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MONDAY, 28 MAY 2007

«The Perm Days» is the newspaper for foreign guests of Perm region and english-speaking Perm and Perm region citizens

Worldwide News

«Happy Birthday, Perm»

V. Putin: Sevenyear term is absolutely acceptable Page 2


Berezniki as a test for the authorities’ opulence Page 8


Kungur ice cave, the dark side Page 9


«Amkar», The Perm Football club Page 13

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The celebration started with opening of the Glory alley at the “Unity of front and rear” memorial square. The first memorial plate, installed at that day, is devoted to Vasiliy Tatishchev. The idea of Glory alley foundation had been being carried out for two years by the local authorities, and the first plate installment had to start a tradition of famous Perm citizens’ memorization. This time there was no Carnival, which is usually opens Day of the city celebration. Aleksey Rodin, the chairman of local administration culture and arts committee says “Lately the carnival looks as we don’t want it to. The ratio of adver-

tising and creativity should be 1 to 99 and not vice versa”. The last year the authorities offered Perm citizens themselves to decide how the carnival should look like. But there was no result. The next year, when Perm will celebrate the 285 th birthday, the authorities promise to go back to the tradition of opening Day of the City with carnival. But it’s still not clear how it will look like. The main rule, which was decided to be followed organizing the celebration, is prohibition to sell any alcoholic beverages at the celebration sites. This Day of the City even draft beer wasn’t sold near to the stages. The celebration was

organized in such a way to unite people of different ages. Circus artists performed near the Drama theatre for the smallest ones, in the evening for “those, who are older…” retro-music was played, brass band performed at the Opera theatre square, popular Russian bands performed for youth. Artists draw pictures, poets read their verses, author songs singers performed at the Ural volunteers square in the noon. Everybody, who came to Esplanada on June, 12 th was given with marks and car stickers with the symbol of the 284 birthday of Perm. The celebration was completed as always with the fireworks.


On June, 12th Perm celebrated its 284th birthday. Perm as many Ural cities started from a plant. The first historical reference about Perm settlements is related to XVII century. The census books of chief Prokopiy Elizarov from 1647 has reference about “settlement at Kama and Egoshikha rivers with farmers yards”. In the refusal books for Stroganovskie lands in 1692 this settlement had a name of Egoshikha village. The date of Perm birth is considered to be on the May, 4th(15th), 1723, the day of the coppers melting plant establishment beside the mouth of Egoshikha, which falls to Kama. Preliminary development and place choosing was conducted by geographer, historian and geologist Vasiliy Nikitich Tatishchev, sent to Ural by the Peter I order. The plant construction was conducted with supervisory of Tatishchev. In 1734 Egoshkha settlement became an administrative centre of Perm mountain region. In 1780 Ekaterina II singed an order, where it was said “Regarding the advantage of Egoshikhinskiy plant situation for a province city foundation, order to found a province city at the very place for Perm settlements, naming it Perm city”.

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