1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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The University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho Editors WARREN




Associate Editors VIRGINIA CoPE


hc Slaturc of a college is estimated by measuring the length of the strides made by its graduates. Then the length o( these strides is held up against the ivy walls. When this procedure is followed at the University of ldaho, it is found that the school indeed stands tall. The University of Idaho has become known as a quality institution, and the alumni are primarily responsible for this image. They are the proof. Students who are pictured in this book will in tin:te add to the proof. But the graduatcs o( years past arc the inspiration of today. To them - the alumni of the University of Idahothis book is dedicated.

Stated ftl' IQ righl: Earl O"""id, '04: MI"$. C. R. Stillinger (Nellie Mae Bauer). '1-4. Standing ltft 10 riglll: Mr. W. L. Mills, '48 (Alumni PresidClll62路6!): Mr. C. R. Slillinger. 'IS; Mr. T. D. Mallhc:ws, '07.



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Nestled awa} in the Palouse hills, a setting of unequaled beauty is found for University of Idaho.


Indeed an inspiring campus, Idaho with its beautiful buildings, trees, rolling lawns and a feeling of friendship has be路 come home to thousands of Idahoans and others since 1892.

A home [or worship, the Campus Christian Center has become the home for many seek.ing individual meditation or group worship and singing.





A long walk. a long talk, maybe a game of softball, just relaxing in the sun-those leisure hours at the University of Idaho.





Academics and activities pave the life of the student at the University of Idaho. Idaho liCe in 1963 was filled with sludies. a new SUB. a new dorm, a new Science building and a great ball team.

The place to be in '63. The University o( Maho was no exception to the centennial theme as the campus was alive as students, parents, alums and (riends came in record numbers to be a pan of Idaho's first Univer路 sity.


The graduating class of 1965 ended four record breaking and pace setting years on June 9 as o\'cr 1,000 degrees were granted_ Acti"ities and educational experiences have given the ncw graduates the essential elcmcnts La test life,

Administration Student Affairs College of Letters and Science College of Agriculture College of Engineering CoHegc of Mines College of Forestry College of Education College of Business College of Law Adult Education Graduate School Honoraries

If it il deftniuly concluded to accept Judge

Parkl' resignation, al I understand it ii, let the within appointment be made. A. Lincoln April 14, 18&5.


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OentlroJop' labor-uor)' al Ihe Uni. 'enil~ or Mallo in Ihe C;irl~ "n"CT'lies when I1lcn'$ hair (::Imc Ilarlcd in Ihe middle,

Whcn higher ctlUGliion ",;l~ rc;,lIl' high 011 Ihe hill_llle Ul1i,crsily or Idaho's firsl l\dnlini5Ir~lioll lIuil<l, ing as il tuolc:d in 1899,

! Academics holds the spotliglH at the Univcrsit) of Idaho. Few lIni\'ersities in the Unit(.'i.1 States can boast of eight underograduate colleges and one graduilte school 011 one Gllnplis. The College or Leiters and Scicnce and the College of Agriculture wereorg'lnil.cd in 1901 to provide the first spokes of the University Wheel. Following. Engineering, in 190;; Law, in 1909: Mines, Forestry. Education and Business, in 1953; the wheel was completed, The graduatc program was initiated ill 1913 with the doctoral progl',"11 being introduced in 1959.

Governor Robert E~ Smylie Governor Raben E. Smylie began his third consecUlivc tcrm as Governor of the State of Idaho on January 7, 1963. During his past twO terms Governor Smylie has ah\'a)'s been an avid supponcrof higher education and the University of Idaho. The State of Idaho and the Uni"crsil)' of Idaho bOlh are indeed fortunate to have such a man as Governor Smylie occupy the office of Chief Executive of the Slale. GO\'crnor Sm),lic was also fealUred as Commcnccmclll Speaker [or the graduation exercises on June 9. 1963.

Governor Smylie proclaimed April 21, 1963, as "College Bowl Day" throughout the Stale of Idaho in honor of the University's College Bowl Team which traveled LO New York Cit), to compete on the "General Elcctric College Bow]". ASUI Public Rc1alions DircclOr Davc Sopcr prcsclllcd lhc proclamation to Govcrnor Smylie for his signalUrc.


President D~ R~

Theophilus Dr. D. R. Thcophilus, President of Ihe Uni路 versity of hbho, lakes grcal pride in the University of Idaho - ilS s\lldents, faculty, ;lIld ;dumni. Likewise, Ihey too can indeed be proud of their President. President ThcophiIllS has ;d)ly servcd the Univcrsity and lhe State for over tbiny years in thc positions of Head of the Dairy Science Department, Dean of the College of Agriculture, ;lIlt! now ,is Presidcnt of the University for the past nine years. President Theopbilus has worked hard for the University of Idaho, conslantly striving to improve upon the quality of education, rese;u'ch amI services offered by the University. Those at the University of Idaho in the past. those now in ;lltcml:lnce, ;1I1d those who will cOllie in the fULUre arc ;1Ilt! will be l.';"rcatly indebtcd to ollr Prcsidcm-Dr. D. R. Theophiltls.

Pr~'Sid<:nl Th~'()phil"s

has :01路 closcly wilh lhc $uuklUS and herc hc presid~.,. ;11 the Grand Opening of lhc nipper ill lhc ncw SllIdclll Union Illliiding, w,,}s



Board of Regents The Board of Regellts is the governing body for the University of Idaho and it abu.ins its authorit), am! powers direclly from the ConSlillltion of the State of Idaho. All policies and official acts of the University must be CSla blishcd or approved by the Board of Regents. This group caonlin<ILcS and directs the many University activities and is directly responsible to the people of the State of Idaho.

Selllni arOUlld the lable lI,ey are: Eh'on Hampton, CCllCS<.":-: Delmer Engelking. Slate SUpcrilltcndCllt of Public Instructiun. c);路ollicio. I\oi~: Juhn Peacock, I\:cllogg: Claude V. Marcus, Boise: Ezra Hawkes: and Curtis T. Eaton, Twill Falls.

1-1. WALTER STEn-ANS Vicc路J'resident A((ufem;c



Vicc-President Fill/Weilll AUair$

Vice ]Presidents Both Vicc-President Stcffans and Vicc-President Dick havc served the Ulll\"Crsity for mallY years. These t\\'o offices \\"ere created to help allc\路i'lte somc of the burden from the officc of the I~rcsidcnt and lhcy both havc successfully carried OLll their respeclive duties.


Administration Registration, publication.s, finances, the swdent health sen-ices. the librar)'. the donlli路 tories-all these and ooullllcss other duties are capabl} pcrfonncd b} our competent :.dminis(ration and these gellLlemen are truly indispensable in the rendering b)' the Uni\'crsit) to its swtlcnlS and the citizens of the Slale the \'ct)' best in educllion, research, and service.



I)i~ulor of

University E"gitlur

L[l ZI~'~lt:It"A"

U.,iwrsity Librarian



Dirutor 01 h,/ormation find


M. F'.J'\Il,,,r:, M,O,

Uniwrsil)' PII)'si601l

JAMU M. 1.1'1.11

Alum"j Sccrtrlol)'

Editor of


F. L. (Ltt拢) O'i\'r".l. Utgi$/rar

W"kSl'.k II. COIlSISli



Fa",ily /lousi"g

L. C. W"kNEll

I'urc!wsi"g Age..'

J. W. WATrs IIltsi"c$S Maftogt!r


IJ;.nlor 01 Admissiolls

Studen.t Affairs The Uni"crsity of Idaho takes pridc in its Office of Student Affairs and its counselling program. Acting as a link between Ihe students and the administration, the Office of Stlldenl Affairs is always ready to help the students wilh vocatiomd and personal problems. The p;ttience and understanding of Dean Decker. Dean Neely. Chief Counsellor Bond. ami As路 sociate Dean \Vicks enable them 10 be of \'aluablc service 10 the Uni\'crsity.

CII.'.I.U O. OECKJ!ll D~all

01 SllJd~1l1S

MAkJOIUf. M. Nu.l.\' f)~a" o/IVom~"



Auo(:ialc IJ~IW 01 SllIdc'lu

CIlo\1l1.t:S II. lloxll C',i~1 COUl.ullor

College of Letters an.d Scien.ce To provide stlldcrHS with a fine liberal cduc:llion, lhe College of Leiters and Science was organii':cd at the Uni,"crsity in 1901. Although Or. Charles ShallLlck was the first official dean, Dean Eldridge had been previously in charge of the administration of the college in addition to his other duties. One of the carly projects of PrcsidCIll Buchanan was the reorganization of the College of Letters ami Science into subject malleI" fields. Dean T. S, Kerr of the college rccom路 mended in the 19'17-'18 Bicnni,d Report that the number of divisions be consolidated from 13 into 8-An and ArchitccLUrc, Biological Science, English and Allied Subjects (later to be known as Humanities), Home Economics, i\fusic, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences. E,ICh of these depanments pro\'ides the student with a fine cducation and makes an effectivc contribution toward making the College of Lctlers and Sciences a true credit to the Univcrsity of Idaho.

1.10\'0 A. MARTI .."


Collt:gc or Leltcrs and Scicncc

Phi Beta Kappa Row One-Carcn Chappcll. Rosanna Ch:llnbcrs, janicc Ricman, Karcn :\1ilt'S, joycc Grt-gory, joannc Hcllcr, Sarah Ikcr, l)orcc Baldridgc. Row Two-Theodorc I'richard, I.\ri,,,, Ihrris, (;"rl' Carlson, !\ngcl:l Shcrbcnou, :\Irs. Rcnfrcw. Ronnie Rod, Ron Hihbcln, Carl Bcrncr, R. C. Cook.

The purpose of Phi Beta Kappa is to promote and recognize high scholarship in the College of Letters and Science. To be eligible for membership a student must: have senior standing and completed four semesters at Ihe University of Idaho with a 3.66 accumulative; ha\'c senior standing and completed five semesters at the University of Idaho with a 3,5 acclllllldati"e; or have junior standing ;md completed five semesters at Idaho with a 3.66 accumtdalive. Alumni of Idaho working on some scholastic endeavor and making outstanding achievcment may be chosen for membership.


College of Letters and Science ALPHA EI)SILON DELTA Alpha Epsilon Delta, national premedical and pre-llentistry honorary, ellcourag~ excellence in scholarship, and stimubl(.'S illleresl in those prok-ssions. /low O",:-Susan Cregg. '\Iln Ingehril$Cn Janice CarlliOlI. Janel Buskl)", Ilaruara Ibillbridge, L)"s FOULS, Jo"nnc Shcfield, Nona Kay ShcTII. /low Two-Ed t;xum, D. A. Guslafson, Jack agral't.'$, Duug MilicI', Ken All>erl$OlI. Ron Slurlel路:I.lIl. Greg Schade, Tony Wolff, Jim Schec'l, Nonnan Kelley, 1- Bol$ford.

..\LPH:\ EPSILO~ RHO :\lph:. Epsilon Rho, n;ttion:tI Radio-TV honorary was installed 011 the University of Idaho campus lhis year. Ten chal'tCI' m('lllbeh and lhrec associate mcmbers were inili路 ated illlo lhe new hOllorar)' which grew OUI of the old Radio and Tele\'isioll Guild. :. club consisting of Radio路TV m;ljoh. The purpose of the new honoraI') is to sene as a lIlean~ of extending rccOKnilion 10 outstanding students in this panicular licld of slud}. Row O"':-Rohnl GC'C. Rkh3rd <;Chll. macher. Leslie ., Cillmon<. LcRol' Kellogg. Roger Snodgrass. Jim Crockelt. UOll' T",oEnin I'lirning. Ja), Gaskill, !lua ;\lcC:lhe. Karl Sonnan. I'ern 01"011. Rick WilhilC. Rob Jorgenson, Todd Shehon.

DELTA SIG~fA RI-IO Delta Sigrn:. Rho recogni7es OUlslanding studellls in debale. A prcrcquistc for membership is that the ~tudcnl must have compeled in ;It le;lsl six dcb:ltes. Idaho's fine debate record is bUl JUSl one indicalion of Ihe hard work pUl fonh by this honoraI'} ami ib ,Hh-iscr, Dr. \\'hitehead_ Row Ono:-Dr. Whilehead. Manin lleile5On, Susan ,\nIlS, Jim Ho:rndon. Tom L~llo::h.


CoHege of Letters and Science SIG~IA


Sigma Della Chi is a national journal. ism fraternity for outstanding students active in journalism on the Idaho calllpus. The organiziltion provides opporlunity for association wilh professional men in the fields of jOllrnalism, radio. and television. !lOll' CI'O~S.

O""-Ji", l-lcnHlon. Jim ~1('lc31f. Bert Neil ;IInltic. W"rrcll U"ard. Ro,,' T1<'o-

Jerry Urow". LeRoy Kellogg. Fred Freeman, Oa,;(l :'11111:111(')'. !fOll' Three-Rick Wilhile I',nd Sob ime. Lurr Mendllc. I'err)' Olson, I~"h




PHI UPSILON OMICRON Phi Upsilon Omicron is an honorary and service group for home economics majors. To be eligible for membership, the student must be a Sophomore and have a 2.8 acculllu[ati,"c. /low One-Carol Collis. joan :\liller, jo,\nll T"llllll. judith G'llc. RUlh LCOIl,..-d. !lOll' '1''''0j,,,,,,t Spl'cllj;cr. 1'011 Swan. Emil)' Ibmcsbcrgcr, Bonnic McKay johnson, LlUra I'ClCrSOn. jOlckic Kiml~rlillg. Elc,m,,,' l1mi"k"r, .\lcrl"lIc HcilC"OlI.


Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism llonorar)', promotes journalism among women studenLS and women of the communit),. Junior women majoring in journalism with a 3.0 in journalism subjects 'lnd 2.5 ;ICCUlllld;ltin~ in other classes 'lre eligible, Membership is also ;\\''lilable to women who have done exception'll work in campus journalism activities and who possess high schobl'ship, 1/ .. ", Olle-Waller IInng". A,h iscr; Kip Petcrson.



Kirsdmcr. Mrs. john \\'c1x:r. Kellogg. Ka,cn Smith.


CoHege of Letters and Science SIG~IA


Sigma Alpha Jota is a professional fraternil}' for women in the field of music. The r(."fluirements for membership arc all O\'cr-all grade poim a\'cra/o\c of 2.8 with no grades below 3.0 in llIusic courses. .\lembers of Sigma Alph;l lot:l usher at musical rUIlClions on campus. They also ;Icl as hostesses ror community concen pcl'fonncrs and musiGllcs. /law Oue-Sharon Huhbell, Lynne l'atlon, Karen Ol~n,

Jallel W:llker, Marjorie Onlgoo. Paula Cussed., Lynda Knox, )0 Milholland, Rosanne Bl'C1<er. Row Two-RUlli ,\nn Knapp. JO)CC Baile", Robena I路liggin~. Rae Patton, J\n~la 'lher\)cnoll. Isabel Woods. Virginia Iw)d. ncrleila 8ur1:e:, Sherr) DiClhc:lm. /low Thr('('-)"Il) Sinclair, ell' 5ilha. Virginia RC\llold'. Aun \lbe. Pat C:lI1non, Bonnie Heninger.


))i Gamma ?\lu is an honorary for social scicncc majors. Mcmbers arc juniors and seniors who ha\'C at Ican 20 crcdiLS in lhc social sciences and a 3.0 gradc a \'cragc. R01,路 O'H"-HafT) Ihrlllsworlh. Nadine Naslund, \'iclori'l I'almer, Jackie Johnson. Carol Ann Plummer, Ihrlene Mclxmald, Robcl'l 1-I00acl.:, /lo", 'rwo-IXm;.ld Seelye, Rufus Cook, Larry Sail. I:llnic Morliu. "'retl GaudN, M:.rvin Heile路 son. \\':tlll' SW;lIl. John Stcinbrink. John Rowe.


The purpose of Phi Mu Alpha is to furthcr the cause of good musIc on thc campus. Malc ~ludellLS who aCli\'cl) parlidp:llc in onc of thc major lIlusiccl org;U1i/ations of cunpus and h,I\'C ;1 2.5 acculllu];lli"c mar join. E.1.ch )car thc chaptcr sponsol'S an Amcrican t\lusic Conccn. The members usher for music rccit,i1s and concerts. There is also an annual lca for music SlUdcnlS. faculty, and olhcr pcrsons intcresled in music:d aCli\'ilies. /low One-Dale !JClling. Rogcr Ford)cc, Joe Kantola. Tralis Md)onough, Brian Sack. 1Ii11 Jonel. G:,l')' I'hillips. Row Two-Jelf Grimm, Carl') BClls. Rollo Ilacon, Tra\'cn tlulf, Dick Jonel, Wallis llrall.


CoHege of Letter搂 and Science

:'>hs. I::lna Grahn. assislant proFessor in mathe路 malic,;. conducts a pilot class in .\1:1111 I from which hro,ulcasts arc m<lde to other cl"sses in "arious other rOOIll"

II,-ian Harris relaxes 011 the Ad l;lwn IJcfore his departure 10 study Philosol'hy on a I'uluright &hol:l'-5hil' 'It lhe U11i"C1"5;1,' of !Ilaruurg in German,'.

William M. Kunkel, Jr .. center, presents to Garr C,}rlson. left. an annual "ward gil'en by the Chemical arid Eugilluring News, national chemistr), l1laga~illc. to lhe lOp undcrgr,,(!u'lIcS in the "'l\io11 majoring ill chemistry and allied

fields. Jack DclJaun, righl, also receivcs an honoraLJlc rncmiou award frOIll .\Ir. KlInkel.


CoHege of Letters and Science ConSln>Clioll sianed in e.. rly Fall on our lie,,' I'h)"sical Science nUilding just opposite the Lihr.ll1". With tlte 10la1 COSI 10 be o'er ~ ",illion, it ..·ill Imh be' .. gmt


to the Uni,enil\ ;;Ind

the SUII!'. The pracllt Science lIuild· ing;s 10 lJ,e rClI1odclro for the biological Mienca.

Dr. Hunter and Dr. Cor dCIllOIl$tr.llc the facilities th,lI arc a,-ailahlc 10 all SlUdClllS in the L:lllguagc Llh located 011 third floor in the '\It Unildillg.


t.conOll1ia slUdclll5 enlcrUin

small children in the n".-sty) :IS p.1ln o( thcir COIll'IC ill child dc,clopmC'Il.


CoHege of Agriculture The College of Agriculture in 1901 becamc onc of the first schools to altain the status of a college. lis lin.l dean, Dean Edwin Elliot. was ;11>pointed b) the IkJard of Regents in 1908. The College of Agriculture has grown and expanded on the Idaho c.'tmpus and throughout the St;lIe as a \,·hole. It has Branch Experiment St;lIions and Agricuhural Extension Service Agelll~ ill all parts of the Stale ;nul it has alwa}s pla)e<.1 a \er} \ ital role in the State's number one industr)r.. nning. It is with the College of Agriculture th;1I we can most readily see how the Uni\ersit~ scnes the State by means of eduGltion. research, :md .sen·ice.

Dos ..... :\1 .\ltSll.\l.l thwc;tl/c lxtm College of \grkuhuro:

J'\lI"t:.K.us l)('t'" CoII~'8c

or \gricullUTC


Alpha Zela is an agriculture service honor:lJ'}' which pl'O\'ides for bener reo hllion between the ag students amI lhe faculty member.!> of the College of Agri. culture ami also olTers opportunities for developing leadership :Ibilities :Huang iLs members. To be eligible a sllIdcnt mUSl be in the upper one·third of his c!;lSS :lIlt! receive a 2.7 grade a\'erage for three semesters. \1.1'11,\ ZETA HO;\,OR ROLL Uow o,,~- \nhur Allcn. Ben Henrickson. Lee







Trupp_ Joe ,\ ..derson. Row T",o-Doll )lcu'o,I, I.con 1l:H1son, 1-1. C. SlUder. Vern SllIdC!r. 1);I!c Kalhflei-'Ch. CUrlis Sulton.


Ag Council is the group that coordi· nales the College of Agriculture studelll acti\·ities. Each departmelll has one member on the council and there are tWO facuh} ;uh·isers. Rou' ()"..-G. O. naker. Keilh Chrisu'nsen. Bale Kalhflei-e:h. OkL Crlln. nruce From:lII. jad jilJSOli. Ken SlOnt'. elif Eldred. Rou.· Tu.-oDoug Seo'ille. earl l..elh. Dennis Conle'. jolm

\\'all<lIlI. Kell Knohlod•. 'ile'e \llretl. H. C. SlU<I('r. urn I-look. (.ll' C. \mlerson.



CoHege of Agriculture

I~n KrallS cOl1gralUble1l Bruce G~l. cenU'T. as he sho..'s hirn lhe 1,la<lllc Ilpon which his n;IIl"~ "'iIl be inscribed as being lhe Outslan<!illg Graduating Senior in the College of .\gricul路 lUre (OT 1961. Oall: Kalblkisch. l'r~idc11t of \lpha .lela. 1001.5 on as Ilrncc rn:ci,es his ..w:ln!.

Ilr. JolIlI lIu<hallth'l.




Department of ,\nimal as




gratlll:l1c slUdell!, prepares a digt'Slion S;Il11ple 10 he \)I,,<:ctl in the SlOlllach of :1 li,ing cow, 1I""';11"I's I'rojt'Ct ;11\'01\1'5 the ratc of forage 1>I'c"I..I"",,, h} ,,,riolls llIicro-organisms laking pllocc in the cow's stomach.

Jul. RandoJ,h. animal husu:mdn silldoll. dispia", onl: of Ihe College's I'ri~c''''inning Herford bulls. Jack ..-as one of Idaho's ''''0 swderlts 10 be c11OSC1\ 10 take p:U1 in the lmernal;onal Fann \'oulh t:"changc I'rogram. He ,,'ill Il',end ~.'I: mOlllhs in \'encwcla laming of their cus路 tOIllS ;lIld life in an allempt to further better umler;tanding in the ..路orld.

CoHege of Engineering The hisl0!1' of the College of Engineering begins in 1901 when it was organized as the School of Applied Scienct's. In just six shon }cars it had ad\'anced so gready that it was re-orgomi1C:d as the College of Engineering with four dcp.1.nmenls-Ci\"i1 Engineering, "lining Engi. neering and Metallurgy. :'IJcchanical Engineering. and Electrical Engineering. Since that time it has undergone other changes reflecting its growth in both quality amI quantity of the education it offers. Since lhal lime in 1907, the l\lining Engineering ;md J\lclalJurgy Dcp:m路 ment has been moved to the College of ]\fines and lhe Dcpal'tJl1clHs of Chemical Engineering and Agricuhural Engineering have been added 10 its CUlTicululll. Dean ;\llcn S. Janssen has served as Dc,lIl of the College of Enginecring since 1946 and he has indced brouglll many honors to lhc Collcge and the Univcrsity. ALL!;"" S. J"sss.p~'1 Dcan Colleg~ of Engineering

SIG:\I..-\ TAU

Sigma Tau is an honoraI') eslablished to gi,-e recognilion to Ihc outstanding men in thc ficld of engille<'ring. The woup ~tri,'es to attain pr;lctic;lbility. M'lCiabilit}'. and scholastic :tbility. In ordcr to be eligible a Sludent lTlust be of junior ~tanding wilh :13.0 grade point or beltCI". i\lembel"~ are selcctcd by thc gJ'Oup amI mcmbership is for life, /(U'" O",,-T_ C. Rednour, Ste,e AllrClI. Ken Temple, jcr:lld Ilcimh;II:h, John Re:ld. Row TU'Q-R. R. Furga. ouI1, ,\lan"in Winegcr, Rich:ard j:acobSCIl, jerr> OkOOl1, Rlld} Heul, Leo \lcColl:agle, Cl:arl; Urcwinglon. /low Thru-Jaml':S Hemphill, Joe LU5C. 1-I;1I'-:lld JenMeIl, Jim 1Il:Icl;i, Clad~ W~ighl, rom Scl1leler, II_ Ie Will, Bruce Dnnn, Roger nissell. Row Four-L\l~ Par~s. Bob Smilh. Xorman Young. Bob '-anno\', .\hin )Iong. Joe )Iurph}'. Bill )larlin, )Iaurice 1I0ftman.

rhe display made b}' lhe ,\merican luslilUle of Chemical Ellginccl'$ crcaled a great deal of curiosit}' al lhe annual open house held at the College of Engineering.


CoHege of Engineering Senior Mechanical Engineering students, Richard T. Jacobsen. Harald Jenssen. and Ol"v Christian路 sen, wcrc among the first engineering students to operate the new nude"r suh-critical reactor installed in the College's m ..::1car lab in Mal"{;h, 1963.

Dr. M. L. Jackson, Head of lhe Chem. ical Engineering Dcpartrncnl, t:,lks with Gene Uglllncr concerning the College's 525.000 National &icncc Foundation gr:1ll1 10 carryon research in the field of dlcmical enginccring.

["eft: Mcch:mical Engineering studcllIs DOll Dana, M:mshi1l1:'

Yuki, alld Dollg \'carslcy arc in the process of the final asscmbl)' of 1 heir '\1. E. 54 project in Kirtley Lab No.1. /lighl: The engineering labs arc ;tlways busy ,l1ld these [Wfl engineering studcnlS "Te working late at night to finish up Oil one of their mall)' \.,ork projc.:l$.



CoHege of Mines Since it was establishcd in 1917, the Collegc of Mines has offered curricula leading to a Bachelor of Science in j\-lining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Geological Engincering, Geology, and Gcography. This year 22 seniors wcre graduated from the College. Located in onc of lhe chief mining regions of lhe world, the University of Idaho offers valliable opportunities for stlldying the natural geological structures situated in lhis area. The Mines Summer Camp olTers additional opportunities to study deposits of ore materials, fossiliferous rocks, and igneous rocks.

l:.WL 1'. COOK Oean

Collcge of Mines

Th<.'SC sludc11l5 :lre het;oming f:l1nili:lr Wilh various cquipmcnt USi.'(l in mine safCl)' and rcsc;ue work.

Mrs. Sandra Clark began lhis )"ear 10 do research for her graduate work in Geology. one of lhe del'afllllents of lhe Colkgc of :'lil1cs.


CoHege of Mines

These 1"'0 mining student" ~rc $Creening maIer. i;,1 in Ihe l,rOC05 of <Jelcrmining lhe panieular ~n"ll'si~ or lhe differenl ore $;1m pies.

The beautiful Mines UuildinR is indKd an impro'emenl O\'cr Ihe old facililies. The Uni\cnily and Ihc Stale will alw:.)"s remain deeply indebled 10 the mining induslry which helped make such a huilding possible.

SllIdcnlS enrolll...:1 in Ihe safely engineering coune laught by lhe Colkge of Mines are seen lea,'ing lhe Mines Iluilding for some praClical eXl}CI'icnce conducled in lhe Univcrsity's SIC:Ull lunnels.

Mrs. Sandn. Clarl. sllO"'s her diploma to Dean Cool. and 10 I>T. I-I:orr) C;ild..'c11. She has (:\'eT) righl to be Ilroud for she "':.t! the fint woman to gl'2duate in GcolO81 from Ihe Uni-cni!y of Idaho, She plallS to do gn.dualc "'ork ~Iso al the Cui-cn;l) of Id~ho.


CoHege of Forestry Through lhe )C:lrs, the College of Forestry has become OIlC of the oULStamling forestry schools in the nalion. Il} means of Iantl gifls and purchases. Ihe experimental forest program ha) dC\'elopcd illlo one of the largen in the Coulltry'. These cxpcrimclll:d forcslS provide cOllntless opportunities for lhe forcstr} student 10 gain practical knowledge in his field. PrcsidCIll Limllc} was responsible for the changing of Forest.., from a DcparUllCnl 10 a School and it was ))rcsidcnt l~tlch:l1lan who recommended in 1953 that the School of Forcst.., be org:lIlil.CtI as a College. A {our-rear program is offered to the sludclH in Forest Managclllcm. Wildlife Management, Range M:m:lgcmcllI. Fishery i\lan:lgcment. ami Wood Utilization Technolog}.

• I'

E.,t:ST W. WOIll.HZ ~(Jf' Col1~e of Forcst'1

XI SIG.\IA PI The purpose of Xi Sigma I'i is to promote the intercst of the prorcssional aspecls or forcstr)' lO slUdents. Meetings arc composed of professional speakers who give insight into the various fields of forestr),. The upper 25 per cellt of the rorcslr)' class is eligible for membership. /lo... O""-Dean Ernest WohJctz, Jim lhmon. ,\. n. J'artridgc. Ed Uanscn. How Tlt'o-Laurent Ta}'IOl". Dand Malthcws, John Howe, JCIT), Oa\'is. Forest StcmllCr. I~oh KO!lke)', /low Th .. er-Jinl Crooks, ;\fcrril D,wis. Rich. ai'll Heinrich. Bill Nikkola. Lonnie Williams, Elmer C..nficld, Tom Cmlctti.

~uu:stn SllltlelllJ all pilch ill 10 help plant larious trees ;tnd shrubs ;tt the new Forat Genetics Center which i. 10000lrd just C;t.t of the C3mpus.


CoHege of Forestry .\!embers of the faculty and students of the Cuilege of ."oreslry put in place " special net 10 trap fish as they swim up-stream. The pur路 I>OSC of the proje<:t was to sllIdy the ,-arlolls :ISpects of fish brtx'(!ing and migration.

rile College of Forcsll"j call boast man)' firsts. including the rarit), of ha,-ing such :1 beautiful student :IS llaTban V"rs. senior woman majoring ill Wood Utili1.atioll Technology.

I'resident Thcophilus dcdk:.tcs the new Forcsny Science L:,lJor:I\ory huill by the U. S. "'orcs! ScniccJ"lISI cast of the ('''"pus. The new huild路 ing ,m its facilities is just more e\'idence of the calil>er of Qur outstanding College of 1'01", cstry.


CoHege of Education In order to meet the growing demand for teachers in the state of Id,lIlO, a School of Education was established at the University of Idaho in June, 1920. Dr. l\lessengcr becitme Dean when the School of Education was established and held thitt position until he retired in 1944. Dean 1;Vehzin then assumed tb,.t position and now is serving his [9th year as Dean. Dean \'VeItzin announced this Spring that he will be relinquishing his Deanship to devote full time to research and teaching. The University owes mucb to Dean \Vcltzin for during his 19 years as Dean of the College of Education it has grown from 128 lO well over 900 sllldents. The College offers programs in Education, Psychology, Business Education, l\lusic Education, Industrial Arts Education, and Physical Education.


F~m~lc~ /)"011


Cullege of Educ:llion

PHI EPSILON KAPPA Phi Epsi[on Kappa is the only national professional fraternity for male students and le;lChers of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. It brings to its members an appreciation of their dmies toward life, toward their profession, and toward their fellows. The establishment of Idaho chapter has added immeasurably to the status of the Physical Education progr,uTI. Row O"e-llill M:.llis. Rich i\"aee<lralO. Car)' Smith. Fred Crowell. l\L E. Ross. n:lrold Johnson, Urucc Tro",路 bridge. Roger Konkol. n"'<I)'nc McC:lnney. /low T"'o-Jim Md:Jroy, Ralph H<lssm3ll, noh Blowcr, Larry Johnson. C...roll l\lallhews, Doug liapkins. Charles Long, John Herch. inger. Jim Currie, Hugh I'ullon. Uo", Three-Ken l\1"ren. Grt"g Honlemann. Jim Spcl!l".. ui. l\lIell Phillips. Fred 1'holl1:Os, Leon Grt"Cll. J"ck Bloxom. Tom Bloxom. L:Lrr)" Derrie.

The Studenl Te:oching Program pru,ides an excellent opportunit)" to g:.in ,'aluable experience in dealing ...ilh classroom problems.


CoUege of Education lIdo,,': <;haron Stroschein and GaTT}

L..cllle•. "CllioT education sImII'm!. p~. ,iew the College's 1Ilanr autlio·,isual aids in prepanliOfl ror their slUdell! tC:i(:hing assignmetlls.

llean /_ t-. Welllin happil}' displays the port"blc ntlio Ie reed'"cd ;ll5 it gift 31 the put,- gi"e11 in honor of his stepping do.nl as l)(:an of the College of Educuion dU'r 19 }eafS of holding that pOSilloll.

Roy lIowmlm ,,,,,I Fatller I'cplins"-; proud· Ir shu,," 10 Ocan Wcltlin the awards rhe)' Tt-cei'lxl from the 1000al (h"lller of I'hi lkha Kappa, national professiun,rl fra· lernil) in EduGlliun. "'IUI E. """kel. I'residctll of the local chapteT, prCSCTltl-.:1 Ihe awards to the two slUdcllls ror their OlllSlJntting achic,'clIlcnt i" the licld of .:duC:l.lion.

I he Women's l'hjsic<I' I::dllution llep,ut· ",em pm. ides a 'aried I'rogr.lIll for ...omen enterillg ;'HO Ihal parlicular field. fhe> supplement their ...orl; and leach· ing 0) also aCli.ely sup!>orlillg lhe WR \ program on amllllS.



CoHege of Business

The College of Business provides profcssiolUI training for young men ami women who plan to make business their career. Perhaps nothing speaks bener for the College of Business than the success of its graduates and the continuing demand for morc of them. Graduates head one of the nation's largest chains of super-markets. They hold high positions in major insurance companies, b,lllks, and cOllntless other business ellterprises. The College has one of the nation"s most outstanding records in successfully preparing stude illS for exmin,uiolls [catlin!\" LO Certified Public ACCOlllllant ccnific;lles. Both Sl:lhililv and status h,n"c been developed in the faculty. Eleven members out of the total of sixteen possess either doctof<ttc degrecs or CPA ccrtificatcs.

D.\\'II> D. "-t:~"N'CK

Det'" Collegc of Busincss

ALPHA KAPPA PSI Alpha Kappa I>si, thc national professional fraternity for busi路 nessmcn, was only recently reactivated 011 the Idaho campus but it has immcdiately developed into onc of the most aClive profcssional fratcrnities on campus. At their mectings they havc h:td guest spcakcrs from industry. governmCllt, ,Old thc professional fields of accouming and economics. One-John T'lle. Eugcnc 1-I"1"(lcr. l{ichJrd SWnlon. DOll Fluharty. IIn'ce H"rI'Cr. J,unes Berry. Gregg Holt. a",l Ralph l\"c1SOIl. How T",o-Robert C.rl路 son. "-cith Gregory. Harold Audreason. RichJrd l\eehc. "'illi,,," Orman, Bruce VideI'm,,,,. Tim Nelson, Mike 111'0"'''. Dennis Cromwell. Jlld Bill LongcH:ig. How T/lree-I--red Bergemann. OQn Knudsen. Terry Smith. UolJ Rilq'. Carl Schlecht. HalTY I"",wcs. G"r~ Ellsworth. :Iolan'in I)""is, and Ruland Willi"ms. /(0\1'


Mrs. Gcr,tldinc I)acres conducts a etass ,ilJI to all modcl'll business peopleSmJIl Ilusim:s.s MJchines 'Illd C"klllators.

CoHege of Business Glen Mumey. ill5lructor, tdls 1"'0 business sludcnu Ihe iHh.m. lages of using d:1l:1 processing S}1iI~lU 10 Jo"'cr production anti imcll(or) (O$U.

l'rohl"'lIs cummon to c,·cTy·day lllanagclllcl1l or " small retail gnxcr)' busint-ss ,ne the lopics of group discllssiun in the CUlll'S<: CIllitktl "ltHllIslri,,] ~lan;lgeUlcl1l··.

Recipienu of scholarships gi'en br th ... 1,l3ho 1\5SOCialion of Rnllors and ,h... Idaho Real EIItat... Brokers IkJ;ard arc being congr.llulau·t1 in Ihe l'residCIll"s Offic.... L~JI to right-:\Ir. \. L. Gritlle). e;,r' Schlecht. :\"all" TalllOl. \li"e C...arIlIC\, Mr. Wm, O·;\!ean. :\lr. Jalllel Cridlc~. :\Ir. .\brian \'oorhca. Dean

I).nid l\a'llirick, :lIul "residell' D. R. Theophilu5.


CoHege of Law The College of Law was established in 1909. Its primal) purpose has been to afford a thorough and sciclllific legal cd路 uc:uion for stmlellls who arc filted by intclleCLUal maturity and prc\'iolls ac;l(lcmic training La pursue professional study under university methods of insU'uclioll. On(' Gill obtain ample proof that the College of Law has sllccessfully fulfilled this purpose by merely checking on the outstanding accomplishmelllS of its graduates. The Colkgc of Law is the only law school in Idaho and il is a member of tile Association or American Ll\1' Schools, the highest accrediting agency in the United Stales for law schools. It is also approved by the AmcriC:l1l

I~ar A~~ociation.

Pltll.uP E. l'nlaso" ~Im

Colleg~ of


Moot Court pro"ides the law sllldclll ",ith lhe opportunill' 10 g;\in praclical expcrk'lICc in presenling casel\ hc:ftlre Ihe puhlic and hell'~ Itl huild self. assurancr' lhal is csscntial 10 a successful laWler.


Adu[t Educadon President D. R. Thcophilus was responsible for the creation of the Division of Adult Education and Summer School in 1959. Jts first director was Dr. Thomas L. Dahle. The Division supervises Slimmer School, Extension Courses, and Correspondence Courses. Dr. Kooi, the prcsclll Director, also is ill charge of the Ccntr:d Placement Service and this is of invaluable aid to the Seniors seeking employment following their graduation from the University. \Vorkshops. conferences, and special programs afC all under the direction of the Division of AdulL EduC;llioll. This division of the University, though relatively new, has indeed measured up to its expectations and much morc can be expected from it in the fUlUrc as the University grows and the services it offers 10 the State increase in both number ,Old quality.


K. 1\001


,h]lIlt EdllC:uioll and Summer School

The l'lacclllcnt Oflicc arr,mges confercuccs in which gr,ulualing Scn'ors can iuterview I'rOSl'l'(;li,-c ellll,loj"crs.

,\lrs. Coffman of lhe Pfaceme11l Onicc instructs a gr,l(llI,uillg Scn'or ho"' to flf] ill lhe llCClOSS"r)" forms to fl'Cci,-e hi,s le,teher's ecnif. ic;lIe.

Rohert Clark. Colkgc of Bus'nl'Ss. addresses a (Oll{erCIl(C (onducted for filjuid fcrtili'.cr (kalel's. This is lypic"f "f the lIl,my workshops and confcrcnces undcr lhe dircctioll of the Di' 'sion "f ,\dull V]lIC;'lion and SUllllnu School.


Graduate School Organized in 1925, the Graduate School now meets the needs of many college graduates who desire ;lddiliollal training and education for their rcspccti,"c specialized fields. The first master's degree was awarded in 1897 and this year six doclOfalc degrees and over 160 graduate degrees were earned from the Uni,"ersil)' of Idaho. The school offers extensive specialization in more th;nl fifty departments.

L.C,C"I)" Dca" Graduate School

Roger Rog-elstad. graduate SWdCIlI ill arts. rUIlS the press and m;lchinc ill,"oll'cd in the printing of his thesis.

. \nn IngchrilSCll works Wilh D.-. O. B. WL..,ks of the Bacteriology I)CI"ll"\mcnt

on rlosc;,rch for the Idaho Heart As路 sociation.






AND 0:-


School Chris Ryk. " <:i,'il Cllg'llt'Crillg gradu"l" slu<lc1l1, ,,,,d his assiSla'll. Ami" Friling, an undergraduate civil engineer, lake field mcasnrclIle'us of flow through '"1 ;'sph,lIt pa'emc"! as part of '1 gr"du"tc research pruj..><:l sponsored hy the Idaho Oepartment of Highways and co",h,,:tt'(l through Ihe Engineering t:"l'crimCl1( Slalion 'II 1he Un;. \'crsil), of I"'lho.


E,-ie H"lfhill. entomologr gradn"lc Studenl. demonstrates Ihe new ,'"cuUm SWt,<:p for collt'Cling entomology salllples. He is experimenting' with the m;tehine in his siudy of pc.. "phid p"r"sil~'S in alfalf...

Lewis W;,lker and Kurt Moller, gr:ldll:lle students in ;'gricullUr.. 1 cronolllics. t:olk to cach olher concerning lheir sep"r:ole graduate projeclS. Lcwis wOIked 011 the congression"l history, operation and implications in lhe ['"dfic Nnrlhwcsl of Puhlic La\\" -180. Kurt did rt'SC;,rch stud)' on the (ost of growing pot;tlO<:S ill South Celllral id"ho.

lhclll Thom:ls and Gt><ngc In,jng. gr:ulu,llC studcnls in dlClll;C;t1 cngillt'<:ring. ul'cr~tc "l'l'al~ltus fur high vacuum simlies on c;'I"lysts. Dr. Jack Lunsford Inub '''I as they do Iheir research.


Honoraries Phi Kappa I~hi emphasizes scholarships through election to membership. This hOllora)"} is open to all dcparllllcms of the Univcrsil}. Seniors and a few second scmester juniors are eligible for mcmbershil) in the honorary. i\lcmbership is. however, limited to less than 10 per CCIll of the gradu;uing seniors. liou' 0"",-1." Iltlell Gr~n. I'cnn~ j'arl>en)" Una Allon. 1>;:"1(' Waldr...n, Dorcc Baldridge, Janel .\nn CllTfl', and Rosanna Ch;unl~rs. Row J'wo-JO}"CC ,\rlenc Grq:0l)', Kimberling . .\13'1 Winegar. Iliallc Fa"'!IOCI. ulie Gibb, S.mdn. Clut. John Rem<bc:rg. W;l\lIe Shull/. Uou- TlIru-Roberl 1);1\ is, Eric Carl'lOll. Jimmr 01!lO11. John Moroni. and CfUrgC Cook.


ALPHA LA:\fBDA DELTA Alpha L:lmlxla Della, nation..1 frcshm.tll women's scholastic honor:lr}'. recognilcs OUIst,tnding aC:tdemic achie\'cmcnt among Frcshman women. To be eligiblc for mem· bership ,I student must h;I\'c a 3.5 first semcstcr 01' accumulati\"c 3.5 for her Freshman ycar, flow Olle-:'\'cddie Lallig, ,\rlene Ullical1, I'al Find· ley, Diane Williams, Sue Nelson, Merr)" Uauer, Penu)' I':,rlx:rry. :ond .\11 !loas. faculty adviser. /low 1",,·o-Joan RUIll]>eI!ClI, Carol Hussa, Uarhara Ware, Merrily·d:,wn FruC(hleuiclll. J:l1licc Craig, Marilp' Wallace, 1':,( C:,rlsol1, Norma Hageml'''', IlarlJar" Collinl, Nancy K"uflllanl1, Judy Sinclair, Arlene Sharp, Marl'" Dohler, Sharon Dohler.

1'1-11 ETA SIGMA

Phi Eta SiKma providcs recognition and honor to male Freshman students who attain high scholastic standing. Any freshman who :lttains a 3.5 grade point a\"cr:'ge is eligible for membership. Initiates rem;tin acti\"c dlll'ing their cntire Sophomore ycar. /lor.: Om'-Ur)on "ndenon, WIT)' Uuuerficld, ,\1 01510<1, Venlon Cuns, nob Uushnell, Rob Lc:lhmd, kich:ud lIall, and '" ~:iguren. Row Tu'o-Harold Suali, Roberl Creech, James C. :'\'el~m, Charles \\'. 8aker. Jere llagen. !.;nHence Stamper. Chuck \\'al· lOn, Ja<:l A)'r'I1I. /lor.: 1"hru-8ruce Rr'Cd, Kendall 1':lpuCT', D:l\id I'rysocl:, wlHolce De;;r,nh, Thomas Soderling. Bo)d Earl, WalTCTl Yeakel. and James




Top Seniors Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class

flo"'''I"! Isha~lhc tJ ~\'jlh

Idaho'$ ",elll

?"d, flour路 first lII'cnlll of an romlllCllCC: nouncnnelll . 1896,

'1 ()! j1o/.o. ;1//,,/, yo- 10


~ u..



"lie 7-11, 18[)6路

~ ";"

F"om ., whothe f $ix lone'mdl\,tduals orl1lc:d the fir 1892 the U. . st class in llI\'eTSH f lIsed this fI 1 _ Y 0 Id.lilo et gllllg be' . to bcoon ~llllllng . 1e OIlC of I IIlStilutions acros tIC major or " ' S the n:llion. ICSC SIX

were gradualC<.1 tJeople, four Bachelor's I II 1896 Wilh . (egrecs. J-\ nuateJy 4 700 . pproxrolletl II' students enlC fall SCIllCSt " just 70 . cr 11\ 1962, . leal'S latcr 1 III June 196'" a, o\"cr 'I am 000 (tgTccs ' at l were gr.lIHC<.1 commcncement

uni路 The Class or 1900-.... ' forms or Spa "h"lI-S p nnkled ..,jlh ar.




Top SenioI's WILLI.\)I CH.\RLES BOWES Ik\und for :l. career as an olflCcr in the U.s. "':.1\). :-':e..· Yorker made a name for hinl.~eU on the Idaho campus. Bill asi!> c:aplllH:d the Jlosition of \SUI Vice-I'r idem dllring the Spring .\5UI EI~lions of his Junior )"car and he "'elll on 10 fill 111O~ position ali head of the n""h' formed ;\eli.ilia Council. It ..'as solely due to Rill's lint iring dforu and able leadenhil' Ihal ,\cli,"ilies CoU"l:;1 '''''5 able to mature and grow into an effect;..: and d1icicnI "'orking Unil of 5IUdcnt go,"anmctlL nill. majoring in chcmkal (,Ilginerring. sen-cd :15 Duke of Idaho"s IntcfO)lIegi:ue Kllighu during his Junior 'oar. ,,'hieh abo 501'" him lapped for meml~hip into 61ue Key and Sihcr Lance. nill, dapill: his hean :leademic lood and man)' ~lrulilTic\lbr xt;,-ilies, "'as 51ill able 10 take au :telhe I)ut in his fralernit}'. Sigma \Ipha t:!Kilon. Ihi~

ALYCE JOY TAYLOR Ila\in~ entered Ihe Uni,er$il) as a lransfer slUllenl, il is tmll amaling Ihe record Ihal Myee Joy acculII' nlalcd during her 1"'0 leaT$ :1.1 Idaho. This coed from Idaho Falls ,,'<lS (Iuick 10 elller the polilical arena UI){lIl her <lrrh<ll un ca",pus. She rel'l"{:sented her li'in!; grouJl' .\lcCunnell 11:111, Ull Raidence Hall Council <lnd quid.!r ad"anced 10 lhe lOp 5l){ll in Ihat organila. lion. During her reign as I'raillenl. IUIC was hosl for lhe Inler'lIIounl"in Co",elllion of Residence 1-1:111 Councib, which brought some 200 delegales 10 lhe ld<lho c;llnpu5. From here Al)'ce JoY welll on 10 gaill :' I){lSllion on Ihe ,\SUI Exec:lIli,e Iklard where she underlook Ihe dillicull lask of re\ising Ihe .'\SUI Conslillilion ami Rcgul:ll;OIlS. AlIce Joy did nOI 'I"ir wOI'king whell the C:llnpaiglling W<lS o,er. bUI inslead "'ol'kcd c01l$tanlll' lu S<''C th:'1 those she n:pr<."SClllcdthe studc11l I)(MI)". C:lIllllUS Union !'arty, :llld ;\lcCon· nell 1-1:Ill-"'c1'e "ware of rhe variuus iSSll<''S cUllfrollling studcnt llo,crumC"1 an,1 h<ld am pic opportuniry ru It:"c their lio:WS heard.

1I0WARO BRl:CE GREEN J his agricultural cronorniu major frOlll i\lcC:ulllllon.

ltlaho, ,,-..s na"'cd as lhe oULSlanding agricultural sill· dCnI in his class for three 'e-.IrS. Bmcc's OlllSlanding r«ord in Ihe College of \gricullllTe ,,'arrdnle<! hi~ nU'mbcrshil' in .\Ipha ZCla. n:.ltional :.IgricllllUral hOllorar); ,\g Council; and hi. rec:cilillg lI\all~ :.Iii; ,,"'ards :.Ind $Cholar$.hips. Bruce w:.ls ~bo cnrolle<l in the \d\:.Ince<1 Am'" ROTC I'rogram and he rccei'cd his commission as a "J)islingllish~1 .\lilil.. n Gradnalc", Ilrucc. :.I member of t·:.Innhouse Fralem;l\, was :.Il!O lapped for membership in Blue Ke) .. nd scncd on >,HIOlis class and ,o\5VI roll1ll1itl~. Brucc's irnll1cdi..le pl:.lns call lor gr.cdualc $Chool and Iherl lhc: roc:.crch l,h:.l5(' of agricuhural economics.

Top Seniors THOMAS CURTIS EISENlIARTH Coming to the Uni"ersity from Weiser. Tom m:,naged 10 comuine academic excellence with extracurricular activitit:s and still come out 011 top. 1\ lllemUer of Willis Sweet Hall, Tom was elc<:ted to the ,\SUI Exccuti,·e 80"rd on the C"mpus Union Party tiel:.et during his Junior )'ear. Tom also worl:.t:<..\ 011 the Gem staff for three years. sen·iug as :m Assodatc Editor his Junior ye:,r. He w:,s chosen ror nH:ml>ership in lIlue Key during the fall semester of his junior year and also w"s chairmall of the 19(;1 Homecoming I'arade. Despite the (:tct that TOlu spent his Senior ye:'r in the College of Law on the Combined Business :md L:lw Curriculum, he man"ged to accumulate an outst"nding record or scn icc in student go.-t:rmnent :l11d in his li'ing group.



,\ Financc major hOI'1 Spokanc, Washington. lIarh"ra sened her class as Secretary during her Junior year; scncd her sororily, I'i Bet:' Phi. as I'residelll and as a rCflrcscnt:lIive to I':m-Hcllenic; :md scn'ed her Uni'·crsitr as a memher of countless ASUI and sun committees and as a !'om-Pon girl. For her endless sen·ice :Ind her scholastic achievcments, Barbar:t was :,w:lrdl.-'(I lIlembership in Alpha Lambda Della, Spurs, and Mortar lIo:'rd and was twtce chosen :os the outstanding woman in the College of Business t\dlllinistr:otion.

JAMES COLLIER HERNDON Jim was known lly all the readers of Ihe ArgOlUltll as its St'·cllty-lirst J:oson. Jim worked his war up to the E<..\itor·s desk vi:o spo,·ts rCf)Orling. having scn·cd two years as Sports E<litor. jim alw:'rs went 10 the story :md did not w:oit for the story to comc to him, Under his :tble leadershil" the ArgQf,aUI was :Ilwa)'s 'Iuick 10 comment on :lIlY and all issues-whether it invoh't.'<.! sollie Slate oftici:tl. Ihe Sl:lte legisl:uure. Univcrslty personnel, University polidt.'S. or student go'·ernlllent. jim's opinion. though not alwa),s ht.'C(lcd. w:ts :l1wal's rt.'Slx'Cte<1 by :011 those involved. Jim, a journalism major fwon Salmon, W:lS a member of Sigm:l Chi haterllity and ....as tal'pcd for membership in muc Key and Sigma Delta Chi. mttional jOllrn:tlism honor· arr_ Bt'Sidcs serving as all Ex-Officio memher on Elloard, he scn'I.--o. for Ihree re:ors as :I membcr of the t\thlctie Coordin:lliOIl Col\\\lIillee.


Top SenioJrs RO;>;'ALI) CARLTON


:\'ot " "a[i'e Ida!>nan. but one kllow" by almo,1 .tll of tile students aftcr his four )'e'ITS al the Uni\"crsit)'. Ron worh>tl from the "",Its of ordill"Ty student 10 President of the Associated Students of the Un;"cr,ilj' of Ill,.ho. Kon callably r"lfilkd the oflicc of ASUI Presidenl and set a 51,mdaHI of lc;.dcrship which future f\SUI Presidellts ",ill indeed h'I\e a (liflicult task to Cll'lal. In addition to his outStanding

senkc to the ASUI and the Uni\'crsil)', ROll. a psycholOS)' major from Ann i\rbor. :\lichigan. was I'resident of his fTatemil)" Dell" Sigma I'hi, 'Illd a mcrnOcr of Sill't'r Lance. nluc Key. and llllcrwilegiatc Io:.nighls. His (,.'teem;l)' and C,"nplls Union 1':tTl)' c,m take pride in Ron's ""Ill)' accom· plishments ",hile a\ thc Uni'ersity,

lDORA LEE MOORE A campus bC'''lly qucen wilh a Phi lIeta Kappa key-this is the only way to ,t,lequatcly ,lcscrihc thi.~ English major fmlll Lewiston. Idora 1.<.,<, hol,ls the litks of Mi~s U of I 'l11d QU~'en of lhc May Fete and justifia!.>l)· indeed. nut lm array of beauty COIll~"St titles is not luora Lcc's onl), m"rk to r"mc. Idora L~'e grl.du'lled fwm thc Ulli"crsit)' with the highesl grade point a"cragc for the women of hcr gr;"l"ating cll'.'IS. IIcsidcs mcmbcrship in I'hi lIela Kappa. this mcmhcr of thc Kappa Kappa Gaultna Sorority also hol,ls meml.>crships in Phi Kappa I'hi, Alpha Lamhda Dclw. '111.1 MOrlar Board, Thc womcn students saw fil to ekct Idon Lee as I'resi,lcnt of the Assodat~~l Women Students. a position she adc'lulllcly ful· fill,-~l. Idora L,-'e's bcauty ,,,,.I bubbling pcrsollalily ,,"erc l. familiar sight on c;lInpus and at all athlctic gatll'-"S whcrc she pcdormcd as unc uf Idaho's fam~"(1 POlll-l'on girls.

LYLE HOMER l'..\RKS Lylc was as milch as casc on " hask<;tball court l.S in l' chemistry lab. noth of th,-'SC cndeavors brought countlcss honors to this lad From Kendric", Lyle playcd bas"elball "II fuur of his rears at Idaho and hc e'trned his Varsity lener three of those four )·cars. An indisl.>cnsahle defense player, Lrle was Captain during his Senior j'e'tr and was twi(e chosen as the most insl'ir'llionat player by his fellow tcam-Illat,-'S. His outstanding scholastic "r.hie\"c1l1ents as l. student major· ing in chemical cngincering mcrit((l his mcmhcrship in Sigm" Tau. the cngint'Cring honor"r)', Lylc's contribution to the Uni"crsity of Idaho in thc classroom ,tnd on the bash'lb"ll court ,,"on him lllcmhership also in Sill'cr Lance, senior mc,,'s honorary.


Top Senio]['s D.\!\".\ JO


Vi\'ac;ious and prell}'. Dana ,,·orl:.~1 her W:I.) frorn a IIlcrc

51:1.11 mcmhcr to boecollle Editor of Ihe 51)(''<:;01.1 Idaho TuriIOrial Cc:lllCllnial i$$ue of the Gem 01 /I'I! Moun/ains. U,·jng in ,\lpha "hi Sororit)'. this French major fonn Halc]wT1 was abo :leti,c in countless olher call1pus acti,'itit.,. Dana pI3)('(1 ,H' jll,portanl role in org;l1li,ing the Air Force ROTC Angel l'liglll ,[tid "'as an acti,-c mcmlx:r of the Vandalcttcs for three )cars. l)an" also n:l'n:scllll'd her sowrit)' Oil 'ariolls I'anHellenic COlnmillccs.


With a shn:"'d acrounlant's mind, Skil' applial his talellu to the /\5UI Budget in !lis posili()n as a membocr of the ASUI .:secUt;n.' Hoard. During his lour )"cars at the Uni>·CTIlit)· of Idaho. Sldl' 1,la)"cd an act;H: role on the Swdent Union Co'li' ",inee and g-.. ined memhership ill Intercollegiate Knights. lillie Ke)·. and Sih'er Wnce. Skip, a businCM major from Idaho Falls, also sen'ed as l'rCllident of his li.-ing grolll'. Phi Della Theta Fraternity, and ;<s thcir rCl'rcscntati.'e to flltcrFr:,tcrnity Council. t:asily recogni1.cd toy his huge 110tel>ook. Skip was indeed one of the mOSt highly rcslx:ctcd student leaders b)' the members of the :Ilhnillistration. the faculty. anll the student body.

j.\.\IES ,\","THO","\' .\IETC\U· With a politician's mind and a journalist's alJilit), Jim cst:,hlished for himself :, nOlahle 1"C(0rd on the Uni\'ersil) campus. Coming to the Uni.ersit)' from Nalllpa. Jim sencd thc ArgO"'lUl in .'arious positions. fillillij: the pOSt of .\Ianaging Elliwr his Senior je:,r, jim's sen'lce to thc Argall/lUI :,Ione w"s enough to merit his membership in nlue Kcy and Sign,:, Dell:, Chi, national journ:,lislll honorary. Howc'·cr. Jim "':,s also acth'c in his fr.ltemit)'. Dclta Sigma Phi. and other campus acti\ities.


Top SenioJl"s tLt:-''''OR EILEE:" L'"IlCK"-R This ,1.:lC;OIl$ Home Economics ,,,..jor from nulll ..-;u ..


in hOlh Homec:oming Quec:n :Jnd UolI)

QUl-en CO"I IS. She has ,,1'iO held mcmbc~hip in .\Iph:.l. l.amlxla l>ch:J. SpUni. :\loTlar I~rd. I'hi 101."111':1 I'hi, ami I'hi ",>silon Omicron-Illu. Eleanor h..s abl) p,(nen II1:u hC:l.III) and I....ain! C.Hl he ",ilo.CtI. Eleanor ha_ held ,ar;"11$ offices in Alpha Phi SoWril) and in lin: \'amtalcucs and ,,-as one or l'nill-.:I I'arl)'$ Cilndi· ,latt-,; f,,,' the .\5111 t:xccuti,c lIoanl.luring her Junior )(;:11", UUTi .. g her Senior year. Eleanor chOM:t1 by lhe .\mcrif:m Association or Cni'c,'sil) Women




111',,,,<:11) as the I'l><:ipknl of their ··OlllStalld·

Scll;U]" WOtll<ltl


"'1-_11. CH \RL.ES :\IODIE "J:J§Ol1 ,0" is perh:ilps the "'o:o;t appropriate I'hnse to de5CrilJoe :'\til I~usc: ht Jiu:d up 10 Iht rtl'ul:uioll of I>OlSI outstanding Argonaut JasollS during his sla~ in Iht Edilor's Sl'0l, Comillg 10 lht L:ni\trsil~ from L(',,'islOn, :'\d' ,,'orlo:«1 his wa~ from T('poTler 10 tditor and mana~ 10 mal.e and Io:cq. Illan~ C'.llllpllS fritnds on his "'a~' up. ,\ Ill('mher of the B('la 'l1.eta Pi Fratemil)'. :'\eiJ "'35 al.so ch05en for ll1('m'>C'nhip ill 61ue Ite) and Sigma Uella Chi. journalistic: socicI)', during hi. sta~ al Ihe I'ni\crsil)" of Idaho.

IIRIJCE THO:\IAS DUNN This a"-an.1 """:IS I'Tcscnled 10 Bruce po;lhumoush' "fter hc "'as l.ill«1 in a tragic t"·o...,.,r aUlomobilt accidnll on Ihe ni/e,ht of :\Iuch 29, 1963. Thc &On of I'rof. and :\1 .... \lfred Uunn. Brucc "'as a nali.e or :\1O§COw and gTe'" lip in conSlanl close association "'ilh the t.'ni.ersit) of Idaho. IlruCt ...as an OIlUlanding ElccITiGlI t:ngineering .1lId....ll and was tapped for memhenhip in Sigma I au, tht engineering honoT:lT)', during hi. Junior lear. Druct was aJ'iO sc:lee::tetl as a mcmber of the Uni.enill's "College no,,'I" Team. which lends to prole Bruce's great imcllcrlUal ahilil). His fellow IC;Il,,·m:IICS wcnt Ull 10 malo:e au excellent showing in Ihe comcst :111(1 lheir winnings werc SCt aside 10 eswhlish Ihe "BrULe Dunn .\lemori,,' Fund".


Top Seniors CL.\RL\·CE EIlW.\RD CU.\l'M \S "' his nusincss alltl t\pplied Science major gradualed "Cum I.audc" fmlll lhe Uni,ersil)' or l!l:,ho: howe\cr. schol:,stic :lchi<;,cmCllls ahmc 110 1101 accounl for Cl:ore's outsl:""li,,/{ cullt'ge recan!. Duri"g his Senior lear, Clare hea,lt..:1 the Idaho ch:'pler of IIlue Ke}', nalional men's !IoChobslic and senicll' hOlll>l'3r,: COIllmanded lhe .\rl1l) RO rc Cadel Brip"lc: rt"CCl\ed his «IllIl1lission ,l' a lK'COnd Lieulenanl in Ihe U.s. ,\011\ R~rH~ :is "J)istingllisluxi :\liliI3T} GrddU:llc": and "'as selected ;IS the recipicnl of the highl), eo.·tled "Je"'ett Scholarship" 10 Hi\n"n! 1..'";'c,,,lt)·s Gnd"ale School or Rusines:l:, Clare's scnior 'e:iT "';lIS indeed trull' indicui\c of his olha thr~ 'an al ld",ho "'here he alii) srned his IJni.ersil\'. his fello..' StutlcrllS. and his Farmhouse Fr.tlemin.

G.\RY .\LDES c.\IU..soS l'n:sidcrH of his Junior Cl:is.s. l'r('Sidrotll or the I"ler· Fr;Hemit} Council, and l'rC5idem or his Bcl:i rhet:i "i .'r"lltemilY h:i"~ ~n onl' :i re..' or the m:ill\ extr.a· cunieul:ir aeti,ities of this SC1,ior hum Boise. G:i'1 :ilso excelled in his 5Chol:istic endelnors ...ilh Illcruboership in I'hi lJ.ct:i K:ipp;t. I'hi Kal'l':i Phi. Hlue Kq. :ind Sihcr L:ince as :imple proof or his success in lhis field. Gaq ''':is :ilo;o the unsllcc('SSrul Uniled I':irt} Clmdid:ilC for ,\SUI I'resitlenl during his Junior }ear. Perh:ips lhe mOSl important highlight or G:aT) 's college career was his selection b}' the t\mcriean Chcmical Society ;as onc of Ihe n:.tion·s t0l' lwcl. e gratluating college seniors in lhe ficld of chemistry. Gar)"'s immediale plans call for gr:,t1u:lIC study and lhe Uni"crsil)' Gill juslifiably cXlx"Cl mallj' oUlst;u"ling arro",plishulents from C:.r)' in lhe f'"l1re.

CII \RLES FREDRICK W.\RRES. JR, Hai'ing frum Le"'islOn, Frt"l w:.s Iluid; to eslablish his n:lI11e in Ihe polilical arena of sWllenl go,erumen! :ll Idaho. Ri,ing lhrough lhe I':lIlls of Unilt..:1 I':'rl), !'re,1 .'llCccssfull)" g:,int..:l :0 ptlSilioll on the t\SUI EXt"CIIli,c 1I0ani dllring hi, Seniur j'e:"', ""ed sent,,1 Ih" E·l\o:ord in lhe cal':ocil) of ch:,irlll:l" of the SII"leut ..acullr R"treal at Camp I.ulh"rh:.. "". Fred, a lIlemher of lhe Si/:ma :-"11 Fl':l.lerllil}, ...as laplK:d for m"m· hcnhill illlo lillie Ker and he :iM}' fulhlled Ihc emcC'C spot for Iheir annual Talem Sho.... ;\Iore 5Chooling lies il\ Ihe rlll"re ror frcd also as he goes on 10 DemiSIT) School :il George Washinglon L·ni.enit} in W:ishing, lon, f).C.


Senior Officers Conllin. SecrelllT): Ron Klllm. )'residelll; RO"'a>~ EilUI1l, 'I Tl'aiUrer; noeL I-hrri$, Vire I'residenl.

!.EE ".)U:II. Wild/i/« ",,, ••"" «..,

c..d.. Fall., I" . 1.1,01'1) AGTE f:./lliah

!'Iumme., Idaho IIHBNT AlTla;N ,1/ldeMII.,,,J Cllcltlior'l/ Meridian. Idaho ta:N AI.IU:RTSON


Twin ,,'.1'-. Idaho DONNA AI.IIlN hIe"'" 1)0...... ,0(>..

,,";1<,•• Idaho


Fi..... ~ 8onn~... Ferry. l<looho DOUG ALUI"N H ...; .. ~ A".i

RHiand•• Calif" CHERRY ALI.GAIR ",,,,kcl;"/I

r,.'.... i.

Ank.ra, Turkey 1I11.I, ANDEHSON 1'1/1<11(1(01111

New I'll'm<>uth. Idah" JIM AND":USON A .. ,"'..III ... ba .. d.... Nam,,&, Idaho

SHIRI.EY ANDERSON E ..gl.i.. C.. illm~". Idaho DANA ANDREWS


H • .,.Iton. Idaho BEVERLY' ARElIART S«iJ Srind e-ur d'"",_. Id.. ho



P",ut.ello. Id.ho ANGIE ARIlIEN 0 ....... Twin .'.11., Id.ho



SenioJrs CAROLE "SrI-UNO A~""'.li."

COft<. d' "len.., Idaho LORRAiNE ATKINSON Ed_I.... BoilIe. Idaho SUSAN AUSTIN l1o_E~_iu

W.Da«. Idaho RON AY):RS Mri•• ioo ';"lIi""eTi.." Idaho Fan., Id"ho C. HOLLO IlACQN M,,';c B4.. llo;.... ldab<>


H:llltY IlACON


Twin Fall". ld..ho IJAllliARA IIAINllftll)G" lJacteriolofill

WeiM'r. Idah" WARIHeN HAKES 1;/""'"1...." l;d"""I;"" Silverton. Id"ho DONeE BAI.DRIOG£ nocltTi.,loll, Moise. Idaho


", ..;-..111...,,,.,,,1,.,, Menan. Ida"" JOliN BARNHART. JR.


M..-o... Idaho MARLENE !lARNUN


Ef_Ury ';".""1.....

e-.r .,'AIeta, Idaho JOSEPH A. BASQUE

Hilo. Ha..a;; STEVE IlATT Multeri"fI

Wildf,r. Idaho ANN MARIE RAUM 110_ !.'t:<WI_iea Ed"cootio..

"'"hton. Id..ho RICHARD BEAN lI...i .....

O.bom;'ld,,"'" SARAH IH:ER


Twin .'.11 •. Idaho BIUDGET ANN D.;GLAN SQ<:Wiolll/

Ilola... Idaho DAN BEl.TON Pre-I'''-I/.iC<l/ The.oPII Oakl.nd. C.nforni. IJUD I:IENNIGSON

AU<>I•• ,i.O

Sl>Olc.".,. W.. hinll:t<>n FRANK D. Bt:NSON Cihl E"oi"eeri"o Hoi"", Id.ho CHARI.t:NE BENTZ

S",,;.j Scie>o.,.

.....hite Bird, Id.ho ROBERT BERARD


Coeur d'Alene, Ibho DO~ BERKEY }~l~


Twin Fana, Idaho




N.... ~, Id.ho ENA BERRY E4...u:'. .. Nnpe...,.., Idaho SUZANNE llt:ST Ek...-/.."" };4.C<llio. G... n~yillc" Idaho In:RYI,IlEVAN Oidel"'. a.d 1.../i'.li". Ad"',.... , .... fi".. M""w..... Idah" ROSt: MAillE IJJCAN[)I E""li,,1< Uoio... Id.ho mANE IllLLINGS 1;1"...""",,,,, 1,"d.C<lli"" I';nll""''''' Idaho




I'"Uti~Gl Sci~"u

Nupe•.,." Idaho

DA VI': BOCKMAN PO/l chol"lIl/ lI"i.". Idah"

GERALD BOWERS Markf!liM/I Sl>QI<ane. W ...hlnlj'l<>n

Che",icol EnJli>tccring W"nta/Ch, New York

CATHY D. lIRIANS o/......../ary Ednc<ot;on

C. 1IltEWlNGTON Eleclrie<o/ ;;"I1;.. "".i"/1 Boio", Idaho JIM lIRUNSKILL Cioil ;:"II;Mcr;n", U"i•.,. Idaho

Altadena, California STE,;VE lIROWN

Marketing 51. MaTi..... Idaho


Ill. J. ULANKENSHlI' l,'/""trie<J ;:n/linur;"1I MOll"""'. Idaho CAROLINE lIODINE AI/deallare Granllev;lIc. Idaho DILL BOWES

TOM IlU;SSINGEH ,'"im,,1 Jhol",ndrll lloi.... Idaho NANCY IJOSSI<:UT ;:1"",,,"1"'11 ;:dnOOGlion Bolo". Idaho lION IJOYlm Sec<mdorll ;:d"calion ]'eck. Idaho IIOUEIIT llRITTON Hie"tri"ol ;;"lIineui"l/ Caldwell. Idaho l)AWN lIRUNZEI.L ElemcN/O'li A'duratioN Spokane. W ...hinll'ton

RON IH,!VEN f:/««Idcal f;"l/i .. «...;.. "

Coour d'Al"nc. Idahu DONALD L, 1I0TT f:"I/;ue.;"" Lanca.tcr, Calif".nia DAVID lJlIASHEAIIS G.o".o/>hl/

Annap"li., Ma.yland A'LLEN DRIXEN f'or•• I>/l

Sandp<lint, ldah" MAllTHA J, IlUELL. IJocl...;<J/.OI/II

St. Marl"", ldah"

n:D BOAM M ••h.."i.1Il f:"I1;"."';"" Idah" ~·alls. Idaho 1I0Y BOWMAN f;/«mula'/1 f:dae.. FI>''''''/1 Sandpoint, ldahl> Emmett. Idah" MAItU:TTA BRAUN W, W, ImAssnELD 1;1....... f;dn"",';o" C;v;1 f;"lI;"o... Nc~pe<oe, Idah" Kuna, ldah" ROI)NEY unOADIE J. fl. BRONS A .<hil«etn.« f;{«cl.;cal 1;"";"0"';",, L(>/I Angel.... , California Picabo, Idah" IlOIl IlULLOCK DON BURIt C;vil.f.·..//;..««.i.." Fi"""e. Lewi.ton, Idah" Va .. Nu)'•. California IlILL BLOCK All, f:.. I1;.....d .." Twin ~·all •• Idah" AliT 1l0URASSA





LOREN IlUTLJo:lt KAllEN CAMM IlRUCE CAMl'lJJo;LL CORDEll CAMPIH;L1. /lie/Qui",,1 Sc;"".c EI","cnt"'u f.'dac«tion Pre_Mod. fJ.. oi"cn Bdacuti"n Jerome, Idaho St. Made•• Idaho Lewin"... Idaho Nampa, Idaho PERRY CANTWf:LL JAMES A. CARLSEN D~;LORES CHADSf;Y C. CHAPMAN Ci~il ~;"lIi.. uri.. u Mechanical Enuincerinu 1I~.iau•• A"pJi~d Sci. (hem"" SP....'<Iw..)·. Indiana M"",,,ow. Idaho Illaokfoot. Idaho American f'all•. Idaho JOHN CHlSOl.M SANDRA CLAllK CAROLYN CLOIlE W. F. COCKRELL ,t,cJ,iUct",.., F.ncofrl/ f:"gli.h ChemictU },"auiuerinu Kellogg. Idaho M""co .... Idaho Buhl. IdBho Conncllsvill". P"nn. JUDY CONKLIN MIKE CONU:V KBNNETH COIlIlETT LELAND COIl~~Y Engli6h Age;"wlt"rol f;cono",;e. f:leel.ieal f,'''ui"cui"" CheMicol };aui"euinl/ Spohn". W... hi"lIton Emmett. Idaho lIonn .... f'crry, Idaho Jerom". Idaho DORIS CnAN~: JAN CROWLEY BUTCH eROY GAltY CUNNINGHAM f'hJ/a;ca/ J:d"cMi"n Social SINdi..Acc".... /i..U Ilwo!n"••• Applied Sci. Bo~H1. Idaho Taran .. , Calilorni" Chelan, Wuhinllton Whitti" •• Califo.ni.

LINDA CAMPIJELL Soci<>iogW Iloi"", Id.ho JANET CHILD E"gli.h

Iloi"". Idaho liEN COLLINS Fore.t'll

Poealello. Idaho TOM COUPE Bnto",<>ioUII

lIlos.:ow. Idaho JEIWY CURIHN .f;d"e"Ii"" Lewiaton. Idaho


I'hoenix. Arizona JANI>T CHlLDEAltS .f;lemen/'H'l/ NdwC1l/ion MOIleo,.., Idaho CAROL COLLIS Dietelie. Jerome, Idaho JAMJ;S CRAM 1m Sociol Sci"""" Sweet Horn". Oregon ANN K. CURRY Suo"darll ";dwell/ion lIlos.:ow, Idaho



~:f"u.". W""h,nll't<ln



JACKIE CUllTIl! ,<;lem.,,,tarll.J..'dueaU,,..

