1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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Editors: Bob Hansen and Neela McCowan Associate Editors: Gay Tuson and Cathy Brewer

IDAHO . . . Moscow, Idaho


ication To our Idaho .. . the State and the University ... we are deeply proud to dedicate the 1960 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS. To the State for her beauty, grandeur, and charm. To the University for the knowledge gained, for the companionship never to be forgotten, and for the best years of our lives. THE EDITORS




Academics ... Page


Activities . . . Page 41 Organizations ... Page 119 Residences . . . Page 161 Athletics ... Page 243 Classes ... Page 295


The future school year looks hright for this young cocci ... . . . and this married couple appears happy about the future too.

A great deal of lifting and Jugging accompanies moving-in day as campus life begins . . . but football is more fun than moving-in and intramurals are extremely popular.


Classes will come soon, but first come rush, registration and relaxation. Rush often hrings out many different personalities! ... . . . and that pledge ribbon means a great deal ... and often leads to "poster parties" for the big football rallies. ~fany

enjoy the popular SUB Painting Exhibits ...

. . . while others discuss the first days of class.

Football season brings a busy time £or the Spurs, . . . •.. brings the appearance o£ tbe traditional :\fU:\r, . . . and brings the ever active cheer leaders.

The Campus soon settles down to class routine, lab work, and studies at the library. (Could she be checking out a reserve book?! I)

But relaxation and fun can also be found on campus through reading, associations in the living groups, coffee at the SUB (who's your friend, he looks familiar!), and talents.

So we find the University of Idaho a beautiful campus dedicated to the development and service of the State and her people.

Administration Student Affairs College of letters & Stiente College of Agritulture College of Engineering College of Mines College of Forestry College of Education College of Business College of law Graduate Sthool

Governor Robert E. Smylie Governor Smylie, Governor of Idaho for his sixth year, is a frequem and welcome visito r to our Idaho campus. H is concern, interest and help toward ou r Un ivers ity are needed and appreciated by the student body.

President D. R. Tbeopbilus A familiar and much respected figure on the Idaho campus, Dr. Theophi lus is sen'ing his ixth year as president of our Un iversity. President Theophilus is noted not only for his effectiveness in this important position. but also for his understanding and helpfulness.


Boortl of Regents

The Board of R egents is the governing body of the University of Idaho . All policies and official acts of the U niversity must be established or approved by the Board before they are enacted by the University.

Board of Regents, left to right-D . F. Engelking, State Superintendent of Public Instructio n, Ex-Officio, Boise; Claude V. Marcus, Boise; J ames E. Graham, R exburg; Marguerite A. Campbell, President, ew Meadows; Cu rtis Eaton, Vice President, Twin Falls; John J. Peacock, Secretary, Kellogg.

A tlminis trotion

R egistration, publications, fi na nces, the library- all these and many other duties are capably performed by our competent administration. H . .WALTER


Executive Dean K. A. DICK

Comptroller, Business Manager and Bu1路sm路 D.

D. D uSAULT Registmr


s. G t BBS

Director of I nformation and Editor of Publications L. F.



J- M. fLEMI NG, M.D. University Physician J AMES LYLE

Alumni Secretary


Student Affairs The University of Idaho takes pride in the individual services contributed to the students by Dean Decker, Mrs. Neely, Charles Bond, and Guy Wicks. They serve as a liaison between the students and the administration and arc al all li mes ready to help students with their vocational and personal problems.


Associate Director of Affairs for Jl'ome11, and Dean of IVomen

GuY P. WICKS Associate Director of Student Affairs for Me11, and Field Age11t



Chief Student Couuselor





College of letters ontl Science The College of Letters and Science is the olde t College in the niYersity and consists of nine major departments: An and Architecture, Biologica l cience, Communications, Home Economic , Humanities, Mathematics, Music, Physical Science and oc ial c1ences. This College is dedicated to both a libera l education a nd a professional training in certain selected fields. The advisin g program of the College is organized so the student has a personal relationship with his advisors. Along with the purely educational objectives, the College strives for the advancement of integrity, character and personal development. ~fARTIN, Dean of the College of !,etters and Science holds his Ph.D. (ro m Stanford.

OR. Bo' o .-\.

Sigma Delta Chi is an organ· ization composed o£ men rec· ognized (or achie,ement in the field of journali m and com munication. Seated, left to right- Don Erickson, Mid, Seeber, Neil Leitner, Dwight Chapin, !'resident; Bruce Wendle, Jim Flanigan, Dr. Granvi lle Price. Standing~lark Todd, Herb Hollinger, Dave Iverso n, Dave Panon, Gary Rand all, J oh n Beck· with, Lee Corkill, George Christensen.

!>hi Upsi lon Omicron is the professional honoraq of ou tstandi ng students in the field of Home Economics. Seated, left to righl-1\larie Wood, Carol yn Ku dlac, Rosie Bruce, Ca rol llall. Shi rl ey Carney, Do nna ll arwood. Sta>lcling- Charlotte Aldrich, 1\l:ll')' Jaurequi , Jud y Joh nson, Winifred nti cker, Sa nd i Wallan, Mary Lou Jacobs, i\laq• Jan e Leech, Miss Lillian J ohannsen, Advisor.


The member; of Phi Beta Kappa are recogni1ed for their high scholastic achie,cmenl in the field of liberal arts and sciences. St'ateli, left to right-Sandra ummerfield, Shirley Schnider, Mrs. A. W. Bowers, Lois Proctor. :-.:anc) Avery, Margaret Crowley. Second row- Beverl y Paul, )faril yn Voyles, Ka y Oshorne, )Irs. Thora Run ya n. Third row-Jim Wright, Pete Reed, Dick Lewis, Jim Christensen, Bill Run yan, Rill Moore.

Pi Gamma Mu , NaLional Social Science Honorary, claims history, economics and political science majors. Seatnl, ft•f/ to riglll- l'oll} \\'all..er. Lorna \\'oelfcl, '1 ha) re Baile), Janice Browning, Nccla McCowan. S/ondi11g- Dr. 1-l ause. ' I im Greene, ' J ed Spence, Dr. Gree,er. Leo CraiT, Bill Moore, Larr} IIane). Dr. l\loore.

Charter Members of newl y installed Sigma Pi Sigma, ational Ph ysics llonor Society: Fh·st row, lefl to right Ri chard Vo lkman, Steve Colberg, Jack Klcinkopf, Ri chard While, Jimm y Kempton, Paul Ja cobs, Donald Batman. Sn·o11 d row- Or . Marsh White, Professor of Ph ysics at Pennsylvania Stal e University and Executive Secretary o( Na tional Counci l of Sigma Pi Sigma, Dr. William Band, Kris Allen, Mrs. Kathryn Day, Dr. Donald Clifton, Mr. E. E. Spiker, Dr. Waldo Curtis, Dr. J . J. !\filler, Chairman o( Physics Depa rtment, Dr. l\Ialcolm Renfrew, Head of Dept. o( Ph ysical Sciences. Third row- Peter Renault, Vicwr Jlowman , Alan Trego, Floyd Sage, Robert West, Willard Wilson, Mr. George McKea n, E• ic Carlson, Cliff Nichols.

College of letters ond Science 25

College of letters ontl Science Chem ~llldenl engrossed by the wonders of chem istr} in the chcm la b.

.\lpha Lambda Della i~ the freshma n women\ '>Chol:l\tit honorar~ which require~ a grade point of 3.5 for mem bership. Bottom. left 10 right-:\'anq .\ lcorn, Peg~ Phillips, .\nn In-in. Linda Lamb. ~I rs. Uoa~. Carol H odgson, Ladessa Rogers. Top - Lois Bowe1,, \'icl..i Fisher, Kelly Fri11ellc, judy \\'cs twood, Sharon l.:nt(c, Claire laug hter. Sharon Price, Sharon J o hnswn. Jan ,\!den.

'J hela

igma Phi i~ a national journalism honora n for women. Front row, left to right-J o~ce con, Xeela McCowan. Polh \\"all..er, Lee Corl..ill, haron Lance, ' 1\'ancy Grange. onja Carlson. Ro'e Weber.


College of Letters ontl Science Charlolle Martell can·es the turkey in preparation for the annual H ome-Ec Banquet.



applies his linishing touches in the sculpturing proces~ .



A principle of design is explained by a student of Architecture.

The finishing wuches 10 a butlerOy collection I


College of Agritulture

The College of Agriculture, with its intensive program of research and scientific training, i one of the most outstanding colleges open tO students seeking training and skill in agriculture fields. Young men come here from all areas of the world to acquire those skills necessary for the proper use and maintenance of their land. Toward the end of the school year the agriculture students participate in a week long observance of their achievements known as " Little International vVeek. " peech finals, judging contests and various displays of the fields of agricu ltu re are included in the traditional observance.



jA\I l::S 拢 . KRAl S

Dean, College of A grir rlltu re

Members o拢 th e Caulcmcn路s ,\ ssociatio n look 0\'Cr th e m em and cattle.


H erb won first place in judging icc cream ~nd 2nd in all products at the Regional Contes t.

The Dairy Products judging team journeyed to the \\' estern Regional Contest held at Ponland, Oregon, October 17, 1959. Members of the team arc Dr. R. A. Hibbs. Coach; Herb Cib~on , Ba h Rowland and Do ug Park.




College of Agriculture An agriculture student learning the cu ts of meat.

Alpha Zeta, National Agricul!ure lion· orary for men: Sealed - \ d•i.or, Charles Peterson; Cemor. Sherm now; Chronicler. H erb Gibson; :'\:llional Cen~or, Louis L. t\lacben; Chancellor. Neil Sampson; Treasurer, Pa ul .J acohs; Scribe, Fred Proshold; Advisor, AI Slinkard. St•ctmd row, left to right Ken Bru~t. 1 cd Gillett, Eugene Allen, Kurt ~ loeller, Veldon Hh., Jim BelT), Jim Claesgen~. Darrell llatfield, Gar> Cu~­ ter, Larry Holmquist, DeJoy Hendricks. Third rotu-Don Mayer, Don Bateman, ~ lax Gard ner, J im torms, Charles Beasley, Dale H ansen. Roland Lodge, ~onnan Keesler.


College of Engineering The College of Engineering, recognized as one of the finest engineering schools in the United States, contains departments offering men training for five d ifferent phases of the professionAgricultural Engineering, headed by J. W. Martin; Chemical Engineering, headed by M. L. J ackson; Civil Engineering, headed by C. A. Moore ; Electrical Engineering, headed by H. E. Hattrup; and Mechanical Engineering, headed by H . W. Silha. Graduates of this college have a very thorough knowledge of their field and are well prepared for their future work. ALLEN$. JANSSEN

Dean, College of Engineering Director, Engineering Expe,-iment Station

Sigma Tau, honorary for Out· sta nding engineering students, selects its members on the basis of scholarship. practicality and sociability. The purpose of the or· ga ni zat ion is to encourage engi· necring students to attain high standards in ambition and pro· fcssional pride, which arc the qual ities necessary to auain a successfu l engineering career.

Chemical engineers in the proc· ess of taking a frequency re· sponse test on automotive con· trol equipment.



College of Engineering

Mechanical engineer worl.ing o n lathe in machine tool' lab.

Electrical engineer measuring th e speed of the motor.

Chemical engineers gai ning practical experience on the double effect evaporator.


College of Mines The College of Mines was established in 1917 at the University because of the early pronounced importance of mineral substances in the economic and cu ltural life of I daho. At the University men are trained in the different special areas of the minerals industry. In the College of Mines, training can be gained as desired in Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geology and Geography in both graduate and undergraduate work.

EARL F. Com. Dean, College of Mines Head, Dej>arlment of Geology and Geography


Two mining ;tudcnts using aerial map equipment.

I wonder what kind of a rock this is?


An architecture plan of the new mining building to be completed by September, 1962

College of Mines


College of Forestry The University of Idaho's nationally tOp-rated College of Forestry is a nation-wide attraction, drawing students fro m every state and many foreign countries. The students participate in a program including fish, forests, ranges, wildlife, plants, game birds and wood utilization in laboratories and class rooms. The college is proud of their experimental forest, a tree nursery producing stock for planting throu ghout Idaho and a large arboretum showing 150 varieties of trees.


Dean of Forestry Director of Forest Wildlife and Range Experiment Station

Jim o路nonnell portrays his role of Master of Ceremon ies <ll the Forestry Banquet.

:\1r. R . E. ;\fcArdle speaks at the 50th Anniversary Foresters' Banquet. llc is chief o拢 the United States Forest ervice and past Dean of the College of Forestry at the Uni\'ersity of Idaho.


College of Forestry

Xi igma Pi, the national (orcstq honorary, is composed sllldents selected on the basis o( high scholastic attainments in the field and in related courses.

1 wonder how old this tree is?

Expert trammg in the forest pathology laboratory.


College of Education The College of Education offers a program wh ich leads to a teacher's certificate and qualifies those students as teachers for the schools of Idaho and other states. The heads of the four main departments are Dr. Ray M. Berry, Education; Dr. Vt/. H. Boyer, Psychology; Miss Mabel Locke, Women's Physical Education ; and Dr. Leon Green, Men's Physical Education. The College also offers special programs in Music Education, Business Education, Industrial Arts Education, Guidance and Counseling.

]. FRUJFRICK " 'UT71\:

Dea11, College of £ducatiou P•·ofessor of £ducatio11 Director of Stwlllll'l kltool

Phi Epsilon Kappa is the only national professional fraternit) for male students and teachers of health, physical education and recreation. 1t brings to its members an appreciaLion of their duties toward life, toward their profession, and toward their fellows. The establ ishment of Phi Epsilon Kappa has added immeasurably to the professiona l sta tus o£ physical education at the University of Idaho. Since its beginning in 1957, Alpha Omega chapter has staged sports clinics for youngsters, professional conferences, and has supported the Fellowship of Christian Athletes movcmen t. Bottom, /rft to right-Don E\ans, Don Weiskopf, Larry Hattcmcr. Jim J>rcstcl, .Earl Owen, .Jack Starr, and Ja ck Ashbaugh. Row twoClarke :'\litchell. Cary Blick. J erq Enders, J ack Bloxom, Tom Di· Nuo,o, Ra ) Gomez, L) le Webber, Gerry Wunderli ch . Row threeOr. Leon Green, Dale James, C ary Thompson, Rollie Williams, Ken Maren, Bill choles, Mil..e Sheeran. R ow fo ur - J udd Worley, Paul Wagar, ' J heron Nelson, Denn y Soh. Ken Goodwin, j oe Espinota, Ralph H atch, Wendell Wolf, and Parker Woodall.

Ceorganne McDowell receives advice on her sched ul e £or the co ming semes ter.

' 3 2

,, new addition into the University or Idaho's

cla~sf()()lll wa~

rreshmcn ChemiStT)' \ ia TV

College of Dick Stiles, Delta Sig, is :anxiously awaiting a chance to s how his skill <ll badminton.


·1 his you ng lad) seems to be having some troub le. I wonder ir s he needs some help?


College of Business After meeting the requirements of a two-year basic program, a student enrolled in the College of Business can select a major from seven fields offered: general business, accounting, economics, foreign trade, merchandising and advertising, secretarial studies and extractive industries. A special curriculum is also offered for preparation and admission to the College of Law. A wide scope of excellent opportunities await the graduate from the business school. Dean Kendrick is completing his third year as dean of the business school. His pleasant personality and unending willingness to help students has made him very popular among the business school.


Dean, College of Busiuess

Professor Croke and a stu路 dent are looking over an economic handbook.

fred Decker is learning to op路 crate an IBl\拢 machine.


Grotluote School The Graduate chool again this year served its purpose of meeting the needs of many college graduates who desire additional training for their respective fields. Since its bebeginning in 1909, the graduate school has afforded an opportunity for students to work closely with distinguished scholars and to develop with in them the ability to be capable of original and creative advancement. There are fifty different majors leading to masters' degrees offered by the various co ll eges comprising the University of Idaho.

L. c. CAI)Y /)('oil of C:lluluote School

.\ studem >llld)ing the radio acti' it} or imtopes.

\ graduate '>ltldent in I<KIIogy

prepare.. ror c'alll,.


College of law The curricula offered by the College of Law includes courses of study in property relationship, commercial law, public law and administration, and procedure and judicial administration. A well-trained staff of legal scholars prepare Idaho graduates for a professional career as a lawyer, judge, or law instructor. The College of Law at the University is affiliated with the Association of American Law chools wh ich endeavors to improve the legal education in our coun try.

E. S. STIM SON Dean, College of Law

La w swdenls presenting a case.


Foil Attivities Winter Attivities Spring A ttivities Queen Settion Fine Arts Sub-Division

Rush Girls' rush was held September 11-15. Boys' rush started a day later, September 12, and lasted until September 16. More rushees went through this year than ever before. A total of 212 girls and 259 boys pledged.

Vicki Fisher enterta ins at one of the Alpha Chi rush parties.

The DG's entertai n at the ann ual Pan Hellenic Tea

And then "Squeal Day" and rush was over for another year!


Frosll Orientation

.\ wa1chful eye looks O\ er the ca mpus

l l"s a big and beau1iful cam-

pm. but it doesn 't tal..e lo ng to feel a1 home o n it.


Registration Regi tration is probably the most hectic time you 'll have during the semester especially to the beginning frosh. Registration days were September 17 and 18. Everyone seemed to make it through all righ t and started Monday classes a little more con ndent.

I he familiar registrar's office is where you pick up that important permit to register. I he bookstore is a good place to get >tarted and a good pl~ce to ~pend ttl <liiC) gcuing the books you need.

Registration Da). What fun!


SUB Open House Bowling, dancing, billiards, a movie and a jazz show were part of the program presented September 25 at the SUB Open House. Although planned around the theme "Getting tO Know You " for freshmen, most of the events were open to all students. Music was provided by the bands of Gary Dossett, Cecil H eick, and Dick Stiles.

A mixer is always a good way to get acquainted and this one is no exception, but someone looks lost.

A coke break is a lways in order so how about it?

Will it be a strike?



SUB Open House

'\'othing Jil.e a coffee date to get alquaintcd with a certain somei>O<I}.

What is it, an?

Oh, no, the C\Cr popular bridge game


Campus Carnival The Campus Carnival is a trad itional event held at the beginning of each school year. Its purpose is to orientate new studen ts with the various committees, clubs, and honoraries and a dance is u ually held in connection with the display . This year's theme was ·'Scholar hip with Activities."

Politics play an imponant role in campus life. Caucus makes a good activity for any student, Creek or independent. Arc you n~usica ll y inclined? 1£ so, Sigma Alpha Iota or Phi Mu .\lpha . the music hon orari es, would be worth your while . .>VMt. I.NI.:> IANV"


ME:\• r:::.r~ s


s;,.. ..,. ra


' ,.,,


Dances Costume dances mean lots of fun to every student. vVho can forget the time they had trying to find a coswme! Almost every living grou p has at least one costume dance and everyone's willing to attend. 路路 I he howery. t!le bowery, they do strange things and they say strange things- ." It does look a little strange at the S.\E 's versio n of the bowery. doesn't it? Any路 way. George Volk, Jeri Ra e Rasmu ssen, Kei th Ripp le. judy j o hnso n, Janin e 13a ll, and Dick Reed seem to be having a good time.

The DelLa Chi Pirate Dance is sure to be lors of fun with a crab feed preceding il. Donna Sa11ga~t. though , appears to be withour a partner.

Steve B row n and Mary Stinch 路 comb went all om western at rhe French H ouse dance.


Foil Scenes Fall hit the Idaho Cam pus and brought a change in cenery. The trees became covered '"ith shimmering red , gold and brown leaves while the students put on colorfu l jackets and sweaters and prepared for 路winLer.

路r he ,\ d Lawn . . . with lea1es: ll ello Walk . . . with lc;nes: I rees ... wi 1h leaves!

Some cold studenl'> in jad,eh.





Homecom ing weekend October 30-November I was a big weekend on camp-I. T renna Atchley, Forney, reigned as Homecoming Queen. The Vandals were matched against Oregon State for aturday afternoon's game. After a good start by the Vandals the Beavers su rged on to a 66-18 win.



The DC -Phi Dell ca rt oon strip won li•·st pri1e in mixed w m pe titi on.

:\o roo tball game is complete without f>Om -pom girls and Idaho is no exception. 'I he> add a lot of beamy 10 the game.

Queen ·1 renna and her court: Carolyn Blackburn. Gam ma Phi; L ynn Shellman . l'i Phi ; Nadine Talbo ll. Kappa; and Phy llis Weeks, Alpha Chi.


Homecoming rhc DC-Phi nett float \\'()11 fir.L prile in mixed competition while the Delt ··soapl>Oll. .. won first prize in the single di' i~ion. .\II in all. a 'err memorable weekend.

Queen Trenna flashes a big smile after her crowning at halrtime

Eveq•o nc has to take tim e o u t for a little fun, even when buil din g a float.

Rebirth of the card section at Idaho thanks to Art Lindemcr


The Tri Delt- Delta Chi float resembled something from the Mardi Gras


Everybody liked the French H ouse- Delta Sig


The Delts' prize winning soap boxes No Homecoming wou ld be complete withom the Spurs and here they are in force


Barbara MarLin and Larry Garlinghouse dressed quite appropriately 拢or the Foresters路 BalL


Laird, don't you ha'e your arm around one too many girls?

Shades of Robin Hood "green" at the Fiji pledge dance


Some Kappa Sigs seem to have been added Lo Pi Phi H eaven.


"Coffee and Confusion" was the beatnik theme for the Phi Tau pledge dance. Looks like fun.

"Who were you?" What a question but !lays Hall asked it. These couples have an interesting answer at l ea~t.

The Tri DellS and their dates all went native on a Tennessee Sawrday Night ror their p ledge dance.


Dod's Doy

Dad 's Day, a fu ll weekend of activity, was November 20-22. Idaho battled Montana University in Saturday's game and won, thus keeping the ste in at Idaho for another year. Olher activities included Dads' Day Musical Quartet Contest, the annual Dads' Day Dance, and an ASUI play, "The Desperate Hours. "

The Singing Sigs recei,路e their trophy from Bob Pierce after winning the quartet contest. a new Oad"s Da y event thi~ year.

Dads registered Friday afternoon and Saturday morning in the SUB.


Dati's Day

The winners of the beard growing contest: Earl Pederson, longest beard: Graydon Johnson, healthiest beard; Liter Spence, most appealing beard to the feminine gender; and Jim Fitch, most novel beard. It's not hard to sec why Earl Pederson's beard was ene of the popular ones! ASUI Prexy Laird Noh greets a father he found in the registra Lion line.



Winter Scenes Isn't this against the Jaw?



hamper business at the Perch. student~ will hra'e an) S..ind of weather for a friendly cup of coffee.

\Vinter-a grand time on campus. A chance to go skiing, tobogganing or skating. There's always a chance to get in a friendly snowball fight if you're so inclined. Even with all the snow the sun still manages to shine once in a while.




nc,cr get too old for sleds

It路, a twa\' fun to wall- to class~ in the ,uow a' long :h the ,idcwalks arc sho,cled.

Somcouc is defi nite ly getting the worst of this figh t. An} one for ski ing?


"La Joli Noel" was the theme of H olly Wee k this yea r held December 7-11. Holly \Veek is t raditionally sponsored by th e sophomore class. It is started each year by the sophomore Christmas serenade. Th is year the Lambda Chis origina ted a door decoration contest held in conj unction with H olly Week and Campus Club and Alpha Chi received the door decorations trophy.

Norma Pomponio lool.s as though someone just told her a jol.e at the <tnnual Holl)' \\leek style show.

Holly Week

The Queen : C<tmi llc Shelton, ,\lp ha Ch i, a nd her co urt gathered around her: No r111 a Pomponi o, Camm路t l'hi; Brenda Brown, Ft路cnch; Dee White, Alpha Phi; at~d l'at Ord, Pi P hi.

It looks as though e'eqone had a good time al the I loll)' Dance.


' I he sophomores displa)ed some of their

ta lent in decorating the Suh. Here Margaret .\smussen, Bol> Brown, Dick Stiles, :\cis Mollcr, Donnie Schedler, and \'icki Holmes put their tim e to good u'e by trimm ing the tree.

Holly Week

Queen Camille had a big for the camera at the style

~mile ~how.


Forestry Week Forestry Week got under way April 18 with the traditional race between chain saws and cross-cut saws in cutting timber. Sponsored by the College of Forestry faculty and students, the busy week featured talks, demonstrations, movies and an annual banquet. Co-chairmen Don Hawxwell and William Woolwine did a terrific job.

PretLy good advertising! Bulletin boards and signs were placed on ca mpu s explaining the fun ctions of Lhe Col路 lege of Forestry for the benefit of the swdcms.

Preparation for the log sawing contest always aLtr:acts a great deal of attention to the Ad Lawn.


Peg C l:1rk and Karen J ames discuss Navy strategy with Leitner.


Kays and Nei l

The Navy staff and their wives added a disti nguished air to the scene.



Navy Ball February 13 found the Navy out in force . the occasion was, of course, the Navy Ball. Jeanne Ball , H ays, was crowned q ueen at intermission and all of the girls were q uite impressed with the receiving line and all of the handsome uniforms.

Queen J eanne and her court: Rosie Curteman. DC; Jo ,\nn Tatum, Kappa; Georganne McDowell. Theta; Linda Camphcll, Alpha Chi.

Linda Campbell releives a corsage (rom Brody Conklin.


J erry Walsh. write-in candidate (o r vice-president, listens to a qu es tion from C o rdon Chester

(ompus Elections Ca mpus EleCLi o n ~ proved to be ve ry interesting this year with Independcm Caucus, Greek Caucul>, On e- ~I a n颅 Partic!> a nd Write-In'> running Cor campus ho nors. The Independents pu t forth a good effo n but seemed to be split due to the write-in candidates. Election nigh t, !\ larch 10, was filled with excitement as the results began coming in g iving Greek candida te Bruce ~l cCowan , Beta, a n easy win fo r ASU J president. The e lectio n a lso named five Greek!>, three Independents a nd o ne Cam pus Representa tive to Exec Boa rd posts but left the vice-preside ncy undecided.

Hruce McCowan . C: t路eek ca nd idate for president. plain hi> part}\ platform.


ta ke~

the stand to ex-


mau er the occasio n.


wo ul d always rather pht) cards!

Thinking about party platforms or tomorrow's exam?!

Campus Elections The J\ lost exciting and controversial issue of the Campus Elections this year was the race for the t\SUI ' 'ice-presidency between John Fiugerald, Greek, and J erry " ' alsh, write-in candidate. The vote was extremely close but the final decision of the Board of Arbitration named J ohn Fitzgera ld, DelL, to the position of ASUJ Vice-President.

Earl Pederson of Pederson's Party explains his views at the SUB Smoker.

No campaign would be complete without posters and this year was no different as proven by this exhibi t in the SUB.


"H11s II ers ,, Crash! nother stack of d ishes hits the deck and another candidate is elected hasher of the week in one of the Idaho living groups. \Vhether en 路ing or doing the drudger}' of washing pots a nd pan~. the Unive~ity of Idaho ha hers serYe while working their way through school.

Ah , dessen !

Watch those plates. they can be tricky!

This job is also great for building muscles

Let's see now, to the right or the leCt??


Campus Chest "Around the 'Vorld" was the theme of this year's Campus Chest held l\Iarch 12. Contributions amounted to approximately 2,600. Booths of all kinds filled the SUB ballrooms and the evening ended with the traditional auctions of the various living groups on campus. A new idea correlated with Campus Chest was a contest among the girls' living groups for "Weightiest House on Campus" which was won b y the Alpha Chis.

\t lea't tho'>e on the floor seem to be working!

-1 haL looks just about right , !..ids.

An o ld路fashioncd Western s;aloon in Lhc progress o拢 being built.

This is work?!


r Extra A ttivities tudents participate in many differcnL phases of recreation and fun at the University of Idaho in order to relax from studies and work.

A nice stroll around the campus is in order come spring

J im Prestel is alwa)S good for a laugh as he ad路 verti7cs for the 路路weightiest House on Campus."'

L)lllle llall\ik, Lorraine Potter and Vicki " ' arner displa) excellent archeq forn1.

The TV set at the SU B is \ery popular,

especially on weekends.


Boy, oh boy!!!

Frosll Week Fro h \ Veek was very succes ful this year with the theme "Spring Fe"er'' fitting in with the general campus feel ing. The 拢rosh won Lhe annual tug of war against the sophomores. Nancy "'eigeiL, ! Ia} , took the preuiest legs contest while Bill Bowes, S.\E, won the strong man contest trophy. The week ended with the frosh dance and the crowning of the (jliCCn, Delores Llewellyn, DG, and the king, Dave Fratier, Sigma Ch i.

King candidales. left to right-Wanek Stein, Stan Fallis, Dave Frazier, J ohu Fox, Dick Harris. Queen candidates- Kay Vosika, Jill Mathies, Lynne Hall路 vik, Delores Llewellyn, Judy Johnson, Kay Lewis. The gals cheer on the fellows as they pull, pull, pull!

Nice legs, for a freshman!


Cerene Cra拢 entertained with "The Boston Beguine:路



The ten finalists chosen prior to the pageant included Karen Coiner, DC; Camille Shelton, Alpha Chi; Edie Voorhees, Alpha Chi; Lillian Kirschner. DC; Cerene Crar, Pi Phi; all) Lau, Pi Phi; J'earl i\larcom , Forney; Diane Heller, Gamma Phi; Diane Fawson, Kappa; and Queen Ceorganne. Theta.

of I.

March 25, 1960, a da) to remember for one girlGeorgannc McDowell. This was the evening she wa selected J\ri . of I. A charming sophomore co-ed, l\l iss l\JcDowcll was cho en from a field of ten finalists and five cmi-finalists.

The queen and her court Camille


helton and Diane Fawson

A rather astonished queen has her crown straightened by Camille Shelton The five semi-finalists after being announced-Camille Shelton. Diane Fawson, Ceorganne Mc Dowell, Pearl Marcom, and Edie Voorhees.


The Singing Sigs and "Young Blood" in the form of Dave Frazier arc always good for a laugh.

Anatomy of Jazz Something new on the Idaho campus: Anatomy of J azz. I t made its first appearance March 26-27. Many attended to hear the enjoyable vocal and instrumental jazz groups. WSU and Idaho shared the SUB spot~ight during this weekend of fun and ffiUSlC.

Joe, the SUB Vandal, manages to smile for one lone jazz musician

Dave Pugh showed his singing ability and love of jazz along with the Dave Trail Quartet.

A very popular group is The Five under the direction of Mike Durkee who will always fmd an appreciative audience at Idaho even though they are from

across the line.

The Delts joined the big jazz weekend and added to the fun and music


Another volunteer fin ished and the goal of 850 pints is well in sight

Blood Drive The Annual Blood Drive, April 19 and 20, with the theme "Plasma-Plizz" was a huge success collecting a total of 860 pints of student blood for the R ed Cross. Phi Kappa Tau and Alpha Gamma Delta received trophies for going farthest over their quota while the Betas donated the largest total number of p ints.

"Take a deep breath and relax."

The most nerve-wracking step ... filling out the last minute details ··we want your blood." Vampire Pete Kelly, Fiji, Blood Drive Chairman, jokingly corners a very dubious Phi Tau, Keith Gregory.


Conventions The Uni versity of Idaho hosts many different types of conventions. These conventions draw people from all over the statemany of them being our University alums. Receptions, teas, banquets and meetings-all are a part of the program.

College of Forestry celebrated its versary this yea r with meetings and The College of Law also celebrated its Fiftieth Anniversary this year with a convention drawing lawyers from all over the state.

T he Idaho State Cat路 tlemen 路s Associatio n enjoyed a Sour-Dough Breakfast put on by the SUB staff with the help of the Spurs. President Laird Noh welcomed 路路cowboys" Weeks, Eaton, Wilson and Theop hilus.


Ray Conniff ·~ r arvelous R ay Conniff enthralled 3500 listeners April 24 with h i ~ "magic music" and d istincti,•e style. Special stereo equipment bro ught numbers ranging from danceable swinging styles to stirring classical music to every corner of Memoria l Gymna!>ium.

PerL Dec \ rlcn, fCiltured singer, won the audience O\ er wi1h her rendi1ion of "Whole " ' ide World."

'1 he Ray Conniff Singers added a pleasa nt va ri· ation to an C\'cning full of fabulous sounds.


Ray Conniff. his singers, his orc hest ra and his featured vocalists.

Roy Conniff

The members of the Ray Conniff group were very friemlly and man y of th em stayed after th e co n路 ten to ta lk with interested student~.

' I he rapacity fill ed g)lll emphatically appro,ed of th e magnificent music they heard.


Senior Doys Hig h ~c h oo l seniors from all o ver the state of I da ho arrived on campus on April 29 (or the a nnual high school da ys. Amo ng the activitie~ scheduled fo r these se ni or~ were a SU B o pen ho use, a to ur of the campus, a ~tyle show fo r th e girls put o n by the ! lome Economics depa rtment a nd the Blue Key Talent Show.

enior da'~ offici:~ll} stall a t the registr:~tion desk where sen io rs r~<.ehe information and pamphleh about the Idaho campus. Al th e style s how C;unille She l路 ton models wh a t every we ll dre~>ed Pom- Pom g ir l should wear.

:\ g roup o f seni ors headed for the E ng in eering b uild ing during the campu s to urs.


Ag Stiente Day "llori;ons Unlimited'" formed the theme of the Annual Ag Science Day held April 29. Each department prepared a series of exhibiL~ and Jive demonstrations to point out the scienti fic developments now being conducted in agriculture.

The exhibits cover a wide range of subjects and interests. Uacteria- an often deadly, but fascinating growth. Students obsen路e a display


Spring Dantes

Come on, gang, smile, it isn't that had!

The Kappa Sigs a nd I lays Hall pring Formals.

T he Kappa - Fiji~ go

--ranch st} Ic.''


Spring brought its usual number of Initiation Dances, Spring Formals and fun get-togethers to wind up the social year.

The .\lpha Phis and friends enjoy their .. Bohemian Brawl .. spri ng dance. "J he Dell'> held a dance, too

\1 ary

E' am and j ohn Pasley .,mile for the birdie.

,. .~


"It Ain't Necessarily So" was necessarily so enough to win hirley Mitchell first pri1e in the solo division.

Blue Key Date: aturda), April 30. Time: 8:30 Event: Annual Blue K e) Talent Show. Alway~ a fun night with only the best in the way of talent. The climax is the presentation of awards. Shirley Mitchell took top ho nors as soloist; Sue Seivert a nd Chub Anderson, duet division; the Kappa Sig 3, best small ensemble; and Gamma Phi, large group. Lots of talent plus lots of laughs. P.M.

l\f.C.'s Denny Hague and Bill Agee have a serious look. What's wrong? Did you include a joke Dean Decker had censored?

Yaah! I got steam heat.


Blue Key !\ preuy girl. Sue Seiven, and

a good looking boy, Chub Anderson, with ralenÂŁ also. What else can you ask for?

The Kappa Sig- Teke Nail Driving Band proved they could do a lot more than just drive nails.

Big smiles, no wonder, they all won prizes

West Side Story-Gamma Phi style. Looks as though the motorcycle gang is on the loose again.

No social function would seem right without the Six Bo's and Blue Key is no exception.


Mothers' Doy Day weekend, ;\lay 6 to 8, kept and the students hopping thi~ pring. The weekend included such activities and evems as the Orchesis and H elldin!rs Spring Programs, the Phi Dell Turtle Derby, the Song Fest and the May Fete. T he new members of Spurs, Silver Lance and ~ l onar Board are also tapped, and the outstanding seniors are announced. ~ [ others'


1\fa) Queen, Pat Finne}'路 Kappa, and her "allcnda uts."

' I he IIC\\ \l ortar Board memhc1., all mauage a hig .,mile aher their tapping at the ~Ia~ Fete.

' I h e lJ of I Spurs and thcil路 1radi tiona I ;\I ay Pule

Dance. I he mcmhe" and pledges of Siher Lan< c. se nior men路s hon urar}. le;l\ e the ~I a) Fece.



Katherine Koelsch acts as page at the ).fay Fete

New J\ WS officers leave the stage after being presented.

New Blue Key members being imroduced to the audience

IK officers were abo a(l.nowledged at the celebration

President Theophilus presents Bill Agee with an outstanding senior award. May Queen Pat Finney leads the Recessional march.


John Ensunsa, l\f}rna lngram. Isabelle Woods and the Fanuhouse song leader receive their trophies ÂŁor their respecthe Jil'ing groups.

Alpha Cams sing their way to a trophy

Song Fest May 8 brought out most of the living groups on campus to compete in song fest presented for the enjoyment of the visiting mothers. Sigma Chi won first place in the men's d ivision with a Sweetheart Medley. Alpha Phi took first place in the women's division, and Alpha Gamma Delta and Farmhouse took first place in the mixed groups.

John Fittger:. ld presents :'.l)rna Ingrum, Alpha P hi, wi th her award. Betas and Alpha Phis in th e midd le of th eir num bers.


Whatcha playing, Down the Ri ver?

T he bowling alleys are alwa ys busy

Looks as though there's a mixer goi ng on.

Must be


preuy serious ping-pong game!

Knew we'd find one somewhere, a bridge game!

SUB Shots The Student Union Building, our "SUB," is a recreation as well as a study center for many studen ts. You can dance, bowl, play ping-pong, see a movie, swdy or even find a bridge game. T here's always something going on.

"jau in the Bucket," cards, cofTee and friends just naturally go together at the SUB


Turtle Race The Phi Dell T urtle Race was stancd promptly at 5:00 P.M. on l\Iay 7. BdglHl) colored turtlel> representing each of the girl'l> living groups competed for pri1c . The Alpha Pni tunle came in first in the final heat and the Delta Gamma turtle won firl>t pri1c (or best decoration.

The Gamma Phi's cheer on Gallopin' Gamme

The Pi Ph i and DG group~ wait to sec which turtle comes in first.

I he winning ,\lpha Phi group with moms and friends

Many spectators lined the Phi Dell parl..ing lot Lo watch the annual race.


Motk Convention The Mock Pol itical Conventio n held at the Univer!>i ty of Idaho was very succe!>!>ful thi!> }Car with the majority of the !>tudent'> participating or attending the convention. Each state in the union was repre!>cntcd-many states being portrayed b) their representatives through their costumes. The final o utcome favored Nixon for presidcnL.

Man} students partidpated in the mock political comention and found it fasdnating and educational work. "J he Texa; cowboys have a conference!

Signs clearly marked the sea ting positio ns of the va rio us swtc delegations. Pr<!sident Theophilus opens the co nvention held in the Gym. "I he New York delegation (Betas) discusses \Oting.


WRA Tr11tk Meet The " ' omen's R ecreation Association sponsored an intramural track meet between the girl's living grou ps which was held on the footba ll field. Dashes, softball throwing, high jumping and many other events were well received by the participants.

That"s a girl, Graham!

The 100-yard dash!

The relay racers get off to a good start!


Bo nnie Scou clears the hurdle in great style

Connie and the wedding pany . . . and . . . Connie with the Tri Delt models.

Pansy Breakfast Seniors were honored at the annual Tri Delt Pa nsy Breakfast May 15. A style show with clothes from the Parisian dress shop was featured entertainment. The breakfast was climaxed by a complete wedding display with Connie Block as bride and Dick Rene as groom. The Breakfast and Style Show were held o n the Tri Delt front yard in beautiful spring weather.

The bride and groom: Connie Block and Dick Rene



Professor A. W. Fahrenwald, Research Professor in Mining and Metallurgy, is receiving a Citation of Merit from President Thcophilus upon retirement.

Leading the Academic Parade are lhe 1\filitary riersonnel, President Thcophilus, Governor Smylie, the Board of Regents, Mr. Lindley, and the deans of the various colleges.


Louise Vandenbark and AI Sudwceks seem to be very happy about the whole situation.


The 65th commencement on J une 5. 1960 was a day to remember for the Class of '60. The sun was shining, as were the faces of many of the graduates. Thus ended another school year and the big climax of the Seniors' four years at Idaho. Over 9 I 0 degrees, both Bachelor and Masters, were awarded with two distinguished alumni receiving

honorary Doctorate degrees: Ernest K. Lindley, Doctor of Literature; and M. Myrl Stearn , Doctor of Science. Mr. Lindley was also the commencement speaker. Two Citations of Merit were given, one to P rofessor A. W. Fahrenwald of the Mining school, and the other to Professor ]. M. Raeder, Professor of Plam Pathology and Plant Pathologist.

lt is all O\Cr.•..

(,o,ernor Stn) lie spol..e during the commencement c:..clci\C\.


[J{omecoming f2ueen MISS TRENNA ATC HLEY Forney Hall


u of !J


J(6/(9 Ssquire



oLambda Cki X/pha Crescent (J,ir/ MISS CELESTE JONES Gamma Phi Beta

8weetheart of 8iyma Chi MISS SONIA ALLEN

Delta Gamma

CIJelta 8iyma []Jki CIJream {J,ir/ MISS MARGE MARSH ALL

Delta Gamma

!Ireshman flueen m tlt:tary_ ffiall flueen MISS DELORES LLEWELLYN Delta Gamma

Cfreshman g{t路ng MR. DAVE FRAZIER Sigma Chi

6/f.te !Rogue of 1960 MR . J O H N ENSUNSA Sigma Chi

Qault fl{a// clnoba// f2ueen MISS LYN NE H ALLVIK

Pi Beta Phi

8{olly f2u een MISS CAMILLE SH ELTON Alpha Chi Omega


85[0 Violet f2ueen navy Color {Jirl MISS JANINE BALL Hays Hall


may flueen MISS PAT FINNEY Kappa Kappa Gamma


The University o f Idaho Vanda leers are shown at t he ir a nnual Ch ristm as Ca ndlelight Concert.

Fine Arts


The Fine Arts section represents the music, art, and drama at the University of Idaho. One of the highlights of the year was "Li'l Abner" in which the music and drama departments worked together. Other drama department productions included "Desperate Hours," "The Sleeping Prince," and "Thieves Carnival. " The music department presented the Vandaleers, University Orchestra, University Band and University Singers in many outstanding concerts. Orchesis and Helldivers presented their annual sho路ws which added to an outstanding year for fine arts.

Tile Sleeping Prince An American chorus girl, Mary (Jo O'Donnell) travels to England to see a coronation. While in England she meets the Regent of Carpathia (Ed Vandervort) and the Grand Duchess (Sally W ilbanks) and becomes involved in their fam ily disputes. The plot is centered on political idea ls and Mary does her best to convince the Regent that the American ideals arc best. The authentic setting and superb acting added much in making the Drama Department's production of the "Sleeping Prince" a success.

Mary Uo O"Donnell) meets the G rand Duchess (Sally W ilbanks) as Regent Ed Vandervon looks o n.

Mat y watches as the Regent greets the Grand Duchess

T he Grand D uchess shows her maid (Claire laughter) how to act in the presence of roy a h) .


Tile Desperate Hours I n the play, "The Despera te H ours," three escaped convicLS, led by Glen Griffin (B. J. Schaffer), stay in the home of Dan Hillard (Robert Chandler) for three days to avoid captu re. The fa mily is left to follow the orders of the gangsters while the police comb the ciL} in search of the criminals. The actors build the suspense which is maintained through Lhe aid of special lighting and soundeffects as well as by the aid of a split-level set. Griffin bullies Robish (Ken Barllett)


I lank G riffin (Tony i\btson) is threatened by his bro th er, Glen

Li'l Abner The ASUI production of " Li'l Abner" will go down as one of the liveliest, most popular, and best auended musicals ever presented. Record-brea king audiences watched Daisy Mae (Shirley Mitchell), ~ r ammy and Pappy Yokum (Bonnie cott and .Jay Thurmond) and the Dogpatchers keep Li'l Abner out of the clutches of General Bullmoose Oohn Pasley) and save Dogpatch, U.S.A., from being blown off the face of the earth. The play was further highlighted by the dances directed by B. ]. Schaffer and the annual Sadie H awki ns Day R ace. "Li'l Abner" will be wellremembered in the com ing years.

(f'cte Corwi n) and Daisy Mae are ready for the wedding, but where's Li' l Abner?! The hero and heroine: Li'l .\bner (De路 L:mce Franklin) and Daisy Mac (Shirle)' ~fitchcll).

Daisy Mae, Mammy, Marryin' Sam and Pappy plan their strategy!

Stupifyin' Jones (Sally 'ewland) l)pilies her name in several scenes.


Jubilation T. Cornpone Square is the scene for all town meetings

Li"l Abner and the l>O)S relax at the old fishin' hole

Mammy and l>appy Yokum were excellently portrayed by Bonnie Scoll and Jay Thurmond and managed to steal a few scenes here and there.

Some of the citizens of Dogpatch, U.S.:\ .


' I he gang is caught!

They went that'a way What )'a got there, boy?

Thieves (ornivol "Thieves Carnival," a gay four act comedy, b)路 jean Anouith, was presented April 21 and 22 under the leadership of Jean Collette. The three thieves, played by Philip Bigsby, Edgar Vandervort, and Frank Grossman, were the nucleus of the action which dealt with their maneuvers as they found themselves in many awkward situations during numerous pursuits for "loot." Fred Nelson's appearance in the production as a one-man orchestra provided additional comedy and added to the light and airy mood of the play. Bill Campbell with his bongo drums also added to this mood which distinguished th is comedy from previous ones and made a fine production to climax the 1959-60 theatrical season. " Eat, drink and be merry!" rhc gentleman is not dead






Violi11s: Sally Maddocks, Martha Banks, Edward Weide, Jo Ann Hibbert, Paula Gusseck, Lowell Jobe, Lois Lyon, May Olson, Doris Wa lter, Pauline Gusseck, Scott Mullikin, Amy Bone, Georgia Finch, Robert Fahringe•·, Mabel Lovel, Tom Baldwin, George Skramstad, Sandra Hatz· fe ld, Nicholas Tripple, and Carol WolFe. Violas: Pauline Kappler, Carlan Sih la, Leora Patterson, Arnold '..Vesterlund, Terry Beck, and Robert Armstrong. Cellos: David Whisner, Rae Pauon, William Roberts, Doris Snodgrass, Katrina Streiff, Douglas Curtis, and Marjorie McMartin. Basses: Cary Edwards, Jill Fouche, Merial Grimm, Dean Vanderwall, and Richard Mansfield. Keybom·d: Golden Arrington. Flutes: LaVonne Tarbox, Catherine Wood, and Sally ewland. Piccolo: Sally ewland. Oboes: Ralph Strobel and Keith Windham. Clarinets: Chester Peterson and Carol Hodgson. Bassoo11s: Warren Bellis, Elmer Erickson, and Mary Beth Wishard. TmmjJets: William Billingsley, Ronald Ray, and Ed Armstrong. H orns: Mike Norell, Margaret Dunham, LeRoy Judd, and Warren Wolfe. T>·omboues: Richard Klingensmith, James McDowell, and Keith Newhouse. Tuba: Joe Gross. Tympani: Frank Grossman. Perwssion: Ja y Thurmond, and Steve Nore ll.

University Ortllestra

The University Symphony Orchestra under the direction of LeRoy Bauer created a new tradition by presenting four concerts in one year. The orchestra which is a member of the American Symphony Orchestra L eague presented a "Pops Concert" for the second time and included contemporary music in each concert.

Below, left, is the University Symphony Orchestra in action. At right is the Faculty Trio composed of LeRoy Bauer, Steven Romanio, ;md David Whisner.



University Singers The University ingers with Norman Logan as d irector participated in many events this year. Among these were the presentation of "The Elijah," "The Redeemer," a nd singing at May Fete .


Pictured above is Mr. Norman Logan director of the Uni, ersity Singers. i\'fr. Logan is well known for his outstanding ability to direct the s111dents.

Pictured below are members of the Unhersity Singers presenting a num ber at May Fete.



University Band Under the direction of \Varren Bellis Lhe UniveJ·sity Conccn Band presemed many programs which were well recei,·ed by the public. The band marched in Boise and pre ented an outstanding pring concert.

Majoreues included :\faq Whit ehead. Martha J ane Buell, Rosalind Cripe, Maril yn Dreier and ) 01\nn Tawm who is not pictured.

Flute: LaVonne T a r box, Catherine W ood Ray, JoAnn Moor<'. Sharon Naylor. Oboe: Ralph Strobel, Dorothy Sargent. Clarinet: Chester Peterson, Carol Hodgson, John Rider, Cary Dossett, J erry DOltR'Ctl, Isabel Woods. Cary Snow, Charlotte Mohr, Wayne Skidmore, Lon W ocdbury. Alto Clarinet: Karol Green. Baoo Clarinet: Donna Harwood, Norman Luk<'. Contraba.u Clarinet: Gerry Jones. Alto Sa:z;ophonc: Brian H arris, Jay Cline, Deanna Duffy, Marvin Nebel, Janet Sprenger. Tenor Sa:z;ophone: Marilyn Hustler, Wayne Fox. Barito"e Sa:z;: Ralph B egs ted. FrMtch II orn : Larry Judd, Robert Goran110n. Maraar<>l Dunham, Lynn Schwindel, Carolyn Engclen. Cor11et: Jerry Str•niC. Ernest Carr, Fritz Sprute, DouR"Iaa Robertl!, Steve Evans, Pewr Welch. Trumpets: Ron Ray, Herman Yate•. Gary Phillips, David Richey. Trombone: Richard Klingcnsm:th. Robert Newell, Jay Sherman, James MeDowell, J erry Shdler. Baritone: Flonda Flanigan, Larry Hicks. Bill Jones. Tuba: J oe Goss. J erre Wallace, Bob Ewing. String BM8: Gary Edwards. Tvmvani: ~'rank Grossman. Pcrc1188io": Jay Thurmond, Jan Garrison. K cuboc.rd: Niek Bond.

The University of Idaho Marching Band


/low one-June H oalst, Julie Gerard. Paula West, Penny Kosanke, Dee Ochs. Ann Irwin, Margaret Tatko. and Molly Uanks. lloto two-Ann Lyons, Isabel Woods, Kris Madison, Marlys Becker, Mary Bills, Lindo Smith, and Georgia Finch. /low three- Dick Tanaka, Bill Line, Clive Lindsay, Euclid Lee. Dick Reed, Ardell Shockley, Larry Grimes, and Larry Eld. /low Jou..-Gary H eidel, Gordon Elliot t, Barry Binning, Gary Keyser, DcLance Franklin, Graham Cross. Peter Corwin, and Ru88cll Crockett. Others who are mcmbe111 include Pat Albrcthsen, John Enaunsa, Victoria Fisher, Lillian Kirschner, Carol Pederson, David Pugh, and Joan W ard.

Vandaleer Contert

The Vandaleers, under the direction of Glen Lockery, provide the University of Idaho with hig h quality music. They begin the year with the tapping of new members a nd their activities include the popular Christmas Candlelig ht Concert, a spring concert, and a tour of various I daho high schools. The Vandalecrs arc known on campus and throughout the state for their outstanding concerts. This year J oh n Ensunsa has been president of the chora l group. ' I he Vandalccrs annual ly sing at Couuu cu ccmcnt

l1 3

Community Conterts The Community Concerts this year were enjoyed by many of the students on campus. These concerts are presented through the efforts of both the University of Idaho and Washington St.ate University. The two schools work tOgether to bring outstanding artists to the two communities.

Arthur Gold and Robert Fizdalc, Duo-Pianists

The Ralph Hunter Dramatic Chorus


Pub/it Events The Public Events series provided the University of Idaho sLudents with an opportunity tO listen LO nationally known men speak. These speakers were brought to the cam pus through the efforts of a u niversity committee.

l'irlllrecl about' is Senator Frank Church

J> i(tured at left i~ Senator H e nry Dworshack

lie/ow, left. is Ambassador Cuil路 laum e Georges Pi cot, France路s highest ranking representat ive lO th e United Na tions.

