APRIL 23, 2012
What’s the W rd? Created for UIW’s Cardinals
Campus Life Events Dates and Times Monday, April 23rd SNA Health Career Fair at 10 am in the Nursing Bldg S.T.A.R.S. Sexual Assault & Alcohol Awareness @ Outdoor Circle @ 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, April 24th Psi Chi NAMI San Antonio Music Festival, @ 10 a.m. in the Marian Ballroom
CAB’s Foam Party was a success! Dr. Seahorse took over the stage and it was a fun event for all. Congratulations to the 2012-2013 CAB Officers; President: Joseph Avery Whitacre, Vice President: Sandy Arroyo, Director of Finance & Operations: Victoria Nicole Enriquez, Director of Media & Publicitiy: Inez De La Rosa, Director of External Affairs: Claudia Zepeda, Director of Spirit & Traditions: Tori Raye Benavidez, and Director of Entertainment: Italie Chavez.
Wednesday, April 25th Administrative Professionals Day Project Africa T-Shirt Sale @ Outdoor Circle, 11 a.m. Student Center Chess Tournament @ 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 29th SGA Waffle Mania @ 6 p.m. in the Marian Hall Student Center
Please visit the San Antonio Autism Community Network at to learn more about how you can take part of this organization. !
APRIL 23, 2012
Register Now:
FREE Pre-‐Law Program
Engaging under-‐represented prelaw students in lively, in person discussion with peers, law school faculty, and aDorneys. Enhancing the student's social perspecGve on the admissions process and law school success! The CLEO CONNECTION program provides a person-‐to-‐person environment where under-‐ represented students can: When: You select! April, 6:00 p.m.-‐7:30 p.m. Where: various ciGes – Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC & Boston How: Register for FREE. Click here: CLEO ConnecGon website CLEO is a non-‐profit project of the American Bar AssociaGon. Since 1968, CLEO has helped more than 7,000 low-‐income and minority students become successful members of the legal profession. The College Scholars Program seeks to conGnue this standard of excellence through a collaboraGve effort between CLEO and colleges and universiGes throughout the United States.
APRIL 23, 2012
CAB Foam Party and SGA/CAB Awards Pictures
APRIL 23, 2012
A special offer for all student organizations!!! Vegas-style games comes to UIW on Friday, May 11th from 7pm-11pm as UIW Athletics hosts their annual Vegas Fundraiser. Fun event with other UIW Alumni, friends, families and supporters. Event will take place at UIW Rosenberg Sky Room. Tickets are $50 and include all food, beverage and gaming! Each ticket is entered into a drawing for great prizes. Tickets are limited and the event sells out every year so don’t delay! Athletics has a nice offer for student orgs! For every 10 Vegas Night tickets you sell, you can choose between; a.) A football reserved seating package that you can use at an auction or event of your choice as a raffle item. b.) $100 in Nike clothing dollars to spend on t-shirts or other Nike clothing through Athletics For more information, or to purchase your tickets contact Rick Smith, external business manager at or 210.283.6448
The Witte Museum would like to thank you for your support in promoting Darwin: How One Man’s Theory Turned the World on its Head, an internationally acclaimed exhibit about Charles Darwin and his revolutionary ideas. Through campus flyers and word of mouth, the exhibition has garnered great interest from local college and university students. As a gesture of their appreciation, The Witte Museum would like to take this opportunity to extend a discount to UIW students. Through May 31, a special discounted offer of $2 OFF the Darwin surcharge with any college student identification card. !
APRIL 23, 2012
Mr. AST showcased the gentlemen of UIW in style and their charisma was displayed on the catwalk. Kudos to all the participants and the ladies of AST for a successful event.
What’s the Word? Survey Cardinals!!!! The Office of Campus Life needs your help. Please take our What’s the Word? survey. We value your opinion and suggestions. Here is the link. Thank you for your time! Last day for survey is April 30th. '
Cardinals, As some of you know my finals days as the graduate assistant for the OďŹƒce of Campus Life are coming to an end. I graduate on May 4th with my MBA in International Business. It has been my pleasure to serve you and your student organization. I have had a great time participating at your events and also in helping you plan your events. I am going to miss every one of you. I wish you many blessings on your finals and future endeavors. The OďŹƒcer Transition Workshop put together by Cristina Luna certainly made me realize I too am transitioning into whatever it is God has in store for me. '
Thank you for a wonderful year,
Anna Lilia Castorena
The Guadalupe Radio Network (GRN) Spring Radiothon will be May 1st - 4th in San Antoniobased studio. This is the first call for volunteers to come out and help us answer phones during the four days of the radiothon (see available shifts below). We'll provide breakfast, lunch and dinner for volunteers, along with lots of snacks, drinks and a very prayerful environment. The GRN studio is located at 3308 Broadway Suite 401, SA TX 78209, on the Southeast corner of Broadway and Funston. Please look at the shifts available below and email me asap to let me know when you can help! Tuesday, May 1st Shift 1 (7:45am-1:30 pm) Need 6 volunteers Shift 2 (1:30pm-7pm) Need 6 volunteers Wednesday, May 2nd Shift 1 (7:45am-1:30pm) Need 6 volunteers Shift 2 (1:30pm-7pm) Need 6 volunteers Thursday, May 3rd Shift 1 (7:45am-1:30pm) Need 6 volunteers Shift 2 (1:30pm-7pm) Need 6 volunteers Friday, May 4th Shift 1 (7:45am-1:30pm) Need 6 volunteers Shift 2 (1:30pm-7pm) Need 6 volunteers Thank you so much in advance for helping to make this Radiothon a big success! In Christ, Richard R. Reyna General Manager Guadalupe Radio Network - South & Central Texas 210.579.9844 ext 1
University Events & Student Programs Team Paul Ayala, M.B.A. Director of University Events & Student Programs Melissa Sayre, M.S. Judicial Educator & Student Development Specialist
Graduate Assistants: Anna Lilia Castorena Assistant to the Judicial Educator Student Events Coordinator Mehmet Kula Student Center Manager Cristina Luna Greek Life & Student Organizations Coordinator Dean of Campus Life
Dr. Renee Moore
What’s the Word Contact: Anna Lilia Castorena
The American Mathematical Society, the American Statistical Association, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics announced that the theme for Mathematics Awareness Month, April 2012, is Mathematics, Statistics, and the Data Deluge. Check out to learn more. Twitter: ' Facebook:' Issuu: ' ' '
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