.r, lerry L.e



..... 284 .... 254 229, 320 238,310


_._238. 2M 238. 2M 229.30B 23B.2M __ 229.2b2 ___302.224 257


285 .. 192 ___ .229.310 229,322 238.316 22'i. 2'i8 326, 192

JOO 238.257


23B.298 238.254

'" '"



288.200 ___ 264.2Ob 2Il 302.215 318.200 238,328



210 238. 322 l2b 257 270 208.221 322.200 316.2Ob l22 J02


270.238 268. 192 238.314 ___238.288

JOO 270.23B



238. 328 304. 192


22'i.2'i4 238.2!>4


229,322 229.310


8 B.. ckstrom, L.,lie Glenn Back'lto,", Rona Lee Baggs. John Thornton, J,. Beil.y. Judith Ann ._ Beiley, William Ed....",d B..inl. Tril<><;t..n Singh Bek••, Georg. l.Roy B.. ka., K.nnelh D.an B.. ker, P.. ul Winslon

270.215 _229,292 238.31b 238.284 229.214 ..262.219 ....229.262


......_229, 204

Student Index 324, 192 B..k.r. Ronald Le .... is ....,....... B..lded. Joan Elilllbefh .... 238.298 Bald.nton, Jam., Bruc. 238,306 Bald....in. Th-omas Jay __ _.268 Ball. Coy Ann _ .._ ...._._. .._252 Banh. Madh.. Bess _._.... ._ m 8arbor. J .. net lynn ...257 Barclay. William Angu. ....... 229.204 Barker. Boyd Creighton _._ ....._, __.. 302,2Ob BatIe•. Ratchford L.e . 239.302 Ba,ney. Sonni. Kae _252 Ba,ney. l.ry Dean _ 229.262 Ba,on. John Albett .. 239.314 Ba"oni, Donold Ft.. nk 200.328 Bu".. c1ou gh. H.. rold Thomson 239,316 B.. tr.lI, Janice Loui.. 239.28B B.. "id. lo.....11 Sunde 239.276 84rru., Milton Em.ry 239,273 Be,fletf. 5h.,,01 lH 294.192 Benell, Roa-nd L"......nc. 229.322 Batel, H.. 'old Oliv., __ 229 B.udek, M.. ry F'encine . 239.296 B.. ue., Do,othy Den•..,._-. 229, 29B B.. ugh, T,,"or R..ymond. J, __ _239.316 B.ughm.n, R.lph B.tt 239. 2M Beum. Bonni. ........ 2!>4 s..1I, So,. M.'g.,.f _._. 239,2'i4 Ba.. ,demphl. Robett lyle _ 306. 200 B••,dmo'., Ann M.,.dith 300. 200 Be..,dmo,., Nancy Joan 239.300 B...II.y. R.y G'ady ...312.192 229.292 Beattie. Solly F,anc., .. _.. Sed C.,ol. Jan. 2!>4. 200 Beeler, Ann M.. ,i. _239,29b Beder. Ker.n No,in. . 284 215 Beder. Verne l.. 270. 192 Bedley, SCali Jey . 276 B.dman. M.~ Augull ...276 B.dwith. John Aschel . 308 B.do..... Clar~ Eug.ne 230. 285 BH,ley. Doneld S. __.._ 270, 230 239,285 B.gI.. n. Micheel Jen. Beih. Conred Williem _.. 239 B.llemy. Anthony Rodney ... 326 Bend. Che,I•• Elli,on ,. 230,310 Ben.dict, Ch.. rle. Relph 328.215 Beng,ton, Krilllln Winif,.d 230.257 B.njemin, Thome' Howe,d 239.310 8.nj..min_ Willi, Birdletl _318 B.nn.». Mery EII.n .._ _ m, 192 Bar",. Jenic. EI"in. 230.292 Ber",in. AUllin Meriu' . 239. 306 ..239.257 B.rkl.y, G.org. Ann. Be'nerd, Rob.rt Cleude 239.310 Be".th. Ed....erd Leon 200 Be"ett. M.. rilyn Clere 230 Berry. Ann M..rie 239. 288 Be,ry. C.. rl G,over 326 S.rry. J ..m•• Williem, Jr. 268.239 B.rtonne.. u, Geo'g. Arnold 239,31B B.rt,.. nd. Ch.. ,le, Lloyd. ._ 276 B.thk•. John Amos 308. 221 Beth. Elino. C.cile __ .__ 285.19'2 Bey.... l.,oy And,.w _ 192 Bazold. Roben M.,...in 314.200 Bi._.. y. G.r.ld OO..le 262.192 B'gl." Roberl Lyon 230.322 2bB.239 Bigsby, Ch..,le, Floyd .___ Bilb..o. D.. ni.1 L.on . _316 Bill•. Williem Dougl.. . ... ._.192 Bippel, Shirley Loui.. _25-l Bilhop. J ...nn. Eliz.. beth 200 230, 320 Bilhop. Roneld lamb _.. Bili.nb.nd." K..,I CI.. ude . 239.308 Biv.n•. J .. m., Da 1 .. _. . 230,312 BI.. d. F'..nWn Joe _ 304 BI..d, ltI.... rence John 239.312 BI.dbu,n. Thom.., Roberl 270. 206 Bl.i•. John Fredrid _. .._. 12B. 230 BI.. k•. Gery Rey __ __ 214,210 SI..nt Gar,... Ne,,1 306.2IS Bletlner, Rob.,t Louis _....239. 273 Blech.., Henry Ronni. 204 BI.dso•. Jon Bouldin ... 230.316

BI."in" John SI.".n __ . _ ,30B Blid, Gery Kendall .__ .. _ 239.320 Biod. Connie Joene». ._-290 Boal. Ed..... rd louil _. 239,326 Bodm.. n. K.nn.th Roneld 214 Bogdan. Goo,g •. Jr. ......206 Boh.. nan. Ronald L.e _._ 276 230.326 Bohl,ch.id, Curli, Riche,d ... Bois. Rob.rl Nichol. _ .. 326 Bolingb,ok•. Bev••1y J ...n 292. 192 Bolliger. John Ru'sell _ __206 Bond, FIo..nce I..n. __ . _254 Bonnich..n, Bill 230. 308 Booth. B,lI Boyd .... .... HI,. 192 Booth, Roger Kirk . 262 Bo'gen. Wayne H.nry . , _328 Boughton, Robert Eugan. 230. 300 Bourqu•• AIf,ee1 John 230. 328 Sovey, Betty Dienth...._ 294, 191 80wer, o"vid Roy Ellgen. .. --221 Bo....man. Ad.lberl L"Vern 239.306 Boyc•. Rich .. rd George ... _ ___ ... 239. 318 Boyc•. Willi..m Arthur _230,304 Boz..rth. P.. trici.. Key _ 239,29B B,..d.n. Judith I..ne _.. _ ..._.294 B,..den. Ridl..,d Alton 239,326 B,..dbury. J n How..,d 318.192 Br..dbllry. M..tiie Molloy 230. 29B Br..dley. GI.nn SIt......n. Jr. 262.221 B'edy, Larry G ..o,g. , 276 B,..dy. Rob.rt Le. . 230,276 B,and., Joan Reyn.lord . 239,288 S,..ndt. C..rI.».. Ann _. 257.192 _206 B'''lldvold. Glen Earl __. B,.. nn.. n. Gery LH .._ 276 B,.. nn.. n. Midla.1 Deni,on 270,230 Br.. nom. B b..r.. Keye _ 290 B,..,. Ch..mk .. ur Singh . 206 Bres>ey. Jon Willil 239. 326 ....__213 S,..Hie, Norman Duain. B,.. lIon. Evelyn B.elric. 230. 2!>4 B'.ach, Alfreel Witliem ._320 B••w." Cath.rine Frenc., __294 B,i9g•. David Andrew.. 322 Brink, Fred 0 ..1. ... _192 Brode, P.. lrici.. Ann•.........................._...286 B.ode.... n, Mery Margar.t . 239,298 Btogoilli. WiU;"m Btuce _....219 Brooh. ElilIIbeth L..nUlsler . 247,200 B'Q<llim. Ct..rI., Richard 239.318 Bro....n. Br.nd.. Sh..tlo,d Gr..h..m __2!>4 Brown, Doneld K.nl.y ....__.._239 Brown, Doneld ...239 B,o....n, F,anclI. M..ti. 230,290 Brown. Gerlh Willi..m __. 239 Brown, Julie Eorl .._. __.._ 270,230 B,o....n, Mery ....... rgo,.t _ 239,286 Brown, Normo lOll .., ._.239 Browning. J..nic. LiUien 298 B,uc., Ro",lind tnoz ... . 254 Bruhn, D.. vid Samu.1 . _ _230 Brunlell. Coral AtIIl ... 257, 192 B.uye. J ..m.1 p"t,id 230,312 Bry..nt. Donald l •• _._. 230, 324 Bryhn, Jorg.n 230.316 .... _292 Bllchen.. n, Linde K.. y Bullington. S.. nd, .. Marlone ..230 Buni." Ke,en M.. ry . ..296 Burger. Kethryn Eliz.. b.th 239,294 .. . _•.._192 Burle, Mo~ Eugen. .. Bllrkm.. n, Fred RlIss.n ._. 264.210 Burnl, Virginie L.st....__. _ 300,200 Burdedt. Cod D. _._.. _.270 Bunfedt, Ruth Idonna _..239, 254 Burt. J .. m•• Earl ,230, 322 Butl.... Donald M.I"in .... ..._ 239.3IB Blldon. Jem •• CI..yton .__ 268, 239 Byce. Roberl l.Roy _.._. _206 .210 By.em. D.nnie l"llg ford


c Cei,nl. B,uc. Rich..,d ....