Orofino. Irish" MARY ANN l)AI.TON f;"gli.h

M""nUl;" lIome. Idah" I'IIO.:UI:: VOSI'N DANIEI.S G""",,,I Sci"nce SJl<,Kanc. Wuhinlrl.<ln JERRY DAVIS lVil<lli/e Ma""U""''',H Mountain Cit)'. Nc'Vada

LAllnY 0" VIS SocWl Sci_ce Fairt.." California ST~;VE


Animal U".b""drl/

A!>em"".. , Idaho STEVE n.:AL Architec!"." lIoise. Idaho JACK O"IIAUN Chc"'id'll

l.ewiOlon. Idaho JUDY D~;NNU;R /Ju.;n .... f:ducati"n Juliaetta, Idaho

JOliN A. ORBI'S M",hrin/l Lewiaton. [d"h" lIEVEIlLY l)ITTMAN 1:1""'''''''''1/ f:ducalion St. MBTk>s, Idsho GARY DOTY

CIl""".!"" MOOIC"W, [d"h" LAURA DOTV If"", .. Heo.." ... ;".

s.."'td.., W",hinll'ton


London, Eniliand

JOHN DRAGER f,'d"ca/io"

Ollburn. Idaho WILLIAM


H~.ine•• Anchorage. Aluka D~;ANNA DUFFY f"'/eme>lt,,"lI f:d~c"li"n Nampa, ldah" CLA 11K t:ASTERI)A Y Ci~il f:"",i"eui>.u M""a, Wa.hinllWn DARLINE I.;oMlSTON l'k".icai f:d~""lio>l Maroinll'. Idaho

TERIIY I,;GAN Ma.rkCli>l/J Winter I>ark. Florida ROW~:NA EIKUM UaCleTiol(JUIl

Lewl.tl>n, Idaho GAIlTH EIMERS f:/.etric"lof: .. "i.....;.." GranJr<'Ville. Id .. h" TOM G, EISEN HARTH Combin.d Bui..... ""d Ldw We;8er. Idaho LARIlY ELI) A"ric~/f~r.

D<>nnelJ)'. Idaho


Auricl<lt~r,,/ f:co""mic. Aberdeen. Idaho JUDY ELLSWORTH

n ..""u

Idaho f'all., Idaho SHERltY ELY flom" f:con"mic. Silverton. Idaho ALAN ENGLAND f'<>re.l M">la.ueme>lt Barn.bora. New Jeroer LINDA ENGLE f,'l"m"nt,,'V .J.'d~c"Ii01< Lewhol.On. Idaho



",.d•• 'ul .K."i....ri.." eo.... d' AIeM. Idaho CAROL ENSIGN E"INWl

lJoiH. Idaho LI)lDA l:NSICN Dr. .... ti•• C.Id_ll........., SIDNEY ERWIN

Elulri~ IJ"/li...eri... H.~nn.n. '<bho


R•• ~"'.... _ I Boiw. 'daho JAN EVANS

B .....-. AppliH S.;ewu Toorle. Utah ELAINE t;VERETT I l _ Eeo-oo_"eoI floiM,. Id.1oo GERALD EVERTS Ci..ill:.. "i...,m.." ~,ldaho

llOB EWING C'"ill:.."i..u-ri.." A_rkan Fa''', Idaho DALLOS FAIRCHILD ,'<>nil/" Potlatch, Idaho



El"'"."f".. lt E".... rio.. ""tl.,.h. Idaho


11,,.,,,. 1:""""",1«

)"'eot Rh·.... Idaho STAN FAI,US

A.<:01<.""1I KimberlJ", Idaho

IHANt: FAWSON 0,._ P"",at.elk>. Idaho WRAY FEATHERSTON); P •• chologlt W.ll•••• Idah<>


Ph •• i""ll:d".,..t;""

Colfu. W ••him,'Qn


EI.DON /:lui .. Sam" ldah., 1I0NNlE n:RGUSON

f;"/lIiUi. l'08t F"II., Idaho ItOD nNKU; Ci~il ENginuri.." SJ><>kane, Wa.hin ..l"n BILL FISCIlER f .. d~alyi,,' Arl. t;mmeU, IdahO

GARY A, t·OLWEU.. ,f.'I."'... I..... I':d~ ...li_ Boi.." ldab<> GILBERT t'ONG e.. ,i...""''', Iloi.." ldab<> JOHN FOX PqelteJOlIrt

C-Uy d'Alene, Id.b<> I..ONNY R. t·OX A,ri.MiI .. y.J 1: .. ,i...eri..., Coeur d' A~", ldab<> CAROl, t'OWLER lfo",.. E_""u Rupert. Idaho

GENE FREDERICKSEN 8 ......_A.,""""I .. r .. Goodi" ... Idaho JUDI TUTTU; FREDERICKSEN E.gli.aIt CUd.." •• Idaho SKIP FRENCH A .......I,..'

Idaho Falb, Idaho JUDY FREY E .. g/iM Xereed. C.li(o... ;'" JUSTIN FRIBERG Geog..."" ..

New York, N..... Yon:


}:RIK }'HIlS Fonlg. T ..d., Oelo. S ..... ay

JOHS GAMllI.E ,V••keli." Id.ho }'al". Id.ho

ARSSTEIS FRILING A.O\it«I.,.., 00.10. Sorw.y ROGER CA:MBS Zoof011. Orofino. Id.ho

CAROl. }'URlII:MAN ••1''''.... ,.ry .;".... t .... K .. n •. ld.ho DEI. GAI(ONt:R ••1........ I.ry .;d.... Twin I'.lla. Id.ho

BILl. FULUIIAS Ciril ".gi..."",.g B.I_. C.".I Zo".. HOY GATHt:HS ell ..",;..,1 ".,i."';"g Id.1>o

JUl.": GIBlI £I......... "'ry EJ.... liooo 8oia<'. Idaho BOB GRA\' £-..k" Emmnl.. Id.ho JOSEPH GRt:GOKY N I.II••go..l I,:.,i•. I A"I'e18, C.lifombo

Kimberly.ld.ho DICK GRAY A",",.ti"g Emmett, Iclabo JOYCE GREGOHY Pllil_"JI. .......hln.ton. D.C.




......I...,...ld.ho FRED CAUOI:..'T S<><:ioiOf1 ....A "II< n>....011. Chryen"........ y-.;".

001' GALLAHER C'"-o..l ~:.gi.oM";." Gra"",,,ille, Id.ho JUDY GAUDt;T B...._ H_,ldaho


ENID GERRIE £1.........,.'. "" 1'e.-.r d·AIea Iclaho JUDITH C. COULD £ ••;.4 C.. ~.ldaho SUE GREENLEAF •;.g1;.4 Glendale, Calir",.,,1a


JEANl..""'I'TE GEORGE Forrig. T...u lAwiaton. Id.ho

flOY COULD 1.'1«1";..-1 E"gi.........,,,,, Cou"dl Iclaho BOB GHII'nl' l.1«tnc.J C.. gi....... i.g e.-.r d·A]..,,,.., Id.h"

DON GIBBS AgrieOlJI ....


RICHARD GILDER "'g......." • ..-.I I;d....I ..... TI"OJ'.lclabo HOBERT I.. Cfl}:ES DRUCt:: CRt::EN Ag.......,t• .., Ecooo_ka I· eal,., M<:C.mmou. Idaho W ...kea W .. hl".ton KEITH GREGOR\" PETE CROOM A",","ti., M...-icIi.n, Id.ho P"""tdIo. Iclabo P"f/dtol.". ' SaUIe...... uhi,,~


JUI)Y ANN GROV£S 1:"I/I"lLo$,,,, .. ;1II> Hoi.... Idaho 1m HANS£N Wood Utili.alio" M(]ton.~·r""water.


LAN£ GROVES Acco.... tinl/ Twin Falls, Idaho JOHN HANSEN 1'ILl/aicol f:d.. ""tion l-"wiMOn. Idaho

JOHN GWARTN~:Y B..aiua. Ad. Salmon. Idaho NEIL HARMS Ch",ialrl/ Cocur d' Alene, Idaho

UOIl HAL£Y "Al/ai""Il;·d,,"a'io.. Frultl .. nd. Idaho ROlJEIlT IIARIIEL ClLe",ic,,1 1:nl/;ncerinl/ Naml,a. Idaho

A. J. HALUNEN. JH. GCo/Of/lI I'b'mouth, M.... DICK HAURIS Che",ic,,1 f;nl/ineerinl/ Uoise. Idaho

DAL£ HANSEN A/lr""""'11 Thornton. Idaho U. HAIWISON O/fil;<) Ad ... inial,ali"n Nampa. Idaho


DON HARSHMAN A"c""nlinf/ Wilder, Idaho MAIlVIN H~:IU:SON I'o/ili.o.! Sd"nca Idaho ~'alls. Idaho ROUERT HENRY PAl/ai.a Walla""" Idaho

GARY HART f'"rea/'" Wallace. Idal\<> M. A. HElLESON flo ..." l;'c"..o",ica mackfool. Idaho MARILYN H£R.:TH f:le"'enh"l1 f:d.. "",ion !.ewi.lOn. Idaho

LLOYD HAIlV£GO Elecl,i""Il;'nf/incuin/l Vallejo, California JEHALD HEIMUUCH Civil f:"l/ineerinl/ Ilohle. Idah" JIM H.:RNDON Jo.. ,.,...I..... Salmon. Idaho

SANOY HATiWELD !:1"","nl""'11 1:d"c"ti".. Twin ~'alla. Idaho THOMAS H.;INZ f"Ort.t M ..


Iowa I.YNDA H.:RNDON Offiu Ad... i .... Salmon. Idaho D~..,.,rah.


DENNIS HAWLEY l;'c"..,,,.. i.a Idaho Fall•. Idaho JOANNl<.: IIELLEIl Mcdical TecA ..oIof/ll Hammelt. IdBho NANCY H£WITT f:/"",uuu'lI !:d"coli".. UOlu.ldBho

DON HEAVRIN Acco.... lin/l C"ocBde. Idaho G. lJ. H£NIlIKSF;N ,I/I''''''''''l/ l..ewiaton. Idaho RON H!BIlELN PoWi""l Sde..ce Lewi.lOn. Idaho


SenioJrs LYNN L. IIlLI. M",kcfi,,//

Ilol.... ld"h6 STANLEY HlNTZ!:': ;:Icdrinll f: .. gi• ".~ka)'. Ida"" WII.I.IAM HOllO"


Mu 1

,eel F."pi"ur'"''

,,1. lI"wali .')(,,1'11.: HOCII Wildlife "' ..../1....... 1

Chl"... o. lmao" NOY 1I01.I.n'!EI.I>

AgrietJl"rJ I:eco__ i"" Twin 1".110. Id."" JON HOLLINCt;K A.cJrI'Ud .... Paul. l<!.abo


.I... /rea"/II

SpOk... e. Wuhi".. Wn R. 1:. HOPPEK

I'_a' ..,....CaUf..rnia .... SIlI1 D~.



LEON HOPSQN row'c.l ..,....., Mllle..b<I Ohio OON"I.O S. HORNING


M.-.-, , .... ""


"".j~ 1:"I1;U{!n"g Idaho LYNN 1I0SSNER

,...."" 1",,'' '



A.tllon. ldolho MICK HOVt: 1:~




lIid"'1/ Man!" ... Idaho JOliN K IIOWEI.!. 1:1"c1riNl 1:""i"nri", .:.... Ie. ld"h"


GQ/og,,,,,t 1:"glue.;", Salt I.aka City. UUh t:AHI. J. lIUlIlJEl.L l'or"d M..... I1.....clll



W"uwal00'" Wlo«>noi"


Lewiaton, Idaho GAItY HUIH;I.SON Markol;"" Orinda, C.llforloia K~;lTlI HUt;TTlG ADric~II~",1 f:"'RO",iu HudlOn, Idah"

IWIJt;IlT IIUGlH;S /'01111<:01 Sc;c.t!t New I.-,no,., lilinoi. J. LEIlOY IIUI.L !lu;.e.. L<. Anltd.... C.liforni. KENT IlUI.TN.:R "ec..... i<:<olA'.lIi_ri"" Coeur d'Alene. Id.b<> nURTON D. HUNTEIl JIi.tor/l SI>oI<.ne. W.. hlnlrt<>n KAY IRWIN 1.'Ic_t..r/l "".""'1'0" I'ultm........... hlnlrU>n NICHAND JACOBSEN

"cd..."..,., A'.,;.«r1."

P_tello. Id.b<> )lIARa; JASPERS 110..., EC<>IO.i.,. 1......1.11_. Idaho I'AUL J AUR.:OUI


Merldl.... Id.b<> LARRY JE."FItIE$

Acco".ti." lJoiH.lclooho


''''rutrieJ Art. 51th.






f'or~ifln Trad~

Mccll,,,.;,,,,/ f;"";neui ..,,

0010, NOrW8)"

01... , Norw8)'



Alhambra, California

lIan""", Idaho



ANN JEWEl.l. Soeioloflll lIoi.e, Idaho K. JonOAN /lom. f:c<»Io",iu u,mpoc. C"lif"rni"

IlILI. JOA l,'/Ufri",,/ f:n";,,e~.i"f/ n"hl, Idaho RICHAIW D. JUST Wood Techno/Of/II

Gene.. a, lllinoio

ELAIN!:: JOHNSON l,'d~e"fi<»l

I>otlatch. Idaho TOM KALE f;/utrie,,/ E"";nuri",, Gr"n"eville. Idaho

LARRY JOHNSON 1'1I1I.i""ll,'d"cal;on SanUl lJ~rbar", Calif. GOHOON KAMP!'I fndnlri<J/ Arf. Smelterville. Idaho


GENE KANTOLA JO.; KANTOLA A"r;c..If...... 1 f:d.. e<tlion Ah.ic Ed .. cati".. McCall, Id.ho McCall. Idaho IDONA K.;L1.0GG U;ROY KELLOGG IIo ... ~ l,'C<»I. Jo..rMI....... Uad;,,·TV Broodc".Ii"f/ Twin .·aIliI, Idaho Twin Fall., Idaho DON KEUT~:R PATIliCIA KIllIJU: Fore.1 Bu. Man. If".... Economic. Emmeft, Idaho Wilder, Idaho

FRANK KA$UNIC Ace" .... ti"" Irwin. Pennoy!>·ani .. PATT K.;LLY f:le ...... farll f:d..cali<»l Il<Iloe. Idaho WIl.LIAM KIIHlLE

Sc;.... c~

Wilder, Idaho


OBi.., Ad... iniOfration l'c<:k, Idaho JOANN KEN1'IELD 1'1I1I.i.al Ed~e<tt;"n Kennewick, Waah. HELMUT KH'FMAN Wood UtilieatioN T~c". Vineland, New Jer&C)'

RON KIo:ELY Electrical f:NfI;....rin" Rupert, Idaho GARY Kl:NNALY Ci~i1 E"f/;nurin" !loiM'. Idaho SUSIE KING El~"'''''fa'1l Eda""tioN Coeur d'Alene. Idaho

ANN KELLOGG f'r~·Naro;.. g

Nampa, Idaho PAUL K.;RSHISNIK A"ricldtar"l f;.onoml••

New York. N"w York L. KIRSCHNEH Ifom. f:.ono ... ie. Cocur d' Alene. Idaho



GALE KLEINKOPP D. KLOPPEN8URG ior .... M.. rkel;." .... Fi.."u

Ail"""""''' C".... lh.rtau.,h. ldal>o




Ito• • Idaho AFTON LEATON AUOIIari••

Payetu. Icb.bo BERNADEEN LEE


CAROL L1NDEloIER Ekaeoor...... EoI.~.II/_

c ...n.,ldaho

1'_11" Twill Falla, ldooho RICHARD LQGAS F ... M"_lIet1Oe>Ol Id"ho }'.lb. Idaho



Twin FalJs. lcbho DAVID LANDON B ...._

&i....I .... BoiH.


T .. in Fal" Idaho


ANSA LOTZE M.U....... liu Northport. W •• hinlllOa

LINDA KOWALSKY "'/"...,.. 1<1 •• £01....1;0"

Nrw Yo.k. Nrw York ROBERT !.ANNAN FMUI Bu. .....

New Ikrlln. '0'1'*,-,1" DONALD G. LEE Sa.t.u £11I....,..,. Bon ..,.... PM'7. Idaho DAVID O. LINDSAY lI'ildlij.. X ......... Idaho JOE LUSE 1:/"dri<Nl E"f/;ucn... Billl..... No........



A,' $po......, Washi ...lon




Boiao!. Idaho PHIL LAYTON M.Thl'."

BllliQ". Idaho Idaho "alii. Idaho KIRK I.EWIS "AREN LEICHNER ,.;1"......"'.., £ .....,;0" H"l<>TJ/ 801M.ld.. ho Shdle7. Idaho JOSEPH D. LLOYD D. LLEWELL\'S S."luioI...,. Fort Meade. Florida ........btoa. Idaho BARBARA K. LYONS JEFFREY LYNN ",,,"<'MIll,,. f:«>.... iu Ed"eot.... Pin",..... Idaho Twi" Falla. Idaho


w. B. LAAKONES A.ri<:oJtaret f;.,.. ' •• Ironwood. Mkhl .. 1l01l LEA z.._ W......... iC... California JUDY I.IB»Y E.g/... Coorur d' A"'.. or, Idaho GAfllI.Y LOEF"I.ER E1....... t.... ';4...." . . Le-<rilton. Idaho ,'RED LYON


Salmon. Id.""



D. ltleCAKTN.:V

PII.-,.,,,,,,l ',"<lIac<llio. Dear•. Idaho [..dIOYN~ McLEOD l':d••• II". Nuver"". Idaho M. MARSHALL

lIo... ~ 1;""n"""cl IJaho Pall,. IJaho GAilY MIi:YER G~I1 ..,."lI.r Kupert. Idah" JERRY MIX lJio-<.:J!l... iolr, I'lnehuru. Idaho.

MOST.,; C. MeCI.UR.: BILL McDONALD M ••bli., 1:"" 1..Il<)1H. Idaho Seatt"', W hlnlClon KATHY McN1CIIOl.S JANET JIlaC!>QNALD I'o/i,;"",1 Scinu 1:1 '.1"... £d.""I;Oll C ur d"Alene. Idah" Orolln<>, Idah" D. MASTENUROQK HiLl. MARTIN Mlcll.".ica/ l':nllinlcriRf1 Zooi<>rl' 1I0rlin, W~e<ln.ln M"""ow, ld.. ho

.', M.;n:ItHon'



1'11,.,.,,1 Ed.""I;".

!!:den. ldlho

l'u)".UuP. W..,hinll:ton

N.:IL MOOU: J ... nal" ...

1M YTON MONG CII."... ,,,,,I E"l1i,,«ri"f/ Rupert, Id.ho

lAwilton, Idabo



F ....... l'll

Ekt:!riCiW E""iurn"q 8<>1.... Idaho

Fruitland, Idaho JUI.a: MADDEN 1;"f1Ii,1I

C."".d.., Id"ho .'[NN Ml:Il:R


A"T",,"..... Iran


!'ATltlCIA Mll:LKE

Ilto:TTY T. MEl.OY /{" ...e f:C"B"""ca Lewi.t<>n, Idaho DON MILI ••;R

KendTkk. Id.bo 1I011 MONROto: All,...'" U ••/>a"d.... C"ldeMC. Idaho

Den""nvHle, 1111'101. 1.101.1 MOONEY Elcelrical EB,iB"uo'B' I'''''.telk>. Idaho



0.10. No...... a)'

l::1~"'~IIlaTIr f;d"cali"B





AQllGI;c Zoob>9lr

Spokan". W... hinJrlon JIM M.:TCALF J"".......Ii.... Nampa, Idaho GAilY MllIES l'~lI.itGl Edllc"lil>" U.ker,O"'lWn DICK MOONE\' Aqricodl",.., E......"",i.,. W"iM:T. !dabo


IDOMA L.U; MOOME 1;.,fiM lA.ioto". Id.ho DAVE )IULALI.EY Il......


lA.kton. Idaho

JAMES MORFlTT Po/i,i<:fl/ Sci....,., Wilde•. ld.ho DOSALD SElL pqcJto/09. C.ldw"'l. Id.l>o

DONNA MORGAN D ...."'.. HoiH.ld.ho ';DITH A. NF.LSOS ,W.Il",,,,.lic.

c....... d'A"'"... Id.ho



CL[NTON MOWERY 8iolO9i..,,1 S..i..... .,.,.

Emm..U. Idaho FRANK M. NF.I.50N "'.'koJI II:..... "'i... Goodi" Id.l>o

M"""" Lab. W ..h.

RAI.PH NELSON "'...,......li."

C...... ,




.W.n", I;d.ea.ti_

Ss>ok."",. W.. hi"..ton NANCY NEVEUX

1:1...........' Spnlo:."





JUDY K. NON[NI Soeiol"DIl M...,.,.... ,ld.ho RON PAU:U;K Edmonton. Alb<'rl•• C•. KAR[N PEARSON

WAYNE NYllE CII.."'i..all:.. Di..... ri./I' C""ur d·Alene. [d.ho PAT PARKER Al/ric.lI.r", Hom"<!ale. Id.h" L. PBNNINGTON

Pa/IClolO9rt ......1...,." [d.1oo

.I .. ..,..,... Idaho

A.I",," 11a."".d"ll


ADm"" ...

Jl:ltltY Ola:80N CII."';c<rII:.Din...rinD IJ"IH. Idal>o 11.I'AIlKINSON J;/tclri.. o/I:.lli.uri"D J .. rom .., Id.1oo D':AN PETERSON 1;1.."''''.1..... I;d.'ot,,,. I.. k.. Fork. Idaho

FREI) OTTO MAX OZAWA JUDY OI.8.;N M..... ani.. oll:n/l';....Mi.. /I' };n/JIi.1I Radia-TI' T.... in '-all~. Id.h" W..I""•• ld.ho Moo.. o..... Idaho DON PAHSONS RAE IJBLl.E I'ATTON I.\'U: PAllKS Muu. ellem;.ol .;"DI..... ';.II lVildli'", Ma ..a'.."' 1 8I)01<an... Wa.hlna-Ion llolH.ldaloo So.ank. K.n... MAYV[S I'BTERSON R[CHARD PET.;RSEN R. PETERSON Jlo }:«l'Ko",i... l;tI. AreAi' .."'.r. Ilo"'",rioI"Drt )I ......... [d.ho C r d·AIe"... Idaho Lew;"ton. Id.ho

WII.l.IAM PETZAK Fo.~al,.."

lI"i.... Idaho CAIWI. I'I,UMM~;R l'oWi~al Sci~,,~.

lIoi.e. Idaho

GARY PHII,I.IPS A/I.i"I11I ....1 ','••«111"'.. 1I"..,lton, Idoh" MAllY JO l'OW~:IlS l'hra,,,,,1 ':•• ~ollon McColL Idah"

1.015 N. PIIll.J,fPS

';I" ..... t .. ,.."

':•• ~ .. f'O..

Moew.... Id"ho W, W. 1'ln:SSI;Y, III l/ioto'll T ... in ~·aU•. Idah"

JIM PIERCE AIIIIlT<>poio/l1' C""". d' Alen", Idaho f)AV~; PUGH /ladio alld TV M~..a. Ariwna

MICHEl.I.I' "IERCE 1'I\l'ai",,1 J;••""",_ ~ ... i.ton. Idaho OAV~; PUTNAM ,I/lri".U.,al ':"0110""". l'loce.viUc, Calif".nlo

11011 PI.UMII 1;"g/iM 1I,,1.... ld"ho ItON I'\'I(E Wi/dUf. Manaue",""t Son DI<...", C.. lif".nl"




G<>odinll:, Idoho RICHARD R. RE.;O "oIil~ S....ea.... R...... n. Idoho AI. I'. RIIOADES M.. IIo .......I'u Coeur d'Alene, Id,,""

l:l0l:l RAAl:l



Gl'ftflacr... CiU, I'lorldll KAREN J.. REm

lk>n... , ........



'.luI,,"I• .., ,;."",,'i<n<

C,..ilJmonl. Ido"" lIRAOU;Y S. RiCE

I_ilt<>n.ld.ho II, w. RU;f)~:MAN

""... ilton. Ido""

Twin F.llB, ld.""



CAROL RAU JACK REA)(S IIII.L REED B ...._ £ ...",,11_ A"i ..... It...."."",.." A"",e. AII:>ena. C..n...... Nomp., Ida"" 11.-....... I.... ho K~;ITH RENt'REIA' LINDA R.:NN JOIlN R£HSIIERG Alli-..l 110..1........, Pq<:loologrt ';.""",Ii<n< Rupert. Idaho Nam.,a. Idol><> ".-ow,ldoho 11011 RINEHART LARIIY RITTEII Gl.ENN ROCK lliot...... Mull."i....1 £"/1'''''''''0/1 A1«1.,«ti A',,/I"""""'"' S.,.,k.ne, W."hinll"lon Poe.lell", Idaho Dlelri"h, Idaho



SenioJrs R. :lIICHAEL ROBB E.U"U'H '''''••, ......

Sampa. Idaho KARK ROIlERTSON ... Tdlil«I..... De!ly..... Colo..., EDWARD ROIlIE A"-'''''"g Wbite Bird. Idaho

ERIN ROBIE ,.h'...,n ... White Hi Idaho I>ANIEL WALTER ROlliNSON Al/ri"oJlnel EeI ..... I .....

Sandpoint. Idaho


A"""""I'"'' Id.ho


DONALD I•. RO~;j\H;R Al/rie"ll"raj #:"....,,,..,.,,. Paul, Idah" GALEN HOGERS

G.,d"".,. Cluht"n. W •• hinll'ton

ANN MARa; ROOSE B"';...,.. f.·d."at ..... Wan:lner.ld.1>o ANN ROSENDAHL 1;1......... ,• .., Eclac<llMnt Spokane, W ..hinaton (;I.A YTON RUMSEY


51.. Anthon,.. Idaho PATRICIA RUSSELl. MNic 1':4.....' ..... PuU"'.... W..h1nl<ton PHIL RUSSELL ".~ E4."",ti••

I·.in".. il~. OM., XARILYN SATHER

B .. gl_ Gm_.ldaho H. LEROY SCHADT Ci..;lE.. ,,;~m,," Emmett. Idaho


J.l_rc"l/ Ed.."",,;O" Sandpoint. Idaho

HAROLD V. SCIllL..I.R.:.·.· l'"mk<U S"......,. Walla«. Idaho CARl. ARTHUII SCHU:ClIT f'i"m","" Uude)', Idaho TOM SCHMIDT Sociolol1l1

Abe.d""n. South Oako,," FRIi:O WAYNIi: SCHULTZ


MOKO.... ld.h., JOI.1N A. SCH ..... ARTZ 1'IIW~ol""1I

....i... t


l.aho DOUC SCOVILLE A"riaJr.. .-.l #:"..... t ..". Potla""h, l.aho VICKIE SEELEY

#"0.. 1/11-

J~rom ..,

l.aho KATHERINIi: SI:I:I.\' I:" t_ Wallo. Walla. W ln'""'" DAVID ROY SIi:WRICHT A1~u",


E"..efll ..... Sy-..,O.....-


DOYLE WAYNE SHARP A .. H...obe .." ... AdIton, l.abo ANN K, SHAW


Boilsr,ld.ho CIi:RAL.D ELMORE SHU'L.EIl l ..d ...,rW Art<! Ed..""I;.,.. St. M.rl.... Id.ho JA Y SHt;IlMAN

EI""lri",,1 #:""'''''.'''''11


"."h'le"I.... ""lIOIUr, Idaho



WILLIAM L. SHUPE A"i...t 1ltUb.,,4,.. Ha",.... Idaho B. SLAUGHTER £1 '.", 1;1III 'i<>a Spok W ..hi to..

SUE SIEVERT £ ..(111.. O.k



L."""" . . .



};I~..... t....

A.. iak. Aluka

BOB SMART F_t"'..... ~ ....1 Coe\Ir



CAROl. A. SrMON A~ ......ti"l1 Rathdrum. Idaho



Ka.. au City. Kan ...



1:1.... 1;.."I""",ri.." Idaho t·.rlll. Id.ho TERR\' SMITH FI....."'" &i•. Idaho

BILL SCIUMSHER ,0111"....11 •••

C,,1t\aae. Idaho



&i.... Idaho


NANCY SNOOK }-.'/""''''''"''' l:d"ClJli"n Salmon. Idaho

JOYCE STAI,EY If" " ,,·COIO..... in T .. r

to... Idaho



Pa..l. Idaho


,'o .. Walla Walla. Wuh.


ROIH:nT STt,t:U: GfJOIon Iloi.... Idaho


e........''''" 1;"11'''«''''11 Nap""'. Idal>o

JOSt:1'1i A. SOWERS 1;/.... tri.... I,,· .. l/i .....' .. 1/ Sequim. Wuhi .. "to ..



Appli"" Sei. Idaho

KEN STONE Iheteriololl. Le,,·i.ton. Idaho

DAVID SI'OltE8 I·ore.l Mo"oJ/''''.''' 110........ Fer.y. Idaho WAYNE STEWART

Muh .. i"'" 1:"11,.."".1"11 P.I..1t ltlv.... Idal>o JUDY STOVI::R

F".. c/l 81>Oka"... W . . hi"lfl:o"

JANET SI'IH:NGt,n I/o"''' I,·COIO. ~: .. t.....

i,,,. Gen_.ld"h<>

JUDY A. STICKNt:V M .. rkdi"l1

JAYNE SPRINGl::l1 S io/OOIl 1101 Id.h..


NORMA T. STILES 1:1..,.......1.... 1;4.....

Pana",a Canal 7",,,e

M cC.lI. !d.ho

MIKE STOWt: PII"""'" I;".... tio..


Twin t·..II•• Idaho

A.~.if.... t .....

Potlatch, Id,,1>0

SenioJt's SHARON STROSCHEIN Ek"'c"l"~, 1;,1.-«11;""

$lerlinll'. Idaho II. C. STUOEIl A"j",,,/l/,,.b,,,,d'll Worley, [dllh" VERN STUm:R Ag.jult'". W"rl"y. ld"ho • IUCIlAIlO M. TANAKA

H""". ,V

" ....... e

S~""" Idaho ALYCE JOY TAYLOR G"id.o"u ...'" C... ....,,;..II

Hi.by, Jdflho LAURENT TAYI.oR Clint 11'...,1 redl~


Tu.. ;WARY LOU TAYLOR EI......,.... 1:......1.... """""",II.ldflho

THOMAS A. 'fA VLOR IIIcd<."iccll;"I1;otUrillg W ••hinlf'0n, 0, C. CAROL LEE THOMPSON f:'_.... I...·1I Hd"""ti<>.. Nampa, Idaho JAMES D. THOMPSON


""1.. >1/ H<I"."r;""



KATIIIl\'N JAYNE THOMI'SON 1'.~1'1I11'k./. TAc.""" BoiH. Id"ho


C_ ..........I Art Menlo<> "ark, Californi. HELES TOMLINSON G• ..,...« ~. leboh<> STEVE TRACY 8"';",,,. .

C.....lnctoe. North Dakota

CLYDE R. TRUPP "11'""",1.", "-"'''«llic... gil"" City, Idabo

RQI:IERT TUNNICLIFF l'oIitic<ol Sei...... M""",,,w. Idaho II~:SSIE U:E TURNER f:/~ ...e"'o"" f;d"eot;o.. W"lI~ec. Id"ho l\ENN.:TII K TUlINER lIi.torw. f;"IIU.Jt Ilrune"u. Id"ho DARRELl. TURNIDGE "'atlle_tie. :M..-cow.ld"ho ELEANOR UNZICKER fl .... l:c<nIo_;u Buh!.I""ho


""'t.,.., 1;<1• .,.,... 1:411.,.'_ S..... Wuhincw..


BJackfool. I""ho B.:TTE VICKl:-:R)lAN ,.,~,.,..,

n ...


W.ll."". Id.ho G£OIlG£ VOLK



Ele.......larW Hd"co!;"" Stockton. C.Uf<ornhl. HAROLO CLA YTON VOSEN Ma"·lIe_e"! S..... nc. Wuhlnl'ton NANCY E. VOSIKA ,..~.,

Ger_ ..


"-"'Wuhi~1I U.



Mo«'O'I'. Idaho JERRE DAU: WALLACE &lout'" 1;4"".,'..... )I....,.,...,ld.ho



FRED C. WARRI!:N Zf>Ol"llll

.........to". Idaho

PET); WI!:LeH E1utrK.J f:....~~j.1I Twin f'aU•• Idaho SUE WILI!:Y 11__ E"".... W","-. Idaho lIARY WIN.,;GAR ~.





C.~;...., J."•• lloi~. Id.ho

L. WELLER 1I<n'IktJ.I.,~

Coo,,, d' A"'"••

Idaho RULAND WILLIAMS "'''''''''.Ii•• Id.ho 1".11•• Idaho STEVE WINTER EI<:d.icai E."irum." Shelloty. lciloho

~'II";D W";AVER j;da..li_ llll..... _f'_.l~. 0 .... .MARVIN WENIGER Elulrinll.l:.,,;.«..;•• W.hP<1on. N. D. 1.. WILLIAMSON


1_1... 11..,.lciIoho

EDDIE WOOD f;l~~lri"'" f;.",·.~~ri.fI

ll.ridla". Idaho

GAYL.; WEAVER £oI.atl'" Pie~. Id.ho T. J. WHEATLEY

.,IAM";S C. WECKER S~ S~icto«

Sp";,,. V.IIoty. C.llf. R. D. WILLIAMSON

Nam.,.. Idaho lULL WHITE CJo~icai J.'agi.uri.,. Eaat ea..."ddet. In. PHILIP C. WILSON

Id.ho A. D. WRIGHT

Ri""';IlJI.lciIoho LEE O. YACKEY

P .._

8 .... M ....

",••••'1." 1II....,.,..



'rial A,'a

U..,. lciloho



El~~,rie.f f;.";.~ai.,,

Loa An....... Calif.



Moeww. [d.ho NANCY WE[GELT j;daC<lI;'". The 0.11"". O""i'on

f;I~..nl... lt



C.ldwell. IdRho I\";ITII WINDHAM Se;~Re"

MoK<Jw. Idaho );UG.:NI!: YADA H.';.~... !oloeeuw. Idaho








Graduate Students

SlUdenlJ eager for 3n e\ening of quiet Jlud~ galhC'T ouuide Ih~ L'niu'T5i" lil.lT:lT\.

11l.\I-IO, starring the Uni"crs11r of Idaho, is rUTlued b)路 Ihe Yandal Marchinjt" Band ;11 the annual Oad'J Dar football game.


Genc Harder, Vicc "residcnt; Jeanne :\Iar~hall, Trca~urer; :\bry Lpme E" ..n5, Sa::reIU'): Jim 015On, !'raidenl,

Junior Officers

Hugh ,\lIen S.. ndr.a ,\ndel'5Oll

Sle,'e ,\Ilred Wilm.. Ander50n

Kalhleen Abel una Allon Susan Arnold

Dcnn)' Abr.ams David Anderson Ste,-e Arm

Bob Adams Dellois Andersen ,\1 ATIlzen

Breck Adams Elaine Anderson John Ashburn

Merlin Ahr-cns J<Âťon ,\ndenon JUlie ,\uIlin


Ed naber Karen neck l-larry Bells

Billlbllantjne Da\t~ lIeli f\lan lIe,inglon

Leek Barela)' !xmna Lee Iklt Doug Uishop

John Barnes Jane Bell Walt Bithell

I)a"id B'l\lmgartner Lee Beuner Bob mower

Fn.'d Bergelll<lllll

Roger Beal

lIounell Judy Brown Bun BUllington Lawrence B)'me

Jim Bounds Michael IIro",n Bertella lIurke Lee B}'rlle

W"rrcn Board

Carolyn Bcasle)' .-red Berrong Karen Bohman



Roscm;u)' Brick

Martin Bru,,~ell Ste,路c nurokcr


Ben Brown Jauet Bncklc)' Larr)' Burrup

.:d",in Brown Jo Anll Buckler Alan Busby

Gaq' Brown Jim Buckner Ford B)'me

Charles Br:llldl Jerry Bruneel Oiana Burns Joanne Calvert

Jl.hln C~llLpbdl Rosanna Chambers Ahill Clark

I'al Cannon Kay Chapman \nn Clark

Jim Carellen Hoh Chid,en lJaroora Clarl,

Rohert CarlSQn LalHcncc Chinn l)innl'll ClcaT}

Jim Carmichael llan} Chirulllblo Gar} Clou.se

Nick C:'rnelix I'al Chri5lcn:lQ1l Veu Collill5

John C;,r$On R:I} Church \\' a I( Colli1I5


[b.lid Cooper Karell Coughlan .\':1111') Dalis ,\n Donahuc

Gordan Cooper ,\Ilila Cox Roberl D:I.\ is Shal'Ori Drew

\'iq:inia Cope Jim Crane Dijon D'l.\idsoll Craig Dufur

Dennis Cromwell !.orr-line na} "unn.. Burke

JUU) Currin Rill h l:>ctlll is Glenn llrer

I CIT) Dahmen Jallle<i !.lel'"CI' L:'rT) EdlPr

Jim Ihlis Slcphen nixon Lee Edgel'lon


SIC:'''' Ed"":I.rds

JunioJrs Ma),; Eiden

Clifton Eldred )3111CS Emmerl

Robert Emrningh:lln Clair Ericholl Robert I.. Erick$on

Jay Eubanh Ilill [ '..ns Joanne EnllS Mary L}'1lI1e [,":l.ns

Larry "'alln('r ran';l faramani

Jean Farley ,\rde<'Jl Fellon

John Fink Marlene fillllC) Karen Fuher

Lois Filnimmons

E...:reu Flint

""red Fox Ann Fralull nill .-ralcs

Judy Fra/ler Dennis froeming

John Frostauon M;/Ir)' Lee Frye Judy Fuller Sharlene Gage Gary Gagnon Judith Gale

Mike Gallagher

Jay Ca.o;kill Betty Joe GtaslJy Michael Glenn Gerald Cordon Karen Gormsell

Bill Coss M UIC'lle Coli Id

G1HyGrttn Jesse Green I'aula Gu-"CCL

Phil GUSl:abon


I'hil Egelhorer Richard t:gg'

Tern GI1Sla"c:1 Sharon Grg1i Donald Hns

Juniors I-larry H;light Donna Hamiel Gary Hansen Laureen Hansen Eugene Harder Darwin Harms

Bruce Ihrllcr Ph)lIis Ibrris Sharkey Harrison Brelll Han Ronald Ray Hart Doris Hatfield

Marshall Hauck Millie Ilrgsled JO)OU Heine Nanc:y Hiall Pau)路 Hill Sandra Hill

Randy Hillic:r Nc:lsoll C_ Hiner "lark Hodgson Maurice Hoffman Hclc:n Hogg Julia Hogg

Gregg Hollinger Sand~ Holman Lc:e Iioimer Dick 110m Sharon Ilubbcll Da\ill Humphn:y

Jim llunlcr Oerald 1路lurll."lfI Rich;mj Hurlburt J)en n is Ii u rlt t\lIan Hutlwall James Ingebriuc:n

Ron 1'cnl)1l Brent Jacobs janike jargle Rill Jenkins judy JC>\-c:Il Iklt)" johnson



johnson ....a\路 jOIUUOll jaclie Johnson


Carol Johnstoll Oulene johnslon Jem' johnslon William J. john<lOlI Bill jones RC"a Kal"'l: JOI1"

Mite Jordan XO\il Jo Jud) Jirn Kell) Xomlall R. "ell,",,' rom Krough Kirl Keult'r

,\lerl'ianne Kictler Judy Kienle" Keilh Kiliman "anick Killiell Linda Kinne) Dam" Knapp

Ken KnolJlocl; L)nda Knox Don Knudsen Roger Konkol CMoie KO":lIIeli Dougla, Kraemer

llon Kras \\'arreu LaFon 8ill Lamb

Kartl L:uubelh Rex Ann L:Ulc:uter Dennr Landm:uk:

Carol Leil1um \nne Lemon Carl Lelh 8arban Li ....lJ)' ROIl Lichall Bernita R. Lien

Jim Lillh:lrl Carroll Li,'ingllon \\'all Locl.e Carolln Lofthus Bill Longcli~ Mal>C'I1.o\el



Mona Luther Frank Lyon J~nCI McUratner

E,lwa,"d ;\'clll'idc Lury:\lcUridc Charles Allan McCahe Jackie McConnell Carol "'leCr"a C. McCullough

I'at .\ICCllllough Darlt:nc McDonald n.oLo McFarland Sherry McGuire Dennis ",,(MunTer Jeff McQueen),

lIillic Jc:m "':las

Jim Mack; I~rllce MacKinnon Michael F. Madden Nancy Mall Richard Maid

Jim :\1:lIlnillg

Sandra Marker Jeanne M:arsh"ll Stc"c Marshall David Martin Sandra Martinson

I'at ;'.lathenc)' Dand ,'II3Uhcws William Mallis



I'atrida Jo Merrill StC\"" Merrill

Clinton J. Merrilt Karen Miles

)0 Milholland Kathy I\liller 1';1t

;\1 iller

Al"in Mong

Carole Morg'lIl Michele :\lol"g"11 Patrick Muldoon

Kalily Mullen Judy Nannings X:ulillc N"lslund




TOr}' N~bon

Pmny ParbC'rry

Diane Neils Ja) Ncr Mnihnn Parish

Charles :o.'elwn Bernie O'Connroll Douglas J'r'denon

Eugmie :,\C'O'lon fnnk Odom uWP('flce

Lorenzo Nebon Jim 01ยงOfi John Penney

Richard Nelson Judilh Ann Olson Blick Pelt:nc:n

Tim Nelson Gary On Karen PClenen

Larry Pelenc:n Carla Plumb Kris Purd)' :\large Raw

Laura Pel~rsen Ron I'osl Bob Quesnel Gat")' Reagan

Lawrence J'elerson Chuck l'olter Ron Raffensperger Bonnie Reimann


,\fax "elerson Car Po..'ell Jack Randolpb


Jamcs Phillips JroJT')' J'rcucy Kay Rania

O ..'en Pipal Gcorgro A. Pitman, Jr, Richard Procopio Rolf PT)'dI Bill Rasmussen :\Iarilpl Ra\'enscroft

JamC5 Rcnl Ray Roark Maralc:e RO"'land

Lila ReslcR Karcn Ro!Jcn. Janc Ruckman

"alricia Rheams Leland Robison ScOll Rusta~'

Alton Rhca) Claudia RocL....ell I.) Ic Sail

Bob Rice M. E. Ross JoAnn S:!.IIOOrn

Carol Rigsb)' Ron Rourkc Rarnc}' Sancholll

Jan Ricm:!.11 Vince Rossi .\Iauricc Sandcrs


Jim S:iosser T t'TTf Scoficld Xona Ka}' Shem RonSIO:I.n

John Schallfclbcrgtt Lillda Sco.illc Ron Shopbcll Annc ~bric Smith

Karen Schmuhl Ron Sc:e>o'ald R<mSimmons Ca~'Smilh

Sharoll Seubert Carol JC:ln Simon Karcn Smith

JUlic Se\crn Richard Simonton "C111l~' Smith

Todd Shcl ton LouiKSims Richard Smith

Angel:!. Sherbcnou Brucc Ski"cr S:!.ndra Jun Smith


JunioJrs Spiker Jim Spinclle Brcnl Springrord Richard O. St311lOn Mill)' Staples John Steinbrink


William H. Stoddard Bill Stout Julie Strickling I)onna Slrk'gel

Dennis Strub Jim Sullil<lll

I'at SlIJliv'lIl Swan Wally Swan


Willard Swenson John Swiger John Tatc

.... l)"ec Taylor Patrida Taylor Fred Templeton Jan Thompson l\nnCI1C Thornton Wayne Thronson

Jerry Tim", Bruce Trowbridge Richard Upham 03\'i<l V"il

l'r3nl; Valentine Jackie Vanderford

LaIT} Vann Robert Vannoy

Bill Van Orman Garr Van Stone Ray Vickerman .'farlene V. Tersch

Kris Walcs Gil Walker John ;\1. Wall IkH~rly Wallace John Walra,1l Bob W,nrcn


Emelie SI1)dcr John Sodcrling Roan Spence

Juniors Jo\nn W,illrnpaugh K(On Wcalhemie Cordon Webb .....1 W('lIiuglOn

Richaru Wellington

1).. ,1' Wcll~

ShcrTil Wells 1k>1> Wheeler

Iknn;. Wh('f'1cr

Eddie Whitehead

Kan:n Whitcle)

Claridoll Whil1lC) Li~ Wickstrom

Charles F. WileolC Douglas Williams Linda Williams

Melda Willi:uns O,1-ie Wiboll Dean \\'indham Ten')' WinlCT Rober' Wi~ Sane. Wohlen

.\nnc Wood

Chucl Wri/i:lll CarOI)1l W)lIic Joe W)llic

Gr:ml Yee N:me}' \'ollnl

An o,'crall view of the 1!l62 Homecoming acti"ili{5-Queen e:l.llllc is crow"ed, the Vandal Marching H:lIld perfonus. and / daho fans walch Ih(' half-time cnlcr\ainm('nt of :In exciting footb;all game.

SlIIdents line up in onc of the lIe,路cr.ending lines during the hlOClic procC'M of registr.Hioll.


I Prnidenl; Sam Ta~'lor. \lice "resident; "alh}' Baxter, Tre:uurcr; Carol Ilussa, Secretary.

Sophomore Officers

JUkic: Aldrich Marll)"" Ard


Muia...o\bbul Jim Al6andoer John Armnrong

. \ bOOn 8i1l ..\ lbtd Su:\e Amulrong J~

Lconud Abel t:ddic: Andc:no<l John Arrington

Walter .-\dams Jay:\ndenon JO)ÂŤ, -\rlhuT

ChC:1 Adtins Sally Andason Paula Ani!

Ann Albee lIarold ,\nd.-eason Pat Aunin



• f\nn Barnard

Dale Ilening Tom Black

Darrell Bolz Cind)' Ihush

Conine Carlson Gene Christenson

Tom lbrtlelt George lIenoit Larry Blackburn Ihle Bosworth Sherr; Bruce Carl Carbon MaUR"Cll Ch:mc}'

Merry Baller Roy Bentson

Joyce Baile)' Kathy Baxter

Donna Bailey

Nelda Beardmore Larq' Berg Jim Berry elro] Blair Dixie Blankclluurg Benny Blick Richard Ix,urassa Virginia lloyd J;lck IJradrord Pat Brown LeRoy R. Browil Carolyn Bush Mike Canady Bruce CamplJcll D:l\"C Bro"'" l)i;lllc Cenis Loren Case Jon Carothers

Claudine Uecker Carol Biegen Willi;",] Han'c)'

Bruce IlradlC)'

ScOll Bistline nrcnt Bohlin


John Ilrl,lllS

John IIrolllcl


Ted Burke Pat C"r1son

Larry Bugbee Dennis Carlson


Judy Christianson

Ceorge Coleman i\lclvin Cook JoAnne Croy Susie Da\'is David Drdall Lloyd Eakin


Connie Cooper Chick CUller Kalil>' Day Larry J\. Drew Carol Earp

Vern Covington John Dahl Dick DeAtley Suzie Drowns niH Egcn

Dave Cox

Ni!;ki Dahmen Jim Dinsmore Ed Duffy Tom Eidson

Steven Cinkosky Barbara Collins Georgia Crabb Stc\'en nard Mar>'a [)Qhlcr Laura Duffy ))a\"C Elder

Jilll C:lbblc Roger J. Clayton Delberl Coates ChriSlianne Cool; Karen Collins Bill Conley Car'Olcc Crowder Cilfolyn Cripe Janice Craig Ken Davis Arden Oa,路is Jim Oa,路is Slell'in Downs Jaren P. Doherty Darlene Doughert)' Susan Duthie Richard Durbin Suzanne Durham Ron Elsberry Linda Ellioll Gary Ellsworth


Donna English

urI) lng

-'"till:l"" E'.lIIs Jim fauchtT

t.ngc:nc: E.•:..... "d

L\'SlJclh ."onls lin-an Gepner Larl) Godhe) .\rleue Griffith

Linda ."("iJIlhcrstonc hed httman Gr:l\.son Cibbs

lind Good"'in Ed Cris..·old

Shuoll English ROil Fairchild Jim }'ields -,"ane} Froof!

Kcilh Ericlwn

JO) F...55eT

Don }':airman

SU:>e:rl Filllner

)'.11 Findlc\ FDlll Frost Helen Gillis

Dill id Gillen Bill GolSCh

Jerry Ln' Cr..gg

Xanq Grubb

Roben Gruell



Ihl t"rost

Jim Gil>soll Karen Grale$ Doris Guiles

Larn filCh \Iice t'ulcher :\lar}' Gladh",rl

DOl,it! Grego'"} Did. Cntle~

Hal Fobo Gladcnc CilllUP Jim Goade John Grief SlcplH'n Ha:isch

"all; Fol( ,\ndre\\' CanOl> 8c'1l Godd:.rd s..lh Griffin





". crrill ~1;1l

Lpm Holmes I)on I-louse T"I\~n


Lc:5lie He~le, TeIT} !lemon Karen Ililltuall Larq Hook Eric Ilo.t': Tom' l-Iumbad.


Julie Hupcr ~like Ilealh S,hia Ilerl;n Richard Hines urn L.


Bob Ilo"'ard Ch3rla 111"",1

Leo<. Ilan,;cn

K:md H:onKl'

L;If!'} ~Ia_..-cs Chulcnc Ihrri!JOlI I'aul Ilendcn Clifford Hcndcnon Larr~ lIeT/inger Ron Uexum Enin !liming lIolJ Hofmann

'>haron l-Ioplla

Jcrn Ilo,,'anl Cilrol II U<s:l


Horning Clinics Hubbard Jill!, UlIu:hison

Wall Hudest) ",Hie 1-I11..,Ls Be>crl}' Hend.} Brian IlilI

Lllllle Hogan Kuhie Hostetler Gerald Hueuig Wa)nc hnganl

Donna l-bnnon Iloll Ua)lIt'5

J<nn I-I enning Oa.id l-lill Fred A. Iloho",,' Qlrol J. l-lollJl:cr LeRa) Huff S:llld)' henon



JerI) James Jcmmell John Jenkins n.onnic: Johansen Glen Johansson Carl ,\. Jollluon, Jr. Kalhy Johnson l.kJllnic Johnston Franl johomcit Mike JOlla Ron Jordan Cordon Judd 11;1\;5 Kalsilomclcs Nam:,. Kaufmann nill Ka\\'amba Ruth Ann Knapp Jolin Knudsen Ridl Koch Th"m:IS Kunkel Richard Kuntcr Cl00 L,lInb OorOllly L;.wson I'aul La"'TenCe 001111,( Lea"cflon

Richard Je.mings Cui C. Oh"!IOll Calhy Jones

Carl Johannesen Donald Johnson Knell JOlla

:\Iargo Jones

"crr)' Kaen;hcr

I'al K;thler Jim Kcawn Dorothy KO(lke Richartl Lange Gary Lewis

Russ Kaslbcrg I'at Kendrick Gayle Kraemer

FauSli""s Ka)i",,. Kathleen KoskcJl,l Lam, Langdon M:IT)' Luu LeI!

Lc.-slic 1.;11'5011

Sail)' Kimball Dennis Kriegel ;"'cddic L:Inig

Vern terdc

D,nid tollr


R. Loughmiller Ron

mek Rose






nOllg Miller l}cnn~



Colleen Mace

K:l.th)crn Machacek

Toni Marolt Mal")' A. Mentliola

"like l\l:irsh ,\!:Ir)' Metcalf

Gail :'II iller

Jim Miller Richard !\.loe

Janie Modic


Gil) M:'C';l"_ Ch:,rlc, \I,l1"5h,,11

"lc'er John )liller Chucl :'I"HJlIe' SlIl"T)

no)"d LukeQrt John Lund) Kathie McConnell :\hrlh:. McCullen Carr Maim Linda Maguire Michael "[:.nin l\hl') "':'SOIi ,\lIl1e "!iller Emil' Mies:'" .\1ilford Millcr S'C," Miller Gar) :'Ilorgan

lIet') Morken

Calli)' Lyon Ann !\.lcKCllnc)

Lp1l1 McUride G:lf)' McLaughlin

L)llIl M:mus

Gene Maraflio I.arr)' '\!:lUllin

licit)' M:'slcn Brent "lillel' WandaL(:c "riller

Cl"rcncc Miller Lind:, Millshcw

Don MOllinger

RodnC)' Mullen


Gregg Munthcr

Connie ~t'b()ll Linda Ndwn !.;un S~c John ParLer llonllOl Petenon

S:mdra "rincc

!'lorr) .\Iurph)" Iknnis Xelson Susan Nelson C ..il Nystrom Dor-III I':nl:ins

Jen. l'eu:noll Ka)l' "rior

Joall M)crs

Ken M)crs

John K. Nelson I odd Nelson

Larry Nelson



tJaine I'<lIT Jeannie Pbff i):.l,e Rarnhe<lll

Virginia Nelson Lon Olds Jx:k l':urick K:lTCIi "hillips Dell Rarick

Rich Nacc,mllo Larr) Nd5CI1l Donna New()crr) Ann 015011 L)"fmc l'allOn Laina !'hillilK Sue Rilsrnuson

Charla Nicholson ,\IOlston F....nk


Chen)' l'ieLl'lt ..... IT)


Dennis Norm:1Il Janet Orr Cnl R~rl

I'cnc:e "icree

{;3rol Ill'''''

Iinrii'll NOHm:m

Fred 0\('1" ;\f:anha I'eu:..,cu Cene I'rocoll Ron Reed






S<:hmadcka Ron Shellman

Florence Sleeman

~l iehacl

\'irginia Rc)'.olds Carol ]oUtlcr Joe Robinson TUIII RohimOll Ita} Roch:, Ross Rognsl:,d )o.\u" Rul>clt LlITT)' Ruddell TeTr)' Ruddell UOllllic Rude ~liloSalmci('r K:IT] R. S:,lsko,路 John S:..:kctl Hc:uhcr S:"lllcl1l Jean 1\11" Sc:hodtlc I)ale Sdmlllfnagc1 Ccorl;ia Schwcillcr nrcnda Sh:,rl' Allen Shocrnakcr Neil Shoemaker C. Sichclllhalcr Karl Siller Jaddc Smith Jml)' Smith Willi:llll Smith Willie Smith Sue: Rct5C "Dill kichards


nill Ringer

Miele) Rice Bob Rohi(lcaul( Jeri RO$.S

Joan Rumpcllcs Greg Schade Rosemary Shaw .It,,]), Sind'liT Melodic Slll)'scr

!\":1IlC} Rice

Cherol Rob'mon Robert ROllrnann Sandy Rurlcdgc Glen n. Schiller G:lry Shclgrcn Jon Slago",ski

Caryn Slll'de.


Susan SIl)"der Joan Sorenson :\l)rml SI:l.nger Jim Sturgill

Sue SoIOnlon Oiane Sowder

John TC'OIgue S .. nc)' Torkelson

;"\anq'Tefft Gar) T()(tttl

,\delle Uhican

John Un

I'hil ~(eltlcr

John SUllon

I)al,jd Soper And)' SorclUon ,\Iherta Standerfer Robert Stanfield :\Iaflcne Stroebel Rclle<:e1. Strohl t:\ie Tack Jud)' Tane!;; Allen R. Thompson James Thompson Linda Tr,I\is 8il1ie Tl"O!llle Doug TO"'lcs GaT}' K. Vollicrcs Cerr~' Vc:llric: Jerry VeltriI:' Janice Solum Linda Stahl Mar-in Smut Darrel S..':on5Ofl ElaincTqan

LUll' Strom Dennis Tanner Leslie: TimnlOllS )ud)' Tilson Bob Vent

Mucia StudclJaler

Mary Tale Lois Tobish Thomas TUIlIrMuriel Vemlaas

Marge SllInl Sam Ta}lor Ed Tollrfson Willi:un N. Ulmer Merlin Vilhauer



jC.IIUle Walser Santin \\'euhertJie

JUltilh WC'<II\cr

1';01111 Whiuemore

"at WieLs



\lict; \\'il5011

"ctln. Weir Ricl. Wilhite Jim Wininger

):1011 Wendler

John Willerson John \\'011I;31.

Spurs, Sophomore WOlllen"s Honoraq', contribute their hit of mlor and noise as the}' .. "Ii,,\;" down the SlrL'C1 in the Home-

coming I'uade.


Gordo<, Vining John Waller K:)lh)' West Robc'rl Wil15 Doug ",,3,,1,,)

Ili<l.nc WilIilllllJ

unce Whitehead Re-..: '\'illi:u,,~

Marilrn Wallace Robert Wau M:an":I Whiting Carol Wills

'nne Ye""i

Sharon York

(:;,tho:.-ine Z:r.lom<I.:)'

Karl \'on T:agcn 0". id Wahen lilll While

Franl \'O$ita

narrnora W:ore

College of Education dignitaries listen to ,he speaker :Lt one of the mil")' eolwcmion ha"'I1".:ts hellt in the sun this )路('3r.



=~:;.o;iiid'jm)TiI.~'~"':.:!I/!.! /I/(I~ ~


Fall AClivilies \Villler AClivilies Spring AClivilies Queens Fine Ans

\ hot timc coming Ull ••• Student.s of lhe Thinics la) a oonhre I.Jcfore a Honlecoming game,

The ··e:tl("h·a~·c;llch-can·· mel hod of dctcrmining superioril" of fTe5hmell and Kll'honlOlcs-lIulme Fight in 192'!,

Shakespeare on Ihc grecn-Uni\Cl'$il)' of Idaho e:tmpu~. lhal is. Thc COSlUmal pc:rfomlers of 1919 pracmcd thc Senior CI;lIS5 pia)' ",\5 You Lil..e II:"

The backbone of ;1Il} inSlinuion is organil.illion and the student organilalions al Idaho are no exception. The .ArgonaUl first appeared in NO\'embcr of 1898 and the Gem of the l\lount;,ins in 1902. These ilre the onl)' two siudent acti\'ilies which ha\'e mainlaim.'<! much resemblance to their predecessors. The SllIdcnts' Athletic Association was the forerunner of thc Associatcd SllIdelllS, but time has made its changes, Many other clubs, groups and organizations have come and gone but all ha\'e been an integral part of the University of Idaho, 105


Arriving An ,til time pc,.k enrollment hit the University of Idaho in 1962-1963. First semester figures showed a tOlal of 4,558 s(udellls enrolled in resident study. There were: 853 scniors: 98'1 juniors: 1,02<1 sophomores: 1,321 freshmen: 350 graduate StudenlS: and 21 special swdcnts. The man to wom:l1l r:.tio was 1,3-13 women to 3,210 men, or approximate!} 2.5 men to ever) woman on the Idaho cllnpus. All facilities at the Ulli\'e~ity of Idaho were filled to their cll)acil}. and m:lIl} studcllls had 10 live and Simi} under temporar} conditions. \Iway. read\ to lend a helping ham!. hlaho Spurs and '1\', arc loaded down :1.5 the} help C:lil Cornell "1I10'C in."

Quiet ami serene. FOTlle) H:lll welcomes ma,,) lie... girls 10 begin lhcillirsl "home :,wal from home:'

Old SI,,,tenIS, new studenls; uld friends. new friends; old ruo1l1m~les. new roornm~ll'S-alJ arc", part of :, hlissrul Slart Of:l ne'" )car.

Idaho Spun roll out lhe "red carpet" to ...e1(01l1e ~nother eager freshman.


Dclla G,II"mas c,'gerly a",,,il lhe ani""l of rushees for lhe

Folksinger. Dick Reed enlen"i"s 'Il 'Ill SAl' luncheon .late

fi""l p'IrlJ'.

Rush Joyful ScrC,11l1S and tC,trs along with sighs of relief marked the annual ".'lljtleal day", which climaxed rush week as 205 freshmen coeds raced illlo the a'\'aiting ,11'"1S of their new sisters. With the feeling of having made thc biggest decision in their lives, thesc girls pledged the sororities of their choice. The end of girls' rush on Scptember 17, 1962 marked the beginning of boys' rush with its m,Hly luncheon ami dinner dates. Thc 16 national fraternities ended rush 'fith the pledging of 296 mcn.

"Lift: was fUll in lhe days of lhe .\lissi!>sippi ri"erhoalS,"

according 10 lhe I\ll)h,t Gams.


in the Phi Dell housc "'ilh Dave lIell '1l1hedrutlls

"Will it be )'011. you. or you?" seellles 10 be the qucstion as Mabel I..o'路el, Vicki Wilson. Donna MorA,tll and Pals)' McCullough entertai" at the Gamma Phi pan)'.


Frosh Orientation "New Student Days" provided the 1600 frosh with a look at campus life. The week of September 16-21 was highlighted by lectures and many get·acquailllcd p<tnies.

Residence H:oII Picnic was i»rt of the orientation acli\ ,ties in prep:oralion for the coming }cu.

"[)Oll', forgel 10 rome hack fOT !l«olllb," w:u lhe cry hC'ard during the annual Indc~ndenl "imit'.

Nc><' acquainlam:o being made at lhe Freshman Mixer u they dance 10 the music of the ·'Monarchs.··





"Discipline yourselves to do the things which should be done at the proper time" WCI'C the words of ad, icc gi"cn by Presidellt Theophillis at the COIll'OC"lion.

Frosh Orientation

The Associated ,Vomen Students' Tea, gil'en in the honor of lIew women students, saw some 500 guCSts present



"From thi. post

~O ..

Hoth SCIllC)ICI":.路 n:giMratioll for the 1962-63 )car were conducted in lhe Memorial G)ll1IlaSiUlll. Once again records were broken a, the ellI'Ollmclll rcached a hi~h of ",558. \\"hich provided the U of I c1a~)rooms Wilh more of an o\t;rltow of :.ludents than Cloer before.

will pick up )our section C3rtl$:'

I h.. 1113,1 -.;r,,,nhlc "f co-cds r芦ei'ing and filling

c1"ss ca.'Us.

LinC' at the I K ietne5ter Il.oo1.; Sale

"011 deu!" I forgot Ill) poennit





E\'cn though thc main attraction this }ear is based around the new SUB addition. the original building still functions 'IS the ccntral meeting place for afternoon cokc dates: for emcrt"inlllCIll :lfter the g:lme: and for those bowling clllhusi:lsb, With the mo\'ing of the ASU I office. more sl>:lce has been found to enlarge the "BuckeL" This made possible the attendance of largcr crowds: :II thc big I~ep Rail) on Dad's Da): thc annual Holly Week St}le Show with the contestants st}ling the "'atest:" and thc Election Smokcrs. The opcning of the Blue Buckct Inn Pancakc '路Iouse provided the sllldelll with a perfect SIX)! (0 comc on Sunda) evenings. :\lan) a Saturda} afternoon finds studcnts relaxing 10 "Jau in thc Buckct:'

Fac:ult) memhers also lind Ihe SUB a con路 \("niclII place 10 IllL"Ct :,1111 reb,,;.


You mOl.) pic:" "I' ,our annual in the :\SUI office-and here Carol Uuss" passes them out.

ThruughoU1 thc wcc". 'lIIdClllS C01lle 10 ;, cuke ;",d slIId).


Gale ... Ii,,; gin.,. u' a peel.: at one or the four ne'" howling lano under construclion, in order 10 a(Com,nodate Ihe sludenu.


Dad's Day

"'ilil the ,heme "All I's 011 Dad," the weekend was highlighled Wilh the taxation, [he Quartet contest. the individu,d lawl1 decorations, the Dad's Day Dance on S:t1unlay e\'ening. ,ou[ the Limcliters on Sunday.

~cminar 011

\ miniature fOOluall licit! represenls the Sipn.. Nu's first plact" lawn decon.lions in ob5c...'ancc of lhe Ihd's 1>01' "路eckcnd. '

"The Bm..'" )Ioumain 8o~5;' rC"llr~ling Iht' Famlhou搂e ,,路jlh lheir sdn:lioll of folt !lOngs, came ill Itnil in the Ilu:n'$ tli'ision of lhe Song t'CSt.

C1lO!>CII finll in the "'omen's dhi"ion .... $ lhe Kappa QU:lrlCI ..-i,h lheir nl!iC'lTlble of "old (.I\orita:'

Large c:nou~h for all 10 see, the ''''0 '"1"1" in from of Willis S"'CCI look upon and "'dcomc .. lithe dads.


The Gamma Phi's look first place in the registration contest wilh 'II per cent of their Dads registering. The annual Dad's Day game was well ,ltlcndcd b}' parenu, alums. and Criends. The participation of 15 high school bands. the University of Idaho Band amI the Vandalctlcs added much color 10 the weekend festivities.

Desire for "baubles. IIcugals. an,1 hcads" g<!'c Gamma I'hi's first pl:lee ill I:,,,,n (k..:orations. Alums registering at f\lulll Oflicc The LimclilCI'S C~IllC to Idaho to clima" Dad's Day with a Sunday afternoon performance. l1erc. we capture them in lhe dressing 1'00111 la~ing a brealhcf.

Dad's Day

Residence Han CouncH Convention 120 representatives from 18 colleges and unh'crsitics were gllcsLS on the Id<lho campus ill OClObcr to discu~s living can路 ([itions in residence halls. The m,lin theme, "Activit), and Continuity in RHC:" was actively discussed ,1I1d challenged during the COllVclllion.

Rohert Green discusses a 1}l'ical Four ;\I,m Unit 1'1;111 for the

Wallace Residence Cenler


he opened in September of 196$.

RHe I'residellt. t\lycc JoY Taylor, is presenting \Varren RCplOlds wilh the gr,ukpoilll troph)' n~cci\t.路d by Upham Hall. Uphaln H,dl a[$O r<.-><:ch"t'<[ the outstanding Meu"s Rcsi.lcllcc H,dl A"';lrd.

Helen Tomlinson nx:ci,-oo the Outsl;l1lding Women's Residence Hall Aw,nd for HOI" Hall from :\l}ce JO)' Taylor. . I)c;1ll Cle"enger, Dean of StudcllIs at W.S.U.. dcli,路cn:d lhc main addR'SS;u lhc IRHC bamlucl givcn at Upham Hall.


This group was onc of thc many who disc;ussed co-l'(l living in residence halls_

Fan Dances

••••i1l cr up:' .....5 Ihe shout hard ..-illlill the ..... 115 during Ihc r.. 11 dancc al .·armhousc

'\lith £rame in h:md, these 1","0 pose at Ihe Sigma Chi Pledge Dance.

Ddt:t Chi's l'lall)()\ SlOmp-:tn<l "Dance "'jlh mc Hen...,!"


Fan Dances

I'ete Groom_ the Theta's "C"stlc Casano"a," grins from c:n to Car.


With the theme. "Greek Row," acccnluatL"tt by the figures in the b:lckgroulld. Anita Norby and Cary Schorzman ;Ire ("'ndng up a storm.

I'osing in front of the jail door during Ihe annual Hal's Hall f;,ll dance.

The L:l1nhda Chi pledge dance was rcally swinging as the fellows an,l their dates displayed their COSllIlllt'S.

Fall Dances S' d:l\cs 31 Kappa annua l~ and I Christmas their HOll51: I'arl)'.


saddle at the root in'路

t\SlmJe l.h~ West Side Stomp. 100lm

ladhul entertains her Mar}' a fa5Cinating slOry. date G.", WI


Steiner and bCllc;uh

dancm~ CiIIndlehghl


dale the


fall dance.




Roy:.lll'-Mary Bullard. Lt.路~s1ie Ensign, Queen Louis/: lIolll1l"ll. r ..:ggy McGill. :l1ld .\lar~ .\Il11 .\lc11<I[ol:,.

Captain Davey, reprcscnting the Nav)', crowns Louise Bollman 1962 Color Girl.

The ballroom was (rowded as the couples a",,,[II.'(1 the crowning o拢 the N:l\'Y Color Girl


tfbotJtl: Military nail Queen. Barbara Hard)'. surround~ 0) her ro):lhy. 0Jll1Osife: Dancing 10 the music of thc 25lh

.\nn) Band from Cald ..路cll.



Queen Barban. wilh heT eK'Ort L:any Wilcox and Col. and Mrs. Engle$..

Col. Engles presenting Queen Barwn. wilh the )1iI. ilary Troph)路.



Uni'路crsitr of Idaho Band forms the 路'nig I."

The 1962 Homecoming schedule was filled from Friday noon umil Sunday evening wilh the following: pajama parade of [rash women, the pcp rally at McLean Field, the downtown parade, the Oregon State game, an alumni buffel supper at the Elks' Temple. and the "Blue Champagne"' dance climaxed the busy weekend. Coach Dee Andros leads his team onto the field

14 beaUliful oonteslalils lIIade it a difficull decision {or judges to pick a ~Iolllecoming Queen.


Fred Lillge of Boise is presented an "'" blanket by Oa'"c I'utnam, president of the I club. for 011(' standing Vandal Booster of the past YC;lr.

"Whip 'em" arc the orden gi\'en 10 the Valldal leam on Winning Homecoming f1o;11 designed b~' the Tri·l)ell-S and I'hi T,IUS.


,h, ,h,

The Homecoming paradc. including dignitaries, fioalS, and bands, was followed b}' the game itself and

the crowing of Homecoming Queen, Jeanne Marshall .



BIG" ....,MOO

., -":' U

MOrlar Board members. including Angie: Arrien of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Mar}' Winegar of Ddl2 Gamma, were honored ill the par.lde. \rdent supponen or Idaho cro"'d the stands at the annllal HOlllMoming game.

Queen Jeanne ManhaU rttti,·es a kiss as she is cro"'ned by Larry Mills of Boise, president of the Idaho Alumni Association.


WSU Walk The Cougars repeated their performance for the 3ith lime and Idaho students walked again-but it was a

beautiful day as the pom-pom girls were at the head of the line and were reo ceived clllhusiaslicall), by the WSU


PUI 011 your lrack 5hocs~

I'om-pom girls in the midst of those who take "tile walk"

"Ct'! TC"ldy. get SC't, go---"


The lUI landmark SttIl as students le:ne lhe U of I campus for WSU

Campus Conventions As always, the Uni\'crsilY of Idaho campus was again this ycar thc meeting placc for many diffcrent conventions. The campus is it ccntral point here in the Northwest and an ideal location for conventions where the delegatcs will be coming from the surrounding statcs. The facilities of the new SUB will undoubtedly bring cven more cOl1\'elllions LO the Idaho campus in the futurc.

The annual High School Journ:llism Conference brillgll slu([ellts to the Idaho caml'uS from practicall)' evcry high school ill the Statc.


The Idaho Assoei:Hion held their Fall meeting on the Idaho campus and lawyers from throughout the Stau~ were in allendance.

Tory Nelson. IRHC Vicc,l'resident, conduct.s a session of the Inter-mountain Association of Residence Hall Councils Convention. This ootl\cntion brought 132 dek'g:l\cs from other unil'crsitics and colk'ges to the Idaho campus.

Mrs. Lcn lIiclenberg :,ddr('Ss~'S the many home cronomists at their cUll\cntion hcld in the SUB during :\',I\ional :\'ulrition w~~[....


HoUy Week

\Vith "Holly Daze" ilS the theme for Holly "'eel, lhe sophomore class presented a funfilled week-climaxed by the crowing of Miss Kathy Baxter. The week was highlighted by: the sophomores Christmas caroling; the style show where each contestant. modeled a sport outfit and evening dress. During the dance, the winners of the Lambda Chi Alpha door decoration contest were announced. Laler the outstanding sophomore in each college was named as follows: Craig MacPhee. College of Business: Paul Gravelle, College of Forestry: Donna Leaverton, Letters and Science; Paul Anderson, College of Agriculture; and Mike Olson, College of Engineering.

A mosaic Chri~lm3~ scene of lhe Three Wisc Men Ira,-cl路 ing to Na~arClh won (he Alpha Cams firM place in the door de(or,lliOIl (OilIest.

As winneTS in the men's division, the Sigma Nus co,'erc<! the door with gold foil and bows and COll\'crlcd two pillaTS into candles.

Princesses Jcri Ross and Flo Sleeman, Queen Kathy B.lxter. and Princesses Andrea Andenon and Janie Modic.



Holly Week I. .J



, I




. ",'he cro....ng



r Queen K:lthy 0 f lhe Belta lC1nbcr (> "l' c1im3xl.-'l1 I1Ie soror, . 11

Gamma 1962 Holly Week .



