UIW #ReThinkGreek

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Karime Martinez -Alpha Sigma Tau

I’m going to be a firstgeneration graduate student ...and I am Gre



Brotherhood is... a family that will help you gro professionally and help you succeed throughout your

Steven Reyes- Omega

ow life!

a Delta Phi


Sheyla Camacho- Alpha Sigma Tau

I’m on the dean’s list and a part of 8 different orginizations ...and I am Gre

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herhood is... eing available for your brother uring good and bad times. “Unconditional Love�

Robert Burns- Omega Delta Phi

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went Greek because... wanted to be a part of omething bigger than myself Tyler Clark- Lambda Chi Alpha

I went G I wan much that w stron


Greek because.... nted to be a part of something h bigger than myself, something would help me grow as a nger and confident individual.

Danielle Compian- Alpha Sigma Tau

Being Greek has taught me... the value of volunteer work and sisterhood. Amanda Cavazos- Alpha Sigma Tau


Being Greek has taught me... what taking responsibility really means. Tommy Moreno- Chi Phi


I went Greek because.... I wanted to develope my leadership skills. Joining a sorority helped me grow as a leader.

Dennise Pizana- Alpha Sigma Alpha



I went Greek because... I wanted to be a part of someth greater than myself. Going Gre been the best decision I have ever made.

Sarah Mundahl- Delta Beta Ch

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hi #ReThinkGreek

Being al ar Ih Op m ch #ReThinkGreek

g Greek has taught me... ll the opportunities that there re given being Greek affiliated. have been given many leadership pportunities and learned so much more about myself that I will herish forever. Kristen Pantoja- Alpha Sigma Alpha

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nt Greek because... wanted to make life-long friends. eing a new transfer student, I wanted to get involved as much s I possibly could at my new chool and within my community. Lexi Pedregon- Alpha Sigma Alpha

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erhood is... ays being there for one another non-stop fun- everything Chi Phi. Matthew Charo- Chi Phi



Being Greek has taught me... how to become a leader and a gentlemen. Lazaro Ramos- Lambda Chi Alpha

Being Greek has taught me... The importance of having a group of friends who I can rel in times of sorrow & joy.

Desmond Ndikum- Lambda Chi Alp

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Emily Jimenez- Alpha Sigma Tau

I’m a Nursing Major ...and I am Greek



Sisterhood is... meeting new people and developing a bond stronger than friendship. Salina De La Garza- Delta Xi Nu



I went Greek because.... I wanted to be belong to something bigger than myself. Andrew Villarreal- Chi Phi

Greg Pegino- Omega Delta Phi

I’m an adverage guy and I am Greek.



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g Greek has taught me....

any new morals and values such s selflessness, service, and brotherhood. ’s been one of my many blessed opportunities nd I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of great organization. Brandon Caise- Chi Phi

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erhood is... lways having a support system hat wants the best for you. Alexis Sanchez- Delta Beta Chi

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