230.304 ))1

Coi,n,. Rolph Arihu, Cole.ull. Corol Edith Cold...,,11. M"ry J"onn" ColI"hon John P"trid CoII"n. Gory Commod, Corcl Lynn Co",mod F,,,n~ M. Compbelt. Alie.e lucill" Co"'pbell. Do~id Gon:!on Compb"U. Fro"e.i. Rie.ho,d Compbell. Noncy Ro,olyn C"mpbell. Russell 00,01 C"mpbell. Williom Pen,o,e. III Cond,oy. A,nold JOieph Connon. Cothe,ine J"on Contw"lI. Pe'ty J. H"gen Co,bon. John Pete'. J,. Co,bon, Robert Co,1 Co,l,en. Jom", Alb"rt Corl,on. Arlene Goyle Co,l,on. Cho,lolte AII"n" . Co,lson. E,ic Je,om" Corlson. He,b",t John Co,hon. Son;o Cerl,on, Stuo,t F,.. nklin Co.mody. Robe.t Bailey ... C.. ,ni" Geo'g" M.. jor C.. ,olon. Re<jin.. ld Howord C.. 'pent",. St..nl"y B..rton C.. rri", J..mu Willi, C .. 'd"n.. K"thryn C.. sebolt. Judith Goil C..,,,y, ColI.on J"..nnello Co,ey. Mo.....o Morion Co,ey. P.. t.ic.i" Ann C .."eel. Koy Ann" Ce'tliglio. Jo,eph F,one.i, Ch..lfon. Ridlon:! Tall. Ch.. pmon. John Sh"rwood Chopmon. K.nn.th Mo. Cho,,,. Ruuell Ed...o,d Chose, Syl~io Jone Ch"do....l:i, Anthony Stonl"y . Che'ry. Dorr.1 Boyd Ch.de•. Gon:!on Rondolph Chiqbrow, Roye.e Co.rell Child. J"",,,, C""~ Ch,i"y, Do~id Albert Ch,onic. Ro'e Mo.ie Ciboci. John Williom Clopp, Goyl" D...oin, Clork. Pot,icio M",i" Clo,I:". Alie.o M"y Clouson, Mol~in Du"ne Clouwn, Williom Roymond ClouKln. Richo,d N.liOn CI.metlh. Ste~en o."le Clemons, Arthu, Duone Clomon" Woltor Dol. Cle,ie.ulio. Richord John Cle~olond. Lo...renc.. M"rvin Clime" JO'eph Robert Clinlsmon. Dorleen Peee.h Cloughley. Ric.h"rd Eldon Clo~i,. Johtl Jo",ph Clu'". La...r.ne.e Albert Coc.hrene. Phyllis K..y Cofield. Do~id H..rold Coiner. Di..n. Cole. J ..me, J ..dKln Cole, Morgoret Ann Collett. Fron~ Rolph Collier. Gory Ross Collins. Morion Ethel Collins. Pot.ick Guy Collins, Williom Deen Collyer, Roqor D.. 1e Co!~in. K"nn"ill leroy Compton, Sond,o L" Conord, Gol. Willi, .. Conge'. G.orge Willie'" . Conger, Judith Ellen Conl:lin, John Brody Conn"ughton, Sheron Sue Connell. Borboro Mo. Conrod. Diono Koy Conye",. Vori, lee Cook. Dione lourotlo Cook. John Frede.ick Cook. La,ry Fred Cook, Thomo, Fred,id


304. 192

25< 239.298 n9.306 230.326


2)0 3()4



2" 2)9,294 215


30B 300

l28 326215 326 192


230.290 254,200 239.302

30< 239.252 230,328 2)9,326

25< 30< 2)0.276


..230 2)0, 257 239.254 230 275 230 29B 28<

nO,32B 239.)18 l16. 192 130


239,288 21>2. 20b 216 316 239.322 240.310 l28 257


262 300 230.257

2M '"

240,328 )12, 192 230264 322.215 240,311>



300 240.3H 240,30B 32<l

240,254 206 252 )to. 192 215 .. _2]0 ] 10.115


2<" 276 140.271>


230.28S 240.3G4 276.2Ob HO.286 310 230.294

2<0 130 206 240.292 322.192 140.11>2 2]0.316

Coole. J"net Eileon Coo~e. Williom Worren Cooper. Richord Hotc.hkiss Cope. Lo...r.tlc.e Mel~in Copelond, Roy Deen Copithorne, Ann. Mori. Coroy. Ed...ord And,ew Co,beil1. Gory Allen _ Co.bell, Heletl Morie Co,don. M..ry K.. therino Co,",,11. SI.. in. Lo"'ell .. Corneli, G,et" Loui,e Eldred Corrig..n. Denni. McL..in Coupe. low renee Crelney Covert. Georqe Ed..... ,d Co"'on, Robert Gilmore Cowd"n. Gerold Stefl"etli Co" Atldrew Thompson. J •. Cr.. ne. J ..nic.e L." .. " Cr.. ne. Je..nn. Morilyn C,onney. Judy Anne Cro ...ford. Robert D"le C'owforth. Leelond De"n. Cripe. Richord Von Cred"tt. I"otl l ..mor Cross, Neil V.rnon Crowser. Mervin Eugene Croli••• K.. ren E...oryl Cull.y. John Chorle, Cupl, Se.oll Monning Cumming,. Brent C . Cunninqh..m, Poul Tl>omos Cu,n.s. Gerold Leroy Curri•. Willi..m Mollhe... Cu,ti,. Eliz.. b.th Ann Cuder. Cory l .. Cuthbert. Cory R..y

240. 291 300.206

268 )10.2Ob

'" 2'10

21.8,211 316 2]0. 254


'"'92 262 262


131. 300 240.276 21.8.131

288 231.29B 231.292 ] 16-, 192 271>,2062~0.]11>

321.271> 2SI>,210 240.314



200 32~.


310 292 140 )08 215 240 25"



277 270, 131

21. 318 231 314 211 257 240.262 231 291 286.200 240.19+ 240,177 .177,101> 1~0,28~

277 _261,206 316

200 21.8.240


'92 213 276.22\ 322.192 131.294 240 264 302 192

o Dohl. Robert Aile" Dole. Ron Ed...o,d . 001.'1'. Tobert Tim Dolle. Delon Donold Dolrympl•. J.. m., Cullen Ooly. Mie.hoel Tro~is Doman. Do"id Williom O.. niel,. Wiley Williom 0.. ,1., N.. ncy lind... D"u. G ..ry John D..ub.rt. D"rrell John Dov.nport. Erne,t J,,"'e. D..vid,on. Shorin G"yle Dnid,on. Thomes Kennedy D.. ~idiOn. WiIIi"m Jo•• ph Do~ie" John Slole Do~i., Sorboro Anne Do"i•. Bett. Virgini.. Dovi•. Coroti. Sutcliffe D"v'" John Willi"m Dovi,. Lo,enzo Don Do~i,. Vernie Rov D"vi,on, C..rol Anne O"....on. Gordon Ale."nder 00'1'. Mic"o.1 Farred 0.'1', P.. tricio Pouline De.. 1, Ann.. b.ll. Doreen DeSord Robert Franklin Oede•. P.. Ir'e.io Anne O.Koltz. Koron L•• D.lo,hmult, lo... rone.e Cecil D.mid. Will,,,m o"mp,ey. Corolyn Anne Domp,.y. Mertho Sue Denni.. Del. Corter Denton. Donne Depew. Jey loui, Deputy. Mory J..tle . D.,jordin,. SI..nl.y p..lm.r D.Witt. John lulie Dh"mr.. it. J"got Sin9h . Didin,on. George Wa,on DidiOn. Aleir. Jo Di.ttert. Dori. Joon . Dinql•. M...itt Allyn. J •. oinqmon, Theodo.e Edw"rd o<'on, Dorryl Comon oi.on. Gereld EUgene D,.son. Anne Mori. Dodds. John Allen

Doe". Nike AMe Dol"n. Rucille Miriem Oon"ld, Jimmy Addi.on Doner. H..rvey Ervin Donn.lI.y, M.. ,g"ret Anne Dor..thy. D,,'ryl Joe Do"h.us, Edw..rd Williom Dotzle., Eliz.. beth G"il Doug'os. Mery Jon. Doug!oss. Chorl.s Moynord. J-. Doupe. Terry Allen Downing. Sonford Eli Driscoll. Jome. Potrid Ducy. Corneliu, leo. III Dugqen, oon..ld Williem Duncan. Cotherin. M .. e oung..n. J..m'll' l.wi, Dunn,nq Mori..n Jeen OuPui•. M"'9"ret Alice Our""m, Joen ou,l, Kenneth Mo. Durning. P.. ul Josoph Duro,•. Morilyn Jone Dyer. G.rold Emery Dy••. John JOiflph Dyson. Eugene Ch..rlo,


231.274 240. lG4 2)1.264 318

312 240.)20 21.8.211 14O.2S6

2<0 131, ] 18 240, ]10. 201>

286 231 231


240,254 131. ~4 240. ~1 240. )IS 310.192 265. 200

296 215 322.115 2]1.300 254, 192 240,lI2 140,198 231,29Q 240, 21>S 131>, 32~



Eo,1, Dien. M..rgeret Eeton, Del Ebbe,t. John Voorh.e, Eccl"" Home, Gordon Edert. J ... n Elizabeth Edety. Ch.. ,le, Jcneph Eddy. Bonnie lou Tower Eddy. Thomo, Welt.r Edw"rd" Coorl Veuqhn Edw"rds. C.. rolyn Anne Ed ord•. John Thom", Ed ord.. lind" 8.th Ed rd" Ron"ld S"mu.1 Eggl.ston. J ..mes Eugene Eggledon, Phylli, A<'Itt Prie.e Ed..m. Arnold Joseph Ei"ng.r. Virqil John Hwortzell, Denn" Clo,l Ellingen, Robert Mie.l>"el EIIi,. Mote.io Gortrude . EII orth, Albert lov.1I EII orth, Robert Bleir EI,tone. Koren Eleine Emoe.io. Williem John Emerwn. R..ymond Ro", Emry. Su""n M..rc.llo En,un..... John W"yne Erichon. Ruth Eileen E,n". Suz..nne Ruth E"omou,pe. Jo.eph Eugene E"t..d. M",jotie Hyott Erwin. Richard Geno E"e,. D..vid Wilson ht.... G.rold Mich"el E..... ni, Do,hl Rob.rt E.....n•. D.nnis Re. E..... n. E....lyn Ann E... ,. Judith Jun. E... ,. Senclr" Jun Ev.. ns, Te,ry Keith &on., Williom John Everoll, Kenneth Ardee Ewing. Williem Robert Eymenn, F,itz Otto

286 231, l 10 2]1.)02 240.322 231,192 ._211.310 200 liB. 206

2<0 231.294 2] I. ] 18 ...240.251 )12.200



211.321> 312.219 316 215 ....29B, 192 240. 262 231. 261 240.257

210 231.277 29B.200 231.324 252

231 270,231 2] I. 292 302 324, 192 231.3IB

27< 11>5.2Ob 200 240.28B 2SB,200 131. 32B 131. 31B 310

231 240.214

252. 192


2<0 140,302 131. 2BS

2,. 210


310 25< 25. )IB. 191

231 27S,110 11>8 111

200 231


F..ire.hild. D..vid A,illur Feitl.y. Ste.....n Eo,1 F"i.l"y. Zol.. lee Fenning. St"nley Lynn ... Ferber, Cerolyn J"ne Forley, l.Roy R"y Formi... Helen loui", Forn,...orth. Joyn.. lynn Fouch,r. John D.nni. Foul~..er. Do",d Roq•• _. Foulh, Frederick GI.nn Felt. Rowlend E"rl Felton. Robe,t H.rmon

