Whatʼs The Word March 3, 2014
Need Service Hours? Tired of the same old spring break scene?
ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK 2014 Alternative Spring Break is a neighborhood cleanup and house painting effort undertaken by teams of UIW students, faculty, and staff each weekday during Spring Break (March 10-14). Breakfast, lunch, and transportation to and from the sites will be provided. Each day of service will begin at 8:30am conclude by 3pm. Volunteer for as many days as you like! Check us out at www.signupgenius.com. Click on “Find a Sign Up” and enter the email address edelman@uiwtx.edu Or contact Dr. Chris Edelman at edelman@uiwtx.edu
Spring 2014 Student Governement Association GA's: Wednesday March 26th Wednesday April 9th Wednesday April 23rd Spring 2014 Open Forum:
Wednesday March 5th
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Working Collaboratively
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Cardinals, don't miss this chance! 2014 Part-Time Job & Internship Fair March 4th, 2014 2-4 PM Marian Hall Ballroom
Visit our website for a list of the currently registered employers.* Make sure to dress professionally and bring multiple copies of your resume. For questions, please contact Career Services at (210) 829-3931 or careers@uiwtx.edu.
*The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for these events, visit www.uiw.edu/ada.
UIW Parent and Family Weekend 2014
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San Antonio Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. presents
25th Annual
~An Official Fiesta Event~
A free, positive self-image workshop for young ladies, Grades 6 ± 12
Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:00 am ² 1:30 pm University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway 78209 Marian Hall (look for signs/balloons directing attendees to Marian Hall )
Dress is Casual. Cost is F ree. Breakfast and Lunch will be served (Limit one per person) Attendees must be present for the workshop to receive a complimentary gift bag SEATING IS LIMITED. PLEASE REGISTER BY SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2014
Submit completed registration forms to: By Mail to: San Antonio Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. ATTN: Growing Up Female P.O. Box 6146 San Antonio, TX 78209
By Email to: deltadeb78@gmail.com or
The purpose of the Growing Up Female program is to provide an informative workshop for young San Antonio females that focuses on awareness in the areas of career choices, health issues, etiquette, and self-confidence.
REGISTRATION FORMS ALSO AVAILABLE AT www.dstsanantonio.org. For additional information, please contact Debra Tanner @ 210-269-6218 or Yvonne Pleasant-Shelf @ 210-488-1438
2014 Women’s History Month at the University of the Incarnate Word Rosie Castro, Activist and Mother of San Antonio Mayor, Julian Castro and U.S. Congressman, Joaquin Castro,Tuesday, March 4, 4:30 p.m., UIW Library Auditorium. Ms. Castro will speak on her experiences as a woman in the political and academic worlds. Contact: Dr. Emily Clark (ejclark@uiwtx.edu), 210-283-5061. "Don't forget the ladies"-- the Road to the 19th Amendment,”by Dr. Michelle Tabit, Wednesday, March 5, 12-1:15 pm, Marian Hall Ballroom. Join the US History class to remember the movement for women’s suffrage and its implications for today. Contact: Dr. Michelle Tabit (tabit@uiwtx.edu), 210-283-6346. Band of Sisters, Thursday, March 6, at noon, Library Auditorium hosted by Dr. Gil Hinojosa, and Monday, March 17, 4 pm, hosted by Dr. Adrienne Ambrose. Contact: Dr. Adrienne Nock Ambrose ambrosea@uiwtx.edu. "Sr. Dorothy Ettling Future Women Leader Scholarship" Application Deadline March 7. Get full information to apply for the scholarship available to all UIW female students seeking a graduate degree on main campus or in one of the professional programs including optometry, pharmacy and physical therapy http://uiw.edu/ education/scholarship.html Contact: Dr.Narges Kasraie: nkasraie@uiwtx.edu or Dr. Noah Kasraie: kasraie@uiwtx.edu.
University Events and Student Programs (210) 829-6034 Paul Ayala Director of UESP Paulina Mazurek Assistant Director of UESP Ellyse Sanchez Student Organizations Coordinator Ricardo Sanchez Student Center Coordinator Mercedes Moreno Greek Life Coordinator
Do you have an advertisement you want students and/or faculty to see? Call Campus Life at 210-829-6034 on how to submit your request! Newsletters are sent once a week and are sent campus wide.