Whatʼs The Word September 16, 2013
Volleyball hosts Texas Tech Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m.
UIW Volleyball hosts Texas Tech in their home opener on Sept. 16. A large crowd is expected, so some guidelines have been put in place to ensure the safety of everyone. These procedures ONLY apply to the Texas Tech game. -‐ Only 500 complimentary student Jckets will be distributed o Student Jcket distribuJon will open September 16 at 10 a.m. at the ConvocaJon Center Jcket window. Students must show valid ID. Only one (1) Jcket per ID. No excepJons. o Students who are not one of the first 500 to receive a Jcket, or students who wish to secure their Jckets early, may purchase Jckets starJng September 3. -‐ Only 100 complimentary faculty/staff Jckets will be distributed o Ticket distribuJon will start September 9 at 9 a.m. at the UIW AthleJcs Ticket Office. Employees must show valid ID. Only one (1) Jcket per ID. No excepJons. o Faculty/staff who are not one of the first 100 to receive a Jcket, or faculty/staff who wish to secure their Jckets early, may purchase Jckets starJng September 3. -‐ UIW Cardinals Club members may purchase reserved seaJng for the game. Each Jcket is $20. -‐ General admission seaJng will be behind the team benches (on the south side of the Convo). Tickets are $10 for everyone. -‐ Single-‐game Jcket sales start on September 3, 9 a.m. If you have quesJons, please contact Kevin Lepore, UIW AthleJcs Ticket Manager, at (210) 805-‐3000 or lepore@uiwtx.edu.
Hispanic Heritage Week September 16, 2013 4:00-7:00 p.m. Marian Ballroom Here are the prices for the menu this afternoon for Hispanic Heritage Day. Agua Fresca $2.00 Pineapple, Watermelon, Lemon and Cantaloupe Street Tacos $2.00 each Chicken with Mango Slaw Fresh Fruit Cup with Lime & Chili $4.00 Sno-Cones $1.00 4 Flavors
Don't miss out on this professional development opportunity at the University of the Incarnate Word:
September 12th: On-Site Resume Reviews Bring your resume for a one-on-one review by a career counselor. Resumes will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. 1:30–3:00 PM, Marian Hall Ballroom Lobby.
September 26th: Resume Essentials, 6:00 pm October 9th: On-Site Resume Reviews, 1:30 pm October 10th: Alternatives to Medical School, 12:00 Noon Visit sites.uiw.edu/career/events for more information
For questions, please contact Career Services at (210) 829-3931 or careers@uiwtx.edu. All sessions are open to UIW students & alumni. No registration required.
Light The Way
UIWʼs Annual Light The Way Workdays and Phonathon are back!
Light the Way Workdays Students, faculty and staff are invited to par5cipate in early holiday cheer at this year’s Light the Way workdays on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m.–noon in Marian Hall Ballroom. Enjoy free food and help prepare for the university’s annual ligh5ng. On-‐campus community service hours are available for all student volunteers. For more informa5on and to sign up, contact Kayla Rice, PR special events coordinator, at (210) 829-‐6001 or krice@uiwtx.edu.
Light the Way Display Board Contest All student organiza5ons are encouraged to par5cipate in this year’s Display Board Contest on Saturday, October 12 from 9am-‐2pm in Dubuis Lawn. Top three winning organiza5ons will receive cash prizes and awards will also be given out for Most Mission Friendly, Best Interpreta5on of Light the Way and People’s Choice! Must be an authorized student organiza5on to par5cipate. For more informa5on and to register please contact Kayla Rice, PR special events coordinator at krice@uiwtx.edu.
Phonathon 2013 This year’s Phonathon will be Sept. 28-‐Oct. 6. Student volunteers will be placing calls during these dates to alumni across the country upda5ng them on the exci5ng new developments on campus as well as seeking financial contribu5ons for things such as student scholarships, technology upgrades, faculty recruitment and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact annual fund coordinator Patrick Greener at greener@uiwtx.edu or (210) 805-‐5832.
University of the Incarnate Word ®
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Team Up Challenge!!! This program consists of local college students who mentor K-12 kids participating in the Challenge. Volunteers receive a stipend each semester and have the opportunity to show their school spirit to our kids, their families and our fans. For more information: http://www.teamupchallenge.com/
Discounted Bike Tune-ups for Cardinals !"#$%&'()$*+,-$./0-&&$+1$/22-3+45$6+17/'48-6$9+,-$8'4-:';1$8/$<&&$!"#$18'6-481=$ >8<46<36$9+,-$8'4-:';1$7<4$3'4$?/'$<9/'8$@AB)$9'8$2/3$8C-$2/&&/D+45$18<46<36$ <6E'18(-481$8C-$3<8-$D+&&$3'4$@FG=! $ H'4-$';I<6E'18(-481$+47&'6-J$ $ • "#$%&!"'($&%&)! • *($+!,-./012(&10! • 3+$4(0!5(+6%7(! ! "2$<$3-;&<7-(-48$;<38$+1$4-7-11<3?)$6+17/'48-6$3<8-1$2/3$8C/1-$7<4$9-$<33<45-6$<1$D-&&$ <46$/;8+/41$D+&&$9-$6+17'11-6$<8$8+(-$/2$1-30+7-=$H/$17C-6'&-$<4$<;;/+48(-48)$ 7/48<78$*+,-$./0-&&$<8$FKB:LMF:NLFA$/3$8C-9+,-(-7C<4+7=1<O5(<+&=7/(=
Do you have an advertisement you want students and/or faculty to see? Call 210-829-6034 on the two step process how to send in your request! Newsletters are sent once a week and are sent campus wide...
University Events and Student Programs (210)829-6034 Paul Ayala Director of UESP Paulina Mazurek Assistant Director of UESP Ellyse Sanchez Student Organizations Coordinator Ricardo Sanchez Student Center Coordinator Mercedes Moreno Greek Life Coordinator
Student Health 101 http://readsh101.com/ uiwtx.html