I~.:.i~~~:~~~':'''''''':_--:;:;::::;::::::::l:":' al theI\TOcomCT The annual $Oj>lIOlll o r e car<> III ,roup


New Student Union

The grand ilnd spaciolls "New SUB" was panially finished ill 1962-63. Coming the c'lIUpUS at a cost of $2,1 13.800, the aClual construction was starlet! in September, 1961. Construction was done in sl,tges with the bowling alley opening in November of 1962. The ASUI office, Alumni office. SllIdcnt offices, main lobby, Argonaut ofllce and Dipper opened in January of '63. The largest ballroom, 13,800 square feet, in Idaho opened in February accommodating 2400 dancers. Although only partially completed, the new addition is certainly a welcome and ;.tlracti,"c entrance 10 the Idaho campus. to

The D,pf>t'r aoounlls with atn"'~l'hcrc ,IS the r;,is...d scaling area o\crlool,:ing the d;l1lce floor gi,cs an imlHcssion of sophiStic;uion .

..\\ 1:1,;1 a home, the TV room is located in the basement


Student U n:iion B~aulirul.

striking. and peaceful. il'S a needed additioll to campus.

Wall 10 wall caq>cl. plush ch;,irs. a spacious lable-lhe Illain conference room.

These four alleys werc added, making a total of [weh"e.


SUB Newl)' installed ,-ending machines in the Dipper orfl'r soft drinks ,lilt! snacks co accommodate the SI11dcllu' tastcs.

The stereo listening rOOIlIS provide relaxation and entertainnlellt for all as studc1l1s n.-qucst their fa"orile albums.

The fCm(H.1clcd bowling allel's offer comfort 'lIld hl.~lIr)' to the bowler a"d spectator.


The spacious J\rgonaul office on the lower floor of the ,,,hlition is the ('Iller of acti"ill' fur the campus newspaper.

LouisArmstrong Kinl.;: of Ja1.l, LOllis f\nll'Hong ~nd his .\II路Stars. lhrilled I(\:,ho d;mccn ;md jan elllhllsi"SIS .,1 the grand opening of the Studenl LI"i"" lIall. roOIll .

"S"lchmo" and group in att;on

Jewel 1ho""". accompanied L} Louis .\nIlSlrOllg and his Ali-SIan, locali/Ctt during the listening ,lIld danc路 ing sho"',

Dandng and listening, 2400 fans filled the ballroom on opening night


Campus Chest This yc,lJ"s Campus Chest weekend began with ,I bang and a song from "Louis," who prcsclllcd evening entertainment marking the first official use o( the new SUB ballroom with 2400 attending. The second C\'cnt that weekend was the house auctiolling where each house sold an exchange pany to the highest bidder and the proceeds went to charit}'. Among other acti,,ities were I~ingo gallles, a liule blackjack, and individual cnlcnainmelll on the Sawrday night program. [l\lcrtailltllc11l ill lhe Buckel


\\',,'11 lake 'em


Wh:t\ do p bel there?

Blood Drive Aiming for a quota of 750 pints, the anllual Blood Drive opened with the slog;:m. "Roll up rOUT slee\路c. there's a life in your hands:' Surpassing any record of the past seven )'cars, the University gan! 903 pints of blood. Blood Drive Chairman, Ray Rocha. said one reason fOT the record lUrnOUl was that more faculty and townspeople gave blood. Trophies and ceTlificales fOT the winners and participants in the li\路jng group competi. lion were awarded at .. dance sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta. prc-med honoral)'.

The ,,'ailing line

Aid aWSling nuoe

Blood s;lImpl('$ must be talco and chutJ; filled in


Blue Key As usual, maJl)' talented students panicipaH:d in the allnual HIlle Key TalCIlL Show, and to witness the talellt of the 14 acts was a crowd of 2500. The fOUf diVISion trophies were awanlcd LO: Alice Fulcher, K'lI)P,I, who sang a streCl song from "Naught)' Marietta" to claim the women's indiddual trophy: the single men"s award was WOll by folksinger Skipper Botsford; Dave Bell, Phi Deil, and l\like Fuehrer, Tckc. gained a first in the small group category with a drum combo. To add some wit and humor, general chairman, Fred \Varren, and co-emcee, ''''and:. Stein. tc;nncd together. K"PI'3 Sig' and their' Soulh Chic<lgo"

l\nd now hCl'c's lhe mOlllent }ou\c been

w~ilin' [Of'

Alice Fulcher. Kappa. singing "Naughty .\lariclla'路

"The Winners"


FI'osh Week Frosh week was highliglllCd this year with the featuring of lhe "Four Preps:' a nationally known \'oc;1I group. Following their pcrfonnance. :l dance was held with nearl), 1'100 people :lncnding. I're\'jolls to the dance. activities included a PC/) rally, freshmen-sophomore tug-of.war. and the legs COlllCSlS. There was an apparent dispute as to w 10 won the lug-o-W,tr. but it was ccrl,.in lhat Jim \VollI"(:r, Kappa Sig, and Linda UithclJ, Pi Bela Phi. were winners wilh the best looking legs. The grand finale was at the d,mcc on Frida)', March 15. as DolaTa Cook. Pi Phi ;IIHI Bob Dullon, Delt, wefe crowned Frosh Queen and King.

Once again l'ar:ldisc Creek is the site for the annual 1IlIl>o, W3r,

Frosh King iIInd QUC'rZ1 finalists: Top YOIl': Bob Dutton, John Boisen, Chuck Birchmie:r, Rick Ilicks, Mile: E\c:TC'Il. Ro/lorll row: Mary Ann \'odcn, Dolon Cook, Ann Thompson, K;l.Ih) Wood, :\Iargie Irwin.

Jim Wohrcr, K;'ppa Sig. and Linda IJithcll. I'i l'hi, I'cigllt"tt;1$ .\Ir. ,md .\liss Lt:g',


Sponsored by the Associated Engineers, the Engineers' B:l11, a semi-

Engineers' BaH

formal dance, was atlcndcd by SOI11C 250 couples who (\,meed 10 lhe music of the "l\loonliglllcrs:' Seven displays \I"crc erected by the ,'a rio us engineering organit;llions and the one built by the American Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers rccei\'cd first place.

During intermission i\likc Olson, Campus Cillb, was announced as being the "Outstanding Freshman in Engineering" ;l11d was presented with a trophy br Sigma Tau. the Engineering honor;u·y.

• "The Moonlighters" filled the air with d,lllccablc music "'hile lhe cngillt't'l"s put aside their slide n,ll", to cnjo} all e\"ening or dancing.

Foresters' BaH

The I'oreslers' Wi\'es pf()\'idt'{l the inlel'lnission CIllerwinment IJr pUlling on sc\cral ski IS.

.:'o:n all cngillt'ering student can ha"c {UIl!

The forestry students observed Forestry Week, April 28 through May 4, with the theme of forestry research. The week included planting trees anc! shrubs at the !lew U. S. Forest Service Genetics Lab. a cross·cut and power saw tree-culling contest. alld. of course, the annual Foresters' Ball.



lheir d~lt"S enjoying the dancc

Spring Dances "In the Spring a young man's (Olney turns 10 thoughts of 100'c" and the Idaho campus swanns with hlll路activities in the rOml of Spring Formals. slomps, and cruises.

I ~loonlighl.

roses. 3"d YOUl

I he

"1I~ ..-~ii~l1

T ..,;sC· done to 51Oml'ing music in



glXK1 ole




Spring Dances



Ibr· ...015 the Ktting for Uphalll·' Spring Fonnal.


The nl{)()<1 was 5<:1 and the dar1(C at FrclIch I-Iousc was " roaring success!

The ;"'''''al Sigm;l Nu White Rose Formal was indced a lliglH CO reme",!>cr.

Spring Dances "Oh,

I could h,,,c ,lanccd all night!'路

"Twistin' Partr. U.S..\"路 by the '\lpha Phi路s.


The Spring ASUI elections sal\' a record 2659 students \lim out to cast their

Campus Elections

ballots for their favorite candidates. "'hell the results were in and tabulated, Campus Union Pany walked away Wilh the honors. CUP candidates Bill Frates

and Carvel 'Vhiting garnished both the tOp spots of ASUI President alld Vice Presidcllt while Campus Union Party also was :Ible to retain their Ilnjority on the EXCClUivc Board for the second slraiglll year. .lim Bounds and Gene Harder were the ullSuccessful standard bearers for United Party while Clif Eldred added that extra touch to the campaign by boiling the United I~arty to run for the top spot as an unaffiliated candidate. Elllhusiasm ran high during the entire campaign which consisted of posters, billboards, smokers, debates, rallies, and living group visitalions.

Thc candidates w('re all undn prl:SSUT(', hut all faTlX[ well dcspitc the l)"rragc of load<'<[ questions that w('rc fired at thcm during th(' smokn held in the lounge of Willis Sweet ~Iall.

Elttlion Day climaxed the t",o wt'eks of con¡ stant campaigning with a record nUlnber of students casting their ballots.

~--'--~\'--_\'---- \

L'----_ '--.1_

Jim nounds, United candidatc, illterjt'Ctcd a bi, of humor at th(' ASUI sponsored dcbatc held in thc ncw sun loallroom. 1~8


Campus Elections .\Iadenc Finney. United candi,btc for E"':cuti,'c noanL expressed her I'iews concerning student recruitment at the smoker held in the lounge at Willis SW(''C( "laIL

The polls wcre located in ,"ariOllS buildings arollnd the campus and lIl:llly of the Sludcnls took ad"anlage of class brc;.ks \0 exercise their right to Gist their '·Ole.

Bill Frates easily and quickly adjusted 10 his new l>osition as f\SUI I'resident after his election to replace ROll Hought:!lin :IS head of the Idaho Sill· (lents.

The lounge of Willis Sweet Hall was packed as many ;'llcrcstoo students lUnlet! ont to "ic"' their favorite candi· dates in action.




After one postponemenl and weather threatening another, Elhel Steel I-louse callie through LO win the Sig Alph Olympics. Excitement and cheering filled the Ad I;IWI1 as each living group gave encouragement to their own contest,lIlts in egg lossing, the four-legged race, a potato sack race, wheelbarrow racing, lhe lug-of.war. tennis ball push, football punt, the 25 yard Cfawl, and the pie eating contest. Alpha Phis, Kappas, and Gamma Phis placed second, third, ,ll1d fOllflh respectively. The prize for the best designed flag weill LO the C,llllTll,l Phis.

• • •


• •

• •

• •

• •

The cheering :;«lion The faslest pic catin' girl on campusl

The race is on!

Excited winncn





Ilalftime entertainment!

-rhe Terriers" from WSU

Tal:in' it cuy

T"'ch-e foot rcpliCill of the Centennial Seal

J unior...ยงenior Prom The thcmc, "CClllcnnial Ball,"' W,t:. etrrictl throughout thc l>rOIll and was illllstr:ucd by a twelvc foot high rcplica of the centcnnial seal and an eight foot mural paintcd by Helcn Hogg, I-lays, Thc graduating seniors, who auendcd ft,(.'C of chargc, cnjoyed Ihe II1llsic provided by thc Claude i\lyhrc Ot'chc:,u';1 from Spokane in a nightclub atlllospheJ'c through thc use of round Ic,ll;,wood tables with candlc chimneys,

Dancing to the Centennial theme




Queen presentinK fhe ne"' "WS officers from left to right \\'are. Tre~surer; Carol Huss~. Sccref~r)'; Karen Fisher, Vicc l'n:sident; ~nd I'resident Lind~ Kinney.


Certilicates ",ere aw~rded 10 the OUlswnding Seniors selected on the b:lsis of their schol~rship. lc~dcrship. and ser\'ice rendered to the Universityof Idaho.

Mother's Day Weekend This year marked the 54th annual May Fete with the weather cooperating in all possible ways. The first big event was the Song Fest where thc living groups were honored for performances. 'Vith Saturday. dawned the thrilling Phi Dell turtle race and the winner's trophy went to Alpha Phi With their Illrtlc, "Road Runner." Tllc race was followed by special buffet-luncheons for Ihe mothers in each living group. The actual May Fete ceremony headed by Idora Lee Moore, J\lay Queen, followed with the installation of the new Spurs and lKs and the tapping of i\lonar Board, Silver Lance and the Outstanding Seniors.

New Mortar Board


May Queen and escort Ron Houghtalin

Mother's Day Weekend

The nC:"'I} tapped Spun being initiatro during the Mal Feu,' prognull.

\ slx'Cial (orull1 W;H held during the wt:d:c:nd wilh ,-ar;ou5 factllt)' member. diSCll,sinK the: go;l]! anll "lIl1cs of higher t"tlucalion.

Carl Johanne5Cll rec;civinlf the "Outstanding 11\ "wan.!" for ha\';ng dc,'ote<! the most hours 10 the: various projccu of the IKs. I'resclltmg the award to Carl during the annual Mar Fete was Eugene Harder. Ro,-al King of the IKs.

The Tri路I>e!u and Fannhousc join 10 sing their way 10 ,iCIOr) in the Mixed Group Di'ision of Ihe: annual Song Fest.


Mother's Day Weekend

Till!' ""inning dir~lorJ proudly hold the diffr'Tent lTophies thl!1' ganlish('(! in Ihe Sp"r路Jpon~ral Song Fr'$I.

f ~I f Ma) Queen Idora Lee


her Ropll Court

The turtles are off and running ;11 lhe annual Phi Delt Turtle Derby, which is held in conjunction wilh Ihe many other :lttil'ilies on :\Iolher'. 1>3) W芦tcnd.


Hays Ball took home the Women's Di.ision trophy u the Song Feu Wilh their rendition of "Sweet KenlUd:y Ilabe." Willis Sweet Hall COlpllued firsl place in Ihe .'olen's Dj.ision al the Song Fest wilh an original Icrsion of 路'.\Ia1). Do,,', "a Weep."

Ilride. Sue

Gr~llleaf :l1ld

groom, Bill Frolln

Bride and trou禄eau!

Pansy Breakfast Engaged and newl} married senior womcn stepped lhrough :t se\entccn foot ring of p.tIlsies 10 be grcclC<! by the "Bon Vo):tge I-Ione}moor," fashion show pl'c,cmed at the Tri Delta l)ans} Brcakfasl. Bride, Sue Creenleaf on the arm of Bill Fr::lIes ASU I l)resident, modeled a wedding gown, and the attendants were Carol \\'erry, brides路 maid, BUll McCabe. I)hi Dell, bcSI man. ilntl Bill Longe路 teig, Beta, usher. The bridc's trousseau supplied by Davids included Ilcglig-ce, going.away sui1. tWO piece suit, and cockedl dresses. loucst ~r>cakel' W;tS Dr. Leon Green, head of the Physic.d Education DcpOlrtmCnl. who awarded a $200 schobt'ship to Marya Doblcr. Tri Dells :l1ld Farm House. llOng fest winners. enter路 tain.

Marp. Dobler receiving Kholarship

Honored Guesu


The University of Idaho held its sixty-eighth Commencement on Sunday, June 9, 1963, in l\lcmorial GYlllnasium. However, this particular CommencemCnl set many firsts. It was the first time in the University's bisLOfr that over 1000 degrees were issued at onc exercise; the first Commencement where the Governor of the State gave the Comtllcncemem Address: and the first Commence1l1Clll to be televised o\'er closed-circuit television. This year's Commcncemcm sa\\' 1027 graduates receive diplomas from the Unil'crsily in addition lO three honorary degrees and two citations of merit upon retirement being issued. A large crOlnl witnessed the ceremonies which brought mixed emotions to the graduating Seniors. Other weekend events wcrc a rcccption for the Class of '63, alumni banquct and meetings, amI an opcn housc and cxhibit at thc Libr"r}'.

Caplain 1i.IIT)' I)a\'e)', l'rofes>01" of N'l\,,,t Science, led lhe academic processioll inlo MelllOrial Gpntl;lsilllll followed b)' GO\"crnor Smylie and Presidenl ThL~'I)hilu~. Dr. D. R. Thcophilus. l'rcsidenl of the Uni\·er· sill' of Idaho. gave the welcoming address al this )ear's Co"nllcncelllcnt-the Uni\'ersil)"s sixt),·eighlh.

Man)' of the Seniors were able to walch lheir o\\'" pro· cession as lhe)' passed lhe \'arious lcle\'i~iotl lllonilor selS that were placed throughout the Memorial Gymnasium.


O,'er sixt}' of Ihe graduating dass also received lheir officer's commissions at special ceremonies during Com· menCC1llCnl.


Capl:lin J)~,e)' leat! Ihe swe:tring路ill ceremon;"'S for "II thrl't:: bnmchl'S of the lIlilit:tr)' services when those gr:I(I. U:lll'S whu had (Ompleled lhe \,:Iriou! ROTC prOllt':"ns re路 cci'l..1 lheir "lIieer', ('("nmission!.

Te1e,i.ion Cilme",s "'ere plan....1 bOlh in :111.1 oUl,i.le :\Iemori:d Glllln~,iulll as 10 gi\e the he'l CO\el,'ge of bOlh lhe pruCl"Ssi,,"~1 ~nd COlli路 mence1llen! coemonics 10 lhose ... ho chose 10 "':Itch 'l\er lhe closc(l路cil'(-"il tcle,ision.

hnmedi::llel)' following CotlllllentTnu'nt, lhe graduales 1110:1 p.aU'Ul'. "'i\t'S, friends_ :lIld teachers on the sleps of "lcllloria1 G}'llItaSiulli and the lawns by 1110" Librar)' to Ix: congratulaled and wished the l>CSt of luck in their new ende:"'ors.

(.mrmor Robert E. Sm)lie g:iI\e the Conimencemcnl \t.IdrC'lS "'hich was rntillaJ "Lighl for :\I:lll\ Lamps:- I" Ihis intercsling and cn. lightrning speKh, Go\ernor Smllie told the graduating Seniors Ihat the onll del>I thc) owed for Ihe "'onderful educalion the)" had rccei\ed here al Idaho ,,'as 10 be sure to insure lhal other, lO follow would h<l'e similar lights 10 folio,,'.


Miss U of I Pageant The climax of the ith annual beaut) pageant :.pon:.orcd b) the Intercollegiate Knights was the crowning of :\Ii"s Idora Lee ~Ioorc. Kappa. The final decision was made on the b:.sis of l:llcnt, poise. beaut}, and person:llit),. The olher fillalislS were: Rose .\larie .\Iarler. Alpha Chi: G.1rol}'1 W}lIie. Gamma Phi: .\Iclodie Sm)scr. Alpha Phi: Karen Oleson. Ha}s. During intermission, the crowd was entertained b) BIlle Kc} winncr Skip Bouford with his folk songs and the "Singing Sigs" from the Sigma Chi house. Arlen ~\I;tTle). head of lhe p:lgC:1Il1 commitl<.'e. S4lid lhal the show wa" a

great success.

Our new :\Ii$$ U of I-Idor... Lee Moore

Tea held ill hOllor of the .semi' finalists


The oothing 511it enui<'$


Miss )loore and her coun

• ReHgion JLn Life Conference

The Re\'. Joseph A. Slid.cr. lhe keynote speaker for this rear's Religion in Life Conference. "ddresscs the swdcnts dllring the opening aSSCnlbll'. Rev. Slicker is a member of the faclIh)' of the I'H:sb)'l(~ry of Chicago ,,,,,J before clIlcring the ministry, he l."Stablishcd a conSlIhing enginccring husiness in Texas ;",d "":IS all f\nn)' ,\lajor dnring Wurld War II.

Religion in Life Conference at the University of jdaho is designed to present, in terms intelligenl to university men ami women, the relevance of religion [0 person;.1 life and the great social issues of this age. The object of the Religion in Life Conference is to arouse the realization that religion can be a vilal and living force in the lives of college students.

Dr. D. E. Hill of the Fine ,\rts Dcp'lrlmcnt of ;":onhwest "';'~arene College addresS<.'S the Alpha Chi's al an informal question and answer session held during Ihe RILC week.


Campus Life Julie Cillb, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Idaho's Miss Wool

The A.W.S. Tca honored women students with high scholastic st;mding :Illd abo was the scene for the installation or the new .\.W.S. ofliccr< for 19(;3路1)4. Below. I'resioJclll Idora Lee Moore imlalb the new l'roidcnt, Linda Kinney. Other officeI1l innalled were Karen Fi~hcr. Vk... President: C:lrol I-I liMa and Uarbara Ware.


The University of Idaho Department of Mnsic. under the din-Clion of Glen R. l..ockery. prC$Cnted "Requiem" for solo, quartet. ehoir and orcht'Stra by Guiseppe Verdi to the public in FcI.Jnlary. Aceomp;mil.:<! b)' the Uni,'ersity of Idaho Symphony Orchestra. the Vandalecn Concert Choir, Uni,-crsity Singers, t'riends of Music and :\Iemt.ers of the Summer t'esti"al Choir combined into a massi'e 200 'oice choir to prl:SCnt this dram:uic tribute of music. '\'al1a~ Roidence Celller-l:ni>-enity of ldaho-CosI. .3 mil· lion. The fint phase of the largest and 10051 conly pira of construction e,'er at Idaho started inlo ~alit)· in Septemb« of 1962. Housing .j2.j students. the complu will abo ha,e dining facilities to accomm<)(late 900 studems. Each of the four donns will be di,'ided imo four-man units with a central Ih-ing room ;mil hal hroom facilities and study rooms.




Campus Life



lOA K 0 • •

' ' ' I ' U . CI II C .tllClI





" ...


Homecoming Queen JEANNE MARSHALL De/til Gumma

Miss University of Idaho and May Queen !DORA LEE MOORE

Kappa Kappa Gamma

SAE Violet Queen i'"OR.\fA




Gault Snow BaH Queen OIlS~




Lambda Chi Crescent Girl CARL-\ .\IARTI:"/' Pi Beta Phi

Delta Sigma Phi Dream Girl NINA J[KKINS

Kappa Kappa Gamma


Navy Color Girl LOUISE BOLUIAK Pcrmt!(/{ Fre1lch HOlise



Ddta Gamma

ATO Esquire Girl VALERIE EASTl\IAN GfllfllllQ

Phi Beltl

Sweetheart of Sigma Chi LORNA KIPLING Delta Gall/III(I

Military BaH Queen BARBARA HARDY Pi Be/a Phi



Pi Rl'IO_

Frosh King ROBERT DurroX

Delta Tall Ddla


Kappa Alpha Theta Casde Casanova PETER GROO:\I Sigma Chi

Ugly Man DAVID H


Theta CI,;


VANDALEERS I'ERSONN};L: Denny Abrams, Kay Ahlschlager, Hugh Allen, Donna Bail)', John Baker, Mary UarneH. Carol)'n Beasley, Kathy nillington, Noel mum, Virginia BO)'d, Pat Ilrim, Ah'in Burgemeister. I'llt Cannoll, C..rinne Carlson. Bob Caron, Dolora Cook, Winston Cook, Dennis Cromwell, Harry [)enton, Sherr)" Diethelm, Gordon Elliott, L"rry Elliolt. Joy Esser, Jean Farley, Victori.. Fisher, Colleen Fordyce, f\lice Fulcher, Dianne Green, Ruth Grid, Jdf Grimm, Francis Gusscn路 hO\'en, Janet Hall, Bonny Hen.inger, Roben Howard. Carl Johnson. Carol Johnson, Jim Johnston, Loran Kipling, Richard Koch. Pat Krous, Anne Lemon. Jam(.'S McConnell, C..rol Merrick, Joan Miller, Linda Nelson. Wayne Nugent, Karen Oleson, Phil Olsen. Nichol..s I'l.rker, Doran !'arkins, Lorr"ine Poulson, Neil Poulson, Da\'e Pugh. Richard Reed. Glenn Riller, Gerald SchW;.rtl.. Helen Smith, Rohen Smith, CI\('r)'1 Stoker, Lois Tobiska. Jllllet Walker. Gary Whillnore, K"rlccn Wilson, and Isabel Woods.


Throughout the school year, the Vandaleers perform on countless occasions and wherever they tr,I\'el and perform, they leave a lasting impression. Truly, the Vandalccrs are Jdaho's "good+will ambassadors." Under the direction of Glen Lockery, the Vandaleers again presented the Christmas Candle-light Concen, their Spring Concen, and their tOlll' through the State in addition to singing for lhe Slate Legislature and for Commencement.

The Vamlalcers won stale路wide acd"im with their "Light On The Mountain"-a pageant portra),ing the his路 tor)" of Idaho including the coming of Le,,'is ,ll1d Clark and the Nel Perce Indian Wars.


University Singers

The Uni\'ersit) Singers. under the able direction of Mr. ~ortn;1Il Logan. meet twice weeki),. The group is open to all who enjoy singing and all are welcomed. The Singers gi\"c an annual concert each F.dl Semester and alwa)s perform during the Mother's Dar \Veckcnd. This )C:ll' thc)' sang sclcctions from "I~rigadoon" for the annual Mar Fete and then finished OUl the }car by gi,'ing a joint colleen Wilh the University Concert 8:1I1(1.

'I lie LTnhcl"ljil) <:iingcrs added 111:11 "utra tOllch" to the M;l)' Fete br filling the air wilh swCt't

t1l11,io: 10 blend ;11 perfectl)' with the fragr;mcc of the tn,lIly flowers.

llin:nor ;'\orman Logan taIls "-;Ih tome: of his U路Sillgcl"$ afl.::r Ihroir annual ('Iening C"I1Cr'rt.


ORCHESTRA PERSOSNEL: VIOLlS: Gil~ Silha, l'a,,1:l Cusscxl, o\brie Ul'ft. Mabel LoH~J. Juanil .. \n"OOTIl. Loi~ L,on, \nn;> lIaler. C:llnencc Cor, C3rol Lienhnd, L)llne )'''"011. Bonnie Rums, Bob L.-,,'b. l..ee Seitl, \I:arlene Rnnum. Jud) Worden, Ikltr Jad.50n. . \lice Rcilter. \'IOL\: George SI.ramstad, Carlan 5illla. Jil1l Schocpflin, ~r.l. "atlerwn, urn Ralts. Julia Cohen. VIOLlSCI:.LLO: Rae "al1on, Wallis Brall. D",-id Whi5Jl('T, Marjorie Dragoo. )hry VrXnd. Manila Waoon. S I RiSe n \ss: Merial Grimm, Joe Goss. Jill Mowe".. Roben Johns, Don llarmsworth. FLUTE and PICCOLO: Somlil llagenllan. 1':urida Cannon, Sh:non Dobler. Jon Wells. OUOE: l\.eftl'll.. Burle. Keith Windh:un. CL\lU:\'ET. Gerald l>ogRcll, EUjljCllr' Ilausch, Tom Baker. B \55 CL\R· IN!::T: Thomas Baler. [SGLlSII HORS: Warren Bellis. n \&lOO:'\": Warren nellis. •:Im...r Erickson, Linda I-Iohnes. FRE:'\CH 1I0RI'\: Bold Earl, Reva Jones, Verne Windh3IU. Tr.ner5 I-luff, tarry Stamper. TRUMPET: Will. BiliingslC\, Jell Grimm. Richard JonC5, 'I"ra,i5 McDouough. TRO~IIlONE: Uob l\"cwetl. Roger Ford}ce. John llaker. TUIIJ\: !crre Watla(l~. TIM 1',\/'1.'1: I'hillip Coffman. l'}:RCUS510N: 1):I,e 1\1:11, Alfred !Joling. KEYIlOJ\RI): Judy 5incl3;r. LlIHI.ARIJ\/\": W.. t1i5 IIr.. ll.

University Symphony Orchestra The Uni\·crsit} or h1:lho S}luphon} OrchC)lra comisls of ;Ioout sixt)-fi\"c mcmbers. E.1:ch )ear the Orche~lJ'a prcsen15 three major cOllccns in the Unh·crsit} Auditorium. transcribes radio broadC:tsts ill coopcration with lhc Radio-TV Center, assists in the production of musical sho\\'~ :l1ld opcras, and prcsents occasional ofr-c:llnpus conccr15 in the ","onh Idaho area.

Gerald DoggC11. ~clliol', wles a much deserll."] round or ;'pplausc at the linal pcrronnauce uf the }car. Rae l'allen rcceiles a d01.en roses from Bonnie Heninger at her la~l perfonnance "ith lhe Unilersil}' S"npholll Orchestra.


Phillip Colf"'an dircrts tllc UnheT$ilj' Coneen Band at their Silring Concert held in connt"Clion ",ith the Uni\'er~il}' Singers. The Colleen Band, a result of incre:li\t'(l enrollmenl in Ihe Music lxparllllelll, IliadI' its s~"Cond app",'I'"nc\: alld presented a selt't:lioll of m:ll-dH:!I ,lIld light o\路erwrcs.

University Bands The University Bands consist of the following differenl unitsSymphonic Band, COlleen Hand. Brass Band, Varsit), Hand, and the ROTC Band. Under the over-all direction of Warren Bellis, lhe different bands appear at pcp r.dlies, parades, football and basketball games, ami at various concerts throughout the State.

The l'ni\ersit)" ,\l,m:hing lIand joined ill wilh Ihirtt><:ll high school bands 10 1'1<1)' "Here We H,,\'c Idaho" al the 1962 Home路 coming Football game.


Music Recitals

Recital Hall in the Music lluilding was the scene of many recitals during the school year as both Seniors and members of the faculty presented enlightening recitals.

1\ 5111dclll路facuhy recital {ca\llrcd the brasses. the

\'iolins. and the harl'sichonl.

:\lr. Turner. tenor. prescnlc<.l his recital assisted by Miss Frykman al the piano.







Turner, piano; and Da,'id Whisner. cello.

Clarinetist Gerald Doggett and his accompanist, r\ngela Shcrbcnow, at his Senior Recital.


Delores Kinney holds the boll'plCl of red roses that wcrc pr<:semcd her afH:r her recital.

Facuh:y I

I t

Highlights School }eaf 1962·1963 501\\' two long time members of the Unil'crsit) (acult\ rClire "fler a combined tolal of o\"(~r i6 )C,lrs of tcaching and sen'icc 10 the Unj\"ersit)' of Idaho. Ralph H. Farmer. Pror<:~~or

and Emeritus Dean, College of Business. and Don;dd D. DuSau[t, Registrar Emeritlls. anllounced their retiremell! :Ind both were honored at Com-

menccmCIll by recei\'ing certificates of meril. Dr. j. frederick Wehzin also anJloUllc(,.'t1 carl)' this school )car that he would be relinquishing the Deanship of the College of Education LO dC\'OlC full lime to lcaching and research. Idaho is justiliabl), proud of these thrcc ~clHtcmen and their untiring COiltributioll.) to an c"cr better Uni\'crsit\, of Idaho. '

llean j . •"n:dcrid. Weltzin r«ci\~ .. beautiful des" pen liCt in honor of his n:lin'luishins his Deamhil' of the Collegc of Education to as!lUIIlC full·time te"ching ",,,I rcscarrh. Dean Wclu.in "";'s the Colkgc'S !K:COlI<I dean ,,,,<I .Iuring his 19 l'ears a~ D,,;:m thc elll'<Jlhuent in thc Colk'ge EduGl!iun illcrca~·t1 from 12~ to mer 900 students. '


Prof. ;\1. F. l)eten escort< l)Qnald D. OuSault. Regist ...r Emeritus. to the slOIge during Commenceme<ll at "'hich lime \I •. l>us.,uh ...:as l're-M':llted the "Cituioll of :\Ierit L'pon RetiremC1ll:' 1"11< ceremon' dima:l'ed fort) \ear. of scnke to the Uni'crllit, and the State h, :\Ir. DuSault.

Uni\crsti) of Idaho l'resident. Dr. O. R. Theophilus. tells the audiC1lt:C OIt CommcnccmC111 of the out5tOlnding record KctllllUlaled h} ROIlph I-I. Famler. Emeritus l>On of College of Business. during his long SCl"\ice to the L:ni· \en;.. of ldOlho. "Ir. bnner OIlso r~eh'ed the "Citation of :\Ierit Upon RetirC1JIC1U" at Commencement.


The;;oo mcnlbc, Voi.ersil)' of Idaho .\ir Forcc RO"' C 0.00:1 wing W;;U (onnallr :ildOPll~d b' Ihe .\iT Forct", 8~(h Figlner S<:luadroll at Spolane. Wllshin/1:IOll. As a $)mbol of tho: Ik, Col. U5ter John.son Ilell), Commander of the Figlller 5<1":ld,o.', presented a mod;::1 0(:11 Wpc"uonic F-I06 fighter to Cadet Curnm:lIlder ThonJ:.as lIeinl. I'resell! at the ccu:mOIl) tJaides Ihe full {ontingCIII of .\ir Force ROre Cadet. wen: Cllj'I'D;l' I'T~;.1e111 n. R. Iheophilus. Lt. Col. \l1tho,,) 拢ngds. Commander of the ROTC "'lit., and l\cadernic "in: l'rcsidcrn J-1. WaltI" Steffens.

Public Events

Man)' prominent :lml world-wide fa mOllS guests visit the Idaho campus 10 speak 10 the slUdents and faculty abOlIl currelll aff.drs and world problems. In addition, the Collllllllnily Concert series also brings [0 our campus celebrated persons.

Mr. ch3l.S



Uolcl. ,,路orld路known Dr.



Language l)eparllnclll.




Public Events

Mr. G. L. ;\!oo;nc:, h~\'ing ~ceollll)anicd mom) of the Hul)' greal ....orld musicians, ga\"(~ an en路 lightening and h"morous talk about the man)' funny :l1ld un"s,,:a] incidCnlS that occurrt:d to him when he was accollll'an)'jng Ih<.'Se intli."it!.

Dr. Will)' Ley. CXIK!rl rocket sdemiSI, addrosetl a I'"blic E,'enl. 3sscmtJly and told the capacity crowd thaI twothird. of all scientific: di!iCOn~ril'S since the first satellite (an be validly claimed by lhe Unill~d SI;Il<.'lI.

uals on the pi"mo.

Or. S. 8. Rolland of the 11;'101'}' Oeputment told tile Idaho student bod)' about Idaho's coni) l1;slOI)' :u the Unh-crsil)" obscn"ancc comnu:monlling Idaho', Territorial Centennial. F.,tnk Gcn .. _i, a famous war correspondent, talked at one of the Public }:It'nts as..<cmhlies on the 5ubj芦1 or the Common :\13rl;cl and iu effects on the \mcrican economy.


"The Mad Woman of Chail1of' The Iirst f\SUI pl:l) of 1962路63 \,"a5 presented November 2. A twO act comedy, "The ?lrad Woman of ChailJo(" is an interesting talc of the greedy rich 1\'110 aucmpllO dCSll"O} the cit)' for selfish reasons and the mad woman who discovers the plOI and with the aid of other ladies, SCts a plan for deslro~ing the evil elements in the world.

Di:lIlC F;...~" illS the mad woman holds ;II lea p:in}' .11 which she ;lIIId her cohorLS. Donna "lOT" 2nd Linda Emi~". di~uss the fate of Pan5.

The sho..- OpellS with the introduction of the I'resident and financiers 10 the prospector and his 1'101 for bk".-ing "I' I'aris.

In 5}mpalhizing with th .. bo} who almost drowned in carqing out the plot of the financiCf$, the mad woman 0I,,.rh"3rs the diSClission concerning I'aris' \k'struction.


"Ru.mplestilskin" "Rumplcstiltskin," the stor}' of a young maiden and an e"il dwarf, was the annual children's theatre presented for the ;\Io.scow grade schools b) the Uni\'crsit), drama students on December 14.

H'cndy I-Icn50n 3S Rurnpleslillskin olfers consol:llion to the toung maiden, Jcri L~'e Cragg, by spinning lhe <Ir:,w inlO gold in relurn fur hcr firu born chil,1.

R\lrnpk'Slillskin, afl(~r Ihe maiden regrctfull)' rctei,es his olfer, gleefully spins the slra", i"to gohl.


,.\t Ihe end or Ihe ,,"orl.l, Mar}'a Dobler as MOIhcr

Hulda 3nd Rumple:stilUldll arc in search of the prOIll1s(',d child.

I he third act oprns in a lableau as the coun p...iscs the birth of the King and Qu~n's son.


"J. B/~



"J. B.," a Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Archibald MacLcish, was presented by the University Dr:nna Department on lHarch 8-9. Buzz McCabe played the role of J. B., a modcflHlay job who overcomes. through his f,lith in God, the trials of the prCSCIll society.

McCabe, and 5"."h, Linda "I";,lbol, arc harpr with their fi,'c children.

Zeus. Lorcllw Nelson. assumes his role as Gnd. while Nickles. Tr:l\' Huff. tlt'Cides to pby the role of J. ~:s ad"crsar}'_


B. comfons Sarah aftef their children I",,'c ,,11 killed.

Zeus in his role as God admonishes J. 1\. for his doubts and tells him to have faith ;Uld he will

be sa'路cu.



Children's Play "CINDERELLA" "Cinderella," complctc with a floating dress and a magic pumpkin, was prescmed for the cntertainment of Moscow grade school children on April 2G-2i. Two court buffoons took the place of Cinderella's stepsisters for this performance, and the mice drawing Cindcrcll;t's pumpkin CO<1dl danced to origin:t1 choreograph)路 b)路 Nancye Woodworth. Edmund Chavez designcd abstraCt sets for the production, which director Karen Beck said was done to prcscne an air of fantas)' for the children, I':un Whillemo...." fail)' godmother, "'a'a her hand to make a ooUliful bolH gO"'n appear for Cinderella, Jerf"} 1.芦 Cr.Jgg, ,,'hile her pumpkin co;;Ich Slalfffl ,..ilh footman and coachman and dra"'n 1)\ three dancing mitt waillltO CUT)' her off to the ball.

Cinderal1a heal'S aboul the l'I'incc's 11:111 fro", her "nkind sislcrs, Nicki Mdxml1cll :111([ Susan Zenier. :lllfl her mother, Joyce fischer.

The I'rintt, 1..c5lie Beck, ,lIIld the courl IlUlfoons, BaH:' !lilt and John Lukens, anxiousl)' look on :015 one siSler tries to SCI her foot illlo the glass slipper.

Cinderella dre:lnlS of the hand!iOme prince she mel at the bolll.


OJrches[s and PJre",OJrches[s

The Orchcsis and Prc-Orchesis prcscmcd "Tour d' Arts" as pan of the many activities held 011 Mother's Day \'Veekend. Ten Orchesis members and thirteen J'rc路Qrchesis members took part in the show which featured ten seJcClions based on v,lrious artistic concepts such as sculpture. music, architeclUrc, and modern art. Linda ''''erner on percussions and Angela Shcrbcnow 011 the piano accompanied the twO groups as they went through their routines,

:\lC111hcrs of Orcllcsis and thei," ;,d"iscl", Miss Rowe

MCIlll>crs of I'rc路Orchcsis

These three members of OrdH.osis dn their cOllceptioll of the anistic form of sculpture.

Here the mCI11lJcrs demonstrate their impressions of lllodern ;11"(.


HeHdiveJrs Thc Hclldivcrs gave two performances during the school ycar, The highlighl of their pcrfonnancc givcn during Mother's D:lY \\'eckend was a walcr pagealll featuring night. life in famous citil..'s throughout the world, II was cntitled "A Night on the Town" and was thoroughly enjored b)' all those in ;lItendanCC;1I lxuh their Friday and Saturday performances,

Somc of thc IIdldi'CN perrorm sornc i'llric;lle acrolJalia during their ~hO'.路 rur )'other's D3} Wee~cnd.



of Ilelldi'cn and their ad'iscr and tnincr, Ruu or the I'hlsical ~:"ur.llio" Depart. menl,


.... .'''1 1

It "

The J-lelldin"n port....} ""'idniglJl in "'0$拢0""," a ponio.. or their pageant emilled ",-\ ;'\';ght On the To"-,,:'

'I he urif)us "'e",beT1 displa}' :lome intriC3te mO,elllelllS as th~' S"';"1 about in the pool in :'ilcmorial Cpn,


Campus Life The actl\'lllCS arc nUll)' and \'aric<! on the Idaho campus and during the Spring. one can ,路jew man}' differellt SCCIlCCS 011 a single stroll aroulld the campus.

The urioll$ lh'ing group! 3rC al"'a)$ lJU5) on wort projects 10 help ;KId 10 the lJcaUI)" of our ounpll! and here the '\1'0'5 ill51all a new sidewall;. lc;lding fronl their driH:"'ay to their fro<lI door.

ColUlruct;on "':15 c\cq"'hcre bUI the end result "'il1 certainl)' d;5(o""1 an)' temporal")





The annual ,hi Auction <11>'-3)"$ draws many art IO"crs from ncar and f"f.

". he Blue Buclci Inn" IITo\ides an ideal place to gCI tll.1t S.mda) .,cning mC:l1.






-=.--========,,- - - - - - - - - - - - - .----- - - - _.--- ----------- -

ASUI Publications

Sen'icc Honofaries Committees

Clubs Churches


Thc old swilllillin' hole of the Twellties <lnd Thinics-olhen"is::, lhe rounlain in front or the I\d, ministr<llion Uuilding where "I" dunked freshmen who forgol 10 WC<lr their gr<:cn e<lps.

It's .. lw3)路s a myslery ho'" so "Hleh is carted 10 ootlcge-;llld why. Sw, dents <lrri"ing in September. 1942.

The fallwd Uni,crsity of I([;,ho Special from Southern Idaho stc;,ms into Moscow in 1925.

ASUI activities lead the parade on the Idaho campus. From impromptu activities such as the panty raids to the numberless planned ,IClivities like the traditional Hulme fight now a pan of Frosh \\Ied:, the campus in )\Ioscow hols ncvcr lackcd illl appropriate sclling for varied activities. As in the p;tst, dances rcmain the big altraction and ,II most every weekend finds some dance bringing sludclllS tOgether to form a friendship bond Ihat will last through the coming years.




ASUI "I fcel thatthc most important job Ihat thc ASUI Prc:.idcnt has to accomplish i:. 10 stri,'c to makc as man} of the studClllS as pOS1>iblc awarc of lhe opportunities awailing them in studcnt governmcnt. There exist cOllntlc:.s things that college studcnts can do and accomplish on a loel!, state. or national basis if they arc merely cognilant of thc man)' h •• ppcnings thai go on around them. The world and higher education are in a const:l1lt process of c\'olution and student gO"crnIllent can and should pIa)' an important role in all of these changes. "ASUI activities are but just one W:I} of afrording the student the opportunit), to t:ldde a particular problem. to work with onc another. and to arri"e at a workable solution. This contact. whelher it be with foreign students. facuh} members, administrators. legislatOrs. or business men. is imaluable for much can Ix: learned on all sides. "All of the students ha,·c the right to h:n'e their ideas prC$entcd and problems heard. and it is onl)' through :l mixed £·Ix..:ml that this can be done adequ:ltel)', as was the osc this year. It takes a long while to ascertain properl) whether student government is well worth the timc. enon. ami mane) ilwolved. However, I personally feel that the Idaho students ,Ire heading in the proper direction and ,,'ill continue to do so."


Executive Board The ExeclIli\'c Board, comprised of four United and Ii,'c C:UllpllS Union I~art}' members, was well ba];lIlccd this }'car and able LO bring out most sid<.'S of the issues brought before it carrying Ollt its I~art}'

lIut} of prOl·jding for the organized conduct of sludclll affairs and promoting the educational, culwral, social, :1Ilt! athletic aClil'itics of the swdcnts at the ni"enit}

of Idaho. The Foreign StudclIl Program was brought into proper prospective this }car: the lloard feels this will h.-we a far-rc;lching effect on relations with the Universit)' and wi III the United States of the foreign students when the) return home. Acti\itics Council was in-

corporated into the ASUI struclUre as a valuable and ncccss.;u) p~ln of Slm!cnt gon:ornlllCIH under Vicc )rcsidelll Hill Howes. Thc elllire [xccuti"e Board p;lrticip;luxl in furthcring and exp;lIlding Ihe public rel;llions :lSI>ccl of slUdcnt gO\'crnmellt by hosting Idaho Legislators, members of the «!:Iho Board of Rt-ogellts. and other visitors. Judicial Council began functioning wilh its firSI group of Justices after sc\'cnl! }cars of planning.


Johll Ferris. TOlli Thlmen. 8ill II.o..'a, kon lIou~h \SUI I'roidal!; Du('1 Whiting. ,\I)ce JO) Ta,lor. S/alldi"g; Neil Modic. Skip "-I'('III;h. Dalla J\ndrc:..'s. I'hil R('i>c~, Idora Lee Moore. Dualle LeTOllrneau, Fred War. reno n,ll "-r.ua, TOIII Eisenbarth, ClilJ Eldred. Jitll Ilcrndoll, Nancy Yount. Secretary', talill.

UIl.t. IInwu ASUI I'iell I'rnidc"l



cwr Eldred

CA., fL \VIllTI1<oC


John Ferris

Skip French

;\1 •. L,-Tol!•.'''''u "lJcult)' Ad"isCT

Toni Thunell

Fred Warren


ASUI Office C,dc Mix. StudcllI Union manager, and his

what with the


were kept jumping the entire )car

ilies and functions held in conncction with the opening of the new SUB "ddilion. Though al times it did gel hectic. a succCS5ful ami bus)' )car wa~ had by all. The Ilew SUB became the hub of all campus life and it was solely due to the efforts of "Uncle" Cale mall} aCli\

and his little "hclpcl'~" th,ll ollr Swtlcnl Union program again brought honor ami distinction to the University of Idaho.


MUnlJRer Simien! Onion

:\Ial")' lIurnphrr,-s. CiIIfeteria manager; l)e;,.n L VCIlru5, foot! M!nice manager; and Marie 8ippcs. :Ipislant (ood manager. talc a breather frolll their bus)' p~ce of !lC:rlillg lhe slm!enti.


Cerri Gough and Rae Kozlowski wcre in. di5pCIl5<lble and definitely added 10 the cfficienq and 5UCCeM of all 1\SUI acti"itio.

James BoWlby. g-.. me roorn manager. carefUlly reads about the Ilew bowling equipment lh~l "'3S inSlalled during lhe remodel路 ing of Ihe g:lIne room.

Public Relations This year marked the third ycar of effective operation by the ASVI Office of I'ublic Relations. The duties, responsibilities. and activities of this becllne well established under the capable leadership of j. Phi[ Rcbcrgcr. With the promotion of the University of Idaho as a primary goal, the office sponsored a luncheon for high school student body presidents: <l StlCcessful luncheon with the Board of Regents and the Executive Board; ,1I1 effective student recruitmCIll program: a tour of the University campus for the members of the state legislawre ,nul hosted by outstanding students: and several other effective programs. 1


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J. Phil Rebergcr succeeded Carl ncrr)' as l'ul.>lic Re· laliolls Director with grc;tt e:tpahilities and a reali· lalio1l of the need for the Uni'·crsil)' of Idaho to pr<>' mOle itself:ls:lll ontst;l!lliing inslitttlioll of learning.

Gar)' Mal", and Marlene )-'inncy "'orkcd diligentlr as ch"irmen of the Student Rl"CrtJillJlcnt I'rogr;un.



The University of Idaho was verr proud to be represented br Ste'·c Merlan. Burton HUlIler. George ,\lbcrls, and Bill Sivcr!r 011 the Gcnenl [lcelTic Collegc l\.owl in New York City.


Activities Council The .lirectors of lhe .\r(i,-j,ies Council :lct ~s the coordinating l>o<.lr for :111 campus ,,,:t;,,_ itie路s. The fi,e arc,'s co"c,'cd arc the Rcrrc:Ilion an:a, Sen icC$ area, Events arc"" Socia' arca. and Cuhural and Education"l arca. The chairman of the group is the ASUI Vice Pres路 ident. Bill Bowes. Row Olle: "!:lry Lynne Evans, Services; Bill Bowes, Chairman; Pau Kell\', Recreatio""!. ROlli '1'1"0: Keilh Huettig. Soci"t: 1I0h C:lrlson, Cull"r"l ,md Ed,,路 cation,d; John Gambit', Evcnts. SERVICES AREA Scniccs Arca included Calendar Comnlillt'c. Uospitalil)' Commillcc. Blue BlIckel Inn, Season,,[ Dccorarions Commiltcc. The arca fulfilled its purpose o( .serving the UIl;lcr路 sit)' comrnutlltl' through the Sund:ly-cl'cning p,",r"kc inns. scmCSl(:r calend:'fS. campus COllrs, ~nd SUB open house and decor;llions. /lOll' Due: Olthy JOIl<-'S. Roll' T",o: :\"'ry L\ nne Evans. Jody Wiegand, Will Swenson.


Recreation area has dire<:wd n>creation in the SUB as well as ofr'C~lllpllS during the year. After the completion of the new SUB. the commillC'e will direct SUB mOl'ies. bowling. and acti,-ities in the ~rlS and crafts room. Chris \\'ales. I'au Kell>'. tlireccor: Ted BlIrke.



Activities Council SOCIAL .\RE.\ .\$ one or the sm"l1 conllnitlC<:'$ under

f\eli'Llies Council. the Social Arca has done oumanding work. Main concen15 wcre all'camrms dances ane! Jan-ill-the路 l.Iuckcl. whidl "'"s held (JuLie rcgubrly

with success in the new Dipper. I.efl 10 /light; Gene Harder, Sherrie McGuire, Keith UnCllig, Oil'ector.


拢'CIllS program area has done an excellenl job of coordinating 'Illd dirccting GnuI'll;;

c'ents during the p"sl tear. ~"'jor hap路 penings under ils jurisdi<:lion ,ne Homecomings. Dad"s Day. New Slluknt Dap, Campus Chest, ''''d the Ulood Or;'"c. I.efl to RIghi: Dick Jennings, I'at Killicn. John G"rnblc. Director: James :\lorfiu. Mark Urown.


EDUCKrlON,\L ,\RE.\ ,\mong olher things. the Cuhural "".I EdlH;alional }\rca has been ill ch:l1"gc of the man}' exhibits in thc lounge of the lle,,' sun, which have been enjo~ed by mall}' swdenls. Other ;11"cas of interest handled l>y the oommillce included conce hours :md forums. discussions. dassie'll music. and music for the Blue Bucket Illn :md the new listening room in the sun. '-"It 10 Righi: nob Carl.son. Director: lim Ta~lor. nob McFarl;md.l"o'路enlO Xclsotl.



"'nd W;orren

0"''' .he Ia,,)ut for the 'l»«i,,1 Celllen"i,,1 ique_


Gem of the Mountains "-ith the celebr:.tion of the hbho Centennial, a great amounl of monC), time and hard work was tle\"oled to the Gem ..s :t celHennial issue. Il was for this reason that the b<'xlk acquired a new look with the elabor:lle. old·fashioned artwork ami the historical pictures_ Despite the Sub construction and the abscnce of a co-editor each semester. the staff worked in the corner on third floor with confusion and somc long hours, but a feeling of satisraction anti relief as the last page was sent off to Caxton Printers. ··Avoid the last minute confusion·· is (crt:,;nl)" not the mOIlO of the stalf as Dana :\mln:ws. Nona Kay Shern. Did: SI",ughtl'T. and Julie Stric};ling dux}; on:r last minute pages.


Gem of the Mountains THE CEM OF THE MOUNTAINS is prepared each )'ear by a \'olullteer sHiff of willing. capable, and cnthusiilstic studentS. The GEM office. staff headquarters. is located on the third floor of the SUB. This year's GEM is buill around :1 historical theme. ,l1ul is 10 be regarded as Idaho's centennial issue.

..\n irnporl~1l1 man on the slaff. co-edilor \Vancn Reynolds hlls held Ihis position of importance for lhe past ,wo yean.

With her conSlal1l clllhu<i'lsm for the GE~1. co-editor Dana An,hews h'" 11<-'('11 :1 g,'cal en{our<lgcmcl11 tu lhe R"'<l of I he stair.

.\ssiSlant edilon Virginia Cope ,lind Julie Slrid:!illg supenisc arw:l lasS;Sl the editors of the ,oariollS 5rClions in meeting their dadlines.


Gem of the Mountains

51'ORTS 5'1',\1'", Chuck Walton and Dick Slaughter, s!)()r!s t..:lilor.

ORGANIZATIONS STAn: Row Olle: NOlla Kay Shcrn, ediWf, and IIremla Sharp.

/low T",o: G"'cn Tolrnic. Donn'l Gibson. and Kalhie McConnI'll.


N(:drow• •\liehele


Spellce.•Itld Syh,j:o Herlin.


ACTI VITI ES STAFF Diane Ka)' Epling. Ann Yenn" ,..ditor; Chris Cook. and Zena Griffith.

Gem of the Mountains

AC,\D..: :\IICS I.ell 10 rig/'I: j\nita Norby, Chef)1 D"'lin, Ben)' Bo""cr. Ikl')/ ne.-an, edilOr: Chrryl 1'a)'lor.

Rm" Ilt:u.



PlIotogn,p"J CePlUr

Cuss SI'ROUS£ pl'OlOgrfJpJu!r








Left 10 {fight: KarCll Smith. Linda I::lliou, Jcrry nW\\'Il. Grace Ricrk. Fred Freem;"" Lilla Langdon, Kirk Hcgl>lo(>lII.

Second Sem... "lcr

Nt:lI. MOllIE ja5(m

First SClll(:stcr



Mmwginl; Editor



Argonaut The name "Argon;IUI" literally means "one who sailed wilh Jason in :;e,lfell of the Golden Fleece:' To this year's Arg, the Golden Fleece was THllh and Reason. \Vilh IWO fine .Iasons at the helm, Neil j\lodic and Jim Herndon, [he course was not ;dways smooth, but it \I';IS indeed sure. The Arg. the indcpcndclH \'oice of the Slut!CIll body, was quick to commen[ 011 Ihis year's !cgiS];llllfC, LeNS, ant! the loyalty oath. h provided complete coverage of the ASU I elections in olle of the most illlcresling elections for a long time. Bul. Tlews for nc\\'s sake was nOI its only role. The special Centennial issue drew comments of praise from ;111 o\'cr the $I;H(:. \\'illl the Uni\'ersil} dcdic:ued to a three路fold purposc-educ;Hion. research. and service-the Arg wilh ilS special edilion on lhe \':trious research programs being carrietl on by the Ullher~it} c.dled this aspect to lhe atten路 lion of iu m.Ul) readers, Technical!) speaking. the .-\rgOn:1II1 COluinued to be a 1"lce路scHer :lnd trelHl路maker wilh il.\ open (onnal, unique design, al1d IlIHISU,,1 la)oul. Once <Ig::lin the commclH has been made. and justifiably 100, Ih;1I the Argonaut is more professional th:ln lhe pror~ion:tls.

"Ir, lien Cross of lhe Deparll1lellt of jourt1;,lisnl ;,_~~i~IS K;lren Smith, jim Metcalf. ;lnd Kip Petersen with their :,rlidcs for lhe f\rg.

jane Walu and Kip l'etenen cheel; a ne\\'$ rclea!C for informal ion that ma)" lead to an article ill the no:t ,\rg.

The new Argonaut Officcs in lhe basement of the new sun pro-illt: ;1 "/JrQf~ssiQ"al air" for the 'Ilan) student5 worting on each i~lIe of the f\rg. jim Faucher and L:a"1 '\IcBride, sporu ..-nteB, collaborate OIl an anicle commenting on Idaho's OUUla,K1ing b2sl:ell.>a1l season.


KUOI 196~ was a year of work but no ~und for KUOI. The )'car was spent in rC\'3mping the transmission system :lIld improving the control room cquipmclll on the third floor of the SUB. Stan Baldwin, the head engineer for KUOI, SpCnL many tlunkless hours 011 the planning. building. testing and inslaJling of the ne\\' transistorized transmitters in several of the Jiving groups. A great dcal of time was also dedicated to other work on all parl.$ of the station, \Valt Johnson proved to be it great asset in the de\'eloping of the new s)stcm. Alvin Burgemcislcr was also it big help when extra work needed LO be done. All in all. this was it rear of man) dcb)s and sctbacks but. more impOrl31l1, of real progress in the building of :1 good "Voice of the Vandal:' with the m:lIlaging capabili(ic~ or the KUOI manager I~crry Ohon.

Enill Biming 'lIId Riel Wilhile go o'cr material for introducing the lie,,' KUOI sWlioll to the Un i,erSil) li<lellcr<.

Stan Ibld..路in. head engineer. and I'erl) Ol-'On. 51alion Illan;tger, niticall) cui路 U3\(.'t\ cad> mechanical I'.lrl of the stalitm in e011lributing to a s(tollger and better $laliOIL for Ihe Uni'路ersil) of Idaho.

KUOI I he m:lIIaging S1afl 01 KL'OI (un路 shIed of Riel Wilhill', Ken &11I,,'ill. l'err~

01<011, "('II





I'erf} Olson anl! S[,UI lI;ohlll'in go mel' the new


wilh Cllrld \Vhil'

ing. C,lr\cl was Jhl' liai'iOll bCII\'L-e1l the EXetLHi\c Il.oard a"d Colllllluni路 Cilli(nu.

1"'0 slUdcnu ragerl} a ....ait [he new "Voke of the Vilntla1:'


Ro,,' Ollt': Linda Kinne),ldora Lee Moore, :'olrs. :'ol3rjorie !\'l"l'I): :'olar}' ,\nn Dalton, Lana Alton. Row Tu'o: Donnella Schedler, Jud) Currin, Joanne Dhert, K3) Ranu, Jo \nn Tatum. Jo.-\nn Kenfield. Carol Simon, [)colores Llc,n:Il}-n, Marcia Ne..路lo;irlo;. /low Tlu'u: Marie Jaspers. Kathleen Danziero, Drole McCullough, Jud)' Conklin, :\1:.If) Jo I'o..路crs, Nane' \'osil.a. l)OKe Baldridge, Kathrln Thompson, Susan Nelson.


All women:ll the nh'ersil) :Irc mcmbers of thc Associated \\'omen Swdents of the Uni"ersity of Idaho. The group ;ICts ;1$ ;1 co-ordinating council in creating a spirit of harmon) alllong women swdents, to help e\"er)' coed deri\"e the best from college li\'ing, to prO\'ide opponuniLics for Icadcrship, and to regulatc women's standards. This council is composcd of thc presidclll and onc reprc:.cnl:lti\"c from each women's li\'ing group. A ncw project fol' A\\'S this )Caf was an all-campus Scholar's Tea for womcn with a 3.33 grade point avcragc. Each year A WS holds a clothes c1ri,'C for thc StatC Hospital North and this ycar A gave thcm sevCl'al paintings at Christlllas. They wcrc also givcn 400 used Chri~tlllas card:. for thcrapy Ilses,


IDOR.,\ LEE :'oIOORE Prnide,,1




LAs... AI-TO'"

,'jce Presidenl



Angic Arricn JoAnn Kcnficld

Barbara Blair Jud)' Liubj

Judy Conklin [dor" L~'e ,'llool路C

Mar)' Ann Dalton E1canor Un~ickCI"

Rowcna Eikultl Nancy "osika

Julic Cibh Mar)' Wincg:I1'

Is"l>cllc Woods Dianc H. RobcflSOl1 1IQI !,;clure(/

Senior women chosen on thc basis of scholarship, leadership, and service rcndered to the Uni\'crsity arc mcmbers of Mortar Board, thc national scnior women's honorary. Nallcy Vosika directed thc group this )'car as the)' carried OLit thcir projects, which include the frcshman womcn's study program, selling "('" mums at Homccoming, sponsoring Narthex T"ble for outstanding junior women, and planning and directing Jlday Fcte, which fcalUred new stage decorations this ycar,

Mortal" Boal"d

1.lill lJo,,"~'1l

C:I1"y C"r1son Skip Frcnch

Silvel" Lance Ron Houghtalin Lj']c l'arks

Silvcr Lancc, a local scnior men's honorary, chooscs its mcmbcrs from among thc junior mcn who havc maintained high scholarship while actively panidpating in campus activities and taps thcm during a suspcnseful ceremony at the ,\lay Fcte, Thc honorary prescnts the scholastic side of campus to visiting ;\Ioms by sponsorillg a faculty forum during Mother's \Veekeml.

Dick Stiles Chuck Thompson




!fUl<' Due: J~lIel Orr. JO'lllne .\lyers. J~1l :>O:~slrolll, M~rci~ Sludeb~ker. B~rbara

These thirty girls were selected from their Freshman da~s 011 the basis of scholarship, activities, and gClluine interest ill the campus ;Uld fcllow students. \"hile they ;lfC sopholT1ore~ they carry out their motto of "At Your Service" with smile while the)' llsher a\ games. plays and campus activities. This year they added visits LO the Old Folks '-I ollie and working: at the ~[o楼:ow Opportunity School to their long Jist of Campus and Communit), projects. Spurs also have mallY tr;lllitiollS such as moving in the Freshman girls. secret sisters, caroling with the IK's at Christlllas time, a kidnap brcaU,lst and banquet, dcli\'cring of Spur-a-Grams 011 April Fools Day, supporting a Korean Orphan. and sponsoring Song Fest. ,,!iss Rosemary Arcn is the Sput' ;Hl\'iser.




I'residelll of 1%2路63. Sludebaker.


Wendler. Gail W"re, Colleen O'Kede, Nt"tldie L~llig. Uo", T",o: JO'llI RUlllpcltes, Sue SOIOIl\Oll, Sue R~stnlls()n. S;,lly Ki",b"l!. Jeri Ross, Jackie Smilh, C~rol Uiegerl, Jerry Gragg, Kalhy Uaxler, Je"nnie I'falr. N.ille}' Kallf"'''n. No", Tllree: J()~n Sorenson. C;llhy LyOll, Carol Wills, Linda '\'el-oll. 'IlIS.lll "'elson. Miss Alen. N'tllC)' YOllnt. Linda M3Ruire. .\len) lbller.. \1111 Fr~lier. Gayle Kraelller. Carol HlbS3.



:>O:elson is heillR prcscnlt"tl "Spur of by IK ['residenl Gene HartleI'.




0",-; Officcn: lIarn Nelson, ja\ XC). "ill Longe-·

leig. Bruce "ru,,·luidge. Eugen.. Huder, I'roidcnt; Jim Bounds. ()enid lIurlbert. Rod Iliggins. /low T"'Q: 51..\('tl Uuci. 1 cd IIrlll... non MOllingcr. lim Fields. Greg Sch:..dc. Coo....l> JUdd. Jack I'alrid:, Riel.: Beebe. Oal.. Schl"3ulnagd. Die" :\la<:l'. Pat Wicls. Jim Fauc::hcr. Jim Miller. /lou' T/,ru: Milo S;almcicr, John .\r!fl· sl1'l.>nK. lk>tJ Hufmann, Larq- 1-1. Xel.son. John S. "rring' 1011. Rick Faucher. Jerr) J:IIIlCS. John Sail. StC\(~ White· scI. Carl johanucscn. John Willenon. Rick Wilhite, lim llin,moI"C.


I'<",r: I.\fln Manu, Ro) II. Hent-

son, 1o") WoHf. Da\c Elder. R", Kocha. Marl Brown, ":11 Kaliler. j\rlin .\Iarle)', Rollinson, Carl West. 5:1nl ":I\I"r, Goo.ge lIell,)o 10 Greif. !.arq- HCrlinger. IIr"cc II1';1dlc)'. Kirt Eocrh:.rd.


Eug(!n(! Han!(!r, IOCII alKl national dut(!

.\lembers of Ihe nalional sophomore mcn's honorary. Intcrcollegiale Knights. are lapped during Ihc laltcr pan of April and spend thc following lear helping with sc\'eral campus i1clivilies. IK's begin thc year by moving in freshmcn ailll sponsoring Ihe scmi·annual used book sale. They also participatc wilh Spurs in ushcring, registering. and the Blood Drivc. and annuall}' sponsor the Miss U of I pageant. Gcne Harder. duke of thc Idaho chaplcr during lhe past year, was reccntly named duke or thc National order of IK·s.

earl Johannesen "'as chosclI "Knighl of Kllighls" b) Ih(! Spun for his mall} hours of K .... ice to IK's and to th(! UlUH:rsily. Man:ia StudchaLcr. prcsidem of SPUI'S, praemal the a"'ard at Ma)' Fete,



Idaho's marching ((';un, the VandaJcttcs, is composed of women chosen on the basis of ability ami appearance at fall and spring tryOUlS. Coeds display their talents at basketball and football games and \,;lriOllS Olhe!" University ev('nts during lhe year.

Row One: Chcryl Allgair. Joanne Heller, Eleanor Unzicker, Presid~nt: Belle Vickerman, drjlllc;ldcr; and Julie Gibb. How Two: Carol McCrea, Sally Kim" h'll!. Karen Pctcrsen. Carol Wills, Mary Lee !-"f)'e, Dana i\nUrews. Berna Deen Lee. Lynne I-lcBride. Judy DennieI', Lrnda Knox, N'l1lcy Vosika, Nikki Uahlllen. and :\ndrea AnderSOll. /low Three: Marcia SlUdcbakcr, Barbara Clark . .Ie'llme Marshall. Mary Lynne E"ans, Linda Ensign, Linda Elliott, Pallia Reinmuth. Jo.-\nnc CrO)'. Nancy Kaufmanll, Kalhy BUler, Colleen O路Ktodc. I"IIS)" McCullough, and Carol llicgerr,

Blu.e Key Members of Hlue Key, a national junior men's honorary, are chosen on the basis of outstanding scholarship, activities, and service record at the University of Idaho. A few of the many acti"ities and projects sponsored by the orgilnizatioll throughout the year include the Blue Key Talent Show, the student index, ;101i the Kampus Key.

Row Olle: Bruce Green. Keith Huctlig. Clarence Chap' man. Galc !>Ii;>:, Adviser; Jerry Okt.'s(>r1, niH ~larlin. Row Two: Ron Houghtalin, SIan Fallis. John .'erris, Fred War" ren, Bob Tunnidiff, Eugene Harder, nill Lorlget~ig. Ilill Bowes. and Jim Olson. How Thru: .lim Metcalf, John G;lInble, Jim Sch~'el, j:lnlie Morfitt, i'\~il Modic, Ste\e }:d"'ards. ,md Garth Sasser.


Campus Union Party

CUP is a studcllt political party whose plll'JXlse elect people to ASUJ positions and to ill\'csligaLC the




of concern on the Uni,'crsity of Idaho campus. It is COIllposed of cro:.:.·campus membership and has been active throughout lhe p:l:.1 )car in all eleclions.

II",,' 01/(': L'-nn II(."/!;",,. Connie Cooper, Menih·d....,,, t"ruechll'nieh!, C:llh}' 7.alom...... \Iuihn

Puler. Diane William•. flo,,' T,,·,,; Jon Sher"';.....·...n ... I'eel. J<M' Gaffcnell. Don F~. Jlnl CI;l\b;lUgh. kichnd Kunler. \rln\ \larle., kichard :'\"d~n. Drl JohannCSC'!•.

r United Po'fly is based on republican and represcllted foundatiolls ami strives to promote ,lI1d encourage ocHer governmellt in the ASUI. Membership is open [0 all organized g-roups 011 the Idaho campus.

United Party UOIl' o"t': UicL: Iteed, l'r~ide"t: CoU) .'>131",. !lOll' T,,'o: Maril)'l Fluh:art)·, Kalhie .'>.cConnell, Dollnett:a Hah·cnon. Joanne Fry. Jody Wiegand. Mary Wabh. NanC')' Grubb. Vicki Camoui. Lind:a 8i· thelt. Row Thru: Richard Stanton. l\.clln) Blick. nob nttshndl. !)a,id McClttsky. Jerr,' Ho... ud. • crry I·len~n. Ron Post. \lId) Gan"..·. Greg Schade. John S:ackett. John WwnicL:. Merlin \hrcu<. R3\' Rocha. Jim I)a\is.


Pan HeHenic Pan Hellenic Coullcil, tile represelll;ni\'c group of the sorority women on c:lmpus, is composed of the president, rush chairman, and one other delegate from each sorority. In addition to achieving cooperation ;lnd bellcr relations bet \\"eCIl sorari! ics through coord i na Iion and regulation of activities. the group governs rush. pledging. and inilbtiOIl on the University of Idaho campus.

O"e: Sharon Slroschein. She,.,-y ,\lcGuire, Jan Rieman, Jayne Springer, Uaruara Clark. Judy Olsen. and Cay Powell. now Two: Nancy YOUIlI. Kalhie Iloslelkr. Donne Schedler, Judy Conklin, Joan C;Il11pbcll, Dorcc Baldridge. Judy Dennler..\Iary \\'incg:tr, and Barbar:t nlair. HOll'

SPRINGER I'rtsirlcnl

Interfraternity Council HettermcIH of tbe entire fraternity system 011 our campus is the purpose of the Interfraternity Council. The group, composed of lhe president and one other representative from c,lch fraternity. discusses issues concerning the men's living groups, and tries 10 crcatc a beller lIlldersl;l1lding between the v:.rious houses.

Row am;: Roger Gambs, Phil Reberger, Jilll nounds, I)innen Clearr. Sle\'c Edwards, ,\Ian Uusb,'. Sieve Buroker. /{ow TWQ: Ken Johnson, John Stein,

JI.\J SCHEEL l'resirf/,1I1


hrink, L"rrr Hcninger. Gordon Judd, Guy Wicks. Lanc Grovcs, Jim Spindle. Mick Morlil!, John Fox, and Vincent Rossi. Row Three: Loren BUllcr, Ben Goddard. Dick Willi;UllS. Skip hench, Charles CUller, Bob ,\loonC}'. Benny Blick, James Fields. Rouerl Carlson. :tnd Bob Calherman. /IoU! Four: j\:tr'l' Nelson, Jim S",ilh, Larr)' ~l'c, Jilt1 Scheel, I'aul Hendon, John \l'alr"dl, Charles Cbpp. and Frank I'e<:l.:.

Junior Pan HeHenic Junior Pan Hellenic, thc "littlc SIS of Pan Hellenic, works with that organil.iltion in acquainting freshm:m women wilh its purpose. i\lcmbers, including the pledge class president and olle other freshmall represclll:ltive from each sorority, assist I)all Hellcnic with variOllS projects throughout Ihe yC:Il' and strivc to promole closer relations betwecn thc frcshm:11l sorority womcn Oll lhc Univcrsity or Idaho Glmpus.

Roll' 0,,<,:: Wilma Grccnc. Zena Griffith, Cathy McCloud, 1'''1 .路\]ex,,,,(ler, and

Linda Tetcr. !lou' Tlt'O: Belly Anll l\.ower, Franccilc Kirkland, Barbara Re"j", Judy ,\I'II1\'ilic. Mary Bullard, and ,\klr)' Fr,,,, ]Jamet!.

Junior IFC The Junior hncrfr'lternity Council, composed of one freshman reprcsentative from each fraternity on campus, strivcs to fosler cooperation and illlerest among fraternity freshmen. Each member is n.... sponsible to acquaim the freshmen in his living group with the work and purpose of Ihe Interrratt:rnity Coullcil.

Row O"e: Duane Coiooeehea. Da"e Nielsen, Larry Wilcox, and Jim Swank. Row T,,'o: Gary SchOrllllall. Brooks R<lnncy, Larry H<lskins. Mick Morlitt.

Presidcnt: <lnd Larry lJuHerlieid. Not !lic/l"'ed: Chris Kirkl;lIld, Secretary; <lnd KCIl Johnson. Vice Presidcnt.


Residence Hall Council This group works at proUlOling better relations between independent living groups on ClnlPUS. and it is composed of IWO rcpresclll:lti\'es from each hall. The Residence Hall Council has been ver} acti\'c this }car and has done an excellelll job under the leadership of Jay Sherman. Tor}' Nelson is presently scnoing as Pres· ident of lhe IntermoUluain Association of Residence Halls.

Rou' O ..e: Shcrri IlrueC'. Billie :\has, Jud} Woo<I· ...·orth. 1)0",,:1 Strjq;t'. \J)CC JO,. T;o)lor. Ja, Sher",..n, K:n Ranl:l. Lois HllSimTllons. Mnlenc

Gould. R",,' 'Two: llrucc Eurts. John Halunen, 1)(0...1'\ ~e...-rn:ln. Tom Soderlin,;. Rich :-;'e1son. I)aH~


CosmoJPlolitan Club The Cosmopolil;1I1 Cilib members strive 10 further an understanding between American and foreign students on campus. This goal is ilchic\'cd by having mcctings to discuss living conditions and tmditions. to scc films conccrning intcrcsting arcas, ami to havc panics of thc difl"crcnt countries of the forcign students. Thc membcrship is opcn to all studc!1ls and people who arc in1crcstcd in joining.

Rou.. 0",,: Guillermo Rowt'. Sh:lr~11 Lallh Singh. .\'Ortna Hagt'rlllall. Clifford Schoff. :\lohammad Ashnfi. William "" ..."mba. UOUJ 'ru..o: William Alurnkal. James Cil. man. Tahir Said ,\boud, 1':l1"\i( Fara· mar7i. Il.t'h(ad Mansouri. I)a. it! O. Lind· sa}. :\Iic:hael Fuller. Igll:l,ills O. l;LC. Fauslinus Ka)i ..·a. Waller VanHorne.