Below, rig/it, is Fred 111'arheta nz who presented a talk on ;\Iaska.


Ortbesis Orchesis, the modern dance group at the U nivcrsity of Idaho, is directed by Miss Pat Rowe. The members practice many hours before presenting thei r Christmas and May Fete programs. Freshmen interested in modern dance may join Pre-Orchesi .

Members of Pre-Orchesis practice weekly

l\lembcrs of Orchesis include: Row one, left to right - 1\c,crly Bucklin, Karen Christensen, Sharon Griffiths, Linda Comp ton. and Sharon ~ieland. Rott• ltt•o Jo i\'cll Di1en, Gcri Williams, and Pat Taylor.

11 6


- - · -.. ~~~- •..iilio.:. •t'~'l'.-r.;·~IU' ~·~:



'orma Pomponio takes a minute oil from swimming pose for the camera.


Rei/divers H clldivers, under the direction of ~ ! iss Shirlc} Shute, is the swimming honorary on the Idaho campus. The organizatio n presen ts a water show each spring during l\Iay Fete. This year' show, "Aqua Seasons," was made most effecti\'C by the usc of colored lig hts in addition to outstanding swimming ability. Pictured at left :1re two ballet scenes from the ITelldiver's spring show.

Members include: Cherry Allgair. Barhara Anderson, .Joan Baken, J oan Brands, Bridget Begla n. Martha Jane Buell, Sue Bush, Bob Bullock, Carolyn Clore. l\fariau Collins, Dennis Corrigan, Kayo Craven. George Crowe, Linda Croy, Dennie Dressel, Linda Engle, Carol Evans. Mary Evans. l'at Finney. Carole Fowler. Ceue Grey, Doug Goodrick. Nancy H ubbard, i\larga· ret J ohnson. Did. Just, Judy Kem pton. Judy Libby, Chris L} nch, Georgia Marshall. Jud) Metcalf. Kip ~llCor­ mick, hirle) Mitchell, i\lanian ~loore, Nonie 'onnan. Judy l>etterborg, Nonna Pomponio, Doug Roberts. J o Roh· erts, Pat Robe..... nob chini, u1ie Shern, Everett Svend~en , Did. Tefft, Chuck Thoma~. Collen Wall, .\1 ike Watson, J eannie Walker. Nancy Weigelt, Sutau \\lyle.


Fine Arts The University of Idaho students have many opportu nities for enjoying the " fin er arts" through such programs as the Music Department, Drama Departmen t, student sponsored programs, student and faculty musicians, instrumental groups and SUB movies and exhibits.

The Saturday afternoon jazz sessions at the SUB were well attended.

T he annu al Song Fest provides a wide variety of songs and group tal ent for the i\'fother's D<~y Weekend.

The outstanding Norman Rockwell exhibit at the SUB au.racted wid e allen lion and praise.






ASUI Publicotions Service Honorories Committees Clubs Cllurclles ROTC

I he 路路. \rg" is o ne of th e most popular forms of s tu路 dent commu n ication.

Organizations The University of Idaho has its share of organizations fo r interested students to participate in. These organizations include A UI committee , Student Un ion committees, A UI publications. clubs for students with common interests or special hobbies and church groups. They all stimulate interest, aid education and provide fun.

Boh and Rollie lool. O\Cr the long Sl' l\ ta lendar of dail) C\Cnts


Laird-.\lways cord ial a nd efficient.

ASUI A very successful year for the Associated Students o( the University of I daho can be credited to the out!>tanding leadership of President Laird Noh. R ea lit:ing the necessity of a common ground of understanding between tudem s a nd facult) mem bers, Laird has emphasited this through the year in his diplomatic manner of consulting faculty persons on a ll pertinent issues. On each matter take n up by La ird and the Executive Board he kept an "eye toward the future" strel>!>ing that which would be best for the student body and the University in the long run. llis cheerful attitude while conducting Executive Board m eetings, e~ tab lish in g complete control in a relaxed atmosphere, was a n inspira tio n to all who attended. Laird lead the Board in the e~ta bl i shm ent of a facull y recognition program, a revision of the Fmsh Orientatio n program, and worked hard for a good public re lations program a nd a n improved student attitude toward the University. No o ne will fully know o r appreciate the long hours spent by La ird in t hi nking a nd planning in the interest of the students, altho ugh we do know that he was a dedicated president in ever y respect while managing to m aintain high scholastic achievement as we lL The associated students can be proud of their president, not o nly for h is achievements, but also for his constant awareness of representing the studen t body. Sure!), the students could ha ve no finer repre entative in any situation than the ir preside nt, L a ird Noh.

And aCter the WSUIdaho game-smiles in de(eat.


Executive Board As a result of the fall Swdent Facu lty retreat which was held at Lutherhaven, "Panicipation in Education" became the theme of this Executive Board. The first project initiated under this theme was to evaluate the Frosh Orientation Program from which \'aluable recommendations have been made for placing greater emphasis upon academics during this period. Carrying out the coffee "Klatch" program, bringing the honor system to a ballot, stud ying the present R .O.T.C. program, establishing and empha!>iting the Dean's List, and working with the College of Letters & Science in the teacher improvement conference, all played an important role in this program. One of the last and most important programs under Executive Board's theme was the formulating of the Faculty Recognition Program. nion Building revote and the Controversial issues were a Student validity of the spring election which re~ulted in Leo T afolla's resignation and the appointment of J oe i\fcFarland to his position. This Executive Board of four Independents a nd fi ve United Party members, guided the Co-ordination Council into a working body and also ~cT utinized the A.S.U.l. budget before sta mping its final O.K. After sensing a strong need for an adequate public relations program, the 1959-1960 Executive Board laid the ground-work, but left the challenge for its promotion to the next Executive Board.

Ki\RI, lkn-ENBF.I\Il~.R

A SUI Vice Preside111 Clli\RI.O'riE ;\[i\RTIII .

ASUI ecretary MR. Clli\RLI:S Pt:l FRSO'


Executhe Board. A Ul. UoiL' one - Charlotte Martell, Denny I Iague, Karl Bittenbender, L:-aird Noh, Connie Block, secrewry for Noh; Mr. Charles Peterson, Ann Becker. Row two 路Neela J\lcCowan, Cem editor; Dwight Chapiu, Argo路 naut editor: Bob Hansen. Gem editor; Jack ;\lacki, Paul Krogue, J im Flanigan. Argonaut editor; l'at Finney, A\\' president; J\lit..e ;\lc路 Nichols, Bruce ummers. Leo Tafolla.

nru ce Summers

J ack i\facki

Pau l Kroguc

Leo Tafolla

Denny H ague

Ann Becker

Mike McNichols


Student Union The Student U nio n Building is the center of c<t mpu ~ acll\'llles a nd ~ tude lll') like to spend the ir free ho urs i n the " Bucke t" enjoying a cup of coffee. The buildi ng, suppo rted by the students, incl udes a boo k ~tore, cafeteria, r ecreatio na l facilities, ballroo ms, confcrc nc<> roonh a nd the radio sta tio n. The Gem a nd Argonaut o ffi ces arc a lso located in the S UB. The Student U nio n Building sta ff spends m a ny hours pla nning <t nd wo rking so they are <tble to o ffe1路 studem s the best service possible. Pl a n~ a rc now under way for an addition to t he present building and students arc looking forwa rd to the day when it will be completed.


Ce11elfll Mtmagn ASUI and Stude11t t'nion OjJI'Y(I/iOII

Office staff. Coral ie \\'cston, Carol~n Hague.


Assistant General M a11ager




PAT F "N t \





Br.vt:RLY P AUL Treasurer

This is the Associated \ Vomen Studen ts' group consi ~ting of all women studen ts on the campus. A girl from each living group acts as a representative. T he group serves as a co-ordinating council in all matters concerning its mem bers. Pat Fin ney, president, d irects the group which p layed h ost to the regional AW S convention. "The Bells Are Ringi ng" was th is year's theme o( the ladies choice dance which A\ VS sponsors a nnually.

The 1959-1960 AWS Cou ncil. Row oru~-Mary J ones, Lil i\li1ncr, Mrs. Neely, Jlat Finney, Frankie Lisle, Kay Oakes, Beverly Jlaul, Di路 anne Nordby. Row twoSuzann e Best, Lois Bowers, Edwina Zabel, Karen Bell, j oyce Frisch, Rose Renton, Dennie Dressel, Mary Jauregui, Claire laughter, haron ! loud.. Margaret As路 mussen, Doris J amison, i\ lary Whitehead.


Co-EditOr Bob Hansen was a 'en asset to the staff and when something had to get done.' Bob m;~de sure it diet

Co-Editor :-..ccla :\lcCowan with her great patience and under;tanding made th e 1!>60 GE:\£ a great one.

Gem of the Mountains Without the work o r these two 'er) fine associate editors Cathy Brewer and Ga) luson the 1960 GE:\1 wouldn•t lla\e been.

T he volunteer staff, composed of willing, capab le, and enthusiastic studen ts shown on the next three pages spent many hours of work, weat, aggravation a nd frustratio n, dur ing the whole year to record the history of 1960 in this year 's GEM. Dead lines created the greatest pressure. As the time for publicatio n grew near, the da)!> seemed to grow shorter, the spring m ore beautiful, and summer vacation nearer, but the 1960 GE~r OF THE l\fOU NTAI 1S still became a r ealit)· ''I'll remember to do that." "No, 1 won 't forget." "May 1 help you?" " Deadline already." " r o sweat, we will get it in o n time," and many other familiar ounds were heard from the third floor anitorium at the e nd of the long, dark hall, just around the KUOl corner. Many hours have been spe nt, and by some slow a nd painful evolution from dummy to fini shed product we have an a nnua l. Some negatives and picwres were lost a nd some groups a nd events were no t recorded because of uncoordination on th e part of several, yet we tried the best we could and so we, the staff of the 1960 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS present you with your yearbook and we hope you like it.


The Organization Staff. Linda Lamb, seated, was editor with her staff behind her.

Gem of the Mountoins The Sports Staff. Marian Collins, editor, received much help from John Wickland and Walt Locke.


Gem of the Mountains

The Residences Staff: .\ nn Yoshida, Women's Halls; Tom Ei~enbarth, ~f en's Halls; ~largaret Tatko, Residences editor; Fred elson, Fraternities; Nanc) llewit, Sororities.

The Activities Staff: Audrian l l ufl, editor (seated), and her stall.


ltlaho Argonaut

This was a year of progre~s and growth for The I daho Argonaul. Under the leadership of Dwight Chapin and Jim Flanigan, first and second semester editors respectively, the paper's format and coverage had a near-profc~ion al quality. The largest edition in the paper's hisLOry, 16 pages wa~ produced and delivered to the students just before school was dismissed. In that paper, the entire year's picture was written in complete deutil. A vote by a cross-section of student leaders and faculty members indicated that the big news stories of the )Car were the SUB expansion and the vice-presidential controversy in the spring ASUI election. Chapin and Flanigan listed improved staff relations, wider coverage of both local, national, and international evems, and a more flex ible page layout as major accomplishments of the year. They said they were laying the foundations for a possible three times a week campus newspaper that may be produced within the next decade. In this task, they certa inl y were successful.


jason, Second emester


jason, First Semester

Don Erickson, Managing Editor; Writer.

ancy Grange, Feature

Cary Randall,

ports Editor; Jim Herndon, Asst. Editor.



ldollo Argonaut

Sally J o elson and Barbara Stivers, copy staff, seem to be deliberating on what they arc going to be doing aturda) night.

taff workers are kept ,路ery busy e\eq Monday and Thursda> night.


taff. Walt Johnson and Bruce Wendle.

:-.lei! Leitner, News Editor, seems to l>e quite busy, so we won't bother him.



Associated Collegiate Press Official publication of the Associated tudents of the Uni•cr,il) uf Idaho issued e,·ery Tuesday and Friday o( the college }Car. Entcr<:d a~ •ccond class maucr at the post office at Moscow, Idaho.

"That You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free"

· · · · · •




Managing Editor News Editor Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Asst. News Editor Circulation Editor Women's R eporters Advertising Manager Asst. Ad Manager Features Editor - Ph oto Editor


- . . . . . FRtD

' H.SO,, L IO \\11 ~


n so;-.

B ARllARA SnnRs DA'A B At.. tR. ;\ I ARSIIA




JAC K CARnR. ~AI\n \ VooD,



Staff Cartoonists Copy Editor Asst. Copy Editor Women's Page Editors STI\ERS Proof Readers


l tvF


Tow,sF ,D. D oN jAM~.s. NANC\ S1 ~11'SO:>., SHARON L ANCE, L Eo AMES, D ove ll tC II I'.S,


RefJorters Sports

H AL Cl.STAFSON, J ou' 1\t c:KWITI I , D oN ;\J ODIE, JIM H ERNDO;o. •



KUOI This )Car, the KUOI staff increa ed the programming to eleven hours daily and fifteen hours on awrday. Jazz in the Bucket was the main feawre for live broadcasts as the tation grew under the direction of Lan·~ Ayer. K 0 1 proved an excellent place for tho c interested in announcing, secretarial work and engineering work as it went on it new schedule. The latest music is alwa)S played on KUOI and after a semester·s ab· sence KUO I fealtlred fu ll United Press I nter· national news twenty·four hours a day.

LeRoy Kellogg spins the latest platters on the da)time show

Jerre Wallace, Tom Baldwin, and Dean ·hadle broadcast direct from the Anatomy o£ Jazz Fcsti\al.



/low one-~ 1 ike Sullivan, Lon Woodbury, Tom Baldwin, Bill Campbell, Dave Patton, Cary Kleinkopf, George Christensen. Row two- Arm Knowlton, J udy Aldape, Judi Tuule, Sharon Henry, DeAnn Nelson, J>at Dunn. Row three- Walt Johnson, Bill Pres· sey, Canh Eimers, Dick Tefft, J erre Wallace, Larry 1\ yer, Peter Welch, Dean Shadle, Duane Carley, J im Freeland, Dave Pugh. Row fortr - Ken Radke, LeRoy Kellogg, Tom Mi lls, teve .Batt, Mike W illiams, Chuck Peterson, John Skoro, Ferrel Crossley, Fred Otto.

Rll ( Committee "Alone in the Crowd" was the theme of the R eligion In Life Week this year. Karen Stedtfeld served as chairman of this committee which gave Idaho students the opportunity to hear leading clergy speak on topics of current interest.

Row one-Jo Ann Fingerson, Sharon Price. Alverna Mueller, Nancy Alcorn, Karen Stcdtfeld, Shirley Schneider, Ka y Bozanh, Mary Lou Graves. Row two-Jim Child, Stan Thomas, J erry Cowden, Wel don Tovey, George Willmore, Allan Boss.

Debaters T his group was kept busy attending debate meets in the region. T heir achievements were noteworthy as they placed high in much of the competition.

Row one-Frank Hanck, Vivian Dickamore. An ita Stith, Carolyn Clore, Fred Otto, A. E. Whitehead. Row two-Jim H erndon, Gary ' Voo lverton. Fred Decker, Warren Martin, Lynn Hossner, J ess Walters, Stephen Kentzer, Earl Hintz.

Stabbartl anti Blade Composed of students from each branch of the service, this group is selected (or merit in ROT C activities. Two of the most enjoyable functions of the year were the steak feed, and the military escort for the Military Ball queen. R ow one-George Steele, Capt. Olsen. Jim Lunte, Jim Child, John Fabie, Lt. Shabe, Gorden Goff. Row two-William E mmingham, Dick Wyatt, Richard Envin, Theron Ward, David McClanahan, J o hn Allgair, Brody Conklin, Robert Barrett, Bob Meyers, Rod Mayer, Wade Wells, Ray McGioughlin, j ohn McFarland, Richard Fong. Not piclttreciJ en y Steele, Andrew Robinson , Leonard Clark, M. J . McFarland.


Row one-Dennie Dressel, Sharon Lance, ally Jo Nelson, Blanche Blecha, andra Wallen, usa n Rutledge. Kay Oakes, Katherine Koelsch. R ow two-Linda Smith, Kay H arder. Margaret .\ ssm ussen, Joyce Frisch, Sharon 1-lo uck, 'ancy Beach, Carol llodgson, LaDessa Rogers, judy Westwood, i\Iarcy Whiuen, Charlene Peters. Row three-Chris Allen, Vicki Fisher, Jo i\nn Gartland, Diana Dodds, Claire Slaughter, Linda Croy. Carol Evans, Sue Bush, J ea nnie Rau, Barbara Brooks.


Sophomore women's honorarr members are those sophomore women outstanding in activities and service. These bus) girls in their gold and white uniforms lend their service all during the year ushering at many campus fun ctions a nd they join the I.K.' at banquets a nd dances everal times during the year. The Spurs are featured at the Spur ' "addle at the end of basketball season and the Spur ~ ray Pole Dance during the l\Iay Fete in the pring.

B• '"


J>reside11 1

Officer~ inducle. Hill' tme-Sandra \\'allen, Blanche Blecha. 'lallv :\'elson. usan Rutledge. Row /u;o- Dennie Dressel. Linda 'lmith, haron Lance, Katherine Koel..ch.



The I ntercollegiate Knights, sophomore men's honorary, are seen ushering and giving as istance at most c.'lmpus events. Thee men have been chosen on the basis of their service, activities, and grade average. The) ponsor the ~ r is!> U of J contest which is proving lO be a popular event on the campus.

. \n lK aids a student in finding a text book at the lK semi-annual book sale.


McCowA' Pll•sidenl

!lou• rme-Bol> . chumaker, ll arl) tm11, Garth a-,ser. ~ru~e \lcCowan, Randy Litton, John Fitzgerald, Bill Coll•n,, Cordon Chester. Row two-Ed Christelhen Denni' Longfellow, Ron Hougbtelin , Bob Bradle}; I cd Gillell, Pete Kelly, herman H anson, J>aul tewart. Ron Wise, Bob Young, Lee H ollo"•ay, jern Bo)d. lloU' three- Larr> Woodbury, Bill Hobde). Duane \llrctl , Lar11 Hicks. Bob Brown, Pete Peterson. Jim Okewn, Roger Anderson, Bill £,•ans, Tom Cwilliam, Jim ~!orris. D:ne Polage. Bob ,\lexandcr, oa,id \l arch, Dick Chcline. Row four-Wally Brassfield. J\ill Kindley, Carl Ceho, Dean Banner, Terry Mix, !'etc \\'ckh , Howard Gerrish, Bob Schini, Dave To, cy. Dill i\ l:min, 'teve Norell, Leo Thibault, Dick Nie l· ~on, Bob Keller, Jim Mulder.


Mortar Board Mortar Board, the senior women's honorary, promotes a higher standard of scholarship on campus as is evident in their study program for freshman women. Another project is the selling of the "I " mums at Homecoming. The girls who wear the traditional white jackets are chosen on the basis of high scholastic standing and activities and arc tapped during the i\Iay Fete each spring.

Corky Da"is Weston Kay Bozarth GeHi Williams

Marilyn Pritchett Kay Osborne Ann Lyons

l\'eela McCowan Marcia Mottinger I rene Scou Carolyn Dempsey Mitchell

Pat Kell y Ann Becker ÂŁIaine Hieber Baxter Mary Jones

Terry \'\lhite

Leo Tafolla

Bruce Summers

Karl Biuenbcndcr

Silver lance To be selected as a member of Silver Lance, the senior men's honorary, is high recognition to outstanding campus leaders. Junior men who have kept high scholastic standards, as well as giving service to the University are tapped at May Day activities during the end of their junior year.

Jack l\lacki


Denn y Hague

Laird Noh

AlA A LUdent branch of the American InstiLUte of Architects, the group is comprised of Architecture majors. Leading practicing arch itects from this area often sen路c a guest speakers at meetings.

Row one路 J ames P. Stravens. Noel Randall. Joe llensley. Hugh Burgess, David Richey, Jon llollinger, Fennan Pasold. Don Black, Tom Ensley. Row two-Gerald J . Sprute, Glen P. McCurdy, Carl Magnusson. Cesar Quijano. Jim Smallwood, Paul Smith, Clare Sanders, David Reese, Cha rl es Stoll. Row three-Leonard Wydozycki , Dan Da vis, Duane Mar ler , Ralph Ma ys, Roger Seit7, Brody Conklin, Cordon Walker, Ronald Th urber, Steve Deal, Carl Qualman, Joh n Coven , Jam es Frisb), Allen tro ng. Row four-A lan Mohr, Arnold Yager, J ames Palmer, Dick Lyle, Don Shelangoskie, Gayle herrill, Frank .\lien, LaMonte Kah ler. Don tephcns, J effrey J effers, Wah Sang Kong. Da\ id pencer.

Bench anti Bar

Students and faculty of the College of Law make up the membership of this club which sponsors the honor code Cor law exams. ln this organization future lawmakers and civilian protectors have the opportunity to become acquainted with the extensive Jaw library.


Interfraternity Council The group i~ made up of rcprc~cntativc from each fraternit). They discu~!> is~ue!> concerning the men's living groups and the) try to create a better understanding between the variou hou e .

DI CK Rl·, l·.


Row ont- am Colle!. Bill Daniels, Ron Goodwin, Don Martinson, Lou O ring. Die!.. '\eil~on. Mi chael Dal), Don Cradwohl. Row two-Guy \\'icks, £acult\ ad' isor; <;cou Culp, Tom Bel· lam). Dick Rene, Bob ,\l exander, Dick :\finas, Bob Dahl, Clim Gardner. Rou· three- Ross l'eteNOn, J ohn Beckwith, Gaq Fanl\\Orth, Die!.. Jamison, Kent I farrison, <;te'e \ ' an I lome, Cern tecle. Brodie C<m!..lin , Jim Da' idso1;, . • om J acobs. Laddie ra) lor.

Blue Key Blue Ke) is the natio na l junior men's honoraq compri~ed ol student!> who have been o UL!>tanding in scholarship, aCLivitie!> and service to the ~c hool. Their activities include organizing the Ka mpu!> K.e), !>tudent index, and spomoring the Blue Key T alent Show.

TERRY \\' 11111:.


/~ow one- Karl Bittenbender, Laird Noh, I\ruce Summers, Gerry Steele. Terry White, Bob Palmer, Gl enn Pot· 1er, Joe Erramouspe, Kent H anison. now two-Bob Bernard, !larry Slllnl, Bruce McCowan, Lee Scou. Dwight Chapin, Gary Randall. Bill .\ gee, Earl llall, Dick Rene, Paul Krogue. now t/11 t'l'- John Fitzgerald. Bill Pasle). Jim Flanigan. ~cil Leitner, Gordon Che'>· ter, Denn} H ague, Tim Dater. Ganh Sasser, Bob Schumaker. Oa'c I rail.


Pon Hellenic Made up of the president and ruslf chairman from each sorority, Pan H ellenic works with the Dean of Women to formulate rush policies. A workshop and an officers' training meeting was held to acquaint all members wi th the duties of an efficient Pan Hellenic Council.



Row oue-C retchen Sparks, Claudene Kuch , JO}CC Liuleton, l\lrs. Neely, Kay Sommers, Frankie Lisle, Gay Ttt· son. Row two-Carol Pederson. :\'anC) Beach, \laril)n ~loorcs, ~largie Row· lands, Louise \'andenbarl., Nancy Oud, Irene Scon, Ann Becker, Linda Gat· lin. Row tlu·ee-Myrna Inghram, D i· ana Dodds, Kay Bozarth, Gay Graham, Sandra Summerfield, Jan .\lden, ~anc) \\' ilmuth.

Junior Pon Hellenic This group composed of two freshman rcpre~entatives from each sororit) works to promote better relations between sororit) freshmen and to help maintain a high standard of conduct for freshman women. Junior Pan Hellenic members aided Pan H ellenic in fall rush orienta· tion this year.



flow one- Pegg) Clark. Td01a Lee Moore, Jayne Spri nt;er, Lynne pt inger, ~anc) Frost, Judy Libbey. Row twoUobbie Slaughter, Katll}' ~l cNichols, Barbara Blair, Kath y Thompson, Ja)ne Anderson, Linda Lewin. Row three Joyce Li ulcton, Eleanor t ' nticker, J udy Dennler, Sharon ~filler. Linda Engle, Nanc) :\'e,cux, Bette \'i(ker· mann.


Dot/'s Doy

Committee Dad's Day, an ASUI committee, planned a full schedule for the weekend our dads were entertained. Dean Sorenson, chairman, worked with his committee setting up a beard contest, a quartet contest, a house decorations contest and the big function, the Dad's Day dance, "Tooting the Horn of Plenty." Row one-Joanie Wal lington, Nancy Trail, Lorna Woelfel. Row two-Bud i\'fcDougal, Dean Sorenson, Harry Sturn, Leo Thibaull.

Homecoming Committee This ASUI committee, headed by Bill Agee, provided the master plans for a big parade, a fireworks show, and the Homecoming Dance, "Autumn Swirl."

Row one-Jack Gjording, Gay Graham, Sharon Lance, Jane Fields, Rand y Liuon. Row twoBill Agee, Bob Schumaker, Bill Collins, Bob Brown .

Frosll Orientotion Committee To introduce the new students to our campus 1i(e, this ASUI committee planned mixers, a get to know your SUB program, and a series of student assemblies. Each Frosh was recogn ized by the big "I" name tag.

How one-Mary Tsudaka, Kathy Payne, Liz Misner, Bob Young, Blanche Blecha, Jeannie Rau. Row two- David Trail, Guy Wick, faculty advisor; Terry Holcomb, Steve Van Horne, Roger Andersen, Vaughn Estrick, Garth Sasser, Larry Grimes, Keith Riffie.


Student Union Boartl This group fun ctio ns as an advisory committee for the operation of the Student Unio n including programming, budget and food service operations. They also formulate all policies and regulations of the student union building, aCl in an advisory capacity for expansion plans and reflect the basic goals of the Student Union lO be a community center of the campus. Now one-1\liss Marion FeatherstOne. .\nn Becker, Miss Charmaine Tourville, Katherine Koelsch. Carol Evans. R ow lwo-i11r. Kenneth Dick, Dick Rene, Kent H arrison. Bob Hrown, Dean Decker. chairman; Terry White, ilir. Guy Wicks.

Program Council Thi~ group i ~ primaril) concerned with the developmenL, coordination, operation and evaluatio n of the total activities program carried o n in the tudent Union Building.

Row one- Carol Evans. Terry White, Kath erin e

Koelsch, Bob Brown, Kent I Taniso n, Dick Ren e, Ann Becker. Karl Bittenbend er, Earl Hall. Row two- Larry Crimes, Sh:1ron Weaver. Craig Kosonen, Mary Jauregui, Brody Conklin, Cary Mi chael, Camill e Shelton , Don Gettle, Maureen McGourin, Dick Stil es.

8/ootl Drive Committee This ASUI committee campa ig ned vigorously to get the campus to give blood. Under the slogan "Pia~ma Plit., .. the blood drive this year wa again a success.

Row one-Mary Winegar, Jeannie Rau , Li t

Misner, Angie Arrien. Elaine Wacker, Linda Smith. Row two-Bud McDo uga l, Steve Dea l, Pete Kell y, J ohn Ferris, J oh n Gamble.



Chemicol Engineers ~ Iembership in this group i open to all tuden ts enrolled in Chemical Engineering. The club helps the students get better acquaimed with their chosen field and other chemical engineering majors.

Row o11e- Eldon Harwood, Gilbert Dunn , Brian 1\fechel, ll arold F.. Gimpel, Stanley Dean Larson, Bill Collins. David ~ l arch, Roy Catherevs. Row two-Gerry Jones, Doug Anderson, H ospodove Roberto. Ceorge Van Densen, Edward Le hmith. R. C. John son , l.eo llansen, Tom O'Coanor, Durward Stolp. Conrad Reitt, Robert i\fcCarten, Don Cabbe, Bob Kell er, Ch uck Eckery.

Mechonicol Engineers The tudcnt branch of the American ociety of fechanical Engineers augment and implements the activities of the national organitation on a local basis.

~ddie Rail ey. Gene Baxter, i\lr. Norgord, Hob llend erson. Cary ;\forgan, Moyle llraithwaitc, Darrel Dorath y, Wes ley 13ucha nan. /tow two- Dick Rice, Paul King, Gera ld Carpenter, Jim Boyd, Don Man so r, Sam Clendenin, !lob Yearsley, Don Freshwater, Jim l'atlOn, Gerald Rohwei n.

Row o11e- Craut Anderson ,

Automotive Engineers The purpo e of this organization i in form all engineer !.tudents of recent developmems made in the field of transportation. ~ Jembcrship in this group is open to all wdems enrolled in the College of Engineering. to

Row one- i\1r. n arnes. Stan ;\lakowski. Ernest Simpson, Karl Allen, Cary Spaherg. Cary Dau. i\foyle Braithwaite, Cary t\forgan, J im Pauen. Row two- Richard Rice. Stanl ey Fuller, llarlan Vandenbark. John 13aJ..er. Richard i\fcCool, Jim Child. Don Fre>hwater, .\rn old Eidan.



Civil Engineers The student chapter of Civil Engineer:. is affiliated directly with the American Society of Ci,ril Engineers. The yearly functions of the group are highlighted with meeting the professional members of the Spokane section, the annual picnic and steakfry. Row one- Dick H edges. Caq frame, Robert Rowland , Danny King, Dick Brown, Warren Watts, J ohn 1ielsen, Gerald Kimwy. Row two - Leo TaiTola, Gerald Herrigstad, Walt Steiner, Walt Jones, Artie Glickman, David McKenzie, J oe McMichael, Albert Ellsworth. Row threeDick Baughman, Stan Blum, Bill VanStone. I rarold Cox, Allan Samuels, Lee McKinney, Chuck Link, Tim Barnett. Row four-Stuan Robertson, Ray Crites, Lynn Benson, Lee llustc~d. Da ve Maisch. Howard Seeley, Elmore Dean, Norman Johnson. Row five- Dan Morse, Arnold McKnight, Harold Hafterson, Larry Larkum, Herb Millheisler, Lan-y Lawrence, Robert Thompson, Ted Kerio. Row six-Van Larson, Keith Fenton, Keith Barrick, Bob Tucker, Duke Kl ein, Lyon Kerby, Fred Scott, Jack f lack.

Ag Engineers This student chapter of Ag Engineer~ is affiliated with the lational organit.a路 tion. This group strives to gain a better understanding of the working of Ag Engineering along with promoting interest towards the field.

Row one-Jim Storms. Charles Peterson. Cordon Eccles, Don Gradwohl, Bill Andersen, Ray George, LeRoy Trupp. Row two-]. E. Di xon (A dvisor) , David Wickward, Ken Brust, Terry Mix, .James Mays, Dick VanBuskirk, Bryon Fitch, Arthur Lee, Bert H enriksen, Dean Kohntopp. Row 1h1路ee-Robert Walter, Dean Held, Mick Purdy, George Loucks, H erb Ilereth, Mortcta Farahanchi. Darrell Martin. Bill Weller.

Electricol Engineers The AlEE Student Branch is a professional group formed at approved colleges and universities. Students in thc~e branches meet and work together to practice the skills of communication, cooperation, and organization. Row one-D uane Duston, Tom Wilde, Dean Melquist, Jim Oenning, Ray Stubbers, Robert Dalq> Eldon Kinsey, Paul Mann, Tom Shay, Lee Maxwell. Row two-Ross Dake, Don Beck, Donald Friesen, j oe Wall, David Kibler, Jam es Davison. Dick Marker, Lee Hustead. Row tln路ee-Richard Craner, James Gunderson, Mel llimze, Clair Kcnaston, Forrest Skaggs, John Standley, Lee Proctor, David Napper, Rulon Bagley, Lynn Bell, Robert Twiggs, William Barak. Row four- l.. McGonagle, Merle Voth, Mike Becker, Jack Pantry, Larry Williams, Ronald Wise, Glen Leckie, Robert Sla,路ik, Gene Lawrence, Cleo Anderson.


Independent Caucus Political repre entation led by Dan ·w atson i given to the independent students on campus by this group. Policies set forth are carried through the elections by the Independent candidates a nd are set up not onl y for the independent students but for the entire student body. Row one- Dan Watson, Jim Mullen, E\erett Bailey, Cliff choff, Dave Shurtleff. Lynn Hossner, Larry Hos~ncr. Row two- Sharon Davis, Anita Stith, J oyce Frisch, Colcnc Pcirsol, Marcy Whitten, l\fargcrcn Me 'cal, Larry Woodbury. Row three- R on Jones, Bryon Champion, Keith Watentsuefe, Chris R eynolds, Pat Jordan, Shirla Callawa y, Sherley Krchn, ancy Simpson, Marian Clark, Byron Singholys. Lee Barrow, Fred Hossuev. Row four- Cary Thompson, '\layne Skidmore, Cordon Powers, Becky Dudcrson, Howard Brown, Steve Colberg, Mel Hcnscy. Row fiveRod Harris, Dave Grover, Dean Banuer, Bob l\loc, Bill Davidson, Lee Townsend , Bill Collins.

Residence Hall Council This group works at promoting better relations between the independent living groups on campus. Composed of two representatives from each hall , thi~ organitation has proved itsel( valuable in its second year on campus.

Row one- Larry Thomas, Marilyn Pritchcu, Gordan Powers. Row two- Bill Davidson, Linda Edwards, l\'farian Clark, Beuy Anderson. Lynda Dailey, 1\farjean Met ca l, Alvcrna Mueller, Bob Grant. Row three - Larry I lossner, Malcolm Alexander, Rodney Harris, George Thorson, Jim Lemp, Larry Whitby, Sharon Wintcrowd, Jim Julder, Ronald H . Jeneo.

United Caucus The United Caucu , objective is to carq out campus as a whole, has deal of pirit this year political activitie .

who e primary the will of th e shown a great in all campus

Row one- Kayo Cra,cn, J im J udd. Danny Seaven, Bob Tunniclilf, Doug Goodrich, Randy Liuon, Dick Ilarris, Eddie Exum, Buster Smock, John l>asley. Row two- andy Cooper, Helen ;\fethod, Kathy Paine, Diane mith, Elinor, Wilson, Maureen weeny, Bob Bernard, Karen Stcdtfcld, Doloris llormachea, Marg:net Tatko, Jill Manhics, r.·ra ry Winegar, Dave Briggs. Row tl11·ee- Diane ordby, ~Iaureen McCouwin , iMary Jane Douglas, Rowena Eikum, Kay Osborne, Sharon ay lor, Bonnie McKay, Claire Slaughter, Jim Herndon, DeA nna Duffy, Bill Campbell, J an Alden, Sally Jo Nelson. Delores Chadsey. Row four- L)nn Kerby , Ray Hargraves, Cary Brannan, Bill Evans, Garth Sasser, Jeffery Lynn, Robert Bradley, Bob Brown, f'ete Kelly, Bob humakc•·, Did.. Reed, Keith Rim e.


Outing Club To get full enjoyment from Idaho's scenic beauty, the Outing Club plans and sponsors hikes and recreational( trips throughout this area.

Row one-Jon Hubbell, Helmet Kiffmann, Mr. McMullen, ick Tipple, Dick Brumbaugh. Row two-Malcolm King, Dick Hodge, Fred Gaudet, Jack Zimmermann, Tom Keller.

Home Economics Club These Home Economics majors set up activities for home economics students throughout the year. Each year this group honors the faculty and seniors by giving them a tea. They also sponsor the annual Home Ec Day. Row one- i'vfary Lou Craves, Ann Marie Baum, La Dessa Rogers, Carolyn Kudlac, Mary Tsudaka, Linda Brown, Marie Wood, Miss Jackie. Row two - Patricia Stevens, Jane Fields, Barbara Anderson, Roxie Daugherty, Patty Weed, Joy Hensley, Trenna Atchley, Laura Doty, Judy Aldape, Suzie Shern, Idona Kellogg. Row th1'ee - Barbara Sams, Elaine Robinson , J anet Sprenger, Pauline Hafer, Glinda Gehrig, Deanna Duffy, Eleanor Unzicker, Sue Cox, Suzi Austin, Sherry Ely, ancy Frost. Row four- Frankie Lisle, 'ancy Van H outen, Anita Howell, AI路 verna Mueller, Shirley Mitchell, Barb Timmons, Nancy Brower, Bonnie McKay, Ruth DeKa y.

Women's I Club Snappy grey blazers identify the mem路 bers of Women's "!" Club. These girls are chosen each year by the Women's PE staff on the basis of athletic interest, WRA participation, co-operation, and scholastic ability. Ushering at the Folk Dance Festival, organizing play days, and providing golf clubs and ski equipment are but a few of the activities of this busy organization.

Row one-Pat Kelly, Edna Neal, Miss Betts, Marian Clark, Myrna Leatham. Row two- Gerri Williams, Lois Proctor, Pat Finney, Ella McPherson, Diane Smith, J amie Prestcl, Linda Edwards.



Young Republicans Highlights of this year were the R epublican victory of the campus nonpa rtisan Mock Political convention when Vice Preside nt N ixon was named as the p residen tial ca nd idate a nd H ouse l\Iinority leader H allack was named vicepreside ntial ca ndidate. And the visits of various spea kers such as Sena tor D worsha k also added to the year. Plans were made for an active campaig n in conjunction with the Latah County R epublicans next fall. R ow one, left to right-Lon Woodbury, Char路 lotte Martell, J oau Berdahl, Doroth y Baldridge. R ow two- J eannie Rau , Karen Bell, J an Garri 路 son, Sheri Linn, Pat Stanger, Yol anda Lewan路 dowict. R ow three- J udy T racy, Judy Aldape, Kathy Seely, Na ncy Vosika. R ow four-Larry Harvey, Fred Decker, Arnold Ayers, Gerry Jones, Dave Wallace.

Vontlol Riders T hese members of the Vanda l Riders e njoy riding for pleasure but they also ta ke a n active part in com petitive rodeos in the region.

R uw one, left to 1路ight- Gl en Woodall, J im Swain. R ow two- Bob Redmond, Howard Stutzman, Mary Wishard, Belly Keith, Larry Holmquist. R ow three- Terry Martin, Orv ille Sears, Bob Monroe, Brock Li vi ngston, Klova Beck, Fores t I Iall, Adv isor .

Agronomy Club The Agronom} C lub became a charter member of the America n Societ y of Agronom y this year. T hey also pla nned Ag Scie nce Day, a spring picnic a nd had various guest spea kers in agricul ture a nd reia ted fi elds.

R ow one, left to right- Dwayne Westfa ll, Bob Raab, Stan Lehm an, Lo n r.rcConnel, Gary Steiner, Alfred Slinkard, G. 0 . Baker , Clarence Seely, Lambert Eri kson. Row two- Roger Ha rder, j ack Chugg, J erry Croissa nt, Uyron T homas, Ed Pena, J an McKend ri ck, Dave Kunkel, Rulon Chandler, Marshall Pri te hen . R ow three-Neil Sam pson, Step hen ll agen, J anes Post, Charles Swenson, Dale Hansen, Charles Beasley, Stan Albee, Bill Crea, H arvey Douer, Donald McLeod, An hur Royce.





Attic Club The Attic Club consists of art students who are interested in participating in activities to become more familiar with the fine arts. They aid in giving the student body an opportunity to see the arts by encouraging displays of students' faculty and visiting artists' work.

Row one-Jon Hollinger, Marilyn Durose, Gretchen Sparks, Linda Waterman, Marilyn Dreier, Linda Lamb, Mary Kirkwood, Advisor. Row two -Dan Davis, Jim Frisby, Gayle Sherrill, Jeffrey J effers, Alan Strong, Jim Palmer. Row threeRalph Mays, Arnie Yager, Don Black, Don Stevens, Jim Smallwood, Lee Storey, George Bertonneau. Row four-Cordon \.Yalker, Charles Stoll, Da ve Reese, Dick Jamison, Carl Magnusson.

Curtain Club Wilh the object of creating an interest in the acting profession, one of the projects of the Curtain Club is to inform students of the drama possibilities on the campus. The club coordinates all the dramatic activities of the university and includes drama students and instructors.

Row 011e-Maril yn Pritchett, Orinda Hamon, Miss Collette, Advisor; Claire Slaughter, Ralph Provencal. Row two-B. J. Schaffer, Tom Baldwin, Tom Kerr, L ynn Snider, Ed Vandcvort.

Dames Club The wives of the male students attending the University comprise the membership of the group. They plan a variety of activities for themselves and their husbands.



Row one-Bonnie McGough, Ann Jacobs, Barbara Stivers, Frankie Lisle, Kay Sanders, Connie Harding. R ow two-Joanne Moore, Margaret Asmussen, Geo rganne McDowell, J ere Rae Rasmussen, Pat Carlson, Rita Zachary, Jud y Stahl, Sue Andre, Gerri Williams. Row th1路ee- Sue Livingston, Ann Irwin, Donna Saugost, M. J. Caldwell, Rae McAnhur, Nan cy Oud, Arlene Turnbeau, Sharon Waldrom, Sharon Nieland, Kelda John son, Jean Anderson, Karen Kelly.


The Vandalettes drill team marched in their clicking boots for the Homecoming parade and also traveled to Boise where they displayed t heir precision to Southern Idaho residents. H eading the group as president was Sue Livingston. Vandale ues form a wagonwheel at a home basketball game


Doiry Club The main objective of this group is to promote dairy science. These Dairy cience majors meet to discuss various problems and issues, along with planning social activities for the group. At Christmas they make cheese boxes and sell them for gifts.


Row oue-Herb Gibson, Sopja Carlson, Mike Sullivan, Douglas Park, Lan路y Cook, Jerome Jankowki. Row two-Gerald Hill, Lyle Sasser, Dane Kiilsgaard, Don Bateman, John Albee, Philip Eqwards, Dr. H ibbs.


Block ontl Bridle Those active in this group meet to familiarize themselves with animal husbandry. This organization, only three years old on the Idaho campus, continues to increase in membership.

Row oue-Sonja Carlson, Larry Eld, Jim Swayne, DeJoy H endricks, jean Allen. Row two-Loran Butler, Dr. Bell, Veldon Hix. Ferrel Crossley, Roger Falen. Row tht路ee-Dr. Keith , Rolly Lodge, Jim Hodgson, Bob Monroe, Dr. Lehrer , Orville Sears. Leo n Orme, Frank Parks, Dr. llodgson, Dean Moore.

Assotiotetl Foresters This group is composed of forestry majors who are joined together to create interest and better understanding of forestry. Each year they stage the Foresters Ball, a dance of interest路 to the whole campus. They also engaged in the traditional Forestry- Ag tug of war and sponsored the first Forestry \1\feek.


Sem-Bot Thi!> group i intcre ted in botany, studies plant life and pomor~ field trips. Photograph) of plants and a program on vocational botan} were feature o拢 thi organitation\ econd )Car on the Jclaho campu .

Row one- H arold

Mcilvaine, William Baker, Mrs. E leanor 'P ruin, D:wid impson, Lorin Rob路 ens, Edward Tylutki, Dr. Aller. Row twoVernon lleld, John Laut. Malcolm King, John I lodges, J erry Tucker. J ohn Brandsberg.

.I 4-H Club These students work with the national 4-H Clubs th roughout the state of Idaho. T hey engaged in man) activities during the past )Car including picnics and exchange . T hey are affilia ted with the Imernatio nal Farm Youth Exchange.

Row one- Phil Edwards. Alverna Mu eller, Bonni e lla um, Jan et prenger, Mike Sulli van. Row

two- Lillian J oha nn asen, Crystal Gould, Sue Wiley, Betty Thiessen , Doris Foukal, Don ~litchell.

Cosmopoliton Club The Co mopolitan Club does much to help foreign students feel at home here at I daho. Many dinners a nd parties are held by the group. It is felt by this group that b) getting all of the foreign students together, stronger ties can be made with each other a nd the chool.


Church Centers The U. of I. has four church centers located on campus for the benefit of the students. Canterbury House for Episcopal students, ewman Center for Catholic students, L.D.S. Institute for L.D.S. students, and Campus Christian Center for Protestant sLUdents. These centers provide the students with counseling, religious instruction, youth group headquarters, and gettogethers.

Canterbury House )

Campus Christian Center



~!t.;T U.\ 1. I ~IPROVE\IE:"\T

.\SSOCIATIO:"\: First row, left to right-Ken Smith, \I an in H e il eson, Cha rlo tte Mo hr. \nn rucker. p residem; Cora Wood, \fa r) Lou T a) lo r, Vic Bo wm an . Second row-J e rq ' I ucke•. l.a rq Moore, Bisho pric; LaMarr Ko foed , u pt.


FOR U;\1: First row, left to right-;\farl ys H ughes. Linda Lamb, R uth De Ka) , ue Livingston , Bonnie ;\lc Ka ). \ cco11d row-Cary Phillips, Da\ id VO)SC), Walt Bird, Chad Bolick, ad\ isor; Robert Parkinson, Duke H ug hes, presid ent; J im Child .



INTER-VARSITY CHRISTLAN FELLOWSHIP: Left to ,路iglttJ\fargarct Crowley, Phyllis Adams, Willard Wilson , Gene Gentry, Dr. AI vin Aller, Pat i\'lcCarter.


Churth A ttivities The church groups on the Idaho campus arc very active during the year and ~orne of their activities include retreats, worship services and get-togethcrs. The major activities o( the church groups are coordinated by the RLC Commiuee which also plam the annual Religion in Lire Conference each spring.

The boo!.. display at the Religion in Life Conference is always interesting to look through.

Worship services arc often held for the swdents.

The coffee hour at the CCC is well attended.


Stan Thomas路 ..Courtship and Marria~e" class is a favorite w1th the students.

ROTC 1960

pring Rc1 icw

The ROTC units at the University of Ida ho consist of the Army, Navy a nd Air Force. All three are a n active a nd impona nL part o( our campus life. Besides training in military science these groups sponsor the annual Milita ry Hall and participate in the Military Review each May. This year the Air Force was in charge of the planning for the spring review.


The form a tion of the Am1y unit during the Spring Review


Army 1959- 1960 was a n extremely successful school year for Army ROTC. Under the supervision of Professor of i\filitary Science and Tactics Colonel Gle nn B. Owe n, who is a product of the University of Idaho ROT C program, the Army progressed in every respect. Twentysix graduates were commissio ned, four of them in the R egular Army, a nd fifty cadets were prepared to go to summer camp. The Army Drill a nd Rifle teams both had a n extremely active year, bringing in such honors as the Vail Trophy for the second time in two years. Other ho nors were the two firsts and five seconds in shoulder to sho ulder competition a nd a 12-win record out of 14 posta I matches. Distinguished 1\Iilitary Students from the Army were Kent H arrison, Cadet Colonel; Go rdo n Goff, Bruce Summers, Bob Meyers, AI Boss, Jack :Moore, Bill Mills, Den ny i\TcLean, and Bob H a nsen. An o utstand ing ,\nny drill team troops the line d uri11g the review

The .-\rm y Staff. Front rote, left to tight-\faj. Adams. Capt. Olson, and Capt. Orton. Second 1¡orv-Sgt. Swain, Sgt. James. Sgt. Elkins, and Sgt. Lyn ch.


The Color Guard for the Spring Review.

The crack Navy Rille Team. Fro11t row-Steve Lincoln, Ray Shu路 bert. /Jack row- Charl es Bigsby, Rod Mayer, Harold Barraclough.

Novy ~ow in its 14th year on the Idaho campus, the N ROTC Unit continues to prO\'ide training to a selected number of undergraduate leading to commissions in the U.S. Navy or ~Iarinc Corps. Under this program, students come to the University from all pans of the nation and contribute widely lO the cultural background and growth of this campus. Idaho is one of 53 NROTC colleges throughout the United States and although the largest unit, it currently shares the distinction with the University of T exas of furnishing the highest percentage of career Naval a nd Marine Corps Officers. Those midshipmen who arc commissioned by the Navy e-.ch spring have been well educated in the basic nav-. 1 sciences. In add ition, the midshipmen spend a portion o( each summer aboard cru isers, carriers, a nd destroyers visiting U.S. and foreign ports and become better acqua inted with the practical <tpplication of their academic studies.


Delores Llewell) n is being crowned by General \\':1lsh during inlern:ission of the Military Ball.

:-.in'} cao( t is recel\ mg an award during th e Spring Review.


Air Forte The University of Idaho Air Force ROTC, Detachment No. 180, ended the year with an enrollmem of 407 cadets for the spring semester. The Cadet " ' ing was organi1ed with Denny Hague, Beta, at the helm as Cadet ColoneL The Army cadetS participated in the rifle team, 1\filitary Choir and Bane!. At the spring review General J ohn 路walsh, head of the Idaho Air 1 ct tional Guard, was the distinguished guest. Jim Lu n te, SAE, senior; Len Clark, Chrisman, junior; Jim Space, Upham, sophomore; and Gary Carlson, Beta, freshman, received the Air Force 1\ lil itary Awards as the outstanding cadets of their class at the spring review.

\ir Force Staff. First row, left to rigiti-Capt. Sa) rc. Lt. Col. Engles, Col. Pattison, Maj. Riggs, Capt. l lanto. .'H'cmul rOt<'- gt. \\'olfe, Sgt. B. ,\, Gilman, Sgt. l'attcr~on, gt. Cox.

An Air Force group passing in review

An Air Force cadet receiving an award at the Spring Re\'iew.




Sororities Women's No/Is Fraternities Men's No/Is

fhe "Campus Cop" ... Our Fred

Residences: Our homes at the U niversity of Idaho are "our castles" and, although we try to keep them spic and span, they more often look " lived in"! We eat, sleep, stud y, entertain, laugh and even cry in our homes, but above all, we make some very deep friendships that will remain with us in spirit for the rest of our lives.

The Tri-Dells entertain during Rush Week.


A/plio (IIi Omego

.\lpha Chi Omega Sorority


Allen Barbara Anderson Bridget Beglan Vauna Ble' ins

Pat Bresnahan ;\lartha Jane Buell Linda Campbell Pat Carlson

Margaret Clark Judith Conger Sandy Cooper Sally Crockett

:\'anq Dart..e ;\lary Jo Downey Vicki Fisher Belly Gailey

Judy Ghigleri Coold Goodwin Sharon Henry ;\largo !-leseman


Alpha Chi Omega Another big year for Alpha Chi ended with plans for a new house. Finalists for ATO Esquire G irl , H omecoming Queen, SAE Violet Queen, Gault Hall Snoball Queen, Navy Color Girl, Lambda Chi Crescent Girl, Frosh Queen, Miss U. of I. . . . Camille Shelton reigned as H olly Queen with the house winning a trophy for th e best door decorations . .. ROTC Sponsor, Peg Clark, and Air Force Sponsor, Judy Ghigleri ... Pom Pom Girl, Camille Shelton, and Majorette, Martha J ane llueJl ... combined talents to win Folk Dance Festival and Swim Meet ... Prexies: Mar·

gie Rowland, SAl ; Judy \'\Testwood, Phi Chi Theta; Vauna Blevins, SI EA ... AWS Secretary Mary J anuregui and AvVS veep Frankie Lisle ... activities: Spurs, Alpha Lambda Deltas, Phi Epsilon Omicron, Women 's " I " Club, Vandalettes, H elldivers, Vandaleers . . . bough t SAE's at Campus Chest and sold a Gay Nineties pany to Sigma Nus ... also managed to win "Weigh tiest H ouse on Campus." A grea t year with wonderful memories for all under the guidance of our "mom," Mrs. H arrison.