'" 326


_.. 1~0, 328 ....240, 190

318 _131.298




262 .... 177,206 213.311>

Fe,guson, oe".11 Roy Fe'guson. l",ry D"le F.".n. John lede, Ferris. Jo"n Helen Field. John Edq"r Fi.lds, leu'e Jene Finholdl, Ro"r Finn. L"w,,,nc,, E,ic Finn. Relph And,ew Finn.y, P.t,icia Anne Fisch.r. ""arvin Richa,d Fish. Rieha,d Go,don Fi,hbu,n. James Rich"rd Fisher. Ce,oI ROIene Fisher, Donald Glen Fish.r, Joen ...."ri. Fis~, .....I",in Go"'e Fills, Lorn. Anion FiI:Q.r.ld. John O'en Fl.ct Jed Edmond Floniqen, Jomes Conrod Flatten, Corolyn Edne Fletcher, LeRoy Worth Foley, Ann Colherine Foley, Jonic. Elizeb.lh Fol~in1, J",dith Anne foil:. Norm.n Joseph Fonyth. Oonny Roy Foster, Richord John Fost.r, Rob.rt LeRoy Fowle" Geo,ge M.I",in Fowler, laurie Gort" Fo•. lind. louise FOI, M.,..,.I Jo Fo•. Vi,ginie Eleine F'ahm, Arl.ne M.rie Froy, Richerd Lonnie Froemen. 8"rboro Ann Fre.mon, Fey French, Richo,d Deon F,iberq, J",s1in ellorle, F,i.s.n, Donold Henry Friling, Viggo Rudolf Frith. Robert Worren Frill, Sandro lee fuh,imon, LArry loe Fullm., Williem lynn

Gebborl, Jenel Fronce. Geboury, Williom Joseph Geqe. Gery L",ell Goil.y, a.tty Lorroine Goii.y, G.orge Allen Gole, Donne ....arie GoUow.y, P.ul Rich.td Go,dner, lawrence Byron Garlinghcxu.. LA...r.nce G.tns.y, Mery Melody G"".II, Dorothy Arlyn Drayton Ge".It, John Jay G"".tt, K.nneth Ve,non Ga"i,on, Marqo,el Anne Ga"i,on, Pelsy Je.n Ged.n, Key Lynn Gollin. linde Jean G ...udree"', D"le Laonord G.ertsen, Deanno Mee Geh.ig. J ..n.tte lIeen G.iqer, Clinton leRoy G.ntry, D.. n Clo;r Gentry, Gen. Allen G.o'g., Bonni. J""n G.r.rd, Andr.. J"n.t G.rk., Henry Jo'eph. III Ge'ph.id., Deniel John Gibbons, l"...tence E",gen. G,bson, 80nni. J."n Gilbertz, Thom"s Edwe,d Gilderoy. Mery Elilebeth Gil"s, Don Eugene Gill, Mo'ci" Fey Gill, Reymond Lynn Gillette, G.n.vie",e Ann Gilson, G,.yson Howerd GiroUI, Alic. lo",ise Giu.1. Dori1 EI"i"e G'ttin1. H""i.t Ann Givon. Jem.s Edgo,

240,)16 __270.240



27. 241.298

". 2<,

')I 241,298 31B,215


._ _211


112 231 257 210 _)2B, 221




_257, 200 _302,206 __ 294. 200


__._300,200 _241.306 241,310 )26,206 320 l()4.215 221. )()4



.. 288 2l1. 296 241,252 2lI,328 288,290 231,290 231.262 241. 262 231. 262 2ll,324





')I 132,277


241,254 2l2.322 2l2. 296 llO, 206


2l2,l'20 252 'le8.200

.. .

.._285,210 320,215

, '00 ,'"

l06,210 2l2. 294 241.257


268, 232 271 2l2. 292


271.232 241.324 271 257


....296, 200 232.328 232. 288 122 __ , 286 '92 2]2, 254 232,lOO _241. 288 2l2, ll6

Gjo,di"9. Jack 5h",m GI.nny, J.mes Petet Glov.r. C,,"ol J .. n Gnedow, Ger"ld E",gene Gn.dow, Jome1 Loui, Godbold, Mollie Jene Goff, Gordon Davis Golden. Jemes Robert Gomu. Reymond Jos.ph Gooby, Richard Jo Goodwin, Kenneth I,V.rn Gough. JOMtph Clifford Go..."nloc~. Glor;o lo",i.. Go nloc~. JamH Jay Go !end, Duane E,ned G'aben, J.m., Roy G'obn." Me,..,. F,.nces G,od...ohl, Donald R"y Graf, Gerana G.il Gr"hom, Gay Darlene Grahom, Judah 8urke Gre"'.,. Mery Lou G,o",.', Ricll"rd Lyl. G,ay, D.nnis Mod G,ay, o.nnis Micha.1 G,ay, Gordon Jolin G,een, Georg. Keith G,•• n., Timothy Cadd., G,eenst'eet. John Edga, G,een...ood, Georg. Albe.t G,e.nwood. William Rud.r Gregory, Helen Elizabeth Gregory. Rog., Georg. Gres~y, Kola Griffiths. Stephen Metth.ws Griggs, Kar.n Jean Grim. Lowell Oweyne Gro"'e, Roger Edward Guerns.y, Gail Ruth Gund.rson, Jam.s Low.1I Gundlach De",id Lou


241, )18 241. 25-4 HI. )D4 ]()4, 206 284, 192 241,]26 232,3()4 24I,l08 232. 263 241.312

'16 '00

l18,22· l06 Ion 221 300, 192 241.285


241,28. 292 241,252 310 212 277 212. l()4 268.206




268,241 241,284 241, )08 232.2on 268.2-41 257 271.210


232,292 277



Haa" .... ichael Andre Hob••I.ch. Koy Ester Heddod, Carol Ann Hal.r, Guy Henry Hogen. Ine Ha,,'at Hel., Virginio Kay Hall, Emmo Carol Hall, Floyd Honno Hall, Loyce H.len H"II, Roberl Kerl HolI,trom H"mblin, Ann. Elilab.lh Homilton, Ann Sh.iI" Hamm.,. Marilyn Mu,iel Hammill. Alton William H"mon. Orinda Nancy Han.y. Leland Fo,est Hanford, Chorl.. Edwa,d Honford, Don.ld R.y Hanford, H.len J",lia Hanford. M.rius Parm.lee, III Hans", Cliffo,d Mulline' Hens.n. Dele J. Han••n, Georgie Clai,. Hansen, Glody. Da,lene Han..n, L.rry 00ugla1 Hans.n. Lindsey R.",er. Hanson. Forr.st Pool. Hanson. Oli",er Einar Hanson. Robert 0.1. Hanz.l, Robert Michael Ho,der. K.tl Williom Ha.di., Williem Roger Harding, Const.nce S",. Hardy, Williem Edward H"rg'a",e, Roy Stue,t Harm, Gordon LeRoy Harootunion, Poule Ann. Harpe" 810nche Lour.1 Ha"inglon, Jo~n Jos.ph Ho"is, Don 8y,d Horri1, John Wilbu, H"rris. Juli. Ritls Harri1 Muin. Dart.n. Harrison. 00,,01 l .. H."ison, K.nneth Elmo

200 232,286 241. 298 277.200 292 HI. 252 241,252 221 300.200


232, 265 298. 192 300, 192 )00,200 ]28,221 lS.


271,241 271. 241 288,200 241.l26

'06 213 '00 2]2,29-4


241, )10 2l2.l18 326,215


241.326 1I2 271.206 2S2 316,221 212 241.312

'" lS7 '15

271. 210 122


232. 284 2l2. 274 285,221

Horrop, LAR"e 200 Hanhman. Donad Jacob 268 Har1hmen. Kennelh Cy",s 268,241 Ha,t, o.wneot" EII""no, ..._lOO Harvey, Cerol Joyce 232,25-4 Harward, Williom 8ert 322, 21 5 Herwood, Donna Clare 257 Hotch, Homer Relp~ 241,306 24' Hellen. Ce,ol Rutll Heltem.r, Lorry Dean 268,241 Haud, W"ltet A",gust 232,314 Hav.menn. Patricia Ann 288, Ion 277 Hawes, Gory Thornl.y How~in1. lynnette AIl.n. 2l2,252 Haw~in1. Ruthanna 241,294 H.... ~;ns. Viola Lortetla 214 30S Hewley. Jame, Paul Hewley. Warren Gotdon 302,200 H.yd.n, Denni, Child 254.lI2 215 Heyden. Ke,en Louise 2]2 Heyes, William Dorein 27] Haynes, 0.01.0 Merion HI HOYf, Richa,d Jemes 241. 285 H",.lbeler, Robert Elm., 268,232 H.acod, lorry D""n 277 H.dglin, Kenneth William Ion H.insohn, Fran~ P.ter 2]2,263 Helgeson. Norman l.wi, _ 277.206 Hellinge'. Marger.t "".ri. Decblord 200 Helling.r, Walter Quinton _._ 210 Henault, Peler 8,oo~, 241.l14 H.nder1on. Gordon G.o'g. llO,215 Hendrich, Deloy G. 27) Hendrich, lien" Marie 241. 284 Hendridson. 8illie Kay Jone, 200 Henrauon, SlIirley Ann 232, loo Henry. Weyne Edward 210 Henson. Howa,d Hel. 241,318 Hentges, Robe,t Jolin ]28, 221 Hereth. Horbed W.It.r H2,277 Hermen, Sylvia Morg",.r;l. 192 Herr, Palrie,e Rose 2l2,257 Hertz. Sylvie Sue 257,2ClO H.lh. Caryl Louise 242,294 Hieber. Elaine Ingrid 232,284 Hig9;n,. Ali..n Ev.lyn 232. 286 Hig9in" P.t,id Douglu )26 Higgin1, William Hobart 20b Hilfik e " C.rol Ann 242,296 Hit!. J.rry l"e 242,274 Hill, Mo,lin Ge'ald. Jr. 27] Hill, Robert Bailey 268,221 Hindle, 1I0ne Margerel 242.257 Hines, Dwayne Dorr.1I 2]2 Hingston. Don"ld Leroy 242 Hisg.n. Betsy Cerl.n. 242, 288 Hi. Veldon MaI 27] Hobert. Donald Lest.t 265 Hob,on. lawtence Wayne 242,326 Hoch. John eet~in ._. 2l2. )12 Hochstrener. James Hoope1 206,27) 294 Hoene, Sonyo Re e Hoffl.nd, Vero lyn 242,294 Holmann, Elizabeth 242, 254 312 HogabOllm. Don Lee Hogaboam. Robe,1 Gal. 2-42, U8 Hogsel, Odd 206 Hoiland, Robe.! Williem 21l Holden. Ann 232. 298 Holden, William Treyner lI8.192 Holes. Gerald Ray 268. 242 326 Hollende,. Vincent J.rom •. J.. Hollenbed. W"rren Sh.rwood 2.2. l06 Holloway, Barbere lee 232, )00 Holloway, lorry Albert 242. )16 Holmes. Jimmy Del. 271 Holmes, Susan Jan. 232,288 HolJh.y, Charles Sleven 277,210 Hook, John Richard 26l.221 Hopl,ns, Clair Jess ll2,2oo Horm.ech ea. Dolo,•• louise 29. Horning, Doneld S~erwood, Jr. 277 Horning, Shirley Gail 232 Horv.th, Miholy 320 H01~in,. Gregory Lynn 302 HOlSner, 8e lh luello 254 Hought.lin. Mary I'obel 242.298 Hov., K.nt Arthu, 3()4 How••d, Robert Rey 232,265 How.11. Robert DNn 192 Ho.... rton, Cerole J ....n 232


Howland, James Rodney Ho..se, No,men Ralp~ Hoyt, Louise Ma,je H,one~, B'uce Sennell Hubbe,d, Mary lou . Huddleston. Robe,t le is Huff, Wollaco Murrin Hughes, lynn Duene Hug~es, Mel"illo P,inc. Hug~e., Richord D. Hulell, Leurence No,man Hull, Donold Albe,t . Hull. Je,ome LeRoy Humph,ey, Rk~"rd Dee Humph,eys. Don"ld Weyne Hunt. Helel Noomi Hunte, o..ni.1 J. Hurley. Everel' Miche• Hurley. Tere.o Ann Hurrell, Petrid John Hurti, John Rou Husc,~ke, Lana Peul Husted, Mery Jene Hustler, Merilyn My,tl.