ICEP The 1<I•• ho Center for Eduotion and Politics is •• non-p:lnisan politicill organi/:llion which is p'lni'llly spall' soral b) fumls from the Ford Foundalion. ICEP was formerly the Citi/cnshil) Clearing House ami the flaTllC was changed this ye:lr for a clcarcr explan;uion of the gl"OUp's goals.

/I"", Om:: Sher~' Me,.er. Bob ,\lcl'arland, Karen Smilh. l)on I-Io,,·ard. Dean llo)d A. ,\lanin. \d,i«r. n"ll> T,,·o: her j. Longe· teig. Tom Lynch, RobeI'I llrown.

ELECTIOK BOARD The Election Board supen·i.ses Ihc mechanical operation of all ASUI ami class elections. Members for this board are chosen from those who suc· cessfully pass a test oo\'cring the ASUI Constitution and election procedures. O"e: Colleen O'Kcef<:', Billie :'Ihas. Re· t>ecca Sirohi. Karen Hillman. Je;jn Cline. IbrlJna Collins, janice Craig. Ito", Two: Rol>crt Ilahn, Chainnan; Arlen ,\brley. Rob Thiessen. Gary Gre<>ll. Brenda Sharp, Ann .\lc"Cllncy, Mary Gladhan. julie Strickling. Ito,,'

ACTIVITIES COUNCIL Activilies Council, Ilcwl)-formed this ycar, has becomc an imp0rlilnt p<trt of thc student gO\'ernmcllt at thc Uni\'(:rsit) of lilitho, Heildcd by thc ASU I Vicc Pl'csidclll. the council is rornpos(.'d of fi\'c progr'lI11 arc" directors. Arcas indudc sen·ices. recreational. social, cultural and educ;llionaJ, ami c\·cnts. II is the lItlt)' of the council to schcdule and coordinate all campus activities. II",,' Ollt:: lIiH Bowes. I'all "ell)", ;\(1"$. Filrns· lI"m"lh ..\Iar)" Lrllne E"ans, Dick Stiles. /IoU! T,,·o; (kne ~I~rder. jody Wieg~ll(I. "alhy Jones. S~nllra Gi\"(~lls. Dick Jennillg'l. /lOUl Thrt't': 1..<,rCIlIO Nelson. nob C.lrlson. Will SwenSUIl. Jim judd. Keith Huellig. Hob Me· Farlan/I. "ris WaIl'S. johll Garnblc. j~l1lir' :'Ilorlill. Ted nurke.



The Young Republicans take an active interest ill their political p,lrty and work throughout the year with the Latah County Republicans. This group learns a working knowledge of national politics by participating III sevcral of their activities.

1/"". Olle: Susan

Lcc. ~'orl1la Fred'路icl.:. \Va\l'c Kidwell. Brenda Nissen. Janet Child. ROll" T,,'o: n"h Tncl.:er. Cal Howell. Garr Sellol1H1<In. Jamie ~Iorfilt. no!> Keller. Arlen ~r"rlC). lIenny I~lick.


In its second year of exislence at lhe Uni\'ersity. Phi Beta Lambda. a club for business education majors. has become very acti\'e on campus. Designed to acquaint members and illteresled persollS with the business field. the club distriblltes pamphlets to Idaho high schools and entering freshmen. No,," Olle: Jeannc Walscr. I);'lc Sehraufn;lgel.

Donna Kay Hamiel. I'resident; Donna I-br",an. Carol Merrick. NOll' '1''''0: Bruee Campbell. Mourinc Goslin. Barb3ra SUlcr. Sandi Snyder. Sandy I,路croon. R. M. Kt'SSCl. ;\lj\iscr.


U of I debaters. advised by Dr. A. E. Whitehead, tr'lveled throughout the Northwest anending and p'lrticipating in debates. Members of lhc debate teams came frolll debate class and any olher swdellls interestcd in forcnsics. 'lOl" Olle: nelS)' Wicl.:s. .\brjoric r('nlon. Chris Cool.:. CoII..'Cn Ward. Linda Bilhell. Nancy Grubb. Pat Malhency. Rf)l<' T",o: Dr. Whil('head. Da\"e Frazier. Dick Wehoh. Russell Keilhl)'. Riel.: Ik'Cl>c. Jim JohnslOll. Troy Smith. John Trail. Joe Websler. Mike S",ilh, Fr;nll.: I'cel.:. Fm:l McCalx.


CHEMICAL ENGINEERS American Institutc of Chemical Engineers is an organization open 10 all students majoring in chemical engineering. The group's prograllls are planned to promote a professional altitude among its members. Ito..' O"e: "rof. G. Q. :\Ianin. :\I,le :\Iulo.... llarrison. Ro)' G:alherers. Lel:md Row T ..·o: W:ayne XHe. Roben wilb. Da\lon :\Ionlil. l)enni, -I hOlllas, l}ur..-nd S[olp. Denlt'll Shiflell. Don:altl Gallaher. \Iiellacl :\lerr'l1. 'iharL:e' C..or~·.

ASSOCIATED -'fiXERS The Assocbted ,\Iiners is an organ· ization ror all students enrolled in the School of i\lines including geography. geology, mining. and melallurgicaI enginccring. Professional speakers arc oflen asked to address the group. !lou' 011": llonaltl Ha:as. \\ illia'" Walkn-. Jr ..

E",('lie Sn\cler. Jim Madi. I'reside".; Joe (.regon. s..",,,e1 Chan. \nilld LOlhe. konn Reed. !lfJ'" Tu'o: j3mC"! IIrc.\'(:r. l}a\id L:ad.· aul. Ch<.'Sler '\1:l1loc:L. Georllc Carle. Onal Hilli"rd. Joseph XC",1<)II, Jinl Richanholl. "',Ihur Sweet. Don H:on",:m. :\fike ,\I:II'[,n, lIi''''e)'''"r l'aln:tik. J"lIn /-latulll:ll.

ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS COUNCIL The Council coordinates the five technical engineering societies and publishes the "Idaho Engineer:' Each ~iet}' has IWO representad\'cs on the council "'hich UleetS once a month and sponsors the Enginccrs' B:llI each lear. !low Olle: 1:><""Klas Cogli~er. Roy Calherers, Gilbcrl .·ong. 1.lolJ Ibynes. lIill "elenon, Donald lJ.oll. /(0'" T",o: G;Il") VanSIOne. l'l"y,1 Luh'C~rl. Culan Silha. l.Ollny Fox. R"d Finkle. niH Schnelle,


CIVIL ENGINEERS This group is affiliated with the American Society of Civil Engineers and promotes civil engineering as a professional career. 11o", 0"",: Rod Finkle, William Schnelle. G"I")' Kennal)', Frank Junk. Gerald Heim· huck, Frank BeIlSOIl. lIill Tangen. /{O'" T,co: Hob. Smith, I);,\"e Brpn. Lee Hollow:,)'. Bill Whlle, Wally Brassfield. Les i\nkenman. Clark Easterday, Don Watts. Carl E.l""lr(ls. Jim Bentley. Ro", Thru: Lee Collett, Jim Gehler, Godfrer J. Watts, L. J. Porter, Ra)" mond Ne",ell. Jon Schierman. Wayne T:'yson, Richard Wasill.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Stltdellls of this group are associated with the American Association of Electrical Engineers and meet together to exchange various ideas and LO pr<lclice the skills of communication. cooperation and organif.;ltioll ill the electriGll engineering profession. /low O"e: G. k McKean. i\thiscr: I'lowl LlIkccart, Clark Brewington. John Shearer. Stephen Winter, Gilhert FOllg. T. C. RednOliI'. James Logan. !low '1''''0; Kenneth NeI· son, George Hcspelt. W. R. I'arish, Thomas Shar. Hubert Haurup. Merle Lal<lou. Boh Moone)', Duane Carley. I/ow Thru: J:tIl \\'endle. M:mrice HolTman. Kenneth Corbett. Cecil Waterhouse. Sidne), Erwin. Roy Gould. Robert Britton, L)'I11'''' Vogel, Joe I.IISC. I/o", Four: Bill Payne, Alvin Mong. Bob JOl"KenSOli. Mohatllillad Ashrafi. Jim Kil"$Chner, 1\'eil Grenrell. Joel Rogneby, Ralph Donat, Jamcs I'ernald. Ken Patton. !low FiTJe: SI'llIley 1·litUle. Fred Ilerrong. Joe Murphy. John Sch"ufeJberger. Stan Baldwin. M;rr\'in Wineger, John Holm"n. Glenn Rock. Finn J. Meier. Harold Ouffy.

AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS Members o[ lhe Automotive Engi. neers arc active in participating in meetings with professional members of the profession ami learning of the recent developments in this Ikld. These college sLUdents arc also wel· come to join the N;ltioll:tl AUtQmoti,'c Engineers afler graduation from the University of Idaho. NOll! Oil"'; Rod)' Viher. Jamcs Carlsen, Oar. rlan Ingram. Prof. \\'. I'. Barnes. I'rof. J. R. fher)". Keith Berren. John Schlletce. Olav Ch,·isti'1I1SCil. UOll! '1''''0: Monty Br:lckee. W"yne Turnipseed. Vernon Roche. William l'eteTSOn. TOlll Taylor. Kenneth Collett. J. Donald lJott. Leslie Ayers. Harold Jenssen.


AGRICULTURAL ENGIXEERS The Americ.1.n Socict}, of Agricul. tural Engineers stresses agricultural cnginccring as a professional can.-cT. :\g Science Da)' is p;lrticipau~d in b), this group and a scholarship is gi\'cn to:1 sludelll each year. IlOl.· OIU: Galen :\h::\hslcr, William L1a\..oncn, nob !-Iarncs. Jim Ma\$. Mortc/a F:trah:mchi. Cliff t:ldred. /(ow Tu'o: Larry William,. lohn Richard.soll, LOllll\ FOll:. Ikl· herl lIlock. "IC\·(' .·\lIT<~d, Mcrle: Gihbens, Xorman Young.

MECHAKICAL ENGIXEERS This group oper:tlcs ;IS ;t sludent branch of the ..-\meriCIIl Sociel) of .\lcehanical Engineers in ordcr to better acquaim its mcmbcrs with the practice and thcol"} of mcchanic;d enginccring. /lou' Ollt': n. L. Bou. R. ni ...o;eJl. J. ~hll('lU', 'I. Xorgord, W. B. Ilobel}, \\'. H. I'eu:non. T. A. Ta)lor. /lou' Two: W. F. lIeaull:, J. lIarnhardl. W. Slc",arl. R. T. JacobSCll, M. ;\lcGow:m. L. Riller. S. C. LOlli, J. A. Carlsen. How Tllr'!''!': U. I-"'agcnscn. n. Gallagher. S. Lewis. H. I'ecel'son. ,\. Smilh. W, Gray, K. L. Bencll. H. G. Jenssen. L. Conet>e"r, O. ChriSliansen, V. Roche. /low FOl/r: R. Vi her, w. Tlirtlil'K'C<.1. n. C. Weddle. W. I'. DcC:,rli, E. \. English. M. O/a",a. D. R. Gill, O. Doanc. II. Russell. R. Armacost.


STUDEi'\T AFFILIATE OF ACS The puq:M>SC of the Snulcm i\fJiil· iatc of thc American Chemical Socict)' is to :lcqllailllundergr:ldllalcs enrolleel in \\'ork leading to a degree in chemiso·) or chemical cngin<.'Crillg \\'ith thc pl'OfcssiOlul socict) represcnting the field of chcmistry. •\lcmbers arc gi\'en lraining in thc organi/ation or mectings, reports, and lhe communication or information. IIOl,. Ollt': >,'cil Harms, J"ck DcBaun. ;\l:lrilyn

R:l\cn'o(mfl, DianI' Willi:llns. t;l"i"c J\ndcrSOil. Dr. :\lalcolm RCllfrc"', Brian Qu:ult>eck. /low T,,'o: Richard RClllll:mn. Curtis SUlwn. Richard Durhin, Andre Ga\in. Conlon Wehb, JanIe« lluc\..ner. Gar~ t·llgatc. Gar} Carlson. Gan Dol}, Kennelh ..\ sh. Richard Kunlcr.


AlA The slUdent branch of Ihe Americ'lll InstilUte of Architects enables sludent archilects 10 learn Illore aoom their profession. Darwin Doss ha:) sen'cd the group as presidcllt and itC\cml professional archilects ha\'C \"i:)itcd thc group in Ihe past )e:'1". Uno' 0 ....: Jad: '·IUllel,)alJ. 1"""'I'Cllce Chinn.

11'.. Oon .\upperlc. I>a\id Shunldf. I>an"in hoss. )farl RobertSOn. earl "'e1ls\unger. 1l0>... ~ ...1 Slllilh. Warrell Lat·on. !lo... Tu'..: Charla !loll!i. _\d\ iSC"r; 1l0berT Schacfer. \nllUr I:lonahue. Richard t-ish, Joe Conrad, John Conle\. Richard Hill, Roben -lllOrna.....n. Gar\ Lc,,·is. Richard O,,·C!l. Bill no,,·kr. Welldell Shan\.:, Jon Hollinger, Cecil "letha. John Chisholm.

SIEA Thc SLUdcnt Idaho Educ.llion A:r sociation is " prc-professional group for training prospt..'Cti\·c tcachen.. Its purposc is to oricnt stmlCllls in problcms of lc,u:hing and what to cxpCCI in their proft.'ssion. It ,dso sponsors lhe \Vimcr Confcrcnce of Flllurc Tcachcrs of America of Northern 1(1<1110 and sends a delegatc to lhe Idaho Education Associ,ltion Confercncc. John CrL'Cli. ,\(h'iso:,'; J''''ico: Craig. Marilyn 1l00rO:lh. SilO: Sololllun. C,lrry Loclrlcr. 1'1"1:", idclll.

FFA The purpose of the collegc chaplcr of lhe Future F:,rmcrs of Amcrica is 10 aC<luaint students, who did nOI ha\'c high school membership. Wilh Ihe grOllp. Thc dub is mainl) composcd of agricullure education majors, bUI an) intcrested sllIdent m:l} join. Row O"'~: Durell RoI,. John :'\"orbr. I'aul Cnrl ,Lar.... no,,·ell. Chde Trupp. Dennis Chilberg. Gene Kamola..\nhur Allen. Ro.., T ..-o: JCMI Wells. Walter .\dams. Wa~'ne 1115. Man;n 510lcs. Jama Reimann. Denn}' Woodrolf, Gan' "hillips. Bruce Froman. Doug Soo\;llc. Uow Thru: I>ale Wallon. Don Mel..cod, Ilussell Knopp. 1·la.... e\ WallaCl!~, Sher· ril Wells. Joe l>obton. Kcn Charters. L1o~d Eakin, II. \. Winnc\. \d\i!CT; Gan :'\"ebclsieck.



The ElHomolog)' Club is in its second rear aod stri\·cs 10 bring lhe dcparllllclll closer logcl!ler. Their aClivities include guesl speakers. an· nual picnic. and a newsleller,

o .. ~: Rich..rd Rolxrh. I'r~itl~lll: ClinIon ~lm'-eT), Gcor-g~ Muldn. Georg~ 'Ieo-'ill, \. R. Gillins, ,\<.h-;Kr, RoU! 1''''0: Rob Benid, A}"O/Ih)'" GUpl". Ron Slecl.:~r, Roberl Sl(;\~n· oWll, "1 homas Coupe, 01iu:r FiI1mor~, Not pjrlur~d: jim Olson, Eric I-Ialfhill, ~f .." Ollieu, Iltl",


The Dair) Club pro\'idcs wci:d :lIld (,·due.llional aCli\'ilics for dairy science majors. The group has mom) projccb IhroughOlil Ihe rear. Ilf)'" Om~: Lee: Edl;ttlon, joh" nunharl. jr.• jim j(lh"slo". I'.oidem; Dell \nllcrso". john Ibrnh",n, .\d.iscr. Roll' 1''''0: john Miller, l.cro. Huff. Richud GIIIIC).jon Ilubcr.

AG ECO:,\'Ol\"CS The Ag Ecoo club has lx'Cn vcr) beneficial 10 an)one illlercsted in the agricult ura I economics field. Several spcakers aHend their mceting~ :lIltl enable slLldellls 10 fully undersland their field, /(0'" o,,~: Cui Lelh, l)cnnh ConIc), Ilrncc GrC'l'Il, '\l1n Olson, Michael Conic,', GI"l'gK 1-I01Iing~T. /low 1'11'0: Ro)" Hollifield, I','of. John Wcher, Dr. William "-ol~, Dr, R"5.~l1 Wilhe,", I'rof. L,lrry SUIIUUCT$. Dr. K;,d LilulctKlrg, Dr. Rol,l1ld Be. an. II"", 1'''r~t'; Fred Edl1lislOn, Warren Re)'nolds, W,lync ,\Ie)er, Da,id l'lIlll,un. An jOlle$, Fr~n~ Nel· "'11, l)r. j,l} I\nderson. Row Four: Milo Sal. lucler. Don Roemer. Gordon Elliol, D,lle "alhricisc:h. Leland Heinrich, Tim IlenderMln, I.elantl Rohi .... n. Karl ;<.;"el<oon.


ASSOCIATED FORESTERS Thc Associatcd Foresters cncouragcs a pl'Ofcssional auiwdc among stmlCIllS in thc Collegc of Forestq. This }car the gl'Oup ~ponsored thc ForcSlcrs Ball. Rou' o,,~: Jim Mumn. Hal \\lM:':n, nil! Knis· pc~.

Bill Rico:lf:m;on, nob Lannan. Ron Carr. nob lIafcr. Ted Schmidt. Don Kcmer, Cia' nrQ'.-.I, and Jim naiar. /(uw r,,:o: Jim ROIUh. Ji"l Chapin. Did. Tanalo:a, George .\IlI('S, .\1 England. Jilll Hertcl, Jon R, Berg(luisl. and John II. Onniston. /(0'" Thrcc: nill I'etu\:, Roger Hungerford, Thorna~ ~:"ban1.5, Roger 5;OIll"On, Dick Obon, Gar) 1-13n, I)ic\: I'o,,·crs, earl l..allll, Ter" Willianu, Chulcs John.Km. /(0'" Fo",.: Tholl\;,u :\I\slt:r, I);,nid GonnlC", Lee McConnell. O... n Ma'erecl, Jt:rr) Fogg, earl W;ol11001l, Dcmu:th Schu<lcr, Keith Johnson, /(ow "';l't:: :'\""or1llall Yogcrst, Rich· ard Ranlincn, l..arn I)aniels. Jer,,' I)a.is. Rudy Ringe, Tern Ihuton, HO"'ard W...llacc. Elli~ Gardner.

BLOCK AND BRIDLE Studcnts in animal husbandry participatc in this organization to familiarilC lhcmselvcs wilh various techniqucs of the profession, including livestock judging, workillg at the barns, :md cilring for lhc animals. /low O'!I~: L:lrr) I::ld, l'rcsi,lellt: \\'a.-ne Sharp, Ja} lIelll''''''orth, Laura Duff), 1)011 Kre<s. '1 errel lIill. Thom:lS D. IIlessinger. /low Two: Jerry Johnston. I::dd Burghard[, oa,id Lohr, Jim Sasser. Jay NC}". Warne Ills. Tho",;[< ll11slOn, /low Tltr~e: JOhll Baker, Craig Anderson. Stephen Schmidt. Willi;un 11011011, Terry Stigile, Carl Ihtfield, Da'e Hopper, How FOl"': Fo)' Kussman. Ron Trihhie, Ed 11["(1""11, John Sharp. Joe QUC"incll. Ilerl lIrackett. Mike lIe;[[h. Ilob :\lolyllCll;>;, Joe llohsoll.

RODEO CLUB This gl'Oup is <tffiliau.:d wilh the Nalional Intercollegiatc Rodeo Associalion <lnd participates in all the rodeos in their regioll, Schools in thi:. region arc as follows: Uni\'crsity of MOlllana, :'Ilont:lIla St:ttc Univcrsity, Idaho St:t1C Uni\'crsit). Utah State, Ricks Collegc, \\'cstcrn :'Ilolllilna Stalc College of Educalion. Eastcrn :'Ilont:tna St:tte Collegc of Educ:ttion. \\'ashinglOll Stale ni\'crsiIY, and Brigham Young College. Thc Nation· al Finals will be held in Denver. Colorado. /(ou· o,,~: Tho",...s B,,;>;10I1, 0 .... id Ro}cr, I.'R...e Whipple, Jern James. Duane Boirottheil. /(rn.' 1''''0: Bert l:Ir:acletl, Ron Tribble. George lIa",iIlOlI, 1101, \lol1rOl:, I)a'e I'ulnam,


1-10]\/ E EC CLUB

The purpose of I-lome Ec. Club is to set up ;lCti\'ilies for home economics sLUderHs throughout the academic year, such as a I-lome Ec Day and a tea fot' the faculty. Ror" O"e: :\1111 ~I",-je l.Ia,n". IIbdys Ikllillger. Erma J. Jackie. Carol HlIssa. Reporter: Jackie Kimberling. Tre:lSurer: Emily 11"lllcs, herg"r. S~-cretarr: ~(arion Fe:nherSlone. Ruth Ridenour. !lUll' '1''''0: D,,,'lcne Stind. Florence Alter, Judy McKendl-iek, [Iaine Niel$cll. K:,) Jordan. Darkne Dougherty. K'lIlly Holmson. Carol Read. K:llhleell Kosk"lI:" R",o\nn Lancaster. GI",kne Gallup. ~I:tria" Joh"son. Jo:,,"'a moo<t. .\largarel Rilchie. flow TI"-ee: Kal"}'l Lambeth. Ik\'erlJ' Wallace. CI:nuline Ik-cker, ~lerril\"路l)awll Frut-chte"idll. C:lIul Thornock. San;lra Sld'!er. Sh:lron Swenson. Glenda Knighlon. Shirle)' 1\'ewcomh.


The Home Ec seniors held a ureakfast and a hal style show in the spring. Ilor<l 0,,,': .10 Ann

TalulII. l\cryl Uevan, Lillian Kir$Chner, Sharon "Ialhelley 1-l00g' lanu. SllS:Ul Ausli". Sherry Ely. Kay Jordan, Joyce Slale)'. /(Oll' Two: Ikll)' Theiscn Mcla)'. EI:tine E'erell. Ann Marie U:llllll, C;,rol Col路 lis. Joan Miller. Idona Kellogg. Jo), In ing. "Ia"ge Marshall. ~larie Jaspers. May"is I'elerSO". !low Three: Janet Spl'enger. Darlene Slind. Eleanor Ull~ieker, Laura DOl}', Merkne Heilt'SOri . .Iud)" Scoggin. I'at Kibble, t\lldrey Howard. l\-onnie Johnson. Ruth Leonard, A",,:, Kr:lsscll. Miss Erma J"ckle. Uow Four: ~Iiss Feathe'~")I1e, Dr. Ucllillller, ;\Iiss l\"idsOn. ~tiss Rilchie. Dr. Aller, ~rrs. Ridenour, ,\Irs. Heisel, ;\Irs. Ke$sel. Miss Newcomb.

AGRONOI\rY CLUB Sealed, Ie/I 10 righl: C;lroline Uodine. Dale

Hollowa)', I'"ul t\nder$Oll, Tn::lsurer: Dr. A. E. Slink:lnl. Cllrtis Sulton. I'resillent: Jerry 1路lowanl. Vice l'rcsident: Edg"r Simmons, $I.-crclaq': .1Ild Jack Jibsou. Siamlillg: l'rof~'S.'iOr G. O. Baker. MIchael Lindstrom, Thomas Uarlletl. Jerry t\tkins. Joscph IIraun, Rich",.d Van Houlen. Wa)'ne Theissen. IIch'Old ;\Iansouri. Larry I'enninglon, George HenrikSCil. Dr. H. P. Hel111anSOn, Grant Knapp, Walter Stolkr and Dr. K. H. W.




Vandal Flying Club offcrs the op· ponunity to lcarn lhe art of flying inexpensively. Membership is opcn to any University student who has the desire to learn 10 fly. The Club owns their own pblne which is kept at the Moscow-Pullman f\irporr. Row O"t': Ed Whitehead. Lec .\leConncl. Hinl~C. Rae K01.1ows\d. Bd Km.lowski. and HoI> FUTg;lson.



The purpose of Curtain Club is to unify and further interest in dr;ltna at the Uni\'ersity of Idaho. Any student who has tah:1l ;1Il active part in lhe presenl;ltions or the Dr;lIlla Department is eligible for membership in the group. NOll" One: Angie .\rrien. Jcannc .\laxcy. Col· kcn Ford)cc. Car)n Snydcr. narh;on. Warc. Jnry Lee Gr"gg. ;",,1 Caren Chappcll. /low Grayson GilJhs. Terry BolSlad. Thomas -I ul"l'k. :'I;tIlcl' Hood. Lillda Ensign. Lorcnw :'Ieho", Janc Ruckman. I)·on Da,·idson. Di;l1le F",,"son.



of lhe differelll organizations on campus held their regional and districl conventions on the Idaho campus utilizing the wonderful facilities of lhe new Swdent Union Building. Pictured at thc righl arc just a rewof the many delegates 3tlending the J tHer-Mountain Convention of Residence Hall Councils. They came rrom twenty-two ditTerenl univcrsities and colleges reprcsenting ;dl of the \Vestern states.


\\IRA The \\'omen's Rccrcation Associ;ltion providcs rclaxation, fun, and physical recreation for all University women who want to participate. Each womcn's living group has onc rcpresentative on the 'VRA Intramural Board. The org,nlil.'llion is controllcd by the ''''RA ofl1ccrs, who compose the WRA Bo;ml. Hor,' O"e; Miss HellS. ~hry Jo I)owers. !'>Oree lIaldridge, Anita Cox. Rowena Eik,,"', Nona K'l} Shern.

WOMEN'S '"I" CLUB The 'Vorncn's "I" Club IS an honorary organization to further the program of "Vomen's Recreation Association through participation, This group sponsors a women's lounge in thc womcn's gymnasiulll and holds a tca each year to introduce freshman women to the women's P.£. depart· mcn t. Row One: RowClla fiknm. ~[iss lIells, I)onn" Sl1'icgcl. How "1',,''': Doree Baldridge. £I"ine johnson, Mary jo I'"wcrs, Jo .\nn Kcnfield, Sharon Cygli, Anila Cox, Maric!!a Brann.

PHI CLUB This group is ror )hysica[ Edu«Ition majors ;lIld minors, It is interested in furthcring the interest of their profession by participating ill many spons activities and sponsoring functions in their dcpartmcnt. Hor,' O"e: Doris Crane, l.inda Ugle111, Dorothy Dawson, Marilp' Ramey, Uow "l'wo: Jackie Smith, Sharon GygJi, Miss t\ten, Myrna Wills, C:llhy Youmans, Karcn johnson.


Church Officers DISCIPLE


Ilou.' 0,,,>: :\Iaril}ll




Schoolt'T. )(';Ine(u' George. Prt'$ident; 'iusie ,\dams and Bill~. Rou: Two: 51C:>e: Kalon. Darrell Turnidge. Leurr L:lI1llhe-.ar. Anl!'Ollf Fr&.ll. Jad<. Adams, .\<1\ ;$C)'.

WESU:Y FOl.':"Il,\TIO:-< Oue; Lc:c t:dgerlon. Sh:,rvn I)Te\\', "'ar;I)"n Ra~cll-!'Crorl. I'resident; Karen G"rm!ien, Julie "mdllng. /(0'" '1''''0: Short) Odell, Uob Warrell, \like Heath. LOrT) Drcw, Harold Sas:lki, Mike WlOS!, L. T. H:'lhalO'a)'. Ath'iscr. U<>1"

URESEE FELLOWSIIII' Row 0111:; Dollna Meacham, Sharon L:l1lcastcr, Patt

Nt'\\1>)', Carol l1ouger. Row Two: ,\I.\i~1 R. Aller, Add!ieT; Kenneth :'-l}crs, Ra} Cllham.

C.-\NTERllURY CLUB /low O"t: :\'anqc Woodworlh, Jon ShunldF. How Tu'o: Larr) llook, '-ldell I)a,i$. Bert Wilkins. :\likc Canad)', )u<I)' Slid'lIc). l'ranl.: D. Benson. "'ani McCuliell. Caro1rn Clorc. Lorrallle Raisl:>ÂŤl.:. D;l,id Sinclair ShUflldf. !low Thru: Falhcr I)~,is. Chal,lain: 1\<.'11 Gotld~rd, Garr Fa)', ROil :\lllS~opl.


RILe CO~IMI1-rEE 'I he kcligion In Life O,,,f,,r. con:, ;Irc held annoally to instill in students a new


inlo Rdigion :md opp<JrlUllltr 10






on the i"'I>orwnl role of ...,Iig;o" in the lire. This }car, the conference ....:IS under the supenision of this comm;ttee:: !lou' OUI! (lIlI' /0 ril(llI)

Julie Strickling. Karen Miles. L)ll" Holmes. Idona Kellogg. r:it Cent11". Sharon L::lIIc:uta. IlQW Tu'o: Jacl; Co'"er, Rc,-. Hnoll! Ftchanr. ':lOll Rod.. Rowland Smuh.



REUGIOUS DIRECTORS ASSOCIi\TIOX Lee 0;.. is. Or. Stan fhop,:u, ltc,', Ch"d Uolid. Yvonne Sl~u. Itc.. Don l~. Jact. ,\dams. Oan \\'or""'3n.


Campus Church Centers

C.ulleIlJun" Iloll~ is affiliated ..路;tll the Epis<:opal Church and host! TIIa,," ,-outl1 acth llies 011 CUll''''S.

C~mpus Christian Center is 'p0rlson,'d h~ the I'R...路 l.l~lcrian, :\Iclho<.li<[ :ml! Lutllcr:,n Chllrch~'S ,md i< lhe home f"r ~Hl<l~ pcri"Il<. and fOull,ding. if n.'tlllL,<tt.路d,


-The LO.5. lIou.se is affiliated wilh the Church of taller Da) Sainl! and offen residence fOT :IIlIlToxirnau:l) ~ men.

,,"C"'m:1Il Center is spon5()red b)' the Catholic Chun::h and offers aClhilies for its )ollng IH'!Ople in Sunday c\"C!ning gel ll>gethC'r!i.



Units of all three Military scn'iccsArmy. Navy. :Ind Air Force-arc rcpl'csentetl in the ROTC program of the Uni"crsil}' of Idaho. Conducting b:.sic and advanced pre-commissioning mililaq training. the ROTC units propose to stimulate imerest in lhe milit:lf} as a career ,l1ld to assist the University in instilling discipline, integrity. and responsibility in the studcllIs. The ~Jil颅 itary Ball and the Tri-Sen-icc Spring Re,'jew are annual acti,-itics.


Th~ ..\nu}.

1'\".11\,.. and Air Force 1l0TC unil.$ panicipale in Ihe annual Tri路Senice Spring

R.,ic.o' hekl in Neale: Su,dium on :\1;1\ 17.1963.


ROTC .\'.\\'Y

II",,路 0",:

I.e. Richard t:. Jolie. Julin L Asph"lm,

Q.\IC: EIl:rt C"Tlcr. tTC: Rohen Miller. 'iNC; Bcrn;ml Vi.~r. CMMC: l.l. t:rncsi Roko\\,ski; 1.1. JG 1',,,,1 Sdw)lt:r. Chark'S Walthup. SKI. HOll' T,,'o; ]"11 Illlmas. "aj. Richard C:llllj)bdl. Cdr. Eiben nanon. Capl. llarT) Da\c)'. Le JR Will"e !l路,,'in,

Lois Scoggins,

\IR FORCt: l.e!1 10 ritht; Sian ~I. \'emc Pallen. \irll'i\lI fin'1 das.s (.\Iq .4.:ilron E. Fiedla, Capl. John J. ""cFanl!. Jr., Tech. Sgt. John 8. Pdlo. Lt. Col..\mllon\ :\1. Engels, P.. \.s.; :'ohjor Charla O. HOliK, .\lajor Han)' W. RilQits. Capl. \\'illi3111 L. Green, Sol picllIutf:"Tech. Sgt. Donald W. 'ihelton.




Que: Major Call1is, Lt. Col. I\reilcgan, Col.

James, Major Todd, Major Cashman. Rou' '1''''0: SFC Griffin, M. Sgt. Carpellter, CaPl. Ruth, M. Sgt. Lplch. Sf'C Caldwell.


Army Jdallo can be proud of its Arm}' ROTC cadets as the)' have achic\'cd many outstanding honors this year. The Army ROTC cadets fin;~hcd the year of military instruction in tactics amI drill by laking part in the annual Tri-Scu'ice Spring Rc,'icw. AmI}' ROTC Drill Tr'Oim: Roll.' Orlt!: Thorn..$ \\,,,,111, Ke'nlon JohnM:>ll. Richud Moore. Kip ~loggTidlle. Jamcs Gilrnan. ,mil William Sm;lh, Roll.' 'ru'o: e:.pl. RLHh, John Schaufelbcrger, ~lichacl Wima, ."\fred Bolin~. George: M:mness, William S"'ttl, Bonnlt! Smilh. Roll.' Thrf!C: J:lct HUllebilll. Ilc'nnis Lindahl. John ussey. JerJ1' Howard. John Flcrchinga. Robert HUIlI. and Joel :\Ioonc.~~. Rou' FOllr: Sorman Ouo. Ra WilIiam!iOll. Rich:ud Uln~c:. Krisl;a" Wales, John Lukens. Russell Keilhley. and U;lTr) Chanill.

,\rnl}' ROTC Rille Team; /low Ollt:: SFC Cald\\'ell, Coach; Ca,lels Joe Gilh,:Sllic. Jack HUlleball, Waller Hardcsty, .lim Kelley. Jim Clark, SIC\'C Young, Al Sirong, Gregg HoI路 linger, Larry 拢ng, Major Couris, Ad,'iser.

J\rmy ROTC SPOll$(lI"$: How O"t:: Bonnie Smith, ,\nn Weber, !'alSy McCullough, Chrisli3nnc Cook, 3nd Joanna nlood. /low ""'0: Margot Irwin, K31h}' Wood, Arvilla Nelson. Dolora Cook, Mugie Seck}" and Lorna Kipling,






DepUlY Commander. X u.s. Anti}路 Corps. Colonel Brindle is inspecting lhe Iionor Guard during his \'isit 10 the Idaho Campus. Cotdt:t 2nd Lt. Schau(e1berger commands the Honor Gu:ud,

Clarence Chapman is being promoted to C:odet Culonel b)' Colonel Jama, PMS.


Navy The Z'a,'al ROTC Unit cominucs for its lith year to train itS :\Iidshipmen in all fields of Na\'al Science and in the principles of leadership_ OULStanding studenlS from mall)' parts of the nallon 3ucnd Idaho to particiratc in the ~;W}' program. Under the leadership 0 Capwin Harry E. Dave}'. the Nol\'}' ROTC Unit participated in the annual TTi-Service Spring Review.

Captain I)a\c~' is prc.entinR the Olllstalldillg freshman Shooter Awanlto Mi,hl. Jim Crockett.

The :-'<3\1' Color Guard I)anidpatoo in the SprinR Rc,-ic"'-Dwain W lite, Walter Grttfl. !lob ROllln:.n, John Stuk. and Claud Wil路 hite.

Rifle tcam-Row Ont!: Jim Crockeu, Keith Erickson, Carl Harte, Karl 5:,15kol'. and nill lIoatrigllt. /low Tu'o: R:llUl}' Uillicr. Sgt. Chapman, Dick Lewi., :md', om Schmidt.

)lidn. Jern Okeson ""as presented the Ilrof~r of n:l\ill.-cicnce award b, Capl:till Da'e'_


Air Force

\Vilh Colonel Terry Egan at the helm of the G.dcI wing, the sponsoring of the Military Ball and Spring Rc\·jcw. and adoption in a formal ceremony by Geiger Air Force Base, 1963 was termed a successful year for the Air Force ROTC program. The advanced cadets :lIso sponsored with the Angel Flight an open hOllse. Homecoming weekend. which all parents of Air Force cadets were invited to attend. Distinguished guest for the enn! was O. R. ThcophiJus, "resident of the University. Air Force cadets who received recognition al the Spring Rc\'iew were: James Bounds. Professor of Air Science l\'ward; James Wecker, Air Force Association Award; ""illi:llll Hodgson, Reserve Officers Assoc. AWilrds; Terence Egan, .American Legion Duellc, Loomis Post Award: Don Robinson, Pat ~11I1­ <loon. Bruce Bevan, ami Dick Kunter. ROTC Gold .\Iedal Award for schol:lstic achic\·ement.

'I he 180th Cadct Wing Stafr (left 10 right) Daniel RobinSQn, Jr., Jama IIcrrcll. JamCll "'('Cler, Russell Smith. Thomas He1t11, Donald Harri_. Rnn C,alhr:lith, lla)ton Mong. Anthonr Schneidc:r.

l'I'CSCnlation of the (0101'5 hy the .>\ir Colur Guard at thc Spring Relicw.


The t\ngel F1iglll consi<tcd of ["'cmy coc<ls <elcc:t<.'tl on h:ISis of poise, pcTSOnalit)\ and intelligcnce. ThoSol.' dlOscn were: left 10 right. Karen I'hillips, Nan(y YOUllt, Karin !'C2non. \nn \\'agner, ;\Ian .\nn Yoden. :\nn \\'ood. Sue Grey:. JJ(ld Itq,,·; S:all)' Gallo"·a~. Rarbau lIardr. Carol Will~. Xanc) Weigel!. I'aub Sp.~nce. Carol)n W~lIie. Dana .-'ndr!'I"s. Colonel; Toni 'Tillmen. Carol ;llcCrea, Carol \nn l'l"mmer, l.ind~ Ensign.

;llnnbcn of the Xon-Commissioned OlflCcn ·\c.adnn\ "'«e: Htlrll Row, i"lt /0 right; George Benning. \\':I\ne ;\Ied.el. Dennis Thomas, RobcTt Stanfield. John Engles. Krn Da\iJ. Fro,,' Row.. CaTl Silha, Carles Boprd. Ste\"l~' Miller. Gern ,"citric. AI Baile\. Genld Huetllg. urn Hook.






Brig. Gen. James ,\I. Trail. U.s. Air Force Rl"SC1'\'e: I'residem D. R. Thcophilus. and Ll. Col. ,\nlhOll~ Engels w"lch the Tri·Service Spring RC\ iew.


l\Iidn. Commander Tom Schmidl leads lhe 1\',I\'al ROTC Unit in the annual Tri·Ser\'ice Spring Re\'iew.

T Jli..Service Spring Review The annual Tri-Ser\'icc Spring Rcview was held all Friday, Mar Ii. 19(;3. The Air Force, Army, and Navy GldClS asscmbled in Neale Stadium with a LOtal of about 1,350 participating. Brigadicr Gcncral James ;\1. Trail, Unitcd Stalcs Air Forcc Rcservc, prcsclltcd thc :l\l'anls and rcvicIl'ed the cadets.

Four Cadets lead prO(ession :,t lhe Spring Re,ie"·. Left 10 righl: Thomas 11dm. Cadet Col.: n,tllalioll C.O. Rohcn I'ctcrsoll: j:'Ull'S W. Henell. Cadet .\laj<.Jr: Cadel Lt. Col. Ihle11(' G. nailey.

'", '",

The J\nny ROTC salules lhe rc\'icwing officers at the Spring Rcdew •


The ,\ir Force ROTC Unil and Angel Flight were "ery impress;'-e at lhc Spring Re"iew.

Spring Review

..... 0'" •

\Vith the combined cffons of the Army, Na\') and !\ir Force under the supervision of the Air Force. a Iota I of I!ISO cadets parlicipated in the annual Spring Review on May 17. A great <lispla)' of color was st.'C1l b)' many spectators as Brig;ulicr General James M. Trail of the United St,lIes Air Force Rcscn'c reviewed the cadets amI preselllatioll of a"'ards 10 thirl)-four Gldets.




It. E. F:ahrenwald presented the :\I05CO", :-.'a\;11

KcscTl ~




10 ,\1 idshiprn:an Juncs J ulilt.

prl'Sclllcd an "wanl 10 LI.

Co,,1. D:", Rohll1S011 (or outstanding sdlOlastic


!'rCSCIII:llIiulI of lhc\ml' Color Cuard wlisisting of Ilrucc Br.tdJq'. Da'id \\aliroTS, Robotrl Jones. Lan} (;Olifrc\ and William nUlili.

The: Spring Rc\ie.o' Band consisting of >"<,lu'llecrs hom all lIutt I.UOlnchcs of the !len iCC': pia} a~ the codeu p:lSS

in re-ic..,.


,\ngel Fliglll, ,\nnl' Sponsot's. ;ltId Na'l' Color Girl line III' to ad"ertise the Military lIall, sponsored this year hy the Air Force.

Juniors and seniors of the ""a"al ROTC ;Ire working Ollt " ""'''ig;l[ion I'roble"'. l.t'{1 10 right. Bob I-Iol'(on, Il"l> Rile}', Bill Jo;', Rand)' ~Iillier.



Thc Advanced ROTC Program at thc UniversilY of Idaho is unique in that all threc military services-Army, Navy, and Ail' Forcc-;tre represented. Upon their completion of the Advanced ROTC Program and graduation from thc Univcrsity, the cadets receive ,ttl oÂŁlicer's COTlllllisisOlI cit her in the Regular or Reserve Service. They are sworn in at approprialc services held in connCClion with Commencemcnt.

Dlinking Ceremony of Cadet Ch"rlcs bngc, the first student to solo in the ArlllY ROTC Flighl I'rogt',un. He is assist<.-.;l bl' .\lajor Cash""m, Lt. Col. IIreitegall, ,,,,,I Colonel Jamcs.


:\Iajor Charles \-Iousc of the AFROTC stalf al [o:,ho prepares to ride tlnee cadets in the T-33 jet Irainer at Geiger Field, Spokane. The c,,,lets rt:cei\'eo the ridc for outstanding performance during the f,,11 scmester in .\I'ROTC. l"t:/t 10 rig/II: Major 1'lollSC, Larr)' Her_ zinger. Ste,'c Miller, Ted ]Joalli.

'I he \nn) Uri II 1'0:01.11I is l.:ad by CadO:I 2nd LI. John t:. 'khOl.ufo:ll.ocrgo:r and nonnio: Smilh. ROTC SI>OII50r.


801.1I0I.Iiocl Staff-:\Iidll. nallalion CollllllOl.rlder. Roben l'O:lersen. l.e!1 to rigltl: :\lidn. Exec. Officer, G. T. Schmidl: Midn. 0l',cratiolls Offi芦,r. G. S. 8m,,'II: \ide In lIall. Conlin.. R. W. Rcac; Midn. SlIppl)' Otrocer. K. W. Snli[h; Mid". 1'10 and Conlin. Officer, R. II. 11011011: :\Iidll. Chio:f Pelt)' Officer. J. F. Judd.



I'arl of Iho: oomrniMioning o:>:o:rdila illcludes tho: culling of tho: COlle b) Ihe COlde! from e.ach br.mch of sen-ice "'ilh the highat .M:oolaslic raling. Those oonllllissiotlcd in Februar) "'eTC: lefl 10 righl. Charla I)c'-anq, Richard I'. Neilsen. RobcTt \'erno:kc. \\'ra.}' F.:alher路 5[01le, James Ba1l1elt. and Ua\ i,1 C. 8illo",.

\lidn. l)erald lIurlbcTt reeei\cd the 01."-.01.芦1 for outstanding ac;tdemic .achiC\路efllent ill tho: Junior Class al the: Spring Ro:,ie'" frum I'resident Thcophilus.


ROTC Activities

Early morning drill "':IS h<:lll C:lch morning for two wccks in prcparalion for the Spring Rc\';Cw

Dolora Cook "':15 tapped for ROTC Sponsors by Swn Fallis, PalS)' "h:Cul101lgh and Garth Eimers.

Mcmhcrs of f\ngel Flight, Air Force Sponsor Group. werc introduced at the Militaq' Ball. Left /0 right: Nanc)' YOllnt. Paula Spence, Carol Wills, Carol "lcCrea. Dana J\ndrc\\'s and JoAnn Tal'''''.


Football Baskctball Bascball Track Skiing Swimming


Tennis Intralllurais WRA

Wcll路dccor.ued chest< indic-..1C lhal thC$C mcn ,",'cre f:'51 on Iheir fecI-Idaho Tela) lcam of 189.1,

An carl) J\thlclic IJ.oal'l1 (.If Con路 trol al Ihc Vni\ersit) 1:>o5t'S for a pholOgrallh in the Ni"clit"5.

I. Musclc lIlen of thc beac::h-Uni路 \crsity of Id:lho \crsion in thc ~Icmo..ial G)'"nasi\l111, 19.13,

Up ;md dowll through the rears, Idaho's athletic progr,nn has had an interesting ail' :Ibout it. Consistentl}' facing major competition from the beginning, the Idaho Vandals ha\'C gained Ilame :md fame br upsetting b\'ored opposition, Footb<lll g<l\'e Idaho ilS stan in 1893 and thc athletic fonune was launchcd. Man} differenl sports ha"e pm in their appearance on the campus ... some still in existence and the others long forgotten, In 1910 tug-of.war was a compeliti\'e spon but now it is reduced to a Frosh \\'eck acth,jt}'. Guaramecing Idaho fans sports for rears to come arc Ihe Vandal Boosters whose work and delemlination ha\'e provided man}' an athletic .scholarship to aid an oUlStanding athlete.

Athletic Director J. Neil "Skip" Stahle)' goes into his ninth season 011 the Idaho C;lmpus ;jnd his first with the sole duties of athletic direclor. I-Ie began his (""reef ill Idaho as football coach in 195路1. In 1960 he assumed the dual role of athletic director and head coach. After IwO SC:lsons in this cap...cil). he asked to be relieved of the coach路 ing responsibilities in order 10 dc\"ote full aHClHion to the administr.ltioll of the athletic departmclll. During his LCnurc as a head coach he turned out nine professional football pla}crs. In last season's pla}olf games four former Vandals were on the six squads cng::lged in the three contests.

Publicity Director Tom l1anle)', Alhlclic I'uulicily Dln..:lOr for Vand,,] sporls. again ll1rned in a remarkahle SC"SOIl. Serving as a liaison bc,wt-en 1<1:.110 co"ches and newspaper, radio and tclc\isjoll rel,oncrs, Tom is "I\.'a)'s on lhe "1O'e. Tr:l\cl路 jng ill ,ld\',mce of lhe leam he made all "rr:ll1~e路 IlletUS regarding puhlicil)', accomlHod,uions "lid lranspon:llion.




Football Coach



flcm' IJadl'lI",1/ Coodl W"'I\I


Urad IJasd}{J1I Coac1l C..... IlKE ,\hrcllt:u. IIl'f1d Swimming CO<Ich



Tr(lc/t " ..d Cross COImiry Coa~h

O,e..: S'lll';" (;01/ Coach lind Cours<! MOllog<!r

"'u..".'"Coa~h eo""'T7.




\s \



.... J. l'f\CKl::\' nOYLE Tmi"er Packey Uo)'lc, in his ('ighlh ,;ca:;on with the Vandals, (',line 1<1 Ihe Ulli,,:rsit}' or

Idaho from Sun V"lIc)"$ famous rl'SOrt where he was a [r"iner for the Union l'"cif,c. Bo)'lc abo worked for the Uni,crsilj' of Ariwna prior to joining the Itl"ho 51,tfr. His work ,II Sun V;tlle)' earned him ~Pl}(\inlmcnl to the United 51,tlcs leam as a tr"iner for the 1960 WinlCr Olympics ill S'Iu,,"' Valley.


Equipmefll "'''''oger lien K(',lIle, former Idaho eager. is reo sponsihlc for the equipment for ,til of the ""'jOT sports at the University of Id,,110. nell is combination mau"gcr. laundry operator, painter, shoe '\laker and scamSlress for the V'l1ldals. His c"cr perking coffee pot is as lIllich a pan of the e<luipmcnt room as arc uniforms and athlctic


I Club


flvw Olle, left 'Q right: l\.ob Ruby, Lyle Parks. "lick ~richalso". Michael Mayne. Don ,\l:tuhcll's. Dennis j\hnquis{, Darwill V. Doss. Tom Nelson. J(vw Tu'o: D<lvid Scwrighl, H:lr:lld Jensscn. John Ferris. Jerry l'rt."sC)·. Larr}' I'ctn· son, Bill Iktllantyne, Terry Gusla\"Cl. nill Goss. Gary Gagnon. I're(1 Thomas. !low Tlll'U: Rolf l'qd/. I'alll Hcnden. Da"e I'uln;"n <ln,1 Mike naumann.



Rally Committee R;lll)' Committcc functioned acth'c1y in orgalli/ing Vand:d rallies and devising new wa}s to instill spirit in the studenLS at !.he Uni\'crsit}. The \'i\,:.cious Idaho l禄om'POIll Girls and the J>epp> chccl'icadcfs, under the leader-

shil) of Yell Queen Jo Milholland :Ind Yell King SIC\'C Arnl, lidded color to the games ami kept the Idaho fans in spirit during the fOOtball and basketball seasons.

Bennis Wlittler. Ibrban Clark. Janel Chilean, Chairman John Fox. anll Susan Gregg.

Porn...Porn Girls and Yell Leaders

yclt Lr.. th:rs-Ilill ~:\2ns. ;\lchin ~. SU"e 1\rnl, Jim ));'I\is. l'om路I'om Girls-Jadie JohlUon. Be.crl)路 81";I",Jo :\lilholland.J;lIlic :\IOOi<:. Diane Fa...""".


\Teharl. BarlJllI"a




FootbaH Summary


Nead Coach

The Idaho (oOlballers, a young [C<lll! with only [our seniors surprised ,I lot oC their opponents this year. Except for the final minutes of maJl)' g,ulles the Vandal record would have been much beucr than the 2-7-1 mark they recorded. High SPOlS of the season wcre wins o\'er Idaho Slate College and a highly favored Arizona eleven. The Vandals also played a great game in a losing effort against a powerful Utah squad. Idaho had the lead with only seconds to go when the Ulags opened up an unsLOppable air all<ICk. Idaho failS were disappointed when lhe Vandals 10Sl both gillnes lO thc MOlllillla schools, when Idaho was favored to itt least split the series. The "Battle of the ))alouse" was onc of the most exciting games of the year, as the Vandals fought through the Cougars as well as a snowstorm to tic lhe game with six minutes left. Again passing in the laSl minutes defeated the Vandals. Idaho figures to have a very strong team for the 1963 season as only four players were lost due to graduation-Joc Cramer, Larry Stachlcr, Bob Ames and Ron Kuhn. The most nOliceable effect of Idaho football was the enthusiasm lhal prcvailed lhroughout the yeilr. Coach Dee Andros and staff came to an almOSI incurable sillialion and in just one year instilled in the team. Sllldellts, alums and friends the kind of spirit that makes il winning football team. This spiril W<lS most noticeable in the laler part of the season and it looks like it has come to Idaho al last.

COACHli\"C ST.-\!'!'

Left 10 right: Dick Monroe. Line Coach; John EaslI::rbrook. lI"cl Coach: Ik"\: Andros. Head eo,"ch; SlC\C "'USSC:IlI, Dcfcnsi,e Goadl; :md Etlw;ml Rile)". Frosh Coach.


Utah State


45 'J

In opening the 1962 season against Utah State, the Vandals began show the Siwit willeh was to prc\'alllhrougholillhe season. In spite of twO disastrous fumbles in the first half, the Vandals refused to give up and finally scored against the Aggies. Play was largely dominated by Utah State, blll it was not the crushing, lop-sided baIlie which was evidenced in Logan in 1961. Late in the fourth quarter, Mike \"'hiles intercepted a Utah State pass, and took over as quarterb:lck. Calling one running play and eight passes, he finally tossed 10 Vern Leyde in the end zone for Idaho's lone tollchdown. Over the years, Idaho has dominated the series with nine wins, six losses, and two ties. Utah State, howe"er, has controlled the play for the last few years, as ldaho's last win came ill 1959, 34-7. to

Idaho's lone 10uchdo"'1J againsl Ulah Slale came on a pass play from Mike Whiles 10 Vern Lcyde as lhe Vandals were downed ~:;路i.

BOB JOHNSON Junior Halfback


JOE CRAMER JUllior Tackle

W,\DE: THO~IAS Sopholllore /lalfback

GJ\LEN ROGERS Junior F..Uback


Idaho State




Idaho made [nOSI of ils !Jig \:l.I't1age on a series or end 5.n.'C1'5 during the 5芦ond half.

A crowd of 8..500 fans on Dad's Day sal\' the Vandals come from behind in the second half ,lilt! win a 9-6 decision over the Idaho Stale College Bcngals. Idaho State dominated the first half and scored first when Bill Jencks went into the end zone from the Idaho four. The second half, howe,'cr, saw a newly aggressive Vandal club put on the pressure. After hailing the Bengals ,.ftcr the second half kick-off, the Vandals got moving. An ISC personal foul put Idaho into scoring position, and Vandal center John Saith kicked ,I 28 yard field goal on a fourth and scven siW:ttion. The thrills began when, with 4:06 left in the fourth quarter, ISC '1':15 forced to punl. Ron Kulll1 made a 45 yard punt rCturn to thc Bengal 4'1. Galen Rogers pickcd up two quick first downs. and with the crowd yclling for all thcy werc wOl'lh, Rich Naccarato picked up two more. both all fOllrth downs. This \llIt Idaho on the Bcngal ninc, first and goal. Threc plays latcr. Idaho <md progressed to the t lJ'ce, and elected to go for the win. \Vith tremendous blocking, Naccarato swept around the right end and intO thc cnd lOne. Bengal end Doug Dillard fumbled the kick-off, and the V.mdals contentcd themselves with running out the clock, elated with their first win of the scason. This rear's game was only the third played in this series. Idaho won the first game 32路0 in 1916. In the only other game, the score was 41路7, Idaho.




Tml 1'\EI.50N



Vandal reservcs on the hcnch were the Ill;linslays through路 out lhe season. Idaho's hench slreul;l:th impro"t..:t lhis }car :IS cnth,,~ia511l. dcsire and C<Jndllioni"g madc the cmire $(Iu,td a hard hilling lC;II11.

Montana State




In the annual baltic for the Lillie Brown Stein, l\lontana State University emerged victorious, recapturing the trophy from the University of Idaho. Over the years, the Stein has resled most with the University of Idaho, as the VaJl(I;l!s have won 3\ of the 45 games. There has been one tic. A homecoming crowd of 8500 in l\lissoula watched the Grizzlies take advantage of Idaho fumbles and errors throughout the first three (llHlrlerS to pile up a 22路0 lead. Idaho finally got rolling in the fourth quarter with the entrance of Gary Gagnon. Gagnon threw passes to Leyde and StaehleI' in quick succession to set up the first touchdown. A few minutes later Idaho recovered a Montana fumble and Gagnon's passing arm again plltldaho on the scoreboard. The Vandals gained two point conversions after each tOuchdown on passes to StaehleI' and Naccarato. By this time, however, the Grizzlies were able to stem the Vandal drive and held their lead for the remainder of the game.


C,\R\' SMITH juu;ar Halfback

ALEX KLlDZJES jUlliar 1':11<1

JIM MORAN jl/Iliar Tackle

DON MATTHEWS jlmiay Guard

Montana State 33 Idaho


Idaho found it rough going in HOle,\lo111an" St:ttc Colkgc outplayed Idaho ill practically e"cry category. .\ ISC's dcfcll.'<C was 1Il1douhll,<lly the hest the ",,,,daIs Tan into this year. ,,>;,,1.

The ]\JSC Homecoming game proved to be eXiledy what the home fans wanted-a romp for the BobGlls. The Il.obc;lls scored two quick touchdowns in the first quarter and kept their lead. The Vandals were able to muster one threat when Gary 1\1 ires carried the ball over after receiving a b,ld pass from ((Iller on a punting situation, thus the Vandals narrowed the first quarter score to 14路7. The Bobcats came back to score again, and ,he hair ended

20-7. Though neither team scored in tbe third quarter, the Bobcats were ,lole to make two more touchdowns ill the fourth period. Idaho garnered their second and final touchdown by litking a kickoff and marching 69 yards in scven plays 10 scorc. i\lickey Rice laking the ball over. Quarterback Gary Gagnon passed to cnd Vern Lcydc for a lwo-point COln路crsion. Statistics for the 33-15 comcst were he;lvily in favor of the Bobcats.

ELLERY nROWN Junior Tackle

OU\'NY ALMQUIST J1I"ior Guar(/



:; : r


San Jose State




[11 the latest game of II series that started in 19·1(;. the Idaho Vandals and the San .lose Spart;lI1s literally sloshed to a 12·12 lie. According to San Jose officials it was the first lime in lG years that rain had fallen 011 a gamc day, and this time it really poured. all paper, the game easily belonged to the Spartam. who had I i first downs to Itl;IIlO'S three and dominated the statistics in other areas as welL Statistics. howe\-cr, do not tell the whole story of ,I ball game. For instance. out of 12 fumbles commincd during the game, Id;dlO recovered eight. Neither team was able 10 lake ad\";lIIlage of the other's errors. San Jose's first touchdown came on a 74 yanl drive after recovering ;Ut hbho fumble. The)' gal their second TD when a kick by Micke)' Rice was blocked and Sp;ln;lIl tackle Larry Luml)' fell all il in lhe end zone. hbiho was able LO score in the second qU;Il"ler after Bob Ames reco\'ered a fumble b)' Spartan Johnn), Johnson. Dale Meyer cracked the line twice for nine yards ;lIld Galen Rogers carried il o\'er from the one. Idaho's second score came with three minutes left in the game, l\'!ike l\Jayne had reco\'ered a fumble in the middle of the founh quarter, ;md Gar)' Gagnon un· hooked his passing arm. He passed for 33 y;mls in t\l"O plays after which Rogers came in again LO run it o\'er. Idaho elected to kick but Siath's ;lllempt sounded like kicking a plastic bag full of WaleI' and was low. The game W;IS not decided until aflcl' time had run alit. Spartan Rand Cancl' passcd an eiglu·yanl touch· down LOSS just as the gUll sounded, but an oflicial called a backfield·ill-motion penalty and nullified lhe score, h was the first tic in the scries, which has seell S;lII Jose win five and I(blilo come alit on top lwice.

Footh311 spirits in Moscol\" wcrc d31l1pcncd by thc I\"c3thcr and thc SCQrc 3S WSU cdg..:d Idaho in a blill.ard 22·14. Typical of Idaho's laiC season surge, thc final score ""as ill dOllht umil (hc last fel\" sl'£onds of (he gallic.

.....- - - - - -......,,.....-----,cc--


SIATH JUI/ior Cenler

MICKEY RICE Sol,homo.'e Hillfback


MIKE llAU~IAi\'i\' J.II/ior Guard

:\llKE :\1


'I he Vandals sho..·etl an unsupprcssible desire 10 ,,'in all during the '<C"il§OIl. Sc. eral games ..·cre kist onl} on laSHliu;h efiorlS "7 Idaho's opponellls.





In pl<l}ing their best game of rhe season up to Ihat point, the Idaho Vandals were defcalcd b) a I<ISI minutc Utah r:tll} 25-21. Id:tho played well logether as a team and found rhemseh"es leilding 21·18 with anI) a few minures rem:lining, With three minutcs left Micke} Rice provided one of Ihe highlights of thc gilme by punting Olll 70 yards 10 the Utah six-inch line. At that point victor) seemed certain for rhe Vilndals. bill tah lhen unleashed ils pa.ssing ,II lack ,111<1 dro\'c 100 yards in three minutcs for the winning score. Since 1908 Utah h<ts won Ij ganH's in the series ag;linsl 10 wins for Idaho. The h)l Idaho win came in 1958 whell Idaho defeated Ulah 20·8 in Hoi~e.



The \';III(IOIIJ sho"'ed \igorous offcnsile spirit Ihroughoul Ihe SCbOn. During this gallle wilh I.:lah Slate, Idaho demon_II.lled an un"'i1Iingness to gile ull b~ Koring ;a lone tally in the dOlling mornents of Ihe gOime.

U of Arizona






The Universil) of Idaho V,llld:ds, smarting from a narrow loss 10 Utah a wcck earlier, limited a strongl} f;I\'ored :\rilOna squad to only 88 pnls on the ground ami came awa) from the land of SUllshine with a 14-12 upset victor),. A shocked crowd of 20,000 watched their home IOwn favorites hand the Vandals the ball SC\'cn times on fumbles. According to gallic-side obscrvcrs. Dcc Andros' club simpl)' oUlgunned AriwTlaall the way around. Vicious Idaho tilckling was in large measurc a major faClOr in the sc\"cn ArilOlla fUlllbles as the \Vildcats had fumbled but four limes previously during the season. Gar)' i\lires and Rich NaCGlratO scored the twO big touchdowns, bUL it was:1 pass rrom Gary Gagnon to C,lry Smith 011 a two-point conversion play tholt provided the victo!"y milrgin. At one time the Vandals saved themselves from almOSI ccnain defeal when they put up a strong goalline slaml thilt held ArilOna 011 downs only one foot away from paydirt. Thc vicLO!"}' was Idaho's second during Ihe eight game series with ArilOlla. Idaho's only olher win came in 1958 when Ari/on<l went down under the V,md,,1 ,((lack 2<1-16.





Oregon State Idaho



The Idaho squad could nOl get un路 trackcd against the powcrhd Ol'(.,&,on State Beavers, The Oregon dCl'clI rc路 peatcdl} found holes in the Idaho 1>.-tSS defense, which hadn't been outstam ing all SC:l.)()n. and rolk-d 10 a 32-0 win o\'cr an Idaho tealll whose best dron fell shol'l. AII路American Terr)' Baker ami his talemcd passing arm. which repe.ttedI)' found ilS largct provcd too much for the Vandals to handle. as was the case wilh lll'Ul)' other OSU opponelHs, Idaho was able to mold a few offensivc threats, bUl oft-<>ccurring pemdlics and big losses forcetl them (0 give up the ball.

Ort'gon $1:,[C was ahle 10 get around lhe Idaho <.1efcnse man)' times d"ring the aflernoon.

IcI:lho W:lS :lhk to managl!' a fC"O' offl!'lIsi\c lhru<u during the gamc. bUl lhev "'ere al..'a)"S lh ..-artcd b) the po"'crful OrTn cldmSl!'.


ashington State


Idaho It was a cold ami o\crClst da) when the Vand:tb took on the \\'ashington St;ItC Uni\'crsil)' Cougars ;\1 Neale Sladium. and for the 1<I.lilo elen'l\ the g-.IIUC startL'l1 out ,.bout as encouraging as the weather. The Cougars, running well ami completing timcl) passes built :1 comfortable half-time lead. With the second half came the snow in the form of a blizzard, but C\'CII in lhc~c ..([,"erse condition.) the Vaml;d spirit shone through. Fighting back with some dall.ling plays. including some well-thrown P;ISSCS. the Vandals tied the score at 14路1<1 late in the fourth period. Idaho's glory was shon-lived. howe\'er. as the Cougars SLOrmcd back in the final len minutes to drive 69 Y;lf(!s in 12 plays ami hand the ""dID Vandals a biner 22-1'1 defeal in lhc finale or lhe 19G2 fOOtball scason. The g,lme was lhe sixty-lhird in a serics which startcd in 1893 and has seen \V:lshinglOn Stale win 45 and Idaho win but 1'1 gamcs. There have been 3 ties. The last Idaho win came in 1954 \,'hcn Coach "Skip" Sl,lhley's Icam cmcrgcd all top. 10-0.


RO:.l KUDI ld.:oho and WSL' I'b\(".... found il hud 10 loc"lIe the: go:ol line ill the 'no"

.:os Idaho KOred during lhe founh quarleT.

Id;,h" did \cr} well olfcn5;\d, durinJo: Ihe 5~";' ond h;,lf ag;,;nSI W3$h;I1Jo:. lOll SI;lIC'S Slid:} dcfcll.'C.

non AMES 246

Frosh Football Id;lho's }carling £oothallcrs posted one \\,in in their three-game season-a big olle over :Ifch-ri\'al \VSU. This game saw the Vaml:!1 I\abcs disphl) some of Ihe pOlcllti,11 thai h,ld lain donn;l.IH throughout the carly going. The first game for the hash \\'as a 27-12 defeat sulfcred ;ll the hands of the University of Washington (rosh. On the heels of this sctback Gllne a dis;ISlroUS 42-7 drubbing b) the Columbia Ibsin J uniar Colkgc Hawks, one of the lOp junior college c1c\cns in the COUlHfY· The Vandal Babes kepi trying to make ground but cnJc prO"cd ill\cincible. :1111\ the smart quarterbacking of i\like i\I01uhan kept the Vandals with their backs to the wall mO)l of the game. Howe\'er. these losses made the vicwry O"Cf the Collbabes just th,lt much the sweetcr. It was Idaho's only gamc away from homc and Ihc )carlings C:llllC through in finc SI)le by taking a 22-1'1 decision. The fl'Osh playcd somc good b.. 11 Ihroughout the SC;l)on and mallY ,Ire expectcd to help the varsity in futurc seasons.

U of Washington Idaho

27 12

Columbia Basin Idaho

42 7

Washington St. Idaho

14 22

Oue: nill 5<:011. Mike Wimer. Gar) I'earson. I'hil HarvC). George Cook. I'aul Ta}lor, I)a,e Coll,,·a)". Flash GibsOll. /lou' Tu'o: R~nd)" I\chrens. Kelll Seelig. jot Dob· son. I\Ob 1orrey, Larry Sappington. I'hil ,\rIllSlmng. john lIardelli, jilll Will. /lo'" TI'TU: Russ Keithly. Ron Anderson. Mike RUMtJl. Ward Kcll}" Jim FO!Iler. Jim Fisher. I)a,'c Triplctt. I\.ob Ibsscn. I...aTT)· Riggers. /lour fOllT: Gar) Gsh,,'andlm:r. Winn Zinm'erman. nary Lucc. Gar) I'Clcn. Jcrr) c~",phdl. John l\.oiscn. Hob nart1cll. John Rnan .. Rou' fi,'f:: Chri~ I,utich, Larr)' MacGuffic. l\O)"d Hillman. \laIc Lamie. ,....01 p:("IIITcd: Tom Walton. I'at l..c"'is. Jim Run)on, Charles Jenkins, Kip Bilhmm. nUll Cill.



BasketbaH "Fine!" is the word 611 Vandal Basketball

dbCl"il>c the 1962\\'inning 20 games and losing onl) 6, eo..ell Cipri:lIlo') club broke 26 seasoll and pcrwnal records on their way to the best WOII·lost recortl ;H Idaho in mallY years. Lcd by rcgul;trs Chuck While, Gus Johnson. Rich I)ol"\er. Tom Whitl'icld ;md Lyle I'arks. the "'ellbabnccd te:nll won it.s opener against LoII~ (0



Beach Slate 85-68. The V;lIId:ds continued their wiuning


with four wins o\er

Gont:lga. 63-.52: "'olllana State Collt:gc. 68-61 ami 64-63: aliI! Wa",hingtoll State Unin:rsity. 9·'·57; thell the teatll entered the Far \Vest. Classic. During thi... lillie fans amI 0PPOIlClltS alike h:.d a chance to sec Gus Johnson and Company ill action. SCatS:1I 1\lcmol'bl G)lnnasiulll were as scarce a~ snowballs in Jul)- il was :. common sight to see the Gpn all but filled at 6:00 p.m. with long lines of pcople waiting for tickets_ With i)t:tr Gus Johnson sidelined beamse of all NCAA ru-ling on eligibility. Idaho tra,-cled 10 Portland and the Far \"est Classic ;JIll! lWO losses, to Orego11 State Uni\'crsity. 53-80, and to Se;t1tle. 71·85_ 1\ win o\'er arch-ri\'al \Vashington St;ue hcllx'(! the Vandals regain their pridc as Idaho closed Ollt lhe Classic wilh a 1-2 record, The Vandals started rollin!'; with tWO wins e:.ch o'-er l\Iollt:lIla. \VashinglOll St:lle, and the UniH.·l'sity of Oregon before Washington State found the key to \'ictor)' o\'cr the V:llldals in a dosel)' fought g-ame. The Vandals sweet revenge for lhe Collg,.r loss came in a hig-h-scoring l'Out of Arthur Crump and Idaho State College. Idaho swept the Oregon series 4-0 with twin wins of 79-61 and 88-76 in :\Ioscow_ Coach Cipriano took his charges next on a tOllr of Southcrn Idaho. winning 83-76 o,-cr Id:.I10 Slate ;H Pocatello and 66-57 o\'er Gomaga at Twin Falls. The win o\'er Itb.ho Stale clinched the King Spud Tmphy, awarded 10 the vicwr of the hbho-Idaho Statc Scric~. for Idaho_ Then GlInc disaster as Se:lltlc r:lIl past the V:mdals 77-72 al :\Iosco\\'. Thc Vandals were back on the winning road as the) o\crcamc "'ashinRtOIl's slow-<lowlI offense 63-5fi amI o\'crwhelmcd i\lolll;ma State 106-79. Chuck \\'hite broke an atl-time scoring record in the rattel' game with a 'II-point total. The V;mdah failed to win aRain as the) lost 50-58 10 thc Uni\·crsit) of \\"ashin~lOn :lml 88-95 to Seattle Uni\·e"i)it~_

Cl-lllCK WI·IITE "(ll//Ial 51tlT


BasketbaU hl:.ho lost i1.5 fine baskclb:dl coach, Joe Cipriallo. this }car to Ncbrask.a. Cip will be well remembered for his three }cars at Villul;d路l:md, posting a fine win路 loss record. His tcams all had a certain 1I;lir, as Slipper)' Joe was never one for a slow. tight offense. The name Cipriano will alwa)s be associated with a. fast break. a tight defense. and a thrilling game. Idaho will miss Joe. but we wish him the best of luck at Nebraska.

LYl.拢 I' \RKS T~(w,



Idaho Varsity BasketbaU Squad Id:lilO Idaho Idaho Idaho



- 68 9-l

il Idaho .. ........................ 62 Idaho Idaho

Idaho .............. ... __ ........ Idaho , ........................ Idaho Idaho Idaho

i2 57 79

83 72 8i 50

Long Ikach ..... .. - ---_ ........ Montan:1 St .. \V:uh. St .. ......... __ ............ Scallic U. .......................... OI"L'gon .. ----- --- .. -\Vasll. St W:lsh. St ........... OrL'gOIl ............................ . Idaho St ..... Seattle U. .......................... COil lag:. ...... ............... \VashinglOll ...


Idaho ..............


61 5i 85 61 65

Idaho I<bho Idaho



61 76 ii

81 58


GOlllaga ...... :\IOlllana St. ....... Oregon St . ....... ... Wash. St Oregon .. -. -.............



6. 81 Id:lho .................. i8 \IOlllana Idaho 90 hl;lilo Sl. ...................... ... Idaho .......................... 88 On.'gon ................. .... .. Idaho .................. 66 Gonzaga .. __........... Idaho ..... ... ...


80 6~

58 69 61 i8 57 (j~ Idaho ............. \VashingLOll ................ .. 56 ...... [0(; ,\lolll;lna 51. ............ Idaho i9 Idaho ...................... .. 88 Seaule ................................ 95

1'rmll /low, lell 10 right: Joe Cil,ri'lllO. Coach: Chul;k \\'hit~. Tum Whitr,~ld. 1.)路lc I'arks. Gus '/ohl1sol1. Rid, I'onel". 1I0w T,..o: Frt'<l Crowell. l)on Sow,u. Tel"l")' UCllson. Tom MOI'~I'IIl(1. Nelson Lcvi:ts. Hvw TI/I'ee: W:t)I1C Me)"cr, Chuck I(os',k. lIill I\lattis. Wa)'llc Al1dc~lI .. \ssisr'lIIl Co"ch.


1963 BasketbaU Statistics Chuck \\'hilc·· ..... Gus Johnson ..... Rich I~oncr·· ..... Tom ""hitfiehl ... Lyle PiO·ltS·· .....


Chuck Kozak ...... .................................. Tom i\lorcland .......................... Hill i\latlis .........................................

Terry Henson ......................... .lim Scheel _ ................... ,..... _Don Sowar ............................... ................. Nelson Lc"i,ls ........................ Frcd Crowell ............................................. \Vaytlc J\lc)'cr ...................... .................... Tc,nn Rcbounds. ......... ............. Talal ................. ............................ OpponclllS ... ........ 'l"c><.




tG \










26 23 26 26 26 2' 23






" 1.9




<38 366




62 <0 55

'36 4666'



78.0 59.0


<38 339 235

1.:>8 105 57


-9 I.