;\[ ARi l.\' \1001 RS

Preside111 Barbara H inlle Audrian Huff Marl)s ll ughes Cheq I J acob~

;\lary J aurequi Judie J ohn~on Kelda Johnson Dianne Kc naga

Frankie Lisle j <Hiet ;\I ac Donald De.\nn ' el~on Marjorie Raw Sarah Raw Ann ~ Iaric Roose

Margie Rowlands Ka) Sande•s Donna Sattga.,t usan Shaw Camille Shelton G a) lc Simonson

Kath y Thompson Ma rga re t Tolleson J<:die Voorhees Phyllis Weeks Pat West J udy Westwood


GA \ GRA II A \1 Pr~sident

Gai l Brandt

KiLL) Dar11 iero

J udy Alld redge Barbara Beck Lila Davison

J an)Ce \ nderson Rosalie Belueal Diana Dodd~

Ka)e Aslett Bery Be, an :\l arilyn Durose

Ca role Geidl

Vangie Gibbs

Alpha Gommo De/to A busy and fun fill ed year for Alpha Cams .. H omecoming lloat with Lambda Chi ... Diana Dodds, Sharon Houck, Spurs ... Isabel Woods, Vandaleers . .. Morta r Board, Kay Osborne ... J oyce Little ton, Pa n hellenic president .. . head Porn Porn Girl, J ea nne Macl\lartin .. . herri \ Varre n, Pa tsy and J o R oberts, H ell Di vers ... Vandale ttes, Sharon \Valdrum, Co nnie H arding . . . Pledge Da nce, "Cha nnel KAGD" ... women's trophy for best Dad's D ay decorations . . . Pa nhelle nic Scholarship Improveme nt Tray . .. College Board of Mademoiselle fagat ine, i\Iar ilyn Durose ... "Chuck " 'agon Chowdown" bought b y Upha m H all at Ca mpus Chest . . . " ea Mist," Spri ng Formal . . . l\Ia mmy Yokum made famous by Bonnie Scott . . . highest percentage donation trophy in the Blood Drive . . . Gay Graham and Bonnie Scott, Curtain Club .. . Sigma Alpha l ota, Isa bel W oods . .. Phi Chi Theta, Liz iVl izner, Joyce Littleton, Di ana Dodds . . . first place troph y for mixed gr oup competition in Song Fest wi th Farmhouse . . . 路women's "I" Club, Bonn ie Scott ... Ph i Beta Kappa, Kay Osborne . . . Liz M izner, Board of Selection and Contro l, Assistant Cha irma n of Blood Drive and Chairma n of Frosh Orienta tion . . . Marilyn Durose, vice-president of Attic Club ... Ka ye Azle tt, President o( Newma n Club . . . committees, Arg staff, plays a nd ma ny other campus acti vities . . . a nother good and e"entful year for the Alpha C a ms. 168

Weekend guest 拢rom the TKE H ouse!

Connie Harding Nova J ackson Sharon Houck Karen Ann Kottkey Claudette Kuck Karla Landall

Ramona Legg Linda Lewin Marlene Long Jeanne MacMartin Elizabeth Misner Alfreda Monger

Serona Mudd Sharon Naylor Vesta Nelson Kay Osborne Pat Pool Bobbe Raustad t

J o Roberts Patsy Roberts Dorothy Sargent Susanne Schilz Bonnie Scott onua Tipton

Marie Trail Janice Wade Sharon Waldram Sandra Wanamaker Sheri Warren Isabel Woods

A/plio Gommo De/to

路路venewela" brings trophy!!


Alpha Pili Thirty pledges wearing silver and bordeaux started off the A-Phi's year with a ba ng. Activities included second place with Betas in H omecoming Ooat competition, six Vandalettes, four Vandaleers, eiglu H ell Divers, fo ur in Pre Orchesis, President; three Spurs, President; two Alpha Lambda Dellas, two seniors recommended for High H onors, Anne Lyons on Mortar Board; Chris H a uff, Air Force Rifle Team Sponsor; Holly Queen finalist, pretty legs finalist, Delta Sig Dream Girl finalist, La mbda Chi Crescent Girl finalist, and Military Ball Queen fin alisl. Diann Nordby was elected A WS vice president, and .Bl a nche Blecha, treasurer. Fow ler, R cgadera, a nd Hauff, Little Sisters of Minerva. Two

annual dances held were the pledge dance "Silver Belles," and the spring initiation dance, "Bohemian Ball." Early morning awakening a nnou nced the tapping of three new Spurs. Spring trophys brought home included third place in the folk dance festival, first place in Song fest, "Aiphi., won first place in Phi Delt Turtle R ace, a nd A Phis a lso won first place in cheering section. First place was a lso caplUred in the Sig Alph Ol ympics. Campus Chest excha nges were held with the Betas and the SAE's. Fond farewells were bade to Mrs. \!\Tilson, housemother, retiring in June and to eleven seniors at firesides a nd a special brea kfast.

Donna Albin J udy Aldape

Dana Andrews Barbara Bainbridge



Dorce Baldridge Hlan che Blecha Joan Brands JoA nn Lluckley Alice Rae Collins Doris Crane

J anice Crane Judy Dennler Deanna Duff) :\fary E\ans Sharon fsaken ÂŁ, ans Fonda Flanigan

Barbara Fowler Carole Fowler Sally Jo Gleason Shaunna Gygli Elin Hallock Christine l lauff

Pat Higgins

Val Holf :\I yrna Inghram .\ rlene Kerbs Susie King Penny Kosanke


A/plio Pili

Alpha Phi Sorority

Initiation Dance

Barbara Kmll Sally Maddock~ Jane RadslifT Susie Shern :-.laney Vosika

Karen Leichner Lois r. lanweilcr Jean n ie Rau Mary Snook jeanne Walker

Carole Lipscomb Darlene Matheny Fran Regadera :-.laney Snook Linda \\'atern1an

Ann Marie Lyons Ella McPherson Paula Reinmuth J udy Stoddard Anita Wilcomb

Pat elson j udy R:wrk J ude Tracy Lynda Williams

Diann Nordby Noni Norman Julie Salinas Katherine Seely Eleanor Umicker Winifred Unzicker

Janice l'a lmcr judy Stover Cheryl Van la1e

17 1

Delta Delta Delta Another year of fun and activities bega n with the pledging of 22 girls .. teamed with Della Chis to build 3rd place float for H omecoming ... pledges LOok first place poster a t the pep rally ... "T ennessee Sa turday ' ight" pledge dance . . . Tri Delts in Orchesis, Pre Orch, Vandalette, Vandaleers, SA T, H ell Diver . Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Chi Theta honoraries . . . Block selected junior clas secretary ... ~I UN delegates, Ginger a nd Ruth ... Voyles tapped for Little isters of Minerva ... Miller Air Force Rifle T eam Sponsor . . . Louise na med Top enior . . . Mortar Boa rd t<~ppcd Block .. . Claire received A'"'S scholarship ... Pom Pom Girl Stochein .. . new Spurs, Clore a nd D ekay . . . pinnings, engageme nts, marriages, and a whirl of exchanges, fun packed year for Tri Delts.

Colleen Broyles J oyce Eld Judy Groves


J anice Carlson Carol Lee Fobes BeLLy Hamlet

usan Austin Conni e Block Janet Childears J an Foley Kay H arder

Amy Bone Carolyn Clore J udy Freeman NanC) l lauger

Delta D elta Delta Sorority

Nancy Brower Roxie Daugherty :-Janey Frost Kath) Horn

Charmaine Deitl J oanne Cartland Margaret J oh nson

Rlll h DeKay ue Green leaÂŁ Karen Judd

And now ... the sen iors!

Barbara Martin Nancy Oud Pat Speelmon Lynn White

Pat Kelly Sharon Miller Pat Ramsey Sharon Stroschein Sherry Wilkins

i'v!arilyn Loeppky Joann Moore Karen Sasser Tamara Toeus Marcia Wills

Rae McArthur S. Nettleingham Vickie Seeley Arlene Turnbull Marie Wood

Janice t\ lcClcskey Ginger Norwood Claire Slaughter Judy VanSLOnc Linda Young

Bonnie i\fcKay Virginia Olds Billie Sommers J\ larilyn Voyles

;\!o na Ol ~en Nauen Kay Sommers i\!ary Lou Wa lcott

Delta Delta Delta 173


Delta Gamma Hannah had another busy year that began with the pledging of 23 gals ... With P hi Delts we won Homecoming Float trophy . . . Delores, Frosh Queen, Military Ball Queen, SA拢 Violet Queen finalist, Little Sister of Minerva, ROTC Sponsor, and R egional Sponsor for the Pershing Rifle Team ... Sonia, "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" . . . Marge, "Delta Sig Dream Girl" ... Finalists: Karen and Lil, Miss U. of l.; Kay, L ambda Chi Crescent G irl; Sally, ATO Esquire G irl; Sandy, Delta Sig Dream Girl; Kooch, Page and Stahl, Maid of Honor in May Fete; Dunn, Snoball Queen finalist Winegar secretary of Freshman Class . . . Rosi Navy color finalist . . . DG's active in Vanclalettes, Pre Orchesis, Vandaleers, Hell Divers, Curtain Club ... Spurs, Kooch and Mag, new Spurs, Mary W., Vicki P., and Mary Ann D. . . . Former Mortar Boarders leela, Irene, and Corky welcomed Marilyn Martin ... Top honors (or eela, Co-editor of GEM, 10 Top Seniors, Campus Citizen o( the \1\Teek ... best decorated turtle . . . Rosi top honors in Language Contest ... Vicki P. president of Alpha Lambda Delta . . . "One Arabian Night" e ntertained Kappa Sigs and Sigma Nus entertained us with good old American stomp ... J o, Porn Porn Girl ... R oz, majorette ... Gay, new co-editor of GEM . . . Marilyn, Sally, and eela in Pi G~.mma lVru ... serenades, firesides, pinnings, engagements ... a rewarding year with our beloved Mrs. "F.'' Scorr President


i\lary Ann Daltou Dianne Hayes Dolores Llewellyu


Pat Dunn Nancy Hewitt Camille Lopez

Sonia Allen Pat Brogan Sandy Gauss Helane Hi lton Elinor Wilson

Margaret Asmussen Carol Cammack Joan Emot路y Vicki Holm Marge Marshall

Sandy Bacon Karen Coiner Dawn Fairley Pat Johnson l\'larilyn Martin

Carol Benson Roslyn Cripe Georgia Finch Lillian Kirschner eela McCowan

Kay Ganen R. Curteman Judy Graham Kay Kuhn Linda Murray

"Monk and Ugly"

The DC's and Rush Week

Sally Newland Dee Ochs joAnne O'Donnell judy Olsen Vicki Palmer Lynn Paulson

Roberta Peterson Jo Anne Reese Judi Scanlan j a} ne Springer j udy Stahl ~ raureen Sweeney

Betsy Taylor Lorrai ne Taylor Cay Tuson Phyllis Wa lker Nancy Welker Joyce White

:\faq Winegar Barbara Wohleu Sandra \\'orsley Rita Zachary

Della Gamma orority

De/to Gommo 175

Gamma Pili Beta Gamma Phi Beta Sorority

A "Golden Year" for aJI of us . . . Biggest thrill was welcomi ng our a lumni for our "Golden Days- 50th Anni"ersaf)' on the Idaho Campus路路 celebra tion in l\Iarch . . . other memorable times . . . building a Homecom ing float with the TKE's (motto : "They sa id it couldn't be done" and laughingl y referred to as " It wasn' t"), "Bad News" pledge dance . . . going beatnik for Campus Chest with the Phi Taus ... having Lhe "Most Dads" for Dad's Day . . . "Midnight in fa nhattan"' 1nitiation Dance formal with the D G'~ ... songfesting with the Fijis .. . Our own ''1Vest Side Gang" winning a ll house ensemble in Blue Key ... and ma ny exchanges ... water fights . .. serenades


Lin da Bruce Beu y Do ttie r


Dawn Brunzell Ann Equals

Bowers Sue Bush Carol Evans

Celeste J ones with her Lam bda Chi Crescent Girl trophy .

. . . Cele te chosen Lambda Chi Crescent Girl . . . Tatko next A'"S prexy ... Brewer to be co-editor of Gem . . . Spurs-Nelson, Bush and Evans . . . fortar Board- .Mar!)h . .. Dolo a nd Carolyn were porn porn girls ... .Joann chosen for Alpha Lambda Delta ... many preorch, Orchesis and H ell Divers . . . many queen final ists-J acobs, Matthies, H eller, Lynch, Pomponio, Best and Blackburn ... ROTC sponsors Hormachea, Warner and Kempton . . . many fine times went to make an exceptional year . .. a nd our love and thanks to l\fr . Doggett for helping us make it so wonderful.

ue \11<lre Bracken Marion Collins Jill Fouche


uza nne Bc-.t Cath) Bre"er Vivian Dickamore Jud) Conl..lin r-Iargaret Garrison Nancy Grange

j o1\'cll Di,路en Carolyn H ague

Fiftieth \nni\'ers~t)!

Gommo Phi Be to

Dianne llcllcr JoA nn llctter D. llormaechea Anu Jacobs J udy Kempton Ann Kellogg Florence Mendiola Jilll\lauhies ally Jo 1elson J oy Ann ~cider ·orma Pomponio Maril)n Robinson ~cola muUl)' JoAnn n)der Vicki \Varner joan Walker

Judy Hickman Celeste Jones Sallie Latimore Judy ~l iddleton Judy Nonini f'ett) Runge Margie Snyder

Judy Libby Donna Morgan Charlene Parks Janet Sal)•er Becky Sowell

Chri~tine L)'nch Marcia ~ ! Ottinger Marilyn Paulson ~l arilyn ather L}ncue Squires

J ulie Madden K. l\lcl3ratne)' Judy Petterborg Karla Sie\'erl Pat S)mmcs

Georgia Marshall Cathy McNichols Dianna Piersou Darolene Smith ~l argaret Tatko


Kappa Alpha Theta


Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority

"Our .\nnihce!"

Leitha .\herin Delores Chadsey Ma•-, \\'alscr Ensle) Linda Catlin L. Himmelsbach Nant) Holcomb

A,:.; B•c"LR, President

Carol Davison NanC) Hagen


The Theta castle on the corner, under the able leadership of Ann Becker, sent its twin-starred kite into orbit this year with a multitude of campus activities, queen contests and a busy social calendar . . . Homecoming float built with the Sigma Nus was a great success .. . Sharon Weaver, Secretary of Greek Caucus next year . . . Doris Ann Greenstreet, Sharon Lance, Alpha Lambda Delta ... Ann Becker, Exec. Board, 10 Top en iors, and Theta Sigma Phi H eadliner Award .. . Fran Baudek, enior Class Secretar), president of Beta Epsilon Chi .. . haron Lance, ophomore class treasurer . . . J eannie tokes, president

Dana 6al..er Karen Chri>tenscn ~laq Jane Geule Jane Johnson

Jud~ nat) Linda Compton Julie (,irard Karen Johnson

Fran Baudel.. Bc,erl) Cooper Doris Grcemtreet Ann Kno'' Iton

haron Crifhth\ Sharon Lante

Li\ Cuildford Ka) Lewis

1 heta Christmas Part}

Kspps A/phs Thets

of Sigma Alpha Jota, Sharon Griffith, presiden t of Orchesis with Linda Compton, vice president .. . Many Thetas in Pre Orchesis, Vandalettes, H ell Divers, Vandaleers, Orchesis . . . New Spurs, Anne Knowlton a nd Tinder Moeller ... Georgeanne McDowell, Miss U. of J., finalist for Navy Color Girl, L ittle Sister of l\finerva, and Pom Pom Girl ... Shirley Mitchell, Blue Key talem show winner, finalist for l\filitary Ball Queen, and "Daisy l\fae路路 in Lil Abner Production . . . Kay Lewis, Air Force Rifle Team Sponsor and Frosh Queen Finalist ... Leitha Aherin, finalist for AE Violet Queen ... The "Zodiac路路 was the mystic theme for the pledge dance, and a costumed "Odds 'n Ends" dance was held in the pring ... Thetas, working with Delta Sigs and S E's Look fir!>l place at Campus Chest ... Engagement and pinnings topped the social whirl, along with man) exchanges and serenades.

Linda Lewis Tinder ~loeller Carol Rau J eanne ' tokes

J udy Longfellow Pam Moore 1\nn Redford Leanne Strom

Kip ~1 cConuick Nancy Nelson Diana Rudolph Sharon Weaver

G. McDowell ~ ancy eucux Donne Schedler Nancy Wilmuth

J udy Mc.Ginnh Sue Nugent J ayne Swggin Jeannine Wood

Marianne Mill igan Judy :\fetcalf C:1rolinc O'Conner Genevera Oster Claire Slaughter Judy Scoggin Pix) Woolverton

Shirley Mitdaell Kath leen Payne Bethel Solt


Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority

Kappa Kappa Gamma

r-.ruch excitement at the white house on the hill ... Queen's float built with Fijis for Home路 coming . . . Pledge dance "J\ Iisty'' enjoyed b) :til ... halls graced with many beauties, Queen~ Pat Finney and Camille Johnson and man) finalists, Diane Fawson l\ l iss U. of 1. l ~t run路 ncr up . . . "Toad" . . . three cia~ officer:,, Angie Arrien, Susan Rutledge, and Lorna \\'oclful ... Christmas and Valentine fireside~ with "mood" atmosphere . . . tappings, exchanges, and many functions ... Hi Lil), Hi Lo ... Air Force sponsor, Diane Faw!.on; rmy spon or, Lorraine Pouer a nd Judy Olin . . . Campus Chest H oedown with Gault H all and Sig 1 u~

KAY B07.ARnr, Presi<ieul

Dennie Dres,el jlld) FiuiiC)


Seniors have their day-thanks to the p ledges!

Rowena Eikum Pat Finney

;'\anq Alcoru Mary Caldwell Linda Engle Susie Snow Flack

Angie .\ rrien Joau D;l\eupon Liuda 拢u~ign Kell) Fri1elle

. Top Senior, Kay Bozarth ... wearing new Spurs-Angie Arrien, Carol Lindemer, Rowena Eikum . . . "Stir-rup Trouble" a real Spring stomp ... three Alpha Lambs ... Lorna \Vocl路 ful, Ann I rwin, and Karen Stedfcld tapped for l\fortar Board . . . many new pins and ring~ added . . . Idora Lee i\foore takes honors in scholarsh ip among the pledges . . . Lily the lllrtle strolled ro the finish line in second place . . . ue Rutledge awarded for Freshman CPA, a four point . . . Mrs. Husch ke adds cheer and graciousness in a job well done . . . Ye , the golden key unlocked many exciting doors this year and locked in many fond memories.

Nanq Beach J ane Douglas /.ola Lee Farle} Jane Goodell


Diane Fawson Carol Haddock

J ane Field~ Lynda Herndon

Our own Esquire Girl, Camille.

Pledges present KKG路s with a fireside

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Heather Hill Carol Hodgson Kay Irwin Karen James Maureen McGourin Judy Marineau Kathy Rodell Ann Rogers Barbara Snow Gretchen Sparks Joan Ward Carol Whiuet

Mary Ilouglnclin Camille Johnson ldora Lee Moore Ladessa Rogers Karen Stedtfeld Lorna Woelfel

Ann irwin Linda Jones Judy Olin Patsy Rogers Sally Strawn Arlene Wright

Carol Lindemer Lorraine Pouer Anne Rosendahl Nadine Talbot Kay Vosika

Margaret LiLLie June Powels Susan Rutledge JoAnn Tatum Mary Youngstrom

Sue Livingston Judy McGarvey Mary Jo Powers JereRae Rasmussen Barbara Sams Barbara Sande Nancy Trail Joan Wallington Edwina Zabel


Pi Beta Phi Remember the golden arrow . . . in i ts flight through 1959-60 it again hi t the bull's eye with the fourth straig ht win o( the \<\TRA trophy ... Gault H all Snow Ba ll Queen , L ynne ... H omecoming . !~?at. with ~~r.~house ..... Phi H eaven, Sk1 Dance, Fa n ta~y m Pmk ... Finali s~- Homecoming, he lman ; Frosh, Hallvik; U. of I., Graf and Lau ; Sigma Chi and fi litary, Seiven; H olly, Orcl ; ATO, Gra( . . . ;\[ortar Board -l\far) .Jones, Gerri Williams, Carolyn Kudlac ... Spurs- Brooks, Peters, Smith, H arrison, Vickerman , Carnefix, Blair . . . Phi Beta Kappa, Sandra Summerfteld ... 2nd with "Coconut" folk dance . . . eleven in Ore a nd Pre Ore ... seven in Vanda leues . .. Sponsors - R OTC, Shelman, H a ll vik ; Air Force, Beverly . . . repr esentatives in " I " Club, Hell Divers, C urtai n Club, Li LLie Siste rs of Minerva, Vandaleers and other departm ental honoraries . . . Ye ll Queen, Lynne . . . Committees . . . l st in SUB art exhibit, Sandra . . . Marriage Booth with Delts and Farmhou~e . . . ARG \\'omen's


L)ll<la Brown Beverly Diuman


Be,erl) Bucklin Judy Ellsworth

Pi Beta Phi Sorority

Editor, l\f arsha . . . dramatic productions, \Nilbanks . . . Alpha Lams- Blair, l\lelquist . . . " I n the Still of the ' ight" with the Phi Delts . .. many pins, rings, and ~ere n ades . . . seven g raduating senior . . . The night of the arrow of Pi Beta Phi has been a succes ful o ne.

:\larsha Burol.er J oAnn Fi ngcr:.on

J ean Anderson Karen Brandt andra B}rnC Sue George

u~an \nns Ual'bara Brooks Joan Carncfix (.lol'ia Cowanlock

Sue Carnchx Gigi Graf

Nancy Davis Linda Haight

Pi Beta Phi

Relaxing in the lounge

"Oriental" exchange with Betas

Sun on the patio

Lyn ne Hallvik Barbara Harrison Karen Kelly Pat Kelly Dona Newman Sharon ieland Sue Sievert Diane Smith Dama Lee \Vildig ~ fari l yn Wylie

Ginger Heath Karen Koontz Nancy Osborn Linda Smit h

June Hoalst Carolyn Kudlac Charlene Peters Judy Sperry

Nancy Hubbard i\'fery le Kay Kurdy Pt'gg)' Phillips Barbara Stivers

Ann Jewell Sally Lau Sharon Price Beuy Vickerman

Glenys Johnston Karin Melquist Judy Rogers Elaine Wacker

Mary Jones Helen Method Lynne Shelman Sally Wilbanks


We started o[ a busy year at Steel H ouse with ... Freshman Fireside ... Big and L ittle Sister H at Pa r ty . . . "Viking Sh ip'' H o mecoming float with Gault ... Ilalloween Exchange with Campus Club . . . D a d 路~ Day Award for " Father from Furthere t Away,'' ... Three H ou e presidem guiding us this year, First semester, Do nna Ristau and Linda Edwards, second emester, Tommie J o Thomas . . Loi Proctor, \ VRA president . . . Sonja Carlson, The ta Sigma Phi President . . . Sandie " 'all, purs Secretary . . . Un iversity <1-H officers, Joy H ensley, ue \Viley, Doris Foukal, Janet prenger ... "South Pacific" Fall Dinner Dance we came H awai ian style Iany were ta pped for honoraries . . . Dia ne Coiner, Phi Beta Kappa ... Carol H all, Janet Nau, Claudia Braun , Phi Kappa Phi . . . ~M ar i etta McDonald, Anita H owell, Sandie \<\fallen, Phi Omicron Upsilon . . . Spurs: Ardith Chase . . . H ell Divers, Karen Smith, Sue ,Wiley . .. Pre Orchesis, Susie Simeon . . . Orchesis, Mary vVhitehead .. . "I" Club, Rose Kimpton, Ma ry Whitehead . . . Runnerup in \1\TRA Pa rticipatio n Poin ts, first in basketball, second in volleyball, fourth in baseball ... Anita Howell awarded Tri-Delt scholarship ... Bea uties: Shirley Anderson, Fina list for Snow Ba ll Queen ... Pa t McCarter, finalist for Military Ball Queen . . . Spri ng Dance, "Summer Place" was a succe:.s ... sang in Song Fest with Shoup ... Campus Che t was pa id o[ by a picnic in the arboretum with Upham, Lindley's H ashers serving us dinner ... on the romance scene, there were seventeen engagements, one pinning, a nd seven marriages . . . rounding out our year a t teel.


Dorendorf Linda Edwards Pauline llafer Virginia Kay H ale


Ethel Steel House

Ethel Steel House

Betty Anderson Marietta Braun Geneva Fechner Carol Hall

onja Carlson Doris Foukal i\larily l larper

hirley 1\nderson Ardith Chase j eanette George l'h} II is Hendershott

Mary Bills Diane Coiner Crystal Gould J oy H ensley

~laq Lou Craves Elizabeth l lorning

Fall Ho use Dance Big and Liule Sister Party

Ch ristmas Party 路1 hree B lind Mice and Friend at Halloween Exchange

Ethel Steel House

Anita Howell Jud y Koepp Mary Reed Sylivai Timoskc,ich

Doris Jameson Pat McCarter Ann Sawyer Belly Thiessen

Ann Jenks M. McDonald Jan Scoggin Phoebe Vosen

Pat J ordan J anet Nau Susanna Simeon Sandra Wallen

Idona Kellogg Patty Nelwn Karen Smith Pauy Weed

Rose Kimpton Colene Peirsol J anet Sprenger Mary Whitehead

Maxine Kinzer Lois Proctor Patricia Stevens Susan Wiley


Forney Hall Highlights of the year - Trenna Atchley crowned Homecoming Queen ' 路 . . AwardsRHC, Debate, Dad's Day, WRA, and Cosmopolitan L anguage Plaque . . . Hall dances and activitics-"Snow Frolic," "South Pacific," Firesides and Exchanges, Homecoming Aoat was built with W illis Sweet . . . Honors-Paul in Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Eplison Delta, AWS Treas., Student- Faculty Comm . . . . Boyd, Whitten in Alpha Lambda Delta . . . Leatham, Ferrell, Harrsch in Phi Chi Theta . . . "\1\Thitten, Edwards in Spurs . . . Frahm, Leatham, Tsudaka in "\1\Tomen's "I" Club . . . Carnie, Merrick, Bruce in Phi U ... P ritchett and Paul in Mortar Board . . . Mortar Board Award went to Paul . . . Martell, ASUI Sec., Young Republicans Prexy ... Curtain Club-Hamon, Tsudaka . . . Queen finalists were Peterson and Marcon

Roslina Bruce Jackie Curtis Arlene Frahm



Judith Abernathy Lynda Awe ! donna Burstedt Shirla Calaway Darline Edmiston Joy Edwards Florence Griffen Carole Grove


Forney H all

. . . vVRA Outstanding Senior-Frahm . . . Alpha Lambda Delta Award-Boyd ... What a wonderful year!!!

Sharon Aitken Ann Marie Baum Karen Camm Carolyn Engelen Christine Hajost

Pat Allbrethsen Bonnie Baum Shirley Carnie Barbara DeKeyser Orinda Hamon

M. Anchustegui Dianne Uailey Barbara Clark Marilyn Dreier Jo Harrsch

Mary Applegate L udel Boyd Phyllis Cochrane Betty Felu Charlene Harter

Trenna Atchley Brenda Brown Shirley Corbell Judy Ferrell Sandra Hatlfeld


Frances Sawyer haron Trenary usy Wilson

Y. Lewandowicz Ramona ~ l arotz D. Schuppinies i\Iary Tsudaka Gail Wonscr

J aspers Charlene Johnston Ro;e Long , \lice l\lcCroske) Rohena Maughan ~ I arilyn Merrick Charloue Mohr Peg Shelton Ch~rlen e Sherwin Adelle Snyder Myrna l'almer Beverly Paul Claudia Pederson Cora Wood Judy Wunderlich Eleanor Warnstrom

Ann Stevens Evelyn Peterson ~f arcy \\'hiuen

Jnd~ Jones Ohna Dec Macl.ie Carol in Na) lor Mary Lo u Taylor l'ricilla Perkins ~ l aril)n Wilson

Donna Ti nker J udy Walser Ann Yoshida



Noll lla)S ll all

1959-60 was a big yea r for H ays, being fill ed with activities, pinnings, engagements, marriages and tappings. Geri Crank led as President . . . SAE Violet Queen, J eannie Ba ll . . . H omecoming float built with Upham . . . Pre Orch Gayle Evan:., Karol) n Stoker . . . Orche is Carole Hurley . . . Hell Di ver:. Cathy \Vood, Nancy Weigelt, Judy Bauman . . . Vandaleers Pa ula " 'est, Glenda Barney, Betty Tannahill, Nancy Simpson, Nancy May, Judy Bauman, Susie Trail . . . Fa ll costume dance with Judy Bauman and Pa t Wees winning as "Ma and Pa Keulc," Judy as Pa and Pat as Ma . . . Carole Hurley was active in drama productions . . . Navy Color Girl .J ea nni ~ Ba ll ... Exec. Board Candidate Chris R eyno lds . . .

GtRI CRA'\1., President Bobbie Caporasa Sharon Delane)


Santa Sede at the Christmas party

Spring Dinner Dance " Garden l n the Rain " . . . 100 per cent in the Blood Drive . . . Prettiest Legs winner Nancy \'\1e igelt . . . Campus Union Party Treasurer Nancy R ambeau . . . Blue Key emry "Ma n路路 with twch路e members participating . . . Phi Ch i Theta Judy tickney . . . Phi Upsilo n Omicron Charlotte Aldrich, haron Larson . . . Sigma Alpha Iota Paula \Vest, R ae Patton, Ann Clark . . . Alpha Lambda Delta Judy tickney ... Spurs Diane Soper, Judy Stickney . . . tapped b y Vandalettes J ea nnie Ba ll ... During spring vacation we lost o ne assistant housemother, L avonne Bell through marriage and gained another, Belly Hutchison ... all these helped towards a smashing year.

Gail .\ gee Glenda Alexander J ud) Bauman Rochelle Beaudreau haron Carpenter .\ nn Clarl.. Kay Cono,er ;llargaret D unham Laura Dol)' Gayle E"ans

Rogene ,\ lger hannon Beck and) Cota :llarie Free1e

Doris Baker LaVonne Bell Sue Cox JO) ce Frisch

J anine Ball Barbara Britt Pat Crank Anne Gaffney


Karo l Green Shirle) Krohn l~llen Peterson ) ane Schaefer Jud) SticknC) Paula \Vest

Noel l larrington Sharon Larsen S::tll) Peterson Sa II} Schaeffer Karol} n Stoker Sus) Williams

Donna J larwood J oan ;llercer 'I ant' Porter Freda . chm id l'oni I h) nCn 1\lasinc Yount

Scrubbing the ca r for Hom ecoming Weekend

.\larih n ll ereth Ka, \1 )Crs Ka' Price :\':mt' 'iimpson l lelen I om Iinson

Carole llutlc) Pat "1/or~cth :>:anC) Ramheau l'cgg) Si nn cmal..i Susan I rail

Ruth ll urst Gail Ohon Ch ris Re,nolds Joan on n en Elberta T •uthot

Sleepy time ga ls

Martha Keel) Rae Patton Jill Sandme)er Dian e Soper :\'ancr Weigelt

Frentll House L ynda D ., Patsy S. a nd l\frs. Braun were the guiding forces behind the past )Car a t French H ouse . . . we built a homecom ing float with the Delta Sigs ... a nd sold a "cureall" at the Campus Chest ~l ed icin e how with the Sigma Chis and Ti\lA-did you drink any? . . . under a "Bleed for French'' ca mpaign we went over our quota in the Blood Drive ... represented Oklahom a in the mock convention ... two dances: Christmas formal, " Misty," a nd the annual French dance, "Cafe Sur le Seine" . . . held a rummage sale . . .

L\ '\01\


Jan Garrison

President Alice Gibbs

Pat Bates Diane Billing~ ÂŁ,CJ}n Hammond

Ra) lcnc llaunc \farian Clark Liola L. ll awl..ins

enior fireside a nd tubbings . . . freshman sneak . . . Honors: Spurs-Ann Albee, " I" Club a nd Sigma Pi Sigma- Khris Alle n, Alpha La mbda Delta- Barbara Simo n, H olly Queen runner-up- Brenda B., 'T' Club President and WRA Vice President- Marian C., RHC Secretary Linda C .... Frenchites were found in Pre Ore, U. Singers, H ell Divers, Li' l Abner, and Vanda leers . . . Vl' ater fights, excha nges, pinnings, engagements and weddings fill o ut the picLUre of a very full year at French H o use.

Karen Bell Carol Collis J uch Hellinger

Our Hom ecomi ng float built wi th the Delta igs ... A bunch o[ stuffed anima ls


J oa n Be rdahl Bertha Covington Sherral H o lliday

Mary i\nn Berry Linda Croy Deanna ll ulÂŁ

Frentll House French House

Marilyn Hustler Verna Lee Lou Pat Schlueter Cathy O'Connor

Joycy Itano LaMoyne Lyda Norma Schroeder Penny Papcs

Helen Johnsen Pat McBoyle Lois Seubert Carol Plummer

J ean McLeod Barbara Simon Sonja Quale

Diane Mattson Della Smith Joyce Renfro

Saturday night blues

Patricia Mielke Colleen St. Claire Cathy Weiszhaar

Dorothy Scarccllo Pat Stanger Pat Williams

Helen Schiffier Mary Stinchcomb Joy Yockey

Don't drop our darling Miss Purvy


A/plio lou

Omega ,\ct i\'iti e~ combined with scholarship . . . the 1959-60 mouo at the house of Tau, the nearest Greek. living group to the SUB. R a nking fourth amo ng the fraternity pledge da~ses, ATO also had time to send men out o n ca mpus, looking at the next year's co-ca pt a in~ of the basketball team, .J ames a nd Willia ms .J ames g iven best sportsma nship award on this yea r's team. Men in activities . . . next year's Jason, Teil Leitne r, also president of Sigma Delta Chi , mem路 bcr o f Blue Key .. . Kerby, president of ASCE ... Fox, Schow and Exum tapped for JK's . . . Woofter, Phi Epsilon Kappa .. . .Jo hnson, Patton, Sigma De lta Chi . . . l\ fcCia nahan, Erwin , Vial, Scabbard and Blade. l\fen in sports . . . \Vorley, Vial, Davidson, foo tba ll ... \\'ombolt a nd Porter, fro h basketball tars ... Luuro pp. track .. _ Denni . swimming, \'Oted "l\ fost Outstanding Swimmer路路 \\'oofter and l\loone), baseball.

T o\1

W e remember ... Esky gal Camille J ohmon, Kappa . . . hootin ' and hollerin' at the Pi Ph i H alloween excha nge . . . real bang a t the tin can dance . . . functioned at the spri ng cruise . . . Carlson getting scholarship to l\Iinnesota, winner of regional ,\ rkle Clark. award, Sigma T au, all a10und graduati ng senior.

J\tOll\. Prnitlrut

J ohn Ebben J crr> Ganhe


Alpha Tau Omrg~ J:ratcrniH

Garth Eimers ll arold Gustaf~on

J ohn ,\llgair R. Cunningham M .C. Ell iot Roben Horton

Eric Carlson Jim Oa,idson Richard Erwin Don Hull

C;m1ci1o Dale Dennis Ed Exum Dale James


Jcrry Cra vcn Uob Drummond John Fox Ron J an路cy

Pete Fredrickson \\'all J ohnson

J ames Freeland C. James Jurren\

Ring around the rosy

A/plio lou Omego

W. Roy Kays J erry Mason Robert Schow Da•rel Vail

Tom Keller Ken McDonald llol> Smith Jerry Wicl..s

Lynn Kerby Bob i\lcCinty Jack Smith Ruland Williams

Fred Laidlan Dick Moony Dan Suhr Jeff Wombolt

:-Jeil Leitner Ralph 'clson Mike Sullivan Darrell Woofter

Bill Line Da vid Pa u on Jlill Tiger Judd Worle)

Jim Linhart

Tom Pekarna George Tuckhardt

tan Martin i\likc Robb Tom Turek


Be to Tlleto Pi Beta Theta Pi Fraternity

Big year for the Betas-McCowan elected to the ASU I presidency ... senior class prexy Bill Agee one of top ten seniors . . . second in Dad's Day decorations and homecoming float . . . Okeson named scribe of IK's . . . four-pointer Carlson tapped for Phi Eta Sigma ... Ferns, Okc~on, Carlon new I K's . . . Litton and :;\l cCowan in lllue Key ... Gamma Gamma chapter outstanding north· west Beta, activities, third year in a row ... second at nonhwest Beta songfest . . . scored well in intramural basketball and turkey trot ... McCowan and Litton new Silver Lances . . . Carlson to be chairman of frosh orientation . . . Litton takes

Gale Conard J ohn Ferris


B111ch Cro} J ohn Gamhlc

Bill Agee Bruce Campbell Tim Daley Tim Green

Bert Allen Gary Carlson Dann} Danielson Larr} Grim~

over house presidency from Gncckow . . . Carolan, Vervaeke, Johnson, Lunde, Schaat, R ank, Me· Cowan, Grosvolcl, H a nsen, Livingston, Paulson, Modic and Lyon on varsity teams, Croy, Hires and Smart on frosh teams . . . Modic named by Arg outstanding varsity golfer, Grosvold named o ut· standing skier . . . Sorensen MC of Dad's Day talent show, Agee a nd H ague IC's of Blue Key talent show . . . Brown (president) and Grimes to be on SUB program council ... Man y pinnings, engagements, marriages ... another great year for Beta Theta Pi.

Bob llrown ll crb Carlson Stc\e Deal DCIIIl) Hague

Garth Brown Regi:1al Carolan Gar)' Doty Bob H ansen

Fred Elsberry Dick H;1rris

David Eme•·y Norman I louse

Gary Hudelson David Landon Frank Lyons Bill Montgomery Cary Post Tom Smith

Lance Johnson Denny Langdon Randy Litton David iV!unn Chuck Rank Dean Sorensen

LeRoy Johnson Van B. Larson Bruce McCowan Neal Newhouse Tom Ratcliffe Mike Stowe

Delbert Jones Philip Layton Bill McDonald Jon 'ilsson John Remsberg John Turner

Tom Kale Jim Libbey Dennis McLean Jim Okeson Swan Robertson Bob Vervaike

Ron Keely Art Lindenner Lee Miller Larry Parberry Duane Saxton John Walcon

Carl Kelly Bob Livingston Don Modic Robert Parkinson Larry Schoat Skip Ward

Be to The to Pi

Kent Hove Michael Killien Hilmar Lunde cil Modic Jim Paulson Bob Smart Dick Wyatt

The Senator pays a visit


Delta Chi Another big )Car for D elta Chi. The started with a bang with the home· coming noat of De lta Chi and Tri Delt placing third. Also winner of D ad's Day u·ophy. One hundred per cent partici· pation in blood drive. lntramurals beucr )Car

than ever. One of top in football; win· ncr of "B" basketball trophy; the top in softball play. Functions included the P ledge Dance, Pirates Dance, Misty Dance and the cl imax of all, the Spring Formal.

Delta Chi Fralernit)


Bob Cro no Ralph I latch



Bill £,ans Don licilt

Jim .\ ssendrup Gene Callahan te'c Gibson (.ar) fl ughes

Larr} Bardsley Larn Cantrell Ron Goodwin Don !nine

Cary Brannan Dcnn} Burnside George Christensen Sam C-ollet Del Gowland Did. Guile) Bob Lea Harq Labbce

wan H ainc;, Harry Light

tan Hall l lerbert ;\Ialany

Another good year of campus partiCIpation with Delta Chi members of the Argonaut staff, R adio- TV guild, KUOI, I K's, Pershing rifles, Vandaleers, Vandal Band, " J" Club and various ASU L committees. K UOI station manager a Delta Chi. Delta Chis score in varsity sports in-

eluding football, basketball, baseball and track. Candlelight pinning serenade acclaimed top on campus. I nitiates worked at recreation center during H ELP week. Delta Chi conclave at Seattle was choice function. Ll igh sights are set for the coming fall.

De/to Clli

Tender, Isn't It?

What's with the outdoors indoors?

\\'arren \\'ubl.er


Delta Sigma Phi A good year at the Delta Sig house saw the beginnings of a mothers' auxiliary . . . Aoat-building fun with the giant nebbish H omecoming weekend ... many serenades ... firesides with the Delta Sig combo ... Toby the cannon met his death proclaiming the Greek u路iumph in student body elections ... Arny Candary, ASU I yell leader . . . Ka rl Bittenbender, top senior ... Dicll6tiles, chairman of J azz in the Bucket ... two me n tapped for lK's ... Bill H obdy a nd R on H oughtalin

elected to l K offices ... first pla'i::e in Campus Chest . . . trophy for theJ largest percentage of beards on Dad's Day . . . Ken Maren, starting center for the Vandal basketball team . . . chapter cele brates its tenth anniversary . . . initiation of Dr. Floyd Tolleson . . . Greek Championship in volleyball ... Marge Marshall, DG, crowned Dream Girl, 1960-61 at annual Carnation Ball, rounding out year's activi ties . . . ready for a big year at the Delta Sig house in 1960-61.

Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity

First Semester Ross PETERSON, President Art Bourassa Fred Fricke


Ji m B yrnes Garman

\\1a Iter

Art Albanese John Beckwith Jim Carpenter Ray Gomes

Jim Barnhart Karl Bittenbender Russell Crockett Roger Gregory

Hal Banon Ted Boam Gene Dunn Bill Nobdy

Second Semester GLADE 06ERHANSLt, President Eldon Fedler Wm. M. Fischer Keith Huettig Ron H oughtalin


Delta Sigma Phi Moonlight pinning serenade!

Paul J auregui Gerald Metcaif Rich ard Stjles

Robert .Johns Jim i\letcalf Cordon Stobie

Jim Judd Franl.lin Oduber Paul Webb

Our girl, i\f<1rgcl

Frank Kasunic Dwight l'a uon am White

Jack Kocher Richard Petersen Tom Williams

lver J. Longeteig Bill Pouer Larry Young

Ken Maren Robert Rinehart Ron Zwiuer

Malcom McClain Paul Stewart Robert Scott



Delta Tau Delta The D elts charged through another ba nner year . . . I K·s R obertson, aneholtz and Amntmann . . . H oly Grail, Allred . . . Blue Key, Bernard, Schumaker, Pouer, Fitzgerald, R ene ... l~itz­ gerald ASU I vice president, junior president . . . Sch in i, sophomore president .. . First in intramurals, winning crosscountry and horseshoes . . . Pershing Rifles, Michael, Sockvitne ... Scabbard a nd Blade, Child (president), Conklin, Ward . . . H ell Di vers, Sch ini (president), Crowe, \Vatson and T yson . . . R ene, IFC president ... Phi Eta Sigma, Robertson and Tyson ... footba ll, Nelsen, D avies; cross-country, Amntmann; basketball, Walton; swimming, W atson, Lawrence, Tyson; track, Doyle, Adams, Michael; tennis, H ervey; Golf, H ansen ; baseball, Tripp . . . frosh fo~tball, Schmidt, Kulm; £rosh cross·country and track, Amntmann; basketball, Barret ... Bi"ll Sholes, Social Coordination Council preside nt ... Sigma Delta Phi, I verson . . . McDouga l, pre-med honorary . . . a hopping social year with the pledge dan ce, Odd Ball Dance, Russian Ball , spring formal, spring picnic and numerous exchanges . . . Potter, outsta nding PE major ... second on campus in grade point for both house a nd p ledges . . . one of our best with a lot more to come.



J ack Acree Ron Adams Frank 1\llen D uane Allred

Bruce Anderson Ke nt An~rerbauer Dan Barrett Thomas Benjamin

Bob Bernard Bill Block Barry Burke Jim Child

Brody Conklin Larry Cross George Crowe Dick Davies Delta T au Delta Fraternity

George Dickinson J ay Do) le J ohn Duf£y Del Eaton

Charles Eckery Vaughn £strick Mike Felton John Fittgerald


Delt11 T11u Delt11

ll's a bird! ll's a plane ...

J ack Flack Henry W. Kipp Bill Miller Tom Schmidt Leonard Un1id.er Don Wimeler

Norm Cis~cl Ron Kuhn ~like ~! organ

Bill thole5 COil Vaught Ronald Wise

Bob Hall Cliff Lawrence Theron lelscn Bob Schumaker Bob Walton

FA Bulous

L ynn llansen Mike Lehman Glenn Pouer Jerry S. Shi\CI) Theron \\'ard

Bob Henderson Charles llcrvey Don L)Singer Waller Locke Robert Ridgeway Charleo; Robertson A. L. Swenson Paul Sol..' itnc ~lil..c \\'atson .Ed Weide

Terry Holcomb Bud l\lcDougal Robert Schini Larry T ripp ~like Williams

Dave h erson Cary Michael J erq chmidt Hob l )SOn Ra) Willms


Farmhouse Dol\ CR \ 0\\0IIl. Ptesiden/ Robert Bradle\ Cordon Elliot

Clarence Chapmann La r n 路 Han路er

Eugene .\ lien Die!. Beier Ed L. Christemen

Bud Bca~le) Stephen Bonn Ste' c Da' is

Still ha\'ing growing pain~. bu t all under the am e roof ... a nnua l ha) ride ... Sa!>~er ma ke B1\拢0C-J r. class vice pres., Blue Ke) and Exec. Board-wrong door- ... four members o n judging team-was it fo unh or firl>t? . .. win ter sleig hride .. . sunrise engageme nt . .. Alpha Zeta ta ps Bradley, H a tfie ld, Alle n a nd L. Sasser . . . Stroschein rewrns . . . Christensen m a kes regio na l I K viceroy . . . Denma n heads East with the hig h-grade-poin t awa rd . . . Chapma nn, Lynn a nd Po ulson ta pped [o r lK's . . . scholarship tro ph y .. . Gradwohl pres. of ASAE and Outsta nding


Terrence Denman

l'hilip Edward'

,\ g Engi neer . . . complete with fan club . . . 6,400 worth of scholarships . . . Pi Gamma M u and Xi igma Pi, one each . . . A llen Aggie of year . . . campus chest . . . Proshold heads for California-no luck with the na bids . . . Star and Crescent forma l . . . H atfi e ld o utsta nding Ag Educatio n slll路 dem ... numerous nutritio us and enjoyable ad visor type fun ctions . . . songfest tro phy . .. e ngaged, Allen, H a rvey, and J o nes . .. pinned, Bradley, Edwards, L ynn and Kohntopp- had pin, never wo re .. . steak fry a nd barn d ance with the Tri D elts.

Darrell H atfield Douglas Park G~nh Sasser

Jerome J ankowski Julian Perez Lyle Sasser

King Ernest Polz Robert Schelske ~falcom

Dean Kohntopp :-Jeil J. Poulson T om Stroschein

D. LaVerne Kuhn Frederick I. Proshold Dale Turnipseed

Jelfrey L} nn Clarence R. Reed Dwayne Westfall

Fannhousc Fratetnity


Koppo Sigmo

Ka ppa Sigs had a nother memora ble year at 918 Bla ke ... pledge da nce, one of the best in histor y, followed by the hilariou!> house par ty, twelve full hours of gambling, tobogganing, ba nquet a nd the fo rmal . .. spring highligh ts- spring formal a nd the delightful cruise, ~!other's Day open house . . . a ble leadership under Bob ~ I agnuson a nd " idney"' Greenstreet . . . freshma n succe esfootball, hustling D awn Fa nnin a nd Cumer Green ... swimming, J err y Zapth a nd T ucker Cole . . . baseball, Pat Br uba ker a nd Jim Zander ... varsity letterme n-swimming, Ken Goodwin . . . baseball, Pat Townsend . . . scored high in intramurals . . . well repre-

sented in honoraries-Sigma T au, I K, Alpha Zeta, Sigma Delta Chi, Sigma Ga mma Epsilon, Phi Kappa Epsilon, e tc . . .. H erb H ollinger on Argona ut staff ... R oger Barr a nd Lossa l Corwin nail down major roles in L i'l Abner . . . romance hits chapter, three ma rriages a nd a number of pinnings and engagements ... regional conclave at Ba nff, Canada, more to fo llow ... K-Sig trio cops honors in Blue Key talen t show .. . " nail drivin' five p lus one" T eke- Ka ppa Sig band push their ta lent to an all-time h igh . . . exte nsive remodeling to ta ke place during summer vaca tion . . . as in '60, as in '06, Ka ppa Sigs keep chalking up treme ndous years.

.\ n informa l tubbing!

Kappa Sigma Fratemit}

J. ÂŁ. CRH , , 1 Rl ~ r. PrPsident econd . eme.,ter Bull Buffington J im Brunskill Dawn Fannin l'hil Catlin


Ra, .\ mes George Benson 'J ucker Cole AI Gilben

Dec . \ nd rew'> Ralph Bingham ~ l ike l)ah Jim Cissel

Roger BaiT Jerry Bowers J im Doll Ct:mcr <.. rcen


~IAc.,uso, , Ptesider~l

Firs1 Semes1cr J oe D unn Lane Cro,es

Jan E'ans llerb llollinger

Kappa Sigma

Jo n Hollinger Lee H olloway Wayne Ills Jerry J oh nson

J im King Russ Knopp Kirk Lewis John \!agel

Jirn :\lcBride Leon i\IcConville Jim McKissick Bill i\ic •elley Lewis C. i\lceks Clinton i\lowery

Bill Olson Cli nt Owens Ken Powell Bob Quensel Jim Rogers J ohn Rasmussen

Don Smith Dennis Soil Jarold Swafford Bill Thompson Lee '1 ownsend Pal "I ownsend

Jim Van Sickel Roger Walls Larry Williamson Ken Yah recs Jim Zander



Chi A/plio All Il ail, All H ail T o Lambda Chi, Our Fair Fraternity ... joined forces with the Alpha Gams for the homecoming float . . . our Crescem Girl, Celeste Jones, Gamma Phi . . . pinnings, engagements, marriages ... a jam-packed social calendar . . . roaring twenties p ledge dance . . . T om and J erry Christmas party . . . Founders Day Banquet a nd Crcsccm Girl Dance . . numerous pledge and all-house exchanges . . . initiated Christmas door decoration contest . . . received Sigma Chi Foundation trophy for scholastic improvement as house grade point continued to soar . . . ftresides and serenades ... men tapped for honoraries ... active members of campus organizations . . . JK's, Ph i Eta igma, Alpha Zeta, Argonaut, Gem of the Moumains, KUOI, H ell Divers, Pershing Rifles, A I committees, dramatics . . . a tremendou!> )Car for the men who wear the crescent.

The earspliuing eight plus three Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity


Fred Dccl.er


President Don Duggan

Darwi n Afdahl Jerry Boyd D. Franklin, Jr.

;\ rnold Ayers Randy Campbell .\larshall ll aucl.

Don Black J ames A. Cornie Pc1er B. H enault

Warren B. l-loit

Don Howard

Lambda Chi Alpha

Wh at"re they servi ng back there?

Fred Ne lson receives the ou t路 sta nding pledge paddle with hesiwnt grat illlde.

Terry I lo we l'ony Matson Gerald Shertcr

Ron ll ulherl Jim Middendorf Steve Schaub

J erry Hull Don ~fillet路 Laddie T aylor

Paul .Jacobs Fred Ne lso n Ru dy Zuhcrbuh lcr

Gerry J ones Merrill Oaks

Tom .Joy Fred Olio

Eddie Kun ca r Julius Peterson

Robert Lund Mike Robinson


Phi Delta Theta Phi Delta Theta Fraterniq

The "castle painted blue and while" saw many activities and honors this year . . . participating with the DC 's, we won first in the mixed division of H omecom ing fl oats . . . we had three fir t in intramura ls . . . succe sful pajama dance, Christmas formal and initiation dinner dance ... along with this commun ity sen路ice day, leaving the ~ ros颅 <Ow Opportunity chool shining . . . the lllrtle

race proceeds helped the fund at Gritman Memorial H ospital . . . many spectators en joyed the third annual Phi Delt Turtle Derby . . . dosed out the social )Car with our annual orpham路 picnic ... many Phis joined the ranks of " those people prominent on campus'' . . . with one great year behind us we anticipate one just as great ahead.

