1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 1




editors: GlJyTuson

"d Cathy Brewer

associate editors: Linda lamb Audrian Huff Warren Reynolds

the university af idaba路 maSlaw , idaba



lED IDD Talking with a favorite instructor ... Playing bridge at the SUB ... Chatting with friends on Hello Walk ...

These exemplify college life at Idaho; thus to

the alumni, who have inspired the valued tradition of friendliness, we dedicate the /961 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS.


Ean en !i

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organizations __

Page 17


_ Page 65


_ Page 135


_ Page 185


_ Page 265


_ Page 293


Scenic buuty ...!cornu f,uhm.n to the Univ.nity of Id.ho campu.




d" lurrOlln

• • re auil.

.bl. lo r •• ch t wid ...1 ;nt••••.



Inlormllity .eign1...• Or. Theaphil..s end dudenlt dil' cuu school ....lIlts ... Sellaal spirit ;1 displey.d .f th. D.d'. De., relly _ •. A ••• ioll' moment when politics ent.r our minds ...





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G ••du.tion - Senio" leave with fond memo.ie' 01 the put .nd .nticipetion of the fun.,e.


--.. 4



organizations ASUI Publications Service Honoraries Committees Clubs Churches




BRUCE McCOW.... N P•••id.nl

Under the competent leodership of President Bruce McCowan the Associoted Students of the University of ldoho experienced one of its most successful yeofS. Bruce, the elected represento'ive of the entire Student Body. presented the students' views to the f<'lcully lind Ildministration in his diplomatic end efficient mllnner. As ch"jrmon of the Executive Board, he stressed the importance of providing <'l better meens of student representlltion, on understllnding focufty-student rel"tions progrom, and lin efficient balonce between academics and cl!Impus ~rticjpation. Throughout college, Bruce has maintoined notllble "cademic tlchievement while plIrticiptlting in numerous cllmpus activities. His most outstonding ochievements were; Freshmen end Sophomore CI<'Iss President, Du~e of IK s, Vice-President of Phi Et<'l Sigm<'l, <'I member of Silver Lence. Blue Key end Pi G<'Imm<'l Mu. He <'lIsa pl<'1yed on the Frosh <'Ind V<'Irsity B<'Isketb<'l1l te<'lms end served his Fr<'lternity, Bet<'l Thet<'l Pi, <'IS Pledge CI<'Iss President. We <'Ire <'III proud of Bruce, for no one could h<'lve been <'I more dedic<'lted or underst<'lnding le<'lder, or <'I truer friend end represent<'ltive of the students, th<'ln our president, Bruce McCowen.


lOW ONE--C.lh, I,....,. 6., rUlOn. lo,u W... II.I. "un t.lcCo.. u. Joh. Fih<;l.,.ld. J.,•. I •• h.mu..... t.l.'<;I.,.1 r.lko. lOW TWo---G.,lh s...." lob AI••• rod." 6.,.., l.rod.lI. lob t.l.... E'.f." &.ily, .iII ~ .. I.y. Lloyd T.ylo,. J.". W.II.c •• Dick I .... Jim t.lull ...

Executive JOHN Fln6UALD ASUI Viu-" ..id ••'



CHAlLES HTEISON F.cully Ad •••o,

'ob A•••••d.,


Ev.,.11 &.ily


This year's Executive Bollrd, consisting of five United party members and four Independent pllrty members, worked under the cllpllble lelldership of ASUI President Bruce McCowan. Among the Ilctivities sponsored by the Executive BOllrd were Freshmen Orientation, Admissions Counseling. Homecoming, Dlld's Day, 8100d Drive lind Senior Doys. The third annutll Student·Ftlculty retreot held in October tit Cllmp Lutherhllven, following the theme of "Success in the Sidies," provided the neceSS/lry tltmosphere. This topic WIlS designed to encourage 0 common ground of understonding between the students tlnd faculty members. The obied of the Executive Board has been to develop better communiCtltions between faculty. University students tlnd their parents. The Student-Fllculty reo treat complemented this aim by providing lin opportunity for communication between student leoders I!nd fllculty. This yellr the Student Representative Assembly WIIS orgl!nized to enhllnce the communiclltions between the students lind student lellders. The State of Idllho learned IIbout the problems of the University through the work of the Students for 0 BeHer University who especially supported the Bonded Indebtedness Issue. Congrtltulations to the 1960-61 Executive Board for an extremely successful yellr.

Student Union Under the Ilble direction of Gille Mix. the Student Union Building hils completed lin outstllnding yellr. Chllrmlline Fihgerllid co-ordinllted the vllried progrllm of the multitude of SUB committees. The building served liS the home of student publiClltions, ASUI. Illumni offices. KUOI lind Ilmple conference rooms for meetings lind conventions. Serving liS gllfhering pillces for students were the "budet" lind the "dipper." The hospitlllity committee. foreign films, publicity, decorllfions plus the mllny other functions of the Student Union -were cllrried out successfully due to the chllirmllnship of Bob Brown lind the co-operlltion of the mllny SUB committee members. BeClluse of interest building Ilctivities such liS Jllll in the Budet lind SUB Ilrf exhibits, the University Student Union WIlS rMked outstllnding in the West.

C ...,.... i... Fitz9...ld A"'d•• t &

1 pl.n ". J...... Iowlb, 1 104 9 .

Student Union •..,.el.,i eo..lie Wenon .1Id h.e p fiund.1 ,...",d•.

lut~ ...".

6.1e 104.,. 6 ......1 104.... 9.. ASUt ...d Stvdent Un,OfI 0_.11_.




composed of chairmen

of eoch of the mll;n A$UI committees.

Its members interviewed students and selected those best qu"lified for positions on the vorious A$UI committees. John Fillt,.f.ld, 1m Colli." lob Schum.k.., Ilu,he 11.,h., Cliff Schoff. Get, C.r1", •• Rob.,t YOU"<).

FRESHMEN ORIENTATION New students were introduced to the University of Idaho through the activities of this committee headed by G"ry Carlson.

A get·ocquIlinted mixer c1i-

mexed the week of octivities.

FIRST ROW_Du"n'" D..tfy. s..wn lu'lw'l., .0.0;1. Smith, Vivie. Dieh......... 0, H.n.f. Jill "",,,,Hhi... Dotu bld,Icl._, H.0"J D ,..... SECOND IQW--e.cil ~_d. &tfid. Ji", Ok....... 6.,., c.,ho., Did H...i., nip F....och. Go, Wich.

"'',.il. nil""

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Keith Gregory headed this committee whose main fundion was to increase the interest in the University of Idaho Ilmong high school students. The committee sent mtlter;1l1 about the University to students in order to encourllge them fo Ilftend Senior Dllys in the spring. S~hedle'. ,., Kell,. Vi.i.. Dk~e",o'e. I.,· b.,. II.it. Lind. Herndon. And, J_.'en. Keith G,~. lob ' ..... 9. John G.",boL

O<I •• e



ASUI Committees HOMECOMING This A$UI committee, he.:aded by Bob Schumllker, made the bosic plans fOf Homecoming_ Among the trllditionaJ festivities were the parade. football

gll.me"and dance, "That Old Gang of Mme. FRONT IOW_ldoM IC.U0<;I9. Joody W..'wood. lob SChu.... l ... lutled,., C.",ill. lACK .OW-l....... btt T....., Jim Ok.-o", Cu "lind, John F.,i•.




DAD'S DAY Under the chtlirmenship of Bill Collins, the Dod's Day committee set to work plllnning II weekend for Do!Id to remember. There were house decorlltions, tl

beard contest llnd the weekend.


donee to highlight

FRONT ROW_ldo... K.n09"', hlh O.IC." lo4." Wi ..., •• , Iwbtol Wood" ••1 K.lly. lACK 10W_ o.u 6'oo....a,..h. lill CoW .... JoIwI ,,-"no NOT ,tCTUUo-JlOd, Aldo~.

BLOOD DRIVE It is the fundion of the Blood Drive committee to solicit blood from cempus living groups. Blanche Bleche heeded the verious commiHees whose combined efforts mede the Blood Drive" success egein this yeer.

FIONT IOW-hebel Wood" J ....y Ki",hl,om. Ruth Dehy. Ile.che _lltChe. lo4e,., ".. DeUoo. Vi.ie. Dickemo,e, co.'.,e, Colli... I"CIt IOW-Jim Judd. G.,y Ced,o •. ~."1 Ju'e')";'


SENIOR DAYS High School seniors from all over Id.,ho and surrounding areas were introduced to the physic.al aspect of the University during the "nnu,,1 Senior Days. This ASUI committee, he"ded by Cliff Schoff, mode plans for" SUB Open House to be held in connection with the C<lIrnpus tour.

1I0W ON&-'., hll,. Clift Sd"'fl. Id"". bll<><J'. lOW TWO-1m 10_. . .,...., S."lIolfl. bith G<eq. ~.

SUB PROGRAM COUNCIL This group. under the direction of Bob Brown,


the significont factor

behind till activities held in the Student Union Building. The council wtlS pri_ mllrily concerned with the development,

co·ordinetion lind opertltion of the en· tire t1divity progrtlm. ROW ONE-W.II~ Swan, lob Sl •• i~. Mo"i, &id· KIn. , ..1 b .. ~i.nik. lob ',own, ROW TWo-F,u h"'.d .... Dick $liI ••, Vi.... Dkk.mo,., 104,· 00 ...11. Syl.l. Wy.tt. No"i. No.m ••. Dick h ••. G•• y Mi,~ ..I. ROW THREE-D... Pu",~. 1( . . . . St.dtI.ld. S~••o. Hou<~. G • .., M•••lII•. C ••ol E-."o. h.· b.,. S•• d.. Ell•• Mo.", ••. htty C~ipm.., S~ ••o" W...... Suo." Rutl"'", •. NOT P1CTURED-S •• Gi ...•



STUDENT UNION BOARD Functioning as an advisory committee for the operation of the Student Union, the Board formulates all policies and regulations of the Student Union Build· ing. This group acts in an advisory capacity for expansion plans. ROW ONE-CIwo.....i... T....... ill. Fih ld. SIwo..... W...... 1(.,. . St"'''.ld. M.,1C>fI F..I __, c.rol E-.",. ROW TWo---fr.cI W;.'Iar, Did Ita,.., utry C.Ioiprowtl, D;<~ SI1I.., 100 '.0_. G.1e 104;.. I(...... t~ Okk, Cu.l.. O'Ck....







The 1961 Gem of fhe Mountains became" reality after many months of arduous work by the enthusi"stic students who were on the stllff. The steff members went through many frustrllting situ",lions during the slow evolution from dummy to finished product. breathing" sigh of relief every time" P<'Ige WtlS relldy to be sent to the printer. But the end product 90ve " grellt deel of reword end satisfaction to those who worked in the Gem offices on the third floor of the SUB. They felt that. in building" permtlnent record of 1960 Md 1961, the gaol of the Gem had been carried out. The Gem's purpose is to present the Id"ho student with" review in picture lind story of the highlights of the year's activity: educotio"al, cultural and social life. as well as personalities who vitolize every phase of campus life. Although the rood wos not olwoys smooth. the staff come to the end s"tisfled thot they had ta~en a journey that was worthwhile.

A.lOCi.t. Edilon-Avclrl.n Hull'. W.".n hynold •. lind. l.",b.


Gem of the Mountains



ACADEMICS STAFF h,...,Id.. (di_:


A","'; Di_ Shorts: An.


ACTIVITIES STAFF Ke, I.onl.; ,., 1.011.,: K., Qw Jo H.nd

Edit...; Vi"i ••• Cope; .

RESIDENCES STAFF C.tot,n V•• t: '.t.r Wue.h. Sh.,on 6'91;; Norm•• IC.II" C••ol Such,".: Tom Ei •• nb•• lh, Edi'...; Jo lope': K.IIty _od.Il,



Gem of the Mountains


C....d'.'; lill W.y'; J.o"" IKkwilh, hf;to<; ...... t;. k"'wilh; AJln 'hili""

ORGANIZATIONS STAFF Julie Stricklin9: s.m. 6.11 .....,: Judy Conklin. EditO<j T.n. H... i.; Unde Willi.mo.



K.o•• n SMith; Key Irwin; Wooly_toe: 1<04..., l<>oo hylo<. Edi ....; Min;~nt H*'i!.t.dt; Und. IGn...,.



..,b.,. Sliv.... lill

G.,.oc~. • nd

S.II, Jo N.I .... look 0'.' pktyr....ith A''lI0n.yt ....d pholo'll'.p"', W.II John"" •.


s...... '-<'

An Spil.... W_', Editor; l .. To . .."" .tod S!l4o'on unu, Edito .


Copy St.If-Jvd, Ch.p'., Di.... H;II; s.u, Jo N.I""n .nd '.,b.,. Stlv.... Co· Edito...

The Idtlho Argontlut reked in a shere of prizes from their preceding yeM's work, then went on to improve their product. Winner of the Sigmtl Delta Chi, professioMI journalism society, award for best editorials for the 1959-1960 ArgoMut, as well es second place in feeture stories tlnd third pltlC6 in sports writing ntltionally, the ArgoMut had a tough precedent to follow.


ARGONAUT Under Neil leitner, Jason for the first semester, llInd GllIry RllIndlllll, the second semester editor, the student newspaper made only slight innovations in their covert!lge, switching to more "interpretive" news style with regt!lrd to campus politics t!lnd other ft!lcets of college life, The previous yet!lr's mllikeup style, 1lI f1eJlible type of story placement, continued giving t!I professiont!ll touch to the product,

Spot" Edito<, Jim H...nd.....nd




Edito', s.cond S.",.,I...

N..... Sid', 104."'.11. AI N... Edi ...... locl, N.il

It"", I.ft to "'lbt, Ji", JKob.. Slow.,. McGuir., H...b Holliftqw: lilI G ••"'".H., _ Jc>hII Fo.


KUOI There is very little doubt th"t this was II top ye"r for KUOI. Student interest seemed to grow by lellPS end bounds, and <'lfter celebrllting its fifteenth birthdey. the stoff of over fifty students worked long ond h"rd lit setting S<!lils for "nother ivy-dod fifteen. With this I"rge stoff, and mMy new techniques "nd policies. over 110 hours of progremming were beamed to the students weekly from the studios on the third floor of the SUB. Students were kept up to dtlte "round the dod through the station's many news, interview, sports lind special events "ttractions. "Let's Heor It" with Carl Berry was the outcome of m"ny ide"s for bringing ClImpus opinion /Snd discussion into every Cllmpus ,"dio. "Sports in Action" with Bill Scholes. "Seventh-Hour Symphony" with Jene Rudmon, Executive Bollrd lind SRA "Count-down' with Jene Wllllllce lind Mike Willillms lind "Six Eight Jllutime" with Jim Brown, liS wetills "JIlZZ in the Bucket," "Billbollrd," "Pllcesetter News," "The l lind M Newscllst" lind the Public Events lecture series were 1111 populllr vllriety shows during the yellr. Keeping these progrllms going on II dllily schedule needed more thlln mllnpower to be successful. Although no new equipment WIlS purchllsed, mllny dollors were spent in replliring the old ond plMning for the new. One of KUOI's biggest proiects of the yellr WIlS the development of II new distribution system on Cllmpus, For mMy yellrs, the stlltion hlld been using II simple twostrMd line running oround the Cllmpus to cllrry the sigMI to the living group rlldios, but this yellr SIlW II new device being instlllted, thllt of specilllly constructed tronsistor tronsmitter locllted in ellch house ond connected to the Stilt ion by 0 three mile long network system. With the new system lind pIlrt of the old still in use, 011 but one living group WIlS Ilble to pick up the station. Next year, and for mllny thereafter, "listen .. , and you shall hear:'


KUOI STAFF ROW ONE-I(.lhy Mill." F,u F."lon, J"dl T"W., 0 ... '.110., J.". W.II •••, lill C.mpb.lI, J".nit. Wy.lt, Sh.i1. M<D•• ill, J.n. R"ollm••. ROW TWORon G.lb,.ilh, LARor 1(.11099, Joh. C.nl.I.. F,ed 0110 lob V.,mill1o., Juk Whilmu, Joh. Sko,o. ROW THREE-lob hyl...., lob Ril.y, &.,y H.nd.,_ so•• Sl••• SI.I.y, Vi. S.omp.o•• G..., Smilh, Hi.odorl, I(u Rid.y. ROW FOUR-liII Cobbl., Tom lItOIW'd. M....llI O.h, Juk 1'0401(.1..,. 6." Cion•• All.. MoC.b., EU9." H.,d.,.






Sec'.'.d... Anile


$v.. C.,I,on ..<I

eM", Jo.... keep up with ,"-



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oO ..

C.,I 8...,..., Int.,...r.ws 1ol.,;I," t.l •• li" On H o.' Itl"


Clledin, 0".' equip.....' i. 6.,lh Ei........ Chi.f EM,i._.

KUOI MANAGEMENT STAFF ROW ONE-O.v. '.lIon. No...; K.thy t.4iU..., hco«lo; woOn.,.., 1.4••• , •• ; Judi Tulll., ConH"ulty; John C...ltl., Publicity. ROW TWO-Fred 0110. A""ou"u..; ....b V.rmillion. "0<),.",,,,1"'1. NOT r1CTUUo-Io'Iik. Wil· Ii.",., Production; Jut Whitm.., hmot•• ; C....ry Jon.... m ••I ••I.I; 6.,th Elm..., &09;'




AWS COUNCil .0 ONE-I,.MI. I,ow~, M I,w'ft. lI.oeM II.eh., io<i. N..I, dy;.or; '9.'.1 T.olko. Oi ... No<db, ......r' J.ur'"'lui. I.Y.,I, P.ol. Lil .... ,.ft.... J.ftie. C,.n• . •OW lWO- nn Yo.hid •. Ro_u Eikum, Lo" "'odor. Und. Clow. lim. Somm..... Shirl.., c.,i.l. Judy Br.d.n .., B,ll•• Lind. L.mb. Sh.ron Houe~. L.· 0 .... R...,..., Id.... L.........., •• Vidi Viet, Fi........... rilyn tin. Jo,u Lilll.'on. Gin9.' Coli'... J.n. Johft.oft.



BLANCHE BLECH .... l,.........


The Associ"ted Women Students of the University of Id"ho. under the c"p"ble IMdership of President M"rg"ret T"tko, e~perienced " busy "nd successful yetJr. The president of every women's living group on c"mpus "C+s "s " represent"tive, while "II women students l'It the University <'He members. The group serves es e council to esteblish ond coordiMte the stMderds of 011 its members. Pions were initio ted to orgonize 0 culturl'll progrom for 011 women. Executive members of AWS sent gifts to the Stete Hospitel North for their Christml'lS service project.

.... .... RY J.... UREQUI


O..... NN NORDI' Vie.·"...id...1


Mortar Board Mortar Bo.!Ird. the senior women's honorary, chooses its members on the

btlsis of scholarship, leadership, and service rendered to the University. President Liz Misner directed the proiects including the freshmen women's study progrllm lind the selling of "I" mums tit Homecoming. Outstanding junior women ore

topped for this honorary "t the May Fete etlch spring.

CoMi. Ilod Alloft Ioh,il," t.4 ..,I;n

Judy 1<.0<:\..

i0oi.,1,.. HU'lMt


lil ..........

.....1, ' .. wl

Kot•• Slwdtf.ld

C.,oI,. 1(<0<11.., Kohnlopp W_lhtl


Silver Lance Junior men who have maintained high scholtlstic achievement while actively porticip.'lting in ctlmpus lletivities are eligible for membership in Silver lance, the senior men's honortlry. New members of this organization tire tapped during the end of their junior yellr lit the MllY OllY festivities.

6o<don eM,t.,

hndy Litton


Spurs The members of this sophomore women's honofllry ore chosen each yeo!lr on the basis of schoillstic lIchievement, "c+ivities lind service. Advised by Miss Carol Ford, Spurs may be seen in their fllmili"r white uniforms ushering tit gllmes, delivering ballots, moving freshmen in lind performing innumerllble ttlsks "round the compus. Their motto is lllwlIyS "At Your Service," plus tI friendly smile. A great de,,1 of work lind tI gre"t detll of fun--this is Spurs.

Rowen. Elhm .nd of Spun, loo~ 0'"


Ile,h., Nell..n.1 Vice.Pr.,ident

. . .lion.' ....,d 'liven 10 , ... 1<I.bo ,h.-pte•.

ROW ON&-Iluch. Ilech., "0",1....,,1. ., M." Wi ••." ••, Oi."". H.n••, Rowu. Eikum, h". Vi,k.rmu, Coo., 600dwin, Judy Libby, "'i.. e.,ol Fold, Ad_l.o•. ROW TWO-Sue C.rnili., DI ••• Sop.r, Judy O.. nl." C.'oF,n Clo<., lu,h D.K." C.,ol lll>d.m." . .,b.,. H."' ...n, A'dith ClI4o~, Jo, Edw.,d" El Un.ld.,. lOW fHlEE--lk>bb. . . .,IMI, Ann Knowllon. Jilt 1<o4."h'••, Vidi '.1....'. N.IIC' Vo"k., K.'b, fbo...p M.,., Ann D.IIoft, n.... "", . .,b.,• •1••" JoMI, Stich." lind... 1<04_11....



Fall came early for the IK's with rush activities and the semiannual book sale. A~ the year progressed the Sophomore honorary served at football games, organized the Homecoming Parade, collected for the Cancer Drive and ushered at the many basketball games. Highlighting spring activities was the National IK conven· tion in April. Traditions also found their way into the group's busy schedule as IK's completed plans for the Miss University of Idaho pageant and operated the varsity basketball score· board. New Intercollegiate Knights were introduced to their duties through the Blood Drive. This year's sophomores c1i· maxed their work at a banquet with the Spurs.


TERRY MIX ~, ••id.nl

Gr.. ,i., ....w h ••h....n .r. IK W•••k Sl.in .nd spu' lowu. Eik .....

lOW ONE-SI.n No<.ll. 0 ....... AJlr.cl. L«ry H'~b. Ji... OhlOn, lill Hobd,. T......, lo4i•. lilI 104 ..." •• I ... HOOI,M.I... lOW TWo-Jo,,", A.~t.." •• D.... 6,0 b.o~1. 1001 J _•• Chu~. W.i,M, IlID 1.1fi.,I<wI, lill low.., J'... H..ftdon, 6.,., <:.,1""•• G G........ C,o", S'.n Ell ••• lob Tun.ielifl, K.'lh H_"',. ROW THREE-h'. G.oo..., To CO.~, 104 •• o..w•. 6_,. Hi,.i. K.ith 6'.,0<,. 0 ••• Ri~"',. 6 •• ,-," "m'....n•. wa., O.c.rli. ROW FOURCu..... G..... lilt ~, ....,. G.n. G••,. John Fo', N.il ~.u'...n, CI.,•• ~. Ch.p....n. Chuck Rob••hon. ",n., S•••holh. J .... i. lo4orfill, Oi~k G,.,. Ji... 104.'~.lf. Iru~. Will. 0 ••• lo4uU.I,. 6." Cu •• in,h..... Ron How.,d. ROW FIVE-Eddi. Wood. St.v. Lin~ol•. F OUo. Lor.n lUll •• , Joh. F."i •. O.,win N.I .... , W...k Sl.in, Don Nul. Dick ...d. Ed E, CI,d. T.upp, Ir.~. G,nn., Joh. S~hw.t'., Ku S... ith.



Pan Hellenic Made up of the president, rush chairmen. and one other delegate from each sorority on campus, Pan Hellenic worh with the Dean of Women in formul",ting rush policies and in achieving cooperation lind better relations between the sororities. An informal semester rush was conducted by this group for the first time this year. The group also proposed a Pan Hellenic schol<'lrship for en upperclassman sorority woman, and they held Il joint meeting with the Interfraternity Councif to coordinillte Ilctivities of the

two groups.


ROW ON~uody I,.dn. h,b.,. 11.", In ~Id.n. Hlly Jo N.I..,n, Jo,u lillt.lon. C..-ol H.ncy I..ch. Undo G.llin. ROW lWo-M"n. 1"9'."'. J ... ic. C<_. Row ... Eik "1,,, .... 'tin. lil ... i , H"' .... Tip JO>d, Ubby. .OW TH.E~ Joh,,· _ . Ginq« COlti.... lilli. Sommer.. H.... y Olld. ~nn I",In. 1''''J.n. Id..... l ..... _ •.



Junior Pan Hellenic Junior Pan Hellenic is composed of the freshman pledge closs president lind one other freshman representotive from each sorority. Its purpose is to ocquaint freshmen women with the work of the Pan Hellenic Council end to help with P"n Hellenic projects. This group worh to promote better rel"tions between the freshman sorority women by "cqu"inting them with ellch other lind with ellch other's problems. JUDY BROWN " ..id•• '


OHE--r. H."I•• klty Jo Gla.b,. M<co II. 1o‫ס‬i ....... G,....nd•• JUN Ed· Lou'. .ich..-d.. .OW lWo-Juody IrOW,.. Unda Wil..,,.. J .... t K.,t.... ly"", Hil· fil , c.tt..ri ... 'ow.lI. S...... "'nold, J.... Mill h,b.,. Cla,k, N."cy • ..dolph. C.,ol .ill.b" J.y~. W.II.<•. J~k;.



Interfraternity Council The president and one other representative from e/llch fraternity on C/llmpus serve on the Interfraternity Council. Their purpose is to discuss issues concerning the men's Jiving groups, trying to cre/llte /lI beHer understanding between the various houses. In 19bO--b1 the group's projects included revising the constitution. holding a spring retre/llt, /lind hosting the Northwest Region/lll Convention of Interfraternity Councils.

BOB KELLER P,•• idnt

lOW ON £,......Dick t.lin••. lob Yo"n<). Ed DU"'. Skip Fr.""h. Jo"," P•• l-r. John kckwith. D.n ......ff. TOM .... cF.r1.nd. CO.,y C.r1...... lob hll«. lOW TW~...ry CO.,tI••. T~ kl. I.my. t.l • ...a.1I Smith. 6o<d... Elliot. .ill t.ldl••I". N.il Poul..... lob AI••• nd Jo.... 6.mbl.. I. D. s."'P""'. Jim t.l d.nd . P.I. 1(.lIy. Vu<)hn &trick. J.. Eo..... 6..., Wicb. A,hl_. lOW THIEE-li.ry H I, s.m Coll.ff. O.y. Fr.I.... J...I ~ y litto•• T...-, t.li•• O_i. N.I...... l .. To_· ..nd, Jill 10-.. .on Hou<)ltt.li., 104.......11 H.-d. Jim .od<).... t.lill P.to<..... ..1ph t.l • .,..

Junior Interfraternity Council Elich fraternity on campus sends one freshm/lln represent/lltive to the meetings of the Junior Jnterfrllternity Council. The group seeh to foster cooper/lltion Ilmong the fraternity freshmen on campus lind to acqullint them with the workings of the Interfrllternity Council, helping that group with its projects.

JIM SCHEEL ........."1

lOW ONE-"','Y N.I ...... Jim SciIMl. 'ill ••II."ty.... lOW twO-Tom ~ ...d, Jill 60... Did Po....... Ct.l. &lck_. Dick Min... Adyi_; "II S.lIiy.... lob byookh, hith 1('1,,.,..... Willi.,., E. All."••lII Jonki,,", b.1 SMith. Jim Sp,,,.II•.



lOW ONE-.....,k Ad ..........qi..;. SI.od., S~. c..... fi., O."jd EY . 1_.1d Th•• be<. G.fl. S iIl, J_ Holli",... I.'ph loot.\". lOW TWo--o•• id Sp,o.. e... GIll<! . <).... D••id lid'.f. G.'1' O. H · JOM l. Fro••• Jim P••'i", Go.do" W.lh.. F•..:! F.id•. ROW THREE-T H.y"••. G ••• ld Sp.ul., O•• id , O.,,;d Sh,tl.ff. LItO".,d Elli •. R..<)., H.".... C.cil G. St.lly••. D.,wi" v. 0 ..... B,od, Co""li".



He"rinq speeches by profession"ls "nd w"tching films concerned with buildings "cqu"inted members of AlA with their chosen profession. This group, oper"ting on " student level. is lIssocillted with the MtioMI AmeriClln Institute of Architects. As president of the group, Gordon W"lker found his term very rewllrd· ing liS he tr"veled to W"shington. D.C.• for the nlItion,,1 convention.

Blue Key ROW ONE-o •• id f,.il. Se..11 Culp, J.d Gio,di"<), Did N.il..". J ... looteF.r1..d. '.t. K.lly, Roh.,t Sehi"i. Oiell R.... ROW TWO-L."y Woodb~'J. V..<)h" E.trid, Bill P•• I.y. G.o,,,,. Ch'i.t....". M.,k Hoi· b'ook, Bob Schum •••', N.il L.i!"." R..dy LillO", P..I K,o",u., r."y Iooti., G.,'h S...... ROW THREE-Bud MeOo~<) •• , O~.". AII ••d, Bob O.hl, G." R.ottd.U, To"y hll.my. Jim Oil.",", lob B,ow". B,~u Mc· CO".", Go'do" •• Ch••t••. Joh" Fil1<).,.ld, lill Colli"•.


Blue Key, the n"tion,,! junior men's honorllry, is comprised of stu· dents who h"ve been outstanding in schol"rship. "c+ivities. ond servo ice to the school. The "ctivities of Blue Key included the compiling of the K"mpus Key, the student index. "nd the sponsoring of the Blue Key T"lent Show.


Hall Council


Ulld. Ly." 1-10"_. " dul; "tty AMI....... Stul... S""t!l, J•• Luh AI•• hi.cl ....... Uri Hi.h., lOll Helclo.., lic"'''' H •••"', 0...... E.. UI· ...., o..vid W.lI l.«ry TI . • .,• .o1d Jo Ji... $10' .



The Residence Hell Council worked et promoting better relotions between the independent living groups on cempus. This orgonizetion, composed of two representatives from eoch hllii. is in its third yeer.

Bench and Bar

Membership of the Bench Md 81lr is mo!lde up of the student body Md the fecully of the College of Lew. The members have the opportunity to become tlcqullinted with the extensive low librery end fo honor the honor code for I"w exams.

, lOw ONE--l..o,.-,



c•• ;~

1(000..... 0,.,' At~in...". 0."", F.""",-". J..., W•• ton, 'rnid."I; Ge•• ,",cCoJ. Jim D.f. l ..d.1I Fr.clrich. J..." Ouu.. ROW rwO-CI ..d. T.t.. k.lI.y A,. nold. kU".I~ Rud.lI. E'k Wil_ ~.Im.o". Tony P.,k. P.ul McC.b•. St... loll.,. Tom N.I.on. $1 ••• hu".,. lob koon". J.... W.I_ I.,•. RHd lo....n. Sh.'m Hibb.,t. Chuck H.,••,. Ch.,I., Po....... Ed H.lmk.. R09" Und....-..od. ff..d Rin9'. Jim "nn.tt., .... ih c_ Hi<:lo..I•. Did W.._ . $1 _ ..n. Sot ko"...... Amlho.y H.J.Rk ".1. Chuck W_II.nd: D.,. n Thi.J. 0 ....11 104 .... iIl.



Campus Union


ROW ON&-Lo,.-, ,",,,..... <, " •• i_ denl: H.,old Schill,.", Rob.,t J. 1'OU"'i!. H.nq ••",boo.Y. ROW lWo-N...." , ... t .... Lind. Cro,. Kiwi, AU•• , Fred. Scllmid. Jud, Stid....,. lobby hpP4', lett, lOW 'HU~I.u S P. T....,. To", lYlKh, J Mod, IC.,. 'owell, 0 E. little, SI.v. NMlnld. l, 1-10"-

AJod_... H........


The purpose of CUP, the newest politiclll porty on compus, is to elect people to ASUI positions ond to investigllte issues. This group strives for crOSS-ClImpU5 mem-

bership, representotion being formultlted on the bllsis of one representlltive per forty members.

United P"rty is orgonized for the purpose of promoting Md encoufo!lging

better government in the ASUI. Its Co!lUCU$. based on republic,," lind represented foundtJtions, is open to membership from ell orgonized groups on com pus.




lOW ONE-terry 104;1<, Slt_n K,f.a SMdIf.Id, Ou 51''',n, h ••id."I. lOW TWOSud, Crimp, 0...... Durt" c..... If" Corl.lt. Huth.r Hilt, Joel, Wi'';l.nd, 8onnl. McKay, Joun. John.".. R.mon. l'99. ROW THREE-S.II, Jo N.ts"., 0010••• Ho,m..,h.., low,n, Eihm, Coo~j Sooch';n, Sue 'hinn.y, Jim S••_. G....., Jo..... Frfll W... ru, D.... 'U91t, lOW fOUR-Gord.,., Elliott. 6,oom, lob EY.n., V.... Fr.nee, lict.Md 'hil ••b.9", M•• t Hod'll...... W.II, 5..... J.l;", ,.,....-, l.b.Hn .ilh, lob 0....1.., 6 • .., Mi'..... Phil D."i.., Ok. • .....





Outing Club The Outing Club pfllnned lind sponsored hikes and recreational trips throughout this lIreo. The club's primary fundion wes to help its members to gein full enioyment end Ilpprecitlfion from ldllho's scenic beeuty.

lOW ON~,.,. Wifti ••ki, Jon H~bt>.ll, ,ill Kroll. Dick Mill..., l .,. lied.... 1~...11 lo..".. lOW TWQ-Mo... OI..ft.N a. Jedy k""'ftft. Jodi G.rtl.nd. N.ncy ft. M_'lIft,.' Jo......... lOW THlE&--OcHwld D.nft. lill s....tt..ick, Dick Hod'llft. Jo'" Hook, Did "~",b."9h• ..... Will . loy CO.II......... lOW FOUI-oo.'II Hodqa. Alu F",.' . Torn M.lcol", lC;"'l. lob Mcc...'.... Ji", Sh..--ooi•. l'rftn~ o.vO'•.


Home Economics Club The Home Economics Club honors the fllcufty and seniors with II tea and sponwrs the "Mu,,1 Home Ec Dey. The club is composed of home economics mlliors who set up "etivi· ties for Home Ec students. ROW ON&-Elunor Unoick.r. Hi,lo,;.-: Wi.i',fll Unlick". Hcr.t.ry; C.,olyn K"dl.c. ".,id,n'; Su.onn. Shorn, Vico_ p,.,ide.l; Ann Morl. Beum, Be.erl, WoU.c•. Mi.. Jodi., Ad.;"". ROW TWO-<;.roi F.lk, Pot St •••no, Colo.. Moon, Judy Ol<on, 104.,,';." '.Imor, lind. Scovillo, Co,ol Thornock. ROW THREE-h. Ann Lor•.,.11.... 'oQ9J Jo 1.. p.r. Billi. Mu., H.le. Bo.,bon, Wood. 1..1, Joo. t.4i11.., Lilli,. Kip ,.,........ J ...., Spt•• q.r. SUI'

lo",. P.,."..,

'oil, ..,I...,

J... s.......-. "",'i•.

Young Democrats Young Democrllts. orgllnized to give Demoerlltic students on the Idllho com pus prlldicol knowledge of the Ameircen politicel system. corries out its purpose by studying end tolking obout Democr"tic philosophy. Highlights of 1960-61 included" t"lk on cempus by Ted Kennedy during the netionel presidentiol compolgn_

lOW ON~D~fta. E. lit/I •• li. Hof"'ftu. At Thi...... h ..._ elfta'. lOW TWo-Mft,ilYft H.,.th. C.IM"n. 'ow.ll. SMIl. ,",cDavitl, N.ac, '0'1.'. J~a. Ed •• 'eI •• Jad'. ,",cCoMall. lOW THRE~,",ftnh CO, .. ~nd•• Nanc, "mb..~. loba,t J. Y"~ft'll. lob Mo•. Judy Olooft. . .tty Jo COt..b,.


Civil Engineers President Lynn Kerby directed the octivities of the ASCE. The orgllniultion hos " du,,1 function. Not only does if "equaint students with the current +rends in their field, but it also encourages them to join the professional AmeriCGn Society of Civil Engineers after graduation . ..ow

ONE-Fruk S. JUft'. Ad.i.or; Ly.. K.rby. Rob." "'cArl~"r, K.i1~ A. hrrid, "ob.rl ,. N II, Paul Ri.d... L.rry ~urhlm... J .. Wrftn ..... Iph 1_ lift. ROW TWo-Ar.old "'cK.i9hl. W.U JOft••. Jo. "'c"'ic~...I. Alb.rl Elhw.... I~. Willi .. m ~. Sch ••II., O... id It. "'eK...,•. R,c~..rd W. H-.:I9", r."ue. W. H....o•• G.ry L. YOU.9'. "k~.rd J. lau9hm .... " k O. .......... lOW THREE-J.rry Johft...ft. Jo,,", Joi .., Hoffm..ft. L....ry L..o'bm. H..b "'ill""'>I..,. SI Ilum. Rkh.ord O..y. SI... I.... L..omb. Slu.." 101>«1_. Willi.", TU9'''. H olel H..fl......... ROW FOUl Jofto W , .... El..-. 0.... "ob..., Rol ....eI. Al.. Fr'-d"'..... G• .., "....... Willi.... ' ..,m.., urry L..ow<•• u. K.i1h F.ftlon. I... 0 ..1', How.rel s..1..,.

.......,'" s,,,,,,,,,,,.



In oddition to fh'rticj~ting in Ag Science Dey &nd plMning the Engineer's Boll, the A$AE gives (I schol,mhip to <'I mojor student. It is the generol pur· pose of the club to stress agriculturol engineering os " professional Cc'Heer. Jim Medel served os president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers this yeor.

/tow ON&-J...... M.ek•• , Rob.,1 J. W.lt.,. Mo.t ••• F.r.huchi, H..b." H...th. Ch.tl.. ,.,.,...... J..,k Jib...... lOW TWO-D. W. Fitui............ Ad· yj_; 0.•• Held, Nick Purd,. J ...... M.~. " - ' . L....d .. ClifT"" E1dtM. lOW THRE&-Ji... 510'"". '"-9. Thor...... "',h... t..1. D.l. S<.hl.od... 0.•• 1C,""t0l'p.

Electrical Engineers The Associated Electrical Engineers Md the Idaho Radio Engineers joined together with the purpose of informing students of the Gutomotive field. Directing their activities. consisting of films and informative lectures, was president Jay Anderson. lOW ON£.--.l... 100I......11. AeI.i...... ; J"1 v. AocI..-...

L.. 'ro<:lo<. D... ;,i H. N..p_, lob S ..vi'. Uor• ...,. Chip",... lobwt D. Udl.. L. GYael . lOW TWC-I.. h",... H ",.. I. CIMI H••li"'9'. G.... uwr.nc., W..yft. Jo O",i. J. I'...... , D.I •. LN. lob So"". "il.y 1<04. S",ith. ROW THREE-Lucky ~ .. ",I, lill Hod9'. L..o,ry Willi ....... Lrft....11. R.. lph Wil.oft. A. C. W.ftn.k.. mp, 0 ..1. W....o •. J .. d , ..ftl',. lOW ~OUR-Willi.. m S...., .. k. Gllft E. Lldi•. K..· ftl'h R. ' .... wic~. DO.lld J. ltd, Joh. R. Ni.I .... o. "uk c.ih, 10b..1 T..I....., G...ld l<o4.te.lf. ROW ~IVE-Oo. L. OUften. lob.., Wi••, T."y Wiftl... 10 leI Wi••. Eldo. Ki •••y, G........ Holc~i...... L.. W.l John D. K.... I'.i yo..fud.h. ROW SIX_ , ..1 K'oq....


Chemical Engineers In Gttempt to promote" professionol tlttitude tlmong its members. the AleE worh with progr"m "nd GS50ci"tion with other ch"pfers. This group is open to "II students who hove chosen l'I m"jor in chemiClll engineering. Bob McC"rten served tiS president of the AmericM institute of Chemical Engineers this yellf.

lOW ONE-CI••1d L ""..eh, Wm. t. lC1odl.,.. Jwry Ia,d. s.r.., ~. '"'-90' V.n 0........ &-~ I....;..,. t..o..., H~II".Il. lOW TW0---6. Eo u.ht_, Ad.it«; &.,1. Hi., llclOfl H.rwood. Will;.... 10...... N.,.., Iti... lo4.d-'. lOW THlEE-$..,. l..o.rt WcC¥t.to. .Joe D.......n:l Stolp, 0- &.b..., .ill Colli .

w.,.... H.......

Mechanical Engineers With Ed Blliley liS president, this group Ilttempted to Ilcqullint members with the prlldice end theory of mechllnical engineers. The orgonization operlltes liS o!I subsidillry student brllnch of the American Society of Mechllnical Engineers.

ROW ONE--Dave Ro... Way•• Nobl•. hy Shub••I. O.rryl Do'.lhy. S. L. CI ••d ••I•• Do. M••,o•• G.ry J.m., Ac ....<)ul. EII ... ood W."y. Ou••• AII,ed. ROW TW~ohl\ hk••• Oa".1 V.il. Ed hil.y. J. f. No.<)",d. Ad.i..,.; Jim Boyd. G ... h.I.,. 0 ••• ROW THU&-W., Buch . Tom Colli... Jec eohe.. Jad S Vic II....... T"", Tayl",. 6ary C,.i<). IJob H.IId.,..,•. let,y Co"~. Floyd Ha;.... Ke. T....l•• IJob f ..... ley. Mi'. Stub. Jim hy_. SI.. Full... Warl li'd. S~.b ••<).



Automotive Engineers Members of the Associtlted Auto Engineers lIre welcomed into the Nationel AAE upon gr"dulltion. Through folks

from engineers in every field, the AAE is given /In informed view of their chosen voctltion. Jim Child acted tiS president of this orgeniz"tion.

ROW ON&-lyl. III,. Jim Child .....01••_ I ••n••. O.y. Ro... ROW TWo-Fted Catl..,•• 0 .... H.b••• 6.n. B..I••• htl All ••• Joh. hk••. R.y Schub.'I.


French Club To cre(lte an interest in France and

her language, this club is open to ell. French Club holds meetings ellch month. Included in this yellr's schedule were speakers on French Ott <'lnd slides of fllmous eUlmples of the country's architecture. Carol Evens served as president of the orgeniz"tion. Working with her was their Ilclvisor. Miss Moble ReM.





of Club .1 ,........u.1 Clot;

d tMir p.orty '-1

.oIId ... fr.."",",, of h.olICe.

.or• ,"'1 ,.cMoI•

Just-Us Club Meeting twice etlch month, members

of this unique orgtlnizlltion learn more "bout the law profession "nd discuss current issues. President of the Just·Us Club was COflllie Weston. All members ate wives of low students tit the University.

ROW ONE-M.d.. l.in.. H.fl..I, , .., Rin'l., Cot.. li. W.o,!on, G.,I Pop., Mih F..ch.r. D.lor.. Hor· m..ch... ROW TWo-hlty W.",Itl."d. Sh.ro" U", d.rwood, So"y. hI., M.ry Ioll.r, 1.lty D.", W.""• .....11, C.,oli". K•• " .., H..ti.1 W.II.... ..••tly Iow.n, Ell. N.I",n.

Agronomy Club Affilitlted with the AmeriClln Society of Agronomy, the ldllho Agronomy Club meets once each month. The organi. llltion hilS the purpose of Ilcqullinting interested students with the field of Ilgronomy. lOW ONE-Gfiy S'-i...., Iid... t; c.roli....0.:11.... W."." 'ope, D....... looT '...... K.,I 11'9". O. G. a.l.t. LomMrt &icho.. , AlfTed $Jinh'd. D••• IolcCI<oIl.". lOW TWO-t\e... ' ••roon. Lon Iolc· Co"".I, D•• yn. W•• tt.lI• .,.,...1 c..o.,l..,. J.d Jib. "'''. 1111 Don Gibb•• L......, ,.,,"i"<)I0", H..... f Do"", , •• 1 W.II.,. D•• id V." 1'010....", 5,-" L.h. m.", I,ro" Thom... G • .., 'o.t, G.,.ld Y.o.m..... J.rry Crol..."t, St••• h ••.



Women's "I" Club


Women s




honortlry. is

orgllnized to further the progrtlffi of

the Women's Recrelltion Associefion through participation. Among the .,ctivities of this group life sponsoring II women's lounge in the gymMsium lind

holding " tell eileh yeor to introduce freshmen women to the women's PE department. lell 10 ,i<jht-EU. N.'.o~, Zol_ McM~".y, Dolo••• Ha'mud.., Judy ROlla", Merltn Cl.rk, La •• Proc_ 10f, Min hll., Advlsor; Khri. Alltn, JfYn •• h,n,wodh.

Citizenship Clearing House In order to inform the student body of world .,nd natiomll affairs, CCH has been estobtished. Citizenship Cleoring House is oper"ted on I) nlltionlll level. Warren MlIrtin served as president of the C<'lmpU5 orgonizlItion whose members spent" week observing the actions of the stltte legisloture during Februltry. ROW ONE, ';<;IM to 1.II_li.d. Himm,l.btch, W."•• M.,ti., D,. loyd M.,ti., Ad.;,o'; Vi.i.. Did.mo••, Rob.., 104.... ROW TWO-M.d. T•• il, A.i't Stith, Mil.., DoIIII 5.1... DoIlII Hodll.. ROW THREE _Rob••! J. YOII.II. h,•• S!..:Ir.,ld, Lo. Woodbll'Y' ROW H)UR-u.ry ly•• HOII.", Oil." lilli" 8."". G,tt•.



Dames Club The purpose of Dltmes' Club is to provide M opportunity for students' wives to meet one onother. Membership in Domes losts os long os the husbltnd is It University student. Among their octivities ltre c10sses in English for foreign wives, crofts c1ltsses, ltnd It spring fltshion show,

Vandal Flying

Club Unique on the University cr:Jmpus, this

group is not only" club, but e corpora· tion. Members leern to fly using the plones lind equipment tit the ne.!lrby (Iir field. Serving the Vllndol Flying club tiS president this yellf was Von Baser.

Associated Foresters With" prim<'lry purpose to encourege professional ettitudes end ethics among students in the college of Forestry, this group meets e<'lch month. The Associ· "ted Foresters sponsor such <!lctivities tIS Forestry Week held Mnu<'lily to honor Forestry Md introduce the profession to the c"mpus. Best known of its <'Ietivities is the Mnu,,1 Foresters B<'III in the e"rly spring.

Dairy Science

Club Composed of students interested in the field of do!liry science, this orgMiza· ticn provides social activities lind educationlll information. Elich yetlf at the Christmes se"son the D"iry Science dub prepares the cheese padeges th"t can be sent as gifts. lOW ONE--,)i", John'lon. st.". "II, Dr. t. A. Hjbb., Ad"j_; J... o.... J.n.o....i. LM Ed9..-lon. "'lc~.1 Swlli.... lOW TWO-£Ugene lCeh.,. John "IbM. Jerry J•• \l", lyle S G...ld Hill, Jon Hub .




Debaters Advised by Dr. A. E. Whitehead, the University debate te/llm corried home honors from trips across the northwest. Honors received include those from tourneys ot Oregon State College, College of Idaho, Whitman, Columbi"

B.uin Junior College and Linfield College. Members come from the debate class ond /lny other students on campus with interest in forensics. ROW ONE-Su,.. Armo. $~il. McDavitt. h"n 5m1t~, LiMi. Kinn.y. ROW TWC-Rc"ilar h". Tom Lynch, H.;t....n. Ron Rourk.. Jim John,ton. Don $t.p~ ..o. 80b McF.rl.nd, Dr. A. E. Whit.~ •• d, Ad.i...r.


WRA Officers Offering every woman on campus the

opportunity to participate in competitive sports. the Women's Recreation Associ"tion provides " well diversified program. Living groups t"~e part in sports 'tinging from field hodey to folk dancing. All "ctivities lire co-ordinated by the officers shown at the right.


lOW ON&-M .. ry Jo s....~,klin. Do.,. hldrid9., lowen. Eik~,". lOW TWo---JoA"" Ken' Ile!d, H.le. TomtinKl •• ku h9.,j.r., Don". Sf'i.<).1.

Attic Club each spring the Attic Club sponsors the Art Audion. Proceeds from this fundion help to provide II scholarship for an Incoming freshman interested in IIrt. Open to all who hllve taken a course in IIrt or architecture, Attic Club presents professionlll spellkers to its members.

lOW ON&-6.yl. $ r,l. M.r'lyn Wil ...n. H.l.n D........ H J. Torr". lOW TWO -St•• Hel. Har.., Kallar, Di.... Iol."al, 5... AMlr., K.!t>a<;•• Ko.t",~. 0.•• T,,",-o, David '''''''''0.



SRA Cretlted during the 1960 ASUI election, the Student Represento!ltive Assembly llets IlS o!l sounding boerd for ideolls. SRA is composed of e representlltive from et'lch cempus living group. At r~ul"r meetings. the members provide the transition be· tween the ASUI executive board lind the student body <!IS a whole. Campus opinion is tapped end new plens are presented. During its first year SRA operated with the officers shown at the right. They are Chairman, Bob Scott; Secrettlry, Edie Voorhees: <lind Vice-Ch"irmlln, Jim Thompson.

Ellrly morning prectices payoff as the V"ndllletfes present their high stepping tit football end btlsketbell gomes. Chosen tit f,,11 tlnd spring tryouts on the btlsis of Ilbility end IlppetlfenCe, members perform ffillrching


ROW ONE-a.,b.,. Kron. Diu. F.wKI •• Elunor Un,iok.r, hr.n K.lly, M.ry E••n" C.mill, Jo~n...., Edi, V_'h.... An. Juol.., Sonl. AII'n. ROW TWQ-Jou., H,II,r, P,I C,rI,on, M,rl Ku'd" Ju. And,..O., P.u'. hlnmu.h, S,d.,y Colli." Anll. Wilcomb. C.rol McC,u, Llnd. E."9n, Joun 104_,., SUI 51,.,'1, Sh.,o. Ni.lud. Jun M."h.ll. ROW THREE---Ou. A.d,.w" J"Ii, Gibb, K."n P",r_ ICIn, Ll.d. K.o •• N,din. N•• lun<!, Nucy Vo.ik., R.. McArthur, J"dy Du.ltr. 1.1..,. Ttuochtr. Ctroly. Wylli., h'''' Vidtrmu. ArI,n. Tu'nbull.



RILC Committee With able chairmanship by Warren Martin, the RILe Committee planned speeches. discussions and informal bun sessions in living groups. Ministers representing vllrious denominations were on

the Idaho Cllmpus speeking on the theme "Your Move." Once Ilgain, the Religion

in Life Conference brought religion to life tit the University. ROW ON&-K.I~.ri". K... I"h, Hele. An. He,t1ey, My'.' In'lhr.m, CI.;r. Sleu<jh'.r, Idone hUo".... '.1 8.0...... ROW TWO-Loren Byll.r, Duke HU'lhel, Jim Child. We"" Me'tin. Ron Thurber, Okk Nen.e., D•• St,. Thome., Ad.i.o.. NOT PICTURED-Vicki "Ime., C.d


Curtain Club E(lrning membership through participtltion (lnd interest in the dr(lm(l. the membe~ of Curt(lin Club belong to (I lifetime honor<'lry. Newly t<'lPped members <'lre easily identified by the m<'lSks they we<'lr for <'l week. Ed V<'lndervort served as president of the organiz<'ltion with Miss Jean Collette as advisor.

lOW ONE-Cl.i,. SI.u<)ht..., Ljlld. (",i<)n. 1-4i.. J••n ColI.IM. An<)" ....,iln. '.1 Dunn. Di... F.WIOII. lOW TWo-hlOT K.IlO<)<). "" Compb.ll. Sim ColI.I. Ed VllId_. Jo"" Clnl.ll. Sill, Wilblnb. Jud, .... d.", DI....i" Ald.hoI.

Kappa phi This dub is open to "II Methodist women at the University. C1"ire Slaughter served the orgMiz". tion as president. Through meetings. p"rties. and projects, K(lpp(l Phi hopes to "M(lke every Methodist woman in the university (lnd world of tod(ly (I le(lder in the church of tomorrow."

ROW ONE-J..." And...on, 1-4.'lh. L.. D.lk., '.ttr N.l...n, CI••,. Sl.u<)hl." Do,i, Fouk.l, C,.,.I.t Gould, C.'ol SlIChu. lOW TWO -.1 1 Child ....., J.cki. 1-4cConn.lI, K.,.n Gorm.on, M.,il,n 1 n.uo!l, Kip 1-4cCo,mid, 1-4.,H,n lo4oppq, kttr Thi ", 1-4". 1-4.,1. Slubb" Ad.i_: Undo Smilh. Jo."n. John n.


Young Republicans In conjunction with the Republiclln

orgMiztltion of llltah County, this dub worh to give students lit the University 1I working knowledge of politics. led this yellf by Lon Woodbury, the Young Republiccns tllkes en "dive interest in "II activities of the "Grand Old Party."

Ski Club The tlnnuel trip to Red Mountllin,


British Columbia lind week·end skiing Mount Spohne increased the interest in the Vand,,1 Ski Club. With on llvid interest in the snow sport /!IS the mllin prerequisite for membership, the organiZlltion meinfains lin active group.

ROW ONe-Pel Cun" Ro....... Ch.mb.... Judy full,r. Me.., lynn, Eo " Ann Web ROW TWO -D••• G".I1ln9". lob $1..lk. SI Ko,n. M."h,1I Huck, Mike Robb, Lo.e.. '"'Ier. Keith Hnlllll, Pel J,4"<"'OIl, John C.no... ROW THREE-R"t~ 0.K.1, W.".n A,nold, I(.it~ W.t-.".."h, Ron G.lb••ith, 11."", ""ilbu, G'.99 ""011, Remon. 1.4.,,,h.

Model United Nations With o!l week trip to Eugene for the Model United Nlltions Convention during Spring vllC<!ltion, the octive participants hlld lin enlightening yellr. Bob Moe, liS president, hos directed the or· gllnizlltion to its prominent position in the reolm of ClImpus orgllnizotions.


Block and Bridle Activities sponsored by the Block lind Bridle Club during the ye,,' "re the (111ClImpus btlrn d,~mce in the new beef b"rns ot the University f"rms. the Judging contest for "n FFA and 4-H students in northern Idllho lind the Blod (Ind Bridle Club Ilwtlrd banquet. Winners of the 1961 Fitting lind Showing contest sponsored by the dub "re shown

at the left.


Bob SlIewen, Ed Brown and Jack Rudolph pi._ 'ured iudq •• Iota,,;, Ham,lrom, W.... W,II,


..d Keith hhtin.

Election Board Members tIre chosen from those scor-

ing highest on ., test over the A$UI Constitution ond Election ~rd procedures. With Gale KJeinkoph (1$ ch"irman. the oo.,rd supervises mechMical operlltions lit ,,11 ASUI ond d"ss elections.

ROW ONE-Roberl H.hn. Hele. Method, Lind. Cro,. ROW TWO-Rob,,! Plumb, Gel, 1(1.I"k~p~. Jim 104~,,I., Den 1e".II. "Ip~ H• ."ted.

Rally Committee Newest of the ASUI committees, the Rolly Comm operllted this yelJr with Cllrl Berry liS choirmlln. With its mil in purpose to increo!lse University spirit, the group is composed of II representlltive from eoch living group. They encourllge Ilttendllnce o!Ind porticipo!ltion o!It pep rllilies lind vllrsity go!lmes.


Church Officers The University of Idllho has 'our church centers Ioellted on C<'lmpus for the benefit of the students. CMterbury

House serves EpiscOP61 students, the Newm6n Center serves Clltholic students. the L.DS Institute serves L.D.5. students. end the Compus Christian Center serves seven denominations of Protestant students. Through oble leodership, the students of each denomin<'ltion carry out many youth group activities.

BRESEE CLUB Jad $ .... ';ngen, hut. P,'e'>o •. Dr. Alvin AII'f, No,mn K... I.r. Oal, O,.n.,. Phil Fikh, Don D,I"II,

CANTERBURY HOUSE ROW ONE-[}o,othy Hart.horna. Imoqan Walcott, Juli. Hoqq, Judy Finn.y. ROW TWO-Th. by. Harold D. Flaharty. Robin Emminqham.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION St.... Nor,n, C.I..'. Jon'., Ed... ina Zabel Gu.tafson, 1>4". LeRoy Bue', Bob HU9h••.

DISCIPLE STUDENT FEllOWSHIP Junetta 6'0'9*, Secretary; Norman Hay., Vic.·Pre.id.nl; Ardith




FIVE C's lOW ONIE--D•• id Vorwt. Ct.;,. 5'... \lhl.... lOW TWOW.. Ioor..... II.......tlo, ....il Fnh.

IDAHO CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 1I0W ONE-P~t Mee." ..., M.,,,,.,., Gent,y. W.ndell Shenk 1C.o,. Jon,.. 1I0W TW~ , •••;<lul; Ph,Ui, Ad.",., Gene G,nt.-,. De""i..... And Illld, Hon', Mlck.., C. FIlU•• , O•• 'd It. Eric I. I(irkl_nd.


LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION ROW ONE-Ann In9Ib'I"-•. ldone k.llo'l<). 1I0W TWO_ W.o' 10<1....., Do. P.o,..,." Jim In"'.b,it....

MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION 1I0W ONE-K't Joh....... Jlldr P,.It, Mild," Stepl... JIOd, Eli.... Petty .....k, 104...1_ ... n.... 1I0W TWo-Jim Joh"""", l¥ry 104_., L.o....,. Shope, W.lt......



NEWMAN CLUB b,l W.'h, 101." c ••..,. ton, kh•• id ...

ROGER WILLIAMS CLUB Will ... d Wil"'h, We,... Wood, bth loIil~"'Il. Jim DUh~n

WESLEY FOUNDAnON ROW ONE-He, ...,d 101.".11, Yu., Som, CI ••,. SI.u,ht." " •• id •• l: 101.';1,. hv.",~'oft, H.I•• Tomli ••o., tee,•• Go'm· "., .ob W." •• , ROW twO-Dou, 8i,hop, D..... A. And.,..., W.t1, S.. e., 80b Gid.., Rev, Ro•• ld Humm.l, Ad.i.o': G.,eld .ilb,.

WESTMINSTER FORUM ROW ONE-R.... C ..... loIo.l, ""vi_; Ionni. IoIdCe,. Vicki. Seele" Liede Lomb. lob ' .. ki.....n. ROW TWOJim Child. heel Kroll. 1m G,_wood. Duk. Hu,beo. D... icf v...,..." ',esicf•• I; W_h.




, I


The ROTC units at the University of Idoho consist of the Army, Navy

and Air Force. All three ore on active end important part of our campus life. Besides trllining in military science these groups sponsor the t1nnu"J Military Ball end participate in the Military Review each MIlY.


Scabbard and Blade Drllwing its membership from the outstonding upperd(lssmen in the ROTC, Scobbord ond Blode is composed of Army. Navy Md Air Force clldets. Under the leodership of Clint McDoMld, the group pllrticipoted in oetivities ranging from presentotion of colors lit bosketb,,11 9"mes to escorting eondid"tes ot the Militory B"II. ROW ONE-Ji", '.~I.o", lA.,y Schut, M...;II o.k" Did h.,ke, &.oyd E.-I. ROW TWO-O... Ki..... Did O•• i•• , hlch '1<;1", G ••y YO"""", lob Wi .., lill 104 ••1•. ROW THREE-Oou9 CO'll,•••, Sc..I! Culp, Did N.il.on. Ii.o,y Michul., AI•• $",••",•• l."y Woodbury. ROW fOUI-li.he,d Fo"II. $t••• Wood. W.ldon T....y, o.u Heck, John T,oi•• o",.ki, Jim 1.,10<1. ROW FOUI_M •• Sod'•• Chuck u.n'l', 00tI Myklebu,t, W.lI li'd.

Pershing Rifles Among the mony oetivities of Pershing Rifles in 1960·61 were a visit to the Nike Missile S(lse in Spok(lne, (I t(lrget shoot at Lewiston. and (I steek fry (It the end of the yeer. This orgenizetion. whose purpose is to further interest in the Army, officially sponsors the Army Drill Teem. Sonie Allen was the official sponsor. lOW ON&--M.jor Todd. So~i. AlI.~. W. ar...f;.ld. SI.v. Wood. Chuck le~q•• lill 104.'"ft. DeMo" Coqli_. 0. u.....u,ft. lOW TWo-J. C. te,...... 00. II.d. N. l • .........ft. D.y. "II. lob C .....,Oft. 0 ...... 'i~l. D•• ;d Colli lob Cordov.. lOW TH U~o ......d lill .,.. J...... hi lob K.. bI. lloyd c..odlo<d. D.v;d 0.1100. T.d Sto't.~be<l. lOW FOUl_Tom U.... b.'th. Jo Sch.ul.lboo,,,.,. TM! ...... JoM SI.i~b<;~~ 1<04.~ '.1.._ . GI.M Iuht I... T_ H.'..... lOW FIVE-lilt G.,loch. Jo • w.l,edl. LM HoI....... Ch""h c.o.. Jim lOll COlOl 6U...lll--ft ...h CrOfth. S.... Kot~. 0.... D.~..... ~lhOfI, Zot~;h.