63.2 H.O


,-9 I-










77.8 57.1 30.8 100.0 55.1i 77.8 57.1 00.0


78 26 17 29 15 12 5 8 0 0



20 5 15 18 '0 5 26 26

35 32 51 32 12



158 90




9, _1.0



2< 7 < 3 3

43.8 58.3 30.8 17.6 25.0 100.0

13 5 9 9 7




1830 1679


oJ 1.9-



5 5 7

, "0

583 609





30 5 I"




2 180 1328I J08

• ·SCnio....

lULL :\1 \orns Junior. Gu:ord. 6' l~ Coellr d·.-\ln>c. Idaho

1'0.\1 WHITnEU)

Junior.•·"r",ard. 6' i)" $eall1c, WashinglOIl



456 '134


235 187


63 38 36 32 '9 '3 13 12 2

3.0 1.8 1.4 1.6


74.P 68.3

-9 I .•


.8 .7 1.2 .4

Fat' West Classic The loss of their big mall. Gus Johnson, through NCAA rulings pl'O\'(xl to be too much for the Vandals to handle a:. they suffered losses in (waoul of three games :lIthe Classic. On lOp of this loss, the Vandals had the misfonunc of being matched with the two other LOp teams of the NonhwestOregon Stale and Seaulc. Idaho operated largely without an offense in the first game as they lost LO the Beaven by :Ill 80-53 margin. No Vandal was able ÂŁ0 break imo double

figures. while the tall Oregon le,lIn h;.<1 five players over 10. Idaho showed a little morc scoring punch in the second g<llnc but lost ag;till to Seaule Ulli\'ersit), 85-il. Chuck White slartcd to find thc scoring rangc as hc put through 16 points, Chuck Kozak prcsclllcd Co'Jch Cipriano with a mild surprise as he was second high for the night with 14 points. Idaho found the going onl)' sliglHI)' easicr as thc)' won their only gamc of the series, 64-63 O\'cr thc \VSU Coug;trs, While went on a scoring spree and g-drncrcd 28 poillls while Rich Poncr connected \\'ith 19. Thus the Vandals finished far down the ladder in the tournament though c:trly ill the season Vandal fans had hop<:<1 that "Gus and Compan)''' would tear thc tourllC)' apart.


IO-a5 dose during [he WSl.'

galliC. which Idaho won &1-63.

Time-out periods were u<t:t1 etkctively through. OUI the season to lake a break and smooth Ollt fine poinu of pIa).

The Vandals pl:l)etl well during the tournament despite their handicap. The action was li"e1y throughout 3J this ph010 clearly shows.


Idaho State Idaho


Idaho State




CHCCK WHITE .scUiOT••'or"·ard, 6' 4~

Seaule, \\';uhinglon

Cl:S JOH~SO~ Junior. CemcT. 6' 6~ ,Horon, Ohio

The King Spud troph) finally found its home in .\loscow this }C:lr as the V;lll(l;l!s look IWO sliccessive games from Idaho Swte. Gus Johnson led the ;lItack in both games for the Vandals, being high in both the scoring and rebounding departments. I~oth games were dc,lfty marked b} the kcen rivalry existing between the (wo schools. Partisan crowds at both gamc~

h;o':Isscd the opposing tcam and tCIllIx:r:. flared several tim('S during the twO COlltests.

Ateion during che ganll'll "'ilh Idaho State "'as ne_er dull as [he hOI sense of c",np.~tilion bC:I"'l~n the two $Chools sparh'd fans and pla)"en alike.


Montana State 61 Idaho


Montana State 79 Idaho



Junior. Center. 6' i" SUller, C~lif()rni"

Soph .. Forward, 6' 4" Scallie. Washington


Idaho's Vandals swept a threc路gamc series from Montana State College this year by scores of 68-61. 64-6!S, and 106路79, In the first lWO gamcs, at Bozcman, the Vandals faced rough going as l\lotllana State was shooling well and the Vandals just hung on to their lead in lhe first and came frOIll behind in the second. The laSl g,wle, at 1\loscow, saw the Vandals cut loose a f,lst breaking sprec that far oUldistanced the Bobcats.

The Id~h() fallS ga"e 1'1arers a standing ",'at ion scn:r,,1 tilllt'S d"rin~ the re'u. indu.1ing the mometH when Chnek White hrokc the "Il.timc s<:orlllg rt~onl al Idaho.




81 Oregon




The first game in the Oregon series showed promise of se"er'll close games itS the Ducks forced Idaho into an overtime period before Idaho pulled it Olll 62-61. The firSl contest, howc\'cr, did not foretell the entire story as Idaho won the next three games by wide margins, 88-78; 79路61; and 81-58.



Jullior. "Forward. 6' 5" Wcn.lcll. Idaho


Sophomore. euard. 0' Coldwater, Ohio

Another "slUflcr" by Gus Johnson goes through the nel as Or<-'8011 Ducks ""Hell helplessl)'.


Uig Gus Johnson chech a shol as V:lnd:ll guards Rich POrler and L, Ie Parh look 011.

TERR \' IU:X50X Sophomore. Guard, 6' "elll, Wasllillglon


XEL..SO:'\" 1--\\11..\5 Sophomore, Fonurd, 6' 2'" &".IIIII!', W:lshinglon









Gus Johnwn and Chuck \\'hire both gave a prc\'iew of what was to come in the firsl Gonzaga golme: Johnson daaled the fans with his passing and \"hite poured through 23 poi illS, In the second game, at Twin Falls, the Vandals topped the Bulldogs 66-57 in a slow, uninteresting game. The Ian game of the series, at Moscow, saw Itlaho hold a narrow lead into the fourth quarter before they pulled ;m'ay for the \路ict0T}'.


Washington State 57 Idaho


Washington State 65 Idaho


TO:\I MOREL\;'I;"I) Sol'ho"'o~. Center.

6' "i~ Coeur d" \lene. Idaho

FRED CROWELL Junior. Guard, 6' 2" Auacorle5, \\'ashillglOll

The Vandals again easily captured the championship of the tr.tditional "Ballic of the Palouse" rivalry with \\'ashinglon State niversil)' by winning 'I games of the 51r-lme series. Led by the high scor路

ing of Chuck \\'hile and the strong r.... bounding of Gus Johnson. the Vandal squad's consistenC)' and c1c\'cr pla)路.mal..iug were big factOrs in lhe contest \ ietories.

Valldals and Cougars mala:: a mad $er.lIl1ol<: for the rebound 3.!i Idaho pushes ahead toward Ol\e of the: biggest \ietories recorded in the "Battle or the I'alouse:'


Frosh BasketbaU

The fmsll c:lgcrs, supposedly a bit thin 011 lalclll, surprised just abolll C\'Cl")onc concerned and, under the able guidance of coach Ken Marcn, registcred a line 11·7 ,,'in-Ioss record. ~r:.rcn got il fine performance from Ed Haskins from 51. Maries, who set the all-time frosh scoring mark of 311 points. O\'er a span of 18 games, Haskins a\-eraged 17.2 poinlS per game. Jim ~lcEJro} from $callie set the unofficial frosh rebound mark as he pulled down 190 rebounds for a 10.5 per game 'I\'crage. Haskins and .\fcElro)' were \'crs... tile pla}crs, as each finished second in the depanment WOI1 by the other. Oddl), enough. the highest poilll production of the season went to neither pla)cr, but to Rod Shinko (rom S,Ul LorCIl1O. California. \\,ho bucketed 29 points ;lgainsl North hhdlO Junior College. Shinko finished third in both scoring amll'cbOllnding. The S<luad \\'ould nOl have been as successful. however, if it had not had the huslle and all·around pia) of I>o)s like Lury Sappington. :\Iike [\·ercH. and Mike Lamb. Even whcn lhe )carlings were losing. lhcir spiril ne\'cr f'liled. and they pron=d them.seh·cs a well'poised tcam.

The Vandal Babe: /low OliO!: Jim .\h:Elroy, Rod Shinko. Mike E\·e~lI. Ed Had:im. Gary (,lenisl\. Row ru'o: Ron .\Iuskoff. John Wales. Jim Duffield. Mike umb, CQxh Ken ;\Iaren. ROIL' TJiru: Da\e Eldridge. Jill! Woh~r. urI) Sapping.on.

Idaho .......... ..... 57 ldaho .................. 48 Idaho ........................ 56 Idaho ........................ 58 Idaho .. .......... 57 -9 Idaho I. Idaho 49 Idaho 84 Idaho .......... 8'1

UoiM: JC .. Boise JC .......... Yakima . _- .. -............ -GOlllaga .-- ... -....... Columbia Basin JC .... Columbia Basin JC .... "'SU ..... ...... Lewis·Clark \\'hitwonh

56 59

51 72

"70 53 67 67

Idaho ---- ........... 78 htlho ........................ 61 Idaho -..................... 57 Idaho .. .............. 71 Idaho ....... _..... 61 Idaho 63 Idaho 58 Idaho 70 Idaho 66

\\ISU ............................ J\IOl1tana ...... ............... \\ISU ............. .............. Lewis·Clark . . Whitwonh . ....... :\'ol'lh Idaho JC . .... WSU .--...... ............. GOlllaga . .._--........ Xorth Idaho JC

71 63 80 53 48 64 68 55




Valuable seniors 011 the 1963 Vandal Baseball Squad were I)a\'c Sc路 wright, Chuck White, Mike Stowe, and Herb DehllLllg.

The \'allllal l'ilchcnHow O"e: 1);1\<: Sc:wriglu. lohn Drcps. fred Crowell. },nkc Glenn. Row Two: Juhn Sialh,




Hugh ;'lion-


I>osling a [6-12 record, Idaho Bascballcrs filll lip their fOllrth winning SC,lson in .. row. Despite a 5-9 mark in Northern Division play, Idaho beal CilCh of the teams in the !i'"C-lllcmbcr league and chased \Vashingtoll Stale to the wire for 'hinl place. Veterans Mike Stowe, Herb Dehning and Chuck White P;ICCt!thc tcam :dong with sophomore power-hiller Mike Mayne. Dchning- was the team's top hiuer wilh ;1 .307 average; he W,IS followed by Stowe at .299 and \\'hite ;\l .28'1. Scnior Dave Scwright led the mound SlafI wilh a &.1 Im!"k. followed by junior Mike Glenn at 4-3. Junia.- Jeff :'IIcQucctl} h:lndled the catching duties and hil.281. Sophomol'cTolll Hoagland also filled in behiml the pl:lIc. although he was the (cam"s regular left fielder ami abo S;IW action at third base. "'hiLe worked :It the )hOrlSlOp IXhilion mO)1 or Ihe seilson, and Fred Thom:IS rq;;ularl) handled Iilird. Bob Dehning. Butch era)' :l1ld Dick Knal,Jp pla)l~d second and Siowe was al firs!. Herb Dehninl{ Illished his third season in celller field and ncwcomcr Ma)nc was in right.




Vandal Hitters TOI' TE1\ V.-\NO.-\L HITrEKS




hed Crowcll . Mike Glenn

Berh Dchning Mike Sto\\,(' Chuck While _ Jeff McQueell) Tom H""gbnd .











" 2"" "" -,,


.313 .307


12 2;:. 12 10




0 0 18

ID 4





97 102 89

l)on So",,,r -------.-............. , ....... .John Drcps .\Iike i\b~'l1C



.284 .281 .2iO .250


.250 .247

0 19




Name Da,c Sewright Mike Glenn. Hugh i\[oncur .

Fred Crowell John Drcps Ron l\.ogllc John Si:lIh Mike Mayne




81 65










" " , ", , "

2.61 1.:;5

57 8



II 4




19 51

8 12


8 15 9











9 12




" ", 4

, " "






9 10 14




0 0 2 2 0


Vandal Hitter

NOll' O"e: Fred Crowell. Dick Kn<lpp. Butch Cror. John

Drcps. ""eI; :\lichalson. Mike Glenn. Row Two: !Job Dehning. Fred Thomas. Jeff MCQlICCIl)\ HCfU Dchning. Da\c $e\\'righl. Tom Ho;'gland. l),l\C l(atsilomell"S, now TI".ee: Ron Bogue. John SL,th. Hugh ~loncur. Mike .\lalllc. Chuck Whilc. Mike Stowe. Co"ch Warnc Anderson.



Northern Division Record Idaho Idaho. ldaho

...... 15 WashingtOn 7 Washington 0 Washington

Idaho ((blho


Idaho. _ Idaho. Idaho. hbho


Idaho Idaho

Idaho Idaho Idaho



2 Oregon .. ,. 0 Oregon Stale ...._. 2 WashingtOn State 'I \Vashingtoll 5t,lte 8 Oregon 3 Oregon .. 9

_.... .

2 3 2

6 _. 2 _........ 6

01'l.,'8on State

Oregon Slale .. \Vashillgton State. \\'ashington 51 ,lie .

3 _.. 9 .. 513路 2 . 6 __ .22 .. .....




Idaho Track Although hindered carly in the )l:ar by leg injuries. the V;lmbl track tcam nc\'cnhelcss h,.d :l }car filled with long trips and

broken record,.. The season opened al \\'SU with an indoor mcct in which Nick C.unefix and !);1lI1 Hemlcn set meet reconb. F.'olll there the thincbds (r:l\'clcd to I)ortland Uni\'crsil) where HcndCIl became a double winner in the mile and two-mile while Lar!")

Johnson won the shot put anti discus. I~ob Ruby ;.lso joined the I'ccord路makers as he went '16 feCI, V4 inch ill the hop-step-jump. At the OSU-\VSU-U of I triangular mt.'C1 Hemlcn was named the

outstanding trackman. A first in track hislOr) was madc this )car as ISU and Idaho dasllt.'d all the cinders. wilh ISU emerging \'ictoriOliS. Carnefix llIrned in a time of 48.5 in the <Iuaner mile and Hendon a 'I: 16 in the mile when the Vandals faced l\ISU and Utah SI;lte at I\lissoul;.. In a WSU dual meet Bob Johnson SCI the school rccord or 21.5 in the 220. while tcalllm;ltc Hemlcn ran the two-mile in 9: 11.6. During the Far \Vest Championship the leam beg;1Il to find its place. Johnson tied lhe old Vandal mark with a 9.7 in the 100. Idaho's sole victOry of the year came in a lriangular mc.>el: Idaho. 8'1; ]\lantana, i6: \Vebcr, 20. The V;lIldal trackmcn won 9 of 10 running CVCllts, 2 field cvents as they broke thrce schoo) record~ and tied a fourth. The Frosh also came through ami the prospects look good for ncxt }e:lr. James Jackson wcnt 13 feet, 9 inches in the IXJle vaull. and Richard Jackson fan the 330 intcrmediate hurdles in 45.2 to put IWO new Frosh records 011 the book.

!I"", 0,,('; lIernie O'Connell, Rich K:ml.mcn, I'ele LIII110PI'



This was thc firSI lcar for coach I)ollg 11,,~h_ man,:' gradualc of thc Uni,ersil)' of Oregon He was " Icmpord'") repbee-lIlclIl, lJecilllle permilllcm, bUI will be going 10 l.}bi:l. next )e:l.r where he will co:Ich Ihill counl'")'s n:l liOflalll":lcll(':llll for the OI}ll1l'i<:s.

lIob JohnwlI. JCII} Ilo"an!. 1)011 Sow"r Uo", Two; :"il. JcIJ<cn, Zllr:t Goodpasler, I':wl Ilcmlctl Rolf I'r}df. N,d. Call1c''~ Coach 1I"shlllan.

Track Meets

l)iSlancc Runners: Ikrnie O路Co'lIIcll. Xib JebKn. I'aul HerKlen. Oiclo; Borneman. Rich Rank;",,:,.,.


IDA 1-10



Oregon ... On.'gon St;tte

. \\"ashinglOll Slale \\'ashil1gtoll Idaho




74\4 G2\4




Weber .....


'10 21

Rolf P'1dl




Uo", One: Rolf Pr)"dt, Pele LUllropp, Jerry I-Ioward. Zun GoodpaSler. /low Two: Don So..'ar, Nick Carnefix, Bob Johnson.


Paul 11enden, Dick. Borneman. Louis Olaso.



Frosh Track

NQW One: Wplll Zimlllerman, Rich Jackson. Rohen Lcthrud. RQW Two: John Flcn;hingcr. Lcs Beck, jamcs Harshfield.



Sprinters: l'ctc I.U((I'OPI"





The Vandal crOSS-COlllllry team had a most sllccessful year. They won four meets over WSU. while Lhey lost olle to OSU ami one lO the Vallcollvcr Olympic Club. The men finished ninth in the United Stales at the National Championships, beating such schools as Iowa and Notre D'llue. This year's team was com路 posed of Paul Hendell, Nick 'Vetter, Dick Douglas, Bernie O'Connell, and Louis Olas<>. The elltire te:llll will rcturn next season. It was I)aul Helll\cn who was the team's leader, his only Joss before the

Nationalmcct having been to the NCAA defending champion. Hendcn was selected as an All-American Cross-COulltry Team member.

Paul Hellden. Doug Basham. Bcrnic O'Conncll, Nkk Wcttcr, Dick Douglas, Louis Olaso


Thomas L. Amlcrson, Coach: Bob Trcnt. Stc"c Kimball, I'cr I\nlon Jcnssen, Bob Mooncy, ])'l\C hcrson. Rolf 1'l'j'dJ, ,\mSlcin Friling, 11;lr,dd Jcnsscn.


The ski le;tlll had :t \'ery interesting season in 1963. The first meet of the season was held at Kimberly, Canada, and attended by the Idaho Alpine team. The big meet of the season was the Idaho invitational, held at i\IcCatJ and sponsored jointly by the University of Idaho amI the ]\Icedl Ski Club. The meet was very successful; lhe Vandals placed third behind Washington allll ]\Iont,lIla Stale College, The University of British Columbia placed fourth and Montana State Universily finished in fifth p];lce. For Idaho, Arnstein Friling WOIl first place in the four.way, Rolf ))rydz placed third in the jumping, and the team as a whole placed first in jumping. At the Northwest Jnlercollegiale Ski i\leel at White I)ass, Washinglon, Idaho placed second, after i\lontana State College amI topping \Vashinglon, 1\ISU, U of British Colum路 bia, and University of Alaska. In this meet Rolf Prydl and Hob Trent qualified for the NCAA Regional meet.

Al'nSlcin Friling in lhc slalom


Rolf l'rydz jumps

Idaho swimmers rewrote the record book in 1962路63 as they splashed to a '1-8 record and selll two tankers to the NCAA Ch:1ll1' pionships at Raleigh, North Carolina. Gary Baker set six new marks and shared in t\\'o other rclay records. He also won the Far \Vest titles in the 200 buuerny and 200 individual medley, setting meet records in the process. Karl Von Tagen picked off a pair of school records and swam on three recordsetting rel:.y quartets. He and Baker went to the Nationals, where IJaker finished ninth in the 400 individual medley. Coach Clarke Mitchell will have his entire tank squad back next season to nuke further assaults on the record book amI lead Idaho into competition in the new Big Sky Conference.

RoU! OU(I: Mcl Cook, LOlI'cll Yamashita, Karl VOll Tagen, Oa\'c KatsilolllC(CS, Andy Sorenson. /low T,,'o: Charlt.'S Edwards, Ihll

Cole. C"ptaill: Cal")' Bakcr, Jim Bronson. nill nUllll.




Edwards, I)a\'c Katsilo路 mctes. Gary Baker, Karl Von 'L'gcn.




Golf Team

Idaho's 1963 goU squad compilCiI a 3-3-3 record in dual mcelS while finishingfirst ami third in twO tQurnamenlS. The season opener w.u the Clarkston Collegi'lIe Tournament, which Idaho won by a comfortable margin. Fortune took an about-face, however, when Idaho \'isited Seattle and was beaten by Seattle U and the Uni\'ersity of \Vashington. The V'lIldals were right back on the winning track :IS they soundly defeated GOIU:aga and Whitman after lhe Seattle tr:lged), These victories were followed by a pair of tics with Oregon and Oregon St:lle, The last dual competition was a three meet in Clarkston in which Idaho ag:lin downed Gonzaga while tying with \VashinglOn Stale. In the Far \Vest Championships in Corvallis, Idaho finished third ahe:ld of Oregon State, 1963 was chiefl)' a building year as no pl;l)'ers will be lost to graduation and in 196'1 a pail' of excellent transfers will add to the te'lIn's power,

Rick Jensen, Bob Mooney. Glenn JohansSOil, Coach Dick Sn)'der,


Uow O"e: Rid: Jensen, niH 8allanl)ne, John Bowen, Tom Sampson, Chicl.: CUller. Row Tu'o; CtCII JohanS$(ln, Terr)' Gusta,'et, Bob Moone)', Bill Goss, Ros Rogns,~d is no, piClured,

Tom Sampso'l, John Bowen, Bill Gw. Bill Ballantyne, Terry' Gusuvel

Tennis \

This year's tcnnis tealll had it \'cry ambitious schcdule, mccting such schools as the University f Washington. Washington State Uni\'crsity, Oregon State Univcrsity. PonlatHL Howe\'cr, thcy won only t\l'O of thcir fifteen meets. !'I'lost of the season's work W;IS carricd by mcn who this ycar first experienced college compctition; thrce wcre sophomorcs <lnd thrce wcrc juniors. The solc returning lettcrman was John Ferris, who, although coming out late, turned into a good winner. Fcrris, Bill Van Orman, and Genc Prcscott wcrc thc most consistcnt winncrs of the team. This year's co:lch, I'lL Logan. will bc lcaving aftcr his sccond }car hcrc at the Uni\'ersity.

Row V,It;: Gene Prescou, LeRoy Bellson, ScOlt Rustay, )Icl Gruntha1. /low Two: Coach Bill l.ogan. Bill Van Orman, John Ferris, I)ick Hurlburt. JOHN FERRIS ScOIt Rust:!}' and Met Grullthal


BiH Van Orman and Gene Prescott LEROY BENSON


In1tramurals Dr. Leon Grcen and Clcm j'arbcrry guidcd the intramural sports program at the Univcrsity to anothcr successful year. There wcrc a total of 4,185 particlp,lIHS in ,til spOrts, baskctball bcing thc most popular with 700 "B" participants and 31!J " ...\ " panicip<lllts: fOOIball with HI mcn playing and vollcyball \fith 529 wcrc ncxt. SpOrts such as golf, horseshocs, and weight lifting had to limit thc number of participants, as facllitics did not pcrmlt the handling of all thosc who would have Ilkcd to participatc. The cross country was addcd to the program thiS year, A ncw informal handball tournamcnt attracted 42 p];lyers, Backstops set up on thc softball diamonds for thc first time grcatly helped that sport. Lindley Hall garncred the Intramural Championship al hl;lilO for 1962路63. \Vinning championships In volleyball and kbasketball, plus a number of second place wins, gave Lindley a handy margin over sccond place Sigma Alpha Epsilon,

Dr. Leon Grcrll. l'lc~d of 1'.1':. Dcp~rtmcnc CIClll I'ar路 berry, Intramural l)irector; Dcan Phillips. SllIdcllt Dircctor.

PO INT TOTA LS Lindley St\E Dells Bctas Fijis .....__ TMA



1861 _

li5i 1671 Yz 16i0i;.l 16211S





Phi Dells . Kappa Sig Sigma Chi . Gault . Lambda Chi _ Chrisman , __. _ Upham Delta Sig . Sigma Nu


1421 1393

12i3\12 . 12i3JA . 1267 . 1253\12 . 1240i;.l _ . 11751':1

Theta Chi Phi Tau ... rrKE Della Chi Shoup Campus Club _ LOS Farm House .

955 908 . 892 . 85i . i32~ 56i . 3i81':1 .


1962,63 Intramural Champions LINDLEY HJ\LL Row O'le: Clcm 1'3rberry, Director; Mikc Ellis, D~1c Smith, Ron I'ykc. Joe Cox, Bill Edc1blutc, Dick McQucen, M~urice Giunta, Ed Wood, niH Bctts. L"rry Drcw, Gary Tomil~. Max Ola",:" Dick DCJ\tlcy. /low Two: Clif Schoff, Bob Spanbauer, Ilert M~ISUllloto, G:,ry J~nousck. Mark Maynard, Les Hawkins. Larry Wolf. Jilll Da,路is. Ste\"C Moe. Wah Brcnncn. Gl..:>rgc I-Ioashi. Now Tllree: Larry Kirkland, Bill Spores. I'~ul Snydcr, GClle Eyrand, Larry Peterson, Bill Platts, Da"e Spores, Keith Christcnsen. Don Knepper, D;III Carpcntcr, Dcnnis Nelson, .:ddr Burton, Iwyd .:arl. .\ lark Heiscl. Dcan Mitchell, Genc Laird, Lcs neck.




O,,#': ;\like t:,路crc'll. R:a) Roarl, Don Neil. Bruce Skher. I).. hl, U'l<C Hsh. ):"lOk RebcrgCT. Dan Rik.,..

UOIJ' TIl'o; Jack

John DlTps.

The Sigma Nus combined a slrong I><lssing g<"l1C Wilh an alert defensive secondary 10 defeat Lindley Hall 24路6 :md win the campus intramural fOOlball championship for the second year in a row. Sigma Nu had earlier edged (he Bela's out in Greek Ch:llnpionship play, and Lindley had defeated Tl\lA in the race for the Independent crown.

Ed Wood, Andy I'ekm'ich, Ron I'yke, I)C;l1l Mitchell, Les H:lwkins

Volleyball Lindley Hall remained undefeated throughout the season 10 capture the imramura[ \'01leyball championship. E:lsily winning the Independent tille, Lindley dcfc;IICd a strong Della Tau Delta tcam 2-0 in the final plar-off.



"A" Basketball

Oil/I; Mel Grunthal, Jack Bloxom. Uow Tu'o: Bob Johnson.

Ron I')'kc. Mike Ellis, Tom Morris.

A hot shooling Lindley Hall team led hy Panhalldle Stoll' Jad:. Bloxom swept to an early Ic<ld and rolled 10 an easy 41-28 win O\'cr Lambda Chi Alpha, lbe Greek champions, and the irllramural "A" basketball championship.

"B" Basketball

Bill Schmidt. Riel.: Hicks. John Whitney. Jim Patterson, Charley Tlnonl>,.ugh, L:trr)' Strohmeyer. Jack Bryan!.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon claimed first place in intramural "13" b;lsketball as they climaxed the season wilh a 39路18 triullIph o\'er Della Tau Della. Another Delta Tau Della team took third place in the LOUJ'I1Cy, Wilh the Fijis garnering fourth place. 274

Ken Johnson, G;ll)' Grttrl, Phil Russell, L..rr) Burke

Swimming Phi Deh:! Thet:! reigned as intr:!mural swim champiolls for the third Alpha Epsilon W:lS scroml in tOI:.I points in the competition.



}ear. Sigma

Row Oliff: niH StOll!, Dal"C Stuart. /low Two: Ilill Cornell, Sian A)crs, Dick Reed.

Sigma Alpha Ep~ilon ~hot a four-man tOl,1! of 324 o\"er 18 holes 10 t,lke first place in the intramural goH meet. The four top positions were bUI three strokes apart as the Betas and Dells tied fOT second with 326 each and Lindlc) Hall finished fourth with a 327. 275

Weighdifting A husky Chrisman Hall te<llll bccamc Idaho Weiglnlifling ch;111Ipiolls ill intramural competition. Lindley Hall look second place. No". 0" ..: Boh Conlova. I';wl Man", Gcorge ['an<. NOll' Two: I';lul L<ll"S<)Il, }\llcll Brooks. Mikc Mayne.

TaMe Tennis Gault Hall became lhe intramural table tellllis champions. Delel T:IU Delta recei"cd second phlce awards. Don Harsh",,,n.



lklln) ,\I"1(I"i~l.

Bowling Town Men's Association garnercd the campus championships in intraIllural bowling when they defeatcd the Sigma Chis 2-1 in the titlc match. Now O"e: Charles Fullmcr, Garcth L;ICellc. Bob Long. Now T,,.o; Jim W"lIace, Joh" Schuel1e. Roger YOUIl!. lJa"e Stanger is nnt pictured.


No.., QIlII!: nil'lI! K"l.Iuon. C",'1' I\.... \sh....•• 8ill t:'iIIns.


JlI!rl) nlackbinl.




Bill Mallis. Ken 1);I\;s. Tom Rich· anls. Child: KOIal;, Jilll "(Elro). Dieun"r Klulh. 'lei Juna. 1(0'"

Bill 1\lallis and I\ld Jones led Alph,\ Tall Omega in l;lking 7 first placc~ (0 win the intr,lmural track meet with a 101,11 of 2lG poi illS. Sigma Alp!l:l Epsilon W'IS second Wilh 189y:!



Now Que; Bruce Harper, I'u:d IIcrgc1l1;lml, Gordon Judd, Tom HalTis. 1(ow T,,'o: Tom Dic"cy, Larr) Minor, Jim Currie, narl)

Burke. Duane Loicocchca.

Della Tau Della combim.'t! sU'ong hitting ami lhe right arm of L"lrf) Minor to down Gault Hall ;md claim the 196~ campus intramural sohb:dl crOWII. The Deh... had gained the finals Wilh a win over the SAEs for' the Greek championship, while Gault \\'011 its way 11liO the title game by downing Lindley I-I;dl.


Maq Jo


pn:scIllS Ihe hOllse panicip:llion "",;.rd

10 N'ona



Alpha Phi.

WR \ Officers-"liss Ikll$. "l:Ir)' )0 1'0WCI1I. l:>Orce 11;,1.1· ritlgc.. \nil" Col<. Rowena t;il.:u",. N'on:! K"y SlIcl'tl.

WRA Fun. friendshil) and lhe fUrihering of rc..'Crc'llional illlcl'c»( ami acti\'itics sum lip the puqX)Se of \\'RA. lhe \\'omen's Rl.'Crcation Association. Boasting:l scvcnt)' per cenl participation of lhe women 011 campus, lhe org<H1ilOliion givcs Univcrsity of Id<lho womcn studenlS a chalice lO relax from sllldics. cxercise. :llltl learn lhe fundamcntals and skills of sport». \\'RA offers a va riel) of activities which gi\'c C\'er} woman :. chance to panicir>.."lte in a Sport in which she is imercstcd.

jo,\nn Kenfield i$ "pplauded after rccei.ing her a"'ard al lhe WRA R'XOgllilion lIall'l"ct.

I'a$l WR \ ofliceTll-Sharoll G)gli. Nona Kay Sherll. Georgia CUller. Rowcn;, Eil.:Ulll. jeri Ross, Anila r~,.~. Donn" Slricgd, Doree n"ld· ridjo;c.


"ta<) ju l'owel1l.

,\n llnk"wn girl got.'S Ill) in lhe 'lir, 3n\! lhc u,,11 gut'S O'er lhe nel.


Twu Alpha I'hi's I'ollcy lhe ball o\"cr lhc nCI 3S olhers walth in" h"n!.rullghl litIOr)'.

"Iomcn's \'olle}'b<lll :lnd co-recreational \'olle}'b;lll. wiLh combincd teams of men alltl women, arc \'er}' IXlpular in the 'VRA intramural program. Competition is keen and exciting, ami lhere are m,m}' opportunities for thc novice to panicip;lle.

Jo'''' ,\nderson scrn:s in co<n:crc"liun'll '路ullcyu,,11 com路 pctiliull.

Onc girl lria \"ul!cling backward 'IS lhc DC's keep lheir C)'es un lhe h'lli.


WRA The ',".R.I\. track meet was


\"cry Jiuccc~fuJ


this )car, with parlicip<uioll b) all women's li\-ing groups. Ha)s Hall won the C\"CIll. with Alpha I)hi coming in second.

The tOO-ran] dash :Iud Ihe polau,>-$:ilcL ncc "'eTC fun 10 particil'alc ill and fun to ....:uch.


'\11 l\lpha I'hi


chc har in the high jU1ll11.

"'lit ;11'01 her girll'"l.~ the shot illJ,:ood f"rlll.

The hrOOld jUllIP "-as



popular clem


=-=========: :::::. -----_. - -----_.-


Sororilies "'omen's Halls Fraternilies l\len's Halls

I'rmillg Ih;1I lhe rueling ellair W:LS popu13r long heforc Kelllll-.:Ir gOI 10 lhe While Uome-a room in Ridnlbaugh liall. aboul 1900.

This housr has lnO"'n lhe inilialiO<l rila of man)' differclll KrouI~颅 ;l1non~ Ihe~l~. I'i. UCla phi. Phi Kapp:L t :ILL. Farmhouse ...



Short on ,ion of hrOlhers own

fUlltu in lhe Cre.1Il I)eprcs路

lhe Thirlies. lhe March of Lowman lOwed lheir housing to lhe (illl1IIUS.

Ridcnb;lugh I-Iall was thc first pcrlllancnt rcsidellce to be built on lhe Idaho campus. Costing 17.000 in 1902, Ridcnbaugh Hall may be comp.., rcd widl \\';llIace Dormitory complex, p"CSClltl} undcr construclion, which is cosling 3,600,000. FI':IIC1'11itics and sororities have aided and addcd 10 lhc most colorful 1><11'1 of Uni\'crsil)' life. Beta T lcta Ilj and Gamma Phi Beta being among the oldest chaplers on campus. Man)' ,路ctcrans and other students h:l\'e li\"t~d in trailer hOlllcs nearby and still oLher of thc studcnts have banded together in small groups. 285

Foundm: l>el'auw UniH:n;il,". 188:> ACI;u: Chaplen;: 99 Idaho Chapler: Alpha Rho Founded l..ocall)": 192~

Alpha Chi Omega

The welcoming of 23 pledges Ix-gan another exciting year ... Kath)' Hicks. freshman cl:tss treasurer .. Jeanetle Lange. Illedge Class Sweetheart of Phi Kappa Tau. finalists were Lymtl Knox, Homecoming Quecn: Mary Bullard. Navy Color Girl: Rosie Marler. Miss U of I: Mary Bullard. Lambda Chi Crcscelll Girl . . . dances of the year. "Bottle Brigadc" ;md "Harps :ll1d Flowers" . helping wilh lhe New March oC Dimes Drive. man)' firesides, pinnings, and serenades . . . Alpha Lamlxla Dcltas Kalh)' Hicks and Karen Kidwell.. new Spurs C,:uol Samson and Kathy Hicks ... Sigma Alpha Iotas Lynda Knox amI Ilaula Gusseck ... Jerry Lee Gregg, lead role 111 Cinderella ... Phi Ikt;1 Kappa Karen Miles ... Phi Kappa Ilhi Diane Soper.



Mated: Pal Sulliun, House .\fana~er: Karen Miles. Second \'io;c I'res路 idem; Carol JolmSlOfi. Scholan;lup Chainnan; .\farlha Jane Uudl. !-"inl Vicr I'resident. ~tallding: Diane Soper. Trc<l$urer; Marjoric Ra,,', ~rresponding Sccn:lar): KalhT}n Thollll)S()ll. Prc:sidcnt; Linda Campbell. Soci.. 1Chainnan; bnda "no.:, Rush Chairman.

Mary Bull;ml Nancy Fn'SOtl S)'II,ja Herlin Susan 1.ee I'at Miller

J. Uuell Diane Erstat! M. A. Heilcson Jeanette Lange Karen Miles Clterol Robinson ~larlh;o

I.larbara I.leaslcy Uridgel A. Ikgl:m Karen Coughlan Judy Elliott I'aula Gussed: lxmclla Hal\"erson Lynda Knox Karen Kidwell ~hry ~letealr Sue ;\"'rshaH Kaye I'rior M"rge Raw Pat Su1li\";", Diane Soper Kay t\hlschlager Sally Anders.,n Terri t\shenbrener Chal'letle Barlon Carolce Crowder Carolyn Bush Linda E. Campbell Jackie Cadson Carol Fuhri",an Enid Gerrie Jerry Gngg Jimmie Gregory Karen Hill",:m Sharon Howry Carol Johnston Kalhy Hicks Colleen ,\!:tce Rose ,\laric Marler Cathy McCloud Janet MacDonald Cay Powell Je'lIlnic I'falf Laina j'hillips Collcell O'Keefe Ann K. Shaw Carol Samson Brenda Sh;l1"p Ann M. Roose Elise Windle Marill"l Wallace Annelle Thornton Sandy Varker

Alpha Chi Omega 287




Founded: S}r:iCu!C Uni,,::rsil}', l!llli ACli...: Chaplers: 86 Idaho ChapleT: Oella Thela

t'oumlcd l..oc:alll; 1958

Alpha Gamma Delta

K n I-I tEEN I>ANZIERO l'U~jtlilut

"Absohllcl)' Creal Doings" spells 011I Ihe year for AGD! lwellty-Qne eager·beaver pledges started oft" a ycar full of serenades. pinnings, firesides. cng'.gcmellls. sllrprises ... first pl;,cc in the ChriSlmas door decofating COntest . treasurers of both political partiLos-Mary W., United I'afly and Merrily, CUI) . . . Isabel. Sigma Alphil Iota President and ~Iot'lar Hoard other SAl members Hannie H., Mary V. (editor) . buill Homecoming Queen's 110<11 wilh Thela Chi ... Villldaiccrs .loan 1\lillcr. Isabel, Bonnie 1-1 .• and Co'ol I\lerrick. new Alpha Lambda Della members Bonnie 1-1 .• Mary B.. Sandy, plus i\krrily Linda W., .\Iiu'} It tapped for Spurs. . fiene, Linda U. in Hclldi\'crs ;\Iary B. and Carole I. in l~rc·Orchesis ... Jan C. lapped ror ~11I Ep~ilon Dclla.

Sil"Utl, tilll IQ right; Janice Coulson. Social Chainna"; Ka)' \':11.

Rt.'COrdillg St.'OCI;IT); Kilty I);uniero. l'rC!iiltenl; lsalM:J \\'00<1!. Finn "ice I'rcsitlcnl; Karin K ler. Trc-,uur-cr. ~/"1I(Ij"J.:: Ma'1 Ve:\ard, RU5h Chairman; Joon Miller. Ahrui!tit: Chilir· ,nail; Ch..r)! I a~lor. t::..titor; "lar) Walsh. Chaplain; !leT)1 Ik'-an, .\1t.'lTlber'$hil' Ch"irm:lII; COImie Larg('lll. UllTarian; Shdl!!:}' I'archer, I louse .\I;mager. .iL,


AJlpha Gamma Delta C~rol

,\eken":'" Jud)' Alldn:dgc neill' BaIlon Dorene 1\co::I; Ilcn 1 nc,'an \la .... Bjn'lmm

Jan Bolli') Bonnie IlnnSOIl ,'icli Call1olli J:m C:,rl$Oll

JO AIlIl Co'nlcn "l:tr~ E. Day

Cla"dia t:ide .\nne Fnitcr X'orlTl:l t"rt'drick :\1. t'rua:hICtlicht

E>-angeline Gibbs "lourinc Go!Ilin

tind:' Gumer Bonnie Hcninger Carole h'o Clori:a JOllCOl K:nell Kesler Cofmie urgeul

Linda Lewin Joan McL<.'od

Carol Meek C:ITol Merrick

Joan Miller "hrcia :\'e.'ldrk

Brenda Xi$S(lll &lIldn POlO'ell Linda Soloaga Dorothy SoIUtll D;:lIle S<"I"in~s Eldcnc Steele


Chen I Ta\ lor Marie I nil

Sharon Tribble :\anc\


Linda liglem 1\3)

v.. hil:

Mary Vc:'\'ant Mar)' Walsh Linda Welncr Isabel Woods Calh) \'OU111;1I1




.....-""! ;





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Founded: S\f2CU~ Uni"eTSi,)". 18n ACli\c ChapleTS' i i Id.ano Chllplcr: Bet2 leu founded l.onll)": 19'!8

Alpha Phi

Another good )car at the big white house 011 the corner nzicker and Andrcw)-Top Seniors ... finalists were Pal .\Iathcncy, Homecoming Queen: Ann Thompson, :\1'0 ES<luirc Girl. )'ililar}' Ball Queen, and Frosh Queen: .\hrgic Seeley. SAE Violet Queen: ,\Iclodic Smyser, second runner-up for ,\(iss U of I: I)al Dierker, Lambda Chi Crescent Girl; Jeri Ross. Holly Queen ... new Spurs Marth:1 Turner :Iml Donna Gib:.on ... )Iortar Hoards Nona K:I)' Shcrn and i\bry Lynne Evans . NOll:1 Kay tappel! for .\1 ED, J Club, anl! I~hi Sigma ... Dorcc Baldridgc-Phi Beta Kapp:l. I)hi Kappa Phi, OulStamling WRA Senior ... Anita Cox, \\'RA PrcsulelH ... :'lIar)' L)llllC, E Board ... pledge dancc, "Silver Belles", and Bohemian Ball were big successes,


Sealed: De.ann.a Dull)', First Vi£e President; Oor£(' 8.aldridgc, Pre$ident; N.ancy Vosib, Second Vi£e I'resident, Sltmdi"l!:: Nona Kay Shero, Standud5 Ch.airman; )'.allla Reinmllth, RU5h Chair. man; ".aren Leidlller, l"reaS'lTer; Carol ~1{Cre;a. Social Chair. m.an; Sharon Grgli, House M.anager.



OonnaAlbill Carolec Amos Dana Andrew~

Alpha Phi P:,ula .\nis Uarbara Bainbridge Linda Balch l)onna ~ Bell Kalh~ BillinguM\ Janel Uuckle. Chrislianne Cook Anil:' Co\. Doris Crane Judy Iknnkr 1':1\ Dierker [leanna Dulf) :'olan L,"mle ['";tns I'elm'- Gale l)onna Gibson Ikll) Jo Gla~by Wilma Grttne Sh,uoll C,-gli Doris Halfield Juli.. Hogg Rejeanne Ing:tlls Katen Johnson I)arlene John510n Smie K..ing Karen Leichner Jud), (.o.-e Ibrbara Kroll L)ons Kalhie .\!cConllell C:,rol McCrea I'at .\blheney Kachy Miller Connie Nelson I'aul:l ReinllllUh Toni Riddle Jeri Ross .\lichde Ross L)1l1l Sandcnoll Diana Sยฃon Margie See1r~)' Kalherine Sci'1)' Nona Ka)' Shcm Carol Jean Simon .\lclodie SID)>cr :o>anC)' Snoo\.. Car,'n SIl)-der Jud) Slo,er .\nn Thompยงl)l\

.\Iarlha Turner tJeanor L:luic\..er NauC) "osika Carol Wills M1Tlla Wills


Founded: Boslon Uni'eDil)'. 1888 ACli'"e Chaplers: IOi Idaho Chal'ta: Thela Tau Founded Loull)": 1929

Delta Delta Delta

Tri-Dchas kick off a great year by buildjng first place: Homecoming float with thc Phi Taus. . hard-working pledges. " . Vandalcltc Bclty Benson" .. six pledges tappcd for Ilre-Orchesis . . . Orchcsis mcmbers ,\larilyn P. and Many M.. Orchesis )lublicity Chairman Stephanie R. . . . Peggy l\lcGill. )lOIll )lom Girl and finalist for Na\'y Color Girl ami BllIc Key Talcnt Show .. Jan ike .large!. Intcrnational Studcnts· Committee new Spllrs Belty Bowcr and )lhyllis Nedrow ... Julic Strickling, Gcm Associate Editor and ncw Mortar Board. Karen Smith named new Jason of the Argonaut, ICEP Ilrcsidcnt, Thela Sigm:l Phi, Delta Sigma Rho .. Jody-our Presidcnt. Mol'tar Board. United Party Secretary, Borah Foumlation Commiuee.




~~Ill~d: Susan AUSlin,.!-IoliSC Manager: Jody Wiegand. Vice PresIdel1l; Sharon ~tr05ll.ern, I'residcllI: Vickie Seek)·, Recording Secrelary. ~Ia'ld,"~: "lJ.:J<e i\ntlenon. Marsha.l: Julie Strickling. Scholarship Chairman: Ruth DeKay. Rttommentlalions Chair. man.: Joan C:am~J1. Sp0tl'lor Chairmall: Karen Smith. AClh"i1io Chalr.",all: ~nna Kay .~amlel. Social Chairman. Not pictuud: IJ(onrllc ~lcKa). Chal'lalll: Janel Childcars. Trca~urcr: J"tl, GruH:S, Rush Chairman. •

Uell) \"n lko"'er Linda Derr jut!} Gru,,~ Pegg} )1<:Gill I.....rraint l'a"I$Ou )Iarge Setlin

Marian ,\bOOI jo)ce Arthur Carol)n Clore Karen Collil15 C}lllhia .路r~man joanne Gallagher Jani~e Jargd Calh)' JOrle-s Susan )Iortc'llsoll I'h)llis I\'OOro,," Slephanie Robison Marg:uet Rohnnan Sandra SpIder Susan Solley

Susan ,\uuin J)anna Coonu Jud) Gaudel Sharou Jones l.in<l2 NelSOll "aHida Nelson julie Strickling

Bell) Benson Jud) Oanids R2el~n Gr~n

l..C"\i I..plll O.. l.$

)12<) Lou

Jean Ann Schodde Carol L Tholllpson

joan Call1pbell Lpm Earp I.k"",a Uamltl Sandra )Iarker Karin Pearson Carol Sellars

J;UICI Chil.\ears '\bril}Il ~路luhart}路 Julie 1I)'510p Toni Maroll \Iichdlc I'ierct Karen SllIi,h

Carol Ul:loir RUlh IxKa)" Slle Gr~nlear Carol)"',I..orthlls 1\Iuil)n I'arish \'ickie Seeler Carol Wert)

Delta Delta Delta 293

if{J ~:' ~>'



........... "


. ~ ~-~ ...n . - •II:!! ,,' '.. --~

founded; Lewis School, 18i3 j\cti,e Chal'lcn: 89 Id"ho Chapter; Nil FOllndt:d Loc:all}: 1911

Delta Gamma

A busy )c:u' bcfr-tn for thc DC's \\'ilh thc pledging of 16 new males. Mrs. M. helped start lhc ycar olr righl . Jeanne, Homecoming Quccn .. Lorna, Sweclhean of Sigma Chi, ,Kathy Baxler I-loll)' Quecn Lou Bcnoit, SAE Violel Queen ... finalists Kath)' Wood, Frosh Qucen: Donna, Lambda Chi: L)'nn V., ATO Esquire Cirl , , . Spurs, Nanc)' P., Lou, Carole C., Sharon LOll." Julie, new Presidcll1 of i\lortar Hoard, Swenson-Alpha Lltnbda Della, .. i\lar)' \>\T., Phi Kappa Phi, , . Alpha Epsilon Deltas Delores L and Bobbie. ' . Sigma Alph:l 101.:t8 Lorna and M:u')' It .. , i\!:trgc. Phi Upsilon Omicron, , , Carole C., oUlsl:tIlding fn.'shm:lIl of lhe Collcge of Business, .. Lill, Thela Sigma l~hi l~residelll . J:td,ie is I~residcnl, and Vickie, Secretary of I~hi Gamma Mil.

M \RY WI:-J:C \R

Prnidcf)/ Sra/cd./rl/ /0 ri~ht: Ka\ Kuhn, Corresponding Socretn}"; :-anC)' Il.osserl, Ih)ll~ :\lanager; :\la1)' Aune Oahon, Second Via: I'residelll; Mar} WinTr. I'resident; Julie Sc"ern, Scholanhil) Chainuan; Sheri") MC'}er. Song Le:ader. S/Dlldi"g: Susan Amokl, RilUals Chainllan; Diana lIums, Treasurer; I)iane Cc:nis. Ili~· lorian; Linda Seo,ille. Social Chainnan; ,\nne Wood, Aeli,illa Chairman; Kn Quane. Ne..·s Correspondenl; Lillian Kirschncr. Recording Secret:..'); Jeanne :\larshall. Rush Chainllan.


J:m Cochran J:w:l.ie Joluuon L) nn McBride (.r.Ke Rieck Linda ICier

SUs,ln Arnold Ibren mrkin Sh~fOn English .\lerri~ntlc Kieller Sherry ,\\c)'cr Sharon ScUOcrl L) nn Vism:s

'\\ar) F. Ilamcll N~nC) nnsserl .\Iikc G"gon Lorn~ Kipling Jurl)' Olscn Julie Sc\'crn I\nn


Kal h)' R;uacr Biana nurns i\hrgarCl Gamblc Liltian Kinchner Rohert~ I'ctcrson jaync SI.ringcr Ibthy \\Icsi

Lou Scnoil Ccnis Nancy IIcwill K;lY Lcnorc Kuhn l)i~lle

N;IllCY N~fr

Lind;l Swill Annc Wood

'\"'ry' .>\nn


K:tn'll JOlla

jeanne .\.Iarsh:oll Susan Schroeder El:oinc Tcg-.In

Susie 0:0\ is ":onC) K:turrn:tnn M:trjorie Manh:tll Lind:o .sco. ille Jutl) 1...)On

Carol Riegcrt janci Child Jud)' jcwcll Delores Ucwcllj" Kay Quane Sh"ron Swcnson Kathy Wood

Delta Gamma 295


Founded: S}racusc Universily. ISil ACl;"C Chal'lns: i2 Idaho Ch;ll'ln: Xi ~'OlJndcd Locally: 1909


Phi Beta



TwcrHy-thrcc new pledges at 709 Elm ... Slflving to Jive up to the ideals of Gamma Phi Beta twO Homecoming weekend trophies, one for the mOSl Dads present and one for beSl house decorations. sophomores presented "Swingin' Safari" ... "i\loonlight and Roses" with lhe DC路s ... .I0:UlIlC Heller-Phi lleta Kappa. Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta Senior Awanl .. 1\[01"1<11" BO;lnl Secretary Nancy Yount. Spur of the i\lornCnt Susan Nelson ... Spurs .Jc;lIl Cline and Pall!;. Spence, PresidcrH; Nalley Y., Junior Adviser . . . AWS Veep Karen Fisher ./udicial Coullcil, Susan. . Executive Board, i\brlcnc Finney Scnior Class Secretary Judy Conklin, , , Prc-Orchcsis, Pat 'Vhalcn International Tr;lveling Secretary for Camma Phi Bela, .Judy C.

Fro'" !lQ",: lh"'n nrlltucll, Tre<osurcr; JudI' Conklin, l'rL'Sidcnl; Phyllis Harris, Social Chairman. Second Ho",; Marl' Lee Frye. R(:conl路 ing SL'Crcl,H'I'; Joanne Heller, Sd",ll,rship Ch;,irm;Ul; Nancy Younl, Rush Ch"ir",,,n; Manlee Rowl;ltld, Corresponding S<:crelaq'; Jm\nne Cror, Slltndl,rds Chairman,

Gamma Phi Beta CheH)" J\lIgair Julie AUSlin SilianUI' 1\01 Judr Uro-om J)a"'l1 I\rUlllcll

Pat Carlson

Jean Cline Ilarb;lra Collins JoAnne ero)'

Carol Earp V.. lcr;e ~::';Ulman M.. '1 .:lIcn Fairchild Carol hlk Je.a" Farlc_ l'am ."....'ttll

"''''rlenc ."inney Karen t"ishu

Mal"} Lee F'lc )Iar~.. Gbdhart M31)' Ellen Clodo..'Sl;i "II)lIis llarris Joanne I h:llcr "al1r Hill )ud) Hnngc.rrord Judr Hu!chl.'i01l

Margie Ir..-in Cicelr Johnston Janet Ka)ll'r Gail Keller Ann Kdlogg Sail)' Kimball hau(cnc Kil'klaud

Judy Libby .'>label !..o1"c1

Janet McUratncy I'at McCull"u!:h Lind.. MacCuffoc K:lIhy McNichols

Julle Madden Lilli]" ""'guire 1':1111 Marcum M3'1' ;\un McndioJ:1

Jane Modic Donna Morg:m

Jill Mo""ery Susan Nelson

Judy Nonin; Marda "cnee: 83Tbara Rcay Claudia Roc:k,,'cll Maraler RO"'land

Hcather Sanders "' .. ril'-Il S:uller Coull) 5100d

Lindagalc Sn}der !):I.U b. Speuce

Lodi Stemmla C,,-cn Tobnic Joan Walla Penny \\'ei.r 1):ItS} Wellington J:l1I Wendler Whalell Liooa Willi:lJIIs Vicki Wilson XanC\' Wohleu Carolyn W.llie Xanq YOtllll ";It


.. ,. ·<'t '

, S .'1."



•'oundcd: llel'ilu", I.:ni\(:I'5;I'. 18iO

AClj.c Chaplcrs: 8i Idaho Chaplcr: Ikla 'I hClil Founded Locall):


Kappa AJlpha Theta

DQXXE SCIlEI>U;R I'r~s;dc'"





.-'.-:'. .:


ThClas welcomed 23 new pledges to the Casdc on the Corner ... Pete Croom, Sigma Chi, is Castle Casano\,;t, the first living group king on campus .. Sharlene, ~lortar Bo,.rd Treasurer . . . Palt)' A. and .Jean, lIew Spurs .. Jean. Vandalcucs and Frosh Dance chairman .. )auy, Junior j'anHcll Secrclary . . Donna. i\lort,'f Board Award for best frosh grades, lOp soph in L &: S, I)anl-lcll V. P.... Millie, lin;dis! for i\liss U of I ... Cretch, fin;disl for Llmbda Chi Crescent Girl ... Sherry. SUB dance ch;.irman, Ma)' Fete chairman. . Ann Spiker, IlI11e Huckel chilirman Little Sisters Di:IIlC Sowdcr, Ann Spikcl' . Uobbi, Alph,1 Lambda Della _. _ NanC)'. SUU hospitality chairman Janice, SUH rorullI chair· m:m, l~anHcll Secrctary .. _ D}kie. Arg Circulation 1\l;uugcr.

Maud 0" floor: Donna Lea\erlOn, Efficiency Chainnan: Iliane \\"il.'iOn, Standards Chainnan; Janice Craig, Wilor; ,\nn Spi\;cr, Social Chairman. Sellled in cI'(lirJ: Cind)' Brush, House '\I;mager; Penn)" Smilh. I'ledge Trainer; Donne Schedler, I'rcsidel1l; Darlene McDonald. ScholaTllhip Chairman, Slanding: Judy Scoggin, Fralernil)' Education: Michele Morgan. Rush Chairman: Sherr)" McGuire, ACli\'itics Ch:lirm:m: Sharlene Gage. Treasurer.

Pal Alennder Jean BOIl) Rose Marie UicoIndi

Kappa Alpha Theta Cindr Ilrush K:ui Burks Gloria Coot Kalh)' Cox J~nice Cnig Mar)' Delger

CherI I Dellin Lenore Dr.lllon Suzie Drowlls Diane Epling P~lli Foil Joanne Fry

Bobbi Galfne) Sharlene Gage Carolyn Giese Millie lIegstcd Lynn Holma Ann Marie John'lOn

Donna Lea,'enon Anne Lemon Darlene McDonaltl Sherr)' "leGuire Gretchen Moeller I<liehclc I<lorgan

Joan "Iyers Karen I'hillil禄 Janet l'05t Ddl Rarict J.i'lda Rice ~anq Rice

Joan Sch:u~rll Uaroor.l. Sc1o'c!1 !'enne)' Smith Sue Solomon Alln Spiler Susan Swd,.,,路e11

I'~lricia T~}lor

.\Iar)'"1 hOllll''iOll Carol Wealhers JUdilll Wca,'er Dltie Wilson Ril;l Wilson


Founded: ~lonmoUlh College, 18iO ,\cli,"c Ch~plr'TS: 9\ Id~oo Ch~pler: 8e1~ K~JlJl~

Founded l..ocall}: J916

Kappa Kappa Gamma

TWCIlt}路lhree plcdges moved into thc Big Whitc House on the Hill :11 thc beginning of a fabulous ycar ... "1~ledgc 1~:lIlic" in thc fall "Cannibal StCw" wilh Kapl~ls from \VSU Ill:!ny honors Dod)' May Quccn :lnd Miss U of I , , , Barb Warc, Alicc. Pat C, :lnd Ann R, ,Nina, Della Sig Dre,"lt firsl in the Ihrbcr Shop Quancl ContCSI Girl, , , SUl.annc ,Old Arvilla ROTC Sponsors . ~""ry Ann lapped for Angcl Flig/ll , , , Dianne G. and Bckki lapped for Prc-Orchcsis: ~Iar)' T. Blake. Orchesis "nc\.' K:lppil Spur janglcrs arc Zcna. Jana, Suzannc. and Barb D.... Dorly. lap senior ... Ginger. Jan. Barb Clark tapped for Monar Board ... B. Ware. Tcrr}. Suzie. Jana. ami Pal Sdlcll lappcd for Alph:, L'Imbd:1 Della .. , Phi Bela Kappas Jan, Rosy, Sarah.

JO\ .......... "I \ It'\1

""'side'" StDltd; Julie Gibb. Soci~1 Ch~irman; Jo \nn Talu1II, President;

Lp.t1a I-lenl(ton, Vice J'raidenl. SlilIIdillg: S:.....h '\ttr, Scholar路 shill Chainnan; Janice Rinn:m, Uticiency Chairman; Virginia Cope. llouSol' :\I~nagcr: Carol Lindemcr, "ledge 'I niner; Eugenio: .\'0::"路1<."'. Treasurer.


Kappa Kappa Gamma Joan AndersOll Wilma Audel'5Ol" .\ngio::


Mar}' T. llIale I'at Cannon

Ros;lnll:l Chambers Ruman. CI:nL

Virginia Coil(' TroTT}' CUller

Ibrban 0011 Rowena Eik"m Linda Engle Carol Ensign L(:slic Ensign Linda Ensign Diime 1':a"'~11

Judr !'nl';cr ,\lice Fulcher Julie Gibl.J lell;!' Grillilh JUlie Ih'1>e.T SU/annc IIClIson L\ nd.. Jo I-Icrudon Kathic 1I000lcticr lieU.; l-IQ\C "a) lr,,'in ;-';iu:l.


ll.oun;c Joh:amcn

JUlie Joslin Carol LindClllcr Nieldc Mcl)onnell ,\nn McKemie} Jcanlll: MOise) Anne Miller l<1ora 1..<,,<: Moore Shirley I<I00ro:: '\rlilla Ncl!iOU Eugenic NeWlOn

:\nita Norhy Doni.:!. Orcull eliCIT) I'idtcll

.\l:I.n Jo I'owen Sue RaslUuson J;m Rieman Dlml Rigsb) l.ind:l Rogel'S .\nn Rosendahl



S"lIltl) llullÂŤlgc "a III Schell F1o~"u: Sittman Jan:.. Smith joo" SorclUon Carol)" Slephens l'al Swan .\l~ry


T;lIe V:l1ll}cn;rcd


lI'Il"!J;,r:. \\',.ro:: J\nnc \'Cll111

.\hr) "odell



'.' ...

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. -"

I'!\ "" . \~A. '.~\







.~:... ~

founded: Monmomh College. 186; \clin: Chal'[Crs: 108 Idaho Chapter: 1,131100 J\lpha Found....1 Locall}: 1923

Pi Beta Phi

I~i I'hi's golden arrow shines even briglHcr after one of the best leal'S c\'cr ... 22 new pledges honored al the spring stomp "CuI-Off Capers" ... welcomed in spring in grand st}'lc ",illl spring formal "Swing-In Spring" ... second place in Blue Key AlI·house competition wilh selections frolll "i\lusic ~'lan" Barb Blair, LOp scnior Kan:n PClcnCIl and Penny P;trbcrry tapped for Mortar Board: Karen is nel\' Vice I'rcsidClll . Pal Findley hiSLOrian for Alpha Lambda Della .. new Alpha Lambda's l\lcLinic, President: Judy l\lanvillc, and Susan 1\1. ... Melanic Prcsidcnt of Pre-Qrch . . I'CIlIl)' is I'anl-lcllcnic Scholarship Chairman .. , I\hrcia SllIdebaker, President of Spurs, . , Karen PClcrscn, Drill Master for Vlllldaleltcs ... Phi Kappa Phi, Pcnll} .. , Nadine, Phi Gamma !\lu.

n \RU.\IU nL\IR

PrQidc,,' Fuml ,.ow: Sallie G~lIowa)', Housc .\Ianagcr; Be\'erl) Arehart, Sl~ndards Ch~innan; lIarba ... Illair, l'n:side11l; Judy Kienlen, I'kdge Trainer. :o.um,d m",; S"sall ,\nns, &'Cr~laf); L)5b<:lh fOllIS, Trca~urcr: JUdy Ellsworth, Vice l'rcsirlcm; l'cllll)' 1';Ir·

hen)', MCIllI.lCI"llhip CIt:tirman.


I'al Cobb

Jlld)' Allwardt Dahmen



Helen Cillis Alexis Lyke I'Clllly Parbcrry Joan Spalding Arlene Ultican

Cary,\mlJrosc !.lel·cr1y Arehart SU$<lll ,\rllls Nancy Dal'is lIe"cTl)' Dillman Linda Ellioll l\"ancy Grubb Barbara Harrison Barbar" Hardy Sally Lau )ud)' Mamille Janel Marshall Karen Petersen Carol 1']UlIllllCr Jane Ruckman AIlJ.crla St,u.dcrfer M;'rcia Swdcoakcr Linda Tague Kande Underwood nellc Vickerman Sue Wells

I';ll .:jndler Cheryl Johnson

Oolora Cook Lyslx:th FOUls 1';1Il Kelly

SUSOI1l Myers Sue Sievert Nancy Tefl

Nadine N;lSlulld Anne Marie Smith Jan Tholllpson

C"il Cornell Frlll'(:lllcnid'l


Judy Kicnlcn Jerilyn I'al><: JKkicSmith Lois Tobisb

Linda UithclJ Jud)' Ellsworth

,\nn Jewdl Carla M"TI;11 JO:lll RumpcllC$ Judy Tand

LaRac Whipple

Pi Beta Phi 303

nuill in 19::'2 I>edicalal 10 Mrs. Elhd SI.:c1, alcader in Ihe IIImernenl 10 Jlro,ide (ooperali'e donnilOries 011 campus.

Ethel Steel House

Once ag<lin Ethel Sleel can look back on a succcssrul }c<lr ... Angel:. ShcrbcnOlI 1:lppc..'t1 ror I\IOrl<lr Board Alph<l Lamlxl:t Deltas I~at Prall. C<lrolyn Ravcnscroh. Evelyn McCown Thela Sib'1l101 Phis Idona KeI路 logg, SeCrel<lI"); alld Kip Peterson, Pn.'sidelll ... Sigma Alpha IOlas Angcla, I)resident; RUlh Kn:lpP, olltstantlillg soph; J\I:lrgc Dragoo. oULStan(ling plcdge; <lnd NonlJa Hagerman., ,Spurs Janice Roth and Carolyn Ravcns路 croft . Phi Upsilon Omicron, Linda Olscn , , , Phi BCla Kappa Angela "Phi Kapp:. Phi C:.ml Simon, ,f\lph:. Epsilon Rho, Lcslie Timmons, Sccrctary , , , I Club, Suc \Viley, Marlenc Gould, and Donn:. Striegel, President, .. Vandalcttc Joanna Blood ... V'lIld<lleers Millie Staples and Virginia Bord .. , Alpha EI>sHon Delta, Joanne Sheffield,


J \~E r


'路,..sill.... /


'-~/j 10 ,ig!u; enol Thomod., ". ~a5I1rer; Janel SJlrellfl;cr, "res.. idenl: Susie Si1l1COI1, \'ice r'n:sidenl: Mildred Siapies. ScuclaT).

.... arya 1)Ohler I\l:tri'lIl Johnson n. Thk'Sscn .... eloy Karcn Lou Reid 5"... h 5till,,'cll

jactie Aldrich j03nna Illood Lmina Fortier RUlh Alln Kn"I'I' Carol l'anto ;\lIge!a Sherbcnou Leslie Timmons


.\ndenoll Virginia I'o)'d jeanelle Ge:tnge ;\ delle K no!>โ ข.' S DOlln:l l'eler:!Oll SUsall1l:l Sillll'On .... urid Vcrma35

Pal :\uSlin

....arietta n ... lln Marlenc Gould Nl..lltic 1.. :llIig l'al I'r3lt Can,l Simon Cheri Wcbh

Carole naln Calh) Ihooks Kalherine llawia E\cl)n I\lcGoWIl C. 1{;l\Cllscroft JUlly SodorfT Sue Wile}'

Joanne E""", ....",.go JOlIl'S Ann Olson Janice Rfllll DOllna Striegel

Ardeen Fellon

:"/",,, J" Jwl)' Genet" 1'"lme)" Shirlcl' ScUUcrl jean Thot1l:lยง

Geurgia C...hh Kay john5011 N3ncr .... ah 1\1. R""cnscrOrl .... ildred Staplt'S Susan Zcnicr

Ethel Steel House 305

Forney Han

G ~~. - .

. ... -'" -'-


Built in 1924 DediC:lloo 10 MaT) E. Forney of Mosco..., ..-ife: of Judge Forney. one of the foundCT!l of the

l:ni'enil) of Idaho.

Another fUll-filled and bus} lear . . . firesides. exchanges. ami twO major dances, "Old L'tlIlplightcr" and "Sing Sing Swing" ... honors ... Phi Bela Kapl><1.-C;trCll Chapel ... J\lonar Boanl-L'tn:1 Allan ... Alpha L<unlxla Ocha-.\larcia Knutscn. Eleanor I)ratl . . . Spurs-Chris HUIll, Vice President; Belt)' Jennings ... Phi Kappa Phi-L:mil Alton. C:lrcn Chapel .. Sigma I'hi Sigma-E.dith Nelson ... I'hi Upsilon Omicron]\'lclTy Hauer. Judy Calc. Laura Petersen Sigma Alpha Iota-Joyce Baile}'. Roberta Higgins, Judy Sinclair V;lIu[alcers-Pat Krousc . AWS~L.1.na Alton. Elaine Anderson Hclldivcrs-Ceorgia Cutler. RC\'iI Jones. Linda 1-1:I:'g .. "I" Club-Georgia Cutler. Elaine Johnson .. PEM-Jackie C.. Georgia C.. Darlene E., f\nn F., Elaine J., Ro.1n S.

MARIE JASPERS /'r~.flrI~"1

Marlene l.I:IrnulII K:ar Chapman

Mcrry lIauer Jackie CUrlis

Fr:mcis Akef L:IIla }\ linn EI"illC A,,,lerson }\1l11 .'bric Ibum NcI,b Ilc:lrtlll1orc Diane lIillings llegin:a Da,is D.lloughcrl)路 Sharon Urew

Carole }\splll"t! I':u IIro""" Luna Dull y

Joycc IJailey "a'路cn Ca'Ulll Suzanne Durh,ull

Forney HaU Darlene Edllliston Donna F;wucr

joyce Fischer \licky.路ishcr Ann Fn.hm

Judith Code Judith Gould

Boris Guiles Linda Haag Saudy lhufeld Ik,-erly 11clldry Sandra Hill D",,-n lIoduficr Sh:,nOfl Uop~r

Christine Hunt 1.lcU)' Jennings Elaine Johnson Kathy Johnson Irene Johnston Carol JOlla RI::\;I, "'a)'c jOIl('$

Kalhleen Koskell .. Cleo Lamb Phyllis Larsen Anna Marie Lotle Billie Jean Maas !\l;lTy.\12$01I EH~I)-n


I'atricia)o Merrill Betty Neale Edith Nelson Virginia Nelson !)onna Ncwberr) lIarricl Norunan EI",ine "an

Laura I'ClC:rsoll

Deanna "OTter I\arbara l'oller Eleanor Putt Kris I'urd)' Ikmnie Reimann ,\ndrea Rinaldi

Jane RO"'1;lIId Jo.... nn Rubell Bonnie Rude Colcnc Rucn I)onna Salrllcier K;uen Schmuhl Kris School芦

Cwrgia Sch...c;llcr J"d)' Sinclair Darlene A. Slind .\Iargucritc Smith Emelie Snrdcr

Roan Spentt Sharon Strallgnl3n

l<13rlene Slrocl>el Rcbcl:Ca Strohl MaT)' Lou Tarlor I'al Vosburg jo'-\nn WahlCfl jcanne WalSl:r jo.\nn Watcnpallgh

Lindane WallS Ina Weisensel Karcn Whilclc)' Lil Wickstrom I)iane Williams Catherine 7....lomsl.:)'


lluill in 19:'5. Dt.'tlicated 10 Dean I'cnncal J~tlC french. I)can or Women of the: Uni'"enil}. 1908-19~.

French House

1962·196~ found the French gals bus} working and having fun ... new officers arc C::mllond \Viucman. Presidellt: Ruth Dennis. Veep: Sue Reese. Secret'If): and Donna "l:Innon, Treasurer ... big events of the }car. Louise Bolhll<lIl is Na\') Color Girl ... Virginia Reynolds. Janel \V.lIker, ;md Ann Alb(.'C lapped for Sigma Alpha Iota ... Judy Fikc, I~rc-Ol-chcsis ... Kay Rallla elected National RHC Sccrcwry ... built Homecoming float with Chrisman . . . Jull}' Heidel and Marylin Ilarkcr I •• pped for SpUTS ... pinnings, engagements, sneaks. sllowball fights ... winter dance. "MiSl)"', and spring munchy dance. "Ol.ark Org)", complete wilh visitors frOIll the Uni"crsity rarm ... Sweethcarl Firesidc ... IUbbinb"S and thc Senior Firesidc brought ;1 mcmorable YC'lr to its dose.



/low Oue; I)o"ua I·lannon, St.'ClClar}; C:armond Willeman, Trea· surer; C<irolc I\m'anc:rl, Vice Pr illelll. /low Tu'o; Joyce Slaler, Scholarship Chainnan; ~Ilma Slanger. lIislOriall; Joanne Cal . •cn. Praitlenl; Barlla:n Buck, Soc:ial Chainnan.


French House ChcT) I Ad~",s Ann AIlJoCC SUJaIl Ahlllluisl AIlIl 8~",anJ

Cbuljine Bt'<:ter Jud)' Imhman

"arcn Hohman Loui.sc Iklllman :\Iarda Buchanan Corrine Carbon M~ry CaICJ Jud)' ChriSlianson

Vera Collins Carol Collis S"l~nnc Crow Jud), Currin J)ijon J)~,-idson Lorr:aine J)ay RUlh Oenni. Kurilla J)"rfee J)i,mc Ek"路orl~cll Ibrhara ~:JmquiSI Jud)' Fih:

Loi. FitlJimmons Dlml Could Jeilll1C Hamilton LaurCCIl Han.scn Charlcnc Harrison J)onn~ I-Iannori Jud)' Heidel Joyce: Heinc Karen lleistari \Icralilh Horning !lell) Johnson ScllU)lcr Judd PcnnY"ellcr Ch:lrlcne Kirtley C:!rolc "o"~ncn Gallc "",clllcr

RelI: \nn LancastCf Carol Leinum Berni!.a Lien Sandr.l Marlinson I'arrici~ Mielke Mary Lee Monlhont Kalhy Mullen Janel Orr Vicloria I'ar\;e: Maril)'n Parter " ..y Ranta

~allcy R~,ne:bcrg

Sue: Rcc:sc Virgini:! Reynolds 1'~lricia Rheams Karen Roberts JoAnn Sanborn RIUh Scoggin JO)'(e Slale)' 1\1)rna Slan~r Roberla Torgerson

N,,,,cy Torkelson VOIl "I cl"5Ch Rae Walch Janel Walter SUlanne '''alSOn M~rlC:llc


Uuilt in 1926. Oedicated 10 Gerlrude Ilap of Hoise, a member of Ihe Bo.ard of RcgelllJl of Ihc Uni\cmt)" of Idaho.

Hays HaU


)ear than ever!

Linda K., A\\'S Pn.'siticlll . . . Carol

1-luS5.."l, A \\'S Sccrel:ll"} , .. Ha}s Hall wins Song Fest, Cher}1 S. :Ind :'Ileida

\\'. songlcaders ... Homccoming float with Uph'Ull . rail dance "Alle}cat" . , . Spurs Gail N., Vice President, and Carol H" Hospitalil) O:>mmittee ... new Spurs Judy B., Betsy W . . . I~hi Upsilon Omicron-C,lrol I-I .. Treasurer: Jackie K.. Vice I)residenl; Laura D. .. Toni T .. Execu· li\'e Hoard . . . Linda K.. 1'Iortar Board. Bobbie S" Social Coonlination Council ... Carol H., Sophomore Secretar)' . . . L)'nn 1-1 •• CUI) SecretaI'} . _ . 1-Ic1ldinTS Sand} 1-1., i\Iicki B. ,. V'llulaleers RUlh G., Karen 0 .. Chel1l S., Caroline B.... IOO~ Blood Dri\'c participalion l\liss U or I finalist Karen 0 .. semifinalists Ca)'le ":'If.. [\'it: T.