DAvE TttO\II'SOX, President

Gordon R. Chester Douglas Gaut


R. Clericmio Bruce Greene

Roger Anderson Jam es Hennen John Oimeling Phil I land

Edward \\'. Banle) H. T. Barraclough J ohn Ba!;g<> Doug Brown Jon Blc<l<.oe Jorge n Bryhn Dennis Ekwort7ell Ray Featherstone Darrell Ferguson :\lark I lolbrool.. Joe H a\nes Jim Herrell

Larr)' Fike Larrr 1lollowa)

Skip French \\'ail)' Jluff

Harry Krussman Mike McKim Bob Nutting Brad Rice

Frank H unter Bob Lee J ames Minas Bill Overholser James Swayne

M.P. H ughes Steve Lincoln Jerry Mix Jim l'almer George yring

Art Jensen Brock Livingston Terry Mix Bill Pressey J oh n Travis

Small talk

Don Kirkpatrick Ben Marra Richard Neal Gary Randall Joe Visintainer

R . Koppenlwrg James Mays Da\•e Nichob Eric Rauch Ernie V}Se

Ray Kowallis Dana McCown Barry issen Bob Reese Paul Wagar

Sebastian Lamb Dick Minas Doug Olson Dean hadle

Pili De/to Tile to

Oh, Oh


Phi Gamma Delta

Figi House

It's Maverick time, kiddiesl Do, Re, Mi ...

Bill Benjamin Scott Culp Larry Hops Warren Martin


Dick Chaffin George Bertonneau Gary Floan Stan Fallis Pete Kelly Larry Jeffries Gary Maxwell Perry McCullough

Doug Coglizer J ohn l~reeman Dave Kime Clint McDonald

Terry Cook James Glenny Andy Klemm Duff McKee

Graham Cross Hale Hensen Craig Kosonen

Charles Lange

~1onte ~lcMurray

Bill i\ferrill

Carl Magnusson Dick Monahan

"Here's to those fierce Fiji's" ... top year in Fijiland ... T erry White named top senior, elected vice president of senior class . . . Tunnicliff prexy of ft路osh class . . . Slavin president of Greek Caucus . . . Culp IFC rush chairman, tapped Blue Key . . . Fallis, Tunnicliff, and Cross replace Neilsen, Kelly and T hibault as IK's . . . young Myklebust is new cheerleader ... sports galore ... Monahan, Klemm, Valley, Hansen, White and

Spray play football . .. Lange and Floan on BB team . . . social calendar full . . . trad itional breakfast with Kappas . . . "Sherwood Forest" in fall . . . exchanges with A. Phis, Thetas and DG's ... "Underwater Ball" . . . songfested with Gamma Phis . . . see 'em all next year . . . "A royal purple canna bilian band . . . roams the silent sacred fields of Fijiland!' '

Pili Gamma Delta Don Myk lebust J erry Myklebust Dick eilsen Everett Olson Bob Peterson Richard Renshaw

Bob Rowland Cliff Ru ssell Angelo Sakelaris Gerald Schlatter Dan Slavin Mac Soden

Gary Spray Dale W. Stone Alan Sudweeks Leo Thibault Ron Thurber Weldon Tovey

Steve Tracy Bob Tun nicliff Kent Valley Bill Warner Larry \Vatson Bill White

Terry White

2 11

f)hi Kappa Tau Fraternity

Pili Kappa Tau

Lou ORJNC, President Fi rst Semester

R . MARSIIALL SM 11"11 , President econd emcs ter

Cary Bates Ron Bishop C ary Blid. Wally Brassfield AlÂŁred Breach Lawrence Clurc

Denny Corrigan J oh n Co'crt Da ve Damon Haney Doner Wiley DeCarli Jim Fisby

Robert Foster Larry Garlinghouse Dea n Crosscnback Mike llorvath Mi ckey I fu r ley J ohn I rucchinson


From the little brown house on Deakin Street to the more compatible ivy-covered brick house on Idaho Street . . . expansion in number and in quality has been our goal this year ... man) new p ledges ... third on campus lor fraternity pledge grade point . . . initiated fifteen new members . . . social calendar included pledge dance, Forty 1iner Fling, Gree k ~l y thology Dance, Spring Formal, water skiing picnic at Chatcolet . . . campus activities included top UNICEF contributor, 100 per cent ho use voting both semesters in campus elections, first in i\Iarlboro contest winning stereo, strong participation in Campus Chest and Blood Drive ... Jntramurals included first in swimming, top contender in bowling, held strong position in other sports ... outstanding in Phi Kappa Tau were Jay Thurmon in his fine pedorman ce as Pappy Yokum in the "Li'l Abner" production ... Lou Oring receiving a National Defense Act fellowship at Oklahoma ... Steve Norell as IK court jester . . . Jim Newsome the recipient of the Phi Tau Key award for outstanding work as an alum ... Dean C. 0. Decker for his continual dedication and hard work for our betterment . . . the Star of Phi Kappa Tau shines on to ma ny great years ahead.

l Pili Koppo lou

Richard J u~t Larrr L:t Balle Gary Man\'ille Don Martinson Ron McCallister J. D. i\fcKendick

Gary ~lc:'\cill Doug ~!ellen Chuck l\forris Scott Mul liken :-t ike Norell Ste,路e ~orell

Charles Oldham Mike Pa;sic ~ l illon Peterson Ron Pettis Jad. Peuygro\'C Doug SCO\'ille

R. D. Simpson Bob Smith

Charles Smith Paul Smith IIi II Stancer Robert Steele

Lee Storey Larry Summers E\eletl S\end~ell ja\ I hurmond \1:" \\'ildc




Fi rst Semester Gary Chigbrow l::rnic Carr J ack H arri~ \1 . 1.. Gates Terr) ~larshall Jim Lunte

Ken Albertson Jim Bell Royce Chigbrow Bill ll arl Ralph ~l3)S

Doug Allman Willia111 Bowes Bo)d Earl Terq llowanl Jame' \l ofliu

Sigmo A/plio Epsilon Under the watchful eye of ~ l in erva the SAE's wound up a nother action-packed year . . . two outstanding Phi .Beta Kappa's, Wright and R eed . . . Silver Lance, Scoll ... Blue Key, Steele . . . J K's, Payne and Young . . . third in intramurals . . . cheerleader, Volk . . . Blue KC) talent show wi nner, . \ncl e~on . . . first in Ca m pus Chest . . . Vandaleer~. R eed . . . F.-osh Days Strong ,\ (an, Bowe ... Chairman of Frosh O;路ientation, Young . . . Chairman or Campu~ Carni\'al, Van H orne . . . writer of the Keyhole, Reed . . . Vandal baseball, Steven~on and Allman . . . second in Song fest . . . three top Air Force ROTC officers and recipient~ ol Air Force awards, Lunte, \Vright and Steele ... a tOtlch o r bea uty added by Violet Qu een, J eann ie Ball and the Lillie Sisters of Iinerva . . . year brightened by activities . . . Violet Ball, the well-k novm " Bowery,'' the famou~ Sig-Alph Olympic , spring formal, " Playbo)' H ouse Party" ... altogether a great )Car for the SAE's.

2 14

i\'I eldon Anderson Steve Buroker Gordon Eccles Dick Krieger pike :-.'asm)th

Lew Andrews Larry Ca rison J erry Fellows Bill j oa J ame~ l'a,ne

JACK L FITNFR, P1 eside11t Second Semester E. Fredericksen AI Gailey Roger J ones Ralph Long(ellow Da' id Pierce R ichard Pierce


The only way to have a football game!


Chrisunas party with 1he Lillie Sisters, Mrs. Coleman, and Lil

Sigma Alpbo Epsilon Ron Raffensperger Vance Rau er Peter Reed Richard Reed

Gary R ice Keith RifOe Errol II. Schnider Ron Slusarenko

Da,id Stephenson Larry Teply Charlen \\'m. Thomas .\1 Underwood Steve Van Horne George Volk

Robert C. Weaver John Wicklund Bob Widdificld Dick Widdificld J ames R. Wright



President Fi rst Semester


J ay Cline Arnstein Friling L)nn Hill

Larry Curry H oward Cenish Larry J ames

Bob Alexander Steve Bau Gary Dossett Do n Gettle Brad J ones

Larry Aycr Virgil llrown Pat Dunl:1p Pete Croom Bob Keller

Don Barlow \\'cslcy Bucha nan Gilbert Dunn Tom Gwilliam LeRoy Kellogg

Da ve Barrett Hill C;nnpbell Jim Fitch Darrah H andly \\'a) nc Ki dwell


President Second Semester Ron Flccher David Frazier Ralph H egsted Jim Herndon Gale Kleinkopf Gary Kleinkopf

Sigma Chi A year o[ work and coopera tion saw us moving into our long dreamed of House o n the Hill . . . to show their g ratiLUde our pledges won intra mural debate a nd turkey trot . . . kept things rolling by putting Pug h and Keller in class offices ... Six Bos kept the u路ophies coming in by walking away with the Dad's Day quanet contest ... two dabs did it as Satch won campus rogue ... added tlu路ee new I K"s to our seven [rom first semester . . . 1\ farrin is officer . . . Trail elected to Blue Key office ... Presidents: T eft of Ilell Divers, Satch of Vandaleers, Dossett of Phi Mu Alpha, \ Voolverton o( Delta igma Rho . . . Ayer headed KUOI . . . Tra il chairman of Election Board . . . Pugh to run J.A.T.R . . . great Sweetheart Dance a nd wonderful Sweetheart, Sonia A llen, DG ... pledges pulled lOp grades to win scholarship trophy .. . Alexander on Exec. Board . . . Fra~ier kept the Frosh King trophy in the house . . . Faucher got the highest grades ever recorded in L aw School . . . also selected as the Northwest"s outstand ing Sig ... finished strong by winning the ongfest ... a great year with mo re to come. 216

Sigma Chi Fraternity

Tom Mills Ken Radke Dick ' I hompson



'I om Rei ll y

Joh n Toevs

Joel Koon ce AI McCown Bart PafE n ave Springer Oa'e Trail

Jim Kraus Lee McDougal J o hn Perry W. V. Stephens IIan ie Wa lker

Richard Lyle Chuck ~fcFarland Ear l Pfei ffer Lee Stokes \li en Willis

J im Lyons Tom Mcfarland lh ve Polage Brad Strawn Gan \\'oo h erton

Bill l\fartin Mike McKee Dave Powers Michael Strub

Monte McClure Darrell Merrill Dave Pugh Dick Tefft

Sigma Chi

The "Artie路J o" barber shop

The Six Bo's!!


c ,\RY F AR.'\WORTII. P~t!sident

Sigma Nu The Sigma 1'\u's got three men among the top fifteen ~enior!> this year ... "Sheep Dip" 1oh, ...llup'' Summers, Rollie Lodge ... Mr. B was elected house preside nt and tapped for Blue Key . . . Pat. entered the E. Board and was tapped for Silver Lance . . . Don Niel, Dick Grey, Darwin Nelson and Wanek Stein were tapped for IK's . . . varsity spon!> got a fair ~ hare from the hom,e: Farny, June, teve, Jr. Paz and J oe Davis played on the football team, the last two out for track too . . . Bob Pierce compe ted on the gol( team while "Big Swede" brougiH home ski trophies . . . nine freshmen out for frosh sports . . . Bob Bullock, Don Nicl and H arry Stunz in H ell Divers ... Kun Moller a nd Mike Anderson in Alpha Ze ta ... a year with functions, too ... pledge dance in honor of the twenty-four new pledge . . . Thetas giving us a hand on the homecoming float ... traditional Christmas exchange with the Gamma Phis . . . Christmas serenade was given to all girls' living groups ... at Potla tch function we got "wild" while we later had Spanish delicacies in a barn with the DG's ... they also took care of the high notes in "Skip-to-my-Lou" during the Songfest . . . ;\farch brought the 45th formal \\'hite Rose Dance held at the chapter house . . . neat! Campus cheM picnics with the Kappas and Alpha Chis are aiso ~hining memories ... the spring cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene rounded oii a nother good year for the white rose of Sigma Nu.

Sigma N u Fraternity After Sunday din ner, hmnuummmmm .... J im \ndcrson Bud Benningson Jon 13r<ISSC) Crcg Cro~man ,\rnold Eida m Lance Fish


:\lichael \ ndCISOn Carl Ben 1 Rohe1t 13ri uon Da1e Denton Don E1ans Bob G ray

Truls Astrup Mi ke Blair Bol Bullock Charles DeVane)' J ohn Evans Dick C rar

T ony Bellamy Robert Boie Jerry Clifton John Dreps Ro n Farnworth Carl Ceho

Jack Gjording Marius 1'. llandord, Ill l\fike Hamel John H oward Larr) ~r. J eppesen .\nd) Jensen

Larq J ohnson Jake J o nes Dell Kloepfer J im Kloepfer i\ludley ~fausli ng Doug McMullen

Kurt Moeller Don Neil Darwin elson Laird Noh Bill Pasley .Joh n Pasley

Bob Pierce Nick Pool Dick Rees Alec Robinson and) Sanders \\'an ek Stein

H arry lllnt Steve Syrnms Torn Tucker Fred \ Va rren Dick Wcndlc ~fark Wendle

Gary Wright


in vade Seaule




lou Koppo


Teke highlights of the vear . . . Apache Dance, Pledge Dance, Kappa Christmas Party, Carnation Dance . . . all house exchanges with Alpha Gam, Hays . . . Two marriages, many pinnings, one engagement . . . Jim Prestel, Mike Sheeran, Tom DeNuovo, Stan Fanning selected for the 1959 a li-Teke football team . . . Dick Jamison placed first in art con test over the western states . . . Pack y Boyle, Alpha- Delta chapter advisor, official trainer for the U.S. team at the eighth an-

nual winter Olympics ... The Nail Driving Five P lus One band was a great success . . . Chris N yby broke 50-yard breast stroke swimming record by two seconds . . . Jim Prestel and Stan Fanning drafted by pro football teams this year . . . the Teke fraternity is now the largest undergraduate fraternity in the nation . . . springtime turns to picnics, love, tubbings, water fights, etc. . . . so all in all another great year comes to a close at the Tekc house.

TKE Fraternity

Presideut First Semester Don Allred Gerry Brown Terry Evans Stanley Fanning George Hirai Dick Jamison J IM PRESTEL,

President Second Semester Stuart Carlson Bill Daniels Denny Hawley Eill Hill James Levers Kent Michaelson DAVE CHRISTY,

Keith Buhler Jack Fuller Roger Johnson

Don Burr LeRoy Goss Eel Kessler

Frank 'elson Chris yby Kenneth Parks Darrell Purcell Don Ridener

Mark Robenson Bob Stanbery Rich Steiner Raymond $tubbers Jess Tilson

Bill Tilton Mark Todd Dave Wiks Roben Williamson

Tau Kappa Epsilon

What"s doi ng, fellows?


r T!Jet11 Chi This was the year of status quo for the men of the big red OX .. They were still active in the little white house at 609 Deakin, but they looked toward the future with hopes of a newer and bigger home in order to expand. Flanigan . . . Jason No. 65 . . . neued a top senior award and was an outstanding journalism graduate . . . Sampson ... who guided us through most of the year ... was president o( Alpha Zeta and was named outstanding agronomy graduate ... Palmer ... an officer in Blue Key ... was busy too, with Alpha Epsilon Delta . . . "Fester" . . . our home grown pledge . . . was strong man during frosh week activities . . . and Dahl joined Flan and Bob in Blue Key's ranks . . . while on the baseball diamond Hattimer was knocking home the big ones. In the social whirl . . . the Chis had multi exchanges . . . a nd their Spring formal . . . "A Dream to Remember." Sportswise . . . we participated in as many intramural sports as possible ... and had lots of fun ... even H we didn't break any records ... On Scholarship ... the Idaho chapter again picked up the regional fraternity scholarship plaque at a meeting in Seattle. In toto ... a year of building . . . and waiting . . . for that one big opportunity to grow . . . with a new home. Under Beckwith . . . our new man at the helm . . . we hope to see this materialite. Theta Chi Fraternin Our president at worl.

~fiL SA \II'~'

!Ioust' Prt'sident

Karl Allen Marlin Red..with

James Bc1 ry Roben Dahl

Jim Flanigan Donie} Freshwater William Greenwood

Roger <:- rO\ e Larr} l lauimcr Cordon Lockhart

Bill Maule Paul McCabe Tony McFarland Ray \fcLaughlin T ony elson Robert Palmer

David Ross I I. C. SLUder Robert Tate Richard Thomas Cary Wright



Roy Hargrave John Schumacher


Robert .Johnson

Bob .Brock Dick Day Dick Lewis

J ohn Costello Jerrold Denny Leon Lewis

Edwin Crockell Bob Gese William Lewis


Frank Moore


Oale Schumacher

Town Men's Assotiotion "On campus ... off campus" is the motto of TMA . . . and as the year came to an end its popularity was becoming widespread . . . organized to give ma le students living off campus organization of their own ... TMA has become active in campus politics, social functions and in tramurals . . . seeing Tony Lam collect his third consecutive championship trophy in the singles table tennis division ... two off campus

dances and a spring picnic gave the org~~ i~a足 tion its marked approval in social actlvttles ... first semester president, Earl Hall ... second semester president, Ken Thompson . . . Ken will carry the post into the fall . . . good luck to Earl and Dale Schumacher for their unlimited spirit and energy in keeping TMA a n active organiration throughout the year.


(umpus Club Our first Cull year in the new Club saw Earl Pedersen as first sem ester president with Marv Nebel running the show second sem ester . . . had a few fi nancial problems with varying and som etimes e nlightening results . . . members went "C reek" for Fall dance with pillars and togas lending a R oman atmosphere . . . Dan Pe nce named to Xi Sigma Pi, National Forestry H o norary while Earl Pedersen a nd Jim Lemp joined ranks o( Sigma Tau ... Pence a nd Lemp a lso granted scholarships for the coming year . . . politica l potential in Spring elections was " Pedersen 's Party" making a one man sta nd . . . took first place in Christmas door decoratio ns . . . two first places i n Dad's D ay beard contest . . . very lucky to have proctor a nd hostess John and Carol Thilenius-a great pair . . . Spring addition of trees and shrubs improved the Club's landscape . . . snowball and water fights with neighbors, coupled with broken windows, he lped complete a year we won't soon forget.

President First Semester J ames Boyd Don Brown T homas Flores Albert Ellsworth Jeffrey J effers Philip J ohnson Daue Kiilsgaard J ames Lemp EARL PU>t.RSES,

Campus Club


President Second Semester AI Camosso Marvin Crowser Robert Giden Jim Hodgson LeRoy Judd Ted Keith J ames McDowell David Nash MARVI N NEBEL,

Ottr Homecoming Duck


Hashing-not at all properly



Winter Sport?

Kenneth Nealis Dallas Sexton Woody Spence Wendell Wolfe

Dan Pence Liter Spence Walter Styner

Pizza anyone?


Chrisman Hall

President First Semester Richard Chelene Lawrence Chipman Fred Klakoff Paul Krogue DANNY KINC,

ALEXANDER, President Second Semester Leonard Clark Gary Custer Bob Ladle Gene Lawrence


Chrisman Hall


Steve Albee Rodney Bradie Fred Gaudet Fred Marshall

Alan Alexander Ralph Brown George Kimpton Bruce Mier

Bob Blower Hugh Burgess Dennis King


Chrismon Noll With Danny King and Malcolm Alexander leading, Chrisman had two highly successful dances - vVinter 'Vonderland and the annual Cloak and Dagger ... had a number of windows broken by snowballs a nd water balloons . . . became the owner, second semester, of a n exchangeless repu-


tation . . . had a few engagement parties member, Paul Krogue was unsuccessful ASUI President candidate . . . Proctor and Hostess for this successful year were ~Jr. and Mrs. Hug h Burgess ... all in all, the independent Independents had a highly e njoyable year.

Alan Miwno David Moore J ohn Nixon Roy Shimonishi Bob Slavik Bruce Spofford

Bill Sutton Lee Sutton

Tim Tomchak Lewis Walker Keith Watenpaugh Roy Williams

A bit of rhythm Catching some sun


Gault Hall 1Jomecoming float capLUred notice by most northwestern newspapers . . . Gault- headquarters for campus unicycle fad . . . J oe M cFarland tapped for Blu e Key ... Bria n Harris and Corder Campbell new 1K's ... Corder Campbell new Phi Eta Sigma ... Larry I licks elected IK officer ... Bob l\foe to serve on Exenni·•e Board . . . L)nne llallvick crowned Snow Queen at annual Snow Ball ... picnics, exchanges, firesides, water fights ... all in all, a very fin e year.

Youxc, President Fi rst Semester Charles Bigsby Don Britt Don Harshman Ken H arshman Bob Moe Dayton Mong VrRCJL


JoE M c FARLAND, Presidttrt

Second emester Stephen Brown Tony Burkey Gerald Herrit,'Stad :Fred Kroll Jim Mulder Ted ehrboss

Dean Bagley Frank Doolittle Cary Lent Richard Nustad

Tom Baldwin Jim England George Lim Jim Oenning

L ynn Bell Sherman Hanson Duane Little Jack Pantry

Gault Hall Ra y Schmidt Ray Shubert Jim Simpson Joe Simpson Neil Sinclair

Curcharan Singh Forrest Skaggs \Vayne Stewart Mel Sutherland Jack Swearingen

Richard Tanaka i\fax Thompson Ron Wimer Stillman Wood James York

Snowball Queen, Lynne Hallvik

Look ou t for the ice!

Gault Hall


Lintlle y Hall Year started with a splash ... Hall smoker a big success ... second annual "Bolshevik Bounce" ... homecoming float a "crashing" success . . . outstanding Lindleyites: Barr-Scabbard and Blade ... Erramouspe and Nikula Blue Key ... I K's Kindley and ' 'Voodbury with frosh Wood, Will, Coupe and Ashburn tapped for next year ... Morgan Phi Eta Sigma ... Watson president of Independent Caucus and Permanent Chairman of Mock Convention ... Shelangoskie chosen for AIA representative in Washington, D.C. . . . Devenish in Hell Divers ... Kindley and Gary Thompson 4.00 ... King basketball standout aml trackman . . . Pyke frosh hoopster ... Bloxom varsity baseball ... Murch Erosh baseball squad . . . Ferguson jumping for thinclads . . . L.H . on top of Independent intramural football with Novotny a ll star ... 100 per cent voting for spring election . . . Schoff and \1\Toodbury running for ASUI offices. President First Semester


Tom Coupe

J ack Ellers

President Second Semester


Joe Erramouspe

Keith Fenton

"Small and wise, a terror for his size."


Lindley Hall

John Ashburn Walter Bird Larry Ferguson

David Austin Keith Bradshaw Vernon Frost

Don Baldwin Dave Brashears Don Gallaher

Someone up there loves us

Gary Barr Ken Corbett Roy Gathers

l<eith Gregory l'aul Hofhine Loren Murphey John Ross Joe Smith Hal Vosen

Rodney Harris William Kindley Carl Nellis Larry Rumann Dave Stere Ray Waxrnonsky

Eldon Harwood J oseph King Eugene Novotney Clifford Schoff Noel Tanneur Edward Wood

David Heck Euclid Lee Max Ozawa Don Schelangoski Edgar Townsend Larry Woodbury

Eugene Henry Richard Looney William Parman Don Simpson Jim Tracy R. Wyatt

George Hoaski Frank Hock Gary Morgan Mike Murch Robert Plumb Ron Pyke Gene Smith H. Smith Jim Trojanowski John Trojanowski J ack Zimmerman

lintlle y Noll Work progresses on the Homecoming float.


MtConnell Hall The 1959-60 year was one of the most productive in the history of the hall ... won bowling championship for our first trophy . . . under the able leadership of L arry Thomas and Bob Krask we built the third place homecoming Ooat . . . annual picnic to Lake Chatcolet with the Alpha Cams with loads of fun . . . several named to national scholastic honoraries in their respective fields . . . McConnell welcomes the incoming beef for the football squad . . . Steve Keutzer successful on campus debate team .. . Admiral Jones sinks his first command- a canoe . . . who swiped Nick's canoe and bicycle? . . . Don H auxwell's first semester was a 4.0 ... Byron Champion, second semester president ... officers active in RHC . . . McConnell represented Colorado in the mock convention ... campus chest booth featuring bingo built by DG's, ATO's and McConnell was one of the larger attractions . . . question of the year: "Can one man put one man in the shower?" . . . and McConnell wishes success to Emil and Joy Loe, our departing hall proctors.

President First Semester


Say, you're all wet!


President Second Semester


Pat August Jim Decko

Just a pro

Evan Cruthcrs Morris Erickson

Ross Dakc Bob Evans

MtConnell Hall McConnell Hall

J ohn Farrell Guy Jones Nick Tipple

Herbert Gibson £mil Loe Don Van Klcck

Don Hauxwell Bert Hunter Leland Jan•is Raj a assar Albert Nelson Robert Overstreet Douglas Vanerka William Van Stone David Wallace

Lookie what I gotlll

Phillip Jaspers Jean Steele

Bowling Champs


Shoup Noll Shoup Hall 's "sophomore路路 year was indeed a busy one . . . we won our first hall trophy-campus champs in intramural "A" basketball with a 10-0 record . . . fine showing in other intramural sports too . . . all turned out to build a successful Homecoming Hoat . . . annual "Beer Bowl" Game was inaugurated between our two football teams ... numerous exchanges during the Spring . . . commendable performance with Steel H o use in the Song Fest ... bomb scares ... water fights ... the "Untouchables" ... steak fries ... all filled our spare moments.



Brenl Aitken

Shoup H all






Harold Fisher

Don Gi bbs

LaVern Guthmiller

Eugene Marrow

Slloup Hall What's so funny?

Pardon me, but- -!


Upham Noll Preside111 First Semester


John Albee Lee Barron Conrad Beitt Allan Boss J ames Brown

William Davidson Roberl Dennler Biff Emerson Edward English Richard Fong Randall Fredericl.s Stan Fuller

Bob Gridley Leo H ansen Larry llolmquist Larry l lossner L ynn l lossner Bill Kobs Larry Koo n

Marvi n Krueger Gerald McDermott Joe McEirO) Gary Me)er Alben Michals Jim Mullen Charles Peck

Dea r J ohn-Yes Marcia

... and I do n't know what all!


Upham fun ctions again ... the beginning of our annual Mard i Gras Dance ... Wayne Thiessen and Norma Smith were the Li' l Abner and Daisy Mae of Upham's Sadie Hawkins Day . . . Leo T afolla and Duke Klein, first in Upham's H all of Fame ... Larry R ossner, fi rst president of the Campus U nion Party (CUP) . . . L ynn R ossner, president of R esidence Hall Council . .. L ynn was outs tanding as tl1e auctioneer at both U. of I. and WSU's Camp us Chests . . . J ack DeBaun and Jim Space, both with 4.0 CPA's . . . Larry Rossner chosen the outstand ing upperclassman of U pham .. . R ocky

Taylor chosen tl1e outstanding freshman .. . Senior Bill Kobs was given a free ride by the Freshmen . .. Dave Damiano, Skip Vawter, 路wayne Skidmore now working at the mill of W.M.C., W omen's Marriage Corp .. . J erry McDermott, Leo H ansen, Lee T ownsend soon to follow . . . Jim H aas' surprise party was no surprise ... Upham wound up the season coming in second for the RIIC trophy ... feathers in our bonnet: our volley ball team, Jim Mullen on Exec. Board, J erry Walsh missed ASUI veep by one vote.

W illiam Su llivan Kenneth Waide

Presicient Second cmcstcr


Rocky T aylor Morris Whi taker

Victor Taylor Larry Willia ms

Kent Petersen Cecil Stellyes Wayne Tbjcsscn Robert Young

Willie has had too much pop

Darrell Swanson Gene Walker

Don Sweep Bob ' Varren

Upham Hall

Sadie H awkins Day Crowd


President First Semester Bob Barrell Brem Baumert Roger Chapin M. Christianso n Tom Ei~enbanh David Faulkner GORDON POWERS.

l\!ike .\lldredge John Uabcock Do n Beckley William Col lins Harold G im pel

Doug .\ndcrson Eldon R;,ily Donald Berkey Gerald Cowden Robel'! Gram

Oscar Anderson Evercu B:Jii)路 John Born Bill Crea Gene Gray

D,, u. President Second Semester Jim Byers Dwight Chapin Joh n Crowe Scoll Davidson Bruce Green Cary Griffith GAR\'

Willis Sweet Hall Our twemy-fourth year is best ever under guidance of presidents Powers and Dau . . . Arg editor Chapin, ~ I ac ki , a nd hostess Carolyn M itchell a ll "top fifteen seniors" ... ~ f ack i replaced on Exec. Board by Baily a nd Taylor . .. Collins, I K officer and Homecoming cha irman . .. Reside nce Hall Council Prexy Powers . . . ~ l arch is outsta nding I K . . . la nguage trophy ours for second straight year with Macki high individual . . . two thirds of Sigma T a u officers a nd Gunderson initia ted ... Alpha Epsilon Delta Prexy Hansen a nd veep '"' interstein ... Sigma Pi Sigma veep Colberg ... Macki in Silver L a nce a nd Phi Beta Kappa .. . Schlader in Alpha Zeta ... three new IK's a nd one Phi Eta Sigma ... a nother great Cabaret ... spring cruise on Coeur d'Alene . . . impromptu firesides with R egent's .Hill . . . famous first-floor Losers路 Club . . . conscientious supervision from Mr. a nd Mrs. Mitchell ... a wonderful year at Idaho and Line.


James Gunderson Ed Hansen Bill Hawkins Stan Hintze Paul Kershisnik

Steve H agen Sherrod Hanson Don Heavrin Dick Hodge Gerald Kimzey

Allen Hansen Lloyd Han•ego Marvin Ileileson Larry I Iuueball Gary Kisling

Willis Sweet Hall RobcrL llenry Don Isaman Robert Kottkey

Herbert Hereth Tom .Jachetta Ken Kovacs

Earl Hin ue Stanley J ohnson David Kun kel

Melvin Ilintze Art .Jones Kenneth Lent

Willis Sweet Noll

The students?


Jack Randolph L)nn ecle)' Bill rapper

Russell Lowry Eugene Lunden Jim Logan Douglas Peterson Kei1h .\loon Jerry ~cl~on Byron anehoht Edward chmith Vic Samp;,on Ken tone Richard onnichsen Roman Talamamez Parl-er \\'ooda ll Lon \\'oodbut") llennan Yates


Jim Thompson

Bill hbler Larr) Winiarski

Erin Robie Leland Slind Ste,路e \\' inter

Carl Winterstein

Willis Sweet Hall

LDS House l

R\\\ 111111\, P~t•siclelll AR

Hr~l Semester , KS • ll t.:\ORI-.

Pt esidelll

Dt ' 0\ econd Semester

Roger 13all Dean Ba nner Victor Bowman Ferrel Crossley

'ltephcu Di,o n

te,en Erb

Ted Gillen

\'crl} 11 King Lnmarr Kofoed Stanley Larson



LDS House Larry Moore :\fichael


Jerry Osterhout Ardell Shockley

1l has been another successful year at Lhe LDS H ouse . . . two new IK pledges-\Vinterowd and Ball . . . Larson- President of the Ida ho Chapter of American Institute of Chemical Engineers ... Hendricks-Chancellor of Alpha Zeta . . . Bowmancharter member of Sigma Pi Sigma . . . two Alpha Zeta pledges-Hansen and Gillett . . . H a nsen- winncr of Alpha Zeta public speaking contest ... Banner - candidate for Sophomore veep ... Mr. Tanner- Institute DirecLor for past twenty-nine years transferred tO Hawaii ... Mr. \1\Torkman-new Institute Director . . . house dances-"My Special Angel," Christmas Dance, and "The Old Lamplighter," Spring Formal.

Christmas Dancc-"M)' Special .\nger路

J ames Spencer Gary Stiener

Sharon \Vinterowd Jan Wynn

Just like the birds


ROTC shoes?

Football Basketball Baseball Track Team Ski Team Swim Team Tennis Team Golf Team lntramurals

The U. of I. GoU Course is very popular wilh students in the spring

A tllletits Athletics at the University of Idaho are eagerly followed by interested students. Highlights o拢 the football season inc lude Homecoming, Dad's Day, the Boise game and the annual WSU- Idaho tangle. The fast basketball and exciting baseball

games arc greatly enjoyed by loyal fans while Idaho's track, tennis, golf and swimming teams bring national recognition. And the intramural program is especially exciting and pop ular with the men's living groups.

With the aid of interested specw LOrs, the girls enjoy ath路 letic participation through the Women's Recrea tion Association's programs.


A tllletic Director

Publicity Director

In his sixth )Car as Athletic Director, Bob Gibb has again done a successful job of developing and promoting athletics here at the Uni,ersity of Idaho.

Ken ll umcr..\thlcti c Publicity Director, has done a ltnc job again this year, promoting and co,cring athlctit~ for the Uni,ersit~.

I Club First 1'011'-Bob Pierce, L)nn Benson. Joe E'>pinota, (,ary Farnworth, Rollie Williams, teve )1111115. Bob ll anscn , Larry llaucmcr, ~l ike Sheeran, Ray Schmidt. Secoud row-Bruce Wcndlc, llil mar Lunde. Chuck Rank, Bill ll ill, Stan Fanning, Jim Prcstcl. Fcnn Pasold. Roy Schmidt, Roger \Vall~. Third mw-Jack Ashbaugh, Larry Schaal, Bob Livingston, John Kyle. J ack Bloxom. Lee Shellman, Tom DiNuovo, Ralph H atch, Denn y Solt, Don Modic.


rwut roli'- Dennie Dressel and L)nn Shelman. Secoud row- Camille Caroh n Blackburn and Jeanne ~[ac:\ranin .

George Volk, Amy Candray, Gerry Garthe

Pom Pom Girls

Cheer leotlers


Heotl Coach Kll' STAHLEY

Although the Vandals finished the 1959 season with a poor record, they played some great ball. They were beaten by Arizona in th e last fourteen seconds by a field goal. Idaho's lack of depth was the big clement in every fina l score. Many outstanding players were lost through graduation, but there arc several fine juniors and sophomores who will provide a firm fo undation for the 1960 Vandals. Three of the graduating seniors were drafted by pro teams: Jim Pre tel by the Cleveland Browns, J im Norton by th e Detroit Lions and Stan Fanning by the Ch icago Bears.

Coaching Stoll

Ed Knecht, backfield coach; J. V. J ohnson, end coach; Skip tahle}. head football coach; Don wartz, line coach; and 'Va yne Anderson, freshman coach.


Foot hoi/ Although the 1959 Vandal footba ll team finished the season with a l win and 9 loss record, they are done an injustice by this final record. They were capable of playing great football. They kept even or ahead of their opponent play-for-play in the first haH of each game. In the second half, however, they were hit by a lack of depth, and could not keep up with teams that were able to substitute whole new platoons. Besides a lack of depth , the Vandals were hindered greatly by a large number of injuries throughout the season. Thirteen Vandals were

lost this year through graduation: June H anford, J ack Ashbaugh, Judd vVorley, H al Fisher, Jim Norton, Tom Di uovo. Gary Farnworth, Paul " ' agar, tan Fann ing, Theron Nelson, Jim Prestel, Steve ymms and J oe Espinoza. Almost everyone of these was a starter and everyone of them played outstanding ball during the season. The 1960 Vandal team can look forward to a fine season with the return of several outstanding juniors and a few very strong soph omores.

Jim Norton was chosen the ~lost Inspirational l'la)er on the \arsity Vandals. I his \Colr. he was eiC\'Cnth in the nation in pass receptions. H e topped the \ 'andals in punt retums and ranked second in kicl..路ol拢 rewrn s. He was drafted b) the Detroit Lions at the end of the ~ea!><m.

25 1

IDAHO 0 UTAH STATE 14 This was the opening game of the season for both teams. The game was a hard fought contest between opposing lines. The Utes picked up most of their yardage on end sweeps and short passes. On runs by Allen and Mayberry the Utes went some 63 yards in two plays, leaving the ball on the Vandal three. After two unsuccessful line plunges which scored next to nothing, Allen scored on an orr tackle play. The attempt for a two point conversion was stopped by a strong Vandal line. The rest of the first half was played alternating back and forth. Shortly after the half the Vandals began to move. Runs by Hanford, Farnworth, Shellman and Norton began to build hope in the Vandal team, until a clipping penalty stopped the drive. Later in the third quarter the Utes found paydirt on a pass from Montalbo to Brinton in the end zone. Brinton also added a two point conversion to make it 14-0 Utes.

Cary Famworth, QB, Senior Reg Carolyn, End, Sophomore

Fisher reaches for pass from Famworth as Oregon pla yer moves in to make tackle


Farnworth around end for a big gain on a good block thrown b) (62) D ii\:uo' o



The big Vandal team began the game with a thirty yard field goal by Ron Ismael. Only minutes later the Wildcats bounced back to make it 7-3. Shortly after the second half had started a pass from Wilson to H aylett set up the next touchdown , with Wilson taking it over on a two-yard plunge. The attempt for the extra point was blocked by Idaho's spark plug guard Ralph Jannino. That seemed tO be the spark that brought new life to the Vandal team. With hard running of Theron Nelson, line plunges by Mike Sheeran and Judd Worley, and a beautiful 27-yard run by Soph-

ARIZONA 16 omorc John Kyle, the Vandals reached pay dirt for the first time this year. Then Farnworth added the two point conversion putting Idaho within reaching distance of the Wildcats. Seven minutes later an Arizona fumble put Idaho ahead 14-1 3 on a field goal by R on Ismael. Time was running out and things looked hopeful for the Vandals. Brilliant passing by Wilson brought his team within field goa l position. On fourth down with 45 seconds tO go the Wildcat's quarterback booted a field goal for the victory.

' I

Lee Shellman, Guard, J unior



Jim Prestcl


iu to recover fumble by Arizona p la yer

IDAHO 0 WASHINGTON 23 Under Lhc leadership of the brilliant young quarterback, George Fleming, the Huskies had very little trouble with the Vanda ls. ho rlly after the game staned Fleming scored around left end, and also added Lhe conversion. The Vandals came back with a susLained drive of 74 yards but were stopped sixteen yards short of the goal line. In the third quarter the H uskies scored on a sixty-two yard kickoff return. Fleming scored the extra point. Du ring the same period Flem ing, still playing the prominent role, booted a thirty-yard field goal to give his team a 17-0 lead. The Huskies fin ished the scoring with a thirty-three yard pass play (rom Schloredt to Aquirre.

Jim Prcstel, TackJe, Senior H al Fisher, End, Senior


Vandal player, Jim :-.lorto n (88), mo' cs o ut to rc<ci \ e ball

Bill Hill, Gu ard, Junior

IDAHO 18 OREGON STATE 66 A wiry Vandal team took it on the chin from Oregon State by losing 66-18. Idaho tried valiantly even after OSC's eighth consecutive touchdown. At the opening of the game the Vandals posted their first score. With just one minute into the game, Idaho's Lee Shelman recovered a fumb led hand-off on the Beaver 31. Two plays later Hal Fisher pulled down the sideline

and into the end zone. Two more fumbles by the Beavers set up Ron Ismael's field goal from the 14, before the tables turned. Oregon State returned with an onslaught that buried the Idaho eleven. Idaho sustained several injuries, which proved to be fatal. The Vandals returned to the campus tired and weary, but not broken in spirit.


Judd Worley, Fullback, J unior

Theron Nelsen, Halfback, Senior

IDAHO 0 AIR FORCE 21 A crowd of 17,000 watched the Air Force Academy down the University of Idaho 21-0. At the time of the game, the Air Force was ranked 18th in the nation. Quarterback Rich Mayo paced the Air Force attack which struck with lightning force in the opening minutes o( the game. Mike Quinlan hit pay dirt for the Academy by scoring from the six. Fullback George Pupich's placement was blocked, but


moments later he kicked a 37-yard field goal to bring the score to 9-0. Quinlan and Pupich each scored in the third quarter to end the game 21-0. The Idaho eleven used the platoon system for the first time, but failed to get closer than the 32-yard line. Coach "Skip" Stahley praised the Sophomores on their fine job, es路 pecially halfback John Kyle.

Bob Ver"acke gains important ) anlage for Idaho

Paul Wagar, llalfback, Senior

Joh n Ashbaugh, Guard, Senior




Dad's Day at WSU brought the " Battle of the Palouse" to Pullman. Vandal fans were in for a surprise as the underdogs held ofE the Cougars by a score of 3-0 in the first half. Ron Ismael 's 45-yard field goal sent the Idaho team ahead. The Cougars wasted little time get路 ting their points on the board as the third quarter opened. Speedster Harper ran for the first touchdown , with Lee Schroeder kicking the extra point. Keith Lindon set up fullback LeRoy for a 45-yard run to the Idaho 10 where

Idaho's Theron Nelson nailed him. Lindon swept right end for the touchdown, but failed to gain the extra point. Early in the final period, Jim Norton's kick went out of bounds and resulted in a touchback for Idaho. This put the score at 13-5. vVS U's Gail Cogdill took advantage of the tiring Vandals and sneaked across for the score, as well as the two extra poims. Moments later the Cougars scored their final TD on an interception, winning the 60th annua l meeting of the two schools. 25i

IDAHO 7 OREGON 45 The first quarter of the game belonged to the Vandals. Brilliant quarterbacking by Gary Farnworth helped the Idaho men drive 68 yards in 16 plays for their only score of the game. This was gained by a quarterback keeper around right end. Ron Isrnael kicked the extra point, topping the scoring drive. Many of the men of both first and second teams for Oregon were standouts. Mike Sheeran and Bob Vervacke did an excellen t job of running and Jim Norton, J ack Ashbaugh, Stan Fanning, Lee Shellman, and Ralph Jannino looked good in line play.

Mike Sheeran, Fullback, Junior Darrel Vail, Tackle, J unior

Morrow moves for a big gain



Norton (88) closes in on an Oregon man for a tacl..le

IDAHO 13 UTAH 41 A surge of strength by Utah's redskins in the fo urth quaner helped them down the stubborn Vandals. Idaho's Jim Norton put on a one-man attack that gave the Vandal's a 7-6 lead, then Idaho was held in comention until the fatal fo urth q uarter. La rry \'\Tilson gave the Redskin's their first score with two minutes gone. In the first half. Nel on and Norton struck right back for Idaho. A temporary lead was held by Idaho after a touchdown by Nelson and an extra point by Ron Ismael. T he rest of the first half became a defensive struggle for Idaho as U tah switched units at wil l. The second half found the Vandals recovering a fumble and d riving down to the three-yard line, where Farnworth strea ked into the en d zone. This ended Idaho's scoring for the day. Utah substituted at will and walked all over Idaho in the fourth quarter.

J u ne Hanford, Fullback, Senior T om DiNuo, o, Guard, Senior


A great team effort by ldaho showed up as one of the season's best, even though they were downed by a score of 28-13. vVith hard work by J im Norton, J oe Espinoza, and Mike Sheeran, Idaho pushed to a first quarter touchdown capped by Ron Ismael's conversion. The remainder of the first half was a defensive battle, but in the second half the Tigers ran wild, hitting for two quick touchdowns. J udd Worley ga ined the fin al Idaho tally with an interception. Theron Nelson and Sheeran teamed up to get the ball to the COP two-ya rd line, where Espinoza carried in for the final tally.

IDAHO 13 COP 28 Where did he go?

Joe Espinoza, QB, cnior


Norton prepares to catch ball

IDAHO 9 MONTANA 6 The Idaho Vandals gained a lone victory for the season by defeating a tough Montana team in a 30-mile breeze. Montana controlled the first quarter after John Lands received a pass in the end zone. Idaho stormed back in the second quarter and after two minutes had gained a one-

Ron Ismael, Tackle, Junior

point lead. A punt by the Grizzlies was blocked and as it bounced back into the end zone the Vandals gained a two-point safety. Idaho had some trouble with penalties as the half came tO a close. The second half found both teams struggling in rain and Idaho was able to post a 9-6 victory.

j oh n Kyle, HB, Soph


Frosll Football Although the Vandal Yearlings finished the 1959 eaon with a 0-4 record, they were a strong team and showed greater speed than in former years. One of the reasons for this was halfback Phil Steinback who runs the l 00-dash in :09.8 seconds. H e is one of the fas test gridders to enroll at Idaho in recent years. The Frosh team seemed to have caught injuryitis from the Varsity team and were without the services of severa l of their outstand ing men for various parts of the season. Some of the outstanding Yearlings who will add much to the 1960 Varsi ty Vandals are guards Bob Blower and Larry R itter, tackles Bob Tennyson and Ron Gisler, center Ken Koch and backs Dawn Fannin, Ed LaRoche, Gary Mires, Ron Kulm and Steinback. Freshman football coach Wayne Anderson

Quarterback Mires fires a pass to LaRoche in game against \\'S U Coubabes


Bllsketbllll It was the opinion of many that the 1959-1960 Vandal basketball team was the best-coached Idaho hoop squad in history. Dave Strack molded a winning ball club from what everybody bel ieved was little material-last year's top four scorers did not return and J im Prestel, around whom this year's team was to be built, was lost through a football injury. Strack took last year's bench sitters off the bench, gave them new life, and developed a strong, well rounded club around them. Because of th is, Idaho can look ahead to a bright basketball future, particu larly with Rollie W illiams, Dale James, Ken Maren, Reg Carolan and Gary Floan to build around next year.

Coach Strack in one of his usual poses during a tense game.


Bosketbo/1 A words

Dean Baxter is shown receiving the J ay Cano award as i'v!ost In路 spirational Player from Ath letic Director Bob Cibb.

Joe King accepts the Ronni e White Award as Most Va luable Player.

Every year, between halves of the last basketball game of the season, three presentations are made ; the Ronnie White Award for the Most Valuable Player; the Jay Gano Award for the Most I nspirational Player ; and the Oz Thompson Sportsmanship Award. The recipient of the Ronnie White Award for the 1959-1960 season was Joe King, who led the Vandals in scoring with 315 points. He was third in free throw scoring and fourth in rebounds with 175. The Jay Gano Award was presented to Dean Baxter, who provided inspiration to both the team and the fans throughout the season, as well as leading the team in field goals and rebounds. The Oz Thomp路 son Citation went to Dale James, who, although he was bothered throughout the season with a knee injury, was one of the hardest workers and most outstanding men on the team. H e was second in free throw scoring, third in fiel d goals and third in total points scored with 219.

Coach Strack accepts the O z Thompson Sportsmanship Award for Dale James


Varsity Basketba ll Team: Fro11t row, left to right- Chuck Lange, Ken Maren, Dean Baxter, Bob Walton, Rollie Williams aud Coach Dave Strack. Middle mw-Manager Ray Comes, J3rucc McCowan, Larry Curry, John fleming, Trainer J>acky noyle. /lear row- Tom Cwilliam, Cary Floan, D:1le James, Roger Watts and Reg Carolan. Missing from picture is Joe King.

Idaho .................. 67 Momana ..................................?! Idaho .. ................... 77 Montana ................................59 Idaho . ........... .... .. 55 \ \'ashington t. ........................59 Idaho . ··················· 52 Washington ..............................56 Idaho ..........................64 Portland U . ..............................71 Idaho ............................46 Colorado St. ............................62 Idaho .. ................... 66 Colorado St. ............................62 Idaho .. .................. 57 Utah State ................................56 Idaho .........................61 Utah State ................................73 Idaho .........................63 Portland U . ..............................45 I daho ....................... .48 Oregon St. ................................49 I daho ...................... ..57 Washington St. ........................ 59 Idaho ........................ .48 Oregon ......................................52

Idaho . Id:-~ho

.....................56 77

Idaho ..................... 6-1 Idaho ..........................62 Idaho ........ ........ 65 Idaho .. ..................63 ld:-~ho . ................. 68 Idaho ......................... 53 Idaho ............................69 Idaho ............................ 53 Idaho ............................46 Idaho ............................72 Idaho ........................... .45

l\Iol1lana St. ...................... 45 Seaule U . .................................78 Gontaga ....................................53 Oregon St. ..................... ... . . 56 Montana St. ............................63 Gon£aga ...........:......................57 Seattle U . ..................................56 WashingLOn St. ........................61 Washington St .........................77 Oregon St.................................55 Oregon ............................. :........68 Portland U . ............................. .40 vVashington ..............................58


Basketball The Vandals finished the 1959-1960 basketball eason with an 11-15 record. Predictions before the season opened were not overly optimistic. But, under the very able leadership o( the new head basketball coach, D ave Strack, Idaho emerged as a strong club that surpassed everyone's expectations. J oe King led the team in scoring, followed by Rollie Williams and Da le James, even though he played only spasmodically at the beginning of the season. Ken Maren led the team in free throws, followed by Dale James and Joe King. King was chosen as an honorable mention election on the all-American team of the United Press I nternational and received an invitation to try out for the Olym pic team. H e was a lso named the Most Valuable Vandal. Dale James received the Oz Thompson portsmanship Award and Dean Baxter was chosen Most Inspirational Player. King, Baxter, and Bob 路w alton were lost through graduation , but the outlook for the 1960-1961 Vandal team is excellent with the return of Williams, James, Maren, Reg Carolan and Gary Floan.

Dale James and Ken l\larcn are in the foregrou nd. Two for Jumping Joe.


Gary Floan, Sophomore, Guard, 5'11", Orofino

Bob Walton, Senior, Fonvard, 6'3", T win Falls

Vandal John Fleming jumps high to gain an Idaho possession


Idaho's Dale J ames drives hard for a Vandal basket

IDAHO 53 wsu 59 IDAHO 53 wsu 61 The Vandals ran into nothing but trouble as they played the Cougars four times throughout the year and lost all four, including one in the Far-,Vest Classic at Corvallis during the Chrisunas holiday by a 59-57 count. ln the first meeting with the hustling Cougars, a very do c contest proved WSU the victor. Idaho stayed close by the work of J oe King and Dean Baxter, but just couldn't catch the Cougars. ln the second game Idaho cou ldn't beg, buy, or borrow a basket for much of the third quarter, but still managed to stay quite close to the Cougars. The Vandals caught fire and pulled within two points, 53-55 with 70 seconds remaining only to run out of gas and lose 6 1-53. Ken Marcn, Sophomore, Center, 6'7", Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dale J:un es, Junior, Guard, Pendle1on, Oregon.


t Bruce McCowan, Jun ior, Guard, 6' 1", Moscow. Dea n Baxter, enior, Fon••ard, 6' 1", Blackfoot.

I ~

IDAHO 64 GONZAGA 53 IDAHO 63 GONZAGA 57 Gonlaga desp ite their sensa tional Frank (Snuffy) Burl:!ess dropped both contests to the ldaho Vandals. The first meeung held in the Spoka ne coliseum saw Idaho crush the Bulldogs 64-53. Vandal coach Stack said "they didn' t have a good night, a nd they still were trouble." T he home game was a differe nt story, Idaho's wonder-boy Dean Baxter made it a night of frustration for H ank Anderson's team. Despite concentra ted scouting by Gomaga, a strong Va ndal team brough t home the victory.


Ju mpin' Dea n Baxter adds two more points to the Vandal cause.