ROTC AIR FORCE STAFF FRONT ROW-Lt, Colonel A"tho"y M. En9.1., Colo_ nel John B. PeUi,on, J'" Mejo, He"y W. Ri99" BACK ROW-Ceple," Ed.,e,d C. Sey'e, Ceplei" John J, MehuU, J,., T5GT Doneld W. Shellon. NOT PICTURED e'e TSGT Ki,k M, MeCle,"an, SSGT Jam., E. Wolff, ALC Ae'o" E, Fi.dle'.

ARMY STAFF FRONT ROW-Ceptei" Robe" E. 01,00, Mejo, Rob_ e,t F. Adem', Colonel G. W. Jem.., Mejo, He"y E. Todd, Ceplein Williem R. Ce.hmu. BACK ROW -M". Me,jorie Rineher!, S91. Cherie. F. Jeme" M. S91. Oui"lin l. Ce'pu'e', Ceplein G""ge W. O,lon, M. S91. He,old P. Lynch, 5FC Eph,eim J, 5"enn, M", Me'y Wil!.

NAVY STAFF FRONT ROW_Lt. D S. Cempb.II, Malo' A. Novek, Cept. G, F, Richa,d,on, Cd,. E. M. 8o,'on, Lt. Cd,. W, l. McGona91., Lt. JG C, W. Bo'n.,. BACK ROW -M". Pel Duma., M9Y. 591. D. X. Coppock, GMCS J P. A<lidi." FTC E. D. Ce,I." YNI R. E. S..l>on, SKC R. C. Rick.y, M" Lol. Se099in., NOT PICTURED 1, OMC P. R. N.ff.


Spring MOl

Spring Review held Fridoy, 19, wos the end result of 0 yeor of mi i!ory octivity for the Air Force, Army ond Novol ROTC units ot the University of Id(lho.

Arm, C.de" lire a 'elule from • 75 mm Ho ...II.... loueel 10 Ille R••,.... b, Ille Hello..1 Gu.rd unit .1 Mo<co....

1le9u1ar Arm, Ile.ie ...jn<;l oHicer for Ille ,e.je... "'a, 8,i<;l. Gu. GeOrge 8. hnnell, chief of .Iafl of III. Idallo A,m, National Guard. Caplain G.or<;le F, Richard.on, Na., and Col. John 8. PaW",n, Air Fore. accompan, 111m.

I. prltC'" for ""'


tiooo I"," Ai' Fote. IOTC Drill T.....

the , ••je...I.<;I ollk.....


of I~. Ai' Foree , •• iew;"9 .Iud.

ROTC otfic...

Hew in

1o di,..., , •• iew prulice


Army Under the superviSion of Col. George W. James. the Army had on extremely successful school year. Army recipients of the University of Idoho Distinguished Militory Aword at the 1961 Spring Review were Senior. Cadet It. Col. G. Wells: Junior. Codet 2d Lt. Richard P. Neilson; Sophomore. Codet Sgt. 1st Closs Corl W. Berner; Freshmon. Codef Pvt. 1st Closs Jim K. Olson.

Sui", A,m, C.od." Ii". up b.fo,. the u"u.1 .p,i"q ,.vi.w.

The Army ROTC Drill Tellm is the elite drill unit on the C/lm· pus of the University of Id"ho, /lnd is the offici,,1 honor guard for visiting dignitories. They placed second tit the Eostern Wo!Ishington College of Educotion Drill Meet, and <!lIse pillced third in the Inlend Empire Drill

Meet. The Drill Team W/lS commanded by Cadet Lieutenant

Charles W. Lange, Jr. FIRST IOW-l'.,,1 K... hi..,ik. L_...d £IIi.,


W.lk.., TI........ SECOHD H.,,,.., lOW e.,.,

Smilh, Do".ld Kn"chu. -All." Hutt.bell, Jim


01",,,. Ho,m.. 01·

10, Ho",., St•• I., lob.,t Cordou. 0 ..· MII,It. THIRD IOW-G.,th Ei",.". John , ....y. St.p~." ",,,t. Jo~" Schu· f.lb.t~.t, 0 ..." 'ip.I, Rob." ,I"."b. FOURTH ROW_Son,. All ..., Ch.,I •• W. L..on9•• Jr., O.lor•• ll .... lIy •• FIFTH ROW -Ft... t C,o,," SI.pM" KOla. 00ft.1d 0."., A..!IIoft, Z",nik.

"',m, 'pon.on w".

Softi. All.". P.", t.4cCulloUI~' ,., Sw... ..,b.,. ",Io.h. Jud, Ful.,. N.odi". N..lu"d. D.lo,•• ll.w,II,". to".,". Poll." t,"ne H.llvi~. l,"" Shelma". Ton, t.4cF.da"d. Ca<i., Col.


Navy 19bQ路bl stands as a banner year for Idaho's Naval ROTC Unit. Its members have walked away with a wide variety of honors campus路wide and also im路 portant recognition in the Navy as Midn. Ilc Rod l. Mayer was one of four men picked in the nation for an eltperimental pilot class in Space Nllvigation to be given at the U.S. Navlli Academy. Midn. 2/c R. l. Kindley was one of 15 juniors in the nation picked for the Militery Engineer's ewerd es the outstMding stu路 dent of his cless.


Colo< G~ ....d "Un I. "0ge.., Duid l. W,.. tt. " _ W. Johm.on. lobe<l Eo .... 9....

Navy's Rifle Team swept the league, winning the Inland Empire Chempionship, Vail Trophy, Powell Trophy matches, Md pIecing second in the nation in the Secretery of the Navy match for the first time in its history.

FlOHr lOW-H. C. h .... doU9h. Sleven Lincoln Chrl.. li9.by, lod .. lACK lOW-"U; 591: Coppock, USMC. L.o'ry Do,bin. l., Hub.rl. L.o'ry Woodbury. Ku low.....



";"no fin' Ct.... lich•• c! T. Jkob_ "ft ;. pr_oted 1"- bin, Aw••d by W. J."M", .. pr••ul.I;.... of .o~rl

IMin9 Ai.c,.1t Comp."y •• II,. Iftl Sp<i"9 ".i.ow.

Air Force The University of Idaho Air Force ROTC Detach.

ment No. 180 ended" successful yellr under the supervision of Colonel John B. Pattison, Jr. The Cadet Wing was org/llnized with Otlvid Pierce at the helm "s

Cadet Colonel. Air cadets participated in the rifle teom. drill teo!lm, ond Milit"ry Band. Air Force recipients of the University of Id<'lho Distinguished Milit"ry Aw<'!rd lit the 1961 Spring Review were Senior, David C. Pierce: Junior, John W. TrojtJnowski; Sophomore.

Dennis L. Ltlndm"rk; Freshmem, Marvin R. Dovis.

hp._nli,,'l e.. h unit in Sc.bb.,d """ lIed • • '. FlOHr 10""'_ C.pl.i. 01..... Arm,; Cli,,' "'cOoft.Id, Ai, Force. lACK .OWTOllY Ioo4cF...I...od. A.",,: l.oeIy Conk!;", H • ...,.


Air Fo<u 5po"........ Ard••wo. T"nf Thu"en, JOId, hmplon. Olen. F.w...... C ••ol ~Ium ...... end N."cy 'oun'.

DEliuilies Fall Activities Winter Activities Spring Activities Queens Fine Arts

Rush Girls' rush took place September 13-17. Boys' rush beCJM September 17 tlnd lasted through September 21. A total of 187 girls Md 270 boys pledged.


Frosh The busy week for Freshmen begllln with a gener&1 welcoming by Dr. Theophilus. September 18. Further activities to &CqUlllint the Frosh with the University were te&s, conferences, mixers. &nd the &11· Clllmpus b&rbecue.

Hun... ,. """.nls fil. Ih,ou... h Ih. food lin••1 Ih•• U_umpu. b.,b.(u•.



N....cqu.iftt."".. .,. kiftdllMl ., ,be Ft......... W_', Te..


Reg istration The orde&1 of registr&tion took pl&ce

September 22路23. Students milled "bout finding d,ns sedions, filling student c&rds,

end getting their identification photo taken. Confusion reigned!

No .. 10 fur. in d ... urd.


SUB Open House Jezz in the Bucket, free bowling lind foble tennis, the show "Kismet," ond



tour of student f"cilities llcqulIinted the new students with our Student Union Building,

September 30.


W.,i_ '.ok••• oOC';v. U.iv..,lty 01 1<1.....•• SUI 0 _ HoioM.

, . , i. _

N h.d.,," !'wl i. , SUI b, 1 "",at dr"....io<I••• bowl]",. bfl. li.,d...0><1 '.obi•••••1•.






Student-Faculty Retreat Sixty student leoders. faculty. lind "dministr<'ltion memo bers spent the weekend of October 1-2 tl'lking obout

University problems ot the Mnll,,1 S+uden+-Ftlculty Retreat, held ot Cllmp Lutherhllven. on Lllke Coeur d'Alene.


t.n..t n

of ....


Iol.",t..r. of 1M .IYdon' bod1 who V,oup .hol.


n ...j...,.,d oa


t>.t...... b



broke. I.to fi

......... of .tvcl


V,.... p' "" I..,olt,



the ,." .., _ . for •

d·Al....... b.... ;0.,••

TIM ....k....r pto.icI............ ~ di""... ~ .100' with ....tdow 100.

Iol". H. .I,. Noi! Nowtoou

...,. i. II

od D


L;111. . . .ioY

Homecoming Homecoming weekend. October 15-16. W&S " big one on cllmpus. Celeste Jones, Gamma Phi, reigned over the partlde. the Oregon St"te¡ld"ho footb"U geme, lind the Homecoming Dence.


~;. .dou.

pom"po", ,irl, .dd much .p;.it to 'he Ho-.:om'ftt


,he K.pp. Sit Womu", Au,iti.",

Drill T..... k. .p. ,I,kt ud.nu whil. ",.rchin9 ,n 1!Ie p...d •.


Homecoming The onnuol pojomo porode end on tlil-ctlmpus rtlUy on the night before Homecoming helped everyone get into tl gtly mood for the big doy. On the tlfternoon of Homecoming Doy fons StlW the Vtlndol footboll teom in tldion Md the eltlbortlte htllf-time festivities,

CHESTE JONES Hom.com'"'l O ....ft

OYU. C.le.le i, ,Yrroyl\dH by ke, coYrl-Shi,le~ Mllchell, Thet.; Cem'Ue Shelloft. "Iphe Chi; Sell~ Ne ..lud, OS: .nd Sye Rylled'l., K.pp•.


I i."

N."hborift9 hi,,, Khool " ....., ".... 1M 11.011·11_ .ftt.....i...... ftf ., tM .,._.

Homecoming Homecoming rOylllty. the alums. Md enthusillstic Vondllli roofers formed the nucleus of the things thtlt mode up II truly memor"ble wee~end.




ATO', .ond 'i turft to...,d tI•• dur;"9 ........ion of fIo.t b.i1d'ft9.


Fall Dances


Fall Dances Foil Mlmester brought" whirl of pledge d"nces. Inform,,1 decor"tions tlnd costumes seemed to to~e the limelight.

0 ••• F.ul... Norm. Pomponio. ..... t.4.rll,n ..... Tom GwHli.m .nlo,I.", I~. G.mm. P~i pl..:l",e dence. On I~. 8..c~. Ce,1

$1..... 0 ••;', J"ff l"..., .1Id tfotit d botd.. 10< ,... f.,mholn.e "'I

90 .....th of ,...


She,on 6,,,,11. P.I t.4.I~u." ud 80b K.,b. 'hod befo'e • P"Ja' mod,,1 of I~" S"'E pled",,, ",io.


Or...... 10 ._p the IIoor ."d dY" H.,. H.II c<Md' pow with

fY,.it",e, ""'i< d.I... tI••



Fall Dances

""'.,th. 1,..11, Joho For, Lind. I ...... Jeff W..... boll. 1004.'9_ hw, .JICl lob SmiTh .r. ell .mil•••, ,he "Iphi Chi 009 '.Ich Dr.,.

"'''1 Jo4;~u.I, Jo400rt K",d,. »11, Ln. •1Id lob T.......... p.c..... ed .1 ,.... 'i 'hi plod,_ dean. ~ 'elch D•••.




The ...... in9 20', II b.ift9


J.tty Bo L.. Tow


,.loY'" .,



J ....y Con";", Judy Non;n;, ...... ".ot>d belo,. lhe lil Gr... Hut.

Ro. . . .,........ lathl" y.... liftCl. G.tn....... FrM Fri~k. PO" betore , biKkdfOP of H....,. Vll1 ., lhe Thet. dane•.


Dad's Day The O"d's O"y weekend w"s November 11·13. The highlight of the weekend w"s the thrilling Idaho·WSU football g"me. Other activities included the O"d's O"y d"nce, the quartet. beard. and house decoration contests, "nd free bowling at the SUB.

1ooI.,k T....d ......... Cliff Tllom.o. t1w1 -rh.,ill 1\.0"•• t...,d _.

Which ..... .,ill il t..1


.........., ".

Dad's Day

The Dell.. won the men'" dj •

• 1';0" fo'

hou'. deCOf.hon,.


Holly Week

Keith 6,.<)0I'Y .,jd... bil "I hu....... '0 ,,,- Holly

5,,1. !ho...

"Under the Mistletoe" wos the theme of Holly Week, December 5-9.

It wos begun



seren<'lde to etlch

living group by the sophomore class. The Holly eandi-

dtltes modeled ot the annuli! Christmas style show in the SUB. The grand finole WllS the Holly Dllnce lind crowning of Queen Toni Thunen.


Holly Week


Qu. .n Ton; ThuMB .it> On the 11v..... dur;n9 in'............. 01 """ Holl, Due....rroulldod by court, Ulld. C.mpbell, Li...:l. EIl'I9ft, E1 • .".,.. Un.id.., $bron SI,OK",";....oil s... Si••••I.

0 _ TOIl; due.. witt.


d ... pr..icle.t. JoN.

"""i, .1 lhe H:>I1y Donu.


1ol,lit...., ..II F; Qu

l,.n. left 10 "t,lht-J.d, ""lie.; LirKIe C.mille: So.ie "lie.; Dori. G....,I...I.

Military Ball The annual Military Ball was held Merch II with the 25th Army B.,nd from Celdwell providing the music. The dence wes considered very successful beceuse of the efforts of Tony McFeriand, general chairmen. Highlight of the ball wes the crowning of Camille Johnson es Militery Bell Queen.

Navy Ba II Midshipmen, NESEP students. ond their guests were present tit the Nevy BIlIl, Jllnuory 7. The highlight of the evening was the crowning of the Navy Color Girl, Coral Rigsby.

Shoot" Wi"i.. .Ild D.... W~CI..... p,o fo< ' .. f, •• h", •• ',d i"'l"duee.




lineli." ........ubbi"9 .... d..,lt t>.for..... He.., a.11.


.poe..... ....

S.1l, Jo N.l_. ceadid.t. for b..,!Oti.. Io짜d tIM Uniled ...... of umpon ~ilkl .1 tIM ",.i.......k., i. lhe SUB.

Campus Elections Politic,,1 friction rM high in the discussion of c"mpus issues during the three weeks of compoigning which ended on Election Doy. Morch 9.


Campus Elections Jim Mullen now holds the post of ASUI President end Dick Stiles c1ll1ims the position of VicePresident tlS election results were tabul"ted.

T.."i,," i. h19h •• qu• .tionf .or. b.in'll dir.d*<:l .1 1"undid.'•••

Thoo poll• •, .... SUI .tId Admini.h'.liooo hilelj0'll or' • b~., plau .... El-.:lioft De,.

Robert Shaw Chorale The Robert Show Chofllie. in m<'lking its r3th

sold路out tour, appeared on J"nuory 20 in the Me路 mariol Gym. The chorele consists of thirty professionol singers, selected, troined. conducted Md inspired by one of Americ,,'s notive musiciGns, Robert Shew, The unique tone qUlllity of the Robed Shew Chorole greatly impressed Idllho students who attended the concert.


".o,q. C'ookh...., SI.t. hp, •••n'.II••, d.I1••,.cf Ihe .dd,e.. th. fin.1 nlqht of Ihe 1.1(, N.Ho..1 Con.ention.

I.K. Nationa I Convention B.!lll ~nd Ch~in ch~pter and the University of Id~ho received the n~tional chapter excef. lence ~w~rd from the gener~1 ~ssembly of the 37th N~tion~llntercollegi~te Knights Convention, April 21, ~t a banquet which wound up the three-d~y convention held lit the University of Id~ho,

Id."" SPW" 11nq H.ppy 11,lhd.y '" 6o<don Chut«, h• .cf ..llon.1 offlc.' .MI ch.i'.... n of the con,.nllon. l<oll" Don.. Hillon 01 .'Iqh.... Yownq Uni ....ity ••coMl f,o... l.fI. l<oll" S.lIy N....I.nd •••1'

CfO...ned Roy.l Qw.u. She i. plclw,.cf left. pl.c.cf Ihl'd In the con,••I.






Blood Drive University of Ideho students con路 tributed 726 pints of blood at the l!IMual Blood Drive. Living groups winning the top p.!Irticipation tro-

phies were the Tri Delfs lind Phi l"us. Blanche Blecha, Alpha Phi, was chairmM of the successful drive.


Forestry Week "Recrellition in Multiple Use"' WllS the theme of Forestry Week. A ~winq contest, tree planting ceremonr' banquet end dance were some of the many "eti."ities that too place. M.,lcolm King did an excellent job "s banquet cheirman. and Ernest Wohlen, Dee" of the College of Forestry he.,ded Idaho's successful Forestry Week.

E'.fyo.a had • <)ood tima al For.'f...• "II.


Shu",_ outfi" ...t. 'M. durin.. For..", W..k.


Spring Dances



G...". Shirle, O:d. Kurt NOt"''', Sue Cern.liI, Ften b'lMl •••• end RI>d, V........, ,he Ch,i .... en Hell Cloek ."" De'l'l.t D.....

Do.. Neil, "'''' ,",ceullow9h. 1(.. 1. Sl..e<t, ."" • 1 thot Si9"'. Nu Wloi.. I .... DelKe.



lill 10..... Srd...., Collin'l>, Yi'9;fti. SlMI_, • ..:1 John Wic.tu'" .or••11 .mil. . .1 H,. SAE 10....,.•


Blue Key Talent Show The Mnulli Blue Key Tllient Show entertllined II Illrge lludience in the Memorilll Gym Mllrch 28, The winners of the populllr show were Olive Pugh. solo division; Olive Bell Md Dennin Clellry. duet division; High Chis, composed of Bill Cllmpbel1. Olive Frllzier lind John Ensuns.!l, Slnlll! ensemble division; lind Deltll G"mmll, "II house division.

Ilw. hy winn.... p.... wi,~ ,...i. "op~i... L.fT 10 riqht_'.' I.o'lu, O.U. "'.mm.: Ounin CI•• ry .nc1 O.v. kll, '~i 0..1'. 1"".: O.v. 'W'l~, $i'lm. C~i: Rwlt C'ock.t!, 0.11. $i'lm. '~i, r.c.i • ..:! .n .w.rd for Kcomp.nrin'l ,~. m.iorily of .cTo in th• • ~ow: ud lob Sdu_ m.hr, 'r..id.n' 01 Blw. K.y.

0..11. "'.mm.






Iobbi. hrlo>h, P.t

Du~~ o~

.0<1 Juli.

..T.... Youn,."

s..•• r~


Jo"," Fih,.,.ld .IOCI Ion",. Seo" .",.,••," .he .<ldi• ...,••• t.4 •• I.... of c..........,., ,he II... K., ,.,••• Show.


Mothers' Day Spring wel!lther I!Ippeared to ma~e the Mothers' Day wee~end, May 12-14, very enjoy.,ble. The

M"y Fete, Turtle Derby, Helldivers Show, ond Orchesis Program furnished entert"inment for the mMy mothers who were present on the Idaho c"mpus.


SPUrt, lOp................. ke -.-....,• • r. the I'b, ht4t.



6e.,. 1.-t.Il. _

'M l<o4e, 'ole

;" b.io'l CO<>'l,.lul.tood b, Dr.

TlIeophih .

WoW9.'.' hlko Q......



of the Top S.D

Moth ers




••und. the


• di"iti...

u'"H.lId;" 1 • ..... w


.t the



int.,p<.H•• d.nc.. ...dO'd .t ,he Ore""it p<09,.m .


Fulbright Winners Karen Stedtfeld was the first of three students on the Idaho campus to receive the coveted award. The award will finance a year of study abroad. She win study at the University of Nancy in France next year where she will major in French history with EuropeM Nationalism as her special field of interest.

Bill Emmingham, a forestry major at the University, will be going to the University of Helsinki in Finland to study next year. The award will cover all expenses, transportation, books. tuition and maintenance throughout his year of study. He will work in the field of forestry with emphasis on site classification.

Paul KrQ9ue, the third student to receive the grant, will attend Stuttgart's Technicol Institute in Stuttgart, Germany. He will be doing advanced study in the field of electrical engineering. Work under Fulbright awards is on the graduate level and carries no particular degree.


Junior-Senior Prom Despite the f"d th"t popul"r singer, June Christy did not "ppeor at the Junior-Senior Prom April 29, Jd"ho students seemed to enjoy themselves. Students dMced to the music of Si Zentner ond his Thinking MM'S Blind.


Turtle Race The Phi Delto Thet<'l Turtle Derby


held Moy 13,

on Mother's Doy weekend. Ellch women's living group sponsored <'l turtle in the derby which WllS won by Ethel Steel House.

Dkk ..... in... P~i O.lt Hou.. Pre,ident, .....rd. Conni. L"<jenl, Ethel 51..1 Hou,e, the ...1""in9 trophy.


Pansy Breakfast

The Tri-Delt PMSy Breakfast feotured " $200 scholllrship, mock wedding llnd the traditioMI pMSy ring.

M<'Jny senior women attended the novel breekfast sponsored by Delta Delto Dalto, sorority. Lauro Peterson received the $200 scholarship.

GUt." .. joyed th. delicious b,uU.,t •• rved ., the Tri_Oell Hou••.

Pr.,ld.n! Theophilu. cO"Q •• I"lo'•• lu,. Pe'e,· SOn on ""nnin'llh. cove'"d .<:hol."hip.

60rdon Ch..t.t help. t.hry YounQ",om ihrouQh Ih. p...y rinq


proca..ion anla, t.tamorial Gymn..ium al 1961 commanc.m.nl c.r.monl••.

Graduation P.'anh and I,land. <on'l,alulata I~a .anion alt.. tha ca,a· mo"y.


ROTC ... io," .r. b.in9 eommi"ion.d inlo ••r.ie•.


r•• p.eli ••



I~ •

The lorgest ellISS to groduMe, 946 in totol. filed "cross the stoge to receive their long Ilwllited degrees the morning of June II, 1961. The highlight of the ceremony wos the

llwording of M Honorory Dodor's degree to Dr. D. R. Theophilus by the BOc'Hd of Regents. Also present to receive honorc'Hy degrees were

H. Shull Arms from Rugby, Englond who re-



Doctor of Science degree lind A.

D. Dovis from Joeksonville. Florid" who re-

ceived " Doctor of Lows degree. Citation of Merit Upon Retirement certificotes were given

to John H. CushmM, Professor /'lnd ChllirmM of English lind Elmer L. Hollond, Instructor of Physics. Dr. Donold E. Wolker, President of Idaho Stllte College spoke "bout ocodemic freedom in his oddress.

Cr.i9 Ko",n.., ..d fri.nd, r.e.".' I~. l.wy.,,· Till. Aw.rd f,om 0,. .1 eomm..e.m.nl p,.elie•.


.,.\ l'




, I.



1 I

Th.ophil~.· Itood is ~im by m.mb." of I~.


b.in9 pr.... I..,' to 80.rd 01 h9.nl•.



Campus Life Compus life of the University of Icloho is filled with vorious octivities. From foil till spring, from the Ad Building to the SUB, friends ore mode through pllrticipotion, not only in ocodemic

enclel'lvors, but through Qut-of-dlm activities.

Fr•• ~mn 11.0<1 up '0 Iredmon by winnin'l Ih. '"'l-oI,wl. with thl >ophomor•• durin';! !'ooh w••••


FROSH KING AND QUEEN FINALISTS-tift 10 '19h!, Pit Mltheney. Bobbi. . .,to.h, lindo Sen.illa, Lynd. Kno., NMline N...'"nd, .nd ",bl'. Cllrk. Seeot>d Row_lill Sulli.. n, Phil Reb.,'il.'. Nick C.,· n.fl., Ron N"bl., end Ter.., Groth.

lob Oalll, Dick Nail,on and Mark Holbrook at th. II~. K.y booth of th. Camp~, Carn'val.

Wh.t ayar you want,


bookdora h., ill


Th. Si<;l Alph Ol,mpic, ,pon.,,,e</ b, th. SiQma Alph. Ep.ilon F,.I.,nily 1••1 Ih• •Ihl.lic ability of Iha co.d, on c.mp",. Alph. Phi. di.pt., Ih. I,ophy th.y ,.c.l••d 10' ..jnnin<;l the olympk,

SAE Olympics

The 1"9-01.... '_ on. ollh.....nl...


POP"'.' ••ent> of Ih.


ASUI Activities .dd, 'he we'. 0",_..'" .hod Uftioll for Id.he> 1<011....

116HT-Joh. Mh.,.,.1d d.li..... u 10 ,~n




ft. W ..hio'l\oft $1.1. 'l.I-~I"" ., lIMo WSU Sh.d...,

104;" Willi but . .joy.bl

lill ' ..1.., ...... J;m Mull_" ""ovid'" 1...'.;........ , .1 tlle .... utiv. bcNo.d

1. 1Iq


• 109

g{onwcoming Queen CELESTE JONES Gamma Phi B.et.

miss U

of !J




8weelhearl 01 8;gma Cit; NANCY YOUNT

G.mm. Phi ht.

ofambda Clti X/pita Crescent (Jir/ JUDY S.... MUELS Alp"_ Chi Om.g.

(])e/ta 8igma [jJJ,i (])ream (Jir/ CAROL McCREA

Alph. PIt;

military (Ball ~n




Cfreshman .Queen UNDA SCOVIW


Cfreshman g(ing IILL SULLIVAN _CIoI

8.J(g Violet Queen





Color (Jirl


K.pp. K.pp. G.mm.


G.m"". P+.i Bat.

SAllY NEWLAND D.lt. Gamma

A Tribute to Elwyn Schwartz

Through the yellrs o/IS we h(lve known him, I believe 011 his friends ond colleo9ues were impressed with Elwyn

Schwortz' sincere Md friendly interest in people. his t"lenh o/IS " musicilln end music educator, end his devotion to the principles of ChristiMity o/IS they affect the behovior and development of llil of us. Elwyn had" philosophy of wh",t I might co/III "completeness" in the individuoL To him. religion, music, and life

should all be coordino/lfed into one's effectiveness os II person. As., teGcher. he W<'IS concerned with the "whole" child or young person: he did not feel th"t he was delating with on isolated talent, or with development of " trade-school sort of skill. Working with Elwyn through II period of more fhlln II dozen yellrs, this complete devotion to the full development of the young person impressed me ,n being one of his finest traits. Always generous of his time, always willing to go one step beyond thllt required. 1IlwlIys counting on mutulil trust, confidence. lind the man-to-man working lIgreement, Elwyn deservedly gained lind retllined more sincere friendships thlln any person I have ever known. Devoted to the development of completeness in his students, he was himself on exomple of the "whole" person, perhops much more thon he himself reolized. Elwyn Schwortz suffered 1I fotol heort ottock on December 17, 1960. The University, the Stote of Idoho, the Northwest, indeed, the entire country sustoined 0 greot loss. We sholl not soon forget him. -Holl Mocklin


The Venda leers, under the obla diredion of Glen Lockery, w",s


highly successful in providing the University with excellent music.

Their edivities included the popular Christmas C<!lndlelight Concert. 0' spring concert on Mother's OilY Wee~end. and" tour of v"ficus Southern Id"ho schools.

FIRST SEMESTU......... 0 .... ~ft 10 <i,~I-UIli•• IC;_~_. 1Mb.... Kroll, ~.t Alb,.IIoM., H.' UI>Cl. s...jl~. UIOd" ~ .. A,..., , 01....... I..,", Wood" J...t, Fi"....,. KM.. I •• pe<, J lock, ......... IMtosh, c.,otyo, d..,. ""M JlOCIilh 1<04 . . 1...... OM 0.:_, J ..... Mill OvIfy, M..,••,., bno, GMt,i" F;""h, 5......... I'rk., J... 0olo 11..,. A.~l. 5Mtbo_. ,., Du fa ...... Itvc. H..,_. 0••• liIl...... Ji ... Child. Ch.opm T_ Schmidt. 0"." lilOd••y. A,d.II Sl~dl.y. L..e,...., Eid. 0 ••• h,h. low Four--6.-, whil......... lob Em... i~,Jw L.. Kul .... Joe G"", Nichol .. Iond, O.l.",. Fruktio. N.il '001"'0, Go<doo E1ltolt, Ed Ch,idl.OHO,




flo.,..., ,..:1...-.

CI.,k. JlOdy JgJi.. s...... Kti. 1104.0<11..... tt. Coll_ C~".... 10.. T__Y,di hi· ...., .iII.. Aftoa "'II<:IMrIt, Edi'h '1'_"-<. Oi..... VO,di. Fi JoM.. O'DoaMII, low T ~ . '"-9'" Crow., 0.1. W.I!ooI. Cli•• $chl..-d .John , .... tul.nd WIlli...... L..e... ~ G• ...., H.idel. G ld 600d .....u,h. •iIt Lin••

J._ "' ,.., I,


VANOAlEElt CONCEIT CHOll-low 0 .... left 10 ri,hl-eon... C.".., JoAnn Fio'.. ~o. ' ••1. W.. K.,•• Ol.... ~. ",to,h. Judilh Fi~ ,. 104..,.,., hlko, Vicki. Fio"-. low T _ , , - L I'ebel W-d•. U~d. S",ith. Judy Eli 1Yo, K•• per, Dorolhy HMto........, C.,ol", Ie" Afton ',itCMIt. low T1wM-G....., He;,i.I, G• ...., WIIil , 0-" 6oolc"-. 'hil CofI...... 0 Hlow, H.~, 6e<.1d 600de_,h. ,.'" Corwi •. low Four-o.L..enc:. Fr ...."., Ni<:hol .. Iood, S"' Ev Go<d... ElI"'It, 0.1. W.It_. Ard.n SIIock!ey, .ill U.... Cli•• U<tdwy. l¥rt Eld. Nol .....w. i. pic -.....lly "ob. ,"-,i. F.eeh .tMI "",.1. SM<~.


University Orchestra The University Bross Ensemble, under the direction of Willillm Billingsley of the music faculty, performs music written by composers flinging from the sixteenth

to the twentieth century. This bress group hils been Il felltured Pllrt of band concerts and appellfS on ensemble progroms throughout the yellT. lEFT TO

~16HT-W;IU .....lUin'l.I..,.

Directoo'; 51

E<-..... Frih Sp<ul.,

I«t Willi..., Mart Hoclll~. T'vtnpe": .i11 J a...i_: CO.", CotIfts. H.il W.lt.... lob "'._11, TromOon.<: t... .s-, lob &oru..... ....il L,an Sth.. ind ... F..lld Hor.... NOT VI$ltLE-J.-. MeDo...II, Tt............ • '1<1 J... 60... hw.


The outstanding cello sadion was fea· tured in severe I concerts this yeef. Most notable w&s their performllnce of the B"chianas Brllsileires No. 5 by Villalobos with guest soprano soloist, Dorothy Bornes. in the f,,11 concert. ROW ONE. 1./1 10 'i'ilbl-lOftft "".um..: Cond~clo<. L.Ro, ..u.... ""." V...,d. R.. ~."Oft. ',01••_ Whi....... SECOND ROW_Do~'ilI•• Cu,li •• Jou c.mp. bell, hl,i... S".ill, N..... Jo J"",y.



of the orch••I,. luftift'il u_ftd the fi"l coftc ••1 01 . . . . 1•• h.. b.'luft ullCi., the .rlf~1 dl••dloft 01 l.Roy coftc..1 p'. . .ft'-d m.fty of tlwo 1.....11. . .r.dioft, of COftc..t._" .nd dim.,M • .~cc ..,lul

,. The .prift'l .

University Bands The University Bonds, under the Ilble direction of Warren Bellis. consist of four ~nds-Concert. Marching, V<'Hsit'l" tlnd Regimentlli. These bonds, embrac· ing ISO student members, mode" toter of forty~three public eppellrMces during the 1960-1961 school yellr, ranging from pep rollies, .,thletic contests tlnd pllrades to formal contests including one for the Northwest Music Educ"tors' Conference. The blinds work hord to serve, entertoin lind educote their members ond the University.

n •• m ... ~i." b.. ncl i' oflu lIMo ~i9b.lit. of Ib" ••• '"rl.inrnu' fulur.,l .1 Idoh.', foolb.lI 9"mo•.

c.._.. . .

CONCElT lAND 'USONNEl_FlUTE AND "eCOlO, './tiei. 9 ••• SIo«..._ , J.w." i0oi __, 1(.0,. . r.id, W.y... fo.; OIOE AND EN6L1SH HOIN, _.Iph SlTobel. Ie.ith Windh_; • FLAT CLAltNET, C,,*,'H ..I......... Jo~. Rid... C.,01 Hod'lIOfl. 6 ld Oo'l'lett. Je",.. Sd.oepfli •• Oe.id Well•. 'H.OII Hell, Ch.,I.. 'ott.., Ch.,lon. 1040",". 1.10, 0,••. W.J1.u 5•••, 6.,., H 1..bel Woocl., K.,e. 6orm.e., J.....e E-<..., S.1Id,. Hill; ALTO CLARINET. 6.,., 6,...; lASS CLARINET, 6.,., $roow. Neil H.,,,,,; CON· lRAIASS CLARINET, 6e"y Jo.e,; IASSOON. AI;~e h,mu..e.; ALlO SAXO,HONE. lo4ild'-.I Sleple.< lot. Ne.ti,k. J ••el Sp'''\Ie,. DeA••e He;.; TENOR SAXO'HONE. Belly Be,lo.; IARltONE SAXO'HONE, I,ie. He"io, No'",e. Luke; FRENCH HORN. L,•• S~h.i._ del. Robe,t Go''''''•. Phillip Cofl"'e •. Sieve lo4e"ell. R... Jo•••. JoAnn F'.II.no.; CORNET, Sle.e Ev.." Sp'ule. 104.,~ Hod\l< .0•. WiIle,d S.e.IO •• l,.vi, Io4~Oo.oullh. He'",.. Tile,; TRUIo4'ET, Ie" Wilti." Joh. Sho.I.; TR0Io410NE, J.",e, "kOo.ell. Rob.,t N••ell, ROller Ford,~ •. G." Cod .... P.'er Cor.1.; EUPHONIl/Io4. Willi.", Jo••'. Rob." RHe,; lUIA. Joe Go... J.". Well.u. Ste.e. . .U; STRING lASS. G.,y Ed •• ,d.; PERCUSSION. J., Thu''''olld. O..ld lell. Che'yl Li •• , Nichol •• Bolld.


Public Event Speakers

Df. 1.. 11'" E. UPI'


Oft the ","obi.",., p<'"'J. pouibilill.. of .Iomle -'9f. Dr. L.pp "". b... ' .. med "Ihe on. If" p!tr>lci,I:'

f . . . .J>d

100.......... lobe<l S",yli. IoIlow'o, Ioi. trip to Soulh ~tiu •• v.... in'....I'nt ,.Ik 0<1 ''Tho. Hour Sf 0..... hI. in Soulh ......... k.:·

, •• ,.1.1.9 10 ... i.for....1 9'0411', Dr. Swedi,h hlb<i,hl 1..,1...... ...d .... • b<-.l b.d9,oufld in i.t..... /i.,....l

0.. Nil.


AlKl,... "'.o



0<. J _ A. '-'-not> " ..... I'" UCLA o.~'_1 of Socioloqy d.· Ii ..... lhe k.,,,,,I••_ . for lhe f.... il, ,.I ••i_. <_f.b.

Public Event Speakers



N • .d..... _lei



uthropoloqid, .end Coftfor...itr:'

.peeb _



Df, Nor..... Ior.h I""...,... H...... d_ Oft ............i< .end poIi.iul _,.eptr, ud ."",,1.e11_ i. lhe probleml of &rope. 0<. ,_nd. '.elk< ... "~••phk In" ..."".. i. Coftt....po<...., World Aft.in:'


The Diary of Anne Frank The ASUI production of "The Diary of Anne was presented November 4, 1961, under the direction of Jeon Collette. The story centers IHound Jewish refugees that are in hiding from the Nozi troops. Mony special effeds were utilized to give the ploy the dromatic impod necessory ond to convey to the oudience the deep significo/lnce of the plot ond personolities. Altogether. this WillS one of the best ploys ever presented on the Idlllho Clllmpus. Fran~"

"-t.< 16.,., Whitrnor_' u .... forll.

~ ...

Vu 0 ..... (Vicki s.;b.<t' d .... i"'il

.. "".. mo..... l.


Cradle Song

The second ASUI pl~y was presented December 2 and 3, 1961. The ploy is about the changes that take place when Dominican nuns find themselves foster mothers to ., foundling child. The competent acting of the eleven cast members scored Mother success for the drtlmo dep.!lrtment.

hr•••, I~. foundl'"",. i. luYi"" I~. con,..' 10 b. ",e.ded. H.t weddin", tlun' i, I,ll O~" .. ~il. th. nun, pul th. fi"i,hi"", "n ,,-,



lill C.",pb,lI eppli•• m•••. up 10 On' ,,' the nun< ",hila D"wi" Ald,1Il look. On with Ippert"1 .mu..menl.



IV "King Henry" w&s performed

Merch 17 under the direction

of Jean Collette end set designing by Edmond Chevaz. Roger IUlrr pltlyed the p"rt of King Henry, Gerold Goodenough wes Falstaff /Snd Diene F.,wsan aded as Mistress Quickly. The challenge of a Shllllespeorien roll w&s felt by the cest, and 0 deeper epprecietion of their perts resulted.





• <0_.<10' ~od"clio~.


rudy 10< the

I HI..,tio•• from "" l'!Iym. 600<k., lOp


"U hqu'.""· _ ... P<.... nled by'''' Uo'• ."ily $.0'1 .... u...... I'" di"<Iion of Nor 1t'S4 "..:1...1" in mu,'e Irom I'" uo;.....ity. •"" CMrl.. K. $iml, '...ttud.... in mu.i Wot"""p.

lo'l•• , Soloi.ts wjlb 1M c...... _to d d,... tot of tI•• Un;y..,ily OIM'''

University Singers


One Act Plays Three one-act p1"ys were presented in the spring. The plays lire ' Hello from Berthll:' directed by Doug Brown; "Mooney's Kid Don't Cry," directed by Bonnie Scott end "The Hitch.hiker," directed by SlIlIy Wilbanks. Two of these plo!lYs are feetured below.

"1'1.110 from ""ht" took "Iuo In • bMlroom in ",he V.II.,"-. ••clloo .lonQ th. riy.r II." 01 u.! 51. lo~i •. Goldi. we. pl.y.d by S•• Arm.: k,llI., pl.yoG by Kyle ,"",....; It.t, ployod by ell,l. Rey.old.; ud ,lIylli. He .. i. pl.ytd th. qirl.

"1010000.'" lid Do.'1 Cry"



two ~""roKt.n' W"",",,. pl.,-d by I .... W<Coboo••Dd J kitd... of .. chHp tiw.....oom lI.t in t'- i.,h..."1 ~Ii

pl • .,.., by c..ol. H.,"". of .. I.,.,. " - i n . city.

The K .... of H"t plt, . . . . .



<O<Inl dil.Co .... '1M lo.e_,;e., cr,", pe,., C"',~b;..... hidin9 ........ one 01 S.,un,', dr ...i",;! 90".' in Ih, b,'l <"'1, in SUI.Me', boudoir.

Opera Workshop "The M~rrillge of Figllro" by M0211rt and "The Telephone" by Menatti were presented by the University Opero Workshop April 5 ond b. NormM R. Logilin sang the port of Figoro. The other roJes

u ..... Smlt" .M Gery Wllilmof, in "Th, Telephon.:' len', 1><01'0',1, 0' m.,rie<jl_ 're con"ull, b.;., lnt.",..pled by Ihe t.l.pllo.... Finall, ull. hi, , 1 I'om • pe, plio 0Id 1><0_'.

were portr"yed by voice mo!ljors in the music dep..'lrtment.


Orchesis and Pre-Orchesis Orchesis


Pre-Orchesis are the modern dance

honoftlrres on campus. Eoch yetlr they choreogroph

ond present both., Christmas progrtlm and., spring progr",m during Mother's Day weekend. Under the able direction of Miss Rowe, these dancers g<!lin ., new understanding of d.,nce tiS ., medium of expression.


'Of ......y.


Me"o" ,eq.ite<! • from .. th duc.r.

d ..1 01 conco"".!;..,,

Til. fl•• l. of floe C!vi'"....' 1""09'..... Iol ...i.:' _ of 'boo _ I _y'., due.. pt , " . It .... d _ ..ilh .on id.. of • ekwok ritu.l.


Ooru "Idrid<;lo .1><1 A,I.n. Wri,hl d .... ontl••OI. On. of 'be .... n~ C)•• ulol

po.itio"l ", ",od.o,n done..


10TT0lo4 aow--eMt..., All.,.". c.o,o'"" N••ey WollI.n. NOM loy SMt•. N.",,! W.'90II. TOIOI Thu_. 104.,'.", fi.M'y. Amy 10.... 10,•• 104110<. Suo fi.k. Cotol F.'1t, K..... eo..,hl J ....I 104~1t • .....,. SECOND aOW~,d J ...,. Iotty H....l.'. lo4i.. 6.yd ItOWfl.. Ad.I_: lob 104...., (.,0 ••1. 104."., hlly. Doll... W Josd, Ubby. TO' aow-J_. C.... pboll. C..I, Wood. Jood, K p_. c.o,o' (.,0.0••



Helldivers, under the supervIsion of Miss Goydeno Brown ond direction of President, Bob Schini, completed Mother successful yeor os the swimming honorory on the Idoho campus.

H.ll"I ••" .. io,od • .p,In, picnic. FllST 10W--S... A'nold, C.,o' F.lk. J...:l, Libby. 00<... Sood,lch. N..... l.y S~,.. SECOND aOW ob Ty. _. I Cou,Islu. c.o,oly. Cotlolt. 104 • ..., (.,0 104 W........ D,ck J ...,. C,.i, Wood. S W,I,h1. .., 1_ ••n. lob Seisin,. lolly H....l.t. TH'"D 10W--n.ney W.'...lt. Che,,., An,.i,. 104.,.., hUy. Donno w...l.,.

Und. En,I., N.ne, Hubb.,d .r><l C.rol lo4eCullou.. h p.rfo, ... d.,in, • H.lIdi .... p, •• onl.tion.


Fine Arts

, ... Attic Club Art """Iioa ;. .01 ••,. ...11 .tt...d.... H.... lynn Ho•. - i, et _k .0 en .",,11_.

101,. D_ _

..,d D of D

'''* ..., P4.. .

M.,t •• ...'... col

... .

b.ildin9 .nd ill cl..... epvery


Joe. M.,ph~ ...d an i.",.<lo, di.c ... 1"- .h.d.. end .h......... of • piece of jewel,y.



athleti[5 Football Basketball Baseball Track Swim Ski Bowling Golf Tennis Intramural WRA

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR AND HEAD COACH Underl,,~ing both the I"obs of Athletic Director and head footboll coach, Skip St., ey has shown ih"t both jobs ctln be hllndled Ildequately by only one person. Under his leadership, " new and stronger recruiting program was storted and profits of this program heve been shown by Idoho's winning lIbility in Freshmen sports.

PUBLICITY DIRECTOR Another person fulfilling" new job at the University and doing iI very capllble job is Publicity Director. Tom Hartley. Mr. Hortley hils tllken great interest in his job of geHing Vendlll sports news out to the netion lind milking sure thot the home contests lire presented to interest the f/lns.


These life the men who molded the Vond.!!1 football teem into (I highly orgMized grid squad which had to go up (Igllinst some of the toughest competition in the Mtion.


Cheer Leaders & Porn Porn Gi rls

Rally Comm. 140

Under the leadership of Yell King, George Volk and Yell Queen. lynn Shellman. this colorful group kept the Idaho f<!lns in spirit dur-

ing the


and basketball seesons.

Under the lelldership of eMI Berry, Il new pep group was formed on campus celled the "Reily Squad." This group had <!l representa路 tive from each dorm on ctlmpus and its fundion was to devise new ways to instill spirit in the students at the University.



W.rm Up



Football The 1960 edition of the University of rdoho Vandel Football teom showed itself to be 0 squtld of greet spirit but with little luck. Htlving the some record


the previous yeor, I win lind 9

losses, the Vandols disployed " stronger teom by giving most opposing tellms (I rough time for at lead three quorters instead of for only o holf 9"me 0$ was the case in the previous yeor. Showing the greatest ,,,lent wes senior qUllrterbllck Sil Vi,,1. who guided the tellm offensively end threw most of the posses to 6'6" end Reg Cerci,," who ranked 4th in the otItion in pllSS receiving. At mid-seeson, 0 light-weight group of defense specialists celled the "Vonguords" were formed llnd these eleven men did " greet job in slowing the running ottecks of sever,,1 strong offensive powers. The Idoho pig. skin ftlns CM only look to ned seoson ond hope that the record will be better for Idaho in 1961.

THE CAPTAINS s...lon, 511 VI.I .M O'N,Il V.il .... tho. I..d .... , 1M/) V....bl ' .... ,b.lI <qHd. IMy ,h.\;., Jw,r>d W.. hin,ton Hu'\y upl.in, Roy M.I(."on.


lhe ilh




The Men Beh i nd the Scenes These are the men who sometimes work the hardest mod of the time ",nd yet ",chieve the least glory. Tr",iner, P",dey Boyle h",s worked over the V",nd",1 injuries for the p",st five ye",rs ",nd h",s done", very commendable job. Equipment Manager, Ben Keane is the person who keeps the athletic equipment dean and in top sh",pe. He",d FootbGli Manager, Ed Moomaugh has been at the helm for the past two years and is well known to aU Idaho football players. Seldom do these three men get the hand of applause they deserve.




Idaho 6 Oregon 33 After trtlveling to Eugene, Oregon, for the the Vo!Indols were in trouble be-

seGson's opener,

fore the end of the r.~t h"lf. Oregon suffered from fumbles the first period, but rolled to two touchdowns in the second period to tllke <'l 12-0 letld tIt the holf. The Ouch coosted home with three more touchdowns in the second holf. Ida· ho's lone score come on " 76-ytlrd m"rch in the fourth quoder and wos c1imoxed when full-

b"ck. Judd Worley plunged for five yords and the touchdown. Due to injuries. this



ley's only game this season, Also showing strong running power in the drive WtlS transfer qUllrterbeck. Mike Mawlf. Masolf broke loose for " 2J-yard run "nd "dded two completed passes.

JOHN DAHLEN G ••rd, Junio, lEG C.....OLAN Eftd, J~~io<

MIKE SHEERAN F.lIb.ck, S_.;or Sil VIAL




Idaho 12 Washington 41

'HIL STE1NtOCIC End. Sophomor.


For the second week in 1I row. the Vandals traveled to the COlist and for the second week in " row they rlln into trouble. On this second oCClIsion they found the trouble ot Seattle oglllinst the Rose Bowl bound W,uhington Huskies. Brilliont running by sophomore holfbod. Charlie Mitchell and deadly blocking by the Husky line pllved the WfJY for the Washington teem to score in every qUlIrter. The geme was well

into the fourth quarter when Idaho fiMlly found paydir' on /I 54.yard pllSS plllY from 5il Villi to end. John Pemberton. Only minutes Illter Vic'll found Pemberton 1!1911in. this time on II ten路yord ~ss ploy. The two-point conversions were mis~ed t1nd the final score stood lit 41 to 12.

lEXE UlKO J.,,;o,




For the first time since 1950 Idoho lost its grosp on the "LiHle Brown Stein." The fons ot Missoulo sow Montono drow first blood on 0 pIlss interception mid-woy into the first period ond to~e e 6 to 0 leed. The Vend"ls come right b"d to go "heed on 0 sneek by qu"rterback, $il Vie I end " conversion of the extr" point by Ron IsmMI. Ideho og"in scored on " 17.yerd run by holfb"ck, Mike Mosolf ond with Ismoel's kick once more good, the Vend"ls went to the dressing room with e 14 to 6 leed. The second h,,1f wes " completely different picture, however, es the determined "nd enthusiestic Grizzlies held the Vendels scoreless while scoring two more touchdowns themselves to give them enough points to win the g"me 18 to 14.

Idaho 14 Montana 18

ION ISt-lAEL End, s.n'ot .tt."",k con_.1oft


JIM DAVIDSON Utility, s.n;ot

GAtEN IOGERS H.lfb.ck, Junior


Center, Junior




Idaho 6 Utah State


Gu.rd. Seftior


The Vondo! crew trtlveled to Boise to f"ce " dynomic end nationally rtlted Ulllh State Aggie leom. They soon found out why their opponents were rated so high. The Aggies ron out of " wing-T form"tion


DAUELL VAIL Tukl., Seo....

using mostly running ploys to rip the Idoho defensive a~rt with elise. Aggie. Tom Lorcheid end Doug Mayberry led the lit路 tad for Utoh Stote gaining the bulk of their yordoge between the gUllrd and teckle positions in the Idoho line. Idaho's lone score come with 12 :]6 left to ploy in the fin,,1 quorter. Vandal end. Reg Coreilln sped from a cluster of Aggie defenders. grabbed e 14.yard poss from Sir Vi,,1 and crllshed into the end zone for the score. Uteh Stote scored in every querter "nd eltowed the Vondlllis to threllten only twice.


Go..d, Juo....

Idaho 8 Oregon State


A gre"tly improved Vondol squod gove the Homecoming crowd 0 thrill os they put three quorters of feor into 0 highly tolented Oregon Stote Beover teom before giving owoy two touchdowns in the fino I quorter. The Beovers dominoted the first holf end left for the dressing room with 0 comfortoble 14 to 0 leod. As the third quorter begon, the Vendols showed new spirit. Guord, John Dohlen recovered 0 Beover fumble end td"ho storted to drive for pe:rdirt. Mike Sheeron entered the gome on be路 c"me the backbone of the V"nd"r "tt"d. Sheeron's rush through the middle g"ined the Vond"ls two first downs end " Vi,,1 to Dennis pass pl"y to the three-y"rd line, set up the score. Sheer"n then plunged for the fin"r three yards and Reg Corolan "dded two more points by grasping a Sil Vi,,1 pass from the top of an OSC ployer's helmet. The Vendals, worn out from the three previous qu"rters, were swemped by the cherging Beovers in the finol period es the OSC teem rolled off yordoge end scores with ease,


H.lfb.ck. Juftior

101 AI<o4ES <Aft''', JUft....

UHf VALLEY Eod, J"o....


Idaho 14 Hawaii 6 After 'Ilking three dllys to fly to the lslllnds Ilnd then h/lving Il two-cloy postponement of the 9.,me, the Vo!lndol squlld fllilied to its first victory of the sellsan. The Idllho tellm W/lS never assured of victory until quorterbllek. $i) Viol hit end Reg C<'Holon on II ten-YlHd pllSS with ten seconds reml'lining in the gome. Ron Ism(lel converted the extro point

to give the Idllhoons an eight-point lelld ond the victory. The gome's first touchdown came in the opening qUlIrler when the Vandols intercepted (I Reinbow pass on Hew"ii eight. Five plays I"ter, fulJblld. Golen R~ers burst ten yards off t"dle to score. Ismeel's conversion ....."s good to give Idaho the ellfty lelld of 7 to O. The H"Wllii tetlm never held the lelld and their only folly clime on on 80-yord drive in the fourth quorter. Their poss ottempt for the two-point conversion fell incomplete. After the victory. the Idoho teom took 0 leisurely seven doy rest before returning to the moinlond. JIIool N.l:I'AUEA 6u,d, s.Aior

DICK IoolOONU' H.llb.. k, Juftior HOWAlD .IOWN Tu''-. Sop","-_


Idaho 14 COP 25 After II leisurely week in HllWllii, the V"nd"ls were "ble to hold up for only three qu"rters. The beHle WliS herd fought for the first 47 minutes but in the lest 13 minutes, the COP Tigers wrepped up the gllme end pulled "wey with II two touchdown Ielld. The person who hurt the V"nd"ls the most wes COP's brillient qUllrterblld, Bob Getiss. Getiss sterted the drives end WliS involved in most of the scoring. Those scoring for Ideho were qUllrferblld, Sil Vi,,1 on 0 running ploy ond 0 12-y"rd pess from Villi fo end, Ron Ismoel for the finc'1 folly. Ismoel converted both extr" points perfectly.

101 SHill Gu..n:!. S-i....

JOHN 'EIo4IUTON bod, s........

IIll Hill G....'d. Ju".....

JOHN DESt.40ND T.odl., Ju......




PlItt the dol' _



Idaho 3

Arizona 32

With only one minute "nd fifteen seconds pl"yed in the g"me. the University of Arizon" Wildc"ts scored their first touchdown Md went on to score four more "s the C"ts sw"mped the Id"ho V"nd"ls. The V"nd"ls were tired from tr"veling Md Arizon" took "dv"nt"ge of it. The Wildc"t plIssing lItt"ck. guided by the throwing of qu"rterbllck Eddie Willi"ms. ruined the Id"ho defense "nd scored regul"rly. Id"ho's lone three points c"me in the first qu"rter when Ron ISlMer kicked" twenty-three-y"rd field go"l. td"ho come close to scoring only once Md th"t wos in the third qu"rter when they penetr"ted to the Wildc"t three·y"rd line but lost the b,,11 on downs.

GENE 'ATES Junior. H.,n•• ~~



Sophomo' •• Gu.,d

SOp....mo,•• hdl. TONY DENNIS Junior, HaUback


Idaho 7

WSU 18 Gllmbling Md scrllmbling, the Vllndlll teom


very close to beoting the Cougtlrs

from W&Shington Stefe. Although WSU won by two touchdowns, the victory was not secured until there WllS less then one minute to play. WSU jumped to en ellrly

lelld but Idaho bounced btlck lind with Sil Viol's one-Yllrd plunge lind Ron lsmllel's perfect conversion, the VMd"ls were in the letld tit htllftime, 7-6. The leod stoyed the same through the third quader, then with one minute into the fourth qUllrter WSU scored on II p,us pllty. Ideho tried hllrd to get blld into the contest when they let hllrd-running fullwck Mike Sheeran ctlrry the ball four consecutive times for twenty-one yards to the Cougar five-YlHd line. The next two plllyS were II sixyard loss on " running pilly and en incomplete pess that gave WSU the ball on

downs. After Idaho gambled on " fourth down end lost. the Cougars too~ over on the Idaho eleven "nd with seconds left scored on a pess play to gain "n insur"nce score "nd the ball g"me.





RICK DOBBINS Junio"O.."e,beck


Idaho 20

San Jose 22 The end clime suddenly lind 1111 Idaho fllns Il"d bIllfplllyers were stunned. The gllme hlld been II see-SIlw Ilffllir with the team from ldllho holding the lelld a large Ilmount of the time, but the scrllmbling SIl" Jose Spadlln tellm clime on strong towllrd the end lind midway through the fourth qUllder tied the score lit 20-20. With only eleven seconds to pilly, the bllil WIlS resting on the midfield stripe; and the Srrtllns were in possession of the bal. The SpIlrtlln qUllrterback went bIlck to pIlss lind let fly with a long throw towllrd the Idaho end-zone. The bIlli WIlS intercepted by lice defense mil", Jim Davidson, on the one-yard line lind he WIlS flick led back into the end-zone for Il two-point safety. This pillY was protested greatly by Illl concerned from Idllho but to no Ilvail. The sellson WIlS over. S.....bod tri.. to IiMI

DICK MONAHAN JM"iot, G ...,d LAJ.lY SlACHLU JM"ior, EfId




JOHN SIMKO Sot..iot. c... t ...



f1oll ....' .

V.nd.1 ..he I.ckl... con'.',_ on W'SU Fro.h b.lI <.,,1., !,om .'.,y di'ection.



WIN OVER WSU COUBABES 7-6 Something different ot Idoho this yeor .....os the Frosh footboll teom which broke trodition by winning ball games ond thrilling the Idaho fans. The teom storied off unnoticed by losing a close 13 to 7 battle to the Blad Knights of Wenatchee Junior College, but within doys the fireworks started as the team worked os " group to upset both the University of Woshington frosh ond Woshington State frosh. The Bobes terrorized the yearlings from Washington by capitalizing on vicious tadling which caused Washington to fumble ond Idaho to score. The Vandal Babes held a 14 to 0 h"lftime lead and never allowed the Husky Frosh to thre"ten after th"t, the g"me ended. 27 to 15. In the game with the WSU Frosh, the V"ndol Bobes sow the going tougher and were not able to score and take the leod until there were less thon four minutes left in the game. The Idaho team took the advantage most of the game but had a very hard time hitting paydiri. With aches ond pains thot I"sted for days, the Idaho frash won the game 7 to 6 and finished the season with" fwo win "nd one loss record.


Vandal Babe Standouts TOM MORRIS was the nome that most Idaho fMS remember best. They will re~1I his brilliant running which put fear into every opponent pll!lyer. His explosive running and high spirit were very strong f.,etOfS for ldoho's oA"ense lind winning record. DON BIAGI



bone-crushing fullbo.'ld who could pick up the yardoge when it



GARY GAGNON guided the teom in the two winning games as qu"rterbcck Gnd showed strong outside running, fllir ~ssing and II great ability to t.!l~e control end guide the tetlrn. DON MATTHEWS was II linemen who stole the boll out of " Woshington players hMds Md sprinted 55 yards for" touchdown end blocked the extrll point llgllinst WSU. He was <'I strong blocking lind 'ockling workhorse on the line. HAROLD MAZZEI, the stocky built end caught the game-tying touchdown against WSU. SHERRill WEllS booted the extra point to give Idaho the victory over the WSU Coubabes. Many other ballplayers with a winning spirit gave the Vandal Frosh the answer to a winning season. Coaches were Jack Dosier, Gary Farnworth. lee Shellman and Judd Worley. Each put in a very worth-white job which is another factor for the winning season.


Basketball Coach Joe Cipritlno, starting his first se"son as Idaho he"d bosketboll coach, "nd his fifteen cagers f"ced a grueling schedule in 1960-1961. The schedule itself presented sever"l h"rdships. The first w"s th"t it contained" tour of the MidWest ,,"d gemes egeinst such te"ms liS Michig,,", cOllched by 11lst se"son's Idllho mentor, D"ve Str"ck and other b"sketball powers as Toledo "nd 8r"dley, woo pI"ced high in the top ten of the nation. The region,,1 g"mes "Iso presented stiff competition. Id"ho, besides pl"ying in the F"r West Classic in Portland. where the hoopsters won the first llgllinst strong Portlond ,,"d lost two others by norrow morgins to Oregon St"te ,,"d AriZOM St"te, met Oregon, Oregon State ,,"d Washington St"te in regul"r seoson play ond in eoch c"se split a four-g"me series. Two ouht"nding players were lost to the teom through gr"duation. co-captains RoBie Willi"ms ,,"d Dale J"mes, but the outlook for the 1961-1962 V"nd,,1 te"m is excellent with the return of tall Ken M"ren ,,"d Reg Carol,,", and with sharpshooters Rich Porter. Chuck White "nd Gary Floan.



h" M.,u i, ,ho.... '.c.iYi", ttHo R...... i. WIIile Moot V.Ju_ .bt. 'I.y., A ...,d f'om &lKuli •• Du" H. W.lt., St_ft_"•.


This ewerd w.,s received by the Vend.,ls' 6' 8" center, Ken Maren, who is a junior and heils from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, P10cing third in scoring and first in rebounds, were quite helpful to him in winning this award. THE OZ THOMPSON SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD:

Tom Gwilli.,m, ., iunior forwerd from McCall, Idaho wes voted by his teemmetes to .,ccept this eward. Gwilliam bolstered the Vend.,1 bench strength .,nd wos "Johnnie-on-the·spot" when it ceme to going into the geme when the chips were down and filling a "first stringer's shoes." THE JAY GANO MOST INSPIRATIONAL PLAYER AWARD,

"The spark plug of the Vandals," Was., wellknown title for senior guard, Dale Jemes who was the recipient of this award. Fighting both en injured knee and size, he wos able to overcome these two defects with courege, hustle and spirit. He will be remembered for years .,s one of the most inspiration.,lld.,ho besketball pl.,yers,


Tom ,"wilti.m

.cc_,," """Aw.,d. O. 'hom"","


VAISITY IASItErIAll TEAIooI-ft.... ' 10_. I.ft 10 .i'~j........(;oec~ Joe Cipri..,.... CI.ir Gr.,. loti.. Willi , Del. J......, G..., Fl...... Art Aed..--••ad l0oi .... , ... Ge«~ Chri.t._. IooItddl• •0_T..... 6willi.m. l"" ~.rb. C~ ••d wtlit. Pyk.....<1 .., C..ol.... ... . .ow -lk~ _ . It... l0oi ••••• J." W .....boll, Chuck l ... ~ •• ad Jolwo "" .