Ht:U::-: TO.\lLlXSOX I'r~Jid~"1

/low o,,~. I~/I 10 righl: Linda Kinnc)". Vice I'roidelll: 1Ic1C'l1 Tomlin.'lOn. "rrsidCIlI, /low -r,,·o: Rae I'allon. Social Chairman; Jud)" Frc)', Sn:rNaq: Jeannie 1It)·tt, Soci..l Chairman; Jo :'olil, holland. Treasurer. ~IO

Hays Han Lorr:J.ine Bean Carolyn Ilcaslcy Helen llCl;k Karen Bcd

Charlene Benz Iklh Blum

ll:lrhara Brogan Maurccn Chaney Ann Clark Connie Cooper C"rOI}1l Cripc ":lthy Day LlUra DOly Marilyn Durl>ill

Susan Duthie

Sherry Ell' Donna English l\"calaw E\,:l1ls

G"il l'Iuharty Jud)" Frey Anile Gaffney Karen Gonnscn K"ren Gra'<-'S Ruth Greif

C;uolyn Hell Joan Henning !l13rilyn Hcrclh

Lynne [-log:II' Hckn I-Iog~ S'lIldcc Holman Madeline Hooton Carol I-louger Carol I'h'ssa Corrine )cmmclt Bonnie Johnstone Linda Kinney Karyl Lamheth Berna Dccn Ll'C Il:Irbara Lihh)" Mona LUlher

Marlha McCullen Carole McCUllough Marlys McDowell )0 Milholland

Gail Miller Linda Minshew Carole Morg,l1l l\l,.rilyn Muir

Marilyn Myers N'lILe\' New:">:

Gail Nystrom Lynnc l'atlon Ray Uc1lc I'alton Carla I'hUllh C-1rol Rau C;,rol Rc;,d Carol Ritter J:m Rosholl ,\I"reclI RI'I;lIuler Louise Sims f:tnice Shook 'nobuic Slaughlcr Donna Slocum S:lIldy Steber Jud) ,\"n<: Stickncy Marge Slunz Darlene Swofford E'"clrn Tack Toni ThunCll Li1l<la Tra"is UillicTrostle Shirley Tschannan Bess Turner I-;Jizabcth Uhl Jackie V:lIIderfonl neverl)' Wallace S;llulra Wcalherbie r>:ancy Weigelt Irene Wilitc Pam \\'hillcmorc IklSy Wickes ,\felda Willi,,,ns ShirlC)' Wright Sharon York S:llll.]Y)O f\mJcrson



~~ '- .~:~:~~\~:'~~,~"':"':-:::4::~~ ~.拢~."-:: -.: . -~~ -::- ~







Buill in 195i. Dedicated 10 Willia", .I. McConnelL early Idaho g'o\路crnor. U.s. Senalor, farmcr. leacher, miner. and author.

McConneU HaU

- -

. '









i\IcConncJrs second and bst year as a women's dorm in the midst of the men"s halls exchanges . . T'VIRP firesides two dances, "Sallla's Workshop" and "j\ TOllch of Spring" .. dress dinners with men of Gault, Upham. and Shoup .. leas . Alyce Joy T., Exec. Board, Top Senior, RHC President . Jody K., i\'!ortar Board, WRA Joyce ''''caver Award, PEM !)resident Bonnie F., V. P. of SIEA, SIEA COllvcmion delegaw LO Boise. Idaho's outstanding SIEA senior Cathy L., Spurs, A\\IS Bo;tnl of Reference ... MarilYIl R. <Iud Barbal'<I S., new Spurs Dotty L <lnd .lody K., I Club .. J\'larilyn R. and BellY LOll M., Alpha Lambda Della ... second place Homecoming float with '路Villis SWCCt Lila R., CUI~ Represenlative.


President I.efl 10 right: Marilyn Ard, Cultural Chairman. first semester; Cathy Lyon. Vicc !'rcsidcnt, S<.'<:clld SellleSl<:r; Arlette Griffith, I'residcnt, SC(ond SCIlIL'Slcr; Bonnie Ferguson. Vkc !'rl'SidCllt. first St:llIcsler; Rosemary Brkl, Cultural Chairman, first semestcr.


--. -=-

McConneU HaU Kathleen Abel

Judy Anderson Sandra Anderson Sharoll Anderson Marilrn Ani R('tlC A51ett

Di:-<ic Barnes

Jane Bell Dixie 81.mkcnburg

Caroline Bodillc Rosemary Brick

Nalley Brigham Kathie BrocLic Sherr; n路ucc jO'\l1n Budder Glenda Bundy Charlene Burrell Let: B)'me Nancy Carlsen Karell ellal'lI1;'" Doris Christenscn I'at Christenson I'cnlly Craig Jan Cro..'jey Janel Easley t:lainc En~rett Linda Featherstone Iw>nnie Fcrgu'lOlI

N'anq Giuliani Arlcw: Griffith Carol Herman l\'all9 Hi.au

Soflja Hill Katherine Jordan Xanq Kaufman I'at Kendrick Shiflc)' Kniglu CIr'Ann Knopp

Sandi uDow Sharon Lance Lal1<1 Langdun

Dorothy Lawson Cathy LYOll

1I;,rbarJ McCann Kathyrcn Machacek

.\lary Magee BCH)' Masten

Barhan Means Nancy Meier Wanda ~ Miller I'at Morgan 8eLS}" Morken

Judy N"anninga Ili:onc Neils Marianne N~Lson Molli~ N~I~n

Carol Pardu~ "'artha I'eterxn Mapis Petenon Sanllra I)rinc~ Marilrn Rame)' Lila Rcsleff Rosemary Shaw Connie Sielx:nthaler lIelly Smith Judy Smith Sandra Jean Smith lIaruara Smcr !\tyec Joy Ta)'lor Alycc Joyce Tllylor ArIa Taylor Virginia Gail Vollmer "'danie Weller Man-a Whiting Karlern Wil~n Jull)' Worden

Founded: Riehllloll(l. Virginia. 186:; ,\eti\e Ch,lptcrS: 119 Idaho Ch,ll)tt:r: DCIt,1 Tau Fouu<l<.'(1 Locally: 192;;

Alpha Tau Omega

Il h,lS bccn anothcr successful ycar for the mcn of Dell,] Tau Ch,l\ltCr of ATO under John Fox ;ll1d Ollr newly elected \Varthy Mastcr, Chuck KOl<lk. playing varsilY fOOlball wcre IhullUH, [ldcr, and Staehlcr ... Porter, ]\lauis. Meycr, Tollefson, and KO/.ak werc standoulS on lhc basketb,llJ tcam Erik Friis skied for the Vandals. LUllrop again paccd the track tcam . frosh foolball, Sappington, MacGuflie, Russell, Sellig ... frosh baskctb;dl, MaeElroy, Sappington, and Duflield .. Swank played frosh baseball Petc i\looney played baseball for the U.S. ,It the Pan American gallles ... 1\lullen was a mainstay on lhe bowling team many Taus in campus activities ATO takes intralllural track Hurtl and Kiliman, Scabbard and liJade.


I"'eside"t Ruland Williams. House ;\hnager; John Fox, I'rcsident; Vince Rossi, Vice I'rcsident.


Alpha Tau Omega lIarold


lad, ,'~crs Robert Blankl;ma

Jack lIr:.dford 1)",(' Canning Ken Da\is

Gn} DecslOn lim Duffield

Cr.tig Dufur Garth Eimers DneEldtt Kill .:"'''5

Wayne Fc,"",,11

Erit Friis

"hit He1.5JC}' ROil HcxUIll

Larry 1I00l;er Robert Honon

Dennis Hurtt Pat Kahler Kcith Kili",:mn

Diet",ar Kluth Jim Linhart Jim McElroy

George Maness Willianl :\Iallis Kip '\lnggridgc Dick .\loollq Rodney,\lI,llt:n

Ralph Nelson

Lou Olds

Jim "clcrson Da,'c I'ulnam Torn Rich;lnls :\Iikc Rohh Bob Rohideaux

TOIll Robin.son

Vince Rossi :\likro RU5lIe1i

Larry Sappington Da\"(: Sperry

Michael Sungcr

lim S..~nl: Ed Tollcbon ~ Dollg TO"'lcs John Un Pat Wieu Ruland Willianu


Founded: Mia",i (lni,ersitl. 1839 Active Chapters: 101 Idaho Chapter: Gam",,, Gamm<l Foundoo Locall~: 19H

Beta Theta

Concluding a fine year for Bela Thela Pi ... Carlson and l\lodie, out路 sl;uuling seniors .. , Longclcig 011 Executivc BoaHI , .. Harris, Scnior Class Veep .. , KiJlicn, Longctcig, and Davis, ncw Blue Key mcmbers . Kelly, Ivcrson, Whitehe;ld, and Hodgson, Scabbard and Blade. J. Nelson, Lukcns, Boison, and lianlcll arc tapped for IK's, , , Idaho again wins aClivilics trophy at Northwest Bela Conclave ... Carlson chosen top Ikl;. senior at Conclavc ... C;lrlSOl1 is onc of 12 lOp chcmistry students in the nation, , . Davis on Judicial Council .. , J. Nelson makcs Phi Eta Sigma Okeson. Davis. Carlson, and Rcmsberg in Phi Kappa Phi. , . i\lcQuceny, SIOWC, ,lIld Cra)' ;I~tin lead Vandal bascballcrs . . . l\lircs. Lawrence. Strong, Goodpastor, Boison, and Ban1eu bolslcr gl'iddcrs.




\ GAR\' C.\RI-SON Pres;,I,ml


Scaled .. Ross SimnlOllS, Sod;ll Chairman: Bill Millensifer, Ex~,<:u路 I;"C Uoard: Jim Uounds, l'resident; Ron l,路etson. Vice I'resident: lJ.ob Smart, Pledge Tr.tiner; Erie 110'e, Rush Chainnan. Slflud路 itrg: Bob D;"i5. Treasurer; Gr..nt "ee, Imr.tmural Manager: Gny Ellsworth. Alumni Secret"T'): Mike Brown, Exeeuli'e tlo3rd; Johu Annstron/l:, IFC Represelllata-e; Tom Eidson, Exocuti"e IJ.oord; John Ferris, Song Leader; Dennis Cronn,'ell. Secrelary: StC'le Deal, Rcoord<::r; Mark UrQwn, Unitoo Caucus.

Beta Theta Pi

Butch Cro}'

lim FOSler Don "lousc Jill1 Kdly John Lukens Tim Nelson

II. Springford Boh Uartlctt John Armstrong Leek narda}' John ]loisen Jim Bounds Mic;hacl UWWtl Gary Dot)' David Drisc;oll Phil Egclhofcr Larry I-Iawes Dal,jd Hill Stuart Hilton Dick K,lIc Bill Jenkins Per Jenscn Lawrence I',utl Krls Kirkland Dal'id Landon Jell McQuccn)' Larry Maupin John "I iller Ross Simmons John Remsberg Ray Rocha G. Kent Taylor Tony Teske Frank Vosi""

Wah llilhcll L. UlacklHtrll 0, Cromwcll UTue!: C"nll)bcll I'hil Conner Tom Eidson Gary Uisworth Gary Fisher Mark 1'lodg5Oll Eric Ho\"e ,\lick Ho"c D. Kalsilolllctcs Ron Keel)' I-Ioward "ell)' Phil Layton ROil Lich;lU nill Lollglcig C"ry Min.'S Neil Modic Jim Nclson Hoh Smart Dick Slll;lr! Jamt:s Smith Grallt Vcc E. Whitchead lloyd Vee

Robert O<l\'IS Sl<:W: Dc"l John Gamhle Dick Harris Gary Hudelson ROil Iverson ""trick Killicil na"id King "btl McDonald nil I MeDon"I.1 Jerr}' Okeson Owen Pipal ~Iikc


Larry Strom

Delta Chi


Left 10 righl: SIC'-'


l'<~IC ,~,

",I,trlager: c G.lhson, .. . JIm Da,is .Jerr' ,) ,\l.crrlll. VicePJed 1101 clch Il:ccordltlg Secrel" . I,gc.lr","cr; rt'Sldclll; C••. rlson. I'lousc . President" ,11~': Mike Kit~l,. Co. 1I:I"r)" ,lTesponding Sec:


Dick Ah Fong

Gregg Cl~rk John Gbsby Joe Jacobscn John l'arker John Tarn<)';kr

Harold J\ndreason Sherman Co"k Larry Gridley Frank Jakoltleit AllOll Hea)' Jol'n Tate

Mikc Bonncll Jimc l)a"is Dick Gull",

B<>IJ l.ea Michael Heidy Frank V"kllline

,\ lal1 nushy James Emnlert W<llt


Jonath"n Mahbutt H"nk Hist Lee Vines

Ken BlIsby Ed English Lt'(}lIard Ibn D",'c ,\lul<llley

niH Shisler Gordon Vining

Hobert C;lrlson Ste"e Gibson nob How"rd Clinton J. Merritt Hiehard Si",onton Bob Wlliker

Da\'e Nielsen John J\. Stark Gil Walker

Delta Chi 319

'-....J. ;.1"'::-



t·ollll ..kd: Colkgc of d'e Cil)' of ~cw

York, 1899

;\cli,'c Ch;'IHcrs:


1\1:Iho Chaplcr: Gamilla Iota Founded Locally: 19;;0


Sigma Phi

An excellent year for the men al '123 College ... Ron l-IouglHalin, A5UI President; and Jim Metcalf, i\lanaging Editor of the Arg, were n;lI11ed Outstanding Seniors ... i\lcrJYIl Clark lapped for Silver Lince ... Chapter President $IC\'C Arnt and senior .lim Judd lapped for Scabbard and Bl;Hlc ... Dick SI;wghtcr ilnd Al Olston wcre lapped for Phi Eta Sigma. Slauglncr is Gem Spons Edilor, Secretary of Phi Eta Sigma ... .Junior Tom LYllch, Blue Key, Sccn::lary-Trcasurer of Dth;. Sigma Rho. . \V;dly Swan lapped for Phi G;llJlma i\lu, elected Vice Presidelll Dick Jennings, Justin Friberg, and Lynch, i\lodei Unitcd Nations dclegatcs 10 San Josc Convcntion House Treasurer Jerry Tim1ll selccted for Alpha Kappa Psi Bob Hofmann elcctcd pagc-master of IK·s.


KEITH HUETTIG I'rl!5idelll ~"eeliJ/g: SIC"C Arnl. ScIl:c~nhll-f\nllS: Juslin Friberg. Secretary. Slwl/Hug: Jim ~lctcalf. Vicc I'residetll; Kellh Hilcuig. l'residetH;

I'aul Kcrshisnik, Trc<osurer.


Tl>tl Boam Bill Fischel' Gcr"ld Hueuig Allen OISWll

Bill Bienallll Eldon Fedler Did. Horn Jim MClealf Mike Smith Bruce TrowlJridge

Stel'e j\rnt Dalc DeFrancesco Bob Green "aul Kershisnik Joe Reid Wall)' Swan Gerr)' Veltrie

Ed Bal>cr Jay Denn)' William Hobd)' Pete Lattig 1101, Rinehart Dennis Tanner Jerry Veltric

Uell IIrown

Don IIr)' Richard Jennings Richard Petersen

Delta Sigma Phi

Lee Benner Slell-i" Downs Bou Hofmann Stel'c Lewis Dick Slaughter Jerr), Tilllm James Wecker


FOlllldt'(!: West Virginia, 18,,8 Active Chapters: 89 1<1<Iho Chapter: Delta Mu Founded Locally: 1931

Delta Tau Delta

,\nother big ycar for the Dells! The pledge dance, the ChriSlTl1as Fireside, lhe Odd-Ball Dance, the Rtlssi;m Hall, and the spring function round om our top social events, ,Dells in honoraries . Greg Schade, l\lu Epsilon Delta. Bill Block, Alpha Zeta Ken Payntcr, Phi Ela Sigma. . Greg I-Io[t, Bill Van Orman, Jim licIT)', Carl Schlcet, Gene I-larder, Fred Bergemann (1'reas.), l~ruee Harper (Veep), Alpha Kappa Psi .lack Froslenson, Terry Winter, Bill Block, Carl Schlcet, Greg /-10[1, Bob Riley, Bill Van Onn;iIl (Capt,lin), Randy Hillier, Scabbard and Blade. Bob Dulton, Tom Dickey, Paul Taylor, Ken raymer, IK's". Ron Kulm, Gene Harder, Harry Nelson, B[lIe Key", DellS out on campus ... Ron Kuhn, Senior Class Vice President.

TOM SCHMIDT /',nill""1 /.<1fl 10 right: WiJl'lHl Swenson. Corresponding St'Crcl:I1)'; TCIT)' Wintcr. Vite l'rcsklcnt: Tom Sclllnidt, l'rcsidclll: Bill Van Orlllan. Social Ch<lir路 ,,-,.cd Ikrgclllall, Scrgc:",t-al-.hms.



Fred Bergemann

Jim Berry

Delta Tau Delta .\1:,-" Be"ington Rill Block Jim Cannichael

Bill Closson James Cunic Tom Did:q

Bob Olluon

Eng John Froslauon La"}'

John Gardner

I),,:lnc ('.o;oo芦:h(':I Eugene Harder

Bruce Ilarper Brian Hill Rand~' Hillier Grego!)' Holt Colin Ho...路ell

Gordon Judd

Jim Keaton John Konen

ral Marcuson Jack Patrick Gary I'ctcrsen Dennis l'olfcnTOll1

Gene Presroll John Richantsol1 Ramey Sancholll

Greg Schade Carl Schlee! Paul Sol" imc

Willud Swem;on l'aul Tal'or Roben T"c,"er Bill Van Orman Bob Wheeler John Willerson


Winter Rol)CT1 WiK


founded: l'lli\cf"il) or ,\lissouri, 1905 ..kli\路C Chaplcn: 18 Idaho Chapler: Unhenil) or Idaho foundctll..lXall): 19.;G


Soci:ll functions included :lnnual I-Ia}'l"ide, Foumlers' Da}' Jbnquet, "Far Away Places" pledge dance, "Woodl<uu\ SIC/'(.'0 Capers" Campus Che~l function with Pi Phis, "Star :llld Crescelll" spring formal, and a number of spring functions as guests of 0111' advisers, .. IFC scholarship tmph}' :Igain. . WOll Song- Fesl wilh Tri路Dellas .. nine lTlen in Alpha Zela; Don Kress is new AZ Censor and Bruce Green is Alpha Zel<I'S out路 standing senior .. "Jim Olsol1, President of Junior Class .. , Olson, Jay Ne}', :lIld Ilruce Green, Blue Key"." Phi K:lppa Phis, Olson :lIld Green ... Olson abo lapped for Sil\"er Lance. , , Green ami Clarence Chapman arc both Outstanding Seniors :md Distinguished t\lilitary Sludents ' . , new I K's Dick Owen, Etlg:!r Simmons, and Larry Butterfield.

GORI)ON ELLIOTT l'rtJirltfll

1.1:1110 rj~"': Lanrenl Ta)lor.llonsc Manager; Neil 1'0UlSOll, Treasurl'r; Gonion EJlioll. I'rcsidenl; John Walr.ldl, Recording SC拢I"claq: Uruce Green, Social Cllairmall; Jim Sasser, Uusiness Manager. Nol pjctuftd: \'I'TIl Knlm. Vicc l'rClIident; Jim JohnSlOn, Corresponding Sccrcluy.

Jim Ficlds Wm. Jamcs Johnston Dale Nelson Allen Shoemaker

Brucc Urad ley Jarcn I'. Dohcrly Bruce Grc<:n Don Kress Jay Nc)" Edgar Silllmons

AII'in Ilurgcrmcisler Lloyd Eakin George Uamihon Da"id L. Kuhn Jim Olson Laurcn! Taylor

Larry BUllerficld Larry Edgar 1100 Ua)'lIL'S D;lI'id Lohr Gary Oil John Walradl

Clarencc Ch"pman LL'e Edgerton Richard Hincs Jdrrcy Lynn Canh Sasser David Wallers

Sle,"e Da"is Larry EiliOlt Jcrry Ilo\\";ml !IIich"el .\laddcn JilllS;lsscr Dal'c Wells

Farmhouse 325

Founded: U"i'CNilj or "irgini<l. 1S69 Aeli,'c Ch:'plcrs; U-I Idaho Ch<lpICr; Ga1lulla 1 hela Founded Lo<:allr: 190:>

Kappa Sigma

The end of anOlher great )car at Kappa Sigma ... movcd up 12 notches on the rostcr of IG fnllernitics in gr:ldcs ... Tom Hates elected Frosh Class Vice Presidelll .. Ron I-libbeln, Ilhi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi scholastic hotloraries. , ,.Jerry Heimbach, LOp civil engineer and member of Sigma Tau ... Doug Miller tapped for Alpha Epsilon Della. , . Larry . Lane Groves, Kcn Turner. and St:nnper tapped for Phi Et:1 Sigma Tucker Colc, "tOp dogs" in Army ROTC ... np roarin' spring picnic, , , Jim 'Vohrer, most lll:lsculinc legs" V:mdalcers Rich Koch, John Ihkcr, alld .John Crid", I'ccclllly tapped IK's-.Iohn Baker, Tom Hales, Larry Stamper, ami Jim Wohrer ... first placc all-housc act in Blue Ke)' Talcllt Show ... second placc Dad's Day decorations,

J0l-lX R"'S.\!USSEX


LrJI 10 rig1lt: C<q; lIo11inger, Pledge Trainer; Johll R;mnuSSft., I>~. idem; Ken Tumer, "icc I'residcm; Lome Gro,-es. Ilou5C .\lanlIgcr.


Kappa Sigma Rill AndC'1'$01l Tom nala

Sherman lielhHlod Gc... ld Il.o'n.'o'S

ROf 6o,,-m;,"

LeRoy R. Bro.m Jim Bmnskill Bun Buffington Dennis Carbon Jaml':'li Cl:.llhaugh ,\1 Cron

Jill. Darden

l..;orry Ib,'is !Iugh Dien.....





John Finl.; Rod Fintlc

UIT}' Filch jeIT}'I'-owler :Sid: Garcia Gerald Gerlach John Grief Lane Gron'$ Rand Hall$C1l

80b Hazelbaker Jcrdld Heimbuch

Karl Henningsen Ron HiblM:Jn

Mark Hickman Ervin Himing Cregg Hollinger JOI\ Hollinger Larry Hool: TOll)' Humbad:.

J. J. Jones

Gary Kenna!}' Rich Koch Kirk L<'wis

Chad Linl; Chari.... Marshall

Ernie Miesen Doug Miller Clint Mowery John K. Ntlsoll Fnnk OdOlll Rolf !'I1"dt

Rob Quesnel Bill R;,umussc'u

O;1\'id Scwright Richard Smith Vi< Smith

Jim Spinellc UWTCfU:e Stamper Thoffia5 5((lo(l;d:l1(' K. E. Turner

Merlin Vil1hauer uri) Wiloo% UlT} Willi:un.son Delli Windham

lilll Wohrer Chue" Wright


Foundcd: nO~lon Uni,路crsilr. 19{)9 Acti,'c Chal'ler~: 1:'1 Idaho Chap,,:r, Epsilon Gamma Founded 1...<><::011)': 192i

Lambda Chi Alpha

"A pledge to )'ollr memories of old, Lambda Chi Alpha. . . Harted lhe year in "]\Iass Confusion,"' thc thcmc of our pledge dance, then movcd on to the pledge-sponsorcd "Tom and Jcrry Dance,"' and completed OLlI" social calendar when Carla l\[artin, Pi Phi, was crowncd Crcscent Girl at lhe Crcscenl Girl Dance. Larry Butler, Bruce Bulcher, Jim English, Carl Harte, Bob Slcnc, WarrCll Ycakel, new IK路s ... Rick Wilhite, Fred Otto, Sigm<t Delta Chi.. W,IHcn Yeakel, Phi Eta Sigma ]\!crrirl Oaks, Phi Delta Kappa .. John Steinbrink, Pi Gamma Mil Rick Wilhite, Todd Shelton, Alph<t Epsilon Rho Brian Sack, Bill Joncs. Phi Mll Alpha. Don Howard, Rick Wischkaemper, Alpha Phi Omega . Alpha Kappa Psis Dick StantOll, PrcsideIH, and Gar)' Potter.

TERRY EGA!\' Preside"t

Seatell: Jerr)" Boyd. Secretar)'; Terr)" Egan. l'residcm; Arnold Ayers. Vice l'resident. S"",di"J!,: [lOll Miller. Social Chairman: John Stein. b,.jnk. Rush Chairman; Richard Wischbemper. Pledge Trainer; John C'Hllcle. Ritualist; Richard SlanlOn. Treasurer.


John Canlelc Marshal Hauch Richud Kcllc) Gar) OPllliger Ilob Smith

Ken Amos LaI1)· Uerg Bob L. f.ricwn




Ilick Mace 'I'M Robbin, Jarnes Tl-.lpton

ROil ,\)1'1"5

IWlJ Ikls..·orth Ron .·airchild I>icl Judine Michael Mutin Ilrpn S:lct. Gan K. \';Illiercs

George lknoit Larry Ilug~ Da,id GrqoT}' Bill Jona [lon Miller Gerald Sheller Roberl Wall

I-larry Chirumblo Ten")' l>-.lhmell I)wayne I-lorn Larq Heninger Jack ;\lcKeh·)· James Kelllledy George .\. Pitman Fred 0110 Willia'n Smith Richard O. SlanlOtl

Gar)' l'Oller John Sicinbrinl

Bruce Uulcher uri lIarle Ron Jordan -'Iemll Oakes ToddShehon Rick \\'i1hill~

Lambda Chi Alpha 329

)-'ollnucd: Miami Unll'crsity, 1848 AClil'c Chaplcrs: 124 Idaho Chaplcr: Idaho 1\lpha t"ollnucd Locally: t903

Phi Delta Theta


Preside"l, I';"SI Semesler


The house of blue lights had another successful year .. , Skip FrenchTop Senior, Exec Board, Silvcr Lance, accepted at Harvard Business School .. Dinnen Cleary is IFC Rush Chairman, tapped for Bille Key, appointed 10 Athletic Board of Control ... j. \Vales, K. Johnson, \,Valton, ;lIld Carpenter tapped for IK's Ken Johnson is Vice Prcsident of .Junior IFC Bell wins small group compctition in Hillc Key Talent Show, B,dlantyne, Vandal golfer \\'allOn, frosh golf leam , . , Carncfix, key m;1\1 all Idaho track team 1\oJcBri<le, Arg Spons E<liLOr, lapped for Sigma Della Chi. . Blower, Phi Epsilon Kappa .. , \-\TaILOn, Phi Eta Sigma, V,P. of Intramural Managers. j\'lcCabe, Vicc ))residenl of j\lpha Epsilon Rho, ncw KUOI Slat ion Manager.

St:llIed: nrad Ricc, TrC;lsurcr; Foruc johnson. I'rcsidcnl; Dennis I\brams. Vice Prt-sident: Dinncn Clcary, Alulllni SL-.;relary. SlrlUi/i"g: nob Bluwcr. Soci"t Chairman: j;m l"lllllcr. I-lous<: ,\bnagcr: Allan McCal>c, Chaplain; Gary Grccn, Schul:lrship Chairman; jerry Prcssey. Wanlcn: John \\'''11, I-lislo,-""'.

Phi Delta Theta



J'rnidc'l/, S"colld Semellc' G:tfy Green 1\11:", McCalJe

Benn) Ahr.llilS I),,,c liTO""" llinnCTl Clear) KeillCHI Johnson Slt'"C Merrill

l>Oran I';ar~in~ Joe \'isilllainer

Denny Mix

1);'1\ e lIell Nid: Carndix Gar,' 1),,11011 Stephen Lincoln Jerry Mix

Ma'" l'clcnon John Wales

Kris Wales

nilillallanllllc Martin UnHllcll Mel\in Cool.;

Did: Kloppellhurg

JetT)' Prase)'

Scott lIistlinc

William Carpenter Jirn I)insrnorc urn Loomis I).. oc Momgorncry

Willis I'rasey John Wall

Uoh nlower Rohen Casc:y \\'ra) FcathcrSlOllC LIfT) '\'enTitle Patrick M uldtJ()1l Br.ldlc~ Rice: Chuck Walton

lIitl llo1hronl.:

Cortland Northrull

IIrucc l\IcKi.mon L:lrry N)'c

I'hil Russell

Roherr SL Clair


··ounded: Jeffcrson College, 18-18 Acthe Ch3ptCfS: 88 Idaho eIl3]>ler: Mil I"t:, Founded Locall): 1!l20

Phi Gamma Delta

CUCSlS 3re oflen honored at Wedncsday nighl dinner at the Fiji house. Among those 5ho"'n herc are mcm!Jers or thc Admininnth'c St3fl of the Uni\·crsil)·.


The men of "600 UniversilY Avenue" once "gain enjoyed a memorable year. . Slan Faltis, LL Colonel in Army ROTC, Blue Key Bob ~Iooncy, Publicity Chairman for IFC, Greek Awards I~an­ quel chainnan, Homecoming deco· ralions chairman, chairman of New Swdenl Days and .dl-campus mixer . . . Bob Tunnicliff, I Fe Rush Chairman, Blue Key ... Bob ))elerson, Commander of NROTC Bal· l.tlion .. John C..U SOIl. Treasurer of Scabbard and Blade . . . Chick Cutler, Secretary of Inlramural Managers . . . John Sackeu, Vice.':))residelll of Ski Club. Boeing Scholarship recipient . . . IK's Randy Martin, Bob Erickson, Tim Flood, Chuck Birchmier ... varsilY skiing, Bob Mooney, Bob Trem. Ste\'e Kimball ... varsity golf, Rick Jensen, Chick Cutler, Bob Mooney, Bill Goss, Terry Gustavel ... \'arsity football, Mike Wiles, C<try Gagnon ... frash football, Bob Bassell, Oa\'c Tripleu Jim Fisher . frosh baseball, Bob Erickson ... fl'Osh tennis, Bill Coss lappcd .John Martin for Bluc Key Stc\,e Edwards, Hille Key, IFe, Unittxl I)any . Fl'Osh King fimtlisl, Chuck Birchmier . . . busincss honorary, Bob Erickson man)' exchanges ... Crass Skin dance . . . Hell dance timcs to be remembered.

Phi Gamma Delta

Ilill COM Russ ""!Iburg Ihools Rilllllq

!Job U~sselt Chkk Cutler Keith f.riclson John lIan!ien Rand)' Martin Jol1ll Sackrn 1);1\ ill Triplell

Ch:lrlcs lIirdltllicr

Herll IIr:ldlcy

Ilarry Demon St:m .-allis Ihn HonllHhea

SiC' c Edwanls Jim .路ishcr Jim lIuntrr ChucL MoollC} Ji'li Sulli'':ln Bill Wllite

n.ob MOOlln'

Robb SIr-lIlle, Ron TwilegOir

John Carson Max Eiden I jill Flood Larr) Jeffri.." 80b Penc

Ste,eTnq' Jim White

T(''fr) Cuslil\el

Drroll Li.ing-;Ion Garth Reid

Sam Ch:llnbcrs Bob t:ricl;5()11

Cary Gagnon John Jenkins Chuck I'oller Did; Trail l)ougYal1lley


--------.. _----=~

founded: :\lia",i l:ni'crsin. 1906 \cthe Chaptcr$: ,0 Idaho Chapter: Ucla G:lrlllna founded Loall\: 19-ti

Phi Kappa Tau



Built the winning HOlllecoming fin;u with the Tri-Dch;tS 10 lick off the )car proper!) ... pl:lcCt-1 second in lhe Blood Dri,'C ... placed high in intramural bowling and swimming ... Joe Robinson, II{ officer. Les Sn)dcr lapped for I K's ... Alpha Kappa ))si-olliccrs Gregory, Smith, Ingcbritscn: members Anderson, Fuhany. i\IcBridc . . . \VaYlIe Nyrc chairman of Chemical Engineers conference ... Bc,tch ran for campus Ugly Man-he placed high! Snyder. Johnson, and ScoviIJc in band and orche~lnl ... Cross cilmlidalc for Theta Casllc C'lsano,,;!. . John Knudsen ,lilt! Lyle Sail ,ICli,'c on C,lmpliS conunitlces ... D(,"ctrli awarded the General Dynilmics Corporation NROTC Outst:.nding Achie\'cmcllt Award ... Douglas and Hendcn, trilck :lnd cross (OunLr)'.



.ow, kIf to '''1:,'11; Keith Gregor). Tn':.l$urer; Uiek l)ollgb.s. Pres· id('rH; Doug Sco,-ille. Hou.soe ~I;tn"ger. Suo"d fOil': I)on Knuuon, Vice I'r~idenl: I'"ul Henden. I'ledge Tnincr. 334

Phi Kappa Tau

Armonr Andc.-son ])~,'id nc~ch

Don Fluh'lTl)'

James Ingchricscn Edward McBride Charles S<::homburg

Tom f\mold Wallace Bnlss(ield Harold Folx:s Eric Johnson John Mcnill Doug S<:o\'illc

Ilouglas liasford Charks Clapp A,"lre", G,Ill0W

Jim Johnson Larry Nelson Ron


Wah Collins Keith Grtogof), Rich,lf{l Just Wayne NYfC

Joe Simpson

D",ighc Cross Stephen Haaseh

Arden D,wis ['au] Hcuden

l>ou Knudsen Joe Robinson Terry Smith

John Knudsen

L)'lc Sail John Womick


"""" . .,..",'\ 1+-路

J ..

,,.. ~





.. "






f'oUIldcd: Uni"l'rsity of Alahama, 1856 Active Chapters: 143 Idaho Chapter: Idaho Alpha Founded Luc:ally: 1919

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

One of the Sig Alphs' grealest years Bill Bowes was ASUI Vice President, Top Senior, active in Bille Key, Silver Lance, Scabbard and Blade, and Sigma T'H1. Jim Scheel, Exec. Board, Silver Lance, Blue Key, J Fe President, and Alpha Epsilon Delta. . Jamie Morflu, President of Phi G,Wlma 1\"u, Dad's Day Chairnnn, tapped for I{]uc Key. Dick Reed, United P,lrty President ... Derail! Hurlbert, Bille Key, Outstanding Second Classman and new Commander of Navy ROTC Mick Morfitt, Jr. IFe President, chairman for next year's Dad's Day Bob Bushnell, Outsumding Frosh in L &.: S, chosen to head '63 Homccoming OUlstanding Scnior Athletc Chuck \Vhite set new scoring mark for Vandalb'lskctb,dJ tcam.

Doue ALUlAi\'

President, First Semester now Olle, left to right: SIC\(: Darcy, Corrcsponding Secretar)": Rich Wellinglon, Chapl..in: Doug Allman, I'l'csideuc Dick Rced, Vice Prcsidenl; Don MOllingcr, Chronicler. now Tu'o: Ron Ralknspel'ger, Recorder; Bill Han. House ;\hn"ger: Jamie ;\Ior/ill, Treasurer; ;\1. Eo Ross, Herald: I\ill Cornell. Warden.


Ken \ltJcruon Garn \Ilan Phil \rm~trong Jerr~


Sigma Alpha Epsilon Ro.' Iktltson nill 1\O.."cs Jack nryalll 'ile.e Darci

Ikan Duelke !\ill Egell Alfred Eiguren Gene Fredrickscn STEVE IlUROU:R t>Tc$id~,,'. SuomI S~"'~$I~T

Ed Gris..路old Richard Hall fclT)' HenSO<l Rick llid:5 TC1T} Ho..路ard Bcrald Hurlbert

Charles HUTSI "ill Joa HCllnis JOT)'

Danny Knapp earl Lelh Robcrt Loughmiller

Sle.路c ~f:lrshall Ilrelll ~lilkr .!'IIllt-OS Morfin "lick Morfin I)on "louinger Jim Pallerson

John PellllC}' Rol.Jcrt Pierce Ron Raffenspc:rgtt "fiLc Randle; l..arry Ra$mu~ Richard Ra"'lings

Richard Reed Bob Rice Gar)' Rice

"I. E. Ross Terr)路 Scofield Ron Shellman

Bill Stout Thom'l~ TUlIle

Gt'Orgc Volk Richard Wellington Terry Woodhead


Founded: Miami University. 18,,;; ACli\e Ch"plcrs: 135 Id3ho Ch,lpler: Gamma Ew Founded Locally: 1924

Sigma Chi

Idaho Sigs look back on the 1962路1963 school year as one marked by iH:hievemellts .. always stressing scholarship first, G;llllilla Ela Chapter captured the Province Scholarship trophy for the second year in ;l row and had men in most of the campus scholastic honoral'ies .. activities, too, playa major role al Sigma Chi.. BUller lapped for Blue Key .. Eldred, Bille Key Officer and tapped for Sih'er L;H\ce. . Haskins and McCluskey. t\\'o new IK's . Faucher, IK Court lester . Herndon, Argonaut Editor . ''''heeler, R;t1ly Committee Ch,tirman Groom, Thelil CaSlle Casanova. lovely ]\'Iiss Lorna Kipling, Delta Gamma, chosen Sweetheart of Sigm;l Chi. . Vandal Sigs won the Sigma Chi Province Song Fest. aClive in sports. too.

ARNST.:IN FRILlNG Presi(/e"t

Left to rig/l/; J3Y Euuauks. l'ledge Tr,liner: J\rnSldn Friling. l'rl"S' idem; Bennis Wheeler. Vice l'rcsidcllI; Slc,"c 1I"1!. Trc:Lsurer.


Sigma Chi

1Ioob Adan.s SIC'C Allred Ron Ikl)cr

!Iud Coo<twin Gale li.lcinlwpf R'"ldy Monon An.l)' Sorenson

"red.: Adams Riel:. Ban Bob Caron Pete Croom Kenl Klcinl:.upf

Ron I'Tidmore Roher!

J. Trail

Jim Alex:mder

Brem Ail~el1 Sla"C nail

George "cmham

Benny Illick

)3)' Eubanks

Don .'ainn31l

"irn Henderson

john Herndon Monte McClure lJili Ringer

Jim Faucher Lynn L. I-lill

John LUlld)' ]);lI'C I'ugh L;,rry Vallli

Karl Vun T;,gcn

J);l\id MCCluSk)'

Leland Robison Tom Walton

Warren Iklard l)'l\e Ik.damm Dwight l~ard Gr.I.}"!;on Gibbs :\lichad Glenn Fn:d Freeman JeTT)' Jalllcs George D. Johnson Lelto) Kellogg Iii II :\I;,rl;" C. :-'lcWiliiarns Cuy.\lacstas 1I1'lIce Rullman Galen Rogers Ross Rognslad Dennis \\'l,t1.:lcr D.I.ul><:rhnh1er Joe Wyllie


Founded: Vilginia Milh"rj Institute,


;\eti,c Ch"ptel1l: 128 1II:.ho Chal'ter: Ilella Olilicron I'ou",kd l..ocall}: 191;;

Sigma Nu

'{j2.'G3, an outstanding tC1'1ll for the men of Sigma Nu , , , ASUI Exec Hoard member Fred \Varren is Outsl:mding Senior. Phil Rcberger. ASUI Public Relations DirecLOr , , , Ron Reed, one of two lIew ASUI Judicial Council nu.:ll1bers ... Blue Kcy Sigma Nus \Vanek Stein :tnd Fred \Varren emcee :lllllllal T:dent Show Sigma Nu rookies "Brothers 17" . .lunior-Senior Prom roars LO success with Ron Post as chairman, Phil Reberger replaces Wanek Stein on Athletic Board of Control .. t\lorgan, t\lahn. \Velch, and Giles wear the IK shield and helmet, C:l1'y ~lalll1 is treasurer, "Humblc" Rebergel' is third ye:lr campaign manager, and Ron Post is ncw V.P, of United Pany ., ROTC Superior Senior Cadet Awanl went to DOll Neil.

W.\:\"EK STEI:\"


K"....1i,,8, I,,/t 10 ri~",; Ron Real. Chaplain; Don Neil, Pledge Manilal: Wand, Sicin. Eminem Comrnander, l\rhec S"iu~r, Rush Chairman. Sf,,,,di,,~; Hob lIullock. Semincl: ,\Iee Robin!iOn, LiC'lllcnam Commander: Phil Rcbcrger, Alumni Conlact Officer; Cary MOrg;lll. Social Chainn:lll: UrCnl Jacobs, Tn:asun:r,


Sigma Nu Jim I\nderson nud Ilcnningson

AI Lloling Rohcrl nrilton William Urillon Hob llullock Jerry Campbell John Dahl

John Drcps Mike EI'crell Larry Falkner Slc\'cn Falkner Ron Felice Mikc Gallagher

,,"cal Giles John Graf niH Grah:Ull 1.\01.> Gra~' Dick Gray IIre"l J:lCohs

Glen Johansson L"rrr Johnson L<:slie L:,nde Vern Lcyde I'aul Lrnch G;'T)' i\lcL""ghlin

G;,ry Morg;11l Rich Naccar;uo Donald Neil Ron Ouc D,,"e I';'\'clec Garr I'clers

Ron l'OSI Fr:mk Reberger Ron Rc<.'(l Dan Rile)' I'hil Roark Ray Roark

M:lrk Rohinson ,\I:lurice Sanders Neil Shoemaker Bruce Ski,'cr 1),1ll Snodgr;lss Phil Slellier

John Thomas Fred Warren Dennis Welch

Founded: Illinois Weslepn U"i'"ersit)', 1S99 Active Ch3pters: 186 ld~ho Ch3pter: Mph;. 0<:113 Founded Locall)': 1928

Tau Kappa Epsilon


Highlights in the the livcs of lhc Tekcs this year included the annual Carnation Dance, campus exchanges, moving into the new housc, and holding formal open house on )\IOlher's Day" Idaho's chapter received the award from national TKE (1l0W the largest n:lliollal fraternity) for being the most improved chaptcr over last year Don Hartman elcCled I'residcnt of thc Associatcd Miners Richard Kunter, top Air Sciencc I Cadet of thc ycar, Publicity Officer of CUP Rick Hill and Ken Ash tapped for IK's . Bab Vannoy tapped for Sigma Tau . Vandal athletes included these Tekes: Bob Ames, Mike Jonl;lIl, Kip l-lilm,lIl, .lim 'Vitt. and Gary Gshwandtner in football; Mark Robertson in track; Pete Peterson in swimming" Bob Ames named top senior football player.


Le/l 10 riglH: Dick Williams, HiSlOri;lIl; Roger G3I1lVS, Vice I'resident;

/'His;r/f.mt, First SelJlester

Frank Nelson, Preside",; Denn)' Ihwle)'. Treasurer; D;I\"e Cooper. Pledge Trainer.

"alllelh 1\511

,\1 Arnzen TOil! nlack

Tau Kappa Epsilon John Bri:ms Don Rurr

Gonlon Campbell I'err: Cam"'cll

Jim Gobble I):l\-id


Rooot Emmingh:lIl1

RobeTl .'ishcr ROGER G.\MBS Pre$id.mI,SUOlld Mmester

Mike Fuehrer

Ra)' Gibson GaIT Haight Denny Hawley Rid: Hlll

William Hillman

OOl1ald Johnson \VancII


Mike Jon13n Tom Kl'(}ugh Roger Konkol Richard "ulller

Denny L:l1ld""nk Walt Mcl'hcrilOn Lynn Manus Did: Mastenbrook IIcrnard O'Connell Lawrence Peterson

Bob I'lumb Dennis Reynolds Glen Riller Mark Robcruon Gary'Schonman G:l.ry ShclgrC'1I

John Soderliug Robert \'anno)

James Will


. ,.'

Foundcd: .'Ior",i<;ll Univcrsity. 1856 J\clhc Chaplers: 1~9 1<1'llm Chapter: Epsilon K:.ppa Fouudetl LOGIII)': 19,,9

Theta Chi


=- . . .


=-- - •





-'~~''''''j'' . ,. , ~



Once again a big year for the house with the red door "J-1u.mper" is the ugliesl thing on Cilmpus, .. "Rah Rah" head of frosh recnllunent ... Swanstrom tapped for Alpha Kappa I)si ... I-look heads publicity for United Party ,Drury is Ag, COllncil President . Burkholder edils Navy paper ... Region Nine Improvement lrophy . j\'larkid, Traxler, Swanstrom tappcd for IK's . Goddard campaigns for Uniled com¡ mines, committees. and 1I10re committee ch'lirmen-Cox, Canady, "Gopher". "Burks", "Pork Chop", "Rah Rah". Goddard, and "Pineapplc" "Red Ox Slampede" gives chapcrones apoplexy.. pinnings, engagemCTlls, Chapin takes thc big step house pins J\lrs. Davis 1-l<Irvcy and Pearson, frosh football stars, Hurlburt sparks tennis team.

DAVE COX Preside"l. First Seme$ler

Lt:/I 10 rig"t: Dick Tanaka, Scholarship Ch"in1l'III; L"rry H(}Ok, Tre"surer; Mike C:.n'ldr. Vice l'residell1; l);o"e Cox, I'resident; nell Goddard, Rllsh Ch:.irtll:.n; L:tnee \\'hilehc"d, Senel:O,.)': John Tc"guc. Hous<: '\!'lll"gcr.

Theta Chi

Wayne Ahbolt Leonard Abel

Xel5 Axelson Ja} Raided" Jeff Rrick!!:}" Jim Rurkholder-

:\likc Canady JCI"!) Cann Mike Goblet>: "em Go,-inglOn liE=" GOOD \RJ) "raid,ml, Seco"d S(''''c$lcr

From!: Frail

I'at Goddard I'hil Han"cy Larr)" Hook J)a,-id HumphrC)' Richard H"rlhurt

Jan beri John Jungerl Dennis Kriegel John Markiel Ron Muskopf

Gar}" Myers

Lan,., Nelson Jan O,,'(:ns Gary l'carson Dennis SameT Nonnan ScOlt Ron Sloan

D;l\"c Smith Don S"'anstTOID Richard Tanaka John Teaguc Bob \'en!

Lance: \\'hitehe:od

ClilTidoll Whilney

Joe Wi~"er SIt'phcn Young


Built in 19:;9. A cooper-IIi, c dorru i tOr)"

Campus Club

1962-1963. a )ear packed with fun and achievement for Ihe residents of Campus Club ... buill our Homecoming 1I0at with Ethcl Stccl ... fall dancc "\Vonderl;md by Night" ~ .. spring dancc "Walk on thc Wild Sidc" ,., spring picnic (!!) ,It Troy Rcscrvoir. , , many individual honors as well <IS group projccts ... Bill Sivcrly, mcmbcr of Idaho's Collegc Bowl Team, . Steve Whitcsel tapped for IK's ,i\likc Olson, top physics Stllllcllt, olltslanding sophomorc in cngineering, AFROTC Boeing Award Bruce Fisher, Prcsidcnt of IICW mcn's dormitory. Carl Johannescn, ncw Exec Board member, outstanding lK Page, winncr of IK 1-101)' Grail. Spurs' Knight of Knights, AFROTC General Dynamics Award John Llsscy lappcd for busincss honol':lr)'.

RAY CI-lURCII I'r~sid~lIt, I';rs/


Left If) right; R:a)'



Presidcnt; Lewis I路cncc. Vice: Presidenl; John Heimer, Secret:ary,

\1':l1lcr Ad:IIl1S li3rr)' ncllS

Campus Club Dale Bosworth G:.r)' Ihown Larry 1I11l"l"up Jim Cal'ellcn S,e,'en Cillkosky Mike Conic)'

Fred Fox Dcnnis FrOCl11ing Gerald Gordon Leon Hopson Koberl H IIghes Carl Johann~'$Cn

I-Icll11\11 Kclfrna" lIillLMnb !by Lamb Garr Lucas Bob Luchini .\Iilford Millcr

Ken ,\1 )'ers Todd Nelson Ch:lrles Nicholson Wayne 0rama Kcn Paynter Carl J'ellce

Lew Pence LaITy Ruddell TcrT)' Ruddell Karl R. Salskoo LeRor R. Schad, Karl Siller

William Smith Rohen Stanfield Durward Stolp nill Stri~-gcl ROll Th:.chllCk Gordon Webb

Sherm Weidncr Da,'id Wil.';C)'


Buill ill 19;;8 !)<:die3ted to George L. Shoup, Territorial Go'crnol'.

Shoup Hall's llIOSl sllccessful year to dale, , , Jay Sherm;lIl elcCled lO EXCCUli\'c Board and to lhc prcsidcncy of Rcsidcncc Hall Council, , , Da\'c Soper appointcd ASUI Public RcLnions Director Dalc Schraufnagel Shoup's leading IK , four new IK's ill lhc spring many athlctes " Charlie Jenkins and Bill SCali, frash foolball. Win Zimmerman, frosh lrack ., Bob Gorman, frosh bascball Hunon Hunter, caplain of Idaho's College Bowl Team Shoup's firsl Aw;mts Banquel . Dale S. namcd outslanding hall l'esidCnL , Gerald Tell rcceivcd schol;lrship award Hill Taylor claims intramural award first hall cruise at Lake Coeur d'Alenc, . al1 in alL Shoup very aCli,'e in campus politics, intramural, and social cvents,



, JAY SHER~[AN 1'..eside"l. First Semester


How O"e, /ell 10 righl: Edgar Hawkins, Seeretar)'; Carl Nag)', lntr;" mural Manager; Dale Schraurnagel. Treasurer; Grallt Baugh. Vice I'rcsidcnt. fluw J'wo: L"rr)' S;t1I. Vicc l'rt-sident; Allen Strong. Social Ch"innan; Bob Ewing. St'(;retary; Fred Templctull. Jr, ExcC\l1i,'c Buaul; ])a,id Soper. I'rcsidCllt. SC<:OIl(l scmcstcr; Jay Shcnnan, I'rcs, ident, first scmester.

Shoup HaU l)call Allen Eddie Anderson

Lplll f\ndcnon

Wm. Han'q Bloomer Ford Brrne Gar)' Chandler

Dr\VII)SOI'ER f'rtsidt"r, Suond Stffltsttr

lIob Ch icken Jeff Oa\'is !lob E"'ing Roberl Corman Robert lIc:nry

Burton Ullmer

ElY 19n:ltius Ron McCartney

Neal Moore Wally I'mlllio

James I'hillips Oale Schnlufnagcl Itichard Spencer William 5lodltard Mu,'in SIQlIt

\lIen Strong Fn.'l:!" cmplclOfl HalT) \\'h~ICT




lluilt in 1938. I)edie;,um lO ll~ipdier Ceneral E. R. Chrisman of Ihe Ulli'cnil} mililarr department.




The pages of Idaho histof) oncc ag;:lin yieldcd au nemful }car to Chrisman Hall . . . thc capablc leadership of Ron Broadie and l\lIen Brooks guided the "esprit de corps" of Chrisman to an all¡time high. memories, now riled in thc passages of lhc mimI, to be prilcd by the mcn of Chrism;lIl ... those who brought honors, disappoimmcllls, and mallY. many good timcs illlO thcir homc away from homc will 1I0t soon be forgOllcn ... this yc;u' witnesscd building thc Homccoming float with French House, another successful "Cloak amI Dagger" dance. many exchanges, winning the weightlifling championship . . . seniors once again the minority .. all this was supervised b}' !\If. ami Mrs. Charles Fullmer. h:dl adviser anl! hOSlCSS. during these past swiftly 1>"1.ssing months.


Praid~"t, First S~,"~SI~r

rigll/: Rohcrt 1'la5lino, Tro} Smith.. \llcfl Brooks, I'resident, <t.'C.oml $ClUesler: I homas C:llnpbdl. Ilol<I 'I'll''': Charles R. fullmer, !'roctor: G:lr} Roger$, S•.:<reIOlq: Da"c Kimptoll, Vice President. ROlli Oll~, I~f/ /0


Chrisman Han John I\rrington

J irn


Doug Bishop Uruce C:lmpbell

Jon Camthus

Gene Ctll'i.~lensen

Cary Clouse l)~\C


Lewis Fisher Ilnan Cepner

Roher. Cruel! IIn:nt Itar. W3)ne Ingard .\Ian Johnstone John 1..lI""501l

John Marlowe Jim Miller Michael Neary ni~wel"'ar I'atnai" Sc:Otl RU5tay

I!amId Sasal:.i John Schwartz .\I"e Simpson john SUlIon lilll Traxler


- -----

Built in 195:;. Dedic:ull!(l to frallL.in 8. ":au II. Praidnll of Ihe l:nhcI"il\ or jtbho. 1892路1898.



Quite a year for the men of Cault! ... led nudcllt cheering at home football &"UllCS (!?) ... dccorauxl hall for Homecoming ... chose petite Joanna Blood for Snob.dl Queen. . Almquist, standout guard for varsity fOOlbatl {cam.. won Independent League intramural baseball title ... Hell, intramural horseshoe champ.. "BO~lOIl", ilHralTlllr:d ping pong singles winner ... Harshman and "Boston", inlramural ping pong doubles winners .. many Sllldcnts honored schol;lslically . . . Lindsay. Xi Sigma I~i ... Livingston, Butler, Hopper, and Salmcicr, new IK's . Jorgenson. Alpha Epsilon Rho ... Salmcier, Alpha Zela ... Campbell. Sigma Xi and oo\'cled Medical Research Cr:lIll from the Universlt}' of "'ashinglon ... Weight. Mong, Vanno}', J. :\Iacki, Jorgcnson, Sigma Tau.



/low Olle, lell 10 righl: Paul Woods, Treasurer; Rich:nd Xelson, Vice l'rcsideJJl; Da\(~ Lilld!'a}. 1'~ide1ll; 1)(>;uI l'e:I.I'50Il. \(hiseT. /low 1''''0: Carl I-I:nfield, Sgt,-al' \mu; Jim Willinger. IJJlramural :\Ian:ager; tn:daick \ugust Ilohorllil. Secreta!); Jim Crane, Social Chaiml31l.


Gault HaU Frank Addeman Merlin J\hrcns Roger lIeal Ricllard Becker J. Brcnt nohli"

William 1IoilOn Corder Campbell Loren Casc Jim Crane 'navid DeKay lim Dctchman Glenn Dyer

I),,>'id Eldridge Lyle Eliasen Charles Enl;Slruru Sidney Erwin Bill Fullman Roy Garten Bill Gotsch

Jt'SSC G Teen lim Griscnti hon:lld Haas Sharkey Harrison 0011 Harshman Ronald Ray liart Clifford Henderson fred Hohors! David Hopper Jill1 Hunt Icrry Johnston 'rcrr}' K:lCrchcr Kirk Kcuter Douglas Kraemer

Gary Lewis Wall Locke Richard LOf:an Dennis ,\fc~lurlrcy rim "'<odd Rich:ml Mad:.; Jim ~1;l1lning



Larry May SIC"C Miller f\lvin Mong Lester Morfin Cecil :\Ioulton



Rich"n\ Nelson Fred Oyer Russell P3rkcr Dean Pearson LITTy Pctersen I)c~n Peterson Jerry Pctcrson Rich~rd Procopio Ron Rourkc Milo S,llmcier Glen Schillcr Harold SchillrefJ Ih,'c Shaw I~obert Sielle

Doug Stccl Lee Takahashi William Ulmer Ray Vickermall Wa),ne Wahineokai John Walter Carl Wambolt Bob Warren Dwai" White Charles Wi\oo1< Jim Willinger Paul Yamamoto


Built in 1920. Dedicated to Ernest Hiram Lindler, I'resident of tIle Uni,'ersitr or Idaho, 1917路1920,

Lindley Hall

After 4 r years, the citadel on the hill prepares to move to the new \Valbcc Complex by concluding another year of outslanding group participalion and individll,d ,lChie\'ellleTllS firsts in intr,llll11ral Abasketball and volleyball . . . Independellt football championship . . . Kirkland is Medalist in golf tourney ... many social activities. Homecoming 拢loat "Barnyard Blast" , Home Managemclll I-Iollse girls dinner guesls for nine weeks! ,,"Peppermint Luau" Norman Kelley is president or Mu Epsilon Delta anti wpped for Phi Sigma I-Iofl"man in Sigma Tall . ./. Kellcy and Earl in IK's Lethrud, Earl, and J. Kellcy in Phi Eta Sigm'l. ,Fisher in Alpha Kappa Xi , , , I-Ic;llh in Alpha Zela 0, Spores and Kemer in Xi Sigma I>i.

DAVII) BRASHEARS Preside"t, Firs! Semesfer

How One, left 10 righl: Darrel Wiltrout, Frosh ReprC5Cllt:ui"e, Dave Brashears, President; Ton)' Schneider, Sgf.-al-J\rms; Eddie Wood, Senior Repn:scnfati"e; Chark'S Brandt, TrC<lsurcr. /low T,,'o: Boyd Earl. &nctary; D"n: Spores, Vice I'r<.'Sidcnt; Ron I'ykc. Intramural l\lanllgcr; Bill Spor<.'S, Scll(>l"rship Ch"innllli.


Charles 11r'lIldl W ..... GocLrell Robert M. Ellis M;lUl'ice "lolfll1;'" Russell Moore C:lr)' TOllen

l.lo)d lhiscoc

Ceo..ge Coleman Eugene E. E)I'H111

R:l)' I'I'OSI

Bill K;l"':ullua Dennis Nelson G:lr)' Van Slolle

l'"uslillus Kali",,. Max Ol:l"';l Harold C. Vosen

l.kln C:tll:lher Nonnau R. Kclle) RQn I'yke I-Io",a ..d Wallace

Dennis Andcnen Jay Andcnon William L l!.ens J. 1-1. BI'OlIS Keith ChriSI('1liiCn Roger J. CI3)IOn KCI1I1elh ,\. CorlicH DicL DeAllc' l..an)路 A. Drc... Mikc I-Ic;l.Ih Ja)' Gaskill Frank Hoeh 1)011 Kcutr'T Kcn M;us"molO Clucllcc Millcr Bill Scrimshcr Ron Smilh .\lIen R. rhompson 1..;IOHCOCC WclIcr I)ancl WiluQUI Eddie Wood

Lindley Han 355

nuilt ill 1955. Oedicated to Alfred H. Uph:UIl, Presidcnl of the UIli\'crsity of Idaho, 1920-1928.



Another big year for Upham-proper follow-up LO last year as outstanding men's hall on campus Bill Fr,ltes on Exec, Board and elected ASUI I>resident " Bill l\IcCann, Freshman Class President ... Rick Beebe, Sophomore Class »residcnt and on Activities Council, Arlen ]\farley, CUP President and Duke of IK's , , . Marley, Beebe, Howard,Martin, Soderling, Miller, McCann, and Gibbens serve as JK's Creech, Prysock, and Soderling in »hi Eta Sigma, Trail, Marley, Beebe, and J\lcFarland in Delta Sigma Rho. , , McFarland is president of Alpha Phi Omega, Cameron is president·elect Howard, Beebe, Nelson, Miller, and I\lanin in Alpha Kappa Psi., Soderling, Veep of RHC. ,Nelson, National RHC President.



Left /0 right: G:'T)' Hcwcll, SccrClary. Rick Ucel.>c, Vicc I'l'csi,lcnl; Bob /-Iale)', I'rcsidcm; Bcn HCliriksCll, T'"C<lSllrcr; Merlc Gihocns. I'ar. liamcnt:,riall; l\rlen Marley, Soc:ial Chairman.


lIiH Allred Ruhert Creech Merle Gihbens Garr)' l.odllcr Karl Nelson Dal'e R)'d:'ldl Jim Sturgill

Joseph ,\. BaS(llie Joe Dobson Lanl' Godfrq Joe Lusc Tor)' Nelsoll Stephell Schmidt Darrel Swan5011

10m nlessinger Harold Duff)' Dale Connie)' ]Jill McCall" 1.)'1111 Odcll Ron Shopllcll JOloll Swiger

Jim lIud.ller JOl' Es.q:r l.Iel"l Hc"rikscll Hob Mct';,1"Ialld J:""C~ Ren1. Car), Smith J:lInes Thumll50n

Kelllleth Charters Richard Fish Lee Hohner Danel M:llIhews Bruce Rid.lIe G:,q' Stemel Chuck Turner

,\h in Clark Gilhert Fong John T. Jensc" Gary Mqer DOll Roemer Virgil Stel'cn5 Darrell Turnidge

Bill Conic) ]Jill Frates Ch;,,.k'$ Johnson Man Miller CI;'ytOll Rumsey Walter Stoller ])a"id Vail

Upham Han 357

nuilt ill 1937. Dedicated to Mr. Willis SWl><:l of Moscow. who i"lmdu<:l~llhc lJill lO lhe Idaho Legislature to create the U"i"ersit)' of Idaho.

WHHs Sweet


• 358

\VilJis Sweet's twenty-sixth year was the besl yet a much talked about cabaret, "An Evening in Monte Carlo" many sun·burncd memories of the cruise on Lake Cocur d'Alene, .. steak fry is indeed a night to remember all the University dignitaries attend our Senior Banquet ... under the able leadership of Presidents John Howell and )\Iike Alldredge, we were again very active in campus aITairs .. Sam Taylor garners Vice Presidency of the sophomore class in fall elections ... Ken \Veatherbie stands tall in spring elections and gains a spOt on Exec Hoard to replace out-going Tom Eisenbarth many offices in campus organizations fell imo lhe hands of ollr members, including Veep of CUI~ ,md two spots on Activities Coullcil committees.


jess ALJooti


Lon Atchley

jerry f\genLJroad john IJarnes

DOl"id Anderson Randy IJehrens

SlC,-e ,\ rmSll-ong DOll lIerl.:e)'

Clelll Alchley Carl Ikrner

O~rrc:ll I~I( Richard 1J.0uras.'la lIc:n Ilrackelt John Ilromet JerI)' Urunc:cl I\rt I)ollohue I'atrick Crea Jerry I)a\ is Ih\ id Drcfall Ed Duffy Tom t:iscubarlh Ron Elsocrr)' Joe Gillespie John A, 1I:,1unell Ed Hanscll l)on Ile:l\'rin Roocl'l !'terrd Charles Hubbard All~n HUllehall Carl 1\. Johnson Cha"kos K,ll11achos Thomas" llnkcl Rohert Lewis Joseph D, L1o)'d Gene ~1aT3lfio Mickey Rice J. Sch:oufclocl'gcr Fred Spence Ken Stone Jolin Sharp R. Van 1I0men CI)'dc Trupp All in VernOll Kcn WC:tthcrIJie Roocl'l Wilks

L;IIHcncc Chinn Richard Durhin Darwin Harms Carl G, Johnson Mike M:,rsh J, Mick T:LggCI'l Rex Willi,nnSOIl

Dclben Coates Cbrk .:aslerday Richard Eggy Llo)'d Har\'cgo Leslie Heasley Michad Johnson ,\rlhur Jones Richard Moe I):ole Ogle Sam T"ylor W:IY"C TllI'onson I'hilip Wilson Miek Wimer

Willis Sweet Han 359



LDS '-louse started a good year with a vcr\' successful mountain party .. thell f:lIl dance "Enchanted Sea" ... Gary Steiner returned from IFYE trip to Finland ... Laurence B}rnc ,md Chet Adkins in Orchcsis ... Dale Hansen initiated illlo 1)lIi Sigma. member of Alpha Zeta, recipient of University fellowship for gr.lduatc work in plant ph}siolog) . . . house prcsidclllS were the Hansen brothers. Dale first semester. Leon second semcster .. aher 35 }ean. LOS House finalh gets a sign . . . Gail Serf" on "Idaho Engineer" staff ... Bill Bunn on "arsil} swim team ami in Army Color Guard . . . Ken Smith accepted for N:H'.. I Nuclear J)ower School ... Lent} HurL TreaSlirer or Oail) Club ... Leon Hil1lsen. }\g. Honor Roll . . . James Gipson prcsclltCtI outstanding house member ;lwanL

I).\LE H.\NSEN I'r~ljd~,,', Firlt S~mul~r

Chet A"kim L:,wrencc nrl"llc Jerry Fogg

Ellis G:lr<lner lla'ill Gillell Jim Gipson

Ken 11;I.I11ilton I..cRo) lIulf Co) Jnnnlell L)nn Jensen ~Iie


u. ~lcadlllm L)le I'oner

Gail Serr Willillm Shupe J. Slago..~li Ken Smith Gary Steiner Shenil Wells



.,. ::rr: "". ~~.; -.... . i..:-t - '~.-~ ~ -



I'r~jirl~'l/, SuomI SI;Ifl~lltr

Town Men's Association The purpose of TMA is 10 bring lhe men li\'ing olr路campus closer to the activities of the Uni\'crsity of h\;lho C;UllpUS. . T!\IA has been active ill social functions and inlr<lI11Ur,1! sports ... campus champions in bowling ... runners-up in Independent League \'ollc) 1>:11 1and basketball ... first place for best individual f10al at Homecoming ... sponsored the posl-rcgistl';-uion d.mee at the SUB ... Thomas Taylor elccted J~residelll of Mcch,micil Engineers ... Marvin Weninger selected as the lOp student in College of Engineering ... Dale Belling tapped for Phi i\Iu Alpha, Sinfonia of Associalee:1 Engineers

Floyd Lukccart, TMA President. is new president worthwhile )'C:lf for this association of off-campus men.

FLO\'禄 I.UKECART Praidtmt

I-ft: ,\dler

)la"id Uaumgartner Richard Be..n D..le Bening From); Ilenson Roberl Iknrtl

Fred Ikrrong t:d",iu Bro,,'n Ste,"e Uro"-n lien C",erles5 Conlon Cooper C:trr Curlis

John Dr"gcr CI:tir Eric);son I'an i," Faram:t".i Del C<lnlllcr Koherl Cn.'CII

Phil Cust<lfson

John Cw"rmey C<lrf Hart Stanlc)" 1"litHie Lesler Lamphear Roben I.alluan Conlon Kamppi

Ken Knobloc:);

I)"'a}ue McC:ortuC} [)cunis :\"onnall !x-ugl"s I'clenou I)a,c Rambeau lac); Raudolph

I..;Hry Riller ",obSIo:,o" W"}Uc StC\O'llrt -I homas T .. )"lor

C"TT}' Waller


Editors' Thank You The 1963 Gelll of the ivioulllains has been designed (0 give the students, alumni and friends of the University of Idaho a permanent record of the University's activities and accomplishments during Idaho's Territorial Centennial year. As editors of the '63 Gem, we hope that this book will be accepted, appreciated and enjoyed as much as we have appreciated having had the opportunity to coordinate and compile it. A compilation of those whose time, effort and material have gone illlO the making of this book would supply us with a list much too long for individual mention of all. There arc, however, those who do deserve acknowledgment in this small way_

PAUL B. EVANS ... To the man who LOok a sketchy idea, developed a personal interest and designed the 1963 Gem, we give our special thanks. JIM GIPSON and DICK PEAD ... ''''ith encouraging suggestions and a hearty word, these two men acted as a liaison between Caxton Printers and the Gem Staff. Also, our appreciation for the technical quality of the printing, particularly the excellent color work by Glenn Spurgeon.



sincerest thanks to these fine photographers who provided us with many an excellent and interesling picture. RAFE GIBBS and DON WALKER ... Encouragement, pictures and copy supplied us many ideas with which to work. GALE MIX ... Our great middle man who solved a variety of problems for us.


Another year of excellent co-

operation with the staff and students. OTH ERS . . . Idaho Department of Commerce and Development, George Hatley, the Argonaut editors and staff, Jim Lyle, and scores of others who put in much time and effort. VIRGINIA COPE and JULIE STRICKLING . . . Editors of next year's Gem, we wish them the very best of luck and we offer our special thanks for all they have done on the '63 Gem.

ROBINSON-PFORZHEIMER TYPOGRAPHICAL COLLECTION ... Old-fashioned type faces, from this collection at the Printing Office, the New York Public Library, have helped to give our book a unique aspect.