232. 285 232. 304 242, 296 271,221 2~2, 251 2~2. 316


._.._.__..-205 318

neho'o, Thomes tAe.unu". Inde,mu~I•. Vernon C~er'e. Ingoll., Glonn R,,'p~ Ingle, Donold lee .,. Ingle, Marjorie Me,ie Ipsen, De.."rd N. I""ne. Donold James I",ine, Willi6m G'o"e' I 'n. Ann Poge I hen, Shoron Key I"erson, I",in Gordon I"."on. Mi,i"m Loui•• l"ef'Son, Pet,ici" Anne I"e,son, WiIIi"m Ho..e,d



25<4.200 l22.192 2<42. 300 2]].285

,,< 215



310. 192

2Il 232. ]02



131 233. 18· J11 J1() 2~2,

288 23],]28 242, ]02 233. 292 233,2% 1<1


2Il 233.316 277,210




]00, 192 2~2.


288 110 257,200 233, 286 177

J Joc~son, No"" JO<lM. Jockson. Richerd Leon Jecob., Ch.ryl loui.... Jecobs, Kethryn Ann Jecob., R"lph Thomas J"cob.en, Do,othy Anne J"edid:e. Cecil Jele, J,. Jeme.on, Do,is Eileen Jomiwn, Mou,ice Richa,d Jones. Duon. Sen Jonn. Nono Ruth Je",is, Lo.... U DeW"yn. J.ffery. Ru.sell Lee Jen~ins. Sho,on Ne..mon J.nneu, B.nning F'enko Jonny, Don"ld James Jen.en, Do,oth y Co,olyn Horri, Jen.en, P"ul Allen Jen.en, W"rren Ruuell Jeppesen, lo'ry Mack Jeschke, Robed Eug.n" John, Ed...,d A,thu. Johnsmey"" Selty Louise Johnson, Arlo John Johnson, Oon.ld Rolph Johnson, Donold Woyne Johnson, G'eydon Douglos ..Johnson, Jan" lou Johnson. Jerome Go,don Johnson. Je'ry Johnson. J".ry Albert Johnson, Joseph Allison J~nwn. unce Lee J~nson. lucille Ann Johnsotl, Mariorio Lucille Johnson, Norine K"e John,ofl, Phillip No,mon Johnson. Roger W;lIiom JohnSOfl, Sydney Robed" Johnson. Wolte, Ha,pe' Jones, 00,,.11 lyl" Jones. Edno Moe Jotles, Johnny J. Jone., Kentl.th Moyle Jones, leland lomoni

Jonos, Loreno Cordelie Jon.... Merlin Cherie. Jon"s. Mery Elilebeth Jono., Robert Jones, Robe,t Eer! Jones, Robe,t T"'e.d,,11 Jon"s, Ro.enn" M".ge,ot JOtl"S, Vond" lee Judd Deen Hy,um






280. 151


]02 298.200 30b

151 271. 2..1 233. 20.5

233. 257 268.233 233,310 2~2, 298 J1b 23],]02


106 318



271. 233 233.310

292,200 2ll. ]08 _233 .21>S 233,274 . 296 2~2, ]16 1J)



31M 29~,

157 200


.... 273


242.290 1J)

268,200 2"2, 28~ 233. 20.5

242.277 113


Kohl. Cha,lo. Jamo. K"il, Irene Di"n" K"l•. Edwerd Will,om K"lfe,d. R,,,h,,,d E1s""OOd Kelt J"mes Foirchild Koy, Jimmy E.....'n Keilh, Theodo." Fron\ Kolbe'g, Kethleen Ge,d e Kelly, K"y Susen Kelly, Pet,icie Ann Kenoston, Clei. H. Kendell. G"ry lee ,_ K.,bs Richord l_ Ko,by, lynn Ashlotl Ke'tls, CI"udetto I.ene Koul"" Ja~ob Ed..".d Ke..le" Jerry leylatl Kenle', Johtl Jacob Kelc~um. Joseph Neil Key, Poggy Me,ie Kidde', Miche,,1 Dennis Kidw.II, W"yn" leRoy Kilti"n. Micheel John Kimble, Steph"n Be,ry Kime, De"id Sh.,men Kimo, T,mothy O. Kimpton, lloyd George Kimpton, Ro.o lee King, Benny lee King, Denny loe King. Kendoll Dolo .... Kingston, Kennelh Hetlry Kinney, A,I"n. Kintn"., EI....:>od Weyne Kitlle" M""ne loui.... Ki,k, Sherm"n DUlIne Kirkpat.ick. Oeniel E"an Ki,k ..ood. Anne louis Ki"lend. No,me Jeen Klomper. K"rle Ree Kleitl, Dougles Nelson Klein. Eldotl Dwight Klein\opf, G"ry CltIrl KI"mp.1. Arthu, o..en Kloeple', Jam., R"mon Kloeple,. Ry<ltl A,dell Knopp, Je,ry Wilson Kni"fel, M"ry Sue Knoll, Cleudia Anne Kohl, Jemos Alford Kohl. Mary .... nn Kohn, John Arthu' KoHo. Geo'ge K.nneth Kol..,e" Phillip lyle Kop~e, Robert John KodeU", Anit" louise Kottkey. K",.n Anti KOllo..ski, BeHeine Ce,1 Kr"m"" B"rbera Jeen Joseph K,,,m,,,. Ka,,,n lee Krame" Pat,icie M"e K."u., Jemes Robert K,i~." Richerd W"de K,ie., Ooneld AJI"tI K,i"" G"ry John K'oetch, Mild'ed Anne K'ogue, Elme, P"ul K'oin, John Anthony Kroll, Fredric Hugo K'oll, V"le,ie Josephine K'uumen, Herry E,ic, J., Kuch, CltIudette Me,ie Kud. J"mes D"le Kunc"" Edwe,d Is.., Kun~er. D""id Ed..",d

2<42,320 233. 298 2)),304 2<42, 30" llb.2'S 2)], ]02 23].2b]


233.300 2<42. 290 2)],l04 2)), ]02

m 2~2,


200 J28 271,2Ob 233. 318 2<42,314

157 311 1~2, 32~

20.30" 271 2.2 308 213. 318 2]], 2b5

2<42,252 2]3,310 233,265

31M 168.2Ob 2<42. 29~ 2)), 2B5 2<42,252

100 242,lll>

1<1 157 2<42,29<4 2b8,23l

'<' '"

213. 20.5

2<42 32b J2b

233,322 2l3,28b 257 1J)

242 257 J28


306 233. 304

15< 242,28<4 .242,312

100 2)],29b

'" m

2~2, 31~

271.200 ]2",215 191 243,265 271,206 268,2"3 ]00.200 lib


'" 31< 2U 277


LaB"'ge, Key S"ndra .....29b. 192 loBolle, Le,ry Oal" .233,320 ,_ _.. _2b5 L"cey, Ho..".d Ty'one . 2..2 leey, John Che,le. l"dle. Robert Dougles 1bS _____ ._29b le~e, Joyce Joen ull"tin, Mor~ M.rthyn __ ._... 2"2,302 Lamb, St"tllotl Bruc. 242.308 lembetl, Kent E",I, '-__ .301 lamson. Josephine Serne.... 25<4, 192 Undr"th. John O,in ,_.. ...302,219 lengdon, D"nny G. 31M langdon, lo""ine lyl" ....29b.2IS Unge. Jane M",jory .288,200 le.....n. Don Coy .. 2~2, 273 urson. Ge,,,ld Go,dotl .. 1..2 273 L"rson, St"nley Deen L"Rue, L"...,ence William 110 1<1 L"Rue, P"ggy Ch",lene G"e L"..son. J. D. 233, 2b3 L"..ton, D..yer Wayne 233, 328 leo, Robe,t Norman . . lOb 2b8,233 Leeh y. l"urence Jome. L""them. Je,,,ld 2b5,206 leethem. My,n" Lorreine _ lee Euclid Henry Doc Youn.. 271. 2)] Lee. Robert Hugh 2<43,]10. Lee. Roy Roger 233,277 Lee., Eugene Albe,t m l"gg, Ramone K,,!hryn 151 Lemp, J"me. Fred"rid 1Jb Le..is. L"rry Clifford 175 le..is, lind" Lou lewis. Mictleel Rich",d _ 301 lewis. Richerd Williem 171 lich"u. Roneld Ellswo,th _ 31M lidl.y. le..,etlce Welton 243,285 2)), 252 lin, Merybel Ettlel lille"ig. Eerl Bu,lon 106 Lindemer, Arthur John, J,. 2<43, ]04 Line, Rich",d Atlhur 233, 265 linzy, Ge,,,ld J"mes J1b 2~], 288 lipscomb, C".ol. Arlene lide, F,,,n~'e lorraine 2<43, 280. lihch.,. Joenne Lo,etla .__...._.2..3 little. DUlIn" hir"il little. J"d Bren 304,215 littl"lon, Joyce K"y litton, Rendell Gal. 31M Li"ing.ton, Alen Brodholst 31b Livjngsion, Carolyn Sue 198 li"ingston, Roben Herman. 23l,304 Loe, Emil Morlin 210 __ 234, ]08 loepply, Rictl",d No,m"n lofdatll, Clyde Alphotl 234,217 log"n. lewtence o.."n 31B,210 long, R"y Burton longfello.... R"lph Jemes 1~3, 322 lope•. Cemille To,.s" lo,d, 8,,"e,ly Anne 234, 252 Lord, Jo~n W"yl"nd 30' loselh, F,ede,ic Peig 277. 192 Lo"gr"n, Shi,ley May 23<4,300 Low, Heng Mun 23<4.231> lowry, CI",,, Ann 23<4.25-4 Ludh",dl. Geo~" Peul 243 302 L~edle, Mau,itle Ooroltly Lui, C"I"in WiIIi"m lu~e, B",b"re Ann 243,]1~ Lund, Robert H"I 23<4,290. Lundquiil, lois M",ie 23<4,292 Lunslrum. C",olyn Beth Lund,um, Williem S,uce llO, 192 lunle, J"me. Williem 2<43. 322 luthy, Nadine Me... lyddon, Hugh F,,,n~lin 308,219 lydum, Neil Floyd 110 lyle. Riche,d Whitmo<e m _2<43. 28B lyotls, Anne Meri" Lyons. F'anci. J"m.. 31M