Idoho. Idoho Idoho ._.__ Idoho ..... Idoho ....

50 Portlond . 55 Montona

53 67

Idoho ..


Id"ho .__

56 Washington St ..... 56 Woshington St. 57 Michigen .....


Idoho ...


Ideho .,_



52 Oregon St. 63 Oregon 85 Weshington St ...._ 89 Seottle ......

Montono ... ........ ,


Ideho .. Idoho ....


Oregon St.

55 57

Idoho ..'

54 Oregon St.




Idaho ...


Portlond .

97 51

Idaho ... ,


Oregon St.


Idoho ..__


Ide'lho ...


AriZOnlll St.


Ide'lho .._

70 We'lshington

Idlllho ...




Idaho ..__


Ideho. _


70 57

61 Oregon 49 Oregon St.

Idlllho. __



Idlllho ._..


Idaho ...

67 67

_.. 100

92 Kent Stete .. 54 Toledo

Id"ho ..



..... 106

WllIshington St.. Gonze'lgo

65 Washington


63 78




Jame. o,i... for

Iwo, e. Me'.. .... for

PO..ibl. rebound.


Junior, Forward. ,. S" hbo. V.lley, Cam.


Individual Records NAME

Chuck White Dale James


Ken M"ren

Rich Porler _

Gary FloM.


Rallia Williams Reg


Tom Gwilliom . Others .

· ·








2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 22 2b 24 2b

299 257 242 238 19b 198 9b 39 33


.405 :435

110 98 114 42 25 23 40 21 10



1M 118 150 b1

2b 2b


9b 93 b8 bl 30



.310 .3 13





41 57 29 20

bOI b3b

.385 .405



.760 .689



38 120 125 28 31 243


.56 t .702 .724


Team Rebounds

Te"m Tot"ls Opponents

IOLlIE WllLl"MS 54eiot Forw... d ,. 4" ·1I:.U"99 •


b79 155

41l 514


157 b5 247







A .....

81 88 81 57 35 54 90 19 24

350 320 30b 228 159 145 100 41 34

13.4 12.3

42b 489




8.9 b.1 b.5 3.8 1.7

1.4 M.3 69.4

DALE JAI<o4ES Setoiot, Gutd, S' "" ~'.Ioft. Or-von


Idaho 56 WSU 55 Idaho 85

WSU 67 Hoving better luck than the yeo, before. the V(lnd"ls were "ble to 501"'''ge .....ins in two out of the four games with their opponents from neighboring Coug"rville. In the first outing Gary Floo" come off the bench to fire in two howiher-type long shoh to sove the 90me Md give Ide he " 56-55 win on the court. After losing b4 to 56 on the Coug"r Court, the two teems mode their ned showing "gainst each other tit the Idoha gym and the Vtlndols had no trouble swamping WSU, 85 to 67. Guerd Dole Jomes and forw"rd Chuck

White spearheaded the Idaho attock, J"mes's hitting screened jumpers from the outside in the first h"lf: White '"king over on f"sf brellk drives and loy-ins in the second h!tIL Bock of the Cougor Court, the WSU leom took the victory in the fin,,1 tilt between the two teams, 77 to 63.

KEN "'''UN Ju";Ot. <:'"'.'. ,....

M;I ...ul... W;",_.i"


After dropping the fint tilt to the University of Oregon tetlm. the Vand"rs came ~ck the ned night to pid up momentum slowly end pull IlW(ly to 64 to 49 victory.

le"ding the Vendals to this victory was GutJrd Dole James who did not sttJrt the gome but come in liS tJ substitute ond led the team with sferling floor ploy end twenty-five points. Toword the end of the season the Vendllts treveled to Oregon country lind were able to slow <'l winning Oregon 180m down by splitting with them.

After losing the first game, the Idllho team came beck to teke en ellrly 15-2 fetId. With consistently good free throw shooting they were "ble to pull out o!l 61-57 victory.

I JOHN FUIooIING S.lIio<, Fot-t..d. ,. S"




Sop""......... Gu••d. ,. )" bll09'l

Idaho 49 Oregon 55

Idaho 62 Oregon 57

Flo.. d ..... jump .hot hom 'he ouhid.


Idaho 62 Oregon State 57 Idaho 54 Oregon State 47 The VMdtlls h<'ld


fovoroble series with


very strong OSC

Bellver tellm by splitting with them, but this even series was

mImed by losing to the Betlvars in the


West Clossic.


g<'lmes th<'lt ldllho won were at home ond in the first outing the

V"ndols f"st路bre<'l~. operllting to perfection but in spurts, grabbed an eerly lelld, felleted and then ctlme b"d with rush during the !tlte sttlges Md won with" 62-57 score.

In the second win,

Id"ho froze the b,,11 for 30 seconds and this plus the mllster work of guard Dllie J"mes, the V"ndo!lls were tibia to win 54 to 47.

GARY ROAN Junior, Gu~rd. 5' II"



Idaho 89 Seattle 70 Idaho 106 Gonzaga 78 Ido/lho, 0/1 cleo/lr underdog in its tilt with the to/liler Chiefto/lins from Seo/lttle, turned the tobles to romp over them 89 to 70. The VMdo/lls put together 0/1 superb defensive first he If, with 0 fobulous field 1300/11 percentoge of .54 in the second holf. to cho/llk up o/In impressive victory. Probebly the most eJ.citing o/Ind most highly Mtici· peted home geme in mony yeors wes o/Igo/linst the Gonzogo/l Bulldogs. The Vond51s outclo/lssed Gonzege to win lOb to 78 end tie oil scoring record. White holding down the netion's leeding scorer, Fronk Burgess. to 12 pcints in the first helf. he co/lme on strong to score oil tot51 of J7 points. At the So/lme time, however, co-c5pt5in, Dole Jomes hit his coreer high in scoring 30 points, followed by Chuck White with 21 o/Ind Ken Meren with 20. D.l. J ........ nod


Whit• ." ... Ov.r

p<I..... ion

01 .... b.1I .i.h •



Idaho 70 U of Wash ington 63 Idaho 65 U of Washington 70 After blowing II 19-point le"d in the first h"lf. the V.,ndals c"me on strong in the fourth quorter to defe"t the University of Woshington Huskies in Memorial Gym 70 to 63. In the lost gome of the seoson ogoinst the Huskies, in Seottle, Id"ho led 011 the woy but lost 70 to 65 in overtime. Idoho led up to 9 points in the first half, despite poor shooting from the foul line. However, in the second half lind especiolly in the overtime period the poor free throw shooting took its toll and finally cost the Vand"ls the 9"me even though they outscored the Huskies in field go"ls 24 to 22.

CHUCK WHITE SOpllo ......... /or•• rd. , .... lCirklud. W •• hi.91".


Frosh Basketball VANDAL BABES HAVE 14-3 RECORD Idl'ho ._ Idoho ., Idoho. Idllho ..

Id"ho. Idaho.

Idaho._ Idaho ... _ Ideha.


Yakiml' ..............

57 58 78 67 69 89 70

Boise J,e....... _


Boise J.e. Washington 51. Columbia Bllsin Whitworth .. -lewis & Clllrk ._

Columbie B"sin .. Washington St...


51 6. 68 57 ...53 bO ..77

Idehe ............ Idoho ..............

56 Lewis & Cl"rk ,_ 82 Gonz1l9" ...

______ 102 Idoho ...... _.. Idaho ... ._-- -- ..---' 68 67 Id"ho. Ideho ._ 55 Ideho. 81 Idllho ... 75

NIJC ... Whitworth .. Washington St. Washington St. Gonzoga ..... Washington St.

..42 .... 71 ........63

.........66 .. ,58

......65 ...76 .........71


tHE VAHD"'L'A8ES-~ow On_Iill Melli" 'ill $<I... Tom "".nly.e, DiMe. CI..,y. Te,ry Go".vel, ~ow Tw""""'CO.ch. Way... An· da.,,"•• 104. E. 10", J... '.ttit, Fuel e,o_", .....i.I••' Coach. GI.ftft 'oil.... Row Thr._W.,,,. hl.'.... John '.nn,. Tom Wh'lfl.ld. Jim SchMl. Tom C.,n.-,. hl...,.,.

As evidenced by the record, the University of ldllho hlld lin outstllnding freshmlln ~sketboll tellm. Those showing strong pilly from the outside were shllrpshooting Sill MlIttis from Coeur d'Alene, little Tom 8llllMtyne from Twin Falls lind Fred Crowell from Anacortes, WlIshington. On the inside at the post positions were John Penny from Spohne. jumping Tom Whitfield from Se"ttle Md reserve strength in W"yne Meyer from Sutter, C"liforni". At the forw"rd positions were Jim Scheel from Wendell, M. E. Ross from Auberry, C"lifornia. Le"ding scorers were 8llU"ntyne. M"ttis. Whitfield Md Scheel.



VARSITY 'ASEIAll TEAIo4_lKk low, left to .i,hl--GoKh, W.,u AIId ......... TOfty tu.... H.rb o.hnin" John O",P". Dick i0oi......'. 0.00' G••••, lill John....., D....U Wooff.., .I'd John kckwith, I,b.,",,,. Middl. low-.<:hud Whil., Cr.i, f.Hnu, Ge.," Novol...,. '.1 To"• ...,d. lon Zwitt••. $t••• Hio~kl.,. elifl Troul, Fron' ,o_Tod bi.ile, Gt•• ,."I.r, lob V.'u.k., 1o, Schmidt, Mik. $1...... 1l<I Terry &0.••1.


Under the superb tutoring of head coach Wayne Anderson. tho:! Vendill bllsebilll teem


oble to com-

plete one of the best seasons in the history of the school. The overoll record of 17 wins end 14 Josses was quite respectable tlnd the


wins in Northern Division plllY

tied llny other winning record for Northern Division pley in the school's history. Showing strong throughout the season were senior pitchers Steve Hindley end Tony Burke end junior fostboller Pilt Townsend. The two top

sluggers on the teom were first basemen Terry Boesel end sophomore outfielder Herb Dehning. With iI team that hod hustle llnd showed


spirit or wonting to win,

the Vondal boll dub of 1961 will long be remembered.


2. STEVE HINCKLEY (uII.llimoI111 Pitehin9 ••eo.d 3 ",in'. 5 lonu _Hinckl.y "'., 011. 01 th. mOlt "';lIn;1I9 pitch... ill V.nd.1 hidory ",ith a ",i", ill 3 StI. .ons. 3. HERa OEHNING I.Hi"9 Au.t9. 351


C."I.'r..ld.... Sophomo••, I.om L.... i.loll Tum', l ..dill'J Hitt.....1 ,l!i7








John Dreps 3 . S Tony Bur~e. . Herb Dehning . ,._. 28 Terry Boesel . '!4 Roy Schmidt 17 Dick Mooney 56 Pat Townsend 19 Bill Johnson ., 57 Chuck Whife 59 56 Cliff Trout ..

2 2 10 IS S 16





S 13



.286 .283


14 12


6 6

.228 .237






2 3

I 6




.667 .400

.357 .341 .294



Pat Townsend ... Steve Hinckley.


7 8 Tony Burke ......... 6 John Dreps ... .... I Craig FeeMn ........ I



47 61 is 4

41 SI 14 7 3







38 8


36 43 7

5 5

2.99 9.00 45.00



0 0

Wt-To<! Kni.ile, C.leh.f, s.,,;ot from 6'''ge.1II • • i,ht-R"J Sc;hmidl, C.lt"'" Senior.. I<om G'''II er.. k

PITCHING sr... F~./t 10 ri'Jht-Cr.i, "--lIell, Sophomor., St. John, W•• hi_9Ion; 0.".11 Woolt." anio', L.. Vete" Ne.o<I.; $te.e Hinckle,. 541\'..... , •••1011; TOil' turh, Se.I...., F.lffi.ld. W ...hiMjlon; 0 ••• , G.ent, Junior, W.I\.IC~. W..h'n'lloll: John O'.P', Sopho_ _, hwi>!on: 'e' Townwr>d, Jon;"", ,~.,.It



3 2 2



2 3 I


5 I

0 0 0 0

LEFT_Ron Zw,tt__, hI ..... S,n'o,. f,om t-lllwuk.., Wi,· con,in. R1GHT_r."y • .,.,.1, 1,1 ..,., Hnior, f,om Winl~'op, W.,hln",lon.

Mik, Slow,. l,d ..... SOpllo ......., ',om Twin F.II.


w Wilmington Stllte Oregon Stllte Oregon . Idllho . Wllshington

8 8 6 6


• 6

5 9 8

NORTHERN DIVISION RECORD Idoho .. Idllho. Idllho .. Idoho .. Idoho._ Idoho Idllho . . Idllno ..... Idllho .._ Idoho. Idoho. Idllho .. Idoho. Idllho . Idoho .

2 Woshington 7 Woshington 7 Oregon ..,_ I Oregon ..... _ 2 Oregon St. . Wllshington . .. 2 Wllshington . Wllshington St. 5 Woshington St. .. .._ 6 Oregon . J Oregon .__ .. 10 Oregon St. . . .. 8 Oregon St. Woshington St. _ __ .._ o Wllshington St

• •


3 b 8 1 b 7 0 5 ) 19 2 9 b 7 5 OUUIElDERs-uft-lob V...... k., J",,~, f,om ..k.... 0.''''0''; Cliff T,ou', Hni_, I<om LAwino..: Chwck WhiM. SOpho...... from K;,kl...d. W,u.im",lom.


Varsity Track

"i." . . ,

CO<APTAIN J_ Dni" J~"iot, ft..... kll.ov..., W•• di",....1Id .IIo'pttl ••• a"-

CO-CA'TAIH Ed J.cob" J".iot, ftom Woocow, 'p<ia'., .1Id ........b« of lIM tal., .......

Working under the watchful eye of head coach Bill Sorsby, the track showed improvement over previous years. With Coach Sorsby still in the process of building manpower, the team was characterized by outstanding individual performances but was unable to win many meets bec/luse of the l/lck of depth. Outstllnding performers Md point getters were Pete Luttropp, Curt Flisher. /lnd Reg CarolM. luHropp ran the I(Xl·yard dash, the low end high hurdles, and W/lS a member of Idaho's record setting mile relay team. Flisher Wo!IS /llso a member of the relay team, Md set an ldo!lho record in the 880, running it in I:56. He also placed in the hurdles severo!ll times. Big Reg Co!Irolan. the Vandal's deco!lthalon hope, was the third high point m/ln, picking up his points in the high hurdles and the shotput where he set severlll records. Four other stars, co· Cllptllins, Ed Jllcoby lind Joe DllVis, Gllry Michllel, and Dick Doug. las were not able to go!lin many points because of injuries which sidelined them from time to time.


wsu ld."o . W"ihtort"

EWCE ...

Dkk Dou,J ••, Juaiot. ft..... &I,I.IId, di,· l...t... of ,,,- c..... eo..•. ttY Tum.

'.""a m.... 1Id



__._ ._ .__..


_ ,.69 57 .. 29 7

FAR WEST RELAYS O'lgoa O ••gon St.t. W,,"iagtoa

WSu ld."o

..... 75

_. '-Ph _ 2]l1J

._. 31 ._._.


IDAHO ••• OREGON Or.go .. _.

_ ...._ .. 90

Id,..o ...__.._.__



. "



W ..hington Id.ho ..




TO' 'OINT GAINU-'.I. lullropp, Sopho_ . , f,om e-.., d·"'...., .",inl .nd hurdl •

Dick lorn.m.n. Sophomor•. from O<onom~· woe. Wi.con.in. hurdl•• J>d bro.diump •••nh.




69 2/5


so US


43 1/5

IDAHO ••, OSC O<.gon

s•• t.





13 49




2OV2 llh


LEfT-Curl Fli.h.r, Junior, hom N,mp., middl. di.luc. m.n ud m.mb.r of Ih. r.l.y lum. RIGHT-John ,.,I.y, Junio<, f,om C.ldw.lI, .Iso • middl. di,l.nc. m.n .nd • ",.mb.r of Ih. r.l.y lum.


Frosh Track CO<!lch Bill Sorsby, in the process of building II stronger versity team in future years, tutored 0 strong group of Fresh thindads. The teem showed strong in most events end for the second year in " row belli the WSU frash by winning the relay thet mtlde the decision. The top frash sttlrs were Nick Cornefix, Louie Oleso, StM Hughes, ond Dick Rllnkinen, who fen the sprints lind middle dis-

ttlnces. PtlUl Hendan, the fresh distance runner spec'aculer, regulorly won in varsity competition. running unattached. Jim Bosquet broke severor fresh records in the jumping events, with the high jump his specilliity. Besides beating the WSU frosh, they elso won II hi-team meet with EWCE Md Whitworth lind the Bill Morfin Jnvi'otionolot Wo!IlIll


- - -----•


.- ...,"""-~--



-_.-' .



F< •• ~",.n 1>01. vult." Mih F,.., f,om La "".... C.lifornia ud Don li.,I, I••• hm.. ... I"M"'.n Irom Albany, Califo'ni •.

Cross Country The Idc'lho H.~lrTiers showed less depth thll" the unbeotc'l bla previous yeof and consequently hod


just better thon

lIverc'lge season. The outstanding runner for the Horriers WllS the Junior Englishman, Dick Dougl<'ls. He ploced first in "II of the regulof sel'lson meets, fourth in the University of Oregon Invitlltional llnd third ot the West COtlst Cross

Country Chllmpionships. Other speedy Vendlll hllrriers were sophomore. Gunter Amtmc'lnn and freshmen, Louie 01<'150. The tec'lm had only <'l mediocre regullH setlson placing second to WSU in severllJ meets but then came on strong III the end to place third in the seven-tetlm Oregon Invitc'ltionGllInd fourth in the West COllst Cross Country Chllmpionships.




Llld of depth over~lonced several excellent individulll performances on the Idoho swimming tMm this year with II 4-8 record the result"nt. Coached by Clork Mitchell. Idoho swimmers rocked up ellsy wins over EWCE lind CWCE in Il series of du,,1 meets. D.,le Dennis turned in excellent performances all sellson, setting" record in the 220-Yllrd free style in


duol meet with the University of Wtlshington. Dennis.

nomed Qulstonding swimmer, set


new lOO-y"rd record <!llsc. Pllul 8reith~lUpt,



Ilil seoson, set new bock-stroke record in the 400'yllrd medley rel"y in II du,,1 meet with WSU. Jerry Zllph, set II school record in the 1500 meter free style in the Illst meet of the sellson. Other consistent winners were Cliff L"wrence. Tuc~er Cole, lind Bill St"ncer, who set e record in the IOO-yord free style during the seeson, AI Hensen, rated "most inspiretioner teemmote:' p10yed 0 prominent P<'rt throughout the season in goining points for the Vande Is,


Thanh to student dontltions, the University was "ble to rend


small four-m"n

teom to the Nlltiontlls in Vermont where the teom pieced seventh. In the fourw(jY competition, Grosvold ploced third and Friling sidh. Astrup p1ll1ced seventh in

the slalom "nd alpine combination end Frilinq placed eighth in jumping. Earlier in the season the sltltmen ctlptured the Kimberly meet. They took second in sl"lom honors llt the Banff meet with Astrup first. Grosvold third end Bergvall fourth. At Reno they pillced fourth in combined honors despite injuries. In the Mt. Hood meet top honors tl9"in were won. In the Sill 10m event Astrup wos first lind Bergvell second. In the downhill Gerrish, Grossvold lind Bergvllil ceptured the top three pltlces. It WllS II grellt yeer for the ski teem under the direction of Coech Boris Keufmen.


Ski Team

ROW ONE-Lell 10 ,i,ht-Ste•• Hindi." D."", GreM. •ich 'orl•• , 0.1. J.m.., Ke. ........ lolli. Willi.",., John H....n, Jim H.lb.u.r, Jim D.do, Re, C.o.ol... lOW TWO _T.orr, .......1. lob A.m•• , D••• '.Ium, lill Hill, 0.".1 VeH, Cllff Ttou'. lob H...... John Hel"'._ t,I. '.rh, Get, l<o4khul, Willi, Smith, .iIl $t.nc •• , lOW THREE-t.rry Stechl.r, 61.nn '''''.', Ton, turh. 6.1.. 'hil SteInbock. lill Whil., Dick l.iIo••_ 11.•• 6.". I .... lCulm, K."I vene,. Ed Jecob" 0 ....11 W_ft••,





Golf Team

Vandal golfers scored another successful season as the Idaho linksters posted ., b-2-3 dUGI mlltch m.,r~ and scored one first placo showing llnd one runner-up spot

in medo! ploy competition. ld/'lho scored two wins over WhifmM, Gonzaga Md trj. umphed over Oregon Stefa and Washington Stete. Vondal opponents garnered three ties in " row as the Polouse swingers were deadlocked by Big Five Chempions Washington. Woshinqton Stota. and Seattle University. losses were delllt the VMdllls by the powerful links crews of Oregon ond Washington. Idaho coptured first spot in the 8<'1"&"0 Belt Invitotionlll in the medal ploy tourney over Gonz"9'" WSU and

Whitman. Vandels finished in second place in the Far West Classic medltl ploy tourney behind Oregon, topping Oregon State, WSU, and Seattle. leading stiders for the Vandals were Don Modie, Ray Kowallis, Norm Johnson, and Ray Schmidt. seniors: and Gary Floan, golfer of the year, and Robb Smith, juniors.





kon SIoolITH J ..a;""


DON 1ool0DlE S.. io<



The Varsity tennis team improved on l"st ye",s record by JOO per cent by winning one match lind losing seven. The V.,nd.,1 netmen lost to WSU twice. Or6<;l0n, Oregon State. Whitworth, Gonztlgo and WhitmM once. Their lone victory clime tit the hllnds of Gonzogo, who were thoroughly trounced by the Vandels 5-2. The standout of the yetlf wos Howllrd Seoley, No. I pltlyer, who in his firstJeor of vtlfsity competition proved to be '" very strong competitor lind showe well t1gtlinst the No. I players from other schools. As for the future. tennis eM go no where but up, lind it should do this os only one pillyer is lost through graduation. The teom consisted of Howllrd Sealey, Bob H<'lnsen. John Ferris, Jim Paulson. larry Durbin.


Bob Hansen and Howard Sealey

No. 1 Doubles

John Ferris and Larry Durbin

No. 2 Doubles



leon Gre... Hud of ,hr.le.1 Educel;on. and Cia... Di· rector of t~. Intramural ',09,a ....



Under the guidance of Dr. Green, Head of PhysiC<'l1 Eductltion. end Clem Parberry. Director of Intramurals, the intrllmur,,1 program here /lit Idaho set" new recOfd for participation. The 1960 to 1961 intr"mur,,1 yeOf WtlS full of excitement, shorp competition, end lots of fun. For the second straight ye"r, the Delts copped the over-"II infromur,,1 title. Delts scored wins in bowling, trock, and "B" basketball. The ATO's won "A" basketball, softball, end golf. Lindley Hall nosed out victories in horseshoes lind toble

tennis. Upham H"II took volleyball end Turkey Trot honors. SAE's won first in foot boll tlnd McConnell H"II won the tennis title. lorry H(lttemer Md Bill Scholes did M excellent job progr"m.

Football The SAE's won their lone intr"mur,,1 trophy in football. The big g"me w"s pl"yed in I"te October (lg(linst G"ult H(lII, the independent ch"mp. The SAE's nosed out (I b·O victory for the grid crown. ROW ONE-left 10 'IQIII-ehub Ande ..on, O..e Slephen.on, lill Sloll, G""Qe Volk, A,.ie reQe" Ced lel~. lOW TWO-h"y t.l."h.II, Do. t.lu"." lob Youn,!, O•• e Pi.,ce, SI.n Aye", Spike N••tnylh, IOQef Jon.,.



student directors of the

Golf The ATO's won the intramurel golf ch<'lmpionship by edging ell other cempus linhters. Wally

Lowe, Keppll 5;g, cerded " 75 to toke med"list honors but WIlS not enough to teke his house to victory. left 1o ,;,ht-"c. ..n.rd, Ed EJurn. kb o.YtI'Imol>d, Koo", c,••• ~. hiI'll N.l_.

Turkey Trot The largest turnout ever for " Turkey Trot saw Roeky Teylor, Upham Hall. win by quite " large margin. Out of approximately 300 entries, 278 completed the fllce. Upham H"II won the teom trophy with " record low number of points. teft '" ,;<)~t-J;m Ok•• on, lob Itown, How.td Gro•• old, Rod T.ylor, lill Go...

Swimming The Phi Delt swimming teem, led by VM Beser. hod " comp"ratively MSy time in

winning the swim crown. The Ph; Delfs looked especially good in winning the diving

lind raley competition. lOW ON&-hft to ';9h1-Gr~ "blcol ..., 'Ilil I",..n, v.., .. _. lich ,.....,. lOW TWo--J ...... Sm.Il, l<o4i•• OM.


Volleyball Upham Hall won its second sfr"ight volleyball chompionship

by defeoting the Delts two games to one. The win dimllJl:ed " seoson of eight victories Gnd no defellts for the high.flying crew from Upham Hall.


lOW ONE-l.ft 10 ",M--6iltHotl Ken W.id., 6.,., H••din. lOW TWOlid I(.ftl, ... IIM" t.4ich.I •• W.,"," Thi.,_ ••n. lkh 1'0°9.

"A" Basketball The ATO's squeezed the Betas in the dosing seconds of ., sudden death playoff to win the Gree. chompionship. A few nights l"ter, their luck wtlS still holding "5 they knocked over

the Independent chllmpions. Willis Sweet, by " 39-32 count to 9"in the c"mpus championship. ~ow ONE-left '" ,,<)ht-John 1'0'. 5il Viel, a.,t "".o,wood, lob Seho... ROW TWo-J.ff Wombolt. lob tool.,",".." &0<_ dOlO ........... 0.." 1-.""lbl.,!. To...




Table Tennis lindley H,,11 gained the first of its two trophies won this year by copping the Table Tennis title. Franl Hoch went all the way for lindley against some stiff competition to finally emerge /liS champion.


Bowling Once ogoin the Dells come out on top os they nosed out <'l determined TMA te&m to toke the com pus bowling chornpionship. They bet'lt the TMA te"m two 9/l1mes to none to go in the

honor. hflto ';9h!-Nor", G;...I, Iud IoolcOouo;.l. G_,. D;<~i ......., V.U9"'" klrkk.

"B" Basketball The only teem to stay undefeated in "8" basketbell ploy wos the crew from the Delt house. The single eliminllition tourney proved tougher thon usu,,1 but the Delts sfllyed right in the hossel /)11 the WfJY to cop the crown. ROW ON&-L.U to ti,hl_R., Walm •. Ron Kul... , Y"9~n E.I.kk. ROW TWo-lill Ilock. lob Mud ••.., •• lob Wi ••.

Horseshoes lindley HoB won its second crown in the horseshoes. Keith Fenton emerged os the top man in pitching horseshoes. Fenton pitched his way to victory over leonord Clark of Chrisme". hit to ,;,h'-Al En,lu.d, hith Hnton, Old 'rumbu9h,


Softball Once (I9ain the ATO's came out on top &s they won their

third intramural chempionship.

They dipped Goult H"II 5-3 to win the softball crown. ROW ONE_bit to .;"'hl_.... b Horton, h'e Moon.y, 0,1, J,mt., .ill I,hlli•.

ROW TWO-O... lundbl.d, H.I Gu.t.l· IOn. Jeff WomboU,


Rich 'o".t, G,,.., ...m....


Track The Delts once "9"in triumphed 115 they won the intrllmurol trllck competition. rllking few firsts, but still monllging to beat out" strong ATO team, they Gdded enother first to their

"Ire"dy long list. lOW ON~fl to ,i'llht-J'hil 0 ••1,., Dkk On.,., J.d FtOd.. lO~. WiU•• d ROW TWo-N01m Gi".I, Ron WI •• , Bob Wi .., Geo''ll Crowe. ROW THREE-T.tt¥ Win" D•• Iorrell, Ttrry W..d, hot 9.'b.u....


1960-1961 Intramural Champions Delta Tau Delta


WRA WRA P'~ls ~n octive port in the lives of University of Idllho women-giving them opportunities to compete in ,,1 types of othletic contests. This yetlr lois Proctor Pence received the Senior Aword, Ethel Steel won the Pllrticipotion Trophy and Forney Hall won the Tournllmenf Trophy.


Th. Alph. Chi, won the Folk Dene_ F."j . ujo,in9 th.m••I•••.

••1. The•• <J;'1s look like tho,



loi, '.oclot 'uu, , ... id.nl 01 ""' ....., p••, •• " ....nn fT.~"" fo<"'r H"II, Tou,n"m"nl T.ophy.


Girl., •• w.1I ., I.llow., un fidul .1 .oll.rb.lI.


b. p.o·

residenEes Sororities Women's Halls Fraternities Men's Halls

Residences Mllny of the most rewtlrding college experiences stem from the association with our fellow students which we receive in our vtlrious living groups on e"mpus. Many life-long friendships tlnd III sting memories tlre cretlted in our homes away from home. Residence life is indeed tJn integral ptlrt of life tlt the University of Idtlho.

Our m."y .florl, .r. ".11 ,.".rded ,,""" our li.i"<) <)roup ,e<el.e, .. y ,e<o<)"ilio".


Alpha Chi Omega Our last year at the "old" Alpha Chi house. under the leadership of President Vicky Fisher and our most wonderful Mrs. Soderberg, was indeed a terrific one Queens lynda Knox. ATO Esquire Girl: Judy Samuels. lambda Chi Crescent Girl Final. ists for Homecoming Queen. Frosh Queen, Miss U. of I.. Delta Sig Dream Girl, Sigma Chi Sweetheart. Miss Wool, Holly Queen ... Outstanding Sophomore in Education, Coo~i Goodwin. and Outstanding Freshman in L and S, Karen Miles . . . Mortar Board member Marlys welcomed Mary Jauregui. Spurs ... Helldivers .. Vandal. ettes. Vandaleers, Orchesis ... Coo~i Goodwin, treasurer of Spurs and Alpha lambda Delta ... Winner for second year in second Folk Dance Festival ... Judy Russom. Pre-Med honorary ... Judy Ghigleri and Mtlry Jtluregui. Home Ec honortlry ... "'" Club member, Audrien HuH. . Merth<'l J<'Ine, mtliorette .. Edie, Secrettlry of SRA Exciting yeer filled with surprises end fun. but .. <'I new yetlr shines bright with our dre<'lms for tI new house becoming tI reality on Nez Perce Drive and the promises of a heppy future there.

YICICY FISHER ',.,id ...1

1>4 •• 11 •• All." el••• I .. b ••• Hinl1. lynch 1(",..



1>4 ••1.... All...

Ie.,•• Cou,III ... Aud.;•• Huff li ..... lyon

1>4 •• lh. J.... lu.1I JOt Ed ....,d, 1>4..1" Hu,IM, J.d;' I>4cCon..1I

Vidi. lullod Judy GII;,I..; M• .., J.u•• J..., l>4.cDould


ll.d. e.mpb.U Cook; Good ...;. JlIdi Jo~ ...... Ie.,... l<o4il.,

'.1 e.<I",. '.ul. Go..eck e ..o! Jo.....1oft ,.",l<o4il;'.

Svu e ••I"", Jo H.Jtd,•• Sh•• _ J _ , 6.,I. .n 1<04__

Jo.n l>4y,ph., $y..n Ph"",,

C., Pow.1I 1>4.,j.... i. R.w

S.,.h R.w Ann 1>4.';. Roo•• J ith Ry ...... J , S.m l.


S.nd." Oonu hIt'll••1

S... SJo.w

c..mill. S...llo.

Oi.n. Sopt, K,I. Thotn•• 1.11" Thotnp.... AnHW.


Edi. v......... P.t W.,t J ,W.. ~ ler


Alpha Chi Omega


ELlZA,UH MISNU " ..ideot

C.,ol Ad.'m.n C.,ol .... ~"-, Cl.lldi. Eid.

Judy AlId,.d,.

h<yla.... Yeo,;. ,"ilolo.

K.y 10..1." JoAnn Cowd.n S""J.Il;_

Judy And.non J..iu C..liOn Sll.'.... Hovc\

Alpha Gamma Delta A busy and fun filled year ... Bobbie Raustadt, Spurs . . . Isabel Woods. JOlIn Miller. Vandaleers ... Liz Misner, Mortar Board President, Senior Class Treasurer, one of top IS Seniors Joyce Littleton, Panhel1enic President ... Homecoming f10et with Fermhouse Trophy for the greetest number of Dl'Ids for Dl'Id's Dl'Iy. . Pledge Dance, "The Night Before Christml'ls." Shl'lron Houck. Chl'lirml'ln of Sub Decorl'ltion Committee. A.W.S. Bol'lrd of Reference . . . Isabel Woods. Pl'Inhellenic Publicity Chl'lirman, Chl'lirman of Dad's Dl'IY Registration, Assistl'lnt Chl'lirml'ln of the Blood Drive, Trel'lsurer of Sigml'l Alphl'l lotl'l ... Trophy for Christml'ls door decorl'ltions ... Cl'Irol Aderml'ln, Province E.ternl'll Affl'lirs Chl'lirml'ln for Newml'ln Club. . Joanne Johnson, Alphl'l Lembdl'l Deltl'l Joan Miller, Phi Upsilon Omicron ... Mery VeNerd, Sigml'l Bonnie Scott, Co-MC for Blue Key Tl'Ilent Show . . . Spring Alphl'l lotl'l Forml'll. "A Midsummer Night's Drel'lm" ... Judy Kindstrom, Secretl'lry of the Blood Drive ... Lindl'l Lewin. vocl'llist l'It WSU Mititl'lry Bl'IlI ... Mother wonderful l'Ind memory-filled yel'lr for the Alphl'l Gems.



i, IIo.... WOI"H


oo.- Jo.........

R J.-niu 1.1-. '.-1 Rob.-...

K.-Ihi Wull... S.. khil,


Sh..-on H.-ylo< HOfm. Tilllon

K....o K..I« U..d.- L.wi. S,,-U.,. , ........ W.-.i.


JlKlr Ki..d.I,om Joyu Lilll.loo


Jlldr Lind.- U91.m

'.,K,...... CI.-IKI.". M• ..diol. Iobbi R.-un.-dl Sh.-.on W.-Id•• m

CI.-IId.-II.- K""h Jo.n Will..Jo Rob-," J.-yn. W.-II•••

Alpha Gamma Delta


Alpha phi

Oo,io erne Colle.. CUlt., Judy 0'""01.,

Alpha Phi Annie opened her doors to welcome 24 pledges and sttlrted off another good year at 604 Elm Street . . . Homecoming was highlighted with the combined efforts of the SAE's in f10et building . "Oueens and things" were Pet Metheney. SAE Violet Queen; Cerol McCree, Delt" Sig Dretlm Girl: Dane Andrews. Miss U. of Idaho Wool . . . Finlliists were Doris Hotfield. Gault Han Snowb,,11 Queen: Pat Mlltheney. Freshmen Queen and Navy Color Girl; Elellnor Unzicker, Holly Queen: Judy Fuller. Militllry Ball Queen: and Done Andrews and Judith Tracy for Miss U. of Idaho ... A-Phis were under the letldership of President BI,,"che Blecha, who wos also the Nationol Vice-President of Spurs, Md Ch"irman of the Blood Drive . . . fell cam· paigns brought the election of Deannll Duffy liS Sophomore Clllss Treasurer . . . Mrs. Wilson gave her willing guidance and hospitlliity, adding much to house functions ... "Sophisticllted Swing" and "The Bohemian BaU" were successful . . . Alphe Phi delegates went to Nlltionlll Convention in Miami lind to the regional in Sellttle. . Judy Fuller and Pat Matheney, ROTC Sponsors: Dana Andrews, Air Force Sponsor Brought home another Sig Alph Olympic victory Campus Chest exchllnges with SAE's, Phi Delfs, and Sigma Nus ... Spring honors showed Carolyn Corlett end Gay Gregory as Sec· retllry and Treasurer of Young Republicans.

Dunn, Duffy JlIdy Ev.n, l,ot...,Ev..,

""'.,y lynn. Ev.n,

I.,b.,. Fowl., C.,ol Fo"I.,

I.tty Jo

~I •• by

"",..I••• 6,.... ~.y G<.9"'\'

"",...Iwo ~,o ••<h Sh..-oo 6yqli Suu.u 6yqJ;

JANICE CR"NE P,.,id ••1

Elin H.llock

N•• q H.,m•• Oo<i. H.m.ld

D••• A.d,.WI Do••• l .. kll

h,b.,. hinbridq. 11...h. Iln~.

0 J

Donn. "Ibin hldridq. I luckt.y

Jun.i. A.d."on C.I~y h,II." C.'oly. Co, I."

Alpha phi

ehri..i... H.. IIff Jill •• H09'l I.lrrna In9h•• ", "".-ry h.ln9 Lind. J •• ob... O.rI.n. John,lon

S,,':;. l(i"9 larb... Kroll 1(.0,. . t..*........ Cd.oI Meet.. A,li_ '.kLo;,ht lois 1ool .......;I..

O.rI.n. 1-4.lh•••, '.II,hlh•••, K.lhy Mill••

'.1 N,loon Diu. No,by Non; NOt.....

1ol¥J'_ll "'... le<g.od . 'ul. bi th hl'*;.. SHIy Vicki S.ibe<t C.,ol s.........


Non. SII.," Su..... Sh.," Vi"ini. Sl.d. EI.i ... Smilh Nucy SlIGOt Jud, Slodd ••d

Hue, Votik.



Wi.it,H Un.;ck.. Jun... W.lk., ",.il. Wil b Lynda Willi ....


Delta Delta Delta Anemic Ttj Delts won the Blood Drive trophy for lorgest house porticipotion helping fa bring to " close" busy ye"r . . . teorned with Delto 5igs to build Homecoming Flollt . . . "Hobo Holidoy" Pledge Donee honoring the seventeen new pledges · .. M,U.N., Ruth ond Bonnie: Bor"h Foundtltion Committee, Ruth; Mortor Bollrd tapped Claire ... Old Spurs. Carolyn I!Ind Ruth welcomed newly topped Spurs, Julie and Jody; Alpha l"mbdll Delta topped Pat and Jody Alpho Lombd" Delto Schol(lrship, Marilyn V

porn-porn girl <'lnd

Holly Queen finalist, Shllton Initiotion Donee "WonderlMd by Night". fllrewell for Mona · .. Entertained AW$ Retrellt .. Ponhellenic-ISC Dinner. . Spur Kidntlp bretlHost ond pledging for new Spurs ... Ponsy BrellHlIst ... Sunrise Dllnce · .. iri Delts lIctive in: Phi Upsilon Omicron. Phi Betll KlIPpll, Phi KlipplI Phi. Alphll Epsilon Deltll. The Curtllin Club, Orchesis. Vandlilettes, Vendllleers, Helldivers. SAl, Phi Chi Thetll ... pinnings. engllgements, firesides lind serenlldes were 011 PlIrt of 1I successful yellr for Tri Delfs.. 0 successful yellr plIcked with fun lind frolic guided by 1I wonderful new housemother. Mrs. lowrence.

liLLIE SOt.lt.lEIlS h ..id.nI

Con.i. lie<....It. . t.l ....... Ink. c.,ol LH Foboo.


J". . c.mpbooll Jlldy FrHmu

z......tId J._I




J...... Go.,II.tId

Sol'; .....Ii.

C.,,,t,. Cio<. S..... Goi."b.,h

Loi.....1.11 lulh S... Go,""I..1


'.1 hil..,

'.1 0,•.,,,,, JOId, Go,,,,,••

Coy ..... hll Joyu lld


1(., H.,.oJ.1

K., H.,d.,. S.nd,. Holm... M .. JohMon M.,Hyn Loeppky C.,ol. lo,.,




Io""i. MeK.y Sand, MeN... Sandy M.,k.. S~..o" Mill., C"I... Moo. J"..".M .......

M.,i." 101....... 101"". N.".. Gi.,., No,..._

Vi,,'''i. Old. G.,lu 11 S ,


¥id'. Se.I., CI.i,. SI.. q~I.' S.II, St.mm ~ ..I.Il. Slo...b,.l., Juli. Stt'elli.q SJo.,.... SI'OKl>ei"

Gin,., 5.....". Timmon. II.... Tod.,,, ......1••• Tu'nbull Jud, V." 51"... 1.1.,11," VOft..


LYM W~il. 51\.0", Wilkin. 101." lo.i •• W<><><I K.'.n Smith

Delta Delta Delta 197

Softi. All... "09.ft 00"'. hid.y

MAllLYN I.4AlTlN " ..id.ftl





Oi... Gea'9'0 Fi.ch

1.4"9.,.1 A......... ft Corol Comm.ck JOft Go,dft.r

Iobbi ••rt""h l(o'Oft Coi ..., Judy G'ohom

H..", Io•..n Ro.i Curl.m.. 'no Ho"i.

Delta Gamma

Delta Gamma's successful year began with the pledging of Ib wonderful pledges who have helped in making the DG's very adive on campus ... S"lly. RegioMI IK Queen and also Homecoming Queen fiMlist ... Julie. "Miss Legs" In Frosh Week Queen fin(llists were Bobbie. ATO Esquire Girl. N(lvy Color Girl. (lnd Frosh Queen' Pe(lrl. Gault Snowball Queen; Je(lnne M(lrsh(lii. Sweethe(lrt of Sigm(l Chi. Md second runner-up for Miss U of I; Soni(l. Milit(lry B(lil Queen; JM. L(lmbda Chi Crescent Girl: Md Anne Wood. fin(llist in Delta Sig Dre(lm Girl ... DG all·house ad "Timothy Kelly" took first pl(lce in its division at Blue Key Talent Show . . . ROTC Sponsors. Delores. Bobbie, Sonia ... DG's adive in VMd"leers. Helldivers. Pre-Orch. Orchesis. and VMd(lleites . . . Pat Dunn. Curtain Club; Bobbie, Sigm(l Alph(l lot,,; Julie, Alph(l Lambda Delt(l; M(lrilyn, Phi Bet(l KapP(I ... Jeanne. pom-pom girl; Sf.urs. TtiM, JeMne. Julie, and Bobbie . . . Gay, co·editor of Gem; Ktly. activities editor for the Gem; Jtlyne. Panhel enic vice-president: Roberta. Panhellenic secret(lry·treasurer; Sandy Bacon. AWS vice·president . . . firesides. seren(ldes. pinnings, (lnd engagements, (Ind. of course. our wonderful Mrs. F.. helped Delt(l G(lmm(l end Ilnother wonderful year.

N . .", He ...i"

Key I(uhlo LilOcl. ""urr.y


¥Odi Hoi... Juli. Sell, N.wt.1OcI


J<td, J II 0.10<... U II,ft JOAM O'Ooftft.1I

s....Dft JoilMon Co,ole McCulloU9h Jud,OI...

"" .....in.. I(i.".. ,...1 1.4 •• <DfI

0.. Oc'"

Lilli. . l(i'KiIM< J...ft.I.4 11 ¥Ocki. '.1 ...

I(.olll..-i... I(_hch

1.4.'9.1.4"""" Juody 'ed.no.


K.y Ouu. J"dy Sculon Sh.,on s."be,t

J"Ii. S••• ," Simmon, Jl>cly St.hJ



&thy hylo< 6.y T"son 1.1..,- Wi_.... All... Wood

5.o1lCl,. W"''''y Rit. z..c....,..,

Delta Gamma "w., 1M ni'lht b./o,. Ch,;,l",., .

Ou' own


F.•"d L.u,i.


JUDY BR....CKEN P,•• id.., Judy Conklin M.rI.no Finnoy

S.nd, C,imp K•••• Fi.he<

C"'rry ....1I,.i, Jud, B,o...n Vi,i.. Oid.m"". S... Fi••

Gamma phi Beta Busy, busy, busy were the Gllmmll Phis this f><'st yellr . . . mllny serenlldes, firesides, lind dllnces-"On the Belich" lind "Pillow r.,r~". . won first plllce in the III1-house cheering contest for Olld's OllY ... the girls received mllnY honors: Celeste, Homecoming Queen lind Mllid of Honor lit the MllY Fete: Mllrg Tllt~O. chosen outstllnding senior; Mllry Joyce, Miss U. of I.: Nllncy, Sweethellrt of Sigmll Chi; Plltsy, ROTC sponsor lind finelist for NllVY Color Girl: Sue, finalist for SAE Violet

Di..o H.lle< .... n. Joeob.


S...... nd'. O....n 8,.n,.11 JoN.1I Oi ••n Jill Foo,,1Ie

Juli.......Iin C.,ol C."on ....nn Equ.l. .....y lee ky.

Su••nn. . . .1 Jud, Ch."in C.,ol E·. ..n• M." ...I 6 .........

C.lh, 8, ....., M.,i.. Collin. C.,ol F.lk Phylli, H....;,

Queen . . . schol/lISticlllly the girls held their own with Judy Brl'eken lind Lynette Squires in Phi KI'PPll Phi. I'S well liS Mllrl'lee, Cllrol, lind NlIncy in Alphl' LI'mbdl' Deltll . girls proud of Slllly Jo, Junior CII'ss Trel'surer I'nd elected Exec Board member I'nd tllpped for Mortllr Bol'rd Cllrol, Pllnhellenic President ... Con~lin. AWS Secretllry Best. Sophomore ClllSS Secretllry . . . Vivilln, Sub Bollrd lind Betll Sigmll Rho . . . Con~lin lind Rowlllnd, lntrllmUrlll debllte winners . . . old Spurs, Best. Heller. Libbr.' Mllthies ... new Spurs. Brown, Tlluscher, Yount . . . Vllndllettes, CI'rolyn, Mllrill. Mllry Lee, Cherry . . . Little Sister of Minervll. Ann. Julie, Sllily . . . Yes. this yellr with llll the lletivities including the Gllmmll Phi Regionel Conference, will be one long to be remembered.

Di.... Hill CoI•• lo Jon..

P.1fy Hill J ...., Keyl.,

Dolot.. HOfmKIIe. ........ lelloOJOJ

Jud, Knmplon S,lIi. l.ti""". Ju<l, Libb, M.b.1


J ... t MeI•• ln.,

'.1 M,Cullo • .,~ h.b••• M,Oon.l<I K.l~, McNicllol> Juli. M.odd.n 6_.,i.M......U

Jill M.lllli•• Mich •• ln Moom...,11 Oonn. Mo•.,•• S.II, Jo "'nl_ Jud, "'''''ini

No.m. Pomponio lo4.'l' hmbo CI• ...:!i•• 0<;~ 1I C40,mi It l nd M... .oJ Ito

M•• iI,n hi..... K.t1. Si••.tt t,n lln Sq ..... M



101.1. Tn.........

M•• i1,n T"w....

J040n W.lk.. P.t Wnm.,l"" lind. Willi..... W".ln"


Gamma Phi Beta C40.ol" w,m, ;0... Yod ..

""1Oq 'OtInl

,., Albr.'~•• n K.r.n LH .. ~~



Jlldr Ion...U


'rown K.r." Chri...., •• Syd , Colli"'ll' C 01 0••;....

Nidi Fr.-i...

Sh... I.... JANe JOHNSON


Kappa Alpha Theta A hubbub of "etivity kept the Theto kite flying high obove the costle on the corner with JMe Johnson os president , , , Thetos "Blocked Oregon Troil" with Fijis for third ploce in Homecoming porode.. "Drivey" pledges honored "t "Horold's Club" donce with c"sino b"ddrop . . . Sh"ron l"nce wins schol"r· ship hono~ with Mort"r Bo"rd, Phi Bet" K"PfHl, Thet" Sigm" Phi presidency. Phi K"pp" Phi, ,lynne Hilfiker, Jon Johnson, Sh"r1ene G"ge, Alph" l"mbd" Delt" .. Julie Gerard, SAl , , . Judy Bonnell, co-chairman for next Homecoming dMce, finalist for Miss U. of I. . , , Syd Collings, G"ult H"II Snowb,,11 Queen fiMlist, VMd"leHe ... Thet"s popul"ht Argon"ut office with Sharon lance, managing editor Md next year's J"son; Ann Spiker, women's editor; Sue Nugent, circulation mM"ger: Sherry McGuire, copy editor; Sh"ron Weaver, liter"ry editor; "nd several staff workers . . . O"d's Day Md Christmas decorotions win high hono~ . . . D"no &ker, SAE little Sister of Minerva. , , Shirley Mitchell. Homecoming Queen fiMlist, featured vocalist at campus functions .. "Horah" present"tion in Folk Donce Festival tied for second place, ,Bethel Solt, porn-porn girl ... Jon Johnson in top five for lambda Chi Crescent Girl . . . Sharon Weaver, SUB Board. . . .



Ulld. 6.tli. Et.i ... G<.fio...

Ooti, G.......... t G<itfi'lto H..."o<;~ hlilli. H.9,tlld



l,... Hilfik... lynd. Hi IobKh "'ncr Holcomb J....n


J.II J..h".... K...." J.. IuKo.

Ann Kn..wlt..n s~., .." l .. c.

All". L.......





Sh.rr, hlcGuir.

Shirl., hlitct>.11 Tind.r hl... II.r EII.n hlOf\l.n hlict>.l. hl ..r9.n


Nu<, N.I"", Su. Nu,.nl

S.n•••,.O,I.. K•• ~I ..n ,.,•• C.,'_ lin,. N."", ludolph



J.,.. 5<:o<)<)in Jud, 5<:09,in J..n SMlb, , ......, Smilh "1M! SoU

AM Spik..

'.lti. hr\o< J .... y ...." TlIoomp&on

Ul. Tow'.. S~.,on Wu y.. Oi.n. Wilso.

'irr WoolyenJ..nni.. Wood Juuil. W,.1t

Kappa Alpha Theta


ANN IIlWIN ,,,.idut

Su. Aleo".

Tha,'. Vi'9ini.



Jou And anOn Nucy .... h

Di..... C,o..

Wilma And anon J.n I,own,n'l Jo.n D.y.n!"'"


An9ia '.t C.nnon Ilo... Eikum


Jou "'"ian Ma" C..., Lillda &I'Ila

Kappa Kappa Gamma It stllrted with Mrs. "0,," the best pledge of the yellr! ... Homecoming flOllt winners with the Phi Taus three c111ss office~, Kllren Stedtfeld, SUSlln Rutledge. lind 8"rb.~lrll Clark . . . "Fantasia"--"n evening to remember ... Military 8,,11 Queen, Camille Johnson, and NllVY 81111 Queen CoJrol Rigsby, plus many fiOlllisfs . . . annUlll Christm"s and V"lentine firesides . . . Shllkey's . . . myri"ds of t"ppings, exchMges . . . Sponsors for Army, lorrlline Potter lind P"t SWlln; Air Force, DiMee Top Senior, Kllren Stedtfeld six Phi F"wson BetllS four Spurs .. three Mortllf Boards four

linda En.i'l" H..tha, Hill Sua lIYin'l.ton

Ja,n.. F.,n,wo,th Ca,ol Hod'l,on JlIdy


Diu. F.w<on I'win Zol. L.. McMu"a,


Alph" Lllms ... president of Mortllr Bo"rd, SUSM Rutledge; A.W.S.• LaDess" R~ers; "I" Club, Mllry Jo Powers; Spu~, Rowena Eikum; S~nish Club, Joan Wallington; M.E.N.C.. C"rol Hodgson . . . Lind" L"mb, associ"te editor of the Gem and editor of A.W.S. Handbook . . . Cheer Queen. Dorly Moore; pom-pom girl, Diane F"wson; "lterOllte Willy Anderson .. new pins lind many engllgements. . top pledge grl'ldes, JM RiemM Md Julie Gibb .. top G.P.A. "g"in .. out· st"nding frosh Md sophomore "w"rds in College of L and S. to Jan Rieman "nd Dorty Moore

Judy Finn., Clmill. Johnson Jaun. M•••,

Juli. Gibb L'nd. Jon •• N.nc, Mikhail

Ju. Good.1I lind. Lamb Ido,. L.. M....,.

L,nd. Ha,ndon C.'ol Lind.m., EU'lani. H.wton


in. Poll., Po 11 Jud11'o..... ~.ry Jo PO_I J~

J. . I;'",. . li'l.b1 K.th1 lod.1I Ann 10'1."


P."1 10'1." l.D.... 109." Ann Itosend.hl ~ •• il1n lowt ...d s..111 Sm;th 6<.tchen Sp.,h

K••• n SMdtf.1d

S.U1 St. Jud1


~ •• ;n


P•• S...... Jo Ann


N.1tC1 T•• il

K.1 Vo.ih Jon W.llin'llon lotn. W...f.l ......1.... W.i'lhl ~.ry y_.. '1.".....

Kappa Kappa Gamma




J •• el Conne, 6lott. ,"",wulock

61.9'" Collie' s..••n 6Ie99

J •• Aid.. ..,b.,. ',ook. Nney D•• t, ty.ne H.ll.ik

Ju. A.d...o. ....rly heW• ....rly Dill",.n

..,b.,. H.",.....

Sue A,m,

"".rei. lu,ok., Judy EII,wo,l~ Hel.n Ann H."I.,.

tir>d. l.eMlle,

S.r>d,. Iy,•• JoAn. 11.9"''''. T...... Hood

..,b.,. II.i. SUI Cun.ro. S.lIi. 6.J1ow.y Nucy Hubb.,d

Pi Beta phi Pi Phis found 1960-1961 ~ ye~r filled with 5OCi~r ~nd ~chievements . . . Dod's Doy brought the oddition of trophies for the best house decor~tions end for the borbershop qu~rtet Glenys, Sue Sievert, Lind~ Wilson. ond K~ren Koontz "Dog Potch Doze" set the theme for the ennu~1 pledge d~nce in November ... reciproc~ted by ~ S~int P~trick's D~y fireside put on by the pledges ~nd followed by the tr~ditionol Spring Formlli honoring the new initi"tes, with lin ~tmosphere of ~c~demic

Ann J.w.1I h'uK_h

"Rhllpsody in 8lue" ... &lrb 81air received recognition as the outstanding Sophomore in 8usiness Administration . . . 8ette Vickerman displayed her talents in the Blue Key hlent Show solo division to "Ain't We Got Fun!". . Anne Marie Smith, Phi Kllppa Tllu Pledge CI"ss Sweethellrt; Lindll 811cheller, SAE Violet Queen fin~list and Militllry &III Queen finolist ... Nadine NllSlund, ATO Esquire Queen end Freshmlln Queen Fin~list ... Sue Sievert, Holly Queen Fin~list....

GI.. y, Johnolo. ""..-,1. K.y Ku'dy

h,.. K.lly $elly t.u

,., Kelly

K.,;n "".lqoid

Judy Kil.lln HIlln Mllhocf



Pi Beta








Nell.1Id Price s... SO ..... J." Tloomp .

....... Smi'. Co'DI,,, Ynl

'.nn, ,••bM.., I ........ lind. S...:it+o Yicb....."



Ch40,'-... 'e,-" Jood,lo,'" J..d, Spetry EI.o;... W..,k...

K J_

,.'-'wtI 11K~.

a.,b.,. St;v . Lind" Wi' "

A •....,..1_........

Pi ht. Phi

All ,Hd, fo< D..,


Ethel Steel House Hard-working officers of Steel House were as follows: Mory Bills, President: lois Proctor, Vice-President; Patty Weed, Secretary: and Plluline Hefer. Treasurer ... second semester found Pauline H"fter, President: Mary Ett" Mtlc.Donllld. VicePresident; Moniettl'l Breun, Secretllry. Shirley Anderson, TrellSurer, lind Susie Simeon. Socilll Chllirmon . . . Fell got off on the right foot


we built our Homecoming f1oo!Jt with

C"mpus Club ... Fall Donce was'" Western Stomp fellluring Western attire "nd music ... Fun was h"d at the Fridoy night dinners representing different countries . . . Home Ec students redecorated the study room llS 1I project thtlt proved most useful . . . Bought " picnic from the off-campus fet-

"'AU IILLS ',.,id..t C<y,'al 60uld 'al J .... du '.11, N.l.o.


Ma" ..a 60uld Idona K.II"9'i1 l ..i. N."ki,k

Ow.n And ....... Aliei. Cook

P.uli". Haf., Lola Kopl,chl.. Kay Oak<

Shi,la, A.nd...lOn 6.0'9in C,abb Ella. Ha,t Mar, Ko,nmu. Jud, 01","

lows and 1I piue porty from Cllmpus Club for Ctlmpus Chest ... Connie ltlrgent, our Phi Delt Turtle Trainer was all smiles when Slow Gin won the race ... received the WRA Perticipetion Trophy . . . Linde Scoville, Frosh Queen end fine list for Sigmtl Chi Sweetheart ... Lindtl Olson chosen new Spur . Pet Stevens initieted into Phi U ... Billie Reed member of Women's "'" Club . . . University 4-H Club found Sue Wiley. Betty Thiessen, end Pat Stevens es President, VicePresident, end Secretery respectively . . . Spring featured tl 9oing.awey tea for our housemother, Mrs. Spoc.k . . . the final touch for the year WtlS added with the Spring Formal, "It Might As Well Be Spring."

V..l. la'"" "'a,tha lee Dalk. Joy H••• la, C..nnr. La'9 ••1 ll.d.Oh...

C.....I,......h.< Dofi. Foukal Do,i. J.m...." lola', Ella MacDonald Di,ie O.i.,

104'''.lIe "un J .....11.6..,'g e Elalne John,.. n P.t McCe"e, Mu,ine 'elme'



11:•••• hid

00••• S.....,.I Ooftu Wilc••

lI:.t•• hl_ _

Nor.i.. Schwi. Al,c. ,,",lor Su.u Wil.,

Loi. ",..dor Und. Sco..ilI. 1.1tJ Tloi...u Shitl., Wood.o,d

loC.til,. h .... Kr.. ft Soru... S i _

e.t..1 T1.....""". Sh.,... Ft..mu

Ethel Steel House

Frid., Ni,ht h. Oi._.


OliNDA HAt.40N ",..'dent H.l.n 10.."MI .....u D•• I.... Edmi.._ J....i El.ben'y J.,,_ 6.0.. Jud, 60uld


leu Allo. W.MI. 1e.1 Sell, ............ El.i... Foo••1i t.4.rquil. H.be,l,

fJein. AMI.",o. He"", Ie..... leek ."... Ft.hM C ....i.ti... Heio" Alt.

Forney Hall


Ju,ce AMle..... Di..... 1(.0.... C.mm Ft...c.. Foorot.... Juditk H.1i


T••• ne Alckl., Iool •• iiy. ".'nick

J.di. Corti. C..... I.... 6.n., Dol..... H.n....

An. t.4.';. hum •••MI. "0"'. Shi.J.e, Dick Jud, 6.1. AIK. H"II'IO"e,

10...1. hum liMl. "own H.I.. Do""., H..."" 6100<",1.., SeMI, Hetri.ld

The first yellr of the "Swinging Sixties" WIlS highlighted by fun Gnd mllny honors won by Forney. HGII Gw&rds lind Getivities .. WRA trophy. RHC trophy. and dllnce group wins third in Folk Dllnee Festiv&l. . Activities .. , "Enchllnted Gllrden" lind "Blue Christmlls" dllnces, firesides, exchllnges .. , Honors, , , Judy Prlltt, Exec BOllrd; Morcy Whitten, AWS treasurer; Bev P&ul, Phi Betll Kllppll lind Americ&n Associ&tion of University Women AWllrd: Ann Yoshidll, Orchesis; C. Wood. Orchesis: Brendll Brown, Pi Gllmmll Mu: A. lotze, RHC tre&surer: R&monll Marotz, 1961 Pillsbury Award; M. Koehne lind J. Thllyer, Sigmll Alphll lotll; A. Yoshid&, Joyce W9/lver Schutte Sportsmllnship AWllrd; L. Boyd, "I" Club; M. Wilson, Attic Club veep; E. Anderson, L. Alton, C. Simon, E, Nelson, J. Th&yer, lind J. GGle, Alphll L&mbdll DeItG; Jo Merrill. finolists in "Miss legs" contest during Frosh Week: A. Baum. St&te Home Ec Club president, V. Hossner. Pre-Orch: Alton lind E. Anderson, Spurs: Bev Pllul lind WhiHen, Mortllr Board: Bev Paul, Outstllnding Senior, . , All events combined to bring Forney into the sixties with II bllng!!!

All", " Frid"y t.4 • ..., KoeMt C''',101tt t.4.,I.ll Btv.. ty '.ul t.4 ...il.. lu...ll G....., Sw...k t.4.'y V.H.,d

~i911t lu~ di~~"rt

h,l. und.ll t.4• ..., t.4 ....... lot",. , ....... '"9<;1' S.ocht t.4 • ..., lou Teylor Jud, W.l,..