IDAHO 77 SEATTLE U 78 IDAHO 68 SEATTLE U 56 The Scaulc ChicCtains relied on pure luck when the) barcl) edged the Vandals in an overtime game he ld in Seaule. The final score 78-77 put them on top. The Vandals started the evening again~t rhe Chieftains on lop as they grabbed an eigln-point lead at half lime. The battle raged close, bur- in overtime the Vandals saw Seattle's Tim Cousins put the final tally on the board. The game was a horse of a different color when the two tea ms met in l\foscow. Spurred o n by Idaho's last fo ur consecutive victories, the Va ndals downed the Chieftains 68-56. R ollie Williams did a sensatio nal job of g uard ing Seattles star, Ox Ogore k. Idaho im proved a great deal and were a ble to reverse the show for the home crowd.

Joe King. Senior, Guard, 6'2", South Bend, Indiana

Idaho's Joe King displa)S his talent in shooting


Idaho pla)ers scramble 拢or the ball in the Montana game


71 59 STATE 45 STATE 63

The youthful Vandal five dropped their first game to !\fontana, 71-67. A nip a nd tuck baulc was raged, but the hardrunning Griul) opposition reigned victorious. I n their second encounter, Idaho, fired by Dean Baxter':. ball hawking a nd rebound artistry, plus Gary Floan路~ I I points, pushed far in front of the invading Montana with a 71-59 victory margin. Da le J ames beca me the hero of the day with his 2 1 points against l\Iontana State. The Vandab worked to grind out a 56-15 win. In their second mecti ng, Idaho combined good defense and accuraq from the foul line to spell \'i<LOJ'). A total of 49 fouh were called resulting in a 65路63 Vandal win.

Rollie Williams, Junior, Center, 6'4", Kellogg


James dumps one for Idaho

IDAHO 53 OSC 55 IDAHO 46 OREGON 68 Idaho's Vandals lost a pair of games to two red-hot Oregon bail dubs on a weekend road trip. 路A late rally by Oregon State on Friday cost the Idaho hoopsters the first game and a hot Oregon downed them on Saturday. Though the Oregon State team shot a blazing 44 per cent compared with 27 per cent for Idaho, the Vandals led until late in the game, the score of which was not decided until the final seconds. The Or.egon game was no contest. The Ducks led 31 -24 at the half and a defensive switch later was of no help to the Vandals. The previous Idaho-Oregon encounter was a sloppily-played contest which the Vandals lost 52-48. The Ducks scored well from the free-throw line, but trailed Idaho in field goal percentage. Oregon led most of the way, but had to hold off a hard-nosed closing rally by the Vandals.

Dale James struggles for the ball


John Fleming, J unior, Forward, 6'5", Wellesley, Mass.




In the first clash between Washington and Idaho, the Huskies squeezed past the Vandals 56-52. The Idaho five fought right clown the wire before falling to their hosts at Edmonson Pavilion on the \1\Tashington campus. Led by Dean Baxter's backboard work plus Joe King and Gary Floan's sharp-shooting from the key, Idaho stayed right on the Huskies' tail. The score was tied with l :52 left on the clock, when 路washington's Lyle Bakken went up the middle of the key for the winning tally. Sophomore Gary Floan lead the Idaho team with 12 points, followed close behind by Joe King. The second meeting of the two teams was at Memorial Gymnasium. The Huskies placed a young, tall, and aggressive five against the Idaho Vandals. \1\Tashington started slow, but ended the half with a tremendous 52 per cent average on shots. Idaho player Dean Baxter proved to be a threat when he cut the Huskie lead to 45-42 late in the second half. Despite this threat Washington dominated the boards and emerged victOriously. Vandal Ken Maren held clown Huskie top scorer, Hanson, and also scored 13 points to top the Idaho team.

Skillful playing is shown hy Joe KinJ (3)

Idaho Vandals go into action


Rollie Williams tries for the jump ball in a game with ~'fontana. Other Vandals in the picture are Bruce McCowan, Roger Watts. Bob Walton, and Dean Baxter.

lndividuol Retords NAME

Joe King ................................................... Ro llie Williams ....................................... Dale James ............................................... Ken Maren ............................................... Dea n Baxter ............................................. Gary Floan ............................................... Bob ' !\Talton ............................................. R eg Carolan ............................................. John Fleming .......................................... Bruce McCowan ...................................... Carl Sorman ............................................. Larry Curry ............................................. Team R e'ends ......................................... Team Totals .............. ...................... Oppo nents .......................................~










384 338 208 168 173 154 11 2 43 21

121 109 73 61 68 49 42 1. 6

94 120 79 103 123 49

73 73 73 87 63 33 35 15

55 91 62 64

315 291 219 209 199 13 1 119 47




.777 .608 .820 .845 .512 .673 .593 .395 .538 .600 .000 .000

175 224

5 5 2

.315 .323 .351 .362 .393 .317 .375 .372 .238 .200 .400 .500 .339 .353

700 666

465 438

.664 .657

1613 1563

5 2

548 552

59 38 13 10 2

7 6 0

50 177 230 35 70 38 12 0 0 0 89 1100 1146

85 32 70 19 19 4

17 8 4 2

513 500

156 1 1543

I daho's offensive average per game-60.1 Idaho's defensive average per game- 59.3 274

Frosll Basketball Although th e 1959-1960 frosh basketball team e nded the season with a 4 win- 10 loss r ecord, this does not reflect the true strength of the team. There were many indi viduals with outstanding talent, bu t the team never could completely work as a unit. Three of the o utstanding freshme n were Rich Porter, Clair Gray and J eff Wombolt, a ll of Kellogg. Last year Rich Porter was an All-American high school basketball star, and he and Wornbol t helped to push Kellogg to the state championship. Three other sta nd-outs were D an H oag, a n all-state high school star from Michigan, D an Barrett, and Ron Pyke. Next year these boys should contribute greatly to the 1960-1961 Vandal varsity team.

Fresh Basketball Coach Wayne Anderso n.

Members of the 1959路 1960 Vandal fresh team: Frout row, left to right - Joe Smith, Mike Lehman, Steve Fulk, Jeff Wombolt and Lyle Parks. Middle rowCI;dr Gray, Dan Hoag, Dar路 rei! Olsen, Jim Arch ibald, Rich Porter and Coach Wayne Anderson. Back row - Dan Barrett, Bruce l\leier, Stan Briggs, Ron Pyke, and Steve Tracy.


Front row, left to t路ight-Schmidt, J ohnson, Trout, Townsend, Bloxom, Hatch, Woofter, and Brown, l\'lgr. Second row-Candler, Mooney, Grant, Boesel, H attemer, Hinckley, and Tripp. Thit路d ,路ow-Coach Anderson, Pasold, Waide. Vervacke, Burke, Johnson , Zwiuer, and Knivila.

Baseball These four seniors played outstanding ball for the 1960 Vandals. Left to rightPasold, "Bloxom, Hatch, and Hattemcr.


The 1960 Vandal baseball team had an over-all outstanding season. They completed the pre-conference season with a 14-2 record, the best ever made by a University of I daho team. However, the going became rougher as the Northern Division play progressed. The team was led by the outstanding play of Ralph Hatch, who was a star both at the bat and in the field, and was the second leading Vandal hitter for the season. In addition, he was named to the first Northern Division Team. Three other Vandals were named to the second Northern Division T eam: Steve Hinckley, who led the pitching staff; outfielder Bob Vervacke; and shortstop Bill Johnson. H atch's loss through graduation will be sorely felt next year, but, with the return of Hinckley, Vervacke, and J ohnson and several other outstanding Vandals, the 1961 team has great potential. The pitching shou ld be especially strong with Darrell Woofter, Denny Grant, Tony Burke, and Pat Townsend to back up Hinckley.

Vandal players congratulate shortstop Bill Johnson on hitting a home run

Vondol Hitters Record at end of season- vVon 19, lost 13 AB NAME T routy .............. 107 Burke .. .......... 18 l Iinck ley ·······-- 31 I h tLch ................ 83 Vervacke ....... 91 l lauemer ....... 53 Johnson .............. 114 Moon C) ·······--····· 73 Poner ················ 95 Zwiucr . ·········---- 67 Grant ................ 22 chmidt .............. 32 Boesel ................ 43 Pasold ········-------- 38 Knivila - ···········- 53 \Voofter .............. 9 Others ·····----------- 35




28 3 4 26 16 6 21 21 14 9 1 4 6 3 6 0 4

38 6 10 26 27 15 31 19 24 16 5 7 8

18 2 2 II 19 5 9 9 14 9 I

5 4 5 5 0 0

5 7 1 10

PCT .355 .333 .323 .313 .297 .283 .272 .260 .253 .239 .227 .219 .186 .132 .132 .Ill



G AB R Ore. St.. 12 403 69 Wn . St. II 370 78 Oregon .. It 339 44 Was h. .... 14 467 64 ldnho .... 14 442 40

H PCT RBI 28 38 HR S8 117 .290 61 16 3 5 7 96 .259 70 11 0 5 6 82 .242 35 13 5 3 9 112 .240 49 12 4 3 16 98 .222 36 12 2 3 12

SH 16 15 8 11 18

PO 313 292 287 339 344


137 122 99 148 159

E FA 23 .951 80 .982 19 .946 34 .935 48 .912

Ralph Hatch, Senior, outfielder who played outstanding ball for the Vandals was picked on the First orthern Division All-Star Team and led the Vandals in batting with a .310 average for Nonhem Division play.




Oregon State pla}Cr 'llides into third ha;e a~ l wul await' throw.



Oregon State pla}Cr tries in vain to hit the ha ll.

Coach ,\nclciMlll gi1 ing the h01 s a little pep tall... 路


Bob Venacke, Sophomore, Outfielder

Ra y chm idt, Junior, Catcher

Dick Mooney, Sophomore, Second Base



Ferm Pasold, Senior, First Base

Denny Grant, Sophomore, Pitche•-

Terry Boesel, Sophomore, Second Base

Darrel Woofter, Sophomore, Pitcher

Ted Knivila, Junior. Catcher

Ron Zwittcr, junior, First Base

Tony Burke, Junior, Pitcher

28 1

Front TOw, left to right-Mike Mosolf, Bill Overholser, Ray Hatton, Fred Lyon, Bill Jacoby, John Pasley, Duane Maynard, Coach Sorsby. Second Tow-Cary Michael, Joe King, Charlie Smith, Reg Carolan, Joe Davis and Bart Starr, Mgr.

Track T he Vandal track squad fin ished the regular season this spring with a 2-6 record. T he Vandals lost to WSU three times, OSC and Washington once, and once in the Northern Division relays. They beat vVhitman and EWCE for their two victories. Idaho's greatest strength was found in the distance positions, with Hatton, Wyatt, Adams, M ichael and Smith on the team after a season of cross-country work. Idaho dropped its season-opener at the Washington State I nvitational, picking up one first, three seconds, and four thirds. Hatton and Adams took first and second respectively in the mile and one-ha lL Other point getters were Carolan in the shotput, Overholser in the high hurdles, King in the hop-step-jumps and broad jumps, and Michael in the 600-yard race. In the second Invitation at \1Vashington the Vandals came in second, Hatton winning the mile and two-mile runs and Carolan the shot-put. The final Idaho victory was over Eastern Washington, 76-55. Next year's Vandal squad should be stronger in sprints than in previous years, but will be looking for some replacements in the distance fields. The team finished the season by participating in the orthern Division track finals at Eugene with Ray H atton placing first in the two-mile; Bill Overholser, third in the high hurdles; and Reg Carolan who finished fourth in the shot.

Bill Sorsby, track coach, did an outstanding job in his first year at Idaho.


The Mile Relay Team


oF J ohn f'as ley, Fred Lyon, Charlie Smith, and Gary Michael

Idaho's Q,erholser shows good form as he goes o,路er the first hurdle.

Crossing tbe tape was not un路 common for Ray llauon.

Reg Carolan lets go with a mighty heave.



Front row, left t(> rigllt-llenrik Bad.er, Howard Gerrish, Truls Alstrup and H ilmar Lunde. Second row- Ebbie E'enson, \rnstei n Friling, Helmm Kif拢rnann, H alhard Cros,old, and L:1rr)


Ski Team

U nder the d irection of Bill Sorsby, the ski team this year enjoyed superiority over o ther Northwestern schools. L ed by Hallva rd Gosvold, the team won 2 of its 3 meets, a nd placed second in the third one. The prospects for next year are very good with the relllrn of Gosvold a nd several other outstanding ski ers, including Alstrup, Backer, Gerrish, Friling and Schaat.

llil mar Lunde practicing for a cross路country race


Front row, left to right- Cary Michael, Ebbie Evenson , Frank Wyatt, Ray Hatton. Second row- Archie Willis, Mgr.; Ray Allen, Allen W<•ods. Ro n Adams, Dave Durham and Coach Sorsby.

Cross Country

One of the brightest spots in sports at Idaho this year was the third place finish of the Vandal harriers at the National A.A.U. meet at Lexington, Ke ntucky and followed through with first place in the Pacific Coast Invitational meet at Los Angeles. Three r eturning lettermen, Fra nk \1\fyatt, R ay Hatton and R on Adams a ided by Gary Michael, Charlie Smith, Ray Allen a nd Allen Woods, made up the eig ht-man team. The entire season was an outsta nding one for the harriers.

Vandal harri ers practice for forthcoming meets. Left to right- R on Adams, Ray A llen, Frank Wyatt. and Cary Michael


Fron t row, left to ,路;g;li-Coach Cla rk ).litchell, AI Hansen, Club ''b) . Sam \lc::-\cil, Mike Watson , and Cliff Lawrence. Secoud row- l'aul Briethaupt, Dale Dennis. Da\e Damon, Bob I )>on and Bill Stancer.


The Vandal swimming team, despite previous predictions, came through with a 4-6 record for the season. Coach Clark Mitchell accounted for this by the spirit of the men this year. J\Iembers of the team were: Captain Sam Me路 Neil, Bill Oversholser, Ken Goodwin, Chuck Thomas, Paul Briethaupt, Dale Dennis, AI H ansen, Clil[ Lawrence, Dave Damon and Bill Stancer. Diving proved to be Idaho's strong point as Cliff Lawrence, Mike Watson and Cris yby finished strong in this division. The Vandal's fell to the Northern Division

R o bbie


路r ) SOn practice; the breast stroke .

Cliff Lawrence performs a perfect back dive

Relays, but swept a double match from Eastern Washington on January 15. Idaho again lost to Washington and also to ~Iontana State University and Universit) of British Columbia. ThC)' rounded out their sea~on with a victory o'er Ea~tern 'Vashington College o( Education and al o " ' e:.tern " 'ashington College of Education, by claiming 10 of 11 firsts. I np Vandal sprint men: !.eft In right 路Stancer. Damon, Nyb), and Dcnni.,


tiles, .\1


Coach Frank Young, shon on returning lettermen this year, edged through with a troubled season. The four returning lettermen were Bob Hansen, Chuck H ervey, Bob Livingston, and AI Sudweeks. 1 ewcomers were Dick :M inas, Jim Paulson, Dick Stiles, and Tim Green. Green was the only winner in the first Vandal game when they lost to Gonzaga. Jdaho fell before a powerful EWCE team and went on to lose to Oregon a nd Oregon State. Idaho played their best games of the season against these two teams, including one played in a sudden snow storm. ' 'VSU and Whitman were a determined foe when they invaded the Idaho Campus to gain a victory. EWCE and Washington State were too tough for Jdaho, but when the Vandals played Gonzaga they had victory in sight. Idaho had won three of the five singles matches, but the Bulldogs refused to be beaten and swept the doubles matches. The team ended the season by participating in the Northern Division ]\feet at Corvt~ll i s. Those lost through graduation arc H ervey, Livingston, and Sudweeks.

First Doubles Team- Uob Hansen, Junior, Bob Li\ ingston, enior.


udweel..s, Dick \linn'>, and

Pierce, Don :\fodie, AI McCowan and Cary Floan. Ray Kowall is, Norm Johnson, and Dave Smith.


The 1960 Vandal golf squad posted the top season record in school history, with a n 8-1 mark. The team was led by Don .Modie, who was named Golfer of the Year, and by sophomore Cary Floan. Next year, the outlook is even brighter with the return of Modie, Floan, Ray Kowallis, Lynn H ansen, a nd Robb Smith.

First best ball combination, Don Modie, J unior and Cary Floan, Sophomore.

ccond best ball com bin;uio n, L ynn Hansen, Junior and Ray Kowall is, Junior .


The) are off and running at the annual turkC) trot


\Vith a record participation in intramurals, and through the guida nce of Clem Parberry the 1959-60 intramural year was full of exciteme nt, keen competition and a lot of fun. The DelLS captured the intra mural title. The) were paced by Dick Rene's victory in horseshoes, and by placi ng four men in the top ten in cro~s country. Other winners were: football, Phi Delta Theta; ten ni~. Phi Delta Theta ; swimming, Phi Kappa Tau; volleyball, Upham H all; A ba~ketb a ll , Shoup H all; H basketball, De lta Chi; bowling, McConnell H all ; wble tennis, Tl\fA; a nd golf, P hi D elta Theta. The order in which the first five finished were: Delts, L indley Hall , SAE's, Phi Oclts, and ATO's.

There was plenty of action in Lhe De lL 路 Shoup I tall champio nship ga me which saw Shoup H a ll win <tuitc easil y.


Intramural Managers Through the assistance of these men, each li\ ing group was able to participate in all intramural activities. The group was headed by Larry H attcmer. Clem J>arberry was advisor to the organita路 tion.

Football Champions PHI D ELTA THETA

Front row, left to rightBrad Rice, Cary Randall, Arnie ~foeller, and Bob Lee. Second row- Ed Barney, Dick Kloppenburg, Robert Nutting. Bruce Greene. and Kent Harrison.

Cross Country Winners Left to right-Ron Flet路 chcr, last; Halvar Cros路 void, third; J ay Doyle, second; and Pat Dunlap, first.


Bosketbo/1 IIOl' J> II \l.L houp Hall's ba l..etball team, which had an eas\ time winning the intra路 mural A ba~l..etball Litle, wa\ rated one of the finest 1M ba~l..etball squads in hi~toq路. Leading the at路 tack was Mel \nderson (with troph)). and Bob l'tcs tcl (third from right, halk row).

Swimming PHI K \ J> PA C\U Left to right-Wally Bra~~颅 field. Lew Oring. Da'e Damo n, Dill tancer, and Pinl..} Norell.

Golf PHI D EL f \ rt i ETA left to right - J)a,e f hompson, H arry Krus~ man , Robert utting and Phil ll anel.


joe Erramouspc mo ves ror a short gain.

Tennis Pill DELTA 1111:. fA /.eft to right .,\mi c t\lollcr. Henri!.. Backer. and Wally Huff.

Look out, here comes J acr..



B Basketball - Delta Chi. Left to right-Sta n liall, Norman Luke, J ohn Mel路 Jon, Gene Callihan . l>a\ e Mullal y, and Bob Crosno.

Horseshoes - Delta Tau Delta. Champion Dick Rene, on left, shows off trophy.


Outstanding Seniors Senior Class Junior (/ass Sophomore Class

Outstanding Faculty This year, under the capable leadersh ip of Laird Noh, student body president, the Executive Board initiated a program of Faculty Recognition to honor the instructor who have rendered outstanding ervice to the University of Idaho in the teaching profession. Selection was made by a student comm ittee and requi rements included teaching ability, knowledge, enthusiasm, and interest in students. Therefore, CONGRATULATIONS and SINCERE APPRECI ATION go to the fo llowing University of Idaho instructors who have been cho en as OUTSTANDING FACULTY MEMBERS:

College of Letters and Science ELMER RA

10, Associate Professor of Chemistry

FORREST HALL, Associate Professor of Engineering GODFREY MARTI , Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineeri11g

HANS SAGAN, A ssociate Professol路 of Math AG NES SCHULDT, Associate Professor of Music

College of Mines

R. C. THEILKE, Professor of Ch emistry JOSEPH NEWTO N, H ead of Minin g Depm路tm ent

College of Agricu lture

College of Forestry

ARTHUR GITTENS, Assistant Entomologist E. W. T ISDALE, Professor of R ange Management DUANE Lc TOU RNEAU, Associate Agricultuml Chemical Chemist OWEN WEE KS, P1路ofess01路 of Bacteriology

College of Education ERIC KIRKLAND, Associate Professor Men's Physical Education

College of Engineering JOHN SNIDER, ProfessO!' of Elementary Education ROLAND BYER , Chairmall of Freshman Engineering

College of Business ROBERT CLARK, Instructor in Accounting


Top Fifteen Seniors WILLIAM M. AGEE: Bill came to Idaho late from Stanford, but he carved out quite a name for himself in a short time. He combined an outgoing personality with a business-quick mind and led the senior class as president. Bill's other activities include: Board of Selection and Control, Homecoming Chairman, Blue Key and Blue Key T alent Show Emcee, Commencement Committee and intramural sports. Bill has also worked as a lab instructor and was chosen an outstanding business student. He has served his fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, well in many capacities.

ANN MARIE BECKER: Annibee's name has become synonymous with efficiency and dependability at the University of Idaho and she is a woman of exceptional ability and intelligence. Her outstanding service on the ASUI Executive Board and her voluntary membership on most of the E. Board committees are only part of her work on behalf of the Idaho students. Ann has further served the campus on the Student Union Board a nd the SUB Program Council, helping to originate and organize many of the SUB activities. H er other activities include Campus Chest, Model United Nations, Greek Caucus and Citizenship Clearing House. She also holds membership in Alpha Lambda D elta, Spurs, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu and Mortar Board. This year Ann received the Theta Sigma Phi H eadliner Award and she has served her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, as Standards Board Chairman, Scholarship Chairman and President.

KARL CLAUDÂŁ BITTENBENDER: The man of a million talents, whose smiling, cherubic face was one of the best known on the Idaho campus. Outstanding leader, singer and inspirational guide, he typified the year 1959-60 at the University and his energy knew no bounds. Karl's list of acti vities is long and includes Homecoming Chairman, Vice President of Executive Board, IK Officer, Chairman of Religion in Life Conference and President of the Pacific Northwest R egion of the Lutheran Student Association. He also holds membership in Phi Eta Sigma, Blue Key, Scabbard and Blade a nd Silver Lance. Karl has capably served his fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi, as Song Leader, Secretary, Rush Chairman and House Manager.


Top Fifteen Seniors PATRICIA KAY BOZART H: Brigh t a nd vivacious, perk) Ka)' warm personality made her one of the )Car's standout personalitie . T op in scholarship too, she was one of Idaho's finest in 1959-60. Kay's ma ny activities a nd honoraries include Pan-H ell, Religion in Life Conference, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Beta Ka ppa a nd Ion a r Board Vice Presiden t. She has also capa bly served as Pre idem a nd chola rship Chairma n of her sorority, Ka ppa Ka ppa Gamma.

DWIGHT ALLAN CHAPIN : Combining a vast knowledge of spor ts with superior and fluid writing a bility, Dwight tra veled the road to the Argona ut editorship along the route of pons Reporter and ports Editor. Casual, cool, the 6 1th J ason always eemed to know when to do the right thing a t the right t ime, a nd helped ma ke the 1959-60 Argona ut one of the best in the paper's 61 -year-old history. At the same time, Dwight Mill maintained high scholarship a nd fo und time to help wi th such activities as the Junior-Senior Prom, Blue Key, in tra mu ra l sports, Sigma Delta Chi a nd Ex-Officio Executi ve Board Member. H e has also served his li ving grou p, \'\fillis weet, as Repon er.

J AMES CO ' RAO FLA lGAf': Ending a four-year college career a a n extreme!) efficient 65 th J ason, J im placed as much emphasis on acti vities as he did grades a nd ca me out on top in both ca tegories. Usually seen a t the Argona ut office, "Fi an "' was known as a good guy, seemingly untouched by the ma ny honors he received throughout his college career. No ma tter how busy with the Arg, Jim always had time to give of himscl f to the J unior 路 Senior Prom, Executive Board, dra ma tics, Blue Key, Young R epub licans, Sigma Delta Chi Vice Presiden t a nd Reporte r 路 H istorian of his fratern ity, Theta Chi.


Top Fifteen Seniors ROLAND R. LODGE: Another who made it big with both the books and activities, Rollie was instrumental in helping to give the University a solid athletic program. He takes into his cho en field, public relations work, a likeable personality and a large capacity for getting things done. Rollie has been active in Student- Faculty Committee work, Ag Club, Block and Bridle, Alpha Zeta and intramurals. He has also capably served his fraternity, Sigma Nu, as Scholarship Chairman, Rush Chairman and Vice P resident.

NEELA McCOWAN: Quiet, smiling and studious, she had a rare blend of good humor and ability. Neela did her part ... and much more ... on the many committees and groups which made I daho tick. She worked her way up through Society EdiLOr and Associate Edi tor to Co-Editor of the Gem of the Mountai ns her senior year while still finding time to actively participate in such activi ties as Blood Drive Chairman, Model United Nations, United P arty, Religion in Life Conference and Ex-Officio Member of Executive Board. Neela also held membership in Spu rs, Pi Gamma Mu, Theta Sigma Phi and Mortar Board and she served her sorority, Delta Gamma, as Scholarsh ip Chairman for two consecutive years and received the DG Service Pin.

JACK WILLIAM MACKI: O ne of the "sharpest" of the Class of 1960, J ack tempered his brains with a caustic wit. He was tops in mathematics, extracurricular work and student government. His many activities include Independent Caucus, Executive Board, IK's and Blue Key and he holds membership in Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa and Silver Lance. J ack has also served as Treasurer of his living group, Willis Sweet.


Top Fifteen Seniors CAROLY!'\ DDIPSEY ;\IlTCHELL: With a friendly smile and a kind greeting for eveqone she meets, Carolyn has been one of the most outstanding personalities on the Idaho campu . She ha~ used her high intelligence a nd tremendous enthusiasm to efficiently combine her studies, activities and work. Her Jist of anivities and honoraries is long a nd includes Executive Board her Junior year, Alpha Lambda Delta, Spur President, Religion in Life Conference Chairman, Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board. Carolyn and her husband, Bill, have ~>ervcd as Proctors at Willis Sweet this year and have also found time to do research work on their a natomy of the snake project which has gained state-wide recognition and praise.

LAIRD ' Oll: The acknowledged and very capable leader of th e students, President Laird gave student government a positive outlook and ran things with a steady, just hand. Along with his judgment came a quiet, warm humor which was hard to match and an abil ity to get the most out of his associations with others. Laird has further served the Idaho students as Duke of IK's, Junior Class President and Chairman of Campus Chest while holding membership in Blue Key and Silver Lance. He has also been Vice President of his fraternity, Sigma Nu.

BRUCE SU~l~fERS: Tall, dark a nd Ivy Leaguish, " Hup" Summers was another man you couldn't miss on the Idaho campus. A man of precision, he blended a world of ability with a booming laugh and an unquenchable spirit. His many and vat ied activities included Executive Board, Homecoming Chait man, Blue Key, Pershing Rifles, Silver Lance, intramural!. and a high ranking officer in the Army ROTC. " Hu p" ha~ also served his fraternity, Sigma Nu, as Treasurer.


Top Fifteen Seniors LEO D. TAFOLLA: A man of sincere and deep conviction, he lent a dissenting wisdom to student government. Leo also combined engineering with activities and came out head and shoulders above the rest. He has found time to work on the Arg and Gem Photo Staffs, Varsity Debate, Executive Board, Independent Caucus and he holds membership in ASCE, Association of Engineers, Delta Sigma Rho and Silver Lance. L eo has also served as President of the Residence Hall Council and as President of his living group, Upham Hall.

EDI TH LOUISE VA DENBARK: She set her sights on the challenging field of medicine and came out on top with a four-year scholarship from the University of Washington for the study of medicine. Louise can be very proud of herself because she has still found time to be active in campus events and honoraries such as the Blood Drive, Alpha Epsilon Delta and Phi Beta Kappa. Louise has also served her sorority, Delta Delta Delta, as President.

TERRY M. WHITE: A "4-0" sailor, Terry excelled in all phases of his college career, from the Navy to engineering to extracurricular activities. Easy to get along with, "Turk" did well most things he set out to accomplish. His long list of activities include Vandaleers, Student Union Board, H omecoming, Greek Caucus Vice President, Senior Class Vice President and N ROTC Midshipman Commanding Officer. Terry also holds membership and leadership in Phi Eta Sigma as President, Blue Key as President, IK, Sigma Tau and Silver Lance. Terry has also found time to serve his fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta, in a major house office.


Senior cia. s offi cers arc: Fran Baudek, Theta, secreta I"}'; ~Ia rei a MotLinger, Gamma J>hi, treasurer; Terry White, Fiji, vice president; Bill Agee, Beta, president.

Senior Olliters Graduation ... the final appearance of the Class of 1960


Seniors j ACK ACRFI'



i:':ampa. Idaho RoN AoA~Is


Bri•IOl, England \\f!LLIAM . \ GI'I'


;\feridian. Idaho

,\RriiLR ;\ (. .\LIIA"'I .\1

i:':orth 1\ergen. :'\.j.


RocENE Au.tR

Elem. Educ.

Meridian. Idaho FltANKLtN .\ u .J-N


Nampa. Idaho

MARIA:\ .\ 'CIIUSTI Ql' l Combined Educ. Boi~e.


,\ " " ANDF.RSO'

H is Lory

San I\ Ia teo. Calif. llARIIARA t\NIH .RSON

H ome Ec.

Coeur d',\lcne, Idaho GRAI>T .\:"'DFRSO'

l\fech. Engr.

I hornton. Idaho


Ho me Ec.

1\ shton, Idaho Gt::ORCE B AKPR

i\fech. Engr.

Poc:Hello. Idaho D oN BALDWI:-..

Sec. Education

Sandpoint, Idaho

L AR\ 0t:AN B AR,t\


Shoshone. Idaho J OliN B ARON


Eau Ga llic. Florida


Geol. Engr.

Fairfield, Idaho E.

t\ II L1'0N


Bioi. Science

Idaho Falh. Idaho FRAN 8AUDFK

Bus. £due.

l'a)elle. Idaho FRA,KLIN BAU\IA'


Kellogg. Idaho CIIARMAI:"'E R . BI·:CK

.Eiem. Educ.

Moscow, Idaho



Industrial Arts


Moscow, Idaho


H istory

Genesee, Idaho M ICII AEL


Elcc. Engr.

8 ECK I' R

Aberdeen. Idaho



;\loscow, Idaho


Foreign Trade · · Barrington, Illinois CAROl. H ATTAN Bt~NSO'

Home Ec. Educ.

Moscow, Idaho

L\ :\:->BENSON

Chem. Engr.

Boise, Idaho


Ag. Economics

ll aLelton, Idaho W.


Horticu lwre


1\loscow, Idaho

<..tORCt. BERTO:\:\I:At

Comm . .\rt

Pasadena, Calif.


Industria l Arts

Castlc£ord, Idaho

KARL 81TTEi'/81',UHt


.\rlington, \'a.


Extracti,·e Indus.

Moscow, Idaho





Law to n, Oklahoma


Physical Educ.


Castleford, Idaho

Seniors S. Boss llales Corners. Wis.

\I.I .A:\

Wildlife :\!gmt.


\l ed. Tech.

Culdesac. Idaho

Mo\ I~



Mech. Engr.

Roise, Idaho R. BRANIIS Elem. £due. · Richland. Wash. )011, \\'. BRA,OSIIIRG Bota ny - - Belle Fourche, S. Dal.. JOAN


Forest Management - Kansas City, Mo. JON B RA.SSI '




Placen ille. Idaho








e1perce, Idaho


Donnellson, Iowa (.ARTH BROW'


Twin Falls, Idaho


Elem. Educ.

Twin 1:alls, Idaho



Ch il Engr.

Boise, Idaho Kt.I\NETII

i\g. Engr.

J. BIWST Grangevi ll e, Idaho



Oslo, Norway Ro~ BuotR


I larvard,




Moscow, Idaho


Sec. Educ.



Rexburg, Idaho


Bioi. Science - :\fountain 1-iome, Idaho ERIC



Kellogg, Idaho



Range Mgmt. · Universit)' Park, N. Mex. Gt.RAI.O D. CARI'I·.:\TF.R :\lech. Engr. - - - - Emmett, Idaho E RI\t.Sl

\ lusic



Emmett, Idaho MAR\'


l~ nglish

Pasco, Wash. RollERT CASP


La i\lesa, Calif.



;\lladcna, Calif. D WICIIT CIIAI'IN

j ournalism

Lewiston, Idaho RO\Ct CHI(,IIROW


Gooding, Idaho Ho C1101· Mcch. Engr. - · - - · Seoul, Korea SA,, c

)A \H.S



Kendrick, Idaho


Elem. £due.

Clarkston, Wash.


l>h}sical Educ.

£,crcll, l\la'>:>.


Education Ro(;~ R

. \ccounting

f'rincewn, Idaho D. Cou., I· R Bonners Ferry, Idaho

\\' ILLIA" Cou" Moscow,

Political cience




ROIIERT E. Co~u·-ION GALE CONARD Physical Education Business-Law Potlatch, Idaho Orofino, Idaho

j uonn E. CONCI-.R BEVERLY CoOPER Social Science I lome Economics Sacramento, Cali£. Cos Cob, Conn.


UFRI'IIA COVI'G'ION JAMES COSTELLO Accounting Physical Education Coeur d'Alene, Ida. Worley, Idaho

EDWIN$. CROCKt."TT Marketing Sandpoilll, Idaho lA..;cy DARKE Commercial Art Pocatello, Idaho

RUSSELL CROCKETT JorrN W. CROWE Music Science Montpelier, Idaho Rupert, Idaho ROX IE DAUGHERTY Home Economics Shoshone, Idaho

WILLIAM J. DAVIDSOI> Wildlife l\lgmt. Ashton, Idaho

JERROLD DENNEY Political Science Caldwell, Idaho

CARY DOSSETT Music Education Twin Falls, Idaho

BETTY DOTZLER English Coeur d'Alene, Ida.

GERALD COWI>EN H istory Blackfoot, Idaho

IIAROLD J. Cox Civil Engineering Caldwell, Idaho

RICHARD CRANER Electrical Engr. Bucyrus, Ohio

Cr·:RALDINE E. CRANK Home Economics Emmett. Idaho

ROBKRT TIM DALEY Accounting Boise, Idaho

ROBERT DALRY Electrical Engr. Rupert, Idaho

Ross EDWARD OAK£ Electrical Engr. Boise, Idaho

DAVID A. OAMIA/\0 Electrical Engr. Kellogg, Idaho

C HARMAII\0£ DEITZ PIIILLIP E. DELAUNE WILLIAM H . DELLOS English Extractive Industry Ag. Education Coeur d'A lene, Ida. Boise, Idaho Picabo, Idaho MARY J o DowNEY LOWELL C . DUBBELS GILBERT M. DUNN Elem. Education Forest Management Chemical Engr. Modesto, Calif. Stewartville, Minn. ~!oscow, Idaho


JIM DENN ING Moscow, Idaho

A. CoR/\ IE Ceo logy Buhl, Idaho

DAVIDS. DuRHAM MARILYN J. D UROSE DUANE l. DUSTON JOliN EBB£.RT Metallurgical Engr. Commercial Art Electrical Engr. Business London, England Bonners Ferry, Ida. Anthony, N. Mex. Western Springs, Ill.


j OA' t-: \IOR\ Elementary Educ. Boise, Idaho

J• RR\'

n on E'A's Mechanical Engr. Malad, Idaho

DONALD L. EVANS SIIARON ISAKSI:.:-. £\AI'S P hysical Education Elementary Educ. Lewiston, Idaho Spokane. Wash.

GoRDO:-. Ec <LU Engineering P icabo, I daho

Cu \RLIS EcKrR\ Chemical Engr . Nampa , Idaho

Lr :-.D~

roM ENsrL\ Arthitccwre Cenescc. Idaho

J ou:-. E:-.su.-.sA Agricullllre Eco. Castleford, Idaho

DoN ERICKSON Journalism Moscow, Idaho



J OIIl\ c. FABill E ngineering Ch icago, Ill inois

STAl\LEY L. FANI\ING Agricu lture Pullman, Wash.

GARY FARNWORIII JOliN D. FAUCmR Business-L aw Physical Education Nampa, Idaho Boise, Idaho

K. EvA'S Engineeri ng T w in Fa lls, Idaho

LAWRI'NC~: ERIC FI NN L AURA j ANE FIH.J>S Fo r·est ry H o m e Ecou om ics W a ll a Walla, W ash. Cou nci l , Idaho

TFRR ILL. R . Fl M11 NG G eology Boise, I d aho

BETH EDWARDS ,\R,OLD EIDA\1 Home Economics ~fechani cal Engr. Deitrich, Idaho Sandpoint, Idaho ERRA \IOl!SI'I Chemical Engr. Montpelier, Idaho

E'DFRS P hysical Education Post Falls, I daho

~fARY \VAt~~R

E's' F\ Home Economics Potlatch, Idaho

GENEVA FECHNER DARRELL R. FI:.RGlJSON Home Economics Social Science Washtucn a, Wash. \ Vard n er, Idaho

j AMES H . FITCH SUSAN SNOW FLACK j AMES C. fLAN I(;AN PATRICIA A. fiNN£\' H AROLD E. F1sm;R Forest Mau agem e n t Business Education Physical Educatio n Socia l Science J ourn a lism Wi ll iamsport, Penn. Los A ltos, Calif. Moscow, I daho Emmett, I daho Rich land, Wash.

1\!ICII AFI. B. FOUCII ER ARLENE MARtE F RAHM DoN FREFLANO Architecture P hysica l Education Business Ed ucation H ansen, I daho i\loscow, Idaho lloi~e. Idaho

JOli N I~REEMAN Psychology Hoise, Idaho

DONLEY FRESHWATER Mechanical Engr. Onumwa, Iowa

DONALD If. FRIESJ-:N £lcctrical Engr. Aberdeen. Idaho


Seniors HERB FRtTZLF.Y Social Studies Moscow, Idaho

JAMES M. FRtTZLEY Social Science Moscow, Idaho

MAX A. GARDNER L. GARLINGHOUSE Agriculture Educ. Marketing New Plymouth, Ida. Boise, I daho S. ALEX GILBERT Mechanical Engr. Pasadena, Calif.


CAROLE J. GROVE Elementary Educ. Kamiah , Idaho

AL GAtLEY Marketing Murtaugh, Idaho

ALLEN E. GARRETI JACK L. G ÂŁ0RGE forest Management Accounting Chehalis, Wash. Lewiston , Idaho

TEDFORD A. GtLLErr HAROLD Eo GtMPF.L Animal Husbandry Chemical Engr. Declo, Idaho Idaho Falls. Idaho

RAYMOND J . GOMES RoNALD S. GooDWIN Physical Education Commercial Art San Bruno, Calif. Sandpoint, Idaho ROGER GREGORY Marketing Sandpoint, Idaho

VERNON B. FROST MaLhemalics Payette, Idaho

JERRY W. GtRARD Zoology Clarkston, Wash.

BETIY GAILEY JOH N R. GAISER Ph ysical Education Agronomy Murtaugh , Idaho Moscow, Idah o

CLINTON J. GARDNER Extractive Industries Santa Ana, Ca li f.

SuF. GEORCE Sociology Boise, Idaho

Bon GESE Radio - TV Rome, ew York

HERBERT C. GIBSON Dairy Science Grace, Idaho

SALLY Jo GLEASON English Rich land, Wash.

JAM ES P. GLENNY GERALD GNECKOW Guidance Chemistry Educ. Grangeville, idaho Moscow, Idaho


DONALD R. GRADWOIIL GAY GRAHAM Agricu ltural Engr. Elementary Edu. Caldwell, Idaho Fruitland, Idaho

GAILLORD N. GROVOM MARY Lou GRAVES Home Economics Elementary Educ. Moscow, Idaho Gooding, Idaho

ROGER EDWARD GROVE Ltv GVILDFORD Accounting Foreign Trade Ca ldwell, Idaho Oslo, Norway

LAVERN GUTJIMILLER CAROL ANN HADDOCK STUART HAINES Finance Music Education Finance Coeur d'Alene. Ida. Moscow. idaho Jerome, Idaho

Accounting Glenns Ferry, Ida.


E lementary Ed uc. Midvale, Idaho I-IAKV£Y


Mechanical Engr. ' I roy, Idaho ROO"· \ IIARRIS

Range \ l anagement Chubbuck. Idaho COII.I I '

c. 1-lFBfR

Secondary Educ. Coeur d'Alene, Ida. JIKRY



Electrical Engr. M<.Call, Idaho


Home l~conomics Caldwell, Idaho MIKt: 1-lANZFl.

Marketing Burley, Idaho


Business Moscow, Idaho DENNY I-lAGUE

Guidance Kellogg, Idaho


Elementary Educ. Buhl, Idaho HtU.J-' Wildlife Moscow, Idaho


l'h)Sical Education .\lt. Home, Idaho Ct.CIL HEICK

Applied Math. Moscow, Idaho


Electrical Engr. Mackay, Idaho

Home Economics Hammel!, Idaho


Forest Management Williamsport, Penn. RoY IIARGRAVE

Guidance Pasadena. Cali£.


Animal Husbandry Spokane, Wash. Dt: NNIS 1-lARC;Rf:AVI·.S

Metallurgical Eugr. Lethbridge, Canada



Electrical Engr. Lewiston, Idaho CIIALON


jo£ M. l l t,SLf\

.\ rchitecture Coeur d'Alene, Ida. L ARR\ HOt.LOWAY

Marketiug Twin FaiTs, Idaho

McCook, 'ebraska HALE 1-lE:\SO'

Pre-Medicine Idaho Falls, Idaho DONALD


Finance Kellogg, Idaho

Chemical Engr. Burley, Idaho VIOI.A I I AWK"S

Coeur d'Alene, Ida. CtRALO H ERRICS'IAO

History Calgary, Canada

Business. Education Meridian, Idaho CIIARit

Ch•il Engineering Coeur d'Alene, Ida. £LIZAilETil HORN IM:


jA(,K H AI\1\IS

Wildlife Mgmt. Fairfield, lllinois

LARR\ I I AnEM£R DONALD L. II AI XWt.l L R U'f iiANNA HAWKil\.S t>h )~ical Education Forest :\lanagement Elementary Educ.

Lactosse, Wash.


Chemical Engr. Pocatell o, Idaho

Il l R\£\

Economics Boise, Idaho MAR\ H OUGil'fELIN

French Twin Falls, Idaho

Seniors 311

Seniors l\'OR\IA' ITOl5f Fi~hcric,

.\ ltadena, Calif. L OUISE MAR IE H OYT

El eme ntary Education · Spokane,

\\'a ~h.


\ rdtite<turc





Wallace, Idaho FRA'K H U,TFR


:\foscow. Idaho EHRt IT ;\1 . H U RLn


Parma , Idaho MARIL\' H USTLFR



St. Mari e'>, ldalw L i\RR\ H UTTt llAII

Chem. Engr.

Bo ise, Idaho J O li N



Industrial \rts

Moscow, Idaho

\J A 'I CLARF J ACOB~ r.,~ < hology

Dedo, Idaho C lltR\ L J ACOBS

~I OSCO\\',

Elemcntar} Education ·



.\ griwltur:tl Chemistn• · Council, Idaho

R. Tuo~JAS JACOBS 13usi nc'' · Applied Sci. · Craigmont, Ida. D ALE jAM ES


,\ cwuntiug


PendleLO n, Oregon D. J ARVIS Grange,illc, Idaho

:\lACK j Ff'l't\1' ~ampa .

\larl..cting D A\ ID


} Oil'S


:\'ampa , ldah<, j t.RR\ ,\ . ) 0111\ SO'

\ g. Ed.

\\'orle' . ld;llw ROBI:.RT CRIST JOHI\SO'

For<.-st i\1 anagement ·

Los ,\ ltm. Cali r.

i\ 1AR\' ELIZAR f:T tt

Acco unting

.Jo" S "loscow. Idaho

R oc,FR

:\l :u l..eting

L. J o'L:.'t Rupert. Idaho


Elem . Educ.

Filer, Idaho I.FRO\ L. J UDD

\l ath.

Boi~. ldalw L t. VF.R'E K AR\ £\iological 'idence · Coeur d' \lenc, Ida. rt o F . K FITH .\ tWIInliug Sa lm on, Idaho


Husi ne" Educ.

Rich lan d, \\'a;h.




Pocatello. Idaho

CL,\IR H . KENASTO' Engr. ho~hone,


fRw K E..,NEDY

Political Science ·

~fou ntain

ll ome, Ida.

L\ ;\N .\ . K£RB\

Ci1il Engr.

Payeu e. Idaho


i\ lus.


Meridian, Idaho


" ' L ER OY KII)Wrt

Pre Law


Boi,c, Idaho :\I IKF KILLI I;.N

(hem . Eng•··

Spoka ne, \\':t ~h.



Twin Fall~ . Idaho RosE L FE Kn1PTO'

llomc l·.w nomics

- Twin

fall~ .




Seniors GFRAI.O L EE K1M7.F\

S:mdpoint. Idaho

Chi I Engr.

DAN"' LEE KIM; ~am pa.

Chil F.ngr.


Jos~ I'll KI~G

otial 'icience


South Bend. Indiana


PAt ll.

\fecha nical Engr.

KI' C .\l o~ww.


I-l OII \RO Kl'" \



Liule York. Ill.


Elem. Educ.

Moscow. Idaho III JI.R\ \\' .KJI'I'

Fore,L .\fanagemen t . Pitt-burgh. Penn. LI .Sl l R KISS" \


\lo~CO\\', Idaho JoA 'M KLri:-;KoP~: ociology - · · · Seaulc, " 'ash.

J I \1


Gen. Bus.

Kuna , Idaho GARY K NOrl


Calgary, .\l he11:1. Canada BILL Koas foreign Trade Coeur d' \lene. Ida. \\'Au SAJ~.G

,\rch itecture

Ko' c

Hong Ko ng, China

K ARl' , \ , N K 01 11(1>\'

Elem. £due.

Walla ce. Idaho Rolli Rr KRAS"

La Grange. Illinois


.\fAR\ IN

\ ccounti ng

D. KRUI'C.IR Coeur d' \lene. Ida.

DA\10 E. Kt::-.."11

Agrouomy Soib

Poc:ucllo. Idaho


Mosww. ldaho


STA,ll\ D EA' LARSO' ho~hone,

Chem. Engr. VA!~.




Civi l Engr.

Coeur d'Alene. Ida .


L F \111\ \1

Office .\lanagement

helle1. Idaho

Uon L EE

Aao unting

Wallace, Idaho Et CIID L EF Honolulu. Hawaii Guida nce j \(:" LEITI>fR Med1. Engr. Encino. Calif.


EmmeLL Idaho

Ag1icuhure DI C"


.\fo\to w. Idaho I.I·ON LEWI S


Sandpoint. Idaho LI'DA UWIS .\lo~ow.

Office .\ dm. R.

\\' II.I.IA \1

Busi ness G~oRc.t;

Elcc. Engr.



Sandpoint. Idaho K. L111 SaiL Lal..c Cit}'. Utah







Twin Falls, Idaho LJ;o.," Caldwell, Idaho


Ci1il Engr.


Pre-Ph)Sical Therap)

H ailey, Idaho


I lo me Ec.

B11rlcy, Idaho



T win Falls, Idaho



j UOY LONG FELLOW E lemen tary Edu c. Orofino, Idaho

RALPII j . LONCH.LLOW RI CHARD E. LOONEY Ph )Sics Ra nge Mgrnt. Council, I daho Rupe rt, Idaho


ANNt: MARI E Ll ONS i\lusic £due. Kellogg. Idaho

Ag. Engr. Buhl , Idaho

KA'IIILEEN i\l c BRATNt:v i'A UL McCAnE Law Elementary Educ. Twin Falls, Idaho Bu hl. I daho

HI LMAR L U,Ot Bu~iness £con. Asl..er, Norway

EUGEJ-IE L UI'Dl:R .\g. Econ. Ca taldo. Idaho

RI CIIARil McCo 'l-..fLL FRA NK D. McCORMICK NFFLA McCowA'I I-I is ton Forest i\ Igmt. nus.&: Applied ci. Uoisc, Idaho \loscow, Idaho Seranac Lake. ~.Y. CuN W. McK•:~. VAN i\ICKI NI tY Ph ys ica l Education Po litica l Science Troy, Idaho i\ l oscow. Idaho

J I. L. i\I CKI !I.NE\' C ivil Engineering Blackfoot, Idaho

~1 0 " £

CARY R . . i\fc :'\tu L Wildlife i\I g mt. ampa, Idaho

BARBARA i\f ARTI' English B oise, Idaho

j ACK WII.I.IAM M ACJ.. I Appli ed i\lath. Mullan , Idaho

D fA' c. i\h.LQUIST Electrical Engr. I daho Falls, Idaho

F1 ORENCE i\I ENDIOLA Elementary Educ. Boise, Idaho

LEWIS C . .\lEEKS Physics Salmon, Idaho

i\IAURn.N Mc GouRI!I. KAvt. F. McELWA I ~' Eng lish Forest Management pokane. W ash . i\losc0\1, Idaho

Dl NNIS E. i\ICLI'.Ar-. Accounting Boise. I daho

j EANNt: i\£Aci\I AR1 IN Ph ysica l Edu ca tion Spokar1e, Wash.

3 14

ROBERT H . L u'o Forcsl ~~gm t. Sacramen to, Ca lir.

EARL R. i\ lc KEt: Elem en tary Educ. Blackfoot, Idaho

.\I.LAN i\f<.COWN Pre-Medicine i\loscow, Idaho

n.osERT L . i\JAcsuso'l 0 UA'f: MARLER Arch i lCCLU re Business Wallace, Idaho Bo ise. Idaho

CI:ORCE L UCJ..HARDI Foreign Trade Ke llogg, Idaho

i\lc i\ILRRA\ Elementary Educ. L ew iston , Idaho

TA' i\IAR'II N Bus. Finance LiLtleton. Colo.

\\'II.LIAM B . i\hRRILL jAM ES i\1. MIN AS Economics Zoology Spokane, Wash. Boise, Ida ho


CAROLYN i\fiTCIIELL Chemistry Moscow , Idaho

WILLIAM i\fJTCIIELL Pre- Medicine Moscow, Idaho

CARY M ORGAN D ONALD H . MORSE M ARILY N Sue Moo~-.Rs DAVID H ENRY i\(OORE FRANK MooR£ P h ysical Edu ca tio n i\fech . En gineeri ng Civil Engineering English Wood Utilization i\loses Lake, Wash. ll eyburn, Idaho Coeur d'A lene, Ida . Rich la nd , Wash . Edgewater, B .C.

DAVID R. M UNN \\'II.LIAM R . M URRA\" MARCIA MO'ITING~,R Education El em entary Educ. Bus. & Applied ci. Seaule, Wash. West Covina, Ca lif. Twin Falls, Idaho

L. X EBl.L Social Studies, Ed. t. Maries, Idaho


r1 D Nr.IIRBASS ~lathemalics

Ed . Gooding, I daho

DAVID F. 1ASH Chemistry poka ne, Wash.

jA'\f.T NAU Office Admin. Nezperce, Idaho

CAROLIN NAYLOR Elementary Edu c. Hansen, Idaho


RICIIARI) H. NEAL 1°orest Mgr.tt. Ketch um, Idaho t AL lEW HOUSE Law Bo ise, Idaho

L r Rov J o HN XtwtR Accounting Pocatello, Idaho

EARI\f.ST \\'. NELSO'\ 1'111 RON NELSL'l'hysica l Education Electrical Engr. P riest River, Ida. J erome, Idaho MIKE ORELL Music Edu ca tion Nampa, Idaho

RICHARD 0BF.RIIA NSLI CATHERINE O"CoNNI'R English Socia l Science Ashton, I daho Le wiston, Idaho

NA'-CY JOAN O suORN Elementary Educ. M oscow, Idaho

KA ,. OsBORNE \VII.LIAM 0 VERHOLSUt R OIIERT D . 0VERSTRH I Accounting English Guidance pokane, Wash. Bo ise, Idaho Coeur d'A le ne, Ida.

jON NILSSON Agronomy Genesee, I dah o

J Oli N W. l IELSEN C hemical En gr. Poca tello, Idah o


M ONA OLSEN· AVEN i\larketing Asker , Norway

L EW IS W. 0RI NC Bi olo:;ical Sc ience Creenvelt, M d.