'" '"

28. ,.,



McAl.."nde', Phylli. McAllis!er, He.ry Du""n. J" McA"O'f, Jed .Mdretney, Kethleetl Anti McBrid., James No,m"n

23<4.300 23<4.l28 278.213 .2"3,29<4 1I2

._... ,.... 234.278 McCobe Paul D.. vid 288 McC..llum. C ..rolyn E1iz.. beth McC.. rten. Robert M..rrill 243.278 McCI.. in, Malcolm EI...ood .308 McCle~ley, J.. nic.. Loui~e ....290 McConnell. Arthur Jerald 134.311 McConville. Clifford Sherman. Jr. 134.311 3M McCowan, Bruc. J. McCow.. n. N..la .__ 2..3. 2'12 McCoy. W..ldo lor.n ._._ 31".192 McCurdy, Glen P..trid _ _ 234.218 McD.. nie1. Joenn 20.290 Mco.vitt. J..net __ 20 McDon..ld. Clinton Robert 318 McDon.. ld. J..m"s Mich..el ,..234.316 311.100 McDon.. ld. l ..rry P"ul ... McDon..ld. Williom Kenneth ... _301 McDowell. J ..me. Thome~ . . .. 263 McEverl_ Homer lee ._ 134 27S.210 McE.....n, G .. ry Nul. McForlond, M..rsholl Joe 108 20,324 McFerlond. Thome~ lawton McGinty. Dougl.u R. 200 McGinty Robert lo..i~ 302 _1"3,257 McGourin. M.. urlllln Ann McGuiro. Shoil.. April 198 16S, lOb McKe.. n. Georgo Albort . McKee, Elizoboth Ann .. _.... ....... 143,lS2 McKinni~. Williom Br..dley 113 McKissid, J .. mo~ Mich.. el .... 243,312 Mdun. Botty Doni~o 1"3.154 McMoh..n, Myrton la'le.ne _ _20b 234.316 McMohon, D..vid Roger.. McMonu~ J .. mei Potrid _ 271.234 324. 192 McMonnomin. John uwrenco McMich....1. Gory GI.nn 234.263 143.163 McMich..o1. Jo~oph Dolo 311> McMullen, Douglol Bruco McMurr..y. Monto CI.. ir .... 143.318 McN".. 1. Do.othy Morjoon lS4 McN ..ill. Gory Rich .. rd ...... 243,310 McNichols. Micho,,1 Ed"'o.d 316 188 McPh.rson. Ell.. L... McPh..tSOn, J ..m", King __ 134 .... 114 McQ....de. Mich..el G.og..n .._3M McQu..de Potrk~ F..rn..n Mecduff. J ..m", DotI.. ld _ 271.10 M..ce, Mory Jo _20. 186 M..d. Worren Micheel ..... 118 234.184 M..dert. Ch.idine Loui~e Modi, Jod Willi.. m 20,278 Mockie, Williom Morvin ..234.265 243,288 MecKnight. Ali~on Mory . 243,28" MocMartin. J ..enne Me.ie Meddod~. Solly Ann 288 MedilOn. Mary K.istin 292 M..gnuson. Robert LO<li~ .....2..3.312 M..gnu.son. Elno Mel' 134.294 M..her. P.. tricio Joenn. __. _. _ 288 Mahen. Scott, Jr. 20 MaiM. 8...b..... Ann 2'11 Malmberg. Ell.. Sh...on lS7 Malm".om. Charle~ Roy 113 M .. lon..y. Norville Ross 311.115 M.. nl..y. Ed...ard le.. _100 M.. nn. C..rol L.... _.157 M"nl.r, C"rol. Annette 143.196 M.. n....il.r. Ho.....rd Ira 1)) Marboe. Kent 8ill. 234, 302. 200 M.. "oIin. Foli. John 263 200 M ,u~, C.aig B.ion 3 II> M n, K..nnelh H.nry 308 M..ridch. Glrf M..tthaw 26S Marl.....lI. Qu..ntin Ross 110 20. 30b Marl.r. Duan.. Dee .294 Marsh.. lI. G..orq;.. K..y M..r1.. 11. Charlotte Ann ....25.. M..r1in. John Stanl.y 243.301 Marlin. Lo.....11 Bay...d. Jr. 278.213 2'12 M.. r1in. M.. rilyn Ann Marlin. W..rren Row•.._....._ ..._._ _..318 M.. ~hbu.n. l .....mi.. 234. 30b 288 M.. thanoy. D..rl.n. lO<lise _. M.. than.y. She.on Co.';n. 2"3.188 M.. ls.n. G .....ld Gilbert 311. t92 lOb M..lson. Gordon K.nn.th . 300 M.. tth..w•. Juli.. Ann ..,. 300.191 M.. tth"w,. M...i1yn D..lores Maul Ros..m.. ry L..nor.. 14S.198 II. Gary R.... ........318 M M elf. M.. rcta D.. wn . 134.2S7

May." Roderid May,. Rodney R..lph M.cham, Donald la.oy M..ch.. m. Doyl........ Mech..m, Rob..rt Arnold Ma.se, Rich..rd EfI~ ...orth Maisn..r, Gary Ern." M.II. Arthu. Stidl..nd M.II.n. Jon M.lquid, D....n GOldon Mendiole, Ro",n<;e M.te••. J .. me~ Dougle~ M••ick. Ma.ifyn G .. y Merrick. G .. I.. M....dith _ Merrill, Willi..m 8arrell Merritt. Sh..rid .. n 'Ie.non Matcalf. Ger..ld Fr.. n~ Malcelf. Judy lynn Mayer. "8" Joe Mey..r. Willi..m L.Roy Mayerhoff.... Ger..ld Robart Moyers. Robert Weil..,. Jr. Midliff. M..';"n Ev.lyn Milbr.. th. M..ry J.. n. Miller, Albert Ed...ard Mill..r, 80nni.. G..y Mill.r. Donald AI..n Mill..r. D...ight G.n" Mill.r. L.on..rd P..ter Mill.,. William Cadmus Mill..,. William Story. Jr. Miil~_ Willi..m H., III Mina~. J..mes Motllgom..ry Miran<l.. , Ida M.... Mi~n ••. Elil/lbeth Ann Mi~n." Ge.......se Arth",r, Jr. Mitch.lI. Charl.. ~ CI.on Mitch..lI. Sh.. nnon Lilli..n ._ Moell..r. Arnold Harb..rt Moff.. tt. P..ter 'Ian Woer! Moller. Ky,t Law;s MolI.r. Nel~ Dea Mondich, Peter leon Monson, Cherles Rich .. rd Mon~on. Virgini.. Lo",ise Montoy... Ce'eli" ......ri. Mooers. Marilyn S"'e Moom.."'gh. Edword J","ice Moo••, D..vid Henry Moo,e. J .. d D.....n. Morg..n. EII..n Eli... beth Morg .. n, Raymond Clifford Morten. Donald Robert Mork.n. M.. ry Lou ..Morris. l .. rry Deen MorrifQn, JOlOph Willi..m MOfMl. Frederick AddilOn MOfMl, l .... is Roy Mo.t.nson. Robert Eug.n., Jr. Mottinger. Marcia Ann Muall.r. Alverna M .. ';. Mu.lI.r, Edwin AIf..-d Myhone~. M.. rv..1 Violet G'"ner Mul.o~..n. Paul Frederick Mullen. N.. ~cy Anne Mull.r, Lao Robert Munn, D..vid Ron Murphy, Terranc.. Wifli..m M",~ch. 8illy Joh~ MyU.bu" St.. ~I.., Doneld


144,311 206

27J 134.310 268.215 144. 105 134.175 1« 30b 171.13" 1«.2'14 116.192 144.181>



____ 320 244, l08 _2'16

JOb 234.178 244.318 _244.318 288. 192 2"f2.192 168.134 234.292 .. 191 .272. 134 134.328 272,244 ...326 244.318 316. 191 244.288 2S7 322.210


234.257 .. 316

J28 J2b

134.321> 221 278. lOb 2H 2S2. 192



2-«.265 234.302


278,213 144,326 234.292 310.21S



244.326 272 244.2'14

". ".

200 2]< 144, lS4 311.206 2-«. 3M 168 134 lOl 115



N..gel. Thom..s Scott N..g.I., Fr..ddie Elm..r N.. ~myth. P.. trici.. "nne Na"', J .. nel LaRae M.. ry N..ylor. Denny Ve N.... 1. Rich"rd Arth"" Ne.. 1. Rich ..rd H..rry Nebel. M......,;n laRoy Neff. lo",ilO ...... ri. NellOn, larry Denni~ Nel~an, Th.ron David Nelson_ Anfhony Alvin Nelson, Del.. Cra ...ford Nelso~, D.. rrel Trum.. n Nelson, Donald R"'I~ ..II Nelson, J ..mes Ron.. ld Nelson, John Willord


JOb 234.288 244.151 234,178 2....,311

2« 234.163 2'>2 134,320 144,310


1+4.278 200 .310 244.273 272. 223

Nelson. K..y 'Iernon lorin John Nel~on. M .. ry Cri~line Nelson. N.. ~cy E..rleen Nelson, Philip Dee Nel~on. Rich .. rd Lee Nelson. Thom... GfKlrge . Netll.ingham. Shirl.y J"ne Ne", Alberf _ N..vil.·Smith, Donald Newberry. laRen.. lo..ilO N.....ell. Richard l_ Newho"'se, M....h.. 11 Neal N.. whoY~e. R..ymond Keith Ne l.. nd. S.. lIy Ann.. Ne m.. n. Sh"non R.... .. Nichols. S.. ndra De'lere Nicholson. Thomas Taylor Nicolin. N.. ncy R"'lh Nilule_ Arnold Junior Nilzon. Urm.. Eliz.. be,h Na.son. Jon Powell Noh. laird. Nordby, Diann laR.n. Norell, 8yron Mich....1 Nov.. l, J .. nat loyi~e Novotny. Eugene John Nugent. M.. rilyn K.. y.. Nel~on.

