Whatʼs The Word February 17, 2014
The Barshop Jewish Community Center of San Antonio has organized and run the Senior Games of San Antonio for 25 years. The center is expec@ng over 2,000 athletes, who will compete in 19 different sports, including track and field, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, and more. For more informa@on, visit www.sportsforlife.org > Senior Games. The Games are from March 27 – April 6. This event is a lot of fun for all ages, and it is amazing to see an 80 year old pole vaul@ng, and those in their 70’s compe@ng in a triathlon. If you need any more informa@on, you can reach our office at 210-‐302-‐6909.
DAV on UIW Main Campus ®
The Center for Veterans Affairs is pleased to host the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Mobile Service Van to visit Thurs, Feb 20 , 8;30a.m.-4:00 p.m., in front of the Administration Building. th
DAV provides free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government. Services will be available for UIW students, staff, and faculty as well as the San Antonio community. If you have a specific disability claim question, you may contact your local DAV office at 210 699 5064/ ext. 5066 or visit http:// www.dav.org/.
UIW Cardinals you are invited!
Trinity University Spring Career Fair Wednesday, February 19th 11 AM-3 PM Laurie Auditorium, Trinity University Campus
Take your UIW ID, dress professionally, and bring multiple copies of your resume! Click the link at the bottom of this email for more information and attending employers. For questions, contact Trinity University's Career Services at: 210-999-8321.
¿Dónde está en UIW? Information Resourcesʼ first “Donde Esta en UIW?” photo contest proved so popular, weʼre running a second edition this month. Weʼre posting a new photo of a spot on the UIW campus, and asking site visitors to name the place on campus where the photo was taken.
Februaryʼs “Donde Esta” Winner
Submissions are due to
Congratulations to Gianni Gomez, the February “Donde Esta en UIW”
webteam@uiwtx.edu by 5 p.m.
winner. Ms. Gomez has been with the university for more than five years,
this Friday, Feb. 21, and each
working as the secretary to the registrar, and will receive a $25 iTunes
person responding with the
gift card.
correct answer will be entered into a random drawing for a $25
It was donated by Lydia Sada de Gonzalez, a native of Monterrey,
iTunes gift card.
Mexico, whose art collection found its way into many museums in Mexico and in the United States.
! !
Working Collaboratively
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For future UIW events please visit: www.uiw.edu/events Wellness Fair February 26, 2014 “Mardi Gras Wellness Celebra0on” 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Student Center Ballroom Wednesday, Febrauary 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm, the Student Center will be showing "Remember the Titans" in the lounge in honor of Black History Month. Come on out and enjoy this touching and special movie along with free food and snacks! Hope to see you all there!
Teach For America Application Deadline is February 20th! Teach For America is a post-graduate opportunity that seeks college graduates from ALL majors to teach for two years in our nation's high poverty communities, with full salary and benefits. The need is high for top performing students to take on this challenge as just 8% of kids grow up in poverty in the US will graduate from college. We are a growing movement of leaders, now 33,000 strong, working at every level of education, policy and other professions, to ensure that all children can receive an excellent education. Teach For America has over 200 graduate school and employer partnerships for alumni to increase their societal impact. The path: never smooth. The journey: never dull. Your challenge: change lives. Apply today: h"p://bit.ly/1i1FOJA Full salary and benefits. Federal student loans deferred. One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education. For more info, contact meg.vonrembow@teachforamerica.org
Need Service Hours?
Tired of the same old spring break scene?
Alternative Spring Break is a neighborhood cleanup and house painting effort undertaken by teams of UIW students, faculty, and staff each weekday during Spring Break (March 10-14). Breakfast, lunch, and transportation to and from the sites will be provided. Each day of service will begin at 8:30am conclude by 3pm. Volunteer for as many days as you like! Check us out at www.signupgenius.com. Click on “Find a Sign Up” and enter the email address edelman@uiwtx.edu Or contact Dr. Chris Edelman at edelman@uiwtx.edu
Cardinal Community Leaders Program The Cardinal Community Leaders is a Center for Civic Leadership initiative which provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to deepen and broaden their leadership capacity through service. The goal of this program is to expand the possibility for students to learn leadership skills from extended service experiences both locally and globally. The premise of this goal is that students can have greater potential for problem solving, civic engagement, and civic leadership only after having experienced and reflected upon meaningful service encounters.
How to Apply: Complete online application at: http://sites.uiw.edu/ccl/cardinal-com... DUE DATE: March 10, 2014 Letter of Recommendation may be sent via email to Monica Cruz, Associate Director atmdcruz@uiwtx.edu or delivered to AD 158 or campus mail CPO# 382
Program Requirements: Eligible applicants are returning UIW Freshman with at least a 2.5 GPA and completed 12 hours of coursework during Fall 2013 semester Participate in a 5 day summer orientation workshop August 11-14, 2014. Room and board provided at no cost to you. Attendance is required. Commit to a minimum of 30 hours of service, mentoring and leadership development each semester. Submit online application and letter of recommendation from UIW faculty member by March 10, 2014.
Questions regarding program requirements or application may be addressed to Monica Cruz atmdcruz@uiwtx.edu . Call 210-283-6423 or visit the Center for Civic Leadership in room 158 Administration building.
Black Hisotry Month Events: February 22, 2014 Gospel at Our Ladyʼs Chapel 3:00 p.m. February 28, 2014 Celebrating Black Educators at Marian Hall 1:00 p.m. Ongoing displays of achievements of African American commmunity will be featured in the Mabee Library all month long.
Spring 2014 Student Governement Association GA's: Wednesday March 26th Wednesday April 9th Wednesday April 23rd Spring 2014 Open Forum: Wednesday March 5th
OLLU Moody Professor Lecture Thursday, February 20, 2014 | 4 – 5:30pm Location: Library Special Collections Dr. Mark Green, OLLU Moody Professor, will present, "Evidence of Leadership: The Story Told By 10,000 Statistical Analyses From The Peer-Reviewed Literature" on Thursday, February 20 at 4:00 p.m. in Library Special Collections. During the past decades over 2000 peer-reviewed studies employing data collection and statistical analyses have been published. Over 10,000 statistical analyses provide a body of evidence for effective and ineffective aspects of leadership. Dr. Green synthesizes the results of these analyses and their influence on workplace outcomes. For more information contact Itza Casanova at (210) 829-3943 or email casanova@uiwtx.edu. The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for this event, visit www.uiw.edu/ada
University Events and Student Programs (210)829-6034 Paul Ayala Director of UESP Paulina Mazurek Assistant Director of UESP Ellyse Sanchez Student Organizations Coordinator Ricardo Sanchez Student Center Coordinator Mercedes Moreno Greek Life Coordinator
Do you have an advertisement you want students and/or faculty to see? Call Campus Life at 210-829-6034 on how to submit your request! Newsletters are sent once a week and are sent campus wide...