
Dear Emerging Business Leaders Program Applicant,
Congratulations! You have been accepted into our Gies College of Business Emerging Business Leaders Program. This program is hosted on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus June 23-28, 2024. The enclosed booklet will provide you with some additional information about the program.
The Emerging Business Leaders Program offers an innovative curriculum facilitated by an exceptional team of committed faculty, administrators, and staff. This short-term summer program selects talented and motivated rising high school seniors to join our university for a week, live in a dormitory, learn from our faculty and staff, engage with our students and alumni, and explore all the opportunities the University of Illinois and Gies College of Business offer.
Gies College of Business is an incredible place, as you will find out first-hand. We are delighted you will soon become a part of the Illinois family, and we look forward to welcoming you on June 23. If you have any questions, please give us a call.
Jewell White, Assistant Dean white7@illinois.edu217-333-2740
The Emerging Business Leaders Program at Gies College of Business brings highachieving students to campus to explore a future in business. Participants will meet renowned faculty, connect with other students, and learn about career possibilities in accounting, finance, marketing, and related fields.
To students: Our activities are designed to enhance your critical communication skills that will be extremely beneficial for you in college and beyond. You will be challenged, engaged, and inspired while studying key business aspects, building your personal brand through resume reviews and practice interviews, and interacting with professionals and peers. You also will make new friends and memories that will last a lifetime!
To parents/guardians: Aside from our university undergraduate programs staff, resident advisors and our program coordinator will be on hand at all times to help your student achieve their goals. The University of Illinois is a safe and welcoming community, and your student will have guidance during the entire program. Our schedule provides an appropriate balance between classroom and personal time, and their growth and hard work will be showcased in the case competition at the end of the program, which you are welcome to attend.

Books and Supplies
All materials required for the summer program will be provided to the students.
Dress Code
The EBL program introduces participants to faculty, staff, alumni, and corporate leaders, and it is important to make a good overall impression. Appearance is a vital part of that impression, and EBL maintains a dress code that all students must meet. This dress code is explained further on page 7. Any students who are not appropriately dressed will be asked to change.
Lodging and Meals
Students will stay at the Newman Center Residence Hall, 604 E Armory, Champaign, IL 61820.
Lodging is provided and chaperoned by the Hall Director, the EBL Program Operations Director, and the Resident Advisors. Rooms are fully furnished and linens are provided. All meals are provided. Food allergies, required diets, etc. can be accommodated by this facility upon request. Be sure to include any of these concerns in the information you provide during the registration process.
On-campus Residency Requirement
Except for staff-designated and supervised times, students are required to stay on campus for the entire period of the program. Any student who wishes to leave the campus area must discuss this with the EBL Program Operations Director. A special form must be completed by the parent/guardian to confirm approval.
Program Identification
Each student will be issued a program name badge to be worn at all times during program hours.
Recreational Opportunities
Students will have access to the campus recreational facilities. Swimming pools, weight rooms, and volleyball and tennis courts are among the many resources available when campus facility hours allow. The residential advisors will supervise visits to these areas during recreational facility hours. Students should bring appropriate athletic attire and swim wear to fully enjoy the facilities.
Transportation will be provided for all EBL events. Participants are asked to leave personal vehicles at home. Use of nonauthorized vehicles is not permitted, this includes Uber, Lyft, and any other non-EBL approved transportation.
Check-out/traveling home
Immediately after the final award ceremony, participants and their families can go to Newman Center for off icial checkout prior to heading home.
Any students departing by plane/train/bus should contact EBL administrators immediately regarding arrival and departure times so that transportation from the local airport or train/bus terminal can be arranged.
All participants must be out of the Newman Center by 5 pm on Friday, June 28, 2024. Additional program fees will be charged to any program participant who is not picked up by 5 pm on Friday, June 28 or does not have departure travel arrangements pre-planned prior to program start date.
