What始s The Word October 1, 2013
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Ricky Williams Next Chapter Have you seen the ESPN interview with our newest coach? Check it out here! http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=9731149
eX-marine finds home with cardinals football team Read this amazing story about University of the Incarnate Word offensive lineman Jason Everding http://www.kens5.com/community/blogs/featured-blogs/FONT-color000099BDAVIDFLORESBFONT-Ex-Marine-finds-home-with-Cardinals-football-team--224542501.html
Tell us what you want to see on “Whatʼs the Word” by filling out this two question survey! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/395WNMG
Golden Harvest Deadline to register your org October
If you have any questions, feel free to contact aswad@student.uiwtx.edu
@SGAUIW @UIWGreekLife @UIWCampusLife @UIWAthletics @UIWCaRdinals
Stay Connected
Kaplan Test Prep is hosting a FREE Practice Test for the GRE, GMAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, PCAT, and LSAT This semester weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re making the event more convenient than ever! Students will have the opportunity to attend a practice test from anywhere they have internet access in our live, online classroom, we call Classroom Anywhere. We have several different dates and times available for students to test in our Classroom Anywhere environment, giving them the ultimate test-like experience and helping them build comfort, speed, and technique in an environment similar to what most students will face on Test Day. As space is limited, this event does require pre-registration. To register for this free event, fill out the following web form: Click Here Once registered, you will receive unique log-in information that you will use to enter the virtual, online classroom and begin the exam. Each test will last up to 4 hours and will be proctored like an actual exam. Immediately following the exam, you will be able to receive your score report, with full comprehensive feedback on your individual performance, on a web-enabled mobile device (smartphone or tablet). One of our expert instructors will provide a short overview on how to interpret your score report, followed by a workshop on test-taking strategies.
October 10 -12, 2013 | San Antonio, Texas Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center DEEP IN THE HEART OF OPPORTUNITIES
Fortune 500 companies want to hire your MBA graduates Recruiters from top employers will be attending our Annual Conference & Career Expo this year. We’re expecting several hundred Fortune 500 companies at our event, and they attend for one simple reason: to recruit MBAs. Let us help you increase your MBA placement rates. We invite your MBA students to attend the top diversity recruiting event of the year as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary in San Antonio. Our Texas-sized Annual Conference & Career Expo is the premier opportunity for business school graduates to secure choice career opportunities with top employers.
October 10-12, 2013 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Benefits for MBA students and graduates: O Hundreds of Fortune 500 companies participating O Estimated 2,500+ recruiters in attendance O Professional development sessions O Numerous networking opportunities
O Internships available with select employers O Connect with top employers seeking to hire
MBA-level talent
Group discounts and exhibitor booths are available. For information: Jacqueline Rodriguez 214.524.7537 jrodriguez@nshmba.org
www.nshmba.org/NationalConference Technology Partner & Co-Lead Sponsor
Co-Lead Sponsor
Co-Lead Sponsor
Academic Lead Sponsor
Light The Way 2013 Light the Way Display Board Contest All student organiza0ons are encouraged to par0cipate in this year’s Display Board Contest on Saturday, October 12 from 9am-‐2pm in Dubuis Lawn. Top three winning organiza0ons will receive cash prizes and awards will also be given out for Most Mission Friendly, Best Interpreta0on of Light the Way and People’s Choice! Register by October 5, 2013! For more informa0on and to register please contact Kayla Rice, PR special events coordinator at krice@uiwtx.edu.
Phonathon 2013 This year’s Phonathon will be Sept. 28-‐Oct. 6. Student volunteers will be placing calls during these dates to alumni across the country upda0ng them on the exci0ng new developments on campus as well as seeking financial contribu0ons for things such as student scholarships, technology upgrades, faculty recruitment and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact annual fund coordinator Patrick Greener at greener@uiwtx.edu or (210) 805-‐5832.
Discounted Bike Tune-ups for Cardinals !"#$%&'()$*+,-$./0-&&$+1$/22-3+45$6+17/'48-6$9+,-$8'4-:';1$8/$<&&$!"#$18'6-481=$ >8<46<36$9+,-$8'4-:';1$7<4$3'4$?/'$<9/'8$@AB)$9'8$2/3$8C-$2/&&/D+45$18<46<36$ <6E'18(-481$8C-$3<8-$D+&&$3'4$@FG=! $ H'4-$';I<6E'18(-481$+47&'6-J$ $ • "#$%&!"'($&%&)! • *($+!,-./012(&10! • 3+$4(0!5(+6%7(! ! "2$<$3-;&<7-(-48$;<38$+1$4-7-11<3?)$6+17/'48-6$3<8-1$2/3$8C/1-$7<4$9-$<33<45-6$<1$D-&&$ <46$/;8+/41$D+&&$9-$6+17'11-6$<8$8+(-$/2$1-30+7-=$H/$17C-6'&-$<4$<;;/+48(-48)$ 7/48<78$*+,-$./0-&&$<8$FKB:LMF:NLFA$/3$8C-9+,-(-7C<4+7=1<O5(<+&=7/(=
Do you have an advertisement you want students and/or faculty to see? Call 210-829-6034 on the two step process how to send in your request! Newsletters are sent once a week and are sent campus wide...
Cardinals KICK BUTTs Campaign Sign up for mo,va,onal messages to help you reduce your tobacco use and KICK BUTTs in October! Sign up in Marian Circle on Wed. Oct. 2, 10 am-‐2 pm or contact Melanie at megomez@student.uiwtx.edu
University Events and Student Programs (210)829-6034 Paul Ayala Director of UESP Paulina Mazurek Assistant Director of UESP Ellyse Sanchez Student Organizations Coordinator Ricardo Sanchez Student Center Coordinator Mercedes Moreno Greek Life Coordinator
Student Health 101 http://readsh101.com/ uiwtx.html