O"A •• H"i~ Joh..o. Yol....d. lew.ndowia C.....IoIl.......... JIOd, ".t1 O«olh, Schup~..i.. Joyc. Thomp..... t.4.,., Whlt1.~ EJ.i~.

5<0,.. u.~.~ ,."ki. t.4 ...,iIl Evely. h1 J.....t1. T",",.. K... ~ Whit.I.,


",",... x......

S.nd,. Hill H.I •• Joh...... v..... Lte loll Alf...d. t.4on<;l" 1....."" UIli... $ev........ G.l1 Tol .. Su,i. W;1,0~


t.4.'y hth Horlo. Jud, Jo..., An... t.4.". lol:z. AJ_... t.4 ..II.. SMt...,h.......... C..ol Si....... Shtt.... Ttt......, Cor. Wood

V.d. Ho" ••, hy Joh ...... Billi. J..~ t.4 .., Edith H.h"" ..... h.lon S.....on S.. yd ... "I"'~' T,..","ll. N.d. W,l<;1hl

t.4.'" J.,p." hv. K., Jo••• h _•• t.4.roh ""i'. Hot ,.tlu.. k C..ol Sue"'" 0.'1.... T""k.. A~~ Yo,hid.

Gail ""•• Che,lolla Aldrich


Gl.nd. "'1 Nidi ",,,d


"".'quae ""a"",



C••ol e .....

I.tt. "''0. Co,ol," ......y '.1 A. lell Jlldy .... ,11

C.roline Iodin. h.be •• 'rill Iol •• I,Dw" J •• "i• ...,... Jlldy C...ico Gin,...



H.rde. Cl••

S.ndy Coo~t s",Ml,. Cot.

,.t er....Co. 00"




Judy Eli ...

S.... fon Ely

Jo....... Ev..... letty Fehr F;f. s...dr. Hn"*,, NOf",. Anni. Fu".' AM. Geffney



K..... Got",... Do..u H.rwood M" ""•••lrick. M."lyn H ••• lh H.l•• ,",O'il'll

5.11, Ho....d h".t1 Hunt

Hays Hall 1960-6 !

WllS lin e~cellent yellY

for HlIYs Holls with ell the

u$u,,1 ClImpus activities of serenades, pinnings, eng"gemenfs, mllrritlges, water fights. lind tappings for various honor/Hies.

Toni Thunen. Holly Queen. AIO Esquire Girl finalist. and Air Force Rifle Teem Sponsor . . . Bobbie Tapper. Frash secre· ttlry and ffio!ljorette

.. Homecoming float with Lindley . . . A. Sherbellu. P. West. K. Oleson. lind C. Bellsley. Vllndllleers ... NlIncy Porter, CUP secretllry Jo Milhollllnd. VlIndlllettes lind Pop-Pom girl. . A. Sherbellu, AJphll Lllmbdll Deltll . Mllrquettll AYllrzll. Gllult Hllil Snowbllit Queen .. H. Clllrk lind S. Roubicet Pre-arch Pllt Russell, K. Oleson. llnd A. Sherbellu. Sigmll Alphll lotll Bev Wllllllce. B. hpper. S. Lousen. C. Aldrich. llnd B. Ekaylon. Phi Upsilon Omicron ... N. Porter. N. Rambeau. lind M. Martinellu. Young Democrats....


Lien.M.,l1n.. u R.. ~,tlon Chri, hy""ld. Iobb'. $Iu,h'., H,kn Tomlin.....

C.,ol. Hu,I" Lirod, I('n".., Jo lo4ilholl.rod hi,,", """in,lo,, $<I.i l""bien! 104." ...1 Sl.nlon Donn. Tunnieli/f

Rulh Hu,,1 S". Len. R"IIo lo4itct>.11 C"t. P1u",b 11 JIICI, Slidn" a.••rl, W,Il•••

',t ......

In"id Iv"son 1(.,,1 Le",b.'h Vivi... H... 1(."" 'OfI.. Oonu "'1t>.rlOfd lob.". Teppe, Donn. W,,,I.,

Oi.i, Johson $U,o.. Le,.... V..I. H.I..... H."", Port.t F<ed. S<:h",jd Ann Tho"". H..ey W.i,.n

Ch.rty Jon,. ~," Le"" N,,,,,, H....u. ..,bM. . .rod. Vi"'ni. S<:h",idt Jo.n Tho",son ',ul. W••I

Jud, Jon•• ..,b." libb, r.1 HOf..lh N..-q R.",bN• .0."9'01. S"',boo"". Toni Thunen 104.." Wilken

M',lh.I(.II, C.....'I lin" RoO,.. ~'U

C.,01 .., I.o,b... S i _ Tiff,ny M,.ln, 'ounl


Hays Hall 213

The French g~ls h~d a very successful ye~r under the le~dership of President. Pat Schlueter: Veep. M~rian Clar~; Secret~ry, P~t Stanger: and Treasurer, Joan 8erd~hl . . . built Homecoming float with Upham Hall ... received trophy from CUP for 100 per cent p~rticipation in voting for cl~ss elections ~nd ~Iso ~ certificate for 100 per cent p~rticip~tion in the Blood Drive . . . P~t Schlueter presented the house with ~ schol~stic pl~que in honor of her big sister ~nd our former president, the I~te Sally Wofley . . . newly t~pped for Spurs. Kurmtl Durfee . . . Khris Allen tapped for Mortar Boord and elected their treasurer . . . MtHian Woodall elected CUP secretory . . . Koren Kasper chosen for Alph~ L~mbd~ Delta and Sigmo Mu . . . highly successful were the Home· coming Md Mother's Day te~s .. m~ny w~ter fights, exchanges, pinnings, engagements, sneoks, and firesides including those honoring big sistors and seniors, ~ept the girls busy ... Dances included the Christmas Formor, "Winter Heoven" and the Spring Costume one, "Ain't Misbeh~vin'-Everybody's Doin' Jt" .. e certain Moveric~ running around on second floor left many fond memories for the g~ls et French.

'AT SCHLUETER ',•• id.n'

Khr;. An.n O.rI.... And .....

P.' h,••

11.,1.... Bun. Jo.n k,d.hl Holl,llu.

IMb J ....


n c.'vert

C.,ol Ch.pm.n M.,;.n Cle,. C.,ol Colli. 110.. Co<.e9u.

Und.Ctoy JIOd, Currin O;jOfl O.vid..... loI•• i".O., Ku.m.Du.l.. l ... Elli.....

Je.cqu. FI.k. J.n G ..,;..... J ...., 1_ . Jo,c. II .... K•••• K•• pe. C••ol. Ko.....

French House

h. A•• Lenc ••'., leMoyne Lrd.

Jo.. McE.che,n J... McL.od

Di.. ~. t-l .. lno~ JoAftft s....bo<n t-l...., Slinchcomb

D.l...... t-l ..,ill DDtOlhy Sc..,ullo I"".. 51""..

» ..,.... No.i.i H.Ie~

Scllilllet Di..... Slu,"

C..,olI'tWII..... Nor t-l.rt

S<:lwoed.. V"" To<uIl

So.i.. 0 ....,1.

JoAn. Sk...,,'.od C .. lhy W.i"","..,



0.11.. Smil" MM;"" Wood.1l

Jor<:. I ..f,o J",u 5'..1., eMmoOld Wi ...........

, . " , Jo 10_ ' ..151..,,_ Syl.i. W,..n

French House

D.c ......'io,,' fo, "Spe.. k



' .....11•••· D.."u

& ..1. "" h, ..d.

Ju,t .. bi,tl>d., p..,ly An ••1,...ped..1..,.".od.


Alpha Tau Omega Activities combined with schola~hip . . . the 1960-61 motto at the house of Tau, the nearest Greek living group to the SUB.



. Ranking sec-

the fraternity pledge c1<!1sses and fourth

all-house, ATO elsa had time to send men out

on campus, looking at the year's co-ctlpfllins of the ~sketball team, James and Willitlms . . . Jllmes given inspirotional player i!ward on this

ye<'lr's team, Vial captain of Vandol gridders, Den-

nis voted outstMding finmM end co-capt"in of swim te<!lm, Mooney captain of baseballers . . . Men in adivities ... this year's Jillson, Neil leitner, "Iso president of Sigma Delt" Chi. member of Blue Key ... Kerby president of ASCE . . . Harwood. Jurvelin, Mattis ftlpped for IK's ... Johnson, Pat-

ton, Sigma Delta Chi . . . Tiger. Sc~bb~rd Md BI~de . . . Exum tlnd Schow, Alphtl Epsilon Delttl ... line President of Curttlin Club . . . Htlrwood tlnd Line Phi Mu Alphtl . . . Footbtlllinq. Worley. Vtlil. Dtlvidson. Putntlm. Sttlchler. Mooney . . . 811sketbllll. Wombolt sittinq touqh on the scene Luttropp top point getter for thincl~ds Frosh: footbllil. Dunford. Cousine~u; bllsketbllli. Meyers. M~ttis Copped A B.,U. Golf on in· tr~mur~l circuit ...

G.ry ....mo. C,.l'l Du'ur Dennl. Hu,tt IHI U...


....'I ....nd ...on G.rth Elme.. John H~tIt Jim lie",""

""ik. "~m.nn Ed bum D.le J.m•• Deen lulOdhl..r

Nick I,e"'., John 1'0. W.lt John.on h'e Lultropp

hn lor ,.t. Fred.,ichon lich.rd Jur••lin RolHorl ""diinly

0 ... C.-ni.,o .." H.,w""d Keith Kilim.u Wey...


J.y D.p.'" Rob.rt Ho,lon N.il leilne, R.'p. Nelson

Alpha Tau Omega

lich.,d N.hon t.4j~. lobb T1.o..... t ....k ,., WlIMI«

'ob O'.'y•• ...llKe 10'"

0 11 ....11 J .., Wid.

0 •••

~.l ..m

Iobkho. 511 Viotl ..I....d Willi.....

lob Smith J.ff Womboll O.rr~ Wooft..

Clyde W.IHo, JlOdd Worl..,


RANDY lInON ' ..,id.nl h<;J,,..ld C oI•• JolwI i.

'.Ieh Cloy Johe G.mbl.

HU<;Jh AII.n

led ...d.,

80b 8,o .. n Denn, Denie".... Tim G .....

t.4ieh..1 1'0"" S",•• o..l H.lI...d Groo.old

Another bllnner year for the Beta House · , , McCowan led the comrus os ASUI Prelty ond was chosen one 0 the top 17 senion .. _ Jim Okeson top vote-getter on ElIse_ Board . . . litton elected Senior Class Veep and Ferris voted President of Sophomore Class. Brown and Okeson new Silver Lances . . Carolan, Okeson, and Brown chosen for Blue Key. of which Brown is Veep · .. Gamma Gamma chopter wins activities trophy for fourth year in a row and McCowan nomed top Beta Senior at Northwest Conclave · .. four new IK's-Bounds, Bithell, Longeteig, and Davis. ,Ferris and Corlson become IK officers ... ClIme out third in intromurols · .. Gomble to be head of Blood Drive ... McCowon sports 0 Phi Beta Kappa key and Davis makes Phi Eta Sigma . . . olso a number of men in Sigma Tau, Pi Gomma Mu, Sigmo Delto Chi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Epsilon Koppa. Scabbord and Blode, Pershing Rifles, and Novy Honor Roll . . . Okeson brothers and Davis win honors in Spring Review . . . Okeson editor of Idoho Engineer . . . threesport Carolan nomed Arg Outstonding Athlete and Grosvold nomed top skier for second time . . . Carolan, Vervoeke, Stowe, Mires. Paulson. Hlmsen. Ferris, Modie, ond Grosvold in varsity sports ... Carolan named Campus Rogue , .. Brown succeeds litton os house prelty , . , many rinnings, engagements, and morriages, as wei os house dances, tubbings, etc. . , . a really top yeor for Beta Theta Pi. 218

W.lllilh.1I Iruu Cempb.1I G • .., lob Hu_


Jim Iound'


C •• I0.....

'hilip En<;J.lhof.r G• .., Htod.l.-

F<ed Eh~.., Did H....i.

Beta Theta Pi

Ro.. I........ Jim ICell,

lill J.,.kin, t.4ich.el 10m...

D.lb.rt Jo.... D.,.n, le"9<!o,.

T...... 1Ce1.



Ron K••I, Jim Libbey

N.jl Ioolocli. 6 • ..., , ... t 6 ......., Smit~

Bill Lon,t." N.jl N how,. John bBt, Ioolih Sto...

F,Ml L,ftn JI", Ok..... Own•• 5.o>lon Jj", n..ilk.

F...k L,on' Itftb.,' 'n,kin.on ScN.n' Bob V.......h


I,.c. lotceo"nn Jim , ••1.... It.... Simmon< Eddi. Whit.....od


Chuck hftk All .. Soni ...

li'" N.I.... Tom Itn'e1i"'. I ••n' S~in,fotd

Don Ioolodl. 0 .... 'ipnl Bob S",Mf Ci.n.t V..

Beta Theta Pi


Delta Chi With the Sister-Daughter Btlnquet, Delta Chi topped off its yeo!lr which included its troditionol fund ions-the Pledge Dance, the infllmOIJS Pir"te's Dance, the Initiation Donee, and greatest of them 011. the Spring Formo!. The "grubby" exchanges gave the mlliar fundions " rllce for top plo/lce in over-all good times. With men in the vllrious orgoniztltions.

1.K.'s. Blue Key. Curtoin Club. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Sigma Delta Chi, the Gem stllff, with G"ry Heidel eleded to heod the VMd"leers, ond with pllrticipation in 1111 intromural sports,


h ...id ...l. ~ir"



".,idul, Second S.m.,I"

0.••, h, ...id. AI



c.U..... L.- Cn.tr,lI 6_98 Ch,ht,.... t.4ik.


»... Coll.t Iobc........ Bill D'M'n'l Jim Em",e" Ed En'lli.h Ct.i, &icklOn

lill b.n. St••• Gibso. 0.1 c;.,wl...eI 5t•• H.II Clou, Hubbl.

6.rry H.,....

Nor..... wk.

How.rel 10_1 H.I_ Jo. Hi...... o.••i.Okh Clou,5.1.. 5t•• 5.1 ••


Deltll Chi W1l5 well-represented in cllmpus llctivities. For Homecoming Deftll Chis helped recllil the dllys of AI C/lipone. p/llrticip/llting in /II gun bllttle lliong the p/llrllde route. Openhouse with buffet dinners greeted visitors to the C/limpus on speci/lll occllsions. One of the big events of the frllternity lldivities WllS the Ncrthwest Deltll Chi Conclllve hosted here /lit Idllho with the help of Deltll Chis De/lln Kendrick Md Doctor Steff/llns. A highlight of the Concillve W/IIS the pres· ence of our notioMI president. Lew Armstrong.

D.w-., Ji", Shoow lill


Did 5i_Io. V.....15_noon


T,t. Willl,m T,ylo, 6il W,lk., .,ue. Woody E. hi.. Wu..h

Delta Chi

Ttl D.II', ~olh



Tim. with n.I.,

low." SI.n, Low... D.II. Chi


Delta Sigma


Another year, more honors, good times. disappointments. llnd everything thet goes into milking " yellr memoroble . . . storted the yeor off with Il bang when we were informed fhet we had been

selected liS the ouktending chapter in the ""tiOMI fraternity in leadership activities for the second veer in" row the yeer continued ... fl~t building with the Tri-Delts ... serenGdes lind firesides in the fell Stiles elected Vice-President of the Regional Associetion of College Unions went on to be eJected ASUI Vice-President for the coming ye"r , , ,Arnt "nd Trowbridge t"pped for IK's , , , Huettig elected M IK officer, . , rollicking S"ilor's 8,,11 .. , sophisfic"ted C"rn"tion s,,11 highlighted by the crowning of C"rol McCre" "s Dre"m Girl. . Ken M"ren n"med OutstMding V"nd,,1 B"skefb"l1 PI"yer . He"rt Drive with fhe Alph" Phis ... Bob Scott, Pi G"mm" Mu; Huettig, Alph" Zet,,: Jim Mete"lf, Sigm" Delf" Chi . . . Longeteig chosen Veep of Unifed P"rty "nd Judd chosen Veep of C"mpus Union P"rfy ... Russ Crockett hod senior recif,,1 "nd reception. . everything m"de 1960-61 " very memor"ble yeM for the Sons of fhe Sphinx.

WiIli.m Allen Stey. A,nl W."e. hk•• Jim h,nhut

JOHN I£CKWITH 'r••id.nl

lA>l ..... len_ TM ao.m .....'10.......


At ...


......11 Ct~k.tt & •• C<ulMn T..... O.hl. Eldon Foodl... Willi.m FiKM'

Jo,ti. Frib.'9 Ron G.lbr.1th D••• Goehin<jer ',11 Hobd, l;~"'r"


IlOft HOII,Itt.lin


Delta Sigma phi KeJtlo H ...tti9

•••1 Ju'r.,,,i J ...... JIOCId ftent K••".;. ~."l


Jut Koch....

Jim 1Coc..... "'b John "t I .... J. Lon'll'i,




t.4.lcolm MeCI.i.

Ji... N.teelf e;..,.ld 1ooI.,•• lf


Je ...e. Rob..' , •••"'. Ito.. ,., . Rich.,d ••,


lill 'ott., Itob<orl linehe'l

.09.' S.".r lob Scott Itlcherd SIiI•• W.II, Sw••

Je"J Tim ...

a,u'_ T,owbrld'lf $t•••

W.tt ..

TOM Willi , Dot. Woodw.,d


JOHN FITZ6UA\.D Hou<. , ...;,i ••1 Cle.k CI.ymon JiM Child Ioolik. Felton Jed Flu~

Ho..... d Ahl,'koq 1(."IA.,..b ......

I'tdl D.. i.. J... k Fro"......

D..... AlI'ed Fred let, ....... D.~. D.yton lob H.II

Delta Tau Delta

D.lI. leu 0.11.


6unl.. AMI......... AI••


Geo<,. lynn H


.... n

....,. Aed ....... .iII "od J.y Doyl. h '.... H.,d ...

...au,.... l.nd, Him...


A pledge class of 20 pledges was present lit the Shelter this Foil and immediotely demonstreted their ability by capturing the poster trophy end Dlld's DllY decoretion trophy ... Bob Shumllker, President of Senior Class . . . John Fitzgereld. Student Body VicePresident . . . Dick Rene. Exec Board end IFe President . . . Den Berrett. Treasurer of IFe . . . Rob Tyson, first student from Idaho to be accepted into medicel school lifter two and a holf yeers of college Bud McDouget, George Washington University Medicel School Bob Schini. University of Oregon Dental School . . . Kent Angerbauer, Loyole University Dental School.. DUMe Allred, President of Blue Key . . . Voughn Estrick. Secretary-Treasurer of Blue Key . . . Ron Kulm, one of Idaho's defensive sters on the turf ... Pledge dence "Knights of the Round Teble" end Russien Ball end Odd Ball Dance were terrific social functions . . . Vaughn Estriek. Duane Allred, Bob Schini, ond Bud McDouglll tapped for Blue Key . . . Rob Tyson and Chuck Robertson elected President and Vice-President of Phi Ete Sigma . . . Chuck also selected Outstllnding Sophomore in the College of Letters end Science . . _ Barney Seneholtz. outst<!lnding "knight" in IK's. . DUMe Allred end Vaughn Estrick tapped for Sigm<!l TllU B<!Irry Nelson, Bob Wise. end P<!It M<!Ircuson, Pershing Rifles Brody Conklin, Jim Child, Terry W<!Ird, L<!Ir'J Tripp, Dick Davies, Ron Wise. AI Swenson, P<!Iul Sokvitne. Scabbar end Bl<!lde ... Bob Schini <!Ind Rob Tyson, officers in Hell Divers ... Rene and Fitzgerald, Outstending Seniors . . . Allred <!Ind Schumllker in Silver Lence . . . Deltll Mu had enother gre<!lt ye<!lr in 1960·61 end we lire <!III looking fOrWllrd to en even gre<!lter 1961-62.

T..., H~lcomb lo4i" lo4or'll." e ..1 ScM..:t T.....OII W.,d


Holt Joh.. Ioolr... Tom Schmidt Ioolik. W.too"


..,., N.II.... ';11 Sthol.. Willm.


elift ~_-.:. lob Itil.., •• ~I Sohih•• Te,ry Wi..te,

..IIo4 ••e ....... e .... e.lo~ AI Sw........ lob Wi..

."" Io4tDoor'll_1 JolwIltow. Will Sw........ Ito.. Wi ..

Delta Tau Delta


S,••• D••i. Oouql•• Hocfq.


Euq.... All••

Oi.1 hi.,

" ••id..l

CI.,uu C~pm•• Sotdo. Ell;""

Ed Chri.' .. ...... G . 0... Koluolopp

l ..,., Edq., J..._ J .... ko....1i

looI.kolm K'.q

0.".11 H.1fl.1d

Di.1 Hocfq.

hV..... l(ul...

lilt, looIell•• i.

Farmhouse Annuel heyride egein very successful Beier tekes the "BIg Step". Polz t1nd L. Sesser go to see ... Le pledge dence de Esponiol ... Green nomed Outstonding Sopho. more Aggie ... Scholership trophy is here to stey . , , Stroschein comes t1nd goes nomedicelJy . . . Pi Phi hoshers . . . Green, Poulson. Elliott, ond Westfoll tepped for Alpho Zeto ... Westfell. Hatfield. and Grodwohl join the troops, .. Star and Crescent Formal . . . Johnson returns .. , Grodwohl. Allen, Kohntopp, Bradley, lynn, Kintner. and Jones merried , , , Westfall, Edwards. end Hodge engoged ... Hodge's hoopsters come in third ... Sos· ser picks a poor porking place . . . 8onno gets out of finals. , , Mcilvain tapped for Xi 5igme Phi, . , Coach Hodge chosen for Phi Epsilon Kappo ... JtIn~owski welks off with Products trophy . . . Poulson, Elliott. Christensen. Chapman, Kulm-AII in Vondoleers Hotfield tapped for Phi Deltl!! KI!!PPI!! , , , Elliott tapped for Phi Mu Alpha .. , five lK's .. Sosser ends reign on Exec 8ol!!rd.


t.4;c~ ..1


J., N., J~li.n ~.r.,

N.il J. Po"I"".

Tho",•• W.


G.rt~ $,0 .....

Jim 5..... l,l. 5....r

Jo.... Thom.o. 0.1.


John W.lroOdt 0 ....' •• W••tf.1I



J ... t co..pok. . ., hurt 5~r.

looks 900cI


Kappa Sigma The men at 918 Bloke Street ~w Il grallt yel)(

rnorked up in Kllppa Sig history ... Homecoming

POftlde Drill T80m sporked d chain rellction of interesting events . . . pledge dance drew d record crowd fun·filled 50th Annual House Porty-twelve hours of entert"inment, dining, and dlllncing ... Spring Form",1 ... cruise ... open house on Mother's O"y ... lettermen Dawn

Ftmnin, foot~lI; Jerry loph Gnd Tuder Cole, swimming; and Pat Townsend, boseboll ... members octive in Phi Delt., Keppa, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Sigmtl Gamma Epsilon, Alpha Zet". Sigma Delta Chi, Phi Thete Koppo!l ... Zonder o!Iwarded Outstllnding Freshmo" Forester. Herb Hoi. linger eleded President of Sigmtl Delto Chi end chosen editor of Argonaut ... Roger 84fr held lead roJe in "King Henry IV" . . . K-Sig Trio displayed their talents at home and across the border . concillve in Cllnllda . . inferior of house completely remodeled with the finishing touches added this Spring climaxed a fine year under the lelldership of Lee Townsend and Jim Rogers.


LEE TOWNSEND 'rltlid.",. Fin' s.m"'e' Fr... k Cd"", .ill AtId.na" hlph li"<;Iham Gerald 'aw." Glad. hr<;l." L.Mar C•• p.r J•• Ev.". Joh" Fi.~ J.d Go.,...1 L.. Hollow.y H•• b Holli"<;1'" Job" Holli"<;1'"

JIW IOGUS SecO<lCl s......,... 10000.r Ie" G""9. Ie"..." Jim '.0".~il1 hD 10ffi"<;IIO" Tod., Col. '.'.r Co,w;" Com.r Gr.... 6ro" •• L,I. Ho..".r Gre<;l Holli"<;Ier WeYM III. G.r, ke"".ty



Kappa Sigma G ... li,htfool Jim Io4cB,ide l.y Io4cC.rty L..,n Io4cCon.iII.

Al lo4""e"O Ed 104.........,h Cli"llo4o".", IC..... I~ '.110'1 lo4ite Perry I("".T~ 'owoll

lob 0 1 lill l "",... Oid s...ith G ..... SmiTh Woody Spence Jim Spi"em

Tom T.... be<

Cli« TI••m••

h'Tow".."" K.L T",_

ur.,. Wim.""on C~wd W,i,~.

IC." v . Jim J....,. Z.ph



Lambda Chi Alpha Another yeo/lr of hard wor~ brought lo/lmbdl) Chi mo/lny pleosant honors ... sto/lrting off with


second plo/lce in the

Homecoming fJOlIt, mixed division. competition with the help of the Go/Imma Phis . . . this ye(Jr saw house president, Fred Deder, enter the oecutive Botlrd . . . Md campus organizations ... our members o/Ire o.'Ictive in The ArgoMut, KUOI, Helldivers, Pershing Rifles. The Curto in, SCllb~rd t1nd Blo/Ide. SUB committee and many others ... GtHry Jones inititlted into 5igmll rau and others into neorly every honortlry on campus ... tiS the yetlf P<'ssed. there was the second annual Christmas Door Decor.,tion Contest . . . and the Tom <'lnd Jerry Christmas Porty . . . The members honored the pledge c1ess with the pledge donee, "A Night in Ancient Greece" . . . As the yellr moved II10ng Mllrch Clime lind we hlld our Crescent Girl Dinner-Dllnce honoring our new Crescent Girl for the '61.'62 school yellr, Judy Sllmuels, Alpho Chi .. two months loter there WIIS the spring picnic ot Blue Lllke including wllter skiing, booting, swimming lind lin as-degree cloudless doy Big steps token this yellr in intrllmurols . . . footbllil. bowling. volleybllll, softbllil As we rellch the end of Mother greot yellr ot 720 Dellkin we see thllt fhe chllpter house hilS new drllperies lind rugs throughout ond severlll study rooms refinished In noturlll wood, relldy Md wlliting for the coming yellrs.

LADDIE JOE , ... no. " ..idul

J.,.ry lord It....


Jo"" C.~ •• I. '.,.ry E, ••


D•• w'~ Id.hl H......, C~i",mbo L..o...d H. Ell<.

....nold ....,....

T.,.ryC",,"'''' lob &,ck_

Do.II.<Ok Fr.cl DK'"

D.L• ...,.



Lambda Chi Alpha "'...""11 H.~d Welt., H."". T......... H.y__

'at« •. H..... II D.l. Howard

Don Ho...rel Jef', How.

,- ,.,

G....,Jo_ S'-'t. 10••

Edw.,oj I... K"ne., J.c~ McKelvy Jim "',del..... ort DolO Mill., M...iIl O.b




'.t... on lilI '.oooil G.,.ld SlHolle< lich..d O. $I.,.toa

John St.'.brink

0.1. Thorn,b.",

O..id ''''M', OoU'l Whillock

hel, Z"ln<bu"l.,

laddie T.,lor rec.i.int;l I..d.flllip ....rd from hM.!h Did.



phi Delta Theta The house with the big bell dnd the blue door, Phi Delt tr"demtlrh, hod /lnafher very successful yeor GlHy Rondon lind Gordon Chester nomad top seniors ... Rondoll, Arg Editor ond Chester. N"tionol Roy,,1 King of IK's ... Tarty Mix becomes 8MOC by being

elected Vice-President of the Junior CI"ss, Exec Boord member. ond t"pped Silver Lance ... Minas elected President of IFe.

. IK's Mix, French, Pressey. and

Spencer welcome newly chosen Abroms, J. Pressey. Cleory. lind &1It1ntyne . . . Abrllms, 8ell, CJeory do

well lit the Blue Key Tolent Show ... Russell. Koch, Steinboch, Srower, Cleety. Bennett, Pressey, ond Co.'Ir-

jng f10tlt with the OG'5 ... stompin' pledge plljomo donee. Thonhgiving "Witch of the West" exchange with Gamma Phis., Christmas Formal and Initiation Dinner Dance, , , Community Service Day left Gritman Memorial Hospital shining and also at ~me time put in a new front lawn . , , picnic for orph"ns at Spelding Park ne"r Lewiston. . tremendously successful Turtle Rece ... "nnuel spring cruise . .. many street d"nces, pinnings. end tubbings did well in intremurels, won swimming trophy . . . enother successful yeer for the men with the Sword end Shield.

nefix in Y"rsity ond fresh sports . . . built Homecom-

AINOLD " ..id l.


*ond s.-.,...



Dollft;' 9woth.1I



Sobo,lion L..o"'b

lob Ilow... lon.

w,., Fo.II' ~."


51••• LiflC;oln

0....., Abr_, Edwo,eI ......, ~.,I;. 11 Fr_

H....,k ..d ... v•• I ..... Nid C.,..,fi. ~o,", G,....


FoIeI. John,.. Ion 1.4.".



A,. J.ns.n ~,.,


Joho ...,,, 1.• ....,1 Gotdoo CiIfl'... Do.'d H.I. r..." Ki.., Jim 1.4.,.

liII I.U.." .. D•• id ...11

Di J

Clu" , H...,.II

li'ho,eI Klopponb."





',o.ielul, *ond So_I... li,u,d CI.,.., JOII Corlolt ~ .. ~ Holb,ook I,on! 10401<1

AtI... t.4cC.b. lill " ....y Jim Sm.1I

Didt.4i . J.rry" y lobb Smith


t.4uldoo.. &.'1 htld.1I 'hil Sl.i"boct

Dot.q Oloon Eric Inch J.m•• T.,lo,

Jim '.1...... I'M lie. John T,.-i.


lich.rd '1HIIu...1I 1("." ... W.I ••

t.4 •• h,.,oon L.. S"'Um...

Joh.. W.II

Ph i Delta Theta

PIMIq.. doi"q _thieq


Ev...,..... ....... 10 b. e..joyi"q , ... D'"_·D.lI<.


6.,,6.'110. Ji", H~.I.,

li1l60.. To", H"IC~;."'"

phi Gamma Delta


Tom kU."ty... 6,.~.", C,o.. 6ordo" 6,oH Lott, J.fhi.,

1111 ""I.",i" Scott C~lp T....., 6,ol~

'.1. bll,

liton ....,v.n 51.v. Edw.rd, Teff' Gu,l.v.1 51.v. Ki",b.1I

Dick Iro~I;" 5'." F.lli, Jo~" H."••• D.v;d Ki",.

Jo~" C.,lO" l ...u,d Fowl., 6 • .., Hubbl. Ch.rl•• l.",.

"We pledged "t Phi our freshmM yeM . t'lnd formul"ted friendships de"r" ... Pete Kelly, Phi 8et" K"pp", UniverSity of W"shington summer rese"rch gr"nt, U. of I. Executive 8o"rd, Physics "w"rd, Phi K"pp" Phi ... Dan SI"vin, President of United P"rty . , . Chuck L"nge C"pt"in of Army ROTC Drill Te"m, He"d of Pershing Rifles, C"pt"in of Sc"bb"rd t'lnd 81"de .. , Bjorn Bergv,,11 1960 Olympic Gold Med,,1 winner in Rome, It"ly . . . W"rren M"rtin, President of Citizenship CIMring House, Ch",irm"n of Religion in Life Conference ... Scott Culp, IFC Rush Ch"irm"n . . . Bill Ben'\emin, Cempus Rogue FiMlist . , . Terry Groth, Frosh King Fin"list, Frosh cheerleeder . . . Bue Key, Scott Culp, Dick Neilson, Pete Kelly . . . IK's. Stt'ln Fellis, Gr"hem Cross, Bob Tunnicliff, John urson, Bill Goss. Terry Gustevel. Tom Bell"ntyne ... Varsity Footblllll, Gary Spray. Bill White. Dick Monlllhan. Kent VllIlley, John HllInsen ... Varsity Besketblllll. Gery FloM. Chuck LllInge . . . FTosh Footblllll. GllIry Gagnon, Tom Hutchinson ... First in Intramurllli Footblllll l8lllgue. second llImong Greeks . . . First in Intramural Softbell leegue.

I(u .....,'u J.".., lo4ytJ.b ... t Io4K Sodu St••• T'UT

, ..,., Io4cC~IIou,,, 1041hOI....

co.,., Spr.y

0./1/110 W.lk..

1t'•• lo4eDo_II lob ht.......

0.1. St_ COotdOfl W.lk..

Ovfl WeI(... Ch-ek Poll.. Jim Sum.." lill W......

W.".II 104.,t1. co.,., lu,u l ... TlIib..1l W.t.....


Frosh Basketball, Bill Goss, Tom B",lIMtyne, Terry Gust",vel, Garry Hubble ... Frosh Baseball, Ron Watson, Brian McDowell . . . Frosh Tennis, Tom Bttllttntyne ... Varsity Golf, G",ry Floan ... Frosh Golf, Bill Goss, Terry Gustavel .. Jerry Myklebust, cheerleader. . ROTC Awards, Dick Neilsen, Chuck LMge, Weldon Tovey. Clint McDonald ... V",rsity Ski Team, Bjorn Bergvall ... Alpha Epsilon Delta. Dick Monahan, Pete Kelly . . . Phi Eto Sigma. Pete Kelly, Bob Peterson ... mMy other honoraries too . . . First Place in Dad's Day Cheering Contest .. Third Place in Homecoming Parode Float Contest with the Thetas . . . social life ttt high peak . . . many exchenges "Roaring Twenties" Pledge Donce "Purple Garter" Dance . . . never to be forgotten "Fiji Island" Dence wes best ever "the soddest tele I heve to tell. is when I bid fond Phi farewell . . . Heil to thee Phi Gamma Delta."

lob lowl.1Id lould Th",bow lOll W._

AII,.10 S.,.I.,.. W.ldOll T.,..y lill Whit.

phi Gamma Delta

Fiji hl.1Id D...e:.


Another big year for the Phi TolIUS • • • built first place Homecoming floollt with the K"ppas


. . took first place in the living grOuP!&rfici. pation in the Blood Drive .. won thlf pillce in Intromurl:ll Swimming. . won our Domoin

Kappa Tau

Scholarship Trophy occomplishments too

big ye(Jr for individual Grossenbach, eleded

President of United Pltrfy. ch"irmon of Miss U. of I. Pageant "nd IK N"tioMI Convention, and chosen Horrible Executioner of IK's . . . Greg-

ory, ch"irmlln of Admissions Counseling, elected (IS tK's' Ex~nsion Officer, won IK's' Holy Grail ... Tollefson and Powers tapped for next ye<'lr's

MAISHAll SMITH 'r.,idu! Fronk Cronk hilh Gr.Qory Don M.rlln",n

Mervin Clure hit" Glo_.r Gery Menvill.


Welty I,e..field Wll.~ O.Ceri. O.. n Gron.nbeoh 00U9 M• 1I• m

Ouny <:O<r'gen H.rv.y Don., Rob.rt Holmok.r 10b.,1 Orin'll

IK's . . . Doner ewerded fellowship for graduete study in "griculturlll chemistry.. recordholding trackmen Douglas and Hendon lind versify swimmer Stancer ... everyone h~d ~ good time ~t Pledge P~i~m~ D~nce .. the c~mpus rocked to the music ~t the" '4ger Fling" Mnu~1 Spring Form~1 enjoyed in I~te April ... C~mpus Chest picnics ~t l~ke Ch~tcolet with the Tri-Delts Md with H~ys H~II . . . Dom~in Conference held here with brothers coming from colleges in Id~ho, Oregon, Md Washington ... all ~dded up to ~ year of fun-filled success for the Phi hus.

lowruc. Clur. Rob.rt Fo,I., G~."I. Hod'on M1IIon P.I.,..n

Ric~e,d Ju,t Mik. /I.onmon

Don Knud,.n 00"9 Sco_lII.

Dick Sedl.c.k I"" 1d c ,~. SMilh , IS",itll lob SMa.


J_Si",....... lic"',d Si",_ 51••• SI.J-y 1111 Sluc..-

J.ck 51." J.y Th~'",o~d J.1f


Phi Kappa Tau


CHUI AHDERSOH Pr•• id.nt. Fint Se.....t.,

Fred C<o....ll T..... HowMd Don ""' ....,.,

D.v. Fowl., lill J.... Spike H.,myt~

Ken Albe'hon Hicl>ol•• lond V"n Fr.IIC. lob Ie.,b. ..... Hobin

G."y All.. 1111 low•• G.n. Fred,ich.n c..,ll.th .ick Hoe

DO~9 Allm•• Tl>om•• C., ...,

""'. L G.,.. J.,ry ""'cc......11 J...... ,.,...

Sigma Alpha Epsilon A very eventful Md llctivity-filled yeM WllS hlld by llll SAE's . Honors held by the house include Intr<'lmur<'ll Footb<'lll Ch<'lmpionship Md D<'Id's D<'IY QUllrtet . P<'It M<'Itheney Alph<'l Phi W<'IS selected liS our Queen of Violets lind reigned over the <'Innu<'ll Violet B<'IIi. . The Bowery, Upperc111ssmM Dinner Dllnce, Spring Form<'ll "Champagne Mist," Md the Pllddy Murphy picnic were llil very successful functions ... The MnUlll Sig Alph Olympics were agllin won by the Alpha Phi's, with the Pi Phis running II dose second. Fourteen pinnings <'Ind various eng<'lgements kept the Sig Alph love flllmes burning . . . All house exchanges were held with Pi Phis, Kappas. Alpha Phis, DG's, Gamma Phis Md Alpha Chis . . . Ron Noble was our Frosh King finalist . . . Campus activities were filled by many SAE's ... Bob Young, Rush Chairman of IFe and new Exec Board member, Bill Bowes-Duke of IK's, George Volk-Yell King, Jim Scheel -Pres, of Jr. IFe, M. L. Gates-Phi Epsilon KGppa, Chub AndersonIFe TribunGI .. Other IK's include Morfitt, Bowes, Reed, also tapped for the coming yellr were Petitt, Scheel. Md Herlbert.


l .... And'..... GMy Chi9b'ow Jut 6i,I., St.v. ""' ....... 11 Jo.... , . _

IlAl'H ""'AYS " •• id.nt. Second Sem.,1... lill H.,t lonni. "",.,11• Ch... l.. '.til

Oid H.nry J...... Oid Reed


Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Rob"t Rle. 0,., $I..d

M. E. Ro.. Al Und.,'o'Ocxl

n.r. >•• m, 10

b•• om.

Keilh Riffl. G'Of<;!, Volk


lilli. $i.t." of Min....

Jim Seh..1

John Wicklu"d

T."y Scofi.ld Arnold h'l.r

Ron Sh.lm.n

Bill Sioul

Bob YO"ftC)

Si,m. Alph' Ep.ilon Ju,t 1I,.;n<;l fun


THOt.4AS r.4dAlLAND ".,idul W....,.......,d Toby Iorn....u Jay Eubub lOft F'.Ic!le< Joe AI-.I. C.... t.r H...1i.9'


lob Adam. D.'.n. ha.y W.. I ... ha...n Arn.,.in F.ilin9 lalph H~.led


I,.d Adam. Don "'do.. Willia... Campb.U Howa,d b."i.1I locf Hi99in.

Sigma Chi A very fine ond rewording yeor for the Sigs . . . keynoted by hord work os once ogoin, for the second consecutive yeor. pledges hDuled in the Grode point trophy.. . Pugh ond the Hi·Chis win Blue Key Tolent Show . . . onother trophy, Christmos door decoroting . . Frosh King for the third time in 0 row. this time Sullivon. . Tremendous Sweetheort Contest ond Donce. ond 0 very wonderful Sweetheort. Miss Nancy Yount.. Friling ond Gerrish brought home Notionol Sbing Trophies.... Kleinkoph chairmon of the election board.... Keller president of IFC Four new IK's. Boord, Sulli· van, Gibbs. Higgins Keller and Morfin topped for Blue Key. . . . Sophomore Class Vice-President. Butler. . . . looking forward to our new neighbors. the Alpho Chis, ond onother fobulous year.


lob ""I ••• nd.. Sl.v. Ie" Jeyeli... 6,..1 Gibbon> l,.. Hill

Devjd Alf,ad.on Slue,I lell J .... Con,ad CIori,6ibb, "ad Jo....

Lt,,., Cliff'

,.,. b'_'" lob hUnt

Jo"," Dui•• To... bwilliam leloy Kel1099

Sigma Chi


0.".11 ~ ...rill ~;c"'rd

6.1. IUienu>p' C""c. Iool<F••I• ...::I Mjc~ ..l Slfvb 0.••;, WItH,.. All... Willi.


J...... Kt ... Jim 1<04 . Dick Tloom_

6." Kli.nkopf liIllool.. ti. Jill StllIi...

6." Whit""".

o..u.i. Wood


Sigma Nu As always, Ilnother outstGnding year for the men of Sigma Nu ... two of the top fifteen seniors, Pasley end Snow . . . Pasley. workhorse on Elec Board end blldground force of ctlmpus politics..

Jensen, first ASUI Public Rellliions Di-

rector lind Berry t1ppointed


his successor..

Belillmy tlnd

Pasley, IFe officers . . . Berry initiates VMdlll Rllily Committee . . . Snow, Bellemy, Jensen. ond Pasley ell chosen for Blue Key . , . JK's fepped Reberger, Jacobs, ond Felt . . . Moller o!Ictive in Alphll Zett! . . . plenty of Vllndlll athletes


P'e,idenl 'ob .,illon Le,ry Felkne' John How.,d


E1le'y B,own Riche,d F.,n,wo,lh ',.nl Jecob'

Jim Ande"on Cerl h,ry Bob Bull.xk Philip f'elt A.... ' Jen.. n

Michul Ande"on Mike Blel, Jim Bu,lon Luu Fi'h Jeke Jone'

. Astrup, seventh in ntltion in downhill skiing . . . pinnings, tubbings. end wedding bells. . functions not ignored . the cruise. Potlatch function. ptlstures. tid finitum, with Re-

gionlll Convention, Honor Week end instoll"tion of ISC Sigma Nu Alpha. Doloreta gives way to Alta as Jungle Queen pledge doss of 1957 bows out after four unequaled years truly Mother bright ond unequoled yeor for the FiveArmed Star of Sigmo Nu.

T,ul, A,"up Robe'l Boie Anlone Chec..l.qui J.ck Giordin, Dell Kloepfe,

hd hnni, ... n Duld Bo••,lh G,e, C,oumen Go,don Golf Ed Ldoche

Ch.d.. DeV.neT Dick G'.T John Ln,hlin

John O'e,.. Bob G,e, Oou, McMullen

X"" 104011« Dooo H••I D.,win H.I.....

Sigma Nu


H.I..... lill •••1., Jo......


'~il ...ber9.' lo4icloMl ....b h, lo¥k

AI.., RobinKln 104.,,,ice Sud... ....ce Sk.iv...

X.,t Smith Sh.,,,,.n $IH>W W ..... St.'n

W.d. Tl>om •• II." T~OmKl" f<ed W.".n

Dick Wendl. M.,k W.ndl. 1..0.., Willi!>

Si9.... N~ o. Ille _cll bel..... c...... lod••'. Ch••I, ..... Sw•• t No.


Tau Kappa Epsilon

JOHN FlElotlNG Pre,idenl, Finl Seme,le' Bo,~en Gerry B,own D~n Burr 0 .... Chridy Sle.e bon, Terry Evon.


BILL DANIELS P'e.id.nl, Second Seme.te, Jim Cobble J.ck Fulle,

At the house of the c<'!nnon, the Tekes hllve hlld <'!not her lIetive yellr . House highlights for the yellr hllve been the Apllche D"nce, ClIrnlition Dlince, Pledge Dlince, KlIppli Christm"s P"rty , .. An "II-house exchllnge with the Alphll Glims Robed Wi 1lind <'!n "II-sorority Christmlls Serenode " lillms WliS elected Vice-President of the Agriculturlll Council Ike Griner WliS elected Vice-Chllirm<'!n of SRA <'!nd VicePresident of the Young Republicons , . . Mike Jordon won the strong mlln contest. ,The Teke Frllternity in the nlltion, liS of now numbering lIbout 170 chllpters The house won the Sigmll Chi Schollirship Improvement Trophy . Acquired 1I house mllscot which WliS lIpproprilitely nomed "TEKE" Spring clime lIround with the usulil lIctivities such as picnics, tubbings ond wllter fights, All in all. the yellr WlIS definitely 1I good one in the history of the Tekes lit AD of Idaho,


L.. Cobble Gomb,


Philip Grine,

David Coope, Denny Howley

Tau Kappa Epsilon I,ll Hill

6_9* Hit.; Lynd 10100.... lo.;j.t John.... ~ ~j~.

Jord ...

Ed 11:...1. D."", L.JId", k Eld

uye. Did Ioled... btook )0"" 104;11...

Frood Morri. Fr .... H.t.... Torn N.l..... '1\;101..... 0..-••11 ' ....ull



by Schmidt t.4ichnl St>e.'u Rid Stein.r J ... Tildon

Willi.", Tillon Mere.' Todd Sidne, Well Robet! W'Oi.m,on

L.. Ved.,

Theta Chi Handicopped with whtlt hllS olmos+ become <'I tradition ot Thetll Chi-.'ln <'Icute housing problem-the Theto Chis. nevertheless, Cllrried on for Mother yellr with greefer

hopes and confidence in ., brighter tomorrow .. how. ever, oil has not been gloom ... we won for the third consecutive yeor the Epsilon Kopp.!l Awtlrd, regional froternity scholarship <!Iword . . . be.,t the TKE's in intromural football . . . Tcny McFlIrland. ClIdet of clldets . . . person<'ll echievements were agein very obundont

this year . . . Maule end McFllrland, Scobbard and Brode ... Boker in Sigmll 1,,1,1 .. Billow ottends Model United Notions end in Vandoleers . . . Dohl chosen for Blue Key . . . Humphrey end Altm<!ln chosen for IK's

... McLoughlin <'Igoin the oldest pledge ... thus ended onather yeer for Thet" Chi; 0 yeor of high hopes, great exp"nsion, "nd brotherhood ot 609 De,,~in.

MAlLIN UCKWITH " •• id.. e



K.r1 AII.n

H.nn•• Alt",an

Joho ..

Do. . .ckl., Joh. Bu,'iI." lob." D.hl

Jun " '•• 011 Ji", Ch.pin lob.,1 D.ool.,

D••• IlHow

Collin. lill FI.,.h.,


T.....h' W.It.,li,d Ch.,I., C,on., Bill Gabou,y

Alln H.ld ~"y

Klopf.n.t.in D.n.i. Lon,I.lto.. Tony 1<o4.F.tl.and hy I<o4d.. u,h1i.

Stu l<o4.kow.ki lilll<o4.. l. AtIt""ny N.llOn lob • ..,IOOld. O.y;d .....

Ch..I•• Skid.1t H. C. StOld ... 6..., WI;,\!

Theta Chi


JAMES lOYD "ftid.ftl. F;"t s.

"II O•• i, 1"00 Hoffrn_.

EI Rob

t., OUft ' Huq ....

VINCE NAUSoHTON ',..idu'. s.c...... s......,... Alb..-t Ell._'h J.H....


J...... H...... Ou. lCiil.q ••,d

Ridw'd Io.ol.i,_ O...i. Coftl., Thorn.. Fl...... "'••• Loth,op

Jirn C.pell ... l<o4il. Co.I., lob..-' Soid... J.rn., l.rnp


h, Chu,ch i. Cro.....


ld EOo<do.



Campus Club The second year at Campus Club saw smooth opera· tion financially. academically. and socially ... the Club progressed under the able leadership of Presidents Jim Boyd and Vince Naughton . . . many of the members received honors . . . Jim lemp tapped for Phi K"ppa Phi, Elmore Dean chosen for Sigm" T"U, Did Boxleitner and Keith Stephens joined r"nks of Phi Epsilon Kappa, Bruce Rumpf initiated into Phi Delta K"pp", liter Spence, gr"du"ted with honors .. the year's soci,,1 "ctivities


st"rted with a cooperative effort to construct en oriental Homecoming flotlt with Ethel Steel . . . Eerl Peterson. Bruce Rumpf, and Perry Olson combined their skills with the bading of the entire Club to furnish the lounge with " 24-inch speaker console stereo set. . the year's "ctivi· ties wound up in the usu,,1 flurry of w"ter fights, " spring picnic. and our spring dance, "Dogpeteh, U.S.A.," under . indeed" very the supervision of M" and P" P"rks good ye"r for Cempus Club.

J.rn•• '.kDow.1I Jo•• ph hlchlich_l ~...,y Ol",n O.n hnce



llldy lin'll.

lob'" lol.nd InK.lurnpf Leloy x ..... t 6.«h.,•• sl.9.

Joh. Soli.... Wt.,. Spence hith SI.phen. lob ......It...

Campus Club


Chrisman Hall Under the able lelldership of Stan Albee lind Leonllrd Clork, Chrisman Hall hlld /!In elceptionelly exciting yeor . . . traditions were broken left end right . . . Chrismon took third pl"ce with the first Homecoming flo"t we had built in twenty-two ye<'lfS. • the annu,,1 "Cloak and O"gger Dance" W"5 "9"in " smashing success ... many exchanges with live music pillyed by tolented h,,11 members . . . sixty ambitious freshmen were ~rgely responsible for Chrisman breoking its reputation 05 ., do-nothing hall . . . Paul Kroquo. outstl!lnding senior llnd winner of " gr"dullte fellowship ... Tom Lynch elected Veep of Freshmen ClllSS ... Mr. I!Ind Mrs. Philip Coffman were the Proctor and Hostess for this successful, yet trying yellr.

sr",N ",LIEE " ..ld..l, Fi"t S.",••I.,

lEON,UD CLAU P,•• id..I, Second S.",••I.,

Chris",... Hell


M.lcol", At.under

6.0"". II.ch.

SI.. hld"'in Jo•• ph Io"ch.,d

Dou9 ... hop 'eul I,.ilheupl

Chrisman Hall

Rodney B,oedie St••• fulk Gon. Lowrence John S<:hw.rh

D••• C.,rico Robort Go,u".. tom Lynch

Robo.. SI..ik

G.ry Clo~,. Ron Hond."on F.-.d ""."h.II, Jr. Cheri., s.ow...

Go,y Cu,/.,

Luroneo ElIi,on


Y. YOU"9 Kim

0 ••• Kimplon

Bill ....d R"", Y;h.,

Poul KrOll" G.r.ld Ry..

Win.lon 5toko.

Po.1 Mock C.,ti. Sutlo.

Jon Co. Im",o'd Rolph 1<.4.111.




Gault Hall Another successful yeer ... built e top Homecoming float ... " greet Snow ~11 Dance with Queen Merquett" Ayarz(J ... won intramural debate trophy ... took mlllly honors in intrllmUfll1 sports, independent footbell chemps end double ping-pong champs ... Neib.!luer. Nilsson, Simko. and Wennebmp pleyed versify football ... Hindley. Burke Dehning. end Feenon were members of V"ndel baseball teem ... Johnston, Spencer, and Wetter were 011 Frash players ... Watson tapped for Sigma Tau . . . Mad; and Hender· son chosen new IK's ... Moe and Hids flipped for Blue Key Fisher chosen for both Phi Bet" Kap~ end Phi K"p~ Phi.. Kress ond Kantol" active in Alph" Zet" Campbell flipped for Alpho Epsilon Delte ond Johnson chosen for Phi Epsilon K"ppo ... Moe nomed one of top Seniors ... two four-pointers, Pontry ond C<'Imetti ... Schillreff served <'IS Veep of CUP ... <'I Spring d<'lnce ond l<'Ike cruise finished off the very successful ye<'lr.

RICH ... RD NUST... D Pr.,idut, fi"t S.m.,t.r Vietor Ir.w., Tony lurk. St.ey Gal., Pllil Gu,la"on St.pll•• Hi.dl., D•• i.1 JolI..o.


Eric ....lIill.'. Riclla'd lu. Co,d., Campb.ll SII.'m.. H ..... G.... ~a.lola

Tom "'ueull lynn &.11 G.or<;l. Campb.1I SlIa,k.y H.rri.on Irue. hilhly

Dun &'<;II.y Cllad., li';l.b, Tom Colli., Don Harsllm.n Rod ••y ~.opp

M...X THOMPSON P, •• id.. I, S.eofl<l S.m.,I.,


Coot Ha"hma. Rob.,1 Konkol

~ ••

hrry Eld l.rry Hich lri •• K,.m.,

Gault Hall


Doll I .... 104.1040,1•.., St••• N.duld


Re, Sh.b.d Ri<h.,,1 T.n.k.

L.. Kr... Jim M.di Jim N,ib..., Jim Simp.on Jim Uhlm.n

F<ed Kroll

J.d 104.,., Rkh.rd N.I.on Neil Sincl.i. John W...mek.,

Mi•• h""'.n Rob.rl i0oi.... J.d 'utfy Forr •• t 5k.'l'l'

lob W.,,".

0 ..... liltl, AI.in Mon, Ron Rou,h Rile, Smith Alb.rt W.n.,kemp

Tom McC.,. O.yton Moo') "",.old khillr.tr St.n Smith Did Widdifi.ld

Lon 104.c.......1 Ce<:il Moulton

hy Schmidt WI,n, St,wl'! .... b WiddTfi.ld

Lindley Hall lindley's 40th ye,,' WllS tops Lindley ond Hoys combined t"lents for "Be"vers Smell De-Feet" Home· coming f1011t

.. two smokers . . . annutlJ "Bolshevik

Bounce" Dllnce.

. 100 per cent participotion in f,,11


unique Id"ho campus bedpushers vi"


won" stereo in " contest ... Spring Din-

ner Dance" great success ... Order of Lemming "nd Order of Fork by the Pi Phis . . . host with the most for" political smoker ... A.O.L.H .... many tubbings

· .. IK's Ashburn, Coupe, Oz",w". Will. ond Wood welcome newly flipped Carlson, Hoffmon, Md Kelley · .. Woodbury chosen for Blue Key . . . Messenger active in Curl"in Club ... Bird. Kindley. Heck, ond

Trojonowski brothers join Bllff in Scabbllrd "nd BI<!Ide · .. Young, Veep of CUP and Plumb chosen President of CUP for coming year. . Carlson on Sub Board

OEAN AllEN ',•• idu' 0..,.,.11 F; ... Iwo, J.d Ell.... K... Hibbeln G... He.'1"


He,be,t AHen C •• I."n 00.. G.II.M. '"-ge ",,-.hoi ~"b••t

Oun A'9yl. WilH.m COCU.1I loy G.th...... Fr.nk H..d.

, , . Kindley named Top Junior Chemical Engineer on campus, one of the nations top fifteen junior engineers in the NROTC program, received the O'Connel Award at Spring Review .. J. W. Trojanowski received U of I Gold Med,,1 Aw"rd tIt Spring Review ... Thompson elected to Exec Bo"rd ... took second p1"ce in intr"mur,,1 sports......inning first in ping-pong t1nd horseshoes ... Novotny chosen president of the Intramural Mtlnagers . . . mtlny Vtlndal "thletes . . . Messenger and Coupe in Alph" Zet". . Novotny in Phi K"pp" Epsilon.. Kindley chosen for Phi K"pp" Phi., Peterson in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia ., Phi Eta Sigma tapped Carlson Parmtln and Kindley Keuter, Heck, Nellis. joined ranks of Sigma Tau Sfere, and Trojanowski brothers tapped for Xi Sigma Phi.

J"hn A,hb~•• hn Co.b.1l 00. Gibb. Willi.m Kindl.y

G""9. . . .d t ..m Co.P. ~"Y G,,~ld

Jon Ki.9mu

G.,y h .. h,'". D.nni. l.slie G,,,pp t"m l ... in9 .....

0 ••••,..h.." Fr.nk 0 ...... O••ld H.ck CKi! l ...n.,d

Ooft l_.rd l . . ".kOou'I.1 Okk I<o4~O""ft u.,ry l<o4or'l.ft C.rl N.III, £0'1". Novolfty

1<o4 ••

toll C

0ww. ft


~ ..... lob Plumb 6.ry ~od.ft.pi..J l«ry ~umuft

~ob.rl x~",idl


Clifford xholl Ooft Si"'p..... O.v. SI .


'-oU._ _


T....... _

Jim Troi_.... w,kl Johft Troruow.kl H.I Vo'.ft

"Woo< lury Woodbury

Lindley Hall


InON CHAIolPION " ..idu., SecOlOd t... Mid,. .l Humb.ch N.......... H.". T."" 11:.11... J. 0.... IolcC.ndl.n



......id.nl. Finl M.lcol... Ft... ad 'hilip Jupen 00" Wolt-.y


CO"'.ld Good._,h Odd Ju~ D.... ~I You",

McConnell Hall McConnell continued to mature under the able leadership of Presidents Dave Wallace and Byron Champion . . . very active in intramural sports, winning championship in tennis. Dedo, unsuccessful candidate for Exec Board. . Jones found himself Veep of RHC .. Cham路 pion ond Drury active in Alpha Zeta. Klinchuch tapped for Sigmll TIlU. . Sigmll Gllmmll Epsilon chose Evons ... Heosley active in IK's , .. Bosque joins Curto in Club H"rper sings in V"nd"leers. . Dedo. Pemberton, Tennyson. ond Cooper in V"nd,,1 Sports . . . continued growth end hopes for" beHer tomorrow,


Shoup Hall Shoup's "junior" yeor WllS indeed I) busy one . . . under the leodership of Presidents Kirl::eby Md Sl'mpson the reorgllniultion of the holl was llccomplished . . . excellent showing in intr"murlll sports out· standing freshmen members included Dove Bo!lumgort. ner, chosen for IK's, and Dennis Hynes, t"pped for Phi Eto Sigmo ... rtlnh contoined many Vander tlthletes ... Sampson. Golf; Boesel and Grant, Baseboll:

Porter and White,


lind Polguta. Footboll held during the Spring son Lake ... onnu,,1 "Beer holding bed.pushing teom

Rodgers, Bates, Manei,

numerous exchllnges were rowdy porty held ot RobinBowl" game ... II recordc1imoxed the yeor.


... 1.1..

lob O•• i,

LARRY KIRKUY 'r•• id."I, Firll s.m.".' G.... Hedl.1>d

O.... y... '.kC.rl".y

Rob.,1 Hoppe< Oo".ld ....1lI,......

D.""'. Hy"•• lI:on.ld S.I>d.



C.r1 Ed ....'d.

Ello. Jok.lO. lob Sholl

F..nk ..n....n lob Ewin9

lI:.y K.I" AU.. SlrO"'1

John C'Olin9.'

Jed H.,phm

s",li.k L.1l 6_'1. W.,kb",.


Upham Hall The 1960·61 yeor was one of the most productive in the history of Upham ... c1GSS elections saw Jim Olson become President of Freshman Class . . . lllrry HOisner served as President of CUP and Itlter eleded to Exec Botlrd .. lynn Hossner, ASUI Presidentitll candidtlte .. very tldive in intrllmurtlls. winning volleybtlll chtlmpionship and ttlking first

in Turkey Trot ... two hall dltnces ond mllny eJlChtlng8s ...

Hendrichon csnd Fretwell in Alpha Zeto "Iong with Thiessen, who served as President . . . Taylor chosen President of Alpha Epsilon Delta lind Jagels t",pped ... Storms was secretary of Sigma TIlU • • • Strobel tlnd Shurtleff tapped for Phi Mu Alphtl $infonia ... Olson chosen for Phi Etl! Sigme . . . Olson and Fr<'ltes topped for IK's . . . many Vand,,1 Ilthletes, Marrow, Edwards, Brown. Smith, and Whitfield ... many Sub commiHee chairmanships and members . . . hilI! projects of " Hall of Fame and" new television room finished off II very successful year.

JAMES STORMS Pt•• id..., fin' S.m••••t CECIL STELLVES Pt•• id.... Seeo..... S.m.,I.,

Jo~n Alb •• Cont.d lein

Tom ".,,,,,

S..... m.n CoY"""

t .. Ed,..,,,,, D.rwin Elli. R;~brd


~ilb.. t



Fon, liII H ••••

L.n~. f,.h•• 11 Stu fuller



lob H.I., G.ry H.. ",n G.r, H.,di"

Ge>or,. H....,b.. lill Hlnli.

t .. Hol...... Hed H _

urry Ho•. -



Ed JecqllOl Arl.. J.,.I. l;~k ku", John te.h.m G.r, Loeffl., Alb.rl MI~h.l.

To" N.ll0. G.r.ld Nicholl W.,•• Nyr.

J.m•• Oldh.... Jim Ol....n hrl.t



...... ~.wl.J Ou h .. licY,d R..kin... Jimhn. W.".n Reynold. AI Rho.d..