134. 316 310. 191 234.152 ..............296 326.100 __..301 134.310 2..... 290 26S.210 310. 191 154 192 J2b

134.301 .........278 292 ..234 ..........298 13S.318

28. 172, 23S 13S. 254 244. 3M 144.326

28. 135, 320 135,184 ___ 272 300. 191

o 08rian, Fred Keith O'Conno•. C..roline Ann. O'Connor, utherin. Cl..ire O·Connor. Kothryn l",nders O'Donnell. CoIl...n Ann Oakes. K"y Elsinore Obendorf. Ch.. rle~ Eugene Och~, J ..c1yn D.. e Olin. Lod..un Darl.ne Olliau. M ... Marius. Olmdeod, Diane M..rie Olney. Mary Ellen Dell' Olney. W.."en 8ruc. OlfQn. DO<lqles urtar Ol~on. Ronald Che.lei Orem_ Ch...les Eld,ed O.ing. L.wi~ W......" Orme, 8urton M. O,bo,n. Forr...t Glann Osbo.n. Ronald Georg.. O"erhout. Ron.. ld 0 .... Ostrander, Carol Patrici.. Wagner O~lt.. nder, Grelchen K.. thryn Osw.. ld. Aceil leon Otton, Edw.. rd Woolnoth. J •. Over~tt ...t. Robert Don..ld O ....n, e.rl Ethridg. Owl. M .. ry Alice



2..... 2'16 .191 2S4, 191 252


292 ll5.298 J08 144. 2'14





212. 123 144.320 235,265 221 235.314 27J




168.135 144.31" 157,192


Pack.. rd. Wilma Darl..ne lSl.192 P..d ... ood. lllfry AII..n 3 II> Paff. 8art 324 p.. li~in, J .. me~ JO$eph John _ 235. 30B P..lm••, Jani", D..rlen. 24-4.288 Pappe~. John Albert ll8.115 Patborry. Lerry Clem.nt __. 3M P..rk... Patrici.. Joen 215. 288 Paf~~. K.nn ..th Ardell .._.-23S,328 P"r~•. Robert D..le 115 Pa....II. Cloudi.. R.... 1-«.190. 191 Pa~ley. Willi.. m L......ence 326 Pa"mo,e, Eliz.. beth Ann .235.196 188 Patchan. "nn"belle P.. lterson. N.. ncy Jan. 144.191 P..tt.rson. W..de N..ylo. 135.301 p.. tton. Cl"",dia K..thryn ._. . 244 P..tton. Davi~ lllll 302 p.. tton. o...ighf Hilliard 235.3OB p.. tton. GfKlrge J ..m"" ... . ._235.308 Patton. J ..m", Clifford 235.318 Patton. Mich..el J .. mes ...•_.......__._.... 3M. 100 154 Paul, Bev.rly Rulh ..... 318.210 P.. yne, Rodney CI.. ir. . Peatlon. John Mauric.. 21>8.200 P I Phillip Fredrick _ 112 Pederson, C .. rol Jun. _ _ .244. 288


Pederson, Cleudie Kelhloen P..d.."on, Willi..m louis P..lton, Jerry Richerd P..nce, Den Tho,..,lI, P.nc.., N.d N....I Penton, Venc. Edw;~. J,. P•••i,.. Rone:do A C;odO/l' Gu.d•• I'•• ~in. Oon.ld G enn p•• ~in. p.i.c,ll. H .. len Perrin, Ros.·Ma,ie D.ph're Pe,ry, Ch••I•• F'an~ Pete••. W"nd" le" Pet""on, Michael loe Pet"..on, Ross W"""n Pet"rwn. Toni" loui." p.I,,,u..~ Jos"phin. Aiic" p.. ttyq'O>'.' J.d Pf.:ffe., Ch".I"s l"" Pf"iffe., Ee,1 Che"es Phillippi. Oonn" lud"n" 1';""", Rob"rt H"millon Pi""on, Di"n" Moe pl"c", E.linq Duan" PI,n", 0,,1. Sh",man Plin., la,ry F,eemen Plumm••. Joen Poff. Sh,.l.y l." poit.."in. Eth.lyn Cl"i•• Polloc~ R09.' 0",,, pOII, E.n••t Adalb.. rt Port"., GI.n Ho,ac" Potte" Glenn Ross Pow,,11. K"nn"th B,uc" Pow"ll. Ron"ld Ross Pow.!•. Jun" lole"n Pow".. Ch",les Henry 1',,,1+1.,. Joen H"ine Pr"st..1. J"m"s F,,,ncis P,,,st..1. Rob",1 l"o Pr"stwich. K"th""n" D"ld"" p.ibbl", R"lph Jos"ph P,idmo,,,, Doneld Che,l"s p,io" Ch"lt", J"nnings p'itcha,d. 8.i"n Jos"ph Pritch"tt. John Alb.. rt Pritcl.,.. tt. M••ilyn l ..no•• Pritch.tt. M""h,,11 l"l"nd Procto., lois Maoin" Pucci, J .."nn. M".i. Purc,,11. Willi"m Pu,~his"" Judith EII"n Pu,,,i,,nc,,, Roneld Derryl

235,186 268,221

'" lb'

1]5, 16) 135,278

'" ,5< 215

298. 191 135,30a 235

"6 321 '08

235 300 244 296 144,320 324 191





2-«,275 235,166 166.110


152 200 198, 192 144 172 244,185




235,321 lOR

135. 324 235,184 135.328 328 100 290. 191 263,215 235, 163 235,178


144 16] 2-« 154 135,172

,8< '"

268.135 )00,100 '92


Re"seh Judilh M",i" R"d~ .. K"nn"lh W ••y R••d..r. John Willi.m R.. m.... Fr"n. A'e< Remey, D"ryl ec,y R"m y, G.rl"d R"m y. P"t.ici" Ra. R"ndall, G.'Y Chari". R"ndall. K"M"th D.lln Randal!. MlIrien" Kay RlIndall, Noel C. RlIndolph. Oa"id Edw".d R"sehh. Juditl., lynn RlIlh, B".ne.d F,,,n~lin R"so" B"".rly Jo Rlltdiff". Ch",I.s Thom•• R.thbun. Jllm•• Minllord RlIU, Che.I•• H"nry Rouch, Judilh Ann R"y, Albert Ha,old R"y, Ha,ry Edwa,d R""dinq. Noncy Rulh R"ddinqton, Philip M"",in Redfo.d, Ann Hurlbert R.ed, CI.....c" RII'ph R..,., p.t.ici. Ma,i. R""s. Rich.,d Thomes R""..., Jo Ann



'" '"



'" '20

'02 '98 '00

'" '" '"

o Quen" P.trici. Ra .. Quayl. Son;a Edytn.

14S, 302 R"gni"" HlI.old K"nn"lh, Jr. 245. 2'14 Remsb",g, M"'90'el Eld". ReM, Richa,d AII"n 245,310 Renfro, G ..rllid Go.don R.n.haw, Rich••d Wolla.d 2JS R.nslrom, Ca,ol Ann 184 318, 192 1]5 304 R.".I"y, Thomll' l"e R.ynold•. Christin.. '5< Reynold •. Georqi. Anne 154 I'll 135 I'll Ric., C"rol AM 2tJ Rich"rds. Gom"r Gilld.. Rich,,1. J"m", W.lt"r 304,215 Rich.son, Rodn.y Emm.tt 272,200 Richi •. Bllrbllrll Lou 1)5,190 Rid"n.r. Bobby RillY Rid.nou., Ch••I"s K"nl Rid••. Donllid V.rnon 306100 Rid" •. M""lyn lucill. 245.154 Ridg"w"y, Robert Allin )10 Rid.men, B"rberll Jelln 152, I'll Riq9.", Do"id Edw.,d Ri99.... Millon H"nry 263,200 26), 206 Rig9"'" Wilton Elme' 235.154 Rig'l', Oo.i. S"II Riley, Pafricio Mo.i" 245.2'14 Rin9", Fred.,iel Leone,d 135. )26 Ripley, larry 0.1. 145.302 Ristau. Donno ElI...n 245 251 Rob.rge. Richa,d T."m. ]11 192 Rob".ge, Row"n" Ma'9a,.t HlIsb.oud 300,200 Rob.rt., Arthur Delb..rt 316.200 Rob"rh, lucy Ellen 235.254 Roberh, R.lph B",ni" 272 211 ROMrtoofl, AI"n CI",,,nc. '00 RoMrhon. JUfle lau,.. 235 254 Robit'lSon. And,ew Fr.dr,d 278 Robit'lSofl, SlIrbllra J .. "n 245, 251 Robinson, St.llo J""" Robinson. Vi.qini. Carol 2S2 245, 275 Roe, K"ith CI'llfl"s Rom.r. SuzlInn" KlItherine 235,2'18 R09.1.~i. Pete' plIul R09.rs. Allan Burn,,1l 245 278 R09"'" Geor9. louis R09"R Jllme. Robert Roq.. n. Pllky l ... Rog ..... Quinton R"y Rohfl. D.lbert Euq"n" Rohn. lloyd leon 135,275 Rohwein. G"r"ld Joseph Roian. Poltici. J"ne 300,200 Rood, Willllrd Boyd 278.206 Rosholt. John Allen lOO ROlholt, 1v'1Iry P"lricia 166 I'll Rosin. Bruc" Rollin Ros~" ~I. Edwllrd '00 Rosl, A,I.n. J.nie. 215 Ros. Audre" K"y 151. 191 Ross. C"rl Gl... 278 ROil. Da"id T'lIc" 245 278 ROil, John HlIroH. Jr. 245, 301, ROll. Wayn" Richll,d 245,273 Rossmlln. ClIrol Ann 245 7'14 Roth, Chllrle~e Dolor... 252 210 Roul"nd, C",01 Deen Roussos, S,,".rly Joyu Stoch 2JS Roussos, John Christ 2JS Il:owl"nd, P"triei. Ann 296 Rowl"nd Robert N"lsofl Rowland. MlI,qll,,,t Mildr"d 245, 286 Roy. Wittiom Fran~lin 235.275 Royst"r, Don l"e 236.308 Rudman, Chllrlotte BI"nche 236,257 Rude. Sharon lynn 231>. 786 Rudolpt.. C.'olyn Ann 245. 254 Ruplt. Jyl _, 1]6,154 Russen Kenn.th H"nson '00 Ruud Alvina Ke,..n 257 Rybll Euqen. Wolt"r 2J6

135.292 1~~


]01 115 235.326

108 324 115





244.306 235 316 244 296 1-«.178 1]5 29" 245.304 235. 278 311,219 135,288

'" 29'


145,328 145 196 145 185 188, 100 J26




, SI. Cleir. ColI""n Anne $ed.t, p"trici" M"e S"lines, Enriqu.t" S"ly.r, K"y Fr"n",s S"mPlOn, Robert N"il $eml, B",blI,,, Jelln S"nd", BlIrbllr" MlIri"