\\' . LARRY 0R1 0 'M et. Engineering Calgary, Alberta


Indu s. Kimberly, Idaho

Elem. Educ. Colburn, Idaho

jAM f;.~

F. O 'DONNELL Forestry Niagara Falls, N.Y.



BART A. PAFF Economics Spokan e, Wash.

J ANICE PALMER Sociology Caldwell, I daho

ROBERT L . pALMER Pre- Med. Council, Idaho

FRANKLIN PA UL PARKS K ENNETH A. PARKS DWIGIIT PATTOl\ Animal Husbandry Agricultu ral Educ. Drama Riceville, Tenn. Fairfield, Wash. Craigmoll[, Idaho

CHUCK PECK Wi ldli fe Mgmt. Fairfield, Ncb.

CLAUDIA P EDERSON CAROL P EDERSON J OSE EDUARDO P.ENA DoUGLAS A. P ETERSON jACK F ETTYGROVE Education Botany Agron o m y Physica l Education Business Coeur d'Alene, Ida. Coeur d'Alen e, I da. Quito, Ecuador, S.A. L ewiston, Idaho Twin Falls, Idaho

R OBERT H. PIERCE Pre-Med . L ewiston, Idaho

PATRICIA ANN POOL DA N R. PILKIN GTON GLENN POTTER JI M PRESTEL MARILY N PRITCHJ:."TT Marketing Composite Nat. Sci. Ph ysical Education Physical E ducation E lementary Educ. Coeur d'Alene, Ida. Coeur d 'A lene, Ida. Tw in Fa lls, Idaho Indianapolis, Ind. Mackay, I daho

fREDRI CK I. PROSHOLO SONJA E. QUAYLE EntOmology Sociology Mayfield, I da ho Dingle, Idaho

CESAR A . Q UIZANO Arc hitcc wre B ogota, Colombia

Jo R EESE R ANDOLPII Dramatics Twi n Falls, Idaho

J Oli N KAY R AWLINS Mechanical Engr. Idaho Falls, Idaho

j OHN RAY MOND L anguages Grangeville, Idaho

ROBERT BRUCE R EA Forest Mgmt. Kuna, Idaho

ANN H. R ÂŁofoRD Elementary Ed uc. Weiser , I daho

PETER j ON R EED English L o ndo n , E ng land

DICK R ENE Electrica l Engr. Twin Falls, Idaho

RICHARD DALE RI CE Mechanical Engr. Caldwell, Idaho

DoN R. RIDENER Psyc hology Nampa, Idaho

DONNA ( I Lt:~:N RISTAUMARILYN R OBINSON E lementary Educ. English Mullan , Idaho Rupert, Idaho


DIANA PIEKSON Business Education Spokane, Wash.

CLARENCE R. R EED Animalliusbandry Sandpoi nt, Idaho ALLAN .8. ROGEKS Marketing Devils Lak e, N.D.



CFRALD ROIIWI'IN Mechanical Engr. Cottonwood, Idaho

. R UN\'AN Chemistry Moscow, Idaho jii.L SANDMEYER GERALD R. SCHLA11£R Elementary Educ. Architecture Grand Forks, .D. Oakesdale, Wash. DALE C. ScuUMACHER JouN Scu UMAKU Physical Education Engineering Colton, Wash. Hamilton, Mont. FoRREST SKAr.cs DAVID R. S,\IITII Electrical Engr. Elementary Edu c. Boise, Idaho Coeur d'Alene, Ida. i\lARGLE SNYDER DENNISS L. OLT French Physical Education Moscow, Idaho Weiser, Idaho \VILLIA~I


ST. CLAIR R. NEIL A\IPSON ALLA 'I FLO\ DSA \I Ut.LS f>S)ChOlog)' Agronomy Ci,•il Engineering Gooding, Idaho .A. Worley, Idaho Boise, Idaho EDWARD LEE SCHMI rll ERROl. H. SCIINII)ER ROCER A. SCIIROEOER H OWA RD C. ScHULT?. ROIIERT L EE SCIIIJL'rl. Chemical Engr. Foreign Trade Electrical Engr. History Agricultural £due. Lewiston, Idaho Grangeville, Ida. Sunland, Calif. Colfax, Wash. Kingston, Idaho IRt"'t: Scorr LoiS K. SEUBERT DONALD SIIELANGOSKJ.E RICIIARO D. SHINN JERR Y S~II\'FLY l'olitical Science Home Economics Architecture Architecture Music Educa tion Burley, Idaho Cottonwood, Idaho Twin Falls, Idaho :'1/otus, Idaho Idaho Falls, Idaho DIANE SMITH DONALD .E. S~lllll NEOLA SMIIINY 6ARI\ARA TATUM SNOW ADt:LLE SNYDER Physical Education Architecture Home Economics Home Economics Business Education 8lack£oot, Idaho Spokane, Wash. Twin Falls, Idaho Moscow, Idaho Cataldo, Idaho KAY SoMMERS RICIIARO SoNNICIISEN DEAN E. SoRENSON CRETCIIEN SPARKS C. J AMES SPENCER Business Education Forestry Pre-Medicine Commercial Art Mechanical Engr. Rexburg. Idaho Coeur d',\lene, Ida. San J ose, Calif. Nampa. Idaho Emmett, Idaho


Seniors l\!ARVJ,I. STAI.CU I'


;\loscow, Idaho JOliN STANDl-EY

Electrical Engr.



l\foscow. Idaho


Electrical Engineering - Nampa. Idaho ANN STEVENS


Aberdeen, Idaho


EntOmology - Calgary, Alberta. Canada GORllON STOBI E ~ loscow.

Geo logy



Elementary Education - Moscow, Idaho W. STONE



Caldwell, Idaho


;\[usic Educat ion

Moscow. Idaho



Electrical Engr.


Grcencreek, Idaho


Civil Engineering Webster. N.Y. ALAN D. SuDWEEKS Pre-Medicine Idaho Falls, Idaho SANDRA $U\I M ERFIELD

General Art

i\ loscow, Idaho LARR\' SllMMt::RS

Graduate School

B lackfoot, Idaho


Electrical Engr.


i\lidvale. Idaho

\\1. SwEENEY


Pull man, \ Vashington DONAt.!) $\VEEP

Range i\lgmt.

Homedale. Idaho

STEVEN Doucl.AS Sn1 ,\ IS


Caldwell, Idaho


Mining Engr.

Allen Park, Mich.


Electrical Engr.

Findlay. Ohio


Geological Engr. - Coeur d'Alene, Ida. LORRAINE TAYLOR

Home Economics

Boise, Idaho



Idaho Falls, Idaho R ICHARD D. TIIOMAS


Nezperce, Idaho GARY LEE TIIO~I AS

Physical Edue.

Craigmont, Idaho


Civil Engr.

Coeur d'Alene, Ida.

}\Y A. Music Educa tion


Nampa, Idaho


Agricu lture Educ.

J. TOllD

Lapwai, Idaho



Fairfield, Idaho MARY TSUDAKA

H ome Economics - Bonners Fet'l')', Ida.


E lectrical Engr. LEONARD

General Business

Deer Park, Wash.



Buhl. Idaho




Mechanical Engr. Radio &


La Grange, Ill.



Seniors DA\10 C. \griculture Educ.


Honr:-. Twin F:~lls. Ida.


Civil Engr.

Coeur d'i\ lene, Ida.


ll usiness Educ.

Coeur d',\lenc. Ida. F.

\\' ll.l.IA \I



Ci1il Engineering

Hope. Idaho



Bruneau. Idaho Dosi\1.1> £.


Electrical Engr.

Rupert. Idaho

~hRI ..


tlectrical Engr.


.\berdeen , Idaho

£RI\ If. \' YSE


- - Trail, B.C., Canada 1',\UI. \ VACER

!'hysical Education

Osburu , Idaho



Boi,c, Idaho

M AR\ Lou \\' At.con· Buhl. Idaho Eleme ntary Educ.

HAR\'~\ ~ 1. WALDRON, J R.

Naval Science

Queens Vi ll age, N.Y.


' I \\' ALKER

\nimal llusbandq• -

Kimber!). Idaho

Ll.\\'1~ \\' ALKER

Peel.., Idaho 1'11 \'I.I.IS \ VALKER

ElcmenLary Educ.

Boise. Idaho





Wallace, Idaho


~ l usi c

Boise, Idaho £LI~A '0R \V ARSSTR0 \1

(;uidance l'hpi cal

Boi,c. Idaho S u ARO:O. \\' A!Utr' Educ. \\'ci~er,


Roc.•RJ. WATIS Education

l'arma , Idaho

WARRI' STI'I 1: :0. \\' A li S

Ci1il Engr.

Coeur d '.\lene. Idaho RO\ \\' AXMOSSK \' Geography Chicago. Illinois GAR\' WA\' M IRI:

i\ lechanical Engr. -

Boise. Idaho



- - - - - - Buhl, Idaho H. \\' !:.fill


Electrical Engr.

Lewhwn. Idaho


Physical £due.

Weippe. Idaho

IIRl'Ct \\'~'OLE

Chemical Engr. L ARR\

- 5andpoint. Idaho I I.


,\ gricultural Educ.



EOWARil ALLEN \V111 11' N:~tural

Sci. Educ. - - St. J o hn , Wash. j O\ Cl \\'1111 F

~ l edical


Lewi,ton, Ida.

T I· RR\ ~1. WHITF

Elect ri cal Engr.

Lewi:;tou. Idaho

CAKOL Wm1"1't.l'



Crange1 ill c. Idaho


\nimal H usba ndr) DA~IA

Acco uming


Rigb) , Idaho \\' tLOIC

Boise, ldaho


Home Economics - - Don nell y, Idaho



CF.RRI WILLIAMS Bacteriology :\foscow, Idaho \\'t,!I.DFLL C. WOLF BARBARA \\1011LETZ Ph)sical Educ. Bacteriology Moscow, Idaho Clarks Fork, Id a. fRANK WYATT DAVID R . WYATT Psychology Agricultu ra l Engr. Bristol, England Lewiston. Idaho


W. Wooo English Driggs, Idaho LAWRENCE D. YOUNG Applied Science Nampa. Idaho

W. WILLIAMS Guidan ce Mid,alc. Idaho


WILLIA\1 j . WORLEY Education Litchfield, Illino is CLARENCE R. YOUNG Electrical Engr. Twin Falls. Idaho

I fAROLD W. WISDOM Rouon \\IILLIAM SO'I NANC\' \\IILM UTII Forestry M'gmt. £1l(omo logy Elememary £due. Riggi ns. Idaho Buhl, Idaho an Bernardino, Calif. CARY E. \\1RIG IIT j AMES R . WKIGirr DAVID :\f. WORSLEY Economics Chemistry Finance Worley, idaho Gooding, Idaho Moscow, Idaho f RANK CAMMACK BARBARA RAWI.I 'IS VIRGIL 1\f. YOUNC Hom e Economics Engineering Wood Technology Idaho Falls. Idaho Moscow, Idaho Wenatchee, Wash.

Grod Students

Ron• K r Ft RCIJSO:-." \VADL I>AI I FRSO:\'






LA VONNF. BELL Mc l)o,ALD :>liCK l ll'I'LE





Ju nior class officers are: Garth a-;scr, Fann House, 'ice presiden1; Lorna WoeHel, Kappa, secretary; j ohn Fit1gera ld, Dell, president; Connie Block, I ri -Deh. treasu rer.

Junior Ofliters Another o ne of those fahulous C;unpus Chest acts, sponsored by the J unior C lass.

32 1

Juniors Judith \ bernathy Sharon ,\ilken tan ,\! bee ~falcom

.\lexandcr Bert Allen .Eugene Allen

Karl \li en Joh n Allgair Bruce .\nderson .\feldon AndeNOn ~fichacl ,\nderson Ken .\ ngerbaucr

Ka ye As lctt Truls Astrup Pat August Lois Axtell Larry A)er John Ba bcock

J ohn Baggs Dea n Bagley Everelt Bailey Tom Baldwin Coy Ann Ball Don Barlow

Gan Barr Roger Barr I I. r. Barraclough Bob Barrett Bonnie Baum B ud Be:.siC)

Don Ueckley Joh n Beckwith Marlin Beckwith Conrad Beitz Lyn n Bell Tony Bcllam)

Bill Benjamin J oan Berdahl Carl Berry C harles Bigsby Mary Bills Ralph Bingham

\fauna Ble\ ins Connie Block Robert Boie tephen Bonn J ames E. Bo)d Judy Bracken

Cary Brannan ,\!(red Breach Cathy Brewer Bob Brock Brenda Brown Do ug Brown


Juniors Gerr)' Brown L ynda Brown Colleen Bro}lCS Rosalind Bru te \Vesle) Buchanan Tony 1\nrke

andra Byrn e Gene Callahan Carol C:unmacJ... .\J Camo~ Bill Campbell J let h Carlson

Sonja Carlson Dave Camciro Shirley Carnic Regina! Carolan B) rOn Cha mpion Roger Chapin

Gordon R . Che.,ter J im Child L awrence Chipma n Da ve Chris t} Leonard C lark Mari on Clarl..

J erq Clifton lawrence Clnte Ph ) lib (;(x hrane Diane Coiner Ka ren Coiner \l atia n Collins

William Collin ~ Brody Conklin Richard Cooper Shi rl C)' Cc11 bell Denn) Corritr-tn Ga t\ Cnug

Janice Cr:tnc Jerry Craven George Crowe ~1en in Crowscr Scott Cu lp Ri chard Cu nningham

(,aq Custer Robert Dahl L) nda Dai le) Bill Daniel~ Jim Da vidson Ca m l D;l\路ison

Gaq Dau Dick Oa) Dale Dcnni., Roben Dcnnlcr Ccotgc l>i< l..inson IIane' Doner



Rex Oorn•an Mary Jane Douglas Joh n FaHcll J erry Fellows J an Foley Ri cha rd Fo ng Ka) Garten Jerq Canhe LeRO) Co~s Gloria Cowanlocl. Jl ahard Cros,old James Gun derson l.) 1111 Hansen Sherrod H anson


Bob Drummond Keith Fenton D. Franklin. Jr. Linda Catlin Del Gowland Nanc) Hagen Connie Harding

Del Eato n Dennis £kwort£ell Larry Ferguson Geo rgia Finch Randall F•·edcricl-> J ames Freeland ;\1. L. Cates Douglas Caul CiCi Crar Ju d) Graham Caroh n Hague Orinda Hamon .\fan lin ll arrer Don H arshman

Albert Ellsworth J oA nn Fin!lerson Jud ) Freeman Jud) Chigleri Na nC\ Cr:111ge ;\I. J> . Han ford, lll Ken I Ia•sh man

Richa rd Erw in J ohn Fiugerald \ Vaher Carman Don Ceule Tim Green Allan Hansen Larry H ane)

Zola Lee Fairley Ja ck Flack Margaret Garrison Ja cl. C jording William Green wood Dale Hansen Do nna H am·ood


Eldon Harwood Bill llill Larry Hossmer Don Jrvine Philip Johnson Ed Kessler J oel Koonce

Darrell ll:lllield George ll irai Kent I love Ann Irwin Roger Johnson D:l\e Kime Craig Kosonen

Jlill Hawkins Jim Hodgson Wally Huff Doris Jameson Brad J ones Malcolm King Ray Kowallis

Don llei tl Warren B. Hoit Ml!rlys Hughes Dick J amison Delbert Jones Dan Kirkpatrick Jim Kraus

Peter B. ll e nault l\lark I lolbrook ~I. P. Hughes Leland .Jarvis Guy V. J ones Gary Kleinkop拢 l'aul Krog-ue

Hob J lenderson Jim Ho lm es J erry ll ull Jim Jenks J udy J ones J ack Klienkopf Dick Krieger

DeJoy H endricks Larry Holmquist Ca rol e Hurley Jane .Johnson Linda J ones Dell Kl oepfer Fred Kroll

llcrbcrt He ret h D. H ormaechea Myrna Tughram Lance .Johnson Lora Kennedy Dean Kohutopp l larq路 Knh'>mau


Juniors Claudette Ku ck Carol}n Kudlac Eddie Kuncar Boh Ladle Danny La ngdon Cliff Lawrence

Gene Lawrence Neil Leitne r Ramo na Legg J ames F. Lem p Dua ne LiLLi e Rand y Li tton

Sue Livingston Camille Lo pet Verna Lee Lo ll J oa n Lyd um Ri chard Lyle frank Lyons

Jim Lyons Jim Mc Bride Bob McCarren Malcol m .\ftCiain J anice McCicske) Kip \lcCormid.

Bruce McCowan .\ll an McCown .\lice .\lcCroskey Gerald E. i\lcOermoLL Clint k\lcDon;lld Bud Mc Dougal

Jam es McDo well :\f. J . l\l cFarland Tom McFarland Ton)' McFarland Bob MtGiru y Dull Mc Kee

:\lil..e:\lc Ki m J im .\lc Ki<<icl.. Ra\ .\fcl.aughlin Doug \I t \Julien i\larjean \lc:-.'eal f.lla \fc Pherson

Sally Maddocl..s Jo hn Magel Lois Manwcilcr Ken Marcn Jud y tubbs Marinea u Ramo na ~ l arott.

Georgia :\larshall Cha rlo u e :\lartell .\far il)ll \l:utin \\' arrcn Martin Don \fartinwn Lan )' .\farshburn



Darlene Matheny Judy Metcalf Bill Montgomery Nancy elson Doug Olson Earl Pederson Ernest Polz

Tony Matson Jim Middendorf Mike i\forgan Tony Nelson Jack Pantry Dan Pence Nick Pool

Gary Maxwell Lee Miller Alverna ]\[ueller Sally Newland Larry Pa rberry Priscilla Perkins Gaq• Post

Rod L. Mayer Elizabeth Misner Jim l\'Iullen Dona Newman William Parman Kent Petersen June Powels

Ralph Mays Don Modic Loren Murphy Diann Nordhy Bill Pasley Ross Peterson Gordon Powers

Marilyn Merrick Bob Moe Don Myklebust Ri chard us tad David Patton Ron Pettis Sharon Price

Darrell Merrill Gerald Metcalf Larry W. Moore Kun Moller David Napper Albert Nelson Caroline O'Conner JoAnn O'Donnell Beverly Paul Dean Pearson Earl Pfeiffer David Pierce Lois Proctor Ken Radke



Pat Ramsey Robert Ridgeway G a rr h Sasser Bill Scholes Ray Sh u bert Dan Slavin Billie ommers


Gary Randall Stuart Robe rtso n Lyle Sasser Bob Sch umaker Don Simpson Bob Smith l'at Speelman

Tom Ratcliffe Jim Rogers Jan et Sayler Jayne Scoggin Jim Simpson H. E. Smith Liter pence

Van ce Rou er Dick Rees Richard Renshaw David Ross Patsy Rogers Uob Rowland Judi Scanlan Helen Schiffier Ra y Schmidt Maurine evedge Mel Shangle Robert Shawen J oe Simpson Dick Simundson Gurcharan Singh R . :\larshall Smith ;\laq Snook J ack mirh Woody pence Bruce Spofford L)neue quires

Chris Reynolds Margie Rowlands Shirley Schnider Lynne Shelman Leland Slind Mac Soden J udy Stahl

J erry Reynolds Barbara Sande Clifford Schoff H aro ld Sherrets Bob Sla,ik Bethel Solt Karen tcdtfeld


Bill Sutton BetS) Taylor J ess Tildon Arlene Turnbull Marilyn Voyles Patty Weed

Cary Steiner Everett S\'endsen Laddie Taylor Bill Tilton Dale Turnipseed Elaine Wacker Ph yllis Weeks

James Swayne J ack Swearingen Victor Taylor Dick Tefft Weldon To,·ey Edgar Townsend AI Undenvood Ca) Tuson Bob Wagenschultz Sharon Waldram Ed Weide Mark Wendle

Harry Stunz Jim Storms Maureen Sweeney Roman Talamantel adine Talbot Margaret Tatko Ron ., hurber Dick Thompson Kenneth Thompson George 'I horson Lee Townsend Ron Townsend Oa\e Trail Elberta I ruchot Darrel Vail Ron Van Cleef Nancy Van llouten joe Visintanier Lewis Walker David Wallace Theron Ward Delbe•t Webb Dwayne Westfall Lynn White Mary Whitehead Jerry Wicks


Juniors Da'e Wiks Sally Wilbanks Sherry W ilki n~ Larq L. Williams L) nda Williams Mike William~

Ray Willms Ron Wimer Do n \\'illleler US) Wilson Lo rna Woelfel C;1il \\'on ser

Jeannine Wood Marie Wood Parker Woodall Oarrell WoofLer Cary \Voolveno n 13:.no n WrighL

\\' arren \\1ubker Marilyn W)lie J an \\' )1111 Linda Young i\laq • YoungsLrom Roger VounL

Rita Zachary Jack Zimmerman Ron Zwiucr

You can always find al least one Junior stud ying!



Sophomore class officers are: Bob Schini, Dell, president; Sharon Lance, Theta, treasurer; Sue Rutledge, Kappa, secretary; Bob Keller, Sigma Chi, vice president.

Sophomore Officers The Idaho Spurs serenade the OG's on their traditional Spur Serenade before the big !Ifother's Oa)' weekend.


Sophomores Curtis Abbott Danvin Afdahl Gail Agee Brent Aitken John R. Albee ancy Alcorn

Jan Alden Bob Alexander Pat Allbrethscn Duane Allred Beuy Anderson Darlene Anderson

Doug Anderson Jean Anderson Oscar Anderson Roger Anderson Sue Andre Dee Andrews

Lew Andrews David Austin Arnold Ayers Sandy Bacon Doris Baker Dean Banner

Larry Bardsley Pat Bates Judy Baty J udy Bauman Brent Baumert Nancy Beach

Rochelle Beaudreau Dick Beier Jim Bell Karen Bell James Benneu Mary Ann Berry

Walter Bird Blanche Blecha John Born Jerry Bowers Lois Bowers Victor Bowman

Jerry Boyd Ludel Boyd Robert Bradley Wally Brassfield Barba1路a Britt Robert Briuon

Rodney Broadie Pat Brogan Barbara Brooks Nancy Brower Bob Brown Ralph Brown


Sophomores tephen Brown Linda Bruce Denny Brun~ide Jim Brumkill Jo.\nn Buckle) Be,crly Bucl..lin

H. Keith Buhler Barry Burke Marsha Buroker Don Burr Sue Bush J im Byrnes

Pat Carlson joan Carnefix Jim Carpenter Rand y Campbell Larry Ca ntrell Ri chard Chelene

Ga ry Chigbrow Ed L. Christensen George Christensen Karen Ch ristensen ~[odell Christianson J ay Cline

Doug Coglizer Sam Collet Alice Rae Collin$ Linda Compton Bill Crea Sally Crockett

Larry Cross Ferrel Crossley Linda Croy LatTy Curry Mike Daly Dann y Danielson

Dave Damon J oa n Davenpon Dick Davies Sharon Da, is Fred Decker Jim Decl..o

Terrence Denman David Denton Charles DeVane> J oNell Di ven Diana Dodds Dolores Dorendod

J ay Doyle Dennie Dressel Pat Dunlap Joe Dunn Boyd Earl J O)Ce Eld



Gordon Ell io tt Ro n Farnworth Cary Floa n Kell y Fritelle Sand) Gau,s nru<e Greene r om Cwilliam

Fred Elsberry David Faulkner Thomas R. Flo res Jack l7 u ller Carl Geho Doris C rcen>t reel Shaunna C)gli

David Emery Ra y Featherstone Robert J;' oster Stan Fuller Carole Ceidl Florence Griffen l'auline H afer

Vaugh n E~t e rick Eldo n Fedle r Jill Fouche Charles Fullmer H oward Cen ish haron (,1 iffitlh Lin da ll aight

Bill Evan~ Mike Felto n Barbara Fowler Don Gallaher Vangie Gibbs Larq Crimes Bob Hall

Carol E1 a us Jud y Finney Pete Ft edrikson J a n Garrison Julie Gi rard llall1 ar<l (; rOSIOid tan l lall

Mary Evans Wru. i\C. Fische r Fred Fricke Joanne Gartland i\"onn Cissel Dick Guile) Beuy Hamlet

Dawn Fairley Vicki Fisher j oyce Frisch Fred Gaudet Robert ' I . Grant ll arold Cust:rfson E1cl)n H ammond


Phil H anel David H eck L. H immelsbach Sherral Holliday Ron Houghtalin T om .Jachctta Kelda Jo hnson

Larry Hansen Shennan Hanson Ka y Harder Ralph H egs ted Phyllis H endershou Eugene Henry Bill Hobdy }:rank Hock Dick Hodge H erb Hollinger Lee llollowa y Vicki Holm Terry Howard Nancy Hubbard Gary Hudelson J erome (ankowski Ann Jacobs Philip J aspers Leroy .Johnson Margaret J oh nson Norman J oh nson

Noel H arrington Jud y H ick mau Ca rol H odgeson Kathy H orn Audrian Huff i\Iar y Jaureq ui Stan ley Jo hnson

Lloyd Harvego Pat Higgins Paul H ofhine Mike Horvath Dea nna Huff An J ensen Celeste J o nes

Christine Hauff Lynn Hill Nancy Holcomb Lynn H ossner J oyce llano H elen .Joh nsen Pat Jordan

Dianne Hayes Heather Hill Terry H olcomb Sharon H ouck Da ve Iverson Walt .John son Tommy J oy


Sophomores C. James Jurrens Tom Kale Fr. Kasunic W. Roy Kays :'llartha Kedv Ron Keel\'

Bob Keller LeRoy Kellogg Karen Kell y Pete Kelly Arlene Kerbs Dane Kiilsgaard

Y.S. Kim William R. Kindl ey Calc Klei nkopf Andy Klemm J ack Kocher La:'lla rr Kofoed

Ken Kovacs Shirley Krohn Sebastian Lamb Sharon Lance Da,路id Landon Charles Lange

haron Larsen Sallie Latimore Bob Lea Gary Lent Kenneth Lent Kirl... Lewis

I larry Light

Bill Line Brock Lh ingston Gordon Locl.harl Maril)lt Locppl..y Jim Logan

~I arlene

Long Rose Long h er J. Longeteig R ussell Lown Dan L)Sitlgcr Rae Mc.\ nhur

Pat ~ lcBoyle Bob i\IcConnell Leon i\fcCotH ilie Dana :'llcCown Bill McDon:tld Mary Eua McDonald

Lee ~IcDougal Ceorganne :'llcDo"cll J udy i\fcCaney J udy McGinnis l\likc McKee ] . D. 1\fcKendick


Sophomores Carl ~fagnusson Herbert Malony Roger Mannin~ Gary Mauv1lle David March Terry Mariven

Ben Marra Eugene i\larrO\\ Fred Marshall, Jr. Bill Martin Diane i\lauson Roberta Maughan

Bill Maule Jam es Mays Joan Mercer Gary i\1 eyer Judy Middleton Gary Michat>l



Dick Minas Shirley Mitt.hell J erry Mix Terry Mix Alan Miwno

Dick Monahan Dayton Mong Keith Moon Dick Moony Joann Moore Pam Moore

Jim Morris Cli nton Mowery J im Mulder COlt Mullikin Linda Murray Spike asmyrh

Dick Neilsen Carl Nellis Frank Nelson Pat elson Sally Jo Nelson Sharen Nieland

John Ntemen Barry Nissen Steve orell Noni Norman Eugene Novoruy Sue Nugen r

Bob l\utting Ch ris yby Merrill Oal..s Franklin Oduber Jim Ol..eson Virginia Ollis



Bill Olson Nancy Oud Pa yne Kathleen Pa)ne i\!illon Peterson Julius Peterson Lorraine Pou er Ken Powell J ereRae Rasmussen J oh n Rasmussen Keith Rille Caq Rice La Dcssa Rogers John Ross Karen asser Donna Saugast Jame~

Pen ny Papes Colene Peirsol Jud y Peuerbo rg Da'e Powers j e'lnnie Rau Mike Rohb Diana Rudolph Ste'e Schaub

Douglas Park Charlene Peter~ Julian l>eret Darrell Purtell J ames ,\ . lh)mcr Jo Rohens Susan Rutledge Roben Schelsl..e

Maril yn Paulson John Pasley Ji m Paulson Richard Petersen Evelyn Peterso n Cordon Peter~on Pcgg) Phillips Dave Polage Norma l'omponio Ron Raffensperger Chucl.. Rani.. Bob Quesnel Mary Reed Fran Regadera Joyce Renrro Patsy Roberts Jud) Roger Don Roemer Angelo Sakelaris Stan Sales Ka) anders usanne chilz Pat Schlueter Rohen Schini


Freda Schmid Camille Shelton Peggy Sinnemakie Tom Smith Rich Steiner Lee Storey L. Eldon faylor Donna Tint..er

Larry choat Peg helton Claire Slaugluer J oAnn nyder Cecil tellyes Uill to we Larq Tepl) John f OC\S

Norma Schroeder Susie Shern Charles Smith Paul Sokvitne David Stephenson Mike Stowe Leo Thibault Pat Townsend

Jan Scoggin Ardell Shockley Darolene Smith Cary Spray Dave tere Sall y Strawn \\'ayne Thiessen Jim Trach

Bonnie COil Ka rla Seivert Donald C. Smith Bob Stanbery Paul tewan Willard Sullivan Bill Thompson :--'anC) Trail

Doug Scoville Nancy Simpson Henry Smith Bill Stancer R ichard Stiles ~1el Sutherland Max Thompson R ichard Transue

Lynn Seeley J im Shaw R. D. Simpson eil Sinclair Karen Smith Linda Smith Pat Stanger J ean Steele Mary Stinchcomb Barbara Stivers AI Swenson Richard Tanaka Bill Tiger Syh ia Timost..e' ich John Tra,•is ha ron Trenary

Sophomores Larry Tripp Jim Trojanowski John Trojanowski T om Tucker Tom Turek Winifred Unzicker

Kent Valley Charlene Van Cleef Gary Vandiver Arvin Vawter Bob Vervaike George Volk

H al Vosen Kenneth vVaide Sandra ·wallen J oan Wallington Skip Ward Vicki Warner

Keith ' •V atenpaugh Mike Watson Sharon Weaver Peter '.Yelch Nancy Welker Pat West

Judy Westwood Morris Whitaker Bill White Sam White Marcy Whitten Max Wilde

An ita Wilcomb Allen Willis Elinor Wilson Marilyn Wilson Larry Winiarski Carl Winterstein

Ronald Wise Cora Wood Larry Woodbury Lon Woodbury Mary Woods Bruce Woody

Gary Wright R . R. Wyatt Ken Yahraes J oy Yockey Ann Yoshida Edwina Zabel

Rudy Zuberbuhler Robert Scott


Editors' Thank You And so another Gem of the Mountains goes to press with an attempt to capture some of the memories of the past school year. But this book would not have been possible without the aid, advice, and support of such people as: GALE MIX ... our walking encyclopedia with a hearty laugh and a pat on the back for everyone ... R UDY and H U TCH . . . who put up with a multitude of excuses an d pleas from students an d Gem staff a like ... ROY BELL, JIM BALCH, and GLENN SPROUSE at the Photo Center ... whose capable work and great patience are much appreciated. RAFE GIBBS and DON WALKER at the Publications Department ... for their sincere interest in the Gem and their expert work on the colored pictures you enjoy th roughout the annua l ... JIM G IPSON and CAXTON PRINTERS ... whose advice, patience. understanding and excellent work are greatly valued ... DWIGHT CHAPIN and JIM FLANI GAN ... who visited the third floor of the SUB often and then came through in our " hour of need" to prove what real friendship is ... A FINE STAFF ... which included such capable and hard workers as: Mary Lou Taylor, Dana And rews, L inda Lamb, Margaret Tatko, Ann Yoshida and Tom Eisenbarth whose work was above and beyond the call of duty ... BRUCE WENDLE and SHERRY WILKINS . . . whose leadership with the studen t photographers and dependability will never be forgotten . . . Faculty, organizations, committees and living groups . . . whose cooperation was greatly needed and appreciated ... And last, but by no means least, to GAY TUSON and CATHY BREWER ... who stayed after school to help wind things up and who will head the Gem next year ... we than k and wish the very best of luck. With gratitude to all of you who made our work a little easier and appreciation for your patience, understanding and encouragement .. . we wish you all the best of luck in the future and thank you for the opportuni ty to serve our Idaho. Boa H A SEN NEELA McCowAN 1960 Co-Editors Gem of the Mountains


1960 Gem Stoll Co-Editors


Associate Editors


Academics Editor


Activities Editor


FINE Aius: Mary Lou Taylor QuEENS: Dana Andrews

Organizations Editor


Residences Editor


SoRORITIES: Nan cy Hewit WoMEN's HALLS: Ann Yoshida FRATERNITIES: Fred Nelson MEN's HALLS: Tom Eisenbarth

Athletics Editor


Classes Editor


Photography Stall



Student Index A

Abbott. Curti$ LcRo) ...........332 Abem ath) , Judith ,\nn 186, 322 Acree, J ack Donald ..200, 306 Adams. Phyllis ,\rlene ............ 160 Adams. Ronald Edward 200, 286, 306 Afdahl, Darwin Frank ....................206, 332 -\gee. Gloria Gail ......................... 188, 332 Agee. William l\lcReynolds . .... ... . 140, 142, 194, 305 Aherin. Leitha l\faric .............................. 178 Aitken, Sharon June ..................... .186, 322 Aitken, Walter Brent ......................234, 332 Albanese. Arthur Martin ............... .198, 306 Albee, J ohn Raymond .............. 151, 236.332 Albee, Stanl ey Ralph .............. 148, 226, 322 Albertson, Kenne th ·w ayne .................... 214 Albin, Donn a Louise ................................ 170 Albrcthsen, Patricia Ann ........1 13, 186, 332 Alcorn , Nancy Jean ............ 26, 135, 180.332 Aldape, Ju dith Ann ........ 134, 147, 148, 170 Alden, Jan Marie .... 26, 141 , 146, 182, 332 Aldrich, Charlotte Ann ....................24·, 160 Alexander, Alan Donald ........................ 226 Alexander. Glenda Gay .......................... 188 Alexander. John Robert .. 137, 140, 216, 332 Alexander, Malcolm Douglas .. 146, 226. 322 Alger, Rogene Lorraine .................. 188, 306 /Jldredge, Ida Jud) ..................................168 Alldredge. Michael William ..................238 Allen. Bert Lewis .. ....................... 194, 322 Allen, Charles Eugene ........29, 151, 202, 322 Allen, Franklin Howard ................. .139, 200 •\lien, Karl Cedric .................... 144, 222. 322 Allen, Khristeen ...............................25, 136 Allen. ~lerlenc Ann .................................. 166 Allen, Raymond ........................................ 285 Allen, Sonia Jean ...................................... 174 Allgair, Cheryl J oan ................................ 178 Allgair, John Andrew .................... 135, 192 Allman, Douglas Dean ............................ 214 Allred, Cecil D uane .................. 137, 200,332 Allred. Donald Earl ................................220 Ames. Leo .................................................... 133 Anchustegui, Marian J anet ............ 186, 306 Andersen. Darlene Dorthea ............ 184, 332 Andersen, Niels Roger .... 137, 142,2 10, 332 Andersen. William Keith ........................ 145 Anderson, Barbara Elvida .... 147, 166,306 Anderson, Betty J ean .............. 153, 184,332 Anderson, 13ruce Dale .................... 200, 322 Anderson, Cleo Dale ................................ 145 Anderson, Douglas Reid .......... 144, 238, 332 Anderson, Esth er J ean ............ 150, 182, 332 Anderson, Grant Lamont ................ 144, 306 Anderson, J ames ,\nsfrid ........................218 Anderson, Jan}CC Anncue .............. 141 , 168 Anderson, Meldon Burdean .... 133, 218,322 Anderson, Mi chael Marshall .. 133, 218, 322 And erson , Oscar Edwin .................... 238, 332 Anderson, Shirley Ca rol .......................... 184 Andersson. Walfrid Peter ........................306 Andre, Sharon Sue ................ 150, 176, 332 Andrew, DeWayne Ralph ...................... 204 Andrews, Dana Jo .. .. ........ 170, 254, 332 Andrews, Howard Lewis ................214, 332 Angerba t:er, Kent Lavern ........... 200, 322 Applegate, Mary Alice ............................ 186 Archibald, J ames Sheridan .................... 275 Am1s, Susan Kay ................................ 133, 182 Arrien, Angeles Marie .................... 143, 180 Asbaugh, John Daniel ................ 36, 248, 257 Ashburn, John Daniel ............................ 230 As1ett, Kath ryn Ellen ........................ 168, 322 Asmussen, Margaret Elaine .... 127, 136, 174 Assendrup, James Dale ............................ 196 Astru p, Truls Erlingson ..........2 18, 285,322 Atch ley, Trenn a Mac .............. 147, 186,306 August, Patrick Louis ......................232, 322 Austin, David Grayson .................... 230, 332 Austin, Susan Wray ........................ 147, 172 Avery, Nancy ................................................ 25 Awe, Lynda Kay ....................................... 186

Axtell, Lois Mae .. .. Ayer, Larry Lee ...... Ayers, Arnold Leslie, Jr.

....... 172, 322 131 , 216,322 148,206, 332


Babcock, John LaVerne ................238, 322 Backer. Henrik ~rus tad ................... 284, 293 Bacon, Sandra Ann .......................... 174, 332 Baggs, John Thornton, J r .............210, 322 Bagley, Dean Allen ..........................228, 322 Bagley, R ulon DeOrr ................................ 115 Bailey, Dianne Elaine .............................. 186 Bailey, Eddie J ean .................................... 144 Baily, Everell Minnich ............ 146. 238, 322 Baily, Thayne .............................................. 25 Bain bridge, Barbara Ann ........................ 170 Baker, Donna Marie ........................ 133, 178 Baker, Doris Adele ............................ 188, 332 Baker, George LeRoy ...................... 148, 306 Baker. J ohn Thomas ............................... 144 Baker, William .......................................... 152 Baldwin, Don John ......................... 230, 306 Baldwin, Thomas Joy ...... 134, 149, 228,322 Ball, Coy Ann .................................... 172, 322 Ball, i\larinana J anine ............................ 188 Ball, Roger Harold ..................................241 Banks, Martha Bess .......... ..... .............. 11 3 Banner, Dean Calvin ....... .137, 146, 241 , 332 Barak, William Steve, J r ......................... 145 Bardsley, Lawrence Homer ............ 169, 332 Barlow, Donald Amos ......................21 6, 322 Barnett, Timothy Dexter ........................ 145 Barney, Edward Wayne .................... 210, 291 Barney, Lary Dean ...................................306 Barnhar t, J ames Robert , J r ...... . .......... 198 Baron, John Albert .................................306 Barr, Gary Lynn ...............................230, 322 Barraclough, Harold Thomson .... 210, 322 Barrell, Daniel Edward .................. 200, 275 Barrett, David Shumway . .. ................. 216 Barrell, Robert William ...... 135, 238, 322 Barrick, Keith Alan .................................. 145 Barron, Charles Lee ........................ 236, 306 Barron, Harold Lloyd .............................. 198 Barrow, Lee ................................................ 146 Barrus, Milton Emery ........................... 306 Bateman, Donald Steve .................... 29, 151 Bates, Gary Spencer ................................ 212 Bates. Patricia Lucille .................... 190, 332 Batman, Donald ........................................ 25 Batt, Stephen Charles ................. 134, 216 Baty, Judith Ann ............................. 178, 332 Baudek, Mary Francine .......... 178, 227, 306 Baughman, Richard J ames .. ... 145 Baum, Ann Marie .............. 147. 186 Baum. Bonnie Mac ................ 152, 186,322 Bauman, Franklin Dare ......... .... 306 Bauman, Judith Lynne .................. 188, 332 Baumert, Brent J ohn ...................... 238, 332 Baune, Raylene Annette .............. .. .190 Baxter, Dean Vernal ..................... 265, 269 Baxter, Gene Kenneth ............. ... 144, 264 Beach, • ancy Ann ............ 136, 141 , 180,332 Beasley, Charles Albert ...... 29, 148,202,322 Beaudreau, Rochelle J eanette ........ 188, 332 Beck, Barbara Ellen ............................ 168 Beck, Donald J ackson ............................. 145 Beck, Helen Channaine R i~ers ...........306 Beck, Klova Gene .............................. 148, 306 Beck, Shannon Lee .................................. 188 Becker, An n Marie .......................... 125, 138, 141, 143, 170, 292 Becker, Marlys J ean ................................ 11 3 Becker, Michael Joan ...................... 145, 306 13cckley, Donald Miller .................. 238, 322 Beckwith, J ohn Aschcl, Jr. 24, 133, 140, 322 Beckwith , Marlin Lee .................... 222, 322 Beglan, Bridget An n ........................ 133, 166 Beier, Richard J ohn ....................... 202, 332 Beitz, Con rad William ............ 144 , 236,322 Bell, James J. ...................................214, 332 Bell, Karen Elaine ............ 127, 148, 190, 332 Bell, Lavonne Marie ................................ 188

Bell, L)llll Stephen .................. 145, 228. 322 Bellam y, .-\ntllony Rodney .... 140, 218,322 Belveae, Rosalie Helen ............................ 168 Benedict, George Allen ............................306 Benjamin, Thomas Howard ......... 200,306 Ben jamin, Willis Birdsall .............. 208, 322 Bennett, James Edward ................322. 332 Benningson, Arnold I. ............................31 8 Benson, Carol Ruth Hattan ........ 174. 306 Benson, Frank Lynn ...............145, 248, 306 Benson, George Barrow ............ ...........204 Berdahl, Joan Marie ................ 148, 190, 322 Bernard, Robert Claude .. 140, 146, 200,306 Berry, Carl Grover ..........................!li S, 322 Berry, J ames William, J r . .......... 29, 22 1,306 Berry, Mary Ann .............................. 190, 332 Bertonneau, George Arnold .... 149, 208, 306 Best, Suzann e Vye .................... 127, 160, 176 Bevan, Beryl Ann .................................... 168 B~g~by, Ch~rles Floyd .............. 159, 228, 322 Btlhngs, D1ane Leigh .............................. 190 Bills, Mary Elizabeth ................ 112, 184, 322 Bingham, Ralph Cliff ......................204 , 322 Binning, Barry Charles ............................ 11 3 Bird, Walter Ross ...................... 159, 230, 332 Bishop, Ronald Lamb .................... 212, 306 Binenbender, Karl Claude .......................... 125, 138, 140, 143, 198, 306 Black, Donald Dee .................... 139, 149, 206 Blackburn, Carolyn Adrian .... 176, 249, 324 Blackhart, Charles Walter .......... .. .. ..306 Blair, Barbara Lynne ..................... 141 , 182 Blair, Stephen Michaie ......................... 218 Blecha, Blanche Rose .... 136, 142, 176,332 Bledsoe, J on Bouldjn ........................ 210, 306 Blevins, Vauna Lee .......................... 166, 322 Blick, Gary Kendall ....................36, 212, 306 Block, Connie J eanelle ............ 172, 321, 322 Block, Delbert William ........................... 200 Blower, Robert. David ............................ 226 Bloxom, J ack Lee ........................36, 248, 293 Blu, Stanley Herbert ................................ 145 Boam, Ted Danjel ........................ .. .... 198 Boesel, T erry Carl .................................... 280 Boie, Robert Nichols ........................ 2 18, 322 Bond, Nicholas Peter ................................112 Bone, Amy Marie ...................................... 172 Bonn, Stephen Alan ........................ 202, 322 Born , J ohn Holman ........................ 238, 332 Boss, Allan Spencer ........ 135, 158,236, 307 Bourassa, Arthur Stanley ........................ 198 Bourassa, Wesley Joseph ........................ 160 Bowers, Gerald Aaron .................... 204, 332 Bowers, Lois May ................26, 127, 176, 332 Bowes, William Charles ........................ 214 Bowman, Victor Arm ell .... 25, 159, 24 1, 332 Boyd, J ames Edward ........................ 22'1, 322 Boyd, James Harlan ............................... 144 Boyd, Jerry K. ............................1 37, 206, 332 Boyd, Ludel K. .................................. 186, 332 Bozarth, Patricia Kay ...... 135, 138, 14 1,307 Bracken, J udjth Irene ...................... 176, 322 Bradie, Rodney .......................................... 226 Bradley, Robert Veri ........ 137, 146, 202, 332 Bradshaw, Larry Keith ............................ 230 Brajtbwaite, Moyle Loris ............... 144, 307 Brands, J oan Ra ynsford ................ 170, 307 Brandsberg, John Wilbert ........... 152, 307 Brandt, Gail Louise .................................. 168 Brandt, J ohn Carl ...................................307 Brandt, Karen J anis ................................182 Brannan, Gary Lee .................. 146, 196, 322 Brashears, David Ryon ............................ 230 Brassey, J on Willis ............................2 18, 307 Brassfield, Wallace Winferd .. 137, 2 12, 332 Braun, Claudia Rae ........................ 184, 307 Braun, Marietta Rose .............................. 184 Breach, Alfred William ................ 212, 322 Breithaupt, Paul Davis .......................... 286 Bresnahan, Patricia Emma ...................... 166 Brewer, Catherine Francis .... 128, 176, 322 Briggs, David Andrew ............................ 146 Briggs, Stanley Basil ................................275 Britt, Barbara Susan ....................... 188, 332


Brill, Donald Taylor ... ....... ..... .........228 Brilton, Robert Lee .. .. ..... ... ....218, 332 Broadie, Rodney Lowell ........ .............332 Brock, Robert James ................... 223, 322 Brogan, Patricia Ann ..................174, 332 Brooks, Barbara Lou ............... 136, 182, 332 Brower, ancy Lue ..... 147. 172,332 Brown, Branda ha t£ord Graham .. 186, 322 Brown, Donald Lee .....................224, 307 Brown, Douglas Walter .. ............. 210, 322 Bro,vn, Garth Will iam ................. 194, 307 Brow n, Gerry Da le ......................... 220, 323 Brown, Gretchen Ostra nder ....................307 Brown, J am es Howard .................... 146, 236 Brow n, Lynda Jean .............. 147,182,323 Brown, Ral ph Boyd .......................... 226, 332 Brown , Richard !lardi ng ................ 145, 307 Brown, R obert P ratt ....................... 137, 142, 143, 146, 194, 332 Brown . Stephen Kent ......................333 Brown, Virgil Le wis ............................... 216 Browning. rnice L_ill ia n .......................... 25 Broy les, Co leen Anna ...................... 172, 323 Bruce, Li nda Lee .............................. 176, 322 Bruce. R osalind l net ................. 24. 197,323 Bru m baug h , Richard Lela nd ................ 147 llrunskill, J a mes W illi am ................ 204, 332 Bru ntell, Dawn Suzanne .......................... 176 Brust, Ke n neth J ames ........... 145, 307 Bryhn, Jorgen ................................. 210, 307 Buchanan, Wesley Monroe . 144,216, 323 Buckley, J o Ann ....................... .1 70, 333 Buck lin, Beverly Jean .. .................182, 333 Cuder, Ro nald Keith ................307 Buell, ~fartha J ane .. .................. 166 Buffington , Charles Duane ................ 204 Buhler, H arold Keith .........220, 333 Bullock, R obert Earl .. .. . .................... 218 Burgess, J esse H ugh, J r ........... 139, 226,307 Burke, An thong Leo ........ .276, 281, 323 Bu rke, Barry Michael ...............200, 333 Bu rkey, Ton y ............................................228 ............ 196, 333 Burnside, Denn is Roben Buroker, Marsha Kay ............ 133, 182, 333 J3 uroker, te p hen H arold ........................21 4 Bu rr, Dona ld Ala n .......................... 220, 333 Bu rsted!, Ru th Idon na ·-·· .......... 186, 307 Dush, Sua Ann .......................... 136, 176, 333 Butle r, Cli fton Lore n .............................. 151 Byers, J a mes All en ....................................238 Bvrne, Sandra J ea n .......................... 182. 323 Byrn es, J aems Beechie ............................333

c Ca laway, Shirla Jean .............. 146, ISO, 307 Cald well, Ma ry J ean ne ........... 150, ISO, 307 Callaha n, Eugene Edward .. 196, 294, 323 Ca mm. Ka ren Lee . ........ .. .. ................ 186 Cam m ack, Carol Lyn n ........... 174, 320, 323 Cam osso, Alvaro Mario .. ......... 224, 323 Ca mpbell, Bruce R ussell ........................ 194 Ca m pbell, J ack Ra nda ll, J r . ......206, 333 Cam pbell, Linda Elizabeth .................... 166 Cam p bell, W illiam Penrose, Ill ............................................ 134, 146, 216, 323 Ca nd ray, Arnold J osep h .......................249 Cant rell , Larry Keith ....................... 196, 333 Caporaso, Roberta J oan .. ................... 188 Carley, Duane ....................................... 134 Ca rlson, Eric J erome ................ 25, 192, 307 Carlson, C a ry Alden ... ................ 160, 194 Carlson, H erbert John .................. 194, 323 Ca rlson, J a nice Belle .............................. 172 Carlson, Larry Leon ................................ 214 Ca rlson, Pa tricia Am y ............ 150, 166,333 Ca rlson, Sonja ......................26, 151, 184,323 Carlson, Stuart Fra n klin ................ 220, 307 Ca rnefix, Joan Elaine ...................... 182, 333 Ca rne fi x, Sue Cla ire ................................ 182 Ca rne iro, Dave ................................. 192, 323 Ca rnie, Shi rley A lice ..................24, 186,323 Ca ro la n, Regina ld H owa rd .......................... 194. 252, 265, 282, 283, 323 Ca rpenter, Gera ld Dav id ................ 144, 307 Carpenter, J a mes R ussell ................ 198, 333 C;:rpen ter. Sharon J o -An ne .................... 188 Carr, Ernest Wa lter ................ 112, 214 , 307 Carr, Mary Margaret Brown .................. 307


