Whatʼs The Word January 13, 2014
Homecoming Volunteer Work Day at Headwaters Sanctuary King & Queen 2013 Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:30 a.m.– 11:30am Volunteers are eligible for off campus community service hours. The Sanctuary contains the original source of the San Antonio River, the famous Blue Hole; people have lived in the Sanctuary for more than 10,000 years. You'll help restore the Sanctuary by removing invasive plants, making trails, picking up trash, and planting native plants. Dress for the woods: long pants, long sleeves, and closed-toe shoes. We meet at the picnic tables north of the baseball fields.For more information, contact Helen Ballew at (210) 828-2224
Women's Basketball vs. University of Central Arkansas Thursday, January 16, 2014, 5:30 – 7:30pm McDermott Convocation Center
Men's Basketball vs. University of Central Arkansas Thursday, January 16, 2014, 7:30 – 9:30pm McDermott Convocation Center
University of the Incarnate Word’s College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences; School of Education; and Psych Society/Psi Chi present !
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Spring 2014 Student Governement Associatioin GA's: Wednesday January 22nd Wednesday February 5th Let·s make UIW a dance-‐nation for donations! Participant Package
Start your team today!
Wednesday February 19th Wednesday March 26th
February 1, 2014
Wednesday April 9th Wednesday April 23rd Spring 2014 Open Forum: Wednesday March 5th
Join Alpha First Generation Student Success for a
Wednesday, January 22nd 12pm-1pm Special Collections Room in Mabee Library
Announcing the LaHood for DA Internship Program: Are you looking for an opportunity to break into local politics? Do you want to establish lasting connections and gain campaign experience? The LaHood for DA Internship Program is a unique opportunity for high school, undergraduate and graduate students across Bexar County to gain first-hand experience working in a high stakes grassroots campaign. Interns will work alongside an experienced campaign staff to assist finance, communication/social media and community outreach teams. They will participate in bi-weekly seminars with the opportunity to interact with other fellows, campaign staff/volunteers, elected officials, community and policy leaders, and the candidate, Nico LaHood. The program also emphasizes professional training and skill building for more effective participation in the political process. This is a great opportunity to develop a diverse skill set and relationships that prepare fellows to be the next generation of leaders in San Antonio, Bexar County and the State of Texas. Eligibility Requirements • Must be a high school, undergraduate or graduate student. • Must be at least 16 years of age or older • Applicant should possess excellent composition and communication skills • Leadership potential should be evident based on community/extracurricular involvement Work Requirements/Academic Credit Applicants should understand that all program participants will be considered a member of the essential staff by the campaign. Though responsibilities may vary from day to day, program participants should expect to work at least 10 hours a week. The determination of how many credit hours the internship program qualifies for will vary among colleges and universities - it is the student’s responsibility to learn how their respective schools award academic credit.
Phone: 210.290.5571
Email: nico@nicoforda.com or volunteer@nicoforda.com 1615 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78215
Website: nicoforda.com
UIW Biology Club Seminar presents
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University Events and Student Programs (210)829-6034 Paul Ayala Director of UESP Paulina Mazurek Assistant Director of UESP Ellyse Sanchez Student Organizations Coordinator Ricardo Sanchez Student Center Coordinator Mercedes Moreno Greek Life Coordinator
Do you have an advertisement you want students and/or faculty to see? Call 210-829-6034 on the two step process how to send in your request! Newsletters are sent once a week and are sent campus wide...