245.257 2S2

236. 188 245,294 145. 178 245,29A lOR

Sondmeyer, Jill Sergent, John Curti. Sass"r, lyle BI"in" Sass.." R, Garth S"th..r, Gery Rob"rt s..under. Romll l •• Sconl.n, Jud;th D.lIn Sch.rf. Thoma. Mllberly Scheu.r. William lllr..nce Schedl"., Dougle. F'ed",id Sch"II, Johnnie Robert Schell, MllX Vinc"nt Schl"tter, G"rald RlIlph Schley, Max Wllyne Scholes, Arthur Doneld Scholes, HOWllrd Th"d Schol"" Willi"m Olll.., Schow. s",ndrll Schuldt. Ald.n Theyn. Schulh. Edwllrd louis Schultz. Robert l"" Schum"ker, Theodore Alb..rt Schutt.., E"erell low.. 11 Schwertz. P"99Y Allen Schweng"r, John George Scofi.1d P"t,icie J""n Scogqin, S.tty loui.e Scoggin, Dorlyt" J.yfl. Scott, Ann Mari. Scott, Geraldine Scott. l1en" Mllry Scott, Willi"m l"" S"ars, O",il Cherie., Jr. S"ely. Dou91"l BllI~e S".ly. Phyllis Eilline Seely. Rieherd D.ryl. Seitz. C.rol Jun. S.ih. R09.r Miche,,1 Sessions. Sh"ron lynfl Settl"s, Raymond l09"n S"ub"rt, loi. KlIthle"n S""erenc.., Robe" Owen Sh"ffe'. Borber" G,,,co Shaff"r, Clei. MlI",in Shamion. Willillm Anthony Sh. ne, Williem Herdi.. 5hllngle. M..I"in RlIy Shorp, Fred 0,,1. 5h"rp, M"rtha Me" Sheer"r, J"m.s Edw"rd, Jr. Shedd, Robe,t Logon Sh"lmen, Vi'9inill lynne Shellon, Dorothy Diane Sh"phe,d, Da"id AII"n Sheppllrd, Clyde Henry Sh...n, Johfl Riche,d Shipley, D"wn Mllrilyn Shippen. Delln Eldon Shirts, Monte B"rl Shi"ely. John AII"n Shubert. R"y Cliffo.d Shumeke., Jame. 8udon 5humo~e,. J"rald Williem Sidhu, Aular Singh Simcoe, Doyt H.rold Simmonl. Cherl... Willi"m Simon. William And"rson Simpson, Joseph William S••"I,. Ron"ld D."id Slo~, Arny Roger SllId", RozlInn Slel"r, Th"odo'e Willillm Sle~in, Daniel A,lh u' SI""men, June Kraemer Slind, l"land Oseor Slocum. l. WiI.on Sm09h, M"I••• t Sin'll. Smllllwood, Gen. l"on Sm"lc.r. Dol. Roy Smith. Alice Geor9""e Smith, Da"id No,men Smah, Diane L"V.rne Smith, Donald E".I Smith, Jan"ma,i" Smith. Janic" AI.n" Smil+l, Judith Am.lill Smith, Kothyrn I,.ne Smil+l, lynn l"on Smil+l, Mich"el How",d Smith, Nor..to Di"nn. Smith, Relph M.rsh"n

245. 252

"6 28S

'" '"

318,200 2J6

136. ]04



100 236, 166 136,318 272, 24S 2J6

236.310 212

'" '20


245,311 26S.236


__145,296 236,314 145,188 2S2

'" ,5<

236, ]00 14S, 292 145, 322 lb. 301.206

29. 318,100


_136, 308

'88 221


245,266 252,200 326.115 245.318


145.306 168,1]6 154. 191 278. 191 _145,306

'00 "6 2J6

236.)10 )10. 192 136.284 136.]12 172 236 2tJ 168.245





268,236 310 206

'" l04


245.251 236.324 ]I' 2'18,200 278 136,316 26).219 24S.308


145,151 236, 304 245, 300 136,312 136,300 2S2 2S2

236. 1'14 )I.


_236, )00 136,320

Sm,"" Reo E. _. __236. 278 Smifh. Robert Martin no SrnitJ., $attd'lI lee . 28b $m;th, Thoma' William Russell _.. 221 Smith, Willis Eugene .._ ...._.. 236, 218 285.221 Smithey, Gary G.o«:l" 245,29. $m"fny. Neola Ruth Snide., John Alfr"d _ 23/" 324 288 Snook, Mary Cherlolte Snook, William Eugene. ..200

5now, SUS,," M"IY Snyder, Do""ld Ln

2'15, 298

213 294 Snyder, Rowen" Morgi. Sod"n, Robert Melntyr. _ 318 28b.200 Sodo.H. Charlotte Joanne Soil. Bethel l.J"en 296 Solt. Denniu lee 245.312 Somm".... Bill;" 290 Sommen. Kay 245.290 Sparkman, Patrie;" R _ _ 294, 100 Sparks. Gretchen _ 245.252 Sp,,,h. Roger Carville 208, 236 Spencer, Betty _., ... ~._ 192 Spence., Bradley Charl"s ._._.__ 208 328,210 Spencer. Herb,,., Gulhrie Spencer, Jeo" Louise 290 Spencer. S",zanne 254 322 Spencer. Theo Th.ron 23b. 298 Soringer. Ella G"ye Spr",ng. George Erich .. _............. 23b Sq",ires. Zoe lynette 294 Stadhousa, Wendell Keith .....3Ob, 215 292 Stahl. JudOlh Dianne St"i... Williem Durwood 213 Staley. C"rol Ann Solum 192 Steley. Gradyn D"vid 215 St"nger. John G"ry 3 18 Stedtfe!d. K,. ..n Mari. . _. 298 245. 322 Steele. Gerald Greqg _ Steele. Robert Georg. . 320 Stemper, Forest Eerl 320 Stephens Rowena Jo..n _... 245.252 Stephens Weyn. Edw.. rd 213 St.v..ns, Ann .....gn..s 245.25-4 St.....ens. W"yne 200 24b.328 St..""nson. l"rry Rich"rd St..v..n.on. Robert Edward 24b. 308 St..wart. Robert G.ne .....268. 23b. 192 Stippich. Dolore...... nn 24b,252 Stoddale. Fr"nces Eugenia __ .. _.236.300 Stoddard. Judith lousie 288 Stoddard. Sylvi.. Christine.. ... 23b, 29b 312,219 Stoker. Roger Chris Stoke•. Glenn Earl 246.3Ob 246.296 Stokes. Jeanne lou i.. Stok.... l .... Wayne 324 Storey. G.. ry Norm.. n 246.215 Siory. J .. m.., Edg.. r 320 Stowe. WiIli.. m N....ill. 304 Striplin, James Arby 320 Stro,ch..in. Tommy 5h."iIl 23b. 285 23b.263 Stroup, St"nl..., Wer..n Stubbers RaymOI'd .....nthony 246, 328 213 Studer. Bennie W ..lt Stun.. H.. rry Rudolph 32b Slurm.. n. L.orry 0.11 246. 218 213 Sturts. K.. iI~ Hemillon Subi... Joe 3Ob.215 236.292 Sulliv.. n. C.c.li.. Ann Sullivan. Colleen Marie 298. 192 Sulliv.. n. Margaret Joanne 290,200 Sullivan. Robert Alberl 210 Summ...., Bruce Gregory 24b.32b Summe.., Ken Jack 212 Summe... l .. rry Veri 320.210 Sutton. CherIe. l.ster. Jr. 213 Sutton. lee 246.21.6 Sutton. Will;"m 21.6 Sw.. nson, Steph.n Conr"d 246 Swearengen, J"d C"'yfon, II 21>8 Swe..n<ty. M.. ur...n .....della 292 Swe..ney. Ricll"rd Carl. Jr. 318 SW8flp. Doneld Henry 246 Switzer. Mitzi K"y 236. 288 Symms. Virgini.. 300,200 Syring. George Robert 246,316 Syring. Robert George .24b, 3 Ib


'" ". ,,,

T"lementez, Romen T"n"ka Nency Y01hiko T""k. Robert Edw.. rd Tan...ur, Noel Cyrille ..... ndr. Bernerd 23b212 Tale. Charl.s Gekeler. 21' Tale. Robert Gordon .... 246.218 Tatko. Margaret ..... nn 246.298 Talum, Barbar" Ja"n T"ylor. Donald Marlon T"ylor. Gordon Bennett . 21B.200 2J6, 213 T.. ylor. Jeck 8a"ett . 294.200 T"ylor. J .. n.ne ..... nn ,._212 T.. ylor. l ..ddi. Joe T.. ylor. Lloyd .....Ibert ._ . 246,218 246.292 T.. ylor. lo"ein. Je"n T.. ylor. Robert Sh.. nk•. 236 324 )2. T..fft. Richerd W ..yne . T"",pl•. Cerol J .... n _ 236 254 T.. pIy. Sof,dr....... nn 23b 288 Terrill. ROflllld lee Terry, Emily Jo..n 23b.254 T..wr, Robert Eugene .. 246.266 320,210 Tesnohlidek. Owain ..... mold The.. I... Kenneth De.. n Thielke. lewrence Berry 246.304 Thieme. Roger lee ...... _ Thoma" Byron Richerd 231.285 Thome,. Cherles Melton. 246.285,210 Thomes, Cherles Williem l22 Thomes. Devid Srayton 2H, 3 12 Thomes. Herold E"rl . __._. Thomes. lerry Joe 24b 215 302,215 Thomas. Robe" De"" . Thomas. Sharon Darlene Peese 217 Thomas. Sue leli... 217 Thomos. W"yn. Joe 200 Thompson. Slid Ellison 217 Thompson, Const"nc. Je.. n n.ornpson. Oevid Bnll . 246,316 Thompson. Oll"n. Eldon 2)7 322 Thompson. G .. ry l8fl 231 212 Thompson. lynn le......_ 272 Thompson. M.. ry Ketherine Thompson. S.. muel Iven 246.215 Thom,on. J .. m., Me. 246,266 Thorpe. Delores Velen" . 231.251 Thorson, George 1I.. n 246,212 Throdmorton. Jem Rodney 26B 192 Thurber. lee R.. y 217 Thurmond. Jey ..... rnot 240.320 Tieg•. Joyce Di.. ne 288 Tilton. Williem Morgan J28 Tingley. Josep" Vern ..r 231,215 3IB,22 4 Ti.dell. Roneld Kenneth Titll., Oevid R"lph Todd. M.. rcus John 246.266 Tollbom. L.oroy Robert 231. 266 Tovey. Che.les Ou"n.. 2Il Tovey. Roge. O"le 21' Town. Shitl.y .....nn 251 Townsed. Edq"r Re.lord 246.212 Townsend. Roneld l8fl 231.312 Tr.. cy. Peul John 320, 192 Triptett. Jed Eug..ne Trolh. Joson Royce 218.2Ob Troyer. Reb.. Jene True. Shirley 288. 192 Trupp. leRoy Rudolph 24b.218 T,udeka. Mery Kuniko 24b. 254 Tuder. Ril" M.. rie . 24b, 290 Turnbull. Ooneld le,t..r Turnb ... lI. Richerd leroy 218.2Ob Turner. John Ric"ard 237.304 T... rner. Mari. Joan .. 246.286 Turne,. Melvin Mic"....1 ... 3Ob :m Tuson. Glenis G"y Tyler. Mer",,,r.t loui... 1ST








'" '"