00fI S.nd. fI.o..... $chroed... W."".II SUnk J... Sl""",

Did Simw".h"n Oo".ld S... "h

e.,., SMith

W.ll... $tolle< WiII.rel S.dliv-.I Jo.... $_;9«

lill ''''9''' lob h~l ....

Eldon TI,lor Rod, Ta,lor W., ... Thi...." Job Y."".

K......th Wlido. O.11Mrt Webb Hwb.rt Wilki., LI'" Willi..... DoY'lI •• Wood

Upham Hall


Willis Sweet Hall Willis Sweet H"II stl'rted its twenty-fifth yell' with" bong by winning the Resident H.,lI Council Outstanding Living Group

Aword. . under the combined letldership of Romlln T"r"mMtez o!Ind Bob McCarten the hall continued on its winning way ..

"lll Perisienne Cobaret" again en outstanding success. . sun mMllged to shine at lake Coeur d'Alene crui~ fine Senior Banquet . . . Independent "A" &sketbGli champs englllged members were doomed to be tubbed . . . suffered from " rllsh of Corvettes . . . members swept the field in honortlries . . . Bailey and hylor on Exec Board and chosen outstanding seniors . . . seven Alph" Zetas ... five Sigma Taus including Dau. Presi·

ROIoo4AN TALAIoo4ANTEZ Fi..1 s.....".,

~, •• id.nl,

kotl I,ow" O.""i. 0..


N.it FihS;,...


w.,,,. I ... klwo,dl


G." 0 .. Sl•••


A"d •.,o"



00" tu,,,.tI G_~


Ed H.".."

O.ur And• .,o" F,1td ""01\'

6." turlo"

Ow.,_ Dru... l O."i.t H.,m."

dent ond Blliley, Veep. two Phi Eto Sigmlls including Dors, highest Freshmen G.P.A. . two Xi Sigmll Phis Winterstein chosen Veep of Alphll Epsilon Deltll .. two four-pointers, Woodllll lind Winterstein .. Friedman elected President of Resident HlllI Council .. Wllgenschutz chosen Veep of Student Representlltive Assembly . . . Collins lind Powers Mmed for Blue Key ... Eisenbllrth served as Residence Editor for Gem ... Howllrd chosen Sub "Limbo" Champ . . . three prize_inning bellrds for Dlld's DllY ... one of the winners in the House Decoration Contest for Dad's Day ... top hostess lind proctor in C"rol lind Jlld Oozier ... lind Bo is still with us.


hit.y Edwi" 1,0Wfl lill Colli". Tom 6 .."b.,lh Lloyd H.",....

Attn htdrid,_ ~.~l

101 Ioo4cCARTEN s.cond S.m•• I.,

~r •• ld."I,

I,ow" F<uci. Co. Ctill' Eld,1td

W.,.. &b;d,.

O••id Fntk".,

lAot;_ H....looy

bb..l H.""

H.. be<t H...lh

litt e,...



Willis Sweet Hall

htl Hinn. At! Jo.... l ..ben Wee!;"", l.,... ......,.lod


Stu Hint•• , •• Kehl., Do... ld Wcl...d

Dov9 ,...........

G." .. ~,I

OO~<) Ho....d lob.,t KoH ••, D.vid 104..... 6o<doo '0..... 0.1. $chi.,!.,

Den Howa,th J... u,r... lI.,dlMd I<o4m... Jnk r.odolp.

co...., Schl.od ..

D•• id Humph,.y Richerd Leedy Ud.1I ""' ......., r....., .....olph Ly•• s..~

L.", Hult.b.1 KeO"' Leo' 'opo M...I.f. J...... h'm.oo 6." Sot... l1

Don h.",••

Lerry Lo.' .....iIl., 1m Ni...... Ed lob;' S"'rp


""'ike John.... h ...U Low" Hu,... ' &i. lobi.


lob Sh.....


Willis Sweet Hall



lob ",_"",hu'"


L..I.-:I S1'...:!


"",.Ieu" bu" 01\ c.ob.,.' S,hll I",_tut it.......,. be;", d..,i<l..:l




h ..... th Stewe,d lod •.., W.I,h

Ie... 51.,,* Oou'll .. Willi",",

bel 'otmul.'i", ASUI polic;'.

blJucll. 10 the d.,. c••II.

Uord r.ylG< l......, Wi.'"ntl

O.. id ToY.., '.,k... Vioo,bl!

LDS House The LOS House completed Mother successful the Christmas Donee lind Spring Formal





... Deloy Hendricks was chosen Top Aggie of the year and top in his senior e1llS!> •• Larry Moore was elected Chencetlor of Alph& Zeto ... Ken Powell served <'IS Junior CI"ss President Ken Smith was Business MllMger of

"Idaho Engineer"

Mervin Heileson topped for Delta

Sigma Rho Md winner of Superior Codel AWo!Ird in Army ROTC ... Jim Johnston performed in "Diary of Anne


. Hoven Hendricks Md Gary Corless served

in IK's . . . Haven Hendricks, member of Vandol Riders ... Allen Bllgley was known by "II liS $(Ick Rllt .. all


in ,,11 o!I very good under the leedership of Presidents Jan Wynn an Dave Grover lind the guidence of Director Joe J. Christensen.


" ..id.at, N.. t lloyd 1<0_ H••ea H..... icb 'ul W••lin....,


s....... t.. D.. icl 0.110. JOfI H~bet L...ry Sh~pe



, ••<ideal, Se<0tICl W....i. H.il...... J.d Jib...., 1(.., S",ith


0.10, H.Oldr;ch Ji", JohftdOfl SI.n SMith



Town Men's Association The desire to fulfill the need of on orqllnizotion representing the students who live off campus w,n the goel of TMA .. goal w<'!s obtoined liS TMA hlld 128 paid members ond was very <'letiv8 in campus politics, sociol functions. o!Ind intramural sports . . . Jim Mullen rose from our (lInh to beccme A$UI President for the coming yeor . . . with Ken Thompson ond Sill lewis "f the helm TMA proved to

be "" outstanding ond most benefici&1 orgMizotion on the compus.

Don lrill





Dick D., bb..,


••,f'nOfId Hoi..... C"" How." AI ... tMh Do".ld J.", •• No,me .. John...n

W.o_ K.JIt..<'iI hlp. L....ItfI<'. ~ lAwi. K.ith Uilico How...d


J.",•• Mull ...




1m s"--...... H.,old Slew.,!

Tho",.. T.ylo. l."y Tho",., Don.ld Voell., Kenneth Wild.. Lon Woodb."I




'r.,idn', Fi,,1 S.m ••I.,

',.,idnl, S.cond S.m••I.,

oEodemiES Administration Student Affairs College of Letters and Science College of Agriculture College



College of Mines College of Forestry College of Education College of Business College of Law Adult Education Graduate School Honoraries

Governor Robert E. Smylie Governor Smylie, Governor of Idaho for his seventh year is a frequent and welcome visitor to the University campus. His concern and interest in higher education and the University were well demonstrated in the last

session of the Idaho State Legislature. His policies and decisions regarding the University of Idaho have always been progressive, thus keeping Idaho moving forward in the academic field.

President D. R. Theophilus President Theophilus, a familiar and much respected figure on the Idaho campus is

noted for his knowledge and ability to lead a great University forward. His insight into the future, planning for expansion, understanding student affairs, and efficiency are just a small part of his services to the University and to the state.



-- -. o..••




~ ~.

of Regents


The Board of Regents is the governing body of the University of Idaho. All policies and official ads of the University must be established or approved by the Board before they are enacted by the University.


left 10 rl<;1hl_Oalm.r En9"lkinQ. Stat. Supe'intlndanl of Public In.I'uclio., .' offici<>. Boi •• ; M... Ma,· 'iI.I,;t. Campbell, New ""..dow.; elude V. ""e'Cu', S.c,.la,y, Boi,.; Curli. E.I"n. P,•• id.." Twin Fall'; John Pucock, Vice-P,••idanl, hUo';!'!. and en.



Registration, publications, finances, the library-all these and many other duties are capably performed by our competent administration.

H. WAlTER STEFFANS E..cu'i •• Dun ~. A. DICk COMptroller, h,;n... MU.9.' ud


D. D. DuSAULT h9;,I,.r RAFE S. GIBBS Di,.clor of l.fo,m.l;on .nd Editor of Publlc.lion•.



J. M. HEMING. M.D. U.;.."ily P~y.ici.n JAMES LYLE Alum.; S.<r.'.ry


CHARlES O. DECKU Di'K'<>< of SI"".ftl Aff.i"


A"...,;.,. Di'K'<>< of Aff.i" fo, Wom.ft•• ftd D•• ft of Wom.ft

Student Affairs GUY P. WICKS OJ•..,..... 01 S'''''.ftt 10< I<olU. .fId Field

",-,,,,,,,i.e. Aft....


Here at the University of Idaho the students take pride. the University takes pride. and faculty takes pride in the people who coordinate and guide student affairs. Dean Decker. Mrs. Neely, Guy Wicks, and Charles Bond are the nucleus of the group and are ready at all times to help students solve vocational and personal problems. On top of this they serve as a liaison between the Administration and the students.



$'''''..1 Co""..l",


College of Letters and Science The College of Letters and Science is the oldest College in the University and consists of nine major departments: Art and Architecture, Biological Science, Communications, Home Economics. Humanities, Mathematics, Music. Physical Sciences, and Sociol Science. This College is dedicated to both" liberal education and a professional training in certain selected fields. The advising program of the College is organized so the student has a personal relationship with his advisors. Along with the purely educational objectives, the College strives for the advancement of integrity. character, and persoMI development.

10YO A. IooIARTIN Ou •• Coli.". 01 ud Scienc.


SIGMA PI SIGMA The purposes of Sigmll Pi Sigma lire to recognize high scholarship in physics, promote interest and research in the sciences. and to popularize interest in physics in the gen· eral collegiete public. Second se· mester juniors majoring in physics or allied fields with high scholarship ere eligible for membership. FIRST ROW. lall 10 .i"hl_Roba'l Wa.t, Doft hl"'.ft. 1(.1, AII.ft. i0oi". Ift".bo<" s."u. Ji'" Ke",plo•. " ..;,ja.l. Willa.d wa...,.. SECOND ROW_R'~h••d 0 ...., Rich.,d Aldu•. ~.ul J •• cob<. '.1.. H••• ull. Joh. F.•• II. THIRD ROW -R'c",",d Volkme.. 0.".1 T..... Rkhe.td


H..",..,. Edw••d N ••I. 6 ...... h ....II. Do•• 1d Joh...... 0<. W.ldo Ad.I_.


PI GAMMA MU Pi Gllmmll Mu is en honorllry for socilll science mejors. Members are juniors end seniors who heve et leest 20 credits in the social sciences and e 3.00 grllde (Iverllge. FIRST ROW. 1.1110 ti"hl_IooI •• i.ft Colli ••• EI.i ... W.d... Ch.,l_ ~.I..'. !Ce.a. Sledtf.ld. I . d. 6. 1I0w•. SECOND 10W-D•. Robert Howck. li~h ••d 01 ....... R.... I. COItOft.... Willi.", 6.bo.....,. Do•• ld SHire. Willi.", 6 ••«. Dr. H••" C. H..-",,_h. Ti'" G ....... John T....... 0<. Willi.", 6,...... 0<. F<ed.,ic eh....cll. lobert Scot!. I.K. IooIcCOwu. 0<. E. i0oi. H......


College of Letters and Science PHI UPSILON OMICRON Phi Upsilon Omicron is an honorary and service group for home economics majors of three semesters. To be eligible to be " member of this honor"ry " girl must establish II 2.8 accumulative GPA. Flur ROW, l.ft to r;'ilht-Wjftif,~ U,..id.., She,n. Shirley l •• , hmo.e M.roll, Loi. Ch.'nul, S.M.. W.llen. Sheron le..... SECOND ROW-C.tol,n Kudle., Purl WII..ton, Dlltrlct AllY,,,,, ..d "e11_9 Nllionll ',•• ld,.I, ,,"-ti. Wood, R.... I,.d "wee, " ..llIul, Ch,.loll. Aldrich, PI.linl H.lltup. AlIy;,o,. 00"0' Harwood.


SIGMA DELTA CHI Sigma Delto Chi is a national journalism fraternity for outstanding students "dive in journalism on campus. The orgMization provides opportunity for Ilssociation with professionoJ men in the fields of journalism, flldio, lind television, FIRST ROW. 1.lt to ri9ht_W.lt Joh ...... L.. Tow••••d. Ge', Rudell. N.i1 Ltiln." It, S~hmidt. SECOND ROW-Dr. Gre.vill, ~rk,. Ad.i..." J'rr, W.II.ct, De.ld ~,tto.. Httb Hollin9tt.

THETA SIGMA PHI Thefll Sigmll Phi, women's jOUfMI. ism honofllry. promotes jourMlism llmong women students lind women of the community. Junior women mlljoring in joufMlism with II 3.0 in "loufMlism subjects llnd 2.5 llccumulltive in other dllsses lire eligible. Membership is lliso ~veilllble to women who hllve done exceptionlll work in Cllmpus jourMlism ectivities end high schofllrship. FIRST ROW. I,ft 10 ,i9M-'oll, W.lktt, She,on Lenu. ',..ident. Ro.. W.btt. SECOND ROW _Sh ..o. W...... Sh,,,, McGuirt. Ann Spik... Jo, Hen,l".


College of Letters and Science ALPHA EPSILON DELTA Alph" Epsilon Delf" is the n"tion,,1 scholastic honorary for pre-dentistry oIlnd pre-medic,,1

students. In order to be eligible for membership, students must m"int"in high scholtlrship Md good leodership. The purpose of this group is to promote (In t1clIdemic end intelleetulIl "tmos-

phere for University of Jdeho st.. . dents in their respective fields. FIRST ROW, I.ft to "oM_Anen J. H....n. " •• ide"l; ""'a'i"". Willi., Iool"'l.f" Ge"I". T,... ~r.,; J"dy ,""eGa'v". SECOND lOW _Pet., Kelly. Dr. D. A. G.,"Iooo. Advi.ot; C.r1 Win'a.,t.i., Vice.P,•• ide,,': • ...:1 H t.4cOou'l.I, (ldOll T_,l<><, Da.e '01'9',

DEBATING Intercollegillte debllting tit the University of Idllho is Ilmong the best in the country. MMy students here lit Idtlho participate in the vtlrious divisions offered lit deb.!lte meets. This debtlte c1llsS is II prime extlmple of Id,,ho's le"dership in the field of deb"te. FIRST ROW. 1.1t to ,i",hl_SuI.n A'ml. lind. KiM.y, Sh.il. MoD•• ill. K.'.n Smith, Vi"j• • n Dick.mo'., WiIIi.m John,ton. SECOND ROW-D."jd Shu,t1.f1. Ron"i. Rock. Tom lrnch. "".",in H.i1.,on. Lon Woodbu,y, R09.r h". Dr. Whit.....d. Ad.i,o,.

CHEMISTRY Chemistry students ere busily cleaning up theif lab after", h"rd and rough day with test tubes.


hoi. Em....1t Spik., etld loberl W." .,. ,'''' ."'" ,he U.i....lty'••1ec:1T....... ic'OICo~.

H...... E<: ,ith ... ,e,.,., ",ediu! .,_i.nu i. e Alc~it.du,••11Id••"

.'. b.....' dr.w;., up pie•• I... ,he;'

,., d ... 1 ",or.d

D,. 'h;tip Du",e., e ",.",b., 01 the Zoolo" D.p.dm..t, ;, •••• m... u,_ ,., • 10,10;'..... 11 "0'" Ih. coll.ctio. 0 . . . h;ch h. i. do;., '.'..'ch,

College of Letters and Science )75

College of Agriculture In 1901 the College of Agriculture was established with a seporate faculty designated. Dean Edwin Ebenezer Elliott was the first DeM of Agriculture appointed by the Regents in 1908. The course of study in Agriculture in the early De-

portment of Agriculture included three hours per week during the Freshman yeor and the study of Agriculture. The Sophomore year included lectures in Animol and Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture and Farm Crops. The Junior yeor was devoted largely to Animtll Science and Animal Production. The final year wos devoted to experimentation or problems in which the students were interested. JAMES E. ICMUS


Colt.,. of


A. t.l"'lSHAll A<"""i.'.DON 0....., Colle9'l of ",ticollo••

In t 949 the new Agriculturtll Science Building wos completed and placed in use of the College of AgriCUlture on the campus. Since the establishment of the College of Agriculture, 1516 B.s. Agriculture degrees have been awarded.

Alpha Zeta is the scholastic honorary for students maioring in agriculture. Better than everege scholarship must be maintained in order to be considered for membe~hip. FIRST lOW. l.ft 10 .i"M-V.ldo~ Hi •• Sc.ilHt; Eo"' ....... n.~, C.~_; Jim Slo.m., T....o,...: D.".lt H.tfi.ld, Ch,onicl••: D•. loy H.M.ieh. Ch..e.II.... , SECOND lOW -le .. y Cook, 10b••1 Willi.mson, No'm.~ K•••I•• l."y Moo••, Ken Sl.i"'.... THllD lOW_to H. 10", Ad ... o,: lyle S...... Ch.fl •• P.'.rson, Ad.100., FOURTH ROW _ ...If.ed Slink.,d, ...d.; ; t.rry Holm· '10;" Go,don EUiol, J Wilso~. T••", M... ~n",... , I"on Chmpion. FIFTH lOW -J. E. K•• o•• 0.•• of ",,,,.leollo••: W.,... TlIi...... J...., J...,.., Nth........

Ag Council is the group tho!

coordinotes the College of Ag" riculture student octivities. Each department has one member on the council and there ",re two

foevlty "dvisors. HUT _OW. l.ft 10 ",hl-le,..,. Moot., ,...id.ol; Yol.nd. l ndo.. lob Willi.",,,,,", 0 11 H.Ifi.ld. SECOND

'a. *'.''''':

_OW-Alfred Slink.rd. Ad.;..,,; ~I." hr_ n.lI, Ad.i.o.: H....y Don.', Eu,en. Allu. At/h., L...


Shod...k I•• horll.ull.... 01......


POKI,ul •• P'l',..... plnli., 110_.,

,. 1M

po.p...I..... of 'Hd b«l• .."d ,.

College of Agriculture "'A,,~I~

., ..':'.cJ<"'.

••.~_""""f ........

0<. hll " •• pI.'ft;'" 1M



p.orn of ,Iud.,.k.




l.t" Cook ;1 I ••• WOfki.1 ,• • ft .",. • ullut•• h.mi,lty .b.


College of Engineering The College of Engineering, recognized as one of the finest engineering schools in the United States, contains departments offering men training for five different phases of the profession-Agricultural Engineering, headed by J. W. Mar-

tin; Chemical Engineering, headed by M. L. Jackson; Civil Engineering, headed by C. A. Moore; Electrical Engineer. ing, headed by H. E. Hattrup; and Mechanical Engineering, headed by H. W. Silha. Graduates of this college have a very thorough knowledge of their field and are well prepared for their future work.

ALLEN S. JANSSEN Dun, College of En9in.. rin9 Dire<lor, En9inurin9 E.p.,i",enl 51.lion

SIGMA TAU Sigmll TllU is on honor<'Hy es-

t"blished to give recognition to outstMding men in the field of engineering. The group strives to

<"Jttoin prlleticllbility, soci<'lbility. ond schol~stic ability. In order to be eligible ~ student must be ~ junior with 3.0 or ~bove. Members Me selected by the group ond membership is for life. ROW ONE-Gene h.le,. Eve'ett hily. EI",o,e Dun. Well Jo .... Willie", J. P,,",en. Willie", R. Kindley. Ge"y B. Jane•. Je",e. L. Gunde,..n. John T. h.e,. Je",e. Le",p. Pul K,09ue. ROW TWD-G. A. l>ol~. Keen. Ady;'o,; Ge,y Deu. P'e.idenl; H.n,y S;l~e. Ted NO'90,d. Roberl T..i99'. To", Collin•• VU9hn E<lrick. Duen. AII,ed. W•• Bu,henen, Bill l>ole,lin. Rudy Lilton. lyl. m •. hrt Wri9hl. Oryin J. B'....'. ROW THRE&--Je",•• J..... 80b S,huMe ••,. J.y V. And.'oon. Ji", G. Slo,,,,., L.rry L. WiI· lie",., Ken Lyon. lloyd A. Teylo,. J.d Penl,y. Riley l>ol. SMilh, G.n. A. lo .. ,ence. Robert C. De.i •• , Kenn.lh R. P,•• t .. ich. To", Shey. Ad.i.o,.

C. C. Wernick. A..od.l. Di'ecto, 0/ En9inurin9 up."Menl Sielion, i. p,...nlin9 e le,lu'. on Aulo",.lic Mu.u,e",enl 0/ Hydrol09k Per.",.I." .t R.",ol. Loc.lion_


College of Engineering

Don G,.d ... hl end Jim Ok."," 'akin", cuel ,up*",_ mu'ur.muh north 01 Nolu.-oumm.r of 19&0.

Dun Ju"an i, 'Un t.lkinll with .chol."hip w'Me" Tom Collin" G.,y W.i1., ud Pul Kr09U•.


College of Mines

EAlL F. COOK DNa, Coll.~ of ~i....

The College of Mines w~s est~blished in 1917 at the University because of the early pronounced importance of mineral substances in the economic Md cultural life of Idoha. At the University men are trained in the different areas of the minerals industry. In the College of Mines. training con be gained as desired in Mining Engineering. Metallurgical Engineering, Geo-

logical Engineering, Geology and Geography in both graduate and undergraduate work.

Jam•• A. Co.oj• .oftd lob b ••• .or........"..kin9 in the '.'.ece



Colle<;l. 01

""'i•••• 'udenlo .or. 'iI.inin9 practicel •• p.,ience in min• ••"". end fori' .id .

Sigm~ G~mm~ Epsilon is ~ College of Mines honor~ry which seeks to introduce professional ~spech of mmmg to the students. To be eligible ~ student must heve ~bove e 2.75 eccumuletive grede point or be selected by the honorery for membership.


of Mines

~ow ONE-~;ch.,d .. n.h..... Triloo;h.n S. hin,. Wim W.lk.... Jim Co,ni., J.m•• l.mp,. I-I....n Ali.I, J.m., Juh. ~OW TWo-Lo.... 1I ~. Chocol •. Wil· Ii.m ~. G,un, hland O. SHnd. DOU91.. G. C09Iiu,. Jo. h4ch,lud. V. VO"n9 Kim. STANDING-Sob W. DcIuld Stuh, A,I 5o'.9.,0Ii. W. W. I.l.y, Advi ; D.,hl lob." ~.n'. lurl J.n,u. Rich.,d S. Wil n. Ivan I"' D.n'on Tuck." h4illon






College of Forestry All work offered in the University of Idaho's toprated College of Forestry meets the highest require-

ments of forestry instruction in this area.

The course of forestry gives the student fundamental and technical training in sciences underlying successful forest management practice. The college ;s proud of their near-by experimental forest, a tree nursery. and a large arboretum, which gives the stu-

dent an opportunity to correlate his classroom instruction with its application in the field.

ERNEST W. WOHlETZ Dun, ColI.<;I. O. ~, ••trJ




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t.rm'''' u.ry'f\<J up_city.

" .., ........ John How. ...d Atl.." Hoh'r."" t.,Ii"'ll II... d'."'llh 0/ .. b..... in wood .Iit....,;o" I.b.


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The purpose of Xi S;gm~ Phi is to promote the interest of the profession~1 ~spects of forestry to students. Meetings fe~ture profession~1 spe~kers

who give insight into the field. The upper twenty-five per cent of the forestry c1ess is eligible for membership.


of Forestry FI~ST ~OW. I.ft to ri'lhto-Oick 0'11......Icomb I(in'l. lill Em",in'l"'m. D.n ~.""•• SECOND .OW-St••• 10M. 6 .... Irock. a.. H.m_. H.",.,. W.ldton. lill Iri'lht, John Hunt. D.vn Ad ...... THI~D ~OW-Jltn AI~I•• ~ ..I &1'1"'-. W.,... f.lk_. 1U>d, H.,i•• T"", e ..l N.lli,. D.. id St..., D••• Heck. Wed. W.lh. FOURTH ~OW-I .. 1:.11'. DeVOll N.I...... Jim Troj.""....ki. John T'oj.no....ki. lob Srnlll•.


Sum .....' ump dud.nll .rn ••Ikin'l into ,,,- ~kl., ern' bl.... Thi' i' • p.o" of ,,,.um..... po-O<jr.m ........ ,,,,, quid."". of 1"- Coll.'le of fo<.. try.


College of Education The College of Education offers a program which leads to a teacher's certificate and qualifies those students as teachers for the schools of Idaho and other states. The heads of the four main departments ore Dr. Roy M. Berry, Education; Dr. W. H. Boyer. Psychology; Miss Mabel Lode, Women's Physicol Education; and Dr. Leon Green. Men's Physico I Education. The College also offers special programs in Music Education. Business Education, Industrial Arts Educ,",tion. Guidance and Counseling.

J. FIEOIIC WELTZI ... Coll~. o' £d"u!;on


Phi Epsilon K"pptl is the only n"tion,,1 profesSiOMI frtlternity for m"le students Md te"chers of hetllth, physic,,1 eductltion t1nd recre"tiol'l. It brings to its members til'! opprecitltiol'l of their duties toword life, tow"rd their profession, "nd toward their fellows. The esto.'lblishment of Phi Epsilon Ko.'lpP<' h"s "dded immeo.'lsurobly to the professioMI st"tus of physic,,1 eduCo.'ltion o.'lt the University of Ido.'lho. Since its beginning II'! 1957, Alphll Omeg" chllpter h"s st"ged sports clinics for youngsters. professioMI conferences. o.'lnd h"s supported the Fellowship of Christitll'! Athletes movement.

SEATED, I.n to rl9M_Oon


'.t Town'end,

l."y Tripp. Ken Mit••• Pr.,ident; D•. leon Gr.... 10111. Willi.mo, ell.tI •• $ow.,. ROW TW~oh" I.dwith, Did Coope., 5il Vi.I, Ron Z..itt.r, Lit,.., H."....... Reo; C •• ol.n. liII Hill. C,.io; H"",••. _09.' W.",. J.d Sl.... _OW TH_iE_aon F.,.· .......Ih. T..,.., _ 1. T..:I Ie.i.il•. _OJ x .....idl. Joh. 0........... , 0.1. J Cliff T,out. Ie•• W.;d•. h,l., Wood.lI. &..,.., Ito"•• Ly'. Webb«.


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of Education

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College of Business

DAVID D. kENORICI( Ou •. Colle,;!_ 0/ I.,in ...

The College of Business of the University of Idaho provides professional training for young men Md women who plan to make business their career. It offers 0 four-yeM program leading to a Bachelor of

Science degree in Business Administration. A combined curriculum in business and I"w is offered plus m"jors in eight fields: Accounting, Business and Applied Science, Economics. Finance, Foreign Trade, General Business, Marketing, and Office Administration. Every curriculum of the college is constructed around a core of courses in economics and the major functional areas of business_

Studefth .r. ,.e.i.ift'll p.eclk.l .'pe,i_nu durin9 _. office ",.chi... d ....

PHI CHI THETA Phi Chi That" promotes high ideols for women going into business. Membership is open to women in the College of Business Administration ....ith "

2.5 occumulotive grode point. SEATED, 1.11 '" ,i,hI-Joyce lllllek>n, s... ••, • ..,.Tru.u,...: 1.41" Ruth And.roo_. Ad· .1'0': Jud, w•• rwood, , ...id..l. STANO· IN$-Judy Stick •• " Lil Mi,.", Iobbi. lu.t.dl.




I Did





College of Law The curricula offered by the College of Law includes courses of study in property relationship, commercial low, public law and administration, and procedure Md judicial administration. A well-trained staff of legal scholars prepare Idaho graduates for a professional career as a lawyer. judge. or law instructor. The College of Ltlw at the University is affiliated with the Association of American Law Schools which endeavors to improve the legal education in our country.


De.., Colle'l_ 01 l ...,


Adult Education The Division of Adult Education and Summer School coordinates, directs and develops the general (non-agricultural) extension services and summer school activities of the University. The general extension services provide University educatioMI opportunities to well over 4000 students throughout the state. This is accomplished through extension classes in more than 35 Idaho communities, resident credit centers in Boise and Mountoin Home Air Force Base, approximately 180 correspondence courses in 38 subiect matter areas, and numerous conferences and workshops for business and professioMI groups. The on-campus services of the Division include an extensive summer school program which draws students from oil over the U.S.A. and the placement service which brings together University of Idaho graduates and prospective employers. THOM ... S l. O... HLE Oi ••cIO<". Oi.i.ion of ...dull Educ.lio. . .d Summ•• S' ....... I

H.r1ow H. C.",p"-II....._ i... Oi· ••'1.... 01 ...dull Edu,.lion, ,0un••I, Jo~",on in lu••••.





Dun K..d.id. Co ll.9. 01 "'dmlni,I•• lion, I. p•••• nlln9 • tulu•• on lu.i .... M."9.",..1 10 .....dull EduutiO" 9'0.P,


Graduate School Organized in 1925, the Groduote School now meets the needs of many college graduotes who desire additional training for their respective fields. The first master's degree was awarded in 1897 and since then the Graduote School has been providing on opportunity for advanced students to develop within themselves the obility to be capable of original ond creative advoncement. The school offers extensive speciolization including more thon fifty departments.


Dun o' G,.dul. School

J.d KI.inkopf. ,n ......;.1. 01 P,o_ ....or Kim, I, doinq .ped,1 '.'Utch on the No,'~.rn Li9~h.

G.r.ld Yeoumu•• nd G.ry Post ... doin9 Gr.du,l. work In A9 C...ml•...."


Graduate School Ed Ft ....", '-..ehift9

0109,. ;••'."';.;119

, ill .... P"<i .

Df. Wi••• ud 'rof...o. Spik., .or. edju.linq the .e.....' projecti"n cOm' ~r.to< ....iCJ'op""tom.t.', 'K..II, qui•..,. by 'he Coli..,. of A'll,i,uJlu•• lot .... I" cOll....,.io. with lhe ......,. 'pe<:tr..."..p.... the ,,",,,coli ,due,"




0.... kH~.j k _kill, .... hi, ' •. 0. Jot bot..",. Hl, ,..... i, •• ppott.oc:l by ,he N.to-.r x;ellCe t ....'e. ~nd.ti_.


Honoraries PHI BETA KAPPA The purpose of Phi Bet<'J KllPP<'J is to promote o!Ind recognize high scholorship in the College of let· ters end Science. To be eligible for membership" student must: ho!lve senior standing lind completed four semesters lit the University of Ideha with" 3.66 llCcumuf"tive; have senior standing llnd completed five semesters et the University of Jdtlho with a 3.5 eccumul<'ltive; or h<'lve junior

sto!lnding Md completed five semesters <'It Idoha with " 3.66 accumulotive. Alumni of Idaho working on some scholtlstic endeavor lind mllking outsttlnding

achievement m"y be chosen for membership. ~IRST ROW, left 10 r;lht-Slwo""~ L..""., lill .. Sommefl, IC ..... St..IIf.ld, Jud, W... i.... u. LjIOd. L.mb .onod CtCHK. SECOND lOW-l..,... t1. SquirM, 1104."1,,, W.<ti•• J •••",... Wood. 1.0<... W...U.I. Ct.". SI.wqhl... S...." hll"'q•. t.l.,., Sluqhl. . . .IId JIId, Ir..,k.". THIRD ROW-lod l. t.l.,... K."n.lh hll.., l ..li. ~i,h••. hI. K.IIy. Rob.,1 W.,t. Ttt.od ..... J. prjeh.,d, ""......." ....",. b.,; Rob••• E. Ho••ck. ho.......,., .... ",~•.


...VH ... LAt.lID'" DEll... FIUT ROW. 1.11 10 ';qht-Row.". Eikw"" Yid; hi",.., Mrs. Rwlh 10•• , "'dv"o.; Nue, Yo,ih. EI••"". U""id... SECOND ROWJ.dy St......" a..b... II.i" li"d. l.",b. Jw"io....d.i.o,; Ido•• l .. t.loo•• , C.,ol lind.",.,. ud t.l.'9. R.,..



Phi Phi is lin honor society 0 unique ch"r/lder. It recognizes high schol/lrship in /III areas of academic endeavor r"ther thlln in limited Gnd specific fields. It is well established Gt leGding American universities. ~IRST ROW. 1.1t 10 ,iqhl_IiIIi. So",,,,.... Tho.. Ru"y.". Ch.doU. a., ••,. t.l.,1I," t.l.,"". t.l.'q.,.1 C,o...l.y Gul,y. V;,h· ....v w t.l.h.,wd,.p~ S.kh.,•. lilli." 01· " nd t.l... w. W.,.. SECOND ROW_ Ju""i". Wood. t.l.,lIy" Yo,l... Co"n'. IICKk All.". Sp.C., te",P. J.u.. I(,oq.... THIRD ROW_bb.-'1 Sell•. Rob. ... W..I, K..... Sledtf.ld. Cvsl... She<", Sno.... Jo!ul Willi.", KiOldI..,. ....... t.lcCo... u, Rod ;d N.,.... Rob.-'I xhw.... k... Aq".. I n W1lIi....., Joh. F,hq.... ld••"'" Dot",••.



J...... G.... l..........J........lKl '.wl &.,.,

'HI ET... SIGN ... FIRST ROW. 1.11 10 ';qh~.,,., I. Jo , M••v'" D. H.II.IO•• 0 ....11 R. T.,.td"•• R..h.d T. J.cob "'" C..I w. a., •••. SECOND ROW_Rob TylO., Chck Rob.,fIoo. C.d,o". J.ek D.a.un, ud Cord., C.",pb.lI.


[lasses Outstanding Seniors Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class

Top Seniors CONNIE BLOCK ALLEN. "Secretary Extrllordinary" could be one WfJY to describe ViVllCioU5 Tri Delt, Connie Block Allen. who while mointoining "eorly " 3.82 grllde point <'!Iverege. served liS secretary to many of the top ASUI heads. As recording secret"ry for the Executive Board her Junior year, for the Education"i Improvement Committee. and the Student-Faculty Retfe,,'. Connie did" distinguished job. Among the mo"y oW(lrds she won in the four years at Idaho were nomin"tion to Phi K"ppel Phi. Mort"r Bo.!Ird. Bet" Epsilon Chi, Gamma Delta, and Spurs. She WtlS also Junior class treasurer, and rounded out her varied college career with" fellowship grllnt to the University of Wisconsin, where she will go with her hus~nd next year.

EVERETT M. BAilY. An Electric,,1 Engineer with time for ASUI <!Ictivities, Everett served on the Executive BO<!lrd his senior ye<!lr, while m<!linf<!lining <!I ].81 gr<!lde point <!Iver<!lge. A Willis Sweet mM, Everett W<!lS elected <!IS h<!lll treosurer Md vice-president during his four ye<!lrs residence there, <!Ilso p<!lrticip<!lting in b<!lseb<!lll intr<!lmur<!lls. As M Executive BO<!lrd member he worked on the reorgMizofion of the ASUI Educ<!ltioMI Improvement Committee. Active in such student org<!lniz<!ltions <!IS Phi Et<!l Sigm<!l, Sigm<!l T<!Iu, AlEE, <!Ind Phi K<!IPP<!l Phi, he won the coveted West Coost Electronic M<!Inuf<!leturers Schol<!lrship.

GORDON R. CHESTER. One of the most intelledu<!lllyoriented of the gr<!ldu<!Iting seniors, Gordon milled politics with <!I V<!lst horde of ASUI <!Ind lK <!Ietivities, Md c<!lme out on top in <!Ill o:tt<!lgories. A Phi Delt, he served <!IS n<!ltioMI president of The Intercollegi<!lte Knights during his junior <!Ind senior ye<!lrs. A member of Silver LMce, Blue Key, Greek C<!IUCUS, Md Delt<!l Sigm<!l Rho, he <!lIsa found time for intr<!lmur<!ll footbo!ll1 <!Ind tr<!lck during his freshm<!ln ye<!lr. He W<!lS extremely <!Idive in his living group, serving <!IS rush ch<!lirmM, schol<!lrship ch<!lirm<!ln, <!Ind other import<!lnt house iobs.


Top Seniors JOHN O. FITZGERALD. There were few things that John couldn't do, end there were few things that he didn't try. From his fresh year, when he W/lS elected vice-president of the class, to the IK's his sophomore yeM, to the junior class presidency, llnd to the vice-presidency of the ASUI when he was., senior, he worked. lind he worked hard for the University. Mointllining " 3.34 grade point <'lverllge, the member of Deltll Tau Delto served os house president, social chairmen. lind delegate to the n"tionol Delt convention. Besides heavy porticipo!lfion in intro路 mUfllls, he was" member of Silver Lonce, Blue Key, <'lnd Phi

Kappa Phi, He eorned the "Outstanding Poge"


from the

Intercollegiate Knights during his sophomore ye1'lr.

NEll E. LEITNER. "The Argonaut office is my home" might well be the motto of this senior who rose through the ronks to editor of the Argonaut the first semester of his senior year. Neil served as news editor, associate editor, and reporter during his three years with the Arg. Maintaining a 3.2 grade point average, he was elected corresponding secretary of his living group, Alpha Tau Omega ond president of Sigma Delta Chi. He was a member of Blue Key ond the Army ROTC organization Pershing Rifles. A journalism major, he won the Allied Dailies Scholar路 ship, ond the top pledge scholarship from his living group.

BRUCE McCOWAN. Possibly the man who gained the most respect and admiration of ony graduating senior, Bruce, although almost top-heavy with ASUI activities, maintained the next best thing to a 4.0 during his four years at Idaho. He rose from the presidency of his freshman and sophomore classes to the presidency of the ASUI when he was a senior. A member of Beta Theto Pi, he wos vice-president of the house. Membership in honorories included Phi Beta Kappa. Silver Lance. Blue Key, Phi Koppa Phi, ond he was also elected Du~e of Intercollegiate Knights. Ta~ing part in Vorsity Bosketboll ond Intramurals showed that Bruce wos an all-oround participator.


Top Seniors ELIZABETH A. MISNER. As co-chairmM of New Student days, end tJSSistant chairman of Blood Drive her junior yellr, bouncy brunette liz Misner dill found that she h"d enough time for membership in Coordin(ltion Council. Ctlmpus Chest, AWS, end the Board of Selection and Control. With 1I 3.2 grade point in Accounting. she WIlS elected president of Phi Chi Theta, and served tIS council worn"n in the Accounting Club. A member of Morter Board, she ""OS elected president in her senior yeti'. liz was tI charter member of Alpha Gamma Della, and WtlS elected chapter president when she was" senior. She also WllS on the houses' slMdtlrds board. executive council ond served on the schollHship committee.

ROBERT E. MOE. Known tiS "the mOll to watch when DemOCrats congregllte." Bob made end left his mark on campus politics. Active in the Independent party, the Young Democrats, the Model United Nations, Campus Union PMty, Residence Hall Council, Md Citizenship Clearing House, Bob excelled In activities of a political science nature. He w~s ch~irmM of the Model United N~tions delegation to Oregon last ye~r, and was president of the Young Democr~ts his junior year. In his living group, Gault Hall. he was float chairmM ~nd social chairmM. He was instrumental in orgMizing the National Md World Affairs Club, and in the orgMization of the Campus Union Party. He was ~ member of the Executive Bo~rd ~nd of Blue Key.

WILLIAM l. PASLEY. "Where's Paz?" his cam~ign posters re~d prior to his election to the Executive Board I~st ye~r. and generally he was there, serving in many Ul~cities in the ASUI. As chairmM of the ASUl's monumental Budget CommiHee, he was primarily responsible for figuring out where ASUI money went and where it should go. The collegiate Sigma Nu was a member of Blue Key. Silver llance. IK's and ran with the Uni路 versity track team for two years. While living for four years at the Sigma Nu house, he was vice-president, pledge class pres路 ident. and social chairman.


Top Seniors BEVERLY R. PAUl. With six out of seven semesters

~ str~jght

4.0, Beverly m~jnt<'lined the highest grllde point IlVerllge, with <'l 3.92 of My of the top seniors, ond in the fllther stiff ffilljor

of Beeteriology, to boot. A top scholof. the petite blonde


elected to Phi Beto Koppo. Phi KOPPI! Phi, Alphll Epsilon Delto, and Mortl'lf Board. Active in the ASUI, she worked on the Blood Drive committee, Md the Associllted Women Students. A four year resident of Forney hllll, she W/lS vice-president, stMdards boord member, scholc'Hship ch"irmM, I'Jnd AWS represent,~lfive.

GARY C. RANDALl. The cll5uol. cool. Ivy Leaguish, 67th Joson: Gory worked his way up to the editorship of the Argonaut in his senior yaM vi" the sport's editor position. Never one to let controversy come to him, his spring semester's Fleeces /lnd editorials c/lrried the bite of /luthority. With /l 3.2 /lver/lge in /lccounting, he W/lS /l member of Blue Key <'lOd vice-president of Sigm/l Delt/l Chi. He served on the Athletic Board of Control. /lnd W/lS <'lO ex-officio member of the Executive Board c'lnd member of the Communic/ltions BO/lrd. Active in his living group, Phi Delta Theta, he p/lrticip/lted in intr/lmur/lls for the four-yeM period. He W/lS c'llso vice-president of the house <'lOd editor of the rush book.

RICHARD RENE. An all-around m/ln in /lth!etics, the ASUI, <'lOd org<'lOiz/ltions, Dick rose to hec'ld the Interfr/lternity Council; held membership in the Executive BO/lrd: Wc'lS president of his house, Deltc'l Tc'lU Delt/l; served /lS c/lpt/lin of the winning SUB bowling tec'lm; /lnd W/lS C/lmpus horseshoe ch/lmpion for two str/light ye/lrs. Among the projects he st/lrted /lnd org<'lOized were those to get the '61 Region/lIIFC Convention ot Idc'lho, /lnd he pl/lnned /lnd constructed 0 KUQr tronsmitter system. He W/lS /l member of the Blue Key, AlEE. /lnd the Air Force ROTC <'lOd is in electriCc'l1 engineering.

GARTH SASSER. Pleos<'lOt, uOllssuming, noted for 0 quick smile <'lOd c'l friendly m<'lOner, Gorth /llso rose through the r<'lOks of the ASI:.JI. finally becoming <'lO Executive BOc'lrd member. During his vllried C/lreer, he Wc'lS ch/lirmon of the Miss U. of I. P/lge/lnt when he Wc'lS c'l sophomore, junior d/lsS vice-president, IK vice~ president, choirm<'lO of the IK ROY/li Queen Pc'lge<'lOt when he Wc'lS c'l senior. The ogronomy mojor W/lS 0 member of Blue Key /lnd the Agronomy Club, /lnd won /l two-yellr resec'lrch fellowship in D/liry Science /lS /l senior. He Wc'lS /lctive in his living group, Form House, ond served os rush chc'lirmon, intrc'lmur/ll m/ln/lger, <'lOd business m<'lO/lger.


Top Seniors KAREN STEDTFElD. "Stetson" is now studying in FrMce os one of the three Idoho students to win Fulbright scholarships lost yei'lL It wos 0 fitting end to II fruitful four yaMS for the oetive brunette from K<'lppll Koppo Gamma. As senior doss secretory. United Party vice-president Md compoign rnllnoger, student reo cruitment district choirmM, United Porty vice-president, intercollegiote deboter. and <'l member lind orgMizer of coordiMtion council. she wos active in the A5UI. As tr605urer of Mortor Boord. member of Pi Gllmmo Mu, Phi Koppo Phi, Phi 8eto Kopp<'l, lind Theto Sigmo Phi "Heodliner," she WllS octive in orgonizllfiom. She IIlso won the WRA golf chornpionship her sophomore yeof, and served on numerous committees in her house, while m~intoining ~ 3.7 gr~de point ~ver~ge.

SHERMAN SNOW. When something needs to be done. Sherm will pitch right in ond see the t~sk through to the end. An ex· tremely cop~ble individuol he beg~n his four yeors by being pledge c1~ss president ~t the Sigmo Nu Froternity. Also in his freshmen yeor he served the freshmen footb~1I end b~sketb~1I te~ms os men~ger. Membership in schol<lstic honorMies in· c1uded Alpho Zeto Md Phi K<lpp<l Phi serving ~s Alpha Zeto vice· president. He ottended the University under 0 Union Pocific Roilrood scholorship.

MARGARET A. lATKO. An exuberMt brunette from Gommo Phi Beto. Morgoret wos elected Associated Women Students president in her senior yeor. ,nd was octive in the ~dvoncement of AWS policies on com pus. The AWS presidency ended on octivity.strewn four years ot college. os she looked bock on por· ticipotion in the Gem ond Argonout. Frosh Orientotion. Holly Week. Extended Boord. United Coucus. ond Election Committee. She wos 0 member of VMdaleers Md wos elected secretory of thot orgMizotion. An ex-officio member of the Executive Boord, she served on the C"lendor Committee. Md the Women's Dis· ciplin<'!rY Committee in conjunction with her ASUI octivities. In her living group. she wos stMdords choirmon. octivities choirman and song leoder.

LLOYD TAYLOR. "Red" Toylor wos 0 dissenter, ond thot is how he would like to be remembered. He wos elected to the Executive Board on 0 "no-porty" slote. lIppeoling to the mosses for support. which he received. He mode news during his junior yeor os 0 lellder in the fight to block the Student Union Building lIddition. He wos 1I member in Phi Eto Sigmll, Sigmo TlIu. ond the AlEE. ond mllintllined 0 3.1 grllde foint overage in electriClll engineering. A four·yeM resident 0 Willis Sweet holl he served os choirmon of VMious committees during his residence.



Gu,dift9 Ihe .eft'O' d ... , 'ob Schum.ke'. P,•• id..l; Slltdtf.ld. S.c,.I."; li. M"ne', T,u.u,",; .ftd R.ftd, lill"n. Vice·P".'donl.

Sen iar Officers Con9••lul.lin9 1M 101" 11 S.nion n U"ive"i", P,e.icIe.. t, 0.. O. R. TIMtop.il.... RKipie..h 01 thi, w....."_KItd .1 104., hi•. Piclu,1td .,. 1.01.'9.'01 htko, Sloodlfold, Co"..ie 11oc:k "'II.... Eli•• bel. 1.01 ....." leve,I, Pul. RItd h,lor, h.'ell hil,. 6.,lh h ...... lOll P••I.,. 6ordOfl C...I.... She<m.ft Snow. lob 104 .... John F'I'ge,.ld, I,uu Io4cCoweft. Neil lean.......:1 6." h...:l.n.



...C ... UEGUI En'l,nu,lnq V.II.,. O,.qon

D... RWIN ... fD ...HL E<::luulion R.dfi.ld. Soulh D.kol.

EUGENE ... LLEN "'nim.1 Hu.bud,y Bud.,. Id.ho K...YE ...SLEn F<>,.lq" T,.d. 51. "'ntho"y. Id.ho EDDIE J. B... ILEY l<.4.ch.nk.1 Enqlnu,;nq ... Iblon. Id.ho

HERBERT R. "'LLEN F<>, ••I Mu.q.mut ~eC.H. Id.ho TRULS ...STRUP G.n.,.1 Bu.I.... Oslo. No,w., EVUETT 1<.4. B... ILY EI.e"',.1 En'llnu,lnq H.n.... Id.ho

WILU ... 1<.4 B... R... K, JR. EI.ct,;,.1 En",inu,'n'l l<.4.nlon,. C.lifo,nl.

DON B... RLOW Guid.nu Bol••. Id.ho



ST... NLEY R.... UEE ... ~,onomy B" I. Id.ho J... y V.... NDUSON EI,ct,I,.1 Enqlnudnq Poe.I.1l0, Id.1» TRENN ......TCHLEY Hom. Eeon~mlcs .... hlon, Id.~o TH ...YRE 1<.4. B... ILEY L.n." ud Sd..e. T..in f.II •• Id.ho VUtA R. B... RNEY h.ln ... Eduulion Sho.hon•. ld.ho

CH ... RLonE ... LDRICH Hom. Eeonomle. St.,. Id.ho MELDON ...NDUSON G_q,.pht hp.,I. Id. ~ THOM"'S M.... UCUTT HI.lo" £Mm.". Id.ho DW...YNE E. B... KER "'eeountinq ~o>co... Id.ho G... kY L. B... Rk ~.ehule.l Enqlnu,;nq W.II. w.n., W..h.

M. D.... LEX... NDER Poli"e.1 Sd,ne • PolI.l,h. Id.ho

CONNIE ...LLEN h"n... E<::lue."on J.,om•. ld.ho

DEAN S. "'LLEN G,n.,.1 10.1.... SI(••, Sp,lnq, ~d,

MICH ... EL ... NDERSON "'l,.cti•• lndu.l';.. N.mp., Id.ho


JOHN K. "'RNOLD C. . CI.,kolon. w•• h.

LOIS 1<.4"'10 ...XTELL Offie, ...dminl.tr.lion ~ ... Inq, Id.h~ JOHN B"'KU l<.4.eh.nk.1 Enqinu,;nq Loqu,~'l, Indl.n. ROGER 1<.4. IARR Hi.lofY ...1I.d.... C.II/o,ni.


T..in f.II •. Id.ho HENR(K B...CKER Clyil Enqlnu"nq 0.10. No, ..., COY ... NN B... LL Ph,.lul Eduution R•• bu'q. Id.ho ROBERT W..... RkEn HI.lo,y ... b.,d.... S.D .

JOHN T. B...GGS. JR. Guld.ne. L...I.lon, Id.ho ~"'RTH'"

B... NKS Mu"e 1<.40"0". Id.1» KEITH ........ RRICK CI.il Enqlnu,;nq N.mp., Id.ho

Seniors 303

Seniors M.~h.niul

GENE K. BAXTU Enqin ••'in<j

Hoi.e, Idaho


Electrical En\linU,in9


Wallace, Idaho


&traclive Indu,t,i..


Twin Fell., Idaho

JOHN BECKWITH Ph,.;c.1 Educa!ion . • . . . .


Boi •• , Idaho



_ • .


P,yette, Idaho

CONRAD W. BEITZ Chemiul Enqinu, in 9


Paul, Id.1>o

LYNN S. BELL EI.<lric.1 En<;lin . .rin'l Twin Fall., Idaho


TONY BELLAMY • • • _ •


80;'•• Idaho


. - - • .

Idaho Fell" Idab


Bu.in." Education


Coeu, d·"'I .... I.t.h,


- -

San F,uci.co, Califo,ni.


Math ud Scienu • _ _ . . Wallace, Idaho MARY E. BillS Elemente"



Ci.il Enqinurin'l

loi,.. Id.ho

VERNE BLALACK Compo.i'. Soci.1 Sci.nc. • • C.I.ldo. Id.ho ROBERT N. BOlE E,tr.di •• Indu,tri.. . . • L.wi"on. Id.ho THOMAS ,. BOLAND Ren9' MU'9.men' . . . Id.ho F.II •. Id.ho A9,icultu,.

WAYNE HENRY BORGEN .. . • . • G......, Id.ho

JOSEPH A. BOUCHARD, JR. Bu"n... Educ.lion . . . . Ke1l099. Id.ho

CHARLES G. BOVEY Civil En9in..,in9 • . . L.wi.lon. Id.ho JAMES E. BOYD Biol09k.1 Sci..c. • • • Potl.lch. Id.ho JAMES H. BOYD M.chuic.l En9in.. rin9 • • 10401<0"'. Id.ho RICHARD L. BOXLEITNER Phy.iul Educ.lion . • • • Winch..I.,. Id.ho En9li,h


JUDY BRACKEN . . T"':n F.II•. Id.ho

'AUL BREITHAUPT En9in..dn9· Cod. 104.... C.li!. CATHERINE BREWER K.llo99. Id.ho

BOB J. BROCK Fo,..1 M"'9.monl



C. EUGENE BROCK Fo,..' MDn~9.m.nl N,mp •. Id,h DICK BROULIM M.,k.tin9 . . . • • . • . Ri9by. Id.ho


BRENDA G. BROWN . . Kool.n.y hy, B.C .. C.n.d.

GERRY DALE BROWN Fhy.ic.1 Educ.lion • Pierc., Id.ho Hi.lo,y

JAN BROWNING G,U9 •• iII •• Id.ho

ROSALIND BRUCE Hom. Economies Educ.lion . . L.pw.l. Id.ho WEiLEY BUCHANAN M.chenie.1 En9in..dn9 • • _ . Boi... Id.ho




TONY IURKE EI ..... Ed. • F.irfl.ld, W•• ~.

Soc •• 1 Sci..... ,

SA,NDIA, niNE H.~"••

Be.....'...., Edwu'io.


EUGENE E. CALLAHAN _ • _ • • • .......... F....,.. Id.ho

&.01<><;1, Food.....

CAROL C"'''''IoolACK N~tr;tiOll'

• W ••• td.... W.iltin9loo

GEORGE CAM'IEll "9.;ult....1 u,i_'09 . _ ~1d_1l. Id.ho t..dio

r.t..i..... . __.

WllLlAIoI 'ENIOSE C...... 'ULl Ev...k., C.lil.....i. CANOlAY

Fot.',. '.oOd.o AINOLD • • • s.. AJlMI",o. C.lilor.'. lEGINAlD HOWAlD C OlAN '''','ul EdIfUI;o" •• 5 Imo. c.lif.....;.





_ .


_ _



nlON CHAIoI'ION Hortkwh"". . . _ _ _ • • F....itl...d, Ideho Politic.'

60100"1 IANDOL'H CHUTn Ioi.., Id.ho

5<:i."". _ . _ _ . _

JIIooI CHILD b,i.....,., . . . . . . O.... ~ •. N.b••• u LAWRENCE O"VIO$ON CHI'j"lA,N

EIlKtriul Ea,i .....;o'l LOWELL

S.h"oo. Id.ho


G...lo\l' • • • • • • • _ Chiu')o, IlIioo;,


Fo.... t M.n.<).....nl

Lim., Ohio

LEONARD LAVERN CLARK h.i .... Aolmi.i",.'io. _ N.... M. .olo...., lol.ho MARIAN JEAN CLARK ,",.ic.l Eol"c.lio. w."",.II, lol.ho SAMUEL L, CLENDENIN M.eh.niul E.<)i ... rin<) • • • • A.eo. lol.ho


DARLEeN PEACH CliNTSMAN Hi'10'1 • • • • • • • • ,.1••• Ri •• ,. lol.1I0

LAWRENCE ALlERT CLURE M.eh.n'<.1 En'li .... i.<) • • C.mbriol'l •• lol.1I0 JACK STILWELL COHEA MKMniul En<)I ...rI.<) • S.. F••n••olo, C.Iif. KAREN JEAN COINER - • • • • • • • H.n.... lol.1Io


IILL COLLINS CMmiul En<)in..".<) _ . _ _ _ 101,•• lol.ho MAR'AN COLLINS _ _ _ _ _ Hollywood. C..if..... i.


THOMAS DALE COLLINS looI.ell. .1<•• En<)i ...".<) Ioi.., lol.ho DENNY CORRIGAN M.,<) ••a •• C •••• Zo.. Ed"UIIOft


R'CHARD H. COOPER • • • • Olel G ....wieh, Co.o.

JAWES ALLEN CORNIE i0oi.1.11 ..<);"",. u<)J_;.<) • • looIol<:Ow, .d.ho PETER LOSSL CORWIN 1ooI""e Ed..ul;"" - - - - - hw;,lo•• Id.ho

GAU L CRAIG MKw.;ul u<)i_,o<) K'",b...ly. lol.ho JAHICECRANE • • • • •

..,i.... U ..ul;""

Io.ill, .ol.ho

IVAN RAY CRANSTON. JR. M_w.;eal &<)1_'0<) _ eon.m., "10.1.... 'ATRICIA ANN S'ULIooIAN CRAWFORD s..:ond." Ed..ulio. • • Spo" ••• W.,hin<)lon

,i.... . . . _.

G....,.I ..



RUSSEll CROCKm Mu.'c Mont~Ii.., Id.ho WAYNE DAVEN'ORT ',ycholo,y D.~

"Y. 0'.'0.

MEUIN E. CROWSER Accounlin, T"'n F.II" Id."" WilliAM R. DAVIS Accoun"n, S..dpo;nt.ld.ho

GEORGE DICKINSON Ch.mi,t,y f.;,fi.ld. Id.ho

HARVE.Y E. DONER A"o"omy N.mp•• ld.ho

TUUNCE EGAN lu.in... Winl..... k. fl.,..id.

DENNIS EKWORnEll EI.ct,ic.1 En9'n...'., S••dpo'nt, Id.""

JOHN GEORGE FAilE ElKtr,CeJ En,i.... Chic.,o. 1Il,..i.

FREOUICK G. fAUlKS A"iuh..... Hom.od.I•• Id.""


Seniors JOb

SCOTT CUl' M.,k.lin, 0'''.'0. O'.,on CAROl DAVISON EI.mu'.,y Educ.lion 10" •. Id.ho JEAN DONNEllET Hi.lo,y loi ••• Id."" LAUUNCE ElliSON Wildlif. M.n.,._nl W.,.... ld."" KEITH FENTON Civil En" ....i., C.I,.,.,. Albo!"l.



RICHARD O. DAY Ch.miul En,lnu',n, hlo.co... Id.ho

ROIUT AllEN DAHl T,.od. O'ofino. Id."" ElMORE H. DEAN Civil En,inu,in, hp.,'.ld.ho

ROIUT W. DENNlU A,'icultu,. Ed_c.lion J_H..II•• Id.ho

GAn J. DAU MKh..ic.1 En".""n, a.. b.n" Id."" JAY l. DEPEW Acco_nlin, J ..om., Id.ho

REX lEE OORMAN Acco_nlin, loi,., Id.ho

GEORGE N. DOWNIE G.olo'l Mo.co... Id.ho

JAhlE$ l. DUNGAN Foro.t M...,.mu' C•• P". Wyom;n,

OEl EAlON Ci.i1 En,inu,;n, hlosco... Id.ho

AllUT l. EllSWORTH Civil En,i....in' J.d ..... Wlomi., JOHN l. FEUEll MKh•• ic.1 En" ....in, Spok..... W.do'.,1on

101 EVANS M.I.llu"iu' En,. M.I.od, Id.ho

JUDY J. EYANS Educ.lio. Mou.I.,. Ho_. Id.""

Tun K. EVANS Chemic.' En9'.U".' l .. in f.U•. Id.""

GEORGIA S. fiNCH Mu.ic Eduulion

JOANN flNGEISON Muok Ed.uli% W.nd.ll. Id.""

JOHN O. FlnGEllAlD Acc_nll., 1040»<:0", Id.""

T.. ,:J~~I~~':'J.ho

Coo., d·AJ..... Id.""

WilliAM E. DAN.ElS M.,k."., Au,lin, N••.od.

JOHN Po FLEMING Ph••;ul Educalion W.II •• I.y. M....

JANICE FOLEY Guiduu u<l E"~.h 51. An,hony. Id.

RICHARD A. FONG .... " Appli.d Sci".,. loi ••, lei.""

EDWARD L. FORDHAM lnd.,tri.l Ad. Ed._ ,,",o,cow,ld.IIo

DONALD FOUNTAIN 6..,10<;1' C.leI...II, Id.ho

LAUY l. FUHRIMAN Civil Eft'll....,., 1C.1I099. Id.1oo

MARGARET G ...... ISON Eduu'iOll ""OK...... Id.ho





Hido.., W""'ow.ld.....

"'lI,ie-Itw.1 Ech.utiOfl Goodi...,.Id.....

bc:l... ioIo9

A9';ul...... U9. Elk City. Id .....

UCHEl •. GlEASON El.....M• ..., Ed,.utiM W"",ow.ld.""

DONAlD W. GlENN Hotliul"". l(i.... l>.,.l,. Id.""

GO.OON O. GOFF bc:l... ioIo", .upe<t. Id.""

DOUG GOOO.tCH lu....... Spok..... W••hi.,too

JEllY 6AUHE 1'0<••1 M •••9.......' S".'" ...... C.lif.....,. JACK $. (OJOIDING ...i..... Adm,.i.Ir.li... H._".ld."" GlOlIlA GOWANlOCI( a_ot• ..., EduuliOfl Spok..... W•• hio,I...

... ElYIN l. GATES Phy.ic.1 Ed.u.io. W."", ... , Id.ho


DAVID •• FUDGE t.4.chuiul b'l'.....''''l e-u' Ideho GENE A. GENTlY

DELANCE fRANKLIN Mu'ic Id."" PA,Ul GATTEY Ciyi. Ell" .....,;", C.I,.,.,. Alb....

W.IId.II. Id."" DEl GOWLAND bl,...,.i •• llIdud..... Su H.~'«:", C.Ii!.