1963 Gem Staff Editors-


As ociate Editors-


Organizations -


Brenda Sharp Gwen Tolmic Donna Gibson Kalhy McConnell

Activitie -


Zena Griffith Penny Galc



Chuck \"'aILQn Gary Crcell




Cia ses-


Photographers -


Glenn Sprouse Roy Bell


Student Index " A!>heal. "hrian Irene. 90. 293 Ahholl. Jesse W:.lter. 90. .'158 ,\hbotl. Warne E:lliol . .'lH ,'hel. Kathken Fr"n<;<.'s. .'II.'! ;\hcl. Ll.'(>nard Eugene, 79. 90. 3·15 J\hollll, Tahir Said. 204 ,\hralllS. Dennis 1';1111. 79. 162. 330. 331 Ackerman. C.. rol Lee, 289 Adams. Charles IIrt-.:kcllridgc. 79. 339 Adams. Cheryl Leiloui. 309 Adams. Robert W:lync. 79. 339 "dams. Waller Lewis. 90. 210. 347 Addcman. Fr,lllk Norman, !l;,.'l Adkins. Chester Dale. 90.360 Atller, Lee Rar. 60. 361 AgcntJroad. Jerald Res. 358 Agle. Lloyd Mark. (j() Ah·Fong. Richard James. 319 Ahlschragcr. [,lith Kay, 162.287 f\hrCIlS. Mcrlin St<lnlC}'. 79. WI. 353 Aitken. Waller nrC"!. (j(), 339 i\kcr. Nettie )-'ranees. 306 l\lhec. Ann Maric. 29. 90. 309 ,\thens. George Edwin. 185 i\lhcrtson. Kennelh Wa)",c. 27. 60, 337 ,\luju. Donna Louisc.60. 291 Aldrich. Jacqueline Rae, 90. !WI Alexamler. Alex J,,,ncs. 90. 3119 Alexander. l'atriti'l Ann. 2Q3. 299 Allan. Garry Richard, 60.11.'17 Alldredge. Ida Judy, 289 t\lIen. Arthur William.1l2. 210 t\lIen, Ikan Gilherl, 11·19 t\lIen. Hugh Ormiston. 79, 162 t\lIgair, Cheryl JO,Ill. 60, 200. 297 t\lIman. Douglas De'lI\. 60. 336 Allred, Coral Stephen. 112. 1l4. 79. 209. 3119 Allred. Willi'"11 .:dgar. 90, 1157 t\lIwardl, Juctilh Kay, 3011 t\ln"luisl, Dennis Albn. 235. 2'10. 276 Almquist. Susan Ka)',!l09 Allon, Lana lune. 48.79. 196, 30li Alumk;,I. \\,;"lIi;lI1) Thomas. 20-1 Arnhrosc. Cary llrooke. .'103 t\"'lOS, Gl'Qrge hederick. 212 t\mcs. Rol>crt LUlIis. 2·16 t\mos. Carolee Rita. 291 t\"",s. Kenneth ~brli". 329 Andersen. Iknllis Arthur. :;9. 355 A,ulel1l<lI1. Andrea .;",:Iyn. 12'1,200 Anderson, Arlllour Axel. Jr., 335 Anderson. Ih)'otl Don. 48 Andersoll. Daniel Craig, 212 Anderson. Da,'id Jerome. :;9. 358 An<lerson.Dell host. 211 Anderson. Eddie LeRoy. 90. 349 Anderson. Jamcs Ansfrid, 60. 341 Andersoll, Ja)' Lamont. 90. 355 Anderson, Joan Dec. 79. 279. 1101 t\nderson . .I udith Gay, 31.'l t\mlcrson, L)'nn Monroe. 3'19 t\nderson. 1',lUi Joe. 32. 213 t\nderson. Ronald Lee. 2·1:; t\n<lerson. RUlh Elaine, 79, 209. 306 t\n<lerson. SaIl)' Ann. 90. 287 Anderson. Sa'ulra Clnistine. 79, !l13 AnderSOll. Salldra .10. .'III t\'Hlersoll.5h;"'on Kathleen, 31.'1 t\t"lerson, Shirley Carol. 60. 3(H t\'"lerson. Willi,,,n Gl'Qr!:e. 60. 327 Anderson. Wilma Je'lrl. 79. 301 t\mlerson. Zoe EI,"ne. 292


.\",II'e'I$<)II. l-brold. 42, 90.319 t\ndrews, Dan" .10. 57.60.183,188,189. t\nkenman. Ll'Slie Lee. 208 ,\rchih;,ld. Harold Loyale. 315 ..\nl, ~Iaril)·n. 90. 312. 313 Areh'lre. Ue"erl~' Anll, 60. 2.'1(" 302. 303 ,\rlll"cost. Run;,ld Ray. 209 Anlls, SlIS;lll Kay. 27. 60. 302. ~3 Armslrong. John William. Jr .. 90,199.316, 317 Armslrong. I'hili!) t\rlhur. 2·1j. 337 ,-\"lllsirong. Ste"e Leroy. 90. 358 t\rnolrL Susan Ce:cile, 79. 29'1. 29:; AnlOlel, Thomas Eetward. 335 t\nll. Stephen William, 79. 236. 320. 321 ,\rnl.en. ;\lois t\II,honsc. 79. .'1411 ;\ rrien. f\ngeles Marie. 60. 121, l!Ji. 2].]. .'101 Arrington. John Sherwood. 90.199.351 Arthur, Jo)'ce Mac, 90. 293 Arlis, "'Illla };lil_al>eth, 90. 2!11 Aschenhrener. Ten:sa L)"nn. 28:; Ash. Kennelh Carl. 209. 343 Ashburn. John Joscph. 7!J Ashrafi·UaiJil>aiJadi. ,\loh"I1l1t1,ul Taghi. 204, 208 t\sleu. hene t:lil.ahelh . .'1111 ;\spluml. Carole t\llll. 61.306 t\tcltlC)', Clen I'reston. 358 Atchley, Lonnie Steve. .'1511 Atkins. Jcrry FrJllklill. 213 Atkinson, ~Iil(tred Lorraine. 61 Aupperle. Donald l'hilip,210 Au~till . .Iulia L)'ul1e. 79. 297 Austin, I'atrid" L;I}"IlC. 90. 301 t\ustin. Susan Wra)', til. 213, 292. 293 AXelSCII, Nels I'cter. .'l45 ,\)'er~. ;\mold Leslie. Jr" til. 208. .'128. 329 t\)'er5. John Manin. Jr .. 48. .'115 t\}"er5, Stanle), G(:orge. 275 Il

U;,ber. Edward Arthur. :;9. .'121 l\;IcolI. ChanC)o Rollo, 29. til Ihcon. Jerry Max, 61 . .'I.'l7 lI"i",.. James Vincent, 212 lIailey, Alhert William. 2'!.1 Baile}". O"lene Gl'Qrge. 2'!·1 Bailey. Joyce "!;orie. 29. !JI. 306 Bail)'. Donn" R"e l.arson. 91. Hj2 lIail),.•;,·erell Minnich. 78 B'liuhridge. lIarh,lra Ann. 2:;.61.291 naker. Charles Warren. 48 lI:rkc:r. Gary [;,rIc. 2li9 lI:oker, John Mitchell. 162. 16·1. 212 B:lker. Richard Thomas. lfi4 llalt'S, Warren Rich. 61 Balch. Linda Ll>c.291 lIal<led.. Joseph [ugene, !Wi Ilaldridge, Dorothy R:oe. 26. 48. fil. 196. lIaldwin. St,,,,le)' ~Iillon. 19,1. 195.208 lI:ell. Roger Ihrold. fil lI;IIl,ml)lu:. Willi,tm James. Jr.. 80, 235. 270.331 lIamesocrger. Emily Louise, 28. 213 Bald,,)", t\lcxander. J'-'. 80. .'I t 7 Bardell;' John Amhrosc. 247 Ilaru;onl. Alln Rodkq-, 91. .'IO!J names. Di.~ie Rae . .'113 lIa1"lll'S. John Fr;rnklin. Jr .. 80. 358

H"mell, Marl' FratlCl'S, 162,203.295 lIamh,orl. J;"nes Robert. Jr .. 209 Ua1"llh,t1"l. John Lewe. Jr .. 61. 211 Barnum. H,uriel "I arlene. 61. 1M. ~Ofi Bartlell. Rohert Lee. 24:;, .'117 Barllcll. Thomas Marsh"ll. 91. 213 Barton. Ch"r1ene F:oye. 287 lIasford. Douglas l);uryl, 3.'15 lIasham. Douglas Ibn)". 26; n"S<lue . .Ioscph AnthOll)'. lil. .H7 nassett. Robert l.plll, 247. 333 lI:rs.sl~npour. ~ranolll(:hehr. 2:;6 nales, Col role Diane. 305 lIall'S. Thomas Roger, 327 Ibll,J:ttncs Lee, 351 lIall, Richard Vernon. 339 Ball. Stephen Ch,trkos. 61. 338. 339 Ibly, Jean Carnl. 29'9 Baller. Merr)' Kathryn. 48. 91, 1!J8. .'106 Ilaugh, Grant. 348 nau",. t\nn ""'ric. 61. 213. 301 lIaumann. "licll'lel Martin, 235. 242 Ilaumgartner, l)a,'id Carl. 80, 361 Uallsch, Eugene Wood)'. 164 lI:oxter, K,"herine Jo,m, 90. 91,124.125. 1!,7, 198.200.295 lI,,)"lon. lIelle Alice. 289 lIe"ch. Ih"id Clark. 335 Ileal. Roger Flake. 80. 3;,3 Ilean. Lorraine Eli1abelh . .'III lIe:on. Rich:orrl Ll'e. 61.1:161 lIeardlllore, Nelda Len. 91. .'l06 Ileasley, Ilarh,tra Elizabeth. 287 Ikasle)'. Caroly" June. 80. 162.311 Ileaux. Wiley Frank. 209 lIeck. Dorene "brie. 289 Iled. Helen Louise. !III lIeck. K"ren Ll'e. 80. 311 Ik'Ck, Leslie Arthur. 1:;3.267, 2i2 lJl'CI.:er, Claudine Marie. 91. 213. 309 Ik'Cker, Rieh,rrd ~:ugene. 353 Ik'Cker. Rusatlne Edna. ZCJ Ill-ebe. Richard Clark. 42. 90.199.20::;. 3-,ll Ill-er, Sarah lalle. 26, 61, 300 Ikglan. IIriefgel.lil. 287 Uehrens. Randy Carl. 2'1:; . .'158 lIeli. David lleWa)·ne. 80. 107. I(H, .'I~I nell. Donna Lee. 80, 291 IIcll. Gl"(lrge Uarrow. 199 1Ic11. Jane Elizal>eth. 80. 313 Ilcllwood. Sherman Lee. 327 Beltun. I);,,,iel Thomas. 61 Bening, Dale Wilson. 29. 91. 361 Benner. Leland Dean. 80. 321 Ilellllell. James Edward. 22:; I\ellnigson, Arnold 1..61. .'l41 Ill-noit, Gcorge L)'llll. 91,329 lIenoit, Norma Lou. 15'1. 295 Uenson. lIelly LOll. 293 Uenson. Franklin 1)0nol1ue. 61. 208. 216.


lIellson. LeRo)' Anderson. 271 Bentham. Gcor!:e WeslC)', Jr .. 339 llc'Hlcy. Jaml'S EllOn. 208 l\enlSOI1. Roy lIunlctle. 91. 199. 337 lIellll.. Ch"r1elle. /01. 311 I\erard, Robert I)eall. 61. 211 . .'lG1 lIerg. Larr)' Allen. 91. 329 Uerl\"emann, Fred Wil1i;l1l1. 42,80, 2/i. 322. 323 lIerg1luisl, Jon Ronalel. 212 lIerkC)". nona lei Leroy. 61. 358 lIerner. Carl William. 26. 61. 358 lIerrelt. Keilh La'·or. 208. 209

IkrronJl;, .'r«lerick Ch:...I('$. 80. 208. 361 Ikrry. l:na Lois Droscr. 61 BelT). jama Unwin. 42. 91, ~3 Iksl. SUlann~ Vy~, 61. 297 Iktla,,'orlh. ja)' Michael. 212 BellS. Harry EUJI;~l~. 29. 80. 34; BellS. William Eugell~. 2i2.175 Uc\<In, 8cr}'1 Ann. 61,191. 213. 288. 289 Ik\ inglOlI. Alan HonSlead, 80. ~3 Biandi. Rose .\Iarie. 61. 299 Bicg~n, Carol .\hri~. 91,198.200.29:; lIi~napfl. William I'hillil'. Jr.. 321 Ilillings. Oiane leigh. 61. 306 Ilillingu)". Kalhleen Clair~. 162.291 lIillo..·• Dalid Charles. 62. 2'li llirdHni~r. Charla Orland. 133.333 Birkin. Karen. 295 IIishop. Douglas Allcn. 50, 351 llinell. Roger Ita)·. 34. ~'09 Ili~tline. John Scull, 91. 3.!11 Ilithell. Lind:l. 13.!1. 201. 206. .'$03 lIithcll. W~hcr I-loge. 80. .'$Ii llju~lwm. Mary Elil:lheth, 211!.f IIbek. Thom~~ Rylic. 91. HI IIlackbird. Gcnltl Vaughn. 2ii lll~ekburn. Larry Taft, 91. 31i Ill~ir. lIarhara Lynne. 55. 19i. 20'!. 2.'$6,!lO'l lIlair. Carol Louise. 91, 293 IIlal~ ..... ary T~\llctH,:'S01 lIlankcnburg, Di1<ie L.ea.!.fl. 313 lIIanlenshil'.....ollle john, 62 lilank$ma. Robcrl .larold. 31,. IIlnsinf\:er. Thomas Da,-id. 62. 212. 3;;i Rlick. Ikllny George. 91.201.20'2. 200.339 Blilen, Ronald Duan~. 62 81«k. l)elben William, 62. 209. 323 1l100d.joanna E.-alen:I.154.213.2'!1.3O;; Bloom~r, William Haoe). 3-19 Rlo...~r, Roberl Da,-id. 40. 80. 330. 331 Bloxom.Jack Ltt.0I0, 2N Bloxom. rhomas Duan~. 010 1I1l1,n, Iklh~1 Louise:. .!III Blum. Noel latna. 162 Ik>o!m. Ted baniel. 62, 226. 321 Ik>o!rd. O,,'illht \lemon. 339 Ik>o!rd, Warrell Lee. 28. SO, 339 Ik>o!trighl. !lilly Carrol. 221 Ikx:kmalln, John I)a, ill. 62. 33!.f IkMline, Caroline Ruth. 6'!. 213. 313 Bogard. Charles Ed",ard. 223 Hoguc. Ronal,1 ,\lIcn, 2GO. 262 nohlin. Johll llren!. !.fl, Ilohm~n, judilh Vivian . .'I09 l\oh""III. K:,rcli I\:lrhara, 80. !SO'J l\oisen. John ;>Olichad. Jr .. In. 247. .'117 l\oling, Alhed L.a,-crne, Jr., 1&1. 2'!I. 301 I l\ollm:ln, touise Norma. 118. 1,j.6. .!IO'J 1\oIStad. Terr)' Frcdrick. 2101 l\olton. William Slarr, 212. 115.'1 B01l. Darrell Gene. 91. 210. 359 Ik",nell, Michael Lansd:llc, 80. .'II!) "onny. Jan Karla. 289 llorneman. Richart! Rohen. 265, 2ti6 Ikmerl. Nanc) Eli131)('lh. 62. 294. 29j I\o$,,·onh. Dale Xorman. 91. 31i l\o$"·orlh. Robal jama. 329 Ik>lSford. jarnes La..'rence. 2i 11oI1, Don:lld Loraine. 6'!. 2Oi. 2Oll, 209 Ik>"rnb. J3mrs Te:rr::lllc~. 80. 138. 199.20'2. 3I6,3Ii Bourassa. Arlhur Slanlq·. 62. ~I Bourassa. Richard X~il. 91.101-1.359 Bo"·(n. John Thomas, jr.. 270 l!.o...er, Iklly Ann. 191,203,293 IJ.o..'~n. Gerakl ,\aron. 62. 32i IJ,o,,-rs. Wiltiam Charles. 51, 62. 1il.3. 1il6. 19i. 200. 205. 33; 1k>"'ler, Williarn Bruce. Jr.. 210 IkI"'rnan, Ro)' Ah·ia. jr.. 01 I. 62, 32i Iko)"lI, jerry K.. .!I28 """ld, Virginia Grace. 29. 91. 162. :'SOj Iloler, Ronald Lee. 62, .'139 IIr:lckee. ;>Ohmtc Kcith. 208 lIr:lcken, NUl' Elhert. 212. .'I!J9 IIr~,lford. Jnck. 91 . .'115 IIr:ulley. llruce. 91. 199.2'..15.325 lkltlley. Ilerherl Willi:II11 . .'$3.'1 Ikldsha"'. Gar)' Henry, 2ii 1Ir::lIlth. Charles joseph, 80.1154. 355 lJr::mson. Ik>nnie K:lthlccn. 289 llrashears, 1)3' id R}'on, 62. 3:',1


Brassfield. Wallace Winferd, 62. 203. 335 Rral!. jon Wallis, 29.164 Braun, joseph Wallac~. 213 Br.lllll. Manella Rose. 62, 215. 305 IIrennen. Walter Roy. 2i2 Bu·..·er. jama t·ran\;;. 20i Br",·ington. C13rk AlI~n. 34. 62. 208 BriallS. Catherine Ina Barr. 62 flrians. johll Michael, 91, 343 Brick. Rosellla!') Gail. BO. 312. 313 Briel:ey. jelfre) Willard. 345 !lrigham. Nancy Lp'n. 313 Brim. I'auida Dianne, 162 IIriscoe, Lln)'d .:lIIl1lell. m Rrillon. Robert Lee. 62. 208, MI IIritlOn. William Oean.91, 341 IIrixen, Allen Ro)·cl. 62 llroadie. Rodney Lowcll. 62. 3::;.0 llrockic. Kalhleen llarbara. .'113 Brogan, Uarb;u"d Jayne. .'III IImmel. john Cornelius. 91. 359 limns, Johanut'S llcndrikus. 62. 3,.:; lIronson. jamt'S lJruce. 269 Uronks. ,\lIen teruy. 276. .'150 IIrook5. Catllcrine A.lelia. 305 IIro",,,. lIenjalliin tee. 80. .'121 llro"·n. DaVId Mark. 28. 18i. 199.316 ll.o"·n. Oa,'id Ralph. 91, 331 llro"'n, t:d",i" Reese. SO. 212, 361 ll.o,,·n. Eller)' Kliess. Jr.. 240 Bro",n. Gnry Manns. 80. M7 Rrown. Gene Scon. 22i IIm,,-n. jerome t·rands. 28. 192 llro",n. judith Kalhlcen. 80. 29i Rro"·n. leRo)' RiehanJ, 91. 327 Bro..-n, Michael l.ce, 012, 80. 316. 31i Bro,,·n. P:uricia AIl)n. 91. ~ Bro"·lI. Robe:rt I'rall, 205 IIm..-n. Rogel" CIa)', 212 "ro...n. Su~phcn Kem. 62. 361 Rruce. Sharon Anll. 91. 20-1. "3 I\runcel, jerr) Michael, SO. 359 I\r"nskill. lames William. 62. 32i Unnllell. Charla Marlill. SO. 331 Rrtllllell. l)awn Suunne. 62. 296. 29; IIrush, Lucinda Lee, 91. 298. 299 IIr)"an. l)a,i,' Wa)'IIe, 208 Rr)'anl. John Curl is. 2017. 2iol. .'I3i Ilryer. ,\nne Vil'llinia. 310 Illle-hanan, Manha Rae, 309 IIlIck. lI:nb;na C"rlcne. 308 Illlcklcy. j~nCI Louise. 27. 80. 291 Blick Icy, JoAnn, 80. ~13 Fluckner. J;UllCl< Sle",,,r!, 80. 209. .'I5i Ilucll. ;>01:,rrll:L J:UIC. 62. 286, 28i llullinglon. ChOirles Duane. 80, !2; Illlgb,~e. l.arr) .:II",ar.1. 91. 329 lIuleller. IImee L... ui~.1129 llunard. Ma,'y Lillian, 118.20.'1, 28i llllilock. Rol~rl t:;,d. 62, 340. .'141 lIund)'. Glenda Jun . .!II3 Ihmn. William Ellis. 225, 269 Rurgcmeisler. ,\hin Ilarold. 162.~":; Ilurghardt. l:':ld Lyle. 212 Burke.ll.arry Michael. 2ii Burl:e. Bertella ,\nn. 29.110. 164 Burl:e. Edward Waller,jr.. 91. 186.199. 2m. 321 Burl:e. l.arr) Leslie.2i5 Burl holder. jama AUral. jr.. 3015 Burls, Karie Lee,299 Rums. Ik>nnie RUlh. 164 Burns. Oiana l..tt. 50, 294, 29:; Ilurm:~r. Ste\'h~n Ilamld. 80. 202. 33i llurr,Oonalt Alan. 62, M3 Ilurrell, Ch... lell~ Oburia. 313 Ilurrup, I.arry WOl, SO, 34i lIurton. jim I'umam. 38 lIurlnn. Lincoln .:dward.2i2 IIl1rlOn. Terrell Lee, 212 lIushy. ,\Ian Werner. 80. 202. 319 llush)'. Kennelh lIrllce. 319 Rush. COIwl)'n Jane, 91. 28i lIushncll, Rohen ,\tldison. Jr .. 018, 201 Ilutler, Clifton Loren, 63. 2Q2 lIuuerlielti. tany Kenneth. 'Ill. 203. 325 lIu:tlon. Tllom:,s I.;lmarr. 212 II) rliC. Ford Duanc. 80, ~019 Illrne. j:llnt~ Laurence. 80. 3GO Bl rne. j:me Leland. 80. 313

c Caherl. ,\lic~ joanne, 80. 196. 308 Camelli. Thomas Benjamill. 38 Carnm. Karen Lee. 63, »:; Call1o.lli. Vicki Lois. 201. 289 Ca,npl~ll. Bruce Russell, 200, 317 Ca'npl~ll. IIrua: Wilson. 63. 91. 3:;1 Ca,npl~ll. Corder Complon. 63. 30 Carnpl~ll. Gerald Bruce. 2017. 341 Campbell. james Gordon, 3-13 Canlpl~ll. joan EII~n. 81, 202. 292. 293 Carnpl~l1, Linda Elilabeth. 63. 286. 28i Catnpb~ll. Thomas Malhe..·. 350 Canad)'. Michael Leonard. 91. 216, 3H, 3~5 Canfield. t:lmcr Russell. 311 Calln. Jerr), l\n)"er. 3015 Canning. O'l\'id Marlin. 31[, Cannon. Ilclen I'alrida, 2'J. 81. 162. 164. '"I Cantele. John ,\nlhon)', 6~. 328, 329 COIulwcll. I'erry .bgen. 63.343 Capellcn.Jim E,lw:mI.81.34i Carloo". Carl Anth"ny. .Ir.. 91 C.. rlq. Duane Gilt'S, 208 Carlscn. lames Alhert. 6.'1. 20l1. 209 Carlsen. 'Nancy ,\nne. 313 Carlson. Corrine L.ee. 91.162,30') Carlson. Bennis Carl. 91.327 Carlson. Eric jerome. ,18 Carbon. Gar)' Alden. 22. 30. 59. 19i. 209.


Carlson. Jani(~ Ann, 27. 288. 289 Carlson. Robert Harland.0I2.81.186, 187, ~>Q2, 205. 318. 319 Cannicha~l. james Ed,,'i'l. 81, 323 Camefix. Louis Xichola5. 81. 26--1. 265. 266.


Caron. Robert Ed..'ard, 162.339 Carolhers. Jon William, 91, 3[,1 (".arl>CIller. Dan loin. 272 Carperuer. William l.ce. 3~1 Carr. Ronald jarna. 212 Carrico. Da,'id Joel, 78 (".aoon. john Dean. 81. 333 Cane. George \\'a)"ne. 20i Case. Loren F.ldon. 91. 353 Ca'C)·. Rol~rl Urian, 331 Cat('$. Mary :\Iargaret. 309 Calhennan, Robert Lee. 202 Cal'.. ncss, Paul lIenjamiu, 361 Cenis.•:liIabelh Diane. 91. 2!H. 29;; Ch:ldscy. Delort'S Ann. 6.'1 Ch:llnhers. ROS:HlIla. 26. 'Ill, 8l. .'101 Ch~lIlhcn. S~mllcJ Waller. .'1.'1.'1 Chan. S:t111UcJ Shu MOil. 20i Chaudler. Gar)' Rex. ~49 Chanc)'. Maun~1I Rose. 91,1111 Chal'in, james Dean. 212 Ch~plllan. Clarence Edwant. [,9. 63. ~'OO. 221.325 Chapman. Karen Ann, 313 Chapman. :\brjorie Ka)\ 81. 31» Chappell. Caren l.ouise:. 26. 2101 Charlen. Kennelh Mauh.,.·, 210. 35i Chesnut. narl')' Ra)'. 221 Chick~n. Roberl Benjamin. 81. 3~9 Child. jan~t. 63. 206, 29[, Chilt~rg. De-nnis Eo·in. 210 Child~.lIn. janel Ka)'. 63. 236. 293 Cllinn. l.a"·relltt. jr.. 81, 210. 359 CI,iru",blo. Harold l..c,,·i~. 81. 329 Cllishol",. john Ed,,'anl, 63, 210 Christensc:n. lloris Ann. 313 Cilrislenscn. Keilh Lee,~. 272. 355 Chrislenson, Gene le,,·is. 91. 351 ChrislClISOfl.I'alricia Ilo)·le. 8t. 313 <:hristian.'iCn. Ola" Knul, 35. 208. 209 Chrisliansoll. Judilh Ann. 92.309 Church. Ra)"mond Clark. 81. 34ro Cinl.:osky. Sle'-en Ross, 92. '4i <:Ial'1" Charles ,\pollos, 202. 3.'1ii CI:,rk, ,\I, in Geurge. 81, 357 Cl:lrk. Ibrb:lra )0, 81. :!OO, 20'l. 2~6, 301 (hrk, Elil:,bcth ,\n". 81. 311 CI:,rk, Grt1l;Ory llerlc.319 CIOlrk, j;unt'S Robert. Jr., 2'..11 CI"rk, Sandra. 36. 3;. 018. 6.'1 CI,,) haugh, jarnt'S llratllq. 201. 32i Cla)1on, Roger jerome. 92. 355 <:tear). james Oinnen, III. 202. 330. 331


Clinc, Calherine Je;m. 20:;. 29i Clore. C:lroIY11 Joan. 63, 216. 293 Closson, Willia Dennis. 323 Clouse. G~ry Keith. 81. %1 Co;,lt'S. Delherl L.. 92. 3:.9 Cobb. Palricia Lee. 303 Cobble. Raymond Jamcs. 92. 3'13 Cohlen11,. Michael Ed.... ~rd. 34:' Cochr:lI1, Janice Joan. 295 Cockrell. Willia1l1 Francis. 63. 35:' Cogli1.cr, Douglas Granl. 20i Colc. Danicl Murray, 269 Coleman. Georgc Myron. !f!. 355 Collell. Kenneth Ra),,208 Collell. Lee W~rd. 208 Collins. Ilaruan, Anne. 48.!!2, 205. 297 Collins. lIenj:llnin Frt-.:lrick. 63 Collins, Karen Je:ll1, 92. 293 Collins. Vera Lee. 81. 309 Collins. Wallcr Se'·er. 81. 335 Collis. Carol ,\nn, 28,63. 213. 309 Conihcar, Rohen Archih~ld. 209 Conklin. Jud)' Louise. 60. 63.196. 19i. 202, 296 Con Icy. Dennis John. 32, 211 Conlcy. Juhn William, Jr .. 92. 210. 35i Conner. I'aul Willia1l1. 317 Conr~d. Joe E.. 210 CO".... ay, D;,\'i<1 ['atrick. 2,17 Cook, ChriSlianne. 92, 190.200.221. 291 Cook, Dolont Lynn. 133. 160. 162.221.228.


Cook, Glori~ Ebine. 299 Cook. Mclvin Mcrrill. 92. 236. 269. 331 Couk. Rufus Gt'Orge. 26. 29. 48. 247 Cook. Sherman Lloyd. Ir.. 319 Cook. Winslon Ho....ar..1. 162 CounlS. Deanna June. 293 Cooper. Con;tlyn M:trg"rel. 92, 200. 311 Cooper. D:lVid Earl, 81, 342..'H3 Cooper. Gonion Jay. 81. 361 Cope. Virginia Carol, 81.189,300.301 Corbelt. Kennelh Alben. till. 208. %5 Cordova. Rol>crt Lee. 276 O;)1"ey. Leland Earl. 63. 207 Cornell. Cail Dawn. 106. 1103 Cortlell. Willi;lln Lee. 2i5, 336 Coughlan. Karcn Lois. 81. 287 O;,upe. Thom:ts Roger, 63, 211 Co'·er. John E\'erell. 217 Co,'inglOn. Vertl Robert. 92. 345 Cowden, JoAnn "brie. 289 Cox. Anila "tarie. 81. 215. 278, 291 Cox. David Royce. 92. 3'14 Cox, John Joseph, 272 Cox. Kathleen Shirley. 299 Crabu. Georgia Lynn. 92. 305 Craig, Janice Sen nell. ,18. 92. 20:;. 210, 298. 2'J<J Craig.l'enny Lu. 313 Cnllner. James J\lIen. 63,238 Crane, Doris ;\nn. 63, 21:;. 291 Crane. Jimmie Mertc. 81, 1152. 353 Cre;,. I'alrick Ralph. 359 Crt't.'Ch. Roben Ihle. 48, 357 Cripe. Carolyn llelh. 92. 311 Crockell, Ja1l1(:$ Oren. 2i. 222 Cro1l1well, R:,lph Dennis, 81. 162.316.317 Croll, Alfred Frank, 327 Crooks. J:llnes Reginald. 38 Cwss. Dwight Harvey. 33:; Cross. Ruben Graham. 28 Crow, Suzanne Carol. 309 Crowder. CarolL'C. 92, 287 Crowell. Fredric James. 40. 2:;1. 258. 260, 262 Crowley. Anne Louise, 63. 313 Croy. JoAnne Louise. 92. 200. 296. 297 eroy. John Robert. 63. 262. 317 Crolllweli. Lt.'O Ro~. 42 Cunningham. G~T)' Wayne. 63 Curless, Paul W;l)'ne. 210 Currie, James Robert. 40. 277,323 Currin, Geuld Simeon. 63 Currin. JUdilh Lt.'C. 81. 196.309 Cnrry. J;1I1CI ,\nn Knuwlton. ·18, 63 Curlls. Jacqueline t:Ji~ahelh. G4. 306 Curtis. Marion Garry. 64. 361 Curts. Ve1'1lon Lee. 48 Cutler. Charles Leo, 92. 202. 270, !S33 C'lIler. Tcrry L)IIII. 301



I);,hl. John Charles, 92, 273, 34\ I);,hmen. Nicole Ann. 92. 2oo,!I03 Dahmcn, Terrence Michael, 81. 329 Dahon, Gary Albert. 331 I)ahon. Mary Ann. 6'1. 196, 19i. 294. 29:; I)ana. Donald Gene. 35 Daniels. Judith Kale. 293 I)aniels. Larr)' u'C,212 I)aniels. "lari:llll I'hoebe Vosen. M I)allliero. K;tlhleen :\larie. 196.288 1);ll'ee, Sle"en Michael. 92. 199. 3!\.1i. 33i Ihrden. Jamt'S Donald. 327 Da"idson. I)ijon. 214. 309 I);,,·is. Ardell Virgil. 92. 335 I)a,·is. J;lll1CS Edgar. 81. 92. 201. 236. 318.


I)a,'is. J;,mcs Louis. 272 I),,,'is. .Ierq· Allen, 38, 64. 212. 359 Da,'is. Kenny Edward, 92. 223. 277. 315 Da,'is. Larl'Y Ra}-mOlld. 61. 327 !la"is, Man'in Rol>crt. 42. ,18. 81. 316. 317 Da,'is. Merrill SIan Icy, 38 Da"is. Naney Dianne. 81. 303 Ih\'is, Regina L .. 306 1);1\ is. Sle,'en Lewis. 64. 325 D~,·is. Susan Jane. 92. 29.; I)",·is. Thomas Jdferson. 349 llawson. Dorothy. 215 Da)', Ada Lorraine. 81, 309 Day, Kalhleen Elizabelh, 'J'!. 311 Deal. Homer Sle"e, Jr., 6,1, 316. 317 De"nh. Lawrence CIt;,r1t'S. 48 DeMley. Richard Ol'lin. 92. 272. 355 DcBaull, Jack RolliI'. 30. 64. 209 Dt.'Carli. Wiley Paul. 209 1),x'Slen. G"ry Martin. !l15 DeFrancesco. Ihle Howard, 321 Dehning. Herbert Louis. 260, 262 I)ehning. Roberl Lt.'C.262 DeKay. Da"id Edwin, 353 Delger, "Iary Louise. 299 Dennis, RUlh Lorraine Louise. 81. 30') DennieI', Judilh Marie. 64. 200. 202. 291 Denn)', Gerald J:'Y. 321 Demon. l'larry Thom:,s, 162.333 DeI'ree. Jamt.'S \V"rren. 81 Derie. L"rr)' Duane.·10 Derr. Linda Louise. 293 Delehman. Emil J;lIllt.-s. 353 De\·;lIley. Ch;lrles Rich;lrd. 227 Devlin. Cheryl Ann. 191. 299 Dickey. Thomas Doyle. 277. 323 niener. Hugh Ch;,rles. 327 Dierker. I';'lricia Joan. 291 Diethellll. Sherrill ;\nn. 29. 162 Dinsmore. Jallles Edgar. 92. 199.331 Dillman. Ue"erly Jean, 61.303 Dixon. Stephen John. 81 Doane. Douglas Michael. 209 nohlel', :\larp ;\nnelle. 48. 92.14:;. iiI, 30" nohler. Sharon Louise, 48. 1M Ilobson, Joseph Leonard. 210. 212. 247. 35i Duggelt. On'ilIe Gcrald. 16'1. 166 lloherty, J;ll'e" 1';l\rick. 92.325 1)011. I\:lrhara Ellen. 301 Donahue. ,\nhul' 1);,le. 81. 210. 3:;9 llonal. Ralph Alberl. 208 Doss, Darwin Vernon. 210, 235, 240 DOlY. GaT)' Lee, 64, 209 I)ot)'. Laura Alice. 64. 213. 311. 317 I)ollgheny, Darlene Am)', 'J'!. 213. 306 llouglas. E1'1lt'Sl Rieh;,rd. 64. 267. 334 Downs. Stell'in Lee, 92, 321 I)rafall. Da,'id Willi:nn. 92. 3:;9 I)nger. John I'alriek. &1. 361 Dragoo, Marjorie Lee. 29. 1M Dra)'lon, Lenore lsobel. 299 Dreps. John ,\rnold, &1, 260, 262. 273. M I Drcsscl', Willi:tlll ClaY{Qn. 64 !lrew. Larry ,\Iocr(, 92. 216. 272. 355 Drew. Sharon Kay. 81. 216. 300 Driscoll. 1"llIes Da,·id. 31 i Drowns. karen Sue. 92, 299 Duelke, De:tIl William. 311i nu[fietd. Jamcs Ed"'ard. 259. 31:; Onffy. Deanlla Jane, 6'1. 290. 291 Duffy. Edward Thomas. III. 92. 3:;9

Duffy, Harold Alan. 208, 357 Duffy. Laura Ann, 92. 212. 300 Dufur, Craig L)'le. 81. 315 Dunn, Bruce Thomas. 34. 58 Durbin. Marilyn Louise. 216. !SII Durbin. Richard William. 92, 209. 359 Durfee, Kurma Je;lll, 81.309 Durham. Nilla Smanne. 92. 306 Dulh:e. Susan Drennan, 92, 311 Dulton, Roberl Emcsl, 133. 160, 3~3 Dyer. Glenn Willard. 81. %3 E

E"kin. Lloyd Vol;lIldo, 92. 210. 32:' Earl. lloyd Lorel. 48, 1&1,272.354 E"q). Carol Francis. 92, 297 Earp. Lynn hances.293 Easley. Janel Lue. 313 EaSlertlay. Cbrk Er\'in. 64. 208. 359 Eastm'lIl. Valerie Ann. 158.297 Eberh:lI'<I. MillOn Kirk. 199 Edeluhlle, William Edw:tr<l. 272 .:dgar. Larry Frank. 81. 325 Edgenon, Lee Arnold. 32. 81. 211. 216. 32" Edmislon. Darline Rae. 64, 307 Edmiston. frederick Lero\,,211 t:dwards. Carl Vaughn. 208 Edwards. Chark-s Henry. ill. 269 t:dwards. Slephen l-bl'cs. 82. 200. 202. 333 Eg:tn. Terence Kendle. 6'1. 328 Egelhofcr. Philip James. 82. 31i Egcn, William Edw;tr<ls. 92. 337 .:gge. Ridl:trtl La\'ern. 82. 11:.9 Eide, Claudia Anna. 289 Eiden. Max Albert. 82. 333 Eidson. ThoHl;'S Leslie. 92. 316. 317 Eigurell. AlfmJ Joseph. 48. 33i Eikulli. Rowena Marie. 60.64. 197,215. 278,301 Eimers. Garlh Wilson. 64. 228. 315 Eisenh,mh. Thomas Curtis. :;5, 64. 183. 359 Ekwortzell, Di;llle Cher),l. 309 Eld. Larry ,\Ibert. 64. 212 Elder. Da\'id Pierce. 92. 199,31" Eldrt-.:I, Clifton L .. 32. 82. 1811.209 Eldritl{;C. D,wid Earl. 259. 353 Eliasen, L)'le Dc;",. 353 [liioll. Gordon Chark'S. 64, 162.211,1124 ElIioH. Judilh Muriel. 287 Ellioll. 'Larry Sle'·en. 162. 325 Ellioll. Linda Ann. 92. 192.200,303 Ellis. Roben Michael. 272. 274. 1155 Ellsworth. Gary Rich. 42. 92, 316, 31 i Ellsworth, Judy Ellen, M. 302. 303 Elmquist, llarbau J\nn. 309 .:hherry, Ron:tltl Paul. 92. 359 .:Iy. Sharen Jean, 64. 213, 311 Enllllert, James .... Ileu. 82. 319 Emmingh"nl. Roberl Lewis. 82, 243 Eng. brry U'C. 93. 221. 3211 .:ngcls. John i'hilip. 223 England. J\l:tn Grt'gg, M. 212 Engle, Linda Sue, 64.301 English. ilonn;l Jcan. 911. .'III English. blward ...... 6:'. 209, 319 .:uglish. J~mes :\Iichael, 329 English. Sharon ,\nn, 93, 295 tngslrOIll. Charles Shorten. 353 Ensign, C:,rol .... nn. 65. 301 Ensign. Leslie Ann. 118, :'101 Ensign. Linda Rae. 65. liO. 200, 214. 223.


Epling. Dianne Kay. 190.299 Erickson. Clair Kay, 82, 361 Erickson. Keilh L:tlllbeTl, 93. 222. 333 Erickson. Robert Louis, 82. 329 Erickson. Roben St'lnle)'. 333 bSlad. Di;,ne Lynn, 287 Erwin, Sidney Fred. 6:;. 208. 3:;3 £'Iser. !'romcis J0l', 93, 162.357 EuU,mks. James Oli,·er. 82. 338. 339 Euh'lIlks. Thomas Royal. 212 E\':ms. Gar), Richard, 65 E'·ans. Gt'Orgc HMold. 276 E"ans. Jan llri;ln, 65. 32i [,'ans. JO;lllne Eli~abeth, 82, 30:; b'ans. M;,ry Lynne. i9.82.186,200.205, 291 [,'ans. l\'ealO"· Arletle, 93.311

E'"ans, Williarn Sclmuler. 82. 236. 277. 315 E,·arts. Uruce Conrad. 204 E\"t~n:ll, Elaine Marie. 65. 213. 313 E,,~reu, Vernon Michael. "3,259.273.341 E.·eru. Gerald Ed,,·ard. 00, 327 E"'ing, KolJCrt I.. 111,65. 348. 349 [llinm. t:d"'ard Sherman, 27 [~rand, Eugene Earl, 93. 272. 355 [ze. Ignatius Ol;onl;...o Hern, 2O-l F

Fairchild, Dallon Ra)', 65 hirchild. t-ranccs /alomcit. 6::. Fairchild, Mar)' EI en, 297 Fairchild. Ronald King. 93, 329 Faimlan. Donald George, 93. 339 Falk. Cuol Arlene, 65, t9i Fall;ner. ulIlT"CTKe Henry, 82. 341 Fall;ner, St"'ell Charles. 93.!21 Fallis. Sianley Ruucl, 65, 200, 228, 333 Fancher. Frederic George. 199 Fllrahanchi, MOrlel:l. 209 hramani. I'ani,. 82. 2lH. 361 Farley, Dc')1 Jean, 82, 162.297 t'am.er.llofma Lee. 3O'i hlKher. James ,\nthor'~, 93.193.19'9.339 .'a,,·cell.I'au,ila Ga}. 297 Fa,,'son, Diane, 48. 65. t'e:llheT5lone. Lintl:! Wra}. 93. 313 t'eatheT5lone. Wra)' Wolcoll. Jr., 65. 227,


Fedler. 11enl) Eldon. 65. 321 t'eenan. JOKr.h Cnig. 6J Felice. Rona d Jailles. 3'11 Fetlon. l)oroll,) ,\rdeen. 82. 30j .-dlOn. Margarel Gail. 2Q6 Ferguson. Ilonnie Louise. 6::', 312. 313 Fernald, J:uncs Gordon. 208 t'errell. Wll)'ne, Jr., 31::' Ferris, John t:d,,·ard. Fiellb. J:llIll'S Ralph, 93. 19'J. 2O'l, 32:; Fil;e. Judith.!109 Fillmore, Oliver O",cn. 211 Fintlle)" 1':,lrici:, Rlilh. 48. 93. 303 Finl;. John l'hillip.1I2, 327 Finkle. Rodne}' Gilhert. 6::'. :''Q7. 2()8. 327 Finne)'. M:lrtene .:Ie,mor. 82. 139. 185. 297 Fischer. IOI"ce ,\lice, 9.1,I73.!W7 Fischer, \Villi"", o\I:lrlin. 65. 321 Fish. Ldand Lance. 273 Fish. Riclmnt Lt'C. 210, 357 Fisher, David Fr,,,,klin, 351 Fisher. Gary Llnn. 317 Fisher. J:UIlCS Clelll<m, 2,17, 33.1 Fisher. Karen Rae. 82. 1,12. :.>97 Fisher. Lewis WilVer!, 3.'i1 Fisher. Robert V:,ughn, 343 Fisher. Victoria LInn, 78. 162. 307 Hlch. Lawrence koben. 93. 327 FillsimmolU. Lois Helene. 82. 204. 309 Herchinger, John .:d"':'TlI, 40. 2'!I. 267 Hinl, E\'erell .:uRcnc, 82 Hood. TirnOlh)' Willialll, 333 Fillhau)', Donald G:,}le. 42, U5 Fillharl)', Gail,\nn. 311 nuharl}'. Maril)', Jea". 201. 293 •-01K':'. HamId Ellsle)" Jr.. 93. 335 '-ogg. Jerr), DcC""nH. 212. 360 1'01..'",11. Gary Arlen. 65 '-ob. Patricia Marie. 93. 299 Fong, Gilbert 1..,6".207. 208. ~7 '-ortlrce. Colleen Deanne Custc-r. 162,214 Ford)ce. k~ Mltn. 29, 16~ Forlier. Lo\lna Rose, 3CX> FOSler, Jamo 1I0..'ar<1, 2~7. 317 Fouu, L)'Wclh Ann, 27, 93, 3O'l. 303 FO"'ler, Drole Ann, 65 Fo,,·ler. Jerry Ra)lnond.!27 Fox, .-red Orris. 82. 341 FOlli. John Gatewood. 65. 202. 236, 314 FOlli. Lonn} Roger. 65. 207.209 '-rahln, Ann Ludlle. 82. 307 Fnles. Willillm Ellgen"'.82. 139. 145.183, 357 Fralier. In,id AIIlln. 206 F..uier. IlorOlh) Anne. 198.289 Fnulct', Iud) \nne, 82. 301 '-rC'<lericLcn. Eugene IlolI, 65. 337 ,-rroct'id,~,. Judilh Ka)' TlIltle. (05

Fredricl;. N"onn~ Je:ln, 2()6. 289 Freeman. Cynthia Ann. 293 Frccman.•-retlericl; t:ugene, 28, 93.192.339 French. Se...arl Haighl. III. 57. 65, 183, 197 Freson. N"anc)' Mae, 93, 287 Fre~', Judith Jean, 65, 310. 311 Friherg. JUSlln Charlo, 65. 320, 321 Friis.•:rik. 66. 315 Friling. ,\rnstcin Wilhelm. 47, 66, 268. 338 Fmcming, Dennis Knl. 82. 347 homan, Ilruce [,erell. 32. 210 Frost. Anlhon)' Jean. 216 .-ros!, Raymond William, 93. 355 Frosl. Roben .-r:anklin. 93, "'5 Frosl",nson, John Inn, 82, 323 fT\leehtenicfll, Melanic JOY, 303 Fruechlenichl, Merril) 'l a"'n, 48. 201, 213. 289

fry', Donald EdWllrtl. 2'O1,!21 FT). Joanne, 201. 299 FT)e. :\hry I..cc, 82. 200. 296, 297 Flleh~r, Michllellbn·e). 343 Fugale. GaT) D,,·ain.209 Fullriman, Drol Mllrie, 66. 287 Fulcher. Alice Mnie, 93. 1!2, 162,301 fuller. :\lichad Calvin, 2lH .-ullman, Willialn George, 66. 353 Fullmer. Chnles Rae, Zi6. 350 Fullct'. Judilh Carol, 82 Fuhou. Ilugh Lloyd. 40 G

Ga.rne), Anne Mnie. 66, 311 Galfuey. RObertll Ruth, 299 Gage. SharlClle f ..IUCes, 82. 298. 299 Gagnon. Gar)' Joseph. 82, 235. 239, 333 GaKOn. Michi",le N"" 295 Galbraith. Lee Ron. 2'.13 Gale. Judilh Mina, 28. 82, 307 Gale. Margaret I'enelope, 190,291 Gallagher. Joanne K.. :.,>93 Gallagher, Michael Paul, 82, 341 Galtagher. l)onalI1 Lee. 66, 207. 209, 355 Galloway. &1ra Ann. 223, 302 Galtul" Glalkne Florence Uro...n. 93. 213 G,,,nhlc. John D'l' id. 66. 186. 187.200.205. 317 Gamble. ~Iargarel Sue. 295 C'llnh.•, Roger l)u:llle, 66. 202, 3'12. 343 C""o"" Andrew LcRoJ' 93, 201. 335 Garda. Nicl; Alfred, 3~7 G:lTftner. Ellis Norman, 212, 360 C,ndner, Dcl..i" Iluhert, 66,'w1 Gardncr. John Frands. 323 Garll,:n, Ro)' Edward. 353 Gasl;ill, Ja}' lien, 27. 82, 355 Gatherers. Roy Dou~I:'s, 66, 207 Gaudct. Frt'{lerick \\ iltialll. Jr.. 29, 66 Gaudel, Judilh Elilabelh VallStone. 66.


Ga\in,l\dre Marion, 209 Gehler. Jamcs Gilbert. 2()8 Gemr)',I'alrida L)"IUl McCaner, 217 George. E\'3 Jeanette. 66. 216, 305 Cel'ner, Carrie Ilrran. 93. 351 Gerlach. GeTllld LeRo)', 327 Gerrie. t:nid Uiane, 66. 287 Goc. Carl Robert. Jr.. 27 Gibh, J"lill Anu. 200. 300, 30' Gihbens. Merle Ra)'. 209, 356, 357 Gibbs. Don Da\id, Jr" 66 Gibbs. E"angeline Carol. 289 Gibbs, Grayson ~nrord, 93. 2lot, 339 Gib50n.llofma Jan, 190.291 Gib50n. Flash. 2-17 Gibson, RlllllOll Lee. '-13 Gibson. Slcphtn frank. 66. Sl8, 319 Giese. Carol)'u Jelln, 299 Gilder, Richllrd. 66 Giles. X'elll Douglu. 341 Gill. Dec Ricllud, 209 Gillespie. Joseph Ra)', 221. 359 Gillett. Dll\'id 1..ll"'TCIl(e, 93. 360 Gillialll. Rll~mond IA5lle. 216 Gillis. Ilelene Marie. 93, 303 Gilman. Jamo Kel~, 20-1. 221 Gipson. Jalllo UeTTick. III, 93, 360 Giulillna. X'ancy Catherine, 313

Giunta, Maurice VillCClll, 2i2 Gh·eIU. &1ndra Rae. 20::. Gladhart. ~hr)' Eliubeth. 93. 117.20:;,297 Glasb)'. lIell~' Jo. 82, 291 Glasby. John Jam('5. 319 Glenisl.:~.. Garr Russcll, 259 Glenn. Michael Roderick. 82. 200. 262, 339 Clodo...sl.:i. Mar)' Ellen. 297 G.....t1e. J3mcs Cal. 93. '21 Goddard. Carl Bct'jamin. 93, 2Q'.? 216, 3-1'1.

M::. G<xIdard. Gale Palrick, 345 G<xIrn'''' LaIT)' J.. 911. 225. 357 Goffinet. l)onllkl Duane. 201, 212 Goicoecha. Philip Duane, 20'. Zi7, 323 GoodpllSlCT, Zura BalC$, 2-44, 264. 2G6 Good,,·in. Ilarry Lo"'ry, 93. 244. 339 (".ort!on. Gcnld J)U3ne. 82. 347 G<lnnan. Roben Roland, 349 Gormlq, Da.id Reid. 212, 357 Gonnsen. Karen Lee. 82. 216. 311 Gusliu, Mourine June, 206, 289 Cass. William WinSlon. Jr,. 82, 235. 2iO.



Couch. Wiltiam l'au1. 9', Gould. Carol Heier', 309 Gould, Judilh Carolp'. 66, 307 Gould. :\Iarlcue. 82. 20-1. 305 Gould, Roy EI"'in, 66. 208 GTlILJohn Mcl)onllld, 341 Gngg. JCIT)' Lee. 93, 17 I. 173. 198.214,287 Gnham, William Allen. 'oil GTlI\·('5. Karen Muie, 93, 311 Gn}" Richard Gordon. 66, 341 Gr.l)'. Roben I)a.-id, 66. 34 I Gra). Wllllace Dellll. Jr.. 209 Gr«n. l)ianne G...en, 162 Green. Gllry Brian, 82. 205. 275. '30, 331 Grc.:n, Howard Bruce, 32,M, 66.200.211. 32-1.1125 Green. JCSK Clifford. 82. 35' GTl'Cn, Roben Carroll, 321 Grt"en. Robert L.cc. 66. I lot. 361 GTl'Cll, Walter William, 222 Grccne. Raek"e" K" 293 Grcclle. Wilrna Dec. 203, 291 Grccn.icld. John Frt'{leric. 3113 Greenleaf, Sue. 66, 145.293 Gregg. SUS3Il'\llnette. 27, 2!IG Cregory. J):nid Rolla. 93. 329 Gregory, Jimmie Sue. 287 Grl'J~ory, Joseph Terrence, 66, 207 Grq.'Orr. loycc Arlenc. 26. 48.116 Grl~.1T)', Keilh Lew)'. -12. 66. 3M. 335 GreIf, John Charles. 93, 199. 327 CrciL Ruth Haine. 162,31 I Grenrc1l. Neil John. 208 Gri,ttel'. Larry UrO",ll, 319 Crillin, Rohert George. 66 Grillin. &1l1y Irene. 93 Griflill" "rleue Kay. 9~, 312. 313 Griffith, Zena Marie. 190. 2()3, 301 Crimm, ~Ierial W3lkins, 1&4 Grimm. William Jcfhe),. 29. 162. 1&1 Griscmi, Jim Henry, 353 Griswold. Edson. 93. 337 Croom. Co"",'i" Pelcr. 66. 116. 161. 339 Gro.C!. Judith I\nn. 67, 293 Gro.('5. Lane 1'lol1ing..·orth. 67.202.326•

., 0·

' Grubh. "';anC)' Louise. 93. 2'01, 206. 303 Gruel1, RolJCrt LeRo)'. 93.351 Grunlhal, Meh'),n Connt!. 71. 2;.4 G.h ..'andlller. G3T) G .. 247 Guiles. lloris "un. 93. 307 GullC)·. Richard .-T:lnklin. 93. 211. '19 Gunter, Linda :\larie.289' Gllplll. ,o\)ooh)'3l I'TlISO>tl,211 Gus.secl.:, Paula Rae, 29. 82.164.287 GlIsscnl>o.-c"I, FT:lllcis Anthony, 162 GIISlllOOn. Phil SIC'I·tn, 82, 361 GII5Ia.el. TCIT)·I..cc, 83, 23::.. 2iO. "3 Gwulnq', Johu :\Iichllel, ,n. 67. 361 G)'gli. Shuon ,o\nne. 83, 215. Zi8. 290. 291


Haag. Lindll Carol. 307 Duud Dc:ln. 209 tl:allS, Donllkl Dee, 83, 207, 353 Ibagcn~n.


1(1Iilsch, Stephen Rich;mt. 93. 33:; Ibrer. Ro()erl Ilnu:c.212 Uageu. Jere Nnkaus, 48 H:ogerm:m. Nonna LouiK'. 48. I~. 20-1 U:ohn. ROMTI Ronald.2Oa Haight. Gary Wayne. 83. '4' Ilalq,l'obby 1..«. 67.1:>6 IIaHhill, John .:ric. 47 lIall. Janel K)"lenc. 162 Hall. Richnd Edgar. 48. 337 llatune'll, ,\rlie John. Jr.. 67. 207.359 Ilaln'l"$OfI, Donnella Jan. 93. 201,287 Ibrnillon. George, 9-1. 212, 32:> llarnihon, Jeanne K.1thl)lI. 309 1I::""illol1. Kenneth W3)llC. 360

thmici. Donna Ita)" 83, 206. 29'1. 293 Ihn~n. Dale J., 67, 360 Hansen, .::':lward Dec. 38. 67 \-lansen. G<lTy Charles. 83 I-l<lnscn, j;lItlCS Edward. 3;;9 lI'UHICI1, John AlrrL'<.I, 67. 333 U,,,,scn, L3l1",~cl1. 83. 3(11) Ihusen. )"<'"011 ,\flon, 32, 9-1. 360

Hansen, Randall JamL'S, 91. 327 l-bnlct', G:IH Eugene, 42. 79. 83.187.198. Ilardany. Walter, 94. 221. 319 llard}', Rarhara Jane. 119, 159,223, !03 Harman, Donna I.u, 91. 206, !08, 309 Ilarnu. I)arwill Sle>'e. 83,359 Harms, Neil uro)', 67, 209 HarJK'r, JUlie Ann. 94. 301 Ih'lK'r.I'hilip Bruce, ..2, 83. 277, 323 l-farrell. Roher! Carl. 67. 3.:>9 Harris. Ilri:m LaMont. 26. 30 I-I uris. [)(mald Richard. 60. 67. 223. 317 llarris, l'h)'lIiJ Lo......i"e. 83. 296. 297 !-Iarris. Thomas On·ille. 277 llarrison. Ibrbara Ann, 67. 303 llarrison. Chulcue Rae, 91. 309 Ihrri,...m, Shul.:er Momgomet). 83. 207. 353 Hanhfield, Jan.cs 8C'rllard. 267 Uarshman. Dollald Jawh. 67.276, 353 Hut. IIrem Charlcs, 83, 3:i1 Ilut. Gal')' Douglas, 67, 212, 361 llan. John William, 336 Harl. Leonard Hoopes. 319 Harl, Ronald Ra)', 83, 353 Harte. Carl Rol.ICrl. 2'!'!, 32j 1-l3nl1lan, Donald _\Ihen. ::Oi lIarn'go. Lloyd Henry, 67, !l59 l'la''\"e)', I'hiltil' Lance, 2'li, 3"5 l-l:tsl.:ins, EIlw:lHI t:a1'1, 2::.9 HMl.:im. I.... rr)' Dale. 203 Hatfield, C"1'I Warne. 212, 3:;2 Ibl6eld. Dori5 Renee. 83, 291 Ibldclll, SandrA Jean. 6i. 30i Ibud. Fnnl.: Manhall. 83. 329 Ila ..'es, Willialll L<l ... rel1ce. !H, 317 Ila l.:ins, tAlgar :\lIen, 3..8 Ha l.:ins. Leslie Lo". 2i2, 273 Ila ..·I.:$. Kallu:Tine :\nlla, 94. 30:; 1-"''''10:). DCII(I)' Eugcne. 67. 312. 3'13 Ha)nes, Roberl George. 91, 207. 209. 32,:; I-Iale!l>al.:er. Robcn Ihpllond, 32i lleallc). Leslie William. 94, 3;;9 llealh. Michael Uc, 94. 212. 216. 3:;:; Ilea>rin, Ilury l>On. 66. 3;;9 Ikghloom. Kirl.: M,min. 192 Il~U~d. Milliccnt.83. 299 I-fe,de!, Judy Ka)', 309 I-Io:il~n. Man,n O... a)'ne. 27, 29, 67 I-Ieilesoll. Merlene Ann .-\llell. 28. 6i, 213.


I-Ieimhuch. Jerold Eugene. 31, 67. 208. 32i I-Ieimer. John Thomas. 3"6 I-Ieine. JO)'cc. 83. 309 Hcinrich. Leland George. 211 Ilcinrich. Richard. 38 lIeilll. ThOl11al _\lIyn, 67, 168. ~'23. 2'.N llci,~l, Marl.: Edwin. 272 11cisk:ni, Karen Anne. 309 Heller. J"'lllne. 26. 6i. 200, 296. 297 I-iclsle)'. William I'hilip. Jr .. 315 I-lei I, Cnrol,." Ann. !III lIemlc", I'''ul John, !H. 202. 23;,. 26". 2H6. 274,3'''.335 IIcndcl'llon. Cliffonl John. 91. 3;;3 Ilen<lcnon. Timoth) Sid. 211. 339 I-lend,',., l\e'erl)' ;\Ia.-gene. 9-1. 307

'·lenning. Joan Marie. 91, 311 !-IenningSC1l. Karl William. :r.!i HcnrikKn. George I\eTI, 32. 67.213, 3:i6. 3;;7 Henry. Robert William, 67. 319 Henwn. SUlanne ElizalJelh Halc. 301 Henwn. TCTT) I'atrick. 94, 201. 2:>1. 2:>7.


Henwn. Wcndy Jane. 171 Hcrelh, Maril)n Jean. 67. 210, 311 Halin. S) h i;l Am•. 94, 190,287 Herman. Carol Lynn, 313 Hcrndon. JalllC$ Collier. 27.28.5;;.67. 183. 192 I-Ierndon, John Twa)', 339 Herndon. I.)'lda ~o. 67, 300. 301 Herrcll, JalllC$ \\ i1rrctl. 2211. 224 Hencl. JalllCl l'hilip. 212 Herlinger, t:rnily Honnifae. 29. 162. 161. 289 Heninger. Larr)' Gene. !J1. 199,202, 2'!6, 329 Hewell, C:l1'y Lewi~, ';;6 He..,ill, G<.'Orge IIcrl)'", 211 Hewitt, Nal1C)' Lill;;'n, 67. 2% Hexulll, Ron"ld Ja)" 9'1.315 tliall. N"nc) l.a1l(lrclh. 83. 313 Hihbcln. krmald John. 26. 67. 327 H'ctman. Mart Ha)'n, 327 Ilich. K.uherine Jean, 28i !-licks. Riel.:y· L)'IlI, 133.274,33, Higginl.I..c..·js Rodney, 199 Hi~ins. Roberta Lucille. 29 lIill. nrian Kclloq:. 94. 323 Hill. I>a,id Ra), !H. 173.31i Hill. I.)'nn LllIher. 68, 339 Hill. I'atricia l\nn.83. 297 Hill. Richard I'ona, 210, 313 Hill, Sandra, 83, 30i Hill. Sonja /.lIIe. 313 Hill. Tcrre MorKan. 91. 212 Hilliard, Onaillemy, 207 !-lillicT. I.kmald Rand. 83. 222. 226. 323 Hilhnan. 11.0)<1 Ra)lllorKl.217 Hillmall, Karen Sue, 94, 20:;. 287 Hillman. William Ilcrman. Ill. 343 Hillon. Smart Joel.llii Iliner. Nclwol Chesler, 83 Hines, Richard I>eo:, 9,1, 325 Hint1e. Sunle)' SIW'r1, 68. 208, 214, 361 Ilirning.Enin NorlJ<:rl,, '2i I-lO"gl:md. Th",n;os W)rnnll. 262 H""shi. C<'''O''gc Ki)'oshi. 272 Hobdr. Willi:"n lIu)e, fo8, 209. '01 Hoeh. Fr:lIlc;, Ed..,ard. 68, 3::.::. Hodgson. William .\lnrl.:. 83. 317 Hodlllfcr. Daw" Maric,Wi Hofflllan. ~"'urice :\nthol\)', 34, 83. 208, 35::. Iloflllann. RolK'rt Ed ...in, 94, 199,321 1I0gan. I.um ;\olercdilh. 9-1. 201. 311 Ilogg. J-Iclt'fl Charlone, 83, 311 Ilogg. Julia 11c:llhcT. 83. 291 Hohont. t'TedcricL \ugust. 91. 3:;2. 3:;3 HolbrooL, William t::'rl, 331 Hollificld. Ro) Frant. 68. 211 Hollinller. Gregg ~:I)man, 83.211. 221326.327 Hollinger. JOll Ibincs. 68. 210. 327 Holloway'. I>ale EUlletIC. 213 Hollo"·a). Lee J .. 208 Holman, John Henr}·. 208 !-Iolman. Sandra Jo, 83, 311 Holmer. Lee Michael, 83. 357 Hol,nes, l\e>erl)' 1.)'11n. 94. 217.299 Holllles, Linda Ka). 164 Holl, Gregor). 42. 68. 323 H<K>II. Nancl' Eloise Hannan, 214 Hougland. SIno., Corrine Malhene). 213 Hook. I.... n)· LWII'l1't1. 94. 216. 311. 34;; Hook. L3rq' Virgil. 32. 91. 2211, ~2i' Hooker. Larr)' I..t:e. .'115 Hooton. M;'I1clinc Mahc,l.,mi. 311 HOlll.:ins, Dougl:ls t:>:IIl. '10 Hopper. Da,ill Lcon. 212. 3::.3 Hopper. Rohen Elders, 68 ~Iopper. Sharon Je:l",Ietlc. 9-1. 307 Ilop50n. Loon A.. 68. 3-1i l-Iordc1l\ann, Grego!) l'cteT,"O Hormaechea. Ihniel Teles. 333

Ilorn. De...arne Menin, 329 Horn, Richard Canon. 83. 321 l'lorlling. Donald Sher...ood. Jr.. 68 1I0rning.l\lercdith Ann, 91. 309 110non, Roberl Brooks, Jr.. 68. 226. 22i,


I-Iossner. William L)llll.68 IlosletleT, Kalhic Alexis. 91. 202. 301 Houger, Carol Jeanette. 9-1. 216. 311 Iiouillnalin. Ronald Carlton.:i6. 142. 1112. 183.197.200 Ho\-e. Bekki Ann. 301 lime. Eric Lester. 91. 316. 317 II00c.l\lichael Srou. 68. 317 Ho ard, :\udre)' Anll Crosh\'. 213 110 ard. Donald HUKh. 68. 20:;. 3~'9 How"rd. Jerr), "lfn..l. 94. 201. 213. 221. UO"':lHI, ~Iolllie 1-eo:.1l3 Howard, Rohen Earl. 9-1. 1r.2. 3I!) I-Iuw:ml, Tcrr)' Rex, 68. 3!17 Howe. Dennis John. 38 Howell. Colin Palricl.:. 206. .'123 Howell. John Elno. 68. .'158 I-lowell. Larr)' Neal. 210 lIo"'r)', Shnron Lee. 287 Huhhard, Charla h:lnklp', 91, .'159 I-Iuhbell, Earl Jonalh"". 68 Hubhdl. Sharon I~ t·recm'lll. 28. 83 ~lubo:r,Jon D:I>·is,211 l-IuddlCSlon, Roben Lewis. 68 IIUltcllOll. Gal')' I..ct:. 68. 317 lIucnig, Gerald Walden. 94. 2'!3. 321 I-Iueuig, Keilh Albcrt, 68.186.187,200, 20:;.320 Ilnll. UfO),. 94. 211. .'J(i(l 11118. Tra>'cn Prnron. 29. 91.16-1. li2 Hughes. RoIK'n "lletl. 68. 31i I-lUll, Jcmme uRo)', 68. 329 I-Iultner. HamId Kcm.68 nu.nbach. Anthon) Michael. Jr .. 91. 32, !Iu"'llhre,. Dnid Ch,ula. 83.161. 345 Ilungerford. Judith Ann. 29i lIungcrford. Roger l)ennis. 212 HUIll, Chrillinc, 307 Hunt, James Addi.son. 353 Hum. Robcrt Dcan. 221 1·1 U'llcr. lIurlOn 1>Ollgla5. 68. 1M, 349 HlllHer. J:lmes Gardner, 83. 33.'1 Hurlbert. Dcrald Dennis. 83. 19"J. 227. 33i Hurlhurt. Richard Harlow. 8~, 271. 34::. !-IUTSI. CharlC"j Josiah, 111.91, .'137 Hurt!, Dennis Sterr)" 83. 315 Iluss;,. Carol Di'llle. 48. 90, 9·1. 111,1'12, 198.213. .'111 Hmchison. Judilh Ann, 94, ~'9i l-hHtehall, Allan Roger. 83, 359 Ilulleball, Jact Rol>O:Tl, 210. 2'!1 Hyslop. Julie ,\nn, 293

III:II:leio. t:milia Gom... les. 3..9 Ills. Waple Adam. 210. 212 Imp rd .. \lIen Warne. 94. 351 Ingalls: Rejo:;mc Ka), 291 Ingehruscn. Ann uah. 2i. 046Ingchrilscn. )allles Gonion. 83. 33:; Ingra"., Danan Ellis. 208 In ing, George Burton. 4i In ing. JO)' Darlcnc YocLq', 213 Ir,,'in. Kalhleen DofOtll}', 68. 301 h,,,·in. l\largol Ellen. 133.221. 297 lseri. Jan \'ul.:uo. 34:; lu:non. I)a,'id Stuarl, 268 Ivcrson. Ronald Willnd, 83, 316. 317 l\cl'!IOn. Sandra Sue. 94. 206 ha. Carole Lynn. 289

J Ja(~son. Rich:ml Warne. 21;7 Jacohs. IIrellt W .. 83. 340, 3'11 Jacohscn. Richart! T .. 3'1. 35. 68, 20i Jakomeil, Meh'in Frank. 319 j;UllC'!l. Jcrr), Callen. 93. 199,212.3.'19 JallouJ;Ck, Gar)' l)e,lll. 272

Judinc. Richud Oscar. 329

Jarge!. Janitc. 83. 293 J:upcrs. Marie K:nhleen, 68. 196.21',306 Jauregui. Paul Luis. 68. 321 Jd)5Cfl, Nils Eril:. 2&1, 2(1.'> Jdfries, LaIT}' Allen. 68. 333 jcmmcll. Co)" Gnnl. 95. ~ jcmnletl, Lura Corrine. 311 jeukim. John Glenn. 9.'> Jenkins. Nina ""'reen. 155.301 Jculins. Richard John. 270. " , Jentins. William Larird. 83. , .. Jennings. Belly Mac. 307 Jennings. John Richard. 9::>, 18i. 20-::>. 32. jellsell,/olm Tm"lI$f'nd. 68. 357 Je1ISCIl .•)"Im 8 .• 360

JenMCn. Harald Glcslad. 31. .'15. 69. M, m, 235. 2GB JCllil$ClI.I'cr AnIon. 69. 268. 'Ii Jewell. Judith Lynn. 83. 29;, JewelL I.laf)· ,\nn. 69. 303 Jillson, Jack KiI)', .'12, 213 Joa. William Ral'. 69. 226. 337 Joh;lt1Ill'scn, C;lrl Dean. 9.;,19<),201.1117 Johanscn. nOlmic ,\nll. 9:;, 301 Johansson, Glen A.lhed Rohert. 9:;, 270.


Johns. Robert Norman. l&l Jolmwn. Adrian Warren. Jr.. ~O Jol1n$(>n. Ann Muie. 299 Johmon. IJ.elly Mae. 8~. John!iOfl. Carl,\lfred. Jr.. 9::.. ~:;9 Johnwn. Carl GUlilaf. 162.1:>9 John~l, Carol Elizabelh, 162 John50n. Charles Grier. Jr.. 212. 3::'i Johnson, Cher,-I Lee. 301 Johnson, Darold ~·is. 40 John~l. Donald Lee, 95. 343 John30n, Elaine Marie. 69. 215. 307 Johnson, Forde Lo\eless, Jr.. 84. 330 John~l. George Duane. 339 Jol1n30n, Glenn Ericbon, 335 JollII:lOn. Gu.s. Jr.. 2!>0. 2::.1. 25 I, 256. 2:;7 Johnson. JilCquel)T1 Marie. 29. 8 •. 23[;. 29;; John50n, James Michael, 31:> John!lOn. Jane Kalherine. 9:;, 213. 30i John!!On. Karen LouiS('. 215. 291 Joh".'lOn. Keilh Alan. 212 John$(>n. Kenlon I'oner. 202. 2'll. 2i5. !I!II Johnson. Laurence Ha)',Ien. '10. 69. !I-II John!lOn. Lillian Kay. 84. !l0:; John.o;on. Marian Laura. 215. !l05 Johnson, Michael. 69. .'159 Johnson, Roben I-lenry. 238. 2101, 2fi(i. 267. 274 JnlmSlon. Ilonnie Iblhken, 95. !III Jolmslon. Carol Helen, 801. 286. 287 Johnslon. Cicel)' f\nn. 297 JOhnlilOn. llarlene Kay. 81. 291 jolmslOn. Irene :'lcredilh. 307 johnSlon. Jerry LaVern, 84. 212. !l5!1 johnslon. William J;unes. !l2:; JohnslO<le, ,\Ian james. 3:;1 Jones. Anhur EIl~ene. 69. 211, 3:;9 Jona. Carol Lucille. 307 .Iona. Calherine Looise. 95. 205. 293 jona. Gloria FralKia. 289 Jona. Jan Ja)·.:r.?i jon~. KaTC1l Jean, 9::.. 29:; Jona. ,"a~ Elaine. 9;;. 30:; Jom:.s. Michael Ben. 95, 321 Jona. Milfretl Ed"·anl. Ir.. 2ii Jono. Re:u Kale. 84, 164.307 .101'11'5. Richard Bre:nt. 29. 161 .I0nal, Rohen Francis. 225 .10"0. Sharron Ela}'ne TesL:e. 29'1 JOlin. William Harold. 29. 8,1, 329 10...lan, Katherine: Irene. 69. 213. 313 Jonlan. Michael Donallt. 8,1. 240. 3\3 Jorllan, Ronald Robert. 9;;. 329 Jorgenson, Roberl Wa ....en. 27. 20H Jor),. Dellnis Dee. 3n .!tlslin. lulie I\nne. 301 Ju,I,t. (;onlon Willi;lIm. 9:;, 199.202.277. !I23 Judd. Jamt-s I'rallL:lyn, 20:;. 22:;, 227 JulIII. Schu}ler Sue. 300 Judy. No\a Jo. 8,1. 3D::' Jungert . .Iohn Phillip. 34;' JU~I. Richard Da\id. 69. 555


Kae«her, rerq' Wa,-ne. 9:>,355 Kahler, I'lurid.: Joseph. 9::.. 199. !II:> KalbflcijCh. I>ale. 32. !l3. 211 Kale, Richard Wa)l'e. 31i Kale. Thomn Franklin. 69 Kamaehos, Charla G .. i8. .1:>9 K:ulIppi. Gordon Lane. 69. 361 Kanlola. Getle Claude. 69. 210 Kamola. Joe Uriel. 29, 69 Kaslberg, Russell .'almer. 95. 333 Kasuni<:-. Franl. '1 homas. 69 Katon, Slephen Ropl. 216 Katsilollleles, John 1>,,\ id. 9:;. 262. 269, 31; Kaufman. Nancy nelle. 313 Kaufmann. Nancy Gail. 48. 9;;.198.200. 29::. Ka ..'aL:an,i, Gene T"L:ashi. 95 K" ...amha, Willi,,,n George. 9". 201. 35:; K:'li ...a. Faustinus lIusul ...". 2(1.1. 35;' Kayler, Janel M;lrian. 69. 297 Keawn. J .. nH:S t:ugelle. 8". 323 Kt,<:I)', Ronald 1I1'uee.69, 317 Keilhl}', Russell Cilde, 206, 221. 247 Keller. Gail Eileen, 297 Keller. I'enn}' Co'lt-ell. 300 Keller. Rohen ,\they. ~.'OO Kelle}', James Norling. 48. 221 Kelle)'. Nonnan Ra)'. 27. 8-1. 35::' Kelle}. Richard J"ma. ~29 Kellogg, Alln CowlC}", 69. ~"97 Kellogg. Idona Lon:ne. 28, 69. 213. 21i Kellogg. LeRoy Lollis. 27. 28. 69. 339 Kelh. UO"';ard Artdl, 31i Kell). James Willi:lln, 84, 31 i Kell). Patricia L}lm. 69.186. 2lXi. 303 Kell). Wanl Newell. 2~7 Kendrick. Patricia 1>.. 95. 313 Kenfield. Jo.\nn Lucille. 69, 196. 19i. 21::.. 278.312 Kennal). Gar}' Walter. 69. 208. 327 Kennedy. Jama I>:.. id. 329 Keough, Thomas Leroy. 8-1. 3-1!1 KershislliL:. I'aul RoIlC'rL 69. 320. 321 Kesler. Karin !rent':. 288. 289 Keuler. I>onald James, 69. 212. 3::'5 KeUler. KirL: Franl., 81. 353 Kihhle. I'alrid:. ,\nn SIe:\ells. 69. 213 Kid ...ell. Karen R'le.287 Kidwell, Wayne LeRu)'. 206 Kieffer. McrTi'lIlnc, 81. 295 Kienlen. ludith .\nn. 84,302.303 Kilrmallll, l-Iel111ut 01 hlllar Siegfried. 69,


Kilim:lIl11. Kdlh E,lwanl. 8'1, ~I; Killien,l'atricL: Joseph. 81,187,317 Kimhall. Sarah Caroline. 95. 198.200.297 Kimhall. Slephcn Gr.ull. 268 KimherlinK. jacllul}llll Shirle)'. 28, 48. 213 Kimpton. Oa\id Rapnond. 204. 350 King. I)a\id Ray, 317 King. Sandra Sue. 69. 291 Kinne). Linda. M. 142, 150. 196.310,371 KinnC}. Nelle Oelores )-'ur5lllan. 166 Kipling, Lorna Carol, 158. 162. 221. 29,:; Kirl.la'KI. Kris ,\mold. 31i Kinland, Larr} ,\IIan, 272 Kirl.b.od, \'~ )-·ranCC'ne. 203. 297 Kirschller, jama ,\Ian. 208 Kirschner, Lillian "larie. 28. 69. 213. 291. 29::. Kinle}, Charlet'e f.llen, m Kleinkopf. Gale Eugene. 70. 339 Klcinkopf, William Kem. 339 KlidLejs. Alexander Michael. 2-10 Kloppenburg. Richanl Lo...ell, 70. 331 Khllh.l>iettnar, 277, 315 Knapp, Dcnnis Uo}-d. 8-1. 337 Knapp, Gr"nl RU$.'lCIl. 213 Knapp, Rich:lr,1 )-:u~el1e. 262 Knapl), RUlh ,\nn. 29, 9:;. 305 Knepper, Ilon<lld FredcrieL:, 272 Knight. Shirlcy 1U:llllle, 313 Knighlon. Glel1,b F"y. 213 KnispeL:, willialll l'eler.212 Knoblock. Kenneth j,unes, 32, 84. 361 Knol"'s. Arlene Ann. 305 Knopp. ClcAnn Che!"}!. 313 Knopp. Russell Cene. 210 Knox, Lynda Ka)', 29. M. 200. 286. 287

KnudSCfl, Donald J .. ~2. 8~, 334, !l35 KlIudS(O$\.John MiL:e, 9:.. 33" KnUlwn. Ila\-id Collins. 277 Koch. Richard Dean. 9:;, 162. 32i Konen. John Ayre, 323 KonL:ol. Robert Louis. 40. 81, 313 Kos~ella. K:lthleen .\Iaria. 9:;. 213. 30i KOIIL:e.Donllh)' Ann. 9::. KonL:e)'. Robert J-1Cf1ry. ~ KO\'3nell. Carol Louise. 801. 308. Ko,,·aliL:)·. Lind:l Mae Sch...arll. 70 Ko~aL:. Charle.s Russell. 2::.1. 2::.::.. 277 KOIJO"·liki. Beltainl: Carl. 2H KO/.lo,,·ski. Rae Bernadine lIinclll:), 2H Kraemer. l)oug1:o$ Ltt, 84.1:>3 Kr.lcmer, G:I)'le Marie. 9:;. 198. Kr.nse:ll. Aline Marg:lrel. 213 Krt"5S.Donnie Duane. ~2, 81. 212. 32:> Kriegel. [)ennis In·ing. 9::., 2~5, 345 Krous. l'atricia Kay. 162 Kuhn. Kay Lenol'c. 70. 29-1. 29;, K"lul. Ilavid LaVerne. iO. 112;, I\."lm. Ronald Eugene. GO, 2'16 "nnL:cI. Thol1l:l5 "'ieh"e!. 95. 3,,~1 KUnleT. Richard S'lin. 9". 201. 209. 3·U




LaaL:onen. William Ik'rnard. iO. 2O!l LaCelle. Gan:th FredericL:, 276 I.:IDo..·. Sandra L)·nn.!l13 LaFon. Warren Frccman, Sol, 210 Laird. Eugene Hugh. 2i2 l.all. Salish Chander. 209 l.:Iml.J. Cleo Oarle"e. 95, 307 l.:Imh. Mieh:lel ATlhur, 2:.9 •.:Imb. Ra)' Allan. 347 l.:Iml.l. William Ra)'. 84. 347 La'nheth. Karyl Ann. 801. 213. 311 LaMOll . .\ferle W:lrd, 70, 208 LanC:lSler. RexAnn. 801. 213. L:mC3srer. Sharon Ruth. 216, 21 i Lance. Sharon. 313 Lande, Charla Onid. 2H l.ande. Lc:slie Theodorl:, 3~ I L:.. ~"marL:. Dennis La... rC\'lee. 81. 313 Lamloa. Dal'i" Iboob. 31i Langdon. Lana t·ern. %,192. 31!1 Lange. Charlc:s William, Ir.. 2'16 Lange. Jeanelle Maric. 287 Lange, Rich:ml I'helps. 95. 221. 333 Lannan. Rohen.lOltllt'5, 70. 212. !I61 Lanphear. Lestcr C'lr1elOn, 216, 361 L:lnl/.. C:HI t:dward. 212 Largent. Connie R;Ie. 288. 289 Larsen. j'hl'l1is LoRenc. 307 Lasser. John ,\nth"n}'. 2',l1 Lallig. Charles I'clc, 321 L:lllig. Nedra L~·nne. -18. 95. 198.30;; Lau. Sally Jcan. 70. 303 l.:Iursen. Paul Jens. 276 L:I...rcllce. I'aul '\"'und. 9::', 317 l...:o..-wn, l)Qrolh}' \nne. 9;;. 313 ."':O...5On. John )-·redric. 351 La)lon. I'hilip l)Qnald. 70, 317 I.a. Rohert lI'onllan. 70. 319 LealerlOfl. Donna .Ieall. 95. 298. 299 Lee. Rerna Deen. 70.200, !III Ltt. I)onald George, iO l.ee. Susan Ka)'. 206. 287 Leichner. Karen Elil;lllC'lh, 70. 290. 291 I.dnllrn. Carol Ardelh. Sol. 309 LemO<l. Anne Lo"ise. 84. 162.299 Leth. Carl Leonard. 32. 8~. 211. 337 LClhrtllt. Roocrt Warne. 48. 26i Le\i. ~laT)' Lou. 95. 293 Le\ias. Nelson L~. 2:'>1. 257 Le in. Linda Lee,289 Le is. Gary Frost. 95. 210. 353 Le is, KirL: El...ood. 70. ~27 Le is, Richard Earl. 2'l'! Le is. Roherl Niles. 164.359 Le is, Willard Slcphen, 20!1. .'121 l.e)'de. Vernon Rupert. 95, 238, 21-1. 341 I.ihh),. n:lrhar:l Ann. 8·1, ~Il I.ihh). Ju,lilh ,\mle.le, iO, I~J7. 29i Lichau.llonald EllswOrlh. 84. 31i Lien. Uernila Rhca, 84, 309 Limhaugh. Ronald Hallie)'. 78 l.illcoln. Slel'hen Ray, 70, 331



Lindahl. Ilennis I.(ro)\ 221 Lindcmcr. Carol Ann, 70, 300. 301 tindsa).lh\id Olcott. 70. 204, 332 Limbtrom,l\Iich:lcl Jon. 213 UnllarL James George, 8.., 315 Link. Charles l::d",~rd. Jr .. 327 Lile",l, Arden .;ar1. 19. Lj. infl$lon. Carroll Clcrlllont. Jf.. 81, 333 L1C:"'cllpl, Delores Jean. 70. 196.29:; Uop.l. Jooseph I):l,'id. Jr.. 70. 3:;9 l.ocke:. Waller }'rcdc:nd.. IH. 3:;3 ~mc:r. Carry Antone:, 'II. 70, 210. 35; I..oflhus. Carol,"" l..ouise.lH. 293 Logan, Ernest Richard. 70. 3:i3 LoR:'". James DiI.iil. 208 Lohr. I),Hid Ray. 9,;, 212. 325 Long. Charles William, '10

Long. Rober! Rhu.276 Longeleig. her ) .. 111.200 ulIlgetdg. Wilfrid W.• '12. 84,199.200, 31i Loom ;l. LUr} ,\ lien. 331 Lothc.l\nind M:odhaur:lo. 207 LOlLe. Anna :lraTit'. 307

Loughmiller. Robert Arthur. 96. 337 1.0"(', Jud. 1..«.29l l..o'd. M;olJC'l Irene. 8'1,107.164.297 LUCll5, Cal) 1\lil('IIt'I. 3~7 Lu£('. GU) Wa)nt'. 2~i LIH:hilli. Robin I\ngdo. 3H Lukr'Olrl, Ho)d Mar-in. 96. 2Oi. 208. 361 Lukem. John l'alrick. 1i3, 221. 31i Lund)', John, 96, 339 LuSt'. JO$t'ph .'r:lIlklin. 31. 70. 208. 357 Lmhcr. MOlla L,-nn. 85, 311 Lillich. Chri3tian Gcnrgt', 2~i Lunrollp. I'eter CiIIsimu, 264. 266. 26i L)Lt'. Alexb Kay, 303 L)llch. I'aul Ilellry. 341 L,-nch. Thomas Oel(ler. 2i. 2Q!> I.) 1m, Jelfre)' Willard, iO, 325 L)'on, C3therine Anll. 96.198.312.3" I.)"on .•·rt'tlerick Chnla. iO I.rons. Barbara Louise Kroll. iO. 291 L)·on~ .•'rancis JamC!, 85




:\lcllratnC)', Janet K:II'en. 85. 297 Mcllril1e, Edward JOhll, 85. 335 :\Icllride. Loren KCIlI, 28. 85,193.331 McBridc. LJllllC Annc. 96. 200, 295 ~lcCabe. Ch:lrk'll Allan. 27, 85. I i2. 330.