'" '"


u Unzider. leonard John


v Vaegen. Vivien Joyce


Va enli~e. WlJyre Ho~.·c~ 218. 20b Va .. t, Robert EU9.. n.. 231.322 237. )02 Ven .....tt.. , H.. rold .....dr'.." Vandenb.. rk. Edit+. lou;... 246,290 Ven Oeu••n Georg. Clarle .... )14 Va~ Dyke. M..lvin .....nd..w ._ 237 Ven Epps, Joe French _14b. 322 Ven Horn, Steven N"9ley Vanlki~e. lowel( lee ... 206 .....246.310 Veug"l. Clarence Scoll .... _ 192 Vermillion. William Jo.ep", Jr. Vi"l. Silv.. no Anthony 302 ...2lJ Villeneuva. Donald .....vitlJ . ..........) 16 Vilinte'ner. Jo."ph Jerry 2l1,)Ob Vogler. Don Ouen" ......_237 Von Tersch. Cletu. l .. wre~c. 24b,266 Voss, larry Cerl Voyl.s, M"rilyn Sue ___246,316 Vyse E.nest Rober'




w W ..chel. ClJrol Winifr.a _ 237. 296 246.316 We", ..,. P"ul .....ndrew W"ggone•. C.. therin. Me,ion ._..._..280 W ..gner, Riley Edwerd 246.304 Wehler. Robert Gordon _ _192 Wainwriqht. N..dine 290.200 Welcoll, M"ry lou i.e 241.290 W .. lker, Ch.. rlotte leVon 254. 192 Welker, Gene Creve" ..246 Welker. Gordon Kend,,11 , 218 W"lker. J .. m". Gilbert 224 W ..lker. Karen louis.. . 290.200 Walker. lewis O..e .... _ _.246.266 ..246.)00 W"lker. lois Steil Walker. Phylli. louise .. 246,292 W"II.n. Rene.. Mari. 237,252 Welr..lh, Chari... Portfors 322,2Ob Mery louis 24b,296 W"rser, W"lton. Robert lee 246.310 W"namaler, John Edwerd 21>8,237 Wan"m.. k.. r. Sendra Ela;n. 246,254 W"rberq, 8rent Willi"m 246,318 W"rd, Emm.. tt G"rriso~ 304 Ward Joen 24b.298 Ward. Ne..le 292 296,192 Werner. M.. ry Kare" 231 Wernke...... rt"ur HlJr'Y We"en, Norman Orlow 231,212 Werwid. Nency lou i.e ....... )00 Wetenpeugh. Howell Norman 110 Walenpaug". Rolland l.. _131 Welson. O.. niel Robert Jr. 212 Watson. Mery Coleen 200 Wetson, R"lph H.. ye. 212 200 Wehon. Robert l. ....__.. 231 Wahon. Robert St..""'e, 302 Wuver. JoyCft Jo..~"e ..__241.298 Webb. Pell! Hi.. t .__ 237. 308 Weber. Der..l1 Jed 273 Weed P.. tty .....nn 252 Weeks. Phylli. Rae _ ... _._ .._280 W.lch. Kenneth Roy _ _._246, )18 Wells, ..... nn .. C .... rle.... ... 237.290 Well., O.. yton Norm.... 200 273 Wells. Doneld leon 215 Wells. Jed W"lIer Wendle. Bruce Cli"lo~ 237.32b Wendle. Merk Willi.. m ...., 326 ..... 306.215 Werry. C~ .. rle$ fe. Wert, Ch.. r1otte Je .. n 231.254 We.t, John Arthur 304 246. 252 Westfell. C.. rol ..... r1e.n Westf"lI. Dwayne Gene __..__ 285 Weston. Ger"ld leRoy . _237.324 W.stover. Robert Wilfred Jr. 20b Whilby. lerry H.. rofd 241.273 White, ..... rbin leverne 241.218 White. CeSSllndr.. Joyce 241.292 White. Dal.. leRoy 1l1, 2b3 Whit•. J .. nice 08fl 298. 192 While. lynn ..... nn 290 Whil•. S.. mmy Ron.. ...._ ......_308 Whit., Terence M..lvin 241. )18 Whitehead. Tryphena Mery 251 26b Whiting, lorenro Cerv.l Whitney. Ele"nor Richardson 237.298 Whitney, Russell Ch.. rles, Jr. .. ]26,192


Whittet, Cerol M",glHe' Wicklund, Joen M"rie Wicks, Jeremy Peter Wil:., Norm" Jeen Wilbenb, S"lly Sue Wiko., Cherles Merrill Wilde, RichlHd Lynn Wilder, Kenneth Eerl Wil~e, Irene Delphe B'elton Wil~e"on Willi"m Duene Wil\;ins, S~erry Anne Willey, RichlHd LeVerne Williems, Ann Williems, D"le L"Verne Willi"ms, Ge,l"dine Lee Willi"ms HowlHd Lyle Williams. Jerome Joseph Willi"ms, Judith Ann Willi"ms, Judy DienM Lynn Williams, Micheel Neal Williems, Rich",d James Williems, Roger Leslie Willi"ms, Roy Warren Williemson, Alan Normen, Jr. Willi"mson, Dwight Wesley Williamson, Myrtle Estill Willi"mson, Robert Deen Williemsoll, Robert Leslie, Jr. Willms, Reymond H""y Wilmuth, Nency Geyle WilsOIl, Alden Lloyd Wilson, Boyd Eugene Wilson, Doneld Deen Wilson, Freide Mee


247, 298 300,200

302 284,200 300 ..247 .275,200 .._.247,2b3 254,200 237,308 290 2b8,2oo

288 237. 30B 247,300



2H 288,292 )10

308 32b,223 2J7 237,322 2J7 298, 192 2H



247,29b 247,328 247, 275 221 2Bb, 192

278,20b Wilson. Joe Dell 247,29B Wilson, Judith Ann 300 WilsOll, Sendre Louise )1.4,206 Wilson, Wtllerd Lee 272, 221 Wing, Lerry Deen 247,310 Winleler Don Beymer 310,200 Wisdom, Richerd Deen 2H Wise, Derlene Beelrice Mitchell 237. 278 Wise, Royce Allen 252,200 Wisw"II, Betly E,me _.. 247,308 Wilt, DOnllid Rey Wo ..II..I, Lo,ne Louise 298 247,292 Wohleh, BlHbMe Joen ... _237, 2b3 Woll, Wendell Corry 247,284 Wolfley, Sally Gene Wollo,d, D"vid Geer 322 237,308 Womm"ck, Jemes Elmer 247,312 Wood, John Medsen Wood, Lole Jeennine 257 Wood, Marie Louise 290 , 2b8, 247 Wood, Stillman Weyne 247,318 Wood, Weldon Senlord Wood"lI, Me"he Kaye _ Woodruff, Neville Ernest. J,. "/oods. Nancy Ann 237. 284 ...... _.. 237,272 Woods, Williem Lene Woodward. Donald Ellis 237. 308 Wool"erton. G"ry F,,,nklin 247,302 Wo,l ey , Willi"m Judd 247,312 Worsley, David Menning 257,192 Worst, Berber" Jeen Wren, Ch"rles Clinton 328 .247,257 Wright. Dolores Eleine 247,278 Wright. Gary Eo,I

Wright, James Reuben Wright, O",ille Gile. Wright, S"nd,e Lee Wright, Wilm" Ann Wunderlich, LeoM,d Arthur Wyatt, D"vid Richa,d Wy"lt, Marjorie Ann

.......247, 322 ........_.2b8

257 247,2BB 272,200 ...247,3Qo\ 237,29b


Yerroll, Sheila Anll Yollon, Earl Raymond Yost. Donald Albert Yost, Neth"n Leon/Sfd Youmans, Devid Vance Young, Austin Lee Young, De"id Wayne. Young, Eloise Rose Young, Leurence Dean Young, Virgil Monroe Youngstrom, Mery Eli.ebelh


247,322 322, 221 237,324-

'" 2"

252,200 237,308 2b8,210



"" '"

z lejenc, Marlene Gey Zepp, John Fredrick Zenier, Kethryn Berry Zill", Mary Jo Zimmer, Jon Werren Zoghet, MOltine Fahed Zwirll, Robert Joseph Zwiller, Roneld Peltl

.237 .32b 237, 284 ..... _.. 247, 257 ...... __ .. 237. 275 ... _....221 ....221 )08

Editor's Appreciation year with the Gem, a special appreciaT;on is in order: To Uncle Gale Mil who always had M answer to the editor s cry, I have a Problem! And to the entire ASUI office staH for the;r help. To Kay Conrad, the '959 Gem Editor, ....ho serveo as an associate editor of this book. Kay s efficiency in the office Md her extra hours on the job were invaluable. To MarFe Bradbury for her helping hand as associate editor. To Margaret Remsberg, Photoqraphy Editor, who never neglected her duties in one of the most demMding jobs on the Gem staH. To Bruce Wendle, Darkroom MMager, and TO his staff for the fine cooperation and long hours of work for the Gem.


To Roy Bell, Rafe Gibb, Md Don Walker for their assistMce in Photographs Md printing Gem pictures. To Rudy for his help in the Queen Section. Ana to both Rudy s and Hutchinson s Studios for their cooperation ....ith class and living group pictures.

Summer orr:ved eorly in Moscow this yeor. With its "ppeoronce. the prospect of fin<'Jls llnd the endof.tha-semester rush seemed olmost unbetlfobfe to the great mojority of Idoho students, and the Gem Stoff members were no exceptions to the rule. In the lost weeks of the yeor tempers were under " strain when lost photo orders were discovered or when" dlHkroom mishop ruined pictures thot hod "Ireody been rescheduled three times. Most section editors were ready to call it " do v and retreo' to " quiet corner of the compus to contem¡ pltlte the best WfjY to /lequire" sunt,,". But, they kept on the job. ond the results of their yeer-Iong offorts oro seen in this book. To 011 the stoff goes e big "thonk you" for the hours of work. plllience,

Gnd understMding.

To the mMy others who helped throughout the

To Paul Evans, the Codon Printers artist whose skill created a theme for the book out of the editor's vague ideas. And to Jim Gipson Md his staff at Coxtons, an especially big 'thank you" for the year s assistance Md advice. It also tokes the cooperation of the entire sySTem of organizations, living groups, and administration ....ithin the University to make the publication of a yearbook possible. To all of you, the entire Gem staff expresses its appreciation. The book is for your use Md enjoyment. In its pages and pictures of the past year, may it bring you memories of the spirit of Idaho.



1958 Gem of the Mountains Staff Editor-in-Chief - Myrtle Williamson Associate Editors - Kay Conrad Marjie Bradbury Socia I EDITOR NEELA McCOWAN Gey Tu$.On. N"ncy Reeding. June Powels. Pet Rogers. Carole Lipscomb

Organizations EDITOR


Norine Johnson. Linde G"tlin, Cllthy Brewer. Merion Collins, Berber., Robinson




Residences EDITOR TOM REVElEY D"vid Munn, Judy Stahl, Koy Bozo!Irth, Sheron Jenkins



Business Manager STEVE VAN HORNE PRINTING The C"don Printers. Ltd.

Caldwell, Id"ho ENGRAVING Western Engrllving Sellttle, Wllshington


PHOTOGRAPHY "SUI Dorhoom Manager. Bruce Wendle Gem Photography Editor, Morgoret Remsberg Stoff Photographers - M/lirk Todd. Merk Wendle. Marie Wood, Sherry Wilkins. Don Hogeboem, M"rg"ret Tetke. Leo Taffela, Tony lam University Press Service-Refe Gibbs, Don Wolker Studio Photogrllphy-Rudy's, Hutchinson's

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