Carter, J ohn Edmund 133 Case, Robert Joel . .......307 Chadsey, Delores Ann 146, 178 Chaffin, R ichard Talle 208, 307 Champion, B)rOn Francis ... 146. 232.323 Chandler, R ulon C . .... 148 Chapin, Dwight Allan ............................24, 133. 110. 225. 248, 307 Chapin, George Roger ...... 238, 323 Chapman. Clarence Edward ... 202 Chase. Ardith Eileen .. ... 160, 184 Chcline, R ichard John ..... 137,226.333 Chester. Cordon Ra ndolph ....................................... 137, 140, 2 10. 323 Chigbrow, Cary Wayne 214, 3!13 Chigbrow, Royce Carroll 2 14,307 Child, J ames Clark .... 135, 144 , 159,200, 32!1 C h ildea rs, J anet Kay ...... ........ ........ 174 Chipma n, Law rence Davidson ..... 226. 32!1 Choe, Sang Ho .. ......... ....................... 307 Ch ristensen, Ed. L . . ............. 137, 202.333 C h ristensen, George Fisher .................................... 24, 1!13, 134' 196, !133 Christensen, J ames R oger ... ................. 307 Ch ristensen. Ka ren ......................... 178, 333 Christiansen, Modell Packer .........238, 333 Christy, Dave ................... 220, 32!1 Chugg, J ack Claude .... ... .... .... 148 C laesgens, J ames R ichard .............. .....29 Cla rk, Barbara Irene ... ...•............... 186 Clark, Ba rbara J ean .... .. 147,307 Clark, Elizabeth An n ... .. ............ 188 Clark, Leonard LaVern . 160.226,323 Clark, Margaret Ann .. .. ......... 166 Clark, Maria n J ean .... ..... 146. 191, 32!1 Clark, Peggy ...... ..... 141 Clendenin, Samuel L. .. .... 144 Clericuzio, R icha rd J oh n 210,307 Clifton , Gerald Wayne 218,323 Cli ne, J ay T hompson .. 112,2 16,333 Clore, Carolyn J oan .. ..... 135, 172 Clu rc, Lawrence Albert . 212 ,323 Coch rane, Phyll is Kay 186. 307,323 Coglizcr, Douglas Grant .......... 208, 333 Coiner, Dia ne ..... ............. 184, 323 Coiner, Karen J ean ............ ......... 174, 323 Colberg, Stephen R odney ... 25, 146, 160 Cole, Ri chard Tucker ............................. 204 Colle t, C ran tley Samuel, J r. 140, 196,333 Collins, Alice R a ie ............................ 170, 333 Collins, Mari an Eth el .............. 129, 176, 323 Collins, Willi am Dean .................................. 137, 142, 144, 146, 238 Co llis, Ca ro l Ann ................................... 190 Coll yer, R oger Dale ...... . .................... 307 Colvin, William Br uce ...... . ...........307 Compton, L inda J ean ................. 178, 333 Comp ton, Robert Earl .. ............309 Conard, Gale Wi llis ................. 19-1, 308 Conger, J udith Ellen . ... 166, 308 Con kli n, J oh n Brody ......................... 135, 139, 140, 143, 200, 323 Conklin, J udy Louise ... ........ 176 Conover, Merry Kathryn ....•.............. 188 Cook, Charles Terry ........ .........208 Cook, Larry Fred ............... ........ 151 Cooper, Beverly J ean Ritch 178, 308 Cooper, Richard Hotchkibs .......323 Cooper, Sondra Lee ........ ... 157, 166 Corbett, Kenneth Albert ............ 230 Corbett, Shi rl ey Fa}e ... . ... 186,323 Cornie, J am es Alle n . .......... 206, 308 Corrigan, Denn is McLain ............. 2 12,323 Corwi n, P eter Lossl ... .... ................... 11 3 Costello, John J oseph .. .............223, 308 Cota, Sand ra Lee ........... ..................... 188 Cou pe, Thomas Roger ........... .• ......... 230 Covert, John Arno ld ........................ 139, 2 12 Covingto n, Be rtha Marlene ............ 190, 308 Cowden, Gera ld Steffens ......... 135, 238,308 Cox, H aro ld J a mes ......................... 145, 308 Cox, Susan Melissa ............................ 147, 188 Cra ig, Cary Le Roy ....................................323 Crane, Do ris Ann ...... ... ...................... 170 Cra ne, J anice Lee ........................... 170, 323 Craner, Richard Byron .. . ............ 145, 308 Cra n k, Gera ld ine Eli zabeth ...... 188, 308 Crank, Pat ricia Kath leen ....................... 188 Craven, J erry Kay ..... ... ... 146, 192,323

Crca, Wilham John, J r . ....... 148, 238, 333 Cripe, Rosalyn Crace .......................... 174 Crockett, Edwin Sims .....................223. 308 Crockett, R ussell William ..... 113. 198,308 Crockett, Sally Ann .......... ....... 166, 333 Croissant, Gerald Le Ro} ... .......... .. 148 Crosno, Robert Glen .................... 196,294 Cross, Lary Alvin .......................... 200, 333 Cross, R obert Graham .................. 113,208 Crossley, Ferrel Boyd ........ 134, 151. 24 1,333 Crossman, Gregory John .......... .........2 18 Crowe, George R aymond ......... 200. 323 Crowe, J ohn Warner ......... 238, 308 Crowley, Margaret Ann ..... 25. 160 Crowser, Mervin Eugene ....... 160, 224 , 323 Croy, J ohn R obert ................................. 194 Croy, Linda Lou ise .................. 136. 190.333 C ru thcrs, Evan Douglas ......................... 232 Culp, Scott Mann ing ................ 140, 208, 323 Cu mmings, Richard Andrew .................. 159 Cunningham , Richa rd Carl .......... 192. 323 Curry, Larry Lee ...................... 2 16,265,333 Curtem an, R ose Marie .......................... 174 Cu rtis, Jacqu eline Eli zabeth .................. 186 Custer, Gary Lee ................ 29, 160, 226. 323 D

Dah l, Robert Allen ................ 140, 222, 323 Dailey, Lynda J ea nneue ........ 146, 194,323 Dake, R oss Ed wa rd ................. 145,232,308 Da ley, Robert T im .............. 140. 194,308 Da iry, Robert H en ry ......... . ..... 145, 308 Daly, Michael Travis ........ 140. 20..1. 333 Damia no, David Anthon ) ...... 236. 308 Damon, David An thong .. 212. 286.292. 333 Da niels, William Edwa rd .... 140,220,323 Danielson, Danny Oscar ................ 194, 333 Dan ziero, Kathleen Marie ............... .. 168 Darke, 1ancy Linda ........................ 166, 308 Dau, Dennis George ........................... 323 Dau, Gary John ........................ 144, 238.323 Daugher ty, Roxie J ean .................. 147. 308 Daven port, J oa n Frances .............. ISO, 333 Davidson, J a mes Patrick ........ 140. 192, !123 Davidson, Jo n Scott .................................. 238 Davidson, Willi am J oseph ....116. 236,308 Davies, R ichard Wa rren .................. 200. 333 Davis, Dan Stua rt ............................ 139, 149 Davis, Josep h La ne .................................. 282 Davis, 1ancy Dianne ............................... 182 Da vis, Sha ron Irene .......................... 184, 333 Dav is, Steven Lewis ................................. 202 Davison, Carol Anne ................ 159, 178,323 Davison, James H oward ....................... 145 Davison, Lila J ea n .................................... 168 Day, Rich ard 0 . ........................................223 Dea l, Hom er Steve, J r . ............ 139, 143, 194 Dea n, Elmore H ammond . ............ 145 DeCarli, Wiley P au l ................................2 12 Decker, Fred Duane .... 38, 135, 148,206,333 Dccko, J a mes Eldon .................232, 333 Deitz, Eva Char mai ne ............................308 De Kay, R uth Carolyn ............ 147. 159. 172 De Keyser, Barbara Gail ......................... 186 Delancy, Sha ron J oa n ....................... 188 308 DeLaune, P hillip ........... .... ... . DeUos, William He rm an .. ...... ..........308 De n ma n, Terrence Lee .... . .......202. 333 Denn ey, J e rro ld Ray ........................ 223. !lOS Denning, J im ............................................. 308 Dennis, Da le Carter ......................... 192, 286 Dennler, J udith Marie ............ 14 1, 160, 170 Dcnnlcr, Robert Walter ..................236, 323 Den to n, David Louis .............................. 2 18 Devaney, Charl es R ichard .............2 18. 333 D ickamore, Vivian Boni ta .............. 135, 176 Dickinson, George Wilson .............. 200, 323 Dimc ling, J o hn ........................................2 10 Di uovo, Igna tius Th om as ......36, 248. 25!1 Dittman, Beverly J ean ............................ 182 Diven, J o e ll .................................... 176, 333 Dixon, Ste ph en Jo hn ................................241 Dodd, Diana J ea n ............ 136, 14 1, 168,333 Doggett, Orville Gerald ........................ 112 Do ll, J ames Bruce .................................... 201 Do ne r, H arvey Ervin ................ 148, 2 12, 323 Dooli ttle, Franklin Gene ....................... 228 Dora thy, Darryl J oe ........................... .. 14'1

Dorendorf, Delores Ann ................ 184. 333 Dorman, Rex Lee ....................................324 Dossett, Cary Elmer ........................ 216, 308 Doty, Cary Lee .......................................... 194 Doty, Laura Alice ............................ 147, 188 Dotzler, Elizabeth Gail .................... 176, 308 Douglas, Mary Jane ................ 146, 180.324 Downey, Mary Jo .............................. 166, 308 Doyle, Jay Martin ....................200, 291,333 Dreier, Marilyn Gayle ..................... .148, 186 Dreps, John Arnold ................................ 218 Dressel, Dennie Jenn .. l27, 136, 180, 249,333 Drummond, Robert John ................ 192, 324 Duhbels, Lowell Glenn ............................308 Duderson, Becky ........................................ 146 Duffy, Deanna J ane .................................. 147 Duffy, John W . ..........................................200 Duggan, Donald William ........................ 206 Dungan, James Lewis .............................. 159 Dunham, Margaret Anne ................ 112, 188 Dunlap, Patrick William ........ 216, 291 , 333 Dunn, Dale Joseph .......................... 204, 333 Dunn, David Eugene ................................ 198 Dunn, Gilbert Melton ............ 144, 216, 308 Dunn, Patricia Ann ................................ 134 Durham, David Stanley .......................... 285 Durose, Marilyn J ane .............. 149, 168,308 Duston, Duane Lloyd ...................... 145, 308 E

Earl, Boyd Wright ............................ 215, 333 Eaton, Del .......................................... 200, 324 Ebbert, John Voorhees .................... 192, 308 Eccles, Homer Cordon ............ 145, 214,309 Eckery, Charles Joseph ............ 144, 200, 309 Edmiston, Darline Rae ............................ 186 Edwards, Cary Allen ................................ 112 Edwards, j oy Ann .................................... 186 Edwards, Linda Beth ........ 146, 147, 184, 309 Edwards, Philip Otho ............151, 152.202 Eidam, Arnold joseph ............ 144, 218,309 Eikum, Rowena Marie .................... 146. ISO Eimers, Garth Wilson ...................... 134,192 Eisenbarth, Thomas Curtis .................... 238 Ekwortzell, Dennis Clark ................ 210. 324 Eld, .Joice Marie ................................ 172. 333 Eld, Larry Albert .............................. 113,151 Ellers, J ack Ellery ....................................230 Elliott, Cordon Charles ................ 113, 334 Elliott, Myrthen Clark ............................ 192 Ellsworth, Alben Lovell ........ 145, 224, 324 Ellsworth, J udy Ellen .............................. 182 Elsberry, Frederick ............................ 194, 334 Ely, Sharen J ean ........................................ 147 Emerson, Arthur Gustav, Jr . .................. 236 Emery, David Lawrence .................. 194, 334 Emmingham, William Heber ................ 135 Emory, Joan Adcne .......................... 174, 309 Engelen, Carolyn Ruth .................... 112, 186 England, J ames Wesley ............................228 Engle, Linda Sue ...................................... 141 English, Edward A. .................................. 180 Ensign, Linda Rae .................................... 180 Ensley, Mary ..............................................309 Ensley, Thomas Raymond ............ 139. 309 Ensunsa, J ohn Wayne ............ 11 3, 216, 309 Equals, Elizabeth Ann ............................ 176 Erb, Steven Wayne .................................... 241 Erickson, Donald Ernest ..24, 131, 132,309 Erickson, Ellen ........................................ 160 Erickson. Lambert .................................... 148 Erickson, Morris ........................................ 232 Erramouspe, J oseph Eugene ............................................ 140, 230, 293, 309 Erwin, Richard Gene .............. 135, 192.324 Espinoza, J oseph Lun a ..............36, 248, 260 Estrick, Vaughn Henry ............ 142, 200.334 Evans, Carol Lynne .......... 136, 143, 176,334 Evans, Darhl Robert ........................ 256, 309 Evans, Donald Leslie ................36, 2 18,309 Evans, Gayle Elizabeth ............................ 188 Evans, J an Brian ...................................... 204 Evans, John Robertson ............................ 218 Evans, Mary Harmon ...................... 170, 334 Evans, Sharon Kay Isaksen ............ 170, 309 Evans, Steven Brice ................................112 Evans, Terry Keith .......................... 220, 306 Evans. William Keith .............. 136. 146, 196

Evensen, Ebbe Sigurd ...................... 180, 285 Ewing, Robert I. ........................................ 112 Ewing, William Roben ..........................334 Exum, Edward Sherman ................ 146, 192

F Fabie, John George .......................... 135, 309 Fairley, Dawn Wilberta .................. 174, 334 Fairley, Zola Lee .............................. 180, 324 Falen, Leslie Roger .................................. 151 Fallis, Stanley Russel ................................ 208 Fanning, Stanley L ynn .... 2!:!0, 248, 253, 309 Farahanchi, tVforteza ................................ 145 Farnworth, Francis Cary .................................. 140, 218, 248, 252. 309 Farnworth, Ronald Lee ....................21 8, 334 Farrell, John ......................................233, 324 Faucher, John Dennis ..............................309 Faulkner, David Roger ....................238, 334 Featherstone, Wra y Wolcott. Jr . ....210, 334 Fechner, Geneva Louise .................. 184. 308 Fedler, Eldon .................................... 198, 334 Fehr, Betty Jolene .................................... 186 Fellows, Jerry Ted ............................214, 324 Felton, Michael H oy t ......................200, 334 Fenton, Keith Elder ................ 145, 230, 324 Ferguson, Darrell Roy ....................210, 308 Ferguson, Larry Dale ......................230, 324 Ferrell, J udith Patricia ............................ 197 Ferris, J ohn Edward ........................ 143, 194 Fields, Laura J ane ............ 146, 148, 180,308 Fi ke, Edward Larren ................................ 2 10 Finch, Georgia Sabin ................ 113,174, 324 Fingerson, JoAnn .................... 135, 182,324 Finn, Lawrence Eric ................................308 Finney, Judith Kay .......................... 180, 334 Finney, Patricia Anne .... 127,147,180, 308 Fischer, William Marlin ..........................334 Fish, Leland Lance .................................. 218 Fishby, Ji m ................................................212 Fisher, Harold Eugene ............234, 254, 308 Fisher, Victoria Lynne ............ 136, 166, 334 Fisher, William M . .................................... 198 Fitch, Byron James .................................. 145 Fitch, James Hereford .................... 216. 308 Fitch, Philip Arthur ................................ 160 Fit~gerald , J ohn Oren .................................. 137, 140, 200, 32 1, 324 Flack, J ack Edmond ................ 145, 20 I, 324 Flack, Susan Mary Snow ................ 180, 309 Flanigan, Fonda Jane ...................... ! 12, 170 Flanigan, J ames Conrad ........ 140, 222,309 Fleming, John Patrick ............ 265, 267, 272 Fleming, Terrill Roy ................................309 Fletcher, Rolland J ay ...................... 2 16, 291 Floan, Cary Peter ....208, 265, 267, 289, 334 Flores, Thomas Richard .................. 224, 334 Fobes, Carol Lee ........................................ 172 Foley, J anice Elizabeth .................... 172, 324 Fong, Richard Albert .............. 135, 236, 324 Foster, Robert LeRoy ...................... 212, 334 Fouche, Ji ll Allison ........................ 176, 334 Foukal, Doris Ann ............................ 152, 288 Fowler, Barbara J oyce .................... 170, 334 Fowler, Carole Ann .................................. 170 Fox, John Gatewood ................................ 192 Fox, Wayne Arthur .................................. ! 12 Frahm, Arlene Marie ........................ 186, 309 Frame, Cary Allen .................................... 145 Franklin, DeLance Flournoy, Jr. .................................................... 113, 206. 324 Frazier, David Allan ................................ 216 Fredericksen, Eugene Don .................... 2 14 Fredricks, Randall Clay .................. 236, 324 Fredrikson, Peter Blair .................... 192, 334 Freeland, Don ............................................309 Freeland, J ames Allen ............ 134, 192,324 Freeman, John Esten ...................... 208, 309 Freeman, Judith .............................. 172, 324 Freeze, Marie Elizabeth .......................... 188 French, Seward H aight, III ....................2 10 Freshwater, Donley Dean ........ 144, 222, 309 Fricke, Frederick William ............198, 334 Friesen, Donald Henry .................. 145. 309 Friling, Arnstein Wilhelm ............216, 284 Frisby, James Nesbitt. ll ................ 139. 149 Frisch, joyce Elaine .. 127, 136, 146, 188, 334 Fritzley, H erbert Donald ........................310

Fritzley, J ames Maitland ........................310 Frizzelle, Carolyn Louise .................. 26, 334 Frost, Nancy Jane .................... 141 , 147, 172 Frost, Vernon Bernard ....................230, 310 Fuhriman, Larry Lee .............................. 159 Fulk, Stephen Richard ............................ 275 Fuller, Jack Orlin ............................220, 334 Fuller, Stanley Alton .............. 144, 236,334 Fullmer, Charles Rae ................................334 G Cabbe, Donald Lee .................................. 144 Gaffney, Anne Marie ................................ 188 Gai ley, Betty Lorraine .................... 166, 310 Gailey, George Allen ........................214, 310 Gaiser, J ohn Robert ................................310 Gallaher, Donald Lee ...................... 230, 334 Gamble, John David ........................ 143, 194 Gardner, ClintOn John ............ 140, 206,310 Gardner, Max A. ................................ 29, 310 Garlinghouse, Lawrence Edwin .... 212, 310 Cannan, Walter James .................... 198, 324 Garrett, Allen Elwood ..............................310 Garrison, Jan Marie ........ 11 2, 148, 190, 334 Garrison, Margaret Anne ................ 176, 324 Garten, Kay Lynn .................................... 324 Carthe, Gerald Martin ............ 192, 249,324 Cartland, Alice Joanne ............ 136, 172, 334 Cates, Melvin LeRoy ......................214, 324 Gatherers, Roy Douglas .................. 144, 230 Catlin, Linda J ean .................... 141, 178,324 Catlin, Phillip Lawrence ........................204 Gaudet, Frederick William .... 147, 226, 334 Gehrig, Glenda Rose ................................ 147 Ceidl, Carole Jean .................... 159, 168,334 Gentry, Gene Allen .................................. 160 George, Eva Jeanette ........................ 160, 184 George, J ack Larry ....................................31 0 George, Raymond Steve .......................... 145 George, Sue Frances ........................ 182, 310 Gerard, Juli e Cay .................... 113, 178, 334 Gerrish, Howard William, Jr. .......................................... 137, 216, 285, 334 Cese, Ca rl Robert ............................223, 310 Gettle, Donald Arthur ........... .143, 216,324 Gettle, Mary J ane ...................................... 178 Chigleri, Judith Marie .................... 166, 324 Gibbs, Don David, Jr . ..............................234 Gibbs, Evangeline Carol .................. 168, 334 Gibbs, Laura Alice .................................. 190 Gibson, H erbert Charles .. 29, 15 1,232.310 Gibson, Stephen Frank ............................ 197 Ciden, Robert Ernest .............................. 224 Cilhert, Samuel Alexander, J r . ...... 204, 3 10 Gi llett, Tedford A. ............ 29, 137, 241,310 Gimpel, Harold Edward ........ 164, 238,310 Girard, Jerry Wood ..................................310 Cissel, Jam es Eldro .................................. 204 Cissel, Norman Lester .................... 201, 334 Cjording, Jack Shrum ............ 142, 219, 324 C Ieason, Sally Jo ................................ 170, 310 Glenny, James Peter ........................ 208, 310 Glickman, Artie ........................................ 145 Cneckow, Gerald Eugene ................ 194, 310 Goff, Cordon Davis ........ 158, 198,265,310 Comes, Raymond Joseph .. 36, 198,265,310 Goodell, Jane Flint .................................. 180 Goodrich, Douglas Robert .................... 146 Goodwin, Janis Lee ................................ 166 Goodwin, Ronald Sidney .. 112, 140, 196,310 Coss, LeRoy J oe ...................... I 12, 220, 324 Could, Crystal Viola ...................... 152, 184 Cowanlock, Gloria Louise ............182, 324 Gowland, Del .................................... 196, 324 Cradwohl, Donald Ray .... 140, 145,202,310 Craf, Cerene Gail ............................ 182, 324 Graham, Cay Darlene ...... 141, 142, 168,310 Graham, Judith Burke .................... 174, 324 Grange, Nancy j oy ...... 26, 131, 133, 176,324 Grant, Dennis Walter .................... 172, 280 Grant, Robert T . ...................... 146, 238,334 Graves, Mary Lou ............ 135, 147, 184,310 Gray, Clair Wayne ....................................277 Gray, Gene Mack ...................................... 238 Gray, Richard Cordon ............................ 218 Gray, Robert David .................................. 218 Green, Cumer Leon .................................. 204 Green, Howard Bruce .............................. 238


Green, Karol Ann ............................112, 189 Greene, Bruce David ................ 210. 291,334 Greene, Timothy Geddes ........25, 186, 324 Greenleaf, Sue ............................................ 172 Greenstreet, Doris Anne .................. 178, 334 Greenstreet, John Edgar ..................204, 310 Greenwood, William Rucher ........222, 324 Gregory, Keith Leroy ...................... 133, 231 Gregory, Roger George ................... .198, 310 Gridley, Robert Allen ..............................236 Griffin, Florence Claudette ............ 186, 334 Griffith, Gary Grant ................................ 238 Griffiths, Sharon Faye ......................178, 334 Grimes, Larry Bruce .. 113, 142. 143, 194,334 Crites, Ray .................................................. 145 Groom, Corwin Pete ................................ 216 Grossenbach, Dean Paul ..........................212 Grossmann, Frank Ludwig .................... 112 Grosvold, Hallvard .......... 284, 291,324,334 Grove, Carole Janet ........................ 186, 310 Grover, Dave .............................................. 116 Groves, Judith Ann .................................. 172 Groves, Lane Hollingworth ....................204 Grovom, Gaillord Nickoli ......................310 Guildford, Liv Grundt .................... 178, 310 Gulley, Richard Franklin ................ 196, 334 Gundersen, James Lowell ........ 145, 239, 324 Gustafson, H arold Evon ................ 196, 334 Guthmiller, LaVern ........................234, 310 Gwilliam, Thomas Cahalan .......................................... 137, 216, 265, 334 Gygli, Shaunna Jean ........................ 170, 334 H

Haddock, Carol Ann ........................179, 310 Hafer, Pauline Rea .................. 147, 184,334 H afterson, H arold Donald, Jr............... 145 H agen, Nancy Anne ........................178, 324 Hagen, Stephen Thomas ............... .148. 239 Hague, Dennis Bruce ...... 125, 138, 160, 194 Haight, Linda Ann ........................ 182, 334 H aines, Stuart Roy ................•...... .196, 310 Hajost, Christine Ann ........................... .186 Hale, Virginia Kay ......................... .184, 311 Hall, Earl Dean, Jr . ........ 140, 143,223,311 Hall, Emma Carol ...................... 24,184,311 Hall, Robert Ross ............................ 201 , 334 Hall, Stanton Harris ................ 196, 294, 334 Hallock, Ruth Elin ................................ 170 Hallvik, Lynne Frances ............................ 183 Ham let, Betty Jean .......................... 172, 334 Hammond, Evelyn Kay .................... 190, 334 Hamner, Bengt Halvar ............................311 Hamon, Orinda Nancy ............ 149, 186,324 Hanck, Frank ............................................ 135 Hand, Phil ..................................................210 Handly, Darrah .Eenton .......................... 216 Hanel, Phil Gary .............................. 292, 335 Hanford, Marius Parmelee, III .......................................... 219, 259, 31 1, 324 Hansen, Allan J oseph ..............239, 286, 324 Hansen, Dale J. ..................29, 148,24 1, 324 H ansen, Edward Dee ................................ 239 H:.tnsen, Larry J ed .......................... 241, 335 H ansen, Leo Rudolph .............. 148, 302,311 Hansen, Lindsey, Revere ................ 201 , 289 Hansen, Lynn Russell .................... 241, 324 Hansen, Robert Leslie ........................ 128, 158, 194, 248, 287, 311 Hansen, Sherman John ............ 137,228,335 Hanson, Harvey Leonard ........................ 311 Hanson, Sherrod Leon ....................239, 324 Hanzel, Robert Michael ................ 219, 311 Harder, Myrna Kay .................. 136, 172,335 Harder, Roger ............................................ 148 Harding, Constance Sue .......... 150, 169,324 Hargrave, Roy Stuart .............. 146, 223, 311 Hargreaves, Dennis George ....................311 Harper, Marily .......................................... 184 Harrer, Marylin Grace ............................324 Harrington, Noel Ann .................... 189, 335 Harris, Brian LaMont .............................. 112 Harris, Chalon Andrew ..........................311 Harris, Donald Richard ............... .146, 194 Harris, J ack ........................................ 214, 311 Harris, Rodney .......................... 146, 231,311 Harrison, Barbara Ann ............................ 183 Harrison, Kent Edwin .... 140, 143, 158, 311


Harrsch, Rayma J o ................................. .186 Harshma n, Donald Jacob ................ 228, 324 Hart, John William ................................214 Harter, Charlene Lois ............................ 186 Harvego Lloyd Henry .................... 239. 335 Harvey, Larry Keith .......... 25, 148, 202, 324 Harwood, Donna Clare ............ 11 2, 189.324 Hanvood, Eldon Ray ................ 144, 231, 325 Hatch, Homer Ralph ..36, 196, 248, 276, 311 Hatch, Nova J oanne Jackson ................311 Hatfield, Darrell Joe ..................29, 203, 325 Hattemer, Larry Dean ......36, 222.248, 311 Hatton, Raymond Robert ...... 282, 283, 285 Hatzfeld, Sandra J ean .............................. 186 Hau ck, Frank Marshall ............................ 206 Hauff, Mary Christine ....................170, 335 Hauger, Nancy Jane ................................ 172 Hauxwell, Donald Lawrence ........ 233, 311 Hawkins, Ruthanna .......................... 176, 311 Hawkins, Viola Lo rreua ................190, 311 Hawkins, William Daniel ................239, 324 Hawley, Denny Eugene .......................... 220 Hayes, Dianne Lucille .................... 174, 335 Haynes, J oseph Kilbourne .................... 210 Heath, J ennifer Mary .............................. 183 Heavrin, Harry Don ................................ 238 H eber, Colleen Jeannette Casey ............31 1 Heck, David Wilson ........................231, 335 Hedges, Richard William ...................... 145 Heezen, Keith Lynn .................................. 311 Hegsted, Ralph Borglum, J r . .. 112, 216, 335 Heick, Cecil Alfred .................................. 311 Heileson, Marvin Dwayne .............. 159, 239 Heitt, Don Fred ................................ 196, 325 Held, Dean Anthong ................................ 145 Held, Vernon ............................................ 152 Heller, Dianne .......................................... 177 H eller, J oanne ............................................ 177 H ellinger, Judy Dorothea ...................... 190 H enault, Peter Brooks ................ 25, 202, 324 H endershott, Phyllis Jeanne .......... 184, 335 Henderson, Robert Roy ........ 144, 201,324 Hendricks, DeJoy G . ............ 29, 151 ,24 1,324 H endry, Merrilyn Ruth .......................... 187 Henriksen, George Bert .......................... 145 Henry, Eugene Swann .................... 231, 335 Henry, Robert William .......................... 221 Henry, Sharon Lynne ...................... 134, 166 Hensey, Mel .............................................. 146 Hensley, Joseph Marvel .................. 139, 311 Hensley, Joy Alice ............................ 147, 184 Henson, Howard Hale ....................208, 311 H ereth, Herbert Walter ....... .145, 239,324 Hereth, Marilyn Jean .............................. 189 H erndon, J ames Collier .................................... 131 , 133, 135. 146, 214 H erndon, Lynda Jo ................................ 133 Herett, James Wilfred ............................ 210 Herrigstad, Gera ld Clinton .... 145, 228. 31 I Hervey, Ch:.trles Benjamin ......201, 288,311 Heseman, Edna Margo ............................ 166 Hewitt, Nancy Lillian .............................. 174 Hickman, J udith Ann ...................... 177, 335 Hicks, Lawrence Wayne .................. 112, 137 H ieber, Elaine ............................................ 138 H iggins, Larry Pat ....................................335 Higgins, Patricia Ann ............................. .170 Hill, Gerald Lee ........................................ 151 Hill, Heather .................................... 18 1,335 H ill, Jerry Lee ..........................................311 Hill, l ynn Luther ............................216, 335 Hill, William George ...... 220, 248, 255, 324 Hilton, Helane Hollister ........................174 H immelsbach, Lynda Lee ................ 178, 335 Hinckley, Steve .................................. 276, 311 Hintze, Barbara Jeanne ..........................167 Hintze, Earl Norman ........................ 135, 239 Hintze, Melvin Marx .............. 145, 239, 311 H intze, Stanley Stuart .............................. 239 Hirai, George Kazumi, Jr . .............. 220, 324 H ix, Velson Max ................................ 29, 158 Hoag, Daniel Lee ....................................275 Hoalst, Dianna June EJecta .... 113, 183, 311 Hoashi, George Kiyoshi ..........................231 H obdy, William Boye ..................... .1 37, 335 H och, Frank Edward ........................ 231, 334 Hodge, R ichard Stephen ........ 147, 239, 335 Hodgson, James Harry ............ 151, 224,325

Hodgson, Rosalin Carol ............................ 26, 112, 136, 160, 181 , 335 Hoff, Lillian Valentine ............................ 170 H ofhine, Paul H . .............................. 231 , 335 Hoit, Warren Brent ..........................206, 325 Holbrook, Mark Stephen ................210, 324 H olcomb, Burton T erell ........ 142, 201,335 H olcomb, ancy Lynne ..................178, 335 Hollida y, Sherral Spray .................... 190, 335 Hollinger, H erbert Vern .... 24, 133, 204,335 Hollinger, Jon Haines ............ 139, 148,205 Holloway, Larry Alben .................... 210, 311 Holloway, Lee J. ........................137, 205, 335 Holm, Vicki Ann ............................ 174, 335 Holmes, Jimmy Dale ................................325 Holmquist, Larry Phil ...... 29. 148,236,325 Hops, Larry William ................................ 208 Hormacchea, Dolores Louise ........177, 325 H o rne, Donald Lee .................................. 311 Horning, Elizabeth Ann McKee .... 184, 311 Horton, Robert Brooks ............................ 196 Horvath, Mihal y .............................. 212, 335 Hossner, Larry Earl .................. 146, 236,325 Hossner, Lynn ................... .135, 146,236,335 Houck, Sharon Louise ............ 127, 136, 169 Houghtalin, Ronald Carlton .. 137, 198,335 H oughtelin, Maq• Isabel ................ 181, 311 Hove, Kent Arthur ........................... .195, 325 Howard, Donald Hugh ............................ 206 Howard, John Rober ................................ 219 Howard, T erry Rex ........................ 214, 335 Howe, Terry ................................. ....... 207 Howell, Anita Loraine .................... 147, 185 Howse, Norman Ralph .................... 194, 312 Hoyt, Louise Marie ..................................312 Hossuev, Fred ............................................ 146 Hubbard, Nancy Lee ........................ 183, 335 Hubbell, Earl Jonathan .......................... 147 Hubsmith, Sharon Marie ........................ 187 Hudelson, Gary Lee ........................ 195,335 Huettig, Keith Alben .............................. 198 Huff, Audrian Eleanor ............ 130, 167,335 Huff, Deanna Marguerite ................ 190, 335 Huff, Wallace Murrin ............210, 293, 325 Hughes, Douglas Allan ............................ 159 Hughes, Gary Roy ............................ 133, 196 Hughes, Marlys Anne .............. 159, 167.325 Hughes, Melville Prince, 11 ............211, 325 Hulbert, Ronald Edward ................ 207. 312 Hull, Donald Albert ........................ 192, 312 Hull, Jerome LeRoy ........................ 207, 325 Hunter, Burton Douglas ........................ 233 Hunter, Frank Ray ..........................211 , 312 H urley, Carole Ann .......................... 189, 325 Hurley, Everett Michael ................ 212, 312 Hurst, Ruth Ann ...................................... 189 Hustead, Lee David .................................. 145 Hustler, Marilyn Myrtle .......... 112, 191 , 312 Hutchison, J ohn Monroe, Jr................. 212 Hutteball, Larry Dean .................... 239, 312 H ya tt, John Roderick .............................. 312 I llls. Wayne Adam .................................... 205 Inghram, Myrna Rae ................ 141 , 170,325 Irvine, Donald James ...................... 196, 325 Irwin, Ann Page ................ 26, 113, 150, 325 Irwin, Kathleen Doroth y ........................ 181 Isaman, Donald Eugene .......................... 239 Ismael, Ronald Carl ................................ 261 llano, Joyce Michiko ....................... .191 , 334 Iverson, David Stuart ................24, 201, 335

J J achetta, Thomas Anthong ............239, 335 Jackson, Nova ............................................ 169 Jacobs, Alan Clare ............................ 241, 312 Jacobs, Ann ................................ 150, 177, 335 Jacobs, Cheryl Louise .............................. 167 Jacobs, Paul Taylor ............ 25, 29, 207,312 Jacobs, Ralph Thomas ............140, 192,3 12 Jacoby, Bill ................................................ 282 James, Dale F.............36, 192,265,268,312 J ames, Donald Wesley ............................ 133 James, Karen Lee ...................................... 181 James, Lawrence Anthony .................... 216 James, Marilyn Lea .................................. 187 Jameson, Doris Eileen ............ 127, 185,325

Jamison, Mau rice Richard ...................................... 140, 149, 220, 325 J ankowski, J erome Edward ... 151 , 203, 3!15 Janey, Ronald Glen ................... 192 Jarvis, Leland Kay ....................233, 312, 325 J aspers, Marie K;uhleen .. .... ............ .187 Jaspers, Philip ~Iaurice .................. 2!1!1, 335 J auregui , Mal) T crissa .................................... 24, 127, 143, 167, 335 Jau regui , l'aul Luis ....... .. ................... 199 J effers, Jeffrey Elson ........... .139, 149, 224 J effries, Larry A lien . .............. ... ........ 208 J enio, Ronald ......... ...................... .... 146 Jenks, Ann Marie ......................................185 J enks, James Starr ....................... . .....!125 J ensen, Andrew Charles ..... ..• .......325 Jensen, Arthur Martin, J r. . ..... 211 , 3!15 Jeppesen, Larry Mack ............. 219,312 Jewell, Mary Ann .. .. ........ 183 Jubson, J ack Kay .. ............................. 239 Ji der, Robert .......................................... 160 Joa, Will iam Ray ...................................... 214 J ohan neson, Linda ................................. 152 Johnson, Camille Ann ............................ 181 Johnson, E laine Marie ............................ 187 Joh nson, Helen Kaye ........................ 191, 335 Johnson, J ane Lou .......................... 178, 325 Johnson, Jerry Albert ..................... 205, 31 1 Johnson, J ohn Walter ...... ...... . .........335 Johnson, J udith Rae .... .......... 167 Johnson, Karen Eli1abeth ............. 178 Johnson, Kelda Lorraine 150, 167, 335 Johnson, Lance Lee. ... ... 195, 325 Johnson , Laurence ll a)den ..........219 Johnson. Leroy Murray .... 195, 335 Johnson. Margaret Helen ........ ... 172, 335 Johnson, Norman )dney .. ....... .. 145, 3!15 Johnson, Nonnan Woodford, J r ........... 289 Johnson, Patricia nn ............... ............ 174 Johnson, Phillip 1onnan .. ··224 , 325 Johnson, Robert Charles .............. 144 Johnson, Robert Christ ..... •...............!112 Johnson, Roger William . . ........220, 325 Johnson, ta n ley Emest .. .. .. 239, !135 Johnson, Walter I larper ................. .186, 192 Johnson, William Earl ... ..276, 281 Johnston, Charlene .............................. 187 Johnston, Clenys Ann ........................... 18!1 Jones, Arthur Eugene ............................ 239 Jones, Urad ford Alton ..................... 216, 325 J ones, Delbert Roy, J r . ................... 195, 325 Jones, Gerry Uradley ........ 11 2, 144, 148,207 Jo nes, Guy Van .................................. 233, 325 Jones, J udith Ariene ........................ 187, 325 Jones, Linda Ann ............................ 18 1, 325 Jo nes, Mary Eli zabet h .. 127, 138, 183,3 12 Jones, Phil J . ............................................ 219 Jones, Robert Lee .......................... 214, 312 Jones. Ro nald Herbert ............................ 146 Jones, Rosalind Cclcst ......... 160, 177,335 Jones, Waller Vern .. ... .. .. ..............145 Jones, William H arold ....................... 112 J ordan, Patrica J o ............................ 185, 335 Joy, Thomas Preston .................. 207, 335 J udd , James Franklin ...................... 146. 199 J udd. Karen Lee DeKiotz ..... ...... 172.312 Judd, LeRoy Lawrence, Jr. .. 112 , 224, 312 Juici er, Jim . .. ....................................... 142 J urrcns, Clarence J ames .................. 192, 336 K

Kahler. LaMonte Milford ...................... 139 Kale. Thomas franklin .................... 195, 336 Kasunic , Frank T homas . ........ 199, 336 Kayler, J anet Marian ................................ 187 Kays, Warren Ray ............................ 193, 336 Keely, 1\'lartha .................................... 189, 336 Keely, Rona ld Bruce ........................ 195, 336 Keesler, Norman C le n ..............................25 Kei th , Belly ................................................ 148 Keith, T heodore Frank .................... 224, 312 Keller, Robert Athey ........ 137, 216,331,336 Kelle r, Robert J~rank ................................ 144 Keller, Thomas Lawrence .............. 147, 193 Kellogg, Ann Cowley ................................ 177 Kellogg, Idona Lorenc ......... ¥. 147, 160, 185 Kellogg, LeRoy Louis ............. 134, 2 16, 336 Kelly, Carl Lee ........................................ 195

Kelly, Karen Estel ... . 150, 183, 336 Kelly, Patricia Ann .. 138. 147, 173, 312 Kelly, P atricia Lynn ...... ... 183 Kelly, Peter Bcnvillc ........ 137. 143, 208, 336 Kempton, Jimmy Dcllo)d . 25 Kempton, J udy Lee .... 177 Kenaga, Dianne Jean 167.3 12 Kenaston, Clair H. .......... 145,312 Kennedy, Harold Fredrick ................312 Kennedy, Lora Mae ........ . ............!125 Kerbs. Arlene Sharon ..................... 170, !136 Kerby, Lynn Ashton ....... 145, 146, 19!1, 312 Kcrio, Abdul -Massih . 145 Kcrshisnik, Paul Robert 239 Kessler, J akob Edward .. .220, 325 Keyser, Cary ...................... . 113,235, 312 Kibler, David George ...... 145 Kidwell, Wayne LeRoy ............. 216, 312 Kiffman, H elmut Othmar Siegfried ............................................. ......... 147, 284 Kiil sgaard, Dane II. ...... 15 1, 224,336 Killian , Michael John ..................... 195, 312 Kim , Yung Sam .......................................336 Kim c, Da vid Sherman ...................... 208, 325 Kimpto n, Lloyd George ..................226, 312 Kimpton , Rose Lee ........................ 185, 3 12 Kimzey, Gerald Lee ............... 145, 239, 313 Kindley, William Robert . 137, 23 1,336 King, Danny Lee ............... .. .. .... 145, 226 King, Dennis Allen .............. ........... 226 King, Jimmie Dean ................................205 Ki ng, Joseph Lonnic.. 213, 231 , 261, 270, 282 King, Malcolm David ...... 144, 152, 203, 325 King, Paul Carter ...................... 144, 213 King, Vcrl)n E . ......................... __ 241 Kinney, J ohn Howard 213 Kinsey. H erbert Eldon . .......... 145 Kinzer, Maxine Louise .. .. 185,213 Kipp, H enry William 201, 213 Kirkpatrick, Daniel £,an 211, 325 Kirschner, Lill ian Marie . .. 113, 174 Kisling, Cary Allen ............. 239 Kisska, Lester ........ ..............!11 !l Klakoff, Theodore Ric hard .................... 226 Klein , Eldon Dwight . .. ... 145 Kleinkopf, Gale Eugene ... .. ........ 25, !136 Kleinkopf, Cary Clark ............ 134, 216,325 Kleinkopf, J ack Dean .............................!125 Klci nkopf, J oanne Lorena Litschcr ......313 Klemm, Andrew William ............... 208, 336 Klingensmi th , Ri chard A llen ................ 11 2 Kloepfe r, J ames Ramo n ................ 219, 313 Kloepfer, R yan Ardell ...................... 133, 325 Kloppenburg, Richard Lowell .......... .... 211 Kni vila, Theodore Thomas .................... 28 1 Knopp, Russell Gene ................................ 205 Knott, Cary Arthur ..... .........................313 Knowlton, J anet Ann ..................... 134, 178 Kobs, William Kenneth, Jr . ............ 236, 31!1 Kocher, Jack Lee ............... .. ...... 199,336 Koelsch, Katherine .......................... 136, 143 Koepp, Judy R owena ............. ............ 185 Kofoed, Glenn LaMarr ... ... .. .. 24 1, 336 Kohntopp, Dean Raymond .. 145,203,325 Kong, Wah Sang ....................... .. 139,313 Koon, Larry Morace ..............._ .. 236 Koonce, Joel Martin ..............................325 Koontz, Karen Ruth . ............ 183 Kosanke, Penn y Lafern .... . 113, 170 Kosonen, Craig Cha rl es .......... 143, 208, 325 Kottkcy, Karen Ann ................ .. .. 169, 313 Kottkey, Robert Henry ....................... 239 Kovacs, Kenneth Paul ...................329, 336 Kowall is, Ray William ............ 2 11 , 2 19,289 Krask, Robert Wayne .................. 232, 313 Kraus, James Robert ...............................325 Krchm, Shirley .......................................... 146 Krieger, Richard \'\lade .................... 214 , 325 Krogue, Elmer Pau l ........ 125, 140,226,325 Krohn , Shirley J oy ............................ 189, 336 Kroll, Barbara Louise .............................. 171 Kroll, Fredric H ugo ..........................228, 325 Krueger, Marvin Dona ld ................ 216, 313 Krussman, H arry Eric, Jr. ......2 11 , 292, 325 Kuch, Claudette Marie ............ 14 1, 169, 326 Kudlac, Carolyn Rae ........24, 147, 183, 326 Kuhn , Kay Lenore .................................. 174 Kulm, David LaVerne .............................. 203 Kulm, Ronald Eugene ............................ 201

Kuncar, Edward Issa ........................ 207, 335 Kunkell, David Edward .......... 148, 239, 313 Ku rdy, Mcrylc Kay .................. .... .... 186 Kyle, J ohn P aul ............................... 248, 261 L

Labbce, HaTl)' Douglas ............... 196 LaBolle, Larry Dale ................ ...... 213,31!1 Ladle, Robert Douglas .................. 226, 326 Laidlaw, Frederick Clark ...................... 193 Lamb, Linda Frances ........26, 129, 149, 159 Lamb, Sebastian ................................211 , 336 Lance, Sharon ....................26, 133, 136, 142, 178, 331 , 336 Landall, Karla Estelle .............................. 169 Landon, David Brooks .................... 195, 336 Langdon, Danny C ...........................195, 326 Lange, Charles William, Jr . .. 208, 265,336 Larkam, Larry Charles ........................... 145 Larsen, Sharon Ire ne ........................ 189, 336 Larson, Stanley Dea n ................ 144, 2 11 ,2 13 Larson, Van Barker .................. 144, 195,2 13 Latimore, Sallie I rene ...................... 177, 336 Lau, Sally J ean .......................................... 183 Laut, John Cordon .................................. 152 LaVerne, Kary ....................................... 312 Lawrence, Clifford Wayne .... 201, 286,326 Lawrence, Gene Arthur ............ 145, 226,326 Lawrence, Ralph Linwood .................... 145 Layton, Philip Donald ............................ 195 Lea, Robert orman ........................ 196. 336 Leatham, Myrna Lorraine ...... 147, 187.313 Leckie, Glen Edwin .................................. 145 Lee, Arthur Wallace ................................ 145 Lee, Euclid Henry Doo Young .................................................... 11 3, 231 , 313 Lee, Robert Hugh .................... 291 , 311, 313 Lcgg. Ramona Kathryn ................ .169, 326 Lehman , Larry Michael .................. 201 , 275 Lehman, SLanlcy Keith ................. .. 148 Lchmith, Edward .................................. 144 Leichner, Karen Elitabcth ............ . 171 Leitch, Ma ry J a ne McLeod .................. 24 Leitner, J ack William .................. 214, 313 Lemley, J ack Kenneth .............................. 146 Lcmp, James Fredrick ............... 224, 326 Lent, Cary Lee .................................. 228, 336 Lent, Ke nneth Emry ........................ 239, 3!16 Levers, J ames Irvcn .......................... 220. 313 Lewando wicz, Yolanda Mary ........ 148, 187 Lewin, Linda Lee .................... 14 1, 159, 169 Lewis, Kathryn Lee .................................. 178 Lewis, Kirk Elwood ..........................205, 336 Lewis, Lin da Lou .............................. 179, 313 Lewis, Leon Brill ............................ 223, 313 Lewis, Richa rd William ............ 25, 223,3 13 Lewis, William Richard .................. 223, 313 Libbey, James Delbert ............................195 Libbey, J udith Anncue .................. 141,177 Light, Harry Edward, IJ .................. !%. 336 Lim, George ........................................228, 313 Lincoln, Stephen R ay ...................... 159, 21 1 Lindcmcr, Carol Ann .............................. 18 1 Li ndcmer, Arthur J ohn .................. 195,313 Lindsay, Clive Walker ............................ 113 Line, William David ................ 11 3, 193.336 Linhart, James George ...................... 193 Link, Charles Seabury ..................... 145, 313 Lipscomb, Carole Arlene ................ 171.313 Lisle, Frankie Lorraine .... 127, 141, 167,3 13 Lillie, Duane Ewing ........................228. 326 Lillie, ~rargaret Evclyne .................... 192 Littleton, Joyce Kay ................................ 14 1 Lillon, R anda ll Calc ........ 137, 142, 146, 195 Livingston, Alan ...................... 148,2 11 ,336 Livingston, Carolyn ..........150, 159, 181,326 Livingston, Robert .......... 195, 248,288,3 13 Llewellyn, Delores J ea n .................. 159, 174 Locke, Walter .................................... 129, 201 Lockhart, Cordon .............................. 222, 336 Lodge, Roland R yan .......................... 29, 151 Loe, Emil Marlin ...................................... 233 Loeppky, Marilyn J ean ....................173, 336 Logan, J ames David ........................240, !l36 Long, J ean .................................................. 160 Long, Marlene Delia ........................ 169, 336 Long, Rose Marie .............................. 187, 336 Longcteig, lvcr J., III ...................... 199, 336 A .....