JUDITH I. GUHAM Ed.ul;OfI Spok..., W•• hlo,too

TIM ,aEENE A9';eultu'. "th.-do, Mo"I..d


JAMES GUNOEUEN En,i..",;.., S.I ........ ld.ho

NANCY ANNE HAGEN EI._nlo" Edueol;on hll... O.h •. H.woii

JANICE HAMilTON lu.i..o.. e ....., d·Ale..e. Id.ho


Ci.'1 .En,in..,'"' M.ridi"•. Id.ho JUDITH FlEEMAN


0'010110, Id.ho



""ft'" No,w.,







W.lI.n. Id.ho GO.OON 1i.0FF Worl.li., bop.... t•• W••hi...,tOfl O.INOA HAMON Ed"ulOo.. e.ldwoll. Idoho


Seniors 307

Seniors ~OlElT

EI..,,,, •• I En'i ......;_'

t. HANSEN • .

_ l ....;.l.... Ide""

TEUANCE W. HANSON Ciyil ("'1;."';.9 - • • • St. An'"on,. Id"lI.. ROIHT R. HARRINGTON . . . . . Clerk'l""_ W.,hin,lon


DONALD J"COI HARSHMAN E1ed,ic ..1 b'I....,;n9 . . . • Wild"•• Id.ho KENNETH C. HARSHMAN ~."....

E1..,triul b,i_iot


ll.<:I,,;.,,1 b,i.urin9 . • • • C""lIi •• Ideho

DARRELL HATFIELD Atricullur.1 Ed •• _tion

hhl. Id.ho

WALTER A. HAUCK • Riv."id .., C.lila,.'"


WILLIAM O. HAWKINS IIb,keti., • . • _ . . • S.""point. Id.ho

DUANE HUU Mecwoi••1 b,l_ill' . e-... d·"I....., Ideho

.ICHARO W. HEDGES Ci.il b'i....ri.t _ . . . • - ' .. rn", Ideho

RAL'H I. HEGSTEO . • • _ . _ • ,«",,,110, Id"ho



EI.ct,iul En".u';.,

F.,,,h Shi..., I'aft

PETER 8. HENAULT HyaMl. Pori. Ma ...


ROtEll R. HENDH.SON b,l_im, • • • - Eda., Idaho

DElOT 6. HENDRICKS Aftl ....1 Hy.b......., _ •• - • .Iac"ool. Idaho HEUERI HH.ETH A"iullufal b,ift_'.' L•• i>lOfl, Id.ho WILLIAM G, HILL Phy.iul Eduution . . S~allo., Connacticul ELIZABETH HOFMANN Poli,ical Scian,. . • . . • • Moscow, Idaho

Hi.lory • .

MARK S. HOLBROOK . • • . • • Ho."lylu, Hawaii

JIMtolT D. HOLMES Aceount'., _ • • • • • • Iwl. hll., Id.ho lATtolOND WESLET HOLtolES Ace_n"n, • • • . • • • A~d ..... Idaho \.AUY 'HIL HOLtolQUIST A,fiully'ai Eduution . • Idaho Fall•• Idaho OOLORES HORtolAECHEA konch • . . • • • • • . Bo"., Idaho

LAUY HOSSNER A9,iculluf. • • • . • • • • A.hlon, Idaho DANIEL EUGENE HOWAUH Aceouol,n, • . • . • • • - lurl.,.. Idaho 'ATtICIA MAllE HUGH (du. , 1101",ical Sci. • L..oko Auo_h..d. Colil. DOU6LAS HUGHES • • • _ • l.o G.a090, lIIi ....i. Mu.ic

_ •


tolAllYS HUGHES • • . • . • Namp•. Idaho

MElVILLE P. HUGHES _ • . Cl.., Lak., low. CAROLE HURlEY • • . SI.I.. hla.d, N•• York


WILEY HURST • • . • Ya"ma, Wa.hi",lom

JOHN HUITT (lK""ul b,i_i., • LAlIT DEAN HUTTUALL Cho",iul b'l....fin' . • • • • Ioi.., Idaho


Seniors ..niNA INGHI......

""""e Ed"".tioa

• • • G'.o9"vill., ld.ho ALAN INSKO


Office Adm;ni,I••I;on

Tucoon, A,i,on*

ALAN CLARE JACOBS - - - - - - • - Burley, Id.1>o


DALE F. J"MES Phy.;ul Educ.tion • • • • Per>dle"'n. 0'.90ft DONALD W. JAMES J.........I;..... . _ _ . _ _ _ Cocol.Il., Id.ho

OOIIlS JAt.lUON - . . - - 1'101.... Id.ho

a......,.,., Ed"".,....

LELAND K. JARVIS ....i...... Admi••• "'.ti<M _ _ "''''90.,110, Ideho

lUll C. JENSEN h G,uge, lIlinoi'


Elemen'ety Ed,,'e'ion __ . _ MO'eow, Id.ho VIOLET ELAINE JOHNSEN

Elemen'." Educ.lion • • • • Mo,cow, tdeh" DOHN ROBUT JOHNSON

"'<:0"";"9 • • • - • • • - 1<04,,11•• , Idoho JANE JOHNSON

hd"'olo,ilY - - • • • • • G.n..... Id.ho JERRY JOHNSON - - • - - t.l"I1.... ld.ho

CiY,1 b9i ...... rin'i'l



li...... Ohio


Ciy;l b9;..... i~9

• - - - -



DELIUT "'9fiullo,.


Emmett. 14.100

lRAD JONES - - - _ • • • '0.,.1.110. t4.Ioo JONES.


...llon. Ulinoi,

JUDy ..... JONES EI."'.nh" Educ.lion • _ • I,hl.d City,


LIND .... "'NN JONES Ho.... £<:o...."'k. - - - - • •


J........ Ci¥il







JONES h,"". 1<1.....


W....YNE lAY JONES - - • F.'....Id. 1<I.boo

£t,9i_i~9 NO.~""N


6UN KEESLU • • • WHd.lI. Id.ho


M~S. LO~'" ~. KENNEDY EI.....nl.'Y Ed.,,,lIon - . - . K.II099. td.ho

JACOI EDW..... D KESSLE~ Edue.lion - - . • • • • 1'..... I'n. N.... Yo,. Ch,,,,k,1

MtCHAEL JOHN KILlIEN Spok.~., W•• hin9ton





D.... VID Ktlo4E - - - - .

104 ... ~0''', 1<I.ho

HUIUT ELDON KINSEY £1....;.,.1 &'9i_i"9 c.19"'. Alb....

LAUY O. KIII(£IY "'ubu.~.



G.... , C. UEINKO'F lo4url.U9h, Id.ho

5<.,...... _- . . . _ Jon


KOONCE F."r..I<I. Id.ho

J MES .OIUT K.... US li"I"9i••1 S.i , - - - - M".~" .... 1<1."" lo4.,k,lIn9

KEITH R. KRO£TCH _ _ _ _ . _ H."i.on, ld.h"


E. 'AUL kROGUE E1Ktriul u<Jin....in<J IluUool. Idnho

FRED H. kROLL t.4nr~.lin:

Twin Fnll•. I nlto DANNY LANGDON CM...i.try Twin F.ll., Id.ho

TED 5. LANDEJ.S Hi.to<y loi",ld.ho RAVH L. LAWRENCE Ciyil u<Jin....in<J ,ill.hld. t.4.i ...

DEL R. LEE El.clTic.1 En9in.... in<J Goodio<J. Id.ho

FRANk E. LEWIS 6..,loQ, t.4o.co .... Id.ho

LEON BRILL LEWIS Accoun'ioQ Sandpoiot. Idoho

sue LIVINGSTON EI .....ol." Ed,'uli.... hltl.ld.ho

W1LLIAt.4 F. LOCKARD 1""...I,i.1 A'" "'-I F.lh. Id.""

Seniors J 10

CLAUDmE kUCH EI.....nlMl' Ech.ulion SpohN, W.oIIin<Jl.... t.4AUREEN LANNEN B ....."I• .., Eduulion 'i...hu..l. Id.ho SHIRLEY CARNIE LEE Ho.... Ec. Ed .•ulion Co.", d·AI.n•. Id.ho WILLIAM a. LEWIS Bu.io... S..dpoi.l. Idoho VERNA LEE LOTT M",k Eduulion H.Q.,m..., IdeM

CAROLYN ICUDLAC H_Economics C..I..' ....d, Id.1to LARRY C. LARICAt.4 Ci.H b<Ji_in~ C.oJ<J."', AII>..-I., • RAt.40NA LEGG EnT li • h Kimb... " Id.ho kEllH R. L1LLlCO a.nQ. M".Q.m.o' ku ••wick, W.. hioQ'~. JAt.4ES D. LUDWIG Accountinq e-ItCil, Id.h"

EDWARD I. kUNCAR ".nch J...u..l.m. Jo«fu JOHN G. LAUT


C.I<J.ry. A I>..-t. NEIL e. LEITNER Jour...li.... Boi ••. Id.ho DUANE EWING LITTLE Bu•. , Appli'" Sci.nce hlloQQ, Id.ho FRANK LYONS .u....... k.IIO<1Q. Id.""

WARREN H. LAINE ElKf1"kotl u<Ji_i..., 1oi",ld.ho CLlFF LAWRENCE """iul Ed,.ution N.mp., Id.ho

STANTON I. LAt.41 Ci.il uqin....i"'ll W.nd.ll. Idnho GENE A. LAWRENCE ElK"'ic.1 bqi_i..., t.wi.ton. Id.ho

JAt.4E$ F. LEt.4' G_IOllic.1 En<Ji..... i"<J W••hin<Jlon. D.C.

DONALD e. LEONAaD G ....... I Bu.i..... Snndpoiol, Id.ho

JOYCE LITTLETON t.4.,ch..di.ioQ Spok•••• W••hin910.

aANDY LITTON EI.clric.1 EnQio.. rinQ St. A.lho.. " Id."" LON McCONNEL Aq,iul"". Montou', Id.ho

aO.ERT McCARTEN CM...iul Enqin....inQ C,.iQmoIll, Id.""

KIP l<o4cCO'~ICI( Ho.... Ec. Ed ......, ..... Iol... ldahl>

lIueE tool.COWAN

6EOI6E S. Me,"AUY le ..i.lon, Id.ho

,OIUl L Io4c61NTT Eo"',",,';... lod",ko.. V..lu'., COlif......

JOSE'H Io4cloollCHAEl



Ci"'l (,,<;11 ....,,", No'lh N.b,.



hn.......et IoolOKOW, let.ho





Em....It. ldeho

IUD H. !<o4cDOUGAL "..../001.-1 StvdiM



loolcCoU, Id.ho

Ha.Hn, Id.ho

UU t. "'dCIE


Spoh.... Winhi.9lOft

".dloot, Ideho


ZOtA LEE MclolUUAV Office Ad",in""."o•

$TAN I<o4AKOWSKI t.4.c"'niul £"91_'°9 Amb.id"•. ~.II".


GEORGIA MARSHALL Soeiolo"tv Oppo<lu"lly, .,h.

""ARILYN ""ARTIN A'Io ""o.eo". Id.ho

DUFF WelCEE 1"';-..

JUDY l.lARINEAU A,Is l.lo<co". Id.ho

G•• ""•• ill ••••ho MITZI KAY MARNOCK ~h,.iul Edue.lio" Kimb.<I" ld.ho

L... i.loll. Id.ho RAMONA l.lAROn Hom. Ee. Ed,ulioll A.hlo". Id.ho

DARLENE ""ATHENEY • ~.i ..... Ed"".lio" Ed.... ld.ha

ANTHONY C. ""ArsON ~olilie.1 Sci."e_ 0 ...."0.0._

ROD l. ""'AYER t.l.II......liu l ...i._.ld.h

a........I.,,- Ed.cetiotl

I. IAVH l.lAYS AtehillKlu•• Twi. F.II•• Id.ha


No.... Ee. E..bu'ion N.mp...ld.ho

UlAN D. MECKEL C"-miul &o"i,,_ill" Id.ha

ea.... d·A ......

THOIolAS WcF"ILAHD '01";• .tl Science Colf••, W ...


AINOtD ..kKNICOHT CI.il b'lli....,.in9 C.I,ary, A1t..Ft. DONALD T. MANSOI 1<o4..,....i•• 1 bqin_i""

lI.dfool. Id.ho WARREN R. l.lAUIN Eeollomic. G••""..ill •. Id.ho GAlY E. MEISNER

For..1 ""."."....."1 K.mi.h. Id.ha

JOHN A. t-lcF....LAND ~iliu' 5<.•• "". c...ur d·"'...., ld ..... lAY WcLAU6HLJN

Wood UliliI.ti.... C.lif",_••


lOIS Io4ANWEtLEI h,i ..... Ed"".tio" R.It>d.~m, Id.ho

DONALD MARTINSON Ch_mi.t., K.Ii,.,..U. ""0111.". 60NZALO t.lENDOZA :J:'."i.h ""..e • C.lifor.l.

Seniors '"









10..., 1<1.100


GEtALD looIETCALf - - _ • • _ - "' .... p•• ld.ho


HEUERT E. I<o4ILlHEISlER CI.il En9i.".iMiI Co.ar d'AI•••, Id.ho ELIZAletH 1<o415NER


-.. •

_ Reub.... Id.ho



IUIT L. MOLLEI. A9.iultu•• &_i.c. Rupert, Id.loo EDWARD J. 1Io400.... "U6H


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1004<>0(00.... lel.1to



....1.'. Jd.lIo MONA OLSEN·HAUEH _ _ _ _ . . 1IIIIn<;l".<I. No<we,


ri." - - -

DAVID HALE NAPPER EI..,tricel EJlOi... Pout.lle>, Id.ho JAMES NEESE Educelion

Mo.cow, leI.he>

JA"'4ES E. NEIIAUER Romulus, Mlchi"..



Lew _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ W.II.ce, ld.ho Ech,ution

NANCY EAUEEH NElSON • _ _ _ _ . _ _ t.4<>ko". Jd.ho


RICH"JtD LEE NELSOH • • • • _ _ _ b.b"'9. Id.lIo

ROIEll P. NEWELL Ci.il En<;l;_109 10..., Id.ho Iol. NEAL NEWHOUSE


Ioi••• Id.1Io


SALLY NEWLAND Rih.ill•. W.,hin'lion

DI ... NN NORDBY Guiduu .nd Cou",.lin'l • • Mo.cow. Id.ho

RICHARD O. NUST... D C"'I En'l'n""n'l Coeu, d·AI..... Id.1Io JO ANNE O'DONNELl

"'Is - - . - _ • • • • • MOKOw. Id.ho .ICHA.D A. OGLE F-...t M.n.'iI.....n' • • • . . MOKOw. Id.1Io DOU6LAS C. OLSON • _ _ • _ _ • W.ll..,•• Id.....

Ace..... lin'l


M.... G ... REll. OMANS Ed"ul,on • • • • Rupert, ld.....

RICHARD F. OMANS Seconde" Educelion 6,en<;l ••ill •• Ideho KAY E. O ... KES ORING Hom. Economic, • • . . . "'o,eow, Id.ho EDWARD W. onON PhY"ul Sciene. • • • • • L.wi.lon, ld.1Io JAMES P... lISIN F-."ry . • • • • • • • CI•••lend. Ohio JACK 'ANTRY El.ct,iul &I'li_in'l

.ICH....D THOMAS ...... M.'he",.I;c. • • • • • • lewi"..... ld..... IILl 'ASLEY • • . - • • C.ldw.U, ldello .eet...iolo<;ly

IEYUl y .UTH .... Ul • • • . • . C.ldweU. Idello

Fo,.i<;ln T'ede l.eteriolo<;l1

J 12

JAMES 'AYNE '.lIny Sielion. Ky. lONNIE PEARSON D,ummond, Id.1Io


DEAN H. ~EA.~$ON ",.onom, • _ . • • JERRY R.

s.ci."". _ _ . •


For.., Ea<)li.~

.i.... Ide""


DAN 'ENCE t-l.n.q.....nt

lro,. Id.1>o




'1ISCllLA 'ElKINS _ . _ • _ _ . • _ PriM.ton, ld .....

CHAllES RONALD 'ElEU AceOlHllinll . • • • • C...... d·AI..... Ideho

&I,i_'"" . _. EtnIMn.

CHAllES t. HTElSON ..."k.lt.....1


CHESTER t. 'ElUSON ......i<: Ed ..ul..... . _ _ • • l.w;....... Id.ho DOUGLAS A. 'ETERSON """'e.1 Ech.ul..... _ _ • • • L.w'dOll. Id.ho Chemid'l' .

lOSS W. 'ElUSON . • . . - . - loIwi.'..... Id.""

ERNEST A. I'OU for.., 104 •••9_81 • • _ • Hill,ide, llIinoo,


JAI<olES GARY I'OST _ . . . . . . "'0«:0,"" ldell" JUNE 'OWElS

Artl • • • • . • _ _ . • ....Il."". 0'.90<> SHAION ,.ICE • lichl."d. W ••hin910ft

B.",... I• .., Ed .... t;".

LAWIENCE L. ,.OCTOI Elect";ul En'll_in,

• • _ Richfield. Id.""

LOIS Iool. 'IOCTOI ,*,.,..... 1 &11...1;0. _ _ • • Richfield. ld.ho

SONJA EDYTH QUAYLE • • • .. Dift<)I_, Id_ho

Sod.1 Sd..c.. hdio _ftd T.V,

KEN R.... DICE __ • • • To.lft F.. II., Id ..ho

G....U C. R... ND... LL "'eeouftlift<)

• • •


• _ _ W.. n.. e_, ld.ho

CH ... RLES T. RATCLIFFE _ _ . • • • - Twln F.II •• Id.ho


GEORGE l. R"'UER For.i9ft T,.d• . . . . • • . tAo.eow. Idaho


RUTH"'NN'" H. R... UER Education Mo.eow, Id.ho


GR ...CE M. R... YNOR Edue.lioft • • • Sandpoint. Id .. ho

MICH ... EL REel for.. ,t "' .....<).mont D.... 'fl.ld. Imftol. liLLIE J. UED 'hroie.l Edu<:.. lion •• - Sp.....eh

S.<)I_. Id .. 100

CHRISTINE REYNOLDS _ _ _ _ . • • • _ R"~,t. Idaho


GEI.... LD I. REYNOLDS G,..ft<)_.iU•• Id .. 100


10lEiT tool. IICHMOND . _. • tool_.ld ..""


D...YID RIGGEIS I ...i..... • • Mooeow. ld.ho

ST...NLEY Y. RISHEL El..,.. ic.. l b<)l_i.<) • • . . Y.I•. lot..",


... NDREW F. ROIINSON. JR. _ _ _ . _ _ _ • _ , ..,.It.. ld.. ho

JAtoolES I. IOGEIS "'ecoofttin<) • • • _ _ _ _ _ , .. , ...TSY 10GUS B._t...,. Ed"".tion

,.n... ld.. ho



ROIERT L. 10lAND Civil b<)i_,n<) • • • • • I._I. ld ..ho D YID n ... CY lOSS ",..,h.nle.l u<)l in<) F...min<)Io•• W...h. ... UHUI L 10YCE b ....nc1 "'ppH..:t Ki... u - • hirfi_ld. W...h.



OONALD W. ROYCE AII,icultu,.1 Eduulion Fruitland, Id.....


RUMPH Ar'. BRUCE . . _D. Mo"ntain Home,



...1,... .




Sod.1 Science< Account;n\!


Wei •••• Ideho

Bill A. SAGE Bonne.. h"y, Idaho



Elemutery Eduulion

Send point, Id .....


_ . _ . . . ""9''', Ideho LYLE SASSER

Pin'l'•• , Id.l>o

Educe'i". •

JUDY D. SCANLAN . Spok.... We,hi"910n HELEN t. SCHIFFLER

Elemen'.ry Educe'i""

Wendell, Id.l>o


50dol091 • • - -

hpid City, $"u,h



A9''culturel En9in•• rin<j

• • N••pe,ce, Id.l>o




Feidn, Celifor"i.

WILLIAM O. SCHOLES Phl"icel Educelion •• - Coeu, d·AI .... Id.ho

RAY SCHMIDT Merketin'l • _ • • • • Spohne, We.hi.lIl"n




• •

Nup.rc•. Id.Ioo

THOMAS W. SCHROEOER Wildli!. M.n.9.m.nl . • Hal•• Corn.... Wi,. M.chankal

RAY SHUBERT E"9inurin9 Culd.,ac,


JAYNE JO SCOGGINS Mu'ic Educalion . • • . • Fairfi.ld. Idaloo OELOS EOWARO SERVOSS liol09ical Sci.nc. Bonna.. h"y, Idat>o

WILMA M. SEVEOGE Education . • . • • • • • Mo,cow. Idaloo Comm."ial Arl

MEL SHANGLE Mou"lai" Homa, Idaloo

MICHAEl R. SHEERAN 'Ioy,ical Educalio" Mad!ord. Ma"ac~u••I" LYNNE SHELMAN EI.manla,y Educalion Bonna" Farry. Idaloo B08 SHAWEN A<jrkultura Educatio" . • M..d, W..Ioin910"


Caldwall, Idat>o

JOE SIMPSON Bu,...d Appli.d Sci.nca • Idat>o Fall •. Idaho


RICHARO S. SIMUNOSON Appliad Scian,• . Co.u' d·Al.... Idaloo

FORREST K. SKAGGS Elad'i'al En9in..,i"9 80i,•. Idaloo

OONALO W. SKEELS Minin9 En<jin..tin<j Ri ••nida, Califo'nia F. ROBERT SLAVIK Elaettical En9in..tin<j . . • Pocalallo.


R. MARSHALL SMITH M.chank.1 En9in..,in9 • Garfiald, W.. ~i"9ton SHERMAN SNOW A9,i,ultu,.1 Economic. • . . Mo>cow. Idaho BETHEL LA JEAN SOLT EI.m.nl.ry Education • • • W.i.a'. Id.ho


Seniors BILLIE SOt.4MU$


le.bu,'l, 101.""

GARY DEAN S~AIUG t.l ... hu;,.1 En",n_r,n'l . Moun'.in View, C.lif. GRETCHEN SPARKS Comm...,i.J Art


Hemp•• 101.100


x •..,u

. _ . _ . _ . . lue",



JOHN WOODY VENCE . . . _ _ _ _ _ T""i.,







tuhl, 101.""





10..., 101.""




-- ----





- -



Poul.Ho, 101.110




- - -


KEITH L STEPHENS .,.Ii... Wi.,lItit...

J.li..1I., ld.oho

Ed ••



G......I h.i.....

_ _ _ _

',i.., .i....



Ioblh Ed.'.li....

• • - - - - S.I ........ 101.""

DALE W. STONE . • . • . • • • C.Id...II. td.1Io


JAMES GOlOON 5TOlt.l$ """ieult••• En'll....,",

'I.m....... 101.110

"'lCHAEL J. snul "'.,huicel En'll.""n,! _ _ . _ ikli••, ld.ho Goo109'


DAVID 0, SUH. . • • South H.._", Mich;,."

JACK C. SWEARENGEN M..,hu;ul En,,"..,;", • Yo,b. L'"d., C.lif. MAUREEN SWEENEY Politic.l Sc'uu . . • . Id.ho F.II •.


MARGARET TATKO EI.mul.,y Educ.tio• • • . C,.i,mO"I,


BETSY TAYLOR 8u.ine.. Educ.tion . . . . . Moscow, Id.ho LADDIE JOE TAYlOR Civil En"n""nt • , hlch;k.n, Aluk. LLOYD A. TAYLOR Elect';c.1 En,;". .,;", • • . . • Arco, ld.ho RICHARD W. TEFfT 8'o.dc.d;", • . . . . Spoh"_, W••h,",IO" ALYERNA "WELLER THOMAS Ho.... Econom'c. . . • • 51, 104.';••• Id.""

lARlY THOMAS . . • • • l.w,.lon. C.lifo<"i. DICK THOMl'SON M..,...."iul Eft,;". .,;", • . lewi.IOfI. ld./OO JUDITH IAfT THO"'l'SON H;.I"" • • . • • . • . • Moocow, Id.ho KENNETH IHOMI'SON Ph"ic.1 Edu<lliOfI . • . . S<oodpoi"t. Id.ho Spu;,h

LAURENCE E. IHOMl'SON • • . • . • • lIw''';H. Idlho



JAY A. THURMOND • • • . • . • . N.m~. Id.ho

WIlLlA'" M. lIllON Wood Utili.lt;on T.ch....l"". N...• C.,H_, P.... MARCUS J. TODD A',iul ..... Educ.ti_ L..tp....i. Idlho WELDON R. TOYEY "'.., ....n'<11 Eft,,"_i", • • IJ.<~foot. Id.ho


Seniors ANITA H. TOWNSEND Home E<o"om;'o Co.., d'AI.... leI.ho

lEE L. TOWNSEND Jou,•• I"m Hom.d.l., leI.ho

TOWNSEND •• lEE ""chit_d.,.

e>l,.eti•• Ind.,I,I••

CLIFFORO L. TROUT Phr,;.-I Educ.lian

'.oy.oIt.o, Id.l>o

Mo.eo., leI.ho

l.wl.lon. IeI.ho



h •.•nd Applied xi. y... k.

GAY TUSON I.,i.... Ed. K.II099. lei.""


Ph....".1 Eel"ulieR Spohn•. W•• hin9Ion

DALE TURNIPSEED Wildlif. Mne... emenl

ROBERT VALENTINE "'"ou"li", Kimb«I,. Id.h:>


I. D. W... GENSCHUn "'ccou"li", N....IMilill. t-lkhi, ...

SH...ION W"'lDI"'~ Etl,li.h c...u. d·...l..... Id.....

GEORGE W"'SH'URN Edue.lioo N.mp•. Id.""

DEUElT J. WEll ActD"oli", c...u. d·... I."•. Id.ho



'",""iz. Ari......




",""".1 Edx.l;"" ....Ii..' ...... C.lif. H... IVEY t-l. W... LDION


OONA,lO J. VOElLER ,"-".ph, b,by. N.D.


GORDON W"'LKER Ar,hilectu<. S. .dpoiol, rd .....

LYLE G. WEiBER Eduulio" l<o4""Dw, rd.""

, ...ny ... NN WEED Hom. Eco"",mk. Ed. N..., 'l,moul~, ld.b


ld .....

El.clfie.-I b9in....in9

IlecUool. Ide"" RiCHARD YOLK~AH ""~ic> 'oe.I.1 ,'d..... D...VID t. W"'lLACE ....in... F;n."". DontMtIl,. ld ..... CH ... RLES ,. WEES h.i"... l<o4.tidi.... Id.he>

JERRY L. TUCKER Biolo'l;,.1 Sciu ••• L.... idon. lel.ho


ALAN UNDERWOOO Fo.. ••1 "' •••9 .......


Mu.ie Ed.celion loi ••. Id ..... MKhuiul En'lin. .rinq

H.-pe' Wood" J,4;ch.


S. YOYLES kc: .... iol"'y l~tod. T.I Twi.. F.olh. Id .....


JOHN W"'N"'~"'KER Ci¥ir Etl,i"_i., W.U.,•. 1d.....

THUON W. W... RD Ed ••uli_ 'wi" F.H •• Id .....

WrlLl"'~ F. WELLER A"ieullu,.1 en,. c...u. d·... r.n•. Id.ho

l<o4 ... IK W. WENDLE "'<J,icurlu•• S.ndpoi"I.ld.ho



Bl.,Uool. Id.....


Seniors CORALIE D. WESTON Guid..,·ct Ioi.., Id'''''


LARRY l. WILLIA,t.4$ Eltel,ictl En9i...rin9 F,uitland, Ideho


C,.i9mo.', Id.ho lAY WIUt.4$ MKh.niul Enqin..,inq Goodinq, Id.ho

JESSE E. WILSON Aq'kuU.,.1 Ed.c.tion M...inq, Id.ho


PA,UU G. WOODALL 'h,,;ul Ed.uti.,., h. V.q••, N•• O<I.


"bard..n, Idaho SHERRY WILKINS [n'lIi,1I

H~m. Eco.~miu

W.II.c•• td.oho II..... TUSEF2ADEH Elect<k.ol Enqi_'..., i.tv.... I...


JOHN J. WICK, JR. Mt'ellu'9'ul (,,9. eMU' d·AI..... Id,,,,,


CHARLES WHEATON Bu•. I Appli.d $ci."". Cla.hlon, W•• hi"910ft

el._nlttY Ed"",';O"


ROIERT WILLIAMSON A<;Iricultu'. luhl, Id.ho


"Y<1>0103 Y



RiIl9;n., Ideho

Ri'HI"', Idillo

RICHARD S. WILSON Geoloqy Kimb.Il, N.b,••k.


'hy.k.1 Sd..u A,k..... Cit." K.....

Sp..i.h Y.k;m., W..hi.qlon

tORNA WOELFEL Hi.lo" L.w;.lo., Id.ho

JEANNINE WOOD hcl• .,oloqy Elk Riv." Id.ho

DARRELL G. WOOFTER 'h,,;c.l Ed.c.tion h' V• .,.., H•••d.

WILLIAM J. WORLEY 'h"k.1 Ed~uti.,., lilchfi.ld, 11I;""i,

IOIERT E. YEARSLEY lo4.cbnk.1 Enqi._'nq 'oul.II.., ld.ho

MAlT' YOUNGSTROM El.....nt.,.., Eduuli.,., 80.,., Jd.oho

JOHN R. YUDllSKf Sodoloqy SMn. .d ... h, '~nn.


Ioi•• , Idaho

MOle...... I ."" RICHARD O. WilSON




W •• h'n9Ioft

Iu•.• Appli.,j


Coeur d'Ale.e, Ideho l.4AIIJORIE WILLIS


NK Io4cC.l1, ld.ho


Graduate Students UllOCHA'" .... IHS



Illl6.... 0URY


YOUNG 11t.4

Jllol KOCHEl


liLLY 6. Io4c1LVAIN






Th. lib,,,,'Y ond Reg'"'''' or. both good



of informolion for th.lIudent

photo Staff A tribute is p~id to the photo steff for the time ond herd work spent in toking pictures. Lost minute requests were o!Ilweys hondled with" smile by Welt Johnson, helld of the steff. Sherry Wilkins oded <.'IS coordinotor between the photogrophers lind the Gem.



tudift9 lhe i"ni<>< cl... Ihi, TU' er. l.,..., 1<04;., 'fin-,...id."I; wll, Jo H.I...... T,u'.'.'; Su. R",led,_, s.c••,.,.,; end ken 'o ell. " ..id."t. 104" -...d •• pt.. du'i/l'l II.. _olOd ........1... b 0111>. 01 '0....11.



Junior Officers


H;'lor, ...., "'"de 011 Ih. u",pu' whe.. Rould Ito"rh, GI"tl, beeeme Ihe .,1l0ClIh .lud.,,1 10 <I",i.t.r lot <I..... in Ihe f.11. ' ..... Rourke with .. ,ped.1 •• t 0/ '.<;Iid,.lion bluko .'. Stud.., Bod, ".,id.., 1'"cI MCCOWin, end AWS " •• id.., MI',e'"' htko.



Juniors G.il " " " JD~ft

t. Alb. .


Alb...' ......

Jeft Aid. . Job At......... a.Yic! "I"-d..,.,

K.rl All•• Kiwi. All•• Du.... Anred lill ..."".....,.. "IKe And..-0.,1.... "",<1.._

00u<;I And . 0 AJod ..... J ..... J •• nni.


O.U. And."o"

5.," And,.

lew And,••, O. .n "'9yi.

1104..." ••• , A.m"".n Arnold A,...

O..nW "9'.' ..... hk..

Ven B...,

6.n. ht•• ,., ht... lIo4ik


N."", 140m Don h<:klf

Dick hi..


'i..e ....'v.1l On. 'illow Relph .;_"hem W.Il.r Bird

Holt.,. Iteck

81.",,"- 'lee'" Nkhol•• Bond Jl>d, 10"n.1I Tob, to.oem•• G•••ld 10......

J ...,.., loyd W.II, .,..,field

Nick 1, , Victo . . .,boo•• ',itt lob Ir,tt_

lodn.y ',o.di. ,., Ito<ll_

.... b... "DOh Hue, .. lob

't .

xoll "0""


a......l, ...dli~

Iot.,c;" .urol....

On. C .....iro Willi.... Cod••n

D••• e."",..

s.... Coil.; Uod. e,o,

Fe ".11 Cr"ul., eh••l •• Dey..,", C ••ol E.en,

JoN.U Di..."

Wr., F..th."t..".

Eldon Fed)••


lot ••, E....

5.11, ...,,,k.... 6.,., C..i"bt..... J....., CofIM. l ... y Cu,ry

Id." D.hi" .ill E.... Mik. "'110"

left Iv<t

Ed. L. Clwi,I. .,·u CoBr.ocl D.nn, 0." ••10.. 11. Jay



eo.. I""

Jim lut_

0...... C..I.,.

11:..... Chr;... ~ ...

'"-9. Clwi.t....." 0 .....1 Co. Joh.. 0 ...... Gordo" Elliol J.y".. F.rn,.,o,th Vkl, Fi ....,

J.., eli... C",",I•• C,.wlord Fr..:! D-.:k., Fred Elsb.rry Ri,h."d F.,n.wodh

6i"9.' Colti., J..." O...upc><1

D... " F.itl.~

Jok. Erd C.,ol F.ll

Jud, Fi"",",

Willi.... "'l. Fi,,"'.

N.il FihSi .....un.



lob COCht.... I'll Cr.. Jim D.d.. r."Qhn E1t.icl O...id Fulk .... lill FI.k""


Ron fl.ld....

Melc..'", F,und Jon •• G.t1I."" Sur". G,iffiths 6 •••, H.........." 0..-. H.rwcod



J ...... FI...... Ju,ti" Frib..') V.. Gibb, J.ck 6u.....1


John H.-OM" Chti,ti... H.uf1 H..' .... HiII

Thom.. R. flor•• U.ce Fretwell Su••• G.,,,bech Tom Swillie'" lJM H....... On'" H.-.;.k

l,u Hm

lieh.,d 1'0"9 Jed Full ••

D.v. 6"''''''9'' She""u '"Y91i sM,..... H....... ••..., H.id.l LyllCl. Him....b ....ck

Rob.rl Fo.t.r $tu Full., 101,.,1 Gor••",. '.ulin. Hel., 1C.o, H.«f... 0.... Hill 51. pM" Hi""•••,

Jill Fouch. l.V.u9hn Fuh,i", •• Roy Gould lob H.II Elle.. H.,!

•.,., H.""....... &.or~


hrb.r. Fowl... Do. Sell.her

1<.4.,1••• Gr ••n. Judith Hell

H.I." Ao. H..tl.., &e...H• ...., lilI Hobd,

,.,. Nod'iklo" J .. G ..... o" 000;' G,.... h." St.. Hall

Llord H.,._ K... Hibbel. Ftuk Hoch


Juniors Oid Hod9_ Yidj Hoi... III...., Hubb..d Joyce lieu El.i" J"hn.....

6er,.,J...... I<>b hll.


Dou'll •• Hod9O' Rob'" Hop..... Jon Hube< Ed J..,q...., Ellon )0""<0<0 hi JordOll hRo,lI:.llo99

c..-ol H:>d'l ...... John H<>tnl>.ok

lob Huddl..to<! Ano Jocob. John""..



K.,... Kon,

I, Hoff...... lyl. I. Ho.._

N."q HolcOMb

6.,., Hud.l_


J.,,,.... J . .k".....i .......,.,., JolMt_ Tom K.I. ... ••tM K.II,

L,,,. H"'......

Hod..... ",ilip J ........ Wiclo_1 joh_ Ftuk 1I:•• oolc r.t. Kell,

r...ry Holc.....b ~rOft


Aud,i•• Huff ........, J ....9.; N........ John..... l.y Ito" G • .,. bout,



• .... H......h'.I;. Welty Hofl AnJ....... W.II Jo""_ tOOl 11:. .1,

0 ..... Kiil,<)a,d

l . . Hollowa, elMt H.owoll ..... P. HU<jhe<

0 001011<04. Jolutsoto CAr.... JOIl.. W._ 1C.1lb.r'l Willi.... It. Kirodl..,

Jod, Kind,fr"", Iol..., Kot~...."" CM,I.. 1.40"94' .;11 li.,. , .., L,,,,,h

LM l.kOoto,.1 D•• ld





Sw..... M.,il,m

l..O<... l~ppky

F.'" lyon J ....... WcDow.lI K.n Me'..,

6.1. E. K!eiM.opl Shi,ley- 1('0,"" s..1I;" Loti_ _

D.""i, loaqt.Uow RiM "'wth... J ....'McG_ Kenneth M.'llOCh


s..li•• Loll John Lou9lo1i. I.... J. loa9tt.i, Jim Ioolclrid. J..:I,Me6'••;, leo M ....

...,.,..,. Klopf........ Lind. Lo",b

Tom lMli.,IOlO l.eny 6. Lo-9IuniU... J. 0. M~ndl . Do 1d t-lct.od FfIOd hA.n.h.oll, Jr.

J.cl Koch« Seb••I'.." ""'mb 1I: lh Lea' Hot lIol. h, McC..ty 1<04 • .,.


"'..,Oo... ld


Juniors .....

IC.I"-"'" I(c.lKh Sh.o,OfI U ••U Ce<:il l _ " , D.... lvndbl.od Meleol... IolcCI.i. '"'.9 M~col... loan;' 1oI..lio

0..." Kohntopp ~

6 .... U,htfool

FtIOd lrdum .....,., McC"".,.J1 6''1N.o.ill. u.... M.,!iouu


Juniors Dick t.4 .., ... b,ook Diu. I.hl....,.. lill ....-1. Jim ....,. l.lph ....Hi .. 0,,100''' M....ill

6.".lo4ld•••1 ...1be<1 lo4;cu,. Jim lo4idd.ndorl lkh..d "'ill., Oid"',_ NMe' Mit<:'-'l

loW! "'1""," Sh;,1ey lolit<Jo.ll t ...... Mi • ....1lOld ....,.11«

O.\'lOft 104_ 1;11 ..._1.,.......'

Mic!w'l<o 1ol00000l>9h COI_M...... J....M 104 . .....i.. 104

. A' Woo' .... Iolike loloo9t'"

Jim lo4orri. C..,il Mouhon Cli"t 1040""" Jim ",.Id., Jim M.llu Lind. MUff"


'opo Splk. N.,myth Vi ..,. NU9h1on

C.rl Nelli. F<.. k ""I",.. Lo..y N.h..n

Key N.I...... ••, N.I.....

s.tl, Jo N.I..... Shoo.Oft "';.,..... N ...., No





W.,... Nu" .. '

W.,... "',;IIO... yr. 1ol..



V;"ilOl. Olch

....., Oh.... • ~il 0","10 lill h ....... Johft 'ul.., K......th •• tton

Jim ...1.....



1C.1101.. Robe,t , .."on Col.... '.inol Jul ••" , .. Ch.o,le ",....



••d ,.,.,....

e..I,. '.t.non Julio' Pet.""n '.9'J1 'hill1p< O.yjd '01.9. N ........


lo".i". , .."., K....lh ....... 11 Go<don .ow....

0 ..,.11 'urcell D•••


lob 0 - '

T."J ll..ndolph CIo"d hnk Iru~.


lilll..d M • .., ..... F..." l*<j.od...

Joyce hnl, .. W.". . leynold. Al lto.o..d.. U"'. Riclword. I ..'" liM.o r.41'. lobb

Jo lobet" •• tlobe<h Lo.......,. lob, __"lod

6 • .., locl.... pie! Oonl_

JIOd, 1"'9"'"

uO"... I ~ 1_ l ......l. lob lowl...d '.1 he,k Thom.. W.



whl..... St. . 5,01..

1(., S.nd...

K•••" s..... Ooue S.1I9••1 0 .. ,,,. S••lon



lot..<f $c.h'''; CO_, khl.od ...

0o. Senl .._,., P.t Schl ... Fred. Schmid



Robe,t Schmidt l.", Shupe Ct.ir. $leu9ht., Robb Smith

••, 5''''9''

s.n, SIT..."

l ... Thibult


Norm. S,hfoed., htl. Sie.e,' L.I..... Sli ....

Bob 5'011 P.t Simmon. lob Smith


..... 5ocl••

Ch.rl•• Smllh •••, $ok.itne

Cecil St.II,•• Al 5_0...... 104 •• TI.o",,,,,,.

1-.0 r.l ......ol.. J.... nld••

Sh.,_ $nyd...

Wm.rd 104. Sulli•• o TIIi.....


0009 Sco.ili. Jim Simp..,n

D._ $1.,.

Lynn S..I., Richerd Simp.on St•• I., G. S",ith Clwotl.. Sow... Ik"".d Stil.. 1;'1.0«1 r.... k. ..,be'. Ti..........

Jim Sh... N.il Sind.i, Do.etd G. Smith 6 • ..., Spr.y .......,. $Ii""hc.....b lill '.on",o. Joho I.. T......

C.mill. Sh.lton Gu,che.en SinQh

Li ..... Smith S.lIy Slemm I ........ $Ii..... Eld.... D•• ;d To...,.


Su,uo. She," J"Ann Skoqlt.d .il., Smith lill St.ne.. Mike 5"'_ J ...... hrlo< ,., Town..""


Naney Tr.il Rob.,t T,.on Junne Wolk.r hI


Ron.ld Wi•• "rnold '<<jor

John T,•• ;,

Jim Uhlman W.llae. Judy W .. twood Cor. Wood hn ,.",...


Sh.ron T,.,.., Winifrod Unlick.,

La", Tripp B~b

Ver ••• k.

S.ndr. WolI.n 8ill Whit,

Joen W.llin<jlon

Morin Woodall Y",hid.

L.", Woodbu'y 80b 1"""9


Motcy Wllltl ••

Jim T,oj.now.ki GOOf'll


Donn. W."I •• Anit. Wikomb Lon Woodbury

John T,ojanow,ki Hoi Yo... Mik. W.hoo

Kunath E. Wild" B,ueo Woody

Donn. Tunnidill Konn.th Woide Sho'on W .... r All. . Willi, Jon Wyn"

Thoma. Tu,.k H...., W.ld'.n A. C. Wlnnohmp

lo", Win'."ki L. . V.<koy

RlHly Zub.,buhlo,


Sophomores WIG! Ad........ lloyd "9'How••



IC... AI 00"

"".. Albi" 61.IId. AI••• nd.,

G.", All .. Judy Alld ••d9. M.tI.... Alit"

Soni. All ...

Chw" ...1t9.;' 00<.9 AUm..

Gv.. t......"' ....... Nt And..J."",e Jim


1Id ..... Shirl.., An<!......" 0 ... And, .....

So," A,m.

""'iii. "'"i."

John ..../tbv,n SUI;


0.1... ""., ... b••• bi"b,id9.

Dot•• bld,id,_ $1.. "ldw,n Ed....rd 1M.., Jim h,nh.., J .... plt ...q ... St••," '.ott


t.4.,i. lu ... ••,1

... Rid.."d


.lId ..llIOi,..... Fr..,k left.....



. ..

DoMId a.rh, S...."n



D•• ",. 'illin'l'

Don lI.ock ...b.,. II.i,

I,m. 11",. lill IICKk lob 110"'"



e..-ol... Iodi ... NAIle'

Art lour


Willi low.. DAvid .....,110

D••• I, •• h••"

M.d.U.I.u" Don lrill


Sophomores Jim .run,kill D.. wn l,u"•• 11 '.h.lh. Ju.....11



lob 'ullock


".or, _ "'


irK. Compwll Co<d... C.mpMII l.i"'h c.mpNIl John



..,c.ns... Co,



C... _ Jim Clwpi. J...., Cllild.." ' " ' ' Cl....

c...o/y. Clore lIojik. CI.,.,..,

r""k., Col.

e.ol Colli. JIId, Co,,~I;. Wik. Conley

Alid. Cook S.o>dy Coo~r h" Co,b." Send•• COl. Tom Coupe S~.r,""


Do'i, Cr.". h' Crank lob eros,", G•• he Cro.. G, C<o......" I"'eh Cro,

E-o." C,,,'IM.. 6 • .., Cunni", ... l<><i Cu,I " J.eki. C li.

tool,,, " 0.110. Kitty Ou" ..o

0....;. On

H."", D••;. St.... Dui. St.... O'.1

WOI.., o.c..l1 hlh O.K.,

'ill 0.""'''9 Iurtott Deui. J.-:lr o....,t.. Yi.i.. Dic"_,

a._I, OJ........ 6 • .., Doty


L..... 00" 10_'" Eikum

lid &,,~'j.h D..... F.w>on ",n,I.I. Frilin'l

Anne G.H.,", 0o. Glbb.


J""" D••", Tom Ei..nboOrlh Und. Em;," I.fty klv C.,ol Fob•• I ... G.lbr.i'h St••• Gib.on

lid..,d 0....., ,"M,II 8 - . AM Equ.l. Jolin F... Gilb.,' I'on9

J .... Eo.... 0 ....11 Fi"" ..., D....i. !'o"k.'

St••, G.l., Robe.t Gid..

John G.",bt. Jon," Goodell


De....... Ollfty .......,. Eld

'.1 D... J.ck £It.<. 51.... b ••• l.n•• Fi.h

C.rol 1'0..1., l"'l0r G.mb, Cooki Goo<lwin

D.,li... ~mi.!OfI JlOCly ElI .....III



Iyron Fikh

lItO.'"'" Fowl., loy G.lh••• " G ... ld Gordon

Cod &1'...,'" S...._ Ely Ed bu,," J.cqu.li,.. Fl... John 1'0. Jun.". li.~r'l. CrY"el Gould

Joy &:\...,d. liood. En<;ll. 5,... hili' G.n. k ....rkb•• St.vo Fylk How..d Gerri'h Judy 60"1<1


Sh,thy Harri,on

Bob Gr.y Dun G,o.unbach lynna H.II.ik l;n H"I

Ann Hendrick, ea,l Hint•• Fred Ho....,

Reb." Hen,y Stenl.y Hi.h. Don Howard

11.09.' G•• ham Pot, Groom Eli. Hallock

Dick Gr.y

Bruce G....

David Grover

Judy Groy"

Ed H..... Sindy fobtd.ld Joy Hln.l,y G.O'9. Houni John Howard

G.ry Hen.on t.l."h.1I Hluch

M.,i.y. Her.ln Jon Hollin'll' Tom Howard

Cume' Gr.. n Lano G,ove. Alie' Harmony

Sua G.unl.. 1 Staph. . He'lln Jon Harm.

Denny H...I,y lynda Hundon G'./lO,Y Holl T.rry Ho ...

Glnl Hldlund

K.il~ G'.90r, Chri.tino Hojo.1 Did H,,,i. loll"'. H.,lloon


Griner lob Hol,y Borbar. H,.,i.on

Jama. H."e"

Nlncy H... ilt

Oilnl H,II" Borbar. Hinh.

JIm.' Hornbad 00u9 Hubble

Mary hth Horton

Rohl! Horton

hilh H"."'9

G.ry HU9h.,


Sophomores 10_, Hu.'T.ottt'li Hunt hrt HlOftter hlb H....' W..,....lIh K., I"";"

Do.. I........ UMl. J.cobM" "",... J,,9OI1o J,,'f'*'S




J"t1e" J.ff....

L""y J.ffri•• And, J


Ann J


Jilek Jib"," lill Jo" e.mill. Joh....

£I.i ... John_ JIOdI

J"""1C.,... Joh,,_ Gknrs JolIm!oft AI... , J - . Atth.. J _

J.k" J _ J ...... J<>dd Odd J ...r llicll40rd Ju,t G... k...lol. J .. kl\,l...


Tom 1e,,1l., Ann hllo'il9

Ido... hU099 ,., 11:.11, Jo«J, Kampl"" JoA.... KII..fi.ld

,..,1 KwilM...;. Mi. k;.'\1 UIIi".. 1(;""'...... 1I"'••d Kloppetlbw, "". kloowlto.o ... ..., E/i.. beth k........

K.,." 11:_.. Ilob..., lColn., ",b••• Kroll ",,' K"~n l.V.'n" 1(01", lion ICulm

"'.tyi" K", KU'd,

K.,I. und.U D.nny L..ond"'.tk

EdldoclM »11, Lou !'hil L..ytoft

Sophomores Mi•• h~ n K Leichne, Yolood. h ndowia lilld. l ;n Ji'" lib~ Jo.dy libby

$1.... ll""ol. ol Liftd.....,


Jim u""-',t 0........ lie_II", S...., t.o.o... ........ 104


11:........... <),....

......11 lowry Bel.... t..y.. Pm" lMttoOf>p 1Jo104_ Lrd. ~~lo""ko

'.I .Dw., .

cC. ..


1<04"".. C.lolcCl... l _ ,""cCo••;II. ' ..ry Mcc..t'-9h Jooo "'eEI,oy

Chuct ,"""F.f'.nd knni.Mcl(ey

Jet. t.kKe'., Jun Md.-..d

K.lh, McNichol. J...t ", •• Do".ld


Motdd.. Pet t.I.rculO" "4.'9' M h.1I Ho <1 M........ Jill ",.lthi,. Dou, 1.4,11....

Karin t.l,lqui.1

CI,ud.". M.....iol. Udell M-..,. Jim Ioteken H.~. 1ol.lhod ""ic~ M ••lh

Oo.ot.lill.. Jo.. Mill..

sa...... Miller

N". Modi. Tolld .. Woell.. CIl.a.lott. t.lolw

AIfr.... "'08'11" Id""8 l.M lol00te

J ...... Morlitt Oonna 1.I0<9U



J ......



J...., M,kl.b...,

CIwo.Io'!<o Hiello"

SJlM"" He,1or 6 ...1d ..",10010 Ft."k Od.....

O""N.il J.... Hi......

0.. 0<. Jim lob r1~...b

C.,<>I P'tum_

Afton hil<,",tt

D.... 'u,h

Judy 01.... •• , h .... N ••q 'orl.. O.a , ... >l-V

101010......" ...,

...... jori. I ••

5.<•• lew



'fidi .,.,_

D... wi~ N.11Oft Jud, NOfI•• i lot..!


l.,o.rt '.'.;.0001 !Jill '0<1.,

"tty H.I..... S................ i.i "lIey. . .


hlp. H.l.... 'el N",...lh

'" """

......, ,....u

a.. '.tlon

H." J. '0111.....

"'e" Jo .ow... Jet••udolph , ...1. h'"",,,I.


He"","....be. .

Did teed

loon hilly-

Vest. H.l..... 6i",.. N<><VoOd M•• Ou •• lob ,.,.._

H."", Hu.... , ...."'. O'M ...,ow lob,. hu lobHt. " '...../1

JIOd, he»

IHI .......,.


&ic budl " _ h.lo"

Jo"," ...... b.-.,



8rad Rjee K.th, Rod.1I Don Send. Carl Schl.cht Kolh.ri.e SuI, Su.en.& Simeon Ken Smith

Er",," R'99"" Ann R09""

Mau,ic_ Send." Tom Schmidl W"yn. Sharp Joe Simon P•• I Smith

Robert Rineh.d Ann I-le,i. Roo•• hr••, S...holn Norman Schnid., 5.. 5h ... Bobbie $lu9Mer Stan Smith

Chuck Robe.t.on AM" Ro.endohl M.ril,n Salhe, Bob Schow

G.,.ld Sh.n., Bob Sm.rt Nenc, Snook

Mark Rob.rt,on

La", Ruman. Do,olhy Sca'c.1l0 Oorolhy Schuppe.i•• lill Shen.",an Bob Smith Di •• e Sopor

Ed Robi. Phil Ru".11 hRoy Sch.dl John Schw.,h 8ill Shi.I., 0.11. Smith Judy Sparry


Erin Robi. Judi!h Ru..om

Don.. Sch.dl., Judy SC099;. lob Short Gene Smith Irenl So,iollfe,'"

Al.c Robin.on Donne Ru'".rle,d H.rold Schill,.11 'idi. S..I., Sue Sieyert G.rry Smith J . . .t Sp'en9'"




Stat.yC"'",l.. StI'ichll ~ ..r.nt hyl.... ly.... Tloomp.... Clyde Tropp

b, Vooi •• lob W."...


W ....k $t.i. W.h.. 5'011... I.l..-, Lou I_rlo< 10.1 TJ....... 1(.

E. T.. r ....

H••" Vo,ik. ,.,.." W .....

,.,mip S....b..d All•• 510<., .od, bylo<

'.It;c;. 5'.......

5"",,,,, $trooc"".

£I........ U .... c .... H...... W.I ....

fl........ '.\'IOt G.it Tol... JIId, V•• S,J...... W.tk...

L••...., W.ko.

Hue, W.;,.II

",....m. Tip'_

W.o,.. Staw."

H.C.S'''''" ..llyflr';.... H..l•• To...l'uo..

h"_ Vld ....... J<><Iy W.I .... Cathy W.lnhu.

JOId, $ticlMy Oi.... Shot" k,I. Tho.....

St.... I,.oc, bd,Vi ..... lob W.lt., Dick W..dl.

h.S'..... &.rr., Sw...k Ch.f!.' ThoIn_ ..... i.e I,.il Ed •• Voot,,", Ou"i,W.,d , ...1. W••I

1..... Sl_ Jo Au hi..... K.Il•., ThompOOfl ••ti..... lr,".h.i1.



.m W.o,_

John Wicklund


lob Widdifi.ld ';.., Woolv....... H........


Did Woddifi.ld J.ff ""'ombolt ""•• i... You.!

s..... wil.,

H ... b.,1 Wilki••

lul."d Willi.....

'''''' Willi.....

Eddi. Wood Ji... Z........

Seneff. Worol<o, J...,., z.p~


Ch"ck Wti,ht

l ...,., Willi ......... H.., .. W,.,hl


Wi"'9_ J...II. W,.II

s.opllomo<. office.. we•• 0....... Dwtf,. f, ; John F..,n. " •• ideM; S... I "", s.u.t.ry end lot•• 1,,11.,., Vlce.', ••jd••'. not plcl",itd.


of the "'i,hl1,h" 01 Hotl, W..k . ",in, 01 .;,.101 _ I n., ...phomot . TI "od.......... d,o b, tt.o "oll~ d...... 'ktwod i' llItl... "'..... ...!ificel.. 10 tM .hod lOW ONE-Ir..,. CO,...... A9'iult..... ; b.,. II.i" ....;.....: Idoto lee lol_., hit." • ...:1 X;'nu; .1Id ",I.,. lOW TWQ-...6I.." Sioup. C""ct l ..b.. t>on, Loti Sci."••: ..... l ...,., 1.10''1.''. b,i ,i,,'l. Nol pkl",ed I, Juiu Goodwi., Coli.,. of Ed.,.!;••.






Editors' Thank You It's" late rainy evening on June II; two tired editors are putting the finishing

touches on your Gem of the Mountains. We sincerely hope that we have done" satisfactory iob for you in compiling "II the components of our best and we hope your best college year, 1960路1961. We wish we could acknowledge everyone who has assisted us in editing the Gem, but the list would be much too long. There are" few people. however, without whose help this year's Gem of the Mountains would not hove been pos-

sible. Thank you! GALE MIX . . . Mr. Morale Booster . . . the man who solved those problems which we didn't think could be solved.

RUDY'S, HUTCHISONS and UNIVERSITY PHOTO . . . e<amples of endless cooperation with both the Gem and you students.

ARDEN LITERAL and ROY BELL at the Photo Center ... they are responsible for the mMy pictures in the Gem Md always helped in our hours of need.

DON WALKER and LEO AMES ... at the Publlcat;ons Department ... When we couldn't obtain a particulor photo, they always mMaged to find it for us . _ . these are the men who are responsible for the colored pictures which give this book a professional touch.

JIM GIPSON and CAXTON PRINTERS ... who published th;s book for you along with doing on excellent job with the art work thot we are 011 enloYlng.

NEIL LEITNER and GARY RANDALL ... Arg Ed;tors who were, Indeed, one of our chief sources of aid.

WALT JOHNSON end SHERRY WILKINS ... they led the photo staff and the Gem to victory ... with a smile. A FINE STAFF . . . Audrian Huff, Tom Eisenbarth. Mary Lou Toylor. we hope John Beckwith, Judy Conklin, Kay QUMe ond mony others you toke much pride in the book you have put together we con not thank you enough.

WARREN REYNOLDS and LINDA LAMB . . . A very special thank you for all the help wish you the best 0


have given us; and os next year's editors, we luck.

CATHY BREWER GAY TUSON 1961 Co-Editors Gem of the Mountains


1961 Gem Staff Co-Editors


Associate Editors






Tana Harris, Lind" Willioms, Sally Gallow<'lY. Julie Strickling



Glenn Stoup



EVil" Cruthers



John Bowen, John Myers. Pete Wuertz.

Bill Gl'lrloek, Carol Suchan. Kafhy Rodell, Norma" Kelly, Shoron Gygli, Peggy Jo Roper



Ann Yoshido, Dawn Fairley,

Julie Austin, Di"ne Sturts



Kay Irwin, lind/! Kinney. Pi~y Woolverton, Millicent Hagstad



Ed Ager, Stl!ln Hui. Did P"rr. Uoyd Agte. Doug Kr"mer, Rey Schmidt, L"rry Peterson. Sherry Wilkins



Student Index ...

Ab•• ml, Denni. Paul 132 A~rr.9ui, Jam., Floyd 45. 303 Ad.rmon, Corcl lee "'_' __.192 Adorn•. Cheri•• Br.d"nridge ._..._..40,240 Ademo, David l .... i. _._.... ....._ 283 Adem., Phylli. A,lene .. _. _.. 55 Adam., Rob •• t W"yne 240 Ald.hl, D........ in Fr.. n~ 51. 127.230.303 Agee. Glori.. GlIil 212,321 "ger, Ed"llrd G"",, 319 "q'e, lloyd M"r~. . 319,330 Albell, John R/lymond _ 48.258,321 Albee. Stllnley Ralph 250,303 Alberta, Jeme. Lee 283 Albertson. Kenneth Wayne 238.330 Albin, Donna louise 194, DO Alb.ethsen, Kllntleth Wayne 121,202,321 Alec.n. Evelyn Sue. 204 Aldone. Ri<;h.rd Emery 212 Ald.n. Jon Marie 38,205.321 Aldrich, Charlotte Ann 21'2,213 ]03 AI....nd.... Glenda Golly 212. )]0 Aleaand.r, John Robert 22 39,240,321 Ale.end.r, ...colcolm Douglas 2SO.303 AlfredfOn. Dovid Mortin 240.321 Aliof. MoI'u.mmed Henon 281 A/lon. Gerry Richard . 238.])0 Alldredge. Ida Judy 192 ])0 Allen, Chorl... Eugen. 226,216,303 AlI.n. Connie Jeanette Blod ,_. __.... _35 196. 292 291, ]03 All.n. D."n SI"nfo.d . 2S4. 303 All.n. H.rb.rt Russell .._ ...._ 2S4,303 AIl.n. Hugh Onnis/on Allen. Ie"rl Cedric 45, 2-46. 321 Allen. Khrideen 4247.21",272,321 Allen. Merilee Elizabeth '90 Allen. Merl"ne Ann. 55. 190, ]30 Allen. 50nie Jeen 58 62,86. 196,)]0 Allen. William Ed..ard 39.222 Allgair, Cheryl Joen 133,200. )]0 Allmlln. Douglas De"n 236, )]0 Allred. Cecil OU""e ......25.31,40 "5.22". 276, 321 Allmen. Hennes Rool. 58.2"6 Alton, l"ne June. 210 Amel. Robert Loui. _ 141.175 Amos. G"rold Leroy 180.162 216 l1. 214. 224.)]0 Amlmann. Gunter And..""n, D"rl..n.. 214.321 And.....n. D.nn~ Arthur 55 And..""n. Owen Rita 208 And..non, Arthur Ed.."rd 151.216 )]0 And..rson, B..tty Jean 41. "2, SQ, 208 321 And.non, Brvce Dele 22" 321 And....on. Dougle. Reid 260.321 Andenon. Eslh... Jeen 206.321 And..rson, Jame. Andrid 242 )]0 And..non, Janyce Ann.. lI.. 210.321 And.non. J"y V..._...._ 218.303 And.. rsotI. Joon D..e .. 20<1 And..rfOn Judith Le.. '''_' 151.1'n And..non, K"r..n Nicolin.. 212 And..non. M..ldon 8utdeen 118. 238, 303 And on. Mich",,1 Ma..h,,11 242 303 And on. Norma Jean Reu 19".321 Ando..on, OSCllr Edwin .. ,.. 260.321 And.. rfOn Rulh Elein.. ~IO Andenon. Shirley Cerol 'OP.310 And"lon. Willi"m Geo"Je 226. 321 Anderson. Wilme Jo"n 20<1 Anderson. Zoe EI"ine 191> Andre, Sh"ron Sue 49,200,321 Andrews. O"n" Jo H. SO. 6't, 18. 19", ))0 Andrews. Ho.."rd lewis 238.321 Angerbeuer, Kent l"vern 182.224.30] Arqyl... Jos.. ph Deen 254.321 A,ms. 5usen Key . _.11. 49. 130. 206. 214. 3]0 A,nold John Kell..y 41. 30]



Arnold ~",san C..cil. Arnold. W" ....n W ... ley Arnt. SI.. ph..n Wil';..m A..i.. n. Ang..... Meri. 36. 51 91 A"i.. n. Joen Ashburn, John Josoph Ash;~"re Erik Ri~io A.lett. Kelhryn EIl..n A.munen. Morqor..1 Elain" As/Ie, Joseph Merl Aslrup. Truls Erlingson Atchl"y. T,,,nne Mae AI~inlon, Orvil Delor.. Aucutt, Thomas M;tch..11 Au.lin, Julie lynn.... , Aullin. SUl-lln Wray Adell. lois Me.. Ay"rn, Marqu.tle Jene Ay Arnold l ..sli., Jr. Ay St"nltlY Geo'g..