What to Pack
∙ Business attire for your professional photo, etiquette luncheon, and presentation
Informal appropriate summer wear for daily activities: nothing too baggy, too tight, too short, too revealing, or offensive in language, pictures, or slogans
Some warmer clothing such as a sweatshirt, hoodie, athletic pants, etc: the air conditioning will be on in the Newman Center, most campus buildings, and off-campus visit sites as well
Recreational clothing for swimming or other athletic activities
∙ Pajamas/sleepwear/undergarments
∙ Comfortable walking shoes or sneakers
Comfortable dress shoes such as dressy flats: heels should not be higher than 2” as we will be walking a lot
There are free washers and dryers at Newman Center, and we provide a polo and a t-shirt.
Example of business attire options: suit; dress or skirt (at least knee-length); dress shirt; shirt and tie; dress shoes

What to Pack Continued
Personal items
∙ Towels, blankets, pillows (basic bed linens and towels are provided)
Personal hygiene items, such as toiletries, deodorant, razor, and/or hair dryer
∙ Alarm clock
∙ Personal laptop tablet/iPad (Note: the university is not liable for the loss or damage to these items; the individual student is solely responsible)
∙ Small bottle of laundry detergent (or money to purchase some)
Umbrella/rain gear
∙ Recreational equipment according to your interests (baseball glove, soccer ball, etc.)
Personal food snacks
∙ Props for talent show, if needed
∙ Your personal prescription medication or other legally obtained over-the-counter medication: A 1-week supply is required if you are on prescribed medication. Please inform us if you require special arrangements for medical reasons.
What not to pack
∙ Televisions
∙ Bedding
Electric appliances (lamps, mini fridges, printers, etc.)
∙ School supplies (notebooks, pens, and materials are provided)
∙ Firearms or fireworks
Tobacco, vapes, alcoholic beverages, and other illegal drugs
∙ Gaming systems
∙ Projection systems
Expectations and Rules
EBL participants are expected to abide by the following guidelines at all times. Participants and their families should review these rules together.
General expectations
∙ Participants will attend all scheduled classes, trips, and activities unless excused by the program operations director.
∙ Participants will keep cell phones and other electronic devices turned on silent and completely put away during all program activities, unless authorized by the leader in charge of the program activity.
∙ Participants will keep their living quarters and other facilities used by the program neat and in good order. Respect for others’ property and well-being, including that of fellow EBL participants, is very important.
∙ All participants will be courteous and respectful of each other and to residence hall and program administration and staff. Student exhibiting disrespectful behavior will receive a warning. Continued disrespectful behavior may result in dismissal from the program.
Specific rules and regulations
∙ Sundays through Thursdays, lights out will be 11 pm. Participants should be in their respective rooms at that time unless attending a scheduled activity. Friday and Saturday night, lights out will be midnight.
∙ Participants may not be in the dormitory room of members of the opposite sex except between the hours of 5 pm and 10 pm (study group hours), with a strict open-door policy, unless special permission is granted by the director or resident advisor.
∙ Participants (individual or groups) must be accompanied by a resident advisor at all times while outside of Newman Center.
∙ Permission to leave the university grounds for any reason must be granted by the director.
∙ No visitors outside of program.
Participants are prohibited from having or riding in private automobiles or any other motor vehicle on campus or in Champaign-Urbana. Only the program administration, in consultation with student’s parents/guardian, can make exceptions to this rule.
∙ Tobacco use by minors is illegal and not allowed anywhere during the program.
∙ Possessing, selling, using, or being under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs is prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal from the program.
∙ There will be no continuous disruptions or disrespectful behavior in the classroom, at the residence hall, on the University of Illinois campus, or any off-campus location visited. Such behavior will result in a warning communicated to both the student and their parent/guardian. If continued, this behavior will result in dismissal from the program.
∙ No excessive noise in the residence hall, such as shouting, running, or loud music/videos. A warning will be issues in advance of any penalty.