~lcCahe. Frcd J,,,ncs. 200 McCann. n"rh;lra L)·nn. 31:! McCann, William Vern. Jr.. 35i ~lcCarlney, Anthon)' Ron;lld Milton. 96. 3,19 ~lcC"rtney. Man in Dwa)·lIe. 71, 1'10, Mol McCluud. Calhy Virginia. 203. 28i :\lcClure. MOnle C.oII~rd. il. 339 ~IcClusLy.Da,id Alhen, 201. 339 McConnel. Lee I'orler. 212, 21'1 :\lcConnell. Jac1lllcline Marie, 85. 28i McConnell. James ,\lellander, 162 McConnell. Kalhie I.""'t'. 96.162.190. 201,291 McCrea. Cnol Mcrt'tlith, 8,;, 200. 223. 228. 290,291 :\lcCulien. Marlh:a Sue. 95. 216. 311 "lcCullough. (;:amle Jean. 85.196.311 McCUllough. I':ats) Ll'lIl. 8.:>. 10i, 200, 221,228 :\lcOon:ald.,\llen Duoc:an. 31i "IcDollald. Darlene Lilli:an. 29. 85. 298. 299 McOon:ald. William SUlherl:and, ii, 31i McDounell. l'\icLie l'\orclle. I i3, 301 McDonough. Tr,,,is \\':ap>c. Jr.. 29.164 :\1c[)I()I\·el1. Marl)'S Ruhy, 311 :\lcElro). J:ames l.ce, ~O, 2.:;9. 2ii. 31j :\lcEwen, 1'1alold R:a). il McFarlalld. Roberl ,\11011.85. 18i, 205, 35i McGill. :\Iargarel Ann. 118.293 "IcGon:agle. Len [dwanl. ,. :\lcGOI\'an. Mar-in .::arl. 209 McGo"n. E'el)1l LouiSt'. 305 "lcGuire. Sharon Anne, 85, 18i, 20'!, 298. 290 :\lcKa)'. Bonnie Jean, 28. 2., Md'eh·)·. John Ogdt'n, ii,



McKelldricL, Jlld)' Lou llodcnhamer, 213 McKt'nney. RUlh I\nn, 96, 2M. 301 :\kL3ughlin, Gar) I.c:c:. 96. ~41 :\Icl..aughlin. James Terrenc:e, 329 :\lcl..co<l, narbara JO:III. 289 :\lcLcod. I)onald Norman. 32, ii, 210 :\1d..A~od, Ellen L.aMo)"lle I..)da. il :\1c:\lillSlel'S. Galen, 2(l') Mc:\lunre). C3h in 0t'11I1is, 8,;. 3.;3 :\h::<\ichols, Kalhleen Mal'). il. ~l'!)i :\IcI'herson, W:allt'r HOl\':II'd, 3·13 :\lcQueen. Richanl l.all. 212 :\lcQueen)', JelfTey John. ~, 262. 31 i :\lcWilliams, Ch.arles Michael, 339 :\h.as. Billit' Jt'.an, 85. 2(M. 205, 30i :\labbuu, Jonathan Morris. 319 :\l:acOonald, Janel I\nn, 71. 287 :\!ace. Kathr)'1 Colleen. 96, 28i Mace. Richanl LIo)'d,96, 199. :\1:acGuffie, La"'ren<:l: I-Ierberl. 2~i :\lacGuffit', Limb :\I:arie. 29i :\lachacd::. Kalh"eTn Slephanie. 96. 313 :\lacLi, J.ames Michael. 34. 85, 207. 3.>3 :\l:aeKinnon, Bruce CiIImeron, 8,;, 264, 331 :\Iadd('fl. Julie Ann. il. 29i :\hdden, Michael "OSIer. 8,;.!'l-:i :\laeslillS, GU)' ,\nthon}, 96, 3Y.J :\lagee. M:aT) Kalh..,·n.313 :\lagt,in:. Linda Eileen. 96, 198.29i :\l:Ih. :'\anC). 85, 30j :\Iahn, GaT)' l..ero). 96.185,201 "laLi. Rich:ard Lud,,'ig. 8,;. 353 :\laneu, Genrge le1o'is. 221. 31:i .\lann, I'aul Terrence. 2i6 :\lanning, Danit'llames. Jr.. 8.>. 353 :\lan!iOuri. lkh/a. , il. 204. 213. 353 "hnus. KeTT)' I.)-nn. 96. l!l!l. 343 :\Ian,ille, Judith, 2Q3. 303 :\I.araffio. Eugene Fenlon, 96, 3:;9 :\I.arcllill. Pamela June. 29i :\larCII!iOn.I'atrick Edl\'in. il. 323 :\Iuen. Kenneth HenrI' 140 MuLt'r. Sandra Joan. :0.293 "Iarkiel. John I-lenT). 345 :\larLin. George I'alrid. 211 :\I.arler, Ro$(' :\Iarie, 96, 28i "larle)",/\rlen Rohert. I!t!>. 201. ~'O:o, 206, .\I.arlo\\'. Michael )ohn, 20i .\Iarlo"·e. John \\ al.lemar, 351 .\!arot/, Toni Gl'Orgia. 96. :.H)3 Marron, James lIeTII;ud. 212 .\Iarsh, Mich:.c1 Gt'"r~e. 9G. 3:;9 .\blshall. Charll'll Phillip, %, ~2i ;\I;... sll"lI. Janel, 3011 .\Ia.-shall. Jeanne Catherine, i!J. 8;,. 89. 121. 152, 200, 29-1,29" .\"'.-shall, Marjorie ClocHe, 71, 213. 29" .\I:I.-sh.all. Stephen I·brr,·. 85, ~3i :\Iarshall. Susall K:.)·.287 Martin, C.ada Ra)c. 155.303 .\I.artin. D,,, i.l Norm,,,,. 85 .\lanin. John Randall. 333 :\I.artin. Miclmcl R:.}. 96. :''Oi, 329 "Ianin. Willi.anl I\rdler. 339 .\lutin. William \-Ienr), 34. it. 200 "1.artinSOli. Sal](tra M3r)'. s:..:roc) .\la!>lm. Mal') I\nne, 96, 30i :\1;Ulen. Ikll)' I.lIell3. 96. 313 :\lastt'nhrooL, Richard Neil. il. 343 :\Ialhell(:). Patricia Diall, sz,. 200. 291 :\hllocL, Chesler Sallford. :''Oi :\la13l11nolo. !lcn T:aLaoLi. 272. 35:; Mauhews. (;:arrol Ra), I~O :\lallhe"'5. l>arrd InTI. 85, 138, 35i :\hlthel\li. Donald John. 235, 2~0 Malli3, William l>ouglill5, ~O. sz" :51. 252. 277.315 :\I:aupin. l..arry Samuel, 96, 31i :\I:axe). Jeanne: \\'oodru". 8.>. 214. 301 :\I:a), urI') E,,~ene. 96, ~.>3 :\1:a)'e:rc:eL, Damel Rich:anl. 212 :\I:a)nanl. :\luL .::'lwud,272 :\h,-ne. :\lichael Barlo,,·. 235, 243, 262, 276 :\Ia}li. Jamo Cris"'old, 209 :\feach.am. 1>Ollna Rale.216 .\Ieaeh:"m, Dougl.al Ja). ~ :\It'am, Barbara Jane. 313 :\lccLd. \\'a)lle "('TI'1. 223 :\Ieek. Carol ,\nne. 289 :\lcier. "inn Jorgt'n. il. 208

Meier, Nane!' Ann. 3111 Mei~ler, Eve yll Marie.llOi Melo)'. nelly June Thiessen, il. 21~. ~05 Melldiola. ;\hr}' I\nn, 96, liB. 29i :\lerlan, Stephen Jt'SSl'. 185 "Ierrick, CiIIrol Jean. 162.206,289 Merrill. John Frederick. 335 "Ierrill. :\lichael Wallace, 2Q7 Merrill. :\1 ilford Sle,·t, Jr., 85, 331 Merrill. 1':'lTicia Jo. 85. 30i :\Ierritt. Clinton Jerome. Jr .. ~, 318. 319 MelC::all. James :\nlhon)·. :.~. 5i, i I, 192, 193,200.320,321 Melcalf. Mal')' Ellen. 96. 287 "le)-eT.I>ale Ua,id. 2'14 :\Ie}·t'r. Gar) (;:amdell. il. 35i :\Ie)·er. SherI')' Ann. 96. 2ffi. 29-1. 29j :\It}-er, Wayne Ronal. 211. 251. 255 Me,'erhoO, Florence Jeanne, i I :\Iichalson, Maflin Ellis. ii, 235. 262 :\lielLe.l'atricia Elaille. il.309 :\lic:sen. Emesl Lal\'!er, 96. 327 :\Iiles, Karen Ltt. 26. 85, 217. 286, 28i :\lilholl.and. Josephine Hdal. 29. 85. 236. 310.311 ~lill('TIsifer. William Gardner, 316 :\liller. Anne :\l:arie. 96. 301 :\liller. Brent Wa,-ne, 96, ~3i :\Iiller. Clarence: <h<::ar, 96, 355 :\Iiller. Don Adair, Jr.. ii, 328. m :\liller. Douglas En in. 2i. 96. 32i :\Iiller. Fr::mci3 Jilma, 96.199.351 :\filler, Ca)le Eliul>elh. 96, 311 :\liller. Genrge Allen. 3:oi Miller. John Lalit'. 96. 317 :\filler, John Wallace:, 211 :\filler, K"[I,,.-,.n Lrlln, 85,291 :\liller. Marcia Joon, 28. :\lilter. Milronl Leon, 96, ~47 :\filler, 1'31S" Gail. s:., 28i :\f iller, Slephen John, 96, 223, 226. 353 :\fillcr, Wanda Lee. 96, 313 Miner. Larr)" Bruct', 277 Minshew, Linda Sue, 96, 311 :\Iires. Gar)" Roberl, iI, 239. 31i ;\Iitchell. [)can Thomas. 272. 273 Mix, Uennis Edward, 96. ~31 ;\t ix, Jerf)' Charles. ii, 331 Modic. Jane Lois. 96. 1201,236,297 Modic. Neil Charles. 28.58. iI.183,I9'l. 2OO,31i Moe. Richard Kermit. 96, 359 :\Ioe, Sle"cn t\cirling, 272 Moeller, Grelchen, 2!l!l ~loggridKe. Kipling FranL, 221, 1115 :\Iollcr. Kun I.cwis, 47 Molyncux. Robert ,\rlhur, 212 Moncur. Hugh Dickson, lIl, 260. 262 Mong. Ah in C.arl. 3~. 85, 208. 353 :\long, U:I)'lOn Jan. 7t. 207, 2'.!3 :\Ionroe. Roben Lee, il,212 :\IolUgolller)'.Da,·id John. 3111 Moont)', Charles Edward, 96. 333 :\Ioone). Edl\'anl Robert.Jr.. it. 202. 208, 26ll

Moone}. Joel Thomas, 221 :\Ioone}" Richard Tholllas. Jr.. il, 315 Moore, Idora Lee, 56, i2, 112, 14·1. 148, 150, 153. IB3, 196.I9i.:J01 :\1001'1'. Neal Lcnn.ard, 349 :\Ioort'. Richard Dennis. 221 :\1'l<)re. Ru.s.scll Thomas. 355 :\Ioore, Shirle)' Ann,:J01 :\Ioran. James Harr). 2~0 :\Iordhorst. Mary Lee. 309 Mord.and. Thomas LeRo). 2.51. 257 :\lorfin. Lester Elo},,353 Morliu, Jama CI)·de. 29. 72. 18i. 200. 20.>.

206 :\lorlill, Michael Gleml, 202. 2Q3. 337 :\Iorfonl, John Ah'1l. 48 :\Iorgan. Cillrole Rmh, 85. 311 :\lorgan. Donna Lou. i2, 10i, 170, 29i Morgan. Gal')' Lc:e. 96, 3~0. 3~ I Morgan. Michde Dadra. 8,;. 190,298.299 :\Iorgan, l'atricia Ann. 313 MorL('fI, ElI('fI Elinbelh, 96, Sl3 :\lonensen. S1l$iIn Ka}', 293 :\Ionon, William Rand.all. II, 339 :\Iouinger. Donald ung.96. 199.336.337 :\Ioullon. C«i1 Harold. 7'2. 3.;3

Mo.n-'I"}·. ClintOfI ,\rlo, 72. 210. 327 ;\Io..·ery. Jill Alli~n Fouche. n. 1&1,297 Muir. M.uil)·n Gale. 311 Mulalley. Da,id 1'.lIrid.. 28. 72. 319 Muldoon. Palrick William. 85, 331 Mullen. Kalherine .:Iilal>clh. 85. 309 Mullen, Rodn'=}' Conkn. 96. 315 MUnlher. Gregory Lennan. 97. 353 Murphy, Francis loscph, Jr.. 34, 203 Murpht·. Larry \\aley Mario. 97 Muskopf. Ronald Ihvitl. 216. 259. 3~5 "'l·ers. Gary h,mklin. 345 "'l·er,. Jo,mne I>hrie. 9i. 198.299 "'ycrs. Kennelh Olin. 97. 194. 19".216.3'17 "'l·ers. "'aril)'n Robena, 311 M j·crs. Susan, 303 M)·Sler. Thomal Wallon. 212 N

NaCClr.Uo, Richart! Del. ~O, 97. 341 N..g,·, Carl Frederick, 348 Nanning:a. JUdilh Ann, 85. 313 N..slund. N..dine Marie. 29, 85,:W3 Neale. 1kI1y .'OOn«5. :W7 Neal"}·. Michael .:<Iward. 86. 3:;1 Nel>clsieck. Gary R.. )·, 210 Nedro..., Ph)"lIis Vcnelta. 190.293 Neil, Donald Lesler, 72.273.340.341 Neils. Di:lIlc Lucy. 86. 313 Neilsen. Rich,ml I'eler. 2'!i Nelson. l\rvil1a Chrislinc. 221. 301 Nels"". lIarr)' I);,,,ill, 199.202 Nclsoll. Charles Kenl, 86 Nelson. Connie Lee. 97. 291 Nelson. llennis Gordon. 97. 2i2. 355 Nelson. Edilh Ann. 72.:Wi Nel5On. "r.lIlk Richard. 72. 211. 342 Nelson. James Cridtr, 48. 317 Nelson. John Kcnq.97,32i Nclson. Karl E.arl.211.357 Nelson. Kennelh \rlhur.208 :\"elson,ulT}' Ho..'ud. 9i.l99 :\"elson. L.uucna: JC$SC. 97. 3.3Zi. 345 Nclson. I.il1d.. Ka). 97. 162. 198.293 214 :\"elson. I..orenm John. 86.172.187. Nelsol1. Mal"} Annc. 313 Nelson. ;\Iichael I)alt. 32:> Nel5On. Mollie Louise. 313 Nclson. Ral/lh Wart, Jr.. 42.72,31" Ndson. Ric lard Allen, 86. 201. 204, 3,,2, 1153 Nels"n. Rol>CI'1 Tudd. 97. 347 Nelson. Susan l'amllq·. 48.97, 1!J6. 198,297 Nelson. Tholll'IS Owen. 235. 239 Nelson, TilllOlh), Lc:c. 42, 86, 317 Nelson. Torlof I'tler. 86. 114. 123.3,,7 ]\·elson. Virginia Ann, 97.:W7 NeuswanRCr. Darl .:dwud. 210 Net"eux. Nancy J~hinc, 72, 311 Ne..'herr}. Donn.. (llane. 97. 307 N("tO''''', Palricia Sue, 216 N("tO·ell. RapnOfld Gco~. 208 :\"c-·ell. Rohcrl Paul. 164 Ne,,·kirk. Mucia JOlIn. 196.289 Newman. l>eto'C) LIo)d.2l:H Ne,,·lon. ~:ugeflle. 86. 3OO.:W1 :"'e)" Jerome /'OSCllh. 86. 199.212.32.. Nicholson. C larles ;\rlhur. 97. 347 1\·ielsen.Da,id Earl. 203. 319 Nikkola. Williatll Ilmar. ~ Nissen. nrCll'1:o Camlc. 20G. 289 NOllini. Judy K:lren. 72. 297 Norl>),. Anila Gail. 116. 191. 301 Norby. Johll ;\rl hur. 210 Nom,an, Dennis Ed"·an!. 97. 361 Norlhroll. Corllaml Jenner. Ill. 3~1 Norllnan. HarTiel Anll. 97.:W7 Nngefll. Wayne Ro/·ce. 162 :"')"c. La"·TC1Ke Alp lellS. 97. 202. 331 Nyrc. Wa)"ne Allan. 72. 207. 31; !\")"51rom. Gail :'-l:irgarcl. 97. 198.311



o O'Connell, Bernard t'nnds. 86.~, 265. 2ti7.343 O·Keefe. Mar) Colleen. 97. 198.200.20". 287

O·Mea..., Richard William. i3 O..h. Maril)"!l Ma)·. 293 O..l.s, ),Ierrill Malhew. m Oo:lcn. L)nn Elli,. 216. 357 Odom. Fnnk l..o,·e. 86. 327 Ogle. Dalc .'nncis, 359 Ol.eson. Jcrry Kennelh. 34. 72, 200. 222. 317 Ol3so. Loui, Barry. 266. 267 Old,. l..oni, Ilcrlrand, 97. 315 Oicsoll. K;..en ,\nnellC, 29, 162 Olsen. Judilh AIIII, 295 Olson. Alln Louise. 97. 211. 30:; 01...."'. Ilow:ml I'erry. 27, 28,19·1. 19j Olson. JiUlnl)' Karl, 48, 79. 86. 200. 32;; Olson . .Iu.dilh ;\nn. 72. 86. 202 Olson. 1>1Ichaei L.cc. 134 Olsoll.I'hill'l' Da,id LeRo)', 162 Olson. Richard John. 212 OI5IOfI.Allen Klri:.48,97,321 Oppliger. Ga,.,· LaVerne, m Orenll. I)ollila Jean. 301 Onniston. John llarry. 212 Orr, J ..nel Aun. 97.198.309 Ou, G:al"}' Ra). 86. 325 One. Ronald L1)·n. 341 Ono. Fredric I.:I,-nc. 72. m OliO. N"urmall John, 221 O,,·ell. Richard Wa)ne. 210 O ...ens. Jan Richard. 345 Opma. \Vallle Susumu, 347 0lcr. Frederick Ra)·. 97. 3;;3 Ozawa. Max Kunio, 72,209.272.355 p

l'adulu, Wallcr Murra)', 349 I·alelek. Ronald E:d,,·ard. 72 l'ahner. Getlela JOlIU, 305 I'ahner. James Wendell. 3:W I'ahner. Victoria Elizabelh. 29 P..nko. Carol Je..n. :w:; I'.. pc. Jeril)n Ann.:W3 l'arbet"l"}. Petlll)' Lplll. 48. 86. 302. 303 I'archer. Shellc) Gail. 288 Pardue. Carol ,\rlene. 313 I'arish. MUilplll Lee, 86. 293 I'arl.e. Vklona Gcne. 309 I'arkcr. lohn Kcilh. 97. 319 I'arler. Ma'1lin Marguel. 201. 309 I'arker. Nicholas Gibbs. 162 l'arker.I'aldck Dale, 72 I'"rler. RIl!ISC11 Allan. 353 Parkin•. Doran Leon. 97,162,331 I'arkillsoll, Roberl John. 72 Parh. "lie HOUlcr, 34. 56. 72.197.23".249, 2:;0.251 I'arr. El'line Jean. 97. 307 l'anOlI$. llonald I)uanc. 72 I'alllaik. IliswC$war. 207. 3jl I'..tricl. John E:d..·.. rd. 97.199.323 1'.. lleno<l. Cecil Cooljd~. 239 I'.. llenon. James Mannmg. 2:74. 337 I'alton. Kennelh LeRo)·. 208 I'allon. L.nne KriSlinc. 29. 97, 164.311 Patton. Rac [l.ellc. 29, 72, 1&4.310.311 l'a.elee.l)a.id Martin, 341 I'a)l'c. William Alben. 208 I'a)nler. Kemlall Jar. i8. 347 1'('lITSOn. Ilean Harlley. 78. 352. 3;;3 I'e:tTSOn, Garr Leon. 247. 3H I'canon. Kann Ilianne. 72, 223. 293 Peck. Fr'Hlk \)'l\'i<l. PctlcTSOn. DOllgl'IS Aaron, 86 l'eko,·ich. Andrcw Waso. 273 l'cncc, Fred Carl. 97. 347 I'ence. Le"'is Lee, 86, 346, 347 l'cnce. Marci.. Elaine. 297 Pene, Rohc:rl Alan. 333 Penney. John Genlr)·. 86. 337 !'enninglOn, La...rence Ross. 72. 213 !'eplinski. Ra)mond John. 41 !'C!CB. Gar)' Joseph AnlllOlI). 217. 341 l'elelXn. Gar) La:.323 !'elene'll. KaTC'll. 86. 200. :W3 PeICne1I. urI"}' Samuel, 86. 235, 353 l'elenen.I..:Iuoo Lou'se. 28. 86.:W7 I'CleTSO'l, Marlha Rae. 97, 313 l'elel'$C.'n. Richard Eli. 72, 321 I'tttlson, lle~n Heinrich, 72. 3j3 l'eleTSOn.Donna Lee. 97. 30j

I'tlc:noll, Douglas Amos.. 361 I'clcnon. Gcnld FAt"'ard, 97, 353 I·elenon. James Neils. 315 l'clenon. Karcn Jlcne.28. 193 f'etCTSOn, La..'rence Neil. 86. 272. 30 I'elenon. Max Richard. 86. 331 I'etc:non, M.. p-is Marie, 72, 213. 313 l'cleTSOn, Robcrl Allal. 224. 227 f'elc:non, Ilol>crla La:, 72, 295 "('leTSOn. William Horalio, 207. 208. 209 l'eIl3l. William Joseph. 73. 212 l'euI1, Tholllas Hcnry, 321 l'falf, Carul Je:lII, 97.198.287 1'[:IIr. Nancy. 29.; Phillips. Dean ,\lIen, 40. 272 Phillips. Gar)' Dean, 29. 73, 210 l'hillillS. James Allison. 86. 349 Phillips. Karen Marie. 97. 223. 299 "hillips, Lain.. Sherrell, 97.287 l'hil1illS.l..ois Darole Ne,,·kirk. 73 l'ickclI. Chcrl"}' Vida. 97. :WI l'ic:rtt.Jallles Gill>crl, 73 I·ierce. Michelle Jean, 73. 293 I'ierce. Roberl Joe:. 97.337 I'ipal. O"'el1 Deni,. 86. 317 I·ilnl..n. Geo~ MbcTl, Jr.. 86. 329 1·luli,lO. Rol>cn ROS$. Jr., 3.iO I'lalu. William Ralph. 272 I'lulllh. Carla Rae.ll6. 311 1'lullIh, Rol>cTl Gordon. 73. 543 1'lullImer. Carol i\nn. 29.73. 2''?', 1103 l'orrenrolh, Dellllis Rocke. 323 I'nl"ler. De:mna Ka)',:W7 I'oncr. L. J .. 208 1'0rtcr. Lylc \V:ml. 360 1'01·ICr. Richard Dur.cs, 251 I·osl. JanCI Evel)'l, 299 "OSI. Ronald E:d...ard, 86. 201, 341 rOller. narban Claire, :W7 l'Ollcr. Charles Russc:lI, 86, 333 l'Oller. Gal"}' Ray. 329 l'oul5On. LolT.line. 162. 293 I'oulson. !\"eil J .• 162.324 I'o,,·ell. Datherine La:, 86, 202, 287 Po,,·ell. Sandi'll Therf5:1, 2i:l9 l'o,,"cB, M..,." JO. 73.196. 215. 278.301 I·o...e.... Richard Lorell, 212 l'r.!lI. Eleanor Ann.:W7 I'rnlt. I'alrid.. ;\nn. 30j I'rescoll, Thomas Gent. 97. 271. 323 l'rCMC). Ger.crd Kenl, 86, 235. 330. 331 PrCliSC). Willis Winslo.... Ill. 7!t. 144.331 I'rince. S'llHlra Cam!. 97, 313 I'rior. Kayc Louise. 97. 287 l'ml:Ol,iu. Rich'IHI Dwigll1.ll6. 1153 1'1")111. Rolf. 86, 2'5, 264. 265. 266. 268, 327 l'r)"sod. David Lawrence, ·18 l'ngh. Eh·is Da,'id, 73,162, 339 I'urdl. KriSlinc Dahl. 86. 307 I'ulnam. I)a,id LIo)'d, 73, 120.211.212. 235.315 I',-lc, Ron..1d \\'a",e. 73, 272. 273, 274, 35·1. 35..

Q QuanbKk. Bri:m Richud. 209 Quane, Ka)' Kosil)"l, 73.294.29" QUC$nel. Rober! ClinlllO. 212, 32i R

Ra'lh. Charles Rubert, i.'l R:llfenspcrger. Ronald Shcnk, 86, 336. 337 R'lislx:ck. l..orraine I'arlor, 216 R:lInt>cau. William Da,'id. 97. 3(i1 Ramt)·, :'-larH!,1 Ruth, 215, 313 Randles. Michael La:.337 Randolph. John LesICr. 33, 86,.561 Rankinen. Richard Willialll. 212.~. 2W Rann'=}. Brools Melller. 203. 333 R:anla. Kalhl)"'ll JO, 86. 196.20-1.309 Rarid. ~"'T} Dell, 97. 299 Rasmuson. Sue Ann, 97,198.:W1 Run1l15S('l1. John 8o)'d. 73, 326 RaSlllU$5Cf\. Lan)· Urian. 97. 337 RasmuJSCn, Willialll OllO. 86. 327 RaIn. Larry James. 164 Rau, Carol Ann. 73, 311


R:ncn.s<:roh, Maril,-" 1..t:f" 86. 209. 216.50:; R"\'leIl5CWfl. C:uol)n K:l\. 30:; Ra''Ilriw:rt. ~anC) ~u. 309? ,_ Ra ..·. :'ohrJOru: LoUl~. 86. _86. lSI Ra"'lings, Ri(hard ThoOlnas. 33i Kad. Carol ~Ia). 9i, 213. :m Read. John CaThon, 34 Reagan. Gar)' I.plll. 333 Reams. John "'ralerid;, i3 Rca)'. Allon Jam~. 8i, '19 Rca}', UaTham .lane. 203. 29i Rchergcr.l'r:mk Ucall, 2i3. :Hl Rchcrgcr. lohn Phillip. 183. 18", 20'!. '40 Rt,<lnolll". 'rhco<lorc Cl~'dc. !H. 208 Rt>t.'tt. Urucc M., <18

Reed. Richard Rajll"""l, i3.10j. I(i:!. 201. 2;5.336. '!Ii Rttd, Ronald Wa)ne. 9;. 207. '10. '-II Reed, William High. i3 R~. RobC':rt Wil"""n, 2Zi Rt'CK. Sue UlIan, 98. 309 Reid. GUlh OKaT. Jr.. 3'3 Reid. J05ol'lJh Ger.mt Jr.. 321 Reid. K<IIKfl Lou, i3, 305 Reid)', Michael Terrence. Ill. 93. 318. '19 Reimann. Ronnie \tln, 86. 30i Reimann. Jarna Ronald. 210

Reinllluth. P~,,13 Gail. 73.200. 290. ~'91 Ilemsberg. John Ih\ id, III. 48. i3. 31 i llenfn'>O'. K'dlh Wheeler. i3 Ilenn. Linda K:I.)' Jacohscll. i!S Ren~. ):.mell i\lIen. 87. 357 Il<-'Slclf. Lil:. Loll, 87. ~13 Reum:...n. Richanl t:.tward. :!O'J Reynohls. I)enni~ Ilo}'. 343 Ile)nolds. Virginia i\nn, 29. 98. 309 Ilhoades. /\I\'~h I':.rler. i3 Rice. Ihadle}' SI~"lon. i!l. 330. 3!11 Ilice. Gary ,\bn. i8. 33i Ilice, Linda 1..ce,2'19 Rice. Milo Michael, 98. 242,",-",9 Ilice, !\":l.nC) MOH'. 98. 299 Rice. Robert Sidne). 8i, !l3i Richards. Tho,na.s Charles. 98, 277. 31;; Richa",bon. Jimmie Larr)'. 207 Richardson. John McCralh. 209, 323 Riddle, John Uruce.!I1>i Iliddle. Toni Maurice, 291 Ilied;. Grace Loui!IC, 192,29;; Iliedem~n, Benr}' Williarn.llI. 73. 212 Rieman. Janice I..<-~. 26. 8i. 202.~. 301 Riggers. Larr)' Norman, 24i Rigsb)". Carol/\nn. 87, 301 Riley. Daniel C:.rI. 273. 341 Rile)'. Rolx:n Handle}'. 42. 2'!6 Rinaldi. '\lldn::. Il.. 307 Rinehan. Roben Coleman. 73. !I21 Ringe. Rudy Il~)'nond. 212 Ringer. William Roberl. 98. 339 Risl, fl"ilnds llenr). Jr.. 319 Riller, c"rol Jeon, 98. 311 Riller. Glenn Ross. 162. 3U Riller. Larry Gene. 73, 209. 351 Roard. I'hilil' Cnig. MI Iloar". Il;oymond Lero). 8i. 2i3. 311 Robll. Roben Michael. 74. 315 Robbins. red Orrin. 329 Roheru. Karen Ai ....en. 8i. SO!! Roheru. Rich:ord Unlce.211 Roberuon. Marcus Engene. i4. 210. 3U Robideau", Roherl Warrcn, 98. 315 Rohie. Edward Ra)·. i4 Robie. Erin Ga)·. i4 Robinson. Chewl '\lUl, 98. 28i RohinSOll. U:u.iel Waller. i·l. 223. 225 Rohinson. Joe ,\l ich:.e1. 98. 199. 335 Rohinson. iIIar" j\lexa'l<ler. III. 74, 340.


Robinson. Thomas Adair. 98. 315 Robison. Lcl~nd Udell. 87. 211. 339 Robison. SU:llhanie Rose, 293 Rocha. Ralmoud francis. 98.199.201. 31i Roche. \'enWKI Lee. 208. 209 Iloc", Glenu Bolida). 73, 208 Iloc", Ronnie Bel,..I. 26. 21i Iloc""·ell. Claudia ,\nn. 8i. 297 Roemer. IJon~ld l..ce. 74. 211, 3a7 Rogelsl:Oo.l. Roger Dean. 46 Ilogers, G;olen t;ugelle Cope. 74. 238. 339 Roge...... GaT)' William, 35{) Rogers. Lino.la Ann,!I01

3 _' 1-

Roglleb)'. Joel Herb...t.208 Rogn~lad. Ros UrC'lll. 98.339 Rohrman. Margarel Anabclle. 293 Ro:lOSIe. ,\nn Marie, i4. 28i ROKmbhl, ,\nll Marie. i4.!!01 Rosholt. Jan DOWlh)·. 311 Rou. lloobbie Michele FeTJlusoII, 291 Ross. Jeri Jatel, 98. 124. 198. 2i8. ~'91 R(]$S. ;"Iarshal Edwaro.l. 11.40. 8i. 3:'l6. 33i Rossi. Vince... ,\ngelo. 8i. 20'.!. 31,1. '15 ROIh. Janice t:ibabcth. 305 ROllman. Rnhen Rol:l1ld. 98. 2'.l2 Rour"e. Ron,llll Genc. 87. !l53 ROUlh. J,I"'l'5 Edw,....1. 212 Rowc. Jnhn Rubert. 29 Rowe·Villagomel, Guillermo ,\rlhum. 201 Rowland. Maralec Vee. 8i. 2'J6. 2'!Ii Rowland, Ilu!» Jane. 307 Ro,'er, l)a,id Kennelh. 212 Rubell. Jo.\nn. 98. !Oi RlIl.l)·. Robert £<.I,,'ill, 235, 242 Rucl",:on, ,\nita J:me. 87. 214. 303 Ruddell. Larr) Ike. 98. 3~7 Ruddell. TCJ"11 Lee, 98, 347 Ruo.le, lJ,ormie L)nn. 98,!!O~ Rue1l, Madrona CoIC1le.!!Of Rullman. Ilruce I)ale, 339 Rumpclles. Joon I..ee. 48. 98. 198. !03 R,"nsc:), Cla)lon ;"lilIer. i4. 357 Russell. !lruce Elwin. 20'J Russell. lIoward ;"fi(hael. 315 Russc:ll. Mar)' 1"lIrida. 74. 293 Russc:lI. Phillip L)nn. 701. :!75. 3.'1 R USlll)", Juhn :)(:011. 87. 2i I. 351 RUlkdge, S,""lr:l Helen. !.I8. WI R}daleh. "r:ln" l)a,·is. 357 R)I:....ler. M,,,'cen .\Iargot. 311

s SI. Clair. Ruherl ClenC)'. 331

Sac". 8rian I'hilip. 29, 98. 329

53d'ell. John In in, 98. 2Q1. 3!13 5311.lohn [)ennis, 199 5311. Lan) O:I\id. 29. 348 Sail. I.) Ie Lee, 8i. 335 Salrneier. I)onna l.....ui!IC, 98.!!Oi 53lrncier. Milo I-Ienr). 199.211.353 Sablo.·. Karl RlI)', 98. 222. 317 Samer. Dennis nruce, 3~5 Sampson. Thomas \\'oodww. :!iO Salllsoll. Cawl Marie. 287 Samson, Roger Ralph, 212 Sanboru, Rub)' J",,\nll. 87. 30') Sandefll. I-lealher Ann. 98. 29i Samters. Maurice Wilbnrn.lli, 3-11 Sander-'On. I.)lm Marie. 291 S~neholu, U)wn. Jr.. 8i, 323 Sappinglon.I..a,,·rence Dale. 217. 2;;9. 3L5 Sasali,llarold l>can. 48. 216. 3;;1 Sasser. J:Ollles H .. 87, 212. 32~. 32,; S;oSSCT. R. Garlh. i8. 200. 32,; S:other, Maril)n Rae. 74. 297 Schade. Grcgrol") John. 27. 98. 199.201.323 Schad!' Ilapnond L",ro). 74. 317 Schader. Roberl Ernesl. 210 Sch~enl, Joan ;"largo. 299 Scllllu(elberger. John Edgar. 8i. 208. 221. 22i,359 Sch<-"<lIer. 1)01111ell" Gcnrudc. 74. 196.202.


Scheel. ),unell t:d ..."rd. 2i, 200. :!O'.l. :!56 Schell. I':urida Je,m, 301 Schie""':"'. Jon ThtHuas. 2Q8 Schiller. Glenn l)el"no. J r.. ~'8, 353 Schillrdf. Hamid Vincem. i4. !l5:J Schlt:dll. Cui An hur. 42. 43. 74, ~:!3 Schmadeb. Gar) Ra). 98 Schmidl. George Thomas. 74. 2'~'2. 2'.?4. 227. 32'! Schmidl, Stephen I'aul. 212. 3;;i Schmidl. Willian. Theodore. 212. 274 SchnlUhl, KUet. \nn. 8i. 307 Schneider, ,\.uhuny George. 223. 354 Schnelle. William '-I":lnllin, 207, ~~ Schodde. jean Ann. 98, 293 Schocl'Din. 1I0"'ard JarnC$, 161 Scholl. Clinord King. 2Q.I. 272 Schomburg, Charla I..ce. 335 Schooler. Kri$.en t:ilcrtl. 216. 30i


Schonman, William Car)', 116, 2Q3. 206, Schnufnagel. Dale Thor"as, 98,199.206. 3~8.M9

Schroeder. SUsall Elil:lbclh.295 Schuelle, John U,,(hanan. 208. 209. 276 Schuh~. t'Ted Wayne. 48. 74 'ich...uac"er, Richard lIerman.27 Schuslcr. KennClh Ikrnhndt. 212 Schwarll., John Alrretl. 74. IG:!. :J51 Schweiller. Grorgi~ 1..<-,<:,98. !!O7 Scofield. Terrence John, 87. !l37 Scoggin, Judilh Lorene. 213. 298 Scoggin. Rulh i\nne. 309 ScOll. Diana Gail. 291 ScOIl. Norman Lero),. 345 ScOIl. William J~mes, 247 Sco\illc, Dougla~ Allan. 32. N, 210. 3M, 335 .sc."ille. Linda Joon. 8i. 295 Scrinuher. William Thomas. 75. 355 Scagn\·es. John KOOlet.ai. 27 Scde), M:orgie Jo. 221. 291 Seeley. \'iclOria XcII. 74. ~'9'.? 293 Seelig. Kem Chesler. 247 Seel). Katherine ":orr, 74. 291 Seclin, MargeT)' Ann. 293 Sec,,'ald. Ronald I'aul. 8i. 335 Scill.. Lee DonaLd. 164 SclbB. Carol Jo. 293 Semclcr, 1"<-'011 1'hol11:1S. J ro, 3~ Serr. Gail Wade. 360 Seuher!. C:uherine Shawn, 87. 29" Senl.lCl'l. Shirk)' K,,)'. ~O.i Se'e.... , Julic Ann. 87. 29,1. 2% Sewell. Uarhara '\lIn. 299 Sewriglll. Da\'id Ro)'. /01. 23;;. 260. 262. 32i Sh~n". Wendell R~)'. 210 Sh:orp. Ilrenda Jc",·el. 98. 190. 2Q5. 28i Sharp. Do) Ie Warne, !I'.l. 74. 212 Sharp. Johu William. 212. 359 Sharp, I'h)'lIi~ ArLet.c JC'lll.ins. 48 Sh:n,', \nn Kalhleen. ,~ Sha",·. Da\ id Bruce. 353 Sha..·. Roscmal")' Auu. 98. 28i. 313 Shear.... John Millon. 208 Sheffield. Joann Rae,2i Sheller. GCJ<\ld Elmore. 74. 329 Shelgrcn, GaT)' On'al, 98. 3n Shelman. Ronald Man in. 98. 33i ShcllOn. Tood 1)0u~ld. 27, 87. 329 Sherhenou, Angela RUI h, 26. 29. 8i. If06. 305 Shennan. Ilyron Ja)·. 7,1. 201. 203. M8 Shern. Noua Ka)·. 27.117,188.190.215. 2i8. 2'.10,291 Shille". Demell Richard, 20i Shinlw, Rodnc) Allen. 259 Shisler. William Garrell. 74, 319 Shoem:o"er, Gordon ,\lIen. 98. 32.:> Shoemal.er. Neil Leslie. 93. MI <;hoo", J:onice hye. 311 l>hopbell. Ronald 1tC'l'I"). 87.!I1>i <;h"pe, William l..a,,·ren<c. i5. 350 Shunleff. lla\'id Sindair. 210. 216 SIUlflletr. Jou J':tlnolt. 216 Siath, John c"rmen. 242. 260. 262 Siehenlha1er. Connie Eileen. 98. 313 Sic, en, Susan Lind~. 75,!!O3 Silha. Carl,lll Williarn. 164. 2Oi. 223 Silh". Carol Ga)' Russell, 29, 164 Siller. K"rl Lewis. 98, 34i Si1ll<-'OI1. Sma1111:1 Agnes. iii. !SQ.!. 305 Si"ul1ons. Edg;or R:.)". 213. 3:!:i Simmon.•. Ross Lron. 87. 316. 31i Sil11on, Cuol Alicc. 75. 305 Si",on. Carol JC~ll. 8i. 100.291 Simonlon. Richard Loler, 87. 319 Simpson. Joseph Williarn, 75,!I.x. SilllpSOf•. Me"in i\I~c. 3;;1 Sims. Sarah Louise. 87. 311 Sindair. Judilh Ann. 29. 48. 98.I&I . .soi Siugh. Shann Labh.201 Si\ll~rl). Willia'" Ed"·a«1. 185 Slh·er. Bruce Wa)"ne. 8i. 2i3. !I-IO. 3~1 S"ramSlad, George Rouald, 154 Siagows"i. Jon Lauce. 98. 3GO Slaugh I"', Barb:on. i5. 311 Siaughl"', Ilich~rtl ,\rlhur. 188. 190. !I'!I Sk't,man, Florcnce [)elane. 98. 124,301 Skew. Roben J311lC$, 353





lJ(mhe;l .\mlcrsell. i5.


SIO<ld. )Iarjoric Calherine, 297 Sloan, Roben R:a). 361 51oon, Ronald Vern. 87. 3~:; Slocum. Oonn.. 1.«.311 Sm3T1, Richard CIOll/l:h. 'Ii Smarl. Robert 1\1".. , Jr.. 75. '16,317 Smith ..\nnt' Maric. di, 303 Smith. lIell)' Theresa. 313 Smith. Iwnnic LlOC, 2'!I, 2'!i Sluilh, C"ry. Jr., ·10. 87. :!-lO. 357 Smith. I)"lc W,urc", 272 5",llh. I)a,id Ll-c. 34:", Smith. Ehin Warren. 209 SII,ith. I-Iden 1",lith. 98. 162.313 Smith. Janjl,cline ,\nlle. Smith. James William. 202. 31i Smith . .lalla Ka)'.301 Smith, KarO', Lea., 28.


Smith. Kenneth William, 75. 227, 300 Smith. Marguerite !>C"·;J.r. 307 Smilh. :\lich"d James. 206. 321 Smith. ""'.. ncr K.. thlttn. 87. 298. 299 Smith. Richard Will:lrd. 87. 327 Smilh. Roberl Eugene, 162. Smith. Robert M:min,~, 208 Smith. Ronald .:Ilis, '55 Smith, Ro ..... land Allen, 2LO, 21, Smith, Russell Eugcne,2'l3 S",ith, Sanll"l Je;1I1, 87. ~I.'l Smith. Terry I'arker, 42. 75. 335 Smith. Tro)' Ja"'elI. 206. 3(>0 Smith. Victor Neal. 75. 327 Smith. William Alhcrt. 98, 347 Smith, WilHam AJfrt'd, 98. 2'!I, 329 Smyser, Melodic Ann, 98, 291 Snodgrass. Danny Jim, ~I Snodgr,tss. Rogcr Nod, 27 Snook, Nan')' Katharine, 75. 291 Snyder. Cal)n Della. 98, 214, 291 Snyder, Emelie l.C"a\'dl, 88, 207, 307 Snytler, Lintlagale. 297 Snyder, SantllOl Joytt, 206. 293 Snyder. Susan Janc, 99 Sotlerling.John Stuart. 88. 343 Soderli"g, Thoma5 Richartl. 48, 20t Soxlorff. Judith Anne, 305 Sola'itne. I'aul .:ugene. 28.78.323 Solley, Susan Gay. 293 Soloaga. !.intla Louisa. 289 Solo"",n. Deanna Suc,')9 Solulll. I:lowthy Mac. 2119 SoI"I1I, J;ltlicc Elaine. 99 Sopcr. Diane I..o"ise, 75, 286. 287 SoI>Cr. John 1>I,,'id. 22. 99. 348. 349 Sorenwn. Joon Elaine, 99, 198.301 Sorenson, Maurice Andrew, 99. 269. 339 Sorman, Karl l..oui5, 27 So"'aT. Donald Fredcrick. 2:; I. 2,:;6. 264. 266 So..'der, llialH: RO$C, 99 .so..'er5. JO$Cph Alc:xande'r. 75 Sl'anb;ouCT. Rohcrt La..'cr;mee,272 Sp:.ulding. Jo:ltI Susannc. 303 Spelgatli. Jarnes Le.... is, 40 Spentt, t'rederid; Alan, 3I>9 SpC'lKe. Paub .:Iil:.beth. 190,223, 297 Spence, Ro:.ln Ethd. 88.307 Spe"';er. Richard Da\ id. 319 Sperry. I)a\'id Lewis, 315 Spiker. Ann Marlld1. 88. 298. 2:19 Spinel Ie, JamCll 1..00. 88. 202. 327 Spores. I)a,'id Martin, 75. 272, 354, 3;;;, Spores. William Raymond. 272. 3501 Sprenger. Janet Rae, 28, 75. 213. 3N Springer. l..oil Ja)"le, 75. 202, 295 Springronl, Winston IIrem, 88. 217 S<juires, Diane Judith. 289 Stachler, Larry Iklbert. 243 Stahl. Linda Kay. 99. 295 Stalc:y,Jo)ee y,olllle. 75,213,308.309 Stamper. La"'rcnce Ralph. 48. 16-l. 327 Sianderr~r. "Iberia Lor~·lle. 99, 303 Sianfield, Robe-n Nclson. IV, 99. 223. 347 StangCT. Michael Richard, 315 Stanger, Mlrna Ka), 99. 308, 309 Stanton:Richanl Owen, 42, 88. 201, 328.




Staples, Mildred. 88. .304. ~O!> Stark, John Anthony, 22'l. 319

Srox"'er, Ron:.kl [("..anI. 211 Strel. Dougla$ \nhur. 353 Sirek, Eldene, 289 Sleele. Rohcrt George. 7:; Stein. Wan~l Reed, 7;;, 340 Stcinhrink, John Ed.... rIl5, 29, 88. 202,



Steiner. G"I\ \\' .. 78. II i. ~ Slellyes, Cedi George, 210 Steller. Sandra l.ee. 213. 311 Sremmler. LOtti Zilda. 297 Sren/el. Gar) Neil. !f;,7 Slcphen.., C;ll'olyn Loui'C. ~Ol Srelllcl'. I'hillip 1.."'1:. 99. M I SIC\Cns. ViI'Kit John. 357 Stc\-en"Ou. Rul>ert Ed"·anl. 211 Sle,,'art. Way'lc Oak, 75. 209, Yol Stic"'nc), Jud)' ,\nne, 75, 216, 311 Sti~ile, Tcrrill Weston. 212 Stiles, Sonua Cecile Tipton, 75 Stiles, Richard l.auTClIce. 197,20:; Stilwell, S:olOlh Lee. 305 Stodtlale. Thomas Warren. 327 Stoct.;..'ell, Susan Jane, 299 Stoddan!, William Ibrold, 88. 3-19 Stoker, Che"}l I.ynn, 162 Stoles. .\Iani" Marion. 210 Stoller, Walter Jakc, Jr.. 75,213. 3;j7 Stolp, Illlrwartl nllaue. 75. 207. 3'1i Stonc. Kcnneth Rar, 32. 75. 359 Stuut, Manin Lee. 99. 349 Stout, Willi;lll1 Kenneth, 88, 2H. 337 StOl'er, Judilh ,'nn, 75. 291 Sto",c. M ich"c1 Lt),'d.;3.317 Stradley', I-Ior:,ce RolKrt. Jr .. 3113 StranJ:rnan. Sharon Rose, 307 StrktlinR. Julie Joan, 88, 188. 189.20:;.216. 2Ii.29'l,293 Striegel, llonna Lee, 88, 20-1. 215. 278. 30:> Striegel. William Humer, 347 Stroehc:l. Marlene Louise, 99, 307 Strohl, Rdxc:ClI Ann. 99. 205. 30i Stroh.nC)cr, Lawrence William, 274 Strom. l:Irry James, 99. 317 SI.-o,% Allco, I),,·ight. 75. 221. 348. 3-19 Stroschein, Sharon l:IJc;Jn, 41. 76, 202, 29'! Strub, IknniJ Richard. 88 Stuart. I)nid Malcolm, 275 SlUltehaker, 1-lucia ,'nn. 99. 198. 199.200.


SWller, 1-1. Co, 32, 76 SlUder. Vern .:dwin. 32. 76 Stun/. lIhrjoric K:,y. 99, 311 Sturgill. J:lfnc$ William. 99, 357 Sturle,'ant, Ronald Joe E" 27 Sulli\'an, lameJ Hamilton. 88, 333 Sulli\'an. '1':.lricia ,\nn. 88. 286. 287 Suter. UarlJar.. Rae. 206. 31~ SUllon, jolm Curtil. ~2, 209. 213 SUllon, ohn W:'ple, 99, 351 S,,·:.n, I'atricia Anne. 28, 88. 301 Swan. W:.llace Kctll. 29. 88. 321 S"';llIk, James Russell. 203. 315 S..-;mwn. O"rrd Ray, 99. 3I>7 SWall$II(>"', Don Lee. 3-15 S"'('I'(. Wilhur Erler, Jr.. 207, 221 S..'ellson. Sharon Ann, 213, 295 S..-enson. Willard McLean. 88. 186,20:>, 322,323 Swigcr. John Howard. 88. 357 S",offonl. l)arlene Lee. 311

T Tack. E\'el)n Virginia. 99, 311 Tagg"l1'l. JOICph lIrick. 359 Tague, Lmda Joan, 303 Takaha$hi, Lee. 353 Talhol, Nathan A.. 43 TalhOIl, Linda Maric. 172 Tanaka. Richard Mala(), i6,212,3H.3-15 Tanc.... JUdith Ann, 199.303 Tangen, William tio..'ard,208 TannCT. Ikflnil Clark, 99. 321 TarnosL), John AlISlin, Jr., 319 Tale, John Fr,,,,klin, 42. 88. 319 Tate, Mary ,'lice, 99, 301 Tarulll, lo,'nn. 28,196.213.228,300 Ta)'lor. AI)'ce Joy. 54, Ta~lor. Al)'ee Jo)·ce. 88. 313

I a\k>r, 'ria )Iae, 313 ra\lor. Che"}l Rae. 191. 288. 289 1;I\k>r,Gordou Kenl,~17 Ta)lor. James Corwin, 187 I a,lor. Laurent. 38. 76. 321, 32:i Ta,ior. Mary Lou, i6, 307 , ay lor. I'alric;a. 88. 299 I a)lor, I'aul Arthur, 2~i. 323 'I ;'y lor. Samuel Georl/ie. 90. 99, 199, 359 '1 :'ylur. Thomas ,'ucel. 76,208.209.561 T;'yson. Warne Eli. 208 '1 e;'~ne. John Rohcn. 99. ~'II. ~-15 Tellt. 1\;"ncy Jean. 9!1, !l03 Teg:"'. EI:,ine Elm"r. !l!l. 2!1~, '1 elllple. Keuncth ,'Iex;lllller. 3-1 Tcn'l'lewn, Fr.....1eril"k Earl. 88, 3-18. 349 I c:ske. ,'nthon)' John. ~17 Teler, Linda Lee. 203, 29:; I hiCSSC11. nob Thomas, ~"Q5 '1 hiClSC:!'. Wa,·lIe Lee, 213 ThOl1las. Dennil John. 207. 2'!3 I hOl1las.•'rederid; Gerher, 40, 235. 262 I hOI1lOll, Jean, 30:; I homa,. John Cuter. ~I '1 homa5, Wade An. 238 Thomason, Robert 'rthur,210 I hOlllpson. Allen Rar. 99, 3I>5 rho<llplOn, CaIOI l..ec .'ot>es, 76, 293 '1 hompson. Charles ,'rthur. 197 Thumpson. E\'alyn .'nn. L33. 291 'I hOl1lpwn, JamCll Ilonald, 76, 357 ThOI1lI,son, }allleJ Ruhin, 9'J Th""'pSI1l1. J:tnicc "a)'. 88. 30~ Thltl1lpson, KathrYIl Jal'lle. 76. 19::;.286 Thompson. 1I1ary Kalhlcen. 299 Thornbrugh. Charley I'aul, 274 Thornock, Carol Lou. 213. 301 Thorlllon. Annette Marie, 88, 287 Thronson, Wap"C: ,\lIeu, M. 359 'I hUlletl, Toni Virginia. i6. 183,223,311 '1 im.n, Jerry' RDgCT. 88, 321 Timmons, Lcslic L)nn, 27, 99, 305 T"'adlUl. Ronald ConlOld. 347 Tohilh, Loi5 Fern, 99, 162,303 '1 olldilCfl. t:Alward John. 99.315 '1 ohnie. C... mdol)'1I ]rcne, 190.297 Tomita. Gat) IliTOlhi. 2'r! romlinson. Hden Roherta, 76. I H. 310 rorgerson. Robena Ann, 309 Turkelson. Marjoric t:l ....n. 309 Turkclson. Nancy Loui5C, 99 Torrey. Rohert Henry. 2·17 TOllen, Gary Arthur,!l9. 35;; To ..... k.,..l)ouglas Duane. 9'J, 3L5 :1:r:I~I" St~,'cn Lt",C, ?6, ~33 I r:1l . ,'lice Maroe. 289 Tr:til. Jon Garfield. 206 Tr..il, Richard Edward. 333 Trail. Rol>crt James. 339 Tn\ i,. Limb Arlelle, 99. 311 IlOlxlcr, James Harold, 351 -I 'COlt. Rohen James. 268 Tribhle. Ronald Lewil,212 Tribble. Sharon ilclcol,289 '1 riplclt. Oa\id Cla)tOlI. 2~7.'" TTOItlc. lIil1ie Rae, 99. 311 Tro,,·bridge. Bruce Mehin. 40, 88. 199,321 'I rupp, Clyde Rulon. 32, i6, 210. 359 TlChannen, Shirk)' Ka)'e, 311 Tubh" :\'ancy l..ouise. 289 Tuckcr. RoiJcrt Wieg:'r5, 206, 323 TllIlIlidilr, Rohert I'arker, i6,2OO Turck. Thomas Edward. 214 Turner. Ikssie Lt.'1:, 76. 311 TUTIler. Chark~ Raymond. 357 Turner. K('nncrh Eugene. 76. 326, 327 TUTIler, 1I1artha Carol. 291 Turnidge. Ihrrell Ray'. 76. 21G, 357 Turnipseed. Warne &on, 208. 209 I llson. Judi,,, Lee. 99, 295 Tultle. Thoma$ Grant. 99, 337 ·....·ilcgar, Ron Jess, 33~

u UgJem, Linda Janet, 215, 289 Uhl. Elilabeth ,\nn. 311 Ulmer, William Nelwll, 99, 353 Ultican, Ella Arlene. 48, 99, 303 \ '11Ilcrwood, Kande Karen. 303


Ulllid:.n-. Eleanor I:ilecn. 28. 58. 76,197, 200.213,291 Un. John Richard, 99. 315

v Vail, Oa\id Bruce. 88, 35i Valenline. Frank Chesler, 88.319 Vallieres. Garl' Kent. 99 Vah·ik. DorN 1) K;I)". 288. 289 Vall,\na. Harold ,\tlri:'l1l. i6 VanDcrcrcek, M:lr)" J;tUc, 301 Vand.,rford. Maril)'n Jo;tll, 88, 31 I VanHorne. Waller Thomas, 201 ViinHolllen. Da,-id George. i8 VanHoulen. Itidlard James, 213. 359 Vann. Chilrles Larry. 88. 339 Vanno)", Roberl Dale. 3-t. 88.!H3 VanOrman, Juhn William. 42.88. 271. m, 323

VanSlOne. Gar) Richard. 88. 2Oi. 3':>':> \'arker, Sandra Jo, 287 Vars. Barban Lcc. 39 Veltrie. Gerl) 1.1o)·d, 99, 223. 321 Vehrie. JerI) Ho)d, 99. 321 VeSan!, Mar)' Clara, 1&1.288.289 VCI',t. Rohert Ed.nrd, 99, 3-15 Vennaas. Muriel Ka}'. 99.~.5 Vernon. Joseph Ah'in, 359 Ven'aeke, Roben "Ierman, 22i Vi<:kennall. Iklle Luuise. 76. 200. 303 Videnmm. Bruce Edw;l1"<l. 42 Vickerman. R:.)"lnond I'!arold, 88. 3:'3 Viher, Rudolph Andrew, 208. 2O'J Vilhauer, Merlin Man'in, 99. 32i Vint'S, Horace Lcc. 319 Vining. Cordon Glenn. 100,319 Visinlainer. Jerr)' Joseph. 76, 331 Vbnes, L)'nn Marie. 29:> Vogrl. L)"man Wilf«:d. Jr., 208 Volk, Geor.ge Francis. i6. 33i Vohmer, \1'lJlinia Gail, i6. 313 VonTagen. Karl I:rich. 100,269 VonTeT5Ch, Marlene Rila. 88. 309 Vosburg. I'anicia Oale. 307 Voser>, Harold CIa)IOfI, 76.212.3::':' Vosila, Oale Franklin. 100. 31i Vosila, NanC}' Elaine. 76. 196. 197.200.290,


w Wagner. Ann l':.urida. 223. 295 Wahincokai. Wa)'ne Wilhieala. 353 Wahlen. JO/\nn I)allice, ~i Walch. Helen Rae, 309 Waldram. Diane Jo. 48 Wales. John I'aul, 221, 259. 331 Wales, KriSlian l...aw, 88. 186.20::',331 Walker. GalT)' John, 361 W:llker, Gill>eT1 Clarence, III. 88. 319 Walker. Janel Ellen. 29. 162,297. 3O'J Walker, JOiln TheTeSil. i6 W:llker, u,,'is Ilrr, -Ii. i8 Walker. Rohert Paul, 319 Walker, William I'eu~r, Jr., 20i Wall, John Morgan. 88, 330, 331 Waltace. 1Ie\'erl)" Ann, 88, 213, 311 Wallace. Haney Ra)" 210 Wallace. How;1l"<1 Allen. 212. 355 Waltace. J:rmcs Kohert. i6. 2i6 W;tllace. JerrI' I);lle, i6. 1&1 Wallace, Linda R;le Waterman. ii Wallace, Maril)". Mac. -IS, 100. 28i Walts, Thomas Leru)" Jr .. 221 Walradt. John I'ierce. 32. 88. 202. 32-1. 32::. Walser. Helen Jeanne. 100, 206, ~i Walsh. Mal)' Allison. 201, 288, 289 Walter. John Stephen, 100.3:>3 Wahen.lla\id EUReIlro. 100.225, 32:i Walton. Ch:arles Weslq'. IV, <IS, 190,331 Walton, Dale AHanson, 210 Wallon. Thornas Richard. 339 Wamboll. Carl Lpln, 212. 3,,3 Ward. Juliette CoI~n, 206 Ware. Barl)ilra Jean. -18, 100. 142. 198.21<1.



W:arrron. Chules F«:drick, Jr.. 59, ii, 183. 200,3-11 WarrCl'I. Roberl Stuarl, 88, 216, 353 Wuill, Rich:ard George, ii, 208 Wat""I)ilugh, Jo,\nn. 8i, 30i Walerhouse. Crocil ,\rthur. 208 \\'auon. Smanne, 309 WaH, Rohert Unn. 100 Watts, 1)()Ilald JOr', 208 Wans. Godfrey James. 208 W;ltu./;Itle Anne. 193 \\';I\IS. .imlarae,3Oi We;ltherl!ie, Kenneth Lee. 89. :159 We;llherhie, S;uulra Carol. 100.31 I Wroa.hers, C;.rol J:'lI1et, 29"J Wea,er, Gknnila Ga)'le McArthur, ii We:l\er, Judith Ka)', 100.299 Wea.er. Rolland ....ed. i i Wrollb. Gordon Wa~ne. 89. 209. 3H Weber, .\nn Louise. 221 Websler, Joseph l'anick.206 Wttln-. Jarnes Clnnrons. ii, 223, 321 Weddle, Oa,id Chris. 209 Weholt. Richard Eric, 206 Weidner, Wesle\ Shennan. 3H Weigelt, :\"allC\ Jane. ii, 223, 311 Weight, Glade Lewis. 34 Weir. I'enclope S",anne, 100. 29i Weisensel, Ina ;\Iarie. ~i Welch, Dennis .:ar1. 341 Welch. "etror Louis. ii, 318 Wellcr, Lawrellce Dean. n. 35:' Wellington, 1':Hricia Sue. 89. 297 Wellinj;ton. Richard Urllce, S9. 3.'16, 337 Wells. Frallk Da\'id. 89. 325 Wells, 10nalh;1Il Louis. 1&1.210 Wells, ~Ia.") Sus.IIl, ~3 Wells. Sherril L),lll. 89. 210. 300 Welsh. Cheri Lee, j05 Wendlro. Jan -"eal. 208 We1Kllror. Janicro Lucille. 100. 198.297 W...,iger, :'olanin Joseph. 34. ii, 208 Werllror, Linda .-\nn, 289 Wn-l"), Carol Sue. 293 Wesl. Carl Joseph. III, 199 Wesl, Kathl)-n Jo. 100,295 West, Michael Wayne. 216 \\'roHror, Mal") Melanic. 313 Weller, Nicklaus Joseph, 26i Whalell, I'alricia .\nn. 29i Whealk)·. Thomas Jerold, i i \\'Ilt'eler. Dennis .:art. 89. 23-6. 338. 339 Wlwt:1er. I-ICIl1)' Dale. 349 Wheeler. Rohert ROII:rld. 89, 32.'l Whilt'l'. ~Iichael 1';IUl. 238. 243 Whipple. l'R:re MeliSSil. 212. 303 Whisner. Dalid Rotla,ul. 1&1 While. Charles Willard. 2'18. 250. 251. 254. 200.262 White, Dwain \-lane}'. 2'..'2, 3::'3 White, Irene .-rance:s, 311 While, Jarnes Joseph. 100.333 White. William Ulima. ii. 208. 333 Whitehead, \lIlerl Edwan!. 89. 214, 31i Whitchead, I.arn:e Whiston. 100. 3H, 3-15 Whilek). Karen Rae. 89, ~i Whitesel, Slel'hCl'I lin-bert. Whiu~sel, Slephen Hcrbr':n.. 199 Whiting, Lor""10 Cane!. 18J, 19::. Whiting. Marn Ka)·. 100.313 Whitlllorro. GaT) Charles. 162 Whime)'. CI;Iri<lon Dennis. 89. 3-15 \\·lIitn.,\·. J"hn LeRoy.2i·1 Whitle,tlOn,.IIS:'1 1';""el;l. 100. li3. :HI Wicks. Marr Eli1.;I!Jelli. 206. 31 I Wicks. I'~l"'ck Healh, 100. 199.277. 31ii WickSlrom. Eli~ahcth I\nn. 39. 30i Wicgand'l,0d} Ka)', 186.201,205, Wilcox. C ,arIes franci5. 111,89,3:'3 Wilcox. L.arr) Wa}ne, 119.203, 32i Wilder, Kennelh Earl. ii Wile). Sm.1II Carol. i7. 30.:; Wilhile, Claud Richard. 2i. 28.100. 19-t. 19:>,199.222 Willenon, Louis John. 100, 199,323 Willins, Hutlerl Ch~ter, 216 Willa. Roller! Edgar, 100,207. 3:>9 Will. Uruce Kelle), 3-1


Williams, Diane Elilabelh, <18. 100, 201, 209.30i Williams, Oougl:as.s Glenn, 89 Williams. Lindil louise, 89, 297 Williams. Melda "nn. 89, 311 Williams. Richard Charles. 202. 343 Williams. Ruland Ncclq', -42, 17, 31-4, 31ii Williams, Terr)' Lynn. 212 Williamson. Larr)' Boward, ii, 32i Williamson. Rex I'aki. 100,221. 359 Wilti:unson. Roller! De;lll. 77. 349 Witt~, Cilrol RUlh. 100. 198. ZOO. 223. 228, 2'Jl Wills. Myrna Rae. 100.215,291 Wilsc)". Dal'id John. 347 Wil50n, Diane L)"nn. 298. 299 Wilson, Karleen Joan, 162,313 Wilson, Philip Chalice. 77, 3ii9 Wilson, Richard Shirl. 89 Wilson, Rila L)·nn. 297 Wilson, Vicki Elaine, 100, 10i,297 WiltrOtJl, Darrel ~,3:;.1. 355 Wimer. Michael George. 221. 359 Wimn-, Warne Josel'h, 2-17 Windh:lm, Dean Ed..'ard, 89, 327 Windham. Kcith Elwin, ii. 164 Windle, Elsiro, 287 Winegar, :'olar)' Elise, 48, 7i. 121, 19i. 202. 294 Wininger. James Edward, 100.352. 3ii3 Winler. Stephen LeRo)', 77. 208 Winter, Terry :\lac, 89. 32"2. 323 Wischbempu.l-Iellry Louis Richard. Ill,


Wi!IC. Rohen E\'ans, 89. 323 Wiscca\·cr. Joe .:dward, 345 Will, James Brpn, 247, 343 Wiueman. Carmond .:Iene. ~ Wohlel1.. "'aney Dcc, 89. 29i Wolner, Jam~ fieldinR, 133,259,327 Wolf. Larry ATlhur, 272 Wolff, George Amhon)" 27.199 Wood, Anne Slaplrolon. 89. 223, 29-4. 295 Wood, Ed"'ard Thomas. ii, 273, 35--1, 3ii5 Wood. Mar)" Katherine. 133,221,295 Woodhdld. Terry George, 337 Woodnlff, Dennis uri. 210 Woods. ISo1Ibei Jea". 29.162.197. 288, 289 Woods. I'aul Tod, 352 WOt><.lworlh, J utlilh 1\"11. 2{)4 Wood"'onh, Nanqe Eli7.iIOclh Lee. 216 WOr<lell, Judith Lrrill. lGoL 313 WOlllick, Joh" Fredrick. 100.201. 335 Wright. Anhur Da\·id. 77 Wright. Charles taMOI)", 89. 327 Wrighl, Shirlc)' lal'r<:a!, 311 W)llie. Carolyn Joe. 89. 223, 297 \\')llie, Joseph "mbr~. 89, 339


YamamOIO, I'aul "rolla. 3::.3 YamilShila, Lo"'ell Shigem. 269 Yeakel. \\'arrm Clen,ans, 48 Ye:lrslr'). Hugh llouglas. 35,100.333 Vcc, llo)d. 317 "cc. Granl, 89. 316, 317 Yenn;, ,\nne Lorrain, 100, 190.301 Yoden. Mal)' Ann, 133.223.301 "'>geTSi, Norman Waher. 212 York. Sharon Ann. 100,311 YOUlll;llIS. Catllrrn .:ttcn, 215. 289 Young. Nonnan CI;lre, 3'1. 209 Young. Stephen .Iarr)', 221. 3-15 Youm, Nil"")" Jean, 89. 183. 198.202,223. 296. 297 Youm. Roger Earl. 2i6 Yuki. Manshiro, 3::.


7. l..alomsl). Calherine JlXln, 201. 30i lenier, Susan ~hrie. 173,305 I.illtrnennan, Winn ,\Ian, 247, 26i I.nhnhuhicr. Douglu Ralph. 339

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