&choller, L:ndo lou Bado., H..nrik Mus/od Badgor, Robert Earl Baenon. C"rol Ann Boggl, John Tho.nton, Jr. Bagl.y, Dean Allon B"il..., Oal.n. Georq.. &il...,.. Edd;. Jeon Bailey, Patricio Cloi•• Bailey. Tllayr. Mari. Baily. Everott Minnich

_. 52 62.222

))0 ..204 37. 2S4.))0 __252 192.30] 196,321 ...256 114, 242, ]03 .210,303 ..........41 .. ,252, ]03 .. __ 28, 200 43,196.]30 .196,]0] ... 116.212 _230,321



'78 86,206 232. 303 6).281 ._212 2)2,30) 252.320 240.3)0 45.30) 28.196 204,30)

22. 260 278, 291, 303 194.))0 Bainbridg... Barbe'e Ann B"ins, T'i1ochan Singh __ 2BI BeIer. D..ayna Evorett _303 B"ler, John Thomas "5,146,278.292,303 S"ler, Th..odore J. ..58,246 Bale•. Wa"..n Rich. . ....222, 321 B"ldridg... AII..n leo .260 Beldr;dgo. Dorolhy R"e 14.49,132.19",))0 Beld..in, Slenley Millon .. _..250.)]0 Bell. Coy AM 196,303 Bell. Slephon Gey 48 Ball"nlyn., Thomes Clinlon 165,234 ...39.232 Bell"n/yn., Williem Jom.s. Jr. ....,... 119 Ballord. Froncis Ac.. . Bonh. Mer/ho B..ss .196.303 Barat Willi"m Stev... Jr. 303 Barcia.,.. Ala,ond..r. Jr. 218 Bard, Georgo Uoyd . 2S4 Barlow, Donald Amos 240. 30) Barnes. Ch"rlolle Eliulbelh 292 Berne., David Ralph __ _' 5S Borney, Edward Wayne .. 232.))0 Barn.y V.rla Ra.. ._. 2OB, 30) Barnhart. Jem.. Robert. Jr_....94,222 ))0 B"r<, Gary Lynn 2S4 )03 Borr, Roger Mayno,d 49,128,228.214, )03 Barraclough, Herold Thompson _._..... 63 39.53.162 BarreH. O"niel Edward Barrett Robe.t Williem 30) 8"rrid K..ith Alon 303 Berth. Ron 5S B"rtlett. Cath••in. May '9+ B"rtosh. B"rbo'" Abbott 62. 91. 106. 121. '98 Base, SIeve Richerd Baler, Ven D..lb..rt .... 119.232.32' Ba.quo. Joseph Anthony ..._..256,330 Benoit. Stephan Sutherlond .. 41 Boss..tt. Wendo .... 46 Bot..s, Gene leslie 150,175,257,321 Bates, Patricie lucille .........21".321 B"lman. Donald ............,..272 Bett, Stophen Ch"rles .......240, 330 Bett, Sluarl Alan Beum. Ann Ma,i. +3,210,330 Beumonn. Michael Marlin 216 32:



.__232 Baume" H..rbert Barry _ ..__251 Baumgortner. D"vid C"rI Baune. Raylen.. AnneUe 214. BC Bau.dler. Ca'olyn Anne '92 Bader Gene K..nneth 45 273.304 Baylon, Bette Alice ., 43,212 Beach, NMcy Ann 38.204.321 Beal, Wond" Pearl . 4J 210 6..an, Rich"rd l ..e ._. 252. ))0 B..esley. C"rolyn June ..... 121,212 Beasley, Williom Roneld ........ 55 Beck. Donold Jack.on Bed, K"r"n lee . 2J2 Bed. P"t,icie Jean ..55. 202 Beckl..y Don"ld Miller .... .246, 304, 321 Bed..ith. John Aschel. Jr. 29. 39. 222, 284, 3()o1 Bedwith, Merlin Lee .._29. "2. 246, )04. B..ier. Richard John _........... 226,321 25B.3()o1 Beih, Conred Williom Bell Dov,d DeWoyne ~5, 96. 232 Bell. Donn" Lee .._ .. 194 Bell. Lynn Stephon _252, )().oj B.n. Patricia Ann. __. 214 Bellamy. Anthony Rodney 39.40,242. 3().oj Benjamin. Willi. Birdsall 234. 31)04 Benner. L..fend Dean .. _222 Bennett, Ga..,. lee 52,272


::~~:~~ je=~o~~ ==- .__. _. ~::~~~

Benn,ngson. Arnold I 242.330 B.. nfOn, FronUin Donohue 251.330 Ben.on, Geotge Serrow 228.330 B..nlon, Neney Ball.. .._.43,210.321 Bard"h!, JOM M"ri.. .... 214.30<1 B..rgemann. Fred Wiiliam ._224 S..rgh. Judy Colene Mari.. 212 Betgv"U. Sio,n __ .. ,.. ... 114, 2)4.. 321 Berke.,.. Don"ld Leroy ..... _260.330 2'n Serner. C"rl Willi"ms S.. rrong. Frederid Charlos _260 Berry, Cerl Grover B, 2"1. 304 Best, Rich"rd Kenn ..lh .. 30" Bad, Suzenne Vye 36.200.329. BO, 339 Se"onoff. Je"n Pierr.. .2"6 , .,I'n,110 Beven, Beryl Ann B..vinglon. Alon Honslead 22+ Biagi, Donold Jo.eph 15".172 Bigsby, Cherl..s Floyd .. _ 63.252.30<1 Billings, Dienn.. leigh. _ 210.330 Billow, David Cherl..s 52.121. 246.321 Bills Mory Elizabelh 121.208.3().oj Binge. Do""ld _ _256 S:"g~om R"lph Cliff. 228.321 Bitd Waller Ross 45.58.2-46.32' B;.hop Oougles Allen 250 Bithell. Walter Hog e 52,218 Blod, Donald Dee 58.2)0. BO Slack Holly Arleen 214 321 Blair. Barbora Lynne 24. 36 38. 206 292 329. BO B9 S"-i. Stephin Mid>o.1 242.ll0 Srelad Verne Blecha 8I"nch.. ROle 24 25.36. 194 321 BI.cha. Geotge Ronald ..250 Blod, Delbert William 181.224,))0 Blodg..tt. Mal Roy, II Blower. Robert D"vid 232. ))0 Boam. red Oeniel . 222,))0 Boerd, Warren l .... Bodine Ceroline Rulh ......46.212 Boesel. r erry Carl .. 166.169,175.284 Boie. Robe,t Nichols 142. )()01 Boland. Thoma\ P"lrid ......30. Boller, SI.. phen Winship .. , 41 Bond, Nichol"s Peter 121.238,32r 6one, Amy M..rie . 13' Bonn, St.. phen Alan 28l Bonnell. Judith Elizebolh 202.321 Booher, c"rolyn Mae 208 60rgen Wayne Henry 2H 3()o1

'0< '0<


Bo,noman, Ri,hard Robe,t 171,2<40,321 19B,330 BOllort, N..ncy EIi... both, 250, 30~ Sou,h..rd. Joseph Alfred, Jr. Boundl, J ..me, Torr..n,o ... 52,218 222, 330 Sou'''''''' Adh u, St..nley . Bou'""" Wo,l.y Joseph Bou,bon, Helen R..e ~ .. -.3210 Bousquot, J..me, Lynn Bov.y, Ch.. ,I... G.,.. ld ._ .6 Bow.n. B.euony Bowon, Reed J. 81.228,321 Bo...."'. Ge'old Aeron Bo"'ers, Kenton Ho...erd Bo...e., Willi..m Ch..,le. 2b, l7. 39, ~5, 95, 238, 330 H8,304 Bo.leitnor, Ri,hard Lo'oy Boyd, J ..me. Ed...o,d 2~8. 3004 Boyd, Jam". Ho,lan 45.304 Boyd, Je,ry K. .5230,321 Bo...rth, Gordon O.. ~i. H2 330 Br.. don Judith Iron. 35 38 51 200, 192, 3004 2S.,330 Br".h.... "'. Do~'d Ryon Branfi.ld, Wollo,. Winf",d 58.236.321 Braun, Moriefto Ro.e 208,330 Broin.,h, Mo,ilyn K"y .210 Breith..upt, Paul Da~i, 171. 250, 30. 22 27, 200, 30. Bro...,,', C..thorino Fran,e, 216,321 Bre"'o" Nicholu Bold.. n Bre"'o" Orvin J..mol 278 Bro...o,. Vidor LeRoy .5, 175 252 321 BriH. Barba,.. Su...n 212 321 B,ill. Don..1d Taylor 20..330 Brillon. Robert L... 2-.2,321 B,ood'o Rodney lo_ll 251. 321 Brod. C..dl Eug.no 282 283, 304 Brod, Robert Jamo. 204,3004 B'oqan, P..t,k,.. Ann.. .3B,51 96,198,321 B,ooh, B..rbar.. Lou. 206,321 B'oulim, Cha,I... Rkhord 234,3004 B,o or, Nan,y Luo 196,321 B,o n, Benjomin loo ..222 Bro n, Br"nda Shatfo,d G,..h..m 272. 304 Brown, Ed...in R..... 53,260 8rown, Ellery Klion J,. _2.2 Brown, G"no xolt 260.321 Bro n, Ge'ry Dale 2«. 2M. 304 Bro n, Jem... Ho...a,d Brown, Joenno K..y B,o n, Judith K.. thleon 38,200 B,o n, linda Ann ..210 Bro n, lloyd, Jr, 2bl B,o n, Morgo,.t Ann Bro n. Michoel l ... Bro n, Poul Honon 8,own, Robert Prott 2b 179.218,321 8ro...ning, Jonic. lillion 2Ool, 304 Brvco, R.....lind Inu 110,113. 304 B'umbaugh, Rich ..rd l"l..nd BrvnsWI, J ..m". WiIIi..m 228,331 Brunzoll, Ch.. M..rtin m B,unzoll, Do...n SUZ"M" 200,331 Bry"r, Anne Vi'ginle Buchanon, We.loy Mon'o" 45,2<40,278,30. Bud, B..,b..,o Carleno .214 Budl.y. Jenet loui.o ,9< Bud!in, Bov..,ly Jo..n 49,206.322 8<lell, M..rtho Jane 80.190331 Buffi"gton, Chones Du.. ne 17,228.331 Buh,modo,. Glonn Honry 58 Bulloc;~ Robert E.. rl H2331 Bull«k, Vidi Vi 121,190 Burq..n, John Morg..n Al"...nd..r .. 121, H6, 305 Bu'goss, Robort Glade. .. 40, 228 Bu'~o, Anthony L..o .. 166,168,175,252,305 Bu,~h..rdt, Jo,old W..yno .. 260 8<I,n.lt, Don..ld Arthur ..... 260 Bu,n•. Oi.. n.. lee .198 220, 331 Bu'n,id... D..nni. Robert 8<lrolor, M..",ha K..y 31,206.322 Buro~or. Solly R..e 210,322 lkorr, Boni..min 216,283,322 Burr, Don..ld Alon 2~~, 322 8urton, Gary Loon 260,331 Surton, Jim Putnam 58,142,322 BUlby. AI..n Wern"r 220 Butl..r, Clifton Loron 25,37. 50, 52, 329, 339


17' ,0<

" "





'" '" '60




Budon, Thoma. u,m.." By,no, Looh Mary Byrno, Sandr.. J.... n


41. 210 206.305

c 220,305 CoII..h..n, Eugone Edwo,d CoI~ort, Ali,o Joenno Camo,on. Robert looroy 210,331 Camm. K..,o" loo Camm..d, C..,ol lynn 198.305 218,331 C..mpbell, Brv'" Runoll C..mpbJll, Con:'o, Compton 252,292.331 C..mpb..II, GNrgO Ea,1 ....... ,252,305 C..mpb.. lI. Joan Ellon .... 122,133, 191> Campbell. lind.. Elizabeth 85,190,331 C..mpboll. Willi..m Ponrose. J,. l2. 51, 127,2<40,305 Cond,..y, Arnold Josoph 29,222,305 CannQft, Hel"" P.. tri,i.. 52,204 32,33,51,230,331 Cantolo. John Anthony Cant'ell, J~n l.l.. nd 220 Copellon, Jim Ed.....rd 248 Carky, Dua"e Giles 322 C..rlson, Frod N. 45 Carl.o". Gary Aldon ...H, 25, 37, 39, 218, 292, 331 Carlson, Jo"ice Ann 192 C..rlson, Potri,i.. Amy SO. 190,322 254 Corlson, Robert Horl..nd C..rl.on. S~"o K.. r." .. 33.190 Carnofi~. louis N'dlolos 106.232 C.. ,n.fi., Suo Cl4i,. 36.40,94.206,331 Carn.iro, 0.. ,,-;0' The..do,e 116.322 Cor...y, Thom..s Robinson 165,238 Corolon. R"gin..ld How..rd 107,143,145.157,158, 1M, 175,218,284.




Carri,o, David Jool 251,322 Corrico, Judith Dawn 2Il Carson, Corol Joan 52,234 Ca",on. John D"on Cort"r, Nancy l ... 305 Cesey, Mary EliUlboth .Co.per, loM.., Anton 228 _241 Choo;ort~u', Antone Josa~ Chombe"" Ro... nno 52.204 Ch..mpion, By,on F,.. n,is 2S6, 276. 305 Chopin. Jomes Doon 246,331 Chapin, Judith R..o 30. 200 Ch.. pm..n, Corolino K..y .. ....214 Ch.. pm..n. Clorenco Ed rd 37,121,226.331 Ch..so, A,dith Eileen 36,54 Chelnut, Loi, M..y Bowo... .....273 Chest"" Gordon Randolph 35,40.91. 103. 232. 297 Cheste'. Virginia G..yl. 212 Chigbto.... G.. ry W..yno 238, 322 .5,51,121.224305 Child. James CI..,k Childoo... Janet Kay 51.196.331 Chipm..n, u,uran,e Da~idson 26. 105 230 Chirumblo. Harold le...i. Cho,ol... Lo...all R. 291, 305 Ch,i,t"ns..n. Ed l. 121,226,322 Christ"nson. George Fi,her 40,157.322 Christ"n.on, Kar"n 202.322 Ch,isty, Do~'d Alb.,t 24-4.305 Chu'ch, Roymond Cl.. r~ 248 CI4,~. Barbo,.. Jo 106,204 C1.. r~ H..yd"n EIi.oboth 212 Cla,t Holen EliUlboth Gr"gory _121 CI.. r~, leon..rd u,Vo,n 250,305 CI.. ,~, M..rqo'ot Ann 190. 331 CJor~, Morion Jo..n 47,214,305 .224 Cloymon. CI",~ Cho,lo. Clo.. ry, J"me, Dinnon .... 96,165,232 CI..nd"nin, 5amu<ll L. . .. 45,305 Clory. Ri,h",d John 232 Cline. Jay Thomp.on 240, 322 CHnlsm..n. Ooneon Po..,h .._.. 305 36 196. 331 Clore, C,,'olyn Joen CIou.... G ..ry K..ith 32 251 Clouse,. Mkh..ol J ..d ._ 331 Clu.... l .....r..nca Albert 236. 305 Clure, M..rv'n G.ne 236 Cobbl., Roymond Jomos . 2« Cobblo. Willi..m Leo. .32,2« Co,hron, T..rry John ....230 Co,h,..no, Robert B.. ,cI.. y . 2M, 322

'00 ,0<

Codrell. Willi..m Fr.. nci. 254. 322 58,281 Coglizo', Douglos G,ont 45,305 Cohoo, Jod Stil"'ell 198.305 Coin"r, K"'"n Ja..n .173.331 Cola. Rkh ..,d Tudo' ColI.t, G,ontley Somuol. J •. 39. 51. 220. 322 50,95,202 Collings. Sydney Suson Collin•• Da~id Me"i" 58, 246 Collin. M..rian Ethel 200, 172. 305 Collin•• Thom.., D..le .. 45, 252. 218. 279 305 Colli..... William Doon 24. 25 40. 45, 260, 305 Colli., Carol Ann 21~, 331 Con~lin, John Brody 40,64,18 Con~lin. Judy Louilo 29.80,200 331 Conley, Dannis John Conloy, Mi,h",,1 Boyd H8,331 Conn.r. Janet lone 206,322 Con,..d, Joe Ed 240 Con,..d, Wolt"r Wayno .._ 322 Coot Ali'ia Beth 108, 331 Cook. u,'ry Fred ....__ __ 216,217 Cook, Wins/on Ho...ord 252 c.x,por. D.. ~id E.. rl _ _. 2« Cooper, Richard Hokhliss 284.305 Coopor. Sondra L"o 212. 33 I Copo, Virginia Corol 28,204 Co,belt, K"nnath AJb",t .254,331 CordO'o'O, Robert loo ..58, 62 Corloss, Ho.....,d G ..ry 122 Con.tt, Co,olyn . ._.42.52 133.194 Corlett, Jon Cl..yton 232 Co,n'., Jomes Allen .._. _280.281.305 Cor,iqon, Dennis Mcu,;" 236 30S Corr;qou•• Rose Mori.. ....._. ~_.214 Corwin, Pete' lonl 121. 228. 305 ...212.331 Coto, Sondro L"o 2'2 Cotronoo, Ros. Rolph Cottier, Virginia L<lo . Coughlon, Karen Loi. ..... 133,190 Coup., lo...,anc" C,..tnoy 45 Coup., Thomas Rogo, ..37.254.331 258. 331 Courtn..y. Shenn..n H""ry Cou.in...u, Thom... Ch..rle. 180 Cowdon, Jo Ann Ma,i. 192 Co•. Anito Marie 212 Co•. Oa".l Ho i. 322 Co., F,onc" Ed ,d 260 Co. Jon Arthur 251 Crobb, Goorgio Lynn :l08 Croig, Gary leRoy .45,305 C,..no, Do,is Ann 194,331 Crono, J ..nis L"o .• 1. 30S Cr.. n~, P..t,icio K.. lhl...n 112.331 C,..nston, Ivon R..y )05 C,o~.n, J.ny Koy 179 C,..wfo,d, Cho,les Russoll 322 C,..wford. Pot,,,io Ann Speelmon 305 46.260.322 C .... , Williom John J,. C'on.h....., Robert Craig .lOS C,imp, Sandro Leo 42,200 Crodett, RUllell WiUiom 96,222, 10(, C,odfo,d, lloyd Arthur ... 58 Croi....nt, Gorold LeRoy 4b Cron.r. Ch..n... Alton 58. 24f, C,on~ F,on~ Allon 58 62,236 Crosno, Robert Glon 220, 331 C,oss Oiono A~,iI 200l Cros., Robert G,..h..m 37.234 331 Crostley. Fe"el Boyd 46. 322 Crossm..n, Gregory John 242 331 Crotingor, John Robort 257 Cro""h, Koren l"o ...292 Cro...e. George Roymond 12 t. 182 Cro"'ell, F'<ldric Jomes 165.238 C'o....er, Marvin Eugono H8,30b Croy, John Robert 218,331 41 42.53,214.322 Croy, Lind.. lo",ise Ctvthots. Ev.." Dougles 221. 331 Culp. 5,olt M..nning _ <40,58. 234, 306 Cunningham. Gory Woyno .37,251,331 214 Cu,rin. Judith loo Cuny. u,rry leo . 240.322 Curtemen. Ro,e M"r;o 198.331 122 Curti•. Dougl.., W..rron Curtis, Jocqu..lino Elizobeth 210 331 Cust..r, Colloon Ooonno .. 121. 194 Cuslo', Gary loo ... .251,292,306



o Dohl, Robert Allon . .....40.107, lib, JOb Dahle. Thomas William .... .222 Dahlen, John Franci, .1·43 Dalke, Marth" Le. 51,208 o.I,;n, Brio" Run"lI. ..230.320 Dalton. Mllry Ann. 25,36.198.l31

Dan". Donerd GenII D"ni.I., William Edward Daniel,on. D4nny Oscar Danziero, Kathie,," Me,ie Dau, Dennis George OIlU, Gllry John. Davenport. JOlin ..... ....., Davenport. Wayne Albert Davidson, Dijon

4158.62,260 2+4,306 _218.322 192.331 .260. HI lbO. 278, 306 204,322 ,.306 21'1

Dovidlon, James Patrick 145 Ollvi"s, John Blake ... 2iO.322 Dnies. Philip Evlln 42. 182.124 Ollvie., Richard Warren .SS.182 Dev;'s_ Robert Lodon _ 278 Dllvis. Joseph LoMl . ..__ 110 Ollvis. MIIl'Yin Robert 257 0/1"'1. N/lI'ICY Dianne 200. BI Ollvis. 5tll"en Lewis 79 226. BI O,,";s, William Robert 306 Davison, Carol Anna 202.306 Day, Ada Lorraine. ....214 Day, Richard O. .2M.3Ob Dayton. David Arthur 224 Du!. Homer Stev., Jr. 218.331 Dun. Elmore Hemmond 248, 278. 306 D.Boun. Jod Rolli. . 292 37.236,331 D.Carli, Wiley Poul Oed.r, Fred D...on. ._ 230, 322 D.do, Jam.s Eldon 147.175,258.322 Oehn;nq. Herbert lo is . . IbO. 167 D.Key, R... th Cerolyn 25 36.52, 196.331 00110'. Dovid John 58. 263 Dellell, Donold Oren 54 Donnin",. Williom Jod 220.331 D.nnis. B... rton Williom 254. 331 D.nnis. Dale Cort.r In D.nnis. Dehryl Anthony ISO Dennl.r. Judit+. Mari. _._ 36.50 194 HI Dennl.r, Robert Wolte. 42,246, 30b D.pew Joy Louis 216.3Ob 46 D.r,. Betty ._._ D.". Jomes Williom 41 D.,mond. John, Jr. ._.14'1.284 Devaney. Chorln Richord 242.322 Devore, Fronk Everott . 43.254 Did, Shirley '14.210 Didamor•. Vivion Bonito 24.25,26,47.200.274, HI Didinso... G.o.g. Wilson ._ 181 224.3Ob Di"mo.., Bov.rly ._ 2Ob, 331 Div.... Jo Noll .__ ._ 200, 312 Dobbins, Richord Scott. Jr. 151 Dodds. Cathe,;n. Dephne 192 Donor. Horvey Ervin .... 46.236 276.3Ob Oonnolley. Elilobeth Jeon 121. 306 Dorathy. Ootryl Joe 45 Dormon, Re~ lee 2'12.306 Dors. Allen George 2bO Don. Oo.....in Ver..on 40 Doty. Gory Lee 218. HI Daty, louro Alice 212 H2 Douqla,. Ernest Richo.d 170 Downi., Georg. N.il. Jr. 30b Doyle, Jay Marti.. 224 322 Oro",oo. Potricio Ann _ ._. _ ... 196 lbO. 168.242,332 Dreps. Joh .. Ar..old 17'1 Drummo..d. Robert J. Drury, Richard George 42,258.332 Drunel. Gronl D"'oyne 260 Duffy. Deanno Jane 24.42.121, 194. 329. 332 Dulur, Croig Lyle Dundas. Hel.n Ch,istine 4'1,210 Ounqan, Jomes L.....s ]06 Dun... Patricia .... nn 51 97.121. 1'18.332 Durbin. Lorry ....lIon 63. 177 Durfee Kurmo Jun

". 2"

E Eorl. Boyd Wri",hl Eoton, Del




_..__ 226 Ed",or. L"rry Fronl Ed",erton. Lee Arnold .... 48.258 Ed",erton. Paul JOleph .283 Edmiston, Dorlino Roe 210.332 Edwardl. Corl Vaughn .257,332 Ed ord" Joy .... nn 36, 190.332 Ed ord,. June Louis. Ed ord" Stephen Hayes -234 E",on. rerence '06 Eide, Cloudio Anno Eilum. Ro...e ..a Mo.;. 36, 37. 38. 42 49 204. 292. 332 Eimers. Garth Wilson 62.216.332 Ei,enbarth. Thomos Curti, ....28, 58. 2bO. 332 n...ortzell. Dennis Clor~ 232.3Ob Eld. Joyce Morie 1'16. 322 Eld, Larry Albert. __ 121.252.332 Eldred. Clilton L. • • . 260 Eldridg•. C l i f t . . . 52 Eline, Judith Koy. _ ..._ ..55.121. no. 212 Ell.rs. Jod Ellery .... 254 332 Elliott, Gordon Chorl., 3'1 42 121 126, 276, 322 Ellis. Do.....in Lee __258 Ellis. Leonord Henry 40.62.230 ___ 214 Ellison. Lone Morie EIIi,on, Laurence Noomon 251.3Ob EII''''orth, Albert Lovell 248.306 EII,"'orth. Judy Ellon 206.332 Elsbe,ry, Frede"d hi 218.322 Elsbe.ry, Jorri Ruth .210 Ely, Sharon Jeon 212.332 Em.ry. Jefferson Croiq _218 __ 2213 Emm.rt. Jomo, AII.n Emmingham, Robert Lewi, 54 121.26-4 Emmin",hom. William Heber 100,283 En",elholer ""'ilip . 218 En",land. Alan Gre",g En",I., Linda Suo 133.204.332 En",li,h. Edword A. 220. ))2 En,ign. Lindo Roe 50. 51, 85, 204. 332 Equal" Eli,ebeth Ann 200.)]2 Eridson. Cloi. Koy 3'1.220 E.id,on, Morri, Eu",.n. E.idson. Robert Loui, 23. Ed,idge, Kenneth Woyne 260 Estrid Voughn H.nry 24,3'1.40 181, 224. 278. 322 Eubanh. Jomes Oli..-er . 240 E..-on" Corol Lynne 26.38.133,200.322 Evon,. Dorh! Robe,t 42258.280281.306 EvOnl. Dovid Ellis EvOnl. Jan Brian 3'1,228. ))2 Evons. Joenne Eli,ob.th EvOnl. John Robertson Evons. Judith Jun. 1'14.3Ob Evons, Mory HOn'llon I l3. 1'14,321 Evon'. Mory lynn. 50. S2. 1'14 Evon" Ste..-en Brice In 122 244 332 Evon, Terry Keith Evan, 2...... 306 Evan" Williom Keith 18.220 322 E...in"" Robert I. 257.332 bum, Edward Sherman ]7,3'1.17'1.216.332





., '"'"

F Fabi., John G.o.g. 30b Foirley. Dawn Wilb.rto 198,320 Fol~ COrol rl.n. 4l IH 200,322 FoI~n.r. Lau nc. H.nry 242 F.I~n ••, Woyn. _283 FolI;s, Stonley Run.1 37.234.332 Fannin, Down 80\.r .... 151 Forn,worth. Jayn•• lynn 47.204.322 Forn,worth, Richard Donovon 242.322 Farn orth. Froncis Gary .78 Forn orth. Ronald Lee 78.284 Fauch.r. John D.nnis 41 Fauch.r. Mae 46 Faulkn.r. Dovid RO<Jer 260.322 Faulh. Freder;d Glenn 306 F.wson. Diane 50 51. 6-4. 204 332 Feath.rston. Wroy Wolcott. Jr. 232.322 F.dl.r. Henry Eldon 222, 322 Fe.non. Joseph Croi", lbO, 168 F.llr. B.tly Jol.n. 212. JJ2 F.lton, Michael Hoyt 224,322 F.nton. Keith Eld.r .. 18 I, 306 Ferr.lI. Eloine l.Ann. 210 258. 272. 30b Ferrell. John l.st.r

F."i" John Edward 2S. 37. 95, In. 218, 329. JJ2. 339 Fit., Anna Moe .. .. 212 Finch, Goorgia Sobin 121.1'18,306 Finch.r. Do"ell G.n. 254. JJ2 Finqerson. JoAnn _ 121.206. 30b Fink. J~n Phillip _ _ _ 228 Finney Judith Koy 54.121 204.322 Finney, Monen. Eleono, S2. IH. 200 Finn.y, Sondro Jean _. 212 Fisch.r. Williom Mo.tin 222.322 Fish. lel.nd Lonc. 'IS. 242. 332 Fi,h. Phil _55 Fish. Richord lee 259 Fi,her. Kor.n Roo .200 Fisher, Le,lie Eugen., Jr. .292 Fi,her, Viclorio lynn. 121,1'10.322 Fisk Suson Enid 133. 200 Fitch. Bvron Jom., 258. JJ2 Fitch. Philip Arthur 54 F;t.t",.r.ld. John Or... 22.24.35,40. '11. 10'1.224.292. 30b Fit.t,immons. Delbert Woyn. 298 2bO, 322 Fit.tSimmons, N.il Poul Flod. Jock Edmond 224.307 Flak•. Jacqueline 214.332 Fl.m'n",. John Potrid 161,244,307 FI.tch.r. Rollond Jay 240.323 FI.tcher. Williem AI ••onder 41,246,322 Hi,her, Curti. Peul ... 171 Floen. Gory P.I.r 157,161.162.176 Flo••, Jam •• William 248, 321 248.323 Flores. Thomo. Richord Fobes Coral lee .._ 196 Jl2 FoI.y, Jonic. Elilob.th 196.301 Fang, Gilb.rt l. 180. 2S8. Jl2 Fonq, Richord ....Ib.rt 58. t80. 258. 307, 323 Fordhom, Edword l.wi, 301 Fo,k.t, Donald Eldon 291 FOlt.r. Robert l.Roy 236, 323 Fouch., J~I Allison 200.323 Foukol. 00'" Ann 51, 20B,)]2 Founloin. Do..old St.phen 301 Fa...I.r, Borbaro Joyc. 194,323 Fowler. Corol. Ann 194, B2 Fa... Do..-id K.ith _238 Fowl••. Leo..ord How.rd. Jr. 234,332 Fo.o, John Gole",ood 31.37, SO. 180 216. JJ2 F.ohm, Ann lucill. 194,210 Franc., Thomo, John ...._............... .-..283 Franc., Vern Lest.r.. 42,238 Fran~lin. Delene. Flournoy. Jr. .121, IJO, 230, 301 Frat.,. Williom Eugen. 258 Frazier. Dovid .... non 39.79 FrOli.,. Sunny Nicol. 202 Fred.ridlen. Euq.n. Don 238, B2 Fred,ich. Rendoll Cloy 41 Fred.ilso.., P.t.r Bloir 216.323 Fr Micho.1 Jom.s 172. ,~. 232 F mon. Croi", 284 Fr•• mon. Judith .43,1'16,301 Fre.mon. Sharon L.. ..209 French, Do"el Gon. . 24 Fr.nch, Se...ord Hai",ht, 111 _ ••... 39 Fr.und. Melcolm 256.323 Fr.t.....II, Lonce Arlond 259,32J Friber", Justin Charles 222, 323 F.id•. Fred.rid Wiltiom 40. 80 Fried....n. AI••ond.r Aller 41 Frilin", Ar..st.in Wilh.lm 174 240. 332 Frost.n,on. Jo"n l..-an .._ _ .40,182.224 Frye, Mary L.... . _ __ -...200 Fud",., Dovid B.dworf" 45.307 Fugat., Norm.. Jan. . . 212 Fuhriman, Lorry L.. .... 307 Fult Stephen Richard 251, B2 Fuller, Jod Orlin 244,323 Full.r Judit+. Carol S2, 62. 96 Fuller Michael Colvin 5S Fun.r Stonley ....Iton 4S. 2SB, 323 Furn,,, Alon B.ntley _.__41 Furr.r. Anni. Esth.r. ._.212 FurstOl' Fronc", Do,othy 32 210



Gobb.m, Oonold l.e Gaboury. Williom Joseph GoRney. Anne 1.40".

... __ 45 246,272 212,B2

Geg•• Sherlene frences 202 Gegnon. G ..ry Joseph __. 153.154.234 .._210 Gailey. Ch.. r1 e ne Annette J2 52.222.332 Gelbreifh. LeRon ._. _ 210 Gele. Judith Mir>ll . 252. ))2 Gel... St..ey LQ<lis _ 254.313 G..llaher, Don..ld L.e G.. llow..y. Ser.. Ann n. "'" 24, 39.218. B2 Ge",ble. John Oevid 244, B2 Ge",bs. RO<jer Duene Gerdner. Jenice Mer.. Gerlod, Willie'" Wood 30.3158 Gertison. Jen Merie 214. J23 200.301 Gertison. Mergeret Anne 39.216307 Gerthe. Gereld ""'ertin Gertlend. Alice Joenne 43. t96. 323 Getes. Melvin LeRoy 238,301 254, B2 Gethere". Roy Oougl". Getlin, lind" Jun 307 G"IIey. P"ul Coulton .....55. 301 Gentry. G"ne Allen Gentry. Me'gMet Ann C,owley 5S. 2H, 292. 301 George. Ev" Je"nelle 5-4.208. B2 George. R"y",ond Stev.. . 301 G.trish. HowMd Willi"",. Jr. 114.2-40. B2 Ghigleri. Judith M..rie . ..190.301 Ghor",ley. N..ncy D"wn ..... _.210 Gibb. Juli" Ann .__.,,_ SO. ISO Gibbons, Gr"nt Ev.. ,elt 240 Gibbs. Christoph..r Erik 2-40 Gibb. Don D..vid. Jr. -4b. 25-4. JJ2 Gibbs. Evengeline Carol 192.323 Gibson. St.. phen fren~ 220. JJ2 Giden. Robert Ernest 2-48. JJ2 Gie"b""h. 5u...n Ann 19b. 323 Gislet, John fr"n~lin 238.301 Gis..t No""en leder 181.182 Gjording. J..d Shru", . 40. 2-42 301 GI",by. 8etty Jo 43, 19-4 GI••non. R",hel Rulh ._ 301 301 GI.nn. Doneld We.ley Glover. Robert Keith .._. .. 23b Goetzinger. Devid Lee 52.222.323 18.142.301 Golf. Gordon D"vis Goodell. J""e flint 204. 332 Goodenough. Ger"ld K"rl 121.258 Goodrich. Doug'''s Robert ... IB. 230. 301 Goodwin. J"ni. lee .... ."..... 3b, -42. 190.332 Gor"Mon, Robert R"msledt... 25.122.323 248. JJ2 Gordon. Ger"ld Du"ne 51. 212 Gormsen. K"ren lee. Gon.leRoyJoe 121.122 Gon. Willi"m Winston. J" 39. Ib5. 119,234 121 GOkher. Oougl". Sulliv"n Gould. Cryst,,1 Viol.. SI. 208. JJ2 3J2 Gould. Judith Gould. M"rlene loui.e 208 Gould. Roy Elwin _ 25-4. 323 Gow..nlod. Glori.. Loui... 206. 301 Gowland. Delm.., George 220.301 Gredw..hl. Don 219 212 Gr"ff. leo Willi..m, Jr._...__. G'eto.... Elaine K"the";n•._ 202 G,..hem, Judith B.. rle 198 301 G,..hem, Rooer Pe,n 258. ll3 G'ent Denni. Walter 11>6,11>8.175 G'ey. Clair W..yne 151 G,..y. Gen. M"d 31 G'ey. Rich..,d Gordon 31. 242. 3ll G,,,y. Robert D.. vid H2,3ll G,..n, Cu"'er Leon 31.228 3JJ Gre.n. G"ry BriM 232 Green, How.. rd B,u". 41. 22b. 3B. ll9 G,•• n, Willi..m Randolph. J,. 94.281 G,•• ne, B'uce D"vid 31.329 Greene. Lu "",,,,Iene 194.323 218.212.301 Greene, Ti",oth y Gedde. Greenl."f, 5...e 19b, B3 Greenstreet. Dori. Anne 8b, 202, 323 Gregg, Sus"n Annette ..... 20b Gregory. G"y Ellen. 52.194 Gregory. Keith leroy .2-4. 2b, ]7.84.98, 23b. 3B G,iffiths. Sh"ren F"ye 202.323 Griner. Philip Iv"n S2. 244. JJ3 234.301 Groff. Go,don l ..Vern G,OOtI'I. Co.....'n Pet", l1. 42,240. 3B Gropp. Lulie 8r...ce 2S4


Gro... J.r.ene Kerolyn 210 Grossenbe,h. Dun Peul 25.31. 23b.]]3 Grc)S>rold. Henverd lOb. 234 Groth, Terry 80b G,ounds. "",,,,,he leslie .. 43. 194 Grove,. Oevid Luke _2b3. 3D Groves. Judith Ann ..I9b.3]] G,oves. un. Hollingworth _.228.113 Gunde....n. J"",.s Lowell 218. 301 Guss"d. P"ula R"" .._.-. .. 190 Gustefson. Edwin" l.igh Z"bel 5-4 Gudefson. H,,'old Evon IB2 Gudefson. PIlil Stev.n _. 252 G st..v.1. Jec~ Wynn _..228. 313 6 " .. v"l. T.rry Lee _ _ _ lbS. 234 Gwilli..m. Tho",as Cehel"n 79. 15b. 157. IbO. 240. 323 28.19.194 Gygli. Sh",on Anne. . 194.313 Gygli. Sh"unn" Je"ne H

Hebe,ly. Me,quite June ........ 210 208.323 H..fe,. P"uline Ree 301 H..gen. N"ncy Anne H..gen, Stephen Tho"'"s 2bO.3JJ H..hn. Robert Ron"ld "..53 H..ines. Floyd LeRoy. ..... ".45 210.3B H"iost. Christine Ann H..le . K"r1 D"vid .... . .... ..232 H..ley, Bobby lee _258.311 _210.313 H.. lI. J ...dah ""'e,ie H.. n, Robert Ross 224.32) H.. Il. Stenton H"rris 18.220.32) H..llod. Ruth EI,n .~, .._ ... 194.333 H..IIv'l. lynn f,,,n,.. .62. 2Ob. J)) H"",..n. G"ry ""'ich...1 ._-45 H..",ilton. Jeni,e Oliver 307 133 H..",let. Belty J""n _._ H..mlet. Donna Kay 19b H,,"'"er. Bengt H"lv"r 283 H..",on. Orind" N"ney _210.301 _ 202 H..n,od Neney J"ne Hane",.. nn. G,,,"t _244 323 H.. nse~. Allen Joseph .113.214 H..nsen. Edward Dee 2bO. 333 H"nsen. G"ry Ch",les 258, 333 H.. nsen, Joh" Alfred ... H.. nse", lindsey Reve'e 224, 323 H.. nsen. Robert leslie 175, 171.218,308 40 H..nsen, Roger AI"n H"nsen, She,m,," John 252,323 .....210 H.. nso". Delores Fern H"nson. Torr"nce Willi"ms .. _.308 H"rder. G"II Eugene 32,224 .197.32) H"rder. ""'yrn" K"y IBO.258 H"rdin. G"ry lee H.. rg,ave. Roy Stu"rt 175 H..t",a". D,,"i.1 lyle 2bO H"r"'an. N"ncy Eloise 194 H"""oney. Alice ""'''''n. 210.333 H"t",•. John W"lIace 240 333 H.. rper. Pt.ilip B,...,. 121 H"tph"",. Jed Dean 251 H"rrington. Robert Roy 308 H",";•. Ch"lon Andrew 283 Herris Doneld Rich"rd 24. 21B, 333 H"tris. Phylli1 lorr"in. 130.100 H..rris, Tan" Jo 29, 198 H..rrison, Barber.. Ann 3b. 206, ))3 H""ison, Sh"r~ey Montgomery 252,333 H""h",,,n, Doneld Jacob 252 308 H""h",,,n. K.nneth Cyr...s 252.308 H"rt. EII.n 208.323 H..rt. John Williem 2JB. l)) H",t1ey. Helen Ann 51.206,322 Ha,tsho,ne. Do'othy J",," 49.5-4.121 H"....ego. Lloyd Henry 2bO.323 H..rwood, B"rt W"yne .121. 180, 21b H.. rwood, Donn" Clare 212, 213,308. 323 H",wood. Eldon R"y , .45 H"slings. Alvin Chester 240.308 22b. 211>. 308 H"tfield, D"rrell Joe H.. tfield. Oor,s Renee 194 H"tm"~ .. f. Robe,t lynn 23b H"tte"'er. L",ry Dun 284 H"ltrup, Pauli"e 213 H"tzfeld. S"ndr" Jean .._210. 333 H..ud. f,enk M..,,"ell 39.52.2)1. l)) H"ud. Walt., Aug...sl 2)1. 30B

195. 323 H.....ff. "",,,ry Christine __)08 H"w~ins. Willi..", Deni.1 244. )33 Hawley. Denny Eugen. 40,58. b2. 2)1 H..yne. Tho",... J..y 54.258 H .. I'l. No"",," lee _,1>0 He..sley. letlie WiDi..",s ._.45.308 Heb-r. Ou.. ne Henry H.d, D.. vid Wilson 58.254.313 ._._308 Hedges, Rich"rd Willi"", 251.333 Hedlund. Eric Gene Heffel. "",..deleine H.ffel, Ri,h"rd H"n~ 29.M2 Heq"ed ""'illicenl 5).240.308 Heq1led. R..lph Borglu",. J,. Heidel. G.. ry J"y H.i1eson, Marvi" Dw"yne 49. 2b3. 214. 292. 3)) Hein. DeAnne Joy H7 Held. Ollie Allen . 24. 3b. 200, ))) Helle" Di.. nne SO,200 Heller, Joenne Hel",de. Edw"rd Joseph .308 Hemm..t. 8"hm,," 2) I. 272. 308 Hen.. ult. Peter Brooh 32.40 Henderson. G"ry Dee Henderson. Robe,t Roy 45. 181.224. 308 ......251.32J Henderson. Rob"ld lee 2B.19O Hend'en. Oi"n" Jo 2b). 27b, )08 Hend,ich. Deloy G. Hend,ich. H"....,n 8, . _212. ))) Hendrids. ht,ici" Ann Hen,iksen, Geo'ge Bert 180.25-4.32) H.nry, Eugene Sw..nn _2)B Henry. Rich"rd Douglas __2bO, ))) Henry. Robert William He"sley. Joy Alice .__ ?OS. 273. 33) H.r.th. He,bert W..lte, 2bO. 308 4).212.333 H.,.th. M",ily Jen.. H."".ns. Richerd Anthony 272 _)1.31 H.rndon. J"mltl Collier Herndon. Lynd.. Jo 24.204 333 2)2.33) Herr.lt, J"",... Wilfred _, ..._... -41 H.......y. Ch",le. Benj.min 19B.333 Hewill. N"ncy lilli"n 2S4.32) Hibbeln. H",old Kenneth Hibbert. She,m"n Holden Hids. uw'ence Wayne 31.252.313 Higgins. lewis Rodney 240 .52 Hilben. R"ndy HiIMe'. Alice lynne Hill. Dun 321 30,200 Hill, DiMn" lee Hill. Ge,,,ld lee ..48 42.204,32) Hill. He"the, Hill. lynn luther 240.323 Hill. P"tric,,, Ann 200 Hill. S"nd,,, H'II. Willi"m Geo'ge 149 175.245.284.)08 _ 224 Hillie•. Don"ld R""d 41.202.323 H'''''''el.b"ch. lynd" Lee Hindley. Stephen CI.... _.. 166. IMI. 115. 252. 32) Hinlle, Willi"", Allen. Jr. 258 H'ntze. Barba'a Jeanne .190.333 Hintze. E.. rI Norman. 41.2bl 33) Hint••, 5t..nley Stu..,t 2bl 333 Hirai, George Ke.u",i J,. )1,245.323 Hi•. G ..yIe De"n 45 Hi•. Veldon M". _21b Hoeshi. George Kiyo.hi 25-4. ))3 Hobdy, Willi"", Boy'll ... ._31.222 )2) Hoch. Fr..nci. Edwerd 180.25-4.32) Hodge, Do..gI"1 AlI"n 0.41.93. 22b 324 Hodge. Ri,h"td Stephen 43. 22b. 324 .204.324 Hodgson, Ro",lind C.. rol 42. 122.218 Hodgson. Willi..m ""'..rk 248.)24 Hoffm"n. Willi"", By,on Hofm"nn, EIi",beth lee 43. )08 212 Hogg. Helen Ch",lolie Hogg. Juli" He"the' .54. 195 Holbrool:. MMk Stephen 40. 101.232. )08 Holcomb, Burton Terell ..225.324 .... 202, 324 Holcomb. N"ncy lynne Hollinge'. Gregg Ney"'an ...... 228 Hollinger. Herbert Vern 31. 52. 228. 213. 324 40.228. ))3 Hollinger. Jon H"ines 228.324 HoIlow"y. lee J. HoI",. Rich"rd Fr"n~


'" .,

'" '58






Holm, Vicki Ann . 198,32" Holman, Sand.a Jo Horma•. L.. Michael 58. 258 Holmas. Jimmy Dala JOS Holmes. Raymond Weslay lOS Holmquist. la.ry Phil 276.308 Holst. Br.nt Lee .._ m Holt. G.ftCJ0ry Byron 52 225.))3 Hood, Ta.a", Jane ._ 206 Hoov••, Lynd Mon _ Hoppe•. Robart 8de~ 257.32" Homa.d..... Dolo.es Lou i•• ........... ..._ .._.~2, ~6. ~7. 200. 308 Ho.n. Richard C..rwn _ _222 Hornbeck. J ..m... David ... m Ho.nb..ck. John Gilbe.t Horst, Rudolph Albe.t _ 55 Horton. Robe.t 8.ooks, J •. .182.216, ))3 Horton, Mary .. 211.3)) Ho..nar, F.ed Richa.d ..258.3)) Honne•. La.ry Earl ... "2. H. 258. 308 Honne•. Lyle Blaine 228,314 Honner, Veda Mary ... 211 Honne,. William Lynn ....................... 1. "2. "7. 88, 258. 32.. Houck. Sharon Loui.e 26,192.32" Houghtalin. Roneld Carllon ..............._ _ 37. 39, 222, 314 Howa.d, Cha.les Dougl... Howa.d. Del. Bla~e . 231 Howa.d Donard Hugh. 37,231.3)) Howard. Jack Thomas 238.3)) Howard. John Roge... 2..2 3)) How...d. Sally J.an ._ 212 Howa.1tl Daniel Eugene 261. 308 Howe. Te.ry f'tlilip ._ 231.))3 Howell, Ch",te' Arth u• .264 324 Huba.t, R..y .. .. _ 6l Hubb..d, Nancy L.. 133. 206. 3H Hubball. E.arl Jonathlln Hubbl•• Douglas Eugene 220. ))3 Hubbl., Gary Lynn Hube., Jon Davi. "8,263,324 Huddl.ston. Robert lawis Hudelson, Gary Lee 218.324 Hud.on, Gherrie Gilliam 236, 324 Huettig, Keith Arbert 37,52.223, 333 Huff, Audrian Eleano. 27. 190,324 Huff. Wallace Murrin. 232.324 Hugh. Palrki.. Ma.ie lOS Hughe., Dougla, AII.. n JOB Hughes. Gary Roy 220.330 Hughes. Marlys Anne 35.190.308 Hughel. Melville P.ince. II 51.232. 308 Hughes. Robe.t Allen 5-4.248.3H Hui, Chun·ling ..__. "9.319 Hulleball .. "...... Humbech. F.ank Michael Humph.ey. David Charles Hunt. John DeNure 28l Hunt. farrell Lyne"e 212 334 Hunte•. 8u.ton Douglas 258.3H Hunte•. Jame. Gardne. Hurl.y, Ce.ol. Ann 1)0, 2t3 308 Hurst. Ruth Ann 213.33.. Hurst. Wiley Gillo.d JOS Hurtt. Dennis 5te.ry Hurtt. John Ron. 216,308 Hut<;hinson. Thoma. Towey HuHebali. Allan Roge. HuHeben, Lorry Dean 261,308 Hynes, Dennis H..yden 257


'" '"



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" '" '" '"

" "


Ills, Lyle Lultle. _ 5, 278 Ills. Wayne Ad..m ... 228,3H Imga.d. Allen Wayne 251 Ingeb.iben. Ann Leah 55 Ingeb.itsen. James Go.don . 55 Ingh.am. Myrana Rae 38, .. 1.195,309 InlCo.e. J .. net R"e . 21 .. Inlko, Alan Morri 264, 309 Irving, Geo.ge Burton. 45 Irving, Mary Jane 195. ]09 Irwin. Ann Page 35,38.121. 20i.]09 Irwin. K"thleen Dorothy 29. 20i, 3H I",m.. n. Don"ld Eugene 261,3H Ismael, Ron ..ld Ca.1 1"5 1"8 Istad Jan·Erik 174


llano, Joy<;e Mi<;hiko Iv.,un. Ing.id Lyn _.._ ..._ .... lvenon. Ronald Willa.d

_.. _2H.32~ 213 218

J Jackson, Rus",1 Todd 256 Ja<;ob., Alan C1a.e 31.256.309 J ..cob., Ann SO. 200, 32" Jacob•. B•• nt 242 Ja<;ob., Paul T.ylor .... ...272 J ..<;ob.an. linda Kay 195.3H Ja<;ob.en. Richa.d T. . _...._ 64.292 Ja<;oby. Edwa.d Gail 170.175 J ..<;quot. Edwa.d Peter 258,314 J ..egar. J ••ry Carl "8,276 J ..gel., Arlen Eug.n. 258.3H Jamas, Dale F. 155.156.157,158.159,163, ]09 James, Don.ld Wesley 264, 309 Jameson. Oo.is Eilean .208.309 Janl:owski. Je.om. Edwa.d ....48, 226, ]24 Jannino. Ralph Joseph. Jr. .. 1~7 Jarvis, Leland Kay..... . 256, 309 Jaspars, Ma.i, K"t~l..n 211.334 Jalpars, P~ilip Mou.;c. 256, 32~ Jau.,gui. Mery Te.i.... _.. _.190. 32~ Jeu",gui. Paul Luis, , 25.223.]34 Jeffers. Jeff..y Eldon _._..2"8, 334 Jeff.ies, Lo.ry Allen 234.334 Jellison. Russella 5u. 192 Jenkins. William Lo.ie<:! 39.218 Jenks. J.mes St... .._278, 281. 292 Jensen. And.ew Cha.lto. _2..2 334 Jensen. A.t~u. Mertin, J.. 232.32" 281,309 Jensen. Burl Che.ltos Jensen. Oeyle f.encHn 202 Jew.n. Judiltl Lynn 198 Jewell. Mely Ann 206, 334 Jibson. J.ck K.y _."6,263. 334 Joo William Ray 238,334 Johnsen. Pensy Ve.ben.. 309 Johnsen. Violet Elaine 309 Johnl-On. C.mille Ann ..... 25. SO,86. II .. 204. 289. 334 Johnl-On. Daniel Mo... .........252 324 Johnson, Di.ie Lee ,. 2IJ Johnson. Dohn Robert John.on. Doneld Re. . 272 Johnson, Elaine Beat.ice 208,211, ]H. 33.. Johnlon. Elton L,Roy .....257.32.. Johnson. Forde Lovelass, Jr. 2J2 Johnlon. Helen Kaye 211, ]H John,on. J.ne Lou 38.202.309 Johnson. J.ni<;e Lea Johnlon, Je.ry 175. ]09 Joh n•on. Joonn. Ruth +2,51.193 Johnson. John Wolte. ]0216.273. 319. 32" ____ .. 190.334 Johnson. Judith Rae Johnson, Judy Ann Johnl-O n. Ka."n Eli.obeth 21)2.3]4 Johnl-On. Lilli.n Koy 211 Johnson. MO'9...t Hel,n "3.93. 197.324 Johnl-On. Micha.1 _._261.32" Johnl-On. No.....n 5ydn.y 176.26+ 324 Johnson, Rog •• Williem .~_63. 245. 309 Jo~n..,n. 5h••on Dien .. 198 Johnllon. Ca.oI H.len .1'10 John1lon. Oorlen. Koy John,ton. Gl.nys Ann _ 206 334 Johnston. Jom., St.nlay .. _.~8. "9. 55 Johnston. Williem Ri<;ho.d 263,274 Joine•. John Alan Jone •. Alon Cadwoledr ll< Jones. Arthu• Eugene 261. 334 Jones. Brodlord Alton 240.309 Jones. Ch.rry Lee 3) 213 Jones. Delbert Roy, Jr. 218. ]09 Jonel. Ge.ry 8••dley ........2. 45, 231. 218. 292. 32.. Jonel. Judilh Ari.ne _.... _.....211. 309 Jone" Judy Lynn 213 Jone,. linda Ann .... .......204.309 Jonel, Nen<;y Joy G."n90 . ......309 Jones. Phil J. .....2"2. ]34 Jonos. Revo Koye 55. 122. 211 Jonos ROlle. Lee 178 Jonos, Roneld He.be'9 37."1 Jones. Ro.alind ce relle 5" 75 76 110. 200. 32..






Jone1. 5ha.on Dorothy Jones. Wolt.r Vern ... Jon.s, W.yne Ray .._. Jon.s. Williom H..rold Jordon. Michoel Donold Jordon. Pofricio Jo _... Joy, Thom.s Preston Judd, Jom", Fren~lyn Judy. Novo Jo _._ Juel, Odd .... ~ . Jurv.lin. Richard Arthu. Ju.t. Richa.d O..vid ..._


1'10 278.309 '0'1 122



231,324 25.223 334 122 256.334 133 236.

'" n~

Kohle., Patrick Joseph ,. 261 K.le, Thomes Fr..nklin 218.32" K.nlola, Gene Claude 252.334 Ko,pe., Ka.on Elizabeth ....... 121, 130. 21 .. Ka,uni<;, F.ank Thomal. Jr. ......223, 32" K..yler. Jonot Marian 200.334 KeY1, W"rren Ray. 257,32" Kelly, Ronold Bru<;e . 218, 32.. Kee,le., No.man Glen 5",276.309 Keithly. 8.u<;e Allon .. 252 Kellb••g, Wayne David 264,32" K.ller, Ho.ry Clinton .... 49 Kell••, Kenneth Conr..d 292 K.lle. Robe.t Athey 39, 240. 3H K.II.r. Thomos law.en<;e 256. 3H K.lley, No.man R.y 28 Kellog9' Ann Cowley 200.334 Kellogg, Idono Lo••ne .. ._. .._., __25. 26. 51. 55, 108, 334 Kellogg, LeRoy LOI.lis ._ 32,51, 240, 32.. K.IIy. J.m", William .._ .......... _ ._218 Kelly. O...en &tel SO. 206, 3H Kelly. Marthe Ann .._.. 133. 213 32.. K.lly. Pot.i<;io Lynn 2... 25, 26, 206. 334 K.lly, Pete. Bonvin. ....__.. 39. 40. 234. 27... 292. 32.. Kelsey. EUgene Willord __ _ ~8 Kempton. Jimmy Oelloyd 272 K.mpton. Judy Lee ..._.64.127. In. 201, 334 Kenr..ld, JoAnn Lucille "9.213.334 Kennely, Gory Welte. , 228, 32.. Kennedy. Lo.a Mae. ...... ]09 Korbs. Robert 0.10 58,79.238 Ke"hilnik. P"ul Robo.t 26. b2, 223. 334 Kelle,. Karin Irllne 19] Konle., Jakob Edwa.d H5. ]09 ... ~6 Keuno., C ....oline KIlUtzer. Steph(ln Hulton ."1 Kieffe,. Merrionne 198 Kienlon. Judiltl Ann. 198 Kiilsgao.d. Dan" H. 2"8. ]2+ Kilimonn, Keith Edword 39. 216 Killien, Mi<;hoel John 218,309 Kim. Hong.Yun ._...... 251 Kim. Ye Young ..._.... 281 Kimbell. Stephen G •• nl _..' ...._..234 Kime. David Shermen 58,234.309 Kimpton, David R.ymond 251 Kindley. Williem Robert ___ .__.... ~ .....5. 254. 278, m. 32.. Kindstrom. Judith Joonn __26,191.325 Kin9 Molcolm David ~3. 226, 283. 325 Kin9 Sand.e Sue _. 195 334 Kin9m .. n. Jon Albert _25" KinnO'f. lind.. R.e 29,"9.213.27" Kin.ey. Ho.bert Eldon 309 Ki.k.by. Lorry Oenni. ... 257.309 Ki~<;hnet. Lillien Mo.ie 121.198 33.. Kise', Terrence Loona.d . 232 Klein~opf. Gale EUgene . 2~1. 325 Kt.in~opf. Gory Clo.k . 53, 2~1. 309 Kloepfer. Ryan Ardell 2..2, 325 Klopfenstein. Lo.ry Walla<;e ..2"7.325 Kloppenburg. Rich".d Low.1I 232,334 Knivilo, Theodo.e Thomel 166.168,284 Knopp, Rodney S"nde. 252 Knowlton. Jonet Ann , 36. 202, 334 Kno•. Lyndo Kay ..._SO.80. 106, 112. 121. 190 Knudsen. Donald J. b2.236 Koch, Vin<;ent Kenneth .._151 Koche., J.ck Lee. 223,325 Koche., J.m(ll Hugh 223 Koehn", Mory Eli,ab"th 211,3H Koels<;h, Kothe.ine "9.51,97, 198,325 Kohnlopp, De"n Roymond 226,325

Kolemon. Cy . ._. Kon~ol. Robert lo"i. 252 39 2.... 309 Koonco. Joel Martin Koonn, Koren R"th _.. 206.334 Koonh, Robert JosopJ. Kop;'dl~•• Wo Foe _ 52.58.62,231 Ko.n. Stepllen Robert Kommonn. Mary Joyce 208.325 Kosonen. Croiq Chan.. "I. 105 KoHley. Robert Hanry .__.. 261.ll" KO"'anen. Corole In,,i.... KowaUi•. Ray Williom _._ '76 K.amer. Ma.qe.et .... nn K.ous. JlIme. Robert .. 241.309 Krllmer. Willillm S.ion . _252 Kress. Arthu. lee . .. 253. 325 K.ell. Sonnie Duane 25. Kroeleh, Keith Ronald. Kroqu.. Elmo. Peul 35. «1.100,251. 27S. 279. 292. 310 Krohn. Shirley Joy. . ,....212. 325 K.olI, SlIrbllra loui.e SO. 121. 195.334 Kroll. Fr.dric Hugo. .253.310 Kroll. Willillm Daniel .. 43 Kuch. Clllud.lI. MMi" 193. 310 Kudloc. Carolyn Rlla Kuhn. KllY Leno.. . .. _._ l'iS.334 Kulm. Dllvid lllV"rne 121.226.334 Kulm. Ronllid Eugene I..S 175. lSI. 225. 334 Kuncllr. Edword _23 I. 310 KunJ. Richllrd Edwllrd . , _180.258 Kurdy. Meryl. Kay ._.....