·I Lo ngfellow, Den nis Ray .......................... 137 Longfellow, Judi th Lynn Raschka ........ 179 Longfellow, Ralph J am es ................ 2 14, 314 Looney, Richard E rnest ................ 23 1, 314 Lopez, Ca mille Teresa .................... 174 , 326 Lo u , Verna Lee ................................ 191, 326 Lotze, Ann a Marie .................................... 187 Lo ucks, George Adam ............................ 145 Lowry, Joseph Russell .................... 240, 336 Lu ckhardt , George Paul .................. 193, 314 Luke, Norman Eugene ............................ 112 Lund, Robert H al ............................ 207, 314 Lund e, Hilmar Paul ........ 195, 248, 285, 314 Lu nden, Eugene R aymond ............ 240, 314 Lunte, J ames William .... 135, 160, 214, 314 Lyda, Ellen LaMoyne .............................. 191 Lyd um, Fred F. ................................ 159, 160 Lyd um , .Joan Plummer ............................326 Lyle, Richard W hitmo re ................ 139, 326 Lynch, Christine Marie ............................ 177 Lynn, J effrey Willard ...................... 146, 203 Lyon, Frederick Charles ................ 282, 283 Lyons, Anne Marie .......... 11 3, 138,17 1, 314 Lyons, Fra ncis J ames ........................ 195, 326 Lyons, J am es Felton ................................326 Lysinger, D an D . ..............................201, 336 Me McA rthur, Elea nor Rae .......... 150, 173,336 McBoyle, Patricia ............................ 191, 336 McBratney, Ka thleen Ann .............. 177, 314 McBride, J ames Norman ................ 205, 326 McCabe, Paul David ........................ 222, 314 i\'fcCallister, Ro nald Richard ................ 213 McCarten, Robert Merrill ...... 144. 240.326 McCarter, Pa tricia Lynn .................. 160, 185 McClain, Malcolm Elwood ............ 199, 326 McClan ahan, Da vid Ward ...................... 135 McC leskey, J anice Louise ................ 173, 326 McCo nnel, Alva Lon ........................ 148, 160 McConnell, Richard Egan ......................314 McCon ville, Errol Leon .......................... 205 McCool, Richard Ca rlson ........................ 144 McC<>rm ick, Frank Delon ........................314 McCormick, Na pina Margaret ...... 179, 326 McCowan, Bruce J. .......................... 137, 140, 195, 265, 269. 326 McCowan, Neela ..25,26, 128, 138, 174.3 14 McCown, Allan Hardy ....................289, 326 McCown, Joseph Dana ....................211 , 336 McCroskey, Alice Irene ............................ 187 McCurdy, Glen Patrick ............................1 39 McDermo tt, Gerald Edward ..........302, 326 McDonald, Clinto n Robert .................... 208 McDonald, William Kenneth ................ 193 McDonald, William Sutherland .... 195, 336 McDougal, Albert Lee ............................336 McDougal, Bud H oll and .. 142, 143, 201, 326 McDowell, Ceorganne ........36, 150, 179, 336 McDowell, J ames Tho mas ....112, 224, 326 McElroy, Joseph ........................................ 236 McElwain, Kaye Franklin ........................314 McFarland, Jo hn Anth on y .............. 135, 326 Mcfa rland, Marshall J oe ................228, 326 Mcfarl and, Thom as Lawton ........ 222, 326 McGarvey, Judith J oan ....................18 1, 336 McGinn is, Jud ith ............................ 179, 336 McCintry, Robert Louis .................. 193, 326 McGonagle, Leo Edward ........................ 145 McCio ugh lin, Ra y .................................... 135 McGo ugh, Bo nn ie Kae Barney ............ 149 McC o urin , Maureen Ann .. l43, 146, 181, 3 14 McKay, Bonnie J ean ........ 146, 147, 159, 173 McKee, Do nald Duff, Jr ................. 208, 326 McKee, Jo hn Mi chael .............................. 336 McKe•1drick, Jay Dee .............. 148, 2 13,336 McKemie, David Evere u ........................ 145 McKi e, Earl Raymond ............................ 314 McKim, Michael Lloyd ....................2 11 , 326 McKinley, Duane Van ............................314 McKinney, H enry Lee .................... 145, 314 McKissick, J ames Michael ............205, 326 McKnight, George Arnold ...................... 145 McLaug hlin, Raymond Francis .... 222. 326 McLean, Dennis Edward ....... .1 58, 195,3 14 McLeod, Berta J ean ................................ 19 1 McLeod, Donald Norman ...................... 148 McMichael, J oseph Dale ........................ 145


:\!ci\fu lien, Do uglas Bruce .............. 2 19. 326 McMurray, Monte Cla ir .................. 208, 314 McNeal, Dorothy Marjean ...... 146, 187,326 :\IcNeill, Ca ry Richard .................... 2 13, 3 14 iV!cNelley, J ames ........................................ 205 Me ichols, Kathleen Ma ry ............ 14 1, 177 McNichols, Michael Edwa rd .................. 125 McPherson, Ella Lee ................147. 171.326 MacDo nald, .Janet Ann ............................ 167 MacDo nald, Mary Etta ............................ 185 MacMa rtin. J eanne :\1aric ............169. 249 M

Macki. J ack Wi ll iam ........ 125, 138. 240, 314 Mackie, Onah Dee .................................... 187 Madden , Juli e Ann .................................. 177 Maddocks, Sally Ann ........................ 171, 326 Mad ison. Mary Kristin ............................ 113 Magel, J ohn ........................................ 205. 326 Magnuson, Robert Louis ................ 204. 314 Magnusson, Ca rl Gustav .. 139. 149,208, 337 Makowski, Stanl ey Stephen .................... 144 Malany, H erbert Stott ...................... 196, 337 Malmstcd t, Ju dith Ann .......................... 187 Manning, Roger Dean .................... 240, 337 Mansor, Donald Trego ............................ 144 i\hn ville, Ca ry W righ t ............ 159. 213,337 Manweilcr, Lois Ann ........................ 17 1. 327 March , David Lawrence .. 137, 144, 240,337 :\1aren, Kenneth H enry ....................................36, 199, 265, 268. 326 Mari neau, Jud ith Lee Sw bbs ........ 179, 326 1\!arker, Richard Leighton .................... 145 Ma rl er . Duane Dee .................. 139. 197. 314 Ma rra, Bern ard J ames .................... 2 11 , 337 Marro w, Eugene Steven .................. 234, 336 Marshall. Frederi ck William, Jr . .. 226, 337 Marshall, Georgia Kay .................... 177, 326 Marshall, Marjorie Cecile ...................... 174 Marsha ll. Ten y Dale ................................214 Martell, Cha rlo tte Ann ......27, 125, 148, 326 Martin. Barbara A·1n ...................... 173, 3 14 Martin, Darrell Gene ............................ 145 Martin. Jo hn Stanley ........................ 193. ~26 Martin , Ma ril yn Ann ...................... 174, 326 Martin , T erry Gene ................................ 148 Martin, Warren Rowe .................... 135, 208 Ma rtin. W illiam H enry .................. 137. 337 Marti nson, Do nald Lowell ............ 140, 326 Mashburn, La ramie Frank ............ 197, 326 Mason, Gerald Leo .................................. 193 Matheney, Darlene Lo uise .............. 171.327 Matson. Antho ny Cha rles .............. 207, 327 Matt hies, Katharine .Jill .................. 146, 177 Mattson, Diane Arlene .................. 191, 337 Maughan, R oberta R ider .............. 187, 337 Maule, W illiam Ah ren .................... 222, 337 Mausling, Dudley Merrill ...................... 2 19 Maxwell, Cary Rae .......................... 208, 327 Marotz, Ramona ................................ 187,326 Mariven, Terry .................................. 197. 337 Maosch, Dave ............................................ 145 Mayer, Do n .................................................. 29 Maynard, Duane ........................................ 282 Mayer, Roderick Lewis .......... 135, 159, 327 Mays, J ames Griswold ............ 145, 211 ,337 Mays, Rodney Ralph ................ 139, 149,214 Meckel, Brian David ................................ 144 Meeks, Lewis Clair .......................... 205, 314 Meier, Bruce o rman ...................... 226, 275 Mellem, Do uglas Donald ........................ 213 Mellen, Jo n ................................................ 196 Melquist, Dean Cordon ................ 145, 314 Melquist, Karin Diann e .......................... 183 Mendiola, Flo rence Kay ................ 177. 314 l'v!ercer, J oa n Ruth .......................... 189, 337 Merrill, Darrell Deith ............................ 327 Merrill, H erman Curtis .......................... 133 Merrill, William Barrett ................ 208, 314 Meservy, H yrum Udell .......................... 240 Metcalf, Gerald Fra nk .................... 199, 327 Metcalf, Jam es Antho ny ........................ 199 Metcalf, Ju dith Lynn .................... 179, 327 Method, Helen Ca rol ...................... 146, 183 Meyer, C ary Camden ...................... 236, 337 Mi chael, Ca ry Gl enn .......................... 142, 20 1, 282, 283, 285, 337 Michaelson, Will iam Kent ...................... 220

:\l ichals, Albert Lee .......................... 236, 337 Middendorf. J ames francis ............ 207, 327 Middleton, Judith Ga le .................. 177, 337 Mielke, Patricia Elaine ............................ 191 Mi ller, Do n Ada ir, Jr . .............................. 207 Miller, Leon Sa nborn .................... 195, 327 Miller, Sharon LaR ynn e .................. 141, 173 :\•filler, William Charles .......................... 201 Mill heisler, Herbert Edwa rd ................ 145 M illigan, Mari anne .................................. 179 Merrick, Maril yn .............................. 133, 327 M ills, Thomas Warner ............................ 134 Mills, W illiam H ., Ill .............................. 158 M inas, J am es Mo ntgomery .............. 2 11 , 314 "1inas, Richard Boyer ............ 140, 2 11, 288 Misner, Elizabeth An n ....1 27, 142. 143, 169 Mitchell, Ca rolyn Anne Dem psey.. l38, 315 Mitchell, Clarke Ed ward ..........................36 Mitchell, William Bar bee ........................ 315 Mix, Jerry Charles ............................ 211 , 337 Mix, T erry Platt .............. 133, 145,2 11, 337 Mizu no, Allen Tsun eo ....................227, 337 :\tfodie, Do nald Lee, Jr. .................................. 133, 195, 248, 289, 327 Modic, Nei l Charles ................................ 195 Moe, Robert Edward ............... .146. 228, 327 Moeller, Arnold H erbert ................291, 293 Moeller, Albertina .................................... 179 Mo hr, Alan M ichael ................................ 139 Mohr, Charlo u c LaRue .......... 11 2, 159, 189 Moller, Kurt Lewis ....................29, 2 19,327 Mo nahan, Richard Fredri ck ..........208, 337 Mo ng, Dayto n J an ............................ 228, 337 :\1o nger, Alfreda May ..............................169 Mo nroe, Robert Lee ........................1 48, 15 1 Mo ntgomery, William Clarence .... 195, 327 Mooers, Maril yn Sue ........................ 167, 315 Moon, Keith ......................................240, 337 Moony, Dick .............................. 193, 279, 337 Moore, David H e nry ........................227, 315 Moore, Dean Austin ................................ 15 1 Moore, Fra nk Latha m ......................223, 315 Moore, Idora Lee ............................141, 181 Moore, J ack D aw ne .................................. 158 Moore, Joann Elaine ....... .112, 150, 173,337 :\foore. Larry ..............................................327 Moore, Phoebe Anne ................................ 179 Moore. W illiam Benfield .......................... 25 Morfi n , J ames Clyde ................................ 214 Morga n. Do nna Lo u .............................. 177 Morga n, C ary W ayne .............. 144, 231, 315 Mo rgan, Michael J ...........................20 1. 327 Morris, .James Daniel ...................... 137, 327 Mo rse, Do nald H anl ey .................... 145,3 15 Mottinger, Marcia Ann .. 138, 177,305, 315 Mudd. Sero na Annette ............................ 169 Mueller, Alverna Ma rie .................................. 133, 135, 146, 147, 152 Mul allcy, David Patrick ..................196, 294 Mulder, James Albert ............ 137, 228,337 Mu llen, Richard J ames ............ 146, 236, 327 Mulliki n, Scott Allan ...................... 213, 337 Munn, David Ross ............................ 195, 315 Murch, Mi chael Ea rl ................................ 23 1 Murphy, Loren W ayne .................... 23 1, 327 Murray, Linda Ann ........................ 174, 337 M urray, William R ay ......................216, 315 Myers, Verna Ka y ...................................... 189 Myk leb ust, Stanl ey Do nald ............ 209, 327 Mykl ebust, T homas J erome ....................209 N

Napper, David Hale ........................ 145, 327 Nash, David Franklin ...................... 224, 315 Nasmyth , J o hn H eber, Jr . .............. 21 4, 337 Nassar, Raja Farid ....................................233 Nau, Jan et LaRae Mar y ................ 185, 314 Naylor , Carolin Rae ........................ 187, 315 Naylor , Sharon Kay ................ 11 2, 146, 169 Neal, Edna Mae J o nes .............................. 147 cal, Ri chard Harry ........................211 , 315 Nealis, Kenneth Lloyd ............................ 225 Nebel, Marvin LeRoy .............. 112, 224, 315 Nehrbass, T heodore Joseph ............ 228, 315 cider, Joy Ann ........................................ 177 Neil, Donald Les ter ..................................2 19 cilsen, Richard Peter ....134, 137,209,337 Nellis, Carl H ansen .......................... 231, 337

'elsen, Theron Da' id .. 201.256 'elson, Anthony Ah in 222.327 ......219 'elson, Darwin J ack ... 221,337 ' elson, Frank Richard ' elson, Jerry H ugh ......... 210 'elson, ancy £arleen 179,327 'clson, Patricia Ann ... 171 , 337 'elson, Patricia Jane ..... ......... 185 'elson, Paula DcAnn . ............. 134, 167 elson, Ralph Ware, Jr. ............. ......... 193 elson, Sally Jo .. 136, 177.337 'elson, Vesta Ca} ................................. 169 1eulcingham, Shirley J ane .................... 173 1eveux , 'ancy Josephine .......... 141, 179 'ewhousc..Marshall Neal . .. ....... 195 1cwland, Sally Ann ...............327 cwman, Dona Irene .... . .... 183, 327 ichols, David 1 homas . . .................. 211 1 ieland, Sharon Lee .. .. .... 150, 183,337 .............. 145 Nielsen, john Waylcn . Nilsson, J on Powell . .... .. .................. 195 Nissen, Barry Wendell ................. 211,337 Nixon , John Holworth .......................... 227 Noh, Laird ........................ 124, 138,140,2 19 Nonini, J udy Karen ............................... 177 Nordby, Dia n n LoRenc ........ 127, 171,327 orcll, Stephan Greig ... ...... 137, 160, 337 orman, orma Orlene ............ 171. 337 Norscth, Patricia Anne ........................ 189 1 o rton, J ames Charles ..... ........... 261 :-Jorwood, Virginia Lou Ann ............... 173 No,·o tny, Eugene John .......... 231, 337 :-Jugcnt, Mary Sue ......... 179, 337 Nustad, Ri chard Owen .. ....... 228. 327 Nmting. Robert Charles 211 , 291.292.337 N)b)'. Christian lb .... 221,286.337

0 O'Connor, Caroline \nne 179, 327 O'Connor, Catherine Claire 191 ,3 15 ..... 144 O'Connor, Thomas Francis O'Donnell, James Fleming .......315 O'Donnell, Jo Anne .. .. 175,327 127, 136 Oakes, Kay Elsinore ......... . Oakes, Merrill Mathe w .. .. 207, 337 ....... 198 Oberhansli, Richard Clade Obermeyer, J ack Walter .......315 .... 113, 175 Ochs, Deloris Dec .............. . Odubcr. Franklin German ..... 199, 337 Ocnning. James Bernard . ........ 145,228 Okeson, J ames Clifford ..... . 137,195,337 Olds, Virginia Alice ........ ...... 173, 337 ............. 181 Olin, Judy Suzanne ........ ............... 175 Olsen, Judi th Ann ........ 173, 315 Olsen-1 auen, Mona Marie Olson, Barhara Gail .... .......... 189 Olson, Darrel Evcrcll .. ..209,275 Olson, Dougla~ Carter 211' 327 ..205, 338 Olson. \\'illiam 1 homa'> 1'10, 212,292,315 Oring. Lewis Warren .. ................... 160 Orl..ne) , George Dale . Orton, William Larq ........314 Osburn, ' ancy J oan ............ 183. 315 Om1c. Leon .......... 151 Osborne. Kathleen \Ia} ......................... 25. 138, 116. 169, 315 Oster. Cenc,era ~~ innctta ....... 179 Ouo, Fredric La)nC ....... 13 1,135,207 Oud. NanC) ~loorc ....... 141 , 150, 173,338 O'crhol~r. William Harnld .. ... ........ .. 211, 282. 283, 3 15 Overstreet, Robert Dona ld 233,3 15 Owen, Earl Ethridge . . ............36 Owens. Clinton E'an .. ............. 205 Ozawa, Max Kunio . ... ............. 231 p Paff. Bart Alister . .. ...........316 Palmer, .James Wendell .... 139, 149,211 Palmer, Janice Darlene .... .. ....... 17 1, 3 16 Palmer, R oberL Lester ............ 140, 222,316 Palmer. Victoria Eliatheth .................... 175 Pantry, William J ack .............. 145, 228,327 Papcs, Patricia Louise ... . ........... 191, 338 Parberry, Larry Clement 195.327 Parkinson, Robert J ohn 159. 195 Parks, Charlene E' elyn ...... 177

Parks, Franklin Paul . .... 151.316 Parks, Kenneth Ardell . 22 1,3 16 Parks, L yle l lomer ... 275 Parman, William Joseph .. ..231, 327 Pasle), John Robert 146.2 19.282.283,338 Pasley, William Lawre nce .. 140. 219 ,327 Pasold, Fennan J oseph 139.248.280 Passic, Michael Alex . 213 Parks, Doug ............. 15 1.203.338 Patton, Dadd Lee .. 24. 134. 193,327 Patton. Dwight ll illiard 199,3 16 Patton, James Clifford . 144 Pallon, Rae Belle ......... . . 189 Paul, Beverly Ruth .............. 25, 127, 327 Paulson, J ames Ralph ........... 195,288.338 Paulson, Lyn ne ................ ... .. .............. 175 Paulson, Marilyn ............................. 177, 338 Payn~. James Benjamin, J r. .. ...... 214. 338 Payne, Kathleen ......... ...... 142, I 79,338 Pearson, Dean Heartly . ..327 Peck, Charles Swart. J r. .. .. ....... 236.3 16 Pederson. Carol June .. Pederson, Claudia Kath leen .......... 187,3 16 Pederson. Earl Chris ... ... ...... 224. 327 Peirsol, Dollie Colene ... 146. 159, 185. 338 Pekarna, Thomas Joseph .... 193 Pena, Jose .Eduardo ... 148,316 Pence, Dan Thomas . ... 225, 327 Penton, Vance .Edwin, Jr. 159 PereL, Julian Padilla ...... 203.338 Perkins, Priscilla Helen 178. 327 Peters, Charlene Marie 133, 136, 183.338 Petersen, Kent Ceoree 237. 327 Petersen, Milton Dwaine 213,338 199. 338 Petersen, Rid1ard Eli .. 131 . 145 Peterson, Charles Loren Peterson, Chester Rodne) 112 Pete rson, Douglas Amos 316 240 Peterson, Douglas L)nn Peterson, Ellen Maxine .. 189 Peterson, E,•el)n Mari e 187.338 Peterson, Gordon ....... 189. 338 Peterson, J ulius Edward 207. 338 Peterson, Pete ............. .. 137 Peterson, Robert Allen 133.209 Peterson, Roberta Lee .. 175 Peterson, Ross Warren 110. 198.327 Peterson, Sally J ane .. 189 Peuerborg, Judith Ann ............ 177.338 Peuis, Ronald Eugene .. 213.327 . .. ... .. 2 13,3 16 Pettygrove, J ack ....... Pfeiffer, Earl Charles . 327 Phillips, Cary Dean .. ..... 112, 159 Phillips, Peggy Rae .. 26, 183,338 Pierce, David Charles . .... 214, 327 Pierce, J>crry Richard . . .. .. ......... 214 Pierce. Diana Mac ...... ... ....... ....... .. 177 Plumb, Robert Gordon .... 231 Plummer, Carol Ann ..... 191 Pol age, David Louis .. 137, 338 Polz, Ernest Adalbert . 203. 327 Pomponio, Nom1a J o lene 177,338 Pool, Nicholas Edward .. 2 19, 327 169.316 Pool, Patricia Ann Porter, Nancy Catherine .. 189 Porter, Richard Duras 275 l'os t, James Gal") ...... . 118. 195,327 Potter, Donald Willis . 199 Potter, Glenn Ross ..... 110, 201,316 Pollcr, Lorraine Claire .. 181.338 Poulson, Neil T. ?0~ Powe ll, Ke nneth Bruce ........... 205,338 .... 18 1, 327 l'owells, June ................ Powers, David Durene .............338 146,238,327 Powers, Gordon Ra y ... Powers, Mary Jo .......... . ....... 181 Press, Willis Winslow ...... ..... 134,2 11 Prcstel, James Francis ..29, 220.248,255,316 l'rcstel, Janemaric Smith .. 147 Prestel, Robert Leo .. .. .. . ....... 28 Price, Denise Kay ......... . ........... 189 !'rice, Sharon Viola ............. 134, 183,327 Pritchett, Marilyn Lenore .......................................... 138. 116, 149, 186 Pritchett, Marshall Leland ............... 148 Proctor, L awrence Lee ...... ........... 145 Proctor, Lois Maxine 2:i . 147, 185,327 Proshold, Fredrick Irving . 29.203,316 Provencal, Ralph Donald 1'19

Pugh, Elvis Da,·id ......................... 113, 134 Purcell, Darrell \\'illiam ......... 127,338 J'urdy, Leonard :\'icholas. Jr. ......... 145 P~ ke, Ronald Warne ................... 231,275

Q Qualman, Carl Dallas ........................... 139 Quayle, Sonja Edylh ...................... 191, 316 Quesnel, Robert Clinton ................205, 338 Quijano, Cesar Augusto ........ .139, 235,316 R

Raab, Charles Robert 148 Radke, Kenneth Ray ....................... 134,327 Radsliff, J ane Marie .............................. 171 Rae, Victor Glenn .................................... 197 Raffensperger, Ronald Shenk ........ 215. 338 Rambeau, Nancy Kay .............................. 189 Ramsey, Patricia R ae ................... 173, 328 Randall, Cary Charles ....................24, 126, 133, 140,211,29 1. 328 Randall, Noe l C . ........................................ 139 Randolph. J ack ................................ .. 240 Rank , Charles Thomas ............ 195, 248. 338 Rasmussen. J ere-Rae ........................ 150. 181 Rasmussen. J ohn Boyd ............................ 205 Ratcliffe. Charles Thomas ............ 195, 328 Rau , Carol Ann ................................... 179 Rau , Norma J ean .... 136. 142. 143, 148, 171 Rau ch, .Eric Richard ..... ................... 211 Rauer, George LaVancc .................2 15,328 Raustadt, R oberta Lynn .................... 169 Raw, Marjorie Louise ........... ......... 167 Rawlins, J ohn Kay ........................... 316 Ray, Robert Charles ............... . 112 Rapnond, John Ronerl ..................240, 316 Rea, Robert Bruce .................... 316 179, 316 Rcd £ord, Ann Hurlbert ............. .. 203,316 Reed , Clarence Ralph .......... Reed , Mary Joan ................ 185 Reed, Peter John .............. ..25, 215,316 Reed. Richard Ra)mond ... 113, 146,215 ..219. 328 Rees. Richard Thomas ..... Reese, David 1els ....................... 139, 149 Reese, JoAnn ..................... ....... 175,3 16 Reese, Robert Wilson ...... ...... .... 211 Rcgadera, Mary Frances ....................... 171 Rcinmuth, Paula Gai l .......... . .. .. .. 171 Remsberg, J ohn David ................... ... 195 Rene, Richard Allen .. l40, 143,200,294, 316 RenFro, Evelyn J oyce ............................... 19 1 Renshaw, R ichard Wo iFard . .. .... 209, 328 Renton, Rose Marie ......................... 127, 187 Reynolds , Christine ................ 1<16, 189,328 Reynolds, Cerald R ay ..........................328 Rice, Bradley Stanton ..................... 2 11. 291 Ri ce, Gary Alan ................................ 215, 338 Rice, Richard Dale ........................ 144 , 316 Richey, David Marion ............ ! 12. 139, 237 Ridener, Donald B. ...... ............. 221 . 316 Rider, John Woolf ......... .. ... ...... 112 Ridgeway, Robert ,\Jan .................. 201, 327 Riffie, Keith Thomas ........ 112, 146.215,338 Rinehart, Robert Co lman .. 199 Ristau , Donna Eileen ....... .... .. ... 18 1 Rohb, Robert Michael ... 193,338 Roberts. Brenda Jo .................... . 169,338 Roberts, Douglas H erman ......... 11 2 Roberts, :\fanha Patricia . 169 ........ 201 Robertson, Charles L ynn .. Robertson, Marcus Eugene ..................22 1 Robertson, Stuart Marvin ...... 145, 195,327 Robie, Edward Ray .................................240 Robie, Erin Cay .......................................240 Robinson, Andrew Frederick ................ 159 Rol>inson , .Elaine Violet Evans .............. 147 Robinson, Marilyn J ean ............ . ...... 177 Robinson, Mark Alexander .......... 2 19,316 R obinson , Michael Spencer ................... 207 Rodell, Kathryn Ann .............................. 18 1 Roemer, Donald Lee ........................ 237, 338 Rogers, Allan Burnell ......................316, 337 Rogers, Ann Kath leen ............................ 181 Rogers, James Robert .................... 205. 328 R ogers. J udith Pierce ...................... 183, 338 R ogers. LaDessa Kathry n ........ 136, 147,338 Rogers. Patsy Lee .............. .. .. 18 1, 327


Rohwein , Ce1ald J oseph ............ 144, 3 17 Roland, Robert Lee . .... . .......... 145 Roose, Ann Marie .............. ... ... .......... 167 R o:.endah l, Anne Marie .................... 181 Ross. David Trac) . .. .............. 222. 328 Ross. J ohn Alan .. ................231,338 Rowland, Robert ' clson ..............209, 328 Rowlands, \largarct Mildred .. 141,167,328 Ro)ce, Arthur Lee .... .. ................... 148 Ruark, Judit h \n•1 ................... 171 Rudolph, Dia na Rae . . .......... I i9, 338 Rumann, Lany Rudolph ................... 231 Runge, Petty Ann ................................. 1i7 Run) an , William COllie ................25, 317 Russell , Clifford Glen .............................. 209 Rutledge, u sa n Clydeane ........................................ 1!16. 181, !131, 338

s St. Clair. Colleen Anne ................... 191 , 317 Sage, Floyd Evart ........................................ 25 Sakclaris. An gelo George .......... 209, 338 Sales, Stanley Ja y ............................ 197, 338 Salinas, Enriquew ....... ... .. ....... 171.317 Salyer, Janet Marie ................ 177, 328 Sampson, r..obert Neil ... 29,1'18,222,317 Sampson, Victor Dale ............................ 239 Sams, Barbara Jean ..................... 147, 181 amuels, Allan Floyd ...................... 145, 3 17 Sande. Barbara Marie ..................... 181,328 anders. Claren Max ........................... 139 anders. Kay Lorraine ............ 149, 167,338 anders, Maurice Wilburn ..................219 argent. Doroth) Rae .. 112. 169 asser, Karen . .. ... 173, 338 asser, L) le Blaine ... 147,203,328 a,;ser, R. Garth ................. 137, 140, 142. 116, 20!1, !121, 328 ather, Maril yn Rae .............. 177 augast, Donna Ma e 150, 167,338 aw)er, Frances Ka)C ..... 187 aw}er, Crace ,\nn ........... .......... ..... 185 axton, Duane Roger .................... . . 193 Scanlan, Judith Dean .. ......... 175, 327 Scarcello, Dorothy J ean .. 191 Schaal, Larry Clinton .. 195.248.284,339 chacfer, Jane Ellen ................................ 189 Sch;1c£cr, Sally Ann ............... ............. 189 Schaffer, 13enj;unin 111 ichacl .................. 149 Schaub, Stephen Alexander ............207, 338 Sched ler, Donnclla Certrudc ................ 179 Schelske, Robert A lcxandcr ............ 203, !138 Schiffier, ll clcn Louise .................... 19 1,327 Schilt. Susanne Carol ....................... 169. 338 Schini, Robert Tcndall 137,20 1,333,338 Schlauer. Gerald Ra I ph . . ....... 209 Schlueter, Patricia Marie ................ 191 ,338 Schmid, Freda Elsie ...................... 189, 339 Schmidt. George Thom;1~ .............201 Schmidt, Ra)lnond j oseph ................. ........... 229, N3, 279, 314 Schmidt, Edward Lee ......................240, 317 Schnider. Errol ll cnq ..... 215, 317 hnider. hirlc) Phillip~ 25. 135.328 Schoff, Clifford King ...................... 146, 231 Scholes, William Oal..es ............ 36, 201,327 Schow, terling Robert ............ 193 Schroeder, :'-lonna Lea 191,339 chroeder. Roger .\mold . .......317 Sch roeder. ' I homas William ....... 159, 160 Schultl, Howard CU )' ...........................317 Schultz, Ronert Lee ............................... 317 dwmacher. Dale George . 223, 317 Schumaker, John Ra)lnond .. 223,317 Schumaker, Robert Franklin .. 137. 140, 142, 146, 201, 328 chuppen ies, Dorothy ~ l aric .. ........... 187 Scoggin, Dorlvta Jayncjo .. .. ...... 179, 328 coggin, J anice Rae ... .. ...........185, 339 coggin, Ju dith Lorenc ....................... 179 Scou, Freddie Gene .................................. 145 Scoll, Irene Mary .............. 138, 141,174,3 17 Scou, Robert · cw ron ... .................... 199 Scou, Roberta Carol ........................ 169, 339 Scou, William Lee .................................... 140 Scoville, Douglas Allan .................... 2 13, 339 Scars, Orvil Charles .......................... 148, 151 Seeber, Michael David Henry .................. 24


Seeley, Arnold Lynn .. 240, 339 Seeley, Victoria Nell 173 Seeley, Katherine Fa1·r 148, 171 eitl, R oger Michael . 139 e u bcrt, Lois Kathleen . 191,317 Se,edge, Wilma .\taurine 328 Sexton, Dallas Floyd ... 225 Shadle, Walter Dean, Jr. 131.211 Shangle. .\leh in Ra) 19i. 328 Shaw, James Clinton 339 Shaw. James Howard 197 haw, Susan .\'fcKean 167 Shawen, Robert .Joe ... 240, 328 Shay. Thomas .\l ichael 148 Sheeran, Mike . .......36, 248,258 SheAcr. Gerald Elmore .. 112.207 Shelangoskic. Donald Ray ..... 139.228.3 17 Shellman, Lee Charles ... 248, 253 Shelman, Virginia L) nne 183,249. 328 Shelton. Camille Carolyn 143, 187,248.339 Shelton, Peggy J ane .......................... 187, 339 Sherman, Byron J ay ................................ 11 2 Shern. Suzanna Glee ................ 147, 171,339 Sherrets. Harold Dean ....... .............328 Sherrill, Gayle Jlumcs ................ 139, 149 Shenvin, Charlene Roberta 187 Shimonishi, Roy Tatsuo .. 227 Shinn. Richard Duane .317 Shisler, William Carrell ... 240 Shively, Jerry Stephen 20 1,3 17 Shooklcy, Preston Ardell 11 3.339 Shubert, Ra y Clifford 159,229.328 Shmtleff. Da' id Sinclair 146. 237 Sie,ert, Karla Anne ... .. 177.339 ic,·ert. Susan Linda .. ... 183 Simeon. usanna \gncs 18:i Simon. Barbara Ann 191 imonson, Ca)le \l arie 167 Simpson, Donald Ra) 231. 328 Simpson, Ernest Woodford 144 impson. James Wesley 229,328 Simpson. J oseph William ..... 229, 327 impson. :'\anq Eli1abcth ............................ ..... 133. 146. 189, 339 impson, Richard David 152. 2 1!1, 339 Simundson. Ri c:1ard Sigurhjorn ....2!15. 328 Sinclair. George eil .................. 229. 339 Singh, Curcharau ..... ..... .......... 229. 328 Sinncmaki, Pcgh'Y .Jean ......... .. .. 18!), 339 Skaggs, Forrest Kay ...... . 145,229,3 17 Skidmore. Wayne Earl .................. 112, 146 Skoro . .John Michael .. .. ................ 134 Slaughter. Barbara ..... .... ....... 14 1, 179 Slaugh ter, C laire Lo u ise .......................... 127, 136. 149. 160, 173, 339 Slavik, Frank Robert .... 145.227.328 Slavin, Daniel Arthur .. .. ..... 209, 328 Slind, Leland Oscar .. .. .... ..... 240. 328 Slusarenko, Ronald .Jatk ...... .. .. 215 Smallwood, Jam es Clifton .. 139. 149 Smart, Roncrt Alan. J r. 195 Smith. Charles Franl..lin ...339 Smith, Darolene ...... ... .. .. 177.339 Smith. Della Lee ....... 191 Smith, Diane LaVerna ..... 147, 183 mith. Donald Earl 205 Smith. Donald Glenn 237,339 Smith, Hcn q Robert 237,339 mith, Hu rschcll Eugene 231,328 mith, Jack Ra) I 193.328 Smith, Jo:.eph . ... 231,275 Smith. Karen .......... ... 18:1,339 Smith. Kenneth Willi;un 159.240 Smith, Linda Mae .......... 136. 143. 183,339 mith. Paul Alva .... 139,213 Smith. Ralph Marshall . .. 212,328 Smith. Robert LeRo) .. ..... .. ...... 193 Smith, Robert Martin 2 13,289,328 Smith, Russel Eugene ...... .. ............... 231 Smock. R alph J oseph ............................. 146 Smutny, Neola Ruth ....................... 177,317 Snider, Lynn Thomas ..... ................... 149 Snook, Mary Charlouc ................... 171. 328 Snook, ancy Katharine .. ............ ..... 171 Snow. Barbara Tatum ............. 18 1,3 17 Snow, Gary Dennis ...................... .. ..... 112 Snow. Sherman Arthur .......................... 29 Snyder, Adelia Birdene ................... 187, 317 Snyder, Joanne Lee .............................. 177

nyder, Rowena Margie .. . ... 177,3 17 Soden, Robert Mclnt)re ......... 209,328 Sok\ itnc, Paul Eugene ...... .. ........ 201 Solt, Bethel LaJean .................... 179. 328 Soh, Denniss Lee ......... 36,205.248,317 Sommers. Billie ....... 173,328 Sommers, Kay ........... ..141 , 173,3 17 Sonn en. J oan .\fatilda .. .. 189 Sonnichsen, Richard Charles ......2·10, 317 Sowell, R ebecca Joy .......... ... ..... I i7 Spaberg, Cary Dean ........... .. .......... 14·1 Space, James Christian ...... .. ......... 160 parks, Gretchen ................ 141, 149,181.317 Speelmon, P atricia Ann ... ......... 171 . 328 Spence, John Woody ......... .... .. ... 225. 328 Spence, Liter Estill, Jr. ....... .... .225. 328 Spencer, Clifford J ames . ...................317 Spencer, David Wallace .................... 139 Sperry, Judith Ann ............. ..... .. 183 Spofford, Bruce Standlc) .. 227. 328 Spray, Cary Delmar ........................ 209. 339 Sprenger, J anet Rae ........112, 147, 152, 185 Spri nger, Lois J ayne ........................ 137. 167 Sprure, Francis George .......................... 112 Sprute, Gerald J oseph ....................... 139 Squires, Zoe Lynette ...... ............. 177. 328 Stahl, Judith Dianne ............... 150, 175,328 Stalcup, Marvel Carroll . .............. .3 18 Stanbery, R obert Lewis ............... 221. 339 tancer, William Howard 213,286.292.339 tandlcy, J ohn Gordon .................. 145, 318 Stanger, Patricia Ann . ............ 148,191,339 Surr, Jack ..........................................36. 282 tedtfeld. Karen :\larie 135. 146. 181.328 recle, Gerald Cregg ...... . 140.318 Steele, H omer Eugene ...... ... .... 233. 339 Steele, R obert Nonnan ... .. 213.329 tein, Wanek Reed ................ .. .. 219 Steiner, Cary W. ......... ...... 148. 329 Leiner. Richard Allen . . .... .. 221. 339 tellyes. Cecil George . 237. 339 tephens, Don LaRele ................. 139 Stephenson, David ..... . ............ 215. 339 Stere, David Henry ............... ....231, 339 Stevens, Ann Agnes ........... . ..... 187, 318 Ste,ens, Patricia Ann .......... .. .. 147. 185 Stevenson, Robert Edward 31!1 Stewart, Paul William ....... 137, 199,339 Stewan. ' Vayne Dale ............................ 229 Stickney, Judy Anne ................................ 189 Stiles, Richard Laurence ....................................36, 143, 199. 288. 339 Stinchcomb, Mary Eleanor ............ 19 1, 339 Stith, Anita R ae ............................... 135. 14G Stivers, Barbara L ynn .................................. 132, 133, 150, 183. 339 Stobie, Cordon Martin ......... ........ 199, 318 Stoddard, J udith Louise ......... 171. 329 Stoker, Judy Karolyn ..................... .. 189 tokes, Jeanne Louise .................. 179.3 18 Stokes. Lee 'Vayne ............ ................ 329 toll, Charles Henry. J r . ............... 139. 1 HI Stolp, Dunvard Duane ................. .... 111 tone, Dale Wing ........................ 209.318 tone. Kenneth Ra y ......... . 2 10 tore)', Edgar Lee ................... 149. 2 13.339 Stonns. James Cordon ....... 29. 145.237.329 Lover, J udith An n ............. 171 Lowe, Michael Love! ........................ 19.i . 339 LO\\'e, William Ne\ illc .............. ..329 Strang, Gerald E\·creu ... ..... ........ 112 travens, J ames Peter ................... 13!1 trawn , Celia Loui:.e ................... 181. 33!1 trobel, Ralph Milton ............. .. .... 112 trom, Leanne Frances ........ 1i!l trong, Allen Dwight ............. 139. H9. 235 Stroschein, Sharon La j ean . .... 1i3 Strub, ;\fichael J ack ............. .. .............. 329 Stubbers, Ra)'mond Anthony .. 145. 22 1,3 18 Studer, H. C. ........................................... 222 Swnz, H arry Rudolph .................................. 137, 110, 142, 219, 329 Stutzman, H oward Albert ............ .... 14!! Styncr, Walter Edwin ...................... 225. 3 1t! Sud weeks, Alan Don ........................ 209. 28!! uhr, Daniel Arthur .............................. 19:1 Sullivan, Michael Charles ................ 134 . 19:1 Sullivan, Willard Michael .......................................... 151, 152, 237, 339


ummcrficld, Sa ndra J oan 25,14 1, 182.318 ummcrs, Bruce Gregory ........ 125, 128, 140 2 13.3 18 Summers, Larry Veri ....... uthcrland, Melvin Lee . 229. 339 Su11on, Lee ...................... 227. 3 18,320 .. 227 Suu on, William .................. Svendsen, Everett George ... ... ... .2 13, 329 .. .. 205 Swafford, Jarold Blaine ........ .. .. Swayne, J ames Rafe .......... 148, 151. 2 11 , 329 Swca•·engen, Jack Clayton. II .. 160, 229.329 Sweeney, J ames Wallace . .318 weeny, Maureen Adelia .......... .329 Sweep, Donald Henry .... 237,3 18 Swenson, Mom Alan ......... 201 wenson, Charles Frederick .. 148 S\mmes. Pa tricia Lee ........... 177 )mms, te\en Douglas ....219, 248,255.3 18 )ring. George Robert 211,318 T Tafolla, Leo Do nald .......... 125, 138, 145 Talamantez, Roman ...................... 210,329 Talbot, Nadine Dunaway ...... 160. 18 1, 329 Tanaka, Richard Mason ........ 11 3, 229, 339 ranneur, Noel Cyrillc Andre Bernard ........................................... 23 1, 318 Tapper, William J ames .......... 240 Tarbox, LaVonne Seubert 112 Tate, Robert Gordon .......... 222. 320 T :ul..o, .\largaret Ann - .......................... 113, 130. 146, 177. 329 r:num , JoA nn ................. 181 ' J a) 1or, El izabeth J ane .. .... I i5 , 329 Taylor, Laddie J oe .............. 140,207,329 Taylor, Loren Eldon ...... .... .. 237, 339 Taylor, LoiTainc Jean .................... 11 7, 3 18 Taylor, Mary Lou ............................ 133, 159 Taylor, Rocky Zane .................................. 237 Taylor, Samuel Victor ................... 237,329 Tefft. Richard Wayne ............. 134, 329 repl) . Larry Gusty .................... 2 17, 339 Thibault, Leo Charles .... 137. 112.209,339 I hicssen, BCll) J une ........ .. .. 152. 185 I hit!ssen, Wa)ne Lee ............ ... .. 237, 339 Thomas, B)ron Richard .......................... 148 2 13.318 I homa~. Cha rl es William .. .. .. I homas, Richard Darrell 222.318 I hompson, David Brill ... 210 ' I hompson, Cary Lee ........ 36, 146.230,3 18 Thompson, Harold Max ............. 229 Thompson, Kathryn Jayne ........... 141. Hi? Thompson, Kenneth Erwin .......... 223, 329 1 hompson, Richard Nelson ..................329 Thompson , Robert Russell .......... 145.3 18 Thompson, William Louis .......... 205, 339 Thomson, James Max .............................339 J'horson, George Allen .......... 146, 230,329 ' J hurmond, J ay Arnot ....... 112,213,3 18 I igcr, William Eldon . . 193.339 1 ilden, J esse Lawrence ...... . 221,329 Tilton, William .\forgan .. ... 221,329 J immons, Barbara ................. 143 rimoskevich, Sylvia Marie ..... 185,339 rinl..cr, Donna Lo u ................. 187,339 J'i pple, Nico las Edwin ............. 147,232 Tipton, Norma Cecile ........................ 169 Todd, Marcus John ........................ 22 1, 318 T h u rbcr, Ro n ........................... 139, 209, 329 Todd, Robert Kim ............................. 24 Toe,s, John Leo nard, J r. ................. 339 Toe•·s, Tamara Nelle ................... _ 173 Tolleson , Marga ret Ruth ....... .......... 167 T omchak, Timothy Paul . .. ........... 227 T omlinson, H elen Roberta 189 Topinka, Karel .............. 318 To\e)'• Da\id Bcnhcl . .. .. ... 137 To\e) , Weldon Reynolds .135.209.329 Townsend, Edgar Rex£ord .. 231 , 329 Townsend, Louis Lee ...... 133. 237. 329 Townsend, Patrick J. ................205. 276, 339 Tow;1send, Ro nald Lee ............ 146, 205,329 Tracy, .J ames H owa rd ................... 23 1. 339 Tracy, J udith Ann .......................... 148, 171 Tracy, Steven Lee ................. 209, 275 Trail, Alice Marie ............... .169 Trail, David Marlin ......... 140. 1'12, 329 Trail, Nancy J ane .............. 142, 181, 339 Trail, Susan Jo ..................... .. .. 189

fransue, Richard tanlc) .............. 23-l, 339 T ra, is, John Cahin ...............2 11 ,339 Trego, Alan LaMar ....................................25 Trenary. Sharon Irene .................... 187. 339 Tripp, Larry Talnott ......................201, 340 Trojanowski , J ames Charles ..........231, 340 Trojanowski, j oh n William ............ 23 1. 340 Truchot, Elbena Joan .................... 189, 329 Trupp, LeRoy Rudolph .......................... 145 Tsudaka, Mary Kuni ko .... 142, 147, 187,318 T ucker, J erry Lee ............................ 152. 159 Tucker, Patricia Ann 1\ bbott ................ 159 Tucker, Robert ' athan ........................ 145 Tucker. Thomas Dan ................... 219, 340 Tunniclifi, Robert ..................... 146, 209 Turek, Thomas Edward .................. 193, 340 Turnbull, Arlene Kay .............. 150, li3,329 Turner, John Richard .................... 195, 318 Turnipseed, Russell Dale ................ 203, 329 Tuson, Clenis Cay ............ 128, 141, 175.329 Tuttle, J udith Kae ....................................! 31 Twiggs, Robert J ames ............................ 145 Tyson, Robert ev ille .................... 201, 286 Tylutki, Edward ........................................ 152

u Undenvood, Alan Bradley ..............215, 329 Unzicker, Eleanor Eileen ........ 141, 147, 171 Unl'ickcr, Leonard j ohn ............... .201, 318 Unl'icker, Winifred Irene ........24, Iii, 340

v Vail Darrel Eugene .................. 193, 258,329 Valley, Kcm Ronald ........................209, 340 Van Buskirk, Richard Guy .................... 145 VanCleef, C harl ene Mac ........................340 VanCleef, Ronald Eugene ...................... 329 Vanden bark, Ed ith Louise ...... 141. 172, 3 18 Vanden bark, J larlan Eugene ................ 144 VanDeusen, George Clarke .................... 14-1 V"'ndcvort, Edgar Perry .......................... 149 Vandher, Gary Allan ...................... 197, 340 Vanerks, Douglas Fred .................... 233. 3 18 VanHorne, tc,en Ncgle) .... 140, 142. 215. 318 VanHouten, David C . .............................. 319 VanHouten, ancy Lee Callison .. 147, 329 VanKleeck, Donald Arlo ................ 233. 319 VanSickel, Jam es Gaylord ...................... 205 VanSlatc, Cheryl Anne .................... 17 1, 3 19 VanSto ne, Ju dith Eli1abeth .................... 173 VanStone, William Fred rick .. 145, 232,3 19 Vaught, C larence Scott .................... 20 1,3 19 Vawter, Arvin Dec ............................ 237, 340 Velasque£, Donald Elij io ........................3 19 Vervacke, Robert II erman .......................................... 195, 276, 279, 340 Vickern1an, Bette Louise ................ 141 , 183 Visintainer, Joseph Jerry ................ 211. 329 Volk, George Francis ................ 215. 249,340 Volkman, Richard Arthur ........................ 25 Voorhees, Edith Loui$e ............................ 167 Vosen, Harold Clayton ....................231, 340 Vosen, Mariam Phoebe ............................ 185 Vosika, Kay Darlan .................................. 181 Vosika, Na ncy Elaine ......................148, 17 1 Voth, Merle Dea n ............................ 145, 319 Voyles, Marilyn Sue ....................25, 173,329 Voysey, David Read ................................ 159 Vyse, Ernest Robert .........................211, 319

w Wacker. Elaine Cathr)ll .. 143, 159. 183,329 Wade. J anice Fa)C .................................... 169 Wager, Paul Andrew ........36,211,257,3 19 Wagenschutt, Roben ..............................329 Waide, Kenneth J ohn ..................237, 234 Walcott, l\fary Louise ...................... 173, 319 Waldram, Sharon ................. 150. 169,329 Waldron, Harvey Macy, Jr . .................... 319 Walker, Gene Craven ...................... 237, 319 Walker, Cordon Kendall ................ 139, 149 Walker, Lewis De ......................227, 319,329 Walker, Phyllis Louise .................... 175. 319 Walker, Polly Anna ............................ 25, 26 Wall, Joseph George. Jr......................... 145

Wallace, Da' id Ranki n 118, 233, 329 Wallace, J erre Dale . 112. 134 Wallen, Sandra Lee ......... 24. 136, 185,340 Wallington, J oan Claire . .. 112, 181 ,340 Walser, Jud yth Ann ..... . ....... 187 Walser, Mary Louise ....... .. .. ... .... 187 Walter, Robert James ............. .. .. 115 Walters, .Jesse Raymond, Jr . .................. 135 Walton, Robert Lee .......... 201.264,267,3 19 Wanamaker, Sandra Elain ... 169, 319 Ward, Emmett Garrison ... 195, 340 Ward, j oan ........................ 113, 181,319 Ward, T heron Winthrop .. 135,201,329 Warner, Vicki J o .............. 177,340 Warnst~om, Eleanor Ann 187, 319 Wa~ren, Robert Stuart ..... 237 Warren, Sharon Ann .. . .159, 319 Watenpaugh, Keith Donald 116,227,340 Waterman, Linda Rae ...... .149, 17 1 Watson, Carroll Michael . 201,286,340 Watwn, Daniel Robert. J r . ............... 146 W~tson , Larry Eugene ..... .. ............. 209 Watts, Roger James .......... 205, 248, 265, 319 Watts, Warren Steven .................... 145, 319 Waxmonsky, Ra ymond Warren .... 23 1,3 19 Waymire, Gary Ralph ..... . .......3 19 Wea\e~. Robert Charles 215,3 19 Weaver, Sharon L ynne .... 143, 179,340 Webb, Delbert J ohn ...... . 237,329 Webb, Paul Hi rst .......... ........ 199,3 19 Webber, Lyle Gilbert ........... .......... .36 Webster, james .\llan ........... . ...........319 Weed, Patty Ann .......... ....... 117, 185,329 Weeks, Phyllis Rae ...... 167, !129 Wecs, Charles Patrick ....................... 159 Weide, Edward Louis .................... 201, 329 Wcigell, ancy Jan e .............................. 189 Wciszhaar, Catherine Ann . . ................ 19 1 Welch, Peter Louis .. 11 4, 130. 134, 137, 197 Welker, Nancy j ane ......... ....... 175, 340 Weller, William Floyd .. ........ .. ....... 145 Wells, Wade Glen, li ...... .. ..... 135 Wcndle, Bruce Clinton ..........................24, 132, 133, 231, 319, !l-10 Wcndle, Chud Richard ...... .. ... 219 Wcndle, .\lark William ..... ....... 219,329 West, Patricia Lee ....... .167,340 West, Paula j oanne ....... .. 11 3, 189 West, Robert Elmer ... .................25 Westfall, Dwayne Gene .. 148,203,329 WestOn, Coralie Da vis .. ......... 11 3, 138 Westwood, Judith Ann .. 26, 136, 167 Whitaker, Morris Duane ................ 237, 340 Whitby, Larry Harold ......... 146,24 1,3 19 White, Cassa ndra Joyce ................ 175, 319 White, Edward Allen .......... ... .. ....... 319 White, Lynn Ann ............... 159, 173,329 White, Richard Wallace ......................... 25 White, Sammy Ron ......... .. ....... 199, 340 White, Terence Meh in .......................... 138, 140, 143, 209, 305, 3 19 White, William Humes ..................209, 340 Wh ilchcad, T ryphena ;\lary 127, 185,329 Whitten Marcy Kay ....... 136. 146, 187,340 Whittet, Carol Margaret .. .... 181, 319 Wicklund, J ohn Marvin .. , ........ 129, 215 Wicks, J erem y Peter ....... .. ..... 193, 329 Wickward, David Mark ..... ... .. ............ 145 Widdifield, Ri chard Cordon .. ........ 215 Widdi field, Robert Fra nk ....................... 215 Wiks, David Lo uis, J r . ................ 221, 330 Wilbanks, Sally Sue ... ............. 183,330 Wilcomb, Anita Gail ... ............ .... 171,340 Wilcox, Charles Merrill ..... ... .. .......... 319 Wilde, Max Glen ......... .......... ......340, 213 Wilde, Thomas J esse .. ......... ............ 145 Wildig, Dama Lee ...... .... ..... ... 183,213 Wiley, Susan Carol ..... .132, 185 Wilkins, Sherry Anne . ... 173,330 Williams, Anita Louise Koskella ..........319 Williams, Geraldine Lcc.. l38, 147, 150,320 Williams, Larry Lynn ............. 145, 237, 330 Williams, Lyndall Irene ................. 171,330 Williams, Michael Neal ......... 134,201,330 Williams, Patricia Ann ... ................. 191 Williams, Rola nd llcnry ..36, 248. 265, 27 1 Williams, Roy Warren ...............227, 320 Williams, Ruland Neeley .... 193 Williams, Susy Ann .... ............... 189


\Villiams, ' J homas hor .. 199 Williamson, Larry l-IO\•'ard .....205 Williamson, Robert Leslie. Jr. .. 221,320 Willis, William Allen .. .. ... .........340 Willmore. George Arliss .. ..............135 Willms, Ra)lnond llarn ... "201, 330 ............... .173 Wills, Marcia Wra) Wilmuth, 1ancy Ca)le 141 , 179,320 Wilson, Elinor ...... .. .. 146. 174,340 Wilson, Margy Ann Sus\ ............. 187. 330 Wilson, :\£arilyn Ca) . ... .. .......... 187. 340 ............. 25. 160 Wilson, Willard Lee Wimer, Ronald LeRo) ..... .. .........229. 330 Winegar, Mary Elise .............. 143. 146, 175 Winiarski, Lawrence Decler ..... 240, 340 Winter, Stephen LeRO) ........... 240 Winterowd, Sharon Ray . ................ 146 Winterstein, Carl Walter .... ..... 240, 340 WinLcler, Don 13eymer ................ 201. 330 ..................320 Wisdom, Harold Walter . Wise, Ronald llarold .. 137, 145,201,340 Wisenor, Richard Wayne ........................ 197 Wishard, Mary Beth ................................ 148 Woelfel, Lorna Louise ..................................25, 112, 181. 311, 330 Wohlet7, Jlarbara .Joan ............................320 Wohlet7, Dorothy Baker .......................... 175 \Vol£, Wendell Corry .... ..36, 225, 320 Wombolt, Jeffrey Ceor~re ......... 193. 275 Wonser, Gail Pauline . .. ........ 187, 330


\Vood, Catherine Ann 112 Wood, Cora Jean . .. l.i9. 187,340 .. .. .. 133. 231 Wood, Edward Thomas Wood, Lola Jeannine .. 179,330 Wood, ~Iarie Louise .... 21,117,173,330 Wood, Steven Kent 133 Wood, Stillman Wa)ne 229,320 Woodall, J>arker Glenn .. 36, 118, 210. 330 Woodbury, Laurence Orlo .......................................... 134, 137, 231, 310 Woodbury, Lonn) Eugene .......................................... 112, 148, 210, 310 .. ....... 285 Woods, Alden Lee . Woods, Isabel Jean .... 112. 113, 169 Woods, Mary Margaret ...340 Woody, Bruce Glenn .. ...... 19·1. 340 Woofter, Darrell Gene 193,276,280.330 .. 135, 330 Woolverton, Cary Franklin Woolverton, Pixy Rae ... . .. 179 Worsley, David l\'£anning ........................320 Worsley, Sandra Lynn ............................. 175 Wright, Arlene Joan ................................ 1!11 Wright, Barton Elmer ................ 235, 330 Wright, Cary £·trl .................222, 320, 340 Wright, Cary Lee ............. .. .. ... 219 Wright, J ames Reuben .. 25,2 15,320 Wright, J on Da vid .......... ... .. 235 Wubker, Warren William .. • .. 197, 330 \Vunderlich, Gerald Robert . ...... .. ....36 Wunderlick, Judith Marie 187 Wyatt, Da vid Richard ... .135, 195,320

Wyatt, Frank Leopold ......... 197,285,320 Wydrazycki, Leonard Chester ................ 141 W)lie, Marilyn Aldene .................... 183, 330 y

Yager, ,\mold William ... ....... 129, 149 Yahraes. Joseph Kent , III ................ 205. 340 Yates. Herman Ray .................... .. 112. 240 Yearsley. Robert Earl ... ............. 144 Yockey, J oy Darlene ...... .... 191 , 340 229 York, J ames Walter ............. Yoshida, Ann Mieko ................ 130.187,340 Young, Clarence Robert ................237, 320 Young, Laurence Dean .................... 199, 320 Young, Linda Ann ............................ 173, 330 Young, Robert Reese ..... .. ...137, 112 Young, Virgil Monroe ........ ... 228, 320 Youngstrom, Mary Elizabeth ...... 181, 330 Yount, Maxine Louise .............................. 189 Yount, Roger Earl .................................... 330

z Zabel, Edwina Leigh ........ 127, 160, 181,310 Zachary, Rita Jane ................... 150, 175,330 Zander, James Cary ..................................205 Zimmerman, J ack Frederick .. 145, 231, 330 Zuberbuhler, Rudolph Ulrich .............. 207 Zwitter, Ronald Paul .............. 199,28 1.330

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