"'"" 21.



t.... . .__.._ l

Leine. Wor..n Howllrd lI. Lell. Send. C....nde. __ 257.325 Lemb Lindll Frllnc", 27.204 292,325 ..... mb. Sebedion _.._ 232. 325 Lomb, 5tonton 8ruc. 223.310 Lombeth. Koryl .... nn 2IJ Lenc."t"•• Reo Ann _ 43.214 lllnce. Shoron 202,273. 292, 325 211.334 landllil. Korlo Estell" lllnd"... T.d G"ne .... l'O lllndmllrl. Denni. lllwr"nce 245.334 llln•. Mllrilynn Sue 213.325 longdon. Donny G ..... 219.310 Long". Chorle• Willillm, Jr. ........ 58. 62, 157, 234, 325 Lllnnen. Moureen Eileen ,.211.310 Lorqont, Connie Rile. ...102.208 lllr~lIm, lllrry Charles. ...... 3 10 LII Roche. Edward St"nley 242.334 lllrsen. Howllrd Jo,eph 45,261 Lorson, Julie Ann ...... ... 198 lethrop. Robert Gene .. 248 Latimore. SlIlIie I.ene 201.325 lllu. Selly Jeon .... .__ 80,206,334 Laughlin. Jalln Werd 242,325 Lout. John Gordon ._._.. 223.310 Lawrence, Clifford Woyne 225 Lowrence. Gene Arthur _ 251. 278. 292. 310 Lo.....nce. Relph linwood ._ 264. 310 loy.s. Eldon Josepll Francis 245. 335 Layton. Philip Donold. 218,334 led;nqton Thorno. Blain. 254 325 l .., Arthur Wellace 276 L 0.1 Rey 310 Shirley ....Iic. Cornie 273.3JO l leedy. Richllrd Jewell . . 261 l"",g, Remonll Kothryn . "2.193.310 Lehmon. lorry Michoel . 253.ll5 lohmlln. 5tanley K.ith 46 195.335 leichner. Koren ElilObeth loitnor. Neil Elton _ 216. 273. 298. 310 lomon. Anne loui.e 121. 202 l.mp, Jame. Frederick , .. _._ ..... 248. 278. 281. 292, 310 213 Leno, Potricio Kothryn . lont. Kennoth Emry 261.325 24.254,325 Leonord, Cocil Ervin 255.310 Leonard, Donald Eugone . leonord, Thome, Edwa.d 32.39 Loth, Carll.onard 79. 178,238 Letham. John W. 258 L.wandowiCI, Yolanda Mary 211.276.ll5 L.win. linda lee 193.335 lowis. Fron~ Eor' _ 310 le...'s leon Srill 264. 1I0

264, lIO law's. Williom Richord Libbev. Jam.. D.lbert 2 I8 libby. Barbe.o Ann ._ 2 I3 libby. Jl>dith ....nnotte 36.38. lB. 201. B5 Liqhtfoot. Clterles Euqen. ,.--229.325 liUico. Keith Roderid 264.310 37.63. 232, ~35 lincoln. Stepllen Roy lindemer. Corol .... nn 36. ~'l4. 292 B5 lindley. Chan.. Thomas 241 lind...y. Cli". Woll.. .__. . .121 line. Williom Da"id.. __ 121. n5 linhort. Jom.. George . 216. B5 linn. Cheryl Ann. 213 little, Ouone Ew;nq ........... 41. 42. 43. 47. 74. 253. 310 .38.193.286,310 littleton. Joyce Koy litton. Rondoll Galo . . 35.39, «I. 218. 278, 302. 310 li"inqslon, Carolyn Sue .. ,...204. 3 I0 Llewellyn, Dolor.s Jon .58,62. 198.335 lodard. Williom Frod.id _....310 lo.m.r, Garry Antone. ...258,335 loepp~y, Morilyn Jeon 51,197.325 ,.. 197 Logar. Cerole Ann longolei9. Ivo. J .. III 52.223,325 lonqelaiq. Wilfrid W.. 219 lonqfollow, Dennis Roy 247.325 loH. Verno l.. 211.310 Lotze. Anna Morie ...._. 2 I I. B5 loud., Goo.g dom . 248 lOl>ch. Robert Rolpll 33~ loughmiller. lo.ry Goyle 261. 325 Level. Mabel Irene .._ ._. .201 lovqren. Kenneth Chorles ..__.235. B5 lowry. Josopll RuueU 43.261. 335 310 ludwiq. Jam.. Deon lu~e, No.mon Euq.ne 220, 325 180 182.216,325 Lundblad. Deen Horris 171.216. l35 LuH.opp. Peter Cos:mor Lydo Ellen leMoyne _ ...214.ll5 Lydum, Fred F. 325 Lynch. Polricl Joseph. .241. 325 42.49 251 274 lynch. Thornes D<lIter Lynn, Jeffr.y Willord _ 79 lyon, Frederid C~arle. 218.325 lyon, Kenneth Eugene 278 lyon. lindo louise .190 lyons, Froncis Jllme. . 2 I9, 310 M

McArthur. EI.llnor Rllo _50.197.325 McBrlltnllY. Jonet Kllron _.. 133, 201 McBrido. Jllmos Normlln 229,325 McBride. loren Kenl ,. 232 McCobe, Chllrles Allen 32. 130. 2B McCllbe, Poul Dovid ....41 McCoin. Thomos Chllrl.. 253 McCendlon. Jodie Dean 256.325 McCodon, Robe.t Merrill 43.45. 2bO. 310 McCott••. Pol.icio lynn __ ..55. 208. B5 McCortney. Mo,...in Dwayne 257. ll5 McCorty. Roy Willll.d ._229.325 223.325 McClein. Molcolm McClellon, Do"'d Almon . 40 McClincy. Robert leMont 261 McClure. Monte Cona.d . __ 241.115 ...40.253.310 McConnel, ....lYe lon McConnell. Arthur Jerold 238. 325 t-IcConnel1. Jocql>eline Merie __.43.51.190 McConnell. Robert Douglas 52 McConville. Errol leon _ __ 229. ll5 McCormick. Nopino M..rgerel 51.202.311 McCowan. 8rl>ce J, 21. 22. 35. 40, 219. 272, 292. 298, 311. 319 __ 41,31 I McCoy. EUgene L••lie McC.... , Corol Meredith ,SO, 52, 113,195 lB. 198 McCullough. C.. role Jeon McCullouqh, Polsy lynn 62. 95, 201 McCl>lIouqh, Porry Ad.on 235.335 McDevitt. Shoilll Roso . _...32, 43. 49. 274 McDonllld. Bllrbore Ann .. _.... 78 McDoneld, Clinton Robert 64 McDougal. Albort Lee ....255.32... 325 McDougal, Bud Hollod 40, 181, 225. 274, 3 II McDowell. Brion Alen ......26,235 McDowell, Jomes Thomlls .122,249,325 McEache.n, Joen louiso 214 Mcelroy. Joseph 241. B5 McFo.land Chorles Willillm .__ _._241.335

McFariond. Jalln Anthony, Jr, 25, b4 247.]11 McFa.land. Morsholl Joe «I 253.281. 311 McFa.land, Robert Iton _. 49 McFeriand, Thomes ""on 39.62. 2.((). 311 McGorry. Georqe Steele _ 311 McGorv..... Judith Joen 204 274,325 McGinni•. Judith __ . 202. 325 McGinty. Robert louis 180.216311 McGui.... Shoron ....nn. 31.202.273 Mcll"oin. Billy Go.dner 39,226 McKoy. Bonni.. J ... n _. 42.52.197. B5McKee. Donald Duff. Jr. 235,31 I McKelvy. John Oqden 32 231 B5 McKie. Eatl Rllymond 311 McKniqht. Georgo A.nold 311 Mcleuqhlin, Raymond Froncis . 247.311 214. B5 McL.od, Be.ta Jean .... Mdeod. Donald Normlln 261,325 McMiclta..l. Joseph Dole .. ..249,31 I McMullen, Dougles Bruco ...242.3' I McMurray, Zola Lee Fllirl.y 204.247.3 I I McMurlrey, Calvin Donnis 253 McNees. Sondrll Roe ...... 197 McNichols, Kothlelln Mary 201,335 41 McNichols. Michael Edword McQuoon, Richard Ion 255 MilOS. Billie Jelln .. 43,211 190,335 MocDoneld. J....ot Ann 208. 325 MllcDonold. Mory Ettll Modi. Jemes Michoel . 253 MacKnight. Nison Mory 195. 311 Madden. Julie .... nn .. _ ._201.335 228 Madden. Michoel Foster ModilOfI. Mllry Kristin ._.... ,.97, 121 Moqel. Oorolhy Oillne Shelton 49 Mo~ows~L Stllnley Stepllen 246,311 179.232,325 Molcolm, Greqory ....lI e n Manser. Do.... 1d Tteqo .._ ..45.31 I Man"ille. Gary Wright 26 236.325 Manw.iler. Loi.....nn 195.311 45. 2b!. 325 Merch Da"id lawr.nce Marcon, Peerl Marie 198 Marcl>,on. Pat.id Edwin 52.225. ll5 Mer.n. Kenneth H..nry 156,157.158. IbO. Morineol> Judith lee Stubbs .121. 205,292.311 Mllr'er, Sandrll Joan 19~ Mllrnoch, Kenn"th 325 Mernoch, Mitzi Kay Swiher 31 I Merotz. Remona Carol Morre, Bernerd Jllmes 232,325 Mersholl, Frederid William. Jr, 251,325 MII"hell, Geo.qia Kay...... 201,311 Morsholl. Jeonno Cotherine SO, 1~8 Morshall. Morjorie Cecile 198,335 Mersholl. Stephen Harry 738 Mertell. Chorlotte .... nn.. 211.31 I Martin. lonnio Ray _. 238.325 B. 35. 38. 292. 31 I Martin. Ma.ilyn Ann Mortin. Warren Rowe ,_ ._, Martin. William Henry 37.58241,278.325 Mertin...u. Anito lione 213.325 _263 MertinSlln, Pa,,1 linnoboch M.rtinson. Donold lowell 236.]1 I Me.on. Mory Anne 211 Maslenbroot Richard N.il 245,326 Mlllheney. Darlene loui.... 195.31 I Mllihoney. Potricill Dione ,79.106, lib, 195 Mllhon.....nthony Chorl.. 311 Ma!sl>da. Howord Hiroshi .58.264.335 Matthews. Donald John _ . .1S4.257 24.36.201, B5 Metthies. Kothll.ine Jill Meltis, Williom Douglos _. ..165,182 MlltlsOn. Dione rlene 52.215.325 Meul., Williem hren 29,58,247. 32b MeIoy, Jeonne Woodruff 204 Moyer. Jod LoRoy 253 May" •. Roderid l.wis bl. ?92. 31! Moys. Jam". Griswold 232.326 Moys. Rodney Rolph 39,40,238. 3! I Mouei, Horold Joseph IS4 Med.l, Brion David Medel, James Philip )11 Moisner. Gary Erne.t Mellem, Douglas Oonold 23tl,335 M.Uin, Rolph Jame. 251. 326 M.lquist. Korin Die nne 206,335 193. 335 Mondiola. CllludoHe Ro.e



..311 M.ndo••, Gon••lo R.ul 41.241.312 M.rrill. 0.".11 K.ith ... M.rrill. D.lor., M"ri. 215.325 M.rrill. P.trici. Jo Me•• rvy. Myrum Ud.1I JJ5 M....ng.r. Rob.rt T.rry m Meum"n. Lotln Lorr.1I .. 122 Metcalf, G.rald Fran~ 223.3'2 Metcalf. Jam.s Anthony 31. 37. 224.D5 M.thod. H.l.n Carol 53. 206. 33S M.y.r. Wayne Ronald .165.2'S Micha.l. Gary Glann _ 26. R 58. 80. 175, n5. 316 Michal,. Alb.rt La. _ ...... _.... 180. 2Sl1, 326 Midd.lldorf. Jam•• Fr.nci. _ .. 39,231.316 Mi.ll•. Patricia Elain. ._.._ _ JJ5 Mil.s. Karen L.. . 47.133 190 Milholland. Josephin. H.t.n .._._ 213 Millar. Richard Jam.. 0 261.326 MiII.r. Don Ad.ir .231.135 MiII.r. John Joseph ._...__ 24'> Mill.r. Kathryn LYlln 32,13, 195 Min.r, Mat<;ia Joan 43.121. 193,335 Mill.r, Pahy Gail ... 190 Mill.r. 5h.ron laRynll. ._._. __ 197.335 Millh.i.ler. H.rbert Edward ._._ _..312 Mina •• Richard Boy.r 39, 102 2]), 31? Min.r. larry 8ruc. 22" Mi.ner. Eli.abeth AM ._.35.38. 198 286.299.302 312 ._ 20+.326 Mitch.ll. N.ncy Lucill. ... Mitch.II, Robert Cleo _..... 326 Mitch.n, Ruth Maude .._.... 213 Mitchell, Shirley Alln. ......._. .76.202.316 MiA, Terry Platt 37, 39. 40, 42, 98, 232. 319. 326 Moel. John Arnold __ _ 42. 251 Modi•. Don.ld L••. Jr 116, 219.312 Modi., N.il CharI.. . 31.219.335 Moe. Rob.rt Edw.rd 22. O. )7. 52 253,299, 112 . .36. 202. ~35 Moell.r. Alb.rtina Mo.lI.r, Arnold H.rbert ....232, 326 Mohr, Charlotl. L.Ru. _21 t, 135 MolI.r. Kurt Lewis. 20, 312 Mon"han. Richard Fr.driel 152,175 Mong. Alvin C.rl 153 Mong. D"yton Jan 253,326 Monger. Allred" M.y .", . 211,335 Montgom.ry, Willi"m CI"r.nc• . . .219, 326 Moo.r., Janice Clair. . 193 Moomaugh. Edw"rd Ju.!ic. 142,229,312 Moom"ugh. Kay Mich.l. Mayer ....201,321> . ..0, 197, 326 Moon. Cole.n Joyc. Mooney. Richard Thom"., Jr. 145. 148. 166. 182.287 Moor•. Idora L•• 38.20+.292.329, B5, B9 Moore, J.rry 5~ Moor•. Joann Elain. . 50, 197. J16 Moore. Larry W.llac. 55,276 Moore. M"rian Joan 197.326 Moo•. Geyl.ne JoAt'ln .. 190 Moreno. Alban M"nue1 229.326 Momtt. Jam.1 Clyd• ._ 37.238.335 Morgan, Donn" Lou 201 335 26. 202. 312 Morgan, EII.n Eli.eb.th Morgan. Jam.. Phillip .... 121 Mor-qan. L.rry Norman 255 329, B5, 339 Morgan. Mich".1 J. 225. n6 Morgan. Mich.l. Dadra . ._ 202 _.... 245 Morri•. Fr.d.rid Safford 53, HI. 326 Morri,. J"m •• Dani.1 1:.4 Morris, Thomas L.. .... Moulton. Cecil Haro'd 153,32b Mow.ry. Clinton Arlo 229.32b Mu.lI.r. Alv.rn. Meri. 2".3'5 Mullal1ey, David Patrid 37 Muld.r. Jam.s Alb.rt 253.326 Muldoon. Patrick William 233 Mull.n. Kath.rnin. E'i... beth 1'13 Mullen. Richard Jam'" 22. 89. 103 2M 310 Murphy, Joan Carolyn 19' ..__.'78.238 Murrey. Don R.id . Murray. Linda Ann _.. 198.316 _261.326 Must"r•. Popo Myerl. John A. 225.335 MyUebust. Stanley DoIlald .._.58 MyU.bu.t. Thomas J.rom. 235.336





Ned"uld. St.ph.n Dougl.. ..42.253 N"pp.r. David Hal _ .._ 312 50.62. 'Ob. 207 Na.lund, N"dine Mari. N••myth. John Hab.r, Jr. '78,238,316 Naughton, Vinc.nt John _248,316 Naylor. Sharon Kay '93,336 N•• I. Don 37.33/> Neal. Edward M.rcer 272 Nee••. J"m •• W.rner .312 Neibau.r. Jame. Edward 148.115,253,3'2 Neil. Donald Lest.r ...__.95.20 N.il•• n, Richard P.ter 40,51.58. '07 N.llis. Carl Hansen 255. 283, 310 N.lson, Anthony Alvin .41. 247, 312 Nelson, B.orry David ... 39,225 Nelson. oa....in Jack 31.39,20,336 N..lson, D.Voll O. _ .....183 11' N.lson. Edith Ann N..lson, Ella L... McPh.rson .... 46,47 Nel.on. Frar~ Richard 145.316 N..I.on. Howard Paul _120 N..lson, John Allan ._. .175 Nelson. Kay Vernon 20,310 N.lson, Laur.nc. J.... 316 N..I.on, Nancy E.rl...n 203,312 N..lson. Patr;ci. AM '95.32b Nelson. Patricia J"n. 308.33b N..lson. Ralph War•• Jr. '79 216.330 Nel.on, Richard AII.n 253 .... 217.311 N..l...n. Richard L... Nel.on. Sally Jo 30.38.42,88101.] 19. 325 ......4 1.245 Nel.on. Thom", G.orge 2'9 Nelson, Timothy L.. . N.l.on. Torlof P.t.r ....42.258 N..I.on. V.sta Gay 213.336 N.... Vivian 213 Neveeu., N"ncy Jo•• phin. 213.336 N.well. Robert Paul 122.312 N.whou.e M" ..hall N.al 74.219.30 New~ir~. lois Carol. 108 Newland. Sally Ann. N.wton, Eugeni. ..204 Ney. Jerom. Jo•• ph . .227 .. ))6 Nichol., Cherlotl. Joyce Nichol •. Gerald Wayne 259. ))6 Niel"nd. Shar.1l Le. SO 78,207, 126 Niem.n. Jon Hudson ...220. B6 Niendorf. Tarry L"nce ..... 32 Nik~ol", Willi.. m 11m", 261 Niluon. John Robert ... 150 10!>,239 Nobl •. Roneld Lee Noble. W.. yne Mill. 45 No•. Anit" Meble 211 No•. Lillcoln Rich"rd 238 Nonini. Judy K"'en . 80.2')1.)n Nonini. Sh.. ron Le. .215.336 Nordby. Diann LoR.n. 195.312 37,54 Nor.lI, Stephan Creig Norgard. T.d 278 Normen. Jomel Curtil 94 Norman. Norme Orl.n. 26.195.326 Norseth. P.. tri,i .. Ann. ...213. 336 Norwood. Virgillia Lou Ann 197.3]6 Novotny. Eug.ne John 1M. 255. 326 Nugent. "".. ry Sue 201. 32b Nug.nt W"yll. Royc. 261.326 Nu.t..d Richerd Owen 41. 252. 312 '73 Nyby Chri.tian Nyre Wayne Allan 45,259

o O·Brien. Robert Wilsoll O·Dolln.rl. Jo Ann. '21. '9lUl2 ._ ..33b O'Herrow Patrick Ralph Oah. M.rrill Matthew 32. 58,231,32b Oc.... D.lori, 0 ... '21.198, ))0 Odom. Fren~ Lov. 228.336 Oql. Richerd Alan 283.312 O~eson, Jame. Clifford 24.15,37. 40, l]<i, 219 279. 326 Oldhem. Jam•• GordOIl Old, Denni. Murphy 220 Old•• Virginie Alic. '97,320 Ol••on. Kar.n AIIft.tt. ..._121 Oli.....r. Richard Micha..1 m Ollell. J",dith Ann 19' OI•• n.Nauen. Mona Mari. 43 197.312



Ol.on. Dougle. Carter 233.312 Ol.on, How.rd Perry 249.326 Ol.on, Jimmy Karl 61,25l1 Olson, Judith Ann. 43. 21l8. 336 Ol.on, Linda Koy .... 203 Olson Phillip D"vid LeRoy 325 Olson, Richard H.nry ......_ 271 Omen•. Marqaret Loui.e Tyl.r 312 Om.n., Richard Fredrid 312 200,3'2 Oring. K.. y EI.inor. Oa~e, Oring. Robert AI"n .... 230.336 Or\n.y, G.or-qe Dal. 54 O.i.r, Oi.in. Le•.._ ..._.. _ .. 208 Oii.r. Richard Raymond 272 Od.r. Genever. Minnette 20],336 Otlles•. Lilli.. n Gritm"n Woodworth 292 Otto. Fredrick Layn•..... 32, 33. 31, 131, 336 Otto, Norman Johll ._._._ _. __ ,.. _62 Otton. Edward Woolnoth, Jr __2M. 3'2 Oud, Nancy Moore 38. 103 o...wa Ma. K"'nio 37.255.336 p

P.,•. Robyn ... ._._. 213.336 Pag•. William Delano _ ...__. .28 I Pali.tin. Jam... Joseph John ..._._223.312 Palm.r. Jam•• Wendell 233. 33b p.. lm.r. J.n~in Thoma•._......_ _ ..... 261 p.. lm.r. Maur'ne Ion. __.. ..._ _ _.43.108 Palm.r, Victoria Elizab.th .30.198,292.336 Panter. N"ncy _ _ _ _42 Pentry, William Jack _ _.253.278,3'2 Parb.rry. P.ll/ly Lynn ._ _ 207 Parch.r. Sh.t1..y Gail .__ 193 Par~, William Allthony _.. ..41 Par~ ..r. P"trick oal. __ 258. 33b Par~in.on. Rob.rt John 219.33/> P.. rh, Lyl. Hom.r . 157.115 Parman. Witli"m Joseph. ..255.278.326 Parr. Richard Thomas .312.319 Pa..ell, M"ry .195.336 Pa"on•. Dav. .121 P....on•. Don.ld Duen. 55 P.. rtin, J"me. L••li.. ._.40 P..lI.y, John Robert 22,39,171.243.326 P"lley, William Lewr.nc. .........35, 40, 109,243,299,312 Petlon. David Le. 32,33.273 Pallon. Kenneth L.Roy .....229.326 Patlon. Rae Belle .... 122,213.)36 Paul, Beverly Ruth 35,211,299,312 P.. uley, Willi"m Br"dford ..259 Paul.on. J"mes R"lph 58.111, 2i9. 326 312. 238 Paylle, Jam., Benj.. min, Jr PaYIl•. Kathle"n 91,203.327 Pee ..on, Bonni. M..e Baum. . 312 Pee"oll, Dean He.. rtly 46, ) I 3 P.a ..on, Robert Jam.. .22],327 P.d."on, Earl Chris 126 P..d...on. Judith L.nor" 121. 130. 198 Pei ..ol. Dotti. Col.ne ..... 20<1.321 P.lton. J.rry Rich.. rd _... 313 P.mberton. John Worthington 149 P.nc•. o .. n Thoma. ...... 249.283.313 P.nce. L.wi. L.e ._ 249 P.nlley, Johll Gentry ... 62. 165,238 P.nnington, Esther Hel.n. 213 ..46 P.nnington. Lawr.nce Ros. Perez. Juli.. n Padil!. 227,321 Perkin•. Pri"illa Hel.n 313 P.rry. Mich... 1AlI.n ... _. _22Q P.rry. Richard Delon. ._..... 233 P.te". Charl.n. Mari. .._.207,272.327 P.t.", Charles Ronald ..._.._ ... 2M. 3 I3 P.t....n. Laura Loui.e 43.54.103 21 I Peter-s.Il. Milton Dwain. 39. 23/>. 281. 327 P.t n. Rich.. rd Eli .213.)21 P.t n. Ch.. rt... lor.n _...._ .. 3 I 3 P.'en.oll. Chesler Rodn.y .... 255.3 I 3 P.terson. Douglas Amos • 313 P"ter-son, Douglas Lynn . ... 161 P.te....n, Evelyn Marie __211. 327 Peten.on. Juli",s Edwerd . 42.23 ,. 327 Pefer-son. K.. ren lI.n. ....__. _..43. SO. 209 P.t.n.on. Ma. Richard .._ ... _ _ _ -S8,233 Petetlon. Robert AIl.n . _... 235. )30 Pet...on. Roberte Le. __ .. 199. no Pet.n.on. Ro.. Warren ._..__81 223.31) P.ttit, Charles M.. tthew. Jr _.165. 238

Phillip5. De..n Allen .._,._ __ . ._._29 Phillip5. Peggy R..e _ _201.321 Phinney. Su.. n ....__.___ ._.-42. 191 Pierc•. D....id Ch..r1e5 . _. .178 sa. 62. 219 Pipe!. Owen Denis ._. Pl.. mb. Carla R.... _ 213 Pl..mb, Robert Gordon 53,62.255,336 P1.. mmer. Carol Ann 64.215.))6 Pol..g... D....id louis In. 241. 214. 327 Polt. Ernest Ad..lbert ..._ ..__..._..226. 313 Pomponio. Norma Jolen. _. .19. 201. 321 Pope, G ..yl Kilpatrid _ ....._... __•.. 46Porler. GI..n Hor..ce . .... 166.175 Porter. J ..dith Ann 193 Porter. K..ren Lynn.. 2 I3 Port.r. Nancy Cath..rin.. 43.213. JJI> Porte•. Richard D.. ra. 151.11>1. 175. IB2. JJI> Pod. Jame5 Gary 41>,219,313 Potle•. Charl..5 R.. nell 235 POller. Donald Willi5 213 Potter. Glenn Ron .11>5 Potlor, lorraine Claire 1>2.205.327 Po..150n. Neil J. Powell, C/ltherin.. L..... 43.IQI Pow.. II, K...nn... th Bruc... 42.229.319.321 POW... lli. J .. n... lol...... n .__ 205. 31 3 Pow"'l"5. Chorl s H nry 4I Pow.l"5. Gordon Ray 261.321 Pow"'l"5. J ..dy Ann 205 Pow"'l"$. Mary Jo 49.205. D6 POWOI"5. Richard lor n ._..._._....39 Pro It. J ..di", K..thryn _..._ 55.21 r. 336 Pr.u.y. G ... rold K... nt _._ .__.2JJ Pr..ssey. Willi5 Win.low. III 37. 2JJ. 336 Pr...stwich. Konno", Ronde! _...278 Pric., Shoron Viola . -" ..__ 121. 201. 313 Pritchett. Afton Est...n. l"ton 121. 336 Proctor. lawr...nce lee 313 47. 183, 184.209 Proctor. lois Ma.in...._ ._731 Provost. Bert William. Jr. Pugh. E.... ~ Dovid _..26.42, P...rc.ll. D.. rtoll WjlJi/im _245,327 P"'I"5!ey. Don Le... _..... 259.33b p... tn/lm. D/I..id lloyd Py~e. Ron/lld W/lrn.. _ .57

o O ..an , Jer ...miah Arth.. r O ..lIn Kay Ro.ilyn OUllyl , Sonjll Edith. O.. aln..l. Rob ...rt Clinton


.... 28.199.331> 215.313 220.327


Radlo. K..nn..th WrllY , 241.31) Rambell". Nancy K.. y •• 42,43. 213. 336 Rambo. Mary Joyc.. ..106. 111.101 R..nd.. lI. Gary Ch..rles 22. 31. 40. 41. 98, 2JJ. 213. 300. 313 R..ndolph. John le.ter ....._ 53.21>1.3)6 261. 321 Rondolph. Terry BI..ine _213 R.nds Barba... J....n Ronk. Chllrles Thom... _... 219 321 R.n~in.n. Richllrd Willi.m 259 Rant... K.. thlyn Jo . 28 215 R.o. P..dm.. n.. bh. _ . 256 R.. sm.. u.n. Jer.R.... 22 R..m....en. Willi..m Otto 229 R..tcliff•. Chllrles Thom... 219.313 Ra C..rol Ann 336 R ch. Eric Richard. 2lJ. 336 R r. Georg.. laV.nc. 313 R r. R.. thonna Hawlins 23 R tadt. Robert.. lynn .36. 193.286.336 5 I. 209 R.v.n5crolt. M..rilyn L..o R.w. Marjori.. louise. BO 191.292,336 Raw. Sarah loui.e . 191.336 Ray. Carol 213 Raymor, Jomas Allin 45 Raynor, Grac ... MMio 313 R"gan, Gary lynn. 235 Roay. David Bruce.. .327 Roborgor. John Philip 42. 106, 243 Roeb, Michael Conovor 243, )13 Rood. Billi... Joyca .... 209, 3 I3 Rood. Mary Joan __ .." 209. 327 Rood. Rich ...d R..ymond 37.42. 2)B. 331> Read. William H..gh 251.327 40 Reoso. David

R.gad.ra. Mory Fronc•• 26.49,94 195.327 Roid. Glondol Ro.do... 209 Roid K.ron lou 209 Roilly. Thom..s William 241 336 Reim..nn. 8o-nni.. Ann 211 Roi ..... nn. Jam05 Ronald 58 26' Re;nm..th, Po...lo Goil SO. 195.336 Remmers. Sh.rry K.. y 2II Rom.berg. John Do..id III 219,336 R..ne, Rich.rd Allen _. 22,26,40.175,300 R..nfro. ev.lyn Joyce 2 I5, 327 R..n.h..w. Richord Wolford 28 I R..nton. Rose Mari. 2 I I. 336 R..nz. James AII..n 259 R..ynolds. Christin.. 130.213,313 R..ynolds. Gerald R..y ... _3ll 29.247 R..ynolds. Rob..rt DeWitt R..ynolds. Warr..n Dale Rhoadol. AI..ah PMk..r 259 Ric .., 8radloy Stllnlon 233.337 Rico, Robot! 5idn..y 2)9 Rico, Stephon Poul 107 Richord5. lauro Mari.. . 207.327 Richoy, Da..id Marion l7.40 Richmond. Rob..rt Main )1) Ridoy. Kenneth William 32 Ri ..dor. Lewrenc. Som..el 4) Ri..man. J..nic. lee. 205 Riley. Robert Handl.y ... 32.225 Rin..h..rt. Robert Col.man 223.337 20) Ringe, Cerlen. Mergaret 41 Ringe, Fred.ric~ lllOn/ird Ring.., 0 ..1. 46 Ripl..y, Larry Del. 41 Rishel, Stanley Vernon )13 Roar" Raymond l ..roy 243 Robb. Robert Micha..l 52217.327 Roberts. Br..nda Jo 193.327 193.321 Roberts. Marth. Patrici.. 259 Roberts, William Edgar RobartlOn, Charle. lynn 37. 225. 292. 329, 337. :;)9 Roberbon. Marc... E...gen.. ..... 245.337 Robie. Edw..rd R..y . 2bl.337 Robi... Erin Gay 261.337 Robin.on. Andre"" Frederid _.....)Il RobinlOn. Mar~ Ale.ander. III 243,337 Roby. Rich"rd lawrence. ..31. )27 Rod, Ronnie 2bl. 214. )27 Rodwell, Cla..dia Ann .... 201 Rodell. K..thryn Ann .............28. 205. 337 Rod ..nlpial. Gary Lee 255.)27 RodgofS. Jim ....., .... 39 Roomer. Donald le.. 259.327 Roamer. Karen R.. th __ ... _78,207 Rog ...., Allan Burn.tt bl Rogers. Ann Kathleen 205.337 Rogars, Galen E..gene Cope 145. 175 Rogers. J..mes Robert 228.313 ._.. 41. 201. )27 Rogers. J ...dith Pi.rc. Rogers. l"Den" Kalhryn 205.327 78.205 313 Rogers. P"l'$y l .. ___ 249. 313 Roland. Robert lee Roos.... Ann Mari. 191. 337 Roper. Peggy Joanne 28.43.215 Rosendehl. Anne Mllti. 205.331 Ron, Da..id Tr.. cy 45,247.313 Ross. Mal"5hal Edw..rd. III 165.239 Ros.;. Carmina Maria 201 Rossi. Vincent Ang.lo 217 Rossman. Malcolm E..gene. Jr. 2lb Rosso. I..an John 281 Ro"bice~, Sandra S.... 217 Ro... rl •• Ronald G.ne 49.253.319.327 Row... John Rob.rt 225 Rowland. Marale. Vee 201 Rowland. Marilyn Thea _._205 Rowland. Robert Nal.on 235. 327 Royc .... Arth.. r L...e 31] Royle, Don..ld William 31. R..ark. Palricia lucille. ......21 I. 321 R..dman. Anita Jane. .32.207 Rudolph. Nancy Jen... 203 . Rumann, larry R..dolph 255.337 R.. mpf, Bruce Da..id 249.314 __ 292 R.. nyan. Thora J. R.. pel"5. Thomes Welter 43.227.327 R"'$eH. Carol G.. y 19' .. 1B,21l R"ssell. Mary Patrici"

R II. Meril.... Ann ._..__.._._._211 R sell. Phillip lynn .119. 211. 311 R..ssom. J ..dijf, Elaine 191. D1 R..th..rford. Don"", Fay. 21l.337 R... th..en. John Charles 314 R..tledg... 5.... n Clydean•. 24. 25. 26. 76. 319 Rye ... Gerald J ..mes ..314.251

s Sacht. Peggy M..ri.. 2II S..gan. Ingoborg 272 Sag.., Bill A. )14 Sa~..r..ri. Angolo George ...... 235.327 292 Sakhare. Vi.hw......... M..h..r..d ..ppa S..la. Stephan l ..wi. 52 Sal••. Dougla. Leroy 47.220 Sales, Stanley Jay... 220, 327 ..19 Samp.on. R. D. S..mp.on. Vietor Dal.. .....32 S..muels. Judith Ann Ill, 191 Sanborn. Ruby JoAnn .... 215 Sanda. Barbara Marie 21> Sande, Donllid Eri~ ." .259.337 SlInde. Ronald Delln ...257 Sande.s. K.. y Lorraine 191.327 Sandel"5. Ma .. rice Wilb.. rn .24). 317 Saneholtz. Byro.... Jr. 26.37.91. 225. 317 S..ls..r. Jamfi H. ... 42.227 S..ssar. Kar..n .. ... 191.327 Sasser. lyle 8laine .._ ~8. 227. 276, 31~ Sasser. R. G ..rth Sather, M..rilyn Ra.. _201. 337 191. 327 Sattgast. Don"", Mile Sa..er. Roger AI..in 223 SaIton. Duane Roge. 219.327 261 Sayler G..ry lyle _ Scanlan. Judith D....n 199.314 2 I5 337 Searcallo. Dorothy Jean Scha..t. l ..rry Clinton ...._ 58.219 327 249.337 Sch..dt. Raymond l .. roy _. Sch.....felberger. John Edg..r 58,62 24, 2Ol. 337 Schedler. Donn..lla Gedr..de Sch..I. J..mes Edw"rd 29,11>5.239 Schiffier H.. len lo..i.e 215. )14 42.52.253.))7 Schill..ff. Harold Vincant Schiltz. S....,nne Carol 193. ) 14 Schini. Robert Tondall 40. ID, 225, 327 .261.314 Schladar, Dale William Schlader. G"ry Lee 26 I. 327 Schlado•. C"rI Arthur 225. ]]7 Schlendor. Erwin Lee ... 121 Schl..elor, Donald Honry ....327 214.327 Schl..oter, P"tricia Marie 42.213.327 Schmid. Freda Elsie 100. IbB. 284 Schmidt. Elroy Arnold Schmidt. Gaorge Thomas 121.225, H7 Schmidt. Raymond Joseph .__.176. 245. 25). 273. 314. 319 Schmidt. Rob..rt SlicUey 255. )28 21l Schmidt, Virgini.. CIII.e Schm...hl, Karen Ann ..__.. ._211 Schnid..r. Norm..... John 253. D7 Schnid..r. Shi.ley Eliz.. beth Phillip5 _314 . Schoff. Clifford King. .. Schole•. William Oa~es 225.314 Schow. St..rling Robert 180, 2 I 7. 317 215.327 Schroed..r. No"".. l" Schroed..r. Thom... William 259314 Sch...bert. R..y 45 Sch..m..d ..r. Richard Herman .__24 Sch..m.. ~ ..r. Robert Franllin 25. 40. 96. 103, 278. 292 302 21 I. 337 Sch...ppenie$. Dorothy M..ri. Schwartz John Alfred 27.251.337 209 Schwin. Noralea Annall. . Schwindel. lynn Do..gla. . .. I 22 Scofield. Terrence John. . ..._239 Scoggin. Dorlyt" Jaynajo 20).314 Scoggin. J ..dith Lorene 20).317 Scott. Bonnie 97 Scott. Robert Newton ....50.223.328 Sco..ill... Douglas Allan .236.328 ~3, 78. 106. I I5, 209 Sco..ille. linda Joan Sealey. Howard Claney ..... 177 Sedlacek. Rich"rd Alfred 2)] Seeley. Arnold Lynn 2bl. 272. )27 197.337 S..ley, Vidoria Noll s..ly. K..therin.. Farr IQ5.ll7


s...wold, Ronold Poul _,,__ 237 Seibert, Victori.. Lynn _.12b,I95 Sell., Robert 0 ..10 . .._ _ .._ _292,) 14 S.rvou, o.los Edw..rd .__ " _,__ 221, ]11 Seuions, Carol M..rylin 195 Seubert, Cotherine Shoron ,._.,_199 Sevedge, Wilmo Meurino Lee 21 •. ]14 __,,91.121.199 Sev.rn, Juli. Ann _.__. s.v.roon, Lilli..n lido . ,. __._ __ _0 Sew"l. G.ry W..rd _ ",_201 ._22. 311 Shongle. M.lvin Roy ._ _ Shonk, Wondoll Roy ..._... SS. 2S9 Shorp, Doyle Woyne ._,, 2bl.331 Show. Jomes Clinton _ _18. 221. ]28 Show, SUlon McKeen ... __ .191,]]1 Showen, Robert Joe __ ..5].2bl.]11 Sheer.. n, Michool Robert ..".... _.10.215. ]11 ",,2]1,3]7 Sh.nor, G ..r..ld Elmore Shelby, Mory Jeen ... 203 Sh.llmon, leo Chorles ., , , 233 Shelmen, Ronold Mervin _ 239 Shelmon, Virqinjo lynno ." b2. 201, 21:>4 Shehon, Cemil!e Ce,olyn .1b, 191,328 Shenemon, Williom Orville .204. ]]7 Sherbenon, Angele Ruth. 121,2)) Shern, None Key..... 133, 195 Sh.rn, 5uzonne Gleo . 0. 195,213, 32S Sh.rrill, Goyle Humes .40,19 Shields, Micheel Dovid 2~2 Shill, Robert Mich..el 119 Shisler. Williom G..rrett .., 221 Shoekl.y, Preston Arctell _.121,1]0 Short, Robert Russell _ 18, 2S1. )]1 Shubert, Ray Clifford 1S, 25], ].1 Shupe, Willi..m lawrence 55. 2b]. 328 Shurtl.ff, D..vid Sincl..ir _,,__..40,214 Si rt. K..rla Anne _ 95, 201, ]28 Si rt. Su...n lind.. .. SO, 85, 201,])1 Silha, H.nry .._. .___ 218 Simeon, Su...nn.. Agn... 209,331 1:'2 Simko, John Stephen .. _ Simmons, Nellio Beotrice Ulrich. 314 Simmons, Potricie Geil .., 19i, n8 Simmons, Rou l_n ...._ .....__.._ ..._. . 219 Simon, C..rol Alice 211 Simon. Joseph leo ... ..... ..... 259,331 Simonson, Berbere Alice 21] 221 Simonton, Rich.. rd leite' Simp50n. Don"ld Roy ....., 255,314 Simplon, Jemes Wesley 25],328 5implon, Joseph Williom 231,314 Simplon, Richerd Oevid 231.328 259, ll4 Simundlon, Rich"rd Sigurbiorn 5indeir, George Neil 253,] 14 Singh. Gurchoren ....__ 249,32S 25],314 Skeggl. Forrest Key. Sk..ls, Donold Wilfred 281. ] 11 Skivor, Bruce Weyno ..... 243 Skogsted, JoAnn 215.32S Skoro, John Micheel _ ]2 Slad., Virgini.. Ann ._ 40.95, '95 Sleughter Borber.. _213.])7 Sloughte., Cloiro loui... 51. 5S 191. 292_ 3:i:8 Slavik, Fr..nl Robe.t . _,26,52251.]14 Slavin. Doniel Arthur 12 262, lSI. n8 Slind lolend Oscor ,,_ Smell Jam" CtlRfie'd 119,2]] Sm..rt, Robert Alan, Jr, 219,331 Smith. Anno Marie "_,, 24_ 207 "._ 62 259 Smith. Cory. Jr. Smith, Charl.. Fr..nklin 237,327 .".215, 331 Smith. D.ilo leo ...._._.. Smith, Donald Glenn. ...._259.328 Smith, Douglel Gor..ld , ]2.219.337 Smith, Keron Leo 19,49, 191,214 Smith. Kenneth Willi..m 37,26].337 Smith Kurt I in _ ,39, 24] Smith, linde Mee ..... _.51, 121.130,207. 32il Smith, Poul Alve ...... ,.237, 337 Smith, Penney K..thle..n 20] ..... 39, 236. ] 14 Smith. Relph M.. "hall Smith, Rich ..rd Willord .. 175.229 Smith. Riley M....h..I1 253.278.328 Smith. Robb Richord 114.2B.328 Smith. Robert LeRoy.......... 90 Smith Rob..rt M..rtin ....2]7, 2S3.328 ,..229.]]1 Smith, Ruuel Eugene Smith, Solly Ann ...._ 205


Smith. Stanloy George ,,_....... 41.153. ]2S Smith. St..nl.y P..rley . 263. ]]1 Snook, Neney Kathorine . _._._... 195.]]1 Snow, Shermen Arthu. 20,292,301.]14 Snyder, Sh.. ron ",_, .___ _ 211,328 Soden. Robert Mcintyre ._... ~, 1]5.328 Soh-itn.. Paul Eugene _. 22S. ]28 Solie... John Ford, Jr. ... _ . " _249 Solt, Bethel L&J... n .._._...20],]1 I ]8,196.292,315 Somm..., Billie Sonius_ Wesley Allen _ ..,,_. '11 'l _ ..36, 19:. 33i" Soper. Di..ne loui.. ,__ Soreqoroli. Arthur E.. r1 ••••_ •••••••••••"."". 281 Southwick. William Eugeno .. _.__.. 4] So...e.., Ch..rles WiJliem. Jr.. 251.284. 32ll Speberg. Gory Doan 45.315 _ 291 Spoce. Jemos Chriltien Sperh, Gretchen .... 205.315 Spence, John Woody _.229, 315 Spence, Uter Eltil!, Jr. .. 149.315 Spencer. Devid Wollece 40 Sperry. Judith Ann 207 331 Spiker. Ann Mordoll 30.31,203.2]] Spinallo. Jomos Leo __ 39.229 Sprey, Gery Delmor . _.147.235. 328 Sprenger, Jon.t Ree 43,209.337 Springford, Winston Brent 219, B7 5prute, Gerold Joseph .. 40 Squires, Zoe lynette _201,292,315 .... ~52, 175 St..chler. Larry o.lbert Stohl. Judith Dionne .. 199, ]15 Stoley. Joyc. Yvonne ._..215.]'8 Stoley, Steven Reed .. .32, 2]7 St..mm, Solly Ann __. 191. nll St..ncer Williom Howerd 173, 175.2]1, ]2ll Stengo•. Petricie Ann ".".. ,,_..__._215,328 Stonton_ Morgor.t Elle .... ._.._-21] St..nton Richerd Owen __._._.._. __231 Steples Mild.ed ....__._._._,_55. 209 St..... Jed .._.._2]].284,315 Stedtleld, Koren Merio 16 ]5,42 41 100.205,272 292 ]01. ]02.


Steel... Homer Eugene ... 61 Steige... Kenn.th Jomes .27b.315 Stein. Wonel R e e d . ]7,24].]3ll 5tejnbod. Phillip Mereu. 144. 152, •75. 2]], 338 Steinbrink, John Edwords . ...52.58,231 .. Steiner, Gory W ..........46 Steiner, Richerd Allan ..245.32ll Slephens, Don LaRaie ..... ...... _..._.49 St.. phens, Keith LeRoy ...24'l.315 Stephenson, Devid .178 Ste.e. Devid Henry. .. 155,32ll Stevens. Potricio Ann .43,209. H8 Ste"'ord, K.nneth Hu.ff Ste"'ert, He.old Larry _264 315 Ste...art, Weyne Dal. __153. H8 Stidney, Judy Anne 36, 41, 213 2ll6. 292. 338 Stiles. Rich.. rd Laurence ..._ .26 223,328 ._....._215.328 Stinchcomb, Mery EI...nor Stith. Anilo Roe . 33,47 Stive.., Ba.bere Lynn __ 30,207,328 Stodde.d Judith l<Xlis. .195,]15 Stoles. Winston Collie. 251 Stoller, Welt.r Joke. Jr. 259.338 45 Stolp. Du........d Duene ,._" .. _.58 Stolt'flberg. Theodo. pour Ston•. Dale W;ng . _235.] I5 __ 262. B8 Stone. Kenn.th Roy Stoneb.eler, Poulelte ComiUe __ 197 5tonns, Jemes Gordon. 41, 258, 216.178, 3'5 Stoup, Glenn Erwin ,.. 42,329, H9 Stout, William K.nn.th 178 231 Stover, Irmo Lenore __ 215. HS Stowe, Miche.1 Lovol 166,169.219,328 St.ewn. Celio Louise 205,323 Stridell, Cloerle. lewis .147 338 .29, 191 5tridling, Julie Joen Striegel, Donn... Lee 49,20'l Strong, Allen Dwight 257 Stroschein. Shoron leJeon _85, I'll, 33ll Strub. Michoel Jod .....45.315.241 .. .....239 Stuort, Devid Levi Studer, H. C. ......147. H8 Stu.h. Diene Judith __ ..28,115, ]38 Suchen. Carol Ann __.__ 2ll, 51, 211


Suhr, David Olef ....._.".",,_.., .._...".]15 Sullivon. WilI..rd Mich....1 . "'" 48, 259, 328 SullivOfl, Willis Eugen•. III ]9. '06, I IS, 241 Sutton. John Curtis __. _ ._251 S"'en. Petrie,,, Anne. ". _ ,._ 62,2OS S"'an, Wellace Kent. 26,42,223 S...ont Ge.aldine Fo y _._211, ]]ll Sw.erengon. J.. ck Cloyton, II _.... .. 45, 54, 25], ] I5 S....atte, Virginia Mee .._ .._. _ ._._.._197 Sweeney, M.. ureen Acten _. _.._.. 199. ]IS 5w.nson, Mont Alon __....".._. _ 58, 225, 328 Sw.nson, Vernol Robert ._,,,,.., __.. _ _ ..21. 5w.nson, Willord McLean _ 182.215 . _259 5wig.r, John Ho erd .__., _ .

T Tolemontez, Romen 2600.328 Toneke, Richord M..soo .58,121.25],328 Tengen, Williom Howord .159. l28 Tepper, Roberte Ann, _.41, 213 Tote, Cleude Ervjn. Jr, ".41 Tote, John Fronldin 221 Tate, Sonie ';6 Totko, Morgaret Ann 22. 98,119,121,201. 30', 315. ]19 T..tum, JoAnn . '__." , 205,338 Taube., Thomes Tipton _ _ _ 229 leuseh..r, M•.,lo Jeon SO, 52, 201 Toylor, Alyce Joyco ..__ __ ,_..__..209 leylor, Elizebeth Jene ...._._.....__ .99, 31 5 Toylo r Jomes Corw,n 58.133,328 Teyler, Laddie Joe _. 230 ]15 Teylor, Lourent __ ... _".._ .....258:]]8 leylor, Lloyd Albert . 22. 262. 278, ]01. 3 I 5 Toylor, loren Eldon 259,214. ]28 leylo., Mory Lou ..__..__. 29,211.])8 leylor, Petrici.. __ 20] Taylor Robert Arthu. 32.259 Teylor. Rocky Zone _..... _179, 2S9. 338 Teylor, Thom"s Ancel , ,,,,,45,52.264. H8 Taylor, Willi..m R.. y _ _.,_ 221 Tefft, Richerd Woyne 241, 315 .SO Tennyson. Robert Duane Theete. Kenn..th 0e0fl ._ _....... _.45 121.211 Thoyer, Jeonette Ellen , ......235. 32ll Thiboult, leo Cherles . ,.., Theilke, Jeme. WiJ/iem , .... __119 Thieme, Alfred. Jr. .. 43 Thiesen, 8etty June 51,209. H8 Thiessen, Weyne Lee .180.259,276. ]28 Thome •. 8y.on Richerd ....46 ThomOl, Clifton Mo~ . ll2.129 ThomOl, Devid 49 Thomes. Deon Russell .. __:49 Thom",. John Howord 127 , 312 Thomes, Kethie Ann Thomes. Kyle Ann .. I]0, I'll. 338 Thomes, L.. rry Joe. , ..11,]15 Thomes. W..de Art _ 243 Thompson. Charles Arthur 255, H8 Thompson, Herold Me. '''''"..... 252.328 Thompson_ Jemes Morrison, III SO. 58 Thompson _J ..nice K.. y ... ,,_..21l7 Thompson. Joyce lorraine .,, 21 I Thompson. Judith Ann Baty 20].315 Thompson Kothryn Joyne ]6_ I'll. 338 Thompson. Kenneth Erwin ,264. ]15 Thompson, Lynn Lee __ " 155, ]]8 Thompson. Richo.d Nelson 241, ]15 Thom5Qn, Blole And.ew ._24] Thomson Joen T...cy. _...._213 Thornock, Cerol Lou _.. 43. 209 Thornsberry. Dele Frenllin 231 Thornton. Annette Me.ie 191 Thunen, Toni Virginie -.64,85. 117. Ill. 213, ])8 Thurber, Ronold We/do ..40,51.235.]15 Thu.mond. Joy Arnot 237.] 15 Timm. Jerry Roge. 223 Timmon•. 8e.bore .. 197,32ll 38, I'll. Bll Tipton. No.mo Cecile Tode.o, Ilene Tera.o _ . 197 Todd. Me.cu, John. .....S2, 245,]15 Toevs , John Leonard, Jr.... 241,272.32ll .. 211,]]8 Toler. G.. il Regino . TolI.fson, J..ffrey Lyftfl ", ..237 Tomich, Edwin Jemes . . .175 Tomlin.on, Helen Roberto, ,.49,213, B8

Torrey. Ge.1I1d Jey .._...._..•......_...... .__..49 To..-.y. Dllyid Berthel .._., 2b2.328 Tovey. Weldon Rllynolds _.. sa, b2. 235. 315 Towles. lile Jeen ..._ _ 203 Towne. M".ilyn lee . ..__._. _201 Townsend. "'nile Loreine Howell __ 31b 30.213. 31b Townsend. Louis lee ... Townsend. P"trid J. ..._._...80. 106. 168. 229. 284. 328 Townsend. Ro""ld lee ..._._... _ ,39. 228. 31b TrIley. Steven lee _.... _....235. 338 Trllil. ""ice Me.ie 47. 193.338 Trllil. O"Yid M"rtin 40.241. 31b Trllil. N"ncy Jene __ 24.205.329 Tr"Yis. John Celyin 233.329 T",nery. Shllron Irene 211. l29 T",nh"ile. Bethene Sue. .211. 338 Tripp. Lmy Tllibott 225.284. l29 T,oienowdi. JllmllS Chllrles 255.283.329 Troillnows!;i, John Williem . T.out. Cliffo.d Lylll __ 1116. Ib7. Ib9. 175. 284, 31b Trowb.idgll. Bruce Mely;n _ 223 T.upp. Clyde Rulon )7.262. 33e Tude•. Oerlenll "'nn 211 Tude•. Denton Mar~ 281 Tuder. Je.ry Lee .... 31b Tuder. Plltrieie "'nn "'bbott ll6 Tunnicliff. Donna Jaan ... 21].329 TunnielilJ, Robe.t Parker 17 Turek Thomas Edwa.d 217,329 SO. 103, 197,3'6 Tu.nbull. "'rlene J("y Turner, Kennath Eugane 229.338 Turnllr, Richard Dean .__3Ib Tu.nidge. O"rrell Ray ._ 272 m Tu.nipseed, Russell Dille 227,316 Tusberq. G"ry Staphen 231 Tus.on, Gleni~ G"y _ _22,27.199. 31b Tuttle. Judith ""a __. _ 32.33 Twiqqs_ Robert Jame~ .._ _._ _..278, 31b Tywn. Robert Neyille 80. IB, 225. 292. 329

u Uqlem. Lind" Janet . Uhlmlln. James Albert _..2Sl,329 Unde ood....Ien Bredley 175.239.)16 Unde ood. Roger Hasting Unde ood. Sharon Unlider. Elellno. Eileen 3b. 4). 50. 85, 195, 27], 292. 338 Unlide., Winifred Irene ..4), 195. )29 U.ko. Riehard Edger ."...,144



v Veil, Oe..el Eugene .._.. , _.45, 141. 147, 175, 217, )Ib Velentine, Robert Cherles )Ib Velley. Kent Roneld .... 147. 175 Vllnee. John Mertin . 259 Ven o.uslln. George Clerks 45 V"ndervort. Edge. Perry _. 51.128.l16 Ven Ho..ten. Dayid Geo.g. _.__ 46 Van Stana. Judith . 197.)]8 Ven Thi.l. EdwII.d Ollniel 41 V. Nard Mary Clerll 21 I Vennitlion, Robert James 32. n V.",a.ke, Robert Herman.. I06. Ib9, 219, 329 Vest. Ce.o!yn Sue 28 207 Vial. Silvllno Anthony 8b, 141. 143. I," 149. 180.217.284 lib Vid.rman, Belte louise 36,50 207.B8 Viher. Rudolph Andrew 94,251 HB Voeller_ Donald Jame~ 2b4,31b Volt George Francis 178.239.329 Vol~men. Riehll.d ....thur 272.3Ib Von Terseh. Marlene 215 Voorh.es. Edith Lo..ise SO. 121. 19t.])8 Vosen, Harold Cleyton 255, 329 Vosen. M..riem Phoebe 209,B8 vosae, Kay Oerlen 205,B8 Vosikll, Nency Eleine lb, 50. 195.292,]]8 Voyles, Merilyn Sue .. 197.292, lib Voysey. Oeyid Reed 55 W

Wlld"r. Elaine Cethryn 207,272. ll6 Waq"nschul'l. Robert Dougl.. 262. lib Weide. K"nneth John 180 259.284,329

Wllite. G"ry 279 19] 316 Waldrem. Sharon __ .__.. Waldron, Ha"'ey Maey. Jr. 28],31b Wales. K.istian I..ew 2]] Walker, Ce.1I Jellnn. 195.329 62.2]5 Wlllk"r. Dennis Hllrilln Walker. Gilbert Clarenee, III 22' Walker. Gordon K"ndall 40.78.235 lib Walker. Hllrvie Ellis. Jr. _ 241.338 WIIlker. JOlIn Th.reSIl . 201.]]8 Wlliker. Williem Peter. Jr. 281 Willi, John Morqlln ...._.. 2]) WillI. Sidney Smith. Jr. 245 Welleee. Beyerly "'nn _.43,213 Wellec•. Deyid Ren~in 41,256.] 16 Wellece, Jeyne Elil"beth .. 19l Wallaee, JII..e Dele ..... 22,32, ]], 27]. l29 Wllllen. Sandrll Lee 209,27),329 Wllilington. JOlin Cleire .205. l29 Wel'lIdt. John Pieree 58.217 Welsllr. Judyth "'nn ..]38 Welter. Nllil Orin. _..... 122 Weltllr. Robe" Jemes 249.338 47 W"llers, Herriet Welters, Jesse Reymond. Jr. 41 Walfers, Stephen Curtis .22) Welton, Dale "'lIanson .. 121 Wanama~er. John Edwerd _25]. ]16 Wa.d. Dennis Anthony 262.])8 Ward, Theron Winthrop 182.225,316 Wllre, MllreOl 292 Warner. William FrllnUin. Jr. _. 338 Warren, Charle~ Fredrid. Jr. 42 24l.])8 Wa..an, Robert SI..a" ._253, ])8 Washburn, Georg. H.nry 257.316 Wa"ler. Donna Fay lB. 21l, 329 Watenpaugh. Keith Donllld 52 Wllkon. Ca.roll Miehael IB.225.329 Wllkon. Lar..,. Eug.ne 235.))8 Wlltson. Ronald Ron _58.2]5 WllttS, Roger Jam.. 284 Waaye., Shllron Lynne 26,42.20].273.329 Wabb. Delbe" John 259.316 Wabbar, lyl. Gilhart 284316 Weba •. Ann louise 52 Weber. Clyde Josaph 217 Wead. Pelly "'nn 209, ]16 Weas. Charles Petrid lib Waigelt. Naney Jane. _IH. 213, H8 W"i"haar. Catharina "'nn 215. H8 Wallar. Williem Floyd 31b Wallington, Patricia Sua 201 W"II~, Frenk Dayid ". 258 154 Wells. Sha..il Lynn. Welsh. Rodnay Robart .2b2 W"ndle, Chud Richll.d 243.))8 W"ndla, Merk William. 243.316 Wendtland. Betly. _". __ . 46 Wandtland, Cherlas "'nthony _.41 Wennahmp. Albert Chllrles 253. 329 Wast, Paulll JOIInne 121. 213,))8 W"st, Robert Elmer _. _272, 292 W"stfan, Dwayne Gen. 46.227, ll7 Weston. Corelie SutdilJ. Dayis 2]. 46. ll4 __..41. ll7 Weston. Gereld LeRoy __. 41 Weston. Richa.d Eli Westwood. Judith "'nn 25. I'll. 286,]29 Wetter. Paul Wh/l/lton. CharI.. Gerow Wheaton. P/I/Irl m Wheeler. Oenni~ Earl HI Whaeler Pat,id "'lIen 111 White, Charle, Willard 157. Ib2. Ib]. 1M. 169 White. Lynn"'ntI ... 197. )17 White, William Humes .. 175,235,]29 Whitaley. Keren Ree 211 Whltfiald. Thomes Hanry 165 Whltlod, Georga Oouglll' 2]1 Wh,tmo.a, Gary Charla, 121, 12b. 1]0. 241 Whitt"n. Merey Kill' 211, 329 Wid, John James. J.. .....1 17 Widlund. John Marvin 95, 2l9,))8 Wids. Jaremy Peter 217. 317 Widdifiald. Riche.d Gordon _.25] Widdifield, Robarl Fran~ 25] Wiegand. JodI' Kay 42 Wilbllnh. Sally 5..a 51


50 195.329 Wileomb, "'nita Gall Wileo~. Donn.. Fay ._ 20' 2114.329 Wilda'. Kenneth Wiley, S..... n Cerci .._ ....._. .209 Wilh.lms.on. Erie Ga.hard. Jr. 41 Wil~.n, Marqe Helene _._ ,_213 ._. __ 122. 259 Wil~ins. Hubert Chester ... Wil~ins. Sherry Anne '97.l17,lI9 __l7 Will. Bruee Kelley .._ ...__ Willillms. Douglas Glenn 162 Williams. Larry lynn __.... 259,278, ll7 29,201 Williams. linda Louisa .. _..]17 Willillms. lyndell Irene .... ..109 Williams. Miehael N""I . Williems, Ruland N"aley .... . 121.182,217 WiUiem~, Thomes Iva. .. 223 Williamwn, larry Howa.d ..... .. 229 Williamson, Robart Laslie, J•. 245.276 Willi~. Donald Ray .. ......317 Willis. Merioria Vivian 274,lI7 Willi" William Allan. 241, l29 Willi,. lerry Laltar 181,225.317 Willm,. Raymond Harry ........20] Wilson. Dienll Lynn Wilson. Jesse Edwerd . .27b, 317 Wilson. KII.in Lyntl _ I'll Wilson. Linde Jana 201 21', ]17 Wils.on, Margy "'nn Susy _._.....49 Wilwn. Merilyn Gay. Wilson. Riehard D""n Wilson. Riehard Shirl 281.317 Wilson, Willard Lea _ 211 25, l6. 97,199 Winegar. Mary Eli... Winiarsli Law.anca Oecle. 43.262.329 Winler. Terry Mac 182,225 _.274 Winterstein. Cerl Waite. Wise, Robert Evan~ 58.181.182,225 Wi.... Ronald Ha.oId ._._ 182. 225, l29 _ . ..215 Witteman. Carmond Ilene Woelfel. Lo.na Louise 22_ 35 78.205. 292. ]17 Wohlel'l. Nancy Dee .... 1)).201 Wornbolt. Jeff.ey George 80. 157. 180. 182.217 Wood. Anne Slepleton .... .94, 199 Wood. Carll Jelln _._ 211,329 Wood, Dannis Clair 241 Wood, Dougl"s 80wen , 259 Wood, Edward Thome~ ..... 37, 255 Wood, Lole Jeennina . 20),292,317 Wood, Marie Louisa. ..197.273, )17 Wood, Stephen Craig. __ I)) Wood, 5teyen Kant. _ .....58 Woodall, Me.ian _..215,329 Woodall, Parka. Glenn 262, 284. ] 17 Wooderd, Shirley Jeen . ......209 Woodbury. leu~nca Orlo ______40. 58, 6l, 255, 329 Woodb..ry. lonny Eugllne ___._ _ _ _ 47. 52. 264. 274. 329 Woods. Isabel Jeen 25.121 Woodwllrd. Donald Ellis 223 Woody. Bruee Glenn 22' l29 Wooftar. Darrell Gene 166. 168. 175.217. ll7 29.20] Woolverton. p;.y Ra. Worley, WiIIillM Judd 152,217, ]17 ___ 199 Worsl.y, Sendra lynne Wright. "'rlene JOlIn '32,205 Wright. 8arton Elme. .. 278 Wright. Charles leMlly 37.229 Wright, Gllry lee Wright. Neda EI"ine 111 W.ight. Sua "'nn Bush -.1)) _.28,221 Wue.tz. Elwood Pat"r ,..... _b3 Wyatt. Dllyid Riehllrd Wyell. Juenita lee _..32.203 Wylltt. SylYia ....I"ne ....26, 215 Wyllie, Carolyn Joe .....50, 201 Wynn. J<ln Eugena 41, 26l, 329





v YIIdey. Lea Oougles Yagar. Arnold Williem Yeh.llas. Joseph Kant. III Yates, Harmen Rill' Yeersley. Robed Eerl Yee, Grent Yeoumans, Ga.ald Walter

...245,329 178, 2]9. l29 229.329 167 45,317




Yod"r, Joen K"y 201 Yoshid", Ann Mi"lo 28.211. 32<i Young, Robert Jo",ph ._24,42.43.47 Younq, Robert R..", 39. 178,239. 32<i Youn"", G,,'Y l"roy sa Youngdmm, M,,'Y Eliz"beth .. _103, lOS 317

Yount. M".in" lO<li,,, . Yount N.ncy J ... n .._". Yudinky-o John Robert yu...h.d.h. I•• j



z Z.ch.ry, Rita Jane




199 311

__.__.._._.. 2~ Z.nd"•. J.m.... G.ry Z.ph, Ge•• ld Go.don ._ 113.22<i ..._ .._..S8,62 Zo.na, Anthony Robertoon ", __ , 23 I. 32<i Zube.buhl"., Rudolph UI.ich Zwitte., Ronald P.ul 166,169.2&4


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